The Tragedy of Dalek Sec

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Dalek Bumps

Dalek Bumps

2 ай бұрын

It's not a story the Time Lords would tell you...
The story of Dalek Sec is, without a doubt, a tragedy. This particular Dalek was able to break through the miasma of Davros' conditioning and envision a better life for his people. Sadly, the dogma of Dalek conditioning, and the arrogance innate in all Daleks, would lead to the tragic downfall of this visionary, condemning the Daleks to yet another Dark Age. But could things have been different...?
Many thanks to Discord member Afootmicrobe for acquiring the elusive deleted scene from Evolution of the Daleks used in this video
All footage is the property of the BBC. Music by Frank Klepacki

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@Jedi_Spartan 2 ай бұрын
"Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Dalek Sec the Wise?" "No." "I thought not, it's not a story the Daleks would tell you..."
@adamcousins5788 2 ай бұрын
"It's Time war legend, Dalek SEC. Was a Dalek commander who was so powerful and so clever..."
@robstoppablecosplay 2 ай бұрын
@@adamcousins5788 "He and his followers could think independently and use imagination to aid their survival. He had such knowledge at his disposal, he could even, preach the Cybermen's superiority, in dying."
@adamcousins5788 2 ай бұрын
@robstoppablecosplay "What happened to him?"
@unlimitedgamerworks6125 2 ай бұрын
​​@@adamcousins5788"He became so imaginative that eventually he feared he would... Lose his imagination. And so he committed to the final experiment to fuse himself with a lesser being in the hopes he could become even more imaginative than before. However in his hybridised state the other Daleks of the cult imagined his irrelevance. And so they exterminated him in his hybridised form. Ironic, he could imagine anything, let not his own irrelevance." "How can I learn this imagination." "Not from Dalek Sec" **cann turns his dome and his eye squints in a cruel smile**
@azarothshadowsoul 2 ай бұрын
I recently noticed that when Dalek Sec marvels at the humans' "genius for war" before saying that humans are very Dalek, it echoes a sentiment that Mavic Chen expressed in The Daleks' Master Plan: "...the Daleks have a certain genius for war"
@jamesgreep9344 2 ай бұрын
Gotta be my favorite Dalek character of all time, closely beating Rusty.
@adamcousins5788 2 ай бұрын
It's something that the doctor would not tell you. It's Skaro Legend. Dalek SEC was a Dalek commander who was so powerful and so clever that it was said that he had something no other Dalek had. Imagination.
@mredbadger 2 күн бұрын
Ironic. He could save his race from extermination, but not himself.
@theawesome5871 2 ай бұрын
One idea I had for if he had survived was him showing up in Journey's End where he could have had a confrontation with Davros, I feel like that could have been interesting, maybe even have him see Dalek Caan again but he'd changed so much Dalek Sec barley recognises him. Honestly thinking of this stuff makes me more sad that he died so soon cuase I feel there's some interesting stuff that could have happened if he had survived.
@59rlmccormack 2 ай бұрын
Trying to stop an endless cycle of violence and pain is a good thing. Sec’s portrayal was incredible.
@robstoppablecosplay 2 ай бұрын
I didn't know there was a deleted scene, that was pretty cool. Should've left it in. Would have helped Sec's redemption arc greatly. Would've been almost a like Darth Vader's redemption arc, a villain who killed for a cause he believed in, only to throw it away for something else he believed in. This is why I love Daleks in Manhattan and Evolution of the Daleks.
@JimmyBlether 2 ай бұрын
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Sec the wise?
@princedeven5829 2 ай бұрын
I thought not. It’s not a story the Time Lords would tell you. It’s a Dalek legend
@Browncoat7969 2 ай бұрын
I can imagine dalek caan telling a story to rusty about the tragedy of dalek Sec the wise lol
@PerovNigma 2 ай бұрын
I never knew about that deleted scene! I see why they removed it - it muddles the flow of the scene, and the Doctor's praise of Sec - but it's an important point to remember that Sec is also responsible for many deaths, and I'm glad it was considered.
@adamcousins5788 2 ай бұрын
He fused with a human, and tired to convince his troops to to do the same. Then his troops destroyed him... It's iconic, he couldn't save his race... From themselves.
@somberdoc 2 ай бұрын
for a second there i thought that the quick rundown of Sec's changes at 7:55 was gonna end with "and from a human dalek hybrid into a corpse"
@cronchyskull 2 ай бұрын
That's a human-Dalek corpse to you!
@Just-Plain-Potential 2 ай бұрын
HOW did i never catch that? The doctor talks to Sec about being trapped in a shell, so he later has the idea to leave it and even sees the Doctor as a genius. HOW did I never see that?
@timecontroller8800 2 ай бұрын
My god I also didn’t realise it till now
@timecontroller8800 2 ай бұрын
My god how didn’t we notice that before?
@Just-Plain-Potential 2 ай бұрын
@@timecontroller8800 Thats what good subtlty in writing/natural character progression is. That's why I want more villain arcs in the show. This was genius, even so far as to make us realize this nearly 20 years later.
@N3RDYG0GGLES 2 ай бұрын
Dude the amount of interesting little details in the character’s arc, this two-parter and a lot of stuff connected to it is INSANE. Some of it may not even have been intentional but is downright fascinating. My friends and I keep noticing new things every damn time we watch it
@Just-Plain-Potential 2 ай бұрын
@@N3RDYG0GGLES I honestly wish the newer stuff had this level of fine tuning. I miss picking up these character snippets.
@dalekslayer14 2 ай бұрын
There’s some irony in the way the Cult betrays Sec. Though they are unwilling to betray the Dalek way of being, they are willing to break aspect of Dalek society that Sec arrogantly assumed they wouldn’t: They disobey orders. Daleks are expected to obey their superiors without question. That’s what Sec was counting on, his assumed position over the other three. Sad, really but then so is this story.
@fawziekefli2273 Ай бұрын
They obey orders from their _Dalek_ superiors without question. That never changed. But once Sec stopped being a full Dalek, and became a Dalek Human, then all bets were off. That's the mistake that Sec made: he assumed that the Cult would continue to look at him as one of their own.
@tomx1135 2 ай бұрын
I do kinda feel robbed that the deleted scene was cut. I get why they did it, but it shows a sense of irony that what Sec himself had done to others, his own race does to him. He is reminded by the doctor that he wasn't innocent and is shown how others felt and were treated by his kind, let alone himself. His understanding of that adds that little bit more character and, in my opinion, his death too.
@CyberController- 2 ай бұрын
Many have taken the title, but Sec was truly the Supreme Dalek.
@N3RDYG0GGLES 2 ай бұрын
Sec is my favourite character. I’m completely fine with some others not getting why, I just find him so interesting and genuinely have always loved seeing any scenes of him. It makes me happy to see him get any acknowledgment at all after the two-parter, whether from the show itself/any behind the scenes stuff or from the fans who seem to be giving the two-parter a bit more love these days. If I started delving into further detail we’d be here all year 😅 but as someone who’s loved watching/reading about/analysing this half-alien man for 17 years, and who’s extensively researched him where I could for fan content… HOW IN THE ABSOLUTE HELL did I not know about that deleted clip?! Holy shit, thank you for showing it!
@darlig.ulv.bakhjerne 2 ай бұрын
"Did you ever hear... the *tragedy* of Dalek Sec, the wise?" "No..." "Hmm, I thought not. It's not a story the Time Lords would tell you... ...Dalek Sec was a Dalek Lord of the Empire, so powerful and so wise, he could use his imagination to influence his fellow Cult members to create... hybrids. He had such a knowledge of genetic engineering, he could even eat a ruthless Human, and hybridise." "He actually... hybridised with a Human?" "A Dalek with an imagination has a pathway to many philosophies some other Daleks would consider to be... unnatural." "W-what happened to him?" "He became a true Hybrid, the only thing he had to watch out for was... losing command of his Daleks. Which eventually, of course, he did... ...Unfortunately, he told his fellow Cult members to imagine, and they imagined his irrelevance. It's ironic. He tried to save the Daleks from destruction - and in the process destroyed himself."
@timecontroller8800 2 ай бұрын
Hahaha while I like mine yours really does use the plot of the story to it’s advantage fantastic and funny
@TheKingMgee 2 ай бұрын
I think the Dalek idealogy is so self-sustaining and immense that destroying them from within is very difficult. But I do like the idea that Sec would have survived this story, saved by the Doctor, and is living a quiet life on some lonely backwater planet, far away from any other Daleks. As much as I think the Hybrid's appearance is a little goofy (and apparently a pain to work with because the motors for the tentacles were so loud), I'd not be against a return or an exploration of the idea.
@baggin. 2 ай бұрын
Sec is the goat 🐐
@guymadgesam24 2 ай бұрын
I like how the hybrid is a decent good person despite Sec and Diagoras both being evil, he truly acknowledged the horror of the daleks
@hannahhybrid8075 2 ай бұрын
Apologies for the ramble lmao but - A fair few people theorise that Sec actually had the potential for good all along, but it was the way Daleks are conditioned for their purpose from birth and have their emotional capacity kept under control that stopped him from seeing things differently. He only changed in the first place because he had just enough freedom of thought to come up with the idea despite it being against their way of things, and then being able to feel all those new emotions finally allowed him to see more of others' perspectives and empathise with them. We see little examples in other Daleks that deviate like Caan, the Metaltron, Rusty etc. Basically many Daleks could well be good just like anyone, most of them just never have the opportunity to want it
@guymadgesam24 2 ай бұрын
​@hannahhybrid8075 you mention the way daleks are conditioned and I never really saw any good in sec as a dalek, but personally I see the hybrid as neither dalek or human, but somehow the fusion of the two went beyond that and created a good natured person
@karllynch1243 22 күн бұрын
@@hannahhybrid8075I wouldn’t say the Metaltron was necessarily good. Rose’s dna just mixed with it and allowed the Dalek to feel more emotions than just hate. The Dalek still killed itself because it refused to be like humans. Sec as well wasn’t good as a Dalek, he unleashed a whole army of them on London. It was that loss that lead to him exploring a different way of surviving which resulted in the human Dalek hybrid idea. It was more the mixture of a Dalek and a human creating a separate being altogether. The hybrid Sec was the first of his kind, so it stands to reason that he’d be different from Dalek Sec and Diagoras.
@karllynch1243 22 күн бұрын
@@guymadgesam24yeah good Daleks aren’t good at heart. The Metaltron was fused with Rose’s dna, Sec became a half human hybrid, Caan went mad going back through time into the time war and only then seen the horrors they bring. The only really good Dalek is Rusty and even that comes from a place of the Doctor’s hatred for the Daleks. A Dalek is never going to be a truly good being at heart because they’re not conditioned to be that way. Davros is a very evil man, he wanted them to be more than even him, so you get beings of pure hatred that deem themselves superior to everyone else and they should all die because of it.
@TomWright025 2 ай бұрын
Sec would have made a great companion
@gamewithadam7235 6 күн бұрын
Dalek Sec and the Emperor was peak.
@staceys5447 2 ай бұрын
I wish they kept the deleted scene just to show being 'sorry' and knowing what you did was wrong doesn't excuse what you've done
@Salavat550 2 ай бұрын
It seems to me that one of the reasons why the rest of the Skaro cult betrayed Sec was envy.The Daleks hate their existence more than anything else, preferring to take their anger out on other species, such as the use of slaves at excavation sites instead of machines simply because they suffer. Now imagine, your leader was not only able to get rid of the shell, but also tells the archenemy that their creator was mistaken and, in general, hybrids are good. I'm actually surprised they didn't shoot them on the spot.
@oliversvoice4383 2 ай бұрын
Evolution of The Daleks (and Daleks in Manhattan to that extent) is not perfect, but I truly think it should have been the ‘finale’ to the Dalek’s story in the RTD era: A beautiful full-circle story that brings their arc back to ‘Dalek’ while concluding the Time War story, and The Doctor/Dalek relationship, with some of the best Dalek writing in my opinion; Helen Raynor deserves more credit than she gets for this story, and Dalek Sec’s brief appearance in the series is something I won’t forget anytime soon!
@ryanstephenkristoferkearns1319 2 ай бұрын
Sec is the great Dalek in Doctor Who was tragically cut short, I wish he should've survived.
@Silverwind87 8 күн бұрын
Ironic. He could save the other Daleks from death, but not himself.
@clayton_rose 2 ай бұрын
If there was anything good to come out of this new series it would be the revelation of a 5th member of the Cult of Skaro who was the originator of the idea of a more peaceful Dalek future that Sec pretended to kill so that he/they would be a last resort
@monofolk3948 Ай бұрын
I actually like this Dalek story. I have no idea why people rate it low.
@MatthewCaunsfield 2 ай бұрын
The Manhattan story is so full of whacky moments! 😳
@redjirachi1 2 ай бұрын
Now that I hear the meme I want to know how long it would take the Doctor to solve the plot of Star Wars. Time travel is such an OP ability when used against something that doesn't have it
@qasimmir7117 2 ай бұрын
Sec. The Dalek that dared to dream.
@njfox3305 2 ай бұрын
If he had servived it probably would have gone the same way as the humanised Daleks but in a different way if Dalek Sec lived long enough he would have been found and exsterminated by the new Dalek paradime.
@RedRory19 2 ай бұрын
Sec is one of very few Daleks we take pity on…
@ekij133 2 ай бұрын
Dalek Sec was an _abomination_ ! Distorted from pure Dalek ideals.
@darthjim1889 2 ай бұрын
I feel bad for the Daleks in these episodes because they had a chance to turn to good but their reluctance to join sec because they were conditioned to be that way is sad because sec was right in the end, death and destruction chose them.
@JSP_1147 2 ай бұрын
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Dalek Sec, The Hybrid? I thought not... Its not a Story The Doctor would tell you... He's a Dalek Pariah.
@Lolmaniscool 2 ай бұрын
Best dr who character Imo
@thomasjohnson8391 2 ай бұрын
We all got the figure of him
@hannahhybrid8075 2 ай бұрын
Y'know what, I would VERY much like to know where the heck that deleted scene footage came from because oh my god. Can we find that somewhere? I never knew it existed, at all
@voltran7677 2 ай бұрын
great video, where did you get that clip of dalek sec and the doctor talking? ive been trying to find it on you tube, and im either putting the wrong keywords in, or nobody has uploaded it
@daleksaan935 2 ай бұрын
Sec deserves no title of Dalek.
@FactionParadox2090 2 ай бұрын
I feel like Dalek Sec was their best hope for evolution. Not redemption, their evil is too great to ever be redeemed, but to obtain a new future for themselves. But as always, their arrogance, intolerance and hatred blinded them to the only possibility for survival, they couldn't share in Sec's heightened vision and his final words very much confirm the Dalek race as a self-fulfilling prophecy. They choose death and destruction over and over again, so it will choose them. While they will induce immense suffering and exterminate uncountable billions across spacetime, they will never fully realize their mission and after the death and hatred, their legacy is one of failure, ultimately.
@toddb9313 2 ай бұрын
The Daleks are the good guys now.
@Lukas-mk8so 2 ай бұрын
Hey^^ I recently discovered your Channel (only some days ago) and binge-watching all of you videos - I love them, please keep up your fantastic work! :) Also there is some questions I wanna ask - as a Doctor Who and especially a big Fan of the Daleks (and also Cyberman) from Germany, is there any Store in the UK that sells Dalek Merch/Stuff and also ships to Germany? :) and is there any good Site that have good pictures, renders, designs and wallpapers of Daleks in high quality? Sorry for my bad English and all these many strange questions ^^" would be glad if you could help me :)
@cronchyskull Ай бұрын
Dalek Sec is our Roman Empire 🤣😭
@ImmortalAbsol 2 ай бұрын
Even as a kid I thought this. I suppose he should have given the rest of the cult the same freedom of thought and imagination he was granted before trying to convince them. Or maybe just expected them not to follow him and escaped with the Doctor.
@joshpendreigh1601 2 ай бұрын
I’ve never seen the deleted scene from the hybrid sec and the doctor in the theatre where did you find the clip
@zaarthwren 2 ай бұрын
Did you ever the tragedy of Dalek Sec the Mutaded he was said to be so powerful even most advanced weapons couldn’t break his casing Is it possible to learn this ability Not from a timelord
@grahamturner1290 2 ай бұрын
@pinchofcourage33 2 ай бұрын
I would like to see the doctor go to another universe where dalek sec's plan actually worked and that the human/dalek species are thriving.
@dalekbumps 2 ай бұрын
If there is ever a Doctor Who 'What If?' series, the idea of 'What If Dalek Sec survived and made his new race of Dalek hybrids' would be top of my list of requested episodes
@pinchofcourage33 2 ай бұрын
If you think about it if the doctor is a good dalek does that make Dalek Sec was a bad dalek.
@KristianDavies-tm3dv 2 ай бұрын
Well, you could say that Davos was right about the hybrid
@nates4850 2 ай бұрын
Anyone have a link for the discord
@Set666Abominae 2 ай бұрын
This is one of the logical end points of the Dalek’s fascist nature; one of its ultimately self-destructive outcomes. *Any* form of free thought leads to deviation utterly abhorrent to fascists, which results in murderous backlash. The Daleks are such great villains because the writers are so upfront in exploring the underlying fascist nature of them, and how it can *only* lead to their own destruction.
@VinluvAntonHandesbukia 2 ай бұрын
It’s not a story the timelords will tell you
@timecontroller8800 2 ай бұрын
Did you ever here the tragedy of dalek sec the wise? No? It’s not a story the imperial daleks would tell u It’s an old dalek legend Dalek sec was a black dalek of the dalek empire So powerful and so wise he knowledge and wisdom he even had the ability of imagination He could actually imagine things? Knowledge and wisdom is a pathway to many things some daleks would consider unnatural He became so powerful the only thing he feared was the destruction of are race which he almost cause he taught his apprentices everything he new and when they realised his plan they turned on him and killed him Is there some way to gain this knowledge Not by a imperial dalek A story told by supreme dalek caan to a young emperor dalek yet to take on the position
@GreaterGrievobeast55 2 ай бұрын
Sec had such a wonderful opening in doomsday/army of ghost, so ruthless and commanding. It truly pained me to see a Dalek of high standing turn himself into some meek weaponless creature. Just as blinded by infectious compassion as he was deluded with self importance. Sec's way was wrong, the Daleks persistence after Sec and caans betrayal is proof of this.
@theastrogoth8624 2 ай бұрын
‘Daleks of Manhattan’ and ‘Evolution of the Daleks’ are deemed useless once you realize they could’ve just done an Emergency Temporal Shift from the Beginning. Sec could’ve avoided his death.
@dalekbumps 2 ай бұрын
They couldn't use the shift because they had run out of power. And while the gamma strike did give them the power they needed to engage another shift (as Caan does at the end of the episode), by then Sec had already committed to the idea of abandoning Dalek purity and harvesting the Human knack for survival
@arrowtt3364 2 ай бұрын
Not at all. The Cult burned up their power cells to carry that out to escape from Canary Wharf. It wasn't until later that the Daleks had the power to carry out another Shift, and that was after the Gamma Strike.
@joekauffman9690 2 ай бұрын
The reason why Dalek Sec was betrayed because he wanted to go into direction for new ways for the Dalek race to survive, Dalek caan, Thay and Jast were disgusted, they rebel and despise the direction that Dalek Sec was gonna take them, when Dalek sec fused with the human, he become less evil and become more compassionate, he thrown away his Dalek pride, he become more human then dalek which made the other 3 daleks see he’s no longer a dalek to them anymore and betray him, he was the only creature that could had led them out the darkness but they were blind by their arrogance and genetics
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