The Age of Artificial Intelligence: George John at TEDxLondonBusinessSchool 2013

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TEDx Talks

11 жыл бұрын

George, overly influenced by Star Trek, previously worked at NASA, earning his "rocket scientist" credentials. He currently manages Rocket Fuel and has married big data with artificial intelligence to create the leading programmatic media buying engine in digital advertising.
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@windokeluanda 11 жыл бұрын
I wonder how can we conciliate this amplitude of knowledge between those who have it and those who have not. It is like we are having ALREADY several different subspecies that hardly can communicate with each other. What dialogue can have George John, for example, with a teenager from forests of Madagascar. I feel that if we do not pay attention in shrinking the know-how gap between "George John" and the teenager of Madagascar we are simply breaking the human link. Great and inspiring talk!
@AdamBraus 9 жыл бұрын
"More time at the beach" is a little too pat isn't it? As more jobs are automated people just slip into poverty. Without universally free education through grad school, a universal basic income, and universal health insurance, all this automation is just leading to an ultra wealthy elite.
@Arffer117 9 жыл бұрын
agreed... so would wealth be your real issue?
@Sakerdot 9 жыл бұрын
I think you are right, the jobs avaible in the future (and this is already happening) will only be really technical and everyone without exception will need to go through college. There won't be jobs for people without education because those jobs will be taken by robots and we need to educate everyone now instead of having huge problems with unemployment in the future because people simply can't have jobs with their limited skills.
@WoWOmegor 9 жыл бұрын
I think its obvious he suggesting that AI will lead to a socioeconomic revolution. We would only do things that we enjoyed (letting robots do anything we didnt want to do), AI would greatly increase efficiency allowing increased production of everything so the average wealth would increase. The only risk about AI in this regard (reducing employment) would be if humans decided not to share the increased prosperity (unlikely in the long run - there would be violent revolutions very quickly as jobs ceased to exist for humans).
@PinkProgram 9 жыл бұрын
wealth is irrelevant...
@WoWOmegor 9 жыл бұрын
Pink Program since when?
@Low_commotion 11 жыл бұрын
I think you would be very interested in the talks going on nowadays about the future of education. Simply put, many of our great minds realize that our education system is still Industrial Age and that there needs to be a paradigm shift there, starting perhaps with e-schooling.
@andrewjohn8986 10 жыл бұрын
george john ! can't you see where this is going .........
@64jcl 10 жыл бұрын
This talk should be renamed to "The age of automation" - a programmed robot that does exactly one thing over and over is pure automation. Artifical intelligence is about abstraction and higher level learning.
@dipi71 6 жыл бұрын
64jcl, you were exactly correct three years ago when you wrote this comment, and you are still correct now. Have we learned nothing from the empty promises (and empty threats?) made by 1960s’ »strong AI« proponents. It seems to me that we’re still missing the point when we want to talk about AI - like George John seemingly wanted - but end up praising examples of automation. No introspection, no reflection, not meta-levels of any kind: no AI.
@seancoyne3298 11 жыл бұрын
Fantastic talk!
@hellbird111 11 жыл бұрын
I think a good idea for progressing AI would be to create a website where people talk to a robot and another real person. Make it an anonymous conversation and have the people try and determine who the robot is. The robot would eventually learn the most human responses if it is made into a mini-game with millions of players or something like that.
@janebonbon 11 жыл бұрын
@gmshadowtraders 10 жыл бұрын
Interesting. I wonder if we will one day automate ourselves out of existence.
@josseppie 9 жыл бұрын
We will merge with the technology, Transhuman.
@dipi71 6 жыл бұрын
Interesting also: all the examples in the video are about just that: automation, not AI. There’s no reflection, introspection or any meta level to speak of. If we all hang the fruit of AI _that low,_ then we deserve being automated out of existence.
@DaleScottMarion 10 жыл бұрын
Interesting talk I was however very distracted by the "ah's and umm's"
@DeepBlueMuslim 9 жыл бұрын
You noticed it too? Good, im not alone. The guy knows his stuff but isnt very good at presenting Oh well, as they say in arabia, perfection is for god
@HmsSulaco 8 жыл бұрын
Keep to your self please, don´t fuck it up
@pinchingstars 5 жыл бұрын
I AGREE, great content, really difficult to listen to
@kw_cooper 8 жыл бұрын
Update: Computers beat go grandmasters
@Zoza15 11 жыл бұрын
Very much the Mass Effect mantra.
@portewan4684 11 жыл бұрын
Okay... humans seek perfection through technology Synthetics seek perfection through knowledge
@WorshipTheSavior 11 жыл бұрын
More time at the beach? Eventually if robots are able to replace humans, in a much more significant way than computers did, we will see the gap between Rich & Poor increase. The love of Money is not only the root of all evil, but also the gasoline that drives the world, and as (Rich) businesses are able to use computers to replace human labor, jobs will become scarce and poverty will increase. Sadly, this will not be the deliverance from the bonds of the rich/poor division, it will increase it.
@windokeluanda 11 жыл бұрын
I hope so. However, I feel that if the persons do not know the basics it will be impossible to capture higher concepts...
@jpratt8676 11 жыл бұрын
Hey jazz, check out clever bot. Its based on that idea. Unfortunately as far as we know the behavioral approach doesn't work very for smart things. Its been used in video games with success but not many complex fields
@TheKeithwhoward 9 жыл бұрын
the end of this video is very telling.. More time at the beach for who? The rich, so the dude is talking like replacing humans with robots is no big deal.. How are people going to make money?
@josseppie 9 жыл бұрын
The entire nature of the economy will change.
@PacRimJim 9 жыл бұрын
Eloi, here we come.
@dariahuddy3319 10 жыл бұрын
A world where one can not just laze on a beach, but have more sex, less fatigue, and social time. But this will take time to achieve this in full. A practical application, would be an Expert System, to solve a myriad of photocopying issues - the self-guided photocopier.
@jgsn5029 11 жыл бұрын
im currently watching ghost in the shell and its lead to my peaked interest in a.i. thus why im watching such a niche video.fml
@ajmarr5671 8 жыл бұрын
And here is another perspective, if robots had an opinion. A Mirror Cracked Trurl looked at himself in the mirror and admired the visage of a mighty constructor. “You are a mere bucket of bolts, and reflect on yourself too much!” said Klapaucius. “I am sure that if that were a real Trurl in that reflective space he would give you a well-deserved kick in the can!” Trurl ignored Klapaucius as he continued to admire the perfection of his soldering. “I think that in such a reserved space, he would reserve the flat of his foot for your own metal posterior!” “Then perhaps we can settle this by a thought experiment, which upon your reflection always turns into invention.” “And what do you suggest?” asked Trurl. “We are mechanical servos as you know,” said Klapaucius. “Copy our blueprints to the last bolt, circuit, and line of code, and we would be indistinguishable. Hand yourself a better mirror with a truer image and you would not see yourself, but a rival.” “Point well taken,” said Trurl. “And it is a hypothesis worth testing. I can design a better mirror, a truer mirror, containing not an image but a perfect visage, an emulation and replication. And I will include you too in the bargain, and prove myself right by the impact of my well placed boot!” Soon the mirror was complete, and the image of the two constructors, precise to the width of an atom, stood before them as pixel perfect images in the mirror. “We can see them,” said Trurl, “but they can’t see us. It’s in the design. Consciousness is enough for them without the need for self-consciousness! They will go about their business with the same motivations and prejudices as before, down to the last spark.” Trurl turned to Klapaucius with a fiendish grin. “Now to test the precision of the emulation by whacking you thusly,” as he arched his leg and gave Klapaucius a whack in his posterior. Klapaucius rolled on the floor, and craning himself up, gave a reciprocal whack to Trurl’s head, causing it to spin about like a top. “Take that, and that, and that!” they cried as they pummeled each other. In the meantime, their mirror images tussled as well, and the two constructors soon rose up to view their doppelgangers also rising up to view themselves in a mirror! “We are watching them while they are watching us! How can that be? You said they couldn’t notice our observation.” “Our observation yes,” said Trurl. “But they are not observing us, but a mirror image of their own emulation. I made them into a perfect copy, and that included the same experiment I created that recreated us!” “But that means…” “And infinite recursion, a series of Trurls and Klapaucius’ without end. A mirror image reflected in a mirror image and on and on, never ending, a procession into infinity!” “This is unconscionable,” said Klapaucius. “We shall be whacking each other, an infinite series of each other, forever.” “As it appears, but our numberless pairings will soon go about their business, forget about the magic mirror, and not think twice about how they came about.” “Not think twice! Trurl, you are delusional. We know that there are infinite parallel universes with infinite versions of you and me. But timelines can not only be lengthwise but sideways too, and we have just proven the latter.” “You don’t mean?” “Yes, we are being watched, at this moment, by ourselves! What makes you think we were the original actors in this play? If there are an infinite number of us to proceed from our path, who is to say there is not an infinite number of us that precede us?” “Then we are not the prime movers?” said Trurl. “Hardly!” said Klapaucius. “If one Trurl in any universe decides to emulate one Trurl, infinite Trurls must logically cascade. To wit, you dimwit, we are not alone, but can always observe ourselves and observe, and your stupid mirror is to blame.” “Then I will reverse the process and dissemble the image,” said Trurl. “And kill ourselves? You’ve set ourselves loose upon the universe, and we are the primary examples of this. Break your mirror you will break us!” “Then we are stuck in our perfect emulation, I suppose I could get used to it,” said Trurl. “I suppose we already have, nonetheless you now have someone else to think about when you admire yourself in the mirror!” From the sequel to Stanislaw Lem’s tales of erratic genius robots:
@sergiupetrescu3659 6 жыл бұрын
@konardkonrado7755 7 жыл бұрын
you cant create machine which is thinking or desire something.You can make randomization witch will simulate or will copy people behavior but thats all - cant create conciousness
@alexrcs8386 11 жыл бұрын
Dude, think for a bit. A robot like Sonny from I Robot won't be built over night. It'll take a long time, it will happen gradually. First there'll be robots that help human do repetitive tasks more easily. They'll still need someone to look after them and make sure they function correctly. As they become more intelligent, the human tasks will get easier. While this happens jobs have to be created in other sectors, such as IT, engineering, art, etc. (something that a robot cannot yet do).
@MouseGoat 10 жыл бұрын
I think it's trying to communicate something, somting about it's grandmother and her dog.
@musicspinner 9 жыл бұрын
quick, invest in beach real estate.
@rRobertSmith 10 жыл бұрын
17:55 computers beat go masters? footnote needed...
@010timeboy27 8 жыл бұрын
someone count how many times this guy says uh and um
@S2Tubes 6 жыл бұрын
I'll wait for AI that can do it for me.
@amit4Bihar 10 ай бұрын
Aged well
@SilverCloudMusic2012 8 жыл бұрын
AI needs to finds us all work for both to stay alive.
@PeterMorgan3000 9 жыл бұрын
More time at the beach? Really??
@naimulhaq9626 10 жыл бұрын
The simplest example of artificial intelligence is your burglar alarm-!
@oscuro8961 10 жыл бұрын
I still think AI is over hyped even with a few recent accomplishments. Many of things in AI were talked about 40 years ago and still have not happened. Most of the advances are simply from stronger hardware
@thefinn12345 10 жыл бұрын
I actually tend to think AI is going through the same issues computers first did - interface is the real issue. Text to Speech and speech to text as input is STILL not easy to do in a system WITH an AI. Simple stuff like House Automation and Phone Apps shouldn't be far off I'd think.
@evertoncarpes 10 жыл бұрын
"human use of human beings"...
@NotPoodle 10 жыл бұрын
That's great but how are all these people your replacing going to earn money?
@alaricvis09 6 жыл бұрын
The same way all the farmers replaced by industrial agriculture earn money: with jobs in new industries not yet imagined. Mark Twain couldn't imagine the jobs most people do these days.
@robertsampson4836 6 жыл бұрын
Robots already paint new cars in the factory.
@benchokwaiman 9 жыл бұрын
Automating everything might not give us more time at the beach. It will for some of us who control the technology. It will just make the lower class people ( without education or lower IQ ) obsolete. The future looks really bad for those who can not contribute anymore to further development of society. No more jobs for them could mean a bigger gap between rich and poor but could actually mean more time at the beach for jobless people when they all get wellfare. I guess there could be enough to go around when everything is automated that means that everything will also get cheaper so taking care of people without jobs would also be cheap.
@Zeuts85 9 жыл бұрын
Well, the reality is that once we reach ASI, no human will likely be in control of the technology, and the gap between different humans will be microscopic compared to the gap between humans and machines. So unless we're _all_ chilling at the beach, I doubt any of us will be.
@shenkeey 9 жыл бұрын
Ben V Well, you could see it as a sort of modern evolution. Humans will become smarter and smarter due to the demand
@freddy29228 9 жыл бұрын
Ben V You may like to check out my series on AI/Robotics on LinkedIn. I've written about possible & quite real dangers of AI/Robotics. We cannot win the war against The Machines. How to work with them & create new jobs (not yet invented) will be crucial. You're right people without the right education & mindset will be worse off.
@panpiper 9 жыл бұрын
Ben V Basic Income Guarantee.
@There-Is-No-Virus 9 жыл бұрын
Ben V Solutions: - The Ubuntu Contribution System (TUCS)- Michael Tellinger - The Free World Charter - The Venus Project (TVP) - Jacque Fresco - New Earth Nation - Sacha Stone - The Valhalla Movement - Paradism - Rael
@jcdenton5400 11 жыл бұрын
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
@DeltaHardcore 10 жыл бұрын
ahm ahm ahm ahm ahm ahm ahm
@Toecuttah 8 жыл бұрын
There isn't going to be a human level AI for at least 100 more years, if ever.
@CurlyChrizz 8 жыл бұрын
LOL you are funny!
@Joe-yr1em 8 жыл бұрын
Google's deep mind will surpass the human mind before the decade is over.
@luke666808g 7 жыл бұрын
You make it sound like for a hundred years humans are going to be trying to figure out how to hand craft an intellect with stacks and stacks of rules that govern it's logic, in reality it will learn all that stuff on it's own, it's just a matter of getting the initial conditions right.
@Joe-yr1em 7 жыл бұрын
^^I agree with that completely. It's able to make good judgment based on lots of data and with the whole world at its fingertips I'm sure it would develop its own unique and logical moral reasoning.
@linrkirk 11 жыл бұрын
hate bots on gamble sites :(
@alexrcs8386 11 жыл бұрын
Nowhere in the video was it said that A.I is the answer to the world's problems. It's your own fault for twisting the ideas. A.I.s can be of tremendous HELP to humanity. And while Deus Ex is a great game, its views are far too simplistic to reflect reality.
@donnittaahlert3539 7 жыл бұрын
Robots don't buy cars. youtube
@twohitdead 9 жыл бұрын
He doesn't seem to realize how many people are losing there jobs from autonomous programs...
@orange_daddy 7 жыл бұрын
Samuel Moore it's a given
@ElleixGaming 10 жыл бұрын
Well, that makes sense since you don't even use correct grammar.
@jcdenton5400 11 жыл бұрын
Human beings may not be perfect, but a computer program with language synthesis is hardly the answer to the world's problems.
@thomasmbayo 11 жыл бұрын
Cool But Boring
@MrOnTheCheap 11 жыл бұрын
Dudes a bad speaker
@mrdanker6756 10 жыл бұрын
Unnecessary use of vocabulary, 5 yard penalty.
@WorshipTheSavior 11 жыл бұрын
More time at the beach? Eventually if robots are able to replace humans, in a much more significant way than computers did, we will see the gap between Rich & Poor increase. The love of Money is not only the root of all evil, but also the gasoline that drives the world, and as (Rich) businesses are able to use computers to replace human labor, jobs will become scarce and poverty will increase. Sadly, this will not be the deliverance from the bonds of the rich/poor division, it will increase it.
@WorshipTheSavior 11 жыл бұрын
More time at the beach? Eventually if robots are able to replace humans, in a much more significant way than computers did, we will see the gap between Rich & Poor increase. The love of Money is not only the root of all evil, but also the gasoline that drives the world, and as (Rich) businesses are able to use computers to replace human labor, jobs will become scarce and poverty will increase. Sadly, this will not be the deliverance from the bonds of the rich/poor division, it will increase it.
@WorshipTheSavior 11 жыл бұрын
More time at the beach? Eventually if robots are able to replace humans, in a much more significant way than computers did, we will see the gap between Rich & Poor increase. The love of Money is not only the root of all evil, but also the gasoline that drives the world, and as (Rich) businesses are able to use computers to replace human labor, jobs will become scarce and poverty will increase. Sadly, this will not be the deliverance from the bonds of the rich/poor division, it will increase it.
@WorshipTheSavior 11 жыл бұрын
More time at the beach? Eventually if robots are able to replace humans, in a much more significant way than computers did, we will see the gap between Rich & Poor increase. The love of Money is not only the root of all evil, but also the gasoline that drives the world, and as (Rich) businesses are able to use computers to replace human labor, jobs will become scarce and poverty will increase. Sadly, this will not be the deliverance from the bonds of the rich/poor division, it will increase it.
@WorshipTheSavior 11 жыл бұрын
More time at the beach? Eventually if robots are able to replace humans, in a much more significant way than computers did, we will see the gap between Rich & Poor increase. The love of Money is not only the root of all evil, but also the gasoline that drives the world, and as (Rich) businesses are able to use computers to replace human labor, jobs will become scarce and poverty will increase. Sadly, this will not be the deliverance from the bonds of the rich/poor division, it will increase it.
@WorshipTheSavior 11 жыл бұрын
More time at the beach? Eventually if robots are able to replace humans, in a much more significant way than computers did, we will see the gap between Rich & Poor increase. The love of Money is not only the root of all evil, but also the gasoline that drives the world, and as (Rich) businesses are able to use computers to replace human labor, jobs will become scarce and poverty will increase. Sadly, this will not be the deliverance from the bonds of the rich/poor division, it will increase it.
@WorshipTheSavior 11 жыл бұрын
More time at the beach? Eventually if robots are able to replace humans, in a much more significant way than computers did, we will see the gap between Rich & Poor increase. The love of Money is not only the root of all evil, but also the gasoline that drives the world, and as (Rich) businesses are able to use computers to replace human labor, jobs will become scarce and poverty will increase. Sadly, this will not be the deliverance from the bonds of the rich/poor division, it will increase it.
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