There's not going to be anymore classic Zelda games

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16 күн бұрын

Echoes of Wisdom looks wonderful but it implies Nintendo wont ever go back to the old formula.

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@calebwest2806 13 күн бұрын
Dear Nintendo: you claim you're all about "player freedom," but I can't mug people in Kakariko village or side with Ganon. Checkmate whippersnappers!
@Unithrex 11 күн бұрын
This darker tone and radical game design shift would be ripe for a Majora's Mask style sequal
@wunderwalze 10 күн бұрын
No kidding, this needs to happen. Compared to the dynamic action and physics, the NPCs are so dull and non-interactive. Give us an alliance system and social simulations, Nintendo!
@ravus9935 10 күн бұрын
​@wunderwalze Unfortunately, it seems like Aonuma is adopting the Miyamoto approach of extremely minimal storytelling because "gameplay is the real story!"
@beauwalker9820 10 күн бұрын
​@@ravus9935 I don't know, even the simple Zeldas have had good stories and unexpected twists. I don't want the opposite extreme either where the game is 70% cinematic scenes or QuickTime events like some modern games are. So gameplay is important too, otherwise you might as well just watch a CGI movie.
@wunderwalze 9 күн бұрын
@@beauwalker9820 The thing is, NPC interactions could be made somewhat dynamic. So it wouldn’t be a scripted story, but like a little simulation, like the sims or the villagers in animal crossing. And even if they’re completely scripted, there could still be “good and bad” outcomes for their stories like in Majoras Mask.
@tonysladky8925 14 күн бұрын
I feel like there's gotta be a middle ground between "There's exactly one solution" and "You have an infinite toolbox to solve or circumvent everything" out there...
@lif6737 14 күн бұрын
2 solutions!
@Guy-cb1oh 14 күн бұрын
I don't see why there can't be exactly one solution... It worked for other games...
@Gatchu137 14 күн бұрын
​@@Guy-cb1oh Because it's uninteresting after a while. Playing Windwaker and Twilight Princess as a kid meant having every solution I came up with shot down, until I stumbled into the arbitrarily correct one. Repeat playthroughs were pretty boring, because you knew the solution already. Obviously you want enough limitations to encourage players to work smarter, not harder, but a multifaceted solution system is largely just more interesting. Solutions to dungeons should (and probably will) be more limiting than solutions to random obstacles out in the world, but we've only seen players messing around in the world so far.
@SolDizZo 14 күн бұрын
I am playing a very difficult word game called "Lingo." In many puzzles, I am extremely frustrated that 2 or more words I think of are perfectly viable solutions but arbitrarily incorrect due to the singular answer nature of the game. In some areas or rules, this restriction makes sense... in others, it's absolutely cruel.
@XanderVJ 14 күн бұрын
@@Gatchu137 Considering that puzzles with complete freedom for solutions end up just boiling down to solutions that barely require more brain power than hitting a "skip puzzle" prompt, I don't think the trade off is worth it. Not to mention that what you say that repeated playthroughs become boring because of one-solution puzzles makes no goddamn sense whatsoever. The solution you find in your first playthrough is still valid in all the rest, so there isn't any incentive to try new ones, unless you want to record them for content on social media. And if you are gonna tell me "you just lack creativity"... Save it. That's a BS excuse. When people say that, they are applying the idea of creativity in the plastic arts as if it was the same thing as creativity in problem solving, and that's just not true. Creativity in problem solving is for maximizing efficiency by thinking outside the box, not for coming up with solutions that make the process more showy. That's just a waste of time and effort. The thing is, contrary to what people keep repeating laterly, in problem solving, freedom does NOT incentivize creativity. Limitations do. I can't believe that I have to explain this when we have a freaking popular proverb for it: "Necessity is the mother of invention". When you give the player total freedom, necessity goes out of the window. Meaning there is no reason to be inventive (which is another word for "creative"). Thus, what you incentivize instead is to find the path of least resistance. And if you don't tailor the problem, then people end up finding a brain dead solution sooner rather than later. That's why most people just broke 90% of TotK with just two fans and a steering wheel, while inventive contraptions were relegated to freaking TikTok clips.
@twilit8162 11 күн бұрын
I find it ironic that in BotW, the most beloved and creative areas are restricted by design- The Great Plateau, Eventide Island, and The Trial of the Sword.
@dbclass2969 10 күн бұрын
There’s a balance involved. I don’t mind being restricted in a dungeon but I want more freedom in the open world.
@ItIsWhatItIs-dz3cu 9 күн бұрын
nah the best area is hyrule caslte and that ypu can aproach however you want
@twilit8162 9 күн бұрын
@@ItIsWhatItIs-dz3cu that’s actually an interesting point. It’s something of a mix of restricted and unrestricted. On the outside, you can do pretty much anything, but once you get on the inside, the level design becomes a lot more condensed and focused on enemy encounters.
@ItIsWhatItIs-dz3cu 9 күн бұрын
@@twilit8162 nah I cheesed it by climbing the side and then randomly.jumped through a window into the boss room lol. But idunno, to me those "awesome classic zelda dungeons" actually are just "braindead clicking a, till you somehow miss the obvious solution for one of the puzzles, spend two hours trying more and more esoteric things till you try the simple thing you forgot and then just feel like you wasted your time"
@8pierrot89 9 күн бұрын
​@@ItIsWhatItIs-dz3cu nah
@williamwolfe962 15 күн бұрын
Tears of the kingdom feels like, if there was a big hedge maze in front of you but the entrance and the exit are side by side, and the reward chest sits at the exit. And then Aonuma says, here you go, solve my puzzles however you want with these fun tools to find the reward! And I'm like what do you mean, the chest is right here. Then I open it and it's an un-upgradeable amiibo armor from the previous game.
@saithvenomdrone 15 күн бұрын
That’s pretty accurate to how I feel about new Zelda.
@Neo2266. 15 күн бұрын
Elden Ring moment
@amysteriousviewer3772 15 күн бұрын
That’s a bit reductive but I definitely agree that the reward economy in TotK is lacking.
@Preston241 15 күн бұрын
lol nailed it
@MarkHogan994 14 күн бұрын
Your comment is proving once again that TotK haters barely even played the game. Not gonna waste my time nitpicking everything inaccurate about your comment, but just for an example, those amiibo armors are almost all upgradeable in TotK, and you find most of them in the depths, not as rewards for puzzles.
@phlegmfiend 15 күн бұрын
You already know the menu is going to be tiresome after a bit
@MRFISH-rs6sq 15 күн бұрын
The echo list dude… they’ll never learn convenience
@oliverfalco7060 15 күн бұрын
I just expect you have an option to order it alphabetically 😅
@Blueissuperior 15 күн бұрын
It has sorting, last used is the only one shown might not be that bad
@damianwozniak3946 15 күн бұрын
So just like tranditional Zelda games, nice. Jokes aside constantly switching items in menus has always been an issue of the series. Even OoT 3D with quick access to items didn't fix the issue completely.
@h445 14 күн бұрын
i had the same thought lol, a 1,000 items you have to scroll through. I hope they can change this to a grid type menu you can sort through by category.
@tomgriffiths8696 13 күн бұрын
I take issue with the idea that the only reason to play old games is due to nostalgia. I have just over 120 hours in the 3ds port of the original zelda and that game came out 15 year's before I was born. The old zelda titles are amazing regardless of if you were there when they came out, their puzzles and gameplay great even today.
@ravus9935 10 күн бұрын
.......I hope you're talking about Ocarina of Time 3D and not the actual original NES Zelda that's so obtuse you either need to bomb every wall or use a guide to beat it.
@RhiannaAtriedes 10 күн бұрын
​@@ravus9935 it's really not. The secret caves people often bash the game for are just that. Secrets. They are not needed to beat the game and simply reward the player with rupees. The bomb doors in dungeons are obvious if you are looking at the map. The most difficult puzzle in the game is maybe the entrance to dungeon 7, but it's super rewarding to solve on your own. The game stands on its own very well, even for its age, and probably captures exploration better than any entry in the series. I'd definitely give it a try without a guide, still one of my favourite zelda games.
@ncapone87 9 күн бұрын
​@@ravus9935 I beat it without a guide in the early 90s
@Kipper6464 8 күн бұрын
Same I played the orical games and Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask I grew up with Twilight Princess and Wind Waker it’s not nostalgia how could it be when I played those old games as a adult games I never grew up with I loved them I will miss old Zelda
@ncapone87 8 күн бұрын
@@Kipper6464 try using some punctuation, goddamn
@aidan_1105 10 күн бұрын
what new zelda’s lack isn’t exploration, it’s a reason to go back. One of the most fun things in a game is seeing something clearly meant for later, and then once you figure out what you needed, going back.
@5-Volt 8 күн бұрын
Absolutely. My favorite thing in traditional Zelda games is remembering all the places I have access to with a new item. This is why Zelda randomizers are so fun & interesting.
@IzunaSlap 7 күн бұрын
Metroid games are brilliant at this
@ihatebilly4675 7 күн бұрын
@@IzunaSlapyeah no shit
@MacenW 4 күн бұрын
​@@ihatebilly4675what the problem kid
@ihatebilly4675 4 күн бұрын
@@MacenW clarifying that a series thats known for backtracking is good at is is needless and obvious
@xan7292 14 күн бұрын
"Limitations are not inherently a bad thing." The moment I saw that quote by Aonuma, I knew you were going to go there, and I 100% agree with you. I'm reminded of something Brandon Sanderson, an author whose work I enjoy, once said something along the lines of "Limitations are more interesting than powers". While obviously there's degrees to this and I don't believe it's absolutely true all the time, I definitely think that there's a very strong appeal to having a system (be it a power/magic system in a story or a system for interacting with a game world) that sets very deliberate limitations of what the characters/the player can do, and then has the characters/player overcome obstacles, challenges, or puzzles by using their knowledge of the system in clever and creative ways. For me personally, I do very much appreciate being made to problem solve with the tools I am given, and having too many tools available can indeed make those problems feel less like tricky challenges that make me feel good about solving, and more like chores that I don't really care about completing.
@milesdp1990 9 күн бұрын
Upvote for mentioning Sanderson.
@IamHattman 9 күн бұрын
@@milesdp1990 Seconded!
@IamHattman 9 күн бұрын
Really, all they needed to do to accomplish this in the BotW/TotK games was drop the gliding/flight. Maybe make a more streamlined way to interact with the physics engine. The physics engine is very well defined and has several limitaitons and resulting exploits. It's just too easy to fly around everything.
@agahnim0196 14 күн бұрын
It's all really cool, and i'm really hyped... but i kinda hope they didn't get too crazy with the "Freedom" aspect of it... when i hear them say "Solve puzzles however you want" it scares me, because i really won't feel clever if i can brute force my way through every dungeon by stacking the same crate everywhere and that was one of TotK's biggest problem.
@lif6737 14 күн бұрын
I don't know, I feel really clever when I can break the game and clearly solve puzzles in ways that completely bypass them against what the creators had tried to originally design.
@Alex_Barbosa 14 күн бұрын
​@@lif6737yea it's cool when you figure out a workaround. The problem with totk is it was wayyyyyy too easy to circumvent everything. 90% of the puzzles can be solved by a really long stick lol
@Ianmar1 14 күн бұрын
​@@lif6737Yeah, it feels clever when you feel like you have outsmarted the devs. It feels less good when you get the sense that the devs just didn't care enough. If a cheese solution is obvious, the devs just didn't care.
@agahnim0196 13 күн бұрын
​@@lif6737 I really don't TBH... to me, "breaking the game" feels like using pliers to force open a metal wire puzzle. It's 4th wall breaking and breaks my immersion. I feel way more clever using logic and figure out how things work than brute force everything with the same hover bike.
@lif6737 13 күн бұрын
@@agahnim0196 I mean, I only got about 20 hours out of TotK before I got bored, so that joy doesn't last, but my point is it was very fun and rewarding to break the game. That doesn't necessarily mean a broken game remains fun or rewarding for long.
@valentinvas6454 15 күн бұрын
"This menu looks exactly like Tears of the Kingdom's menu" And that's actually a problem because it's not exactly the best UI. I hated scrolling sideways for minutes. Why not some sub categories or more rows instead of one?
@aldobonillaquiros7884 13 күн бұрын
They could learn a lot from Monster Hunter, like having a system to select your favorites and having them easily accesible
@syizuril877 10 күн бұрын
@@aldobonillaquiros7884 maybe in echoes, there is favorite tab just like in autobuild system in ToTK
@disgustedluigi 9 күн бұрын
Yeah I think a quick select button with a smaller category would work. Like a “blocks” list, a “food” list, a “dynamic” list, and a “monsters” list. Blocks will be anything you can climb, stack, or simply place that are largely stationary, like boxes and beds, food and monsters are obvious, and dynamic will be things the trampoline or water. Even if they could be in separate rows that would make sense for faster navigation.
@skinnybobz8793 9 күн бұрын
Pfft bro didn’t learn how to quick select
@akamer9430 14 күн бұрын
I'm 18 years old and botw was the first 3d Zelda I played (except for playing skyward sword at a friend's house for like an hour when I was younger). Despite this my two favorite games in the series are majoras mask and links awakening, both of which I played in the last two years. There is clearly some appeal in that old style of game.
@Elliemaeggles 9 күн бұрын
Wow, me too! Though majora’s mask was my first game. I enjoy a game that seems like you’re actually working for something that will be impactful. Sure, TOTK had a good thing you were working for, but it was just way too big.
@tally.klecko 9 күн бұрын
I’m a bit older than you but have the same fav zeldas! never seen someone with the same favs in the franchise cool stuff
@LG555 7 күн бұрын
I think, Nintendo is always trying to make a game for people who don't have a favorite game in a franchise yet. Like you said, MM and LA are your favorites, so they kinda see you as a satisfied customer. Which also seems to be the reason, they can just throw everything out again after a game. Why make a game like OoT again, if there already is OoT?
@sukitron5415 3 күн бұрын
18 yo here too Botw was my first game too, I've played OOT, SS and TOTK now and I gotta say OOT is probably my favourite along with BOTW so there is definitely an appeal to the original formula
@Ronin11111111 15 күн бұрын
I don't understand how Aonuma can't see that those older games gave a different kind of experience, not a worse one. I think he believes the current games are the logical next step for the series, a betterment of the formula. It is not, it's just different.
@YoyMcFroy 13 күн бұрын
And that doesn't mean we had to abandon everything that worked before. It's like if 3d Mario refused to have power ups because "the new formula's better".
@ausgod538 13 күн бұрын
@@YoyMcFroy You just dont seem to get that Mario is worked by a complete different team so its not relevant.
@YoyMcFroy 13 күн бұрын
@@ausgod538 you don't seem to get analogies my guy
@wifi961 13 күн бұрын
You don't seem to understand development cycles clearly.
@Ronin11111111 13 күн бұрын
@@wifi961 What does dev cycles have anything to do with this? Please, enlighten me.
@muffitytuffity5083 15 күн бұрын
Remember when they said they can’t imagine going back to classic controls after skyward sword?
@signa8 15 күн бұрын
I don't remember that, but I'm glad they reneged on that. Skyward Sword is the only Zelda title I actively hated.
@MattPryze 15 күн бұрын
@@signa8likewise. Tried it on both consoles, couldn’t bring myself to finish it for whatever reason
@CrashDunning 15 күн бұрын
And Skyward Sword sold pretty poorly, likely because of those controls. Whereas the innovation of BOTW that Aonuma is very passionate and proud of is selling dozens of times better than the past games. He literally has no reason to go back this time.
@signa8 15 күн бұрын
@@MattPryze I have a whole list of reasons, but in summary, the game wasn't a game, but a theme park ride pretending to be a game. It was constantly paranoid you'd get off the path and somehow have less fun exploring.
@highdefinition450 14 күн бұрын
​@@CrashDunningi mean it sold alright lol
@re_4merchant 14 күн бұрын
As a long tome zelda fan, my first reaction was “is that her only ability?” Then i coped with “well tears of the kingdom had multiple abilities while having a primary one” now i realise they were never gonna get the enjoyment of opening a chest, and finding a claw-shot, or bow, or spinning gear thing. They were fun and exciting new tools and gizmos to find and figure out how to use. Now? Heres a wand at the start of the game. Its one of the reasons i think botw and totk diminished the enjoyment of exploring dungeons, when all you’ll find is money, and random objects that you dont need. Because you already have all you need to beat the dungeon. And the same goes for exploring the world. You never get an item, then think “oh right i should go back to this spot, and use this there” so you never feel the need to go to the same area and a second time, and discover something new.
@charliec.-lite1466 14 күн бұрын
In the UI there's a d-pad icon with the trirod assigned to the right button. This implies there will be other items/abilities. How you get them though we don't know yet.
@re_4merchant 14 күн бұрын
@@charliec.-lite1466 and most likely, like totk most of those abilities are going to be oriented around the main ability they’ve chosen for this game.
@fean2712 14 күн бұрын
I think I realized this subconsciously, but seeing it spelled out like that makes me actually understand one of the things that I feel BotW and TotK are missing. Your objective progression is measured by you having more health(which is neutralized by enemies dealing more damage), dealing more damage(which is neutralized by enemies having more health), more stamina, more armor, and the Hero/Sage abilities. I don't even like the TotK Sage abilities very much, because it feels more like someone else is allowing you to do something rather than something you earned/found. There are so few actual milestone abilities/items in BotW and TotK, compared to almost any classic Zelda game, where finding the bow or the Pegasus Boots means you now have access to so much that you didn't just a few minutes prior. If I wanted to devote dozens of hours just to see "number go up", then I'd play OSRS.
@samueldrake6138 14 күн бұрын
I think finding Echoes could simulate that feeling to a greater extent than BotW or TotK. Though Aonuma talking about how many Echoes that are in the game worries me that they may cease to feel special
@charliec.-lite1466 14 күн бұрын
​@@samueldrake6138 The height of walls you can climb with the Tri-rod would certainly be dependant on how much charges you have. One charge = one "block" of vertical movement. So theoretically you could make it so that certain parts of the map are just inaccessable until you have enough charges.
@Anon9729X 15 күн бұрын
I don’t mind the exploration aspect, all I want are classic dungeons back.
@oystersoup3434 14 күн бұрын
So do I. I also want good stories/writing again.
@shrap3d 14 күн бұрын
And music on world maps. The Triforce would be nice.
@ausgod538 13 күн бұрын
@@oystersoup3434 zelda never had good writing.
@Zerorenren4761 13 күн бұрын
​@@oystersoup3434It's a 2D game and honestly, 2D Zelda games stories are mostly just there, ALBW had some interesting stuff but that's pretty much it.
@Wobble2007 12 күн бұрын
@@ausgod538 0_o OOT was an epic story driven game, at least in the context of the game it is, it feels like you were in a fantasy film, BOTW just didn't have the same impact, you could just go kill Gannon and finish the game in 10 mins.
@emptyset1312 15 күн бұрын
I don't think we'll get another traditional Zelda any time in the near future, but with Nintendo, I don't think anything is ever truly set in stone. While they can be slow to do it, they can change course at times. After the Mario franchise slowly became sterile, and even the 3D games like 3D Land and 3D World fell more in line with the stagnant NSMB formula, things turned around during the Switch era - Odyssey represented a shift back towards a format more like 64 and Sunshine, which even Nintendo openly acknowledged. In the span of just a year, three different Mario RPG series returned, with remakes for SMRPG and TTYD and now the brand new Mario and Luigi game - all of this despite TTYD representing the 'old' vision for Paper Mario which the newer games distanced themselves from, and the fact that Mario and Luigi's studio, AlphaDream, went under. Though they aren't transparent about it, Nintendo does seem to respond to the sentiments of their fanbase Aonuma is a smart man. The increased freedom of the more recent games comes with its own drawbacks, and I don't think Aonuma is incapable of ever seeing those, even if based on some of his comments he might seem blind to them. Rather than being proof of a permanent change in course for the series, I think Echoes of Wisdom is more like an experiment into whether the sort of 'open-concept' design of the newest 3D Zeldas can work in 2D. I think that what works and what doesn't will be made clear. When it comes time to make the next games in the series for the Switch successor, what will those look like? I absolutely expect the next 3D Zelda to take the open-ended approach, and do so in a way that feels fresh, and not just be a Breath of the Wild 3. But how much potential does open-ended sandboxey 2D Zelda have beyond what Echoes of Wisdom can explore? Can that format sustain more games? You can only make so many 'experimental' games before figuring out what works and what doesn't. I think there's a world where we do go back to a classic Zelda... but probably not terribly soon. Maybe not even next gen.
@dablindscooter1973 15 күн бұрын
i can see them going back to tradition next gen with 2d zelda
@hododod246 14 күн бұрын
Bro I don't understand why it is so difficult to understand. Just because you don't like the game, it doesn't make games bad. Botw sold 30 million. I am repeating. botw sold 30 million. Lots of ps, xbox, pc fanboys who play nothing else but rdr2, god of war fell in love with this series after playing botw. These games expanded the fanbase 5-6 times.
@danieladdled 14 күн бұрын
If classic means 35+ years ago, I can see a 2D game revisiting some of that style. If classic means "more OOO/MM/WW/TP" I can't see it happening.
@zacharymorris6918 14 күн бұрын
100% agree.
@lif6737 14 күн бұрын
Yeah, pretty much this. This is an era of experimentation, but there's nothing to indicate they wouldn't pivot back in the future. I think this is good for keeping the series from growing stale, even if I'm not a fan of the newer games. When they inevitably revisit some of the old design philosophies, I think it'll be better than ever, it just might not be soon.
@webjoeking 14 күн бұрын
Creativity is born from constraints. A beautiful painting exists because of its canvas. So I hope we will one day get a Zelda/Link with classic dungeons done in new ways.
@Wobble2007 12 күн бұрын
This is so 100% true, creativity is born from limitations, Mt. Iwata himself made this clear a long time ago.
@weatherman1504 10 күн бұрын
Hmm, a bit convenient for ya to be saying that now, isn't it? That's not what your lot were saying back when people were talking mad smack about Zelda games being linear.
@serodio_petitseum 10 күн бұрын
​@@weatherman1504 because every single person on the internet has the same opinion as we all know
@weatherman1504 10 күн бұрын
@@serodio_petitseum I'm just saying, it's awfully suspicious that people are suddenly saying that it's a good game now that it's convenient for their purposes of saying "Old > New". I'm not gonna be gaslit into forgetting that people absolutely railed the game back when it first came out for being linear, for being constrained. People talked mad smack on the game for not being like the old games of its time like ALttP. Now when it's convenient for their purposes of having ammo to sh¡t all over currrent new games, they're trying to be all buddy buddy with us fans of the "old" games as if they weren't the exact kinda people lambasting us when those "old" games were new. Well, I'm not having it. I don't forget or forgive easy, especially not for this bandwagoning parlor trick that squirrel boyo and his fandom are trying to pull. Edit: forgot to clarity that I'm talkin about LoZ:TP.
@smaaron_j_46 2 күн бұрын
@@weatherman1504 damn, so the Zelda fandom has always had this old head issue? Ngl, the truth does hurt quite a bit. Can’t they just realize that they’re being miserable and ungrateful for once? :(
@mattmcduhhh 14 күн бұрын
The thing I find interesting is that Aonuma believes that freedom will foster more creativity from players. However, online in TotK I saw very few people taking advantage of that freedom and instead most people just did the optimal solution (AKA Hoverbike). Sure there have been people that have done some really creative builds, but this is clearly not the norm from what I saw. Since going back and playing TotK, I have found I am being more creative after setting limits on what I can and can not do, (AKA no paraglider, no hoverbike). I think that limits on what you are able to do is what really fosters creativity.
@lif6737 14 күн бұрын
Part of the issue is also the internet today and our horrifying desire to maximize productivity in what is literally a game. People obsess over what's the most efficient way to do things, and then these ideas propagate over the internet so fast that most people don't actually experiment with games like this, they just copy the prevailing build.
@daridon2483 14 күн бұрын
​​@@lif6737 Which basically means maybe the strengths of BotW/TotK would have been more prevalent if the internet wasn't there to give you the "Solve-it-all" options like the hover bike, and instead you have to find them on your own. There would have be more creative solutions found by each one individually, hell some would probably have discovered a variation of the bike by themselves and feel accomplished by that. Alas, times change, and the internet has to be taken into account now. PD: Maybe something similar would have happened if OoT was released now? Like it releases now and you would have content on the internet being things like "20 tips I wish I knew when starting out OoT" or a "All OoT heart piece locations" guide or "All bosses" with the classic spoilery thumbnail. Would the game have felt the same?
@shrap3d 14 күн бұрын
I just wanted to play a Zelda game. Not legos. The build aspect of Tears is my least favorite part.
@user-nz8mx9ok9t 14 күн бұрын
Honestly, there was too much restriction in TotK. BotW is the better game. I should've been able to get the mask that takes me down to the underground factory without having to get the paraglider first. But they chose to put an arbitrary gate there. TotK is still good but there was disappointment in there.
@Excalibur5k 14 күн бұрын
@@lif6737 i think its not so much the internet as it is gamers naturally optimizing the fun out of the game. the internet only speeds it up. i guess it probably should have been something the developers thought about while making it.
@myfly4711 15 күн бұрын
I didn't immediately catch it during the livestream so I wasn't quite sure why you seemed so hesitant. But when I went back and listened to what Aonuma was saying I understood the disappointment. For fans who were hoping a new topdown Zelda would be more traditional than the modern 3D games, it must be quite disheartening to hear him be so insistent to "break Zelda conventions" even in this style. I'm still very excited for Echoes of Wisdom but now I get where the feeling of hopelessness comes from.
@hist150project5 14 күн бұрын
Saying "break Zelda conventions" is so ridiculous when they haven't made a game with these conventions in over a decade.
@wunderwalze 10 күн бұрын
Tbf tho even if Nintendo created the perfect classic Zelda, that still wouldn't bring back our childhood. If people really want to experience old school magic, the spirit of these games lives on within the people who love them and the new games they influenced. A new Zelda wouldn't be much different, except for the name. Why do people cling onto a brand? If anyone still feels like only Nintendo can make games good again, they're really asking for a company to make their life fun again, which can't be their responsibility.
@wunderwalze 10 күн бұрын
Ig complaining about the series is kinda part of being a fan tho, but it shouldn't make people actually sad. That makes me sad
@calvinbrinenestoris2357 9 күн бұрын
​@wunderwalze I just think it would be incredibly fun to see how they would handle a classic-style game with their modern design philosophies.
@Kipper6464 8 күн бұрын
After the hype wore off I was pretty disappointed to I’m autistic and Traditional Zelda is what I hyper focus on I love Zelda and the new games don’t hit the same for me I was hoping for a new 2D Zelda after hearing his words again…it hurts I hope we get a more traditional Zelda game one day!!!
@Ryker_11 15 күн бұрын
I dont like Aonuma's insinuation that the freedom of new Zeldas is inherently better than the older, more limited style. Both have their advantages, and I think it's ignorant to say one is just better than the other.
@notmarz45 15 күн бұрын
No its called an opinion but also the new ones are all criticly aclaimed and sell great
@sparxskywriter2589 15 күн бұрын
@@notmarz45 Most of the Older Zeldas are also critically acclaimed and sold great, what do you mean? Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, Link to the Past, The original game, Majora's Mask, and THE Ocarina of Time which is still widely considered one of the best games ever created.
@cheerfulgestalt3282 15 күн бұрын
Aonuma's buttmad that Koizumi's Majora's Mask was far more popular than OOT and outperforms the current era of Zelda game. A game that was rushed at the end of the N64 lifespan and wasn't supposed to be amazing.
@bean_boy5264 15 күн бұрын
I don’t think he’s implying it’s better, I’ve never gotten that impression from anything he’s said. This is just the design philosophy they’re having fun with for the time being, and once they’re bored with it they’ll move on to something else. I expect they’ll eventually go back to a more traditional design, albeit with modern innovations. I for one am very excited to play as Zelda for once, and to see a 2D title be completely reimagined
@Vanguard771 15 күн бұрын
​@@sparxskywriter2589there is a difference between 3-4 million selling great and 20-30 million selling great.
@sithcar3435 15 күн бұрын
My first and favorite zelda game was Twilight Princess. Sure, the openness of the new games is great, but I just really liked the conciseness and quality over quantity of the pre-BotW games.
@BvLee 15 күн бұрын
Agreed. Plus, any time I think of Zelda music, TP’s OST is always the first to come to mind like Ordon village’s theme is pretty much home to me
@ianwilliams2632 15 күн бұрын
Same for me with Elden Ring vs Souls. I just like things to be concise and crafted. Open world has run its course.
@56ty_ 14 күн бұрын
Quality in botw and totk is far better than tp though.
@BvLee 14 күн бұрын
@@56ty_ I mean, that would depend on what you define as quality. If it's graphics, yeah, but neither of them were really impressive compared to other games from the same time period, so I would argue it doesn't really matter. The same goes for story because I feel that it's subjective whether you like one more than the other. If it's gameplay, then I'd say I prefer the sword skills and tp items over Botw's physics and sheikah slate, but I wouldn't say you were wrong for liking that better.
@56ty_ 14 күн бұрын
@@BvLee botw has the same attention to detail of the other Zelda games (if not more). Plus they realized a seamless open world. If we’re talking “quality”, botw and totk are by far the best in the series. Graphics, artstyle and music are on a different level as well. Just being honest. Never thought we’d get anything better than Koji kondo but here we are
@Breeze926 10 күн бұрын
My biggest problem with Tears of the Kingdom was not that the puzzles had many solutions, but that the same solutions worked for multiple puzzles. This game also seems to have more limits with the number of Echoes, being 2D, having no glider, being unable to climb, etc. As long as this game doesn't have an equivalent to Rocket Shields or the Ultrahand, Recall, Ascend combo I hope it can be that perfect middleground between old and new Zelda, offering tight puzzles that don't ask to be solved in one specific way. I was skeptical of this game as soon as I saw the main ability and the Tears of the Kingdom quick menu. I was like "Oh no not Autobuild and the Fuse menu again", but the more I think about it the more I think I will enjoy this game.
@aetherial87 15 күн бұрын
Mean things to each other
@bananatrimmer1204 10 күн бұрын
I hate you
@finiraelkhami8251 7 күн бұрын
Your mean comment caused me to reply
@nlald 2 күн бұрын
@@finiraelkhami8251Pretty average tbh
@samueltitone5683 14 күн бұрын
BIG LINK BETWEEN WORLDS! THAT’S ALL YOU NEED TO DO TO MAKE ME HAPPY AONUMA! It’s really weird how the Zelda team refuses to learn from Elden Ring’s success. The legacy dungeons are what made that game, and from what I’ve heard Shadows of the Erdtree is going the extra mile to make the catacombs more unique and enjoyable to explore.
@weatherman1504 10 күн бұрын
Hmm, awfully convenient. I remember people talking shiz about that game back when it came out...
@calvinbrinenestoris2357 9 күн бұрын
Keep in mind that all games coming out around now have been in development since well before Elden Ring released.
@Booksds 9 күн бұрын
I’d argue Link Between Worlds also isn’t a classic Zelda game either thanks to the item rental system
@calvinbrinenestoris2357 8 күн бұрын
@Booksds it's the closest we've gotten in the last 2 generations. Still a VERY good game (my personal Zelda top 3), but it'd still be really nice to see a Zelda game that can do the dungeons/any-order while still having the key items be found through exploration and progression instead of in a shop like in ALBW or mostly not using key items at all like in BOTW/TOTK. Also the fact that ALBW rips SO much from ALTTP creatively speaking along with the whole map doesn't help. Once again I love ALBW, but a new 2d Zelda game without these flaws would be ideal.
@indiesongwriter5474 12 күн бұрын
Aonuma, you disappoint me deeply.
@redbaronflyer8392 15 күн бұрын
My favorite part of BOTW is the trek up to Zora's domain. Barring any exploits (i.e. bomb launching) or going via a very particular path and parasailing, you have to trek through this intentionally designed gauntlet, you can't climb because of the 24/7 rain, and the geography lacks any ways to parasail to skip large sections of it due to it being an upward climb. Only the great plateau and the great sky island ever provided something similar. I get the appeal of the "do it your own way" approach to puzzles, but what's the point when there's always one superior option? (such as rocket shield or ultrahand + recall)
@maxrn3923 15 күн бұрын
I love the path to Zoras Domain so much! I agree very much
@Unithrex 11 күн бұрын
I agree, but I think you missed that there are some ways to climb up if you are clever enough by using small sections of wall. However, you still can't skip all of it and it does require time and effort to do that I think so I think it balances with the obvious path in the gauntlet.
@TheRealNintendoKid 10 күн бұрын
"what's the point?" Because it's FUN.
@TheRealNintendoKid 10 күн бұрын
@@maxrn3923 I actually kinda hated that part because all the lightning arrows making you drop your weapons was a pain in the ass, but it was an interesting challenge for sure.
@maxrn3923 10 күн бұрын
@@TheRealNintendoKid i can see that but the way itself was just amazing
@nathanbreadboi9223 13 күн бұрын
I'm kinda hopeful still for Aonuma to incorporate some of the old formula into the new games. It kinda feels like there's hope there
@wifi961 13 күн бұрын
There is, it's just these people are complaining to complain.
@ender7278 9 күн бұрын
This is the equivalent of saying turn-based RPGs are outdated now that real-time combat is possible.
@mbii7667 7 күн бұрын
Which I'm pretty sure somebody at Square Enix said recently lol
@starrunner2838 15 күн бұрын
This video is fueled by Monster Energy
@highdefinition450 14 күн бұрын
what did he mean by this
@keithsnaer9286 14 күн бұрын
@@highdefinition450its an energy drink joke he made from watching the trailers, he was like hes “high” from energy drinks so hes not thinking straight
@BiZkWiK87 14 күн бұрын
It's kind of wholesome witnessing a man go through his energy drink arc this late in life.
@CorruptionManX 10 күн бұрын
​@@BiZkWiK87I drank energy drinks for the first time now, after I turned 30, and as I consider that I have lived long enough, I don't intend to go back.
@BiZkWiK87 10 күн бұрын
@@CorruptionManX ah. I had way too much throughout my 20s. Just water and coffee for me now.
@EnderNecro 15 күн бұрын
Restriction also implies focus.
@MarkHogan994 14 күн бұрын
"Focus" has become the most overused buzzword in the Zelda community.
@BullockDS 14 күн бұрын
@@MarkHogan994 no, "linear" is.
@highdefinition450 14 күн бұрын
neither of those are buzzwords lol, they're the main points of contention between the two camps, of course people are going to talk about them lmao
@lif6737 14 күн бұрын
​@@MarkHogan994 "Buzzword" has become the most overused buzzword in the Zelda community.
@wifi961 13 күн бұрын
I'm sorry you have to think a little.
@dmajorvgm8735 15 күн бұрын
My immediate reaction was that the echo ability would end up being a more interesting/creative implementation of the metroidvania like world exploration that traditionally comes with gaining new items in top down Zelda games. I still suspect there will be traditional dungeons and items, so I’m not too worried just yet. If the dungeons are TotK tier I’ll be baffled. A pipe dream I have is that they implement some Tunic like sequence breaking via very unobvious creative use of echoes. I definitely share your scepticism though, the “creative” approach to puzzle design and exploration with no limitations is certainly not my preference, although I do think the non-linearity is the biggest thing that kills TotK’s dungeons. You just need a sense of progression in dungeons which pure non-linearity just doesn’t provide
@CZsWorld 8 күн бұрын
Keep in mind that BotW / TotK is a return to the freedom of the original. It IS the old Zelda. Things will cycle around again at some point.
@Whispernyan 8 күн бұрын
Well have fun when we enter the return to Zelda 2 type gameplay.
@Ianmar1 7 күн бұрын
​@@WhispernyanI loved Hollow Knight, an AoL remake really has potential.
@Ianmar1 7 күн бұрын
Maybe replay the original LoZ. It was not a trivial thing to tackle the dungeons very far out of order. One needed to learn enemy movement patterns and know the overworld secrets including dungeon locations. BotW and TotK have neither the difficulty gating nor the item gating nor the cryptic hints of the original.
@athorem 7 күн бұрын
This lie needs to stop. Where are the keys and locked doors in the new Zelda dungeons? Where is the progression gating?
@iconoclast485 15 күн бұрын
I am sad that I will never get a OOT experience with a Zelda game ever again. The restrictiveness is what made the world that they built so unique from one Zelda to the next. The exploration and finding specific power ups in dungeons that allow you to go back and revisit places you have already been and discover something new in those old places are some of the best parts of the late 90's early 2000 Zelda games IMO.
@christmasham4312 15 күн бұрын
Fromsoft does all that now 😊
@ianwilliams2632 15 күн бұрын
The golden age of games was about 1996-2003 imo. Nothing beats the atmospheres, design philosophies, clever puzzles/levels, etc., of that time. Dark Souls came close, and echoed the classics nicely. OoT and MM are simply the peak and summit of that era.
@DeadpoolX9 15 күн бұрын
The indie scene will come through
@landonhagan450 15 күн бұрын
@@ianwilliams2632 I'd expand that window to 2007. '07 was an absolutely cracked year and was probably the peak of traditional game design across the whole industry.
@FirstLast-yc9lq 15 күн бұрын
@@landonhagan450 07 and 06 started a lot of bad trends in the gaming industry though. Mass Effect and Uncharted had a detrimental impact on game development
@Scharfster 14 күн бұрын
This is feeling oddly reminiscent of the Miyamoto having the Mario games be no longer creative or interesting. It's almost as if the older you get, the more jaded and tunnel-visioned you become.
@BullockDS 14 күн бұрын
To be fair there was also the solid decade or so Aonuma kept pushing the Wind Waker artstyle constantly. Seven freakin' games had that art style, each (but one) starring different Links that look 100% identical to each other. He basically tried to make Wind Waker's style the New Super Mario Bros of Zelda, if that makes sense.
@JoJoboiWav 9 күн бұрын
@@BullockDS And he was right. Now, Toon Link was replaced by that lego ahh type of sh!t, and it's infinitely worse and it's extremely inexpressive and way too childish whereas Toon Link's art direction was the perfect compromise between stylization action and seriousness, without the edginess of the overly realistic Zelda games. I still can't believe they killed him with Triforce Heroes then never touched him again since then.
@RavensbladeDX 15 күн бұрын
100% agree with Aonuma regarding Zelda. She's far more interesting if playing as her is it's own unique experience. Excited to play this when it comes out.
@silvereyes242 14 күн бұрын
Agreed! If she played exactly like Link, there would be no point in playing as her at all. It would be like simply palette swapping him with a female model otherwise.
@Skywreckdemon 14 күн бұрын
This game definitely looks like it's gonna be good, I'm just disappointed we'll never have anything like Twilight Princess ever again.
@silvereyes242 14 күн бұрын
@@Skywreckdemon same, that was my favourite Zelda game.
@AntiRiku 13 күн бұрын
​@@silvereyes242 Same. TP is such a gem.
@Gamer1288 13 күн бұрын
Zelda is a spellcaster so she should play like one.
@jarde1989 7 күн бұрын
I don’t want every single upcoming Zelda game to be a sandbox… I still want classic Zelda games too
@pandakeks8793 7 күн бұрын
You WILL play gmod Zelda, you WILL spend 70 dollars on reused assets.
@athorem 7 күн бұрын
@@pandakeks8793 The only way to win is not to play.
@DonnieDaise 13 күн бұрын
This would be less of a blow if actual 2d/3d zelda clones existed, but they are so scarce and for some reason always have been.
@pmnt_ 10 күн бұрын
I think they are just hard to pull off, even if it looks so simple (speaking about 2D Zeldas). Tunic was a very good candidate, it feels like a real Zelda game until... you want to get the perfect ending and have to solve the most ridiculous, convoluted, escape-the-room type of puzzle I've ever encountered. It's suddenly felt like a completely different game.
@LaserFace23 10 күн бұрын
This is actually why I'm most disappointed, there are plenty of Metroid-like games, plenty of fun platformers, but there are basically no "puzzle box" Zelda-like games that really nail that style. I think you need a certain type of creative mind to make a compelling Zelda-like dungeon, especially in a 3D space, and that type of creative and analytical mind that can think of all the moving pieces of a solveable puzzle is a rare thing. It's a gift Aonuma has shown himself incredibly proficient at using, with even the more mediocre (by Zelda standards) games always having cool dungeons built around an interesting central mechanic that were fun to solve. Aonuma was even hired into his position specifically because of his talents for creating real-life puzzle boxes, so I think it's a genuine waste of his abilities that he's choosing instead to specifically NOT design puzzles, and instead create sandboxes for players to mess around in with their gameplay mechanics. I understand if after 15+ years of building virtual puzzle boxes Aonuma doesn't want to do that any more, he can do as he likes, but it's like if Michaelangelo decided he didn't want to do marble sculptures any more; It's like "okay man, I guess I can't force you, but literally nobody else can do this like you can, I'm gonna miss your work."
@pmnt_ 10 күн бұрын
@@LaserFace23 I think Michaelangelo was even annoyed by all those large painting commissions because he identified as sculptor. Edit: I think the "puzzle box" metaphor helped me to understand why I like the Zelda dungeons. On a surface level, the room-to-room gameplay is nothing special. Fight all enemies, find the hidden switch, light all torches, find the bombable wall. But overall, the rooms together form a puzzle box where you try to find the next moving piece. That's also the reason i like ALttP Randos. It changes the order of the moving pieces, basically a new puzzle box. ... Thanks!
@FrahdChikun 8 күн бұрын
May I offer you a game called Veritus?
@pmnt_ 8 күн бұрын
@@FrahdChikun you may. Instant wishlist.
@BigBadWolframio 15 күн бұрын
A Link to the Past is the first Legend of Zelda game I ever played and I remember it fondly. Being able to switch between two eras and the changes to the map that brought was so fun and clever. Being able to progress through different parts of the main map with the skills you unlocked in each dungeon made the game feel bigger than it was. When Breath of the Wild came out, it took me quite some time to play it, and all I was seeing was praise for it and..., I mean, it's a fun game, but it was disappointing for me. Every corner of the world you go to, they tell you exactly the same story. With the same exact words and cinematics sometimes... It made the world feel smaller than it was. All dungeons were virtually the same, and after a while, I wondered what was the point of exploring. Sure, it's a beautiful game aesthetically, but it just didn't quite work for me. It doesn't help that games that want you to lose yourself in them doing smaller things by design, while narratively pressuring you into hurrying stress me out so much. What do you mean I should be looking for korogs while Zelda has been trapped there fighting Ganon for 100 years and about to lose her strength? 😢 It sours the small indulgent moments. It makes it seem like Link is an ass, decorating his house while Zelda keeps on waiting and Hyrule is in danger. But those small things are what make the game fun...
@Silas_MN 14 күн бұрын
“if everywhere I go I always find the same thing, then what’s the point of exploring” is a great point that I think sums up a lot of issues I had with a lot BotW and TotK
@kj_H65f 13 күн бұрын
​@@Silas_MNwell... speaking for me, it was fun just to see what new perspective I could see. The small trinkets and treasures were just icing. I dont get the complaints about the map not being fun to explore, for me it was the best part of that game and why I didn't enjoy TotK as much in that respect.
@TheRealNintendoKid 10 күн бұрын
Link to the Past isn't about switching between eras, it's two different worlds.
@BigBadWolframio 10 күн бұрын
@@TheRealNintendoKid oh, I didn't know! My game was in English and back then I didn't understand much. Only "past" in the title, so I figured that must've been it 😋
@ronaldquinlan4791 14 күн бұрын
It sucks to see that aonuma seemingly doesn't recognize the strengths of the more limiting design of the older games. Maybe devs themselves felt limited while making those games either by hardware or deadlines. I think the best we could hope for is that they somehow rediscover those strengths eventually over a very period of time
@SoulShiftingInsight 14 күн бұрын
It's just money dude. BOTW & TOTK sales are better than most of the previous games. He's businessman.
@cheke_hs 13 күн бұрын
The devs were indeed limited by the technology of their time, but also by their inability to question the status quo. Ocarina set the standard for the classic 3D formula, yet they _already_ couldn’t make that game more open because jumping to 3D meant they couldn’t keep the openness they would’ve wanted due to technical limitations. From there, even simple things such as Link not being able to jump were literally never put into question. You can only guess how many more things were left untouched because they didn’t feel like changing things up. But then they took a huge risk with BOTW and it paid off several times over when compared to any other Zelda, 3D or not. Breaking conventions is and seemingly will be the norm now because that’s what the majority wants, and ultimately, they’re _good_ games.
@nickearls2381 4 күн бұрын
That nostalgia quote reminds me a lot of a famous quote by World of Warcraft developer when asked about releasing classic versions of the game. “You think you do (want the old version), but you don’t”. It was widely panned and eventually Blizzard announced World of Warcraft Classic which was a huge success. Developers think they’re continuously improving on the original formula , so previous iterations are only desired due to nostalgia. How wrong they are, but you can see why it’s almost like a defensive knee jerk reaction by their ego… I think they feel as if you’re saying all the work they did “improving” the old formula was actually a waste.
@skullkid7989 15 күн бұрын
I wish it had the link between worlds art style but I’m fine with this
@beetlebottle 15 күн бұрын
me toooo they really should bring that style back
@highdefinition450 14 күн бұрын
eh i like this one too lol it's pretty unique
@bullymaguire9987 12 күн бұрын
​​@@highdefinition450It's cute, but pretty lifeless because it doesn't allow for much facial expression.
@lilylollielegs34 10 күн бұрын
Yeah I love the link between worlds art style. Actually it’s just overall one of my favourite Zelda games.
@JoJoboiWav 9 күн бұрын
@@beetlebottle They should even make a new Zelda game replicating exactly the art style of ALBW's artworks, not only the game itself. It's definitely possible nowadays and it would be INSANE
@hododod246 14 күн бұрын
By the way Link is real chad spending his last moments saving Zelda.
@Tigerbro6 15 күн бұрын
its not just nostalgia lol I just want good dungeons again
@notmarz45 15 күн бұрын
Zeldas not about dungeons anymore old man
@sparxskywriter2589 15 күн бұрын
@@notmarz45 Okay, this one is just obvious bait
@56ty_ 14 күн бұрын
It is only nostalgia lol try to tell me that most past dungeons are better than Totk’s with a straight face
@highdefinition450 14 күн бұрын
​@notmarz45 it's about collecting mushrooms and eating wood, thank you mr. aonuma very cool
@56ty_ 14 күн бұрын
@@highdefinition450 yeah tell me cutting grass to find hearts (??) was better lol
@Midnitethorn 15 күн бұрын
Oot, MM, WW, and TP will always be my favorites. The worlds, characters, dungeons, and stories are unmatched. I wanted to love BoTW and ToTK just as much, they had a lot of promise, but fell short on all these things.
@DeadpoolX9 15 күн бұрын
It feels like the fucking Sonic Team problem. TotK and BotW were like on the CUSP of absolute greatness. All they needed was a through line (more involved character quests (we already like these characters we just want more of them), more involved dungeons (actual sprawling multi leveled dungeons with each room having a puzzle and those puzzles tying into bigger puzzles in a unifed theme), more permanent upgrades from the dungeon (fuck the champions abilitys and fuck the sage abilities I want a hookshot, just any more permanent items)) That's all it would have taken to satisfy everyone and leave a mark on the generation but they're like "nah lets do something else" Hell they're not even gonna release DLC for TotK like they did with BotW.
@Midnitethorn 15 күн бұрын
@DeadpoolX9 agree with all of this. It's like they were so close but just couldn't reach the finish line.
@highdefinition450 14 күн бұрын
​@@DeadpoolX9it's crazy to me how there was no hookshot in totk lol. traveling from one island to another, hitching a ride on like a bird or something, idk, it could have made traversal in the sky so much cooler i think lmao
@merleetomlin6218 14 күн бұрын
It's been nearly two decades since TP and with every new installment to the Zelda franchise it feels like they are getting farther and farther from the classic formula. Ya know, the one everyone loved. I don't necessarily mind that these new games exist, but it would be nicer if we could also get one closer to Zelda's roots to appease the "long-time fans."
@merleetomlin6218 14 күн бұрын
@@highdefinition450 I remembered hearing there would be sky islands and thought it would be a perfect opportunity to introduce Loftwings as a sky mount to the newer titles. Then I saw the trailer introduced mechanisms... I was severely disappointed...
@Sam_T2000 15 күн бұрын
I’m calling it now… navigating the “echo” menu is going to be the worst part of the game. and I’m still sad we don’t have _Wind Waker_ and _Twilight Princess HD_ on Switch, and I’m still hoping for HD pixel art remakes of the classic 2D games 😑
@amysteriousviewer3772 15 күн бұрын
And they are not going to do anything about it just like TotK.
@Zulban48 14 күн бұрын
It baffles me that they have not discovered the concept of arranging a large amount of options in a 2d grid instead of a linear slider, or at least making it so that each 'row' of the grid is its own category of items. ... Sorry, a correction: it's not that they haven't discovered it, it's that they have un-learned it because it's not 'modern UI design' or some other BS.
@davidbeer5015 14 күн бұрын
There’s too many echoes for this (and fuse-able materials in TotK), but I’d love to see the options reduced some and they pull out the radial menu style like the original TP did (currently playing Arkham Knight again, and that just feels right for a pausing style item select)
@Lucrei. 11 күн бұрын
@@Zulban48 they need to look at the PS3 GUI - that thing was and still is revolutionary
@dranggonovich8825 15 күн бұрын
Your videos is just the dark cloud over the skies that blocks the sun that I need. It gives me the negative pov I need to stay grounded and not wish for magical things to happen.
@LuigiXHero 14 күн бұрын
Dark Cloud mentioned (PS2 brained)
@mr.j3rs3y 12 күн бұрын
@@LuigiXHero Next Level Games! 🗣️
@weatherman1504 10 күн бұрын
I'll give you this, dude's a negative nancy through and through. I don't wanna catch him trying to be buddy buddy with "old" fans when I know d4mned well he'd sh!t all over the games they liked when those games were new.
@ravus9935 10 күн бұрын
I only just played Skyward Sword last year, and I loved it more than both Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. People don't just want classic Zelda for nostalgia. It genuinely has merits that elevate certain parts of the experience beyond what an open world sandbox can do.
@negentropy9560 10 күн бұрын
Glad you loved Skyward Sword. I feel like it's so underrated. Amazing story.
@Antnj81 Күн бұрын
>Zelda gets her first Nintendo-made solo adventure >she fights by summoning home furnishing and cleaning items 💀
@RH1812 15 күн бұрын
Musicians also limit instruments they use to challenge themselves. As you said, the challenge of limited options can be even more creative in its own right
@highdefinition450 14 күн бұрын
yea the new games are only hard because the monsters hit hard. not once was i ever stumped about what to do in a shrine or a dungeon lmao, i could always just fly a rocket straight to the end. i liked having to think critically, idk lol
@b3llydrum 14 күн бұрын
This is a dumb analogy and doesn't work in this scenario. You straight up are arguing you can be more creative and expressive in solutions to problems in Link's Awakening than you can in Echoes of Wisdom. Lol. Lmao, even
@amandaslough125 14 күн бұрын
​@@b3llydrumbut it's true. How soon after release do you think the internet will find the most optimal bed set up or whatever to take out most enemies and puzzles on the map? It's not like older games where your sword was your tried and true method of attack, but you were rewarded in combat for using various weapons to kill enemies faster. You had to think to try it. The new style everything works. And anything more creative usually involves a lot of extra steps of tedium before being executable.
@DanielGarcia-rx3kt 14 күн бұрын
Hell, look at OoT. The tunes you play with the ocarina revolved around FIVE NOTES and the composer used them to write music. And they're legendary. Creativity through restrictions can be AMAZING.
@Nastara 14 күн бұрын
But it doesn’t apply to old zelda because there is only one way to do things. That’s fine but it’s a bad arguement for wanting one solution zelda back
@averagesoul8256 15 күн бұрын
crazy to me that in this short 3 minute clip of gameplay you can see more enemy types than tears
@amandaslough125 14 күн бұрын
BotW and TotK have less enemy variety than Zelda I. FSA and TP have the most enemies at roughly about twice as much in comparison. Most games have around the 70 mark.
@omensoffate 14 күн бұрын
@@naproupiyou mad
@tolypolonty5766 14 күн бұрын
I never felt totk had poor enemy variety. In fact it added a bunch. Maybe it's less than other games but it's not something I found any issues with.
@highdefinition450 14 күн бұрын
​@@naproupiyou are also here whining my guy lol, you are not above wasting time interacting with things you don't like. it's honestly even more pathetic to come into the comments to laugh at people criticizing the game than it is to criticize the game a year after it released tbh lol.
@RavenGamingOverLord 13 күн бұрын
You sound like those elite Zelda fans
@suicunesolsan 15 күн бұрын
My main issue with BotW is the way all your tools were given to you right away. My interest in dungeons was greatly reduced when I knew I wouldn't obtain any new tools or fight unique enemies in any of the dungeons (except for the dungeon bosses). Instead, rewards like breakable weapons, food, and rupees were the treasures, none of which had any lasting impact. Basically, dungeons were an afterthought as their primary purpose (to obtain items that would open new areas) was no longer there! Furthermore, Heart Pieces were moved into shrines. Which meant you always knew exactly what would you get at the end of a shrine. And you also knew that if a sidequest did not involve a shrine, it was probably not worth your time. This game, however, may or may not be indicative of the series future. Primarily because this game stars Zelda herself, which means it was always going to be and should play differently.
@Gatchu137 14 күн бұрын
TotK literally gave dungeon-themed powers that were required to solve the puzzles, and then opened the scope of your options in the rest of the game. It's not like they haven't already improved from BotW. The only difference between TotK dungeons and those from older games was that the new abilities were tied to NPC allies, rather than items, but the dungeon structure was there.
@samuelstephens6904 14 күн бұрын
Obtaining items was never the “primary purpose” of dungeons.
@Excalibur5k 14 күн бұрын
@@Gatchu137 i dont think this is entirely accurate. the sage abilities were kind of redundant, its possible to accomplish almost all the same things they do without using them. tulin and yunobo had some uses, while sidon and riju did not. you only really needed them for the terminals. with classic dungeon items, they allowed you to do things you couldnt do before, which is where most of their value came from. I dont expect a "botw-style" dungeon item to be exactly like this, but i would hope tools you find in future dungeons do a lot more than "kind of stronger lightning arrow with a cooldown."
@Gatchu137 14 күн бұрын
​@@Excalibur5k I'd say a majority of old dungeon items became useless outside of their dungeon. The gear, ball and chain, gale boomerang, and dominion rod from Twilight Princess were incredibly niche. I don't remember the digging claws or gust bellows from SS having much alternative use either. I don't even really remember any dungeon items from Wind Waker. But usually the hookshot is the only useful one, unless a dungeon gives you the bow or something. Sidon and Riju had uses for the terminals, but they stayed relevant as combat options afterwards, giving a shield/ranged slashes and stronger arrows.
@Excalibur5k 14 күн бұрын
@@Gatchu137 this was an problem on an item to item basis in previous games, but its worse in totk. Sidon and riju are particularly horrible in battles because you have to chase them down to use their abilities. You can use splash fruit to get the water buff for zora weapons, and rujis lightning is just a clunkier version of bomb or lightning arrows. Even more useless items in past game unlocked *something* in the overworld, and even if it wasnt much, they still made for interesting dungeon gimmicks rather than items. Like yea the dominon rod and the spinner kinda suck, but they were cool in their respective dungeons. I cant say the same for sidon and riju.
@averagecarpentryskills7148 13 күн бұрын
I miss the gentleness of a Zelda game. Like the music playing in the background. Things you would hear in some cozy house or shop in a village. The isolation of being deep in a themed dungeon. The tragedy of minor npc's that we theorize about for decades like what we got in OoT and MM. The cute small charm of things like Wind Waker that have aged well. Maybe these two past games will give the developers some space to allow for fan nostalgia to come back as a needed thing in series very soon. Crafting giant mechs and drones to fly up to the sky limitless or scaling every piece of everything in world including mountains is too much of a wide breadth that misses the intimacy of the world we once loved. Glad to see a 2D Zelda back cause its limitations are more leaning towards classic but this still feels too experimental. Why does Nintendo always have to be so damn experimental?
@Lucrei. 11 күн бұрын
They just threw away a good thing... business can be ugly :(
@rustybiscuit398 15 күн бұрын
I’m not sure how I feel about the quote from Aonuma. As someone who was very late to the Zelda franchise going back and playing the older games has been extremely fun. And it shows what the freedom of BOTW and TOTK takes away to achieve their design. But also I can empathize with Aonuma for how long they’ve worked on the franchise feeling Burt out by the limitations. Also with the ultimate freedom approach they can all but guarantee everyone has a unique experience in some way. It sounds very enticing and easier in a way than adding a unique power or system to build a game and dungeons around. Regardless the game looks fun and great video!
@landonhagan450 15 күн бұрын
I think the biggest issue with the quote is the mischaracterization of critics. It's both condescending and incorrect in a way that says a lot about his mindset. To come to that conclusion he must've never actually listened to any of the critics, just assuming they have nothing of value to say, which doesn't bode well for the future.
@NewbPhil 15 күн бұрын
My issue is with something that the KZfaqr DJ Peach Cobbler mentioned in his Elden Ring video; where do you go after going the open world route? I have no doubt that Miyazaki is totally cool with reducing the scale of his future projects, as well as his fans. But a massive series/company like Zelda/Nintendo? I don't know, man. Imagine if God of War went back to the old style. It's inconceivable, they would *never* do it. I think it's similar with Nintendo, they saw the insane sales of the last couple open world Zelda games and are going to want to *increase* the scale, not decrease; why would we "downgrade" our games? Think of the sales, they'll plummet! That's the logic, and I hate it.
@Z50nemesis 14 күн бұрын
What you have to take into account is that people have been shitting on Nintendo for not innovating zelda for at least 15 years . Basically all 3d zeldas were criticized for being just another ocarina of time. I dont agree with that , but that was the popular opinion
@highdefinition450 14 күн бұрын
honestly if he doesn't like making zelda games anymore, he should just retire or go make the kinds of games he wants elsewhere. with the influence i assume he has at nintendo, he could probably get a new ip approved. probably easier said than done but still, it kinda sucks that he's transforming the series into something else because he's bored with it. i'm sure a ton of other capable people would love to design a zelda game lol
@jaswanthvardireddy2243 14 күн бұрын
@@NewbPhilI think atleast in elden ring you can still just structure the game to only do the main quest and it’ll still feel satisfying. I don’t feel that way with totk/botw.
@FloorEyes0_0 15 күн бұрын
That quote by Aonuma will forever hang over this series
@ash8244 15 күн бұрын
Oh yes cause a 30+ year old series should never evolve and just make a link to the past in 3d again and again. So many fake Zelda fans in these comments.
@NimbusHero 15 күн бұрын
​@@ash8244 not agreeing with Aonuma makes you a fake fan now?
@sparxskywriter2589 15 күн бұрын
@@ash8244 What the absolute hell is this response? Did you just legitimately read something else and accidentally respond to this one? What did he say that is AT ALL related to what you said?
@OceanicManiac 15 күн бұрын
@@ash8244 Your open world is empty and boring
@lavallur 15 күн бұрын
@@ash8244 fake fans are the worse. i too am a real zelda fan. i love never having a critical opinion and practicing the downward facing dog in front of aonuma
@fiercedeitygaming6210 15 күн бұрын
I have been subbed for upwards of 3 years and you have failed to alienate me. Do better.
@LittleBeanGreen 14 күн бұрын
I appreciate your level-headed takes on a lot of this Zelda stuff. As someone who is newer to the Zelda-content-creation side of things, it's amazing how ardent, antagonistic, and unassailable people are about their position on what I consider to be a very interesting moment in Zelda history. I too am cautiously optimistic about Echoes of Wisdom and I think its gameplay is going to work better in the 2D world but....time will tell. Stay strong, my brother in arms.
@zacharypeterson7157 15 күн бұрын
My first zelda game was twilight princess hd as a teenager. I then played wind waker hd, then botw when it came out. Then played link to the past and it is now my favorite even after playing all the zelda games. Looks like old zelda is dead as we knew it
@Hocaro 15 күн бұрын
Windwaker was criticized for being vastly different from previous iterations but it ended up being one of my favourites.
@0607Darr 14 күн бұрын
I don't think you're old or lacking taste, but I do think this video is coming from a place of disappointment, fear for what future games might look like, and self-protectiveness against future pain and disappointment. As someone who both loved, but was also disappointed with the most recent Zelda entries, I feel those things too, but I also don't think it's rational to extrapolate into hyperbolic sentiment that we will " never" see classical style entries again. The freeform design elements of contemporary Zelda games, part of a Continuum, and one that I think we can both agree has strayed too far. Far it's freedom and could benefit from a healthy dose of restrictions, which I think is reasonable to expect at some point in the future. Future. The question is how far into the future.
@PhantomHalf 14 күн бұрын
Its sad to think that another twilight princess, majoras mask or wind waker will never be made.
@pd9020 9 күн бұрын
my biggest hope is that they rerelease Wind Waker and Twilight Princess and they sell like crazy, and hopefully someone at nintendo realizes it's not because of nostalgia it's because people like the gameplay and stories of those games
@michaelrobinson4266 15 күн бұрын
A puzzle is not a puzzle without limitations. If there is no problem to solve or the solution is always the same, there is nothing to be puzzled about (cutting a tree vs gliding). ToTK and BoTW gave you the tools and limitations early and used the world to allow you to recontextualize your limitations, but I think what is missed in this approach is the act of receiving a new item/ability that allows the world to be reframed through a decrease in limitations (a la animal well).
@DeadpoolX9 15 күн бұрын
Was a hookshot really so much to ask for?????
@landonhagan450 15 күн бұрын
@@DeadpoolX9 TotK was MADE for a hook/clawshot. The game feels genuinely incomplete without it.
@highdefinition450 14 күн бұрын
​@@landonhagan450crazy that they didn't add it. makes so much sense with the sky islands lol
@Silas_MN 14 күн бұрын
if every solution to a puzzle is viable, then there’s no reason to ever try anything differently
@michaelrobinson4266 14 күн бұрын
@@Silas_MN For sure. I found during ToTK that I would reuse many of my creations to solve different problems. In some ways the discovery of a well crafted puzzle disappears. One positive thing about metering out tools/abilities throughout a game is that you tailor that sense of discovery and make more complex puzzles that use the interesting restrictions of the items/abilities to provide novel and thoughtful solutions. In this regard I think the open world aspects of the Zelda franchise are at odds with the puzzle of nature of their worlds.
@janjakubiak7441 7 күн бұрын
We're at the stage of "Wanna play a new classic Zelda game? Play something fanmade then." Which is weird, but that's just where we're at.
@DreamWick Күн бұрын
Completely agree!
@philllllllll 14 күн бұрын
Like I've said for many video games in the past: if you make every approach equally viable, you fail to make any of them feel distinct. If every single level has an air vent at the start for the sneak approach, an accessible security terminal for the hacker approach and a crowded main corridor for the guns blazing approach, then you never need to adapt to new situations and come up with creative solutions brought up by the limitations of your build/choice of approach.
@ThomasCpp 15 күн бұрын
If openness and player freedom was always better, I would never play a Zelda game when Minecraft exists.
@mr.awesome6011 14 күн бұрын
This makes no sense as they are both very different games and off their own sense of freedom.
@andersonpallot8784 14 күн бұрын
@@mr.awesome6011 I think that is kind of the point.
@rpgfanatic9719 14 күн бұрын
Minecraft blows because all you do is build generic crap, and fight with bad combat.
@ausgod538 13 күн бұрын
@@andersonpallot8784 its not a good point.
@realSallad 13 күн бұрын
my prediction is that the freedoms for Echoes of Wisdom is primarily in the overworld and accessing the dungeons, alla Link Between Worlds but to an even freer degree than the rent system ever could’ve been. The hope then is that the dungeons themselves have specific dungeon items specifically for said dungeons. I can’t see the “make a hoverbike and skip the dungeon” strategy working with the echoes mechanic, at least in the ways it’s been shown so far. making stair cases out of beds is more constrained than a hoverbike and i think the dungeons can easily be designed to not allow too much exploit, yknow? i’m actually very interested to see how dungeon items work using a point system, where you pay triangles to use them.
@RedBeard-qw4hc 15 күн бұрын
I see a lot of people putting Botw and Totk in the same bag. Or saying that Totk fixed what Botw did wrong. But the thing is, I still had an adventure in Botw because I couldn't just zonai-fly into a set location. It still had limitations. Whereas Totk tells you to go wherever whenever and so it feels more like I doing Unisoft open world check-list minus the markers on the map.
@GodUsopp6620 15 күн бұрын
You control what buttons you press
@capngeeoff 14 күн бұрын
Hmm if you used an infinite items exploit to achieve these results, then it was cheating
@highdefinition450 14 күн бұрын
​​@@GodUsopp6620you can't blame people for interacting with the game the way the game intended them to lol. they encourage you to use zonai devices and skydive all the time, and they populated the world with nothing that makes it worth walking instead of taking the faster route. i don't think it's fair to expect people to play with self-imposed challenges and rules just to make it fun tbh lol it would be kinda like telling people who want pokemon games to be a little harder to just do a nuzlocke or something. like yeah, it's an option, but that doesn't really solve the overall problem lmao. it's a fair criticism of the game design
@Marikus_Eternal 14 күн бұрын
I feel like the Wind Temple quest was more of an adventure than the entirety of BotW
@amandaslough125 14 күн бұрын
​@@Marikus_Eternalmaybe by visual spectacle. It's a lack luster dungeon and a poorly written story arc.
@ggletsplay5041 13 күн бұрын
I think Nintendo lost their way. The old games required an actual story that was coherent and you could follow. The new formula that you can do anything whenever you want therefore the developers can worry less about a coherent story and just create cliff notes that they can stuff into the game wherever. That makes it easier for Aonuma going forward as he doesn't have to worry about a story/timeline/continuity. He just gets to focus on a gaming gimmick of the year. Look at breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom. I truly believe that those games maps were not created by a human. They were procedurally generated and then they layered names and quest objectives on top of. I always felt lost when playing those games. sure I had an idea of where to go, but I had no idea how to get there which led me to climbing mountains and stumbling around trying to get to different areas. the open world game suck and I wish they would go back because that structure that everyone calls limiting gave the world more meaning and wonder.
@mattparker4191 14 күн бұрын
Aonuma is a genius designer and it makes me sad that he can’t recognize his own brilliance. He’s also infamously embarrassed by Majora’s Mask even though a good chunk of the fan base considers it to be a masterpiece
@user-nz8mx9ok9t 14 күн бұрын
"Good chunk" is awfully generous.
@zurkke 7 күн бұрын
@@user-nz8mx9ok9t even if you don't appreciate Majora's Mask as a game you gotta give it credit. There hasn't been any game that did what it did.
@jakesmith9150 15 күн бұрын
I'm sure at some point the series will circle back- maybe if someone else picks up the mantle, or even after that director. Some things tend to come back around. I do like the new stuff too- but I agree that I would love to see modern iterations of classic Zelda games
@marbsphere 15 күн бұрын
From a game design perspective, the limitless freedom new Zelda offers is definitely more interesting compared to single solution puzzles which have already been done in many other games. So I can see why Aonuma doesn't see the value in the old Zelda formula, but personally, I just don't find a puzzle which can be solved in any way to be as engaging. It always feels like I'm breaking the game which isn't as satisfying as finding the intended solution. It was really cool in BOTW because we had never seen that kind of puzzle before, but I already felt bored of the concept while playing TOTK. I'm gonna be a bit disappointed if this is the only style of puzzle we get in future Zelda games.
@thesnatcher3616 15 күн бұрын
Not really related, but I always found it odd that there was this huge divide between Zelda fans who preferred the og classical design of single solution puzzles with a steady consistent progression through the world and the newer fans who are into the more open air elements where they can bend the physics engine as they so please to make their own solutions. Cause that divide is practically nonexistant in the mario fandom. Mario 64 was all about the freedom to get stars in whatever way you wanted(with skipping them being an option), with a movement system so versatile and exiciting, that it enthralls speedrunners to this very day, deliberately being very distinct from Super Mario World. Maybe it's because 3d mario games did a better job at bridging the gap(oftentimes having both open exploration collecathon segments, as well as straight up platforming bonus rooms and challenges?) than the modern zelda titles? I'm just saying that you won't really see the mario fanbase clamoring for the return of the bit by bit classical platforming style of his nes, snes, and ds days the same way Zelda fans do for their older titles. The most controversial part of the mario fandom was just how they keep reusing the same enemies, which is a complaint that is also nonexistant in the zelda fandom funnily enough. I just find the whole situation involving the two fanbases really interesting lol. Love both franchises btw. Just giving food for though.
@Lmmmn 15 күн бұрын
That’s because there wasn’t a divide. 3d Zelda’s didn’t replace 2d, we still got them. It would be like if the new 3ds 3d games replaced the Mario 64 style 3d games. I don’t dislike the new Zelda games but it shouldn’t be suprising if some people like theme park style games over sandbox style games.
@porchugawhale9938 15 күн бұрын
I'm not sure how much merit my response provides, but I wanted to analogize this design perspective to the souls-like boss design, even elden-like boss design that we have seen emerge in fromsoft's games. Consider a souls boss as a puzzle synthesized from reaction time, observation, spatial awareness, and rhythm. Most every attack that fromsoft designs can be 100% of the time perfectly dodged with the B-button dodge roll (one exception being elden beast's blasted elden stars attack). Many people consider it an art and an achievement to defeat a boss only within the self-imposed limitations of the on-demand i-frames granted by the roll, simply because the artists working at fromsoft have specifically paved this rocky road for the pilgrims looking to traverse it. And yet, we see in Elden Ring the freedom to opt-out of this experience with mage builds, spells, ashes of war, buffs, and so on, because the developers realize that this experience is not for everyone and therefore afford the player the opportunity to grow wings and fly outside the box with infinite mp and massive laser beams. For many players that is the joy, the same joy that those experience who indulge in the multitude solutions of the TOTK puzzles. Similarly, I posit that the same dichotomy of limitation and freedom exists for these newer zelda games, albeit in a more nebulous form. We see in so many cases the nudging toward the correct solution in a TOTK shrine where you build a vehicle with specific qualities to traverse some obstacle, (I am immediately reminded of one where link must make a paddleboat, attaching big wooden boards to wheels to provide ample forward thrust to travel against a stream). The possibility always exists though to make a flying machine and skip everything; basically, you only need to engage in the puzzles if you want to. I imagine the same will occur in this echoes of wisdom game, where there will always be the most 'intended' solution but the player can always choose to implement their solve-all solution and skip the trouble. Basically, limited puzzle design for zelda games is not dead yet, is my thinking. Just wanted to connect these two ideas and if it inspires someone to chip in with their two cents then all the better for them.
@thesnatcher3616 15 күн бұрын
​@@porchugawhale9938 To be fair, even a lot of those "free" mage players still need to put in a little bit of work to get that super easy experience. Especially since they'll be way more fragile than the traditional strength build. And that "flying wizard laser" option is only avaliable if you spec into it and make a build around it(not to mention I heard it doesn't even work on certain boss fights that are either faster or have magic resistance). It's not like every Elden Ring/Souls player will have access to it.
@TheBriguy1998 15 күн бұрын
​@@porchugawhale9938 I think the difference between the examples in you comparison, and why From's implementation of this dichotomy is better, is that when facing certain obstancles in "Souls" games, there are factors that FORCE you to interact with them, at least to some degree. Even a spellcaster build will often find themself in scenerios where they can't help but engage with the core game systems, so you don't end up feeling like you're "cheating" or "skipping" through the fun parts of the game when you approach things differently. In TotK, many puzzles can be entirely circumvented by the the same auto-built flying skooter, and it feels bad to realize that the simplest and most optimal solution to a problem is to not really engage with it an use the same exact tactic that you've already used a bazillion times by now.
@angietrif 6 күн бұрын
I think this game is a perfect union between the old and the new. We have so many traditional zeldas so I like that they’re innovating! My brain works better with flexible puzzles lol
@datnastysalad5616 20 сағат бұрын
When you can solve a puzzle on your first attempt because nearly any solution works, it's not a puzzle, but the complete lack of one.
@lukefish52 15 күн бұрын
I was immediately crushed when I saw Zelda place a table down.
@Afrancis1968 14 күн бұрын
That's sad.
@tomtative 14 күн бұрын
@Wasdniak 14 күн бұрын
@@tomtative By the table, yes
@highdefinition450 14 күн бұрын
@mr.j3rs3y 12 күн бұрын
@@WasdniakZelda’s about to get a chair and lay the smack down on Ganon, WWE style!
@GFMarine 14 күн бұрын
It makes me sad that Zelda is no longer a game series for me, but at least I take solace that I no longer have to hope for a return to the classic style.
@Wobble2007 12 күн бұрын
Keep hoping for that OOT & MM remake, I believe it will be a NS2 launch title, a full on remake like Resident Evil on the Gamecube.
@sailorsloth8183 11 күн бұрын
@@Wobble2007After what they did with the MM remake on the 3DS, I dread such an idea.
@Wobble2007 11 күн бұрын
@@sailorsloth8183 Yeah but OOT 3D was fantastic and MM 3D was not as bad as people make out, outside the mistakes they made gameplay wise, the overall look and feel was pretty amazing for a handheld game, MM 3D was made by Grezzo, OOT 3D was made in house by Nintendo EAD with Grezzo helping on simple coding tasks, which is why OOT 3D was perfect and MM 3D had mistakes, a full OOT & MM Remake would be handled by Nintendo R&D1 or Treehouse, with Miyamoto and Anouma at the helm.
@GFMarine 10 күн бұрын
@@Wobble2007 Or Nintendo could make a new game in the classic style instead of another lazy remake or remaster of games I've beaten countless times for almost thirty years.
@Wobble2007 10 күн бұрын
​@@GFMarine Normally I would 100% agree, but there are some really good examples of using original material an inspiration for complete remakes, Resident Evil on the Gamecube, Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes on the Gamecube, LOT Links Awakening on the Switch, I can't disagree with you that 99.99% of the time new IPs are always better, but surely you agree that a full-fat OOT & MM reimagining would be amazing, with new content, BOTW sized world map, full orchestrated or MIDI 2.0 soundtrack, the upcoming Max Payne Part I & II Remake has me really excited too, there is also the really amazing Resident Evil 2 & 3 remakes, Final Fantasy 7 remake
@pd9020 9 күн бұрын
I got about 90% of the way through BotW and just stopped playing. I had more or less forced myself to play it up until that point and it never hooked, me, never really drew me in, or gave me a reason to come back. I had wanted to go through it to say that i had played it and given it a fair shot, and I do objectively think it's a good game, but it's not my type of game. I certainly prefer the dungeons and puzzles and storytelling of older games, but the biggest drawback was that it just felt so lonely to me, I never really had a "why", no connection to the world or the people in it. Perhaps my two favorite zelda's are Majora's and Twilight Princess, and I think it's largely because of the connections I felt in those games. To get all the MM masks you complete a series of tasks and missions helping out the people of Termina, and you really get to know some of their stories, and even though they might not remember you when you reset time, by the time you beat the game you really want to save these people. TP does a great job i feel anchoring you to Ordon and it's villagers and saving the kids in Kakariko village is arguably the most badass and one of the most memorable parts of the game. I feel guilty Ilia, I feel proud of Colin, I feel kinda scared and creeped out by Malo, and I have so much empathy for Midna. And most other zelda titles provide that too. BotW did not. Aonuma can tell me that I'm wrong for enjoying the railroading experience of TP and not enjoying the open experience of BotW, but it also kinda feels like my railroad experience is on a smooth train, with gorgeous scenery, good friends, and lots of comforts and my open world experience is on an ATV in the middle of a desert alone with no food or water.
@boiwifeyasmr4U 5 күн бұрын
God i hope they do the dungeon specific echo thing they you need. I want a zelda game with the openess of botw with the complex dungeon design of older games
@chrioyuuij6450 15 күн бұрын
I think Aonuma knows the benefits of the older games; he worked on them. I think he just prefers the new format.
@xSilentZeroXx 15 күн бұрын
And rather than admit he just wants to make what he wants, he prefers to gaslight the people that made him famous and call them stupid. What a fucking asshole.
@rGGdom 13 күн бұрын
I feel you bro... what amazed us about Breath of the Wild now seems as a curse for all future Zelda games. I like the new take (except for TotK wich I thought was disappointing), but that didn't meant we didn't want more of the old take too
@humbertosandoval55 8 күн бұрын
As someone from the 80's that played classic Zelda games, I think it's a good thing they let the classic formula rest for a few years, the come back will be better.
@Whispernyan 8 күн бұрын
Ocarina of Time to Skyward Sword was 13 years. Skyward Sword came out 13 years ago. How long is one supposed to wait.
@Ianmar1 7 күн бұрын
I love your optimism!
@joshuafreyman7287 14 күн бұрын
I love this new direction. The core of enjoyment for zelda games is the feeling of adventure and applications of critical thinking. I can't wait for zelda echos of wisdom to come out.
@Ianmar1 14 күн бұрын
Have the recent games given you a feeling of adventure? An adventure usually has a quest, and the player makes progress along the quest by engaging with the game mechanics. The Wilds era has the quest occur in the backstory and the player is left in the endgame with only optional content and collectables left to do before the final boss.
@DesTr069 14 күн бұрын
@@Ianmar1bro on my own I went to an island in the sky shrouded in clouds and thunder. There, I found an ancient mask that led all the way down to the depths, where I had to build a freaking mech by gathering its parts. Using that same mech, I travelled to an ancient temple where I fought a boxing match against a similar mech. A storyline I found by accident, before the game told me to go there. That was one of the most magical moments I’ve had in any video game. If you can’t find a sense of adventure in these games, then that’s ok, they’re not for everyone obviously. But I for one sure had some very fun adventures in the wilds era, some intended as part of the story, and some of my own
@highdefinition450 14 күн бұрын
​@@DesTr069i mean that's psrt of the main quest tbf lol. the island was cool but i was disappointed there was no dungeon after that lmao
@Silas_MN 14 күн бұрын
@@Ianmar1I do think TotK did this a lot better than BotW. it obfuscated just how much of what you were doing was skippable until the end
@Ianmar1 14 күн бұрын
@@DesTr069 Yeah, I believe you when you say that it was one of the most magical video game moments you have ever had. There are some locations which reward your exploration with spectacle rather than the standard shrine or korok seed and these can be very remarkable. I recall when I first stumbled upon Farosh in lake Hylia, it was awe inspiring: I could not help but wonder where it fit into the lore, how I could interact with it, what secrets it would lead me to, and how it would change the way I would interact with the world ... many hours later I was grinding it for resources. What this experience lacked was delayed gratification, it did not really move the needle insofar as I how I could engage with the world unless you count grinding for overpowered armor and food buffs.
@willmcdono 11 күн бұрын
I think most creatives, people like myself, who love the myriad combinations and design possibilities of recent Zelda titles would readily agree with the "limitations breed creativity" adage. While I am absolutely in favor of Aonuma's direction, I couldn't agree more with your thoughts regarding the tree-chopping-bridge moment in BotW.
@avyntide 15 күн бұрын
I doubt nintendo can continue selling games like BOTW and TOTK the way they have been. The sheer hype and massive disappointment of TOTK that I saw online tells me that people aren’t open to a third game of that style. BOTW was new and exciting, TOTK was essentially the same experience with some small differences and minor refinements. It sold extremely well, but overall I think people are done with the formula. If there was a third game in this style, and it kept the same map, same physics, same systems, I don’t think it would sell as well as BOTW or TOTK. It would still sell many, many copies, but I think it would not reach the same heights as TOTK. Because unlike the older 3D Zelda formula, almost everything that could be done in the BOTW format has already been done. All that’s left is to reskin it. And while there are definitely tons of people out there who would buy, play, and be very happy with reskins of BOTW until the end of time, I don’t think that kind of thing is going to continuously capture new audiences. I think it’s pretty likely that the next big Zelda game will be in the same style as BOTW and TOTK, but the one after that? I can’t imagine Aonuma and Nintendo making essentially the same game 4 times in a row
@Z50nemesis 14 күн бұрын
They already said the next one would be different that being said , why would they ? They basically did the same kind of game 4 times with ocarina of time formula and people gave them shit for it for 15 years
@avyntide 14 күн бұрын
@@Z50nemesis ‘gave them shit for it’ as if OOT, WW, TP, etc aren’t some of the most universally acclaimed games of all time. Nobody was criticizing WW for being too similar to OOT in the first place; not at the time, and not now. Their formula might be the same, but are so different compared to the differences between BOTW and TOTK that the comparison almost isn’t fair
@Z50nemesis 14 күн бұрын
@@avyntide only OOT , WW was hated when it released originally yes it wasn't because it was too similar to OOT but then TP got a mixed reaction for being too safe. SS got shit on for the motion controls but also for being too linear
@Guy-cb1oh 14 күн бұрын
@@Z50nemesis All those games are signifcantly different from each other. BOTW/TOTK are essentially the same game.
@cheke_hs 13 күн бұрын
The issue here is that you consider online opinions as “massive disappointment” when you couldn’t be further from the truth. The “disappointment” you see online is very much a minority who didn’t like the game and was willing to speak up about it. Most people will only implicitly think about whether they liked the games they played or not, and if they didn’t, they will silently move on and won’t keep buying whatever comes next. Yet people clearly liked BOTW and were expecting the sequel to come out, so much so that it became the fastest selling game of the franchise in just three days. Now, _do I want a third game using the same map?_ Not really, and Nintendo is more than likely aware that they can’t keep reusing the same setting forever. But to quote one of Sakurai’s most recent videos on game development, _”The internet can tend to be an echo chamber of sorts”._
@natethebad 15 күн бұрын
I am strongly torn between (1) my love for the older Zelda formula and the desire to see new games in that style with different gimmicks; and (2) the realization that I sure have played a lot of that style of Zelda game and would love new games that more aggressively shake things up. I will try my best to set aside that conflict and play this game unclouded by either undue excitement or undue disappointment, factoring out what it isn't and what it represents as much as possible.
@VaporWaveGaming1990 6 күн бұрын
Its just a remake of the cdi games Lmfao!
@Nebyulosity 5 күн бұрын
I guess I just don't understand that tear. Why would you want the series to "shake things up"? I'd much prefer the franchise stick to it's legacy Zelda-like gameplay genre, because that's predictable, reliable, and tells me exactly what to expect from the games in terms of gameplay genre. Plus, they're exceptional at making the Zelda-like genre. There's a reason the genre is named after franchise afterall. So if I crave a new Zelda-like, I know that Zelda (the franchise) will be that. Otherwise if I don't crave a Zelda-like, I can explore the many other games out there instead. I don't see the point in demanding that Zelda the franchise kill it's unique niche by catering to my desire to play other genres. That's just such an absurd desire to have in my eyes. By "shaking things up", all they've done is pulled the rug out from under us about what to expect and now the Zelda-like genre of the franchise has been replaced with these sub-par, experimental sandboxes. If I wanted to play a sandbox, there are already much better sandbox games out there. In short, to be completely honest, I think this desire to "shake things up" is ridiculously nonsensical.
@thelastwindwaker7948 13 күн бұрын
Time to suffocate on more freedom, I guess. At this point Minecraft should just do a Zelda collab. “Ganon has destroyed Hyrule and it’s up to you to rebuild it!”
@radiorah768 13 күн бұрын
@Kooptj 11 күн бұрын
Man I have no doubts that it will happen sooner or later
@Hocaro 15 күн бұрын
As a 2D Zelda fan it’s nice to get something brand new and experimental. I can definitely empathize w/ traditional zelda enjoyers though because it has been a long time since we’ve received a more curated experience with decent storytelling and lore.
@Lightning-ig2do 10 күн бұрын
What Aonuma needs to remember is that nothing is inherently good or bad design. Restrictions are not inherently bad and freedom is not inherently good. Anything that we can do when designing a game is a tool. Don't write off a potentially useful tool just because it's fallen out of favor; instead, ask "How can this be used? How can a more restrictive style be useful?"
@KaydeTheFang 9 күн бұрын
If Aonuma isn't going back, I'm not going forward.
@spadezap9728 5 күн бұрын
Am I the only one getting tired of them “wanting to break conventions” all the time now. There are some conventions we can keep
@brotherpanda 15 күн бұрын
The biggest reason I want to go back to "old" style Zelda is Link used to be left-handed. He's been right-handed since Twilight Princess Wii edition and it's annoying. That's really the biggest gripe I've had for the last 18 years or so.
@sparxskywriter2589 15 күн бұрын
Aye. Small of a detail as it was, it was something that made him stand out against a number of other characters.
@Logans_Login 9 күн бұрын
He’s been left handed as recently as Link’s Awakening (Switch), though the last non reamke game he was left handed in was Tri-Force Heroes
@EZ2BCHEEZY36 14 күн бұрын
Restriction breeds creativity, it's a shame Aonuma doesnt seem to understand.
@mikeheiser3728 10 күн бұрын
Even if there are less than 100 items available, say sixty items, that’s still too much scrolling. Hopefully the tabs are organized enough, might play this
@Mechadeuce 14 күн бұрын
Wasn't that Aonuma quote mistranslated and missing context?
@AarturoSc 14 күн бұрын
It was, but if it helps further your knee jerk reaction opinion it would be taken as fact.
@Mechadeuce 14 күн бұрын
@@AarturoSc Thought so... I remember everyone freaking out making videos, and then people realized IGN did a piss poor job with translating and formatting the interview.
@AarturoSc 14 күн бұрын
@@Mechadeuce You can’t spell “Ignorant” without… well. You know the saying.
@NaiblistheCurious1 13 күн бұрын
I'm here to do my civic duty and leave a moderately negative comment. The BotW games did a few good things, at the cost of almost everything we old players loved about the IP before BotW. The open world and cooking, lovely, great, looks beautiful. The Durability System and front-end loading every tool onto you at the start of the games and then booting you out the door with no compelling story? The fact every puzzle is a physics/building puzzle? Very, very bad. It should be very telling that the best ability in TotK was a testing tool they decided to let the players keep.
@TemporalShrew 15 күн бұрын
Shortsighted, I feel, to put it in these terms. It’s impossible to argue there will “never” be anything in any meaningful way. A few days ago people would have argued a new Mario and Luigi game wasn’t in the cards for years, if ever, based on the available information. Things happen. Sometimes for financial reasons, sometimes on the whims of a developer or higher-up. What a developer, company, or even market says or believes is constantly subject to change.
@kaykeywakey6173 14 күн бұрын
When BOTW came out, and then again when TOTK came out, I was fully embracing the new Zelda direction and thought it was great for the series. Now that they have both been out for some time, I find myself unwilling to go back to them, and wishing for a title more in line with classic Zelda games. The replayability factor illustrates with perfectly. I have played BOTW and TOTK each twice, once to rush though the story, and again to accomplish everything in the game. And I never want to go back to them. Classic Zelda titles though, (Ocarina of Time I'm lookin' at you) I have replayed countless times, and still go back to replay them every couple of years.
@mrjack3855 15 күн бұрын
The lack of proper combat and dungeons potentially being more like they are in botw/totk makes me worried that it won't fill in the void of a proper 2d zelda game for me.
@Logicalleaping 15 күн бұрын
could go either way. might have the best puzzles in 2D zelda history. I'll miss swinging my sword as link but wouldn't be surprised if they have a playable link in the game anyway using an echo of him.
@steeltarkus58 14 күн бұрын
"Your taste sucks" - Eiji "Garry's Mod enjoyer" Aonuma
@smileyjojo4913 15 күн бұрын
Its even more over than was previously thought possible
@DionPanday 14 күн бұрын
It’s not over because it never began
@Bilndmann 14 күн бұрын
It’s zeldover
@highdefinition450 14 күн бұрын
​@@DionPandaywhat did he mean by this
@hist150project5 14 күн бұрын
@@DionPanday Uh, it began in 1986
@DionPanday 14 күн бұрын
@@hist150project5 actually the first videogame was Elden ring
@guswautier9410 14 күн бұрын
mean things to eachother
@nietzscheente1271 6 күн бұрын
My biggest problem with the open world zelda games is the fact i don't play them twice. The limited story driven zelda games let me visit them more often because they are short and sweet. Finished BotW once and finished TotK once, but i will never play them again. Zelda OoT, MM, WW and TP i play at least once every year. It's just the old school formula i prefer over 'freedom'.
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