Do Daleks have a concept of Art?
The Tragedy of Dalek Sec
Ай бұрын
Can Daleks laugh?
2 ай бұрын
What are Daleks made out of?
@bobherse1997 5 сағат бұрын
Was that a clip from the doctor who anime fan trailer? Lovely to see that
@dalekbumps 5 сағат бұрын
@@bobherse1997 yes it was! I love that animation
@bradnotbread 7 сағат бұрын
For me, Dr Who finished in 1989. Everything and anything after that is a tribute act.
@lordeden2732 9 сағат бұрын
Dalek bumbs are a self distruct devise.
@dalekbumps 6 сағат бұрын
They are technically part of the self-destruct process, but they aren't self-destruct devices themselves. The bumps are, (for Time War-era Daleks at least) a component of the shield projection system. Notice how when the Dalek self-destructs in Series 1, the spheres detach from the casing and create a forcefield around the Dalek which contains the explosion. The explosion itself comes from within the Dalek itself
@scottishdrunkard1845 10 сағат бұрын
I think the best way to approach this racially insensitive Dalek Sketch… is to make it the joke. A followup. In which a Dalek is “Cancelled” for a racist sketch they did in the 70s. Firstly, the idea that a Genocidal Wheelie Bin would be subject to our human notions of political correctness, is funny. Secondly, it can be a piss take on outdated sketches, and jokes, and comedians. The Dalek refuses to make any introspection whatsoever. There’s a difference between making an insensitive skit “in a different time” and making an insensitive skit in a different time, but also acknowledging that it was probably a bad idea. So you have a Dalek acting defensive, echoing comedians who refuse to even acknowledge that it shouldn’t fly these days, before spouting buzzwords, complaining that our modern notions of sensitivity is “woke” and then exterminating Philip Schofield, all while trying to spin it that it’s being attacked. We can’t change the past. But we can make fun of the past in the present.
@lurker4071 16 сағат бұрын
if I wrote a sketch it'd be dalek gay sex where 2 dalek mutants decide to share a casing and have sex
@gabrielho1874 23 сағат бұрын
Thought that was a old woman wig
@gabrielho1874 Күн бұрын
That was suppose to be a turban?
@molybdaen11 Күн бұрын
I love the idea of a escaped darlec looking around before leaving his encasing and grabbing a stone to start rebuilding they civilisation. But in hinsight its much more likely they look around for a slave or convert parts of they casing into nanobots.
@odinlindeberg4624 Күн бұрын
Daleks do have emotions beyond hate and anger, for instance they get a sense of joy from defeating their enemies and beating the doctor in particular. They also have what passes for poetry in their many war cries. So it's not beyond imagination that they view their mechanised shells as something perfect, a la renaissance painters and their love of the human form.
@trashmammal9430 Күн бұрын
I really hope that RTD cannonises the time strategist whenever he brings back the Daleks
@willgillies5670 Күн бұрын
Nation had a great premise but the problem is the Daleks and Doctor Who are like fish and chips, its a winning combination. The Daleks outwith the sphere of Doctor Who CAN work but the idea of taking the Daleks to America without the Doctor Who element, it didn't fly. Anyway Day of the Daleks, I read the Target novel and when I sawit on video I was kinda taken aback by how it was when I read the novel, which for me was more Doctor Who and the Daleks do the Terminator. The voices do let it down as well, but the Special edition covers up a few flaws. I think Frontier in space/Planet of the Daleks is the best Pertwee Dalek story but this is a close second. Death is also pretty good but its very quirky.
@Gojirawars03 Күн бұрын
SPOILERS FOR THIS STORY BELOW: Having just listened to it, nothing gave me a bigger laugh than a joke I made after all the carnage was over in the story. Eileen Clint gives that message about how it’s all over now and they’re going to finally be rescued. Before she even finished, I joked “we met these lovely chaps called the Cybermen!” And then she actually said rescue ships were coming from TELOS 😂 THOSE POOR PEOPLE ARE SO SCREWED-
@codelyoko363 Күн бұрын
Why did you have to remind me of the Dalek Parliament 😭
@fivestarguy100 Күн бұрын
I feel like it would’ve been a nice callback if Rusty was somehow the same Dalek as the one from the Eccleston Story. I feel like it could’ve opened the door for some emotional moments, him asking where Rose is for instance. Idk, I feel like it would’ve been cool is all.
@nickthepick8043 Күн бұрын
If I were to make 10 Dalek Stories in that format, I'd try to make individual stories about Daleks in the Asylum. Think of the variations of insanity that could arise there.
@Silverwind87 Күн бұрын
This wouldn't have happened with Dalek Prime. Empire's not what it used to be. #NotMyEmperor
@ItsButterBean1020 Күн бұрын
I love that second idea of a spin-off doing episodes inspired by different episodes in the prime series. I’ve always wished that the Dalek Generation would get a rough adaptation for the main series, featuring a version of the Paradigm Eternal
@mortytheorgre1500 Күн бұрын
If this dalek lived, it would've immediately been ranked as a dalek supreme or a new emperor
@jamesgreep9344 2 күн бұрын
Do you think Dalek Sec’s consciousness went to the Necrosphere? Did Mr. Diagorus? Or would they have remained one conglomerate entity, even in the afterlife? What do you suppose Missy’s reaction would have been to any case?
@hi-viz 2 күн бұрын
"4 70's Daleks could easily beat 5 million 80's Cybermen" 70's Daleks:
@LoadOfWhoha 2 күн бұрын
Loving the Dalek Question times!! Keep em up man
@EntertainmentCreator2024 2 күн бұрын
Question: “If a LEGO Doctor Who movie was made (similar to LEGO Batman movie) what would it be about?”
@Stoatmaster 2 күн бұрын
I’d personally like to see any original Dalek designs you’ve made.
@Dalek-Galvo 2 күн бұрын
I have a question, do you think that the Mechanoid's will make a return in New Who, and if so, would there be this huge battle between them and the Daleks?