The Most Controversial Warrior Cats Character - Cloudsnap

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PLEASE Do not go after anyone in the video!!!! I cannot stress this enough! This is simply here as a way to document events that have happened within the Warrior Cats community.
Let’s be honest, there are WAY too many background characters in warriors. With the many different writers and ever growing number of books, the likelihood of some of these cats ever being more than a name is slim to none. Some cats have the honor of getting a line or two of dialogue, while others tend to... well.. disappear.
When one person decides to create a character to pass off as canon, how does the fandom react? Will they accept this cat with open arms, or will things turn for the worst? This is how one silly cat started a controversy that tore the fandom in two.
Music used
Abandoned Lot of Dreams - Pokémon Black and White
North + South Pawville Petz Catz 2
Various sounds from
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Sky
Mario 64
ALL CLIPS, ART, MUSIC, BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS. If your art is incorrectly credited… let me know!
Just wanted to say THANK YOU ALL for the kind comments ♥ I appreciate all the support you have given me the past year and I can't wait to upload more content for you guys soon :D Stay tuned!!!
#warriorcats #controversy #warriors

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@nomypfpisnotanimeitsffxiv3689 Жыл бұрын
I’m so sick of people babying us with psychosis, acting as we’re incredibly dumb. This seemed so fun.
@RokkTheRock Жыл бұрын
time for fake fictional cat round #2
@Autisc-String-worm Жыл бұрын
fr if feels like anyone in the disablit community is babyed thses days LET US SPEAK FOR US! not some person whos fine in every mental way.
@AresOrBird Жыл бұрын
@@RokkTheRock maybe a skyclan cat?
@reiphas Жыл бұрын
STEP ASIDE, you helpless insane person! I, a mentally healthy white male with blonde hair and blue eyes, have come to save you from the oppression! You are welcome! /j (But seriously, I feel you - I'm ND and some nerotypicals tend to act as if autistic people are mentally handicapped and don't have the capability to think rationally. I even bet this controversy had touched on aspies because we're known to not understand jokes and be generally naive. God forbid any of us believes Cloudsnap was real! Imagine the chaos that would engulf the world!)
@Autisc-String-worm Жыл бұрын
i related to with my boyfriend has asutsim (hes white lond haired and blue eyed funny anough) where both disablied (i have adhs anxity, dislicxa and beeing tested for austim) and agree with your stanment full heartly ^^ we hate it when peopel treat us like we cant take care of them selfs ;/
@xnxhd44 Жыл бұрын
why is it so common in the wc community to get offended on behalf of a group of people you don't even belong to 💀
@Mehhhhhhhh Жыл бұрын
Cuz they're salty the series sucks now. 💀 💀
@azorimariposa8975 Жыл бұрын
@@Mehhhhhhhh Eh, i don't personally think it sucks, but it's DEFINITELY gone downhill ...Like by a lot-
@anglepsycho Жыл бұрын
Do you mean literally everyone who is somehow more brain altered than mentally disabled people?? No?? This is totally not a normal thing adults constantly do to disabled childen.
@Twinklethefox9022 Жыл бұрын
Yeah. I'm annoyed people getting offended on my behalf
@eightbitfeline1415 Жыл бұрын
because twitter/tumblr mindsets.
@SonarTheBat Жыл бұрын
Cloudsnap had more effort put into him than canon background characters.
@Gay_Anxiety Жыл бұрын
Yeah lol.
@monmon-od3kb Жыл бұрын
man it’s crazy how people think that making a fake character is ableist
@abigailkondoudis5772 Жыл бұрын
That’s the internet for ya
@noranizaazmi6523 Жыл бұрын
Two words (well four, wait six, NO EIGHT, WAIT): touch grass
@krowsilver8966 Жыл бұрын
So... Fiction isnt allowed by their rules.
@EllesGhost13 Жыл бұрын
@@noranizaazmi6523 if you want tics and lyme disease
@ShaniaT. 10 ай бұрын
That's Twitter
@Tanzles Жыл бұрын
Honestly the creator of Cloudsnap isn’t to blame for any of this, like you said it’s people’s own responsibility to keep track of their mental health if they see anything online that could potentially upset them. It was harmless! The hate was unjustified. People could’ve checked the wiki smh
@Amethiist143 Жыл бұрын
True, and if you’re on the internet you’ve got to expect misinformation
@agen7m0thman Жыл бұрын
yess its like saying others can't have blood in their post cuz it triggers them. People on the internet really need to learn about the block button
@Igottagowalkmyfish Жыл бұрын
I personally find it hilarious, and wish I could do the same thing, or heard of it earlier
@eminempreg Жыл бұрын
right like, i get asking a close friend online to tag certain stuff so you can block it while still following them. but like..we really out here asking complete strangers to take responsibility for OUR mental health instead of idk, putting in the work ourselves. I love tumblr, and still use it but I'm so glad I grew out of that anti recovery 'my mental illness is me/i am my mental illness' mindset thats still rampant on there
@helpmegetto1k4channelnotab78 Жыл бұрын
Exactly bruh oversensitive
@magentialice Жыл бұрын
i dont think its harmful purely because its just a book character. Perfectly mentally well people misremember stuff all the time, this is no different.
@enderwalkgang Жыл бұрын
Yeah the joke was literally to be played on the author's, being that they don't remember or keep track of their own characters. Wouldn't be surprised if someone tried again.
@docdoc.4500 Жыл бұрын
Triggers are a little more complicated than that! For example, gore and violence can also "just be in a book", but they can set off a wider panic sometimes! That's not the best example for this situation, but something being fictional doesn't remove it as a trigger for mental illness! It's kind of like something that can set off or worsen a previously initiated spiral
@docdoc.4500 Жыл бұрын
(I would like to clarify, I'm just saying it's good to tag it as unreality for that purpose so people who do have that as a trigger can filter it out and whatnot! I do the same with my own triggers, it works well)
@ItsMinnowSeason Жыл бұрын
@@docdoc.4500 I think the big issue here isn't the mental illnesses that could've been harmed and more just people who DONT have these issues trying to baby people who do have these issues. They're white knighting and all without any sign of letting people with psychosis or memory problems speak for themselves.. they just got mad they got tricked and decided to make it a mental health problem so that the person could feel guilty and get rid of cloudsnap. I've got memory issues myself, a joke like this wouldn't destroy me bc I could've just brushed it off as just yet another character I dont know abt or an oc), I have MANY friends with memory issues like me or worse. I can't speak for people with psychosis but it does feel like they're being used for an excuse
@magentialice Жыл бұрын
@@docdoc.4500 i kinda meant more as like its not uncommon for misinformation abt fiction to spread even if not on purpose - quite often someone misremembers something and it goes wide in fanon, so i meant it more like that. :> I agree that things that are more uncommon should be labeled and given warnings such as gore but I'd say that misinformation abt fictional media is a bit to normal for this - wereas gore and violence is definitely not something peopl should be desensitized to. I think probably what id compare it to is how some people tag food because some people have eating disorders but since food is a really common and widespread thing it shouldnt be considered an expectation. I think fictional stuff about real events or fiction pretending to be real irl events definitely should be tagged tho such as args or well unfiction like mystery flesh park. Idk if i explained very well? But def props to people who do tag stuff for those reasons i think its a good thing that theres people who do tag stuff like that.
@StarrChild. Жыл бұрын
People with psychosis and mental problems with reality have to deal with things effecting them in the real world. Not if a fucking fictional cat was ever really a background character in a kids book. I honestly want to give a smack to the people against cloudsnap for the sake of helping those with those issues. Using someone else’s mental illness as a shield is fucking gross.
@_kaleido Жыл бұрын
Obviously I don’t agree with the people sending hate to the creator or saying that Cloudsnap shouldn’t exist altogether but it’s really not a big deal to add a one-word note to a post to be considerate to people who may not want to see it lol
@reagant4768 Жыл бұрын
100% agree
@aylmerij9760 Жыл бұрын
Yeah as someone with both psychosis and memory issues, it’s not that big of a deal. Yes it would’ve freaked me out a little if I stumbled upon this but I’m responsible for my own mental health and would just block the tags. It’s an amazing concept and shouldn’t have been ruined by people with savior complexes. Being gaslit into believing a fictional cat existed in a fictional cat book wouldn’t cause me any lasting harm. I might be a little anxious about not remembering anything but it’d eventually figure it out and no longer care.
@dust.runner Жыл бұрын
Yeepp. Seems like another instance where people's impressions on mental illnesses are based on misinformation instead of medicine or the accounts of people who have actually experienced said illness.
@thenyan3095 Жыл бұрын
Yeah.. that part was really confusing to me Ffs people are so whiny and sensitive over nothing in this fandom
@bashfulwolfo6499 Жыл бұрын
I’ve never once heard about this (probably because it seems like it was just a Tumblr thing), but as someone with psychosis: this is no where even close to being offensive or even psychosis related. Those that immediately went “omg this is so offensive to people with mental issues” really need to take a step back and let the people with the actual issues speak for themselves, no need to be a “hero”
@docdoc.4500 Жыл бұрын
Mm! True!!
@aelmaest9172 Жыл бұрын
It's not the creator's responsibility to take care of another's mental health over a made-up cat anyways.
@aylmerij9760 Жыл бұрын
Exactly how I feel, people are so quick to say "x is harmful and could trigger psychosis/memory issues/whatever!!!11!!1!1" without asking anyone who suffers with those issues. People just really want to play hero and defend those who never needed defending in the first place. It's more offensive and harmful what people said against Cloudsnap than the concept surrounding Cloudsnap.
@AnneDalton82 Жыл бұрын
I also feel like mentioning that every time this sort of thing happens, people don't care about mental health or illnesses unless it benefits them it seems like. They shout how they care about people with psychosis and other forgetting troubles only during this and then never again as soon as the fad dies away. They didn't like cloudsnap so they made it a problem for mental health. This happens pretty often on the internet. I just ask alright well you care so much, when was the last time you voiced out for people with psychosis besides this one niche problem in a very tiny part of the community?? What are you doing exactly to help besides make sure a fake cat can't hurt anyone? 🙄
@homosapien7316 Жыл бұрын
At this point I think people just like starting drama for the sake of drama
@_kaleido Жыл бұрын
I’m pretty sure Cloudsnap had a cameo/Easter egg in the movie Goncharov (or at least it was a cat who looked super similar). you can see Katya petting her in a super fast shot!
@avocatto1877 Жыл бұрын
I remember that part! Pretty sure she was just called cloud in it though
@keithfelidae4692 Жыл бұрын
Two queens girlbossing together
@freshcupofangst Жыл бұрын
The original Goncharov was released in 1973, so it's more likely that cloudsnap was influenced by the cat seen with katya
@mullisaukko423 Жыл бұрын
DAMN warriors is an old series..
@Catsmakemeselfconscious Жыл бұрын
I’m sorry but how is some random movie from the 70’s going to put a fake WARRIOR CATS character in a movie?
@beefbossonthewiiu Жыл бұрын
If you deal with psychosis so bad a fictional cat will send you into an episode, maybe you shouldn’t be online.
@emilymonahan5232 Жыл бұрын
@ludvig_pupik 6 ай бұрын
@Twiddle_things 3 ай бұрын
People seriously need to understand that they are RESPONSIBLE FOR THEMSELF. Thinking that the world revolves around them and everyone has to bend their will is so narcissistic 😭
@_kotki Ай бұрын
As someone with short-term memory loss and apparently could be triggered by this, I find this project very funny and interesting. People need to stop overreacting.
@midgematic8659 Жыл бұрын
Wow, can’t believe the Warrior Cats fandom gaslit themselves into thinking that CloudSnap wasn’t a canon character. I thought the scene with him and Hawkfrost was super imposing at as kid !!!
@Jay-pw5ej 6 ай бұрын
the controversy was just... UNFATHOMABLY stupid. 😭 what a banger character, their reign will live on in history
@OvisArcana Жыл бұрын
as someone who deals with psychosis myself, i'm so mad ppl used that as an excuse to hate on cloudsnap. it's a fun character idea and if ur not sure if a character exists just... look it up? i constantly do that bc i can't always rely on my memory. idk why people think we're helpless babies that must be protected as we will be fooled by all misinformation lmao
@merlinm.4387 Жыл бұрын
So what im getting here is the project worked like a charm and people got mad they fell for it. Yes there was some worry of issue and the tags should have been enough to rectify it. Everything after was an over reaction because they got caught in the purpose of the project and proved its point. Fantastic lmao
@illusiveaxeman9164 Жыл бұрын
It's essentially 'tumblr etiquette' to just block tags you don't like seeing. It's super easy to do. It does suck when there are people who refuse to tag for things like unreality because it 'ruins the joke.'
@ribbon-paws Жыл бұрын
tumblr user here. this is exactly it, people need to tag anything that way people who have the tags blocked don't see them. the concept is fine, i mean look at goncharov!! but stuff needs tagging.
@js66613 Жыл бұрын
Except people don't block the tags, so then they're being dicks for purposefully going into anon mode to read things they then get pissy about and then harrass everyone - and not just the original creator of the work that pissed them off but even people not really involved - about it. Which sucks too.
finally someone sensible in these comments. PEOPLE NEED TO TAG UNREALITY. -someone with severe psychosis
@Buglin_Burger7878 Жыл бұрын
@@js66613 Except people do block the tags. You're doing the equivalent of taking one person being a jerk and saying that one person represents all of humanity. Most people do block tags. Those that don't and harass people are typically trolls. Think of the worst thing you can do to a person, a troll does it. When I was on Tumblr Cis hate and Trans hate was a major issue and during it all trolls would often claim they are Trans and attack Cis people with death threats while using alternative accounts claim they are Cis and attack Trans people with death threats. Being able to say "These people who ignore the common rules are trolls or inexperienced." are a very basic and important skill you need to learn.
@prageruwu69 7 ай бұрын
bro people aren't gonna have a mental breakdown because of an inside joke about a cat in a childrens book
@deltalunaris Жыл бұрын
Having had severe psychotic episodes before, I really want to give all those who used it as an excuse to attack others a stern talking to. It's not forgetting characters, or being triggered by fake characters. It's feeling like reality suddenly turned on you, like you're going to be taken out at any moment by a force you 'believe' is real, maybe even 'see' & 'feel' it. More than anxiety, less than schizophrenia, but still an utterly terrifying experience. Very thankful that my circumstances & mental health are much better now. I can only speak for myself when I say this, but I wouldn't have blinked a dang eye at Cloudsnap. Like you said, there are so many background WC characters, I'd just believe that that was one of them. The only thing that'd tip me off is the shipping with Ivypool, because I already know that's not true, and could always look it up on the wiki if I didn't. That's how easy it is, and I've done 'reality-checking' before while in the thick of it. Personally, I feel whiteknighting on the Internet is at an all-time high. People are frustrated that they cannot enact change in the real world, so they take to the web to try and get some semblance of power, control, etc through their 'justice'. I wish they realized that they have more power than they even know, and that small-time bloggers aren't the real enemy. It's everybody who has caused these frustrating conditions to begin with, and they are laughing all the way to the bank thanks to this petty in-fighting between us. As aforementioned, there's also a severe lack of understanding regarding what psychosis is and how it presents. People think it's schizophrenia lite, but there's so much more to it. You may be psychotic and not even realize it, until you feel you can do anything. Maybe even that you've been the saviour of all mankind this whole time, since the delusions can be so powerful. Anyways, great video, especially for awareness on this issue. Really hope the creator of Cloudsnap's doing well, and that all who were impacted by this drama are having better days.
@Aquavenn Жыл бұрын
Exactly. My mental health isn’t better. But it actually feels good and helps me realize I still can tell some things apart when I recognize the false info.
@deltalunaris Жыл бұрын
@@Aquavenn Cheers, really rooting for you over here! I agree, reality-checking is a really hope-inspiring method. In my case, it made my symptoms much more manageable, but wow, it's a *lot* of mindful practice. Take care, wishing you all the best. :]
@nasinnarcotics Жыл бұрын
Same man, I'm schizophrenic and really prefer not to have people who have no clue what it's like try to stop people from having fun using my disorder as an excuse. Of course gaslighting and unreality can be triggering, but I can take care of myself, and when I keep myself grounded in reality I think these kinds of things are a lot of fun.
@Maxwell-yk8hz Жыл бұрын
Wait until you hear about the whiteknights of tiktok. Tellin' kids to off themselves because they showed their disorder in full swing to show just what theyre struggling with and such. People gatekeeping disorders. Legit gatekeeping. Unless you've shown your diagnoses on screen, nobody will believe you, and claim you as a faker. Guess who just caused another diagnoses of imposter syndrome ya sick crap. I really wish i wasnt apart of this society some days-
@paintedjackal7157 Жыл бұрын
This is very intriguing. Not only because it became a “controversy,” but it seemingly succeeded in its first goal. That being: “do u think itd be possible to convince at least some portion of the Warriors fandom to believe in a fake cannon character”? It gained so much traction in its little circle of the fandom that it caused enough discourse BECAUSE people didn’t know. People second guessed themselves, people don’t read the books, and I can only assume some of the people that were upset actually, for at least a short period of time, believed CloudSnap was an underrated cannon character they simply hadn’t stumbled upon. Sure, it didn’t get to the Erins, but it made its point. Yes, technically if enough people get on board and with a bit of elbow grease, we can force a Mandela Effect into existence! It’s honestly neat to think about! Personally, I don’t see an issue in this. In the end, this is a discourse about a joke social experiment involving a silly little book series about battle cats in the woods that talk to stars. If such a small fallacy on the internet ((that was trying to poke at the authors lack of a series bible, might I add. Which they SHOULD have.)) gets people so ruffled up, they might want to consider stepping away from the screen for just a second. (The internet is a wretched place.) Especially if it got to the point of blaming the creator of the joke because completely different people weren’t tagging, or weren’t saying the character was actually fake. The point was for people not to know, and I think it was polite they used tags at all, because knowing the internet sometimes we don’t even get that much.
@xxscribbledragonxx9744 Жыл бұрын
"this fictional background character cat being made up as a joke is harmful to people with psychosis" is the most Tumblr thing I've heard in a minute tbh
@Maplekittycity Жыл бұрын
I was one of the first people to make fanart the night Cloudsnap was born and so it makes me excited to see people talking about her again! Some of the stuff you talked about I completely forgotten about haha. It was sad too see this little joke became controversial (espically since checking if she was real was, in my opinion, super easy) but ay, it's the internet, what can ya do?
@Twinklethefox9022 Жыл бұрын
I feel for a joke character in the Simpsons
@howdoimakeachannel-wj3qc Жыл бұрын
@Twinkle the Fox graggle (also when i copied your username it got the little Google clipboard Tag 'art')
@freshntoasted Жыл бұрын
As someone with psychosis the fact people think we're like. Soooo prone to falling apart just over misinformation on a cat kills me. Good god can people just see us as more than fragile???
@roakkaliha Жыл бұрын
this is my legacy... my grandchildrens grandchildren will learn abt cloudsnap. but for real though, this was super neat! i was actually kind of scared to watch this, since i was afraid of how youd handle the controversy part of cloudsnap. thank you for being so kind and understanding abt it, i remember having to stop looking through cloudsnap tags (and just warriors tags n blogs in general) for my mental health when stuff got rough, so its reassuring to me that ppl seem to generally agree that the treatment i got for starting the mmp was not justified. ive only recently been able to start enjoying cloudsnap as both a character and the project again, even if theyre no longer 'active' haha. but yea, this was fun! thank you for making it, cheers!
@SunsetDragon Жыл бұрын
Dude, it'd be so cool to create a character that got big enough to be controversial!! The controversy part wouldn't be fun, but the recognition would!! XD I hope that's what it's like when my books get published, lol.
@willowfernn Жыл бұрын
Haha, Cloudsnap will live on in our hearts! Had fun furthering the mmp with you!
@aylmerij9760 Жыл бұрын
I struggle with my memory a lot and this probably would've messed with me if I had read far enough into the books to where Cloudsnap was said to be written in. It’s not that big of an issue and I likely would’ve figured it out after a few searches but I’m somewhat glad people are mindful enough to care about stuff like that. It definitely got too out of hand though and became people grossly overreacting. It’s thoughtful people care for people like me but the controversy just feels infantilizing. This is something I might be weirded out by and make me question myself but not to the point of it causing serious harm. I honestly love the concept behind Cloudsnap and would’ve participated in this if I was aware and active on tumblr. Practically gaslighting the Erins is a really funny idea and proves a point that they’re bad at keeping track of their characters. If the Erins believed it it could’ve been a good moment for them to realize they rely too much on the fandom to remember stuff for them. I also just like Cloudsnap as a character and honestly kinda wished she was actually canon. Her backstory is pretty grounded and cohesive for something made by a bunch of strangers on tumblr. I hope she’s not too controversial now to enjoy. She’s probably the most interesting warriors OC by origins alone and I think shouldn’t just be lost to the internet.
@docdoc.4500 Жыл бұрын
Oh, absolutely! I think you've more than earned the right to enjoy her! You're one of the people actually being discussed with the controversy, you have a right to just enjoy the thing without other people telling you how to feel!
@aylmerij9760 Жыл бұрын
@@docdoc.4500 Yeah I'm definitely going to make stuff with her in the future, I've took some time to learn more about her and I think she deserves to be drawn and written about again. Hell maybe I'll add to the lore a bit if I think of anything.
@chaosrat7 Жыл бұрын
Unless there's someone who genuinely started freaking out because a cat doesn't exist in a fictional book then those people have no right to say that the whole CloudSnap situation is harmful Edit: I would delete this comment since I'm pretty sorry this caused a little bit of drama but I think it's good to look through the comments!
@Torterix Жыл бұрын
exactly. those people just wanted to make themselves look rightous.
@kittyc0n Жыл бұрын
...there WAS people who freaked out over it. thats why this issue started....
@toynbeetile Жыл бұрын
have you ever met a person with psychosis before? one time i started freaking out because i misremembered the name of a character and started questioning if my reality was real lmfao. this is a very real thing that can happen
@Torterix Жыл бұрын
@@toynbeetile well that really sucks but it's YOUR responsibility to avoid triggers, not other people's responsibility to stop posting certain things or tagging certain things just to avoid triggering you, if you're able to freak out that easily then you probably shouldn't be on the internet until you're better able to deal with certain triggers becasue the internet is FULL of lies and misinformation that can cause you to question reality. thats literally what it's known for.
@Torterix Жыл бұрын
@@kittyc0n their triggers are not the responsibility of other people. it is YOUR responsibility to avoid what triggers YOU. and if your able to get triggered over something as simple as misinformation you shouldnt be on the internet
@earthtoursamajor Жыл бұрын
i am psychotic and the smallest things have been able to freak me out, however, PSYCHOTIC PEOPLE AREN'T STUPID, as any internet user, i am aware of the things that trigger me and i hide tags that relate to those things. i totally understand the ones mad at the ones who didn't properly tag it though. i myself saw cloudsnap on tumblr and quickly learned what the character was. i am sympathetic over ones that can get easily triggered but trying to baby us and speaking over us isn't the right way to protect people with psychosis
@SkiggsMoDiggs Жыл бұрын
this situation is exactly why people say the internet is too sensitive nowadays. seriously, this was blown WAY out of proportion
@littlemoth4956 Жыл бұрын
"Nowadays" Oh, you're one of those...
@manifestationsofasort Жыл бұрын
It's not that the internet is too sensitive, it's that the internet needs to stop white-knighting on behalf of communities they know nothing about and are clearly not part of.
@tsaralexis9459 9 ай бұрын
@@littlemoth4956 offended
@SkiggsMoDiggs 4 ай бұрын
@@littlemoth4956 no no no, that's why i said "PEOPLE say", not I say. i am not one of those guys
@toothlilli Жыл бұрын
this whole thing spiraled so bad and it makes me sad I deal with memory problems and derealization and I love the idea of fandoms coming together to basically making a fandom wide oc of sorts It only becomes a issue if folks are being rude or actually flat out not explaining the joke to people who dont get it and genuinely trying to gaslight folks and even threatening to block people for asking questions (which wasn't the case here at all but I've seen it go down with a similar case related to vocaloid on tiktok but then again tiktok is so much more toxic than most places) I hope this sort of thing becomes less controversial cause I would love to see more "fandom wide ocs" of sorts lol
@inkylynx2777 Жыл бұрын
Interesting fact about the name choice! I know it was decided from a generator among suggested names, but it's actually a really good thing that it came out as Cloudsnap! See, on the wiki, there's a documentation of every canon prefix and suffix and it shows how many times that name was used and who it was used on. Cloud- has been used a total of seven times (ignoring the DotC cat). That's is quite a lot for Warriors. But then you look at the suffixes! _There has never been a canon Clan cat as of either January of '22 or December of '22 named -snap._ So why was this name taken by the fandom as sounding believable? Because there are tons of OCs with that suffix! It's used so commonly no one recognizes it as weird anymore!
@someoneidk308 Жыл бұрын
Interesting! If I had to guess I'd say the most common suffixes are -fur, -pelt, -tail. Not sure what else though.
@inkylynx2777 Жыл бұрын
@@someoneidk308 I'm more than willing to divulge in my interest! The most popular suffixes as of Dec '22 and ignoring DotC are: -tail (68), -fur (57), -pelt (46), -claw (39), -heart (36), -whisker (35), -foot (34), -wing, and -nose (23) White- is so far the most common suffix with 12 uses (13 if you count DotC), and the statistically "most common warrior name" is Whitetail, a name that has been used thrice: once for Onestar's mate, once for a Starclan cat who blessed Tigerstar I, and the last for a kitten of Gray Wing and Slate!
@someoneidk308 Жыл бұрын
@@inkylynx2777 I don't know why I'm surprised to see -heart on there! I figured it'd be lower. Thanks for indulging me! :)
@MaddoxEzman Жыл бұрын
@@inkylynx2777 I think the cat who blessed Tigerstar and Gray Wings daughter are the same cat. I’m not sure 100% though
@inkylynx2777 Жыл бұрын
@@MaddoxEzman Just checked, and they are not! White Tail is a dark gray and white tom and the Starclan cat is a small pale gray molly with a bony frame.
@ZirconiaGacha Жыл бұрын
I almost want to reference Cloudsnap in this cat thing I'm making (not related to Warriors, but it might still be a fun little easter egg). Basically cats with powers, usually based around elements, given to them either at birth if born in the glade area or by some other deity. Maybe one of the other characters with the second type of power would basically have super charisma: making you able to believe almost anything...
bro that character would have MAD gaslighting skills 😭
@ZirconiaGacha Жыл бұрын
@@BADLUCKCHARM Exactly. No one knows their real name, because they went by so many aliases no one can be sure.
@catbatrat1760 Жыл бұрын
Dude, I LOVE all of these ideas!!!! Not even just the Cloudsnap-related stuff, I'm talkin' the whole concept! Where are you gonna post/publish it when you're done?
@ZirconiaGacha Жыл бұрын
@@catbatrat1760 Honestly it's already being posted on my DA. It's called Wispwind Glade and is pretty slowly being developed over time (considering I haven't drawn the main plotline yet even though it's been planned).
@engigner Жыл бұрын
@@ZirconiaGacha you should definitely make one of their aliases cloudsnap
@jettash0720 Жыл бұрын
For some reason this strangely reminds me of how heated I've seen some people get when they get told Dominoclaw isn't a canon character, his popularity got so huge that some people generally believed he was in the books themselves (also saw quite a few people mistake Rabbithop for Squirrelflight :/)
@fauxmarble7439 Жыл бұрын
Was just thinking this! Dominoclaw is always mistakened for canon. I remember being so confused, and the lack of actual information from the creator didn’t help at all, but no way I would’ve caused drama over it like people did with Cloudsnap. Your foolishness is nobodies problem but your own folks!
@thesnailphilosopher Жыл бұрын
This is very interesting in hindsight. I only joined Tumblr last May, so I didn't see this Cloudsnap drama happening - I didn't even know about it until this video. But it happened again. The most popular meme on Tumblr in November was undoubtedly Goncharov. The original Goncharov meme came from an older Tumblr post about a shoe that was promotional material for a non-existent Martin Scorsese film, called Goncharov. The post recently resurfaced, and Tumblr went wild with it. Plot, characters, and themes were added to Goncharov, a fake movie written by the internet, with everyone acting like it was a real movie. And the same discourse happened. I've seen more posts than I can could telling people that Goncharov was a fake movie and for people to tag it as unreality. Goncharov was much more widespread than Cloudsnap, reaching number 1 on tumblr trending and even to the ears of Martin Scorsese himself, who played along with the bit. I'm sure everyone on warriors tumblr was experiencing total deja vu as Goncharov consumed their dashed. Luckily, Goncharov had a happier ending (at least the meme did. The movie? Not so much). Instead of it being subsumed in unreality/psychosis discourse, everyone appropriately tagged their Goncharov posts and let it fade peacefully as all memes did.
@willowfernn Жыл бұрын
Oh my God, yes. The entire time the whole Goncharov thing was happening, I was laughing my ass off as I was reminded of the whole Cloudsnap thing!
@ophelia5240 Жыл бұрын
Honestly Cloudnsnap's discourse is the product of people wanting a reason to be offended. It's like if someone demanded that peanut butter be banned because they were allergic. It's peanut butter, some people are allergic but not everyone so why should everyone accommodate you?
@aubreyh1930 Жыл бұрын
It’s even worse than that. It’s more like people saying that things like ice cream and cheese should be banned because lactose intolerant people exist and then when those people say “hey we have dairy free options so we can all enjoy it” they ignore them. White knighting is so fucking annoying because they never listen to the people they say they support
@spacecadetkaito Жыл бұрын
I dont think PB is a good comparison cause some kids are so allergic that even being at the same table as someone with it could kill them which is why some schools and workplaces have to ban it by default when they know someone with allergies goes/works there. Its more like what the other commenter said about someone banning all cheese on behalf of lactose intolerant ppl
@Curscival Жыл бұрын
I think it's so ironic that people got so mad about not tagging that they opted to attack people for having fun. I suffer from bouts of derealization (among other things) but I can easily say that I would sooner spiral into a bad episode if people harassed me for having fun with a silly little cat rather than someone not tagging a fake character.
@Ravnfang_ Жыл бұрын
Does anybody remember that cat who darktail killed, and then was on patrol next chapter?-
@jettash0720 Жыл бұрын
I remember when Firestar was introducing Sol to everyone in ThunderClan one time and he introduced Sandstorm, only for her to suddenly come through the tunnel back from a patrol on the very next page!
@Ravnfang_ Жыл бұрын
@@jettash0720 HAH
@anxietyirl Жыл бұрын
I have both psychosis and memory issues and if I came across smthn like this I'd be a little confused but then move on, honestly it feels kinda insulting to say this could cause an episode
@Mehhhhhhhh Жыл бұрын
It is honestly insulting. I think they're just mad they fell for it
@PeanutWithWiFiAccess Жыл бұрын
A Cloudsnap Novella or Super Edition called Cloudsnap's Unreality would be an amazing fan project omfg-
@scp-phenomenon014 Жыл бұрын
no doubt people would try to cancel it for turning the tag unreality into a joke after they pushed for it 🚶
@LollingCatto Жыл бұрын
With Goncharov being the biggest hit on Tumblr now, this seems so silly... like you gonna cancel all of Tumblr now and not just the warriors fandom lol? also kind of funny to see the warriors fandom did it first! Tumblr really did just want to Lie
@anerrorhasoccurred8727 Жыл бұрын
Just wait til they find out about the Candle Cove creepypasta from YEARS ago 💀
@kitinarunezs Жыл бұрын
"Warrior fans don't read the books" WAIT I WASN'T SUPPOSED TO READ THEM??
@kitsooneesther8338 Жыл бұрын
Yoooo! I was there day 1 for the Cloudsnap project, and the first day or 2 before the controversy caught on were super fun.
@willowfernn Жыл бұрын
Hi there fellow person who was there all the way! :0 So nice to see more people in the comments who got to experience the MMP!
@someone-xh9bu Жыл бұрын
Dappltail got like 50 chances at life before just vanishing 💀
@cinderpeelt 10 ай бұрын
If she listened to Cinderpelt she wouldn't be dead😡😡
@naki4846 Жыл бұрын
This whole situation was so chronically online 😭 as a person with psychosis I promise some background character that isn’t even real wouldn’t send me into some mental spiral atp it seems like certain people wanted to play a holy than thou role because they didn’t enjoy a joke
@siobhannoble8545 Жыл бұрын
This is the Warrior Cats fandom. Of course people are going to take something harmless and twist it into some form of oppression. They're not happy without something to crusade against.
@ButterflyDivide Жыл бұрын
I don’t think that’s exclusive to the fandom
@RokkTheRock Жыл бұрын
@@ButterflyDivide but its very prevalent in the warrior cats fandom
@littlemoth4956 Жыл бұрын
@@ButterflyDivide Obligatory "aLl FaNbAsEs Do ThAt" delusional copium comment. My guy, no other fanbase besides Steven Universe and Undertale would get upset over something like this and cite offensiveness to people with Psychosis as a reason.
@manifestationsofasort Жыл бұрын
@littlemoth4956 Speaking of ableism... Reminder that using delusional as an insult is ableist
@siobhannoble8545 Жыл бұрын
@@manifestationsofasort Ah, perfect example of the point I was making. This fandom also has an obsession with ableism, despite most of them not even knowing the true meaning of the term.
@Snow_Sailor 11 ай бұрын
Cloudsnap seemed fun like.. he's a silly non existent dude!
@Sammy_The_Umbreon Жыл бұрын
Not only is it super easy to check for characters like that (if you wanna check at all. God knows i dont know half the background characters in warriors nowadays), but it also would prove the point that the Erins rely too much on the fandom for information. And if Cloudsnap did appear in a book, it would have been monumental for the fandom. In the End, the tagging was a good thing though, to accomodate people, but things got too out of hand for what wasn't that big of an issue.
@DawnFire05 Жыл бұрын
I completed agree with your take. It’s for the individual to mind their own health, and as you suggested, searching it or blocking the tag are completely valid ways to deal with it. Honestly I don’t really see much of a difference between Cloudsnap and any other popular OC people may draw, its just roleplaying and actually I find the social experiment of “can we get the Erins to believe in Cloudsnap?” is a really interesting project and I’d have loved to see Cloudsnap get written into the books. I didn’t know about Cloudsnap until now but if I knew about them in the day I could see myself making fanart lol, it’s honestly a super interesting social experiment and I think the whole “damaging to mental health” bent of it kinda overshadows it. Cloudsnap was never made in malicious intent, they were just a “what if”, an OC shared by the fandom which frankly is really cool. It seems like information on Cloudsnap being fake was kinda readily available and honestly if someone did believe it, I don’t really see the harm. I’m autistic so I often get punked by stuff like that, like if I’d believed in the Mystery Flesh Pit when I first discovered it since that too is a project written as if it takes place in our own reality. There’s creepypastas and all sorts of works that are written as a “what if” parallel to our own reality. It’s my own job to figure out if something is real or not and to learn the social communities behind something, so when I hear a creepypasta for example I always know it’s fake. And if I wind up believing something then finding out its fake later on I guess I can just move on. I don’t understand why a cat should be so mind breaking to someone. In 20 years will you even remember Cloudsnap? Will you have faced many arduous trials of life and struggle with your very existence because of Cloudsnap? It’s just a dang fake cat. All the cats in Warriors are fake. I don’t think people should let a damn fake cat and some people having fun with them absolutely ruin their life and shatter their world. I can see it being troubling to people with memory problems (also something I struggle with) or who have difficulty separating reality from fantasy, but if you’re dealing with these problems in your life I really don’t think a fake cat should even be scratching your list of “troubles I must overcome”. If it is then maybe you’re just a little too chronically online, and frankly tumblr in it’s day people really suffered from being chronically online lol.
@PokePony64 Жыл бұрын
This reminds me of the time where the BBC Sherlock's fandom created a WHOLE character from old literature of Sherlock just to ship with series bad guy Moriarti - blogs, AUs, fanfic, fanart, fake gif sets (because people selected an actor who would theorically play as them) was a HUGE section of the fandom. Nobody brought up anything like this sort of this, he was basically a public domain fandom OC which is super cool when you think about it - an entire fandom created a whole ass OC from literally nothing, with lore, fan art, a ship It's sad that people have to be... people and bring up non-issues like this /:
@AcesofSpadeses Жыл бұрын
While I was reading firestars quest I noticed that petal was called petal nose before she became a warrior and it only happened once
@aubreyh1930 Жыл бұрын
Stuff like that happens multiple times. Tbh there’s been times where I didn’t even notice and didn’t know the mistake was made until reading the wiki (part of that is from going back and reading old books though)
@The_mrbob Жыл бұрын
Doesn’t tagging it ruin the whole point which was to gaslight people into believing they were a real character 🤦
@chubledoobles4257 Жыл бұрын
I could have 1000% been convinced that Cloudsnap was real, my memory is terrible and honestlly so many cat names were slightly recycled (Tigerstar/Tigerheart, Lionheart/Lionblaze etc) that I wouldn't doubt there being a second Cloudkit later on into my relationship with the series
@seigedrakonera5689 Жыл бұрын
Ultimately, even if a prank has the purest intentions lots of people don't like to look stupid/admit they were completely fooled, so they will treat it like a full on malicious attack. Some people can just laugh off a "good prank" an can say "Haha good one! Ya got me!" But a lot of folks on the flip side will react with stuff like "You did this to make me look stupid in front of everyone on purpose! You need to be perma-band, this caused me permanent emotional damage!!" In short, drama tends to fallow a big prank.
@CrossCalipso Жыл бұрын
Cloudsnap is real in my heart. I blame my psychosis/hj
@Radladbadsad Жыл бұрын
I wish cloudsnap was focused on trying to prank the erins above anything else, maybe then they soundly have gotten as much hate by people who don’t even have psychosis issues
@suttagi Жыл бұрын
i have memory problems bc of adhd and diagnosed bipolar which can cause psychosis, those people on tumblr be ffr a minor cat character from some book isn't going to send someone into a psychosis attack or a big freak out lmao, and if it does that person has way bigger problems and should be institutionalized in a ward if some fake side character in a book is going to make them have a huge meltdown because that's not a normal or mentally stable person that should be out and about. it makes me so mad when people do this especially when it's my own mental illnesses they're using, they make people with these illnesses out as super sensitive and fragile, that we'd freak out hugely over such a tiny thing. the majority of people that do this also usually are faking these illnesses/pretending they have it and overreact and dramatize the symptoms to gain more attention.
@lj2659 Жыл бұрын
This is exactly the kind of content I want from warrior cats KZfaq. Diving into weird/obscure warriors content. Keep it up!
@indesomniac Жыл бұрын
was this video inspired by the "goncharov" stuff on tumblr currently? i couldn't help but notice the similarities; tumblr loves making up group projects and i love that for them. as someone who suffers from psychosis, i don't think this project was in any way harmful. not only were there multiple posts stating that it was made up, but as you said there are many was to check this information; if this was done involving something genuinely important, then sure, but this was about an inconsequential background character in a children's book series
@froggiepie Жыл бұрын
off to make cloudsnap fanart now ! The unreality misinformation stuff is tricky i think, as someone who is Frequently Confused I really appreciate the unreality tag. There was a trend on Tiktok last year where people were making jokes about shedding skin when on their period and I knew it wasn't true because it's just not true but everyone participating REFUSED to say they were lying and it was a bit, and some people even got mad whenever anyone informed confused people in the comments that it was a joke. This is because tiktok is a hellhole. Recently on tumblr the entire community collectively decided that there was a 1973 mafia film called Goncharov and posted discourse and fanart and analysis of it like it was a real movie, when it was actually Nonexistant and based on a joke about knockoff shoes. It's really fun and has formed its own fandom now, and something that many people kept in mind was the unreality tag, making sure to let people know that the movie doesn't actually exist. So yeah i think that if people are tagging it with unreality then the hate for Cloudsnap is kinda unjustified. Especially on tumblr, people do this kind of stuff all the time.
@pantern2 Жыл бұрын
I think I need someone to explain to me exactly how this Cloudsnap thing could in any way be truly harmful to anyone? I just can't imagine such a scenario. I love most of the Warrior books. Though I was quite worried about how the us vs them clan loyalty issues were handled in the first few series. Now there is something that may actually have had some harmful effects. I would not be such a fan of the series today if the authors hadn't started to show the issues with the so called warrior code more clearly in the stories that followed.
@japanesejackalope Жыл бұрын
I love when people get up in arms about stuff they didn’t fact check. If a fake cat character is traumatizing I can’t imagine how those individuals even use the internet considering there’s far worse things out there. The fandom can be so crazy sometimes over the smallest things it’s sad.
@scp-phenomenon014 Жыл бұрын
wait until these guys find out santa isnt real 👁
@mitochondriaisalsothelungs5986 Жыл бұрын
@@scp-phenomenon014 Nevermind that, just wait until they find out about Spottedleaf's Heart 😳 If people can't handle Cloudsnap, a made up character, image how'd they'd react to something like THAT book being canon
@Topdoggie7 Жыл бұрын
This is the Lightning Blitz drama all over again. Back in the day someone said that Lightning was their fictional character put into My Little Pony via connections to Hasbro (as there have been pony inserts among the MLP series) and everyone believed it to the point of crediting their fanart to the person. All it took was a few snappy tweaks to old art and the world believed it for a short while.
@Angie_Ashf3rn Жыл бұрын
YES I loved the cloudsnap project, it was so fun to spectate and partake in (though I don’t remember if I did much, I think I drew a fake Warriors Wiki Sprite and that was it.) Glad it’s resurfacing!!! And I 100% agree. It’s not the posters fault if you aren’t being careful about the media you choose to consume!
@Bailey_Dreamfoot Жыл бұрын
I'm a huge fan of like, internet culture related stuff like this. The idea of making a fake character for the sole purpose of, basically "lets fuck around and find out" is simultaneously hilarious and super cool. The amount of work and detail that went into this project is pretty admirable tbh. It almost makes me wanna draw fanart for them- but i also don't wanna get skewered. But yeah, Imo- the deciding factor of wether this whole thing was bad or not is intent- and i dont think the creators had any malicious intent. As they said, it was just a joke- and it was only ever meant to be harmless fun. All im saying is people dont always tend to think about the wider implications of 'on a whim' jokes, and they almost certainly expect those jokes to become massively popular, even if becoming popular was part of the plan.
@amseriiahlittle6783 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for actually including the music you used!!! The music from Petz Catz 2 was hitting such a nostalgia spot that I couldn't place.
@Emkito Жыл бұрын
I have no clue about any warrior cat lore, I haven't read it ever or anything but I have so much fun watching the drama about it, it is so entertaining. Great video! Also as a person with psychosis... lmaooo how would that even "trigger" us in any way? People don't know anything about it and it shows.
@hylianespeon3062 Жыл бұрын
I love this and I truly wish it was a successful mission. Rip Cloudsnap.
@Mehhhhhhhh Жыл бұрын
Fuck it just spread it what are they going to do?
@crazielwintuade9427 Жыл бұрын
I dont see how its harmful. If youre upset by it grow a spine. If youre upset on behalf of someone else, why not ask the group of people youre upset for before getting worked up on their behalf. Theres many ways to figure out if something is real or not on the internet. If youre not capable of looking something up when you literally have a computer in your hands at all times then youre the problem. Dont be mad because youre not in on a joke. join in and have fun with the rest of us.
@Barksenji Жыл бұрын
Literally! I can't speak for everyone who has experienced psychosis, but I don't understand how this is controversial. I suffer from delusional hallucinatory syndrome. You can be sure that when I initially had a derealization episode, I wasn't thinking about a book like Warrior Cats or any other particular novel. I was dissociating and also had delusions about my surroundings' reality. For instance, I would assume that I was in a dream or simulation if my mother tossed a piece of trash on the floor with the intention of picking it up later because it seemed so nonsensical to me. It's not the first time a similar thing occurs online, so I could have easily understood the entire situation with CloudSnap, and I also wouldn't have given it much importance. Furthermore, the "unreality" hashtag would probably have made me more paranoid than the concept of CloudSnap itself, as my mind would have come up with a way to tell me, "This is a message! A signal! From the outside they are telling you that this is not reality!" I recall something similar happening to me with an image going around of several newspapers stacked on top of each other that said, "wake up" or "nothing is real" (I can't remember which).
@bashfulwolfo6499 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much man, it’s insane how people just speak on behalf of others for absolutely no reason. I am absolutely loving the idea of Cloudsnap and I wish so many people didn’t get offended for those like me that aren’t even offended by an obvious joke.
@gwaffles1039 Жыл бұрын
It literally says why it's harmful
@abandoningbeforeban Жыл бұрын
@@gwaffles1039 that’s crazy.
@Romanticoutlaw Жыл бұрын
@@gwaffles1039 ah, a local expert on memory disorders with firsthand experience, clearly. Grace us with your knowledge of it being actually harmful instead of just potentially harmful
@marigold4564 Жыл бұрын
do any of you remember greenflower?? she was a queen talking to silverstream in the first series im pretty sure, but shes not in any of the allegiances.
@pxtchi Жыл бұрын
schizotypal here. honestly, this shouldn't even be considered unreality. it's not harmful gaslighting, paranoia-inducing, or uncanny, so even tagging it is a bit frivolous (although it doesn't hurt). even with goncharov (1973), which you could hardly get away from on tumblr at its peak, i assumed it was real, found out it wasn't, and was like "ah, it's a bit, alright" and moved on. from this, it doesn't seem like anyone in the cloudsnap situation was seeking to mislead those with disorders that affect one's perception but yeah, people who experience psychotic symptoms / have disorders on the schizospectrum aren't idiots. we're not constantly on the brink of total loss of connection with "reality". i also think bug-meats handled it gracefully and did the best they could to diffuse the situation, so kudos to them. cloudsnap is neat, went into her tag and really love the art, perhaps she can have a resurgence in the future
@abigailkondoudis5772 Жыл бұрын
Honestly I thought that Cloudsnap was just a popular oc or au that people were making fan art of. I literally made a drawing of Cloudsnap in StarClan with Reedkit and Swankit without knowing what she was. This fandom is just great sometimes.
@enderwolf_15 Жыл бұрын
yooo hands up if you were there for cloudsnap's creation :D she was made and molded by funky people running with a wild idea and i think that's super dope, i personally love seeing all kinds of art of him!!
@willowfernn Жыл бұрын
I was there! :D Some of my art was featured, actually! :0
@FlashStripe666 Жыл бұрын
All jokes aside, in my opinion CloudSnap was a magnificent project showing a gorgeous ability of trickstery. It was a wonderful test of the Warriors knowledge, and I think NO ONE deserves not even a tiny amount of any hate
@poeticcinema5857 Жыл бұрын
Cloudsnap and Goncharov are the 1# proofs that Tumblr’s favorite sport is lying
@Cottencandyfago Жыл бұрын
I feel like you went over it perfectly and explaining stuff that is going on in the fandom can help people who may end up feeding into harsh comments without thinking about it. Side note There are both a lot for fan made ocs that aren't tagged as fan made at all times and the cats that vanished because of the authors. I think people should be able to have fun unless it's hurting someone and then reaching out to the artist kindly is the best course of action most times because artists are people. It irritates me is that they were harsh to the creater who was trying there best. (Srry for any misspellings) (Srry if I got anything wrong aswell) Hope everyone has a lovely day
@cloudedmoon7174 Жыл бұрын
as long as cloudsnap didnt harm anyone it shouldnt matter. as one person said, just block the tag and/or the users, it isnt that hard
@nottartaglia Жыл бұрын
this kinda reminds me how when I was younger I was convinced Dominoclaw was a canon character bec of all the art n such he has (and at that point I had stopped reading so I assumed it was just a new character I missed)
@VioletScar-Star1589 5 ай бұрын
That little list for information places ( I no longer can brain ) showed us the most forgotten place, the best place, to get you Warriors information. THE BOOK!
@LiminallyYours Жыл бұрын
This project made the online fandom lose its crap: it made the cloud snap. And she got that name from a randomiser?? It literally describes the character's life purpose! No idea how the video landed in my recommended btw, idek Warrior Cats. Gg on winning the algorithm over! 👑✨
@vulpoltergeist Жыл бұрын
Can't believe the fandom Goncharov'd a cat
@Romanticoutlaw Жыл бұрын
I have to wonder how many actual people with that kind of condition actually had a problem with it, and how many people kicking up a fuss were using those people's existence as a convenient excuse to stamp out something they just personally didn't like?
@conarcoin Жыл бұрын
I personally find these posts insulting and patronizing. Like "you struggle with hallucinations and breaks from reality? i bet you're dumb enough to have a breakdown over a fake cat" :/
@khaotickiri8223 Жыл бұрын
The Goncharov of the Warriors Fandom
@treeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 11 ай бұрын
1:27 To be fair, in into the wild blue star says thunder clan has less warriors than the clan ever had before(or something along those lines) so that could be why there’s such a drastic difference between the number of cats
@SpecialEdge Жыл бұрын
6:28 I really like that an effort was made to help, it was just a lighthearted joke but that didn’t stop the creator from tryna help. That’s just nice
@EndertheDragon0922 Жыл бұрын
I have memory issues and I would find this hilarious if I were in the fandom
@CryFry Жыл бұрын
I’m sorry but “it’s harming people with psychosis” is suuuuch a reach... the internet is literally full of fake characters passed off a real (see simpsons graggle for ex) and if someone had such a severe reaction to a fake character I’m not sure how they are able to even be in a fandom...
@vixymix101 Жыл бұрын
Dude, don't be disrespectful
@CryFry Жыл бұрын
@@vixymix101 it’s just a fact, if you are having severe reactions to fictional content it’s your responsibility to stay away from things that trigger you. I’m not sure how everyone else is supposed to take into account every kind of trigger when they are posting content. :/ especially since most of the people posting WC stuff are usually kids just having fun.
@Mehhhhhhhh Жыл бұрын
@@vixymix101 the warriors fandom is teeny tiny compared to the massive Simpsons fandom and not one person has ever come out saying the nonexistence of Graggle messed with their psychosis. It's not disrespectful it's calling out a clear reach made by people who are bitter they fell for a joke. The fun police. If people were trying to mess with someone with psychosis they'd tell them there's demons in their walls or they can see them through their windows.
@pixelapocrypha Жыл бұрын
I don't think Cloudsnap is any more harmful than any other alternate universe OC from any other fandom. It's just funnier here because there's a good chance the Erins could've seen that and been like "uh oh, better put Cloudsnap back in before there's a riot, here she is at a Gathering guys" before realizing it wasn't a real cat. And if that's what people are mad about, they're mad at the wrong people since the Erins should be aware of their own cast.
@karmacistic Жыл бұрын
6:11 - my old art jumpscare 💀💀 (the caption was a reference toa meme btw)
@acowinthebarn3312 Жыл бұрын
oh my god the jump from "teehee silly fake cat" to "people with psychosis will explode" is so fucking funny
@theviewer6889 Жыл бұрын
It's true though. False information like this can trigger a psychotic episode for people. Not everyone obviously, but it has the potential.
@acowinthebarn3312 Жыл бұрын
@@theviewer6889 I don't doubt that, but as many have said here, it's that person's own responsibility to stay away from that content. I've had my own brief stint with SOME sort of psychotic episode (lasted like three months when i was 14/15). Couldn't tell you exactly what happened, but it definitely fell within that range. The only thing the internet did was make it worse. The internet being the way it is, being on it at ALL with any sort of psychotic disorder is a very risky gamble, and not really one worth taking if a silly cat joke can tip someone over the edge. Someone said here that it feels kind of gross to use a disorder like this as some sort of shield and I kind of agree with that. None of this is to accuse you of anything btw, lmao. I KNOW TONE DOESN'T TRANSLATE WELL OVER TEXT SO JUST TO CLARIFY, I'm just stating my own mind, not at all trying to imply or insinuate anything towards/about you.
@taeko3508 Жыл бұрын
@@theviewer6889 If a fictional cat in a fictional universe is triggering you you shouldn't be on internet
@mochamonster6956 Жыл бұрын
Can I just say that I love your voice? It’s really calming
@docdoc.4500 Жыл бұрын
As someone who suffers from heavy disassociation and yet really loves stuff like this, unreality tags are pretty important and super good to use!! It can be triggering when the places you go to for escapism and fun may end up bleeding into your current issues even more, and while I don't think anybody deserves heavy scrutiny for this, I feel like it'd be nice to have it properly tagged so people can avoid stuff like that on really bad days using filters and stuff. Tags are quite helpful as reassurance that I'm not making up yet another thing that isn't actually real. To a certain extent, I think at least some of the effort to encourage the use of tags is well-meaning and useful!
@qkazoo8806 Жыл бұрын
Cloudsnap walked so Goncharov (1973) could run
@witheringlunatic 8 ай бұрын
The way this turned sour made me roll my eyes. Most of the posts had tags that said unreality or (if you did some basic research) you would’ve immediately found out that it was a fake character. I guess we can’t have fun anymore? And the whole thing about it “potentially triggering people with psychosis” is weird. It’s a drawing of a fictional character geez.
@merlin0552 Жыл бұрын
I think this was a really interesting and fun sounding project. It seems pretty harmless too and not like it was created with malicious intent. Kinda makes me wanna check out more stuff about Cloudsnap or make something, I might do that tbh.
@Eclipse-mf6hc Жыл бұрын
I thought u were going to say something like “the controversy reached its peak in (book) where Cloudsnap canonically appears”
@clawcakes Жыл бұрын
cloudsnap walked so goncharov could run
@vanillabananacrepe Жыл бұрын
@saucebandit8319 Жыл бұрын
I love your videos so much!!!!
@exiversal5095 Жыл бұрын
I guess I share a birthday with a fictional cat that a bunch of people thought was canon for a while
@orionskittles Жыл бұрын
Ok but am I the only one who thinks this whole idea sounds absolutely hilarious. I understand how it could potentially be triggering to people, but as long as those people do what they need to to avoid it, I think it's pretty funny
@pepperfr3sh Жыл бұрын
seeing a video about this is insane since i was super active on tumblr at the time of all this and watched it all go down in real time lmao i never made any art of cloudsnap but watching the whole thing was so fun at the time and i wish it didn't have to end how it did
@autogirl44 Жыл бұрын
Cloudsnap walked so Goncharov could run
@kingsleysocean45 Жыл бұрын
I was a part of the Cloudsnap thing, somehow LMAO I remember getting so incredibly angry at people who said "omg this is offensive towards people with psychosis!". No. Let people with psychosis speak for themselves- honestly, did people saying this even KNOW what psychosis is? Lmao But anyways, I think it was a super fun project, and I was really rooting for the Erin's writing Cloudsnap into the series But again, if the character did make people uncomfortable, then that's respectable I was just upset at the people who didnt know the hell what psychosis was lmao
@Catinthecosmos155 Жыл бұрын
I think it would have been fucking hysterical to see cloudsnap appear in a book, I would love to see the erins get tricked into adding a cool fan character into cannon
@scribblecrumb Жыл бұрын
this is, i think, the 3rd time i've seen this sort of thing happen on tumblr and it's always the same discourse. there was a dsmp mmp, goncharov which which didn't even come from a fandom, and now this one. it always ends up with massive discourse about unreality tags and psychosis.
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