They don’t understand the importance of The Canon

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Thor Skywalker

Thor Skywalker

11 ай бұрын

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@essbe7158 11 ай бұрын
100% on point. Not respecting canon is not respecting the fans and what we love about Star Wars.
@emberfist8347 11 ай бұрын
Andor doing that is why I haven’t watched that series.
@albertanmotorcyclist6419 11 ай бұрын
@@emberfist8347how does andor disrespect the canon?
@trickledown808 11 ай бұрын
This problem goes beyond Star Wars. It's an issue across the industry. Writers and directors thinking they are bigger than the property they are working on. Thinking their 'strong and brave' story is more important than the canon. Then insulting the fans when they don't buy it. However I do think its a mistake to assume getting the balance right is easy. These writers and directors need to be challenged to live up to the fact that its hard. Instead of being creatively lazy and focusing on their own story at the expense of the canon.
@vince-n 11 ай бұрын
yes andor was very disappointing 😢
@JoeChristian02 11 ай бұрын
@@vince-nandor was geniuinly the only Star Wars Ive really enjoyed since rogue one
@oscarstainton 11 ай бұрын
It will always perplex me why Hollywood buys whole franchises with an elaborate canon and lore, and and established audience, then gives directives to not just ignore the intricacies of that setting and story but will go out of their way to "subvert" or insult the very thing they're adapting. If this was the mindset when Harry Potter & the Philosopher's Stone and The Fellowship of the Ring were written and filmed, they would have alienated fans of the books and failed hard. Without that faithfulness to the spirit of the material, neither would be the iconic film series they are today.
@stevensilver2880 11 ай бұрын
Haha you said it already man. The reason Hollywood buys the franchises is bc they already have an established and dedicated fanbase, so in there eyes all they gotta do it throw anything out there with the name pinned on and people will forever run to the theater. Classic out of touch boardroom chatter
@gildor8866 11 ай бұрын
Since you have mentioned LotR and Harry Potter: when talking about successful adaptions and faithfulness to the source three film/series are usually mentioned as examples: Harry Potter as the most faithful (owing to a very large fanbase of kids you could count on buying tickets that you didn't want to disappoint). LotR as being in the middle, making some massive changes yet mostly beloved by both the fans and those who had not read the book (at least the extended version, the original theatrical cut had a more mixed reception among fans). And then Kubricks "The Shining" which took the most liberties with Stephen Kings book and is hated with a passion by the author and the fans. They may agree that it is a good movie, but will make very clear that its not Stephen Kings "The Shining". So first of all you need to make a good movie or everything else won't matter. But as the shining shows: depending on the size of the fandom you can get away with not caring if they are the main target audience.
@admiralseabass8993 11 ай бұрын
you make a good point - we are literally only 20 years from Lord of the Rings by Peter Jackson, likely the best example of how a series of movies can respect the lore and, in the end, be rewarded for it.
@MMead85 11 ай бұрын
I liked when Obi Wan called him, “Darth” in the show, so when we watch Star Wars we understand why he says, “Only a master of evil, Darth.” Brilliant!
@jamesarnold7253 11 ай бұрын
Lord of the rings is my favourite movie series but it's not right to say it keeps to the story of the books because it just doesn't
@paulemge9156 11 ай бұрын
It is crazy to think that people use excuses of the canon is too restrictive for any new stories. Any story set in our own current time and locations, like police dramas murder mysteries etc.. has to stay in the “established canon” of the real world
@Some_Really_Random_Dude. 11 ай бұрын
It doesn't even work, the star wars galaxy is huge. You can have crime dramas on Nar Shadaa or the lover levels of an ecumenopolis. You can have a planet hopping bounty hunter story that doesn't weakly fall off a cliff near the end. You can have a normal hunter story on some wild untamed planet. You can have high school drama if you really wanted to, there are plenty of mentions of the various academies. You could do boots on the ground war stories between the empire and the rebels. And that's just the things I thought of in all of a minute. You just need to make it fit. There are thousands of things you can do within the Star Wars universe. They just don't have the ability, the drive, or the care to make it reality.
@daneg 11 ай бұрын
I'll add to that the fact that the SW universe is really really large. there's nothing wrong with creating a story with characters OF YOUR OWN in that universe and telling a story that doesn't necessarily "feel" anything like SW, but it can still exist without twisting the established canon (or characters!) in said universe. honestly. just write a story about a completely new jedi who broke away from the jedi and went off to the ass end of the galaxy and had his own adventure. he doesn't have the baggage of an established character. he can be good, evil, or somewhere inbetween. there are so many things you can do w/o butchering the canon. iunno.
@paulemge9156 11 ай бұрын
@@daneg I think the problem is they screwed up the ‘main Star Wars’ with the sequel trilogy. Had it been less decisive and very popular with the majority of the fans, they would have had room to do a lot more in universe stories that where outside the norm. As long as they keep budgets under control
@daneg 11 ай бұрын
@@paulemge9156 no doubt the ST really made anything else difficult. personally, though, I think anyone who would willfully publish that wretched Obi-wan series is either utterly incompetent or completely lacking artistic integrity.
@cl8733 11 ай бұрын
The canon discussion is not limited to Star Wars. Look at Trek. At least Star Wars doesn’t redesign their main aliens every other week as New Trek does with the Klingons. And that’s the least of STD’s problems.
@doubleupload5620 11 ай бұрын
One of the main problems facing starwars is it’s run by people who use starwars as the selling point but they don’t want to make starwars they want to use it and make whatever they want to
@Milothemighty10 11 ай бұрын
One of the many reasons I hate the sequel trilogy is that the people who made them just didn’t seem to respect the stories that came before them that being the originals and prequel’s. I once saw a video on why toy story four failed it’s characters. That’s another movie I don’t like but that’s a whole other story, but in the video the guy said something along the lines of “the writers were so obsessed with telling their own story they never stop and think how their story would affect the larger one as a whole kind of like what Rian Johnson did with Luke in the last Jedi”. One of the reasons I love the Jedi games is because one there made by genuine Star Wars fans and two even though they’re confined by the time they take place in both games never really act like they aren’t either…
@Jjrmtv 11 ай бұрын
yes, some writers are obsessed with telling THEIR story instead of a story, as in following the lore and universe of the franchise
@ToaCody1 11 ай бұрын
"[They] were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should."
@trickledown808 11 ай бұрын
It was a dealbreaker in TFA when she knew how to do the Jedi mind trick outta freaking nowhere.
@Milothemighty10 11 ай бұрын
@@trickledown808 we didn’t even see Luke use the mind trick until return of the Jedi…
@Milothemighty10 11 ай бұрын
@@ToaCody1 I’ll never not love that quote…
@roleplayer5564 11 ай бұрын
I wish more people who made shows and movies cared about canon. We're going through "who cares about canon" in star trek as well right now so it just feels like all these great stories don't matter any more.
@steakslave 11 ай бұрын
It's been rough being a Star Trek fan these last few years. The show runners openly disregard canon and fail to deliver good stories to make up for it.
@saberiandream316 11 ай бұрын
That's the great tragedy is that for as MUCH as people bash the EU for never being "canon," they _cared_ about maintaining internal consistency and honoring what George Lucas built. It's the complete opposite in the Disney era, where Matt Martin is saying that canon doesn't matter and it's all fake anyway, as if anyone was EVER trying to claim it was real. Feels like the sneering outsiders who used to bully us back in the day have taken over these properties and now use them to bully MORE people.
@SRMoore1178 11 ай бұрын
"Using the Star Wars name as a crutch." The Rings of Power comes to mind. What they did to the Lord of the Rings and Tolkien's work and lore was unforgivable.
@daneg 11 ай бұрын
if you think that's bad, take a peek at the Wheel of Time. here's a tiny snapshot: in the source material, the ability to wield power is gendered. men can wield it with more power but cannot control it. there's a prophecy that one man will rise and control just long enough to (more or less) save the world. so it's a pretty standard messiah/chosen one story, right? in the very first episode, the voice over states that the "chosen one" they're looking for may be a man or a woman. my chin hit the floor. that fundamentally breaks the lore that underwrites the whole story. and yet the series continues to still adhere to the gendered magic system. it's so fucking nonsensical, I don't know where to begin. I just watch it with my mouth agape. oh. and the series production looks and feels like Dawson's Creek (old CW teen drama). when I watched Rings of Power, I actually sighed in relief thinking about how abysmal the WoT adaptation was. 😅
@genghisgahan9623 11 ай бұрын
What they did to wheel of time and rings of power, are the cultural equivalent of war crimes.
@daneg 11 ай бұрын
@@genghisgahan9623 the first episode of Netflix's Witcher turned the short story's theme or lesson on its head. it wasn't a gender politics issue or anything (like WoT and Rings). It looked (to me) like the main idea of the short story went right over the heads of the ppl in charge of the production. Then I watch the Expanse and I'm like. ok. this series gets it. it's an adaptation with a lot of changes, but the changes don't fundamentally change the frikkin main idea of each episode.
@ghostbeetle2950 11 ай бұрын
Yes. The thing is "the story needs to be able to stand on its own" is the very most basic rule of ANY story-telling. Debra Chao trying to sell that as a pearl of great wisdom kinda angers me. A lot. Because from looking at almost all the Disney SW it's obvious that this is simply an excuse from the corporation and its lackeys for why they never bothered to learn the canon in the first place. Instead, they clearly hate the canon and those of us who want to see it respected. Ultimately, Doomcock is right again: Without respect, we reject! Btw, this is also true for Asohka. If Filoni isn't able or willing to integrate his new show with the OT where it would be necessary then it doesn't matter how much he professes to "love" the canon. You are what you do.
@ranekeisenkralle8265 11 ай бұрын
completely agree on the principle. However, where Filoni's show is concerned, I stand by what I have posted under several of DC's videos: So long as the Disney Wars trilogy remains "canon", and so long as Lucasfilm is not purged of ideologues top-to-bottom, and so long as Lucasfilm does not publicly apologize for the sub-par "material" they have delivered as stewards of Star Wars and the way its employees have treated fans, so long I have to regard anything and everything they put out as either flat-out crap, or as another Trojan-esque setup for another "subversion of Expectations" TLJ-style - and as a result my wallet remains closed to them and my time is spent elsewhere as well.
@ghostbeetle2950 11 ай бұрын
@@ranekeisenkralle8265 Absolutely.
@Noone-qs5jt 11 ай бұрын
I don't know what you exactly mean by the ahsoka bit. The show is supposed to focus more on the clone wars and rebels than anything that happened in the ot
@ghostbeetle2950 11 ай бұрын
@@Noone-qs5jt But it purports to present us a major piece of SW history in the era after RotJ. Thrawn isn't some 2-bit pirate, or warlord in an outlying backwater sector. He's coming for - and capable of doing so - the whole New Republic. There is simply no way that wouldn't involve the main OT characters and force LucasFilm to find a (damn good) answer to what they all have been doing since the Battle of Endor. So if you don't integrate this show with the OT primarily you're effectively down-grading Thrawn to a B-level character. Now, I like the whole Rebels crew well enough, and I wouldn't mind seeing them be given their own role to play in fighting Thrawn, but that is a Job for The Avengers, not just the Teen Titans!
@Noone-qs5jt 11 ай бұрын
@@ghostbeetle2950 I get where you're coming from but I wouldn't go into the show hoping to see Luke steal the show and neither do I think that is a fair expectation for filoni. Rebels set up Thrawn as the villain for the rebels crew over the course of 2 seasons. Maybe (in fact, most likely) luke will show up in the filoniverse movie, and have some role in there, probably even with Leia and han, but i don't think it's fair or reasonable to expect ahsoka won't be the main character in her own show or that her closest friends won't be the deuteragonists just to give the spotlight yet again to the OT characters. These characters earned their place as Thrawn's enemies over the course of rebels. Expecting luke at some point is understandable, but definitely not wanting him to be more of a main character than ahsoka in her first live action spin off
@mikenayers5981 11 ай бұрын
This was exactly my problem with Kenobi. They had Kenobi fight and defeat Vader a second time, he had him dead to rights, but only spared him because he needs to be alive for Episode IV. Nevermind that Kenobi felt all of Vader’s blood was on his hands, for letting Anakin live. Same goes for Kenobi and Leia becoming friends, and they act like all is well if she doesn’t tell anyone, but nevermind that there's dozens if not hundreds of witnesses to Obi Wan shoplifting Leia. Maybe think these things through a little better, like have the Inquisitors chase Obi Wan off, or have Qui Gon show himself during that battle. Maybe blow up the base Leia was rescued from, then have Obi Wan mindwipe her with the Force, or show a seedier side of the Organas where they use the mind flayer on her.
@eds1942 11 ай бұрын
They had a fixed set of conditions to pay attention to. Those were the only things that they needed to leave alone. What do they do? “Oh! Let’s do something with that!”
@dereklopez9060 11 ай бұрын
Also, The Inquisitors were made into complete idiots in the show. In Jedi Fallen Order, The Inquisitor Fortress was highly secured. There were Star Destroyers patrolling the planet and guards everywhere. For whatever reason, in the Obi-Wan Kenobi show, they left the Inquisitors Fortress completely defenseless and wide open. You could just walk in there, like if you're walking into a grocery store.
@daneg 11 ай бұрын
that series was so dreadful, I don't know where to begin. where did all the production values go? just utter ineptitude. the quintessential moment of that series for me was a close shot of Obi-wan trying to open a gate to get his ground transport through. then the camera opens to a wide shot, and there's a blank space twice the size of the transport between the wall of the crater and the gate post that they could just drive the transport through (going around the gate). how utterly and completely inept did the team working on that series have to be (either in filming or post production) to let that scene make its way to final cut? how difficult would it have been to just CGI a fence across that gap in post production b/c it was filmed on a blue screen, so the live crew maybe didn't realize the issue? or vice versa? ppl make fun of the Leia chase scene or baby Leia in the trench coat, and those are all rightfully ridiculed, but nothing screams carelessness or ineptitude to me the way that gate scene does. just utterly unprofessional. awful. and that's before we get into all the canon-breaking issues of the actual story. it's kind've like taking issue with Abrams for turning Rey into a Mary Sue when, if you look at the two movies, there are gaping holes in the plots everywhere. the movies are riddled with incompetence and disregard to audience...intelligence? common sense? really. the First Order just magically exists coming off of Return of the Jedi? WTF?
@sm2142 11 ай бұрын
@@dereklopez9060 Yes! Especially since the show took place after JFO. You'd think anyone with common sense would revamp the security systems, or at least have fighter patrols (and not just have them hanging from the ceiling like we see in the show).
@emberfist8347 11 ай бұрын
@@dereklopez9060Don’t forget the four legged officer. When Austin Powers does a bit better than you are failing. Even Ang Lee knew better than to put an Austin Powers into Hulk and that was to be honest not a good movie.
@wbfwbl8434 11 ай бұрын
Disney and KK hired mostly people with HUGE egos and their only goal is to show how good they are, that they can do it better than George Lucas, that their vision is better and we all should clap, cheer, love them for what they do to make SW Universe better. Disney, KK and all those "creators" got a 🖕 from the fans who pay for all of this nonsens ... wait! Fans are paying less and less 👍
@TheRogueJedii 11 ай бұрын
They are activists
@saberiandream316 11 ай бұрын
Tbf, Filoni is just as arrogant, and he was hired by George Lucas.
@wbfwbl8434 11 ай бұрын
@@saberiandream316 in my opinion he made a deal with KK and that is one of the reasons F. is out
@saberiandream316 11 ай бұрын
@@wbfwbl8434 He never had any power to undermine her and he never WANTED to. Favreau always said Mandalorian would lead into the sequels. People just ignored that because it was too painful.
@stephenb.5304 11 ай бұрын
Another issue they have imo is making stories that don't neccesarily break canon, but weaken the overall story. This is why I had such a hard time getting into rebels for a while. It doesn't necessarily go against known star wars facts, but having their be 3 jedi (counting ahsoka) working with the rebellion for multiple years goes against the story being told in the OT.
@daneg 11 ай бұрын
yeah. I guess they were afraid to tell stories that take place AFTER RotJ b/c Lucas still had hopes of maybe doing that himself. but if I'm being honest, what turned me off about Rebels was the giant Force Frog thing that Kanan stumbles upon. completely unnecessary. oh look, it's a force power thing that represents what? nature? not caring about light/dark? please don't. just...ugh. iunno. that was the real cringe moment in Rebels for me. between Rebels and the new Thrawn trilogy, I liked the way they re-imagined Thrawn. I really really liked the voice acting for him.
@mazkeraid4039 11 ай бұрын
@@daneg Thrawn is inherently botched up as a character, even with Timothy Zahn.
@daneg 11 ай бұрын
@@mazkeraid4039 not gonna lie, I tried listening to the first thrawn book (original trilogy) twice and never made it past 25%. it's fucking terrible. awful. how can someone over 12 listen to that drivel? so I have a relatively low bar and didn't get a lot of thrawn characterization (just getting inside the altruistic heads of han, leia, luke was mindnumbing), and the forced sound fx pretty much cinched my abandonment of the enterprise. however, I like the idea that he's working to save the chiss ascendancy against an enemy that would crush either the republic or the empire individually. I enjoy the ambiguity of his brand of chivalry code. but begins and ends with the voice acting for me tbh. just pitch perfect. ambiguous enemy (prolly gonna be a frenemy eventually?). iunno. I think ppl look at the old eu with rose colored glasses. then again, the replacement for it is...not great. so push? edit: the 2nd of the new trilogy was terrible. not incidentially, it fetured anakin. anything with anakin (eps 1-2..even 3) is severely nerfed by that terrible idiot (and acting).
@crazyscotsman9327 11 ай бұрын
And having time travel in the story so why the fuck don't they go back in time to before Anakin became Vader, and stop him? Either by telling the Jedi hey. Palpatine is a Sith get the entire council and kill him. Or warning Anakin that siding with Palpatine would cause Padme's death. Or so many other things. They had ways to stop all of this from happening with the time travel bs Filoni put into his story so he could get his precious Ahsoka back.
@cybertramon0012 11 ай бұрын
That’s kind of the problem I have with so many Jedi turning it to have survived Order 66. I know some people point out that given the number of Jedi during the Clone Wars, even 1 percent surviving meant a lot of Jedi. But that ignores the obvious question of if there were so many Jedi who were still around during the OT, then why does the story act like he’s the only one who could stop Palpatine and the Empire?
@TpaulHomdrom 11 ай бұрын
You made one of the best arguments here. The canon is literally why they get to even tell these stories. Without the canon, without the stories that came before, Star Wars doesn't exist, this universe doesn't exist, there isn't this place for you tell stories like this. Rejecting, ignoring, or disrespecting the canon is just nonsense. And like you said, it's not hard to respect the canon, unless you just don't want to try in the first place. But it's also, like... someone else built this amazing story and this world that you now get to exist in. You don't get to just disrespect what they built for your own ends. It doesn't work that way. If you want to tell your own story free of constraints... do it somewhere else. Create something new. But if you respect the creator of Star Wars, and the story he created, while wanting to further that story or explore it more deeply with respect and dignity, then go for it. There are so many great stories people can tell while respecting the canon and the story that came before. It's not hard. They just have to want to, and to put in the effort.
@cerulee 11 ай бұрын
Canon and quality of a story do not have to compete with each other. I like writing fanfiction and one of the most fun parts of it is the careful study of the world and the characters that exist in it. My desire to make my story as authentic as possible is part of the creative process. Wanting to stick to canon is what pushes me to make the story good.
@jarbear2179 11 ай бұрын
“Canon? We don’t even know what that word means!” - Disney Ohnaka
@theinvisibleskulk4563 11 ай бұрын
I like the idea of alternate universes with existing IP that greatly change things, like Star Wars Visions or Deltarune. In fact, I'd like more such stories to include explicit counterparts to characters from the main universe, ideally with the same given names, who are vastly different. But if you act as if the events of past installments happened, you kind of have to respect characterization and worldbuilding, and arguably even past plot victories.
@ryandodrill6904 11 ай бұрын
I think another problem happens when you ignore the canon. If it doesn't have to make sense then anything can happen and nothing matters. There are no longer and stakes because anything can be rewritten at any time. It's not even liking a specific canon but that the overall world needs to make sense and be consistent.
@saberiandream316 11 ай бұрын
Dave Filoni: Hello there
@Khelekheru 11 ай бұрын
I had a debate with my friend over this, mainly about Rings of Power though. He is of the belief that, since fiction is "made up," there is no such thing as canon. My argument, which he scoffed at, was that with a canon, a series has grounding. Then you can pick it up anywhere, and have something to relate to with other fans who picked it up in maybe a different media or era. It becomes real, and has a tangible history. This guy I debated works for Hollywood, so I can see where he gets his ideas lol.
@theinvisibleskulk4563 11 ай бұрын
My favorite retort to this line of thought I've seen was "Because we're comparing it to our baseline, not theirs. To someone from 35 years ago, a smartphone - any smartphone - would seem amazing. But if you said 'this smartphone is an actual Turing-capable AI, running on Android Kitkat' today, most people would be a tad doubtful. But to the bro from 1988, it would seem a logical extension. Afterall, Google Assistant or Siri would seem similar." This is also basically the point of Luna Lovegood's plot arc in Harry Potter, Pinkie Pie in MLP, or basically the entire plot of Alice in Wonderland.
@cybertramon0012 11 ай бұрын
If a story being made up means it doesn’t have canon, does that mean it’d be perfectly ok for Klingons to attend Hogwarts, Harry Potter is an Elf hiding from Sauron, he flies in the Delorean and has to deal with the Ghostbusters breaking in to capture the ghosts while being taught by the Totally Spies trio? This isn’t a serious question, by the way. This is just pointing out the stupidity of their statement.
@Khelekheru 11 ай бұрын
@@cybertramon0012 LOL, seeing the Ghost Busters kick the door in at Hogwarts with a search warrant from Sauron would be kinda badass. Dominic Torretto crashes through the wall driving Optimus Prime, and Master Chief steps out from the passenger seat and says: "time to finish the fight."
@theusernameicoodfind 11 ай бұрын
Yeah good point. The current writers don’t Want to make Star Wars stories they just want to do their own thing.
@Deuteromis 11 ай бұрын
Disney has no respect for the canon. They keep rewriting it in order to try and make The Sequels make sense.
@Havoc-kun 11 ай бұрын
The issue is that they just simply don't respect the original material. Cause if they did they would still be able to write a good story and even have the cannon change in a respectful and courteous way. But we can unfortunately see by the way they do it there is no respect there and at times seems as if they actually hate the original material.
@jerryziegner 11 ай бұрын
Hey Thor, I agree 100% I feel that the Obi-Wan Kenobi series, although had some cool moments of nostalgia really missed the boat on a lot of areas that did not honor the legacy of what was set up in a new Hope.
@Tiberon674 11 ай бұрын
The people who don't understand the importance of canon aren't actually fans of anything. Every franchise is based on its own continuity in order for the stories of that universe to make any sense in context with all the other stories in that universe. Only morons tend to believe that canon is irrelevant.
@Loki_Yogi 11 ай бұрын
I'd DEFINITELY choose the "poor" story that sticks to the Canon over the "great" story that breaks or completely ignores the Canon.
@gildor8866 11 ай бұрын
Honestly that is choosing between Scylla and Charybdis. I think would rather go with a great story and pretending its not Star Wars than sleeping through a boring story and having people tell me afterwards at least it stuck to canon.
@dereklopez9060 11 ай бұрын
Here's Disney's ideology. Take everything that was already well written and established, and somehow make everything worse that creates nothing but plot holes and breaks canon.
@chasehedges6775 11 ай бұрын
Modern Disneys ideology: Destroy the past, control the future and let their be no hope.
@Deuteromis 11 ай бұрын
You forgot to add, then make up some BS explain why they didn't break lore or canon. By usually re-writing the lore.
@baki484 11 ай бұрын
Sounds about right. Dave filoni is the most guilt of this with his retconning of events.
@saberiandream316 11 ай бұрын
@@baki484 And yet people act like he's "saving" our stories and trying to preserve "what he can" in the Disney era, which is complete horse crap.
@baki484 11 ай бұрын
@@saberiandream316 Tell anyone of his fanboys about the damage he's doing whether it's to continuity or characters. He's f*cked the original continuity beyond repair and essentially erased the works of artists who contributed in fleshing it out the clone wars era with his clonewars show and he continues to do so in the Disney continuity as well by retconning the last last padawan comics and the ahsoka novel. Then we have characters like Kanan (a blatant rip-off Kyle Katarn and Rahm Kota) being praised as "original" Let's not about the ham-fisted walking contradiction that is Ahsoka Tano. He's basically destroyed both continuities.
@dyg107 11 ай бұрын
Spot on. Also, whenever you mention the Kenobi series, you should mention the Kai Patterson cut that made it a great story with an awesome ending, considering the source material he had to work with.
@jasonsomers8224 11 ай бұрын
Whether or not a change to Canon is acceptable depends on how important the event in question is to the characters, the plot, and the themes. My favorite example demonstrating this is Maul coming back in TCW vs Sidious coming back in RoS. Maul's death was not that significant for Kenobi's story, but Sidous's death was essential to the main character of Star Wars.
@XieRH1988 11 ай бұрын
Maul's death not being significant for kenobi's story makes it even more baffling why the decision was made to have him survive Episode 1 and come back. We've seen how new characters like Asaj Ventress can be introduced and Obi Wan could have had a new rival and nemesis during the Clone Wars like Dooku or Grievous. Maul absolutely did not need to have survived just so Obi Wan could have a constant threat.
@garanceadrosehn9691 11 ай бұрын
When some companies buy an IP (like Star Wars), they are under the illusion that they are buying the fan base, and that they have absolutely no obligation to the history of the "universe" of that IP. Then they wonder why people get so pissed off - after all, they *DID* spend the money to buy the fan base. Clearly the fan base has no right to complain about anything. And clearly (in their mind) the fan base must spend money on every new release which uses names&places from the original IP. It doesn't matter what happens in that release, the fans *must* buy it. Uh, no.
@thenecrophymm6591 11 ай бұрын
Cannon doesn't "get in the way" of telling a's the rules for telling the story in that universe - don't do it, and it doesn't belong/fit/exist in that universe anymore. It's gravity, it's time, it's entropy, it's the core rules that frame what is and isn't possible (and acceptable). If the story comes into conflict with the cannon of the universe it is trying to exist in - it's time to rework your story or admit it's not part of that universe and that you now have an unique story that will require you to build your own cannon and universe. THAT is the core problem writers are facing - they are too lazy or incompetent to build their own - so they steal the work of others as a short cut. And when they find their work doesn't fit in what they stole, they break the rules as blithely as they stole. If you don't want to be seen as a hack and thief, try borrowing (respect the source material), if that doesn't work - create. Sadly - Hollywood has become thieves - they are stealing short cuts - they have no intention of borrowing from the work of others....they always intended to steal it.
@WhoWouldWantThisName 11 ай бұрын
Totally agree. I actually am not completely in agreement with some decisions that Lucas himself made within his films, but I take it as a lesson in taking the canon and lore even more seriously than he did then. It is a vey different matter though when your talking about him making ANH or even ESB and not having the knowledge that there would be the PT let alone all that followed. IOW, I can forgive his change of direction in things during the OT given the context of it all then. Now that it's such a massive and complex franchise we can easily see how it is critical that it all lines up and is PLANNED OUT, looking at you current Lucasfilm. I'm sure if George had any idea that this would all build up to what it is today he would have structured it a bit differently as well. That said it's also HIS world not someone else's that he is stepping into and playing around with. So I have different standards for them than I do for George. I would accept ANY ST that George had given us as REAL Star Wars even if I didn't care for it. Lucasfilm today I expect less of in terms of quality of story but I do demand strict discipline with the canon because it's not really theirs, no matter what some contract says.
@cybertramon0012 11 ай бұрын
I saw a post on Facebook about how we have a meltdown over Rey going from a nobody to a Palpatine, yet we don’t freak out over Leia knowing Luke is her brother despite kissing him. The big difference is that Lucas had no idea he was going to create a trilogy. He was literally making the canon up as he went along, and came up with ways to explain the plot holes. Like Obi WAN’s ‘certain point of view’ line. To have Disney making up the plot as they go, despite the fact they were making a trilogy from the get go, is not the same thing. And that is why we have a meltdown over one but not the other.
@WhoWouldWantThisName 11 ай бұрын
@@cybertramon0012 Yes, exactly.
@kinola3206 11 ай бұрын
There was a recent article on Yahoo about what movies received so much promotion but failed to make expectations, and the sequels (namely TFA) were mentioned. On this, someone wrote along the lines of "The Star Wars sequels was like reading an essay where a bunch of people collaborated, but each one wrote each paragraph without reading what came before, so you got one big jumbled up mess."
@phillipgriego4675 11 ай бұрын
I was just thinking about this the other day. When GL was ready to sell SW to Disney, he should have included two clauses: 1. They would have to finish the saga using HIS stories for VII, VIII, and IX and nothing else. If not, breach of contract. And 2: They could not do "in-betweens" of his stories, UNLESS they wanted to adapt The Clone Wars (which oddly enough, Dave Phoney Filoni is basically doing on Disney÷). The fact that everything they've done over the last 10 years basically just reduced the original stories to nothing shows that somehow they've had it out for SW from the beginning. If I didn't know any better, it's almost as if Lucas went to Disney first with ANH and they turned him down causing him to bad mouth them or something. So they sat in the shadows in order to rise up one day against him and destroy his legacy as soon as they could...Disney = Sith 🤣 I have TONS of SW toys I've collected over the years and I don't look at them the same anymore. I've even considered parting ways with most of them because SW doesn't quite mean what it once did to me. It's sad. Disney is garbage for what they did to my guy George Lucas. They massacred my boy...
@admiralseabass8993 11 ай бұрын
Lucas made Star Wars outside Hollywood. They have hated him for it ever since.
@krald8421 11 ай бұрын
@@admiralseabass8993 I think this gets forgotten about by so many people. He could not hire most directors because of the directors guild rules with the opening title for example. They are the ultimate independent movies
@pepperedash4424 11 ай бұрын
Thing is, George Lucas sold the rights of Lucasfilm over to Disney under the impression that he would still be involved or, at the very least, they'd use his outline for eps Vll, Vlll, and lX. Disney didn't keep their word, with Bob Iger essentially bragging in his autobiography how he duped George Lucas to sell Star Wars without Lucas' attachment.
@phillipgriego4675 11 ай бұрын
@@pepperedash4424 that's what I'm sayin', if he put a clause into the contract, they would have been in breach of contract by ignoring his input.
@pepperedash4424 11 ай бұрын
@@phillipgriego4675 I figured, still worth a mention as many people are not in the know and genuinely believe Lucas sold the rights to get rid of Star Wars.
@BryanW. 11 ай бұрын
This whole Kenobi series was canon buster. Completely invaildated so many lines from Star Wars Ep 4. " I've been waiting for you, Obi-Wan. We meet again, at last. The circle is now complete. when I left you I was the learner, now I am the master". I sense something... a presence I haven't felt since... are a couple. If just 8 years ago you got you butt whopped, you'd remember the guy..
@emberfist8347 11 ай бұрын
You’d also remember the guy who left to burn alive 19 years before. That isn’t something you forget. I fell Vader left because he about fly off the handle completely if he stayed that close to Obi-Wan any longer.
@M-elephant7777 11 ай бұрын
A big part of the problem is when one (relatively important) story goes off-track from canon the stories that follow need to either deviate further from canon just to maintain consistency with their direct predecessor or ignore their direct predecessor to get back on track with the main canon and essentially retcon the last thing. Either way, the risk of having a snowball effect of retcons just by figuring out how to follow a story that breaks canon is severe and that harms the overall lore and subsequent stories. This is basically what happened with the sequels, TFA ignoring/retconing the set ups of 6 paved the way for TLJ to do more damage to canon followed by 9 being even worse; let alone all the tie-in stuff (ex: rise of kylo comic) adding to the snowball
@stu729 11 ай бұрын
Another KZfaqr said, "If you love what Star Wars could be more than what it already is, you don't actually love Star Wars." I feel that fits this discussion about canon very well. Star Wars is what it is, it has its history and its established moments. Sometimes for better, sometimes for worse. But that's what we all fell in love with! It's the facts of that galaxy far far away. Now when you "adjust" or throw out canon to suit your own ideas of what would make it better you're actually helping destroy what made it a loved universe to begin with. Work within the canon, nudge a little here or there, expand it, but don't blow it up. Especially because it's inconvenient to *your* story. And your last point is so spot on; if you don't like what's been created you don't have to be a part of it. Do your own thing, create your own universe and stories! But sadly I think people just want to mooch the built in audience because otherwise their stories will probably never be heard. Again, sometimes that's for better or for worse.
@jeremysnead1927 11 ай бұрын
When these shows don't respect canon, they start to feel like fan fiction. That's how feel about the Kenobi Series, it was interesting to watch and I enjoyed it by itself, but didn't feel right with a New Hope. Also why is Bail so insistent on Kenobi rescuing Leai when I think he is working with Ahsoka (Tales of the Jedi). I mean Kenobi says he is not up to the task.
@TrainspottingVagabond 11 ай бұрын
Ultimately canon is important above all else. The subjective nature of a story and its reception should be second to it fitting in with the larger timeline. This now decade, if not longer, willful abandonment of a stories canon shows only disrespect to the source material and it’s creator(s). What I gather from writers, show runners etc in games and film is that their is a sincere lack of a mandate to make faithful entries in what are ultimately “inherited franchises” it’s increasingly becoming less about telling a fulfilling story within the predefined boundaries of a universe more so than it is about the desire to redefine what the franchise is in essence. I’m more devoted to Halo and I am Star Wars, but the same issues are at play. Coming off of Halo 5, the canon was destroyed, Brian Reed did no service to anyone by writing a paradigm shifting story that was inherently adjacent to the ethos of the universe itself. This lended itself to Infinite becoming a “soft reboot” which did its job well, but now there is once again little hope for further stories to build off of what Infinite presented. This is an industry wide problem, writers are more concerned about chasing tigers than they are about making faithful entries into the inherited franchises they now have creative leverage over.
@Osbornesupremacy 11 ай бұрын
One of your most insightful videos, Thor. I would say that "tell you own story and see how many people are interested" applies to vast majority of the content being added to established franchises. I'm a person who will readily form my own head canon, and when I realize that an IP is in the hands of people that care less about it than I do, I will not consider anything they produce part of the canon. For example, Star Trek, for me, ended after the last TNG movie (even though none of them were particularly good). It exceedingly obvious that Abrams and Kurtzman have never been Star Trek fans. Even with the last season of Star Trek Picard being written by someone who cares about the lore, at this point it is way too far removed from actual canon. That is my attitude about Star Wars, as well. For me, nothing has been canon since episode 3. I have heard good things about Andor, but I'd be more likely to care if it was a standalone sci fi series, rather than part of a franchise that is, to be honest, dead to me.
@brianvalencia7717 11 ай бұрын
Well....thist is what HAPPENS when the head of Star Wars "claimed" that the source material "didn't exist"! 🙁🤷
@saberiandream316 11 ай бұрын
Filoni says he was doing the canon bomb the entire time and gets cheers. Kennedy says basically the same thing and she's the devil. SERIOUSLY...
@dondoesdoodles9726 11 ай бұрын
Why do these people act like it's so damn hard to write for Star Wars and stay within the Canon. Not ever story told needs a Skywalker to be attached to it; there that opens the Canon up [almost infinitely] Just one simple rule: the head must come before the heart. The how the you get to the scene is more important than how cool the scene looks [something Johnson, Abrams and Filoni just don't understand]
@FlummoxedFish 11 ай бұрын
100% agree here. The past 7 years or so if anyone has asked what my opinion on Star Wars has been I've always started by clarifying if they mean 'real Star Wars' or the 'Disney Star Wars FanFic' To my mind Disney Star Wars occupies a place on the Canon totem pole roughly equal with fringe sanctioned products. It's fan fic, not 'real' Star Wars.
@Naisium 11 ай бұрын
Disney controls Star Wars. What they did to Luke Skywalker, the King Arthur of Star Wars, in The Last Jedi demonstrates that they don't give a crap about canon.
@ranekeisenkralle8265 11 ай бұрын
You are pretty much on-point, Thor - with one little exception: The tense of your statement. The canon WAS Star Wars. Up until the point when Lucasfilm's "leadership" decided to give it the Alderaan-treatment. Gleefully and repeatedly. And now, all that is left are ashes and apathy. And whichever personal collection of physical media of actual Star Wars fans still possess.
@saberiandream316 11 ай бұрын
Nuked the whole damn thing nine years ago and we never recovered.
@tobris6809 11 ай бұрын
As someone who was a Star Wars fan since I was 4 or 5, introduced to it from my brother, the canon is irreparably damaged. There is no fixing the sequel trilogy. There is no fixing Jake Skywalker, there is no fixing Rey being a Marvel Superhero instead of a Star Wars character. There is no fixing the choice made by Grogu for merchandise sales. There is no fixing the choice to have filler episodes of the Mandalorian. There is no fixing the Kenobi series and the undermining of Leia's character, let alone the blatant ignorance of the canon. There is no fixing of any of it. We are faced with a choice of what we do and do not think is canon at this point as fans, a choose your own adventure where in order to know what content is part of your canon you have to watch it all, good and bad, and decide that there was no story for your character beyond a certain point. I'm hesitant to even explore the Ahsoka series as I think Filoni is too attached to her and too interested in, frankly, replacing Luke with her in the hearts of the fan base after the events of the sequel trilogy. There is a hole for many fans left by Jake Skywalker and I think he's trying to fill it, trying to make it up to them, and in the end it's going to be another forcing of a character we used to like into a role we never saw them in.
@saberiandream316 11 ай бұрын
And Filoni will rewrite the EU he claims to be a huge fan of to do that, mark my words.
@smintili 11 ай бұрын
It’s really interesting to see how the 80s/90s Star Trek managed to keep the canon intact while adding good stuff to it, nowadays I often feel Hollywood has forgotten what a Writer’s Bible is.
@chasehedges6775 11 ай бұрын
Andor was pretty good
@TrillVillanTrillVillan 11 ай бұрын
@chasehedges6775 11 ай бұрын
@jonathanmaestas8080 11 ай бұрын
I have friends who have watched all the newest Star Wars stuff. New Trilogy, Kenobi, Book of Boba Fett, etc. They know I'm a Star Wars fan. When I tell them I hated it (for precisely the reasons you mentioned in this video), they legitmately do not understand. In their minds, Star Wars fan + Star Wars stuff = Happiness. When I try to explain, they just don't get it. And I know why. THEY aren't Star Wars fans. They just watch it, get some enjoyment out of it, and then move on to something else (Rings of Power, Wheel of Time, etc.), and they never re-watch Star Wars or even think about it ever again. I cannot do that. Because they have broken the canon, I'm furious about that. I'm heartbroken. And it's because I really care. My theory is that Disney does have some actual Star Wars fans that work on Star Wars content. But the majority are just creating content like they are making a sandwich: put the ingredients in the proper order and it's edible (not necessarily appetizing, but that doesn't matter; follow the formula). To few who make this "Star Wars content" actually care and the series is in a slow death spiral, destined for destruction. And when it finally dies, my friends won't care... for them, it was just content that was on at the moment.
@jamesarnold7253 11 ай бұрын
Anyone who watches star wars is a star wars fan
@jonathanmaestas8080 11 ай бұрын
@@jamesarnold7253I disagree. Fan = fanatic. Case in point: my wife has seen most Star Wars content with me, as well as most Marvel content. She is not a Star Wars or Marvel fan and she would agree with that.
@daneg 11 ай бұрын
I'm not sure how anyone could enjoy Wheel of Time. even without knowing the books, it's a really really shoddy production. basically on par with a CW/MTV series. good for little netlets, but for a bigtime production worth all the $$$ Amazon invested into it? yikes! where did all the money go?
@jonathanmaestas8080 11 ай бұрын
@@daneg the only people who enjoyed, based on the wot Reddit, are non-book readers. Which proves the point. People who loved the books, people who loved the CANON, generally disliked it. Because that show really did spit on the main foundation of the book series. But if you were ignorant of all that, it wasn't terrible...
@daneg 11 ай бұрын
@@jonathanmaestas8080 I read the first 2-3 books of WoT. it's pretty generic stuff. I laughed my ass off at the botched gendering of the magic system. but as someone with zero attachment to the books, that production was horrid. literally like watching CW. chincy af fx, tweenager writing. execution on par with Obi-wan. anyway, I wasn't disagreeing so much as saying...WoT was objectively horrible. something I may have watched when I was 15 on the CW.
@mwertesmediocregaming 11 ай бұрын
That is me. My friend keeps telling me about all these new great star wars books and I just can't reconcile them with the books from the 80s and 90s that were thousands of hours of my childhood. The clear lack of respect for the characters and canon by the overlords at Lucasfilm has made me unwilling to want to taint those happy memories with the new works. Moreover the attitude from KK and RJ that holds the hardcore old school fan in contempt makes me unwilling to support their product, and then I get called x-ist for not wanting to be insulted. And I'm just over it. There's so many new great fantasy worlds out there, from Dresden Files and the Cosmere, to Michael J Sullivan's Elan and Benedict Jacka's Alex Verus. Why should I go where I'm not wanted, and where the story (which should be king) gets blown in any random direction without regard for previous or future novels?
@anthonyyoutubefan7567 11 ай бұрын
The minute Obi-Wan met Lord Darth Vader in the Obi-Wan Kenobi miniseries...mentally and emotionally, I was taken out of the experience, and the miniseries immediately became almost completely non-canon. Funny, what you said, Thor: IF Andor had not been taking place in The SWU, I would have stopped watching it, after episode 3. Regarding The Sequel Trilogy...I will most likely NEVER watch any of those 3 films again. They're definitely not Lucas-verse canon, in my eyes.
@cybertramon0012 11 ай бұрын
A big problem I’ve noticed in the newer Star Wars productions (aside from the problems other people can point out) is that they want to tell a story that wants to not be Star Wars, but at the same time they shoehorn in so much Star Wars stuff to try and draw fans in. That’s one of the problems with Kenobi. It could’ve worked better if they had that her kidnappers were random crooks trying to ransom her and Kenobi has to rescue her without revealing himself to the Empire, but they just had to include the Inquisitorius and Vader for the fanservice. That’s a similar problem The Mandalorian had in Season 3. Grogu was too marketable to be removed, so they brought him back and made the story revolve around Bo Katarn. It’s like the main characters are massive gravity wells that the rest of the galaxy revolves around. And it’s not impossible to have a good story that has nothing to do with established characters, or fits a different genre. Hell, The Mandalorian did just that in the beginning. It was a space Western about a grizzled wanderer having to take care of a toddler, with the only connection to established characters being that Grogu was the same species as Yoda. Knights of the Old Republic worked really well too, and it set itself long before Star Wars specifically so that it wouldn’t be bogged down by lore. Canon is important because it is the history of the series and it’s people. But you can still tell good stories without being trapped by it so long as you don’t contradict it. And the current writers can’t seem to do that because the fanservice of the canon is the only thing drawing people in. So they either use it as a way to prop up their version, or they create something so not Star Wars that people get turned off. Like that living boulder from the High Republic that’s just too dumb to work with Star Wars.
@daneg 11 ай бұрын
I just want to toss out that nothing in the SW umbrella needs to "feel like Star Wars." honestly, if that were the case, the only fans over ~12 years old would be developmentally disabled in some form or another, because what "feels like Star Wars" really is a different experience for different age groups and what each individual defined as "quintessentially Star Wars." in other words, if my first experience of SW was the Prequels, there's no way I'm watching all the SW I've seen from CW onward, and I am certainly not nearly as upset about the debacle of the Sequel trilogy as I actually was. I'd just shrug at it like another Michael Bay movie and get on with my life. This does not at all conflict or challenge the main point of this video, which is "respect the canon, s'il , vous, and plait." Second, the whole "feels like Star Wars" line creeps me out. Let's take up the Andor discussion again. I don't care in the least whether or not Andor "feels like Star Wars." It has absolutely zero responsibility to "feel like Star Wars." Frankly, the SW universe is vast with a multitude of shit going on, and if you strive to make something "feel like SW," you kinda end-up on the J. J. Abrams TFA loop of retreading the same scenes and stories over and over (fwiw, the TPM quite clearly copied the death star finale, but it was hard for that fact to cheapen the experience given all the other nonsense in that movie). My point is this: Andor doesn't need to feel like anything. It just needs to NOT FUCK with established lore. I was satisfied that it has not (at least in s1) done so. Off the top of my head, Mon Mothma is the only existing character in Andor(?), and she was a blank slate/statue in the OT. So long as she ends the series as the leader of the Rebel Alliance...pretty much fair game, imo. So once again to the main point of the video: respect the canon. If you want to tell your space wars story with laser swords and blaster guns, then cool, yo. do it. just don't call it Star Wars and force it into an existing narrative. Anyway, the point of my diatribe is that there's a metric poop-ton of room in the SW universe to make stories that feel absolutely nothing like Star Wars (Ep4) or Revenge of the Sith, etc. Just don't twist existing canon (myth) to do so, please and thank you.
@jfnc15 11 ай бұрын
100% agree.
@peterkrochmalni673 11 ай бұрын
I’ve been saying for a long time now that rogue one broke canon and now you realize this.
@hawks5999 11 ай бұрын
Welcome to Star Wars fandom circa 2014. Good to have you join us.
@saberiandream316 11 ай бұрын
God, I'm still bitter over that. And then they commission a new non-canon anime, but no new Legends stories despite fans asking them for nine years.
@qwefg3 11 ай бұрын
The importance of cannon is letting you know things.matter. If you have lightsaber cuts people in cannon and turn them into nerf bats... Then there will be issues. A lot of Star Wars stores these days only get sold because of the brand... Because it sucks and wouldn't be made if it was sold on its own merit.
@Rakshiir 11 ай бұрын
I am at a point where I think they understand that lore or canon is important, they simply don't care. For one simple reason: if you just stop for a second and use your brain, it would be clear. Fans love the franchise as it is/was created. If you love a certain recipe, you don't really appreciate it if someone just changes core elements of it. Sure, you can add here or there, or change little things, and you might be able to improve it. But the core pieces of the meal should not be changed or it is not the same. You can't really make a curry if you leave out curry. It all comes down to the people at the top. They would need to get people that understand this simple rule, and get people accordingly. But they either get people that don't care (and you would know that beforehand, or at the latest if you get the rough script) or are actually looking for them. It is just insane. And yes, it is true that the story or character should work without the Star Wars lore. That is a very good baseline, what you have to do afterwards is put it INTO the lore that it works inside said established lore. If you do that, it will be loved I'd argue. Andor is a great example. The story would have worked in other franchises as well, but it was also integrated in the overall lore well enough that it worked. Looking forward I'd say the Acolyte is already dead on arrival for me. What actors and people involved said in interviews and what they focused on really told me this will be just another one of "those" Star Wars shows. And Ahsoka, well, I'd say there are some very alarming things in the trailer and also said by people, while it is not as bad as the Acolyte but... it is already moving in the same general direction so I am very wary of it. And if they even do make the new Rey movie, I think this will also propably not be profitable. Rey is not beloved because her movie series was poorly written and made, so it is already a tough salespitch. Add to that the fact that the same person is still in charge that made those movies fail, why would I think the other one would be any better now? Don't get me wrong, it could be, in theory, but I won't watch it on opening weekend and wait to hear what the movie is actually about and if it is worthy of my time. And I guess many more will do the same. So they don't even get the initial burst of money from it, so if it isn't great, people simply won't go after finding out.
@admiralseabass8993 11 ай бұрын
they need content for Disney+ - they don't care how it fits into canon. They think there are enough people out there who will consume it no matter what.
@sophieamandaleitontoomey9343 11 ай бұрын
Like if we had just had those brief scenes in Adaraan and not had the kidnapping subplot and just left it with brief cameo from Princess Leia, I think it would have been fine. But unfortunately we had to make her meet Obi Wan and have him abandon Luke and it really undermined the whole series.
@chriscox5142 11 ай бұрын
That's the thing, novel authors carry the vast bulk of the success or failure of their novel themselves, and in addition the, I would argue, longer process of writing a novel (400+ page manuscript) as opposed to a movie script (90-150 pages), causes the author to pay more attention, and when working in an established universe, they tend to be more attentive to that, as well as usually having an interest in the "universe" in the first place. Tv and movies on the other hand, have a lot of studio execs, producers, directors, screenwriters, actors that are too focused on doing their own thing, or "making it their own," which can be a huge problem for big established universes like Star Wars, Trek, Who, etc.
@kashhusain8154 11 ай бұрын
It's easier to write a story without researching the canon. The writers are being lazy as much as anything else.
@brunnokamei9623 11 ай бұрын
They understand. But understanding and caring about are two veeery different things.
@harrumphy 11 ай бұрын
Don’t forget “canon” has had numerous incarnations within Star Wars. Canon gets tossed out and reset from time to time. Previous examples of “canon” include: •the Alan Dean Foster novels, •the two Ewok movies, •the Ewoks cartoon, •the Droids cartoon, •the NPR Radio plays (which Lucas considered more complete story-wise than EpIV) •the Sunday newspaper comic strip, •the original ‘70s-‘80s Marvel Comics run, •the “multi-media” Shadows of the Empire spin-off that was much-hyped as canon, •the 2D animated Clone Wars series, also much-hyped as canon... •The Force Unleashed •”Expanded Universe” novels (so, do they make the Alan Dean Foster novels “less canon”?) •West End Games role-playing game (1987), which invented names for characters and vehicles and ships that were previously known by nicknames the FX department gave to creature masks and Fx models) •Star Wars Cusotomizable Card Game (1995-2001) took lore for an even deeper dive, zeroing in on background minutiae, and also having been published when Owen Lars was still Obi-Wan’s brother - but they meticulously researched lore and their presentation of it was all approved as Official by Lucasfilm).
@stephenelberfeld8175 11 ай бұрын
It is when some non-fan throws all the main characters into out of character situations, killing some of them off just because they make the character they made up seem sketchy and bogus by comparison. The whole story becomes about the destruction of what went on in all previous stories. Both the "cannon" characters and the newly introduced characters become irrelevant.
@darkguardian1314 11 ай бұрын
Canon is important like a soap opera. You come back to see what happened next to our heroes. If there was no canon then you have what I like to call a self contained Bugs Bunny cartoon. In those cartoons, they do t reference earlier episodes and it’s like they met for the first time. (Ground Hog’s Day) When canon is ruined like a never mentioned Spock’s sister or the Force time travel thing. There’s no Prime Directive in Star Wars so what’s to stop anyone from changing things as they see fit. Bleeding lightsabers… It’s too much for me.
@darko-man8549 11 ай бұрын
In any franchise or story etc, a lack of consistency is what will break immersion. People can scream as much as they like that “this is only a story, it’s not real, you shouldn’t care”, but in the end getting the consumer to care is how you make a franchise/series etc. And when the canon is broken, the story becomes pointless, consumer investment will die, there is no more escapism. Breaking canon is insulting to intelligence of the reader imo - it’s the writer saying “your opinions/your love on this matter dont matter more than what I want to do. You’ll shut up and consume like a brainless ape just because I said so” As you said, Andor blends it near perfectly. Ms Cho isn’t wrong, you need a good skeleton of character to put the Star Wars onto, but if there is no SW or if you show me you don’t care about SW, then why should I care enough to consume your content? It’s why when Filoni comes in and rewrites canon, I feel less endeared to him as a creator. When Disney put out their Ahsoka novel (which I enjoyed) but then 5 minutes later rendered it moot, it felt like my investment in the product was worthless (but I still enjoyed my reading) because it is no longer a part of the story I’m told to follow.
@3NewDay 11 ай бұрын
This is why I don't want that Dawn of the Jedi movie by Mangold. It sounds like he doesn't care about canon. He doesn't care about Star Wars. He cares mostly about himself. If this story of "biblical proportions" fails for the reasons you mentioned, it will have a bad ripple effect on all of Star Wars that makes me very nervous. That movie MUST fit that balance and stick to canon.
@saberiandream316 11 ай бұрын
I mean, it's not like it's going to be the same as the comics in the first place. Disney doesn't care about the EU or EU fans.
@3NewDay 11 ай бұрын
@@saberiandream316 I understand. I dont really care if it fits the comics or not. I just want it to fit Star Wars, whatever the story ends up being.
@barrankobama4840 11 ай бұрын
This does not apply to just Star Wars, but to basically any immersive narration from the beginning of time. There are stories that are meant too be just funny or symbolic or poetic and canon doesn't matter, you can rearrange stories and characters as long as they are faithful to their meaning, and then there are stories where you enter a world and (if the author has done a good job) care about the characters as if they were real people and in that case stories must be innerly coherent.
@SuperLuis225 11 ай бұрын
Whats the point of previous movies if they can be undone at the drop of a hat? You would no longer get any love, care or passion for any story telling cuz all the tension could be removed and undone at any point
@brianalambert1192 11 ай бұрын
It's 100% about respect. I can't remember if it was the writers of Avatar the Last Airbender or someone else, but they said that the more restrictions and rules you put on a story, the better a story you can write. I normally hear this in terms of world building and magic systems, but I think it applies to canon as well. These are the limitations you have to work with, what can happen? In the example of the Kenobi show, let's say for arguments sake that Obi Wan and Vader fighting directly would break canon. So if we follow that rule, they can't meet directly. We'll, what about a Force battle? What about Vader coming so close to finding him only for Kenobi to pull some trick out that overwhelms Vader so he can escape? I'm sure there are more options, but my point is there are a bunch of alternatives that you are now required to explore so that the canon is not broken. When creators make these decisions to break canon for the sake of their project, it always comes across to me as disrespectful. That they think whatever they are breaking isn't important enough to work around. This is not to say don't break canon whatsoever, but it is to say don't break it lightly. Disney's handling of this franchise has not earned the right to break canon at this point
@saberiandream316 11 ай бұрын
Ironic since Filoni directed that show, and he hates continuity, says you can't "box him in."
@John-fk2ky 11 ай бұрын
@@saberiandream316 Then he is indisputably an idiot. Continuity is the only thing that made his shows, and particularly Ahsoka as a character, great. No one gives a crap about a character without continuity.
@brianalambert1192 11 ай бұрын
@@saberiandream316 Yeah, I don't necessarily agree that Filoni understands this concept, although he seems to try and keep it within reason. I think Lucas working on the project kept him in check
@saberiandream316 11 ай бұрын
@@John-fk2ky I mean, look at how he's writing for Ahsoka _now._ She left the Jedi Order, Filoni himself SAYS she's NOT a Jedi, so _why_ is she preaching the values of non-attachment to Grogu? Why is she training Sabine, who _has_ attachments? Filoni does whatever the fuck he wants without internal consistency, and he's always going to be that way, so why would you have high hopes going into the Ahsoka show? Just you wait. Soon he's going to make everyone SICK of Ahsoka, which is fine by me, since I never liked the idea of Anakin's unknown apprentice that was _never_ mentioned in the movies or the EU.
@michaellane5381 11 ай бұрын
I think the problem with your example is that a "not great" story that sticks to canon is still a great story because it is "part" of Canon, but a "great" story that breaks canon HAS to be BETTER than the Canon it breaks, or it won't sell ITSELF, but further than that it can no longer sell its own Canon, because if a fan doesn't buy the new shattered Canon, then they won't buy the next break, and if they don't prefer the old Canon, you still can't depend on them following the new canon if you choose to ignore the break.
@cyberfilmproductions8987 11 ай бұрын
The "rematch of the century" felt more like the "rematch of the month" in my personal opinion.
@calebdrew5684 11 ай бұрын
Yes. I was definitely done with Star Wars not making sense, ignoring or changing aspects of the original trilogy (unchanged) that I always admired. Andor was so much Star Wars and yet could have been compelling as another IP. It may have got more viewers had it not been Star Wars, in my opinion, because of the damage already done to the brand. Articulate and well made point sir, much appreciated!
@southpawjimmy9735 11 ай бұрын
I think the elephant in the room is that Lucas himself had trouble following canon. Certainly Leia remember her mother only to have her die in child birth stands out. But honestly even Vader being Luke's father smells of a retcon based on the words of Ben. If it's hard not to notice these, how much harder is it when another writer comes in and changes canon. I'd even go as far as adding the tenor of the newer projects betrays canon. From the sequels using cartoonish characters like General Hux and modern day dialouge "That's a big ass door" to the streaming shows with the edgier vibe.
@saberiandream316 11 ай бұрын
The problem is that people ascribe a maliciousness to Lucas I don't think was ever present. I don't think he actively believes "continuity is for wimps" the way Filoni CLAIMS he said (that doesn't sound like a George Lucas line to me), I think he's just clumsy, and he was all alone when making the prequels.
@brittneymoore-miller8354 11 ай бұрын
I agree that Lucas had a number of issues with his stories too. When I was a preteen I loved that scene with Luke and Leia in ROTJ and was disappointed when Padmé was killed off without even touching Leia. I would have loved to see her hide out on Alderaan with Leia (opposing the Empire from the shadows) for a few years before the Organa’s adopted her. However, I ultimately agree with Thor that Disney’s treatment of Star Wars canon has been far more jarring. I still can’t forgive what they did to Luke.
@PixelKatana 11 ай бұрын
I agree completely. In the path they are in we are going to reach a point where "Star Wars" will be reduced to telekinesis and laser swords because everything else will have been so watered down and genericized.
@michaelammons4965 11 ай бұрын
Ask yourself this would you even know about let alone watch Harvey Wienstien's personal assistants show if it wasn't attached to SW. Probably not.
@geek8555 11 ай бұрын
Hey Thor, in my opinion George Lucas directing the prequels was a pretty logical descision he made. Initially George Lucas didn't want to direct the prequels, he approached Robert Zemeckis, Steven Speilberg, and Ron Howard. They all told him the same thing, "George, you should do it." So I don't think anyone can criticize George for not getting someone else to direct the prequels when that's what he tried to do initially. Plus, Ron Howard said it would have been "too daunting", probably because George would have kept on looking over their shoulders like he did with the two directors of Empire and Jedi respectively. I say it was logical because if all three of your best friends, who are reputable in the film industry believe in your ability for film making, and if you are going to be there everyday overseeing production, why not appoint yourself as director? We can all debate whether George Lucas is a good director or not, (I personally think he is) but to me it made the most sense for him to direct the prequels if he was that dedicated to telling his story.
@Thestorytellerworkshop 11 ай бұрын
Yes they do care about canon. Their canon, not what's legacy. Try to rewrite Rey into an actual life like character and look how they freak out.
@user-yq9im9dk9z 11 ай бұрын
@emberfist8347 11 ай бұрын
Except they contradict their own stuff all the time. For example before they brought Palpatine back, they claimed he wanted the empire to go full scorched earth if he died. Doesn’t make sense to do that if he was coming back in a few years.
@Thestorytellerworkshop 11 ай бұрын
@@emberfist8347 They contradict each other's stories because they are lazy, incompetent, self absorbed, or a combination of all. That makes their canon a chaotic mess sure, but they don't care about the consistency of the canon, just that it exists. All the DSW writers care about is getting their self inserts and messaging crammed into their fan fiction level writing. That's why they treat each story as gospel. It's irreproachable even if it's garbage because they bled everything they are into. If you criticize their work you're criticizing their "lived truths."
@GrechStudios 11 ай бұрын
Imagine if there was a hot dog stand that was a local favorite and was part of the local community for over 40 years. Everyone loves the hot dogs, and everyone respected the vendor selling them. Then new ownership buys it and starts selling to the community what they call hot dogs, but is actually pizza. The people go there for hot dogs, not pizza. So people get upset when they receive pizza, and they’re upset that their favorite local hot dog place has been replaced by pizza, and they stop going there. But the new ownership becomes furious with the locals for not buying their food and starts insulting them, and can’t figure out why they don’t want to buy their food anymore. They say they have the rights to the hot dog stand, and this is what hot dogs are now. “Why don’t people buy our hot dogs!?”. Yeah...that’s like Disney. (Sorry for the stupid analogy haha)
@MrWord283 11 ай бұрын
I mean, the fact that we need to have this discussion already tells everything about disney
@FedReserveCorrupt 11 ай бұрын
Disney does not care about Star Wars, They just wanted to make content.
@B.matrix 11 ай бұрын
It depends on how it’s done. Some diversions from Canon don’t bother me if it’s done well and supports the narrative, like alterations to the timeline, as opposed to big changes like altering the personality of a major character.
@cybertramon0012 11 ай бұрын
That’s why Legends used to have different levels of canon, with only Lucas’s version being the highest level. It meant that unless he said anything, what was written or shown was considered canon, even if it didn’t quite match up.
@WhoWouldWantThisName 11 ай бұрын
In retrospect I think the right play for Disney's LF would have been to just do `Star Wars Story' films and series' like Mando. The only safe play was to avoid the core story ad characters altogether. I think they likely thought if they did that fans would reject their lack of core elements they already know. I can see that, but I think the only thing they have done that has really messed up things all around is the ST. It is a massive obstacle for all writers moving forward. to a lesser extent there is some canon fiddling that exists with Solo and the other stories as well, but much easier to work with or around. Rogue One and Andor took a nice safe path or method or playing with the existing core via an associated story but while staying away from the characters and elements within that core. They stuck to new characters doing their own thing away from all that even though it was connected to it. The details of how they go about their story are much more free and flexible without damaging the original story. Gilroy could give us a story about the Bothans in the same way and not effect ROTJ for example. He only needs to make a few key plot points consistent, but has lots of room to play with. I still think the ST was a massive mistake to even do at all. I would have just made George's story period, with him driving the ship the whole way, or not at all. Then just make more Star Wars Stories like Mando with unrelated characters almost entirely. My favorite thing next to the OT in Star Wars is Andor, so I can't just crap all over Disney's Lucasfilm altogether. They can and do get it right sometimes. Unfortunately they just haven't learned the formula of how they get it right or not. I think they need Thor as an advisor on all this. :)
@DagoSanDiego 11 ай бұрын
Yes. It is the limitations of the box, and what we don't do, that define the quality of the art. I will add however, that our reaction when someone colors outside the lines also plays a significant role in subsequent work. In episodes I, II and III, Lucas broke his own implied canon by making the Clones the good guys rather than the bad guys. To me, this mattered a lot, as I had spent countless hours fantasizing about the shape of things to come in that universe. Upon viewing the movies however, everything felt upside down and disorienting. But like a good book, repeated visits revealed more and more, until I was able to fully digest the story. Unfortunately, the many loud negative reactions to these movies changed the future of the franchise, and Lucas did not want to continue. He passed the baton, and now it seems only those with supreme confidence dare accept it. Those who do seem to have a "f---- em" attitude, either deliberately crossing lines, or not paying enough attention to even know where the lines are. So I would advise we spend more time acknowledging the efforts of the many people who do things right, even in the worst stories, so that they may continue, and hopefully discover the correct way through the minefield.
@jamiemcneil9682 11 ай бұрын
The nail was hit on the head by you. You are 100% right.
@JuliusCaesar108 11 ай бұрын
I wholeheartedly agree! I personally feel like I’ve been robbed with the sequels more than the prequels. Having said that, when it comes to Obi Wan, I can enjoy the story without taking it too seriously. It reminds me when extra books or stories were written to tell good stories to the Bible even before canon was a concept.
@Tomtit_Andy 11 ай бұрын
About "good story, but breaking the kanon" vs "bad story, but keeping on with kanon" - we haven't seen the first case yet. Instead, we've seen multiple cases of "bad stories breaking the kanon".
@Valen-mh9fh 11 ай бұрын
Hey Thor, thanks. If the Star Wars universe was a house that Lucas built. Andor seems to be, based on what you've said, a pleasant addition like a conservatory. Otherwise, at best, most everything else hass been a horrid, albeit in isolation, consistent addition. Like adding a glass and steel roof to a Victorian town house (well made, but doesnt fit). At worst, a bulldozer directly through a load-bearing wall. Unsurprisingly, the house looks hideous and is collapsing and many reminisce about what it was.
@rogerpalsgrove9678 11 ай бұрын
I'm starting to wonder if the studios even know how to leave the proverbial soap box behind when venturing into pre-established sand boxes.
@XanderVJ 11 ай бұрын
A big reason for this is writing schools. Academic types usually despise the idea of a larger canon, and think all stories should be self-contained, since the larger a story gets, the more restrictive it becomes and only serves to kill creativity. Not to mention that they consider lore to be a shallow and pointless endeavour, since in writing, theme is supposed to be the point of writing itself.
@nixneato 11 ай бұрын
Haha the extended time spent on Roundface' picture
@jayblake682 11 ай бұрын
This isn’t just a Star Wars issue. It seems to permeate many of the beloved IP’s. Take Doctor Who. Chris Chibnall made a massive decision that basically rewrote the basis for the Doctor in his absurd Timeless Child episode. It destroyed nearly 60 years canon and show history just to satisfy the ego of the show runner. I’ve completely given up on watching post Calpaldi Who. I’m not there yet with Star Wars, but I can feel it coming.
@choreomaniac 11 ай бұрын
Canon is continuity. And continuity is accepting consequences. So violating canon means ignoring consequences. But it is consequences that give us narrative. We need cause and effect or else it’s just something happens and then something else happens. And that is boring.
@devinhargrave4723 11 ай бұрын
I keep repeating it. There are those that want to enhance THE story, and those that want to enhance THEIR story. How they view the franchise is entirely dependent on if they view it as telling a story within said IP, or telling their story via using the IP. It shows a lack of creativity that you need to adjust the established source material to make your point when you have the freedom to build on it and do damn near anything you want.
@outerworldsreviews 11 ай бұрын
No disagreement here, Thor. Your summary - it's the canon that gives Disney the opportunity to tell their stories - is a spot on assessment. As So Uncivilised said, "if you like Star Wars for what you think it can be rather than for what it is... then you don't actually like Star Wars".
@biostemm 11 ай бұрын
They missed a great opportunity to have a young leia traveling around with her adoptive parents, learning how to navigate and subvert the bureaucracy while gaining valuable life and leadership skills...
@lansfriszt7767 11 ай бұрын
The Canon star wars needs right now is a turbolaser to blast all the hack writers and producers holding it hostage.
@leonardoespino9780 11 ай бұрын
What it has become a trend with the directors of Star Wars show is that we have two groups: group a respects the canon and we have shows like andor, the mandalorian, the clone wars, and the bad batch and to some extent episode 7. We then have group b who doesn’t respect the canon and give a shit on it and those include episodes 8 and 9 (yeah jj respected the canon in episode 7 to a degree then went nuts in episode 9 because of episode 8), the director here of kenobi and boba fett. The rebels series i can’t catalogue it as I haven’t seen it but of what I’ve heard it seems to respect the canon so it’s in group a but take this one with a grain of salt. Directors in group b claim that it’s hard to make a Star Wars project mainly because of the fans but in reality it’s because they can’t stay true with the canon. They don’t respect what prior directors/ writers have done with those characters in the past because they want to do something with them that it’s originally theirs. And that’s ok to have that idea of making a original idea out of the work of someone else. A clear example is Luke. Luke had established lore that in a way made him yeah predictable on how he was going to act. Rian Jonson could have written a luke that was similar and also one that would be his own. Yeah, you could have had the same old decrepit luke we had but when asked to come and join the fight, instead of dying from a force stroke have him redeem himself by rejoining with the good people. He instead wrote a defeated, decrepit Luke without any clear reason other than he thought the Jedi and sith were causing this shit and that he almost killed his nephew because of bad dreams. And to top it off, kill him in the most pathetic way. We had a similar trope here with obi wan. Old, decrepit hermit that not only he failed to prevent evil by not killing Darth Vader when he had the chance but do stupid shit and also somehow paint him as a villain by that inquisitor who targeted Luke and leai. Like if you think about it, the whole reason why Luke and leai were in danger was because of OBI WAN! Not because they were randomly targeted but because a person seemed to connect the dots, the dots that somehow nobody connected the 20 or so years that the empire reigned that “hey, bail used to be friends with one of the most wanted jedi there is… let’s question him to see if he has some answers as to his whereabouts” like wtf 🤦🏻‍♂️ 11 ай бұрын
How can you expect people who don't respect NATURE'S CANON of male and female to respect the Star Wars canon? These people don't believe in rules-based systems. Everything is momentarily relative. Fuck any logic or continuity.
@paintballercali 11 ай бұрын
I just watched a video on how Minecraft is so successful because they had basic firm principles that have never been violated.
@demolama 11 ай бұрын
Canon prevents them from writing whatever they want. Remember, the writer of Obi-Wan complained it was hard to write because of canon and was annoyed when they found out Obi-Wan knew Anakin was Vader
@charleswalls1127 11 ай бұрын
they do understand, they just don't care. they have a bunch people who never liked star wars on every project.
@theblueabyss63 11 ай бұрын
Andor built upon the rebellion being created in the deleted scenes from Revenge of the sith with using the foundation built by Lucas but instead of ruining it they added more and didn’t rush it indeed that’s fresh
@peterkrochmalni673 11 ай бұрын
Star Wars Rebels already did this. Andor is just retconning and rehashing what was already done in Star Wars Rebels.
@theblueabyss63 11 ай бұрын
@@peterkrochmalni673 the fact is that Rebels was based on the early Lucas draft for A New Hope and concept arts from Ralph McQuarrie so it had a lot to do but this time it’s a risk man even the character isn’t anywhere as liked so for this show to actually do things in the current Era it’s impressive I can’t lie but yes already done
@emberfist8347 11 ай бұрын
But it retconned Rogue One by giving its title character a newer and more stupid backstory.
@theblueabyss63 11 ай бұрын
@@emberfist8347 don’t know why but I think the people at Lucasfilm rally don’t like that movie or just maybe it’s original director before the reshoots but I didn’t say nothing!
@AndrewAce. 11 ай бұрын
2:03 - To which I said: _"In other words, it obliterates it"_ Hahahaha, I'm glad we agree on that point 🤣
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