Time Is A Flat Circle

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Maverick Files

Maverick Files

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An internet horror series that shocked the internet back when KZfaq was in it's early age. Way ahead of its time, with a plot that gets more complex as it continues on - welcome to No Through Road.
PS: Huge shoutout to ‪@Viidith22‬ for the demon voice 🙌
No Through Road
• No Through Road
#creepypasta #foundfootage #nothroughroad

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@MaverickFiles Жыл бұрын
hi! this is my very first video where i attempt to explore/analyze/theorize horror videos. i don't intend to make "explained" videos into a genre or a category, but constructive criticism is appreciated 👍 ps: definitely left out some theories the more i think about it. let me know yours! this shits so fucking cool the more you crack at it lol
@brianjury4508 Жыл бұрын
The eternal present is all that matters, yet all entities have free Will, yet there are deeper laws of the universe, that keep SHIT IN CHECK. But a dualistic creator or entity, cannot exist without it's polar opposite. Until humanity kicks both forces outta the galaxy, we are beyond screwed. I am aware of past lives, and even informed my parents where they went, what they wore and how they bonked when I chose them. Most won't engage the work involved to get that, but that's a past NOW, not this one. Be well brother. Any questions? Ask. If ya dare. Those teens Karmic debt wasn't too pleasant and may have had nothing to do with their present incarnation. When an angel or demon pisses down the rifle barrel, damned impossible to get an accurate shot
@ddenisehhoy8369 Жыл бұрын
I've always wanted to make stuff like this too! Good on ya...I'll give some feedback once I watch ;)
@pariahred13 Жыл бұрын
Honestly I'm just psyched AF when Times Six releases anything. You never put less than a million percent effort into production, you are a natural and talented actor, on all your channels I've never not been amazed, though that newer sounds from the Internet is my favorite. But I see T6 uploaded, I am so excited.
@allmight9840 Жыл бұрын
Cheers friend. Enjoy the commentary on these.
@Crocogator Жыл бұрын
Excellently done! Love your stuff, and this is quality like the rest. Also a great topic to tackle for a first one.
@studhouser6969 Жыл бұрын
Imagine not just having to live as a Brit once, but multiple times. Forever, even. True horror.
@tablescissors Жыл бұрын
@EyeOfThePhi Жыл бұрын
says the american (a very racist violent country)
@ChaosAngel9151 Жыл бұрын
@@EyeOfThePhi seems pretty racist of you to say that about America
@heavensfugitive6447 Жыл бұрын
And without GUNS to defend yourself!! Like Sitting Ducks in a Jason Movie…
@struggler8532 Жыл бұрын
English Barffast
@ratkinzluver33 Жыл бұрын
For anyone curious, the creator of No Through Road now works in film (naturally, he has talent for days). He actually praised Kane Pixels for his work in analog horror. The new generation of teenage horror fans are taking the torch from the past generation of teenage horror fans. I think that's so cool.
@NASIF-GURU Жыл бұрын
Which film
@AnimexesPiano Жыл бұрын
@@moze_- remind me to check this after I’m done work xd
@ecxstasy347 Жыл бұрын
@@AnimexesPiano are you done work
@AnimexesPiano Жыл бұрын
@@ecxstasy347 yes lol
@mattstefon4878 Жыл бұрын
@@moze_- I think the No Through Road guys might have created the particular type of camera distortion by eldrich/paranormal horror that THAC popularized.
@shadowstar554 Жыл бұрын
Those kids are such good actors, holy shit. When the cameraman is running away from the killer saying "oh shit! oh fuck!" it sounds like genuine horror, the kind that can't be faked. Of course, it probably was faked, thus making their acting skills very impressive.
@jimmynovak7913 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, proving that acting itself isn’t real impressive and anyone can do it. Anyone could’ve played any of these parts convincingly imo. What they did fuck up on tho was if the masked man killed the one dude w the camera how would anyone get the tape and camera back from whatever car it was found in? Lol Then in the second one there were multiple times when the two kids were clearly being filmed by a third party. Gives it all away, I can’t believe anyone would ever even imagine this being real. 😂
@shadowstar554 Жыл бұрын
@@jimmynovak7913 To be fair, I made that comment only after watching the first one. In the first one, the fear in particular was very convincing. Most people could do basic acting, sure, but not many people could fake that level of fear.
@thatsthesystem Жыл бұрын
It definitely was faked. But you're 100% right. These guys make it feel genuine. Incredible acting!
@thatsthesystem Жыл бұрын
@@jimmynovak7913 nah man. Most people can't act convincingly. Not saying that it's not obviously fiction. But these guys did a great job selling it for sure... You're also not wrong about the few mistakes they made lol. But I still think they did a good job overall.
@simplynothing96 Жыл бұрын
@@thatsthesystem Ikr? Anyone can act, anyone can run around/away screaming, "Oh shit! Oh fuck!" But to be able to do it like they did, that's something entirely different.
@Skatr Жыл бұрын
Incredible film project by these kids. The editing and acting is incredible for their age and the time period, considering that the editing software must’ve been hard to work with. Amazing.
@MikeysHubMkhGaming Жыл бұрын
exactly what i was thinking..that last part if it were changed a bit to not be hit by the camera and just disappear would have made it an fbi investigation surely if this did not
@Florflor-gl6cz 6 күн бұрын
It was so convincing many thought it was real at first sight, that is when the vids came out
@MT_Passerby Жыл бұрын
They could legit make this into a full movie. The editing and everything was really good for found footage
@arouyokd8439 Жыл бұрын
True 🍬🍬
@Bunnibunnibunni Жыл бұрын
movies based off of creepypasta things are absolutely always bad though
@bafelix89 Жыл бұрын
@Geneva Garcia first day on the internet, huh
@John-86 Жыл бұрын
Looks like Blair witch. Crappy camera footage and acting included so yeah it make a great crappy movie
@asc4tree344 Жыл бұрын
They already made this movie.. "Looper" same concept different setting
@Anon_Spartan Жыл бұрын
"It's a spooky horror story. You and your British friends-" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" "-I didn't even get to the scary part yet."
@i.cant.pick.a.user_name Ай бұрын
i do NOT have british friends.
@elviciotpd786 Жыл бұрын
My theory: James is that masked dude at the final part of the tape, the one with the hat and the scarf. Steven was traumatized and for whatever reason he ended attacking his past self, probably so it wouldn't recognize him or because he felt it would help break the loop. In any case, I believe there's at least two or three masked men, and they are their future versions, trying to understand the loop and figuring out a way to break out of it. The thing is that since they cannot interact with their past selves in fear of being recognized, their younger selves are afraid of them. And all of that "glitching/resetting" when near one of the masked man could be either because: 1- The loop is somewhat broken and the "resets" happen coincidentally in certain moments. 2- The boys have by now learnt something about the loop and can cause these "resets", and use them so that their past selves don't come too close to figure out their identities. 3- Same as (2), but instead there actually IS someone else we don't know about, also trying to break the loop while being masked and he is the one making the "resets". Or just making sure they can't escape.
@sushi_xoxo Жыл бұрын
I wouldn’t be going back to that terrifying place to drop off flowers. Love ya friend but you’ll be in my memories from the safety of my home.
@unterdessen8822 Жыл бұрын
No real answer, but I'd like to point a few things out: The British Isles were known as "The Islands of the (Dead) Souls" in antiquity and thought to be sort of a surface underworld, due to them being cloaked in a near constant mist. People from the continent (i.e. mostly Celtic tribes at this point) avoided going near them, although they could have sailed there even with their small boats. The Romans broke the myth shortly before Christ was born: Julius Caesar visited the Isles during his campaign in Gaul and confirmed, that the people living there were just people. Rome did then colonise the Isles, but they remained a spooky place, where Celtic and Germanic tribes didn't want to go. The Angles, Saxons and Jutes from northern Germany/southern Denmark only fled there because the chaos on the continent created enough pressure. The chaos, for reference: Germanic tribes starving, but resisting Christianisation pushed by Rome and its army from the south, while at the same time being attacked by the Huns from the east. The only way they could go was west or southwest, and some tribes ended up in Morocco after clashing with Celts in France and Spain. Britain may have seemed like a pretty good alternative considering all options. But even after settling there for a while, the Angles, Saxons and Jutes still felt there was something wrong with the place. Their stories about elves differ from continental Germanic lore: While on the continent there are two types of elves, who each have their functions and at least don't bother humans most of the time, British elves are mischievous and actively seeking to harm humans. They're not split up into light elves and dark elves (the latter also known as dwarfs), they're just spiteful creatures of the mist and fairy mounds. This has led to the theory, that those weird elves were exiled to the British Isles from the continent, because they couldn't be trusted around humans. I particularly like the version of that theory, where the British elves are misbehaving children: The reasonable adult elves (both dark and light), who for the most part don't give a shit about mortals, live on the continent, but have sent their unruly kids somewhere else. This may be why the British have had to deal with elves, who seemed to make it a sport to inconvenience people. Elves, who are a total menace, selfish, arrogant, immoral and prone to using innocent people for cruel jokes. TEENAGE elves - da-da-DAAAAAAAAAH! Or they're not elves at all, but Celtic spirits, who just hated the Germanic migrants 🤷‍♀ There is some overlap between elves, fairies, pixies and aes sídhe. Anyway - they're are also known for bending time: You walk through a fairygate into their world (which is surface level, so you can stumble into it without having to climb or descend anywhere), spend a day there, return and everyone you knew back home is dead, because a hundred years have passed in our world while you were gone. This is not the exception - it's a core element of British lore. Small random detail: The British mainland is tiny, compared to countries like Canada or the US, where you can get lost far more easily in the wilderness. I very much doubt that it's possible ANYWHERE in England to drive straight ahead for an hour at a moderate pace and not run into some village or farm. The country is just too densely populated. For comparison: In 2001's "Dog Soldiers" (best werewolf film ever ❤) a group of soldiers goes on a mission in Scotland and it is mentioned, that they're really deep inside the forest. Four hours from the next settlement. This is an obvious error: There is no place in Scotland, where you could be that far away from a settlement. So don't look at "No Through Road" with the vast North American landscapes in mind. Remember, that you're on a rather small island and the fact alone, that they didn't run into anyone for an hour should already have horrified those boys.
@faxenmacher4633 Жыл бұрын
There's only a few places that have no inhabitants for at least 60 miles. Only two extremely isolated journeys spring to mind, but they're not places where you could drive necessarily: •Dartmoor is 365 miles of remote moors. •The Pennine Way is a 268 mile long National Trust footpath going from Derbyshire to Scotland. The most isolated places in Britain usually involve the sea, mountains or national parks. I'd recommend looking into Wistman's wood. It's... unusual.
@unterdessen8822 Жыл бұрын
@@faxenmacher4633 Thanks for the recommendation, I'll check it out.
@ZombieSazza Жыл бұрын
Even up north in the Gaelic Highlands you’ll find small settlements along the way, so you’re spot on
@BaldingClamydia Жыл бұрын
I think I watched that movie with my uncle! Were they essentially in a cabin or small house) almost the entire time? I don't remember much from the movie, except he really liked it, and I thought the title had something to do with dogs. I'm not really a fan of werewolf movies
@unterdessen8822 Жыл бұрын
@@BaldingClamydia Yes, they were in a house in the forest. It did have to do something with dogs: One of the main characters was a soldier, who applied for a special forces team, but he didn't pass the final test, because he didn't want to shoot the dog, that found him when he was hiding. It later turned out, that the same special forces team was using him and his original unit as bait for a pack of werewolves, that they wanted to catch. The plan was to use the werewolf curse to create military werelwolves - they wanted to submit their own soldiers to a controlled infection, so they could turn and become indestructible killing machines in battle. This was essentially a plan to create obedient werewolves - and you could say, that this was a scheme to "domesticate" werewolves and use them as military assets, like dogs were used. Dog soldiers. But everything went horribly wrong and almost everyone got killed, even Bruce Campbell (not the US actor - it's one of the characters' names). What's great (apart from the acting and story) is the design of the werewolves. They use practical effects, and those masks and body suits are incredibly spooky. Much better than any CGI could be. That usually just looks super fake. There's a ton of blood and gore. Near the end one of the bad guys has turned into a werewolf and goes after one of the main characters, who asks him whether he's already tried to lick his own... crown jewels 🤣🤣🤣 I recommend strongly, that you watch it, but I'm not going to pay for your therapy afterwards. The werewolf design is so good, that I still have nightmares 20 years after watching it.
@Luipaard005 Жыл бұрын
In the original video they think they've gotten out of the loop but the truth is they haven't. When they pass that other car, they're actually passing themselves going the other way, entering the time loop in Benington. I think the area itself is cursed or is one of those fairy portals that features so heavily in British myths and since they brought technology into the loop then the area itself uses it to torture them for trespassing. It is a private road and they're not supposed to be there. Trespassers are punished.
@yungmahon715 2 ай бұрын
Reminds me of that one movie where the people go into an old nam bunker and the only living thing they find down there is the last surviving member of their own crew. Also big No End House vibes from this whole thing (I always love stories like these)
@FederalBeurauofInvestigations. 2 ай бұрын
Oh shit I love stuff like that. Just the simple detail of them driving past THEMSELVES made it 10x better in my opinion. Thank you for pointing that out!
@SanktaLo Жыл бұрын
i'm surprised no one's mentioned the river song/doctor who reference. that seems pretty important to me for the backstory. river and the doctor are on opposite timelines-his first time meeting her is the last time she sees him. i wonder if steven or "the killer" is meant to be river, while james & co. are the doctor.
@LordMarcus Жыл бұрын
- [x] That awkward moment when you get shot by your wife, in front of your wife, who then proceeds to try to kill your wife, while your best friend is off to the side, pregnant... ... ... with your wife.
@rpmblack7892 3 ай бұрын
I really thought was more a homage to "a time traveller's wife" the book? Which is where river came from.
@projectjupiter5523 2 ай бұрын
​@@rpmblack7892they talk about "the new series", implying it's currently airing or has recently concluded. the second NTR video takes place in 2011, and in that year, Doctor Who (new series ofc) was airing Season 6 for the first time on UK television, making it the newest series of the show of that year. Season 6 is the season in which River Song features most, and focuses a lot on the interactions between River and the Doctor (11), which through which their relationship forms and crucial plot points are delivered. furthermore, the description of said series in NTR matches up better with Season 6 of Doctor Who than any other seasons in which River appears and, as far as I am aware, any other series of books which are associated with the show and feature her.
@ign0tium539 Жыл бұрын
Reminds me of something called quantum immortality. It’s based on the Schrödinger’s cat thought experiment, however in this case the observer is the one within the box; it’s the cat’s point of view. What happens when you are both dead and alive? Well, since you can’t observe your death, you could theoretically remain in the box for eternity, only observing the instance in which you survive.
@the_pseudo_nim Жыл бұрын
Solidly the most underrated channel on this platform. Everyone should be well rested from sleeping on this shit.
@arouyokd8439 Жыл бұрын
So true 🍬
@EyeOfThePhi Жыл бұрын
you know he go on 4chan right? super racist alt right site thats prolly why
@EyeOfThePhi Жыл бұрын
i checked his other channels and he read from 4 chan
@gorarths6280 Жыл бұрын
omg i remember seeing this video a couple years ago and being scared shitless, havent watched this vid yet but cant wait to see the truth behind it
@ZacHutchinson-iu3yd 3 ай бұрын
I actually live in that city, and I feel the need to flex this every time anyone covers this. It’s just so crazy that a piece of internet horror which I’ve loved since I was a kid was recorded around a 20 minute walk from where I live.
@cleanserene6330 2 ай бұрын
Where in England is it? I'm familiar (lol) with the geography from reading that one police procedural murder mystery series (with Thomas? and Barbara?) that sets itself in a different part of England each book. And the James Herriot books/TV show. And Vera, of course! Omg I'm practically an expert 😂. (I have been to London, once, as a child, over 40 years ago, and to Wales, and Ireland. A month or two for the whole trip. My main memory of Wales, real or not, was a set of stone ruins next to a playground near our lodging. I preferred to play in the ruins each day rather than the shiny predictable playground. I remember a B&B in London, the landlady's little dog named Tuppence. A house, swapped for ours in California, in a cul de sac in Dublin and a neighborhood full of kids who took me with them everywhere. My moms friend did a walking trip across England years ago and that would be awesome too.)
@ZacHutchinson-iu3yd 28 күн бұрын
@@cleanserene6330 sorry for the late reply, it’s about an hour drive south. The city is just on the north of London. Not far at all. I still just find this crazy. I first heard about the video I think when watching jacksepticeye react to horror videos.
@radseven89 Жыл бұрын
Their flat circle is driving and being lost. Ours is endlessly watching youtube videos.
@MillywiggZ Жыл бұрын
“No through road” is the original backrooms.
@jamesstaggs4160 Жыл бұрын
I have an experience that's remarkably similar to this video. When I was about 19 me and a buddy decided to drop some acid. As per usual I wanted to go driving because I didn't like being still while tripping. This was a while back, 1998, and at that time you could drive about ten or fifteen minutes down a road called Edmonson Pike and you were basically in the country. There was a narrow road we would often drive down so I took it. It had a one lane underpass for some really old train tracks, meaning it was only wide enough for one car to pass through. At this time it was about 1am so I wasn't afraid of anyone else coming the opposite way, so I drove through the ancient looking stone structure and kept driving. I kept on and eventually came to another identical underpass. I didn't ever recall there being two of them but we were tripping really really hard so I chalked it up to the acid and kept going. Well after more driving we came to another identical underpass. We both began to freak our because there's not three of those. We thought we'd driven into some sort of time warp/other dimension sort of thing. There were no lights around so it was pitch black due to it being a moonless night. I thought it would be a good idea to turn around and come back the way we came. There were a few farmhouses on that road, with the homes being set way, way back, like some of them were a quarter mile off the road. It was almost 2am at this point and I pulled into a gravel driveway to turn around. Standing in the middle of the driveway at an open gate were two impossibly old people, one man and one woman. They were just standing there at 2am, no car around at all and their house not visible even with my headlights pointing down their driveway. They had to be in their 70s at least. They just stared at us with totally blank looks on their faces. Of course we both let out a "WTF?"because why in the he'll wouid two senior citizens hike down to the road from their house at 2am and just stand there? Of course I got us out asap and went back the way we came. I reached the last underpass we went through and kept going. Then one of the oddest things I've ever experienced happened-the next thing we came to was Edmondson pike, the road we turned off of to get on the one we were on. There weren't two more underpasses. We drove under three going in the opposite direction, but we only drove under one coming back. We were tripping hard, but not hard enough to hallucinate two extra stone underpasses and also an old married couple (acid hallucinations aren't like that anyways, unless maybe you take a ton of the stuff, it's mostly just faces twisting, objects "breathing", and patterns seeming to crawl). I've got no rational explanation for what the hell that was, and unlike the video it was 100 percent real. We obviously didn't get killed or stalked but talk about mind blowing. About a week later I drove down that road in the daylight. One underpass, and the place where I turned around? I didn't even see a house. It was just a gravel driveway in a field. So either the old couple being there at that time seemed even more strange. The road is long gone. They built a subdivision there, and I'm kinda glad they did because something very weird was happening with that road.
@arareanddifferenttune3130 Жыл бұрын
Woah awesome telling of what happened to you! That freaked me out! I can’t imagine what that was like
@Moofshire Жыл бұрын
I remember watching No Through Road when It first came out. I was scared out of my mind. One of the only yt videos that scared me without there being a shitty jumpscare in it.
@youtubeisB0ring Жыл бұрын
@onlyonewhyphy Жыл бұрын
You scare easily
@Moofshire Жыл бұрын
@@onlyonewhyphy eh, depends. Almost all horror movies don't scare me just because they're cliché. Only few that scare me are Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and Annabelle. There are some others, but I'm not gonna list them all
@arouyokd8439 Жыл бұрын
@@Moofshire trueeeee
@drakewasaloverboy Жыл бұрын
@talak3544trueee, real horror is the psychological one that is felt throughout the entire video/film.
@maryleethefox8642 Жыл бұрын
This concept would be perfect for a horror movie, the fact that this is amateur made found footage is impressive. Watching it reminds me of the first time I watched The Blair Witch Project (forever my favorite found footage horror movie)
@jeremiahbaugh8195 Жыл бұрын
Dead End is the movie your looking for
@not_your_kareshiiii 10 ай бұрын
If you're into found footage horror, then Incantation is one which you should definitely watch
@StyxDescension Жыл бұрын
I had no idea that No Road Through had actually continued past its first episode. The acting definitely got way better in the follow-ups, I hope they make more of these. Really cool stuff.
@keller1808 Жыл бұрын
I think I just found a fresh goldmine. This content is good! The editing is well done and overall a great video. Definitely subscribing!
@arouyokd8439 Жыл бұрын
Yesyes 👍
@leogol6045 Жыл бұрын
This was a great project by these guys. There are popular horror movies with worse acting. That is to say, these guys are really good!
@jademoon7938 Жыл бұрын
I feel like Nietzsche was sort of saying like, the concept of repeating your life is only a good thing if you've lived a life worth living, done some fantastic thing that justified everything else, and that it would be the ultimate test of how you lived your life. I kind of got the vibe that the time loop is an unidentified event or entity that can trap anyone it wants by appearing and forcing them into it, they don't notice the road changes when they enter, it's only when they loop back that they realize. And then it's too late. "The Killer" is used to describe multiple different people, evidenced by their clothing, like the one who blocks the road on the second time around is wearing a dark, maybe green, long coat. Not a camel trench coat and matching full brim hat. The person who walks behind the car seems to be wearing a hoodie. I didn't go back but I wouldn't be surprised if the boys in the car originally were wearing those items. The loop appears to only have one building it offers, the shed, where it gives people masks and they write messages, hoping to communicate with another person. It seems like some of them are just killed, but there might be multiples of all of them looping, and they just happened to meet that one version of Steven. Maybe it's a commentary on the value of the life people live. Trying to fix the past instead of making a clear plan for the future. Dwelling on things, repeating traumas, reconstructing abusive dynamics, but never looking ahead and making a plan that would bring them a better outcome. We just keep going in circles. Making desperate heat of the moment decisions while fumbling* around in the dark, never really understanding what's going on, and exercising no control. Just ruled by our fears. Idk. Just an idea.
@dimadobrik4516 Жыл бұрын
I dig that
@shannonspage9360 9 ай бұрын
Seems very plausible.... Perhaps even the car they passed by, in the first tape after momentarily seeming to escape the no through road, was also them.
@Ghost145T Жыл бұрын
Dude your videos are so good, you are honestly on your way to Nexpo status, that sounds crazy to say but the quality is in the right direction. Honestly waited for a break in my day to really enjoy this one. But my thoughts on the video are that at first i thought it was for real, took me a min, i missed the #creepypasta lol
@orbzdaborbz Жыл бұрын
really! i thought this was real i was p scared too!
@orbzdaborbz Жыл бұрын
after watching through the whole thing the first part seemed really reallly realistic
@Ghost145T Жыл бұрын
@@orbzdaborbz yeah man, i watch a lot of these kinds of videos, like most people do nowadays, and i always assume its real unless told otherwise by the narrator. I should probably not be doing that lol, but i realised it was a creepypasta type deal when the initial found footage started to get too weird.
@studhouser6969 Жыл бұрын
if T6 turns into Nexpo I'm out lol\
@wusumar10 Жыл бұрын
Yes! I randomly stumbled on this video and I agree. First thing I thought…. NEXPO! you’re on ur way up man! Fantastic job! Keep up the good work!
@Hsjsndnskskaiajs Жыл бұрын
i remember hearing about this during school in year 8 or 9, and me and my friends grouping around our table watching it and getting scared shitless. nice to be reminded of it!
@Truckngirl Жыл бұрын
In spite of my having been watching KZfaq in '09, I never knew or heard of this before you showed me today. I know I enjoyed your speculation and narration way more than I would watching the original. Good job on this!
@misszee007 Жыл бұрын
Just a small observation is that the name of the OP Indrancole3 is similar to Indrid Cold, the smiling man that was repito have been seen by man right before the moth man events in Point Pleasant. Coincidence! Anyhow these guys deserve way more recognition this story has had me at the edge of my seat more then any horror movie in the past few years. Good job blokes ❤ and great job as always Timesix
@Alaster117 Жыл бұрын
Maverick files has become one of my favorite channels. Keep it up dude.
@adamjoshua865 Жыл бұрын
Legitimately got a smile on my face when I saw you had uploaded, and the smile got even bigger after I saw the video length. Keep up the good work!
@Strawberrymilkdrink Жыл бұрын
[Turns on radio] [Radio goes insane] "Oh its the scariest thing ever" Literally me
@thebargoblin3226 Жыл бұрын
honestly that moment cracks me up so hard
@froggyfresh08 Жыл бұрын
The strangers (a 2008 home invasion movie) used that same loop when Kristen (the main character) notices one of the intruders for the first time and stumbles back onto a vinyl player. (I don’t know shot about vinyls so I’ll explain this best I can) the vinyl gets fucked up and keeps reversing after the line “quicksilver girl” in a song titled “my first lover”
@MarkARoutt 2 ай бұрын
One morning when starting my car, a 1998 Chevy Impala with no Bluetooth capability, the radio kicked on when the key was in auxiliary as it normally does. A got a sense of someone watching. me and looked around to them hear a child crying coming through my radio. But it didn't last long because when I started my car out of auxiliary, the radio turned off for a second then came back on to the usual morning talk show I would listen to. I was terrified and have no idea to this day what it was.
@anthonyk-ninevarga4079 Жыл бұрын
You did well my friend you took my favorite cherry pie and put a dollop of cool on top and that made the whole thing taste much better thank you. A. Varga.
@TestAcct46 Жыл бұрын
The duality of man: a few weeks ago Goose Boose put out a video absolutely shitting all over this video series and here's Mav praising it XD
@nok4799 Жыл бұрын
I like their different perspectives tbh
@biterface03 Жыл бұрын
“stingrays love foreplay” would truly be some crazy last words. Imagine reading that on a tombstone with no context lol
@dstar9868 Жыл бұрын
"No 3g" And like that my joints ache
@_dreamscape Жыл бұрын
I’m really, really in love with your style and commentary, as well as the subject matter you do your videos on. Amazing work!
@happytimes8623 Жыл бұрын
no through road is honestly one of my favorite videos on the whole internet, gives me the creeps but so so good
@robertreads21 Жыл бұрын
Amazing concept. Top notch editing with supernatural vibes. The acting is indistinguishable from a real horrific experience. I love how the “official” story stuck with it, and has not been disproven. Urban legend status. Bad-ass production.
@tjmarx Жыл бұрын
Theories are not hypothesis. Theories are tested, evidence backed, peer reviewed reality. They're as close to truth as we get. Hypothesis is what you mean at 40:44 Edit: Schrödinger's cat isn't a theory, it's a thought experiment used to in retort of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum superposition. It's Edwin Schrödinger saying this idea is absurd. He literally led into the thought experiment by saying "one could even come up with ridiculous cases" before describing the cat thought experiment. It regularly gets misused (including in this video) in pop culture by those whom do not understand what it's referencing. It's a nerd version of a diss that people have misinterpreted as some kind of insight. Here's a hypothesis for you regarding No Through Road. James is the cause of the loop in the first place. He only pretends to not know what's happening but he actually does. The killer is the grim reaper and all of the teens are dead. Fact, James is driving both times. He is in control of the vehicle and at no stage does any one become in control of it. Fact: Every time James "pranks" his friends something happens. Every key scene and development occur at the coincidental timing of James actions Fact: James finds the rabbit both times and makes the same joke. Fact, It took James 3 years to pay his respects and they re-enter the loop without re-entering no through road. He brought someone else (Dave) with him. Fact, James points out the shed and suggests they go there. Whilst in the shed it's James that points out the masks. Fact, James randomly leaves and is never see again in the footage. He says "I have to do this, I have no choice" as he leaves. No further explanation is given. After this Steven attacks himself. Fact the original video starts by claiming 4 teens were found dead. The sequel has only Steven as dead, suggesting they never left no through road.
@griffy9639 Жыл бұрын
@WK-47 Жыл бұрын
Wasn't aware of this series so thanks for covering it. Great work as well. I expect your channel will blow up in the next 12 months. Keep it up, man.
@unslaadkrosis9435 Жыл бұрын
The ringtone we hear around 28:30 is a song called Murder on the Dance Floor. It's goddamn good, give it a listen 😊
@KrustyBert 3 ай бұрын
This video kept popping up in my feed, maybe I saved it at some point, so I thought it was new. It was fantastic regardless. Love what you are currently and hsve produced.
@D0ses Ай бұрын
oh man what a throwback! this was my intro to these kinda vids n fueled my love for found footage that carries to this day. id LOVE to see more of stuff like this from Maverick!
@AustinPaulMusic Жыл бұрын
Someone recommended your channel on the nexpo subreddit and I am so glad I came over! I’m only 13 minutes into this video and I absolutely love it!!!
@xmaster6576 Жыл бұрын
love how they start talking about minecraft, just makes it feel that much more real, instead of some distant horrorverse its rooted in our reality, if that makes sense
@13.6Hz Жыл бұрын
Honestly, I can't help but want to believe it's real, the atmosphere of them just messing around and what felt like genuine fear from them just makes me want to! I really enjoy these kinds of things, but not everyone can make these found footage videos seem authentic and genuine, this one, imo, succeeded!
@RobDog-23 Жыл бұрын
This was intensely creepy, and reminded me of several other stories I've heard over the years on this subject. Very cool, and very well done. I enjoyed watching this one immensely. Endeavor to persevere!
@nuckinfutz359 Жыл бұрын
Ive noticed that videos, movies, etc that are filmed as if they are real are ALWAYS better then others. Its like the acting is better, the points being made are interpreted better, and just the feeling of "this could be real". I enjoyed this, thank you for your thoughts.
@Mediocrates9 9 ай бұрын
I just gotta say, I always love your intro. It really sets the theme and the music is spot on.
@gaysatan4565 Жыл бұрын
BRO THANK YOUUUUUUU! I watched this video many years ago and was like damn that was a really good found footage short film. I couldn’t find it for so many years until this! It’s really cool to see more context to it as well!!
@uwubagelz6709 Жыл бұрын
The movie Triangle came out around the same time as No Through Road. This was also a horror movie about time loops and perhaps acted as inspiration.
@froggyfresh08 Жыл бұрын
I haven’t seen that so I can’t commitment nor deny. What I can confirm is that the looping song was inspired by another movie The strangers (a 2008 home invasion movie) used that same loop when Kristen (the main character) notices one of the intruders for the first time and stumbles back onto a vinyl player. (I don’t know shot about vinyls so I’ll explain this best I can) the vinyl gets fucked up and keeps reversing after the line “quicksilver girl” in a song titled “my first lover” Funnily enough, like no through road, the movie wants you to think the movie was based on true events. it was only loosely based off a true story, taking only bits and pieces from the true story
@ManuSDP 6 ай бұрын
Timecrimes! Give it a watch, way better than Triangle
@jonoehler5205 Жыл бұрын
Please do not stop. Your channel is magnificent.
@jellyjohn7881 8 ай бұрын
"Someone once told me, 'Time is a flat circle.' Everything we've ever done or will do, we're gonna do over and over and over again."- Rust Cohle (True Detective)
@InsertNameHere0369 Жыл бұрын
Love your style of story telling. All the content you’ve made for our enjoyment is greatly appreciated. Keep ‘em coming!!
@lukelaurelle2534 Жыл бұрын
I've seen this video years ago, but I never have seen the 2nd follow up video. I tried looking for more but I never found that vid. Pretty interesting concept for a horror video and man that song on the radio used to chill me to the bone. Like a song from hell.
@CausticJester Жыл бұрын
Omg no throught road is so well made. I still can't figure out if this video is real or not. The emotions and movements feel so real. It all feels genuine
@StubbornBullet Жыл бұрын
Definitely not real dude, perfect angles for the 'guy' to walk past the car and be caught on the camera, as well as a guy turning up after 3 years of being supposedly dead and his mates are just like 'Yo sup bro'. I'm sure if one of my best mates came back from the dead after 3 years I'd have a bigger reaction then that...
@CausticJester Жыл бұрын
@@StubbornBullet yeah no figured that out, I just really liked the script of the friends whenever they talked with each other through it all, feels like what me and my friends would say in a situation like that
@StubbornBullet Жыл бұрын
@@CausticJester Oh definitely with you on that. Very well written and acted script considering how young these lads look at the time it was made.
@Odie2390 Жыл бұрын
Lmao no it's not this a series.
@kateapple1 Жыл бұрын
Are you really being serious? This whole video had Blair witch written all over it. Wait are you guys like really young is everyone in this comment thread like 13? I’m just trying to figure out an explanation to how someone couldn’t know this was faked 😅
@KTT1985 Жыл бұрын
I can tell you about some crazy things that happen when driving at night. I've seen roads that appear there and when you go back they are completely gone. No joke. I've seen a road that had a cat hanging from a tree for a turn to the left i believe it was and we were freaked out flet strange and kept going straight only to turn around an curiosity got us and the road was no longer there the tree wasn't there and the road was now a pile of dirt that looked recently bulldozed and blocked off crazy stuff happens when you drive randomly at night people are so locked into there phones they don't realize the craziness of the world around them. True stories an I got many more
@RogueJinxel 11 ай бұрын
Keep them coming start a podcast I wanna hear them ❤
@TheCapitalWanderer Ай бұрын
that is terrifying
@nicholaswilshusen3387 Жыл бұрын
I remember watching this video about 7 years ago and I tried serching for it ever since but I couldn’t remember what it was called. Thank you do showing up on my recommend!
@jellybeaner118 Жыл бұрын
What if every person there is a mask wearing killer, each one trying to undo the loop by killing their younger selves? We see instances of the killer teleporting, what if it was just someone else wearing the mask.. what if its all their future versions trying to break the loop in their own way?
@car0ndelet Жыл бұрын
I love your approach and I’m glad you’re trying this direction out. Also cheers for the return of T6 🎉
@tat-2-71 Жыл бұрын
T6 is back?
@Childishxmarkeeloo Жыл бұрын
@@tat-2-71 yes this is T6
@Childishxmarkeeloo Жыл бұрын
@@tat-2-71 yes this is T6
@Infinite.Worldz Жыл бұрын
Wow man, I'm glad I found your channel you make really good videos high quality stuff and I love it. Unique and very crisp 👌
@Sev_Henry 4 ай бұрын
As soon as I saw "No Through Road" in the thumbnail I knew I had to watch. What could possibly have brought this little series into the spotlight after so long?
@jackplayyt3817 Жыл бұрын
This was perfect not Evan a full day after being uploaded and I see this after being curious after rewatching these again after seeing them years ago
@demencous7004 Жыл бұрын
Just found you recently and have been watching a bunch of vids, awesome stuff.
@gamershadow8 Жыл бұрын
timeloops scare the sh*t out of me
@remymane901 Жыл бұрын
your video editing skills makes your content 1000x better. i love your work bro
@maximodomiguez4079 Жыл бұрын
This was great, and actually a very thoroughly done explanation, keep the up!!!
@thebargoblin3226 Жыл бұрын
for me the idea the loop as a living conceptual entity or deity is the most horrifying. as if it purposely traps it’s victims (or prey) and feeds off their suffering like it’s in its animalistic nature to do so gives me the heeby-jeebies.
@gutermaniac Жыл бұрын
My favorite spooky vid from my favorite KZfaqr? Holy shit. Keep grinding brother
@_daughterr Жыл бұрын
i really enjoyed this video. i love that it was long, packed with food for thought while not being obvious. sound effects were just right for me to experience the ominous mood of the video, running it in the background while doing some work of my own. it's great to listen to your personal ideas about this video because they aren't a matter-of-fact commentary similar to some content creators' and actually make me think more instead. great stuff :]
@904C5ZOSIX Жыл бұрын
This is a story that I could Listen to forever. Great video!!
@lruffner4150 11 ай бұрын
I’ve always enjoyed no through road. I remember watching it close to the time that it came out and it fascinated me. I’ve rewatched it several times and some day I want to make my own found footage like this
@commentbars2648 Жыл бұрын
Amazing video. Your presentation of the content is perfect. Keep up the good work.
@at0micwaste 6 ай бұрын
This is a really good video. Just realized you also had this channel and I love the content!
@femboydoja3760 Жыл бұрын
When I was younger I had a Dream similar to this There was this green building which is an abandoned Gymnasium, I dreamed of being pursued by a creature whilst having a companion with me. Endless corridors of Toilets, Stalls, Rustic Pipes, Bath tubs, and showers stretch led in that building and I tried many times to escape. As I got older the dreams changed, I dreamed I was the monster pursuing my self, this video made me think of it Thank you time six
@xBenge Жыл бұрын
Awesome hearing a Viidith22 demon voice pop in. Your content is superb T6.
@S1l_v2r 3 ай бұрын
I after watching the video got a theory that goes like this, either the time loop is a natural phenomena that they boys have incountered, or they boys are tied/are the time loop (most possibly Steven himself in particular), and the killer is Steven. Upon Steven being killed he gets stuck in the time loop while the other boys manage to escape. Later they get back into it to find Steven alive and still being in the loop, so we can already understand that no matter what happens to the 2 other guys, Steven will still stay in that loop. And no matter what he will do he will forever be there. So what I think happens is that Steven first gets his face bust, later on tries to prevent the attack just to get frustrated and tries to kill his past self just to then realize he's the murderer, exploring for a bit trying to grasp what the hell happened, lose his mind slowly so that he builds this shack and gathers the masks and all the other items, warships the time, and all that while also absorbing what his future selfs do then then repeat it, all in hopes that by doing it, he might eventually either exit the time loop or be accepted into some higher society or god knows what by the time loop.
@S1l_v2r 3 ай бұрын
An other possibility is that, as we've seen with James also putting on a mask and running off somewhere, it's possible that Steven is not the only one being effected, meaning there's a possibility in which there are at least 2 murderers/masked figures initially, maybe even 3.
@PcGamerKenpachi Жыл бұрын
God damn it Mav! My one comfort watching these videos is that they all occur in the US, why did you have to bring this to my doorstep, I ever see a Bennington sign and I'm just droving through tbe fields lmao
@nyekundaikonradish Жыл бұрын
these guys are just genuinely the best actors I've ever seen like it always amazes me honestly because I have a hard time watching movies or TV series that are live action / not animated because even the best and most famous actors just don't act like real people to me (which obviously is a stylistic choice of course like how no one really talks in an over dramatic commanding voice like super heroes do) where I find a hard time immersing myself in the world while animation is like so blatantly fake somehow its passable for me to watch, but this is the one video that is just so chillingly good, like they act just natural enough to immerse you into the atmosphere and fear for them.
@a.m.7745 3 ай бұрын
@RainbowWrangler Ай бұрын
Bravo amazing coverage. Id love to see you cover something like stone cold or other found footage style Internet horrors
@80AM. Жыл бұрын
very good video. great work. the commentary is superb, thank you.
@ZekeShiante Жыл бұрын
Definitely need more videos like this from you.
@TetsuyaH Жыл бұрын
Watching your videos always makes me motivated to try and get better at editing so I can produce a masterpiece like this
@taylormademyself89 Жыл бұрын
Always ready for new vid to pop up to watch 😎🤟its been long time since I saw the no through road vid still creepy 😳
@hayleysiobhanwood9851 9 ай бұрын
Maverick files you have a new subscriber ❤❤❤ Thanks for the videos really enjoy them 🎉
@brianjury4508 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for keeping us updated and informed younger brother. Ya still in Pomona area? Doesn't matter. Stay aware, safe, and vigilant. A Dead End is self explanatory
@northwindhighlander Жыл бұрын
So, it's about 9pm in my time zone. Oct 30. I'm at work. I'm not "watching" this videi, instead, I have my ear buds on. I'm about a 3rd of the way thru, and this sounds like such a wild fucking ride I'm coming back to re-watch this later and actually watch.
@ARPalico Жыл бұрын
“Time is a flat circle.” My stupid ahh: No its not! You’re mentioning a freakin cloc…. Ohhh 😮.
@bradyhill2136 Жыл бұрын
This just scared the shit out of me. I was thinking about living life in a loop last night. Then I clicked on this video without knowing what the real topic was and the first thing is a devil voice saying you’re gonna live life in a loop.
@TimeWaster_Elite Жыл бұрын
Hell yeah, man!!! Been waiting for the latest video from you!! Keep it up!!!
@leowu1644 Жыл бұрын
Love your contents. Hope your channel explode into millions of subs one day.
@bluebanana1119 4 ай бұрын
The song in the first one honestly makes me shiver, it’s terrifying
@ZealTroublemaker 3 ай бұрын
Coming back to this one just cuz I love the story so much lol
@DaAmethyst1 Жыл бұрын
Oh sure.. you just had to say " and staring directly at you!". Like wtf?! That gave me goosebumps!
@scepticalhyenas5750 Жыл бұрын
My favorite description of the schrodingers cat theory is _"if a tree falls in the forest and Einstein isn't around to hear it... maybe it didn't"_
@averymcdd Жыл бұрын
No through road is one of the best horror projects on KZfaq. Such a great premise.
@AlucardODeath Жыл бұрын
Yay! Just in time I have been binging the T6 archives and I have almost finished them.
@polkaking237 Жыл бұрын
I’ve seen this vid late at night my dude. I didn’t know what was happening in the vid. I didn’t know what was going on seeing the man as a monster with my senses disrupt by the radio.
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