This is the most controversial hit of the year

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This hit by Ryan Reeves from the Detroit Red Wings vs Minnesota Wild game was the most controversial hit of the year. We'll cover that and more on today's NHL hockey video!

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@Mayonnaise69 Жыл бұрын
Very proper breakdown. I say this is a damn good example of how to explain rule 48. Great video heck of a job Eck.
@EckHockey Жыл бұрын
@jimdraven2432 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely agree. Now if we could just get the NHL Player Safety Committee who reviews these plays to actually put the amount of work that @eck3459 puts into his videos I think we'd be in business. Also maybe ask them why the officiating has BLOWN the last 20 years... ;P
@ianyazbec5829 Жыл бұрын
Wings fan here. It was a good hit, just a very unfortunate one seeing as we now have about 8 of our regular players injured. Hoping Hronek and Larkin can come back soon
@geoffmartins2606 Жыл бұрын
I agree. I’m a Wings fan too but this check looked clean to me. He caught Hronek looking away, unaware of where Reaves was. If Reaves had genuinely wanted to cheap shot and injure Hronek, he could have hurt him a lot more than he did. I like Hronek and it always sucks when it happens to one of your teams players, but I don’t see that as a dirty hit.
@dev...5150 Жыл бұрын
Watched it live and I agree... good clean hit...
@wingsfan1369 Жыл бұрын
As a fellow wings fan i agree. Hronek had his head down and revo made a clean hit.
@blazer859 Жыл бұрын
@@wingsfan1369 Clean or dirty is not even the question here. Rule 48 does not even speak to whether the skater is skating with head or head down prior to the hit. To all the "old school" fans, head up or head down is irrelevant. Rule 48 in the first sentence asks, where was the point of contact? The replay is pretty clear. The easy call was blown, plain and simple. Oh, and BTW, CTE is real.
@JohnDoe-hu9ve Жыл бұрын
@@blazer859 Uh Stevo, did you even read Rule 48? Because as a matter of fact, it DOES speak to whether the skater is skating with head up or down prior to the hit. No one is disputing that CTE is real, and this was indeed an easy call and actually serves to reinforce the spirit of Rule 48 quite nicely. Hoping Hronek is OK.
@icecoldpolitics8890 Жыл бұрын
Considering Hroneks position he earned that hit. Not the injury that’s an unfortunate side affect but my dude can’t be going up the middle of the ice with his head downs and looking left. You know Reaves is on the Ice you should always be looking for where he is.
@noahmacomber5970 Жыл бұрын
couldn’t have said it better myself
@jimb.7523 Жыл бұрын
This is the NHL equivalent of crossing a street without looking both ways.
@justinvanhorne9958 Жыл бұрын
It is absolutely amazing what one will justify these days. Its almost like old school hockey never existed, times of respect, honor, love of the game. Actually screw the tired comparison to old school hockey, whatever happened to just basic human respect? But no, we have random internet dude here claiming that a professional athlete "earned" being injured. What's next? Should I head to one of the most dangerous hoods in the states, hold my wallet out busting with cash, refuse to hand it over to any thugs that come my way and will we see your shining mug on the 5 o clock news claiming that my lifeless body with a gunshot wound to the head "earned it" ? Will you be gleefully dancing in the blood painted on the ground with my foolish (by your standards) actions? Will you and Eck produce a video, creating a new form of violent control based on fear, manipulation and whatever else you find convenient at the time? Not sure what is more disgusting, the fact that the world has regressed to this advanced form of Anarchist Kraterocracy, or that people like Eck make a living off justifying it. Love seeing the kudos pile in, all cheering for a human being possibly having his career, livelihood, and possibly life ended. Bravo sirs, you sure showed youtube who is boss today!
@joelbrittain6379 Жыл бұрын
Doesn't even matter if Reaves is on the ice. ALWAYS keep your head up AND forward.
@jamesberry3230 Жыл бұрын
Hroneks didn't earn the hit ; Reaves earned a 5min major, game misconduct and suspension for a charging penalty with intent to injure
@TT-rt9vv Жыл бұрын
Open ice hit, didn’t charge, glided in and laid him out square. Where’s the controversy? The guy didn’t protect himself, that’s it.
@meadRL Жыл бұрын
People are upset that he caught a bit of the head. I thought the hit was fine.
@jacobc548 Жыл бұрын
None of that stuff matters. The only thing that matters is the primary point of contact. Which was his head.
@steverapos3904 Жыл бұрын
I mostly agree. You can argue he targeted the head but it was probably not the target and just because the guy was leaning
@robertr997 Жыл бұрын
He left his feet if you watch the replay
@-Z-0115 Жыл бұрын
@@robertr997 After contact. That was a hard hit, hard to stay on your feet through the follow up.
@Spetsnazty Жыл бұрын
I played football before the concussion thing was respected. I really do think a lot of us have severe damage from it.
@coyote4237 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, back in the day it was just, "Got your bell rung. Get up and get tough."
@matthewbarry7026 Жыл бұрын
@@coyote4237 you were also taught to hit head first... didn't help.
@quoththekraven5911 Жыл бұрын
I know for a fact I've had one or two, and I know for a fact I gave a kid one in high school. Still feel bad about it, but he was like 80 lbs heavier than me so I was pretty pumped at the time.
@AlexBigShid Жыл бұрын
Yeah me too, throughout youth football I was DE and my coach told me to come out of my 4 point leading with my head, got alot of crazy bad headaches after some games :/
@007Hutchings Жыл бұрын
You play CS GO still so I would say you are correct
@T-Will-4554 Жыл бұрын
Tom Wilson got suspended for 20 games on the exact same hit on Sundquist. Fascinating how people interpret certain situations.
@scotey Жыл бұрын
Those two hits are zero alike. Wilson's hit was mostly blindside.
@@scotey if your opponent isn't looking then you blindsided him. wing was a defenceless player.
@scotey Жыл бұрын
@@MOTORCITYBIG1 No, blindsiding is specifically when the hitter comes from an angle where the puck-carrier would not be able to see his approach even with his head up. I'm a Wings fan, btw. I just think Wilson's hit was more suspension-worthy due to the angle of attack.
@danglesnipecelly13 Жыл бұрын
As a wings fans I didn’t think it was dirty I was just hoping Hronek was okay because this team is starting to pile of up with injuries. Apparently he wanted to go back out but obvious reasons couldn’t because the whole concussion protocol. It’s weird because Hronek skates up with his head up forward then looks to the left for a split second and then looks forward again right into reaves. The quick look to the left was a mistake lol it looked like he saw the whole ice but for some reason he took a quick look to the left/behind himself
@benjaminforrest4511 Жыл бұрын
Lalonde said in a post game interview that Hronek seemed to think there was a delayed penalty for some reason which was why he was just coasting for a moment and may be why he looked behind him like that. Apparently he acknowledged his mistake afterward. Maybe you saw the same interview where they explained that though. Anyway it's kind of annoying to see so many people make condescending comments about Hronek when he's been pretty good this year. At least he played and got a goal in today's game, as terrible as it was lol.
@maekoh Жыл бұрын
It's a very scary hit, however its a perfectly clean hit. Like you said, it's actually impressive Hronek did everything a hockey player SHOULDN'T do when taking a hit.
@zergilli9719 Жыл бұрын
It's not clean to raise your shoulder into a guys head. Whether Reaves meant to do it or not is another thing. But it wasn't "clean." I'm a Blues fan.
@dannylawless6218 Жыл бұрын
​@@zergilli9719 It absolutely is, going by the wording of rule 48.1. Reaves hit him squarely and didn't "pick" the head as a result of poor timing, poor angle, or unnecessary extension of the body upwards or outwards. You don't have to love the head contact, and I certainly don't like to see it, but Reaves deserved no penalty/fine/suspension for anything regarding the hit. And this is coming from someone who generally thinks Reaves is a colossal douche. edit: If you want to argue that the rules should be changed, that's a different conversation. But as-written, that hit was 100% clean.
@pakkajulmu Жыл бұрын
@@zergilli9719 you have to raise your shoulder to make a hit, otherwise you're gonna hit the guy with your face
@GaryGucci Жыл бұрын
@@zergilli9719 did you even watch the video???
@zergilli9719 Жыл бұрын
@@GaryGucci yea, and clearly his arm/shoulder goes into the guys head. Did you watch it is a better question?
@AceArkadios Жыл бұрын
Even beyond my own experience playing hockey my whole life, as a Zamboni Driver of 4 years now, I've personally seen a LOT of hits, good and bad (mostly bad), from squirts to college level. I knew this hit was clean, or at the very least not malicious, the first time I saw it. Everybody screaming for a suspension, even after seeing the slow-mo replay, comes off as the type of parent to harass the referees at a peewee game because they think they know better. ESPECIALLY on the NHL reddit page, whiners top to bottom.
@icedo1013 Жыл бұрын
Not malicious? Sure. As much as Reaves is a detestable hockey player, I have no doubts that he's a normal compassionate human being off the skates and that he wasn't looking to potentially end a career. However, even if this is a play that can be dismissed by an excellent lawyer in a court of Hockey Law, that anybody can make avoidable first contact with another player's face and not be reprimanded in some way at all is an indictment of incompletion in the way these things are handled today. It's no controversy to eject a player in NCAAF if they're found to have made any significant contact with an opposing team member's helmet, intentional or not; we can at least give a player a 5 minute major and call it a day, and deal with repeat offenders if/when they pop up.
@DirtyDan77 Жыл бұрын
Buddy has the puck for more than 3 seconds. An eternity in hockey. If you can't get your head up and see what's coming in that time, I don't know what to tell ya.
@samuelluria4744 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. Clear sign, in my opinion, that the league has gone too far in the softer direction.
@Reptar11 Жыл бұрын
@tailstan Жыл бұрын
Sometimes I forget you only have 55k subscribers. This is top quality content.
@lhpeterparker Жыл бұрын
He does have nearly a million on his other channel.
@Detigers1990 Жыл бұрын
Because hockey is the least popular sport in America....
@tailstan Жыл бұрын
@@lhpeterparker what channel? I’d love to check it out
@lhpeterparker Жыл бұрын
@sinergy111 Жыл бұрын
Yes Hronek was looking away from Reaves with his head down. I like the big open ice hits like this but I feel that Reaves could made this bone crushing hit without contact to his head. He had plenty of time to adjust to hit him lower. This is the exact hit the league is trying to get rid of.
@MajorEnfejar Жыл бұрын
Yeah, really the entire hit could have been avoided. Like just take the puck from him since he wasn't even watching anyway. But knowing you're a foot taller than the other guy makes it obvious any hit is going to be at head level without adjusting to hit lower. He basically punched him in the face.
@AutoMatato79er Жыл бұрын
I was at that game for my birthday. Got my drink and was heading to the aisle and waiting for play to stop. I’m telling you the second I cracked open my drink, watched that hit unfold. It was a banger. Still calling it as I see it. Clean hit. Devastating, yes. Dirty, no. It kinda sucks to see the POC because the Detroit player was hunched over, but Reaves could have done a lot worse in that scenario. Clean hit, just a huge body check and an injured Wings player. Hoping he gets well too, regardless of the hit you still have to care for the player. ❤
@jordanlarson6488 Жыл бұрын
This is just super unfortunate, and Hronek put himself in a super dangerous situation. Should've known Reeves was there and you HAVE to keep your head up if you're going up the gut like that with him on the ice. I would've liked to see Reeves aim for more of the shoulder than the head, but you can't fault him too much for that given the speed of the play and how far out in front Hronek had his head. Hopefully he recovers quickly - he's been having a terrific season.
@wgemini4422 Жыл бұрын
Thankfully in real life, you can just call the cops on thugs.
@sidreid89 Жыл бұрын
So him looking away briefly allows the guy to head hunt him ? Didn't the NHL say this is the kind of hit they are trying to take out of the game ? And yet Tom Wilson gets suspended half the year for his "physical play".
@tonychen3368 Жыл бұрын
The Detroit Player was looking towards his teammates instead of turning his head and looking forward, clean hit by Ryan, this is a clean hit.
@yourface591 Жыл бұрын
I think something that’s often overlooked when people call these plays dirty is that when you hit you have to hit hard. I remember in my first few years of contact hockey taking it light on some people and being the one on my ass, ever since then i learned you have to hit hard even if it looks like you’re in a good position
@loganpeck7558 Жыл бұрын
Personally I don't think this was one of those situations where you have to load up for it. It was perfectly clean, but Hronek wasn't planted or in a position to make any kind of reverse hit. Reaves knows how vulnerable Hronek is, and he knows how hard he's going to hit. Doesn't mean its dirty and I don't even think it means Reaves had intent to injure, though thats a hard line to draw. But if its me, and it has been when I played, I'm easing off the hit or making a play on the puck.
@blazer859 Жыл бұрын
@@loganpeck7558 Agreed. Clean or dirty is not even the question here. Rule 48 does not even speak to whether the skater is skating with head or head down prior to the hit. To all the "old school" fans, head up or head down is irrelevant. Rule 48 in the first sentence asks, where was the point of contact? The replay is pretty clear. The easy call was blown, plain and simple. Oh, and BTW, CTE is real.
@justaman5490 Жыл бұрын
You were doing it wrong. I used to lay people down as I was telling them I could have crushed them and then the one's that's were hacks I just crushed. Learning to hit was something I was taught in football it carried over well for hockey. I played at 165lbs and was one of the most feared hitters in the league we played in.
@tyronebiggums1213 Жыл бұрын
@@blazer859 do you just repeat the same comment on every post you make, you’re quite the creative fellow, I would’ve mistaken you for a Pulitzer award winner with your amazing writing ability.
@kevinappleman8521 Жыл бұрын
@@blazer859 it does. Read the whole rule, not just the first sentence
@whocraft3614 Жыл бұрын
I'm a Red Wings fan. Players going down awkwardly is part of the game. When a player has the puck, and there are 2 opposing players in his vicinity, scary collisions happen. Sometimes you see players take a scary hit to their knees on a play like this.
@dylanhope3252 Жыл бұрын
2:20 given this shot, yeah, there’s no way head contact is avoidable. Hronek -or anyone for that matter - cannot be skating through the middle of the ice, NOT looking ahead of them when there’s a player like Reaves on the ice, and not expect to get absolutely decked. It’s a clean hit.
@MuShMaNn Жыл бұрын
exactly, just like when Scott Stevens was on the ice. Players had to know exactly where he was or well ask Eric or Paul
@portgasdace4509 Жыл бұрын
@@MuShMaNn I mean i think the Eric hit is clean but Kariya hadn’t had the puck for bit before getting hit. I know thats not the point you’re making but still…
@sportsfan_913 Жыл бұрын
Haven't seen a guy leave himself so wide open to being utterly blown up like Hronek did here in awhile. 0 awareness.
@Murdock1 Жыл бұрын
As a Czech I’m obviously bit biased towards Czech players and want them to do well in NHL. However this was 100% clean hit and I’m very surprised that any experienced NHL player would put themselves into vulnerable postiton like this, especially when beast like Reaves is on the ice.
@KillerSniper55 Жыл бұрын
He put himself in that position. There wasn’t a way that reaves could hit him that he wouldn’t have hit his head. Some people might say “Then don’t hit him.” But it’s not Reaves’ responsibility to wait to lay a hit until he puts himself in a better spot. That’s all on Hronik.
@Detigers1990 Жыл бұрын
It's the only game Reaves has. If he doesn't make the hit then what is Minnesota paying him for? Dude has stones for hands.
@gman9035 Жыл бұрын
Clean hit. Viscous hit. Gotta keep the head up in the NHL
@samuelluria4744 Жыл бұрын
Old Ranger fan, I miss Ryan on our team..he's a good guy. Also miss the Minnesota North Stars....Dino Ciccarelli, Mike Modano, Mike Gartner, Derian Hatcher, Brian Bellows, Brian Lawton...great days those were.
@speedyhedgehog5834 Жыл бұрын
Same with us blues fans Edit: ryan reeves. I miss him
@totallykoolyeah Жыл бұрын
Bobby smith
@loganpeck7558 Жыл бұрын
Reaves rocked him and it was perfectly clean, Reaves has always known how to hit and imo does a good job of keeping his hits within the rules for someone of his stature. That said, the truth is that if the NHL wants to protect players from concussions, they need to adjust the rules to make hits like this illegal. Yes Hronek should've had his head up ice, but players will always end up in vulnerable positions with their heads down, its unavoidable and always has been, and players have always been punished for it. Once you're in the situation, the only player who can control the severity of the hit is the hitter. You don't make this kind of hit without knowing how vulnerable the player is, Reaves could just as easily have made a play on the Puck and potentially gotten a chance, but he had the hit lined up from 20' out and he finished it cleanly. I'm not sure that it should be removed from the game, but I think its good the community discusses this kind of hit every time we see one. Its important to keep in focus what potentially dangerous aspects of the game are worth preserving, as well as look for ways to reduce player risk.
@Detigers1990 Жыл бұрын
He's been suspended three time and fined three times. He doesn't do a good job at all...
@loganpeck7558 Жыл бұрын
@@Detigers1990 Ryan Reaves is one of the NHLs top 10 all time hits leaders, with over 2600. He's received 3 suspensions, and I think they added to 6 games total. Look at other guys at the top of the list, Radio Gudas has at least 20 suspended games, Evander Kane 30, Zack Kassian 20, Tom Wilson 30, even someone like Gabe Landeskog has 11 with over 1000 fewer hits than Reaves. Reaves plays rough, he doesn't back down, and he doesn't usually act with his opponents safety as a high priority, but he hits hard and for the most part hits clean. Believe me I don't like his playstyle in the slightest, but by the DoPS standards, he may be the cleanest player with the reputation for being a dirty player.
@chrisortega7521 Жыл бұрын
Clean hit at open ice. Nothing wrong here.
@1madmaxx80 Жыл бұрын
Good, clean hit. Keep your head up; Hockey 101
@RichardDolanrouteseo Жыл бұрын
Reeves is known for practicing hitting where it stays within the grey area. Purposeful with plenty of opportunity to steer around the egregious hit. 5 game suspension for NOT using judgement.
@kevinappleman8521 Жыл бұрын
Cool, so players should just sit back and let him advance up ice for a scoring chance. Poke check? Not Reeves game, he's not great with his stick, and Reeves on a breakaway (assuming that he can get a perfect pokecheck, kick it to himself in lane, and maintain control (high skill play. Not his game)) doesnt really move the needle. He's using his best tools to separate a player legally from the puck, within the rulebook. It was the best move he had with his skill set, and H leaned forward into it without looking. Tldr Reeves play was the right choice, just an unfortunate set of circumstances lead to the player getting hit in the head
@ryanwarner5006 Жыл бұрын
@@kevinappleman8521 it is just a stupid game at the end of the day
@kevinappleman8521 Жыл бұрын
@@ryanwarner5006 that is beyond disingenuous. To you a stupid game. To him it's the culmination of all the hard work and push to make it to the top league. Something that he has staked his own wellbeing on, and one with a very limited window to make profit in. The skills he is using are the skills that got him to that point, and he is within the rules. Everybody has a choice of what to pursue in life. He chose to put his body on the line to play in the sport. If he's cheating or headhunting, thats one thing. A legal check within the confines of the rules is another. This is the latter.
@michaelwiggins3663 Жыл бұрын
Clean hit. Straight at him, gliding in, feet on the ice, kept his arms and stick down. Hronek had all day to see Reaves coming. Fact that he didn't is not the fault of Reaves.
@kingjoseph5901 Жыл бұрын
As a life long Wings fan I see this hit as clean. Hronek was skating with his head down.
@hunterlahti6342 Жыл бұрын
Hey eck how's your day? Just wanna say your videos are awesome, short and easy to understand
@ryandrohan8186 Жыл бұрын
Hockey players are told to keep their heads up their entire lives. This is why. Clean hit.
@Noah75629 Жыл бұрын
It’s dirty or it’s not hockey penalties are facts you can’t have and opinion when it comes to penalties. It was clean and if you read the rules like you did everyone else would know that. This was a clean hit and you can’t have an opinion on that. This is one of the cleaner hits I have seen in the NHL in a long time. It is kinda hard to avoid his head when he is in such a vulnerable position. So overall what I am trying to get at here is that was a clean hit people might not agree because they don’t look at the rule book or slow down the hit on video. It was a clean hit and you truly can’t say otherwise.
@wantsome-zs5sq Жыл бұрын
As a Wings fan looks clean to me. In todays NHL players are becoming complacent and less self aware of putting themselves in a dangerous position. 1990's hockey you had to have your head on a swivel and eyeballs in the back of your head. I remember Pronger taking a run at Yzerman. Stevie ducked the hit and landed on Prongers leg tearing his ACL.
@endthefed_1913 Жыл бұрын
Clean hit. Great channel you’ve got here! ❤
@dfsimon Жыл бұрын
Legal, but incredibly dangerous as well. They need to find a way to limit/eliminate these open ice hits as they put players’ well being at risk. Then game is plenty exciting without them.
@RyZe_Mystic Жыл бұрын
There is literally nothing wrong with this hits as you explained with the rules and stuff, not just that look where reaves arms are for the hit and how long his glide is from before his hit
@computerfortytwo2712 Жыл бұрын
I think Hronek was actually lucky that Reaves was the guy who hit him. He plays and hits by the rules. He isnt a head hunter, doesnt have to be. Hopefully its a learning opportunity for Hronek.
@KoNicTaZmo Жыл бұрын
Red Wings Twitter is fuming, they all need to watch this video and shut up about this hit. Clean and unavoidable, great breakfown
@doubledcanada Жыл бұрын
Reaves knows everything you are saying about the Detroit player as well and he has the discretion to make the hit or at least let off on it as well . But it is still a fair check other then the head contact. But of course it players like Reaves Kadri Thauchuk etc that push the limit on these types of plays love them or hate them!
@manaze85 Жыл бұрын
Great breakdown. This is what I’ve been saying everywhere people have been saying this is a dirty hit.
@ToddCrispies Жыл бұрын
Not a Reaves fan, but that was clean. Hronek was leaning forward while skating with the puck. Reaves didn't go for the head at all. He just followed through with his hit and it was just unfortunate that Hroneks head was level with Reaves shoulder. However, if the Wings had a Lucic or Gudbransson type on the team, Ryan may have let up a bit on that. The NHL made a big mistake taking the enforcer out the league. Guys like Reaves are now fearless of any repercussions for stuff like this knowing nobody is on the roster to make them answer for it.
@rustincole_w1339 Жыл бұрын
You typed all that just to show your ignorance? Haha
@NifeOO4niff Жыл бұрын
Totally clean if you ask me. But I'm also torn on the concussion situation. Yes, it's a terrible injury, and i by no means wish for players to get hurt. But it's one of those things where you understand the risks when you sign those 7 figure contracts. I love big hits like these, and i think they are a huge part of setting hockey in it's entirely own category when it comes to sports.
@samstein2584 Жыл бұрын
I was at this game. this hit was absolutely insane, along with the other fights and hits
@radiosandrayguns Жыл бұрын
marginally good hit inside the rules, but you have to look at reaves and decide was it necessary. usually he's just on a tear putting up points, making incredible plays etc. slowpoke cementhead aside though, gotta love those tribute unis.
@CraigsCuts Жыл бұрын
Long time wings fan and Detroit lover . That was CLEAN
@idiotsincarsalberta Жыл бұрын
Curious to see your take on the STL EDM game
@oNeGiAnTLiE Жыл бұрын
Clean as could be hit. You nailed the points. The rule is a good one as well. Good to see discretion was used here.
@sargepent9815 Жыл бұрын
Was a clean hit and the NHL agreed. They looked at it from every angle and didn't see anything. I can see how one can get upset since BIG open ice hits are getting a bit rare these days as the era of the "enforcer" style of play is pretty much done. Had the play been "dirty" or with intent-to-injure, the league would have issued a fine or suspension. Like my coaches always said back in my playing years, "keep your head up"
@theroyaldutchman9568 Жыл бұрын
Looks legal according to current NHL rules.. Two years ago USA Hockey implemented a rule at the youth levels that would make this an illegal body check -- if the player delivering the check does not have his stick down below his knees (indicating some intention to actually play the puck) and/or if the player receiving the check does not have complete possession and control of the puck at the time the check is delivered, it's a penalty. I'd bet that rule will one day come to the NHL and then this would be a penalty because Reaves has his hands up and thus zero intention of personally gaining possession of the puck.
@powwowken2760 Жыл бұрын
I think this was a textbook example of Hronek just not paying attention... Hope he's okay but I don't think it was dirty There's a solid 2 seconds of Reeves lining him up from directly from the front and Reeves doesn't even have to change his trajectory yet Hronek still skates directly into Reeves' shoulder. It wasn't a blindside, it wasn't targeting his head, it was just a player putting themselves in a terrible position by not paying attention.
@AvenEngineer Жыл бұрын
Hroneks drove himself directly down the train tracks into that collision. Reeves is the size of a locomotive, I'm not sure how he sneaks up on ya.
@isaac6705 Жыл бұрын
There's nothing I want more than big hits back in the game. One thing that had me not watching the U21 stuff was when Anthony Camara absolutely flatlined a Slovak on a clean hit and got a suspension for it.
@fool117 Жыл бұрын
Caps fan here, clean hit by Reaves. I understand that players need to be protected, but hitting is one of the things that makes the NHL entertaining to watch.
@eggrolll Жыл бұрын
Glad you stated your preferred team! Super relevant!
@eggrolll Жыл бұрын
Oh, shit, I forgot to mention my team. I'm a Habs fan btw.
@jaminjoe1283 Жыл бұрын
@@eggrolll it is relevant..? Shows that there’s no direct bias correlating to what team he watches.
@fool117 Жыл бұрын
@@eggrolll so glad you replied! super relevant comment!
@chinmayhejmadi7902 Жыл бұрын
What I find crazy though is that there's no provision for a major or game misconduct for an illegal check to the head, according to the rule that was shown in the video. So theoretically even if a player goes out to head hunt they can at most just get a two minute minor? That's pretty wild tbf.
@whysoserious8666 Жыл бұрын
In this NHL head hits on Red Wings are just fine
@wysiwyg1238 Жыл бұрын
Reaves being a winger, I imagine he’s not always looking for the big open ice hit. That was my problem with Scott Steven’s, was that he had the intent to hurt people. Just because a hit falls within the rules, doesn’t mean it’s okay for a player to ruin a different player’s career once a year. What’s a guy going to do with his life if he has severe brain damage? Just because a guy takes the risk of playing hockey doesn’t invalidate the need to respect their human dignity. (Update)Yep, just watched some clips of Reaves. He is a headhunter for sure. I can see why the Wild picked him up, as they have been pushed around in the playoffs a little too often. I think if you’re going to hit like this, then a guy has every right to duck the hit despite complaints that now Hronek is trying to take Reaves knees out. Reaves puts himself in equally vulnerable positions and guys should be allowed to defend themselves equally.
@Detigers1990 Жыл бұрын
What? Reaves is a goon? Career .15 PPG player. Literally all he is out there for is to hit people....
@keepersleeker Жыл бұрын
Straight up, a good hit. Two basic rules of youth hockey: keep your head up and your stick on the ice.
@samorman8673 Жыл бұрын
clean hit
@dylanjohnson505 Жыл бұрын
Well done showing Kariya’s Off the Floor, On the Board goal! Keep up the good content!
@joewasrippedoff8152 Жыл бұрын
Kariyas career ended with hit he was never the same again. Stevens was a beast and Bew Jersey won that series.
@dylanjohnson505 Жыл бұрын
@@joewasrippedoff8152Although I agree that was a pivotal moment in Paul Kariya’s career and the trajectory of his future concussions, (it being his 3rd of 6 known nhl concussions in his 15 season career- 2003 being year 9) it’s often forgotten how solid Kariya played in both years in Nashville. Up till last season, he held the single season points record at 84 in Nashville. If you’d like to point out the failure that was 03/04 Aves season, that was his nagging wrist injury- not concussion. The concussions really didn’t come back till St.Louis 4 years after Stevens took that run at him. Also may I ask what your point was replying to me? Is the mere sight of Kariya’s unbelievable comeback goal a bother to you? If I assume correctly, you’re a devils fan, and as you pointed out, devils won game 7. Shouldn’t that be enough? If you’d prefer some positivity, Devils are a wagon right now and Ducks suck. Happy? P.s Small reminder Giggy won Conn Smyth In 03! Have a nice day!😘😁
@joewasrippedoff8152 Жыл бұрын
@@dylanjohnson505 you think Giggy might have traded cups with Stevens?
@thekavestation Жыл бұрын
I understand people thinking it was dirty in real time but the replays made it pretty clear to me that it was a clean hit, a super violent, but clean hit
@levib Жыл бұрын
The values change that is happening is violent hits should not be clean hits.
@Swamp_gas12 Жыл бұрын
In contrast, Yamamoto tonight got a penalty when the Blues guy basically hit Yamo's shoulder while Yamo was skating away. Astounding!
@samuelluria4744 Жыл бұрын
Didn't see that particular play, but seen many like you describe. It's really absurd.
@johnnyc.31 Жыл бұрын
I’m trying to find a clip but blackout region BS is making it impossible. I will say that Woodcroft is a damn genius catching that starting line penalty. I’ve never seen that before and I hope Eck talks about it to educate the fans here.
@Detigers1990 Жыл бұрын
The NHL really sucks at being consistent. That's why they have the least amount of fans in North America.
@samuelluria4744 Жыл бұрын
@@Detigers1990 - Agreed. I'm rabidly against the dullard mentality that has always prevailed in the league. In fairness, though, it is harder to referee hockey than the other three major sports. Football and baseball have constant stoppages of play, and basketball really involves far less contact away from the ball, and fewer types of infractions in general. Hockey is simply a far more dynamic excuse, I'm just sayin'...
@niagarajoe4402 Жыл бұрын
@chevelle1 Жыл бұрын
Why no one talks about the shoulder pads these players wear now is baffling. virtually every single hit that results in a concussion is from shoulder contact. Take the weapons off these guys’ shoulders already.
@yrichoekstra418 Жыл бұрын
That was a text book check. When you have the puck, head on a swivel. Live driving a car, this guy spent too much time looking behind him and was completely unaware of what was happening in front of him. With hits decreasing, players have gotten careless when it comes to their own safety.
@christophertornow6482 Жыл бұрын
My only argument against this ruling is in the first subsection where, to me, and I know this can be argued, it looks like Reaves deliberately leads his elbow into Hronik's head. As stated I know this point can be debated and overall I think this was a wonderful breakdown of the rule. Good work, great video.
@suzieedgecombe9979 Жыл бұрын
Go back and analyze the 1:42 mark. Reaves’ elbow barely even makes contact above the red arm band of Hronik’s jersey. His elbow made impact closer to Hronik’s forearm than his head. It was pointed outward slightly in his approach but remained close to the body as they collided.
@scotey Жыл бұрын
@@suzieedgecombe9979 I like a good hit like the next person. The question is not legality for me, but necessity. Reeves could have dumped Hronek forcefully and taken the puck. Instead, he chose to lay him out. Legal, yes. But at what point should players be looking out for each other? Reaves is a dumptruck on blades. He could have let up ever so slightly, still sent Hronek to the ice, and played the puck. I simply don't buy this take that Reaves has no control over the lethality of this hit.
@tommywallbanger Жыл бұрын
You should have your head up at all times. I get why Hronek was looking back, he wanted to make sure the back checker wasn't going to strip him of the puck but that was more than a glance. I would never turn my head with Ryan Reeves on the ice. Hockey is a physical sport and Reeves hit him hard but clean. I used to play with a bunch of guys who got used to cry anytime you made ANY contact and I constantly reminded them it was part of the game. It's like boxing : defend yourself at all times. Nobody likes to see people getting hurt but you can't or shouldn't skate full speed up ice on a rush looking behind you.
@chrismanning5232 Жыл бұрын
Best part of the video: Compilation of Seider blowing people up who are coming in for hits on him.
@Lighter420 Жыл бұрын
Best hit I've seen in years. I want Reaves back on the Blues.
@GotMeStumped Жыл бұрын
Definitely good hit. Pretty embarrassing that every single hit now is always being scrutinized🙄
@rjlindsey8155 Жыл бұрын
All you need to do is rewind this game 35 years and Reaves would have to answer to Probie . That would knock him down a peg. As of now he's the last true heavyweight. He basically can run around and do whatever he wants ,consequence free.
@TrevorRachuy Жыл бұрын
Hronek looked up and thought "oh.......... fuck"
@spideyrox8520 Жыл бұрын
I'm not a fan of either team, I just wanted to say that while I agree with most of what you said (especially about Hronek doing himself no favours), I disagree with one point you made about Reeves not aiming high. Reeves is taller than Hronek to start and as you said, Hronek is bent over the entire time. If Reeves had aimed upwards, he would have missed over the top entirely. By going level against a shorter and crouching opponent, he is aiming directly at the head. You can, and arguably should, crouch down when throwing an open ice hit to maximize both your own stability and the impact of the hit but Reeves stayed level which kept him at head height. Therefore, I believe it is illegal, though the punishment shouldn't be as severe as usual because of the mitigating factors that you mentioned.
@nathanielsanti752 Жыл бұрын
Roenick indeed didn't protect himself but he absolutely did NOT lean more forward when the hit was coming. Reeves absolutely head hunted him.
@MrCurtisp48 Жыл бұрын
can't wait for a video on the oilers game tonight
@lordjack567 Жыл бұрын
Just because someone got hurt, that doesn’t make it dirty. Unfortunate for Hronek, but you can hardly blame Reaves just because he’s tall. Clean hit, good breakdown.
@rustincole_w1339 Жыл бұрын
What were you watching? 😂
@jonzie5627 Жыл бұрын
Was a good hit, i learned in pee-wee too keep my head up. Player deserved it he is in the NHL
@frogfire3036 Жыл бұрын
Just went to the Oilers game and came home to this video and the refs were absolutely terrible Binnington held McDavid and didn't get a penalty and McDavid was a clear target
@thefamilymans2545 Жыл бұрын
The best thing to come out of that game is, Reaves had 2 big hits. After the wings tried to stand up, everyone forgot Reaves was playing in the game.....until karma kicked in and he missed a WIDE OPEN EMPTY NET!! At least Probert could score!
@lurk5737 Жыл бұрын
Clean, solid hit.
@agilecamel6370 Жыл бұрын
This is the going to be on the biggest NHL hits of all time compilations forever.
@brianjones7681 Жыл бұрын
Wings fan also! Clean hit. Sucks he got hurt but it's hockey. Get your head up!
@tombarr949 Жыл бұрын
I am surprised by the comments calling this a good hit. But I guess it makes for great posturing. "Oh, look at me I know better those complaining about this head hunting and I am certainly smarter then one of the top defensemen in the league." Other than his value for threat of injury, why is Reeves in the league? He's like 0.1 point per game and 9 penalty minutes for every point he produces. BTW, did you see that one back in the day where Steve Moore put himself in a vulnerable position to Todd Bertuzzi?
@price69420 Жыл бұрын
Hit is legal per the leagues rule but shouldn't be per what we know about CTE. Any head contact should be a penalty even if incidental to make players more mindful of this type of hit. Reaves did something exactly within the rules so there's nothing illegal about the hit, plus Hronek was being careless going up the ice. No penalty is the right call, but the wrong rule IMO.
@mister_floppy_hockeyhighlights Жыл бұрын
That hit was a beauty and as don cherry would say "thats why you keep your head up kids"
@thepandaalife Жыл бұрын
Had a big debate on this on Facebook. Thank you for perfectly explaining this, it covers every point I made in that thread. Needless to say I linked this to the bozos 😁
@natemathewson5200 Жыл бұрын
The only thing I find annoying about this as a Wings fan is that we have another injury and, more importantly, Reaves ran away. Clean, if unlucky, hit.
@joelbrittain6379 Жыл бұрын
As Jaimie McLennan would say, it was "a bit greasy" but ya, can't believe how much Peronick (sic) failed to protect himself. If it was the 90's and it was Scott Stevens instead of Reaves, his career might be over.
@JohnB-mo4kq Жыл бұрын
It's literally the first rule of contact hockey. Keep your head up.
@flannelfield5255 Жыл бұрын
Reaves was licking his chops, keep your head up!!
@ZenCorvus Жыл бұрын
Hitting IS a skill and one hardly anyone has
@tylerpaulson8393 Жыл бұрын
Came for the starwars and you sprinkle hockey content on top. ❤❤❤
@grizz6582 Жыл бұрын
Reaves definitely puts his upper arm/shoulder into his face. With the closer explanation of the rule I believe it's a legal hit however I don't believe it should be. It should be that the only circumstance for principal contact to the face/head that doesn't draw a penalty is when the puck carrier spins or otherwise moves their head into the contact imo.
@mateo1726 Жыл бұрын
That hit was a truck going northbound on a southbound freeway, look out! Any Wayne Gretzky’s 3D hockey fans out there?
@herlevh19 Жыл бұрын
I think you talked about this in a very good way. The rules are clear, this wasn't a dirty hit. As alway a nice video and very constructive to a good dialogue. The thing I think a lot of people have a problem with, is the NHL saying they care about head injuries when this is allowed. Don't get me wrong I like hoceky for being physical and there being big hits but you can't come out and say that you care about concussions and having hit like these IMO.
@ryanbaird4756 Жыл бұрын
I think the pendulum will swing back from the young players crossing through the neutral zone without a care. Eventually when it’s what everyone is doing there will be a resurgence of big body neutral zone defenders to punish the new style of play. Almost exactly the same way the newer faster players came in to change up the game from the bigger more physical guys.
@bted Жыл бұрын
I don't know if it should be up to players to "protect themselves." Maybe it should be up to the hitting player (Reaves) to be "aware" of smashing his shoulder into someone's head - after all, Reaves saw this coming, Hronek didn't. The NFL has a rule along those lines, I think. Hockey doesn't have to be a "violent game." Maybe we're too accepting of that. For instance, I'm pretty sure the international game is less violent. I should mention I'm a NJD fan and I was there through the Scott Stevens years. I liked when my team won cups but I didn't love Stevens laying out other teams' best players, which he routinely did in playoff series.
@Gmanxxx1214 Жыл бұрын
Vicious hit by Reaves but not illegal. You gotta keep your head up in the NHL.
@Kieva_Storm Жыл бұрын
I have TWO takes on this. One, I'm completely in agreement with Brad from the Winged Wheel Podcast. Is it a legal hockey hit? In the NHL, YES. Should it be? ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY NOT. Yeah, Hronek looked back for some reason, we can't know why, he shouldn't have, but Reaves needs to identify that his target is now vulnerable, and he should hinge his hips or bend his knees more. It's like if you go in to a bar, and you get in a bar fight. The guy pulls out a knife and you ask, "What, are you gonna stab me?" Even if you egged him on, and he stabs you, he's the one on the hook for assault with a deadly weapon. It's also notable to point out that Hronek held his head exclusively after he found himself upright. That means the most trauma went to his head. In the IIHF this is an IMMEDIATE and unquestionable 5 minute game misconduct, there's no arguing with the ref, you're just out of the game. Take two: Sure, it's a clean hit from a glance within a vacuum, buuuuut... We know the issues with CTE, and despite what everyone says, Reaves has a standing history of injuring players, particularly by causing head injuries, and frequently taking things too far. As a hockey player, that's all he does. He hurts your best players, the 'enforcer keeps the other team in check' thing actually just causes 'nuclear deterrent' situations. Who can step closest to the line of 'full roster brawls' without actually triggering a full roster brawl. This hit makes 4 plays that I can find within 30 seconds skimming youtube, of Reaves making head contact or intent to injure: Match Penalty for "Intent to Injure" on Ryan Graves. 5 Minute Major and a Game Misconduct for Interference on Tom Wilson - of note, he's taking a blindside hit on a man that shouldn't have to expect a hit. Illegal check to the head on Jordan Gross - note that Reaves ELEVATES in to the head on this hit. This one is all the proof you need. Ryan Reaves goes on the ice with the intent to injure other players. Now for my summary opinion. This shit is bad for the game. The NHL is, at a fundamental level, selling 'entertainment', which is brought mostly through offensive play. Fans want goals, the NHL wants goals. Reaves, and players like him, contribute none of that, they take the highlight reel players out of the game. This check may NOT be illegal because of intentional tricky wording by the rule-book, but it should be, because unless you draw a very hard line of severe discipline for head hits, they'll be there forever. It's very lucky that Hronek was cleared for practice today, but repeated hits like that can change a man's life. CTE is a huge deal, I have it from hockey, the headaches are bad, but the forgetfulness and 'air-headedness' are worse.
@ccink3931 Жыл бұрын
The fact this is even a debate is the saddest reminder that the game I loved & grew up with is very quickly becoming a thing of the past. I understand safety is important, but this pattern of big guys hitting smaller guys hard automatically becoming penalties &/or suspensions is ridiculous, this is a contact sport & physicality is important part of our game
@Detigers1990 Жыл бұрын
In five years all the goons will be gone. The only good that will come of it is that the game will be consistently called because there won't be these controversial hits.
@kftc1980 Жыл бұрын
There are still guys who do not fight regularly and aren’t goons, but are big and hit hard. Those guys aren’t going anywhere.
@Detigers1990 Жыл бұрын
@@kftc1980 guys who hit like this one wont be
@kftc1980 Жыл бұрын
@@Detigers1990 if players skate up ice with their head down like this they will get lit up, period. All Reaves did was be big and flatten him, anyone of Reaves size would have produced the same result. That only goes away if they eliminate full contact, which would put the league out of business.
@Detigers1990 Жыл бұрын
@@kftc1980 it already almost is even with hitting 😂
@jackxx9330 Жыл бұрын
Can you please also do a video on the off side goal by Mcdavid tonight 😢
@EckHockey Жыл бұрын
Check my recent upload
@k9aid514 Жыл бұрын
that left arm and elbow raises up and nails the guy
@donaldleider7382 Жыл бұрын
I don’t want to see anyone injured but that is a textbook clean open ice hit. Shoulder down, doesn’t extend his elbow after the hit, comes in straight in front of Red Wing player who doesn’t see it coming until it’s to late. Sorry but the Red Wing player has to be held accountable for having his head down and not being aware of what’s going on around him.
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