The Tragic End of Bambietta Basterbine (Bleach)

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9 ай бұрын

Music Used:
Aurenth- Patience
• patience
Unnholy- One Wish
• one wish

Пікірлер: 156
@Khajitxi Ай бұрын
Bambietta was fun but I don’t think tragic was the right word until Kubo stated that that traumatized PTSD Bambi we see post zombification was the real her the whole time. It changes everything we knew about her into a mask donned by a child soldier to survive the brutal society Ywatch created.
@ShiroiLuke 2 ай бұрын
Bambietta sure is a character full of mystery. She's obviously a psychopathic muderer, but not a cold and calculated killer, but rather impulsive and careless one. Her casual and nonchallant attitude about killing, almost borders on childlike innocence - as if she's not fully aware of the gravity of her actions, something, she only understood, when she was the one who's broken and beaten, desperate for mercy, something she never had, and ultimately didn't get. One thing I don't understand is, were her habitual killing of fellow Quincy tolerated by Yhwach, even with his radical diapproval towards, even petty cases of infighting? It was estabished, that Yhwach knows about every Quincy everywhere, so I can't imagine him being unaware of Bambietta's "fun time". Or, perhaps, there was some sort of pecking order within the Wandenreich, and the Sternritter, being it's undisputed elite, were privy to special treatment?
@Grayson-Winchester Ай бұрын
Thanks for bringing this up because nobody seems to care about the quinces perspective. I feel like the Sternritters are also just victims. This goes beyond indoctrination. Quincy people seem to suffer from some kind of inherited petty pride. With Uryu I would excuse it though because he lived the life of a regular human boy in the world of the living. When he challenged Ichigo for the first time, I’ve found it to be his puberty. Later he grew very fond of Ichigo, Orihime, ect and liked to spend time with them. Even if he didn’t want to admit it. So Quincy can genuinely care for none-Quincies. Looking at his parents we find out Quincies can genuinely care about each other. When we look of the Vandenreich we find nothing but badmouthing egoists. Something even Gremmy criticized. They are all acting like children which you notice in these micro aggressions. From their point of view , they were given superpowers and let loose by Yhwach who has proven to be an even greater psychopath. It wasn’t until Yhwach spit in their faces with Auswählen that they thought about their situation. Before they weren’t able to ask themselves why a world without the concept of death is something they wanted or if they really hated the soul reapers. Basically what I’m trying to point out is that I feel sorry for them. I would want to help them. The Quinces have nobody genuine, intelligent, caring or compassionate on their side. Even Liltotto is someone even half-backed for me. Besides her wicked tongue, she is still very sarcastic and avoiding towards any kind of feelings. Even wanting to save Candice and Meninas is something she partially held on to. It is terrible of her to even assume the possibility to keep them as zombies regardless if they wanted or not. Bambietta clearly didn’t. When she was saved by Hashwalth’s aide, Lil was still very paranoid and cold because she thought she’d be interrogated. The woman just wanted to help them even if it was just an order. Liltitto was turning her help into something pragmatic and just didn’t want to be in anyone’s depth . Proclaiming to be traitors and enemies. Yet nobody wanted to harm them. Lil was also very dismissive of Nanana. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like him either but it’s telling of her character to how she responds. It must be easier for Liltotto to say she doesn’t care about someone rather than she cares about someone. She’d want to take care of Giselle however. Though I’d argue what good Giselle can even bring. Giselle is a case of its own. I think he really is just sick, mentally deranged due to his unwanted gender. It resulted into such violent tendencies because nobody really cares for their emotional states. If Yhwach is such a person, why would Gigi behave 🤷. Candice almost cried when she realized they had come just to save them. The Bambies aren’t used to if people are nice to them. Life in the vandenreich made them shelter their emotions He doesn’t really understand what he’s doing to Bambietta because nobody ever taught them right from wrong. But I believe even they can be redeemed. This should have happened way sooner. Before the Quincy invasion. I’m talking about a genuine Quincy , from the human world who smiles at them, tells them how much they mean to them, but also scolds them from time to time , goes shopping, skating, pitching, ect. When Uryu first appeared, they didn’t welcome him as one of their kind. In time they could learn to return that kindness. It starts with little things: - saying hello - good morning - how are you? - see you later - good night So something like Zombie Bambietta could have actually been prevented. To answer your question. I do actually think Yhwach doesn’t care much as all Quincies are just a temporary storage for the power he shared. The sternritters on the ground were just a distraction. His role guard had the bigger role. The Sternritters in the Vandenreich had special treatment since there is a strong discretion between echt and gemischt Quincies. Bambietta exposing foot soldiers was something they just overlooked. Like I explained in my essay above. Quincies haven’t tapped into their “hearts”. The heart is a recurring theme in Bleach where we have Ichigo and Orihime as the most compassionate characters who changed the views of soul reapers and hollows alike. A sort of privilege that the Quincies never had. I’m certain if Orihime was near the occasion she would have healed and try to comfort the defeated Bambietta.
@ShiroiLuke Ай бұрын
@@Grayson-Winchester Oh , boy there's a lot to unpack here... Yes, your take is absolutely correct, resonates with me, at the very least. I always liked the Quincy for their lore, aesthetics, fascinating abilities, and I do think they deserve to be looked at holistically, not just be simply dismissed as fanatical mob of killers (even though they mostly have been just that...). First of all, during Yhwach's first encouter with Ichigo, the Quincy Emperror said something about taking the boy to his headquaters for "reeducation", so I suppose there is some sort of Wandenrech propaganda instilled within each and every of it's member (even the Arrancar inductees, notably), that is partly responsible for their behavior - Äs Nödt, and Lille Barro are an extreme examples of this notion, as their devotion to Yhwach has clear religious undertones. In Uryū's case, you've missed the very important influence, that was his grandfather Souken, the man who rejected Wandenreich's methods (even despite their combat-related boons), instead he taught Uryū the philosophy of "Quincy's honour" ("Pride of the Quincy", in different translations), an idea the Quincy youth would keep close to his heart, and one no other Quincy would ever reference. As for Bambies, at the end of the events of Can't Fear Your Own World novel, Commander Kyouraku permitted the Quincy girls, to reside in the material realm, on the condition, that they won't cause any disturbance, and they notably learned to enjoy the simple pleasures of human life, which shows that Quincy do have the capacity for emotional growth. There are many interesting examples such as, Bazz-B, who had a personal vendetta agaist Yhwach, a sentiment he decided to act upon, only after the Auswählen, an event which also caused some other Sternritter survivors to defect (understandibly so). Askin Naak Le Vaar notably, didn't follow Yhwach out of loyalty, but rather curiosity, about the new world that the Father of the Quincy were to create. Yuugram Hashwalth, the unquestiongly loyal Sternritter Grandmaster, in his final moments choose to heal Uryū to give him a chance to stand against Yhwach, a rather uncharacteristic of him act, of both mercy and defiance. All these exaples do show, that Quincy were far more layered as people, than the rudimentary onlook would suggest. All and all, I think Tite Kubo, wished to flesh out Quincy characters much more (just like Gotei 13, and even some of the Arrancar were, over the course of the story), but since he was under the duress to end the manga asap, simply lacked the necessary time to do so. P.S. I might have been quite vague about my last question, but I meant something a skosh different, allow me to reiterate - Since it's clear as a sunny day, that Yhwach doesn't care about his subjects, a fact the Wandenreich members are keenly aware of, then why would Bambietta be spared of being on the receveing end of her Emperror's 'lack of care", given her clear violations of his rules? Echt and Gemischt argument does not compute - all Gemischt (bar one exepction) have been disposed of during the first Auswählen, after 1000 years, all Quincy within the Wandenreich ranks are ipso facto Echt Quincy. Your idea of lack of "heart", however, is absolutely spot on - no one within Wandenreich, especially not Yhwach, would bat an eye over a loss of an individual Soldat, since Bambietta alone contributes far more to the war effort, than even a legion of mere Soldat does. Resouces are what's important, not the moral order within the organisation - that's the true reasoning behind Yhwach extreme ban on infighting. Which does, indeed confirms my assertion about the "pecking order" within the Wandenreich... would ya look at that, you've anwsered my question satifyingly enough, after all 😜😜😜.
@c____89 Ай бұрын
It benefits her to act like this. There are people irl who only care about legally killing the enemy without repercussions, hence her childlike glee.
@Grayson-Winchester Ай бұрын
@@ShiroiLuke I also found the Quinces to be a rather underutilized fraction who keep suffering for no reason. Who will ever want to protect the quinces ?! You and me should be the reasonable ones here and not dismiss their circumstances they only have known. Senjumaru once called the quinces more diabolical than Aizen which Ichigo didn’t reply to. Throughout most of the war the sternritters only confirmed to her statement. Because they were kept children in their minds. Children often do or say cruel things without realizing the gravity of their actions. And children need guidance. In episode 2 of cour 2 Orihime asked herself if such a peaceful state could not last. And if it was necessary to even fight a war when everyone can try to understand and support each other. Respect each other. This is where I’m going with my ideas. While your points definitely do have weight let me unpack them if you don’t mind. You can correct me again if you want to. The vandenreich exists in schattenbereich, a sheltered realm where a certain mentality lies. By founding the sternritter unit Yhwach wanted to have them as better soldiers for the sole purpose of turning the world upside down. He gave each of the Schrift holders his blood to develop an individual power and let them loose on the soul reapers. The sternritters were only more of a distraction rather than people Yhwch really ruled over as a king. They were breeded just to be temporary storage for Yhwachs scattered power until he wanted it back. There was never supposed to be some kind of reward or honor for their actions. Which you could clearly see on Liltottos and Bazz-Bs reaction to Auswählen. The best example would be Gremmy who possessed a power that actually rivaled the almighty but had almost 0 imagination about using them. Letf in his cell Gremmy wanted someone to care about him. Not just chitchat with Liltotto. Someone genuine who takes him under his wing until he grows up and learns to take responsibility for himself. If you are never cherished, appreciated or even told that you are liked then how in the world will you be able to like yourself and fellow quinces. It must be common behavior for the quinces to hurt each other. When Bazz-b shot the Bambis in the back or when Pepe made them attack each other. Personally I have never seen anyone behave in such a manner. Although having been granted seemingly overpowered abilities, the sternritters lacked the imagination to make the most use of them due to their limited mindset and emotional spectrum. If you never face consequences for your actions than you will never grow and develop a sense of right and wrong. People scolding you are in truth just trying to help you. There simply should have been a genuine Quincy who lived a human life with ups and downs so to really appreciate life. That person can stretch out their hand to the Sternritters just as genuine as Ichigo has. If Hisagi can give a seemingly empty shell like Hikone a feeling of self awareness and compassion than why shouldn’t the same be possible for the Quinces?! Ichigo’s and Orihimes kindness and compassion is something that the hollows had issues understanding. They couldn’t understand the heart even if they wanted to. Orihime who saved the lives of enemies or Ichigo who prefers not to kill them. Those in charge of hueco mundo learned to appreciate and care for each other. The best example is when they took care of Aura although she used to be an enemy. Hueco mundo has changed for the better because of humans. Ichigo’s philanthropic trade translated to Nel. To someone like Äs Nödt, Yhwach definitely looked like a saint. He had a lungs disease that made breathing unbearable. Everyone would have taken Yhwachs offer to end their suffering. As devoted as Lillie and Jugram were it is extremely agonizing for me to see that the Quincies are unable to see a value for themselves or in the world that they live in without a entity like Yhwach to revolve around. It let to Lillie and Askin experiencing a very gruesome and painful death. In episode 11 of cour 2 Yhwach dismissed Hashwalths attempt to be compassionate towards soul king palace. To some extent Jugram didn’t understand Yhwach as good as he thought he would. Throughout the entire arc Hashwalth tried too hard to be of use Yhwach . He didn’t want to be Jugram Hashwalth for his own sake. There was never going to be a successor to the Quincy king. It was just Yhwachs way of challenging himself. At the end Hashwalth may have regretted nothing but the sad truth is, he never had anything worth living for. Bazz-b wanting revenge on Yhwach was something that tragically let to his own downfall. There is always a tragic end to those who seek revenge. Ask Komamura. It also just doesn’t justify shooting the bambies and Nanana in the back. No, harming people outside of your vengeful attitude is telling of your nature. Fitting for him to find his dead end at the very person he thought of as his friend. That’s just karma . Bazz-B set himself an outline. Nobody forced them to enter the soul king palace when they survived Auswählen. Thanks for bringing up Souken Ishida because I forgot about him though I feel like his philosophy is just overshadowed by the fact that he endured a horrible fate at the hands of Mayuri Kurotsuchi who continued with his unspeakable, immoral methods. To Uryu, his grandfather most have been an important emotional pillar. Yet quinces like Souken and Ryuken are far too rare. Quincies shouldn’t need honor or pride to live on. Like you said keep close to heart. Something humans can teach them. Soul reapers pride themselves by keeping up the balance of the world and have the worst reputation. Quinces could appear heroic to humans by protecting them from hollow. Humans can teach quinces to abandon their pride and so called honor in pursuit of happiness. Only humans can experience happiness and despair. Until the story of Bleach hollows were just considered mindless stray creatures that needed to be cut down. Ichigo and Orihime never thought of hollows to be of lesser worth. They understand that hollows are also just suffering. When Aizen came with his hogyoku, suddenly everyone was allowed to shed their masks and regain full individuality. Unintentionally Aizen did something good. About the Bambies I explained in my previous comment that I would like to take their hand to genuine help them. To get over their negative tendencies and enjoy life to the fullest. And then let them find their way. It would be a very difficult task to get through Liltottos emotionless expression and get her to smile but like reformations in prison, you’ll never know unless you try. It also has a bitter aftertaste when you remember that there are probably still surveillance bugs. Not to mention what Candice and Meninas went through during Mayuris research. The emotional growth you mentioned at the end of CFYOW remains to be seen. There are better examples like the kind Rokka who treated Aura and Nel who invited her to dinner. The problem is just Yhwach who values nobody’s life as he wanted to remove the boundaries between life and death. Therefore he could never ever have cared about the Quincies since they return to him anyway upon their death. I was just trying to elaborate on what the Quincies can be and not what they were forced to be. The heart enables humans to go above and beyond. To reach unimaginable heights and set goals. I believe the Quincies one day can do it to but they have a lot to learn
@ShiroiLuke Ай бұрын
@@Grayson-Winchester Yes, your insights are amazing, yet again. This time, though I've little to add, your points are concise and well thoght out, nonetheless I've few thoughs to share as well. Now that you mentioned Captain Kurotsuchi, it's made me think, that in early chapters\episodes of the Soul Society Arc, Tite Kubo deliberately tried to make us dislike Gotei 13 as much as he could, by pointing us to it's more, well... dislikeable members - Kuchiki Byakuya, apparently incapaple of any other emotion, than an contempt for his percieved "lessers", Ichimaru Gin, unsetling to no end, Ayasegawa Yumichika, the insufferable narcissist. Madarame Ikkaku, Zaraki Kenpachi, even Abarai Renji as well, to some extent, were all initially shown to be nothing more than battle-hungry, knuckleheaded thugs, just looking for an excuse to spill some blood. And at last, but definelty, all but the least, Kurotsuchi Mayuri definetly takes the cake as the most despicable freak, not only in Gotei 13, but in whole Bleach (only rivaled by Tsunayashiro Tokinada, though the two represent quite different kinds of evil - in short, Mayuri is amoral, while Tokinada is immoral). Only as Soul Society Arc unravels, we were more pointed to more likeable people, such as Hitsugaya Toushiro, Kyouraku Shunsui, and Ukitake Juushiro, all of them showing capacity for critical thinking, recognising there's evil afoot the Seiretei, one beyond the "ryouka" invasion, or just simply good fellows, like Yamada Hanataro, all to make us realise, this is much more than good old "good guys vs bad guys" story. It makes me think, that Tite Kubo might have wanted to" humanise" the Quincy in the similar manner, but it didn't woked out just the same (due to increasing time constrains, no doubt). By mentioning the Arrancar, you've made me wonder, maybe some Arrancar are just "wired" to have the "heart", while others aren't? Neriel Tu Oderschwank, Tier Haribel, (Roka Paramia as well, but hers is a bit different story) were always shown to be much more than some selfish monsters, capable of restraint, courage and selflessness, qualities which managed to show through, when Hueco Mundo was freed from Aizen's influence, making the two a compassionate leaders, a stark contrast to Barragan Luisenbarn tyranical iron rule. Coyotte Starrk, powerful as he was, was never shown to be evil in any capacity, only lonely, desperate for comraderie. All of these examples are in contrast to Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez, who shown little change from his Espada days, heck Hollow days even, egotisical and megalomaniac to no end, constantly looking to prove his superiority to others, enemies and allies alike, being only capable of cooperation, when the circumstances pressure him to it. All and all, there are far too little examples to support my theory, so I'm not holding onto it by any means. And for my final point, I think Yhwach was meant to be a bit more complex, than the "strereotypical overpowered villain, that even an author doesn't know how to get rid of" he became in the end. Yhwach wasn't born "the almighty" (sorry for a bad pun, I just couldn't resist 😆), he was unable to function, not until he began unwittingly sharing the power with others, and then had it returned to him upon their deaths. In the night, Yhwach was helpless, his beauty sleep was an apparent necessity, so he was in need for soldiers to defend him. On the beginning of the second day, of the second Seiretei invasion, he expressed graditude for all the fallen Quincy, for allowing him to continue to exist. I might be wrong, but I think it would suggest a much more symbiotic relationship between Yhwach and his "children", even despite his lack of care for their individual lives. All this notions, however, were abandoned without consideration, as more absurdly overpowered Yhwach was becoming, as more absurd his plans were shown to be, the less nuanced his character became, and I believe it wasn't how Tite Kubo originaly envisioned him to be.
@GetsugaGoon 9 ай бұрын
She deserved to get some backstory. Too bad the author decided not to give those to minor villains in the final arc.
@Animeman1993 5 ай бұрын
However I'm pretty sure the only one we saw one for was As Nodt for just a couple seconds.
@V4P1D537 2 ай бұрын
@blackAngelProductions Ай бұрын
No she didn't bambi was lame
@crowdaddy5179 Ай бұрын
If he came out later and gave all them back stories in like a lite novel I’d read it
@hanahealer8818 9 ай бұрын
i wouldnt say her death was tragic, it was more of a karma and well deserved one, she took quincy soldiers so she could make out with them and then killed them, she was half dead and gigi fcked with her and then became zombie
@basedoppenheimer1497 Ай бұрын
This and also her shit tier personality, though Giselle was worse.
@JinisBored Ай бұрын
Also she was taunting the soul reapers mad hard lol
@Araf-oz6tw Ай бұрын
nah she fucked them but then again
@NoOne-fu2qt 12 сағат бұрын
To be fair that random soldiers would've died either way with Auswählen and it wasn't forbidden for strong to torture/dehumanize the weak in Yhwach's society, but it was the foundation. The foundation of Quincy society in TYBW (Idk about Lichtreich/Pre-Lichtreich quincy era) is based on sole factor of strength. Soldats are cannon fodder that gets sacrificed for Sternritters. Sternitters are stronger but still fodder to be sacrificed for Four Elite Guards. Four Elite Guards are REALLY strong but still cannon fodder that gets sacrificed for Yhwach/Jugram. The only way to survive in society like that is to either become strong or appear strong. It's actually quite surprising how much demonized the society that we could sympathize for (Quincy extermination. Mayuri's experiments) is. Because of Yhwach they seem really cartoonishly evil besides Jugram and Bazz-B. The only Quincies (Minus Uryu since he wasn't a TYBW addition but existed throughout the series and we knew his backstory) that have known backstories.
@Apoc_Bone_Daddy Ай бұрын
She definitely got R worded by Zombie Boy
@abdullahirfan9991 Ай бұрын
@Apoc_Bone_Daddy Ай бұрын
​@@abdullahirfan9991 Due to hyucktube's censoring and such, I can't say the actual word, lest I want another ban, which I absolutely do not
@abdullahirfan9991 Ай бұрын
@@Apoc_Bone_Daddy ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh. Right She got Casca'ed.
@steveacosta2742 6 ай бұрын
I wouldn’t say tragic more like karma
@YeYe-ni7qy 9 ай бұрын
I can fix her.
@Mr.WestcottX 9 ай бұрын
For real to good girl
@blackAngelProductions Ай бұрын
@thenewguyinred 4 ай бұрын
It’s the same feeling people get for Aura from Frieren, even thou she’s done horrible things, you can’t help but feel bad for the cruel and unusual demise she suffered.
@slumpedg2808 2 ай бұрын
No we don’t lol
@ShiroiLuke 2 ай бұрын
That's one strange bias, if there ever was one. If the villain is a pretty girl, that by default, makes her more justifiable, or even seem less culpable for her actions. Reminds me of the real life case of Yuka Takaoka, when she was found guilty of stabbing her boyfriend, her simps on the internet made nonsensical excuses such as : "She's too cute to be a criminal", or "Being stabbed by cute girl is a reward not an offense", or "Even if she stabbed him, he should go to jail for cheating on a cute girl, not her".
@dabnoob317 2 ай бұрын
@@ShiroiLuke i agree. the double standard is crazy
@justane517 2 ай бұрын
I was rooting on her downfall.
@muazadam983 Ай бұрын
@@slumpedg2808 Agreed i just find it more comical than anything else
@hinatahyuga9311 Ай бұрын
Bambi was awesome and hot character but she died in a tragic way
@Unigoske Ай бұрын
@bossman3450 9 ай бұрын
lokey i think i could of changed her
@SeeZer0 9 ай бұрын
@emilyhynes6643 6 ай бұрын
@Hashbrownz12 4 ай бұрын
Aww hell naw💀💀💀
@DemBaddBonez 4 ай бұрын
🦖: Nope... 💀 She'd EAT YOU ALIVE BOY... 💀
@SalimouToure-ic1ns 2 ай бұрын
@@DemBaddBonezworth it , im finna be happy either way
@ObscureEntitty 2 ай бұрын
Nah the way Shinji was taken out was tragic like they did my man dirty
@matthewtedeschi5646 Ай бұрын
Too many captains always need to take Ls
@BroWniE3630 Ай бұрын
Nah nah Shinji's L was soooo undeserved like he had hollow powers... This fact alone would have made him no diff most if not all the Sternritters by himself
@efimkovalev3266 2 ай бұрын
Karma for that bastard thing called Bambieta. Respect for Komamura.
@ismaelcaban8742 5 ай бұрын
Most forgotten bambe As nodt: am i a joke to u
@dranoelarios4788 9 ай бұрын
"Glizzy" went a little too much gamer mode on her ☹
@Tanaka-kun9313 6 ай бұрын
Good thing from what I heard in Kubos interview is that his going to give the Bambies their backstories.So I can't wait to know the reason why the Quincies have a distain for Bambietta
@nuclearcrocodilia8475 4 ай бұрын
Dang, really? Is there a source for that cause that sounds like something to look forward to
@fangsilver1977 Ай бұрын
@@nuclearcrocodilia8475 is it out yet?
@grgsagar16 2 ай бұрын
8:38 what do you mean "she"
@tabrisss818 25 күн бұрын
shawty like a melody in my heead
@ginnungagapabyss5639 9 ай бұрын
She might be around still. I remember some KZfaqr talking about CFYOW bringing her, and zombie girl back, but idk, I did not read it.
@kamamara2567 6 ай бұрын
All bambis are fine in CFYOW and are chilling in some random country
@ginnungagapabyss5639 6 ай бұрын
@@kamamara2567 I see.
@Animeman1993 6 ай бұрын
I'd say out of the girls that should've been killed off it should've been Giselle, she's a bit too crazy to be left alive at least compared to the other girls.
@Animeman1993 5 ай бұрын
I did kinda hope some of them did survive considering at least some are more sane than others out of the quincies, the Bambis especially which they did survive. If I recall, Giselle, Liltotto and Bambi were in the process of trying to go save Candice and Meninas who are captive by squad 12 if memory serves.
@ginnungagapabyss5639 5 ай бұрын
@@Animeman1993 same
@reno9571 Ай бұрын
you think that as tragic as how shinji was being treated during their fight? Just to showcase how strong she is bruh!
@goblinslayer734 4 ай бұрын
Here me out…
@MrTigracho Ай бұрын
Tragic would be if she had any redeeming qualities
@SirStappy Ай бұрын
Nah she deserved everything that she got, it was just karma after all
@Animeman1993 6 ай бұрын
While for villains they deserve what they get when they lose, a punishment like hers is too much. Imo she couldve just been brutally beaten like she was after the fight then stripped of her powers or suffering like Cang and BG9. Living as a puppet forced to fight and be some tool for Giselle is a bit extreme albeit i heard her changed personality is actually her real self. At least she does survive in the end.
@Grayson-Winchester 5 ай бұрын
It's really an unsettling thing if you think about because Giselle is still a man who sexually abuses a woman. Why would he stop all of a sudden? Does any person stop sexual harassment when they're stopped. I think Kubo realized he stepped into something too appropriate. If it was not Bambietta it would have been someone else
@Animeman1993 5 ай бұрын
It doesn't help either that the quincy group in general is pretty dysfunctional that some of their members are known to betray one another even for acknowledgment by Yhwach like when a bunch tried going at Ichigo in groups and not caring so much for each other. Her group didn't even try stopping Giselle from going through with it.
@Grayson-Winchester 5 ай бұрын
@@Animeman1993 the Quincies doesn't really care about each other and are given superpowers to act even worse like the Bambis. Liltotto is the only one who is nice and smart. She sees them as her friends. Even after the war going to save Candice and Menina. But for some reason not Bambi. They don't function as social people. That's why the Quincies were almost instinct
@Animeman1993 5 ай бұрын
That's why compared to the quincies even the groups like Espada were more respectful of one another save for Szayel or Nnoitra. I feel the Bambis were the most respectful among themselves as far as we've seen. Then again in Bambi's case they knew how she was like and a bit full of herself so rather than stir trouble they probably just went along with it and let her have her way.
@Grayson-Winchester 5 ай бұрын
@@Animeman1993 good thing that you mention the espada because everyone had their own agenda as stated by Gin. But the mere offer to follow Aizen was enough to sit on a table. I never really understood what drove the Quincies starting by Uryu. All Quincy seem to act on some petty pride when they have other issues. I bet most Sternritters can't even write, read or cook. All of them could lead a peaceful life in the human world like the Ishida family.
@69423 23 күн бұрын
Yay we defeated her
@blaz3r 9 ай бұрын
After posting this video I discovered information that I overlooked,Apparently bleach has light novels in which states that Bambietta survived the attack of Giselle and was saved by Haschwalth and now her,Giselle,and Liltotto are in Hueco Mundo trying to get aid to help them save Candace and Meninas from the 12th Division (Bambietta is still a zombie so that still hasn’t changed so technically she is still dead)
@kenjiuchiha720 8 ай бұрын
Well I say both dead and alive because in the end of the light novels she has her own personality and a mind back
@user-ks4xo7ny6v 7 ай бұрын
Please, do you have a novel website?
@kamamara2567 6 ай бұрын
⁠@@user-ks4xo7ny6vno unfortunately but you can ask me questions about the novels I got the physical copies
@0kamar189 Ай бұрын
@@user-ks4xo7ny6vit’s the Can’t Fear Your Own World light novels
@theghostofthomasjenkins9643 Ай бұрын
the novels are basically fan fiction.
@adrianmallett1601 26 күн бұрын
I wish i was in bleach ngl
@ymir6843 23 күн бұрын
Quincy K my boys
@AizenPlaystypeshi Ай бұрын
take away her physical and quincy powers and i will take care of her fr
@anikmandal4700 2 ай бұрын
when i first saw the scene where gizelle sucking out blood, I think he/she sucks is cat.
@Whoiamiagain-dt2px 4 күн бұрын
Giselle is definitely a weird one
@specterbektormektor8615 2 ай бұрын
If i see Giselle their gonna wish they prayed today
@Midnightiforgotsomething Ай бұрын
He the worst frfr.
@too_ql 4 күн бұрын
A minor character with no entertainment value gets horrible treatment post-death What's not to love LMFAO!!!
@8bitdragoninstall182 Ай бұрын
Nothing “ tragic” about it.. she got what was coming. 😂
@Apex.vcfx. 2 ай бұрын
You guys are taking thus minor character too seriously 💀
@adijattessy 2 ай бұрын
@yoshiko2 2 ай бұрын
🎵Fuck the quincies we go prog has soul reaper slaying arrancars become vizards and bossraid we going to wandrich get high has fuh we gon get some bad ass quincys home too bru!🎵
@TrueZazaExpert 2 ай бұрын
this isn't type soul
@timoaag 2 ай бұрын
life, is roblox.
@oatatus4102 Ай бұрын
Type brainrot istg
@The_Emperor823 Ай бұрын
Average type soul player:
@fingersmcree4835 Ай бұрын
quincy K till my bones decay
@BlueVenom9 Ай бұрын
there is nothing tragic about killing the enemy, also pretty sure they are a he not a she
@blackAngelProductions Ай бұрын
I'm confused as to why Bambi has been labeled as a fan favorite character I watched the anime and read the Manga I don't get it Bambi was lame how is she beloved. As shinji put it she doesn't even have any actual friends it makes me wonder why those four even bother keeping her around? But ya she was the leader of those 4 yeah I don't buy it because they didn't even take orders from her I think you're reaching on that one Gigi had no problem killing her. Lolly was more memorable than Bambi
@basedoppenheimer1497 Ай бұрын
This, at least Lolly was redeemable, wtf does Bambi offer? Nothing. None of the female Quincy cast offered anything. I legitimately was bothered to even hear them talk or even watch them. I unironically glad they all died forgotten. Only reason they like her is "wOw bOObs n aSS sO gOOd!!!" Literally Lolly and Tres Bestias>>>>>>>the entire female Quincy cast.
@blackAngelProductions Ай бұрын
@@basedoppenheimer1497 amen claps well said my guy I couldn't have said it better myself I actually liked Lolly and remember but what does Bambi offer?
@too_ql 4 күн бұрын
Because some fans are weird
@blackAngelProductions 4 күн бұрын
@@too_ql amen to that sadly because honest to God Bambi is basically nothing honestly Lolly what's more memorable and interesting than Bambi the way she went out should have been a red flag to fans that Bambi was nothing.
@basedoppenheimer1497 4 күн бұрын
@@blackAngelProductions Loly repented and felt bad when Orihime was kind to her, she had a change of heart even if it was hard for her; Bambi? She a useless thot, frankly I wouldn't be surprised if Tite Kubo added Bambi and the female quincies as a sort of troll move to get the fans to sympathize with her even though she is trash.
@hassanediallo2822 Ай бұрын
This isn't her end she's still alive in cfyow even though she's a zombie
@goofy_cat108 Ай бұрын
she did nothing wrong
@merdinkira1050 Ай бұрын
bleach fans sees: Quincy's vs SHINIGAMI'S vs how i see: Gay people vs straight people
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