Ratatoskr Q&A | Elden Ring
21 күн бұрын
Outward 2 Gameplay Preview
2 ай бұрын
@MccandlessH 23 сағат бұрын
I think Hideo Miyazaki is very similar to Yoko Taro in some aspects
@Juicethesk8ter 23 сағат бұрын
I’m horrible with names I can’t keep track of everything and everybody I just started 😂😂😂
@liamhollands344 23 сағат бұрын
I'm surprised you aren't using the Carian sorcery sword
@addept1376 Күн бұрын
i uhhhh... just beat Margit first try... my buddy who was watching told me "that's not how it's supposed to go"
@jamesfarmer8463 Күн бұрын
If the last 10 years is anything to go by, their next title is likely in full production currently and we'll likely hear about it next year. I could be wrong but their output frequency has been very predictable since post-DS2.
@GavinAeilts Күн бұрын
Im okay with the opinion. Not okay with you acting like it was "arrogant" for bluepoint to take creative liberties on a 15 year old game, even if they dif faulter.
@gensoustudio4703 Күн бұрын
they should've called the one game that you play as Zelda, "The Legend of Link" lmao
@gurpreetbajwa4490 Күн бұрын
@damusaetrum6742 Күн бұрын
Yo! You literally knew exactly what miquella did in the dlc before we knew it
@grandmastercadillac9052 Күн бұрын
3:30 I have over 200 hours on this game and completely forgot about the guard counter until now……
@kevin4680 Күн бұрын
Au contraire, this video made me like you even more.
@killerking2346 Күн бұрын
I like the system, but man, they should have put more fragments than you need for full level up, like the flasks. Now I need to either open up a guide every time I go through the DLC with a new character in order to have a chance against the final boss, or save at least two larval tears so I can respec to an arcane blood antspur build and back into my normal build. Unless they nerf the boss, but if they fixed the fragment amount, it wouldn't even be necessary.
@endub6551 Күн бұрын
Its really interesting listening to this after playing the dlc. We did get a casting weapon! And they buffed Malenia's great rune, its what helped me beat the 2nd hardest boss.
@PerfectSense77 Күн бұрын
2:17 Great choice in leading with that quote from the remake dev. As soon as I read the second line I knew he had absolutely no idea what he was talking about and was COMPLETELY the wrong person to remake a Souls game. It's laughable how much he completely misses the point.
@doll1457 Күн бұрын
There are a few major problems with the scadutree system. 1. the map is really vertical and (imo) exceedingly damn annoying to even navigate. I keep having to look at guides just to know where the hell to go. 2. there are just enough scadutree fragments in the dlc to get you to the cap. No more. The base game gave you extra erdtree seed fragments, but there's no such wiggle room in the dlc. 3. some of the fragments are on field bosses/enemies 4. some of the fragments are hidden away on those goddamn pot carrying shadow people that they like to squirrel away in caves and weird corners of the map. 5. the game just doesn't tell you any of that.
@bohannon2692 Күн бұрын
Id be okay if they go back to their old linear formula if they made them twice as long because were all pros after elding ring so theyll have to be twice as long. I think the old linear firmula works better for multiplayer then an open world due to the fog wall and stuff. It would be cool if multipplayer could become seamless. Hate veing sent away after a biss when you and your friend are trying to play together. Also id rather a sequel
@lunapixels Күн бұрын
Margit feels like how anime fights are to watch. The agonizing journey of growing , though shalt not pass! I understood what from software and really this genre of gaming was after fighting Margit. Your lack of experience , knowledge and skill is the problem. Not the game. You learn from the community, you find your own style, you spec your build and keep on trying. I’ve found also with Elden Ring. Deep focus is essential to the experience . In a world with games that are so passive and require little of the player , Elden ring requires everything of you in order for you to feel accomplished and to grow. It’s labor and it really forces you to work for everything you achieve .
@cleverman383 Күн бұрын
People who say they want classic Zelda games are fucking liars. Everyone who talks about Zelda on Switch always talks about BOTW and TOTK. We just all act like Link's Awakening doesn't exist. It's the best Classic Zelda we have and we all just ignore it. Most people who claim to want "Classic Zelda" back didn't even buy it. They don't care about classic Zelda, that's the only way it makes sense honestly. They just like complaining.
@bengorham1605 Күн бұрын
My general rule of thumb goes as follows: first playthrough: complete blindness. I find what I find, and if my friends find stuff, I’ll let them share it with me. Second playthrough: guides are ok, I wanna find the stuff I genuinely couldn’t in my first playthrough. My one real flex is that I found the shaman village with no guide.
@cornjeebus Күн бұрын
GET WITH THE TIMES OLD MAN! [shakes my fist]
@imatiu Күн бұрын
What I find funny about this take is that Tears of the Kingdom did have some linear segments in line with the style of older Zelda games. The path to all temples is very linear and limited, similar to classic Zelda games, and while some of the sections were well received, like reaching the wind temple, the praise was more about the set piece than it was about the linearity of them. So Aonuma is correct on nostalgia being partially the reason for wanting games more in line with older tittles.
@TiktokisaWMD Күн бұрын
Great video, as usual. And I know I’m quite late, but none of that is cut content. Or I guess it maybe once was, but From Software put it back in? Either way, I’ve definitely met that NPC in game and had that same conversation. It took all of my willpower not to cut him down when he spoke so condescendingly. I don’t think I met him in my first play through, but in the one I’m working on right now I’m 100% sure that I did. It was only a few weeks ago, as I was building up a character for the DLC.
@beatemup2012 Күн бұрын
What’s the song you used at the end of the video?
@hsgyku Күн бұрын
I'm sorry to Zelda fans for being ignored, even if I started with and absolutely love BoTW, and played ToTK, I can't help but hurt for what was lost, and why. I hope the next iterations take a token from the past in positive ways, because the way story-driven sections in particular have been going is wildly disappointing and not at all interesting, putting contrivances and plot points aside, I'd like to actually be told a story if I pay for one.
@toonjanssen2071 Күн бұрын
just wanted to say i appreciate that sweet trip to memory lane your choice of background tunes provided for me. the first two golden sun games are games i really loved when i was younger
@KingDJ524 Күн бұрын
I love both games but sometimes I get the itch to play one over the other. I like world's environment and monster behaviors better, also like the general progression a bit more (tho not sure why). But I love Rise's combat so much more. The wire bug moves are so good. The GL being a portable nuke is so fun in rise. And sometimes I like fast quick hunts.
@ilisati Күн бұрын
but you can play Zelda in super smash tho
@masturchief Күн бұрын
They don’t have a lore master. There is no theme. If there is, it’s made up post hoc. The designers are sitting around a room saying “this would be cool in a fantasy world” and writing the first thing that comes into their mind in the item description. “Wouldn’t it be cool if the king was a secret omen? And he used blood attacks AND holy attacks?? What a cool twist!!!!” It’s not really worth thinking about too deeply lol.
@SebSenseGreen Күн бұрын
4 minutes in and I'm already lost.
@michaeldelacruzhofer Күн бұрын
Dude, they need to adjust colors to display as a beautiful, important, ps5 launch title with it's major feature being it's graphics.
@matthewmartinez9835 Күн бұрын
@fuzzy3932 Күн бұрын
160 hours in the game and I’ve never summoned a person, I don’t even think I know how. But I do use ashes. Specifically Mimic Ashes. The SOB is better at being me than me!
@BigBADSTUFF69 Күн бұрын
Why adding things to make the game "easier" doesn't bother me, is that they are optional so you can still make the game as hard as you want by not using them, but they allow casuals to buy and enjoy the game. And why I want that is that if more people buy the game, we get more MH games. So as long as they don't just nerf the difficulty for everyone and the core gameplay remains challenging and fun I'm all for adding accessibility options. Love the beginning and ending of the video though ha, I'm as negative as you are generally
@bluedragonstudios9004 Күн бұрын
I prefer melee combat in Oblivion
@timo184 Күн бұрын
There could be a Zelda game with a combination of massive old school Dungeons like TP, and the freedom of the more recent games, right? Or am I missing something?
@Radiant_Veiner Күн бұрын
So it’s basically just ctrl-z
@Samsons.Ink.87 Күн бұрын
I want Fromsoft to take over the Castlevania IP and the Legacy of Kain IP
@CidLufaine Күн бұрын
The only reason I disliked Rise compared to World were the maps. MHWorld felt like the best step in the best direction the game could head, rise maps felt like a step backwards to me, they were open but felt like the older segmented games just without the loading screens. I also really disliked the wire bug too, it just became too easy to evade and recover instantly, no real punishment for mistakes.
@ackshi7 Күн бұрын
Sekuro sequel or prequel would be great
@jaysmith6466 Күн бұрын
U wack bro
@user-pd8pc4zs8m Күн бұрын
Anyone else feel as if this dlc is just not on the same level as the base game? World doesn’t feel nearly as organic or lived in, feels like I can see through everything. The amount of re-used enemies and bosses is disappointing, and the rewards for exploration (beyond just the scaudtree fragments) feel worthless 99% of the time. It’s giving you stuff that the beginning of the base game was giving you, but your character should already be fully leveled. The whole thing feels like a mess
@serkany5905 Күн бұрын
As long as Aonuma is the producer of The Legend of Zelda, I think I’m pretty done with the franchise. I feel the franchise peaked for me with Twilight Princess and has been on a downward spiral since then.
@Venison049 Күн бұрын
Bruh the hunters are hungry for the hunt either a Remake, PC, or Bloodborne 2
@thatonezeldagamer3424 Күн бұрын
There were a couple bloodborne eastereggs in the dlc and Miyazaki usually puts hints at the next project I think it’s a bloodborne pc and potentially Xbox port (xbox not so likely lol )
@rokmare Күн бұрын
Miyazaki is definitely the type of guy who would rather take a paycut than layoffs his staff just like Iwata
@benquirobiequiratman4646 Күн бұрын
I can't say I never played tides or the mother games I'm playing World i'm enjoying it
@davidcal8621 Күн бұрын
Honestly if not for the guides I would still be lost trying to figure out where to go next !!!like the great lift dectus medallion lol also not everyone has an infinite amount of time to play !!
@benalvis6722 Күн бұрын
Wtb sheik game
@stepheninczech Күн бұрын
“You think you do but you don’t”