The problem with dating as an Asian woman

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Christine Chang

Christine Chang

9 ай бұрын

Watch the full episode here 👇🏼
• Growing Up Asian: FOBs...

Пікірлер: 189
@bellgrand 4 ай бұрын
With an attitude like that, not sure Shining is the catch she thinks she is. As if there aren't traditional white people out there...
@worldview730 3 ай бұрын
They have a lot of bitterness to unload
@MrSwyl 4 ай бұрын
Then Why do you all say "I don't date Asian men because they remind me of my brother" .
@cchangandco 4 ай бұрын
I definitely don’t think that so maybe, uh, all Asian women don’t think that?
@HenRy-bm9ww 3 ай бұрын
@@cchangandcoPlenty of you do. I never see any Asian women call that out.
@davidrichards1741 Ай бұрын
I was told by a young Asian woman that she WANTS to be with a guy like her brother, lol
@mimidoodle58 Ай бұрын
I do NOT see Asian men as my brother as an Asian woman myself. I see them much more worthy than the racist, self-hating BS coming out of your mouths in this video.
@DestinyAwaits19 Ай бұрын
@@davidrichards1741 Asian women go for white guys for their angular faces and features.
@fkcavs 21 күн бұрын
I'm white hispanic, dated a Chinese girl once and she told me I would only be for fun as her family would make her life hell if she didn't settle down with another Chinese guy. Oh well
@robertopang4240 17 күн бұрын
Well, that is in every group/race, don't you think? How would your parent react if say you married an African-American woman who could not speak Spanish (to your parents. Of course, I am assuming many things about you and your parents. But I want to make the point that it is not so much about race/color but how your parents/family will communicate with your wife.). But yeah, it sucks to be "eliminated" because of race. On the other hand, she game you the easy out card and you know she was not wife material. You dodged it.
@fkcavs 17 күн бұрын
@robertopang4240 I think some groups it is more prevalent than others, but in my experience personally it is not a factor and neither of my parents could care less what race of girl I date as long as she's a quality person. But I do acknowledge some people are simply more comfortable dating within their own culture/race.
@robertopang4240 17 күн бұрын
@@fkcavs Something just came to mind.... My kids can't communicate with their grandparents (both sets), the kids don't speak Chinese and the grandparents don't speak English. Now, I grew up in Honduras, I am actually Hispanic for all intent and purposes. If you only met me over the phone, you would think I am Mexican. Haven't we (venturing to assume, again) been present in conversation when somebody mentions that some cousin's children can't speak Spanish.... ...and most people just sigh in disappointment? (ay, que gente, se les olvida de donde vienen....) Well, Asians are worse....And the probably applies to Polish, Russians, Middle Easters, etc.
@Taylor.Hertz. 2 күн бұрын
If you're not "white" hispanic, she wouldn't even consider dating you. Lucky that you are "white" hispanic. But hispanics tend to have shitty jobs so she probably didn't see you as a long term relationship material.
@Squintel7 Күн бұрын
Poor Asian guy gets to be her tenth choice. What a catch she is, if I was an Asian man having to marry another Asian woman who had "fun" with other men meanwhile id have to provide for her... Ugh I'd be absolutely miserable. Leftover woman, no thank you.
@user-mw6fh5oj2c 4 ай бұрын
i have a baseline assumption that asian women have a no asian policy
@cchangandco 4 ай бұрын
I think it’s sad when anyone has any sort of dating policy that has zero to do with an individual’s character and values. Preference is one thing. Hard no’s are another.
@user-mw6fh5oj2c 4 ай бұрын
When it's true and ppl like you and 50% of Asian women have a no asian policy and 50% of you marry white or jewish men, it is sad ppl like you deny your choices are independent of living in racist America,. Fact: most of the famous asian women are married to yt men. Authors, newsreporters, academics, actresses, all married to yt men, it is sad that it is common for asian women have a preference for yt men and not call it racism.@@cchangandco
@champ5887 4 ай бұрын
@@user-mw6fh5oj2c cope!
@marvin2678 4 ай бұрын
what does that mean ?
@botany500kojak 3 ай бұрын
Have you ever been to Asia?
@starwalk3r 27 күн бұрын
These are some seriously shocking takes. I get instantly turned off to girls who talk like this IRL. Smash and dash at best.
@selohcin 13 күн бұрын
Well, you don't need to worry about whether you find them attractive since they're both already married.
@brianmeen2158 11 күн бұрын
I admire honesty . There’s no reason for someone to be on a podcast and just lie constantly to make people feel better
@johnsmith-mp4pr 8 ай бұрын
internalized racism :)
@marvin2678 4 ай бұрын
@motherhoodsbeauty9279 3 ай бұрын
" I kissed the ground my white boyfriend walked on!" Is that what Asian men want to hear? lol
@ballinv2452 4 ай бұрын
Attractive people get to date whoever they want. they do not belong to anyone.
@ballinv2452 4 ай бұрын
Attractive people are allowed to date their life into a better situation. like what does suck and i don't know if asian guys are broke but like an attractive women with a broke guy. then she complaining the whole time. it's like jsut go date the white guy and be better off.
@CaliKrazyTV 4 ай бұрын
Variety is the spice of life, There's something for everyone>> you just got to find it.
@gregfalco4528 4 ай бұрын
Imagine hating your own race SMH.
@TLiu-1b 13 күн бұрын
I dont make statement on individuals, especially those that I dont know. However, the abnormal fact about this topic is: why do asian females in interracial relationships date white males specifically and disproportionally, compared to latina and black females. Statistically, the number of white male asian female relationship and the opposite should mirror each other. But in fact it showed the widest disparity amongst all relationship combinations involving any single race. I think most can agree that there is clearly a problem here, but it's hard to pinpoint what it is.
@simontmn 7 күн бұрын
White men and Asian women are the most sought after race for each sex. White women and black men are #2. Asian men and black women are bottom. Plus white men and Asian women rate each other highly.
@CYCLOPS1994 12 сағат бұрын
​@@simontmn Stop lying
@simontmn 2 сағат бұрын
@@CYCLOPS1994 I don't lie.
@benjamindo8142 7 ай бұрын
As an asian American male, I believe most asian men get upset at asian women dating outside their race has more so to do with them & their inner projection of insecurity. Asian males on average have a much more difficult time being able to date outside their race, let alone inside their own race. But that's not to say sometimes our asian sisters put us down in the process of dating others due to how society portrays asian men or how little aasian men receive recognition. However, I understand both perspectives. I have two younger sisters, as I'm older, I don't typically find myself physically attracted to asian women bc they remind me that they're my sisters haha I personally don't have any difficulty dating outside my race, & nothing against my beautiful asian sisters but much prefer dating outside my race. Not only but from a biological perspective, we're most often attracted to those who are "different" bc we instinctively desire procreation, why it matters is bc difference creates stronger offspring The last handful of women I've dated were turkish, Armenian & saudi... I personally find this region most physically appealing
@cchangandco 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I think similarly - It’s not some personal emotional charge. It’s messed up to put someone down for simply being a certain race. I will put someone down if they are doing shitty things though! 😂 Some of the comments we get are so angry and presumptuous. P.S. I also think middle eastern people are BEAUTIFUL!
@Smoothalcoholic 4 ай бұрын
Honestly if you got game it doesn't matter, you just cant know somebody's preference on first glance. Ive seen balding old guys that dont work out with really attractive women(objectively 8-10) swooning over them.
@RaheelPervaiz123 4 ай бұрын
I would hate ot be an East Asian male you guys getso emasculated by ASian women and it seems like they appease white men.
@justdummy-pr9t 3 ай бұрын
There is some sense of "insecurity" but there is some sense of truth of American media putting down Asian men. Asian culture is actually incredible, incredible powerhouse of technology, and starting to become entertainment powerhouses as well. American culture has it though to look at Asians as "no lifers" or as "too homogenous" to have you focused on all the flaws of Asian culture, despite Asian countries succeeding beyond all odds. Once I started watching more Asian content, it opened my eyes. We have our flaws for sure, but American media will have you thinking Asians are bottom of the barrel people. But I now realize American culture does this out of the perceived threat and their own insecurities about maintaining dominance. What I'm trying to say is that some Asian women are also quite insecure as well. There is absolutely no reason for them to bag on Asian men who probably have it the hardest in the dating market (according to outdated dating statistics from dating apps but who knows), yet they are doing so anyways for what reason? I ask why?
@user-mw6fh5oj2c 3 ай бұрын
there is a long history of anti miscegenation laws in america and white ppl are racists@@cchangandco
@waldiolsztyn 4 ай бұрын
Hi Girls from Poland :)
@Msal19 6 күн бұрын
I have dated 8 different ethnicities and had good experiences with all of them for the most part. There is absolutely nothing wrong with dating outside your ethnicity/race. This is the West.
@MrLove-ty1si 4 ай бұрын
As a white man, even though I have preferences with White (most of my gf), Asians (had one gf) and Latinas (never had a gf), what she blurted out in the end.. I leave it to you guys 🙂
@DennAce87 Ай бұрын
Im asian and I dont find anything wrong with asian women dating outside their race. I think I can give insight on why asian dudes might be slighted. It comes probably from an array of things. One would be because the portayal of asian dudes being weaker and less desirable in societal media vs asian women are at the highest, which then reflects on the dating market. You can see this from dating app data. That in turn, gives the generalized notion "oh your own race doesn't even want you." This is an on going trope for a long time. Also it may come from the Asian females who say "i dont find asians attractive cause they remind me of my sibling or family members." Many find it offensive. In society asian masculinity and asian men are usually just the butt of the joke, in general. I think it's just all these things piled on, and it's harder for the asian brothers even in 2024 with the dating market. Its ok because asian women dont understand this because the men havent really talked about it. Growing up in asian households they dont really have an outlet to discuss these things. Sex and relationships arent actually talked about at all between parents and young asian boys. They typically have to learn and diacover everything on their own without guidence in life as well. That's just my two cents to shed light on the topic. Im all for date who you want as that is a preference.
@nakamiyonemura2001 8 ай бұрын
My sisters from another mothers, there will always be cultural expectations of dating your own race, that's uniform with just about every race and culture. Particularly for white and Asian dynamic in predominantly western society, the main issue is you're dealing with internalized racism. Your environment can very well shape you to inadvertently value white above Asians because they are the majority and the primordial model by exposure (i.e. you'll see more white leads in movies than Asian leads) and that's just how the dice rolls if you were born in western soil, less so if you're an immigrant. Whenever you experienced/felt like "you don't like being Asian"-that's internalized racism. Anecdotally speaking every Asian-American in my friend group shared this reference point, while the immigrant group (myself included) do not. I believe this influence can indirectly affect how you see attraction in many ways. I believe most of us Asian men are not here to victimize WMAF couples who are in a healthy relationship, nor we're gatekeeping your romance/love life if you do seek love as interracial. We're just not down with the numbers of Asian women who are parading white men above Asian men, and the optics WMAF couple gives is bad because of that very reason. And this is all a byproduct of (you guessed it) years of internalized racism. So I check my biases, if you're happy be happy. But please do us a favor and don't discredit Asian men for who they are. We don't need calls coming from inside of the house. Btw this type of pushback transpires in any interracial space; Asian men and white woman, black men and white women, so on and so forth
@agetrobadass 4 ай бұрын
Alot of weird comments.
@merrittpalmer4349 4 ай бұрын
I think it's incredibly sad that your husband will never see you the way you see yourself. And that 100% has to do with the fact that you're Asian and he's not. He will never understand a portion of you that is a core part of your identity. Your relationship with Chinese (assuming you're Chinese) culture, he will never truly grasp. Same with the language and food. Doesn't matter if he learns the language or loves the food, he won't get it the way you get it. There will always be a certain gap between each other because there lacks a complete mutual understanding of one another due to the difference in culture and upbringing. A barrier will always be between your parents and him. He will never know what it's like to grow up in America as an Asian with immigrant parents and the struggles and insecurities you had to go through. You're not missing out on Asian men by marrying a white guy... you're missing out on YOURSELF. "To be known is to be loved." You cannot fully be known by your own husband and therefore loved and I find that heartbreaking.
@rg-pq1kb 3 ай бұрын
A relationship based on navel gazing, complaining and fart sniffing… sounds delightful
@GreenMachine0990 4 ай бұрын
To the girl that never wanted that role as a traditional woman: Did you ever ask why? The way it is presented here seems very resentful, which usually indicates other issues at hand other than actually doing dishes, which you (girls in general like this) will do anyways being single due to poor attitudes. Good men will not be doing dishes for their boss babe for long. She will grow bored, she will leave. Women want to adore, given they are hypergamous. They do not adore men doing dishes while they earn a big paycheck. They look down. That's not a man's fault. It's female preferance that gets us to that inevitable conclusion.
@niccoarcadia4179 2 ай бұрын
I still don't understand completely why marrying outside of ones race matters so much to some people?
@marcelinolopez2326 2 ай бұрын
tradition and manners, and respect, that's why it matters
@niccoarcadia4179 2 ай бұрын
@@marcelinolopez2326 Thanks! - I did find that out recently from Asian guy. He said they ruin a long line (lineage) that dates back 100,000 years and a female ruins that line and has no respect. Or so he says?
@sikeibutler7027 23 күн бұрын
@@marcelinolopez2326 tradition yes. Manners and respect what???
@mikeyrose4183 21 күн бұрын
@@sikeibutler7027 As a MEXIKAN with a daughter, ill never let my daughter marry a whiyte human. Do you not know our history in USA. That will be a disrespect, considering all of the racism i told her i have endured with these people, and all of fhe massacre they have done to our people TO THIS DATE.
@MadGuitarNorbi 18 күн бұрын
Tradition is the opposite of the progressive mindset. If we think realistically, everything what became traditional was new once. Simple as that. Parents will forgive (or not) whatever we do. They will die some time and when we will be old it will be not our parents who will be with us but our partner. So that’s why always follow the love and not parents wish or the tradition and bs like that.
@DickNasty480 3 ай бұрын
The constant profanity is not attractive- it shows some very poor parenting.
@cchangandco 3 ай бұрын
Ok DickNasty.
@user-mw6fh5oj2c 3 ай бұрын
most if not all prominent asian american women are with yt men, see actresses, politicians, news reporters,artists, athletes. Open your eyes Christine!!!!@@cchangandco
@PeteHagen-sm4tn 21 күн бұрын
@@cchangandco Why did you marry your husband? From your videos I can't perceive any love or affection for him? I sort of feel sorry for him. There's no use being married to a beautiful woman who seems remote.
@cm07ca 4 ай бұрын
this Q; is to the asian woman... im curious why do you date mostly white men? am hispanic and dated a few asian woman, most of them tell mw that i made it difficult for them to date white men lol, i ask why do half of the asian woman tell me "because we think white men a superior finically obviously that is not the case with you" i have own 2 construction businesses.... they tell me my features are attractive "dark" and are attracted that i am very passionate, romantic, protective and can build a house from the grown up and repair lol apart from been rugged.... but im curious to know what other woman only date white men... have a great day
@cchangandco 4 ай бұрын
I live in California so am around all sorts of races and ethnicities. The races I have dated the most when I was single are white, Asian, and Hispanic. As long as personal + family values and mutual attraction are there, I personally don’t care what race the person is. I didn’t get hit on much by Black and Indian men.
@cm07ca 4 ай бұрын
I absolutely agree eventually the personality person values surpass any physical appearance, for example, the Asian girl I’m dating now from Singapore (Korean) tell me I made it extremely difficult for her to ever date of white guy or Asian ever again lol 😅🤗… I speak on my behalf the key for me I treated every single woman as I will want my mother to be treated. ☺️❤🙏💁🏻‍♂️ have a great day 🙌☀️ Christine and thank you so much for your reply ☺️🫶
@matthewbaxter2435 4 ай бұрын
@@cm07ca so if you had the choice... would date a savage or a civilized woman? Hispanics typically are more prone to being violent than white not come on here and portray your race as better than any other... like you have.,...because someone can point out a racial generalization like i have that is true as to why your race is not better...aka quit being racist because in the end it boils down to preference and that is it...
@NeighborTom 3 ай бұрын
@@cchangandco you’re coping. I thought you weren’t into gender roles. You can ask a guy out.
@rg-pq1kb 3 ай бұрын
“I don’t understand… girls are always telling me how awesome I am and how I ruin them for other men… can someone explain that?”
@feduntu 9 ай бұрын
when white women date blk men,it's all cool and accepted but when someone dates a white man, oh hell naw...
@moleahy6880 7 ай бұрын
Not true because outside of celebrities, BM are usually dating bottom of the barrel WW. Those women date BM because they aren't getting love from their own men or other men.
@alphalijahsworld9010 6 ай бұрын
WW BM relationships in America or the west in general is the most hated. What are you talking about
@feduntu 6 ай бұрын
@@alphalijahsworld9010 you're delusional mate, I look up on the internet, there's barely any videos criticising the mix couple, yet the internet is full of people criticising WMAW couples just look it up mate
@feduntu 6 ай бұрын
@@alphalijahsworld9010 Type on yt _"BMWF couples"_ and it's full of people showing off their relationship, yet if you look up _"WMAF couples"_ more than half the videos are of Asians criticising the mix couple using terms such as _"colonial powers"_ or _"these Asian women are not attractive enough so they go for foreign men"_ or _"she doesn't like Asian men so that's why she dates white"_ but no one will ever say that about white women in mix couples 🤦
@CallumBailey-wu7gc 4 ай бұрын
@@feduntu thats just because the internet adjusts to your search history most interracial relationships are hated and even tho i dont agree personally its not hard to see reason in their arguments if you lookm
@rg-pq1kb 3 ай бұрын
I’m of the opinion that people naturally seek genetic diversity
@pieterwillembotha6719 3 ай бұрын
wrong, most white women chase after white men
@candicef9638 6 ай бұрын
As a Blk woman I can relate. The only difference is that Asian men want ownership of Asian women and actually want to date them. A lot of Blk men want to own and control Blk women then are repulsed by them at the same time. Makes no sense!
@user-mw6fh5oj2c 3 ай бұрын
you are partially right
@davidrichards1741 Ай бұрын
Many of us white guys are turned on by blk women, as different is good, but too often we're afraid to pursue it for fear of rejection or ridicule. That said, East Asian women are our #1.
@shaun5047 Ай бұрын
Wait what do you mean when you say Asian men want ownership of Asian women? lol Ownership over a person sounds wild. Tbh I’m an Asian man that grew up around a lot of black people. From an outside pov I’ve seen a lot of black women get beyond pissed at any black man dating outside the race especially if it’s a white girl. 😂 Whoever said black people cant be racist needs to be a fly on the wall during one of those interactions bc sheesh. IMO men or women whenever someone gets upset that the opposite sex is dating outside the race all of that energy comes from insecurities. If you didnt want to date that person then it wouldn’t even matter who they chose to date.
@bannedmann4469 Ай бұрын
lol what the hell are you on about?
@shaun5047 Ай бұрын
@@bannedmann4469 lol I’m still waiting for her to explain how Asian men want ownership of Asian women. 😂 Never in my life have I or anyone I know want ownership of Asian women.
@tklmmft 5 ай бұрын
Honestly Chinese girls get the short end of the stick. It really breaks my heart into pieces
@dargardargar 29 күн бұрын
Shining is the best. Love her.
@TheSonOfGodWorshipsTheFather 3 ай бұрын
The wife has to obey who?
@pk56403 2 ай бұрын
May God have mercy on you
@tyhwong123 4 ай бұрын
please stay away from little children. e.g peter scully
@LAchives44 24 күн бұрын
I’m a black man and I love Asian women. No one is gonna tell me I’m an idiot because of it 😎
@sikeibutler7027 23 күн бұрын
no asians want black dudes
@PeteHagen-sm4tn 21 күн бұрын
Everyone loves Black men. They're a tight fit.
@CYCLOPS1994 12 сағат бұрын
​@@PeteHagen-sm4tnEvery woman rejected by men of her own race*
@champ5887 2 ай бұрын
They like BWC
@kitnascimento004 29 күн бұрын
yes that´s one of the reasons
@champ5887 29 күн бұрын
@@kitnascimento004 u want some?
@kitnascimento004 29 күн бұрын
@@champ5887 don´t need mine is pretty good😄
@Taylor.Hertz. 2 күн бұрын
Majority of wyt guys only got around 5inch. That BWC is a small population you see in porn.
@KYlube 11 сағат бұрын
​@@Taylor.Hertz.Majority of world population. It differs so much it's crazy. Too put in perspective they say black guys in Africa have the biggest dicks. Correct. Some of them do, but they also have the smallest dicks. It's just too weird to make assumptions in most scenarios. However Asian men have been researched many times to be below average below the belt. No hate, just the stats we currently have.
@Pinkpanther100x 23 күн бұрын
Free will you like what you like
@Cincinnatis5StarBarber 5 ай бұрын
I mean, you both are amazing😍I’m a white man and i simply cannot find myself a beautiful Asian woman like you two ladies🤷🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️
@tetedur377 3 ай бұрын
Then you're not trying. I have a work friend who figured it out, living and working in Maryland. He ended up marrying a Thai woman who was living in Thailand. He figured it out because he knew what he wanted, and set about to make it happen. They've been married about 10 years, and are currently in Thailand on vacation.
@worldview730 3 ай бұрын
What happened to all the nice blond white women ?
@georgevaldez1449 24 күн бұрын
Go with thai or filipina women will worth it.
@xiuhtezcatl8161 2 ай бұрын
I love asian women i want to meet and merry one, my dream women is north korean rrefugee woman the most tanned most poor nk woman nice asian Canadian north korean japan chinese filipina whatever woman ahh thats the best to me
@nataliec5004 13 күн бұрын
I'm a Latina with an Asian partner
@attysthoughts3253 5 ай бұрын
incels can't accept that 2 humans of a different 'race' can love and cherish each other. It must have some malicious reason to sooth their egos
@user-mw6fh5oj2c 4 ай бұрын
i have never heard that Danish women don't like Danish men because they remind them of their brothers. And Denmark is a very small country, smaller than many cities in China
@CallumBailey-wu7gc 4 ай бұрын
Thats not it i stop being insecure
@VictorL141 4 ай бұрын
lol you and your asian mail order wife will end up divorced soon.
@marvin2678 4 ай бұрын
incels ? arent those dude loving asian women ?
@motherhoodsbeauty9279 3 ай бұрын
@@user-mw6fh5oj2c That's because they don't videotape themself saying that.
@slrcautodetail 18 күн бұрын
You know the true is real misses pet lol
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