The Grand History of the Sasanian Empire/Подробная история Сасанидского Ирана

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Honey Mad

Honey Mad

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Б.И.Маршак. Страны и народы Востока. Страницы 58-66 "К вопросу о восточных противниках Ирана в V веке."
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Б.И.Маршак . ИСТОРИЯ ВОСТОЧНОЙ ТОРЕВТИКИ III-XIII вв. И проблемы культурной преемственности.
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00:00-01:00 Вступление, гайд по карте
01:00-06:05 Первые Сасаниды
06:05-09:49 Шапур II, Первый золотой век
09:49-16:16 Промежуточный период
16:16-23:05 Второй золотой век
23:05-25:36 Падение Сасанидов, аутро

Пікірлер: 171
@HoneyMad_History Жыл бұрын
Примечание и правки к видео: * Дата восшествия на престол и дата смерти некоторых царей в разных источниках различаются, например шах Бахрам V, скорее всего, стал царем в декабре 420 после смерти своего отца Йездигерда I в ноябре 420, а умереть Бахрам мог в ноябре 438, сентябре 439, в ноябре 439 или в ноябре 440 года, разные источники по разному называют дату смерти царя. В таком случае я оставлял за собой право самому выбрать дату смерти царя. 1)Надпись Шапура I в Каабайе Зартоште гласит, что регион Парадан был под его контролем, однако возможно там правили местные цари, которые вообще не подчинялись шаханшаху. В данном ролике этот регион отмечен как часть Сасанидской державы, хотя он мог стать таковым только к 300ым годам нашей эры. 2) Возможно, Армения до 299 года оставалась под контролем Ирана, но есть и другая версия, которая гласит, что в 287 году, при поддержке римлян, армянский царь Тиридат вернул себе престол и стал фактическим вассалом Рима. В данном видео отражена 2 точка зрения. 3) Даты правления Нарсе и Ормизда II достоверно не известны. Приведенные в ролике даты лишь одна из версий, возможно, Ормизд стал царем в конце 302 года, есть также версия о том, что он стал царем в 300 или 301 году. Дата смерти Нарсе тоже достоверно не известна, она произошла между 300 и 303 годом, в видео приведена крайная возможная дата смерти Нарсе - весна 303 года. Ормизд же мог править от 6 до 9 лет, в зависимости от того, когда умер Нарсе, но он умер не позже сентября 309 года, ведь в том же 309 году примерно 40 дней правил Атурнарсе II и родился Шапур II, став сразу же царем. 4) Различные области Сасанидской державы, такие как например Адиабена или Сакастан, имели своих собственных царей, которые полностью зависели от центральной власти в Ктесифоне и не вели самостоятельно ни военных походов, ни какой-либо другой деятельности. Например брат Шапура II - Арташир II с 344 по 376 год был царем Адиабены, но царский титул был фиктивным. По этой причине "вассальные" государства (а на деле обычные провинции) в основном не показаны в ролике. 5) После поражения от Аксума в 350 году, царство Куш фактически перестало существовать: его главные города были разрушены, контроль почти над всеми территориями был либо утерян, либо был формальным, о царях ничего не известно (а были ли они вообще?). На бывших территориях Куша появились новые государства: к началу 5 века появилось царство Нобатия, к середине 5 века - царство Макурия, к середине 6 века - царство Алодия. Именно середину 6 века я взял за дату окончательного исчезновения кушитского государства. 6) Когда именно некоторые арабские племена подчинились Восточному Риму или Ирану неизвестно. Например племя Тайи были вассалами Ирана уже в начале 5 века (На карте я обозначил это событие 415 годом, хотя точная дата конечно же неизвестна), насчет других племен я информацию найти не смог, поэтому также указал 415 год как дату их подчинения. 7) Первые монеты Кавада I в Герате датированы 496 годом. а в Мерве - 505. Это говорит о том, что города были пол контролем Сасанидов, хотя известно, что после поражения Пероза в 484 году, эфталиты захватили эти города. Военное возвращение этих городов маловероятно, ведь даже после этого Каввд продолжал платить дань Эфталитам. Скорее всего, Эфталиты вернули эти города Каваду в знак дружбы, ведь между ними были хорошие отношения - например Эфталиты помогали Каваду в войнах против Рима. Это был союз между Эфталитами и лично Кавадом, а после его смерти, при Хосрове I, войны возобновились.(Д.Мишин "Хосров", 305-307 стр и стр 344-345) 8) Регион Синд (города Дайбул, Дебал и т.д.), согласно Фирдоуси, был потерян во времена правления Кавада (действительно, монет Кавада в этом регионе не было найдено) и отвоеван Хосровом I в самом начале своего правления (Около 533-535 годов).Однако ни о какой войне между индийскими князьями и Хосровом нигде не упоминается. Скорее всего, на территориях Инда после смерти Пероза и распада Империи Гуптов власть взяли местные Белуджи, которые и взяли провинцию Синд под свой контроль, подавив это выступление, Хосров установил контроль над Синдом от города Даибул на юге до города Кеч в среднем течении (Д.Мишин "Хосров" стр 596-597) 9) Я не смог найти информацию, когда Фергана, а вместе с ней и отвоеванные в 589 году Чач и Самарканд, вернулись в состав Тюркского Каганата. По данным википедии это произошло примерно в 625-630 годах, поэтому 627 год я выбрал за год отделения этих территорий от разваливающейся Сасанидской державы (на французскоц википедии написано, что отделение Самарканда от державы Сасанидов произошло во время мусульманского завоевания Персии, то есть примерно в 630-ых годах.) 10) Восточные районы Сасандиской Империи, такие как Макран или Туран, к концу 620-ых годов фактически вышли из-под прямого контроля Сасанидов, вследствии анархии на территории Империи. Многие регионы формально оставаясь часть Эраншахра, на деле стали почти полностью независимыми. 11) После битвы при Нехавенде в 642 году, Сасанидская Империя фактически полностью распалась и у шаха Йездигерда III не было реальной власти в провинциях. Тем не менее, провинции все еще продолжали чеканить монету шаха. Я решил не показывать фактический развал восточной части Сасанидской державы на отдельные провинции, для более простого понимания ситуации. 12) Если у вас есть информация о том, что в ролике какие то события показаны неправильно, прошу вас написать об этом в комментариях и назвать источник, откуда вы взяли это утверждение. Это поможет сделать видео точнее. Заранее спасибо!
@AlexIsoyan Жыл бұрын
Что за звон колокола?
@HoneyMad_History Жыл бұрын
Звук смены царей
@AlexIsoyan Жыл бұрын
@@HoneyMad_History Так он не всегда звучит.
@HoneyMad_History Жыл бұрын
всегда, просто иногда музыка перекрывает, вслушайся
@AlexIsoyan Жыл бұрын
@@HoneyMad_History Ясно
@Von327 Жыл бұрын
Дуже цікава тема, ще краще оформлення! Дуже файно, продовжуй в тому ж дусі!
@crescent8418 Жыл бұрын
The Quick Rebellion of Bahram IV chobin Actually demonstrates that how capable and popular he was and how quickly he turned the Turkish invasion,if he stayed on the throne I think he could have done something great
@x-hero7757 Жыл бұрын
Чертовски круто,все четко,подробно,с малейшими деталями. Да даже указаны периоды расцвета и упадка государства,короче говоря,все просто шикарно. Продолжай в том же духе,ведь подобного сейчас не так уж и много.
@barryboushehri1707 7 ай бұрын
I am fascinated by the graphic, detail, and the music of this video. Specially from the Shahanshah Kavad I rule.
@JohnSmith-of2gu Жыл бұрын
A great animation, I've never seen a historyof this region so detailed before!
@barryboushehri1707 11 ай бұрын
Great video. Thank you.
@Matthew_080 10 ай бұрын
You have done an amazing work😮 So much research you put in this video❤
@Ottoman_mapper_53 Жыл бұрын
Amazing Video, great respect from my side, this video was very detailed, accurate and well translated, you really deserve more subs and views for your hard and well researched work, I rarely saw such detailed Videos in the last months, here is a new sub for your hard work
@micahistory Жыл бұрын
incredible video, this must have taken ages to make, I am really impressed
@user-mx3dv7pn8u 9 ай бұрын
Братан это офигенно❤❤
@renisre834 Жыл бұрын
Очень классно сделано спасибо)
@Mehhrrab Жыл бұрын
Oh great thank-you very much 😍😍😍🔥
@Praxeria Жыл бұрын
Liked and subbed, you deserve much more subscribers than you have now.
@claudiogodoy7816 Жыл бұрын
Very impressive! Incredible degree of detail and aesthetically beautiful! Can´t imagine the amount of work for create it, but the effort was definitely worthy. Keep on these fantastic "every month Wandrative´s stile animated history maps".
@WarDestinyMapping Жыл бұрын
I appreciate that you put so much effort into this video, you deserve more subs and views. Although I have little exposure to the history of the ancient Middle East, thank you very much for providing those videos for me to learn it
@bookafishabyannafedulova7336 10 ай бұрын
прекрасное видео😍
@CTCtheHistorian Жыл бұрын
Truly impeccably amazing. Incredible to see my favorite Iranian Dynasty have its entire history done so cleanly. Congratulations on completely such a difficult task.
@adfhggtr5654 Жыл бұрын
بسیار سپاسگرازم عالی مرسی 💘💚پاینده ایرانشهر💚
@yaqubebased1961 Жыл бұрын
@zalqert Жыл бұрын
I like that you basically included a riddah wars every month here . Hard to find any mapping content on it .
@crescent8418 Жыл бұрын
That's a nice video, you are the First one making a video about Eranshahr!Btw what was the music duirng khosrow II?
@HoneyMad_History Жыл бұрын
Epic Score - Liberators
@crescent8418 Жыл бұрын
@@HoneyMad_History thanks
@1_rma Жыл бұрын
Again astonished!
@1_rma Жыл бұрын
It has always been exciting for you to post a video, this doesn't mean to rush them (because you can take your time) but, I always expect something fascinating from your channel!
@casio6651 Жыл бұрын
@mahdi-oe6mk 4 ай бұрын
@Sargon484 Жыл бұрын
Where did you get the bell sound that occurs everytime there's a leader change?
@nascarfast48 Жыл бұрын
i think you should add a colour key in the info section on the left, it took me a second to realize where the sasanians were for a moment
@HoneyMad_History Жыл бұрын
I made an outline around the coin, I thought it was enough to understand where the Sasanians are, but I agree, it should have been done differently
@user-ed4sj7pf9v Жыл бұрын
У тебя очень качественный контент. Ты, наверное, один из лучших контент-мейкеров, который акцентируется на исторических картах. Очень жаль, что у тебя мало просмотров и подписчиков. Желаю тебе успехов в развитии твоего канала.
@based.lexane Жыл бұрын
Я, как армянин, хороший знающий мою историю, скажу, что ты сделал почти как все - "чтобы не заморочиться, просто отмечу Армению как постоянного вассала ". Армения впервые была завоевана Сасанидам только в 252, до этого Армения при Тиридате первом была НЕЗАВИСИМЫМ государством, так как Рим давно снял свои претенензии. Его сын Хосров с помощью Римлян (мы не можем сказать был ли он вассалом или союзником Рима, так как мало чего о нём известно) в 272 восстановился на Армянском троне Он был примерно в 287 убит нахараром (Армянский аналог князя) подкупленным Сассанидами. Вскоре Тиридат 3 (скорее всего в статусе вассала) восстанавливается на Армянском троне как царь. Вскоре после его смерти на год власть в стране переходит в руки Санатрука-Санесяна (вассал Сассанидов), который претендовал на трон и с поддержкой Сассанидов с армией Кавказких племен вторгается в Армению. Хосров 3 в это время укрывается в одном из крепостей. Спарапет (главнокомандующий войсками) Ваче Мамиконян отбивает страну и восстанавливает Хосрова на престоле В это время Армению постоянно подвергалась вторжениям со стороны Сассанидов и Кавказких племен, но Ваче всегда успешно отбивал их набеги Вскоре один из бдешхов(пограничный князь) и влиятельных нахаров (просто князь) переходят на сторону Сассанидов принимая зороастриянство. Вскоре после еще одного вторжения (в 338) Ваче погибает, а власть переходит в руки персов. Принц Тиран сбегает и приходит на власть через год как вассал Рима. Тирана вскоре арестуют персы и ослепляют. Вскоре после этого, царевич Аршак вместе с объединенным Армяно-Римским войском приходит к власти и правит КАК НЕЗАВИСИМЫЙ правитель. Он известен тем, что очень хорошо отражал атаки персов, но обманом был приглашен Шапухом 2им, который дал высшую клятву (почти что мамой поклялся😂), но арестовал Аршака и убил. Через два года приходит к власти молодой король Пап, которые освобождает страну полностью, но вскоре (в 374, был убит обманом Римским императором за то, что просил вернуть исконно Армянские территории) (да-да, эта тенденция началсь еще тогда😂).
@HoneyMad_History Жыл бұрын
В видео, за исключением периода с 217 по 252 года, когда я действительно обозначил Тиридата II как вассала Рима, все остальное отражено также, как и в вашем комментарии.
@GregTheegg-bj2jc 10 ай бұрын
Вместо того, чтоб указать на ошибку, чел решил высрать километр бессмысленного текста, где 90% нахер некому не нужной инфы😂. Буквально весь текст и показывает, что Армения по кд была вассалом то римлян, то персов, за исключением одного правителя.
@mappermapperovich Жыл бұрын
Недооцененный автор.
@user-mx3dv7pn8u 9 ай бұрын
Офигеть только позавчера видел очень хорошую карту про сасанидов а оказывается ты на этого автора подписан
@kamasick4632 Жыл бұрын
What video editor you use for better quality?
@HoneyMad_History Жыл бұрын
I use only 2 programs to create videos - paint and photoshop, it is in photoshop that I create videos from slides, because it does not degrade the quality at all
@heimdalloficial Жыл бұрын
@Alex-co1pm 9 ай бұрын
Можно пожалуйста скинуть последнюю музыку
@ariaghorbani9375 10 ай бұрын
Can i ask you a question. It is often said that the sassanid infantrymen were some incapable peasants in pink pjamas . Is this true . Because I've heard that shapur ii had created a heavy infantry core for his army and that ammianus marclinus mentions them as "footmen who fought like gladiators and would sacrifice their lives if the king ordered them to". Also we have records such as belisarius wich say the opposite. Bu weren't these levys who were supposed to dig ditches . Also we have records such as the battle of chains . So can you explain a bit about this topic . Thank you . Epic video keep up the good work❤❤😍
@HoneyMad_History 10 ай бұрын
The Sassanid infantry is indeed described in Roman sources as an unorganized mob that serves solely as servants. However, this is not entirely true. Indeed, the Sassanid infantry played far from the most important role in open combat, because the Persians emphasized cavalry, both light and heavy. However, when besieging or defending cities and fortresses, the infantry was simply indispensable, because the Persian archers, being masters of archery, which recognizes and Marcelinus, leading a dense and incessant shelling, markedly increased the chances of the Persians to take the fortress, and shield-bearers successfully protected the archers from Roman attacks. But also in open battle Persian infantry could fight on equal terms with Roman troops: in the battle of Chlomaronom in 585 Persian infantry (even without cavalry support!) inflicted a crushing defeat on the army of Philippicus. So it is impossible to say unequivocally that the Persian infantry was useless in battle. Of course, it was much less effective than the Persian cavalry, and it is understandable - the Sassanid army in many ways was similar to the army of the time of the Parthian kingdom, where the cavalry played a decisive role.
@ariaghorbani9375 10 ай бұрын
Hmm. Absolutely interesting. I have a question. Does this mean they were armored? Because you need armored infantry to compete with the romans . Where can I find more info about this because aside from your point infantry is indispensable in caucasia too. The persians had many interactions with the romans in caucuses and armenia . I personally believe the defeat of ardashir i and narseh I at armenian terrain and satala also played a crucial role in shpur ii creating a heavy infantry core for the army. Than you . Man your brilliant you answer all of the comments that's just Brilliant ❤❤.
@HoneyMad_History 10 ай бұрын
I can recommend you the book "The Military of Sassanid Iran and the History of the Roman-Persian Wars" (Ru: "Военное дело Сасанидского Ирана и история Римско-Персидских войн") by Vladimir Dmitriev Unfortunately, the book, as far as I know, has not been translated into English, so there may be difficulties in reading it if you do not know Russian language.
@shareem1779 Жыл бұрын
Brother can you make this available for download? I need this beautiful video for project,! To create some scenarios in aoh2 :) thx
@shareem1779 Жыл бұрын
Man your so underrated man you deserve better!!
@HoneyMad_History Жыл бұрын
You have to go to the website / , insert a link to my video and then it will be available for download
@shareem1779 Жыл бұрын
@@HoneyMad_History thx mate
@MuseEgg Жыл бұрын
Wow this is actually so cool.came here from basil bourtch. Can u pls give me a list of music used in english
@HoneyMad_History Жыл бұрын
Music: 1) CK2 -The Persian Army 2) Tenebrous Brothers Carnival 3) Kevin MacLeod - Satiate 4) Kevin MacLeod - Guardians 5) TSFH - Armada (no choir) 6) TSFH - El Dorado 7) Liberators 8) Ayden George - HERR CHRIST
@renisre834 Жыл бұрын
@RL_0Q 9 ай бұрын
@ragnarok3199 4 ай бұрын
Хм, выходит Ардашир кушанское царство покорил ? Есть ли какие-нибудь сведения об этом противостоянии ?
@Kobergaut Жыл бұрын
Великолепо, прикольно, красиво, потрясно, замечательно, как всегда хорошо - 👍.
@TTogTTuc4uK_Kop6eHa 18 күн бұрын
17:10 что за трек? Лайк уже оформил)
@HoneyMad_History 18 күн бұрын
Two steps from hell - El Dorado
@Adam28269 Жыл бұрын
13:00 what is the song❤❤❤❤❤
@shareem1779 Жыл бұрын
22:39 ✊PERSIA✊
@z4m4suu57 Жыл бұрын
pls name of the bell when a emperor dies
@prkmw Жыл бұрын
могу я спросить тебя Какие источники связаны с набегами арабов на побережье Персидского залива и набегами на персидское побережье во времена правления Ормуза II? Какие источники связаны с правлением королевства Аль-Хира в Медине?
@HoneyMad_History Жыл бұрын
Саму Медину Лахмиды напрямую не контролировали, однако имели на неё значительное влияние. Д. Е. Мишин в книге "История Государства Лахмидов" (Стр. 246), ссылаясь на арабского историка Ибн Саида пишет: "При разборе аравийской политики ан-Нумана III нельзя, разумеется, обойти стороной один из её наиболее ярких эпизодов, связанный с Мединой. Согласно рассказам мусульманских авторов племена аль-Аус и аль- Хазрадж возобладали над иудейскими племенами города, прежде всего - Бану Курайза и Бану ан-Надир, но затем начали бороться между собой. О дальнейших событиях мы узнаём от Ибн Саида, который в одном месте ссылается на аль-Байхаки. По словам этих авторов, никто не мог установить свою единоличную власть над Мединой до тех пор, пока хаз- раджит Амр Ибн аль-Итнаба не уехал к ан-Нуману Ибн аль-Мунзиру. Тот сделал его царём Медины." По этой причине Медина обозначена как территория, на которую Лахмиды имели влияние. Про арабские набеги на побережье Персидского залива я, к сожалению, не могу сейчас предоставить источник, т.к. я не помню, откуда я эту информацию брал. Как только вспомню - обязательно вам сообщу.
@crescent8418 Жыл бұрын
What's the music during Bahram v
@HoneyMad_History Жыл бұрын
Armifer - GRV Music [Prelude to Calamity]
@X1Y. Жыл бұрын
Приветствую! Завоевание Средней Азии. Когда будет выпуск?
@HoneyMad_History Жыл бұрын
Ну, я смог восстановить файл со слайдами, поэтому ролику быть, ориентировачно - начало-середина октября. Я сейчас начал делать другой ролик, после которого будет 2 видео посвященных Средней Азии - ее завоевание Россией и Среднеазиатское восстание 1916 года. Постараюсь как можно быстрее все сделать, благодарю за ожидание!
@X1Y. Жыл бұрын
@@HoneyMad_History Ждём. Успехов в деле 👍
@x-hero7757 Жыл бұрын
Кстати,как идея,можно сделать ролик про Реконкисту
@HoneyMad_History Жыл бұрын
Реконкисту мне бы хотелось сделать, но сейчас пока в планах ее нет. Возможно, в октябре-ноябре начну работу.
@x-hero7757 Жыл бұрын
@@HoneyMad_History а если не секрет,какой следующий ролик будет?
@HoneyMad_History Жыл бұрын
Я не люблю заранее раскрывать тему нового ролика (тем более все может пойти не по планам и ролик может не выйти), поэтому могу оолько сказать, что ролики будут касаться истории России и Средней Азии. К середине сентября (я надеюсь) выйдет видео, ждите!
@x-hero7757 Жыл бұрын
@@HoneyMad_History ок
@HoneyMad_History Жыл бұрын
Notes and edits to the video: * The date of accession to the throne and the date of death of some kings differ in different sources, for example, Shah Bahram V most likely became king in December 420 after the death of his father Yazdigerd I in November 420, and Bahram could have died in November 438, September 439, November 439 or November 440, different sources the date of the tsar's death is called differently. In this case, I reserved the right to choose the date of the tsar's death myself. 1) The inscription of Shapur I in the Ka'ba-ye Zartosht states that the Paradan region was under his control, but perhaps local kings ruled there, who did not obey the shahanshah at all. In this video, this region is marked as part of the Sasanian empire, although it could have become such only by the 300s. 2) Armenia may have remained under Iranian control until 299, but there is another version that says that in 287, with the support of the Romans, the Armenian king Tiridates regained the throne and became a de facto vassal of Rome. This video reflects 2 points of view. 3) The dates of the reign of Narseh and Hormizd II are not reliably known. The dates given in the video are only one of the versions, perhaps Hormizd became king at the end of 302, there is also a version that he became king in 300 or 301. The date of Narseh's death is also not reliably known, it occurred between 300 and 303, the video shows the extreme possible date of Narseh's death - the spring of 303. Hormizd could rule from 6 to 9 years, depending on when Narseh died, but he died no later than September 309, because in the same year 309 Adurnarseh II ruled for about 40 days and Shapur II was born, becoming king immediately. 4) Various areas of the Sasanian empire, such as Adiabena or Sakastan, had their own kings, who were completely dependent on the central authority in Ctesiphon and did not conduct military campaigns or any other activity independently. For example, Shapur II's brother Ardashir II was king of Adiabene from 344 to 376, but the royal title was fictitious. For this reason, the "vassal" states (but in fact ordinary provinces) are mostly not shown in the video. 5) After the defeat of Axum in 350, the kingdom of Kush virtually ceased to exist: its main cities were destroyed, control over almost all territories was either lost or was formal, nothing is known about the kings (and were they at all?). New states appeared on the former territories of Kush: by the beginning of the 5th century, the kingdom of Nobatia appeared, by the middle of the 5th century - the kingdom of Makuria, by the middle of the 6th century - the kingdom of Alodia. It was the middle of the 6th century that I took as the date of the final disappearance of the Kushite state. 6) When exactly some Arab tribes submitted to Eastern Rome or Iran is unknown. For example, the Tayy tribe were vassals of Iran already at the beginning of the 5th century (I marked this event on the map as 415, although the exact date is of course unknown), I could not find information about other tribes, so I also indicated 415 as the date of their submission. 7) The first coins of Kavad I in Herat are dated 496. and in Merv - 505. This suggests that the cities were under the control of the Sassanids, although it is known that after the defeat of Peroz in 484, the Hephthalites captured these cities. The military return of these cities is unlikely, because even after that, Kavad continued to pay tribute to the Hephthalites. Most likely, the Hephthalites returned these cities to Kavad as a sign of friendship, because there were good relations between them - for example, the Hephthalites helped Kavad in the war against Rome. It was an alliance between the Ephthalites and Kavadh personally, and after his death, under Khosrow I, the wars resumed. (D.Mishin "Khosrow", page 305-307 and page 344-345) 8) The Sindh region (the cities of Daibul, Debal, etc.), according to Ferdowsi, was lost during the reign of Kavad (indeed, no coins of Kavad were found in this region) and was conquered by Khosrow I at the very beginning of his reign (About 533-535). However, there is no mention of any war between the Indian princes and Khosrow anywhere. Most likely, in the Indus territories, after the death of Peroz and the collapse of the Gupta Empire, local Baluchis took power, who took control of the province of Sindh, suppressing this speech, Khosrow established control over Sind from the city of Daibul in the south to the city of Ketch in the far current (D.Mishin "Khosrow" pp. 596-597) 9) I could not find information when Ferghana (D.E.Mishin in "Khosrow" believes that Ferghana was the extreme point of the possessions of Sasanian Iran) and together with it Chach and Samarkand, conquered in 589, returned to the Turkic Khaganate. According to Wikipedia, this happened around 625-630, so I chose the year 627 for the year of separation of these territories from the collapsing Sasanian power (on the French Wikipedia it is written that the separation of Samarkand from the Sassanid power occurred during the Muslim conquest of Persia, that is, around the 630s.) 10) The eastern regions of the Sasanian Empire, such as Makran or Turan, by the end of the 620s actually came out of direct control of the Sassanids, due to anarchy on the territory of the Empire. Many regions, while formally remaining part of Eranshahr, have in fact become almost completely independent. 11) After the Battle of Nahavand in 642, the Sasanian Empire virtually completely collapsed and Shah Yazdegerd III had no real power in the provinces. Nevertheless, the provinces still continued to mint the Shah's coin. I decided not to show the actual collapse of the eastern part of the Sasanian state into separate provinces, for a simpler understanding of the situation. 12) If you have information that some events are shown incorrectly in the video, I ask you to write about it in the comments and name the source from where you took this statement. This will help make the video more accurate. Thank you in advance!
@user-mx3dv7pn8u 9 ай бұрын
Кстати я хотел спросить тебя человека разбирающевося больше в иранистике.Эфталиты какое этническое происхождение имели и будешь по ним карты делать?
@arashfarj 8 ай бұрын
Heptalians are a combination of Turkish and Iranian peoples
@arashfarj 9 ай бұрын
Bro u can make map for Achaemenid empire?
@HoneyMad_History 9 ай бұрын
If you are interested in a detailed history of the Achaemenid Empire, I can recommend the video by 1_rma. At the moment I am not planning to make a video about the Achaemenids.
@Shthophyckq 3 ай бұрын
It is interesting that the 1979 revolution ended the title os shahanshah but in a few decades Iran became once again a major power of the Middle East, with the proxies stretching as far as the Mediterranean and Red sea, and as they allied with the Avars and other eastern barbarians, they are doing the same now, equipping the Muscovite Neosoviet khanate with Shahed drones. And as the West was allied with the Turkic khaganate, today it is allied with the Neoottoman Turkey.
@crescent8418 Жыл бұрын
I think you should Make topographical maps to make better quality video ( I am not saying that this quality is bad)
@HoneyMad_History Жыл бұрын
This video in general has a high resolution (2724 × 1532), so the quality is worse on the phone. On the computer, with maximum quality settings, the video looks very clear. The same problem, unfortunately, will be in the new video - on the phone the quality will not be the best, while on the computer the video will look perfect.
@crescent8418 Жыл бұрын
@@HoneyMad_History you are a mobile mapper?
@crescent8418 Жыл бұрын
@@HoneyMad_History I Know the quality Is Clear But I think you should make the map even more better by including valleys,hills etc
@HoneyMad_History Жыл бұрын
@@crescent8418 No, I make my videos with Photoshop and Paint
@HoneyMad_History Жыл бұрын
@@crescent8418 I can't do this because I have an old computer. After all, the addition of mountains, valleys and other things very much increase the file size, that's why my computer is slowing down. Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do about it.
@ariaghorbani9375 10 ай бұрын
Hello again. I have another question. It is said that yezdgerd ii suffered numerous defeats by the hands of kidarites. However the sassanids under yezdgerd ii rapidly gained territory here . Can you please provide me a source? Because I've not seen that before. Thanks.
@HoneyMad_History 10 ай бұрын
The source of this information is the Soviet archaeologist and orientalist Boris Ilyich Marshak. He writes about the campaigns of Yezdigerd II in the article "К вопросу о восточных границах Ирана в V веке". The link to this article is given in the description to the video (4 link). The article is in Russian, I hope you will understand what is written there.
@ariaghorbani9375 10 ай бұрын
​@@HoneyMad_HistoryOh I don't understand russian. Do we have any English source wich i easily understand in that case? Also is his thesis supported? I'm just curious to know i don't have any bias towards kidarites or sassanids or any other people. Thanks by the way.❤
@HoneyMad_History 10 ай бұрын
@@ariaghorbani9375 Unfortunately, I can't advise you on this topic because I have only studied literature written in Russian. I will try to translate this article for you now.
@ariaghorbani9375 10 ай бұрын
​@@HoneyMad_HistoryOMG thanks !!❤
@HoneyMad_History 10 ай бұрын
​@@ariaghorbani9375 I have endeavored to translate for you the fragments from this article dealing with the campaigns of Yezdigerd to the east. I hope you will understand my translation :) : "... However, in other sources there is information that is usually understood as an invasion of Iran by the Chionites (or Hephthalites) from Maverannahr under Bahram V (426), as well as information about the wars of Yezdigerd II and Peroz with the Kidarites, Kushans, Huns, Chionites and Ephthalites, which refer to the territory of the southeastern Caspian Sea. Such information would seem to indicate that in the 5th century the entire Khorasan frontier was a zone of clashes between Iran and a powerful hostile power or a coalition of a hostile state and nomads allied to it. It seems that two groups of sources contradict each other. However, Byzantine, Syrian, Arab, Persian and Armenian authors have reports that do not fit into the concept of a single state or coalition from the Caspian Sea to the Pamirs First of all, it should be noted that none of the ancient authors speak about two fronts: in the Caspian Sea and in Tokharistan, but speaking about one and the same war, different authors allow linking it with different territories. Yeghishe Vardapet, a participant in the wars of Yezdigerd II against the "Khons, who are also called Kushans", writes about military actions from 442 to 449, about the campaign of 450 and about the campaign of 454; Не cites a decree of the king appointing the gathering of troops for the first campaign in Apar (Nishapur districts), which in itself testifies to the eastern, not northern direction of the campaign. The information about later campaigns leaves no doubt that these are campaigns to Tokharistan. . . . Yeghishe notes the successes of Yezdigerd by the 11th year of his reign (449) both in the fight against the Kushans, whose king "was exhausted", and in the fight against the Huns, who attacked Iran through the Chora Gorge. Eghishe writes about the Persians building a fortress in Chora in the Caucasus under Yezdigerd, and about the town of Shakhristan, located near Chora, and about the wars that took place in the middle of the 5th century in eastern Transcaucasia . . . More reliable information is available about the events on the eastern border. The struggle of Yezdigerd II with the Khons - Kushans in the 50s of the 5th century and the struggle of Peroz in the 60s of the same century with the Kidarite Huns are probably wars with the same enemy. Since the initiative of the first campaigns of Yezdigerd II came from him, we can consider that the war was fought on Kushan territory. One of the battles took place at Merverrud, hence by the beginning of the campaigns of 442 all of Bactria had been abandoned by the Sassanids. Varahran, the "great shah of the Kushans", who began ruling in 389 as a Sassanid viceroy, must have lost his lands long before the 440s, because Eghishe, speaking about the arguments that were given by the advisers of Yezdigerd in favor of declaring war on the Kushans, does not even mention that the Kushan lands had recently belonged to Iran. The mountain passage to the Kushan country, about which Yeghishe writes, is most likely the upper Murghab cramps, as further the road to Balkh goes through accessible terrain In the course of the wars, Yezdigerd II not only devastated the enemy's territory, but also took fortresses. By 449, as Yeghishe notes, he held the upper hand over the Kushans. The campaign of 450 was most likely directed to a more remote area. Yeghishe calls this region Italakan. The Persians took many cities and fortresses. Italakan has long been compared with the name of the Ephthalites, but then it is strange that Yeghishe did not mention these new enemies and continued to write only about the war with the Kushans. Markwart rightly saw here the name of the city or district of Talikan. The occupation of Talikan was the greatest success of Yezdigerd. In 454 the Kushans defeated his rearguard and made successful raids on Sasanian possessions, but Eghishe says nothing about their conquest of any lands. In 456, judging from Priscus' report, Yezdigerd was again at war with the Kidarites, who refused to pay him tribute. If in the first part of this article the main questions were about the two Cholas and the role of Gurgan in the wars of the 5th century, now the main question is about the two Talikans: Khorasan and Tokharistan. The Khorasan Talikan is located near Merverrud, while the Tokharistan Talikan is located between Balkh and Badakhshan. If Yezdigerd II reached only Khorasan Talikan, then his huge army, from the general battle with which the enemy evaded, for 8 years, having taken many fortresses, passed two day's passage from Merverrud to Talikan. The success could hardly have been so slight. On the other hand, if he reached the Tokharistan Talikan, he had almost the whole of Southern Bactria in his hands. Yezdigerd II resumed the tradition of appointing Sasanian princes as Kushanshahs. He appointed his son Hormizd and then his other son Peroz as rulers in the Kushan lands. Hormizd remained ruler of Sakastan. A silver dish on which this king is depicted with his wife is somehow connected with the eastern policy of Yezdigerd. The queen is wearing a crown on her head - a variant of the crown of the last Sasanian kushanshah Varahran before Yezdigerd II. The dish is apparently a later copy from the original of the 5th century In view of all this, it seems more likely that the campaign of 450 was directed at Talikan in Tokharistan."
@Rashidun 2 ай бұрын
Rashidun caliphate most based empire
@crescent8418 Жыл бұрын
There was a yazdegerd before yazdegerd I?
@HoneyMad_History Жыл бұрын
This is Yazdegerd Nerm. He is mentioned by the 10th-century Muslim historian al-Isfahani, who says that Yazdegerd was the son of Bahram IV and reigned for 72 days after Bahram's death. There are also several copper coins depicting Shapur II, but the reverse bears the name Yazdegerd. This allowed the Soviet scientist Nikolai Wundzettel in his book "Towards the numismatics of the Sassanids" to assume that Yazdegerd Nerm really existed.
@crescent8418 Жыл бұрын
@@HoneyMad_History that shows how little we know about the Sassanids.
@user-ds6qy2os8n 3 ай бұрын
I have a question, did Odaenathus completely defeat Shapur I or Odaenathus was also defeated by Shapur?
@gamingdeeznuts 27 күн бұрын
Odaenathus defeated Shapur he decided create a deal instead
@user-tg2yt8zh6j Жыл бұрын
Теперь Великий Тимур Империя карта ждём
@Common1777 7 ай бұрын
what's the music at 17:05?
@InfiniteApollo12 7 ай бұрын
It is a slightly tuned version of El Dorado by Two Steps From Hell.
@Common1777 7 ай бұрын
Thank you@@InfiniteApollo12
@InfiniteApollo12 7 ай бұрын
@@Common1777 you’re very welcome
@crescent8418 Жыл бұрын
What are the sources for Bahram's rebellion
@HoneyMad_History Жыл бұрын
If you mean Bahram Chobin, the information about his uprising I took from the Internet, as well as from the book of historian Sergei Dashkov about Sassanid Iran. It is known that the defeat of the Turks near Herat occurred in August 589. Then Bahram stays in the east for a while to make peace with the Turks and goes west to the Adurbadagan. He arrived there about October/November 589. There he is defeated by the Romans and Hormizd IV exiles Bahram to the east, where he raises an uprising around November/December 589. Due to the rapidly approaching army of Bahram, a coup takes place in Ctesiphon in early February 590 and Khosrow II is proclaimed king instead of Hormizd IV. However, a month later, on March 9, 590, Bahram was proclaimed king and he occupied Ctesiphon.
@crescent8418 Жыл бұрын
@@HoneyMad_History Oh thanks, Btw do you have Disc-Ord
@HoneyMad_History Жыл бұрын
@@crescent8418 Unfortunately, I don’t have a Discord
@crescent8418 Жыл бұрын
What happened at 17:25?
@HoneyMad_History Жыл бұрын
There was an alliance between Yemen and Kinda. In the late 510s or early 520s, a civil war broke out in the Banu Bakr tribe, which was part of the Kingdom of Kinda. Part of the Banu Bakr tribe appealed for help to the king of Yemen. The Lakhmids sought to confront the Kindites in northern Arabia, so the weakening of the Banu Bakra tribe was to their advantage. In 521 or 523, Yemen sent troops to northern Arabia to help the Banu Bakr tribe, the Lakhmids also sent troops, there was a battle, in which the Lakhmids won and soon subjugated the Banu Bakr tribe.
@crescent8418 Жыл бұрын
@@HoneyMad_History lakhmids won against Yemen?
@HoneyMad_History Жыл бұрын
@X1Y. Жыл бұрын
Привет! Когда будут новые выпуски? Завоевание средней Азии Российской империи.
@HoneyMad_History Жыл бұрын
Я доделываю сейчас видео, выпущу, скорее всего, 7 ноября, затем Завоевание Средней Азии будет. Я прошу прощения, что все так долго делается, сказывается нехватка времени. До нового года будет выпущены видео о Среднеазиатском восстании 1916 года и о завоевании Средней Азии Россией. Благодарю за ожидание!
@X1Y. Жыл бұрын
@@HoneyMad_History Хорошо. Ждём новые видео. А то мы подумали что канал забросили.
@HoneyMad_History Жыл бұрын
ЛИТЕРАТУРА С.Б.Дашков - ЦАРИ ЦАРЕЙ - САСАНИДЫ. ИРАН III-VII ВВ. В ЛЕГЕНДАХ, ИСТОРИЧЕСКИХ ХРОНИКАХ И СОВРЕМЕННЫХ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯХ ( Ссылка на скачивание : ) Д.Е.Мишин - ИСТОРИЯ ГОСУДАРСТВА ЛАХМИДОВ ( Ссылка на скачивание : ) Д.Е.Мишин - ХОСРОВ I АНУШИРВАН, ЕГО ЭПОХА И ЕГО ЖИЗНЕОПИСАНИЕ И ЕГО ПОУЧЕНИЕ В ИСТОРИИ МИСКАВЕЙХА ( Ссылка на скачивание :*=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%3D&lang=ru ) Б.И.Маршак. Страны и народы Востока. Страницы 58-66 "К вопросу о восточных противниках Ирана в V веке." ( Прочитать можно по ссылке : ) Мишин Д.Е. - К ВОПРОСУ О ДАТИРОВКЕ СРАЖЕНИЯ ПРИ ЗУ-КАРЕ ( Ссылка на скачивание : ) Б.И.Маршак . ИСТОРИЯ ВОСТОЧНОЙ ТОРЕВТИКИ III-XIII вв. И проблемы культурной преемственности. ( Ссылка на скачивание :Маршак_Б_И_История_восточной_торевтики_III_XIII_вв_и_проблемы_культурной_преемственности_Под_ред_В_П_Никонорова_СПб_2017_Marshak_B_I_History_of_Oriental_Toreutics_of_the_3rd_13th_Centuries_and_Problems_of_Cultural_Continuity_Edited_by_V_P_Nikonorov_St_Petersburg_2017_ ) В. Дмитриев - Восточные Кампании Шапура II ( Ссылка на скачивание - ) Остальная информация взята из открытых источников в интернете. БЛАГОДАРНОСТИ Спасибо пабликам и за предоставление огромного количества изображений культры Сасанидского Ирана Спасибо за идею оформления ролика.
@AlexIsoyan Жыл бұрын
Слушай, может Ютуб не знает кому тебя рекомендовать? Пробовал использовать теги?
@HoneyMad_History Жыл бұрын
Пробовал, не особо помогает, но мб чуть позже добавлю теги
@AlexIsoyan Жыл бұрын
@@HoneyMad_History Ну это по ассоциациям рекомендации поймут кому это рекомендовать. Вообще для меня малый актив твоего канала феномен. Очень странно.
@crescent8418 Жыл бұрын
Didn't Bahram V died in 438?
@HoneyMad_History Жыл бұрын
The question of the dating of the reigns of some shahs, such as Bahram V, Yazdegerd I or Hormizd III, is quite controversial. Different sources name different dates, for example, Dmitry Mishin in his work on the reign of Khosrow I in the preface writes that the reign of Bahram V ended rather in 439 or 440 (He is more inclined to 2 dates), since it is known that Yazdegerd II began his war with Rome soon after accession to the throne. The Roman historian Agathias gives Bahram V 20 years of reign ( Bahram died in 440), while Eastern authors ( Abu Dinavari writes that Bahram V ruled for 23 years) give a different assessment of the reign of Bahram V - from 18 to 23 years. The date indicated in the video is approximate, Bahram could have died in both 438 and 439 or even in 440.
@user-lb8wz4tr6j Жыл бұрын
Следующей, по видимому, будет анимированная карта Европы в 1917-1923. Если да, то можно начать её с Октябрьской революции и закончить Лозаннским мирным договором.
@HoneyMad_History Жыл бұрын
Это будет осенью (скорее всего), сейчас я сделаю 2 небольших видео, чтоб отдохнуть от глобальных проектов, а затем приступлю к работе.
@user-lb8wz4tr6j Жыл бұрын
@@HoneyMad_History о,хорошо .
@user-xu4uy3jv2u 2 ай бұрын
@crescent8418 Жыл бұрын
Why shahrbaraz stayed at Egypt until 630?
@HoneyMad_History Жыл бұрын
After the failure of the siege of Constantinople in 626, Shahrbaraz withdrew his troops to Syria and again became governor of Sassanid Egypt. After the conclusion of peace in April 628, Shahrbaraz refused to leave Egypt, Heraclius attempted to resolve the issue diplomatically and offered Shahrbaraz the throne of Iran, where Kavad II died in September 628. Shahrbaraz and Heraclius agreed that Heraclius would recognize Shahrbaraz as shah in exchange for the withdrawal of all troops from Egypt and Jerusalem. By the end of August and the beginning of September 629 most of the army was withdrawn from Egypt by Shahrbaraz and headed for Ctesiphon, in March 630 Heraclius solemnly entered Jerusalem.
@crescent8418 Жыл бұрын
@@HoneyMad_History I also heard that he was ordered to be killed by khosrow II that's why he stayed neutral at the war
@HoneyMad_History Жыл бұрын
@@crescent8418 It's true. After the failure of the siege of Constantinople, Khosrow ordered the execution of Shahrbaraz, so Shahrbaraz withdrew his troops to Syria, where he began to wait. Khosrow then changed his mind and appealed for help to Shahrbaraz, urging him to attack Heraclius' army, which was moving south towards Nineveh, but Shahrbaraz ignored the request and remained in Syria This was one of the reasons for the defeat of the Persians in the battle of Nineveh.
@crescent8418 Жыл бұрын
@@HoneyMad_History yes in Nineveh the Persians were outnumbered
@A_persian. 4 ай бұрын
​@@crescent8418no in nineveh persian army was only 12k but 50k greek , 40k turk was in byzantine army
@arashfarj 8 ай бұрын
Bro, are you sure that the European Huns invasion Iran in 441?
@HoneyMad_History 8 ай бұрын
This information was taken from Russian Wikipedia, article "Yezdegerd II", section - "Defense of the Caucasus"
@arashfarj 8 ай бұрын
Thanks ❤
@thathistoryfam794 Жыл бұрын
23:34 I see the Roman’s almost pushed the Arabs out entirely
@crescent8418 Жыл бұрын
Actually The Muslim army Under Khalid Bin Walid Retreated to find a Favourable ground for a pitched battle so he Retreated To yarmouk and destroyed the Roman force
@thathistoryfam794 Жыл бұрын
@@crescent8418 Oh
@crescent8418 Жыл бұрын
During the reign of shapur II Iran was losing the lands In the east for the nomads but why Iran didn't do anything
@HoneyMad_History Жыл бұрын
Iran in 351-358 made several attempts to regain the territories captured by nomads, but since the eastern territories with the cities of Chach, Samarkand and Bukhara were located very far from the political and economic centres of Iran, there were no normal roads, which made it difficult to supply a large army. Shapur II was able to inflict a number of defeats on the nomads, but he failed to defeat them, and since war with the Roman Empire was about to resume, Shapur decided to enter into an alliance with the nomads, establishing the borders of Iran along the Amu Darya River. In the mid-to-late 4th century Iran waged wars with Rome over Armenia and northern Mesopotamia, and the eastern borders were very poorly defended, as a result of which the nomads captured Kushanshahr and moved into the Indus valley. After the death of Shapur II, there was a political crisis in the state with the Shahanshahs changing quite rapidly, so the eastern frontier of Iran collapsed and Kabul and Multan and other cities were lost.
@xushbaxtgavharaliyev7954 Жыл бұрын
Iranian people is the most ancient people.
@Shthophyckq 9 ай бұрын
You are a Russian. Do you think that if the Sassanid Empire remained they would sell drones to Russia?
@HoneyMad_History 9 ай бұрын
Your question cannot be answered from a historical perspective. I'm not going to make up what the relationship between Russia and the Sassanids would have been.
@yazovgaming 2 ай бұрын
Is no one going to talk about the fact that The Sassanids ALMOST Conquered all of the Arabian peninsula at their height? It just so happens that Islam arose right in the unowned lands in modern day Hejaz and if the Sassanids conquered it too, Islam would never rise.
@user-jm3sk8gy4s Жыл бұрын
اكمل الخلافة الراشدة والاموية
@AlexIsoyan Жыл бұрын
@bayrezervist3169 Жыл бұрын
kurdish persian empire
@tjmiller185 9 ай бұрын
sassanid wasnt an ethno state
@bayrezervist3169 9 ай бұрын
@@tjmiller185 Yes, this is true and a good perspective.
@user-ds6qy2os8n 6 ай бұрын
​@@tjmiller185this is perisan-parthian empire not Persian and jürd
@P_N_I224 5 ай бұрын
Sassanid was iranian/iranic empire not ethno@@bayrezervist3169
@user-to4ke7fr9h Жыл бұрын
22:39 the maximum territory of iran
@crescent8418 Жыл бұрын
What happened at 16:32 ?
@HoneyMad_History Жыл бұрын
The territories lost by Peroz in 484, after his defeat at the Battle of Balkh, did not come back under Iranian control until 505, when the city of Merv started minting coins of the Sassanid kings again. Since Kavad and the Hephtalite king were in an allied relationship, it is likely that the Hephtalites gave Merv and the surrounding territories to Kavad as a sign of friendship.
@crescent8418 Жыл бұрын
@@HoneyMad_History ok,thanks
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