This part of BG3 makes no sense

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XP to Level 3

5 ай бұрын

I swear to god I'll stop talking about this game at some point
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@XPtoLevel3 5 ай бұрын
Use code FIREBALL50 to get 50% off your first Factor box at!
@MinnowTF 5 ай бұрын
Me when when the the when:
@adamsavard535 5 ай бұрын
For one, happy to help you out by using the code. For two, I'm excited to at least give this a try. I don't really wanna cook all the time, so this might be a good alternative to eating out.
@robertfaucher3750 5 ай бұрын
Sir why does your microwave look like its from 2042?
@digimbyte 5 ай бұрын
You fail to realize that its unlikely a direct request about zariel. rather a lower person trying to meet a quota of persons. cortash was just selling to a middle man.
@Mravatarmech 5 ай бұрын
if you said asterion that would be a spartan space marine guy called asterion moloc
@thelonewanderer1964 5 ай бұрын
The biggest plot hole is that Ice Devils are actually immune to fire, making them very unafraid of infernos.
@illuminatedstonepersonisp6869 5 ай бұрын
I mean they might still have an irrational fear of fire?
@Moleje1337 5 ай бұрын
A large number of Demons and Devils are immune to poison and Fire. In the Hells they also have Hellfire. I agree about the idea that using Bel as the mastermind behind Karlach's pain makes more sense.
@thelonewanderer1964 5 ай бұрын
@@illuminatedstonepersonisp6869 Not canonically, no. There are only two things anyone can say on that front: To be promoted to a pit fiend, an Ice Devil has to undergo 1,001 days in hellfire. This is excruciating for anyone, but Ice Devils actively seek out promotion; they want this. Finally, Ice Devils are said to feel uneasy on Planes like Phlegethos. That’s not to say they are incapacitated, debilitated, or in any way lessened by the Planes, just that they feel out of their element, literally. Like a city kid in a country town. It’s just odd because there *is* a preexisting rule that Baatezu (Ice Devils included) are weak to electricity.
@anarkizt 5 ай бұрын
Karlach just said they hate an inferno not that they’re afraid of one.
@fudgefudge8913 5 ай бұрын
sure, but the question asked was best way to fight them, yea?? So answering they hate an inferno means ... ???? @@anarkizt
@amduil8168 5 ай бұрын
I feel like Zariel taking an entire city full of innocents just because a few of them betrayed her shows that her grasp on her old morallity is pretty much eroded away or gone entirely.
@conallbrown2358 5 ай бұрын
See even a the shockingly obese has a grasp on how far she has fallen!
@kieran10202 5 ай бұрын
If it's legal and suits your goals devils do it. Zariel included.
@kolosmenus 5 ай бұрын
Yeah, that was more or less my reaction throughout this whole video. "Zariel wouldn't conscript random mortals into the war, because she wants to protect them from the war!" Well, what about that time she conscripted a whole city full of random mortals to fight in said war?
@davidwarner7797 5 ай бұрын
Lol I was going to write my own comment, but you hit the nail on the head. I'm not saying she can't feel some level of guilt about it either, but the road to ruin is paved with good intentions. If she's willing to make a deal with Thavius, I can't imagine Gortash is much of a stretch.
@valkyrie-randgris 5 ай бұрын
Zariel WAS an Angel then BECAME a Devil. I'm really not surprised that "actually, this whole town has to pay in dramatic and violent ways for the sins of it's ancestors" is a leap she'd make either as a Devil OR as an Angel. At no point does humanity or common sense factor in to all that (except for her initial spark of something more then the other celestials that made her get involved in the blood war in the first place). Just a warped Angelic or Demonic sense of "justice".
@lionbryce10101 5 ай бұрын
My biggest complaint with Karlach is that we can't just go live with Hope together
@ccibinel 3 ай бұрын
Ya it kinda feels like they missed an explanation of that. It really seems like if you need to be in the hells its a great option.
@acenomadic 2 ай бұрын
There is an explanation I feel like though? I distinctly remember proposing the idea to Karlech and her giving a reason to reject it. The dialogue is there
@menoguchi 2 ай бұрын
​@@acenomadicAbout Hope, specifically? She seems pretty adamant about not returning to hell after 10 years of forced servitude in a war she has no stake in, saying she'd rather die than have to fight for her life in that way again, but if she lived with Hope, at least temporarily until a cure was found, then that would render that point moot. She expresses dissatisfaction with regard to not being able to see the sun or visiting her friends and family, but she'd probably be able to pop out for a bit? like she does in the epilogue? She'd have much more freedom, in fact. I don't remember any dialogue countering this argument, but maybe I just missed it or forgot
@acenomadic 2 ай бұрын
@@menoguchi there was a line about Hope specifically, yeah
@acenomadic 2 ай бұрын
I just loaded up my old save to check, right after you leave the House of Hope you can ask her if she was at all tempted to stay and she emphatically rejects the notion
@kylevanderwolf4446 5 ай бұрын
On Karlach being sold: It’s very much shown by both mizora and Raphael that while they don’t outright lie about their deals, they have no problem being tricky or having other people trick her. My idea is that gortash tricked karlach into saying yes to something that was actually a secondary contract and then got her conscripted, but she trusted him so much she just let it happen.
@augustsart5374 Ай бұрын
Yes, karlach pretty much states that she didn't even realize what was happening to her until it was too late.
@ChiefderWahrheit 23 күн бұрын
Does that mean Karlach is/was a subcontractor?
@jodymorgan2805 5 ай бұрын
They made it clear that Zariel needed a test subject for her engine, AND had been working to steal from other Archdukes in the hells. And while it's never explicit, Karlach was young, inexperienced, and trusting; Gortash could very easily have gotten her to offer herself without realizing it.
@jodymorgan2805 5 ай бұрын
And like, Mizora is technically a Cambion, so a mortal child of a devil and a humanoid. The Lemures are only what happens to dead people when they go to hell. So they never really needed to work their way up the chain. Karlach was just the one of a long series of experiments that finally worked to build a super soldier. Zariel going so very very hard mode into the blood war AND becoming evil from the demongoo, it makes sense that she'd go too hard in trying to grab a new power to fight in the war. Your points are very well made, but I think it's important to look at Zariel's corruption as she continues on constantly fighting the Blood War.
@panelsofDOOM 5 ай бұрын
Well said. This was the take I was working under when I played the game. Also the Lemure thing was a weird oversight. Not every devil was a person who died or a fallen celestial. Or even the many stories about Asmodeus, the king of liars, implying he's not in fact a fallen celestial but something older.
@magister343 2 ай бұрын
@@panelsofDOOM Obviously Asmodeus was just the last guy to cast the "Destroy Universe" spell.
@moonlight2870 5 ай бұрын
If I understand it correctly, Gortash didn't just sell Karlach to Zariel, he sold A LOT of people. He put on an ad looking for sellswords, but it was a trick and sold every single person who showed up to Zariel. Now, if Gortash just showed up with a single tiefling, Zariel would probably tell him to f off, but a bunch of soldiers? I can see that.
@Masonxx12 5 ай бұрын
A few thoughts occurred to me while watching this video: 1) It seemed emphasized in my playthroughs that Gortash sold Karlach's *heart*, not just Karlach. This makes it seem like Karlach was sold to Zariel as more of a novel test subject for experiments with infernal machinery, rather than a conscript. Karlach talks about how she had a mechanic in Avernus who tweaked and modified her engine. We also gain more insight on what the engine is from Karlach's talks with Dammon. This emphasis on Karlach's infernal engine heart rather than her battle prowess makes me think Zariel was more interested in seeing if she could make some kind of infernal super soldiers rather than just mass conscription. This would also explain a bit better why Zariel wants Karlach back. 2) As for how Gortash pulled off the deal and what he got out of it, it seems likely to me that he could've made contact with Zariel through the diabolist Helsik. The Raphael connection could have had something to do with it as well. Gortash is also the Chosen of Bane, so it makes sense that he's a pretty powerful negotiator. I think he sold Karlach and in return procured the infernal iron he needed to build the Steel Watch. It's possible Gortash benefitted from the deal much more than Zariel did, and he simply got away with it by having a silver tongue. I mean, you could outsmart the likes of Mizora and Raphael, so the idea of Bane's Chosen swindling Zariel out of some infernal iron doesn't seemed too far-fetched to me. 3) I think Larian might have taken some creative liberties with their interpretation of Zariel's character, but Karlach also explains that she just really hates Avernus as a whole, more than only Zariel. Karlach talks frequently about how she felt really lonely there. Zariel treated her as little more than an attack dog. You can learn about Karlach's relations with Mizora, Flo, and some of the other cambions, and all things considered Karlach just felt like she didn't have anyone she could trust. Between that loneliness and the violent chaos of the Blood War, it sounds like Karlach's hatred for Zariel is compounded with her hatred for the entire layer of Avernus. So from Karlach's perspective it's like a combination of "Zariel is a villain" and "Avernus is a sh*thole". Bad associations all around. 4) The writing for it does seem kind of unfinished, but the theme of Gortash selling Karlach to Zariel as a mirror of his own parents selling him to Raphael would make a lot of sense in BG3. "Cycles of abuse" seems like a recurring theme in the game. Consider the messed up family dynamics of the Bhaalspawn and how it plays into the Durge storyline. And in Cazador's dungeon, you can find the skull of Vellioth, Cazador's master who was just as abusive to him as he is to Astarion. To some extent I would also argue that Viconia's treatment of Shadowheart went a little beyond standard Sharran dogma, but that might just be speculation. I'm basically trying to say that I think the Gortash-Zariel deal was written to help Karlach's story line up more thematically with some of the other characters.
@Knight1029 5 ай бұрын
Point 1 would only make sense if there was clarification for it. Because a equally valid interpretation would be that heart is being used as flowery language. Point 2 doesn't make much sense. Zariel is a Arch Devil. Saying Gortash can persuade her implies so much and opens a lot of holes. If he can persuaded a Arch Devil why does he have any difficulty in the story at all? Why can't he just talk to Ravengaurd to give him control of the city? Why does he need a tadpole in him? Why did he join the Dark Urge then? Saying he can just convince Zariel isn't a weightless statement. Point 3 could make sense only if we got other perceptives on Zariel. To show that Karlack is not a reliable source on Zariels true character. Point 4 is probably the closet to being true. Karlack was a late addition to the game and so the writing probably isn't the smoothest.
@Masonxx12 5 ай бұрын
@@Knight1029 Point 1 does get some clarification though. There's dialogue with Karlach (can't remember when or how to trigger it) where she says that Gortash and Zariel chose her because they believed her body could "handle" the infernal engine heart, although what that means does feel a little vague. However, when Dammon first meets Karlach, he also remarks that whoever constructed the engine heart took some serious risks, making the engine more volatile and combustible, which led me to believe that Karlach's engine is meant to be some kind of experimental build. I think what you said about Point 2 is fair, but I do feel like making a deal with Zariel to have her part with some infernal iron and taking over Baldur's Gate are two very different undertakings. To be clear, I'm no expert on Forgotten Realms lore since BG3 is my first experience with it, so I don't know much about Archdevils. But I was still surprised at how easy it was to pull the rug out from under the likes of Mizora and Raphael (the latter of whom literally planned to conquer the Hells). Considering you can get the best of them, Gortash benefitting from a business deal with Zariel a little more than Zariel did just doesn't seemed as far-fetched to me as this video implies. As for infecting Ravenguard, perhaps Gortash did it simply to guarantee his control of the city, rather than the risk of talking his way into it. Tyranny does tend to be more effective when you can literally mind control people. Wyll mentions something to this effect, that if the leader of the Flaming Fist is infected, then the gates of the city are pretty much thrown open for the cult of the Absolute to march through. I'm just speculating here though, Gortash's powers as the Chosen of Bane do seem more ambiguous to me than Orin's or Ketheric's. As for point 3, I mean, you are right. Unfortunately though, Karlach's perspective on Zariel is pretty much the only one we get in BG3.
@Knight1029 5 ай бұрын
@@Masonxx12 I agree with some of the things you just said regarding point 1 but it misses what I said which was that Karlach's heart wasn't sold. With the rest of what you said it still doesn't make sense without context. If Zariel needed people who can handle her infernal engine she wouldn't have gone with Gortash. Gortash is this random dude who came out of nowhere. Her accept it doesn't make sense with how she normal deals with mortals. If someone willing joins her then she'll accept them. But Zariel isn't dumb enough to believe Karlach joined willingly. This misses the point that I am trying to say and that is Gortash couldn't have convinced Zariel to do anything. If he could then the rest of the story wouldn't make any sense. And you can't argue that Zariel sees the benefits of at least humoring him. Because Gortash needs him and not the other way around. Gortash offering Karlach doesn't mean anything to Zariel as she has plenty of her own people. Yeah, and that seems like an issue that BG3 has. We can't really explore other sides.
@ANDELE3025 4 ай бұрын
For point 3, Zariel still being corrupt is actually the stated "main"/canonical ending of the DiA arc.
@ryanstewart2289 2 ай бұрын
​@@Masonxx12 Just to clarify, both Raphael and Mizora are cambions. In their cases half devil and half mortal. I don't think that Larian clarified Mizora's devilish lineage, but I remember reading somewhere that Raphael is the son and heir of Mephistopheles the Arch Devil in charge of Cania. That's why a party of mid to high level adventures can smack the bitch out of them, they're not full devils.
@ianmoore2351 5 ай бұрын
ON ZARIEL 9:50 "It seems so out of character to me that Zariel would just conscript random people into her army that she has no connection to or hasn't made a contract with or anything." In "Descent into Avernus," (referenced as DiA further) Zariel has made deals with Thavius Kreeg that binds himself and anyone who swears to protect Elturel (something all citizens must do) to her. Are these not "random people" that she "hasn't made a contract with?" The book states that Zariel seeks to use the people of Elturel as fodder in the Blood War. There's the angle that she's just doing this to Elturel because of her history with the city, but DiA says that Baldur's Gate is next on the list if she can help it. 11:44 "In my understanding of this character she doesn't conscript every living soul into her cause. Would she? Yes. If they came offering." I don't think the people of Elturel came offering. 17:36 _In which the background of DiA is stated._ Glad I decided to watch the whole thing before posting, because this part has me confused. So is Zariel's contract collection of Elturel and it's citizens (who's only crime is being tricked by Kreeg into swearing an oath to protect the city meaning Zariel owns them) out of character or not? You seem to have no particular issue with that in this part. Because over 100 years ago some of the Hellriders betrayed Zariel and left her for dead in Hell, she has the devilish right to the entire city's population? 11:15 "I can totally see this could be an interpretation of Zariel's character where she's become desperate and that fighting the Blood War is all that she's good for." I think it's more to the point that Zariel wants to _win_ the Blood War, rather than fight it forever, like you said at 11:57. ON DEVILS 12:00 "The issue here is that contacting a devil, even for a contract, is not an easy thing to do." Correct, contacting a devil can be difficult. That's why devils normally come to you. If you cry out to the world hard enough and the gods don't answer, a devil will. See the people in the Soul Coins that the bugbear merchant in Moonrise Towers gives to Karlach, see Thavius Kreeg in DiA, etc. ON GORTASH AND KARLACH 14:29 "You can't just send someone off to be conscripted by a devil." Correct. Karlach is _sold_ to Zariel in exchange for something. She makes it fairly clear. What that something is, well... You are right that we don't know the specifics of what Gortash gained out of his deal with Zariel. Most people assume it has something to do with the infernal engine, it could've been a collaborative project between the two, making better engines for infernal machinery and Steel Watchers, maybe Gortash would send a battalion down to Hell after he and the other Chosen Bad Ended the Sword Coast. Maybe Gortash sold Zariel on the idea of a suped up infernal engine powered soldier and this was what she was going to do with all the people of Elturel. Could've had something to do with all the infernal metal that Gortash seems to have lying around to make into infernal engines for the Steel Watch and weapons for his Baneites and arms smuggling business. It is unfortunately just speculation when it comes to what Gortash gained from handing over Karlach. Numerous times in the video you make mention of Zariel wanting Karlach dead, but that's a little if-y. We know Mizora wants her dead, and the fake paladins of Tyr will accept her head, but if you bring Karlach to the paladins to confront them and out their secret, Anders says that Zariel wants Karlach back. Karlach's whole thing about not going back to Avernus is because she's afraid of what Zariel will put her back into her service and/or kill her. Karlach doesn't know, she's terrified of going back. ON OTHER STUFF 16:35 Mizora is a cambion, according to the wiki, so she wouldn't have started as a lemure. ON THE PART THAT MAKES NO SENSE So as I understand it, the part that makes no sense is that Gortash sells Karlach to Zariel for something the game doesn't outright state, which doesn't make sense to you, because why would Zariel want some rando to conscript to fight in the Blood War, because Zariel doesn't conscript randos to fight in the Blood War? Right? I very well could be misinterpreting. I mean, as per DiA, she seems perfectly content with conscripting randos to fight in the blood war, see every citizen of Elturel via her contract with Kreeg, DiA says she'd do it to other cities like Baldur's Gate as well. But I do agree that the Gortash Contract part is a rather annoying issue. I don't think it doesn't make any sense, but it 's unfortunate that the players have to fill in the blanks on what exactly the deal was. What made Karlach so appealing to Zariel? We simply don't know. That was a bit rambly, I apologize. I just noticed your take on Zariel clashing with how she's written in DiA and it just spiraled out of control. Best of luck with "Descend!"
@carolxs 5 ай бұрын
Great analysis
@nekomancer47 5 ай бұрын
Bro wrote a whole dissertation on another nerd’s analysis of a fictional character in a game about flinging fireballs and getting worms out of your head 💀 All that to say, I respect the time and effort to dive so deep into something that ultimately means so little 🫡
@janstraka8674 5 ай бұрын
@@nekomancer47 we are nerds mate, this is more important than life or death, its a matter of BEING RIGHT! :D
@hoomanben8455 5 ай бұрын
Zarziel sees claiming Elturel as her ‘right’ because not only did she save the city from vampires and is now seeking ‘just’ recompense but also as a way of conscripting the hellriders who abandoned her, fulfilling their reneged deal (this isn’t a good thing ofc and tons of innocents get dragged along, but it’s not a random act she does ‘just because’ or because she wants to conscript random people, it’s because she sees the city as owing her a debt twice over and now it’s time to pay).
@arizonabadlads9189 5 ай бұрын
I feel like the likely answer is that Gortash receives a regular shipment of infernal metal from the hells and Zariel got a test subject who is a strong warrior to put the engine in. It would explain why Gortash got so much and why Zariel would want someone like Karlach.
@TrueKingOfDucks 5 ай бұрын
if Baldurs Gate 3 is so good why isn’t there a Hairurs Gate 3
@user-kd7hq8rh4c 5 ай бұрын
@funnymonkey3961 5 ай бұрын
That’s a dumb ass joke and you deserve props for making it
@annathiika5755 5 ай бұрын
How dare you, go stand in the corner lol silly goose
@Szystedt 5 ай бұрын
Can someone explain the joke haha?
@KingofAllThatIsMostlyBlue 5 ай бұрын
@eggbag4182 5 ай бұрын
My biggest complaint with Gortash is that you can’t use ilithid powers to make Duke Ravenguard chop his head off which is a huge missed opportunity
@iconiclittlecharacter9726 5 ай бұрын
why was that your first thought
@exzyyd392 5 ай бұрын
​@@iconiclittlecharacter9726 Because it's an entire game about mind control and there's a full cutscene of one of the main villains kneeling with a sword above his head
@eggbag4182 5 ай бұрын
@@iconiclittlecharacter9726Spoilers, but the Duke is tadpoled. You’re able to control some of the tadpoled characters before this point i.e. Barnabus the infected gnoll. You see the Duke DURING THE CORONATION, HOLDING A SWORD RIGHT NEXT TO GORTASH’S HEAD for that crowning ceremony royalty does. Ofc that’d be my first thought !!!
@breakingqueengrace 5 ай бұрын
I don't think you can because Gortash is attuned to one of the nether stones at that point. His control far exceeds your own, so he would just be able to override your command. Of course you have one as well at that point, but you never explicitly attune to any of them until the endgame
@sylvan-necromancer 5 ай бұрын
@@eggbag4182 Barnabus the gnoll isn't infected, he's under the thrall of a True Soul. Since you said Tadpoled in relation to him though, I assume you mean the Flind in Act 1. The reason you can control her though is because she has the mark of the Absolute.
@sinitall 5 ай бұрын
on top of what people said about Gortash selling many people to Zariel for her infernal engine experiments, not just Karlach, we also know *how* he got in contact with her. He went through Helsik, a well known diabolist and servant of Mammon who specializes in getting people in contact with devils so they can make deals. she's an established and well known fixer among devils so it wouldnt be crazy to assume she could get in contact with Zariel.
@Li_Tobler 15 күн бұрын
Brb need to visit that store and "finish" some business there
@117Airbourne 5 ай бұрын
So a few things that you brought up in the video that I'd wanna point out as to how this actually does make sense. 1. In descent into Avernus we know that Zariel is planning on dragging the city of Baldur's Gate into the hells just like Elturel was. She has the Vanthampur trying to shatter all confidence in the flaming fist as a part of this plan. "Thalamra is paying the Dead Three to shatter confidence in the Flaming Fist so that all payments to the decapitated organization can be cut off. Thalamra, a devout disciple of the archdevil Zariel, has brokered a deal that will enable her to claim the role of grand duke once the Flaming Fist disbands, paving the way for the city’s descent into Avernus." In the game the Steel Watch is slowly taking over and replacing the fist. So with all this in mind its apart of a another longer form way of weakening and getting rid of them. This works alongside Gortash's plan and what alot of people in the city tell you as the popular belief by several npcs in game is that with the steel watch working so well the fist is not going to be needed anymore. Now with the fist gone and the only defence of the city being an army of robots powered by the hells it makes the city easy pickings when dragged in. In the iron throne mission there is a note that's from Gortash about contacting a devil for assistance with the steel watch's construction. I'd find it hard to believe that Zariel isn't having some kind of plan prepared so that when the city is dragged into the hells that the steel watch become useless in the protection of the city allowing for her forces to drag it in quicker and cut down what little defences are left. Now you may say that Thalamra Vanthampur is typically killed in the descent into avernus module which is a fair point but in canon to the game we don't know her fate. In the dnd comic "Infernal Tides" (which is the canon version for what happens in the descent of Elturel in game) the Vanthampur family never shows up in it and are left out all together. In the game only one member of the Vanthampur is ever mentioned and it's on a grave stone in the city and it's not even one of the members in the adventure. So as far as we are aware that plan could still be happening in the background of everything. But the deal between Zariel and Gortash happens 10 years before the game and the descent happens very close to the start of the game so the deal could be apart of Zariel's long term goal of dragging the city into the hells and helping Thalamra weaken the fist. 2. As to why Karlach was sold to Zariel and how that even works, I think it's pretty straight forward especially when you use descent into avernus as the example. When Zariel claims the city and drags it into the hells she also claims all who have made an oath to the city thanks to the contract she has with Thavius Kreeg the High Overseer of Elturel. To quote the contract "In my capacity as High Overseer of Elturel and its vassal territories, I acknowledge that all lands falling under the light of the Companion are forfeit to Zariel. All persons bound by oath to defend Elturel are also considered forfeit." It wouldn't have been hard for Gortash to get such an oath out of Karlach as she herself says that she was incredibly naive and trusting of Gortash back then. This would allow Gortash to give her to Zariel without her consent as neither of them need it. Now as to the why she was sold that comes down to Zariel wanting test subjects for the infernal engine to strengthen her forces in the blood war. Karlach mentions that she was the only surviving test subject saying the others burned up. Now this is exactly what Zariel would want a mortal for especially one that could fight. I'd imagine that other subjects involved devils at some point but if it's killing them when testing it that's too big a risk. When a devil dies in the hells they are gone for good and when Zariel needs all the forces she can get against the endless hordes of the abyss thats something you don't want to waste your own people on. A mortal test subject is perfect as should it die their soul (if owned) can be claimed and sent straight to becoming a lemure and joining her forces. It allows Zariel to test a new way of strengthening her army while losing nothing but a couple of mortals she got as a bonus on deals and will get back in the form of low ranking devils that can rank up. 4. As to how Gortash could get in contact with Zariel thats a easy one. We know in the house of hope there's a scheduled visit from a Verillius Receptor, a High Inquisitor of Zariel who has official permission to audit Raphael's collection. Gortash would have absolutely seen this person before when he was in the house or someone like them and could use a sending scroll to contact them. Also as someone who was looking for more power over the city back then, Zariel could have been interested as well as he could prove to be a useful pawn in her plans for the city just like the Vanthampur family was. 5. Not as important but Mizora was never a lower devil like a lemure or even an imp. She is a Cambion which is a direct off spring of a fiend and humanoid. She only grew in power in the same form like a child becoming an adult and I'd guess she was raised in the hells and rose to power there like the examples mentioned in the monster manual. "Cambions raised in the Nine Hells serve as soldiers, envoys, and personal attendants to greater devils." Now with all this in mind I do think that there should have been more in game references to it like you said. It's not fully explained what the deal that Gortash made was but we can infer alot. But with everything that's going on in the game already it might have been abit too much to hint that city is gonna get dragged into the hells or that there is a plan in motion for it. But overall I do think it makes sense it just need more explaining in game.
@imran8880 4 ай бұрын
I fully support this explanation and both the video's suggestion because it's proof a lot of elements in Act 3 is rushed. A lot of cut contents that should be in the game that further explains the narrative and worldbuilding. I do think like another comment said, they went with what's at the release of the game for Karlach story is because they want to keep the theme of "cycle of abuse" .
@noahlamb2839 5 ай бұрын
I always assumed Gortash got infernal iron from selling Karlach. Maybe he sold her a bunch of people in order to get the materials for the steel watch.
@tatersalad76 5 ай бұрын
Same, I assumed he traded Karlach and others for schematics and materials for the Steel Watch
@thesilliestgoose5990 5 ай бұрын
Plus we always see Banite Cultists with Infernal Weapons that deal bonus poison damage. I thought it was rather clear that Gortash basically said “Hey, here’s my strongest fighter to fight in the Blood War, can I have a bunch of Infernal Weaponry and Materials to build up my forces?”
@leoschuster8227 5 ай бұрын
That is exactly what happened
@Noe.Is.Sleepy 5 ай бұрын
Also didn’t (and spoilers if you haven’t played Durge) Gortash alongside a few other people (maybe durge??? I don’t remember) steal the crown of karsus from somewhere in hell? Maybe possibly also stole a stupid amount of infernal material lol
@daniellins4114 5 ай бұрын
@@Noe.Is.Sleepyit was mot in Avernus, it was in Dis, the second layer of hell
@GodBeastX 5 ай бұрын
I was with you until you said "Contacting a devil for a contract is not an easy thing to do." The 3rd Edition book "Fiendish Codex II" points out devils scour the land looking for people to make pacts. They hang out at temples, haunted places, forts, even waiting at crossroads at night. Selling your soul to hell is easy. And they try to make it as easy and as comfortable as possible.
@exzyyd392 5 ай бұрын
Also in BG3 itself, Raphael just kinda throws himself at you every chance he gets
@Broomer52 5 ай бұрын
@@exzyyd392 he hangs out in an extremely popular spot for “pleasure seekers” and the mistress actively knows he’s there. Not to mention theirs a shop down the street that specializes in contacting Hell. Making deals with Devils is so easy it’s an actual business
@appleman2034 5 ай бұрын
Being contacted by a devil and contacting a devil are similar things but have completely different processes
@exantiuse497 5 ай бұрын
@exzyyd392 Well, Raphael has a special interest to the party, as he sees them has his key to get the crown. But he is a fairly powerful devil (the game calls him cambion but he's much stronger than that), maybe weaker devils are more interested in ordinary people
@DaWishard 5 ай бұрын
Counterpoint Its still Zariel we are speaking about. You think she has time, or even wants, to dick around the mortal plane? Saying that one point stated in an older book in a ttrpg series that changes its lore with every edition negates everything said in the video is... kinda short sighted, wouldn't you say?
@teaganrichichi 5 ай бұрын
Mizora is a cambion and as such exists outside of the normal hierarchy of the Hells. She presumably didn't start as a lemure
@pearlexquisite935 5 ай бұрын
I thought she was a succubi, a half devil
@teaganrichichi 5 ай бұрын
@@pearlexquisite935 Cambion is the term for half-fiends in D&D. Succubi/Incubi are there own type of fiends that in 5e at least, aren't devils and are their own type of fiends instead
@Cherrycherrylady1479 5 ай бұрын
I think they're abyssal
@ozfifer7392 5 ай бұрын
I thought she was an Alu Devil.
@teaganrichichi 5 ай бұрын
@@ozfifer7392 she says she's half devil when you say you want her out of your camp after the spoiler with Wyll in Act 3
@ErrorlessQuill9 5 ай бұрын
In Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus, Zariel literally hatches a pact 50 years in the making to conscript the entire populace of Elturel as new soldiers for the Blood War. It makes complete sense to me that Zariel would make deals to get new soldiers on the front lines of the Blood War, especially with someone as duplicitous and ambitious as Enver Gortash.
@jellewijckmans4836 5 ай бұрын
I feel like the bit where xariel pulls an entire city full of innocent people into hell is where your idea of "she would only takes the willing falls apart". She is a devil which means she is bound by rules but she also never presented as particularly strategic or well put together. She probably doesn't pay particularly close attention to how her underlings get her people for the blood war and no matter how they got there she would never accept desertion. All of that stuff probably went through like 10 layers worth of guys. Edit: I want to additionally note that given the fact that Gortash was basically raised by a devil the idea that he tricked his golden retriever body guard into giving him her soul isn't that far fetched. And once he has that he has every right under the laws of the hells to sell it to who ever he likes.
@Gingerbiscuit16 5 ай бұрын
+1 Fully agree. Dragging an entire city into hell (by using essentially a pledge of alliance) is definitely conscripting innocents.
@frrmrr4314 5 ай бұрын
@ornado4773 5 ай бұрын
Where you have it wrong, she didn't "conscript innoccents" she got even. The Hellriders that betrayed her, left her to die and returned made a life for themself and used their "great deed" of fighting in the Blood War to further their lives. She drags them and their false hoods down to the hells so they are FORCED to fight alongside her as they promised. Everyone else is just caught up in the middle , a necessary sacrifice to help end the fighting and WIN the blood war (direct quote from the book). Yes they're innocent, but because they lived in the city of the Hellriders, followed their doctrine - their just hellrider's that reneged on a deal.
@linkfan6555 5 ай бұрын
Maybe she just is racist toward tieflings? That would kind of make sense?
@jasonlu9562 5 ай бұрын
​@@ornado4773It sounds like she got even by conscripting innocents. So what's the problem?
@elchapothetaco5719 5 ай бұрын
There’s actually a line of dialogue that specifically denotes karlachs machine as an ancient or very early prototype of the steel watcher hearts. My conclusion from that was that Gortash and Zariel worked together to create the infernal machine and Karlach was an early test subject. Zariel gets strong soldiers and Gortash gets to create the steel watch so that is most likely the circumstances of the deal that was hinted at but not explicitly stated because we missed out on the upper city.
@yargeht 5 ай бұрын
👆 This. Gortash sells souls and infernal iron is his payment. Materials for the steel watch
@awakenedtarot7306 4 ай бұрын
@@yargeht case cracked and I didn't need to read 1000 words. You win.
@ViralC1 5 ай бұрын
Here's a theory: Maybe originally gortash simply contacted Zariel to start making a deal for some infernal iron and infernal engine designs for his steel watch idea. Then, with Karlach being his bodyguard, she was also there. With Karlach's good guy disposition and general irreverence she might've shown severe disrespect towards an Archduke of hell. Consider how tieflings are often super discriminated against because of their appearance so she might've started with a deep resentment for anything hell related beyond it simply being "the big tricky evil place". SO karlach scoffs or something during the negotiations and Zariel, being shown to be a very proud and quite frankly rash individual, flips her cool. Zariel then tells gortash: "New deal. I'll give you what you want, but you give me that sassy tief so i can teach it some manners". While I don't think that devils would just be able to establish pacts with unwilling creatures (especially the devils that used to have good intentions. Although in the campaign descent into avernus zariel kind of needs to be reminded of her once good intentions so keep that in mind. Devils might just lose sight of what they once stood for.) Perhaps they can still negotiate for slavery stuff. My headcanon is that zariel took offense and then put the engine in karlach as sort of a "demonstration" and "reminder" to others that might challenge her authority in the future. Karlach could join the list of reasons not to fuck with Zariel as a cautionary tale of "if you talk shit, you might just get get hit... With an infernal engine and thrown at the demon horde" Thank you for listening to my ted talk. I hope you enjoyed reading this comment as much as I enjoyed writing it.
@psmitty840 5 ай бұрын
My party just finished the DiA module and I had Zariel try to recruit the party. The idea being, devils that die in Baator are gone, demons that die in Baator come back to fight again. She took Elturel as a means of getting two things: a sudden influx of troops to support pushing the front line into the Abyss where demons could actually die and to attract the inevitable powerful heroes who could act as generals or special forces, targeting specific demon lords. They absolutely didn't go for it and killed her ass, but I thought the justification made sense with her story lol.
@323starlight 5 ай бұрын
Yeah, the bits about Zariel was a bit head scratching. But then again didnt Zariel try to forcefully conscript the entire city of Elturel in Descent into Avernus? Literally the adventure module that preceeds BG3?
@Crossfade1625 5 ай бұрын
This. The whole point of Descent into Avernus (as I understand it) is that she’s gone too far and is obsessed about fighting the demons. Sure she got the souls of the citizens of Elturel via Kreeg, their corrupt leader, but she knows what she’s doing. In my mind she’s basically saying ‘Worth it.’ to all her behaviour, like an addict or something I can totally believe she’d make a deal with a slaver to get another soldier
@phantomsplit3491 5 ай бұрын
He discusses this in the video. Zariel does so, but she first saves the city and its inhabitants from the vampire invasion and then holds the city to task for abandoning her in Avernus. This is totally on point for Zariel. She saves the city's inhabitants, and seeks a "just" resolution to the betrayal she experienced at the hand of the surviving Hellriders. Zariel is given the option of letting all the city's inhabitants die to a vampire invasion, or save the inhabitants and hold them "accountable." She chose the latter.
@Crossfade1625 5 ай бұрын
@@phantomsplit3491She already punished the fleeing hellriders by binding their souls to the crypt and sticking them on iron tree branches; i dont think this logic follows when applying it to farmers and children
@Crossfade1625 5 ай бұрын
also i should point out that when she saved the city from vampires she was already fallen, and took advantage of Kreeg’s ego and desperation to get an entire city’s worth of souls to fight demons with
@exantiuse497 5 ай бұрын
I'm not familiar with 5th edition lore, but to me it sounds like she's very much an "ends justify the means" type of person. She hangs onto her old noble ideals to justify doing horrible things. I don't think it's too out of character to take conscripts, experiment with them and toss them into the war. All for the "greater good" in her eyes Here's my headcanon: Zariel had this prototype infernal engine hanging around. She wanted to see if she could turn a mortal as strong as a powerful demon with it. If she could get it to work she could prop up an entire army by just snatching mortals and giving them infernal engines. Then Gortash offered Karlach to her, she figured she was a fine guinea pig, stuck the engine in and after seeing how powerful it made her she took her as her "pet". The first of possibly many mortals turned into war machines. That's why she accepted Karlach and why she likes her
@RinIsArty 5 ай бұрын
imo zariel took up gortash's shit because karlach's engine is the prototype for the watchers, she sees the potential for a bunch of mindless automatons as the potential for more armies to fight in the blood war. Gortash starts building steel watchers, sends some of them to zariel, and over time zariel gets a giant robot army
@Hushacry 5 ай бұрын
My thoughts, too. Cause a robot army is much less likely to betray her, or not keep their word, unlike those on Elturel.
@rollihd714 5 ай бұрын
@@Hushacryu mean these weak things? What she gonna do with them? Play?
@rollihd714 5 ай бұрын
u mean these weak things? What she gonna do with them? Play?
@tenjenk 5 ай бұрын
Plus the blood war makes vast use of tech from tanks to armored motor bikes. AUTOMATED war machines would be wonderous
@RinIsArty 5 ай бұрын
@@rollihd714 the standard one may not be incredible yet, but if gortash can mass produce ones like the final boss, much more useful for her.
@devonpan2447 5 ай бұрын
What I do want to add is that there is a tidbit about how karlach seemed to be the one who could survive the infernal machine. Which leads me to believe that zariel was trying that out herself and was failing and Gortadh provided karlach due to his assurance that she would make it
@ErrorlessQuill9 5 ай бұрын
To answer your question, Gortash sold Karlach to Zariel in exchange for the knowledge on how to build the Steel Watch. We know that Gortash has to have had a lot of experience with devils, because he and the Dark Urge infiltrated Mephistopheles’s level of the Nine Hells to steal the Crown of Karsus.
@davidtaylor142 6 күн бұрын
The knowledge must have come later because Karlach was a prototype for the Steel Watch
@seanhoedlmoser1739 5 ай бұрын
If you "lose" parts of Descent into Avernus, Zariel actually takes in the party as her lap dogs. I do partly agree with you but she isn't above using others for her own interests. She is evil and was tainted by the hells and asmodeus. I have run the module 4 times and do think she is an amazing villain but overall despite the potential redemption she is a big evil lady. It does seem like your take mostly comes from when she was an angel
@amitgabay3721 5 ай бұрын
Jacob's a big ole simp
@AresN7 5 ай бұрын
I have to agree with this. Yeah, she doesn't "know" Gortash but I can definitely imagine Raphael hearing about her wanting to test the machine, then him passing on the opportunity to Gortash who has a hireling that is basically the perfect candidate for this, makes sense. Maybe Raphael's motivation isn't really clear but maybe it gains him some points with Zariel (and a future potential 'client' in Karlach with the whole hope thing, assuming he's playing that far ahead). Minor spoiler -> Raphael is heir to Mephistopheles, who is also also an arch devil, so it makes sense that he could not only hear about Zariel's search for a candidate but could potentially connect to her, as well as be motivated to have a good relationship with a potential future colleague if he ever takes over. Also, it's not diluting her character to say that she became more evil. It's very feasible for characters with good and noble intentions to change in pursuit of those goals and do evil things in the name of a greater good. And that seems like it's meant to be pretty obvious with respect to Zariel. She's so dedicated to fighting the blood war that she will trick and force mortals to fight for her. It's really not unlike her to take advantage of a very good candidate for her device.
@hosstyle4926 5 ай бұрын
Zairel took an entire city because she was desperate for troops. I’m sure she’d take conscripts too
@davidesmacchia351 5 ай бұрын
she took the city because she needed troops AND those specific people wronged her in the past, if she had no moral and just took random people from the Material Plane to fight for her, with not just pillage Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter and so on? if, as you said, shes so desperate and acts on it without any moral, why not just make a check-list of random strong people and scoop them off the material plane?
@themonolougist 5 ай бұрын
​To be perfectly clear Karlach was Gortash's bodyguard before getting sold. Letting others do evil deeds while you protect them isn't a good action
@hosstyle4926 5 ай бұрын
@@davidesmacchia351 that was her plan after Eltruel. She was gonna do it again and again and again. Besides. I don’t think any of the people in the city when it fell rode with her into the hells. That was several decades before. Technically she took the children of people who had wronged her and that’s super fucked up
@Scrinoverlord 5 ай бұрын
​@@davidesmacchia351 The entire city of Elturel didn't wrong her. Specific individuals did. She's condemning innocent people to an eternity of hellish war because her fragile ego got shattered. I don't give a shit how well intentioned someone thinks they are, that shits still evil. As a wise man once put it, "cool motive, still murder". And the reason why she doesn't just do it randomly is because the celestials are watching. Mount Celestia may not directly in the Blood War in the Lower Planes but they sure as fuck are working to make sure it stays contained in the Lower Planes. Devils randomly conscripting powerful non-evil mortal souls is one thing they try to actively thwart. Which, honestly, if she had pulled off her stunt with Elturel, would probably prompt a *significant* response from the Upper Planes. But that's for DMs running Descent Into Avernus to figure out.
@maxunknown3896 5 ай бұрын
"Specific people a hundred years ago, so I will kidnap a few millions who were close by to their birthplace with twisted legalese justification." Pretty Devil thing to do!
@timcap22 5 ай бұрын
did you forget about that time zariel conscripted the people of eltural to fight in the blood war using the creed resolute
@xaldrortenderofthevats8948 2 ай бұрын
iirc, Zariel did unleash Demons onto Baldurs Gate at some point, so as to remind the mortal realms that Demons exist and need to be dealt with. so she doesn't seem to particular with civilian casualties, even if the point is to rally mortals against the Abyss.
@Powgout 5 ай бұрын
I was under the impression Gortash offered Karlach as a tribute because he believed she could survive the heart replacement, and Zariel wanted new weapons to win the blood war. Karlach proved to be invaluable as one of the few mortals powerful enough to survive the hells and even included her in her inner circle. I wouldn’t be surprised that if Elturel wouldn’t have been saved, the other Tieflings might’ve experienced the same fate.
@Powgout 5 ай бұрын
I was also under the impression the Gnomes had waaaay more to do with tinkering than he did. Gortash is the chosen of Myrkul. The most evil politician you can think of. As a politician, he takes credit for others actions and says they’re his own. He might’ve been involved in ideas involving creation of things, but he is actually more of a background character, as shown in Durge’s story. Durge moves things forward, Gortash simply claims he helped. And the only help he might’ve done was in his connections.
@whensomethingcriesagain 5 ай бұрын
​@@PowgoutBane, you mean. Myrkul's champion is Ketheric.
@tenjenk 5 ай бұрын
Plus ofcourse she'd call Zariel the biggest liar in the hells ever. She is making a personal non-objective statement after having 10 years of negative experiences with Zariel. Your current asshole boss will always be the worst boss and biggest liar ever.
@rafaelg8373 5 ай бұрын
It is said in the game that Zariel was looking for someone to test her Infernal Machine, so her end of the deal was getting a guinea pig on her project to get stronger fighters to fight in her war. Gortash reached out and offered Karlach because he 'heard' she was looking for someone who could survive it
@wellimeantosaywhat 5 ай бұрын
That’s also what I remembered. It doesn’t explain how exactly the “sale” took place (no contract w/ Karlach, I guess you CAN just sell anybody to a devil lol) but it makes sense generally
@DefaultProphet 5 ай бұрын
@@wellimeantosaywhatI think that actually makes a lot of sense. Karlach isn’t bound to Zariel in anyway beyond circumstance. That lets her escape and be the best girl
@danieljung5862 5 ай бұрын
Correct, ontop of that Gortash might have gotten the construction plans for the engine cause the Steelwatch does recognice Karlach as one of their own. She gets sent to the foundry for deconstruction, cause of her outdated model.
@rohiogerv22 5 ай бұрын
Yeah but it's a problem of power scale. The idea that Zariel is recruiting talent from common adventurers on the material plane, even with the intent to power them up once they get to Avernus, is kinda like saying "you know what this dogfighting ring needs is rats with jetpacks". Might be effective, but a little contrived when you can get dogs.
@wellimeantosaywhat 5 ай бұрын
@@rohiogerv22 that’s not what this comment says. Zariel was looking for someone expendable to experiment on (presumably because her own soldiers were far too valuable).
@courier6960 5 ай бұрын
For me the biggest plot hole in the story is the entire setup of Ketheric’s boss fight: Ketheric: “hey two other chosen, the group of very strong and capable adventurers wielding the only item that’s able to destroy our entire plan and everything we’ve worked towards are right here! They’re in the center of our base with our army nearby and our elder brain right here, where we have a massive upper hand!” Orin: “Okay, you handle them all by yourself, even though my entire thing is that I love more than anything else to kill people whenever I have the chance. Oh and by the way your easily freeable now repossessed source of immortality is literally right in plain sight of the adventurers who have already proven that they are capable of freeing. Gortash: “You totally got this even though they beat you literally right before this! we’ll leave and take the entire army and this all-powerful netherbrain with us, even though Orin will become completely unmanageable without your help and them getting possession of your stone would cause us to potentially lose control of everything” This scene is only dumber if dame Aylin is dead and/or your playing as the dark urge
@TheFlamingPike 5 ай бұрын
I think that's the thing: they never fully worked together, only for their respective gods. They all had their own motives that they hid from the other chosen. They never were truly united and that's why they failed. So, it makes sense that they fight separately. Ketheric was the one who made the trio work together because he had a much different motive and when he died their alliance began to fall apart. Ketheric's death might have been something they had been looking forward to. Gortash was planning to take all the power to himself because he was that cocky ( plus him being a Bane worshiper meant his ultimate goal was to be a tyrant to all but himself ). Orin strikes me as a dumber antagonist ( which doesn't mean she's badly written IMO, she's just like that ), so I think at that point Gortash had manipulated her into thinking they'd be better off without Ketheric. Then she began doubting Gortash's abilities, didn't like his slow methods and went for Tav who was more expeditive and had left a very nice trail of blood so far. Gortash sensed she was too chaotic for his elaborate schemes so he asked you to kill her and planned to use you afterwards. When I played the game I just saw Gortash and Orin betraying a guy who had grown too confident and too powerful for their own plans. I wasn't surprised they left him and that he didn't ask for their help.
@rynowatcher 5 ай бұрын
Just a commenting on the cannon lore: Zariel is an arch devil and has been for a while. She has had to provide a payment of souls to Asmodius as part of her tribute to him or lose rank and power. She has been buying, selling, trading, and cheating mortal souls for thousands of years in this time line. Of course she would take the souls offered to her; that is why devil worshipers are all about human sacricrifice. They are sending souls to the nine hells to fight in a endless war. Devils also buy souls in Hades at the hag markets. This is why sucubbi, inubi, and hags steal souls; to sell them to demons or devils in the blood war. Zariel would have participated in such markets, directly or indirectly, to sure the ranks up. The honor and justice she had as a celestrial is a memory, like most of the arch devils, they are evil and engage in evil daily, whatever they once did. Fun fact of celestrials, devils, demons, and the like: they are altered by the plane they are in as personifications of elemental good, evil, law, and chaos. For instance, if a devil stuck around mount celessia long enough it would turn into a celestial. This is why the bloodwar is endless: any incursion into hell or the abyss converts the creature towards the plane's alignment. There is a former arch devil that is a demon prince, a sucubus who is a demon prince, and even a goddess who turned into a demon by hanging out there too long. You cannot gain territory; only thin the enemy ranks, but if you push too far you join the enemy's side and start defending the territory for yourself.
@helpme6759 5 ай бұрын
Couldn't Zariel just be a "I'll do whatever it takes to win the war, since demons are the greater threat" kinda person
@andrewg9433 5 ай бұрын
This. I see no reason why her character has to be reduced to "she just evil" for her to be willing to do anything and everything to destroy the demons, the greatest threat to the universe there's ever been.
@sunbleachedangel 5 ай бұрын
she pretty much is from what I understand
@bocatadeclavos1274 5 ай бұрын
I knew you would be upset about Zariel the moment they first mention her
@pfcblint3171 5 ай бұрын
Zariel doesn't, particularly, want Karlach at first, it's more of a "oh, another for the vanguard", however being mortal and weaker than most devils, having a good constitution compared to most mortals (barbarian), and a tiefling with fire resistance to boot, it made her a candidate for an experiment which, if successful, would allow Zariel to beef up her mortal military with infernal machines to make even her basic infantry fight on par with lower devils, setting their lowest bar higher than most army's mid-tier. Strategically it isn't a bad idea if you have no morals stopping you. She's less of a "special soldier" and more of a "valuable experimental asset". Getting mad about her leaving, that's because she's holding experimental tech. If it gets to others she's fighting against in the blood war, it will put things back on par instead of giving her an advantage. I don't think Zariel was actually a part of the deal to get Karlach, itself. I think it may have been a go-between that initially took Karlach. Gortash sold Karlach because, as you said, he's repeating what happened to him, and now he's a chosen of the god of tyranny with a larger plan to enact in any way possible.
@marekszewczyk5076 5 ай бұрын
Gortash was already plannig to create the steel watch, made a deal with Zariel. He sells/trades Karlach as a reliable fighter and also a blueprint for the steel watcher's engine prototype (when you talk with a steel watcher on the bridge in wyrm's rock, it talks about how karlach has an outdated engine and treats her as a steel watcher's old model), gets better bodyguards in return (made with infernal tech and stuff by the gondians) that he then uses in the whole Absolute plot. Concerning the point of Karlach being conscripted to Zariel's forces - nowhere in the game is it stated that her soul is bound to the hells (like Wyll's if you take another pact), so supposedly if she dies, she just goes to the fugue plane (spoiler - she does if she dies in the end). Seems to me like Zariel just took a deal, kinda like "hey, wanna good fighter in exchange for/to test some hell engine?" "sure, why not, could always use some fighters in da blood war" (also, as a final "ehm, akshualy" note - Mizora is a Cambion, and even refers to herself as a half devil, when you ask her about how she got captured, so she would not start as a lemure)
@Toby_Hon_Cannoli 5 ай бұрын
"It seems so out of character to me that Zariel would conscript RANDOM PEOPLE" Warlocks, Flaming Fist, The Avernician Cult, and the entire city of Elturel: ARE WE A JOKE TO YOU? Lmao. But for real tho, thats KINDA HER THING
@exile5678 5 ай бұрын
Karlach has a teddybear named clyde
@8596shadow 5 ай бұрын
The issues about the whole argument on elturel and that it was out of pettiness but wouldn’t do it to other innocent people is that one of the outcomes of helping zariel in the module is that she sets her eyes on baldurs gate next. And that in avernus there are other cities that were pulled down before elturel (the chain remnants on the map marker) while I do believe there is still an angelic side to zariel who wishes to serve lathander again, she very much so still wants to win the blood war and will conscript every living soul to do so. Hence the whole redemption/opposition routes in the module.
@draconefox 5 ай бұрын
Tbh I think there’s gonna be a dlc or continuation in which we can save Karlach/remove or stabilize the infernal engine, and perhaps zariel will get more focus and detail of her story!
@Swordsmage 5 ай бұрын
I thought the infernal engines were all Gortash's design (with the Gondians able to make the blueprints for the prototype), he sold Karlach to Zariel with the prototype in order for them to work together and get a working model they could both mass produce, Zariel could strengthen her army, Gortash gets his robots. Zariel gets to keep Karlach to sweeten the deal and because she'd be useless to Gortash in the material plane.
@jake_russ 5 ай бұрын
infernal engines are definitely not from gortash. they're used in mad-max type battle machines all over Avernus
@whensomethingcriesagain 5 ай бұрын
I actually think the characterization of Zariel is entirely within her personality. As an angel who lost her way, she still has that moral certainty that she always did, but now uses it to justify all her actions in the name of protecting the Realms. I'm sure if she were called out on her deeds, she would say something like "This is what's necessary for the Realms to survive the endless hordes of the Abyss! If it means keeping them at bay, I will show no hesitation or indecision, even if I should be condemned as a monster for it! My actions are utterly beyond your reproach!" I always read Zariel as a "whatever it takes" type of commander, willing to stoop to any lows because she views losing to the demons as a greater evil than anything else she's presented with. Certainly if an arms dealer like Gortash showed up offering his most skilled bodyguard's service (and who knows what else), I should think she's in no position to turn it down.
@ravenblood1954 5 ай бұрын
I can also see Karlach misinterpreting Zariel’s fascination with her. A defining trait of Karlach is her compassionate nature yes, but her other defining trait is her rage. She is a barbarian, and judging by how the story treats her, she’s probably a berserker. One of the surest ways to earn Karlach’s fury is to harm an innocent. And Karlach demonstrates repeatedly that she feels absolutely justified in killing people she feels are morally irredeemable. Sound like anyone familiar? Karlach thinks Zariel is obsessed with her because she sees her as a pet, but I think Zariel actually LIKES HER. At least, likes her in the way a devil can like anyone anyway. Yes she has Karlach killed, but that was probably a political move on her part, as letting her go might be seen as an act of weakness in hell. But to me, knowing Zariel’s backstory and how Karlach says she was part of Zariel’s inner circle despite not being her strongest fighter, Zariel probably genuinely feels affection for Karlach, in a twisted way. Just like Karlach has a strange friendship with Flo, another cambion in hell.
@redviego6714 5 ай бұрын
​@@ravenblood1954to build on your take. I think Zariel wanted to see Karlach get stronger so she could then be turned into a hell knight.
@shl6367 5 ай бұрын
I was initially expecting the gripe with the cut content and I got so much more
@NFrads 4 ай бұрын
Straight up, I love your channel man! I love your energy, the way you engage, the way to tell stories - its great.
@keithcurtis 5 ай бұрын
Possibility: Karlach is not damned. Her soul was not sold, her body was. Zariel was betrayed by the Hellriders because they weren't up to the horrorsof the blood war. Someone in Zariels service invents an infernal engine, a way to make mortals equal to the challenge. She needs a mortal to test it on, not a damned soul or devil. She makes the deal (details unimportant) with Gortash to get a decent fighter to test it on, she gives him the plans for the engine to test on the mortal planes as well. Zariel is mad because her test subject escaped.
@davidtaylor142 6 күн бұрын
This makes sense. She basically never has any Wyll-style repurcussions in the game
@ZarloSkald 5 ай бұрын
It's hard to take the points seriously, seeing our fireball wizard fawn over Karlach ahaha. Love the callout for Zariel's portrayal
@JohnW-yv6yp 24 күн бұрын
Waited until I got to Act 3 before I watched this, I think you make good points, and your changed backstory is pretty neat.
@aechman67 5 ай бұрын
Game is so accurate to D&D it acknowledges dms changing established characters' lores
@Xfushion2 5 ай бұрын
My theory of why Zariel _buffed_ Karlach with the engine despite having kaijus at her command was because Karlach was just a test run, yeah even with the engine Karlach is nowhere near as strong as Zariel top lieutenants but that was the point: to use an expendable subject to test the effects both positive and negative of the engine before doing a _mass production installation_ that's why Karlach was a valuable asset because she's _test subject zero_ of a new tech that could potentially turn around the blood war. Even tough she was a "common" fighter she was placed in the front-lines of the war and managed to survive so now imagine installing the engines on _Big boys_ like Cambions or Orthons.
@Broomer52 5 ай бұрын
No this whole thing makes sense especially since Zariel has an “at all cost” fallacy going on. Karlach is one hell of a fighter so she bought Karlach to use as her own personal Doomguy. She wants people in hell so she can use them as soldiers to kill all demons.
@ChivalrousJarKnight 3 ай бұрын
Your rewrite of the backstory literally gave me chills; now I'm all up in my feels. So much deeper, organic, and heartfelt. This is now my new headcanon. AND!.. I am now SUPER intrigued by Zariel. Time to dig myself in to a rabbit hole. Great video. Thank you!
@MrBst68 5 ай бұрын
I absolutely loved this video. It is a pleasure to listen to you explaining the lore of devils and demons, I learned tons :D Thank you!
@bioshounen1779 5 ай бұрын
i agree that zariel probably very much cares about the material plane and stopping the demons but she is definitely willing to conscript random people into the blood war as written in canon - ie her deal with thavius kreeg and elturel. this is probably also fuelled by what the hellriders did to her but i feel like when you're as passionate about ending the demons as zariel is to the extent that you give up your status as an angel to become an arch-duke i feel your boundries over what you can and won't do for a cause will start to shift and break down
@baddawgdavis 5 ай бұрын
They make it sort of clear that Karlach being a badass, super loyal being of badassery (thats the point and value. LOYALTY. LOYALTY. The thing Zariel doesnt have), that would be perfect for the bloodwar. The exchange was that Gortash got to see how the inferal engine shoved into her worked, and then enslaved the Gondians to make similar engines. Now, we enter into the "Can you Sell someone to a devil." Yes. A sale.. is a contract. Its a loophole in such things. Which, by very definition, lawful evil people LOVE. They are still keeping to setting the contract, still keeping to an exchange. Just because "Oh karlach didnt agree" doesnt matter, because in the design of their relationship, Karlach was a Servant of Gortash, which with how nobles work, makes her property, so Gortash sold her like property, thus making a contract. EZPZ. Why does she want her back? She left, let her explode. No. NO. She was BETRAYED by LOYAL Karlach. NOPE. GET BACK HERE. SUFFER FOR IT. Thats the point. Hurt people Hurt people.
@VeronicaWarlock 5 ай бұрын
Are you saying that servants are property from the twisted perspective of a devil who wants a contract to happen, or for real? Cause not all servants throughout history have been property, even of nobles. In fact I’d say in general they would be primarily referred to as something else if they were property (slaves or serfs, or another term). Typically my understanding of the term servant is that it refers to an employee, and I’ve never seen anything in a dnd 5e module or sourcebook that implies differently, even if that isn’t a perfect “historical” portrayal of a medieval understanding of a servant. In fact, if you have retainers as part of your noble background in 5e it emphasizes that they will leave if mistreated, a freedom that owned persons do not typically possess.
@kubomagico8853 5 ай бұрын
​@@VeronicaWarlock agree. Servents are employee while slaves are property
@Argonist 5 ай бұрын
@@VeronicaWarlock Yes, but Karlach in specific was most likely property, even if she didn't exactly know. She was extremely loyal to Gortash and would do anything for him. Very likely Gortash either sneakily had her sell her soul to him, or just simply straight up made her into a slave via her contract of employment. Gortash is definitely the kind of guy to hide a "Also by signing this you are agreeing to be my property." in very small letters.
@baddawgdavis 5 ай бұрын
@@VeronicaWarlock What youre asking is do *I* consider servants slaves. No. But does Gortash? Do nobles like Gortash? Do Devils? Gortash never says he's enslaved the Gondions. They work for him, making the steel watch. Oh, they have death collars on? Well thats just so they dont leave the yard, it doesnt hurt them, of course not! He has their families in a prison under the sea? Its safe there from the mind flayers! How many stories have we heard of a noble treating their servants like slaves. Raping, maiming, killing them just because they can. Gortash sold her. Clearly she was property to him. As she said herself, she would have dont ANYTHING for him. That sounds like agreeing to being sold to me! Admissible in court! Something a Devil would 100% capitalize on, because its what they do, by very nature.
@baddawgdavis 5 ай бұрын
The more important part to this is, as Jacob here noted, she pulled an entire city of unwilling souls into hell, because the governer agreed to it. She forcibly conscripted then, many who werent tieflings were turned into them by being in the abyss. It isnt the first time she's done this shit, it wont be the last, Jacob is using the arguement for why this works as a reason 'this doesnt work'.
@trently89 5 ай бұрын
well done, i love how you explained that and I've never even played BG3!! But i really enjoyed your version!! Thank you for doing what you do!!
@median744 3 ай бұрын
Huge thanks for the video, now I think I’ll use your ideas about Gortash, Karlach and Zariel for my players in our “Descent Into Avernus” campaign.
@firelordeliteast6750 5 ай бұрын
Thing about Forgotten Realms lore is just that. Most of it’s been forgotten and the sources we have are either from innaccurate sources (Volo) or malicious ones (Xanathar). The story of BG3 is told by the narrator, whereas other stories about Zariel are told by other people. Naturally, the narrator has a different view of Zariel than the storyteller of Descent into Avernus, thus the depictions are different. This is why characters often change personalities and lore across sources. Different storytellers tell different versions of the same story
@2weih4u 5 ай бұрын
Gortash exchanged Karlach for the blueprints for the infernal engine. It wasn’t just “here, have a tiefling”, from my understanding.
@TheExceptionalDetective 5 ай бұрын
My issue is that you get ZERO unique Dialogue as a Spore Druid in the freakin’ SPORE VILLAGE. WHY
@OmegagamingDK 5 ай бұрын
16:30 Mizora is Cambion right? So a half fiend, I'm assuming half breeds can skip the ''early level up part of being a devil'' ?
@tinius9276 5 ай бұрын
I really enjoyed your rewrite. I think there is so much potential for any expansion for the game regarding furthering the stories of the companions. If they do a Karlach in the hells DLC vs Zariel, I would love if this was the plot. Imagine fighting through the hells and getting to Zariel only to find her feel betrayed by karlach and that she only tried to save her life. That shit would be awesome.
@Harab_Serapel 5 ай бұрын
So I kind of inferred that Karlach was probably something of a proof-of-concept for Zariel. An experiment to test the efficacy of the infernal engine being used to power up a random Tiefling. Following that logic Karlach was probably being stress tested in the blood war, with the intention of using the data from that to create better models. I kind of imagine that Karlach isn't the only she tried this one, hell she may not even be the only one Gortash threw Zariel's way, she was just the one that survived. Not that I have anything to back any of this up.
@ai.yeehaw 5 ай бұрын
Descent into Avernus was my first campaign DMing. 4 years later and we've played Eberron and now we're in my own Home Brew world that is connected to Faerun. As someone that came back from drug addiction, Zariel 's redemption arc in my campaign and role playing her legit made me cry. I love my friends that helped me through a dark time in my life and I love Zariel, Descent into Avernus, Baldur's Gate 3, your channel and DnD!
@TheGainfulGamer 5 ай бұрын
Why did she drag Elturel then to Hell? Because she cares about the denizens on the mortal plane?
@an8strengthkobold360 5 ай бұрын
Elturel abandoned her after she saved them and promised her their help. So she takes her payment by dragging the whole city into hell to grow her army. (Not say she's justified (she super isn't) but I believe that's her logic)
@Frankly_Amazing2000 5 ай бұрын
In a conversation with the Steel watch with Karlach in your party, she is reffered as a steel watcher and is said to have an outdated engine. So my idea is that since he is a gifted builder, he probably traded Karlach for the schematics of the engine, and promised Zariel some Steel Watchers to bulk up her army to help in the blood war.
@lekarabbit5181 5 ай бұрын
I think It's possible they wanted to show zarel has become more Evil since decent into avernas she may be the final boss of the dlc
@joemama114 5 ай бұрын
Big fan of your exposition changes, it effectively changes nearly nothing "IN GAME" but it changes a bit of the backstory and completely re-frames the whole character dynamic.
@isaacgilmour6063 5 ай бұрын
I really hope there is a big DLC for BG3 and that a lot of this sort of thing is included. Karlach deserves much more story.
@sunbleachedangel 5 ай бұрын
fingers crossed for that and many other things
@josephstrand3595 5 ай бұрын
Already did dude, post game content is out
@JoshuaHarrison-gq9cr 5 ай бұрын
will more than likely just be a baldurs gate 4 instead of a dlc, they said they're not working on any dlc right now and the dlc for the previous baldurs gate entries were basically the size of full games anyway
@corwyncorey3703 5 ай бұрын
They no longer have access to the IP. They have already moved on to the next project. Hasbro and WotC are dead set against "buy and own" concepts these days, and Larian is *all in* on that concept. Anything further will be minor at best. DLC as in minor things like they have already done. No expansion pack will be coming. However, Larian will still be doing their own stuff. Doing BG3 got their name on the map. Served it's purpose. But harmed WotC's goals massively. They want to convert D&D into a subscription service and charge for everything, forever, as a rental.
@sunbleachedangel 5 ай бұрын
@@corwyncorey3703 you say something like that with such certainty while knowing nothing about what you're talking about. Source? Proof? Anything?
@yonizabow7483 5 ай бұрын
About the selling people to the hells and that. Isn't that the whole story of Elturel? Thavius Kreeg sold all the people there to Zariel with the the creed resolute. So it should have been quite simple for Gortash to have best girl Karlach to sign something similar.
@operator7585 5 ай бұрын
Hello. I enjoy your content, even when I'm not familiar with it, which is the case here. Once you put forth your establishing explanation of these characters I think that I felt where you were going. Xariel of a furnace sounds like a dysfunctional and passionate character, prone to strong emotion. When people make an illogical decision, like adopting someone into an army of little tactical value, treating them like a pet, and improving their function so that they can survive on the same plane, this is typically an emotional decision. Whether she is feeling sisterly, motherly, or romantically, these are protective/provider steps that one provides to someone they care about. Zariel sounds like she would be dysfunctional enough that she is unable to directly express herself and will, instead, be frustrated that others cannot extrapolate her feelings simply from the starkly obvious actions that she repeatedly takes. This leads to a feeling of betrayal. This is the sort of self-fulfilling prophecy that many people suffer when they feel that no one will ever love them or understand them, and it is a repeating behavioral pattern in those that are unable to be self-aware and change. Your complaints of how others describe Zariel is simply more people misunderstanding and misinterpreting what she is doing, no? Everyone is not so capable of understanding and empathizing with others, especially those that seem to be directly opposed to their wants and needs. Just my two cents, I don't know any of this lore other than what you presented here. Sounds like a good game. Thanks for another great video
@james_sabin 5 ай бұрын
I could see Zariel doing this if she felt like she was loosing and needed everything she could get. It could be a cool perspective to get if we get a dlc in Avernus with Karlach
@agarnes100 5 ай бұрын
I actually love the idea that all of the Archdevils are, in at least some capacity, invested in the protection of the material plane. They've all got different reasons they fell from grace and all got corrupted in different ways, but even in stories like Dante's Inferno the rulers of each circle are simply doing a job. Eternally punishing sinners is a way of ensuring that the material plane stays reasonably safe by dissuading people from doing evil things.
@tyeklund7221 5 ай бұрын
The upper city being cut is 100% confirmed. There’s an entire ending for Karlach that has been datamined that we can’t get because the triggers to get it are in the uppercity. It likely involved finding something of Gortash’s to fix her engine as it’s the only ending she is supposed to have where she gets to stay on the Material Plane and live. There’s also datamined information of cut content set in Avernus the size of the Underdark in the base game. Karlach and Zariel got done dirty by cut content, but it makes sense given how late into production she was added
@SuperEffector 5 ай бұрын
It was not cut. There is no data in the game of any Upper City or any thing that points to it. It was conceptualised very early in development and then dropped before any work could be done.
@tyeklund7221 5 ай бұрын
@@SuperEffector it’s literally in the files of the game. There is dialogue from Karlach that is impossible to access because it has a trigger in the Upper City. Do your research
@SuperEffector 5 ай бұрын
@@tyeklund7221 Alright, if it exists surely you can tell me the name of the video that can prove it? Edit: it’s been 2 weeks and still no proof of that Karlach line, guess that says it all.
@thorndust5329 5 ай бұрын
It's not implemented and functional in game I imagine​@@SuperEffector
@SuperEffector 5 ай бұрын
@@thorndust5329 It doesn’t need to be, if it exists in the files it can be found and listened to. This has literally been done with the unused lines from the cut Halfling Werewolf companion.
@TDrudley 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for the lore education. I didn't even know that all these BG3 was existing characters, for some reason assumed they were mostly new/made up for this story.
@damoncross22 5 ай бұрын
I've been wanting you to play Descent into Avernus on arcane arcade for years now and I'm so glad and excited that you are finally doing it
@Oyarly649 5 ай бұрын
i cant remember where i heard this but i heard selling karlach was how gortash and a spoiler character got information on the crowns location.
@ZeroReaper42 5 ай бұрын
Something to consider is how people's perceptions of others can be twisted in BG3 and things are not always what they seem. It's a constant theme within the characters that we meet. We're told that Karlach is this big devil lady who's a veteran of the Blood War, but it turns out she's just a victim. Wyll is this gallant wanderer of justice until we find out he's actually taken a pact with a devil to save his town and serves her and her interests. Lae'zel is like this also, even though she comes off as this battle-hungry fiend who cares very little for things like love and life, it's eventually revealed that she has a softer side to her that she was never allowed to grow. The thing is, even though Zariel is described as this betrayer and manipulator and deceiver by all of the people we meet, that might not actually be the case until we meet her. If we ever meet her. She might just act the way you think, or someone else will interpret that differently depending on how they meet her, but the initial impression of that character should not be the final one until you get to this version of Zariel better in this universe. If that ever happens.
@TigerGamer32 5 ай бұрын
I'm commenting this only a few minutes into the video, but since Jacob mentioned how heart-wrenching Karlach's story is, I would like to add on: If for whatever reason someone wants to make Karlach's story hurt *more*, pick Karlach as your origin/pc and romance Minthara. Their scenes together are beautiful and also made me want to cry for a week ;-;
@turinmormegil7715 5 ай бұрын
Since you mentioned Mints, I have a lore question for people more used to It than me. Why isn't she turned into a Drider? I understood It was the highest punishmwnt Lolth could enact, and she said she IS and Apostate of no six legs and six eyes?
@stephenlong9806 5 ай бұрын
I imagine its the tadpole, same reason we arent turning into mindflayers. ​@turinmormegil7715
@ujingamer 5 ай бұрын
I am currently running decent into avernus with my own group and yeah I felt like something was missing while playing bg3 but couldn't pin point it until you talked about it thank you.
@gonzolikesmovies 5 ай бұрын
My favourite part of Descend was when Descendius said "it's descending time" and descended all over the place
@BueBue701 5 ай бұрын
So here's my view on it. Gortash is the chosen of Bane, God of Tyranny. If Karlach upon taken a job from Gortash signed a contract, *in best Asmodeus impression i can do* "Should have read the fine print." She was now the property of Gortash for him to sell as he pleases. (Weird to think a follower of Bane would think of people as just pawns and nothing else, right?) Zariel is fighting a war and needs bodies. Devils are all about contracts, as seen with Mizoura and Wyll. Subsection Zeta paragraph 3b point 4 of page 532. These contracts are usually filled with litigation and loopholes against the signee. (Most of the time) If Gortash had a contract with Karlach, that she unwittingly signed that said she was the property of Enver Gortash in any way, Gortash had all rights in a devil's eyes to sell her to Zariel.
@yall_might 5 ай бұрын
He went out of his was to correct his pronunciation of Astarion. but kept saying Karlach and Zariel wrong the entire video.
@happysideoffear777 5 ай бұрын
Goodness I would love see you rewrite more characters to make them more lore accurate because dang Your idea of how this should have gone is amazing
@Jach93 5 ай бұрын
Great video, interesting points! I do disagree however, having read all of descent twice now I do think what we have heard about her and her actions tracks. She is totally down to forcefully conscript an entire city, and has no qualms using traitors and liars to do it. While I wouldn’t call her the biggest liar in the hells (though I could see why Karlach would say that) she can scheme just like the rest of them. She also may have wanted Karlach as a test subject to maybe shortcut needing to raise devil soldiers to instead use engine-powered mortals. Saves time and you’ll likely have better quality than what will most likely be 90% lemures/bearded devils. That should have been mentioned in game to be fair though, but I don’t think it’s a big leap.
@savagesnakekid 5 ай бұрын
I always understood it as Gortash designing the infernal engine, but needing the materials, went to Zariel and was like “I got this new invention that can make mortal fighters way stronger by replacing their heart. Then Zariel is like “fine, but let’s see if it works with a test subject” and Gortash is like “I know just who is tough enough to handle it.” Zariel gets a better than average warrior and new technology, and Gortash gets the infernal iron for his steel watch. Also, Mizora is a cambion like Raphael, so I don’t think infernal hierarchy works the same way for them.
@tyffordgames1143 4 ай бұрын
I like to imagine the whole karlach thing was like a first edition project of hers to see if it works. If she can strap a hellfire engine to any old tiefling and make it strong enough to fight in the blood war, imagine what regular devils could do when powered by one. 😮
@vekovo324 5 ай бұрын
ngl I really enjoyed your breakdown of Zariel's history. I'd watch videos of you just breaking down different important npc's or events from the forogten realms.
@ducksocks629 5 ай бұрын
From what I gathered about Zariel in her history, is that she doesn't care about the material plane, but only wants to destroy evil, mainly the demons no but also devils in the past, because the celestials are taking an extreme non-intervention stance on the Blood War. This stance frustrated Zariel, not in that the material plane was being attacked, but that evil was allowed to persist. Her story being the classic fable with the Nietzsce quote, "Stare into the abyss long enough and the abyss stares back at you." Her fanaticism lead her to becoming what she hated most kind of thing.
@Scrinoverlord 5 ай бұрын
Something like that, yeah. Though it helps to point out that Mount Celestia doesn't directly fight in the Lower Planes, where most of the fighting takes place. But as soon as the Blood War spills outside the Lower Planes, they're fair game to smite. To Celestia, the evil vs. evil conflict was proof that evil is self-defeating, and doesn't *need* to be ended, something which by itself simply isn't possible. Also, Celestia TRIED to directly invade the Lower Planes, and got thrashed by a united demon-devil horde so hard they're still recovering to this day. So it makes sense, their stance. Zariel just believed it was as easy as simply diving into the pit of evil, in her frustration forgetting that Mount Celestia is the only reason why the Blood War hasn't consumed the rest of the universe. Evil isn't "allowed" to be unchecked, but in this specific planar conflict, the celestials find it's much better to quarantine the fighting.
@calvinginn1637 5 ай бұрын
why doesn't every character have the giga-handsome facial structure, that's the real question why did a mod have to do it and why wasn't it default!!!!
@drguthrie7621 5 ай бұрын
I am just taking your version and making it head-canon in my head smiles
@Luality 5 ай бұрын
Really good take, I approve of your "revised" version of Karlach!
@muffinhydra 5 ай бұрын
maybe the infernal engine was an idea that gortash had. He approached Zariel and gave her Karlach so Zariel can make her into a prototype carrier of the engine. The idea being that what was done to Karlach would to be expanded on an industrial scale. That would be a powerful asset in the bloodwar.
@TheSectorM 5 ай бұрын
Since the engine in Karlach's chest seems experimental, I did think it was the hellish version of a super-soldier program. If you can take a regular person and give them power enough to take on greater demons, you might be able to turn the tide of the war. So, I figured it was just R&D on Zariel's part to give her forces an edge. As for what Gortash got out of it, I thought Zariel might have set him up with Bane or helped with the theft of the Karsus Crown from Mephistar. I do wish that had been explicitly spelled out, though.
@surgebaron1860 2 ай бұрын
Ok but that has to be the coolest microwave I have ever seen at 1:39
@NathanielTBeene Ай бұрын
10:31 What a wonderful face and spasming movement that I have never, ever, EVER, done in my entire life while trying to explain things.
@Nodegama 5 ай бұрын
Here is a thought: As players and readers of the story we might be able to read Zariel's character better than any of the in-world characters would. Going purely by her actions her followers have no reason to doubt her ruthlessness, evil and cunning. And knowing that she used to be a celestial who switched sides, calling her a deceiver is also not far of a stretch. In BG3 we only really hear people talk ABOUT Zariel. Whether or not she truly is what people make her out to be is not actually confirmed.
@KlodasRaw 5 ай бұрын
Man, I ran Descent into Avernus as my first campaign as DM. Finished it earlier this year after a year and a half, something like 120 sessions. I changed it quite a lot too, ended up going to level 16. Most fun I've ever had, loved every second of that campaign. Can't wait to see what you do with it.
@dakotahcutter3284 5 ай бұрын
Might be the best editing ever and my favorite vid now. Gonna show my dnd group tonight 😂
@hambonejones7231 5 ай бұрын
I very much understand your pov regarding zariel and her new and old morals and wants and desires, I was loving your revamped backstory , right up until zariel said yes to save her life. One of the many reasons for her fall was that she was prideful and underestimated the powers of evil; as I have read, she was overwhelmed by corruption from the planes of evil themselves and everything (and I do mean everything) about her that was good is forever corrupted. So while she came down with good intentions, she no longer has them as they have been twisted into selfish/prideful intentions. Basically, she is intent on not winning, but Dominating the blood war, and she, just like good people do too, are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.
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