The Truth That Destiny PvP Players Don't Wanna Hear...

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It Had to be said!
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@ShadowDestiny Жыл бұрын
I don't think there was ever a realistic expectation for Destiny to magically become a competitive PvP game. However, what we HAVE been asking for is proper attention to the core playlists, especially PvP. Destiny used to focus on these core modes more, and that focus is what made the best expansions great. Taken King had 8 PvP maps and multiple modes. The last 4 expansions combined have brought 2 maps... lol
@carloslang5840 Жыл бұрын
I agree. I dont agree w gladd, they have promised things that have not been delivered. We understand that destiny PvE is the main focus(i main pve), but its clear that PvP has fell behind. And gladd himself just agreed that destiny isnt destiny without pvp, and we understand that it isnt the main focus, but the core playlists are important. They are what makes destiny, destiny. They are not doing enough to upkeep these players. And also these pvp players are still supporting the game they deserve the respect of some updates.
@Nightstalker3791 Жыл бұрын
Gambit players: “What are new maps?”
@michaeljohnston272 Жыл бұрын
​@@Nightstalker3791what's a gambit player
@yacine1540 Жыл бұрын
@@michaeljohnston272 like....there are people out there who like really love Gambit and enjoy it ? lol
@saklotas9718 Жыл бұрын
thats what gladd is saying, you wont get that ever anymore... thats his point, since the start of of d2... ttk was the only one that did give pvp stuff but even then after, it left to die after and never touched it anymore
@trevormonahan963 Жыл бұрын
The big issue is that Destiny gunplay feels the best. The moment to moment shooting feels better in D2 over every PVP shooter I've played. I think that's why it's hard for people to abandon. If a similar shooter came out tomorrow with gunplay that felt as good as D2's, almost everyone complaining would be gone in a second.
@letsgog8trs793 Жыл бұрын
Exactly I like the abilities and everything but the gunplay ever since D1 is super clean. All the guns feel amazing to shoot and the visuals are easy on the eyes for the most part. The recoil, time to kill and most things feel great. Where else can you fly around as fast as you can on stompees pre nerf with a shotgun and pistol (thats actually viable unlike most games).
@ace-daniel4240 Жыл бұрын
This is so true. Find me another game that even remotely plays like destiny 2 pvp or pve that’s still alive, you can’t. So the point of moving to a different game becomes mute when they can’t provide an adequate substitute.
@zackphy Жыл бұрын
​@@ace-daniel4240that's what I keep saying. There simply isn't anything TOO move on to. Fucking Marathon is an extraction shooter, if we wanted that we'd be playing Tarkov, and the same goes for every other pvp game that exists. If those games provided anything CLOSE to what Destiny does they'd already be playing those games. But there's not a single fps looter-shooter space magic arena shooter with amazing gunplay game that exists besides Destiny. I know many pvp players who've tried almost every other pvp game and almost all came back cause it's not what they want.
@OCtheG Жыл бұрын
@@zackphyShort of Titanfall 3 I’m not sure what would get me to leave crucible
@DragonBaneXll Жыл бұрын
I always say find me another D2 and I'd go play that
@stealthhunter6998 Жыл бұрын
PvP was a huge reason why D1 content droughts weren't a huge issue for me. It felt like a pretty fleshed out part of the experience during the year of The Taken King and well balanced that year too. Look at Trials of Osiris population graphs and D1s graph was hugely populated, even throughout the content droughts. I think some people underestimate how integeral it used to be to the franchise. I understand it isn't now and won't be thou, but because of how much fun I had in PvP at its peak moments it makes me want more of that. I think thats what other PvP people see in it too. The fact it has had its high moments makes them possibly think it could happen again, so they stay for more but they wont receive it again, thats obvious now but it’s just a shame.
@Marzellus1991 Жыл бұрын
The thing Gladd is forgetting is that the game launched with both aspects together. It wasn't pve then added pvp later on. That player base matters cause it helps the game
@stealthhunter6998 Жыл бұрын
@@Marzellus1991 We talk about PvP and PvE players like seperate entities as well. At one point if u played destiny u probably played both since both r called core activities even to this day (also loot).Yet literally the original core activities even vanguard strikes r all but abandoned apart from some patch notes buried somewhere in the TWAB. 1 strike was added in lightfall… That’s literally the same effort as 1 PvP map. Now it’s just seasonal content crap. Which I just see as completely filler content. Raids and dungeons r literally the only content this game gets every year now that’s worth sonething. When we used to get 2 new strikes, 3 new strike variants, at least 7ish new PvP maps and raid in D1 every year. Sorry that’s my completely unrelated rant on how I think Bungie r hiding content droughts with crappy filler seasonal content and we’re actually in large droughts still when it comes to quality content I care about at least. I don’t think PvP is the only lacking part of the game anymore is what I’m trying to stay.
@vinceA3748 Жыл бұрын
Same here. Destiny 1 PvP kept the game going for me. I loved it. I grinded it for hours on end and never got bored. Then that travesty D2 vanilla landed and ruined it.
@Kumari_44 Жыл бұрын
Exactly! Without pvp the game would have half the life it has and would have died over and over again throughout all of those multiple content droughts.
@ReverseUpended Жыл бұрын
8:56 about that breaking point. The issue is it feels like bungie takes steps forward in PvP that open the gate to more possibilities for an overall greater PvP experience but then they go into a coma period where they stop midway or for long periods of time. It’s this constant tease of a great upcoming or a possibility that never seems to be fully delivered (or rather delivered very slowly)
@espectrodelayautja6320 Жыл бұрын
Why would they? From a business owner, Destiny can’t compete in the pvp market from major competitors. PvP players in Destiny simply invested in the wrong game.
@ReverseUpended Жыл бұрын
​@@espectrodelayautja6320 I understand that now of course but then my problem is in the messaging tone of their previous TWABS not really clarifying that. its mixed with promises of improvement and workarounds with very slow delivery. then again i don't expect them to outright say that they won't really be giving major updates to destiny's PVP because that won't really look good
@NathanMUFCfan Жыл бұрын
@@ReverseUpended They're going to lie to you to keep you around. They will never tell you the truth. What they say does not matter. Only their actions.
@jormungandr4690 Жыл бұрын
Not even just that they go ahead and make labs see that people dont like it and still go through with changes like they did with trials. They legit did EVERYTHING the community told them not to and now look at the population of that mode, compared to last season.
@jormungandr4690 Жыл бұрын
@@espectrodelayautja6320 If that is how they think why would they make marathon ? It is objectively a dead on arrival project.
@SiouxTube Жыл бұрын
To be fair, Bungie themselves sort of fan these flames by claiming they're trying to "focus" on PvP with some of these occasional updates and then fail to do because they can't or won't. Not to mention, I think the current problems PvP players are having with them game itself is less the actual content, such as it is, and more so the tidal wave of cheaters ruining Trials, again. Battle Eye was supposed to be an attempt to fix this but has essentially failed. I can't even blame PvPers, like GernaderJake who made this a talking point recently, for being angry about this. It's not even much to ask for someone to be monitoring this when you see people being banned in real time on Overwatch 2.
@blueberry4Us Жыл бұрын
Bro stop...why you thinking and spreading False info? It was never ever just a pvp Problem! Main issue From the beginning was For Pve players! Then pvp dudes came out and wants to Claim this Movement! This issue began with recycled,reskin content with criminal eververse! No innovation from bungie and same seasonal shit...lots of issues! Why you guys try to minimize it to just pvp? You just helping bungie by that you know
@lordllama Жыл бұрын
the movement gladd is referring to is based on the discourse that had been brought to light by grenaderjakes comments about how the pvp mode had been abandoned and it was to no fault but the developers themselves as they had made it their word that they would be bringing new maps as well as old maps back from the vault. this was a bold face lie at worst and a dreadful misunderstanding at best. Go on and tell me how a pvp problem had started as a pve problem first. Your logic is astonishingly flawed.
@zetto3093 Жыл бұрын
@Central_Intelligence_Agency1and gambit prime was removed, also those cool gambit prime armors
@EFreshPlaysGaming Жыл бұрын
When Gladd says he didn't know where it came from that pvp players thought there was gonna be this focus towards came from Bungie! Multiple times they brought up the fact that there would be this renewed focus on pvp and it never happened. I'm aware this is mostly a pve game, but to sit and act like pvp players brought this up out of thin air is kinda nutty.
@buvplays4078 Жыл бұрын
Completely agree with you here Gladd lost me on this one
@likwid_smoke Жыл бұрын
I don't think he meant it was out of no where like these complaints are brand new. He's saying it's the same complaints for years & nothing has changed. Bungies "renewed" focus on pvp was much much lower than you guys expected. You guys want more than they are willing to put into this games pvp. It sucks but that's the truth.
@omegaxtrigun Жыл бұрын
Pretty sure when they said that, they always were talking about updates, which did happen. But people seem to think when they said that, that it meant they were going to get pvp content like every month or something. Which isn't going to happen obviously. Mostly because pvp is inherently player driven. It doesn't need as much content to have replayability. Pve is way more content driven. So ya it makes sense that pve gets most of the content updates. Because it has to.
@yassel54659 Жыл бұрын
To be fair, I think people we expecting more of a focus on pvp than they got. But to say Bungie said/promised they were going to put significant resources on pvp just isn't the case. Bungie has made several changes to pvp and those changes are what Bungie is going to put into pvp. But IMO I think people took what Bungie said and expected a massive pvp overhaul with a bunch of new maps, modes etc, and Bungie never promised that.
@12SlimJims Жыл бұрын
Ya'll beleieve anything a CORPORATION says? They need to say that to keep ya'll in the game and ya'll believed them like sheep.
@Hynra Жыл бұрын
Everyone started this game as a PvE player, but without PvP a large portion of the community wouldn't even be here after the launch to Beyond Light. All I'm saying is that PvP deserves way more attention that it does currently for keeping such a large amount of people playing this game weekly. Especially as a content creator, this game would become very fatiguing very quickly without PvP. With that said I don't expect Bungie of all things to make a change lmao. I just accept PvP for what it is, and maybe hope they at least try to balance it half a year from now. (While not completely destroying their game in the process)
@letsgog8trs793 Жыл бұрын
Besides the first story missions in D1 I played from the start for the PVP experience, space magic abilities and clean gunplay. I watched KZfaq videos on PvP before buying the game. Also a late portion of the comm wouldn't be here after launch of D1 (way before beyond light) if there was no PvP and later on trials. Id never only play a game where I shoot AI, but even PvP mains enjoyed grinding for weapons and gear in PvE at somepoint for PvP
@Tulvs Жыл бұрын
W take
@_AriseChicken Жыл бұрын
if this game was pve only it wouldnt have made it to taken king period.
@Arctis326 Жыл бұрын
@@_AriseChickenor better yet, pve would not need nerfs for pvps sake
@its_just_jase886 Жыл бұрын
PvP is what keeps this game going. After six weeks of a 20min mission all there is left is PvP.
@lancepeter918 Жыл бұрын
We do miss out on a decent amount of world building with the loss of pvp maps. We don't have crucible zones like all the cabal bases or different places around the planets like old chicago. It could've been cool to see a whole other perspective of Neomuna like on Mercury we got Icarus which was a whole golden age setup for farming solar energy and before that we knew Mercury was totally reformed by the vex so it was neat to see that world building that humans did setup shop there during the golden age. I know that's a very small thing to get hung up on but the Destiny world for me personally has seemed significantly smaller since beyond light (not including what was taken out with sunset) because the one main hub area we get for the expansion is it for the most part.
@hi_fox Жыл бұрын
I don't think PVP players want constant streams of focused updates to make it a competitive game, more like SOME focus in 4 years would be nice. Like you said, if you removed PVP from the game it would no longer be Destiny, so why does that mean PVP should be entirely neglected? Stuff like Immortal being introduced. Bungie HAD to have known it would break the sandbox and yet they still did it. It tops the trials charts every week since the day it released and yet Bungie doesn't address this. No one wants a "competitive PVP game" along the lines of CSGO or whatever, but SOME focus should be a fair compromise. PVE has had every single update and expansion dedicated to it. If you say that the game would not be Destiny without PVP then at least give it some fucking focus. I would not play as much at all if they removed PVP. If you don't want people to be upset all the time you should be angry at Bungie for not upholding their side of the bargain. A "renewed focus" on PVP promised every year and nothing happens. It's a CORE playlist for fucks sake, it launched alongside the PVE, it's as much a part of the game as anything else.
@wellbornthrower596 Жыл бұрын
You have made quite the statement here, shame bungee is more focused on marathon now 😓
@ZeDDiE1000 Жыл бұрын
Gladd didn’t say that you didn’t deserve a focus on PvP? Gladd said that if you think you are going to get a renewed focus you live in a illusion and if you hate the PVP of now that you should quit and find something that will make you happy. And the renewed focus was said once and before Trials of Osiris came back the only reason people have that statement in mind are because it have become a meme. The renewed focus was Trials of Osiris.
@LizardMan8675309 Жыл бұрын
At this point I consider myself a washed up PVP player, I’ve basically transitioned to a PVE main at this point. I agree with the majority of what you’re saying, but I will say that PVP players have a right to be a little frustrated when they’ve gotten a single new PVP map in like 3 years. It’s better now that they’re starting to experiment with game modes again but still it was disheartening.
@DarthVix501 10 ай бұрын
I used to carry people to Trials in D1😂 im so washed lol and the matchmaking dont help either ..i have been also more inclined towards pve since i made a return to D2
@rosegiogio9255 Жыл бұрын
I’m a PvP lover, but I recognize, even back in D1, that the PvE is the meat of the game. The whole PvP vs PvE dilemma is so ridiculous
@rageknight2340 Жыл бұрын
Been dead since beyond light. They can keep crying and whining about it but the truth is Bungie does not give a flying fuck anymore LOL.
@_AriseChicken Жыл бұрын
@@rageknight2340 its been dead since shadowkeep hell even forsaken.
@alucard14763 Жыл бұрын
Ew a pvp andy
@stealthhunter6998 Жыл бұрын
I think D1 did PvP solid. Gave new maps each DLC, felt rather balanced and great during the whole year of the taken king.
@_AriseChicken Жыл бұрын
@@alucard14763 ew a strike farmer
@hyper5056 Жыл бұрын
If Bungie actually held up their end of the deal promising a "renewed focus" for pvp and pvp players, this wouldn't need to be a conversation I think. Regardless, Marathon will kill d2 pvp even more dead than it already is unfortunately
@Gunslinger8912 Жыл бұрын
@kayindaiske Жыл бұрын
There's been constant updates to pvp however...
@JM1992 Жыл бұрын
@@kayindaiskejust new guns on comp, trials, and iron banner.
@Kait07_ Жыл бұрын
@@kayindaiske like the ones that mad it worse?
@Kait07_ Жыл бұрын
or the little ones like new guns and emblems?
@Telesto_Timelost Жыл бұрын
Pvp players don’t want pvp to be competitive. They just want it to be balanced and enjoyable
@mcapo3040 Жыл бұрын
What pisses me off (as a PvP player) is Bungie gave us a lot of what we wanted with the 30th anniversary (less ability spam, less supers, decent primary balance) and then proceeded to shit all over it with subclasses 3.0, AE, sbmm in pub lobbies, etc. As you mentioned, I know it's a PvE game, I know new PvP content/updates is not to be expected, but I at least the few updates we get to not make things worse to the point where it's an exercise in frustration. Hence why I play other games more now; it sucks because D2 is my favorite with 4k+ hours with many of those hours being fun and filled with memories, but I felt that breaking point you mentioned.
@xxdestroyerxx1236 Жыл бұрын
Completely agree 3.0 subclasses ruined crucible
@petervalvo1186 Жыл бұрын
@@xxdestroyerxx1236 ruined pve also imo because while it's fun to use 1 ability and blow up a huge pack of enemies, it's destroyed the balance of the game. Really wish they didn't add in all these "subclass verbs" to the update and just did what they initially said they would, simply take what we already had but just put it into the stasis format to make it more customizable
@thegreenstache6163 Жыл бұрын
The problem is there was pvp support. The community was getting at least something in Destiny 1. The support they did have is now gone. It has not always been like this and this is not the 9th year in a row people have been this unhappy. The 4th year yeah. There is a reason the community has these standards and they didnt just appear out of thin air (for the most part). The majority of pvp players aren't even asking for a lot.
@ZeDDiE1000 Жыл бұрын
Ehh, what. Take of those rosetinted glasses, the last year of the last year people hates the meta and blamed D2. And when D2 launched people hated the PvP including Trials of the Nine. During Forsaken and early Shadowkeep we didn’t even have trials. The only time PvP was what people actually liked was after Taken King and a few months into Rise of Iron.
@thegreenstache6163 Жыл бұрын
@@ZeDDiE1000 I never really said it was liked or anything about the meta, but you're right. I mean the community's standards on the level of support for pvp. Good or bad though it was more support than pvp is receiving now. Varying parts of the community have always and will forever be unhappy about the meta, changes, lack of changes, or something, and that goes for any game. However, I think the biggest problem currently is that not much of anything, good or bad, is happening in the pvp side of the game.
@Contingensy Жыл бұрын
I understand what you mean man, but in my opinion a couple new maps every now and then and balance updates should be the bare minimum. But the fact that it’s been 4 years and no new maps and just content in general and also cheaters. I feel like they’re just outright abandoning d2 pvp
@omniadoc Жыл бұрын
Yup, if you feel they are abandoning it, then isnt it time for you as well, or at least take a break? Thats the whole point of the video, to move on instead of keep hitting the same wall you are repeatedly building back up.
@Contingensy Жыл бұрын
@@omniadoc I understand that but as someone who mainly plays pve over pvp from the outside looking in this is just sad to see
@b0mberman Жыл бұрын
This is your opinion and it probably matched what old Bungie was willing to do. It clearly doesn’t match this new age Bungie team after the departure from Activision. Time to move on!
@tompramanaaccount8892 Жыл бұрын
Funny thing is, Disjunction while it's a shitty map, it's not a new map either. Is just the reskin of Frontier map from D1, so we still haven't gotten a new map so far after 5 years.
@b0mberman Жыл бұрын
@@tompramanaaccount8892 wow I didn’t know that. That’s just silly lol
@DaveAlkema Жыл бұрын
I play both PVE and PVP, and have since I started playing the game. I think it wouldn't be as big of an issue if there was enough PVE content to keep us playing for a full season. The truth of the matter is, Destiny needs PVP to keep people signing in after the seasonal story is done. There's only so much raids and dungeons can do. Strikes haven't seen anything new in ages, Gambit is dead, so that leaves PVP. It's also an issue that Bungie every year says they're putting a renewed focus on PVP, then they don't do it. They're trying to keep people engaged without giving them anything new.
@fnoffnof5943 Жыл бұрын
While I see your point. Destiny is a pve game at heart. We are asking for bare minimum like reasonable balance Destiny pvp meta and maps every so often. This is bare minimum and they don't provide it.
@JC__12 Жыл бұрын
I see your points but at the same time they are the ones that promise renewed focus on pvp. I don't think that pvp players expect the majority of focus. I think that most pvp players are expecting a couple maps per year and maybe some communication on where the playlist is headed. They are the ones that keep not delivering on things they say they will do.
@bumponalog5001 Жыл бұрын
​@@CrunchBar-tc1hgTotal bullshit. There's been ZERO focus since that comment. Reward rotations are not content.
@boneidle8420 Жыл бұрын
​@@CrunchBar-tc1hgI'm probably 70-30 a pve player plus pve is dead as well after the first month of each season so I play other stuff but 2 maps in 4 years and like 12 maps removed is not delivering anything let's be honest. To say anything other than that is beyond braindead
@Kait07_ Жыл бұрын
@@CrunchBar-tc1hg and the seasonal content (70% of pve) is shit rn as well
@wrongthink3885 Жыл бұрын
So Destiny needs PvP players as you state, but you suggest they play dogshit boring game modes and maps and just enjoy it to keep the balance in Destiny for PvE players!? Doesn't sound like a very well thought out solution to just tell genuine fans to go play something else. Of course, moaning about it is pointless, but that's irony for you.
@TitorEPK Жыл бұрын
as a pvp oriented player, I mostly quit pvp when the dmt (for the 2nd time) and pulses became meta, returned for a bit to play IB when that chainmail shader dropped, and completely quit the game a season before lightfall, and I dont regret it, would recommend
@brycel.8291 Жыл бұрын
Well that’s the cycle, broken things never getting fixed or getting fixed by the time something else is broken. I can’t even play the game on pc competitively anymore cause my lobbies are centralized with people of similar stats and also how every decent player is the best player because of these metas. It’s just not worth it anymore.
@justinkidder6872 Жыл бұрын
Quit last year as well. Bought LF and refunded it almost right away. The glory days of destiny are definitely far behind us.
@xchirs_ Жыл бұрын
Destiny is basically a toxic relationship. You want to leave, but you think about the great times instead of the thousands of let downs and you're afraid you'll never find those great times elsewhere. Once you finally let go, you realize you can cherish what you had, but it opens your eyes to those let-downs and how bad the relationship was for your overall health. We've all been there. It's time for some people to let go of their denial and face reality so they can see what great things are out there as well
@ivanramirezgarcia861 Жыл бұрын
Okay but seriously, what song is in the background at 3:56?? I reeeeally need to know
@bigbadlara5304 Жыл бұрын
Marathon made me fully realize where destiny 2 pvp is going. But I just stopped playing when I wasnt having any fun. Which is often. Have like 20 hours played over the past 12 months... I used to play 20 hours a month. I know a couple of people who just keep playing when not having any fun :/ Not only pvp I feel this applies to. My clan is full of people constantly complaining about the game PvE and PvP. I play less and less with them and so does my best friend. The negative energy thing you mentioned really holds true in my experience.
@nrdscott Жыл бұрын
It doesn't need to be a competitive game to be treated like part of the game
@danielj7725 Жыл бұрын
I literaly just want a map and balence changes thats all i expect
@howdoyouevenknow6526 Жыл бұрын
@dylannichols3577 Жыл бұрын
PVE players think we want a whole separate game but we really only want this
@omegaxtrigun Жыл бұрын
Last time I checked they've done plenty of balance changes. I may not play pvp, but I sure notice pvp changes on the patch notes every big update.
@Itsjusflocka Жыл бұрын
​@@omegaxtrigunu don't get it if dont play pvp they dont fix or change anything
@dylannichols3577 Жыл бұрын
@@omegaxtrigun Antaeus Wards arc titan with knockout, juggernaut, and a fusion rifle.
@SuperBlitzKing Жыл бұрын
As a former hybrid player of D2 that needed to be said. It’s ok to find another game to play that suits your needs.
@Lucas-bb7ix Жыл бұрын
I agree wholeheartedly with the take of do what you enjoy and I think when it comes to grinding games for PvE there are a lot better on the market wether it be Borderlands/Warframe/Monster Hunter or if you’re a hardcore player FromSoft games but Destiny’s PvP doesn’t have a replacement yet unfortunately it has no competition that’s what sucks.
@CaptainOhWow95 Жыл бұрын
Your point is that WE the paying customers are wrong, "lost," and "clueless" for reading official correspondence from Bungie (TWABs, developer insights, interviews, etc) and believing them? We're wrong for expecting a game we consistently pay for to actually provide more of the content it has in the past? We're wrong for assuming they weren't lying when they EXPLICITLY talked about "renewed focus for Pvp" multiple times over the years? Nah, you're wildly off-base here.
@36090pburke Жыл бұрын
I agree with gladd to a extent but at the same time we used to get new maps with expansions and pvp literally saved destiny from the dark below until taken king dropped.
@36090pburke Жыл бұрын
@@CrunchBar-tc1hg trials didn't hold us over until taken king?
@bumponalog5001 Жыл бұрын
​@@CrunchBar-tc1hgYour just making shit up man. Go pull up the charts on population in D1. A tiny minority of people have even touched a raid. PvP consistently had around 50% of the daily players, and sometimes more during the long dorughts.
@jormungandr4690 Жыл бұрын
@@CrunchBar-tc1hg Under 15 % of community even plays raid at all, so you are objectively wrong. No one EVER watches raids gameplay on Twitch, beyond the first day a raid releases. 99.99999% of viewership is PvP
@Alexno0m Жыл бұрын
Idk dude, how much does it take to balance the subclasses at least? Titan just is better for everything for how long now? Best Subclass, best with smg and best with fusions when the use antaeus wards
@fishnutz5196 Жыл бұрын
So so so many amazing games out there. People need to take a step away and play other things, if you get drawn back in then dope im sure you will love it again but sometimes you just need to move on if your unhappy.
@corylyonsmusic Жыл бұрын
Bungies made several comments to give PVP players hope for the future over the past few years. Also PVP may not be the main focus, but it is part of their game and something you would expect them to at least update once in a while and not leave sitting for like 3 years with nothing. 🤷
@cristiangomez3290 Жыл бұрын
I feel like this is a hard miss on some points. Destiny used have a PVP focus as well as a PVE focus. Trials was a PVP focus for D1. Comp was another focus at some point in D2. Bungie just dropped all of that and never communicated it. I'm sure if the PVP community wasn't strung along then we wouldn't be here. It sucks to say but Bungie dropped PVP and never told that part of the fanbase. Destiny has always had a blend of like 60% PVE and 40% PVP but now its a 90/10 split. That's a huge slap in the face to the 40% that played the game for the idea of "I'm gonna take my PVE loot and use it in PVP". Even the marketing for Destiny was somewhat PVP focused. The use of slogans like "From the creators of Halo and Call of Duty" is directly centered towards PVP players. This entire situation sucks. It definitely isn't as black and white as it seems in the vid but Gladd does make good points. I just don't agree with everything said. Then again I'm just a 20 something year old giving an opinion on a video game. Hope anyone that reads this has a great rest of your day
@havilend3450 Жыл бұрын
100% agree he's right this game has always been PVE focused but, completely misses or ignores the fact that for most of Destiny's life it was much more balanced between PVE/PVP and only relatively recently has it shifted towards pure PVE development focus. Also, PVP players are justified to complain because instead of being told by Bungie of the development shift they were instead strung along with promises of "renewed PVP focus" that never materialized.
@hanovadestiny2933 Жыл бұрын
I respect your point of view but for me Destiny is and always be a pve game , pvp it s just a bonus in my opinion . If i want pvp, i go to play pvp games like COD , battlefield etc ...
@inventor4279 Жыл бұрын
You're missremembering d1, it never had a pvp focus, it had less focus than pvp does now
@stealthhunter6998 Жыл бұрын
@@inventor4279 They literally included PvP in all their showcases, trailer marketing and ViDocs all the way up till Forsaken.
@inventor4279 Жыл бұрын
@@stealthhunter6998 and? We got less sandbox updates and balance patches back in the day, also only like 4 pvp weapons a year
@danielbreedlove Жыл бұрын
Heres a take you probably don't want to hear: more players play PvP than raids because its more accessible.
@pintchmysquid6521 Жыл бұрын
My breaking point was shadowkeep. Haven't played since, and Been loosely keeping up on what's happening. Doesn't seem like I'm missing anything
@richardllanes4841 Жыл бұрын
How can a neg kd have opinion in d2
@jay40sd Жыл бұрын
While I agree it’s a pve focused game, there were many more pvp focused content drops in the past. Maps, comp weapons, etc. Even if pve is the priority, pvp needs a bit more attention.
@wellbornthrower596 Жыл бұрын
True, even though I’m more of a pve player myself, I dabble in pvp sometimes and do have fun, even if I feel anxious every time I do so 😅.
@kingoflegends712 Жыл бұрын
But why tho, like this game isn't war zone or apex. If anything these content drops were just acts of generosity. They're clearly not losing any money by not adding more pvp content, the current amount of players playing is fine. It doesn't make financial sense to add pvp content for the die-hard pvp players. Bungie has been releasing pve content every season and expansion for years now, if it ain't, broke don't fix it.
@hootie6787 Жыл бұрын
I guess then the numbers for pvp should be super low if its primarily pve focused right?
@CrimsonCaliburn Жыл бұрын
I'm a pve player and I find pvp alright right now honestly and the only problems I have with is the immortal smg and the Flawless requirement to get to the lighthouse
@docoppolis5567 Жыл бұрын
Don't get me wrong, I understand PvP will never be Bungie's priority nor do I expect it to be so I've given up on hoping for the changes I would love. However I do think they could be doing SOMETHING especially when they've said multiple times they want to put some love into PvP with nothing to show for it. Regardless of them abandoning PvP as a whole, one of the biggest problems is balance changes and they don't even do that often enough for the PvE side. In terms of new content for PvP, I don't expect much but as it is a part of the game it is their responsibility to do something with it. I don't think 1 new map a year too much to ask. We don't need new game modes or anything like that, just 1 new map a year and more consistent balance changes and I truly don't think that's too much to ask.
@ironladyerimuth Жыл бұрын
@@CrunchBar-tc1hgthe comp rework - the most overhyped reissue of the same system with very little difference in gameplay. Trials - you want to have a fixed flawless pool to stop people from ever matching you after they went flawless? Fuck you, there isn’t one. Iron Banner - we reworked the modes! However, we either made them horrifically unbalanced or shipped them with game breaking bugs, so have fun with that shit. Change for the sake of change doesn’t make the game better, it just makes it broken in new and interesting ways while failing to address many of the older issues.
@docoppolis5567 Жыл бұрын
@@CrunchBar-tc1hg I wouldn't count the comp rework as a rework, it's the same ranking system as before with different titles. They reworked all the vendors, not just pvp. Am I missing something about Trials? I don't remember any rework there but I haven't been playing it recently so might have missed it. Casual playlists are a shit show, all they do it change the queues to include different game modes because no one is playing them. Might be in the minority with this one, I don't know people's opinion on the matter but Iron Banner was ruined with the rework. Again I'd like to make it clear I don't expect big changes at all but to say they've been improving PvP is just lying.
@jormungandr4690 Жыл бұрын
@@CrunchBar-tc1hg They made comp worse, they made trials worse, they ruined all the causal playlists. People who were in charge of those "reworks" should never work anywhere again. Not even MCdonalds
@TheTalonn Жыл бұрын
I don't think asking for a map every once in a while is too much, especially since there are a lot of them in the DCV... Some good takes here sure, but also quite some L's.
@roxette96 Жыл бұрын
He’s forgetting Trials of the nine and trials of Osiris saved destiny 2 ‘s player base.
@OddOxi Жыл бұрын
Gladd, brother we’re asking for a new map and sandbox updates more often than 1 year
@robjohnson2471 Жыл бұрын
I've been in this world since Taken King and really enjoyed my time. But the past few years you can tell it's just been a different vibe. Lightfall finally broke my passion for the game and I called it quits. It's just a bummer something I really cared about is just going to end in a whimper.
@TheBen69 Жыл бұрын
I’ve avoided the crucible at all costs unless there is an objective that requires me to play it. But the gamemode deserves at least one season of love and one new map
@RicJangles Жыл бұрын
meanwhile, gambit mains be like: 💀
@vollied4865 Жыл бұрын
Gladd really missed the whole forest for the trees with this. Bungie said they where gonna make new maps, they promised new content, they promised the moon and delivered an empty bag and said oh sorry we didn't check it before we left drive-thru.
@ando8491 Жыл бұрын
You must be new to Destiny since they always promise stuff they can never deliver.
@Daublet07 Жыл бұрын
I absolutely love D2's gunplay. but the only thing i wish they could change about the pvp is to make it where your fighting people closer to your own light level. However though it does make since why it wont happen. Everything else is awesome as hell though
@Creature-ology Жыл бұрын
Light level is only in trials
@michaelcarlton4102 Жыл бұрын
I think one of the biggest problems is people complain about wanting more content and new content. Then, when that new stuff comes out, those same people rush to get everything and do everything as fast as possible. Thus getting everything done so soon and then have nothing to do later.
@scirrhia_kruden Жыл бұрын
I think Datto is right about why PVP isn't developed, and that's that PVP is not directly monetized. Destiny has always been about PVE first and foremost, and that's where their money comes from. PVP-focused games ALL monetize their PVP directly in some way, because that's how they make their money. Destiny HAS PVP, but I bet you that in general PVP is purely a development money sink.
@josephmcclain4291 Жыл бұрын
Big facts bro. And there are so many gamers out there who just don't get it.
@MrShawtywannaplay Жыл бұрын
Yeah man big facts bro big facts. Anyone who has a complaint about PvE (too easy, boring and repetitive, Day 1 raids too easy, same strikes for 7 years, etc) should also get it a grip bro big facts big facts!!
@gorjegiron1777 Жыл бұрын
I can’t play pvp anymore and receiving a warning yesterday for internet connection yet every other game connection is fine, I’m just upset now.
@bjcooper4365 Жыл бұрын
It does make me sad to see people suffering playing this game because they’re in so deep and they’ve convinced themselves this is what they have to do even tho they’re so unhappy. And they expect it to get better when that’s so unreasonable I don’t even know how they can believe it or hope for it at this point. I gotta say I have enjoyed seeing D2 streamers play other games like Diablo and ENJOY THEMSELVES. Massive W. Keep it coming.
@4evaHalo Жыл бұрын
Opinion, Uploaded.
@daneger3210 Жыл бұрын
For most part your right. D1 had some PvP focus every dlc was 3-4 maps new weapons for PvP. Trials got weapons, shaders. All community wants is something a map every season is it that hard.
I love you seeing some my favorite KZfaqrs play other games and succeed at them on YT
@ThomasTheTankEngine22 Жыл бұрын
This is what tone deaf looks like. Majority of players problem with bungie and destiny 2 is not because of some outrageous expectations. Is because of the standards and expectations that bungie has set themselves. I don't understand why this is such a hard concept to grasp. We all know that PVE is the main focus... we were told one thing and promised another. And we got none of that. While constantly being asked to pay more and more while getting less and less. I'm sick and tired of these streamer shilling and skating around the issues
@vyacheslavlopin6109 Жыл бұрын
The dumbest take on management, greedy practices and lacking delivery. Gladd only stroking bungies ego.
@spencersellner5112 Жыл бұрын
Being "pro" in destiny pvp is equivalent to being "pro" at tinker toys. I feel bad for anyone that dedicates their lives to destiny pvp.
@somnium4256 Жыл бұрын
Bungie is litterally making a pvp game, there's no way they're gonna make PVP a priority in Destiny.
@nicksterdrummer Жыл бұрын
I guess the things is, for us that have been playing this game for 9 years we know what we use to have and we miss the old days when i played pvp like 30 hours a week just because it was fun and now they made so many changes that for me it's really not fun anymore and it makes me kinda of mad that they kinda took the fun out of pvp and since we use to have that and now we don't and we know that it can be fun but it's not anymore.... it's kinda frustrating! I play other games fortunatly but i really miss the old pvp days because it was so fun!
@Thund3rstone Жыл бұрын
So true what you said. I started as a PVE main and became a PVP main. Clocked over 5000 hours. I fell to Lightfall hype and deinstalled shortly after with two more seasons prepaid. Fuck it. I do not need the game to pay my rent like Jake, so I moved on. This felt so good. Looking back I should have done this at least 1,5 years earlier.
@josamnesia2123 Жыл бұрын
Still i think that is pathetic to play pvp all day because it pays your rent. And the worst thing of it all , he does it with other no-life streamers who also play it 24/7 and then complain about skill based matchmaking. 😂😂😂😂😂 Some streamers are such babies. Thank god gladd is not like him or thousands of other destiny pvp only streamers.
@the-annoyinator Жыл бұрын
@@josamnesia2123 Gladd is crying like a baby right now about seeing a bunch of pvp players hate on destiny
@Vex_365 Жыл бұрын
Destiny as a Whole is a PVE & PVP game. Without one or the other, it wouldn’t be Destiny. And that’s the beauty of it. Anyone remembers Warframe’s Take on PVP ? No ? Exactly. Hell, you cannot deny even in PVE is bad/disappointing as well. So both areas of the game is at a bad spot. AND DONT GET ME STARTED ON GAMBIT. At least PVP got maps to begin with ( new or reissued ) , GAMBIT LOST 2 MAPS AND NO NEW ONES TO THIS DAY. Clearly we love Destiny and we want to stick with it until the end. But time and time again it’s hard to keep going on this emotional roller coaster. Adding the fact of in-fighting with one another of different ideas, blaming, name-calling, etc etc . Instead of pointing fingers at one another, we NEED to point fingers at the Creator(s) that refuse to do anything and instead just sit back and relax as the community commits seppuku on itself . We need to use our energy and point it at Bungie. Make THEM hear us clearly as a collective and not as individuals. In other words: Bungie is the quiet Traveler and we NEED to become the Witness otherwise, the universe that we love will implode into itself and die.
@robertmartin8986 Жыл бұрын
I just want to play hunter with a hand cannon and sniper with og stompees but I've learned to just have fun playing meta and being a titan pk immortal demon so I like PvP
@rgrywatchin Жыл бұрын
All the community needs to do for Bungo to listen is, practice apathy towards their new game and D2 just to get them to actually work on Destiny again. Gladd should probably keep his opinions to himself.
@cami1567 Жыл бұрын
@Gladd, I respect the heck out of you for the raid races, the solo challenges, etc. I just feel like a lot of pvp players have invested much time into pve to amass good weapons. It's tough to say just go to Apex, which I know you're not saying. At the same time, maybe both sides can't be satisfied, which is a big dilemma. It's good to talk these things out though, regardless.
@soldier1stclass638 Жыл бұрын
Apex 😂
@cami1567 Жыл бұрын
@@soldier1stclass638 LOL, Dude what good pvp only games are there rn? But I agree with you. It's an LOL situation. I loved OW, but OW2 is dead already.
@soldier1stclass638 Жыл бұрын
@@cami1567 man I like red dead online bro so I'm just messed up lolz . . . Fortnite over apex though and destiny pvp I dont think will die tbh . . . I still like it . . . Its very ability based more than weapons which is what makes it such I think for most
@cami1567 Жыл бұрын
All these responses I love to see it. Congrats on the vid Gladd. You're a boss.
@traikeenan8539 Жыл бұрын
Im not expecting the whole game to shift to pvp at all but at some point they have to acknowledge where the line in the sand is for pvp its either we will update it or we will keep it on the back burner for the majority of the content we create if we had some on the maps they told from the content vault and just tuned a few thing i think a pvp players would be excited cause at least we got something to keep us busy but for me pvp is just there and now since the change to it i have no incentive to even touch it at all
@kenrocker7427 Жыл бұрын
The problem is that bungie has made promises to the pvp commune that they have under delivered on.
@honkytonksuperman20 Жыл бұрын
I think most people just want some new maps every once in a while and don’t want to be kicked from matches all the time. I don’t think that’s asking too much
@naiko8412 Жыл бұрын
I think the biggest problem is Bungie set a president up untill shadowkeep where the game got both pve and pvp updates and they strait just stripped out the soul of destiny as this game where you farm pve for the best guns and loot then you take them into pvp, where they stopped updating the core and said he you know what would be great if we manipulated the community into giving us more money
@Neko-gn1yc Жыл бұрын
I am literally just asking for a few new maps and the recent trials changes to be reverted.
@brentbonham9427 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. When have they ever advertised this as a pvp focused game?
@AlexSmith-ov4pz Жыл бұрын
I’ve grinded the hell out of pvp in d1 and d2 the only thing I’ve been annoyed with is with how powerful some weapons have been I’m cool with abilities, but I’ve always hated how there’s always a broken weapon every season or a meta where everyone is just using and abusing something that’s broken.
@terribletimes902 Жыл бұрын
How dare PvP players expect more than nothing 😂 You’re trying to exaggerate what people actually want from this game’s PvP for some reason, so I’m just gonna state what would be a massive improvement over what we have now. A single completely new map per year. One.
@Kill-Dalil Жыл бұрын
We all se how loyal destiny community when marathon release .
@warlock5681 Жыл бұрын
In the lore crucible is literally just training it will never be the main thing they focus on thankfully
@path2949 Жыл бұрын
If im gonna play pve , i wont play d2 , so many better pve games like diablo 4 , but the pvp experience it provides is unique and u just don't find it anywhere else ( YET ) , but in my opinion the engine and gun play of this game is made for pvp
@PaulFurn89 Жыл бұрын
What's up Path? It's Wilshire
@path2949 Жыл бұрын
yo how is it going ? haha
@PaulFurn89 Жыл бұрын
@path2949 Contemplating my life without Destiny lol. You?
@path2949 Жыл бұрын
@@PaulFurn89 going deep into diablo 4 XD
@ceizure18 Жыл бұрын
This feels like it’s directed towards GernaderJake 😂😅
@danielj7725 Жыл бұрын
Oh it definitely is
@itzseffery8020 Жыл бұрын
Yeah maybe but Jake isnt wrong. If the AC software that Bungie is using right now in destiny is what theyre going to use for Marathon then Marathon will be DOA. The blatant cheating in destiny is a joke and Bungie should have someone that can easily shut that down fast. All the big competitive shooters will boot you mid match for cheating.
@tombombadil3589 Жыл бұрын
If you make pvp excellent what’s the incentive to transition to marathon?
@ReapThySorrow Жыл бұрын
When he said, he kept hoping, i felt that.
@Bluesph_ Жыл бұрын
Bad take is bad.
@danielguerra3133 Жыл бұрын
Would have been nice from bungie to communicate to the pvp community about their plans. Not just completely drop them and give them the basic minimum. I sometimes love pvp, I also would have been happy with more maps. Oh, and also, they wanna say" dedicated servers" for Marathon. When their main breadwinner game pure minimum. We, the players, have also spent so much money on the game. Is it wrong to be disappointed, unhappy. PVP got dropped immediately how do you expect pvp community to react when nothing is coming.
@keithpierce5686 Жыл бұрын
Because it's PvE didn't watch this video did you? There's nothing to communicate about the pvp side because it's not required..... There's no Destiny pvp league or some sort of tourny that's held. Shouldn't that have sunk in by now? And now there's a pvp game from the company and now that's not good enough? Never happy, always upset. Destiny community in a nutshell.
@natehull2397 Жыл бұрын
Imagine doing excatly what the video said every pvp player does, did u even watch the video?
@espectrodelayautja6320 Жыл бұрын
There is no PvP community. Players attempted to make PvP a culture but bungie played it smart with a business focus. It gave hope and took money lol. They opened pvp just enough to get some business from other PvP focused games.
@Itsjusflocka Жыл бұрын
​@@espectrodelayautja6320there is pvp community idk If u meant to say that but still
@soulsurvivor8293 Жыл бұрын
Perhaps if you all realise that they have stated that fixing many of the issues and implementing many of the requested features would require essentially remaking the majority of Tiger Engine. Marathon will be using the the Tiger Engine. Beyond Light shipped with them having rewriting a third of the code. Since Beyond Light, they have been able to implement many of the requested features. Even hotfix and patch turnaround time has decreased considerably. However, it's clear that even with the changes they made that PvP, player connectivity and other issues & features will require another sizable update to the code and engine. Marathon is essentially the justification to Sony for working on that update. Which also fills a requirement for one of the new titles they need for Sony. It's symbiotic, D2 will get the updates to engine and we will essentially play test those updates for Marathon. Marathon gets to release with a thoroughly play tested engine and D2 gets the updated engine it needs to implement the remaining fixes and features that cannot currently be done with the Tiger Engine as it is now. They have done all this while still releasing new content, seasons, campaigns and features. Before anyone says Marathon is Matter, it isn't. Marathon has been stated to be using the Tiger Engine, Matter will use Unreal. Which is why the majority of new Bungie joblistings are asking for people with Unreal experience and skills. Bungie making Marathon an extraction shooter based on the Tiger Engine is frankly an ingenious idea that delivers on contractual obligations to Sony while allowing them to update D2's engine. I find it to be baffling how few people realise or acknowledge any of this. Just seems most people, essentially content creators, completely overlook the important information. And it's not like I go pouring over every bit if information Bungie releases either, officially or otherwise. It's just info I've picked up over the years from listening to TWAB reads, VIDOC reviews and patch release notes being looked at by people like Cross. Yet, for some absolutely mind boggling reason; None of you seem to be aware of these basic facts. Also, please don't take this as defence of their monetisation practices or the lacklustre content releases like Light Fail. It's merely an observation of mine that is often oddly overlooked or wilfully ignored for rage baiting clicks(The Helm of In Most Light wearing red armoured Titan predominately). It's honestly beyond my comprehension how it seems like no one knows all this, either that or they just refuse to acknowledge it. It's truly bizarre...
@alexgilgalad Жыл бұрын
Self entitlement is one hell of a thing
@ShootinMyWayOut Жыл бұрын
"Grinding it more than provides" is the best way to put it.
@Lucasnoobemzombies Жыл бұрын
Sbmm ruined pvp
@Five20three Жыл бұрын
PvP was already bad.
@jayrose7212 Жыл бұрын
Dude you’re one of the best pve players out there. Hats off to ya. But Bungie is the one that raised the expectations that pvp was a focus and was going to be addressed and was going to addd maps every season. One season would be an old map next season a new map. They set the bar not us as the community. We are holding them accountable for what they say and project that they are doing. If Bungie would’ve at least communicated with the community that what we wanted to do can’t happen then expectations are lowered frustrations are eased. We might not be happy about it but at least we were addressed and not left in the dark and treated as if we don’t add to their profits ? Just saying don’t say you’re going to do something and then total ignore that you ever said a thing about any of it
@HotdogStephen Жыл бұрын
I think the issue is pvp players actually believe that and keep hoping for content 😂 they need to learn to let go and just move on if they aren't going to accept what Gladd is saying here
@KingSidas Жыл бұрын
Theres having constant pvp updates and then theres having atleast 1 update to pvp every season, we get neither
@mikecox4634 Жыл бұрын
this is why i love your content and view on things and definitely feel the same but i just block it out and enjoy what the game gives me even though i have a bit of a bucket list for some things lol
@geminihero Жыл бұрын
Personally I’ve never really been a big fan of crucible…. But that being said that doesn’t mean I haven’t tried to get good at it go after their desired rolls and follow the matterwhenever it changed. But what I feel like is that even though I want to focus only on the PVE, Bungie makes it feel like that you have to do a certain amount of it to play the game. Now normally it doesn’t really bother me until we get the oversaturation scenario. Let’s say you like a well-made hamburger and it’s delicious…. But despite how well-made it is and how delicious it is if you had to partake in it over and over again eventually it wouldn’t taste as good and it would become a terrible experience. So for me sometimes I may start to enjoy an activity just to eventually start to resent it. And honestly the very questionable downtimes and terrible servers that’s constantly testing my already non-stellar Internet speeds seamlessly every month or so is it helping. I mean imagine having to do 50 kills with a hand cannon….. you go to a match but it doesn’t feel balanced nor does it feel like anyone else is doing the same activity you’re doing. Everything from character is disappearing into feeling like you’re shooting nothing but ghost bullets and let’s throw in an undeserved teabagging. And when you get done with the match and try to take a deep breath of relief that it’s over just to find out that out of the 50 you got one kill…. That’s what shooting every single person and probably endless amounts of assists which somehow still doesn’t count. So if the day comes and Bungie decide to get rid of PVP I can’t say I’m going to share a tear.
@KnownAsSys Жыл бұрын
"Destiny needs pvp, but it isn't a pvp game." My brother in christ, we don't want the game to be mainly pvp. We just want SOMETHING. We haven't gotten a single new (non-reskinned) map in 3 years. Our balance issues aren't listened to, our matching preferences are ignored, and bungie just seems to not care. What good arena shooter has movement like D2? What game doesn't have absolutely suffocating sbmm? I want to play that game, but it doesn't exist. We're stuck with destiny.
@thebladesofkaos Жыл бұрын
Bro you’re missing the whole point. You are telling yourself you’re stuck. He’s giving you the wake up call you need. He’s clearly saying you’re never gonna get these things you and the whole PvP community have been asking for. It’s time to stop making excuses for sticking around. Like he said it’s self inflicted at this point. Even I as a Pve main have limited my time in this game. You can do it too.
@KnownAsSys Жыл бұрын
@@thebladesofkaos where huh? Where should I go? What game has even remotely similar game play to destiny? What game has similar build potential, loadout variety, gun feel, weapon variety, or even classes slightly similar to D2? If there was somewhere else to be, trust me, I would be there. My point is that for people who like mid to high ttk movement shooters there is nothing to play besides D2. Bungie has unchallenged lightning in a bottle, and every day it loses a bit of charge. Instead of fixing or innovating they refuse to even remotely support PvP in one of the games with the greatest potential, possibly ever. I'm extremely sick of people telling bungie it's OK for them to neglect 90% of the game's live audience, and 30-40% of the game's players, just because they think PvP isn't important to Destiny's very existence.
@quentinb734 Жыл бұрын
@@KnownAsSyshonestly just take a break from the game it will help you mentally and if more ppl take break it could be a wake up call to bungie
@SPAC3H3R0 Жыл бұрын
I’ve been playing since I was 10 I’m 19 now and I 100 percent agree with this take
@PingPongAtlanta Жыл бұрын
It's great that there are individuals in the Destiny 2 community who have managed to turn their passion for PvP into a livelihood. However, they often face the challenge of not being able to switch to other games due to the potential loss of a significant portion of their audience. Moreover, it's important to acknowledge that many players today are not solely focused on complaining about PvP or the meta, but rather expressing their concerns about the overall state and direction of the game. PvP is undeniably a significant aspect of this larger discussion. While it's understandable that if someone has been waiting for change for nine years, they should consider exploring other options, it's crucial to hold Bungie accountable for making promises they cannot fulfill and seemingly abandoning the game. PvP players, who have invested substantial amounts of money into the game, have every right to desire improvements in their aspect of the game.
@magemystoganYT Жыл бұрын
@gladd i respectfully disagree with certain aspect of your arguments. The game is more focused on PVE which i agree but however they depend what challenges and even some loot you have to play pvp so its still considered a core aspect of the game. My opinion they should of not done pvp in D2 and keep it in D1 if pvp is getting this treatment
@Cambaliza Жыл бұрын
smh victim blaming
@RLaSalle50 Жыл бұрын
I’ve been playing since the very beginning of destiny. Maybe I have not so great of a memory, but it’s always been a big drop about once a year with filler stuff in between. The only difference now is that everything is time-gated and more predictable/repetitive. Arguably, there is more content total nowadays, even if it is the same old same old. It seems that we were programmed to get through all the content as fast as possible because there was so much to do and we were excited back during the taken king, rise of iron, and even forsaken. For me it was great that way and I learned to pace myself depending on my real life schedule and enjoyed pvp when I needed it for a quest or had finished everything pve related, or just felt like doing it. The seasonal model with time gated content and predictable activities each week force this “pacing” through content and works for some people, but probably not for more hardcore players. It seems bungie wants people to play more by having us log in each week to do some stuff, rather than have a blast for a few weeks at the beginning of a huge launch. I put less expectations on the seasons between and enjoy what we do get and have higher expectations for the big drops. I know this is a pvp topic video, but people need to realize this isn’t a 24/7/365 game even if bungie wants it to be. Sure you can play every week all year and enjoy it, but unless you enjoy the game at its core, most people will either get bored or become upset with certain things if they wish the game to always fill their gaming needs all the time. Pvp is just a nice appendage to the game. Hoping it can get some improvements, but mainly here for the story and pve challenges and gameplay.
@elitereptilian200 Жыл бұрын
Bungie has been "we gonna have a renew focus on pvp, next season is gonna be the season of pvp" for years so you can't blame the pvp community wanting and expecting more than two maps per year 🤷🏻‍♂️
@skyeline9228 Жыл бұрын
Although I definitely agree with Gladd, especially about taking breaks from Destiny, a healthy amount of complaining can help get Bungie to add things to the game. If we never whine to them about PvP, they wouldn't change anything.
@b0mberman Жыл бұрын
Doesn’t matter if we whine. We still won’t get it. Bungie has their own capabilities and timelines.
@mkloven101 Жыл бұрын
Well to be fair, Bungie themselves did say multiple times they were going to focus on pvp, introduce multiple gear sets and multiple maps every year etc etc but they were too busy working in marathon
@thebladesofkaos Жыл бұрын
To be fair, he did say he was gonna change but he just keeps going back to beating the shit out of me every time. Battered-woman syndrome.
@mkloven101 Жыл бұрын
@@thebladesofkaos I’m not excusing them, I’m just saying that Bungie themselves did say something about pvp, therefore giving the pvp players some hope
@ajaverill08 Жыл бұрын
I was telling some of my friends this exact thing the other day
@SEALteam6Operator Жыл бұрын
It's not the message, it's how you verbalize it that creates the reaction you're referring to. Most of this information has little basis other than your own opinion. We are a part of this community ✅ We invest just as much money as the pve audience ✅ We ARE entitled to an opinion ✅ So of course when it has gotten out of hand with inexcusable things like blatant hackers, popular streamers are going to come out about it and we're going to agree with them. There's a reason this game's PVP can drop so low and still retain a following. Because it's GOOD. And we see that. And Bungie has made plenty of statements like trying to tone down abilities. There's a history to this.
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