The Holberg Debate 2018: "Politics and Affects: The Dynamics of Social Mobilization"

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Holberg Prize

Holberg Prize

5 жыл бұрын

Fifty years after the 1968 revolt, how important are affects in influencing the behavior of voters, activists and policy makers? Achille Mbembe, Kathleen Cleaver and George Galloway will meet in Bergen on December 1 to discuss these issues.
Twitter Hashtag for this event: #Holberg18
14:52 Welcome by Professor Sigmund Grønmo, Chair of the Holberg Board
17:40 Introduction by Professor Ellen Mortensen, Academic Director of the Holberg Prize
21:16 Opening statement by panelist Achille Mbembe
46:56 Opening statement by panelist Kathleen Cleaver
01:14:11 Opening statement by panelist George Galloway
01:37:22 The Holberg Debate starts
02:39:40 Q&A
ACHILLE MBEMBE is a Cameroonian philosopher, political theorist and public intellectual. He is Professor at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg and widely regarded as one of the most important public intellectuals of our time in the field of African history and politics. Mbembe is particularly well known for his work on post-colonialism, race and racism.
KATHLEEN CLEAVER is Senior Lecturer and Research Fellow at Emory University School of Law in Atlanta, Georgia. Professor Cleaver is well-known for her work on human rights and racial discrimination both as a researcher and an activist, and she was one of the central figures of the Black Panther Party.
GEORGE GALLOWAY is a British politician, writer and talk show host. He is a former member of the British Parliament. Over the last five decades Galloway has been a vocal participant in public debate, particularly in matters related to anti-war efforts, Middle East conflicts, racism and class struggle.
MARTINE DENNIS (moderator) is a principal presenter for Al Jazeera English. Before joining AJE, she worked for Sky News and the BBC World News for many years, with a particular focus on politics and current affairs in Africa.
The Holberg Debate 2018 is a collaboration between The Holberg Prize and Norwegian PEN Western Norway Branch. We are grateful to the Fritt Ord Foundation and the Univeristy of Bergen, whose support helped make this event possible.

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@HolbergPrize 10 ай бұрын
Don't miss the 2023 Holberg Debate on December 2. Anil Seth, Tanya Luhrmann and Rupert Sheldrake will debate the question: "Does Consciousness Extend Beyod Brains?" Feel free to follow the event page on Facebook: More information on the Holberg Prize webpage:
@Stupidityindex 10 ай бұрын
Calling it a debate is a stretch when there is fantasyland vocabulary allowed. Christians are authoritarians for whom truth is irrelevant, the end justifies the means. They will keep burning fossil-fuels for you, going extinct by the heat or starvation. Atheism doesn't explain anything, but the faithful don't have any standards for explanations. It cannot be moral or ethical to suggest there is a god. As if one should respect the suggestion, we all travel with one foot in fantasyland, using a fantasyland vocabulary. You know them by their works, so what does it tell you about those advocating prayer? Nothing fails like prayer in a children's hospital. Who advocates faith, when it is worthless if you can't move mountains using faith & verbal commands to landscape? What kind of person speaks of god as if we did not have a saying: God helps those helping themselves, because gods have a perfect record of doing nothing, outside of fiction. No wonder Freud wrote the antidote to Christianity is literacy. The number of lawyers indicted with Trump is the shame of Justice.
@Stupidityindex 4 ай бұрын
Now we watch ourselves going extinct for all the success of our state, enjoy it on the world wide web.
@TheRJRabbit23 Жыл бұрын
We live in a Corporotocracy. He’s absolutely right there is no economic democracy.
@johnbroderick1565 Жыл бұрын
No one ever claimed there was "economic democracy". The economy falls under the umbrella of "democracy". And people have largely not taken that responsibility seriously. Forfeiting the economy to those who will willingly accept the control of such systems.
@JoeyVol Жыл бұрын
True, but leaving the EU and returning to London based Corporatocracy doesn't achieve anything other than limiting what benefits the EU did offer - and there most definitely were benefits.
@overallgreatidea6433 5 ай бұрын
@@JoeyVol regaining political sovereignty, aka representation was the benefit the people sought for themselves. We should respect their decision, they knew the EU collective benefits they were rejecting and made their cost/benefit analysis. Frustrating their efforts post-Brexit, as many have, is anti-democratic
@juancilliers8710 3 жыл бұрын
"Two cheeks of the same ARRRSCH." - best description of Democrat and Republican parties.
@jjmulvihill Жыл бұрын
Much worse, this is a hard core communist left.
@juancilliers8710 Жыл бұрын
@@jjmulvihill which hardcore communist left? John, your government has got you all flustered by the red scare there is no communism in the USA...the most left is Bernie and I assure you he loves his personal property and wouldn't want to take yours away. If you spent a second hearing someone out you would see the left is trying to have everyone's interests at heart, you know .. proper democracy...not this bullshit whitepower fascism Trump is selling.
@JoeyVol Жыл бұрын
That was the issue for 30ish years from 1980 to 2010; But the Ron Paul Republicans (now MAGA Republicans) first embraced extreme austerity and later on fascism under Trump and are far worse than even the Wallstreet neoliberal Republicans and Democrats. Really shitty options right now.. but just running to the first new guy on the block doesn't fix anything.
@juancilliers8710 Жыл бұрын
@@JoeyVol I fully agree, I live in Germany and we have our right fundamentalists too...what's with these people 🤷🤦 you right they are worse, but the wallstreet people only got one thing on their mind and that's money, they don't really care either way, as long as no one gets in the way of their dollars, th y will say anything and do anything. I feel that this is more of a republican thing but there are the Sinemas, Manchins, etc, too.
@overallgreatidea6433 5 ай бұрын
@@JoeyVol to call MAGA fascists is delusional, or you are just disingenuous. The progressive left has slid into political fascism beginning with the Clintons, GWB and post 9/11 swelled the security apparatchik that allowed Obama to blossom the fascistic proclivities of the left. MAGA are more constitutionally adherent than anyone to their left. One cannot be less fascistic than the First Amendment, it is the gold standard of freedom
@suntemple3121 Жыл бұрын
Thank you brother George Galloway, all the best blessings to you and yours.
@pplr1 Жыл бұрын
He sounds so good in this discussion.. and so bad when it comes to Putin's attack on Ukraine or Putin in general (a kleptomaniac who has stolen much from the Russian people).
@shitpeas Жыл бұрын
I love George, but I think he got the wrong end of the stick regarding that Syrian refugee story. The kid was a known bully. Teachers at the school were shy to say so - for obvious reasons - but some did, and it turned out to be just another case of the media hyping something to give the masses something else to wring their hands about: another distraction in the constant culture war. While we're all busy self-flagellating and/or virtue signalling over miniscule individualised matters, nobody's paying attention to the big criminals: The US, the corporate oligarchs, and their collaborators in NATO/EU. The "collective west". The "good guys" who start wars and overthrow disfavoured regimes, because "democracy".
@ralphvon283 9 ай бұрын
You have to really hate the UK to speak well of Chairman George
@KennyEvans-eg1lw 2 ай бұрын
How can you give blessings that are worth a dam from a satanic cult?
@HomeAtLast501 Жыл бұрын
I'm a little embarrassed for Kathleen as she reveals during the discussion that she doesn't understand domestic politics, and resorts to cliched cartoon characterizations of both Obama and Trump. That's what happens when you go from grassroots revolutionist to Yale-educated establishment person, who likely reads only propaganda rags for her news, such as The New York Times and The Atlantic.
@meshzzizk Жыл бұрын
sorry to say i agree.
@therach7841 8 ай бұрын
People who came up in radical political movements as kids unfortunately are just playing a lifelong role to gain the approval of their parents and when their parents die they seek approval elsewhere. Some remain within left movements and some drift off into liberal movements that say all the right words but typically in the context of a message supporting the goals of the capitalist establishment.
@patriciareilly530 3 ай бұрын
I participated in the civil rights movement as a student at Cal in the nineteen sixties. It was a time of great hope and optimism. Then the black power movement rose up and eventually replaced Dr. King's vision with race hustlers like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Huey Newton was a drug dealer and a pimp. Kathleen Cleaver is repugnant in her girlish admiration for those good looking guys as she calls them.
@catmovies1476 Жыл бұрын
I lived in oakland in 1967. The black panthers never were what you say. We used to have parties 10 years later 4 blocks away on 7th St and bought beer at their grocery store. They just wanted their own red line the police wouldn't cross. They wanted to own the local safety net and enforcement for local 25 houses. Sitting on the porch with a shotgun scared people, Well dressed and strong looked like militants. Good people 1977-82, Scumbags hid like cockroaches. because the people wouldn't put up with shitheads. That's how you fix dangerous places
@lemmingbcn 10 ай бұрын
O yeah, give some random guys guns and riffles. Why the fuck you would want the police to do that right? The rule of law is so fucking overrated.
@overallgreatidea6433 5 ай бұрын
yeah the voter intimidation was another of their nice attributes
@k.taylor262 Жыл бұрын
Some good points here but after 3 years of knowledge gained.. I disagree with some of it, and recognize it now as rhetoric ...
@carlwatts1230 Жыл бұрын
Some elaboration perhaps? I think a big problem of the media landscape is people throwing out claims without backing them up. Mainstream media does this all the time. They throw out conclusions instead of facts and arguments. They speak as if their conclusions are established facts. Not blaming you or anything but it just is hard to take a comment like that seriously just like it is hard for me to take the mainstream media seriously. Anyways i thought i'd check out the comments before i take the chance to watch the thing.
@JoeyVol Жыл бұрын
Excellent, I'm glad you've learned from experience.. the city of London and it's mega-investors are making out like children in a candy shop whose just fired it's entire workforce but left the doors open! This was the plan all along.
@shitpeas Жыл бұрын
I do like George, and I think he's largely correct about geopolitical realities: the US and their allies - or vassals, as some no doubt are - dominate the rest of the world, through the use of the financial system they set up, and through the threat and/or use of force, and this has been the case since WW2. I'd like to point out that that "Syrian refugee" story was taken by the corporate press and social media platforms and *amplified*. That should ring alarm bells for the discerning observer. To take the story on face value and wring your hands about "racism" being such a problem is exactly the behaviour the corporate press wilfully promote - just as the George Floyd story was injected even into UK news, to tell the people all about the systemic racism that pervades our societies. It is a distraction, the whole "culture war" is a distraction, so that the little guys like us get animated about school yard spats and drug-addled criminals instead of focusing our attention on the genuinely corrupt system we're all obliged to live within. I've heard the headteacher, and other teachers at that school, calling out the Syrian refugee boy as a troublesome bully; that he'd previously stabbed a pupil with a compass, been found carrying a knife and a screwdriver, and had no respect for staff, especially female staff. Many didn't want to make a statement, for fear of being called - you guessed it - a racist. Whether these accounts of a (lone) Syrian refugee boy are more accurate than the stories that were circulated by mainstream media - and I think they are - is the minor point. The major point is that people are still far too credulous of what appears in mainstream media, being led by the nose to the talking points of the day by the megaphones of the establishment. Meanwhile, the wars go on, and the rich establishment maintain their wealth and power.
@cejannuzi 10 ай бұрын
Much of what I remember about 'politics' among American academics in the 80s (when I was a university student') was mostly about nostalgia for the 1960s, including 1968. What a bunch of highly verbal, lost puppies most of the academics seemed to be.
@giuseppe_M 9 ай бұрын
@@cejannuzi that is what happens when a liberal marxist agenda is allowed to infiltrate academic institutions .
@shangobunni5 Жыл бұрын
Kathleen Cleaver's talk was extraordinary. What a fascinating bit of history she witnessed and participated in. Thank you for posting this.
@HolbergPrize Жыл бұрын
Watch all the Holberg Debates here:
@Rogerholberg 7 ай бұрын
WTF is the Holberg Prize. See my name. I never heard of it and no one asked permission to use my name for it.
@HomeAtLast501 Жыл бұрын
The moderator, Ms. Dennis, is so bloody rude --- she is turned away from Kathleen while she is speaking, and clearly not paying attention. Bush league behavior.
@JMoroccoMisterBoy Жыл бұрын
Tks. much.
@jburt56 Жыл бұрын
It's hierarchy and it's pathologies.
@ernanigetiranalima5716 3 жыл бұрын
@jackson77722 Жыл бұрын
@ Fer' NOTTIN'
@NBM3 Жыл бұрын
Audio started,( for me and my machine anyway.) at 15:04 .
@constantquestioning4010 11 ай бұрын
May God bless the magnificent George Galloway 🙏🏼🕯🕯🙏🏼 An inspiration Worthy of Tony Benn, Robin Cook Blessed are peacemakers
@ralphvon283 9 ай бұрын
only a subhuman moron could find something good to say about George Galloway
@johnsomebody1753 Жыл бұрын
So George Galloway thinks that Anarchists are, "without theory to guide them", (1:40:06), despite the theory AND practice, of being, (from the Greek), "An", meaning without, and "Archos", meaning rulers or rulership. He also failed to understand that wiping his own arse, every time he has a crap, he and lots of other people are part of the movement by which they and all Anarchists accept personal responsibility, and are thereby able to learn how to do it efficiently, as with everything else they do. Being without rulers and rulership, is nothing to do with being without rules though. That's demonstrated every time people co-operate against rulers share respect for each other. That's something which lackys for Authoritarians might benefit from.
@handirandi4065 5 жыл бұрын
The subtitles are rather misleading, using 'effect' instead of 'affect', depite the title of the event.
@ForChiddlers 3 жыл бұрын
do you mean those subtitles, auto generated by the Google ai?
@GrammarDrops 7 ай бұрын
Todqy, Kathleen taught us how to escape a question we don't know how to answer: just be sarcastic and resort to rethoric queations. If nothing works, make sure you get the interviwer embarrassed as if it was her fault. It's mystifying how she could get away with it. (minute 2:26:38 to 2:28:13)
@overallgreatidea6433 5 ай бұрын
youtube has forced me to acknowledge the sheer volume of people who spend their lives in academia, producing nothing of tangible value, sitting legs crossed on stages, regurgitating ideas as if they were original, with an audience of well-meaning admirers all truly believing they are sharing in formulating the next political policies that will save the world. They then go vote for more "welfare", debt and warfare, and less individual freedom. And create more NGOs for the same. For all the corporatists' greed it pales in comparison to the grift in social mobilization.
@sparrowparas7156 Жыл бұрын
Galloway is amazing... the audience looks morally vacant.
@ralphvon283 9 ай бұрын
more like he is diseased, and keeps repeating himself
@jamesrichardson9247 Жыл бұрын
And know, we have a border crisis!
@northstar6920 7 ай бұрын
1:15:33 Tbis guy gives William Shatners... pauses, a run for their... money.
@anisaampatuan Жыл бұрын
@johnvanvliet2076 10 ай бұрын
I listen to many think tank-like organizations but I have seen very little effect from those organizations just a lot of talk and very little, it can be shortened, but there are too many opinions and has become very confusing one thing. However, the Socialist/Marxist ideologies have produced one thing, and that is over 100 million innocent deaths.
@jaredwoodford8849 Жыл бұрын
Thanks though I’m trying to now follow The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth thanks again!
@AlphaBravo860 6 ай бұрын
🥜 🛍️. So whats a better system? Look at Cuba, China, North Korea. EXACTLY thats prision.
@loopielou4426 2 ай бұрын
A lady in Africa won an Earth Shot prize for tweaking a cook pot that has been used for centuries in Africa. An orphan now with a 15 year old child herself. Women and children have had terrible respiratory problems forever as the existing cook pots were dangerous from the smoke. Many fatal over time. Did a man develop it? No. Decade and decade they were happy to just live with it. That is nothing to do with slavery or America - that is black men in their own country. If that was a western issue they would find a solution Slavery? It is not just Africans that have been slaves - 200 years later let's move on. Look at how prosperous South Africa was - now look at it.
@NonameDerp 8 ай бұрын
hasn't aged well. No ma'am, Barack Obama was not a good president. Sounded good though...
@TheArtimusMaximus 9 ай бұрын
Is that a crazy chair or a George bean soft corp tortured?
@markuhlig8626 18 күн бұрын
NEVER SEEn so many racist say how bad racist were? black panthers? why is this not BANNED
@dunner079 Жыл бұрын
What the hell did I just wake up to. This black screaming racial profiling. Good God.
@vincentcacciola7161 Жыл бұрын
@Fui26GuiMartin 8 ай бұрын
@tonylayfield8750 Жыл бұрын
Debate (noun): a formal discussion on a particular matter in a public meeting or legislative assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward and which usually ends with a vote Debate (verb): argue about (a subject), especially in a formal manner. That was perhaps the most crap 'debate' I've ever watched. Basically a panel of left-wing leaning luvvies sitting around agreeing with one another and an audience indulging in much the same.
@happinesstan Жыл бұрын
Referring to Galloway as a left leaning luvvy, discredits anything you have to offer to the "debate".
Agreed - it was so boring! And there was no data or facts.
@kangyuan4842 5 ай бұрын
Alway's? Sorry professor, Mbembe you spend way too much time focused on skin color. We aren't that stupid to be led by your "projection," we have a right to maintain our border.
@davidlmartin2080 Ай бұрын
this didnt age well in 2024 wokeness has put back donald trump on the ticket even though he is is in trials
@richardkennady9568 Жыл бұрын
Just one liberal opinion. zzzzzz
@Lovin_It 9 ай бұрын
2:20:35 Why must one belittle China in your comments? Why prop up Africa based on its physical attributes such as size and geologic wealth? Now, in October, 2023; we have completed the meeting of BRICS in Johannesburg, where Putin and Xi have reiterated Africa's equal participation in economic and world affairs. China has put an airport and port in each country in South America, built 500 entire cities somewhere in Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines and Myanmar; spending close to a trillion dollars in the last decade. I live in a country where someone insults China every 12 hours. I am taking a course weekly where every class, similar insults occur. You could communicate the same ideas without insults. I'm talking to you, ACHILLE MBEMBE, perhaps someone can contact him to be nicer in the future. Thank you. Incidentally, I got insulted twice today; in a culture dominated by the West.
@noneya313 8 ай бұрын
? he's not belittling china though. he's arguing _for_ africa. i really don't know what you are interpreting as insults? he clearly sides with china where he refers to "increasing rapport with china". he even subtly defends china against the not so subtle hypocrisy of the idea that africa is being put into debt to china vs what, as he puts it, "we can find it everywhere" - the already existing eurodollar debt that we are everywhere living in.
@Lovin_It 8 ай бұрын
@@noneya313 'putting in debt' implies what, nothing for the debt? No one is bombing, raping, or twisting arms when infrastructure is being offered. Looks like a clear bias in the framing of the issues from you.
@noneya313 8 ай бұрын
@@Lovin_It no, you are just misinterpreting what i said...i have no idea what your problem is.
@deeprootstv 7 ай бұрын
democracy for animals LOL
@robertsmuggles6871 Жыл бұрын
The panthers were a criminal gang that preyed on the black ghetto itself....... they pursued various avenues of criminal violence which included extortion, drug-trafficking and murder. [The Village Voice, Sept, 1986]
fake news.
@k.taylor262 Жыл бұрын
@@TheSONCHRISTOPHER Asofuckinglotely correct...
@ricoconsulting Жыл бұрын
what is the evidence?i could say the same of the US government.
@darkchild3323 Жыл бұрын
Robert Smuggles comments are untrue. Our biggest struggle was with people like him who infiltrated the ranks on behalf of the FBI successfully destroying one of greatest humanitarian organizations of the era.
@st.michaelofcigarillo2845 Жыл бұрын
@@TheSONCHRISTOPHER well a Jewish lady preaching about the glories of black racial radicals ain't fake news is it? Why do you always find a nose every time you look at a black racialist movement in America?
@user-po8fn2cl8k 7 ай бұрын
@demonwalker01 Жыл бұрын
Sounds like Marx bs. Heard no less the a dozen lies in the short period I was paying attention
@malarki5 Жыл бұрын
For educational purposes, can you please list a few of the "dozen lies" you identified in the presentation?
@thelightthatlightsthelifeo6881 Жыл бұрын
@@malarki5 Here's one, that isn't a lie for educational purposes. The Black Panthers were Communists and so was Martin Luther King. Look into it. demonwalker is right. The black panthers were started by J*ws, not Black people.
@malarki5 Жыл бұрын
@@thelightthatlightsthelifeo6881 "the BP were started by j*ws"? Where might l find evidence to corrobarate this assertion, bro?
@CarolPrice4p 6 ай бұрын
George explained apartheid Israel well.
@christopherstewart1163 Жыл бұрын
Wow, so many problems and issues. Old Soviets raping Ukraine. The Chinese people resisting the CCPs oppression . Tibet resisting the take over of their nation. Thr Uyghur people surviving genocide. Venezuela mired in poverty and corruption. Africa beng colonized for her resources by the CCP and was placed in crushing dept with belt and road initiatives. Third-world nations condemed to continued poverty under te pretext of global warming. The push for resources being spent on the rich in tax breaks to buy expensive electric cars, reducing food production/affordability, and irrelevant/ ineffectual solar panels. Soo may problems. Sometimes a major part of te solution is staring you in the face, ...literally.
@pplr1 Жыл бұрын
Global Warming is no pretext. It is happening. And eye should be kept on making sure the burden of addressing it isn't dumped on working people but in no way should that be mixed with falling for the lies about it supposedly not being manmade and real. Oddly enough a guy I know recently got solar panels put on his house and is very happy with them-his electric bill already took a big drop.
@christopherstewart1163 Жыл бұрын
@@pplr1 Glad the free enterprise system allow him to have electricity. I guess people in the third world should turn off the coal plants and the elderly should endur the winter cold. All those working folk should take the us to get to work since those electric cars are not in their price range. Poor seems to be making sacrifices for one or two degrees,. Exactly and I mean exactly what will happen? The poor wouldlike to know why they have to pay the price
@pplr1 Жыл бұрын
@@christopherstewart1163 Actually in many places (especially US States) the electrical grid is not free market. Instead it is a monopoly that politicians had to be pleaded with and prodded to "allow" people to get alternatives to (such as home solar). Pakistan lost about a third of its crop due to flooding so poor people in the 3rd World are paying the price for Global Warming. Don't expect fossil fuel companies to come in and pay farmers back for their crops nor feed them in the meantime.
@christopherstewart1163 Жыл бұрын
@@pplr1 I will not allow the use of a natural disaster like the flooding of monsoons to be described as a "global warming" event. The statement more violent hurricanes are due to this until I investigated it. Turned out that the dollar value of disaster increased due to more buildings in risk areas but the actual number did not increase. In many instances, the measures of these occurrences are skewed by the lack of accurate historical measures. In regards to the grid, many areas made deals with providers to ensure energy services to a community. However, alternatives of a sufficiently different nature can not be denied. The courts have been consistent in this respect. I found it interesting that CO2 levels on the planet are actually in the low-end cycle. Higher levels by a factor of five have been measured. Therefore global disaster seems inappropriate. Adaptation seems within historical cycles seems better. In point of fact, the increase in the greening of the planet, particularly in the more remote areas. Again, I am asking what real negative impact are we speaking of ad shouldn't we measure the other immediate long-term negative impact on others and the positive aspects before we spend resources in a way that is likely not to have a negligible impact on the perceived problem called global warming.
@pplr1 Жыл бұрын
@@christopherstewart1163 Monsoons happen repeatedly and are expected as part of the pattern. What happened in Pakistan was not. Funny thing is I didn't mention hurricanes. Now what you claim could be true about more buildings being around to be at risk or it could be more lying about what is going on. Like how the increased timespan wildfire seasons take place in is dodged by those lying about Global Warming but they love to talk up forest management as part of their lies. Speaking of lies.. about any claim "CO2 levels" are "in the low-end cycle" are pretty much that. As best they can tell there is more CO2 in the air now than any time running back over 700,000 years. And even if you doubt they can estimate the CO2 back that far it is really odd to claim CO2 levels are low when millions of tons of coal are burned each year. Thus taking carbon from underground to put in the air with no "cycle" aspect to it. Now if there is really no negative impact of fossil fuels then why not remove the Federal block on lawsuits against fossil fuel companies for damages related to Global Warming? If there is no damage done then fossil fuel companies wouldn't be facing any bills that need paying thus require no special protections (that actually take the costs of their businesses and dump them on everyone else while some of them dishonestly claimed to be cheap).
@Msparx187 Жыл бұрын
Dahhhhm 🦸💥 ma Boy George 💪👩‍🎓🥊was on 📢🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 preach ma Brotha preach 💥⚖️💥☮️🗽🙏
@patricksullivan3919 10 ай бұрын
What god damn lies will you tell tonight? Sick of all the lies IN MY FACE constantly
@weefyman7330 10 ай бұрын
They are the useless eater comimes.
@Specialist1Aim 9 ай бұрын
@@weefyman7330Easy to infiltrate
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