"Conservatives" Who Need to be Converted

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The Counsel of Trent

The Counsel of Trent

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In this episode, Trent examines two groups of conservatives who need to respond to the message of Jesus Christ and his Church.
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The Error of "Toxic Anti-Feminism" - • The Error of "Toxic An... .
00:00 Christian/Conservative Distinctions
00:48 Immoral Individualists
07:11 Racist Conservatives
15:49 Conclusion

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@christopherflux6254 6 ай бұрын
The weirdest thing is when Andrew Tate is held up as a ‘Conservative’ Icon.
@danieljosephbestguy5990 6 ай бұрын
Yes, and he happens to have the worst of both types of bad conservatives.
@sivad1025 6 ай бұрын
This is what happens when we judge acts by results instead of intent. Tate seems "right wing" because of his anti-feminist views. But those views stem from the exact same principles as feminism. His entire framework is liberal
@tookie36 6 ай бұрын
How isn’t he a conservative?
@sivad1025 6 ай бұрын
@@tookie36 Because he thinks all things are morally permissible if there's consent
@tookie36 6 ай бұрын
@@sivad1025so you’re saying conservatism is Catholicism ?
@shmeebs387 6 ай бұрын
Seeing so many so-called conservatives celebrating Dave Rubin's surrogate child was so disappointing.
@gavasiarobinssson5108 6 ай бұрын
A child birth is always worthy of celebrating
@williamjohnson3093 6 ай бұрын
@@gavasiarobinssson5108 Unless its enabling multiple sins against nature
@solaris6070 6 ай бұрын
I do get the impression that the group of online anti-liberal, anti-woke, that have arisen since around 2016 try not to rock the boat with each other too much and want to keep a semblance of unity. I'm thinking of Dave Rubin, Ben Shapiro and Daily Wire folk, Jordan Peterson, Weinsteins, Prager etc.
@williamjohnson3093 6 ай бұрын
@@solaris6070 there’s a thread tying some of those individuals together
@shmeebs387 6 ай бұрын
@@gavasiarobinssson5108 The birth of the child is a great thing, but the trafficking of a baby from a rented womb is evil. It's not the kid's fault. Nothing against that little boy, but the way in which his "parents" acquired him is disgusting.
@luke2346luke 6 ай бұрын
"Conservative" seems to just mean "not Left" nowadays.
@tookie36 6 ай бұрын
Like Trent says conservatives lack an objective stance on what they are consvering. Mainting public lands and caring for the environment was once conservative values. The labor movement and unions were once conservative values. But now it’s abortion, anti lgbt, and tax cuts for the wealthy
@deancorso6693 6 ай бұрын
Conservatives are on the Left. They're just driving the speed limit.
@robertortiz-wilson1588 6 ай бұрын
John Doyle has pointed out this exact, long-running self-destructive phenomenon.
@skylinefever 5 ай бұрын
I never got conservatism, because I mocked the cognitive dissonance of small government deregulation and financing the massive war on drugs. So what if some idiot wants to smoke weed in private? Self determination for all!
@skylinefever 5 ай бұрын
@@nisonatic Sure, policing is a core function. Masses just argue that when there is no victim, there is no crime.
@carstontoedter1333 6 ай бұрын
Holding your political allies to account is incredibly important. This video is huge
@BuddyLee23 6 ай бұрын
Just keep an eye out for those who would intentionaly seek to ‘divide and conquer’ by fostering division amongst those who would otherwise be allies.
@Justin_Beaver564 6 ай бұрын
I'm not a political ally of either side. This is the problem of a binary system that tries to force everyone into one of only two camps. I'm an athiest and a free market Objectivist.
@carstontoedter1333 6 ай бұрын
@@Justin_Beaver564 good for you?
@petri2767 6 ай бұрын
The pope endorsed Dialop Transversal, a marxist organization, just a week ago.
@rcbmmines4579 6 ай бұрын
Excellent video sir. This is a lesson a lot of us Catholics and Christians in general need to learn. While it is arguable that there is a lesser evil, we must remember we are neither tied to conservative or liberal ideology or parties. We are tied to Christ. Knowing this, we can see that both indeed have their own sinful beliefs and actions, and thus we can avoid being lead astray.
@stevendouglas3781 6 ай бұрын
This is a shameful false equivalency. You must forget the evil we’re up against.
@rcbmmines4579 6 ай бұрын
@@stevendouglas3781 Like I said, you can argue there is a lesser evil, but as the video already covers, conservatism is not free of evil either, and it is not equivalent to Christianity. Believing so will only mislead you, like you may be right now. Do not forget who you truly are and who you're truly fighting for. Or else you will continue to shame others when you have shame yourself.
@bad_covfefe 6 ай бұрын
@@stevendouglas3781 Conservatism contains the same ideology that produced progressivism, that's why conservatism is just progressivism a few decades behind the curve.
@stevendouglas3781 6 ай бұрын
@@rcbmmines4579 you’re talking absolute foolishness. The type of foolishness that demoralizes people ostensibly on your side. Opposing abrotion is not a “lesser evil” than abrotion. Opposing ch!ld sex surgery isn’t a “lesser” evil than promoting it. You didn’t give any examples because you know your point is unreasonable. So what is evil about the right? They don’t h8 wh te ppl enough? What? Like i said, just another desperate false equivalency because it makes you feel better i guess. Whenever the right begins to gain ground in the culture people like you always pop up to tell them to calm down and that they’re abstractly equal to their ideological opposites. No bueno.
@stevendouglas3781 6 ай бұрын
@@bad_covfefe that is a dialectic which is being purposefully played out but it is not inherent to the beliefs. Conservatism is trying to conserve the culture of western Christianity in America. That culture had already been warped from the enlightenment, but the desire to turn back to the societal foundation of Christ is what being right wing is. There are millions of goofy libertarian / liberal types who think they’re on the right because leftists annoy them, but that doesn’t matter.
@user-uc1yb7hy2n 6 ай бұрын
The African Catholic Church is a light to the World.
@princessjess2915 6 ай бұрын
@Lucas.33. 6 ай бұрын
Africa will become the Rome of the 21-22st century
@anonjohn7571 2 ай бұрын
It really is. Cheers from a Roman Catholic in the US ✝️
@Sarge226 2 күн бұрын
@@Lucas.33. pump the brakes there lmao
@redmarth4931 6 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this video! It is great to hear Catholics pushing back on these conservative errors
@stillcantthinkaboutaname5396 6 ай бұрын
Wow, this editing is insane. Haven't watched much besides the beginning of it but man, good job Trent.
@censoredanon8928 6 ай бұрын
Although, I think we could have done without some of the examples. 🤣
@sitka49 6 ай бұрын
Don't thank him, thank his staff.
@jamessilcock7158 6 ай бұрын
As an English Christian, I grapple with the notion that expressing a desire to preserve the demographic and material well-being of my people in their homeland through prudent immigration policies is deemed immoral or an undue exaltation of my ethnic identity. It is crucial to clarify that advocating for such preservation does not equate to fostering hatred based on race. In the eyes of Christ, we are all one, connected through a shared spiritual bond, yet we must also acknowledge the divine purpose behind our unique identities and roles. God, in His wisdom, has ordained distinct roles for men and women, just as He has bestowed upon nations their unique identities. As stewards of His creation, we bear the responsibility to safeguard the welfare of our families, recognizing that this duty extends to our broader community and tribe - an extension of our familial ties. Embracing the divine order, we acknowledge the importance of nurturing the nations that God has ordained, ensuring their rightful stewardship for the greater glory of His plan.
@AK_Catholic_Traditional 5 ай бұрын
Look up statistics of Wh1te Population worldwide and tell me who’s the minority. It’s fine to be very strict with such policies, Church has never opposed that. It’s not hate, it’s the Preservation of own people. Look who’s-pulling the strings while you’re at it 🤥👌🏻
@danielgreen6547 4 ай бұрын
@jamessilcock7158 Well stated.
@ketchupboi6922 3 ай бұрын
“Go and form nations.” God seemed to forbid the idea of one mankind and global culture and government, instead forcing the separation of peoples. I agree with you.
@Jessaba 6 ай бұрын
Yes! More honest conversations about this topic needs to be had across the Christian & conservative community. As a former black liberal who is now Orthodox Christian, I found that as my faith and relationship in Jesus Christ grew my world view naturally became conservative- and my place and purpose in life only stands on Christ- which bring clarity regardless of the which way the political wind blows. I also love hearing from Catholic brothers & sisters (like Trent and Lila Rose) and reading Catholic literature (like Theology of the Body) which stands firm in the faith and have a well rounded approach to livening out their faith in Christ in this upside down world. Thank you Trent for putting a spotlight on this multi faceted issue! I need to find more ppl like this in my own life who are able to be this honest, introspective.
@canibezeroun1988 6 ай бұрын
Hey, I was in a similar boat. I'm a Catholic now but grew up as the most conservative one in my family. How did you end up Orthodox?
@Jessaba 6 ай бұрын
@@canibezeroun1988in a nutshell I grew up in an American cultic church that didn’t have the real Christianity. In my 20s I started asking questions and I was met with push back. Needless to say I informally walked away and participated in worldly cares becoming liberal in my ideology. Then after I became pregnant out of wedlock with my first child I became compelled to raise him with a faith because obviously my life was not going down an ideal path. And I owed to my innocent child to get my life together. Unfortunately I was drawn to Islam because it seemed the believers had a moral high standard of living and I liked the idea of rejecting “white Jesus”. After practicing that for a few years (thank God for His Grace) He allowed me to see that it was false, empty and hatful. I had a friend who I could be honest with about feeling spiritually lost and in need of the real God. The friend told me about the beautiful history of Orthodox Christianity- something I never new existed due to my upbringing. So I took it upon my self to inquire with a priest and then became Catechized. About a year later I was baptized thank you Jesus! I married that friend and now we have children together! I still feel like a baby in the faith but I’m love with Jesus , learning and practicing. I’m most thankful that I get to raise my children in a Christian church and in true Christian faith.
@Jessaba 6 ай бұрын
@@drjanitor3747 I guess when I speak of true a Christian faith I think of true orthodoxy faith in Christ our savior who died rose and assented to heaven and will return…you know the creeds. I understand the churches are not in communion and that Catholics believe that they have the fullness of the faith but not to say that others outside the church don’t have real faith. I believe that a true Christian has faith in the truth of Christ our Savior. Nevertheless, I love my Catholic brothers and sisters and I pray that one day all churches will be in unity as they once were. Thanks for sharing!
@patrickbarnes9874 6 ай бұрын
@@drjanitor3747 You demonstrate why we non-Catholics continue to be unconvinced by Catholic claims. Your justification for making your claim that your church is the truth faith is a quotation from the leader of that faith. It's like when a Christian tries to use Bible verses to prove God exists. No atheist is going to take that seriously. I think, as a general rule about most things and not just religion, if your goal is to change minds then you need to meet those minds where they are at.
@1901elina 6 ай бұрын
5:33 that is so profound. And you're right. I'm a recent convert from atheism. I was living in LA and I was sick of the values of everyone around me and started admiring Christians. Never thought I would believe in it literally but eventually found enough evidence to actually believe Christ rose and it's all true. And yes, there is no fuller way to embrace good values than a full conversion and accepting the truth of Jesus Christ. I've been blown away how the world makes so much more sense. Before my conversion as much as I didn't like the secular values around me - the hook up culture and lewdness especially, there was no real or at least easy way to support the values I wished to instill in the world around me. There's studies on how monogamy works better and such, and philosophical arguments on why hook-up culture sucks, but it's so much easier and more definite once you realize and can assert that we're simply created a certain way for certain things, and that what God wants for us and has revealed to us is what's best for us. It has also even made me embrace these values more strongly, and some new ones I didn't really have before, and I like it lol. It feels more right.
@Charlotte_Martel 6 ай бұрын
I share your disgust with the degradation of modern secular values but am firmly in the agnostic/atheist camp, so I have to ask: what empirical evidence caused you to convert to Christianity instead of any other faith? I certainly haven't seen any.
@1901elina 6 ай бұрын
​@@Charlotte_Martel My first reply got deleted. It seems to do that when I refer to a podcast recommendation maybe thinking it's spam. But I'll try one more time... So I'm going to paste what I've said before in reply to someone else, as it's easiest. My apologies if it's a lot of information at once, but it's a matter of converging evidence. It's hard to describe just one thing, as the resurrection is a historical event, so you can't do a double blind placebo controlled study to prove it just like with any other event in history, and you can't put the supernatural in a test tube. But the following converging evidence has made me accept that it's true, and I'm growing stronger in that conviction every day. I'm happy to elaborate and share resources for any of the following, if you'd like to further the discussion my electronic male (intentionally misspelled mb my comment won't get deleted lol) is on my padzhe lol. But here comes that list: Shroud of Turin (Jesus's burial cloth and my favorite piece of scientifically studied evidence. Pints of Aquinas episode on it with Andrew Dalton is amazing), Eucharistic miracles, how soon after Jesus's death the gospels and Paul's letters were written when for other biographical historical writings in that time it would take centuries and they were written within living memory of many witnesses and the creed in 1 Corinthians 15 is said to have been formulated within a few years if not months after Jesus's death, the fact that we have way more manuscript copies for the gospels than for other events at the time, historical accuracies and other unintentional evidence in the gospels and book of Acts scholars like John Bergsma have analyzed, the fact that people who claimed to see the resurrected Jesus were killed rather than renounce it (it's one thing to die over something you believe to be true and don't know better like a suicide bomber, it's another thing to die over a conscious lie, like Peter getting crucified upside down for saying he saw and had a meal with the resurrected Jesus), testimonies of supernatural experiences either demonic or encounters with Jesus that converted atheists, new agers, Buddhists, Jews, Muslims, etc (you may not find this convincing, but it's evidence nonetheless. Testimony is evidence in a court of law for example), the Marian apparitions at Zeitoun that millions witnessed over three years that we have pictures of and recorded miraculous healings from - Jimmy Akin has a great Mysterious World episode on it, and probably more I'm forgetting. Oh also the fruits of Christianity - how the Catholic church pioneered science and civilization. As Jesus said, "judge them by the fruits."
@delicious_seabass 6 ай бұрын
Finally, someone who's actually saying what I've been thinking. Conservatives have abandoned their principles and values to be more favorable to others - so basically became liberal. We need to stop bending the knee to these people and start standing up for what is true. I'm so sick of walking on eggshells or tiptoeing through the tulips with these heathens because their feelings might be hurt. Bring on the intellectual crusades.
@therealong 6 ай бұрын
@delicious_seabass And what is true, according to you in 2024?
@velkyn1 6 ай бұрын
happily, you cultists are more at war with each other than anyone else.
@delicious_seabass 6 ай бұрын
@@velkyn1 Is that so? Last I checked, the left is a giant unwinnable competition to decide which group is the most victimized.
@mrmr2488 6 ай бұрын
Wrong. It’s more like liberals became conservatives to subvert it. First off, Dave Rubin is a homosexual jew. Jews reject Christ and absolutely hate Catholics. There is nothing traditional or conservative about him, he is a grifter. Trent and everyone like him will always fail in their mission and their groups will always be subverted because they don’t mention the Jewish question. To be catholic and to ignore Jewish history is astounding to me. It’s why it’s so hard to take Trent or people like Andrew Wilson seriously. Christianities number 1 enemy is Judaism, always has been and always will be.
@alonsoACR 6 ай бұрын
"If you belong to the world, the world would love you as its own. Because you don't belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world - therefore the world hates you." - John 15:19 You showed your honesty, convictions, and willingness to fight for the Truth. If you ever stop getting hate in the comments you're doing something wrong. Speak kind, loving and gentle... with brutal honesty. Take heart, brother, only the brave get to earn Heaven.
@simplydanny 6 ай бұрын
Low key one of the best episodes. I’ve noticed how conservatives are always a few steps behind liberals. The stance on social issues changes. Also the two types of conservatives really puts proper labels to what I’ve been experiencing.
@stcolreplover 6 ай бұрын
This is so lame. If you think this, you fail to understand what conservatism is.
@utopiabuster 6 ай бұрын
You didn't even watch the video! Thanks for playing.
@user-zi7gd9pn3l 6 ай бұрын
​@@stcolreplover I know what conservatism isn't. It isn't what our nation was founded on (presuming you're from the US, but most other countries work as well), it isn't individualist "God, weed, and guns", it isn't 95% of the so-called conservatives that make up our government. If you support any one of these propositions then you are NOT a conservative.
@davidhawkins5329 6 ай бұрын
​@@stcolreplover& So your solution of ideas is ................. ? ( Crickets )
@TheThreatenedSwan 6 ай бұрын
Trent himself goes with the Overton window shift on a number of issues unfortunately, but there are also areas where a wide amount of views can be acceptable depending on the circumstances. Like on economics as a Catholic it's acceptable for the state to have a wide variety of amounts of control, but we should be pragmatic about the effects. If the state controlling health care or taxing multi-millionaires/ billionaires at a high rate had an extremely good effect, we should be for it, but neither do
@sonnyjim5268 6 ай бұрын
That was a good story about Martin. I would just say, the so-called "catholics" that were racist to Martin were not upholding our Church's teaching but were in defiance of it. We don't judge an ideology by it's abuses but by it's tenants.
@snokehusk223 6 ай бұрын
those Catholics don't owe someone that isn't hisof their kin privilages that their kin enjoys
@marvalice3455 6 ай бұрын
It is not a Christian virtue to sell our children, or to say "whatever I have that you could benefit from, is promised to strangers" I get, that we must love the foreigners, and the poor, and our enemies. But if we forget that our first duty is to our families, than our faith is in vain.
@robertortiz-wilson1588 6 ай бұрын
​@@marvalice3455Functional Moral Balance.
@joshua_wherley 6 ай бұрын
Whenever someone identifies as conservative, I want to ask what is being conserved? "Put not your trust in princes, in mortal man, who cannot save. When his spirit departs, he returns to the ground; on that very day his plans perish." - Psalm 146:3-4
@keymaker2112 6 ай бұрын
Generally some component of the existing political/social order.
@tayzk5929 4 ай бұрын
Same with Christians. What have they conserved?
@joshua_wherley 4 ай бұрын
@@tayzk5929 depends on who you ask. The Orthodox have conserved virtually everything that makes them who they are. The Catholics have to a lesser degree, Protestants even less.
@elijahculper5522 3 ай бұрын
Money for rich people. That’s what gets conserved by conservatism. That’s all that gets conserved. Any other thing that gets talked up by conservatives is negotiable. They’ll trade away being pro life. They’ll trade away traditional marriage. They’ll trade away supporting free speech or the right to raise your own kids the second it conflicts with the bottom line of the fabulously wealthy. To be a conservative is nothing more or less than to support an oligarchy of unaccountable billionaires. The rest is just aesthetics.
@jboswell1768 6 ай бұрын
I am a black American and I recently returned to the fullness of the Catholic church and I must say, *THANK YOU TRENT* for what you said at 7:14 . I'm a pretty conservative guy politically and yes, plenty of people scream "racism!" at nothing, but that doesn't mean legitimate, vile racism doesn't exist. Unfortunately, it pains me to say this, but the fact is there are too many legitimate racists in the "trad Cath" movement. We have people like Nick Fuentes calling himself a Catholic and countless racist memes spreading around Traditional Catholic spaces. It's just as wrong as the other end of the spectrum, where heretical Catholics push pro-lgbt lifestyle garbage. Thank you again for calling this out and being fair.
@haloking9809 6 ай бұрын
Yes!!!! Too many in the church love to rant about Jewish power or race mixing . And forget about the heart of the gospel. Not to mention the tremendous sin of scandal it has on the church who end up thinking we are a bunch on nazis. I mean i was watching Nick on a debate with Protestants and when he started spewing his schizo theories , the Protestants. Asked each other: “ Wow the Catholic Church believes some wacky stuff” and it totally turned them off from hearing about the truth SMH
@concernedcitizen2350 6 ай бұрын
Welcome back to the faith!
@ebenade1 6 ай бұрын
Most online trad caths are simply practicing a LARP. Sucks that they are attempt to associate with people like Trent
@KolchaksGhost 6 ай бұрын
⁠​⁠​⁠@@haloking9809what did Christ call them? The synagogue of who? Children of what? How is pointing this stuff out ignoring the “heart of the gospel”? Does the “heart of the gospel” say let your people go extinct, or not to notice when those in power hate you? Interesting position to take
@KolchaksGhost 6 ай бұрын
@@ebenade1 Trent’s the one who’s LARPing
@MontyRL 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing the story about St. Martin and especially about the different expressions of Catholicism. I remembered hearing criticism about how Mexicans celebrated their mass by a fellow member in the English mass. Reminds me about the uniqueness of worship all across and how they are all valid and beautifully made
@kingofthorns203 6 ай бұрын
One holy Catholic and apostolic church! :)
@jonatikaWwe 6 ай бұрын
What’s wrong with mexican Mass?
@MontyRL 6 ай бұрын
@@jonatikaWwe He was being a bit racist and was essentially saying that the English mass was superior but in a condescending way
@MontyRL 6 ай бұрын
@directsound4962 I don't see any issue with any mass and their unique expressions. They are all valid and cater to the cultures around the world. Even when TLM was vastly popular, there were the Byzantine churches that practiced differently
@rx0102 6 ай бұрын
@@MontyRLThe Byzantine Rite is traced back to the very first centuries of Christianity. Mexicans strumming guitars or dancing in Aztec dresses at Mass is a post-1965 aberration. We did not need that stuff to convert millions of Mexicans in a few years, we just needed the TLM and trust in God and His Mother.
@NachoManBoy4 6 ай бұрын
Let’s convert VIVEK Ramaswamy. He sounds like he could be close if given a Trent Horn defense of the Catholic Faith
@CatholicWithaBiblePodcast 6 ай бұрын
He went to a Catholic school, so he's already somewhat in the know.
@petery6432 6 ай бұрын
I think an issue is that because there are a lot of people who refuse to vote for him because he's a Hindu, if he were to convert, people would accuse him of converting for political reasons, even if it's sincere.
@nathanielus5296 6 ай бұрын
He needs to get away from hindu demons
@NachoManBoy4 6 ай бұрын
@@nathanielus5296 He has my vote but because I like what he offers as commander in chief and his plans, but yes that’s really my only hang up. Hopefully with enough of our prayers it will be ok
@zach415 6 ай бұрын
@@CatholicWithaBiblePodcast a lot of former Catholics went to Catholic schools. That really isn’t an indicator of whether or not he was ever Catholic
@ycar1477 6 ай бұрын
Very well said! I didn't know how to express this feeling/thoughts and Trent does it so well! Thank you!
@valorantsucks60 6 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this video Trent. I've been thinking about this problem a lot recently and this video came out at the perfect time. Good job
@lo5182 6 ай бұрын
This was long overdue. Thanks Trent for your words of wisdom. Conservative does not mean pro-Christian.
@toffeenut1336 6 ай бұрын
True. Not everyone wants to be a martyr.
@CMA418 6 ай бұрын
Try telling that to Trump. The guy who cleared the oppressed from the streets then held A Bible upside down for a photo op.
@marioj.lomuscio1367 6 ай бұрын
Love your work Trent. Your ministry has been a real blessing for me and my family. Thank you 🙏 ✝️
@nickman8423 6 ай бұрын
Fully agree and I shouted "THAT'S RIGHT!" Near the end when you said to look out of Europe for healthy Catholic church, I'm European and Italian to be precise, it's dying and obsessed with traditions more than the essence of catholicism, there's a ridiculous amount of clericalism and a blind belief that the local community is still Catholic, something the hurts evangelization for the sake of perpetuating a catechisms that falls on deaf and borderline atheist ears... Sorry for the rant but as a theology student and catechist I just wanted to vent.
@susiem.2068 3 ай бұрын
Same with France, but I think the whole world can see we're struggling...
@rosemariekury9186 6 ай бұрын
Very good video. We lived in Alabama in the early seventies. Blacks there said they’d rather live there when they knew what people thought rather than in the eastern states where people acted like they disapproved of segregation but didn’t want blacks in their neighborhoods or in their schools.
@solarpower3504 6 ай бұрын
And in a truly Christian nation, black people wouldn’t have to choose between ‘racist and proud’ states and ‘secretly racist’ states. 😂
@KnowLoveServeHim 6 ай бұрын
YES!!! Thank you, Trent, for bringing this to light!
@kevinhodges867 6 ай бұрын
Superb. Well spoken as usual Trent. Thank you!
@Foreign0817 6 ай бұрын
Just because someone is right-wing doesn't necessarily mean they're conservative. ☝️
@CMA418 6 ай бұрын
“The church” is filled with CHRINOS. Easiest way to spot them is they frequently quote the Bible yet rarely quote Christ.
@skylinefever 6 ай бұрын
@@CMA418 As I like saying, when will they be Christ like to money changers?
@MrMarkjams 6 ай бұрын
Historically, it does. The terms right and left come from the French Revolution when the conservatives(people who wanted to conserve the monarchy) sat on the right of the chamber and the revolutionaries (who wanted to eliminate the monarchy and religion) sat on the left of the chamber.
@IIIUMlNATI 5 ай бұрын
Just because someones conservative, doesnt necessarily mean theyre christian either.
@IIIUMlNATI 5 ай бұрын
Just because theyre christian doesnt mean theyre politically literate either.
@TCZ17090 6 ай бұрын
Conservatism is acting on a snails pace because they’re only unified under a vague blanket of concepts but the lack of personhood leaves no anchor for the right to rally against. Trent is right that we need to convert big speakers so there’s true unity among the conservatives so that we can make actual progress
@uiliumpowell4684 6 ай бұрын
One who follows the Buddha’s teaching also understands what is wholesome and what isn’t wholesome.
@SirBlackReeds 6 ай бұрын
No, it acts at a snail's pace because of all the petty infighting and the leadership has stagnated.
@smittywarbenyagermangensen4860 6 ай бұрын
that wont bring any unity
@Justin_Beaver564 6 ай бұрын
Religious conservatives are a small minority. This is a fact. They only cast an outsized shadow because they've attached themselves to the Republican Party. No such thing as monolithic conservative or progressive movement. Never has been.
@marvalice3455 6 ай бұрын
​@@uiliumpowell4684not good enough.
@whatever1068 6 ай бұрын
Great video, this message needs to be spread.
@E9819_ 6 ай бұрын
Love this so much, you’re always able to be that breath of fresh air. Whenever I’ve been asked my political persuasions i’ve always just said “I’m a Catholic” as it’s as it’s ultimately the church’s teachings that I base my political beliefs on. It’s also a lot easier to say that than “I’m socially conservative and for the most part economically liberal”
@SeasideDetective2 3 ай бұрын
Because of the way the word "liberal" has shifted in meaning, "economically conservative" and "economically liberal" now mean the same thing, unless you're referring to trade protectionism. "Economically progressive" is the term you're looking for, and even that word can be misinterpreted. Also, I wish people would distinguish between social conservatism and cultural conservatism, because they aren't always two sides of the same coin. The way the words are used in America today, "social" refers to public matters and "cultural" has more to do with a person's ethnic or regional identity. It's entirely possible to be socially conservative yet culturally liberal (for example, the rich person who lives in a gated community and leads a bohemian lifestyle behind closed doors) and even more possible to be both socially liberal and culturally conservative (the socialist or social-democrat who campaigns against drugs, pornography, etc.).
@paxcoder 6 ай бұрын
Awesome! Thanks Trent, and I'd like to thank Trent's supporters too, who have provided a secular incentive for Trent's channel.
@rickfilmmaker3934 6 ай бұрын
Absolutely fantastic. You were spot on point and your 'reason' is perfectly clear. God blessed you with extraordinary communication ability.
@izic6450 6 ай бұрын
Great video Trent, God bless!
@brianaalece5314 6 ай бұрын
Trent, I cant express how happy my heart is seeing this video. This was so needed. God bless you.
@ProjectMysticApostolate 6 ай бұрын
Trent is simply the best at this. Thank you and God bless. 😎👍
@amberq9974 6 ай бұрын
Insightful!! Thank you 🙏🏽. God Bless you and Our Lady keep you🙏🏽🕊
@JiraiyaSama86 6 ай бұрын
I think part of the common thread is how they interpret letting people do what they want as long as it doesn't harm or infringe on the right of another. I hear too much of that and not enough of challenging where the boundary really stops. I would like to hear more deep discussions about that. Like, does it mean to never talk about whether what they want is a good thing? Does it mean to never call out certain behaviors? Things like that.
@macroglossumstellatarum3068 6 ай бұрын
It’s a modernist idea
@bad_covfefe 6 ай бұрын
Very true. Conservatives expect us to believe that there are two types of actions: Those that are immediately and clearly harmful to others, and those that are not harmful at all. Are there not also actions that are not immediately harmful to others, but that are actually still harmful to society in non-obvious ways?
@creeperrobot6859 6 ай бұрын
Really, modern conservatism stems from an old form of liberalism. Letting people do whatever they want so long as it doesn't "hurt" other people, is a liberal idea. This is why we've become so degenerate over the decades. Conservatism is just progressivism but behind by a decade.
@vinciblegaming6817 6 ай бұрын
It ultimately changes the underlying assumptions of society.. you can see it the most strong when Trent debates the Whatever types, because when you say “I think it’s wrong but it doesn’t harm anyone”, you degrade our foundations to the point you are defending beastiality, regardless of what your personal values are. Either it’s wrong or it’s not. It’s disturbing. I’d like to see Trent talk about how to go about re-establishing a shared foundation - or even how to identify the most basic foundation. I’m a little concerned those foundations came out of hardship and difficulty to survive, which is universal… and as long as we are comfortable, those foundations are unrecoverable.
@CMA418 6 ай бұрын
@@vinciblegaming6817The underlying assumptions of society are always changing. At one time(and for a LONG time), slavery was seen as ordained by God. That was the underlying assumption. The hubris of man knows no political ideology, only self-righteousness.
@stevendouglas3781 6 ай бұрын
Telling only one group they’re forbidden from having a racial identity will not end well.
@snokehusk223 6 ай бұрын
Trent is woke as well on this issue and racist because he is okay with white countries becoming not white. We aren't racists, they are. They just don't see it with their egos thinking everyone is equal in God's eyes so any differences on Earth are meaningless.
@dontewithdragons 6 ай бұрын
Ephesians 4:29 Identities are fine as long as it doesn't violate that. Unfortunately many groups weaponize their identities out of fear and pride. They don't even want to admit it's a sin, so why would they want to inherent the kingdom of God with those souls in it? God knows what's in our hearts.
@GothVibeWars 6 ай бұрын
@@snokehusk223 It's pretty hypocritical too. Saint Pope Pius XII has said: "It is quite legitimate for nations to treat those differences as a sacred inheritance and guard them at all costs."
@kevinhodges867 6 ай бұрын
You can have it, but if it stops you from loving others as Christ commands, it won’t help anyone.
@d.h.5407 6 ай бұрын
I’d say we’re all members of the human race, and Christ commands us to recognize our common humanity. To fixate on one’s racial identity and group is fascism and a distortion of God’s creation.
@gato_gc821 6 ай бұрын
This is what I was looking for...🙏👍. Thank you Mr Trent. 🔥✝️
@Prayingfrog 6 ай бұрын
I really respect what you're getting at here, but frankly it doesn't seem to me that this view will leave anything to conserve. Culture, national identity, and ethnic makeup should not be placed in the place of divinity that is absolutely true, but these concepts cannot be discarded. The fact of the matter is that my great grandparents who were steeped heavily in their Irish and Italian traditions were much stronger in their Catholic faith than nearly all of my modern Catholic peers or myself I would say. Their faith was reinforced and informed by their culture, national identity, and ethnic background. We should acknowledge and accept our fellow brothers in Christ from other cultures and backgrounds, but to emphatically state that these things do not matter and need to be fully repressed doesn't seem to map accurately onto reality.
@alisterrebelo9013 6 ай бұрын
Can you give me the timestamp of where Trent said that culture, national identity and ethnic makeup, do not matter and should be fully repressed?
@Prayingfrog 6 ай бұрын
Upon further consideration and rewatching the segment of video in question, my characterization of his argument as advocating for the full repression of those things is incorrect, he does not state this. I will attempt to state my case more accurately, I think that ethnic group cohesion, culture, and national identity are important components to maintaining faith and community amongst groups of people. The underlying proposition of Trent's point in this segment of the video seems from my listening to be saying that our common Catholicism will be sufficient to hold together and sustain us and that these factors aren't important. The church in the west is declining in adherence and attendance, from things I've seen in my life (at least as an American) this appears to be due at least in part to the breakdown of cohesive cultural and ethnic identities. I bring up my great grandparents because when they and their parents first arrived here in America their culture, family, and ethnic background all synergized with and supported their continued adherence to their Catholic faith. In the modern lives of most people these things have been either heavily suppressed or simply don't exist any longer. Based on this video I can't say for certain how Trent feels or would respond this exact line of reasoning, namely if what I'm saying would be considered morally deficient in the same vein as some of the examples he brings up, who I again will fully grant were saying reprehensible things in these examples. I think we can have a middle road of being ethnically and culturally conscious of where we come from and what the faith of our peoples were and should be and simultaneously not advocate for the abortion of black babies as some sort of moral good. @@alisterrebelo9013
@alisterrebelo9013 6 ай бұрын
@@Prayingfrog Thank you for your rare humility (at least online) to revisit your initial thoughts. For context on my comment that follows, I'm non-white, from a previous Portuguese colony, and didn't arrive in the West until I was 18. I agree with your observations regarding your ancestors, that community helped them bind to each other and Christ. Pope St. Pius X, cognisant of this reality, had priests specially trained to travel with Italian migrants to the USA to ensure that the migrated community would be able to retain and continue their religious life. The context of this though is that at the time, the mass everywhere in the world was in one language, Latin. Now, we can barely get enough priests to say English Masses let alone in other vernacular. Your point is taken. There is however a bigger misstep that the Church as a whole is guilty of, that Trent is actively addressing but needs support in. That is in the realm of apologetics. My great grandparents were probably illiterate, my grandparents were literate to Grade 5ish, my mom to grade 10, my dad was the first to go to University. My grandparents and earlier were quite content to follow the clergy without question. My parents onwards, we started questioning, them more respectfully and me, my uncle and aunt less so. The lack of *access* to apologetics of any kind meant that I became athiest, and my uncle/aunt became Protestant. We have lost so many souls because the Church didn't recognise sufficiently or early enough that the people they were educating would turn those educated brains against them. I came back to the Church through divine intervention in my life, my aunt and uncle have not. So what am I trying to say? Trent is not making a claim about diluting our individual cultures. He's trying to establish a minimum commonality between all peoples I.e. to be in Christ. The kind of commonality that allowed humanity to realise that slavery was a grave sin and that equality before the law is correct, even if individual outward differences are real. My claim is that we need better apologetics, in all languages, as this is a greater threat to us, especially places that are currently Catholic bastions like the Philippines and Latin America. Well catechised Catholics are not advocating for abortion of black babies, not sure why your brought that up or how that fits into your whole view.
@Prayingfrog 6 ай бұрын
@@alisterrebelo9013 Hey, thank you for responding. I think after a bit of discussion here we're more or less in agreement. I appreciate you taking my point on the matter of the maintenance of faith communities amongst ethnic groups. I agree with you as well that in the modern world where information is highly accessible there do arise many questions about the faith and that many times Catholics are unfortunately not prepared as they should be to answer these questions for themselves or others, and I agree that it is very important that we as Catholics learn these details and lines of argumentation so that we can defend our faith. The main reason I watch Trent and other Catholic apologetics channel is to learn such things and make sure I don't make a fool of myself when I do talk to people I know who are not Catholics about these topics. The last point I made regarding black babies being aborted was in regard to the person featured in Trent's video that posted a meme about black babies being aborted. My point being that I think you can believe ethnicity matters for building and maintaining common faith traditions but not cross the rubicon into being highly prejudiced or racist towards other groups.
@CMVBrielman 6 ай бұрын
15:34 The Church in Africa has saved the Church in Europe from itself before and will hopefully do so again.
@Jose-ru2wf 6 ай бұрын
if only it could do something about the rape rate too. It has skyrocketed in Europe in direct correlation with illegal immigration from Africa.
@robertortiz-wilson1588 6 ай бұрын
​@@Jose-ru2wfIt's not their best who are migrating. It's their society's worst.
@davitz77 5 ай бұрын
I must say the assertion that Sub Sharan Africans are better Christians than Whites is absurd. Cardinal Sarah and many others point to their rampant horrid theology. It is similar to Latin America. It is Catholic only in the name and many times is not even Christian at all.
@Wilhelm4131 5 ай бұрын
African Christianity is not close to what it is in Europe. It's practically another religion.
@jimsande5428 6 ай бұрын
This is an especially good CoT video! Very good job!
@poetryofmath 2 ай бұрын
Trent...I'm thankful for you and you voice. Keep it up you and your family are in my prayers.
@gennarocirillo9608 23 күн бұрын
Love your videos Trent! Keep up the good work!
@bluecomb5376 6 ай бұрын
Like St. Martin de Porres, let us also look to the first African American priest Venerable Augustus Tolton and ask for his intercession! Such an incredible story.
@layabout 6 ай бұрын
This is an extremely important video. I came to the same conclusions during my journey to Christ and the Church. This is what people, but young men in particular, need to hear in our fallen world.
@CMA418 6 ай бұрын
They are falling for the Church of Trump. 🫤
@thefluxlife 6 ай бұрын
Great video that I hope a lot of people hear!
@jenniferconley8682 6 ай бұрын
Thank you! This was a great video!
@fritzimperial9210 6 ай бұрын
Would you consider people wanting to preserve their culture and ethnicity racist? Ie French people who want to stop immigration to preserve the French people?
@SenorCinema 6 ай бұрын
yes they are racist
@mgvilaca 6 ай бұрын
Would you rather be friends with white atheists or black Catholics? Because the Catholics probably share more with your culture than the white atheists
@SirBlackReeds 6 ай бұрын
They don't need to stop immigration to do that. They just need to keep their damn borders in order.
@shiny7958 6 ай бұрын
Mfw Cardinal Sarah racist for saying immigration will be the death of Europe
@prkp7248 2 ай бұрын
Do you think that culture is something that we are born with? If a kid is found and raised in France by French family in French culture, and then in his adulthood we can found that his biological family is 100% Algerian, do you think that his culture is French or Algerian?
@mden2490 6 ай бұрын
I am so glad that Trent you brought this out to the forefront. I too have been thinking about this for a while now. For such a long time saying one was conservative entailed believing in God, opposing abortion, samesex marriages, etc., holding traditional Christian views. It now seems that some of the more well-known influencers are conservative athiets/ agnostics. I would like to think that the foundation for being conservative politically, should be about holding a traditional Judeo Christian viewpoint as the primary factor as that is what hopefully forms one's thinking towards inacting the correct policies across the spectrum.
@moonban4086 6 ай бұрын
Not sure how you can talk about "Judeo Christian" when one half of that hates the other
@EldenRingBuildsArchive 6 ай бұрын
Seems hypocritical to me, you accept the word Judeo Christian, but draw the line at agnostics and atheists? Why? You prefer that Jesus is burning in hell right now for the crime of blasphemy, rather than an atheist that doesn’t believe in Him altogether? They are both irreconcilable.
@EldenRingBuildsArchive 6 ай бұрын
Seems hypocritical to me, you accept the word Judeo Christian, but draw the line at agnostics and atheists? Why? You prefer that Jesus is burning in hell right now for the crime of blasphemy, rather than an atheist that doesn’t believe in Him altogether? They are both irreconcilable.
@mden2490 6 ай бұрын
@@EldenRingBuildsArchiveNot sure why you posted your question twice? And for that fact not sure what your argument is. I was not drawing the line just making a point, that even Trent was making indirectly I believe. I used the Judeo-Christian viewpoint for my argument as that is what this country has been built on. Not sure about your “Jesus burning in hell” is all about? I believe that the Catholic Church holds the fullness of truth. Christ is the foundation. That’s where I stand. Also, not to long ago it was presumed that calling oneself conservative/ or for that fact republican meant that you were a Christian, and that has changed and that’s what Trent was pointing out, l believe. Being Conservative and a Christian was pretty much synonymous not to long ago, and it meant that you espoused to certain bedrock principles as a republican.
@AK_Catholic_Traditional 5 ай бұрын
By Judeo - Christianity you mean Chews nailing Jesus to Cross and Blaspheming him burning in excrement?
@tomgjokaj 6 ай бұрын
This was Gold GBY Trent
@leledeedmon9484 5 ай бұрын
Trent, I very much appreciated this video 😊
@stephenjohnson7915 6 ай бұрын
Boy, this talk is long overdue. Sadly, many “conservative Christians” are conservative first, or worse, consider the two essentially synonymous.
@sanf7191 6 ай бұрын
I am a apolitical person, I am simply Catholic. I am for everything that is moral and against everything that is amoral. When conservatives are right, I support them; when left wingers are right, I support them too. A Christian cannot have a ideology other than Jesus Christ's Gospel.
@siggoph727 6 ай бұрын
This is the way. All political parties fall short of what Jesus asks of us.
@InquisitionFren 6 ай бұрын
This is a platitude that doesn't mean anything
@apracity7672 6 ай бұрын
You have used "amoral" incorrectly. In this context, you should have employed "immoral". Amoral is something is morally neutral. There is nothing rational in being against things that are morally neutral
@sanf7191 6 ай бұрын
@@apracity7672 it was a mistake. Imoral was what I wanted to say. Thank you.
@SydneyCarton2085 6 ай бұрын
True, the tricky part is, who do you vote for knowing either choice will have it's moral compromises? Do you calculate the lesser evil/most good? God help us.
@caseyk.1386 6 ай бұрын
This was refreshing to hear!
@maryduhon9933 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for mentioning Joseph Pearce. He is a towering figure in explaining the good, the true, and the beautiful in Literature.
@Gmx92 6 ай бұрын
In the vast oceans of empty suits in the world, rubin's suit might still yet be the absolute emptiest
@alisterrebelo9013 6 ай бұрын
Rubin helped me awaken to the madness of the left. A journey that led me back to faith. I'm not the only one. Have some charity for the man, he may yet come to Christ.
@VideaVice25 6 ай бұрын
​@@alisterrebelo9013it's not lacking in charity to point he's an unconsistent mess of a life. If he can't see it himself and everyone cower in admitting it, how is he supposed to notice what's wrong with him?
@alisterrebelo9013 6 ай бұрын
@@VideaVice25 Neither you nor I can be 100% confident of the intent of the OP. I interpreted the post to be harsh to Rubin, if I'm wrong in that assessment, I'll admit it when OP clarifies. I didn't say that no one should tell Rubin his life is a mess, I whole heartedly agree with Trent in this video. I'm trying to remind the comments section to remember that people like Rubin who are kind people and still in their sin need an approach that follows up with kindness and charity once they pronounce their sins to them. Rubin is having to re-learn the OT, and as you would know, many Jews will not touch the NT. It takes a special type of apologist that can reach someone like Rubin. I hope someone like Trent or Jimmy Akin can one day speak with Rubin.
@Gmx92 6 ай бұрын
I saw Rubin's show literally almost a decade ago and he was trying to be sort of a third position-ist with a left leaning inclination. His fan base began to lean more right, so he brought on more right leaning guests and the cycle led to him today. He frequently misuses vocabulary, doesn't have a deep understanding of economics or international relations, he's just an average gay guy who realized he could market himself to the right more profitably
@alisterrebelo9013 6 ай бұрын
@@Gmx92 Thank you for providing some clarification on your position. What is your own view on God and Jesus?
@blackwood3243 6 ай бұрын
Trent, I had the same thoughts the 1st time I saw that calender, and the Trad Wife influncers.... It felt like I was the only one that thought this.
@gc3563 6 ай бұрын
Trent bringing the heat on this one 🔥 great video!!
@dynamic9016 6 ай бұрын
Really appreciate this video.
@nathanielus5296 6 ай бұрын
Btw Trent, I'm suprised you didn't mention Ben Shapiro or Dennis Prager...
@diegomorales-wade261 6 ай бұрын
he has in the past kzfaq.info/get/bejne/jsuXZZR-z8CmiZ8.html
@alisterrebelo9013 6 ай бұрын
Genuine question, what would be an example of a moral stance that either of them hold and an inconsistent political stance?
@silent_shout 6 ай бұрын
Type in “Dennis Prager on pornography” Watch any Ben Shapiro video on Gaza.
@silent_shout 6 ай бұрын
Type in “Dennis Prager on pornography” Watch any Ben Shapiro video on Gaza.
@silent_shout 6 ай бұрын
Type in “Dennis Prager on pornography” Watch any Ben Shapiro video on Gaza.
@brandontymkow1182 6 ай бұрын
I am not disregarding African Catholicism, but to say "dont look to Europe for an orthodox Catholicism" seems like you are "cutting bait". To me it is just as silly to say, "don't look to Africa for orthodox Catholicism". Obviously, European Catholicism is going to be different in some ways from African Catholicism; they are an expression of different cultures, races and their inclinations. Europeans should have the right to defend European expressions of Catholicism in their countries, Africans the same, and Americans also should have this right, without assuming that they are going to be falling in to race idolatry.
@stcolreplover 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, “look to Africa” is very Boomer Catholicism. Perhaps we Western Christians should fight back for Christendom in our own countries and not rest on out laurels because African Catholicism is doing okay (for now).
@nathanielus5296 6 ай бұрын
Ironically, Cardinal Sarah would disagree with Trent on this topic
@emouselOregon 6 ай бұрын
Regarding the question of orthodox and vibrant faith (which what he was comparing, Trent is 1000% correct about European vs African Catholicism.
@brandontymkow1182 6 ай бұрын
@@emouselOregon "vibrant and orthodox" will look different in Europe and the Americas.
@Charlotte_Martel 6 ай бұрын
To non Catholics, the singular aspect of the Catholic Church they are aware of is the beautiful artwork of the Renaissance. Abandon that, and the Catholic Church becomes the Baptist Convention but with a ban on birth control and divorce. Sorry, but I don't see that resulting in mass conversions.
@matthewcauthorn9731 Ай бұрын
You are a Master Trent, fight on.
@amyraab8326 6 ай бұрын
Great video Trent 👍 Thank you and God bless 😊🙏
@jesusbonilla7912 6 ай бұрын
Excellent, as usual.
@jothompson1903 6 ай бұрын
St Martin de Porres pray for us!
@Bobba_fat 4 ай бұрын
Oh! God bless You, we need more voices as yours.
@rosierodrgiuez8179 22 күн бұрын
So eloquently said as always, thank you
@bluecomb5376 6 ай бұрын
Joseph Pearce has a fantastic conversion story. His earliest "journey home" interview on youtube is fascinating.
@thatwifeofhis7815 6 ай бұрын
Thank u for pointing out Pearl. Been seeing her still lauded by liturgical trad bros (and their wives) and I just smh.
@TheCounselofTrent 6 ай бұрын
Those guys are just LARPing. -Kyle
@theolite360 6 ай бұрын
​@@TheCounselofTrent invite her to ask her about her views, those clips are out of context. I think she will gladly explain what she meant in those clips.
@littledrummergirl_19 6 ай бұрын
@@theolite360they should have a debate/discussion on the Whatever podcast (just Trent vs Pearl, 1-on-1, not like the other debates that crashed and burned because it was 2-on-2 or 2-on-1) that way they can debate issues on a level playing field instead of having it be an odd power imbalance with him as the interviewer and her as the guest - I feel like it’d be a lot more interesting in the discussion/debate setup. I’d love to see Trent really dig into some of the stuff she’s said, and see if she can actually stick to her values, to me she comes off as major grifter vibes all for attention
@theolite360 6 ай бұрын
@@littledrummergirl_19 in a debate, Trent will defeat her, that is because Trent is a seasoned debater, she is not. Also, I've watched her videos to know that she will gladly concede a point if she is wrong. The reason why I asked Trent to interview her is because, those clips of her are a misrepresentation of what she says in the videos. The cheat in peace quote was I think from a panel where she says that ladies go after "these stars" and expect them to be like the average man. This kind of context is why I say Trent is missing a lot from what she is saying.
@thatwifeofhis7815 6 ай бұрын
@theolite360 Trent is supposed to change the rules for "these stars?" Cheating is cheating, no matter the context. Pearl concedes so easily bc she just says stuff for shock value/throws spaghetti at the wall and sheeps away if it doesn't stick.
@adjesumpermariam8070 6 ай бұрын
Important video. Thanks Trent
@lottidd6037 6 ай бұрын
Great episode. 🙏
@KM-ec2qv 6 ай бұрын
Trent, you mention no-fault divorce as a moral problem right before the 3 minute mark. I understand the issues with no-fault divorce... but I'm a Catholic convert (since college) and the ability to file for a no-fault divorce was a lifesaver for me. I didn't report my ex for physical abuse that began to occur after the wedding because I was ashamed and didn't feel I had enough "proof," and I ultimately left him because I learned that he lied to me and in his Catholic wedding vows (he didn't actually believe in God or intend to follow Church teachings on sexuality, abortion, etc.). I knew that the civil divorce has no true bearing on my marital status as a Catholic, but I needed to get a civil divorce in order to ask a Church tribunal to evaluate my case (which it did, and the purported marriage was found invalid). I'm now free and still fairly young. If I'd had to prove abuse in a court of law, I might still be litigating a civil divorce. I know the Church has traditionally opposed no-fault civil divorce, but is that actually a binding teaching? Obviously, I am grateful for having gotten through that step fairly quickly so that I could get to the "real court."
@patrickbarnes9874 6 ай бұрын
What you're doing is like how pro-choice people routinely point to the 2% of cases of risky pregnancies in order to justify their desire to make abortion unrestricted. Similarly, in the riots of 2020 people justified them as righteous anger over George Floyd. We let a specific case of an unarmed person dying in police custody become a justification for thousands of people to loot and vandalize their cities. How many people have lost their jobs or businesses or been robbed or assaulted as a result? You're doing the same thing in defending no-fault divorce by pointing to a case of abuse happening but there being no evidence of it. Abuse is a cause for divorce already, so wouldn't the thing to do be to improve the system so that it doesn't fail those people rather than using this niche case as a justification for abandoning ALL responsibilities people have to make marriages work? How many children have to grow up in broken homes?
@springinfialta106 6 ай бұрын
@@patrickbarnes9874 Your reply has been shadow banned for no apparent reason. It can't be seen when you sort comments by Top Comments. It only shows up when you sort by Time.
@rt_huxley9205 5 ай бұрын
Then make marriage hard to obtain.
@christinereich6050 6 ай бұрын
This is so right on point.
@mdg6117 6 ай бұрын
Great topic Trent!
@christophlindinger2267 6 ай бұрын
Great video! Thanks.
@swanabeeswan 6 ай бұрын
Equating conservatism with Christianity and using that as grounds for criticizing political allies who have the audacity to not also share your religious beliefs is not only blasphemous, it’s just downright arrogant.
@swanabeeswan 6 ай бұрын
News flash to all of the politically conservative Christians: if you want to win any future elections, face the fact that the American electorate is no longer in lock step with your religious views. And also, stop trying to restrict the Christian faith to a litmus test of political ideologies.
@tafazzi-on-discord 6 ай бұрын
truth is truth. If you're willing to reject on the most important truth, that Jesus is Lord, you're not completely trustable with secondary or tertiary truths.
@DK-mb7dg 6 ай бұрын
The way you pronounced "mit brennender Sorge" was really funny. You pronounced the word "Sorge" like an english word. I really like your videos. Greetings from a german non-believer.
@erravi 6 ай бұрын
@Freedomsterfire 6 ай бұрын
Brilliant. In the middle of listening to this, my family sent me a link to sign a petition to ask Netflix to cool it with all the gender bending in kids shows. It opened up an interesting discussion when I shared the points made here. Thank you.
@notdevianart7503 6 ай бұрын
John actually doing things again makes me so happy
@TotusTuus-jf7qz 6 ай бұрын
I do note that your quotation from Pius XI omitted the clause "however good or necessary these things (viz. Race, the nation, the state) may be" from the clause condemning Nazi race idolatry. I feel this is an important piece of context where the Pope teaches that biological race is not unimportant.
@SirBlackReeds 6 ай бұрын
It isn't important in the way we understand it. We see it in this white-black racial dichotomy that isn't sustainable. Frankly, it's only use is to serve race hustlers.
@capraagricola 6 ай бұрын
You can even read into the presented quote, "not with undue importance" to show that Pope Pius XI acknolwedged that there is some due level of importance to these things within the natural order -- St. Pius X also has supported a similar position. You can say that distinct races, nations and peoples exist and even that they should generally tend towards their own for mutual peace and cooperation without idolatrizing that fact. The pushback against such an idea is always from those who wish to subvert the natural distinction of peoples (i.e. genuine human diversity) and is far more perniciuous, evil, and widespread on both the left and right than the fringe race idolaters whom Trent is addressing.
@johnhoelzeman6683 6 ай бұрын
You aren't a true friend/ally if you hold your enemies to a higher standard than your friends
@andrefouche9682 6 ай бұрын
Good video Trent!
@ryanpatrickjones5147 6 ай бұрын
If Russell Kirk had written "The Conservative Mind" today it would be subtitled "From Burke to Horn" He rightly noted that Conservatism and Libertarianism/Anarchism were incompatable as you do in this video. Well done!
@patrickbarnes9874 6 ай бұрын
I think incompatible is too strong of a way to put it. While they are not the same, a conservative and a libertarian can co-exist with each other far more easily than either one of them can with the totalitarian left.
@spinninginspace 6 ай бұрын
💎🙏🏼 I do not see this issue talked about enough
@idriveastationwagon1534 6 ай бұрын
i really feel more concerned with "conservative christians" because they may just end up being moral pharisees. And lately, i noticed in the conservatice space atleast, its like an arms race to see who can be the most edgy conservative. Its like theyre virtue signaling by saying "look at how right I am and how wrong they (the left) are!". It almost reminds me of the prayer the pharisee prayed saying that he was glad he wasnt like the tax collector.
@junacebedo888 6 ай бұрын
Another gem from Trent
@matthewvelazquez2013 6 ай бұрын
Excellent episode.
@snokehusk223 6 ай бұрын
we can only be brothers by blood, Christ and life
@theurzamachine 6 ай бұрын
There's a new name for these "conservatives": "Fiscal Homosexuals"
@stcolreplover 6 ай бұрын
@datvince2890 6 ай бұрын
Fiscal Sodomites
@willberttom5755 6 ай бұрын
That’s hilarious
@tru2thastyle 6 ай бұрын
A much needed video.
@camvanzanten2058 6 ай бұрын
What an EXCELLENT video!
@Womb_to_Tomb_Apologetics 6 ай бұрын
Can you please debunk "SATAN'S GUIDE TO THE BIBLE"? It's blowing up.
@TheCounselofTrent 6 ай бұрын
I will pass that along. -Kyle
@thedude0000 6 ай бұрын
That's because it's funny and true at the same time
@Womb_to_Tomb_Apologetics 6 ай бұрын
@@thedude0000 I'm not sure. 🤔 I haven't watched much of it, but it puts itself out as if it's revealing secret info Christians keep from the public, but from what I saw, it uses publicly available info that I've known for years. 🤨 It also seemed to argue from assumptions our culture has about morality, but didn't prove the assumptions to be true. Kind of a cheap way of arguing.
@thedude0000 6 ай бұрын
@@Womb_to_Tomb_Apologetics _it's revealing secret info Christians keep from the public_ I'd finish watching, because that's not the message. The message is that pastors/preachers learn these things in seminary, but never teach them to the lay congregations. While anecdotal evidence is not the best to convince anyone, I went to seminary and learned these things. It's honestly what truly started my deconversion process.
@Womb_to_Tomb_Apologetics 6 ай бұрын
@@thedude0000 Ooooooh. Yes. I misunderstood. That I agree on! I think that stuff (again, I only saw very little) absolutely needs to be taught more often. Tbf, pastors' main concern isn't teaching apologetics, but it's still something that needs to be more widely available in the church.
@MrJoebrooklyn1969 6 ай бұрын
Somehwere between idolizing your race ans whitw guilt is the right answer.
@vinciblegaming6817 6 ай бұрын
It’s ok to be white.
@drakeknight7646 6 ай бұрын
The fact that Trent has Pepe in a thumbnail is amazing and I'm all for it lol
@3ggshe11s 6 ай бұрын
Thanks, Trent. With everything going on in the church right now, I needed this reality check. It's easy to get swallowed up in polemics and to fall in line with one or the other side of the contemporary political divide. I think it's important for people to remember that the Catholic church isn't liberal or conservative; it's Catholic.
@CharlesCarroll-ft6fm 6 ай бұрын
I would like to point out Richard Hannania is considered a clown by most conservatives. Not actually sure who takes him serious or as a conservative
@SirBlackReeds 6 ай бұрын
Probably the America First Foundation/AFPAC crew.
@dsha2006 6 ай бұрын
Yep, Catholics be calling out everyone. The social conscience. What did u think about Daily Wire's "Lady Ballers" movie? They unfortunately copied the inappropriate/raunchy stuff from past movies bc "that's what people actually want to watch" according to Jeremy Boreing. Reminds me of the conservative beer marketing you discussed. This isn't fighting back against the culture, it's creating your own brand of it.
@SydneyCarton2085 6 ай бұрын
Yeah I could not watch it. Shut In was good.
@dsha2006 6 ай бұрын
I thought Shut In was decent. Was bored out of my mind by the movie they acquired with Carey Elwes (had high hopes). I'm also hopeful for the pen dragon cycle if they're not trying to prove a political point. Here's my hypothesis: it's challenging for conservatives to make excellent art because there's ambiguity and nuance to it. It's subject to interpretation and might be interpreted in a way they don't want it to be. But then you might fall into the trap of producing propaganda. That said, I really enjoyed some of the Angel Studios productions. I look forward to Cabrini.
@christopherdoll4202 6 ай бұрын
Love this!! ❤
@AchtungBeccaC 6 ай бұрын
Trent coming out swinging today!
@matnic_6623 6 ай бұрын
Completely agree
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