'This Morning Saved Me From My Perimenopause Hell' | This Morning

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This Morning

15 күн бұрын

It affects at least 13 million women in the UK. Still, perimenopause continues to be one of the most misunderstood female health conditions - with a lack of support and understanding for those experiencing the often debilitating side effects. Tanya Bardsley was amongst those who were struggling with a range of confusing symptoms, and it was only when she watched a segment on This Morning that she was finally able to get the help she needed. She joins us to share her story, alongside Dr Louise Newson with the signs to look out for.
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@Sati1979 13 күн бұрын
I'm shocked. Not about the perimenopause but what Tanya has done to her face. She's completely unrecognisable!!!
@Diane327 12 күн бұрын
Yes I thought the same, I initially didn’t recognise her but I recognised her voice!!! What has she done to her face??? Awful!!!
@samsonitehill 11 күн бұрын
Me to
@Satsusss 10 күн бұрын
Who is she ? Tanya who ?
@samsonitehill 10 күн бұрын
Housewife of Cheshire
@tingliasmr 14 күн бұрын
I literally nodded my head to every single symptom and experience she had had as I've had the same here in Spain. They did a blood test, said everything was fine and sent me on my way. I'm going to go back and ask for HRT as I've been battling on my own like this for so long but can't do it anymore.Thanks so much for posting this. It's reaffirmed what I knew but hearing Tanya's story has given me the confidence and clarity to fight my corner.
@niamhcampbell87 14 күн бұрын
I thought I was on my own and going crazy, I’m sorry that you’re going through this but at least you know you aren’t alone and we will get better! It’s just about perseverance and sticking with it, they have a very important job and they should be doing it correctly.
@sheilamer5776 12 күн бұрын
So sorry to hear you’ve been suffering for so long. I’m in menopause with various symptoms including joint pain, memory. After following Dr Louise and Liz Earle who are amazing, I filled out a NICE guideline which I printed off and filled out. It provides GP’s with evidence based information which is used to diagnose menopause. I called my GP and read off the NICE guideline to them and pretty much demanded that I start HRT. They agreed and it is helping. I recently contacted Dr Louise Newson’s clinic and have started Testosterone which I paid for privately. Hopeful this will help greatly. Please don’t give up. Sadly doctors aren’t trained in the menopause. It’s getting slowly better. We have to do our homework and be firm when dealing with our health. Oestrogen affects everywhere in our body including our brains. We really go through it! Demand that you get put on HRT. We deserve the right to be able to replace the hormones lost through menopause🥰
@Satsusss 10 күн бұрын
What age are you if you don't mind me asking ? I'm wondering if it can start late 30s ?
@niamhcampbell87 9 күн бұрын
@@Satsusss I turned 27 in March, it can happen in your 30’s yes but it’s better to not assume or panic until you get checked first - I haven’t been checked yet but I’m due to see a doctor really soon! life has been incredibly stressful for me the last while so it wouldn’t be surprising if It is this.. I’m hoping it’s not because when life is better and I’m sorted out with a place to live and I’m finished studying - having a wee family off my own finally would be a dream come true, I send love to anyone who can’t have kids btw but it’s great that we can adopt and foster☺️
@WeirdSalad101 13 күн бұрын
The medical gaslighting of women is rife. Endometriosis is another condition that is completely overlooked until everything else is ruled out, considering it affects 10% of women, and adenomyosis affects almost 20% of women, it really makes you wonder why.
@endopause 12 күн бұрын
So true!
@lesleydickinson1497 5 күн бұрын
I was diagnosed with endometriosis cancer back in October thank god I never took HRT because it would of spread like wild fire! And with a normal Pap test this doesn’t show up, if your doctor is going to put you on HRT make sure you do all the test before especially a vaginal scan.
@Sophie-fu8rj 14 күн бұрын
This was me too. GP said bloods were fine, watched thid programme and spoke to the Dr Louise clinic and got a peri diagnosis and I broke down in tears as they had finally confirmed it. But had my GP asked about my cycle and symptoms, they would have known. On the plus side, my GP took their diagnosis and took it upon themselves to learn more about it. ❤ I also got prescribed testorone, which the pharmacist wouldn't let me have and didn't understand what it was for at all. It took my GP to make a strong call to the pharmacy and to explain it was topical and extremely low dose for peri menopause.
@SM-fi1be 14 күн бұрын
What age are you, if you don't mind me asking?
@aurora6920 14 күн бұрын
I didn't even know about 'Perimenopause' and it's symptoms thank you for spreading awareness
@Willsnej 13 күн бұрын
In the UK, if you're under 40, getting a diagnosis without seeing a private menopause specialist or gynecologist is impossible! It's diabolical
@myAngel2009 5 күн бұрын
It's no better in the US. I had to go to a functional medicine hormone specialist that does not accept insurance to get help.
@user-qi5tn2zo5i 13 күн бұрын
I was watching this morning in Ireland in 2022, they were talking about perimenopause, never heard of it before.. I was flabbergasted I felt as if they were talking directly to me.. my phone started ringing and it was my mother saying turn on this morning.. she said “I think this is what’s happening to you” I was so shocked I rang my GP in Dublin and was in for an appointment the next morning. On HRT nearly 2 years never felt better. I’m 42 Now. 40 not too young for perimenopause.
@afiu 14 күн бұрын
So basically you can only get help if you are prepared to pay privately for HRT. Everyone else gets stuck on anti depressants and told to go away!
@HUYI1 14 күн бұрын
Yep, pretty much, what is the point of this video, not everyone will be able to access this medication smdh
@forestfairie51 14 күн бұрын
No I am in perimenopause and I was given hrt patches to try and gel together with progesterone. I gave my symptoms to my Dr and she was happy to give them to me. She's been my Dr for a few years. My friend also got hrt from her NHS Dr, in fact I know of other women as I'm in a group. I researched what type of hrt...I preferred bio identical. My Dr knew a lot about perimenopause...sadly many drs don't understand this issue enough and so fob you off I don't know what area you live in but you should definitely be able to get them on the NHS. I live in the North West and I have had issues with the mental health services due to lack of funding but my Dr is great. Sadly its swings and roundabouts x
@lifeasitis1972 13 күн бұрын
No, you can get HRT from your GP.. I was put on it straight away about 4 years ago. Nothing to do with going private
@s.7948 13 күн бұрын
I'm in perimenopause after lots of research. Writing all my symptoms down and knowing what I wanted I got help. I also spoke to a menopause specialist who confirms I was in perimenopause and sent a letter to my gp. I have the balance app by Dr Louise Newson and the ladies on there helped me get the medication I needed. All I need now is the testogel. All HRT has to be bio identical Dont give up!
@chrisel4349 12 күн бұрын
But I think knowledge about what is going on goes a very long way. HRT is not a need. Women have been going through peri menopause and menopause for millennia. It is not a disorder, it is a natural phase in a woman’s life.
@dianashantirosewilks8725 14 күн бұрын
When my bloods finally changed to menopausal I got HRT, I thought I would have to stop working, and my life started again in a way. I realised I had been suffering for at least 5 years prior may be more and battling quietly especially the intense aching and brain fog. I was unable to articulate what I was going through and thought it was B12 deficiency. The best thing I did was speak with a private GP trained in menopause, worth every penny and felt validated and helped. Wish I would have done it a lot sooner, even just to check, so easy with telehealth these days.
@MichelleRachael-kw2ls 13 күн бұрын
I’ve been telling the gp for years I’m going through the menopause and been sent packing every time finally they took me seriously and done bloods to find out I’m now post menopause at 38
@sherimillman53 14 күн бұрын
Look after Dr Newson she is our Angel 😇
@irmanogaideli3402 14 күн бұрын
This morning safe my life too, I was watching and was about skin cancer and I relieved I had on my leg, so I went to GP and had a Sergery after 4month
@sparklyhev 14 күн бұрын
My mum was not listened to at all when she was going through perimenopause, a doctor told her to "deal with it herself". Six years later, someone finally listened to my mum, got her on HRT and now she's doing better. I think it's also important for the younger generation to be aware of this because at some point, we will go through it. It sounds so scary and GPs do not take this seriously enough.
@rachelevans6711 Күн бұрын
This video has hugely helped me. Thank you 😊 I think I am definitely perimenopausal and I also have diagnosed ADHD. Watching this video has cleared the fog for me and I now know what I need to ask for, and what not to ask for.
@sharabarrett-id8oz 9 күн бұрын
No way is that her off housewives! Iv never seen anything like this in my life! Celebs are known to go overboard with surgery but this is NEXT LEVEL! She literally has a face transplant I’m flabbergasted!
@Angela-1974 14 күн бұрын
I asked to speak to a doctor who specialises in menopause at my surgery and she took me seriously. I've had my bloods done and going back next week to get results and see about going on hrt. My advice would be to ask if there is a doctor in your local surgery who specialises in menopause also make sure you write down a list of all your symptoms so you don't forget to tell the doctor anything 🙂
@wendy8617 14 күн бұрын
Good advice
@amelie-db7gu 14 күн бұрын
Down with GP gaslighting! Better, modern training is required. We have a very outdated system. Functional medicine is incredible but be prepared to remortgage to get it 🤦🏻‍♀️
@lb1116 14 күн бұрын
Agree. We need to stop masking symptoms and actually treat them. This can be controlled through diet and mindfulness. Not one talks about it. They all reach for the HRT and go to a DP who sits there and Googles their symptoms. 🩷
@amelie-db7gu 14 күн бұрын
@@lb1116 exactly 🤦‍♀️. Although I must disagree - hormone replacement can be needed if lifestyle changes aren't enough. Better to get a natural one privately but I know this is completely unaffordable. Bottom line is women's health is under-funded, under-researched and under-diagnosed and it's an utter disgrace. For anyone watching this thinking HRT is a miracle cure...umm awkward that it's linked to cancer. And yet we as women are out here kissing the ground GPs walk on whatever they do. Conventional birth control is also linked to cancer. Do your own research - many times over the patient will know FAR more than a GP (emphasis on the word GENERAL) as GP training is NOT up to date or exhaustive by any means.
@amelie-db7gu 14 күн бұрын
@@lb1116 well isn't that interesting that my reply to you was deleted. I will repeat: synthetic HRT as well as many other common drugs GPs dole out are linked to cancer. Do your own research people. Best to go private if you want proper advice and natural options. Let's see how long this comment lasts 🙄
@hea7055 10 күн бұрын
Dr Louise Newson has done so much good for getting the information out there. HRT saved my life too. I simply couldn't function without it. My NHS GP prescribed me HRT based on my symptoms - I've been lucky there. The PM symptoms I had I can only describe as hideous. I tried so many alternative natural methods for perimenopause support first but after a while, as my hormones dropped further, these weren't doing anything to help. HRT was the only option I had left and it turned out to be the best option. I think every GP surgery should have a specialist menopause nurse/practitioner working there. As not all GP's are trained in menopause, as it's a voluntary extra module for them to learn. Even when they have had some training, they don't always have comprehensive knowledge, especially if you're not a text book patient.
@gearupgifts 12 күн бұрын
Oh man brain fog.... I became to heavily reliant on post-it notes that even though I'm now back 'online' as it were I still have post-it notes - just in case..... Brain fog was frightening. I thought I was developing dementia...
@LozP_444 11 күн бұрын
I have to write everything down & it has worried Me as My Nan bless Her Heart & Soul had Dementia! I was thinking that it could of possibly been passed down to my generation! It’s probably not that & is Brain Fog from being Peri menopausal! I have trouble sleeping as well! I have had Suicidal thoughts as well, not that I would go through with them! If I had the Bunce, I would pay for a Private GP to confirm it! Big Hugs to Anyone having to go through this!! 🫶🏻🙏🏻💫
@user-fq8ic6hg7h 10 күн бұрын
I was relatively early on the change, I also had blood showed no symptoms. But I have always said all my headaches, changes in skin texture, ( eczema, psoriasis) been diagnosed with lichen planus, all these problems started, when I hit the menopause, I had a breakdown due to it all, and I suffer everyday. Was told I couldn't do hrt because of the migraines, honestly could have done with someone like Dr Louise.
@kellybaxter2558 12 күн бұрын
This is me as well. I'm waiting to see the Hormone clinic. Could only get an appt in 3 weeks. Praying I get put on hrt. Horrendous anxiety esp, dark thoughts, hormone issues 😕
@Rise-and-Shine333 14 күн бұрын
3 times? I’ve been going for 15 years with all these symptoms. Finally I’ve been referred to gynaecologist for what I suspect is endometriosis but there’s something seriously not right and no one is listening. I had scissors and razors layed out today to hurt myself for when I got in the bath. GPS are not interested in helping me. I’m desperate for health.
@sweta2u 13 күн бұрын
Be insistent to get a referral or get a private appointment
@HUYI1 14 күн бұрын
😤😤 ive suffered for a while with premenopause symptoms and my GP has done nothing to help, HRT you have to pay privately, how did she get it on NHS prescription?
@ruthnaylor5762 14 күн бұрын
You can get it on NHS. Pre-payment certificate £19 a yr. I've been on HRT for 3 yrs all through NHS ❤
@WriterK 9 күн бұрын
I have a similar story, but not similar symptoms. My bloodwork showed nothing according to my family doctor and I was also told that I was too to go through perimenopause yet (almost 43 at the time and now 43). I did not have very murky thoughts, or suicidal feelings. I had my period twice a month for the first time and lasted for 9 days the second time, with all the regular period discomforts. I do have mild depression and anxiety and I associate that to my familial circumstances. I also have started gaining weight despite following my regular intermitent fasting regime and regular exercise, I sort of quickly turned 56 KG from 46 kg within a year and it's hard to lose weight now.
@leianahope4831 12 күн бұрын
There should be a doctor thats not solely gp and also specifies in all the intricate things like this- people can go to a gp even and say these symptoms and get stopped there being told its depression only (thats what the gps notice) so its treated as that- or at a mental health centre- theres so many ways we can be approaching this in a whole way and i pray and hope for that to be ❤
@froufou100 14 күн бұрын
because NHS doctors only receive 2 hours a month of menopause curriculum at school.....it's not taken seriously at that stage....My own doctor when I told her about my stomach tripling in size and it didn't look normal, "just go on a diet", my acute rosacea "just put some make-up on". Troubling the lack of care. I also was suicidal, extremly tired like I never experienced in my life, and had to seek help at a charity cos my own Dr couldn't be bothered. The only poor experience with the NHS in 30 years being here though.
@celvil1848 12 күн бұрын
I don’t know if HRT is different in Australia but it causes cancer and my mum refused to go on it and has never looked back but I guess everyone is different!
@LavinJ 12 күн бұрын
Yes cancer is in the fam so I started it and stopped it immediately as there is ample research of the dangers but it generally stays out of the press. It makes money for Big Pharma.
@tinkledellcottage3643 12 күн бұрын
That is an arguably outdated concept. It was based on a specific research paper but facts have now moved on. Worth watching some KZfaq videos on menopause that give much more rounded information and facts.
@hea7055 10 күн бұрын
The new body identical HRT is much safer and carries very low risk. Dr Louise Newson talks about this on her KZfaq channel and website.
@celvil1848 10 күн бұрын
@@hea7055 Thank u for that 🩷
@sylvia8112 10 күн бұрын
It can cause cancer or non cancerous lumps, however this is often because the dose is not correctly adjusted.
@bah-bah29hinks7 11 күн бұрын
I told GP I had a private doctor diagnosis me and given prescription and I was treated terribly and I should have gotten the blood test. I was given an appointment with a specialist in menopause, she basically berated me for taking hormones without the blood test as now it was “ too late to know what’s really wrong”. Yes these were all female doctors going this. Absolute disgrace. Now I tell them what I need. 😃
@BeHolistic 13 күн бұрын
I saw a herbalist and started vitex agnus castus and some high b complex and b6 I felt better in a week. So thanks to my naturopath.
@jennajtxx 12 күн бұрын
I also went the natural way literally changed my life herbals I take
@cindimahtaj6455 12 күн бұрын
Is hrt safe?
@jocs8824 10 күн бұрын
Perimenopause they give progesterone 2 wks in 4. Post menopause they say take it 25 in 28 days or all the days. It is flawed advice. Latest studies prove it's bad for brain function. Everywhere I say this, comment gets deleted. So hope you read this one! Tanya might be different because there could be a bipolar trait causing condition called Major Depressive Disorder with Mixed Features (as a co diagnosis with ADHD as it is rarely a sole diagnosis) and progesterone all month could be ok to calm but potentially still lead to depression after many months or a year.
@mrskhepple 14 күн бұрын
I’m post menopausal and I still have horrible symptoms. They put me on hrt however I don’t think it’s the right dose. If I tell my concerns to the GP they just want to take me off hrt! I’ve had no tests and I KNOW in my heart it’s hormone problems with nobody who will listen or understands 😔
@lifeasitis1972 13 күн бұрын
Find a GP that will listen and who will change your dose.
@leianahope4831 12 күн бұрын
Oh no! I'm terribly sorry to hear and hope even through any worries you continue to remain confident, the GPS can be so frustrating especially specific ones, but I'll pray and believe there'll be one out there who won't be sidestepping and will take into account all that you say~ you have the full right to tell your concerns and if you can tell you might possibly need a higher dosage or something tinkered, and to be checked with tests that's something they should most definitely serve- wishing you all the best in this and don't give up ❤ I know you can do it and I pray for your Healthcare to be full and exact suited to all you know it is needing. ❤🙏🏻
@jocs8824 10 күн бұрын
It's because they are telling post menopausal women to take progesterone all or most of the month. Should be 10-14 and vaginally the bioidentical form only. This mimics nature. They are saying all month to minimise risk of being sued for uterine cancer I think because it makes zero sense otherwise. Progesterone reduces serotonin and other brain chemicals, estrogens increases them. Net result is no improvement or worsening depending on dose of each and how you metabolise it. The progesterone converts into another hormone which is like benzodiazepine so nothing more than a sedative which women cling to at the price of growing depression in the years that follow on hrt. Women who had PMDD will struggle with cyclical progesterone so not suited for hrt. HRT was never meant to be longer than 1yr ish for those post menopause. Taking more estrogen to try overcome negative of progesterone doesn't work long term either. Progesterone comes along to buffer what estrogen was doing then goes away with period where estrogen also reduces. Static protocols are simply not good for brain function long term and more recent studies have proven it. My comments get deleted wherever I say them btw....so hope you get this!
@TheMonkiBrothers 13 күн бұрын
My gp was good . Despite bloods . It been great 2 pumps a day and presetergrone
@lozzieloo5577 12 күн бұрын
Is that Tanya Bardsley ?
@Tosca767 14 күн бұрын
I was listening to a doctor the other day who said unless you are experiencing bad symptoms you shouldn’t need HRT…she said we don’t take anything or get our hormone levels checked when we go through puberty so why check them when going thru menopause…same difference but in reverse…a natural process of our bodies.
@tarynb.3691 13 күн бұрын
I didn't have any weird symptoms when I went through puberty other than being cranky. Menopause has been SO different. I'm taking red clover daily to help with night sweats, body aches, and depression and black cohosh during my cycle to keep me from excessive bleeding.
@Tosca767 13 күн бұрын
@@tarynb.3691 I’m so sorry you’re going through all those symptoms…my sister is having similar problems…our bodies are still mysteries in some ways…at least people are starting to acknowledge it now instead of ignoring women.
@deemoloney5886 8 күн бұрын
Puberty doesn't last 10 to 15 years though. Additionally, an increase in hormones is a lot different to a decline at an age where our bodies aging. It's like saying a tree in autumn is the same as a tree in spring. Perimenopause is complex because it doesn't happen in the same way and at the same time for everyone. Bloods are not an indication of what symptoms a person may have. They are only confirmation that the hormones are in decline.
@Skaterbun 11 күн бұрын
You can get really good nutritional supplements for it nowadays. Definitely not going near HRT!!
@G0dsgirl9653 10 күн бұрын
The brain fog is the worst.
@sherimillman53 14 күн бұрын
I pray that all women can take HRT
@Skaterbun 11 күн бұрын
Doesn’t work for all women
@jaykaira9939 10 күн бұрын
Sadly, oestrogel given me allergic reaction straight way after putting one pump.
@TheTruthIsOutThere943 12 күн бұрын
I didn’t think you could be on HRT in your perimenopause?
@user-mu2hk8jo7g 14 күн бұрын
@TheMonkiBrothers 13 күн бұрын
What’s wrong her side of her face ?
@sarahpearce5697 13 күн бұрын
I wondered that is it a nerve issue
@kizzy2874 11 күн бұрын
Bad lip filler
@user-fw1ui4jy9z 10 күн бұрын
It’s called Bell’s palsy
@Sharon75887 14 күн бұрын
Tanya looks so young but what has happened to her mouth??
@ohsoscenty6242 14 күн бұрын
Could be Bell’s palsy but it’s not important to the conversation.
@d26s10 14 күн бұрын
I think she has locked jaw or possibly too much Botox so she can’t release her left side.
@TheSansucre 14 күн бұрын
Botox to make it fuller?
@msmaine5179 13 күн бұрын
Who friggin cares!!! Ffs 🤦‍♀️
@Ladyviggers 13 күн бұрын
I remember her saying on HWofC that she had Bells Palsy. She’s probably still recovering from it. Although, yes, you can see she’s had a lot of Botox and fillers. But that’s up to her if it makes her feel better. Who are we to make judgments on people’s faces. We are what we look like, whether natural or a helping hand. (The last part is a general opinion, not aimed at anyone.)
@josephlenehan4461 14 күн бұрын
Joseph and today TV Friday
@joannefaith8131 14 күн бұрын
Alison could of speak briefly about her experience to add to the conversation, as she’s 49 years old 😩
@memecakes4436 14 күн бұрын
They are usually told not insert themselves in to someone’s story
@gucci6925 13 күн бұрын
What’s up with Tanya’s mouth?
@shaunhoward6838 13 күн бұрын
Cat Deeley should be full time host 💯👌
@maxinechampanie3196 10 күн бұрын
Good morning can I get the Dr phone number please 🙏 I have a Brain problem and I would like to speak to her.
@Bharat-12338 14 күн бұрын
What piri piri chicken
@robertfisher496 11 күн бұрын
What has she done to her face it’s like she is swollen on one side
@JM-sx1yy 14 күн бұрын
@thepopfiles4294 14 күн бұрын
The jaw on that 😂
@Lisa-ht7jk 11 күн бұрын
@thepopfiles4294 11 күн бұрын
@@Lisa-ht7jk what did you misunderstand? What do you need explaining? That Tanya has overfilled her jawline?
@sharabarrett-id8oz 9 күн бұрын
No way is that her off housewives! Iv never seen anything like this in my life! Celebs are known to go overboard with surgery but this is NEXT LEVEL! She literally has a face transplant I’m flabbergasted!
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