The Darkest Hour - Episode 57 ft. Oggieson, SookieSpy, & WilsonsGame | A Dark and Darker Podcast

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3 ай бұрын

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@oggieson 3 ай бұрын
Always a good time getting to come chill on the pod with you boys. Doubly so when I get wilson and sookie alongside as well. Appreciate the invite
@katastrophicbtw 3 ай бұрын
I personally think damage SHOULD be taken from crossbows in general. The slow is abyssmal. Reduce the slow, reduce the damage. I shouldn't lose 90% of my hp from across the module and be out of the fight for the next 30 seconds or just have to run into the storm and do my best to lose the enemy team. 😂
@_Soma 3 ай бұрын
Was great to have you on again, sir!
@AlphaMelGibson 3 ай бұрын
@@BornToKill780 Alot of people dont know the solo Ranger experience. I agree with the Ranger criticism, but most of it only applies to 3mans. Fighters Barbs Rogues all can easily get huge advantages on rangers in 1v1 if they have a little patience, movespeed and a doorway. If a Ranger cant keep running or kill with 3 headshots than he will be useless in solos. At the same time, I get it and I think the game should have more of a melee/slow projectile focus and range weapons should be secondary even for Rangers. Right now it is not the case, they are trying to balance completely different gameplay styles together.
@WilsonsGame 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for having me once again, was a good time!
@patrickscott5605 3 ай бұрын
btw loved the two hander fighter experiment phase u had , u inspired me when i was a new player to try adrenaline rush and two handers lol also the only other game i feel like that fits a similar style to dnd without being a clone or trying to while remaining a fantasy escape game is by going about it as a more skill based pvp over gear based like if gear had more utility to pvp over dmg so for fighters there would be several types of spears and swords ect with different reaches and patterns to attack with , for casting classes i feel like having different items to find with different spells attached would be fun as well they could constantly add different weapons or spells to keep players interested in collecting these items add that up with a skilled based play style like chiv with stamina or somewhere below mordhau lvl of skill expression .add quests ,bosses and interesting locations with valuables to sell i think id play something like that
@_Soma 3 ай бұрын
Was a pleasure, as always!
@jarmuzz 3 ай бұрын
Woot love Wilson's content.
@DivineBanana 3 ай бұрын
My favorite part is when you said meat missile
@Nathanimal 3 ай бұрын
I would love a quest page instead going into each vendor
@kickdacup 3 ай бұрын
same here!
@SmokeDankTreeDaily 3 ай бұрын
@Lfmyjaw 3 ай бұрын
Easier marketplace search, you shift click on item in your inventory and it searches for similar item in marketplace, for faster price checking and posting
@SookieSpy 3 ай бұрын
My first time on VC with Wilson, Oggie and Katie. I had a great time, thanks again 🙏
@_Soma 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for joining us again, dude!
@ArcaneArmor 3 ай бұрын
Actually love the grip change idea. Would allow for more skill expression, while preventing you from auto losing just because you're on the wrong side of a corner/hallway. Also, should be super easy to implement from a development perspective. W idea.
@DivineBanana 3 ай бұрын
Idk I know it's a game and not real life but that kind of stuff actually plays a role in medieval military combat. Most people are not ambidextrous and cannot just swap dominant hands like that. For example, spiral staircases in castles may have had purposes as a defensive structure. They almost all spiral to the right (clockwise), which means it is very difficult to swing a weapon from your right hand as the attacker trying to fight UP the stairs (because they would hit the center pillar) - and the defenders would have the advantage, not just from being above, but because they could actually use their right hands and get full swings out while hugging the middle column for cover. And I will actually implement this strategy in Dark and Darker if possible since baiting recoils is a huge win condition. So to me, using map knowledge like that IS skill expression. Also I think people just prefer the simple, predicable swing patterns, grip changes are small but it's one additional complexity that will start going into the mordhau rabbit hole. Just my personal opinion but maybe I'm in the minority here
@robjohnston4650 3 ай бұрын
Been listening since the beginning. It's sad to see Jay so clearly burnt out and disinterested in the game! I'm with Soma been having the most fun I've had yet playing Trio Norms this wipe. Only thing I'm missing out on is killing HR bosses with the chance of uniques, because every time we go HR we just get slapped down by the big bois
@sekotsandbocaj 3 ай бұрын
its not lvl 100 anymore guys. its only lvl 30-35. probably like 10-20 hrs a class if youre clearing slow
@Farmer_Rick_Ross 3 ай бұрын
Pretty excited to try my Demon Form Bard Build, imagine you hearing a bard playing his drums and you think easy kill, just to see a demon come barreling around the corner at you 😂
@CrW246 3 ай бұрын
Been refreshing KZfaq all morning waiting for this :)
@butteroneverything 3 ай бұрын
doing the gear based mm at the same time as splitting the solo lobbies is insanity. They don't have the players to support that
@SmokeDankTreeDaily 3 ай бұрын
i agree with oggieson 1000% theres way too many ranged options and the on it slow effect for ranged weapons should be removed
@giantgoblinman 3 ай бұрын
there SHOULD be a slow on ranged hits, but how it compares to other slow effects is a fine balance
@SmokeDankTreeDaily 3 ай бұрын
​@@giantgoblinman why should there be a slow on ranged hits? whats ur justification? .its not good for the quality of the game at all imo, the slow effect DOESNT make sense in this game since its not a FPS shooter entirely like CSGO, its a mostly MELEE class based game, melee classes shouldnt be punished by a ranged slow effect just because they arent behind cover or dont have shield... its entirely diff when u can shoot back, which is what we see in this current meta and state of the game, everyone using ranged weapons no matter what class they are.
@redeyenomore 3 ай бұрын
​@@SmokeDankTreeDailyit should only slow as much as it does on leg shots, the base slow from a body or head shot needs to be tuned down for sure.
@grimmow187 3 ай бұрын
i hate it as a melee enjoyer when i have to resort to throwing weapon in order to fight against a ranged class
@DivineBanana 3 ай бұрын
Fun fact: Soma's camera was on the whole time, he's just that happy talking about dark and darker with the boys
@davidshabitat5017 3 ай бұрын
Great conversation, thanks for the entertainment. 😊
@sdhority 3 ай бұрын
The big brain move would be to take a snapshot of the live servers just before multiclass and paste it into the test server. No leveling, no grinding bullshit, just straight into multiclassing.
@dylanvauiso6910 3 ай бұрын
I agree Locks are good at a ton of things. But I think rather than focusing on nerfing them or taking those options away, they should focus on getting the other classes to where Locks are. Warlock is SDFs favorite class, so I just think its a case of them fixating on it maybe a bit too much. However, I think they are in a great place and the focus now should be to make other classes feel as good as locks feel.
@DavidDeFrain 3 ай бұрын
PvP should be the loop that actually keeps people coming. I don’t think you can ever release content at a rate that will please the top 10% of players. The gameplay loop has to create the content through good engagements. The main problem is getting smashed by people in BIS which will hopefully be remedied somewhat by GBMM.
@Co_vert 3 ай бұрын
Man I love Donnie, this pod wouldn't be the same without him.
@RealNotASpy 3 ай бұрын
Another great round table episode with the fighter mains. Normals is the go to experience right now for maximum fun and getting hyped for multiclassing on test server. With tablet styluses they usually have 2 or 3 programmable buttons on them that can be bound to left / right click. It’s also possible he physically presses on the tablet with the stylus for left click while hovering for mouse movement (that’s what mine does at least)
@FranticMupp 3 ай бұрын
Please start posting these on spotify! ty ty
@DivineBanana 3 ай бұрын
Good point about hydra being op. Or at the very least unfun. Jays point about it basically being an infinite stealth-detecting turret is so true, but on top of that you can body block with it, use it as cover, tank pve (and pvp if they attack it) AND its also an infinite heal fountain when you give it the succ. It really is just too much all rolled into one.
@patrc80 3 ай бұрын
Here is what I think about creep. I believe that one of the advantages of it is that it successfully aligns with the design goals of the developers: its makes its harder to rush teams, making the snowball effect of geared teams vs. lesser geared teams much less noticeable. A team that isn't gear has a chance to hide and re-position when they notice a geared team, allowing players more agency on surviving to prevent gear loss. However, I am definitely against creep for the following reasons: a) it has very little risk vs. reward decision making. Games feel great when you are presented with high-risk-high-reward options vs. low-risk-low-reward options. You have to weight your odds and figure out if a situation is worth risking your entire set to get get a huge payout. Creeping doesn't appear to have any major risks, but it still gives such a high reward: the denying enemy players the information on your position. One of the small disadvantages of creeping is the movement speed penalty. This means mob clearing and room clearing for taking over space is more difficult. However, if the enemy players aren't aware of your location, it doesn't matter much if you have little space, because surprising enemy teams in Dark and Darker and first hits are so valuable, that it trumps the little space made from the movement penalty. It won't matter if it takes 1 minute to get to a door or 30 seconds, if you can reach a door silently, the maximum value of surprise has been achieve. There is no reason you should even not creep in my opinion, removing any risk vs reward decision making and making the gameplay feel stale and boring; and b) it punishes players from making a play. The team that waits the longest without making a sound, will have a huge advantage from the auditory information gained from teams that decide to make plays (e.g., engage in a team fight, loot, clear mobs). Basically, playing the game punishes players, and just camping the entire round rewards players. We should be rewarded for engaging with the game, not punished. It feels like whoever gets impatient and decides to play the game just dies. It isn't fun to just wait around for someone else to make a mistake a clear a room or engage a party. since it does help to prevent low-gear teams from getting rushed by high-geared teams, here is my suggesting, keep it in the game but re-work it as follows: only allow creeping to be performed if the player removes their helmet, torso, and leggings. Here is how my suggestion addresses the listed disadvantages above: a) risk vs. reward: its risky to take off your gear, since you could be ambushed while basically naked and it takes up inventory space. But a party that successfully creeps to a door way can then put their gear back on at the door to ambush, so it is still rewarding; and b) you can now more freely make a play, because a creeping enemy team that tries to ambush you will need to put their gear back on if you spot them before they put their gear on, giving you a few seconds of breathing room before their fully geared and walking in. This doesn't solve everything, because a creeping party that makes it to a door and puts their gear back on will still be able to ambush. It will just have been more risky for the party to do that, so it won't be as common I imagine. The game just feels awful in high-roller games where every team is min-maxing creep. I hope they address this.
@Crey_Rob 3 ай бұрын
Gear based match making is going to be a big Blue BIS lobby meta for sure!
@WellDoneOnTheInternetEverybody 3 ай бұрын
1:15:00 I think a really good content niche could be a type of collection log. A page that shows all the unique items (stuff like the token of honor as example) your character has looted and extracted with.
@overtasked618 3 ай бұрын
I still want to be able to find juicers in my lobby. But i want even a 5% chance based on skill that I can take them out with my mid gear. Ive had sooo many close fights where I play the ratty use all my ranged utility where they have 5 to 15 hp left. Where I do everything right and I still can’t win against those purple/legendary juicers. Even though it might be a skill issue or me not playing the class. Ive got a decent amount of experience and could make those plays early in wipe and still can in normals. All Im saying is i would love to see some gear compression like soma suggested or a little more skill expression in movement skills or something along those lines. Similar to ranger back-step.
@wtfwaffles267 3 ай бұрын
For multiclassing they should let you choose from 3 perks after a successful hell extract or something in that realm of things. maybe get multiclass xp instead for extracts
@TheKunkita 3 ай бұрын
I think the new gear matchmaking is goid, but i will divided also in aventures ranks. A combination of both system will be great. I also think multiclass will be fun. But i will like a system where u have passive bonus u get with tokens for every specific class. Like adding dmg or armor the more u lvl up or increase power on your skills or buff duration
@DavidDeFrain 3 ай бұрын
Also I love Jay and I think he’s always hilarious. He sees the game so negatively now and it’s hard to hear, because I think so many people are enjoying it. It’s hard turning your hobby into a career and not ending up burnt.
@FatetalityXI 3 ай бұрын
Imo 2x HS should come with a helmet buff as well. They need to buff helmet's resistances by atleast 2x-2.5x for it to be viable.
@Tootulzz 3 ай бұрын
A new content loop that IM could add is a PVP only arena game mode with its own leaderboard/MMR that allows you to bring in gear and not lose it if you die. This runs the risk of fragmenting the player base but it will still motivate players to dungeon farm so they can add to their arena sets. I agree with Soma a massive stat squish would do this game some good. 👍
@matt-z5j 3 ай бұрын
What they could do is remove enchantment rolls and keep base stats with scaling for rarity. Thiw way if you want some kind of movement kit you need to sacrifice other stats like defense or damage and vice versa. It would close the gear gap so much, but still make a full legendary substantially stronger than full epic etc. It might make gear less exciting to find though.
@kev_youtube 3 ай бұрын
i think ice caves, especially solo/duo, mob density would feel a lot better if things couldnt aggro on you through the floors and see through doors. they might reduce the density too much if those issues then get fixed.
@Megaphro 3 ай бұрын
What if when getting purples or higher instead of getting more rolls you get perks like lockpick or weapon master.
@phil1339 3 ай бұрын
45:25 - 45:55 Give that man a cookie! 47:40 I've never killed any of the bosses. Does not matter if it's norms or HR. My Teammates just don't want to because of their gear fear and mindset. 1:02:00 totally agree, just make the shift key creep and keep the old crouch
@emmettcatania3174 3 ай бұрын
@DivineBanana 3 ай бұрын
THATS WHAT IM SAYING LMAO. Wilson always going on about milkers and meat missiles 😂
@inopnatum 3 ай бұрын
@tachyonbeats1527 3 ай бұрын
I’m interested in testing normals with an uncommon gear cap. And testing an insurance system in HR.
@AlphaMelGibson 3 ай бұрын
Warlocks are so astronomically broken that we dont even talk about Rogues. Rogues can dps check basically all classes except Clerics and Warlocks. Fighter is still strong, but when you play pdr Fighter solo and a Rogue can literally just out dps you with 50+% pen & 150HP when he gets the drop on you, it makes me wonder why I even play solo Fighter when Rogue does it all better, even tank builds work better on Rogue compared to Fighter. I stopped playing solo Ranger, too, cause Rogue is just better at everything that matters, in both HR and Normals.
@tyclark6535 3 ай бұрын
Bard with demon armor, swift, sprint, and sword mastery. FL bard with rapier buckler and 5 songs
@watchdarkstar1689 3 ай бұрын
I've said for a long time, good gear should be market restricted making it worth it to ise good gear you find. The caveat is that you need to be able to aend hear to your other characters. This along with gear squish is what tarkov did to keep the playerbase. People dont say that but thats what happened.
@austingibbons4090 3 ай бұрын
Throne and liberty, they removed auto play and changed combat from the first release
@Wolfyowns 3 ай бұрын
with Gear base Matchmaking they could remove normal and high roller (probably wont but can) and just make it "Enter the Dungeon" and "high roller" would be for higher gearscore MM and normal is lower gearscore MM, removes the 2 different ques and can get more players into games. It also helps remove naked players and streamsnipers from high tier lobbies unless they come geared as well. I would like this chance because getting gear checked with someone in all bis purples sucks imo PS. I hate 2x head shot damage, faster fights is lame, I like longer fights but thats me
@emmettcatania3174 3 ай бұрын
There needs to be locational slows in the game. Body and head hits do more dmg but arm hits lower swing/draw/cast speed and leg shots lower movement speed more. Melee needs to slow more as well it’s a bit cringe rn
@MHjort9 3 ай бұрын
Multiclassing is poo poo, and I am without toilet paper
@davidrousseau100 3 ай бұрын
Anybody else feel like playing against warlocks is just anti-fun? Curses that damage you overtime, infinite heal and kite with hydra, kris boc+shadowtouch highest dps in the game and phantomize free spacing for no downside.
@Christabub 3 ай бұрын
I think that if Ironmace saved up some content and did a large drop at some point, coinciding with a twitch drop the, we would see a huge spike in players. A lot of players just play games for like 1-3 months then move onto the next flavor of the month. I don't think it surprising at all that the players are tanked right now.
@SamHeartsHalo 3 ай бұрын
Demon armor bard baby
@lukezambrano 3 ай бұрын
y’all ever considered having viewers on the show for the dev pods? i have a few really good ideas I would love to speak with them about, but would really never get that opportunity otherwise
@_Soma 3 ай бұрын
It's risky, TBH. The reason it's easy to bring content creators on is because they can be easily vetted. I can just watch them and see what they're like. I've tried to do stuff with viewers and random folks in the past on my channel and it was an epic disaster. When the only way to vet someone is their word, it's just too risky. Hopefully that makes sense - but trust me, I've heard some terrible shit come out of people's mouths that weren't vetted beforehand on stream.
@VeryBadPlayerTV 3 ай бұрын
32:39 idk who this guy is but bottom left is onto something here. If you can talk to the devs about this soma this could make this game 10x better not even through gameplay balance no Q changes. How hes describing the dopamine hit you get when things "FEEL" good is so under valued. Go play the original gears of war 1 if you can on an xbox 360 not ultimate edition. When you get point blank active reload shotgun shots that just 1 shot the guy tearing his legs off, or heatshots with the longshot rifle and you hear the POP and the sound of the reload holy shit im rock hard rn. So many other games to like when you get a last hit in dota 2 the gold noise. Reloading on some of the cod guns etc. The whole point im trying to make here in essence is TL:DR its seriously important to design how the game not only plays and is balanced, but its almost as important to refine how it feels to accomplish X goal. Headshot with a bow, parry with a sword, block with a shield etc.
@JELKEK 3 ай бұрын
That man is WilsonsGame
@sdhority 3 ай бұрын
I want to see them increase mob density, I wanna get swarmed. Also less mobs is absolutely less XP, goblin caves already returns about half the XP that the other maps do.
@CocoMura 3 ай бұрын
imo Mastery for learning from a class should be 20. Getting to 25 on MULTIPLE??? characters feels like a grind only allowed for the few. ESPECIALLY since it's a test. It should be more accessible not less if we're just messing around with the test phase of things.
@reidfrancisco2823 3 ай бұрын
I've been hating playing high roller, actually impossible to pvp if you're broke but it would suck if players at high skill or gear are just put into their own bracket and have dead queues
@yolover111 3 ай бұрын
I just want more skills and I'm not talking through multiclass. Whirlwind for barb?! Fan of knives aoe for rogue, arcane shot or wolf companion for ranger, bouncing heal for 10hp after getting hit to jump to nearby teammates for cleric, leap for fighter, following imp for lock, Anything! Most are from wow yes, but could get more from baulders gate 3, like how we still with the same skills from pt3, let's be real And I know sdf is reading comments, we need more in game roaming bosses, devs, something like a loot pinata we could hunt
@Khaous 3 ай бұрын
Level 35 is crazy for your first multi class perk, 25 or 30 plz
@Migilicuty 3 ай бұрын
Papichulo 1 phased hr warlord solo. On bard shit was crazy.
@_Soma 3 ай бұрын
Wow! Any footage?
@creepyoutdoors4451 3 ай бұрын
I agree with everything augie is saying the game is simply not fun anymore you either get kited all day or get Push by a force so powerful that they literally just walk through you not to mention the second you make noises about 6 minutes in the game you have literally three team colliding on you creeping behind doors at the end of the day it's just a game I don't really care but I think I'm going to stop playing for a long time
@DivineBanana 3 ай бұрын
I am not a fan of gear based matchmaking and I'm not defending it... But I don't think it will necessarily mean there are more "ques" - they just have to implement a priority system so you are more likely to que with similar geared players but there are no hard cutoffs so if the only people queuing is a team that's naked and a full legendary team .... Sorry you just got unlucky.
@Goshjij 3 ай бұрын
Think of the people that have quit during this wipe, knowing that multiclassing is coming and decided that the grind was not worth their time. The cons outweigh the pros. They need to realize that they are going to lose all their player base due to them not making the right decisions and not changing those decisions until it's too late. Me personally if I want rng in game I'll go open some cases in cs thats about all the rng I can deal with.
@CidZombie 3 ай бұрын
Playing a “Melee” game and seeing only range being viable tells me the game is in a bad spot. Multi class is out now on Test server and all u see is an use windless crossbows and other ranged BS being abused.
@Jett2894 3 ай бұрын
i hate the ranged meta i think they should limit the amount of throwables able to be taken into raid bs when barb has 30 frannys ..whens the last time you seen a rogue without a minimum of 10 throwing knives.
@Pyronetic2 3 ай бұрын
whens the last time you died to a rogue who DIDN'T have 10 throwing knives. a lot of the time it's not possible to kill people without em xD
@hanspeter-du5bx 3 ай бұрын
Remove +2 all and give everyone +100 hp with slight channges?
@wolfblade019 3 ай бұрын
I kinda like this idea. Remove +2 all, lower AR and MR back to last wipes values, but buff base HP by like 20-30%. Maybe even more if they still want to increase the headshot multiplier.
@hansenbee123 3 ай бұрын
I feel they need to SLOW down fights, the 1 thing I dont like about the game atm is that people can start a fight 20 seconds after spawning into a raid by rushing you, and kill you in 2 seconds if they are the right counter class or gear...and I feel this game would be a lot more fun if every class had a ton more HP so that fights would be more extensive and skill cap would be increased.
@hansenbee123 3 ай бұрын
Would feel a lot better if even tho I get rushed from the get go, if I had a chance to turn the fight around and not have the entire battle be decided by who gets the first swing off...and so on.
@sdhority 3 ай бұрын
Honestly, they shouldn't go to steam yet. The game is pulling 11k CCU on average, that's better than some MMOs. That's plenty of player to test with. Build the game, get all your classes into the game, do some polish, THEN hit steam. Don't go to steam with a half baked product, there is absolutely no reason.
@ThirdEye-AWAKEN 3 ай бұрын
So heres my take on range.. i love how the way clerics and wizards have to not spam casting range they only get a ceetain amount per fight. We need to bring this concept to all range.. The idea of this game beign thay we are all magic clowns who pull out 10+ axes from our pants and infinite arrows is silly. Here's my fix: add a slot outside of inventory for arrows and axes/molitovs... You can only be allowed like 6 throwing axes. And of course be allowed to pick them up when your done throwing. Then you need to add a quiver for rangers which can hold way more arrows then a fighter can bring in. Range should be finite. And only infinite when you go get your ammo. No one should be throwing 10 axes. I prefer the original game where range was limited because rhe shops wouldnt sell you infinite and spells were very costly (warlock and bard have almost infinite spells compared to cleric wiz
@RealOneBar 3 ай бұрын
Shoutout to Ohio
@v0xel688 3 ай бұрын
this podcast is lacking the pov of someone whos ‘playing the game correctly’ (trio HR bossing etc) consistently. with peace and love ofc, just a little too much casual dad vibes to have the opinions taken seriously. i think Jay was meant to be that side of the coin, but he doesn’t enjoy what I’m talking about (nothing wrong eith that) and hardly does it compared to so many others.
@jaketyrka1738 3 ай бұрын
I was waiting to see this comment. These guys are great but in the first 5 minutes at least two states they really don't play the game lol
@DavidDeFrain 3 ай бұрын
I agree these guys are all awesome but since jay has taken a step back there’s no giant sweats.
@Christabub 3 ай бұрын
@connorbramlage2479 3 ай бұрын
Great vid. Love the conversation from people who play a lot. I will however say the complaining coming from fighter mains with the 2 most broken abilities of sprint and second wind is unreal. I completely agree when it comes to high roller, the ranged meta is ridiculous but as a warlock player fighter is BY FAR the best no gear class without a doubt. I understand getting kited but a 20 something second cooldown just means play the fight smarter and take advantage of your window of opportunity and 2 shot almost every class besides another fighter
@giantgoblinman 3 ай бұрын
Oggieson either did a bad job describing his dissatisfaction with the game or I feel he has a significant lack of understanding when it comes to the game he's playing. More slow on melee= no counter play, no escaping. So much of the game one shots my class, the rogue, but all of this can be mitigated by strategizing and building smarter(not just better). For me the consistent satisfaction with the game is the more rogue-style i play, the greater my rewards. My only beef is with universal creep.
@Rizzerio1 3 ай бұрын
The game will always be favored to one side of the equation and that's the issue he's trying to explain which is melee centric playstyles vs ranged centric playstyles. World of Warcraft had this utility creep problem forever as well and they haven't really fixed it in 20 years because in order to peel melee you need massive damage to make them cower away or more utility to escape the W keying. They also gave melee way too much utility at points and melee classes became unpeelable from their ranged dmg counter parts. Too much melee uptime causes issues for ranged and too much ranged utility dmg, movespeed, immunities, etc create impossible win odds for melee. I think the RPG design on the classes is the issue and ultimately less than what the devs create will be viable playstyles. To simplify things, all classes need a better universal offense design around mostly melee or ranged....or a class kinda gets screwed based on tuning just like it does in WoW. Some homogenization is key in these games to make all the "options" actually feel like options.
@donniegibbs5059 3 ай бұрын
Get Asmongold on here😂
@ray1170 3 ай бұрын
Thank god, I thought skinnypete was gonna be on here. Honestly it blows my mind that the dude can abuse 3rd party devices to gain an unfair advantage in a pvp game, and doesnt get called out for it. Cheating is cheating kids.
@AtefHelmy23 3 ай бұрын
@_Soma 3 ай бұрын
How is he cheating?
@ray1170 3 ай бұрын
@@_Soma the stylus makes movement tech like turning 180 degrees and jumping backwards for spacing cake and much more accurate. It’s an unfair advantage relying on third party devices. There’s a reason turbo buttons are also considered cheating.
@ray1170 3 ай бұрын
On top of that, it’s bad for the health of the game. You guys talk about the new player experience, imagine on top of the 500 hours of arena practice you need to learn the game, and not get rolled you need to buy a stylus/tablet.
@_Soma 3 ай бұрын
@@ray1170 if this is true why is Pete the only one I’ve seen or heard doing this in literally any FPS game? If it’s so OP and a way to cheat the system and win, why aren’t there more people trying it? I don’t think your assessment is correct and I disagree with you that he’s cheating. He’s using “legal” tools to play the game and it’s extremely unique and not easy to pull off or we’d see it way more often.
Dark And Darker The Secrets Of Accels And Drags
Skinny Pete
Рет қаралды 6 М.
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I played this game until it stopped working
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