The Role of The Man | Sadia Khan

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Darren Lee

Darren Lee

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Welcome to Kickoff Sessions, the podcast that dives deep into important topics surrounding masculinity, hosted by Darren Lee and featuring the incredible Sadia Khan as our special guest. In this enlightening episode, Sadia Khan delves into "The Role of The Man," offering profound insights and challenging conventional notions of masculinity.
Join us as Sadia, a renowned expert in psychology and sociology, explores the complexities of gender roles and the impact they have on men. With her unique perspective and in-depth analysis, she navigates through the intricacies of societal expectations, the manosphere, and the evolving landscape of masculinity.
During this thought-provoking conversation, Sadia shares her expertise and personal experiences to shed light on the diverse facets of manhood. From examining the challenges men face in today's society to discussing the importance of emotional intelligence and vulnerability, this episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the modern man.
Tune in to gain valuable insights and be inspired by Sadia Khan's eloquence and expertise. Join us for this captivating conversation on Kickoff Sessions, where we challenge the status quo and explore the ever-evolving dynamics of masculinity.
Tags: Sadia Khan, masculinity, manosphere, gender roles, societal expectations, psychology, sociology, emotional intelligence, vulnerability.

Пікірлер: 482
@lifeseries7944 Жыл бұрын
Totally spot on! Then, he blames her for not respecting him.
@RemyIssa Жыл бұрын
Yes, he will complain she's not treating like man. Those men usually will cheat
@rrai- Жыл бұрын
Its just the way girls view the mans role is insane. Like u have it harder. U dont, and u should be grateful for that, and not recognizing that is what makes u disrespect the man often times. Theres a reason women get half the mans shi in the divorce, theres a reason theres the saying "behind every great man theres a great woman". Ure supposed to drive us into our best version. Not by telling us what to do obviously, but if u dont know how to make ur man feel like THE man and act like THE man YOU failed as a woman
@mjulianlee Жыл бұрын
2 Timothy 3:1-4 [1]This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. [2]For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, [3]Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, [4]Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
@jdguy23 Жыл бұрын
Let me guess u put 80% of men in that category despite not seeing a problem in these idiot women
@thaiphang5074 Жыл бұрын
​@@rrai-It is not the job of the woman to feel the man as if he were the man. It is the job of the man to feel like the man.
@MKK-wg7fz 11 ай бұрын
So true. Then he resents being reminded the car is behind on oil changes, the lawn hasn’t been mowed in ages, there’s no retirement plan etc. We need to be partners.
@lede1810 10 ай бұрын
If he did all those by himself and pulled his own weight, he wouldn’t need to be reminded
@imsaurahb 5 ай бұрын
That's why every married man should have a gf.
@maygrantz4426 10 күн бұрын
@BrotherTree1 Жыл бұрын
Truer words cannot be spoken.
@alaalfa8839 9 ай бұрын
If woman is stressed during pregnancy, the unborn child may get brain damage or some illness, as scientists say, because the stress hormones get in the mother blood, the her blood gets into the fetus...... But its not just during pregnancy. Scientists as Dr. Joe Dispenza and Bruce Liptonsay If a man and woman live in stress before pregnancy, the stress information get into his sperm, and into her egg..... So the man is supposed to be in emotional and physical balance before he decides to have child, also the woman has to take care of her physical and emotional balance before getting pregnant......Therefore in some African or other cultures before the wedding man and woman get separated for two days to be physically and emotionally balanced before they get marrier or before thye make a child in order to get the best out of themselves.....Otherwise, the child may be born with survival instincts which makes the child´s brain much smaller, the prefrontal cortex will get smaller if the mother is in stress during pregnancy....:The nature during pregnancy creates smaller prefrontal cortex and bigger other parts of brain that makes bigger chances for the child to survive.....If a husband had wrong role models, who raised him wrong in childhood, he has a decision to change his life by finding a help, or admitting that it wasn't his fault that somebody raised him wrong and its not always his fault that he has a bad habits because the brain works like a computer program which means many of his habits are subconscious that he learnedd in childhood. But in adulthood he may reprogram the subconscious mind by practicing meditation, metacognition or Energ ypsychology meditation that helps him to change beliefs and perceptions and learn new habits. Also women may reprogram bad habits that their brain learnedd in childhood. Dr. Bruce Lipton explains that most bad habits people learn at age 0 - 7, but they are not aware of the uncomfortable feelings and habits because they are subconscious. He helps púeople to reprogram the subconscious programs and habits.
@jimmybaldwin737 8 ай бұрын
I think she speak a huge amount of truth. But she doesn’t have kids. Or has ever been in these situations. So she’s speaking very black and white. With no experience. So it sounds very good. But there is a huge grey area In between what she’s saying
@Charles-oe6vl 6 ай бұрын
In which way is she telling the truth ? Does the man never wake up when the baby is crying ? What about fathers taking more and more parental leave to take care of their children ? Why would women in today's society be overburdened by marriage ? Does sharing the lead of the relationship automatically means "babysitting the man" ? Where you see truth, I see a lot of questionable, caricatural and outdated assertions. Just because she's a good looking woman speaking with much authority doesn't mean we should put aside our critical mind.
@zebakhawaja Ай бұрын
Yes! Good leadership and respect for woman, knowing that we are not equal and women shouldn't be disrespected or burdened especially in a marriage with children.
@fandie42 Жыл бұрын
I think there are 2 aspects of what she's saying. There's the husband not being the provider, protecter, making decisions for the family etc. And then there's the husband not being a normal functional being without his wife. Some men really need their wives to push them becoz they have no discipline whatsoever. Which is something even men like Tate talk about. So she takes on too many roles for her husband . She's the wife, the mother (to her kids and to the husband) , the doctor, the secretary, personal assistant, health coach, etc The husband become like a child in her eyes. And you cannot have the same level of respect for a man who's disciplined and a man who isn't.
@dnwanja 11 ай бұрын
@healingwithhanifa5984 10 ай бұрын
absolutely spot on i lost my respect for my x husband, guy waited for me to choose his pants,socks,what to eat where to go out what to buy in a supermarket guy wore me out pff
@nyashak6772 9 ай бұрын
Couldn't agree with you more. So true. Decision fatigue is so real.
@Juanaaaa 9 ай бұрын
@victorian4968 9 ай бұрын
​@healingwithhanifa5984 I can relate to this too, it's completely exhausting. I felt like my ex was an extra child....
@We_shall_overcom Жыл бұрын
A boy becomes a man by taking every obstacle as a joy, in patience, in silence. Few words, but his words are grounded in manifestation, and are sturdy.
@vecislt 5 ай бұрын
If you are a man by only having joy in obstacles then there's probably less than 0.1% of men in the world. Doing things you don't like doesn't have to be joy. You need discipline. Men without discipline won't be able to lead.
@gmshadowtraders 11 ай бұрын
We need videos like this to educate millions of lost souls!
@raudhahlozenitta403 Жыл бұрын
Hands down absolutely correct
@keithlott5146 Жыл бұрын
Not true at all, everything she mentions about the woman, he is working to make sure the home, bills, needs of kids is available to the wife and he has to make sure she is ok and happy. He cant go thru struggles and speak on them he will be seen as wesk. A non working woman can sit at home all day and wait tol the baby wake the washing mashing stop and the school bus pull up, and scream Im so tired, meanwhile the man is feeling pressure to pay the house note, the bills, kids needs and things to make his wife happy, quietly suffering because he is weak if he ask for help.
@anar3602 10 ай бұрын
​@@keithlott5146 So a woman working at home isn't working. Thx for revealing that you didn't hear what she said.
@braddsarro5539 4 ай бұрын
Lead as much as you want, she'll find faults and step out of the relationship as soon as she finds something better. Any question in the relationship she leaves. Every time.
@Hiro-wy6ob Ай бұрын
I'm very emotional.. maybe more than women when it comes to the kids
@ineedhoez Жыл бұрын
That's not about him being the leader that's about him being a competent adult. Hes being a partner.
@the-ironclad Жыл бұрын
No him being a leader is taking responsibility for his wife and kids and providing and protecting
@busylane 9 ай бұрын
A competent adult doesn't equal the ability to lead.
@manifest2203 9 ай бұрын
@@busylane exactly. Even that most men lack, forget leading.
@manifest2203 9 ай бұрын
@@the-ironclad women protect and provide too.
@JETTSTACHI 4 ай бұрын
​@@manifest2203..and divorce their useless husbands.
@Time4change111 10 ай бұрын
Leading for a healthy, strong, God fearing man typically means taking the lead and helping without needing to be asked, providing, protecting, helping make healthy decisions that will benefit the family with a prayerful, stoic, balanced, calm, understanding, strong leadership type of maturity that most women want 💪🏻💪🏾💪 Team work makes everything work😎 ❤God bless.
@imranxalamin Жыл бұрын
i can listen to this woman forever 😍😍
@victoriamichelomusale377 11 ай бұрын
Me too
@arthurmintoogue7460 8 ай бұрын
Me too , i really like the way she IS talking ❤
@AzariahFox5370 6 ай бұрын
Lots of men find this out when it is too late. By that time marriages are over and the children are devastated. The moral of the story is - Men need to man up and women need to stand by them!
@alexanderfrimpong6299 11 ай бұрын
I use to love it in my past relationship getting my kids up an hour early. Let them Watch something educational. As i would iron there clothes. Prepare there breakfast. Wash dress them. Walk to school and discuss whatever we had watched. Best days ever.
@mrs.marvelous8624 5 ай бұрын
This woman drops nothing but gems 💎 ❤
@oneextra8659 Жыл бұрын
About disrespect,it's probably primary reason why women are that way towards men. I agree. About leadership, they both have some tasks and roles in family. A woman also has to have some control, not just blindly follow and lose herself
@shaidkhan5557 10 ай бұрын
Because when I used to go to Kashmir as a child to stay with my grandparents I was amazed by how much they love eachother. The man would go out to the town in the morning after having breakfast showering and putting on fresh ironed clothes. The man shows off the skill or standard of his wife by the way he is dressed and how contempt he is with life. This makes him more attractive to investors and he is the kind of person who is preferred to work with. Rather than a skatty looking man swearing at his wife and complaining about being hungry
@BeautifulGirl735 11 ай бұрын
If men listen to her rather than men like Andrew Tate, they will learn to thrive and be happy, good partners and individuals.
@JHW44 9 ай бұрын
I haven’t heard much Andrew tate has said that I don’t agree with... he says the same thing as her.
@samahaghighi9731 9 ай бұрын
Yupp. If you listen to him more, you'll see he exactly says the same things. Not as polite and lady like as her but the exact same message.
@BeautifulGirl735 9 ай бұрын
@@samahaghighi9731 he’s promiscuous which is something she advises against. He’s not like her at all, he’s trash. He either operates a brothel or an orphanage for sexy, adult women. You decide, I guess.
@randomterran3260 9 ай бұрын
She is giving insight from the female perspective and andrew is giving insight from the male perspective. Both are equally important.
@BeautifulGirl735 9 ай бұрын
@@randomterran3260 except he’s promiscuous, disrespectful to women, and unmarried.
@janandrewmacaso53 Жыл бұрын
Men are good leaders. Women are good managers.
@PrettyBlueSkyeEyes 5 ай бұрын
I'm a woman and I am waking up to the fact I'm a leader not a follower
@girlmeetsglam381 Жыл бұрын
Jesus said everything that he is a leader, the provider, the protector, humble and a server of his family. But that’s always overlooked.
@philipmwangi5270 Жыл бұрын
I'm curious, can you point me to the Verse in a Bible
@girlmeetsglam381 Жыл бұрын
@@philipmwangi5270 marriage according to the Bible in God's eyes is the reflection of the relationship of Jesus to the church. That's why the church i.e. (the wife)is commanded to submit. The Husband represents Jesus that's why husbands are commanded to love their wife and give of himself(serve) as Jesus did for the church going as far as to lay down his life. Jesus showed us by his actions and miracles what actual headship looks like for the leader, humility, servanthood to ones family, friends and community and complete obedience and submission to God. If you need scriptures I would gladly provide them but If you read the old testament they are all there. Submission in Gods eyes can not be forced it is earned through trust. That's why we have free will.
@philipmwangi5270 Жыл бұрын
@@girlmeetsglam381 Thanks for the in-depth insight
@slowonNurburgring Жыл бұрын
I agree, my dad has all characteristic that you describe, my mom 100% trust n respect his direction, treat him like a king, he also treats her like a queen. Many ladies who is my mom's friend also say a husband like my dad is rare to find. They barely argue over 30 years.
@girlmeetsglam381 Жыл бұрын
@@slowonNurburgring exactly submission is trust. No one can force it and if you are unworthy of trust you won't get it.
@MrTrollbaby Жыл бұрын
Id love to take the lead. My personal issue is that women ive met although mature and hold themselves well dont know where she wants to go but only knows where she doesn't want to go. So it doesn't matter how hard i tried there was always something worth her complaining about. Almost every "street". To the point we got nowhere.
@helgaioannidis9365 11 ай бұрын
Have you tried just telling her where you're going and she can choose if she wants to join or otherwise stay back alone?
@MrTrollbaby 11 ай бұрын
@@helgaioannidis9365 she left me
@justblack1 10 ай бұрын
​@@helgaioannidis9365THIS! Because men always complain about women not knowing what to eat but I guarantee if you, as a man, make the solid decision on what to eat and give it to her, she will eat it!
@helgaioannidis9365 10 ай бұрын
@@justblack1 I can definitely confirm that in my case 😂
@Sarah-fp9oc 7 ай бұрын
I really like her, she has a balanced and fair outlook.
@edpreston1635 Жыл бұрын
That's funny. In all my relationships, it was the women who were immature and incompetent. They deliberately sabotaged us financially and socially, and had zero respect for men in general. The change in my wife two weeks after we got married was astounding. Eight years later I left. Never been happier.
@iraklischatzivagiannis5080 Жыл бұрын
Same thing happened with my marriage. Started showing a different face and when our child was born, she gave up completely. Ten years later I have raised our daughter by myself, had to find home office job to do the housework and the only thing she cares about is when we ll go on some trip or something. Can't divorce her either, no idea if and when I would see my daughter again. Women are by far more selfish and immature than men
@Dionysus_Athena Жыл бұрын
@@u-kneequeyou clearly have no idea how bad western women are. It isn’t worth the risk at all. Most of them are lost causes. Most of them have over 6 body counts. Most don’t have fathers or men that were around to enforce order.
@robbiedaw3415 Жыл бұрын
Yeah it wrong with everyone else , and not u🥱🥱
@Vida0737 Жыл бұрын
This definitely says a lot about you as a man, and that’s not to be rude . But you should choose better women. Not sure why you attract that.
@norayr3975 Жыл бұрын
You're the common denominator in all your failed relationships.
@ginamaples3571 5 ай бұрын
It's so true a man has to be a leader and a gentleman .. it's not very hard to do men . Take charge be empathetic and consistent..❤❤❤
@queenzahra313 Жыл бұрын
This is a good sister mashaAllah
@archykhn4513 5 ай бұрын
She's not your sister
@lede1810 10 ай бұрын
This is true for both men and women. If you want to be respected and seen as a high value person, then you should provide some value to those around you Men provide strength for a woman and women provide nurturing for men.
@srinivasanranganathan3468 Жыл бұрын
That's a valid point!!! If a woman does everything from feeding the baby, changing diapers, cooking, washing clothes, cleaning utensils etc., Then she becomes exhausted at some point!!! She begins to hate her husband and starts to disrespect him!!! 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢.
@abtaum6429 11 ай бұрын
Especially if she has to also work to pay the bills and stay up with the baby at night! Too much!
@habkamanja5027 Жыл бұрын
You know other people in this space say the same thing, but they don’t know how to explain as well as she does to be honest I did not even know this explanation. It was great and it’s way better than the other people like Andrew Tate, and the other podcast people, but there essentially saying the same thing
@jimreimers4213 Жыл бұрын
Ty. They ARE saying the same thing, some are definitely easier to "hear" than others. You are very responsible in saying this. It is on the speaker to do their best to get their message out but it is also on the audience to listen for the message and get past the superficial part of the speaker. Their is always something to learn from most everyone if we can get past our mental filters that can get in the way.
@jenniferocampo3873 9 ай бұрын
Exactly where I am after 16 years of marriage. And I give hints that he should ste uo, take ownership but he says because my personality is strong I’m a better leader. No….I lead because if I don’t bills won’t get paid, we will be late and nothing will get done. It’s exhausting!!
@victorian4968 7 ай бұрын
ohhh boyyy have I been there...
@rockyalliston1122 8 ай бұрын
I agree, also some women aren't ready to be lead. I've been asked to lead and get told I'm not going out to eat there, or trys to argue about where we parked and walks the other way and I just had to stand there and watch and wait for her to turn around. I also understand I'm trying to learn to be an efficient leader and maybe that means doing things regardless of if my SO approves or wants to? But I also think some compromise is important too. In no way do I think that anything can be a blanket statement, people are different and it's not a bad thing.
@artsyalkalearnandgrowbeaut3731 11 ай бұрын
This is so valid and beautiful. ❤
@user-ee1rs8ed2x Жыл бұрын
Totally agree
@Chandra355 11 ай бұрын
She doesn’t have to lead looking after the kids, that’s just called looking after the kids, the man leads the household and provides the opportunity for her to look after the kids in a safe environment.
@toorealformyowngood241 11 ай бұрын
Chandra355 However, what you do not comprehend is that a woman can provide a place to you are not doing anything extra, you will still be resented. Has nothing to do with her leading the kids it has to do with she is overburdened with a lot of responsibilities that men like you who think that's all they have to do is just provide a place when she can do that herself. You need to be more involved in a different type of way where you literally assist her emotionally. You have to be able to do things without her having to sacrifice herself to do it for you. You are completely misunderstanding what she is saying and that is the problem with men like you. You are not truly "hearing" what she's saying.btw, ever since when did "just taking care of the kids" become so minimized? You actually expect women to have a psychology degree so that we don't mess up our children mentally. You don't seem to understand emotional and mental exhaustion which is far greater to deal with than just working at a job. Working at a job is a vacation for me as far as I'm concerned. Raising human beings is much harder when you don't have a degree in raising children psychologically, physically or spiritually. There's a lot of women (& men)that are not even whole humans, in their own right. And yet men expect women just to somehow be experts in raising good humans. The easy part is caring for them physically and making sure that they're fed and taking them to their appointments and stuff, but the rest is of it takes, wisdom and and knowledge alot of us do not start out with. The more you assume we are supposed to just accept things the more resentful we will be hands down 🤗
@sofiaalvarez8370 Жыл бұрын
This is spot on
@harpalbhardwaj120 Жыл бұрын
I am absolutely agreed with her. Men should respect women more.
@robert4you Жыл бұрын
Women should respect men more...
@1buubuu1 Жыл бұрын
Respect is something that has to be earned if you want to be respected then earn it. It doesn't matter if you are a woman or man
@mmommo-hx4dx 8 ай бұрын
did that for 34 years. im free now, my 3 children are doing very well.
@muralisaripalli164 Жыл бұрын
Yeah..and when the husband tries to lead, she brings the feminist stuff and calls him a misogynist
@amazinggrace313 Жыл бұрын
Does leading turn you into a misogynist?
@jimreimers4213 Жыл бұрын
And when she won't tolerate your leadership she will leave with your kids and at least half your stuff.
@HumbleMicheal以仁慈 Жыл бұрын
Husband is the foundation and captain of a family he leads. If she rebels, when husband put on plate for his family, then leave.
@opulentElephant11 Жыл бұрын
There is a stark difference between leading and controlling. Don’t conflate the two.
@heidiclayton8706 11 ай бұрын
​@jimreimers4213 true confide ce doesn't cling to stuff. The day I knew I was self.confident I didn't need anything around me
@ka9202 Жыл бұрын
But that's when 50/50 kicks in. Not just when money's involved.
@shanencal5984 2 ай бұрын
"Following someone into a problematic situation, metaphorically described here as 'Satan's temple,' isn't advisable just because of attachment or love. If she chooses to follow him into such a scenario, it's important to acknowledge that both individuals bear responsibility for their choices. Subsequently, if this decision leads to negative outcomes, it might naturally strain the relationship and respect between them. Each person must be accountable for their actions and aware of the potential repercussions on their relationship and individual integrity."
@michaellaforte6964 Жыл бұрын
However, there are women who are very tuned out from their kids, from their crying for hunger, or nap time, needing interaction, etc., maybe now more than ever that many women have donned a boss babe mindset and are more focused on their bank accounts and nurturing their egos than to be bothered to attend to their kids, all while men, good fathers who genuinely care about their kids’ well-being are not only working on their careers but also carrying the brunt of the nurturing since the mothers are emotionally absent, bordering on neglectful. Yet the prevailing and persistent stereo-type pervades the narrative, that women are the nurturing caregivers. Perhaps, we should measure their success by the outcomes and if look at the state of matters today, one would have to come away with a conclusion that mothers of the past couple generations have clearly done a questionable job of child development. Men stepping up and bearing the burden of responsibilities has been a grossly untold narrative and it’s very unfortunate because the men who do carry the load are invisible, there are nearly no narratives about the women who are abjectly unqualified to be mothers apart from the genetic predisposition to give birth. We should work harder and better than to base too much on half truth tropes
@bplayerr1 Жыл бұрын
Modern women in a nutshell.
@ineedhoez Жыл бұрын
Men can be care givers as well. We keep trying to tell you all that the patriarchy hurts men too but you didn't listen. Human were NEVER designed to function in a nuclear family. It doesn't work. The single male bread winner model damn sure didn't work. We were designed to function in extended family kinship models. Children are cared for by all the members of the "tribe" and are able to have multiple caregivers and stong attachments to each of them. The nuclear family puts all of the pressure on the 2 parents to care for the needs of the children. In 1950 (70 years ago) you could make 35k a year, with one worker, and raise a family. In today's money, would be making 105k. It puts things in perspective. The average worker makes 50k. This means that men cannot provide for a family on the average salary. The average home costs 300k. Women have to work. We need to go back to multi generational families, because the nuclear family has failed. It was NEVER real. It was a post war advertising campaign to sell home appliances. We keep thinking this was real but it wasn't. It lasted 20 years and was done by 1970 when the government stopped socializing every aspect of middle class life. Go back through history. Hell, just remember Charlie and the chocolate factory!!!! The nuclear family model isn't real.
@michaellaforte6964 Жыл бұрын
@@ineedhoezdefinitely the American economic model become necessary for a two income home to sustain a middle class lifestyle. Multi-generational families are still very common among many cultures, but I also am seeing it change among todays young adults where they no longer want the burden of caring for their elders, at least in part because they can’t when their jobs consume so much of their time and attention, but there’s a desire to move out and have their own places. But Americans are easily several decades ahead on this curve and in many cases we see less and less family connection as family meme bees live further and further apart, but people go where the work is, and that’s been true for at least the last couple hundred years. What I’m talking about though is the false narratives that are resistant to change, and I’m not seeing women as necessarily de facto nurturing and lovingly protective as the dominant narrative projects. Instead I see a generation, at minimum a generation, maybe many more, in fact The Rolling Stones have a song about “Mother’s Helper”, of mothers tuned out and medicating. Today they’re chasing likes and fandom via OF and so forth and it should be cause to make us wonder. If anyone watched the Depp -Heard trial, we heard clearly about his abusive mother and his father had to leave because she was so toxic. I’ll argue this scenario is more common than than not. Freud talks about the oppressive domineering mother extensively. I contend this model is far more prevalent than society cares to disclose. In fact if we say, we regularly observe an abundance of negative outcomes, ie highly dysfunctional people, and we also see that mothers and often single mothers are the primary nurturers, then we have to accept that the outcomes are the result of the inputs. What I see today is not only the “devouring mother” as Freud called it but a disconnected mother, distracted by a myriad of attention grabbing things while the needing child, which in all fairness is enormously taxing, but nevertheless needs attention that mothers aren’t able or aren’t interested to provide. Again, there are a multitude of causes and reasons or justifications, but the outcomes, ie a highly dysfunctional social society says quite a lot. My point is the narratives are false constructs, projections of unmet desires from the writers and creatives who grew up believing in a Leave It To Beaver idealism that they never knew for themselves. Dysfunction’s the dominant reality. The blame game always kicks back onto the men though. They say, we’ll why isn’t the dad around? Why’s he working so much? … the list is as long as it needs to be to justify unaccountability
@thomasberry9021 Жыл бұрын
A woman should not have to raise her husband. A husband should show his wife the more valuable things in life that goes along with being a responsible mother and rearing children to be self sufficient. Self sufficient means self sustaining, ex: hunting, butchering, cooking, protection.
@Keshly16 9 ай бұрын
Roles of a man: 1. not be overly emotional 2. Provide financially for kids 3. emotionally support kid (s) 4. Respect wife in front of kids and public (address issues behind closed doors.) Can I fulfill these requirements? Probs not atm , which is why I'm not married.
@nelsongoncalves5379 9 ай бұрын
This lady needs to write a book 📖👏👏👏👏👏
@einMaedcheneben 8 ай бұрын
I am going through this. My husband is not able to provide a calm and relaxing environment for me with boundaries for his family and doesnt come up with solutions. He doesnt understand why I dont respect him and dont let him lead, its because I dont trust his leadership competence as he has shown the last four years that its all about his family and never about me and my needs. I keep telling him that I wont get pregnant until he figures things out.
@taxi9554 8 ай бұрын
Well, kids are raised in a female dominated environment. No one told boys about such requirements in a relationship…it is more that they hear “everything 50:50”….thx to feminism. Who is teaching the kids? I can’t blame men…it is difficult to play a game, if no one told you the rules or if you get wrong rules
@jasonsandifer3250 10 ай бұрын
I Respect Sadia, and I respect this Woman’s opinion, and I have Agreed with many of her views and yet on this subject matter I have a difference in opinion. However, there are many men who will be extremely concerned about the Well-being of their wife and children , if they are crying or upset. There are men who have juggled his own work, and or career responsibilities, and maintained and balanced family life responsibilities as well, trying to alleviate the womens stresses, including routinely, and regularly feeding babies, helping with cooking, cleaning, household chores, fixing things around the house and fixing the vehicles, mowing, shoveling snow etc. And still be totally disrespected regardless. Additionally, I believe that it is a choice to treat someone disrespectful, badly, and or demeaning, this is NOT a nurturing behavior or characteristic of a Woman. Some Women say they want a man who will Be in control, Lead, in the relationship, and yet, within the exact same moment speak against his leadership, and decisions and NOT ALLOW or even respect his decisions, and, or she begins to interfere if he exercises any decision contrary to her own views, or if she disagrees with his decisions. So when the man relents, and then compromises his decision for her, he is viewed as being weak or passive, or Not taking the lead. Some Women they will say they want a man to lead, and yet the moment when he does lead she may complain repeatedly, over and over again until he compromises and when he does, the disrespectful behavior may begin, because he may be compromising more, and more often just to keep the peace in the relationship. Some men who are Leaders and for the sake of trying to be very Understanding in therelationship, have allowed women more control in their relationship decisions to Be more understanding and show Flexibility and Willingness to Compromise, and then have been taken advantage of immediately, and viewed as being weak, instead of realizing that he was being flexible, and trying to Be Understanding, however, his gestures to Be Understanding, Comprising, and having Flexibility backfired on him and he was viewed as being weak. And if a woman is behaving like this it is a personal choice to do this… And if she becomes someone she doesn’t want to Be she should look deep within herself and reflect on why she doesn’t respect him, yet continue to work on respecting hin. Because if you’re nurturing you will not wish to be disrespectful or demeaning especially to someone who you care for or love. As I mentioned earlier, I Respect Sadia, and I respect this Woman’s opinion, and I have Agreed with many of her views and yet on this subject matter I have a difference in opinion. Additionally, believe that it is a choice to treat someone disrespectful, bad.
@JHW44 9 ай бұрын
Absolutely spot on!!!! 😊
@calciumkid1995 Жыл бұрын
Men have reacted to women's rights, women's equality, women's financial opportunity. Leadership requires subservience. Privates obey sergeants, builders obey the foreman, small children obey their parents instinctively But wives do not need to legally or culturally obey their husbands, which jeopardizes the hierarchy. I'm not saying men do not lack leadership compared to our ancestors, but for equality to happen, that requires men relinquishing rights and responsibilities to women, which we did. Women can get turned off by the 50/50 guy, and I can understand that, but I don't think they want to submit either, which I also respect. You either serve a traditional husband or cooperate equally with a modern one, having both seems tricky. Quite the dilemma for women, and most modern men have not been conditioned for leadership anyways.
@calciumkid1995 Жыл бұрын
​@@ChalliceAlice she's saying leadership is important in a relationship, and that women can often be disrespectful to men because they are not fulfilling a leadership role. I'm saying that modern culture has put obstacles for men to take a leadership role. But if you want to elaborate on the point I'm missing, I'm happy to listen.
@JyS1991 Жыл бұрын
But the leading roles that traditional women have, modern women still have. What she's describing is actually very equal. The wife is the leader of the household and the kids and... And the husband takes leaderschip outside the house. That's a 50/50ish devision. And modern women still get the full leadership of the household. They're not taking turns with her planning meals and going to the store and cooking one week and him the next, for most modern relationships, during his week, she's still doing the planning and telling him what to do (the leadership part). So that's not cooperating equally.
@JyS1991 Жыл бұрын
@ChalliceAlice What you said, doesn't seem to reply to the substance of my comment.
@JyS1991 Жыл бұрын
@ChalliceAlice I understand what you are saying, I don't exactly understand why you would say that in reply to my comment. Especially since you are talking like you are contradicting me...while that wasn't the focus of my comment, so you don't know my opinion.
@ineedhoez Жыл бұрын
The 50/50 guy is not Carrying his weight. A man child is not a partner. There are more options than leader or servant. Partnership is what women want.
@relaxbebe 6 ай бұрын
Yes ma’am thank you!!!
@itsHaliiii 3 ай бұрын
I love Sadias videos 💯
@Beauloqs Жыл бұрын
Awwww playing house is sooooo haaard
@kkuczak0001 Жыл бұрын
There's no clocking out until they sleep. That is, if they sleep through the night. Kids are far more time consuming than a non parent knows.
@bluebutterfly5062 10 ай бұрын
Lol this is literally why no woman would follow you
@AyeshaKhan-mk3so Жыл бұрын
This is so true. Men will never understand this. They always think you are disrespecting them.
@Journo5810 Жыл бұрын
Are you married?
@jhangirkhan4810 Жыл бұрын
That's 100 percent correct man needs to take more control ease the stress on the ladies 👍🏼❤👍🏼
@AndresPrez Жыл бұрын
What ladies?
@stephensegal5187 10 ай бұрын
She can disrespect Him REGARDLESS of His ability to lead.
@gabby519 11 ай бұрын
This is so true, from a mother and wife
@adriennelove6999 7 ай бұрын
True, wow please talk about it...
@nyashak6772 9 ай бұрын
No truer word has been spoken!!!
@ianwalker3144 Жыл бұрын
So, what happens when the woman won't allow the man to lead? When she second guesses all of his decisions and undermines his position?
@Xenlacasa45 11 ай бұрын
They do this all too often
@heatherlove5989 10 ай бұрын
I think some men need some leadership goals. Leadership doesn’t mean taking over the lead on something your wife has already planned out and is actively engaged in, it’s creating your own plans and engaging the family.
@user-nl1nv2hi1d Жыл бұрын
You’re brilliant MashaAllah. Alway resonates with me!
@forwhatitsworth5745 Жыл бұрын
It’s what society has chosen for men… now we have it and people are trying to analyze it…
@eliim41 8 ай бұрын
She is the best of the best on explain human nature inside
@nmambuehnawe3324 Жыл бұрын
Yes.. Very true
@user-ml5pi3tr8h 9 ай бұрын
This is correct in healthy relationships. When she set her mind to do your head in however, everything you do is wrong: it's wrong if you do it (the way you did it), it's wrong if you don't do it (because you didn't), it's never enough (because there is always the next thing to be done and to throw on your back)... and she will push you to the reaction point, when she will start collecting your reactions as proof of how bad you are. Rejecting your leadership is also a path women take. If you are married and with kids that is absolutely sick and devious. Theory only goes so far.. but Sadia is generally putting forth good theory.
@anadepaiva9009 7 ай бұрын
Spot on !
@shrutisonker1504 10 ай бұрын
Feels like the voice every woman ♥️
@fatimab121 5 ай бұрын
On point!
@kc6736 Жыл бұрын
So, the circumvent of thoughts, the taller of task,...what suggestions, Modernly, are the differential between leadership and disrespect (neglect)? [I] Think individually that it's important to demonstrate a level of Interpersonal, to share, Boundaries too, of course, of intracultural traits. However, at the same time, to simplify, the bordering line is the Exposure element itself too... Where.. understanding the distinctions of different qualities, some that could be fitted for, Formality figuration, and sometimes that of Individual's Choices. Yet, that in itself, is also a threading of lines, where each got to be careful with their own Harms too..
@Jannatchoudery 11 ай бұрын
Exactly billions percent right
@bensnyder6965 11 ай бұрын
Leadership! Leadership! Leadership!
@jamesrgriffinjr8282 Жыл бұрын
Agreed 💯
@wingszzz 11 ай бұрын
She nailed it.
@shreyasitambraparni5713 Жыл бұрын
@tannisarkar8334 2 ай бұрын
well said.
@Ashley-id2cb 5 ай бұрын
Please speak more on this! Some husbands are so out of touch in the household.
@nathaliecardenas74 Жыл бұрын
@rosebuenaventura4593 5 ай бұрын
@shazali7489 8 ай бұрын
Spot on.
@kayodudu5190 10 ай бұрын
@Hiro-wy6ob Ай бұрын
The role is. Live.
@evastevaniwijaya5478 9 ай бұрын
@itzelr3514 6 ай бұрын
@viwemgedezi8314 11 ай бұрын
So clear
@namo4130 11 ай бұрын
Sooo true.❤
@Pasonrev 11 ай бұрын
This is one side but nor all couples fall into this scenario. Some women overlook the role of the man and takes the leadership role. If he decides to put his foot down she withholds affection, sex etc from him. Let's talk about this dynamic which is most common in today's feminist households
@gabrielm4850 11 ай бұрын
Women are always overwhelmed and overburdened in any task they have to do. The dynamic of a relation changes while she gets overburden in her part of the "tasks" and claim that the husband has to relieve her while his is never complaining doing his most hard part of the ...commitment
@lagranges7446 9 ай бұрын
Nice, she's wisdom
@TheSunfess Жыл бұрын
This goes both ways
@AMYP6 Жыл бұрын
The burden on women’s bodies is no joke. This is why we see so much disease, aging and deformity in women’s bodies that affects their brains eventually. We become damaged if we are not careful. The stress harms us. So if you don’t have men in your life who understand this…. What’s the point of having them around?
@user1029xspl8dy Жыл бұрын
Men lead in 9/10 top causes of death in the US and live 5-10 years less than women in nearly every country on Earth. Do you think we just live stress free lives while women do all the work?
@plawandey3715 Жыл бұрын
Stress harms men too. But they don't wallow about it.just because they don't show it doesn't mean they are suffering. Women are like petulant children, no matter what you do, they wallow a lot. But still we are forced to respect them. If men are taking all responsibilities, what are women for.. Being a dead weight?
@fandie42 Жыл бұрын
​@@plawandey3715it's not just about taking responsibility and leadership. It's about being functional without the wife. Some men, not all men of course need their wives for everything. She has to remind him to take his phone before going to work, to call his mother for her birthday or go visit his father coz he's sick. She has to remind him that his socks are in the drawer and that they've always been there. She has to take appointments for him, she has to remind him to take his medecin, to send flowers and a card for his colleague who's wife died. She has to repeat herself constantly because he's oddly really forgetful at home but has great memory at work. He keeps asking for the diaper or milk brand even though the baby is already 18 months old etc And while it's often a pleasure to do that when it's just the 2 of them. It becomes a burden when she already has to deal with the kids. When kids come into their lives the husband doesn't understand that he needs to be more disciplined and stop counting on his wife as much as before. One of the greatest value of women is that they're nurturing. To do that they need to be aware of everything and everyone around them. Her family, his family, their friends, collegues etc. It's a lot for 1 brain lol. So if the man lacks discipline he becomes like a kid for her. And it's hard to respect a child the way you respect a man.
@user-hv3ln3rk8i 3 ай бұрын
@VeeLuciano-dr4iw 5 ай бұрын
She must love the color green
@UnpluggedSauce Жыл бұрын
Much truth in this
@anr287 11 ай бұрын
Men should always be on the driving seat of any relationship. Men must command, make decision regardless of what would lead to that decision...
@mommynaurayasser3007 11 ай бұрын
yeah.. that's true I will make decision over some little things but the big thing always made by my husband... I dont overburden because he is the one who has to think and be responsible for what he has done.. and I can live my life easier as a wife and a mother because he has made it easier for me
@shaidkhan5557 10 ай бұрын
Sadia what do you think of a traditional Kashmiri relationship like our grandparents or great uncles and aunts
@sheilazimmerman3905 10 ай бұрын
She answered the question in a good way, but not every married couple has children. So, I’m thinking leadership across the board is his role…..and if he can’t or doesn’t lead is that a bad reflection on him? or is he married to a woman who is difficult to lead? Somewhere in the relationship they lack respecting one another.
@banginzaza 10 ай бұрын
Protect this woman
@HueriitaA 10 ай бұрын
💯 percent true what she's saying 😌
@stevier3510 Жыл бұрын
Protector, Provider, Prophet, Priest RIP KS
@kaalareeves Жыл бұрын
@KING48168 9 ай бұрын
@calebhobbs9539 Жыл бұрын
@busylane 9 ай бұрын
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