Tyranny: The GREATEST CRPG Tragedy Of All Time

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Tyranny is a strange paradox of a game. On the one hand it is without question one of the greatest CRPGs of the last 20 years. Its world building, story, characters and potential is nearly unrivalled and yet we will never see a sequel to this game for complicated technical reasons. This is a video about my appreciation for this game but also a possible explanation why Tyranny was a one hit wonder. Enjoy!

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@deathbycognitivedissonance5036 Ай бұрын
It is an absolute travesty that we will never see Tyranny 2. Thanks Paradox!
@DrNiradino Ай бұрын
Avellone left Obsidian shortly after Tyranny was released, and without him their quality of writing decreased significantly (Outer worlds is a prime example of that). If Tyranny 2 would release today, it wouldn't be even half as good as it's predecessor.
@SaulGoodman3D2049 Ай бұрын
@@DrNiradino Deadfire? Pentiment? Avellone was barely involved in Tyranny as it is, or even base game New Vegas for that matter.
@robcampion9917 Ай бұрын
I always felt like Tyranny was meant to be the first chapter in a larger story/world.
@hugewatermelon Ай бұрын
I definitely agree with you about it Tyranny feeling unfinished! When I awoke the Spire I thought the game was just firing up, only for the ending slides to roll 😭 I think they wanted to release 3-4 more parts, but when it didn't make "enough" money they were forced to shelve it. I still hope it gets resurrected someday, and if not, that someone makes a documentary about it and shows us what could have been.
@Arnveld Ай бұрын
Tyranny was... One of it's kind. And sadly I doubt we will get anything like this in future years. Obsidian is one of the best in industry for writing stories, but... Man. Everytime I heard about Obsydian, I'm afraid of Avowed and how it will perform, so they won't get close. Such shitty times for CRPG fans.
@Tentacl Ай бұрын
Yeah, I'm afraid Avowed kill them, but hopefully their really talented writing team will stay in the industry in a form or another. It woulod be really good if some ended up in another great modern RPG dev teams like Larian and CPRed.
@Cats_Are_Scary Ай бұрын
@@Tentaclhow did Avowed kill them when it hasn’t even been released yet?
@Tentacl Ай бұрын
@@Cats_Are_Scary Did I use past tense anywhere? Also, cats aren't scary David, they are cute.
@tobiasL1991 Ай бұрын
Yeah Avowed not doing as well as Microsoft wants can really put Obsidian in dangerous waters. Also from what little I can pieace together several people who wrote for Tyranny have already left Obsidian, so even a sequel isn't garantueed to be a true sequel. Reminds me a lot of vampire the masquerade bloodlines. It seems we have our current generation bloodlines.
@Elmodias1 Ай бұрын
I absolutely agree with you on this! So many questions unanswered. Who/what was Kyros. Who were the the archons, where the power from the spires come from? I love this game so much! Such unique setting! The characters were amazing as well. I'd love for a game to be set in this universe with a bethesda style immersive world. Where you can live in it.
@axelhopfinger533 Ай бұрын
Tyranny is a truly memorable CRPG experience. Best setting and world building in ages. And because it wasn't overly long and the different paths actually mattered for the ending, it had great replayability. Tyranny just had the right length to build a dense world and provide a satisfying story experience with meaningful choices (within its limited scope setting) without becoming an exhausting slog through filler content. I especially liked that it wasn't the usual epic world spanning fantasy setting about gods and the fate of an entire world, but it had a limited but still very varied regional setting at the end of an epic and much bigger world conquest story. And the decisions and actions of the player within that limited setting and story decided, if that overarching larger world conquest story in the background ended there, or turned into the beginning of another epic story of resistance and reconquest. You could either play the final chapter in the story of Kyros' conquest, or the first chapter in the story of successful resistance to Kyros and his/her eventual downfall. And the player didn't become a demigod at the end, but rather just discovered the likely source of Kyros' compelling power and managed to become his/her equal in wielding it. And in doing so, the player could decide if he wanted to give the war ravaged world a rest under Kyros' tyrannical order (with yourself as one of its pillars), or take up the sword against it right away, either for the cause of freedom or his own ambitions and greed for power, leading to even more death, suffering and destruction without a doubt. Thus, Tyranny managed to provide both a story with a complete and satisfying ending for a standalone title, as well as setting up the possibility for a much larger and more epic story to be told in further installments. Which unfortunately never came. Clever story writing and world building of this quality is all too rare in gaming these days. With a lore dense enough to be immersive and bring the world to life, but with enough mystery, implications and larger unknowns to remain exciting and giving room for future expansion. And the moral spectrum within that setting was just ambivalent and mutable enough to make every path equally valid and meaningful beyond just the usual binary good/evil dichotomy. In fact, Tyranny should be heralded as a textbook example of good video game writing and CRPG design.
@apres-lachute8718 Ай бұрын
I have no words for how tragic I find the fact that we will never see a sequel to this amazing game. Just a terrible concatenation of bad luck. Maybe a miracle will happen.
@alinmgheorghe Ай бұрын
You're my favorite channel for my favorite game genre.
@BoogieManFL Ай бұрын
I only learned of the game's existence some two weeks before it was released, and I am square in the middle of the target audience. Paradox did indeed do an extremely poor job advertising it. It was a great experience and it really sucks we've yet to see more from it. It had a lot of promise.
@thespianmask8451 Ай бұрын
I finished this game as a sneaky unarmed guy who would open fights with an explosive sneak attack, then run back to my allies and contribute minimal damage for the rest of the fight. Boss fights were hard for me since I couldn't open with my tactic. Still, I love this game to death.
@CyberSkelly817 Ай бұрын
Great video. Love this game.
@TechnoLawyer Ай бұрын
The world needs more of the large-indie studios who are self-owned and can decide their own fates. This need for every game to make a billion dollars in order for a studio to not be disbanded SUUUCKS.
@eran5005 Ай бұрын
I’m willing to contribute to a crowd funding project just have Obsidian buy the IP from Paradox, then another to fund the actual game. That’s how bad i want a sequel to Tyranny.
@axelhopfinger533 Ай бұрын
It is one of those gaming gems really deserving of a faithful sequel free of corporate meddling. Imagine if Larian were to buy up the IP and getting some of the old Obsidian devs back together!
@Pr0m3th3us Ай бұрын
Ah one of my pile of shame games. I definitely have to finally play all the way through it.
@johannesmantiri8336 Ай бұрын
My favorite game from Obsidian❤
@2wheelpleb359 Ай бұрын
Oh yes, I've played this 3 times over the years - it definitely has one of the best magic systems, helps that pumping lore = stronger magic & charisma. Would've loved a sequel.
@cobalt968 Ай бұрын
It’s a real shame that anything other than medieval fantasy seems to be for enthusiasts only… as well as any RPG without full VA. Enemy variety issues aside, I really liked Tyranny.
@cockyrustler Ай бұрын
I've played a Ton of crpgs, and Tyranny is my favorite of the last ten years. Bronze age atmosphere and aesthetic, music, spell and artifact crafting, very interesting lore, reputation system, combo abilities, New game +.. it does plenty of things to set it apart from classic fantasy adventures. Only some of the writing wasn't good enough as old classics ( kind of wish Avellone was working on it). I think the villain was setting MC to be the next overlord, or as unifying threat ( since the world conquest was over), sequel was really needed to tell a full story.
@MonsterCodex Ай бұрын
Anything that takes inspiration from Dark Sun is a Win!😊'
@jorgebranchi1862 Ай бұрын
Absolutely... i love this game and is a tragedy that they never keep it going
@Darkholow Ай бұрын
It's very sad when these kind of games that have plans for multiple sequels don't end up getting them, because they didn't sell enough or weren't marketed properly. This and the fact that we won't get to see the final game with Adam Jensen after Mankind Divided makes me very sad. Tyranny is truly a CRPG that I haven't encountered before in it's themes and what it "forces" the player to play as...shades of evil. Maybe there are some fringe CRPG's out there that may have had this idea before, but for me this is the first one where I couldn't play the goodie two shoes that I always do in these games and forced me on a path that I would probably never go toward and it was quite an experience. If only Obsidian would've decided to seek to make their own Skyrim with Avowed, instead of compromising and making it just "as big" as Outer Worlds (which isn't that big of a game mind you) then we may have had something special. But, even if I hope the game does well because I don't want anything to happen to Obsidian..I have this sinking feeling this game will flop extremely hard, because the name doesn't attach itself to the Pillars IP whatsoever. Only the people who have played Pillars 1&2 would know that Eora is the name of the world that Pillars of Eternity takes place in. So Avowed is fighting an uphill battle with the people they are trying to market to.
@ryutak4152 Ай бұрын
I loved it especially spell crafting was awesome but I never understood combat. At the end it took me ages to kill just one mob.
@mnk9073 Ай бұрын
Loved the game, loved the story, hated the real time combat. Same with the first Pillars. Deadfire really saved itself with turn based and was an absolute banger. Also Tyranny is just way too short, feels like half if not even just a third of a game.
@grandsome1 Ай бұрын
Now that I think of it Terratus would've made a better setting for an ARPG like Avowed than Eora. The unique setting and the brutality of the world could really shine in a foot on the grounds perspective and it would've allowed the game to feel more distinct than a Skyrim-lite. I mean I know there are Assassin's Creed fans still thirsty for the Bronze/Iron Age setting.
@MalakiaLaGattaNera Ай бұрын
I love the idea of this game, but I was never able to get into it. I tried to play through it multiple times but always ended up abandoning it after 15/20 hours. It never hooked me as I thought it would have :(
@michastanisawski9093 Ай бұрын
Tyranny is a game with limitless potential but sub-optimal gameplay. I imagine a remake with modern WOTR level UI and general approach could be one of the best games ever made. The combat especially feels so random and weird that its a big hit to the best world building and great story. - However I have to say the Mythic Option in this game feels more Mythic than Pathfinder which is a big achievement.
@Frencho9 Ай бұрын
I still think Paradox publisher should reach out to Owlcat Games and see if they want to make a sequel to Tyranny.
@HellKnightX88 Ай бұрын
I still have to play this one. Wanted to dip my toes a little bit to get a feel for it but the initial wall of text lore it dumps on you put me off. I get that you being a very important person with some political responsibility put on your shoulders requires your character (and thus the player) to know things about the world in order to make decisions but it doesn't make that initial lore dump any more easily digestible. I do want to get back to it.
@Banefane Ай бұрын
I remember a common reaction in dialogues where you decide not to say anything and the person who receives such a response is intimidated because you are a kind of judge. That was something new for me. The game is very good, but if I remember correctly, there were some voices on forums that disliked the game because it wasn't an open world. I think back then people were craving a quality game like Baldur's Gate because back then all of these developers/publishers looked to Infinity games as inspiration. That was a big mistake. Never compare your game to a masterpiece. You will most likely lose the "competition".
@eg6833-o6s Ай бұрын
it was a great game, my only small complaint were the graphics, but I would still buy a sequel any day
@FanOWater Ай бұрын
I played it and loved it. But I also bought it a year after it came out and paid next to nothing on a Steam sale. I'm probably not alone there. So Obsidian/paradox didn't make much money from me.
@benl2140 Ай бұрын
8:03 I'm sorry, 7.2 million sales would make Tyranny one of the best-selling CRPGs ever (at least pre-BG3), roughly on par with DOS2. I just don't find it plausible that it wouldn't have made a much, much larger splash if it had sold anywhere near that well.
@Loalrikowki Ай бұрын
If it happened over a very long tail through steam sales and humble bundles and such, it could sell very well without ever getting a critical mass of recognition to drive a media cycle.
@Revanchist Ай бұрын
I read somewhere it sold around 800k on release.
@Marcusianery Ай бұрын
Far as I know it, it was a deal by Paradox to publish PoE 1. They wanted an IP of their own and thats about it.
@andreasmartin7942 19 күн бұрын
I think it has to do with a change of generations. Older gamers who loved the old Bioware games liked this one, too. But those gamers have little time to play any more. And the actual generation of gamers...well, they seem to be of the impatient kind. To them, games like 'Tyranny' are too slow, they have no multiplayer part, and generally lack 'flashyness'.
@lostzephyr2191 Ай бұрын
Sad to see wasted potential.
@impsturm653 29 күн бұрын
Chris Avellone wrote that Fergus Urquhart took money from Tyranny's budget and used it to develop Pillars of Eternity 2. Therefore, I think that the top of the obsidian itself is to blame for what happened to the game in the end. Tyranny has probably become the most beloved RPG in some places, even eclipsing New Vegas, and the understanding that a sequel will never come out kills me. (I’m writing through Google Translator, so I apologize in advance for text errors)
@spellandshield 29 күн бұрын
Interesting. What language were you writing in? In the future try DeepL. It is a much better translator.
@impsturm653 29 күн бұрын
@@spellandshield Russian😅
@spellandshield 29 күн бұрын
@@impsturm653 Use DeepL, much better.
@impsturm653 29 күн бұрын
@@spellandshield Chris Avellone wrote that Fergus Urquhart took money from Tyranny's budget and used it to develop Pillars of Eternity 2. So I believe that the very top of Obsidian is to blame for what happened to the game in the end. Tyranny has probably become my most favorite RPG in some places, even eclipsing New Vegas, and the realization that a sequel will never come out is killing me.
@nemeskeymate Ай бұрын
It was ok. I think the problem with it was that it came out not long after the first big wave of new crpgs: Pillars, Wasteland2, Dos1-2, Shadowrun Dragonfall, Atom, Age of Decadence, Underrail. Most of the mentioned games are also way better than Tyranny and people was not thirsty for these kind of games anymore. Ironically if it was released this year it would be more successful because despite BG3 the genre is kinda dying again. Some devs from the kickstarter era don't do crpgs anymore or outright defunct. It would be a winner against crap games like Zoria and such.
@vlastapiatimuzik5686 Ай бұрын
@roguehandle1688 Ай бұрын
I really enjoyed the game. But they said if they did make another....it would be totally different game and would not continue the story.
@trevort9372 Ай бұрын
If Obsidian had changed Avowed from the POE universe to Tyranny's when they reduced the scope, they would have had so much less backlash. It would have been the perfect way to try out a 1st person hub style game within a fantasy setting, and then they could make an open world game set in Eora with the lessons learned. And Tyranny fans would've gotten a continuation of the story. Too bad Paradix owns the rights
@Frencho9 Ай бұрын
Avowed is targetting casual mainstream zoomer crow. I don't think the grimdark Tyranny setting would fit their medieval fantasy take on Outer Worlds.
@Revanchist Ай бұрын
Did you watch the video? Obsidian doesn't have the rights to the IP anymore...
@Myndeex Ай бұрын
Should have realesed on consoles they missed half the market
@25xxfrostxx Ай бұрын
I don't know that it would be possible to get a game with certain subject matter included put out by Microsoft in the 2024 era socio-political climate.
@viamdolor9226 Ай бұрын
I can't stomach Tyranny past chapter 1. The writing is excruciatingly cringe, written by people who don't have enough life experience to know what they are talking about. The magic system, while ...unusual, was thoroughly unbalanced and best practice was putting healing spells on everyone. Cooldown-based abilities in a cRPG with a party is a no-no. 3-4 enemy types in the whole game. Wonky difficulty curve where chapter 1 was brutal in a very good way, but the tension deflated immediately after that, etc. It's definitely not a hidden gem or misunderstood masterpiece, let me tell you.
@Russell-kz7ee Ай бұрын
Trash games like Skyrim venerated by millennial noobs, and gems like Tiranny forgotten... that's new-generation mainstream gaming for you
@Frencho9 Ай бұрын
I'm a millenial, we venerate Morrowind and to some extent Oblivion. Skyrim was when Bethesda lost me as a buyer. You mean zoomers, they were the ones playing Skyrim as kids ans teens.
@CoffeeForAll 7 күн бұрын
I never played this game because for some reason it reminded me too much of Pillars of Eternity, and the only two things that my mind brings up when I think of that game are Bîaŵac and Biamhacs. I can’t possibly express how much I loathed these stupid terms as I played PoE. So yeah.. I’ll probably never play Tyranny just because of that.
@mistercomment1622 Ай бұрын
Yeah, I expected way more out of it, lots of court dates, where you have to punish people brutally or try to find a way around, not this battle trainer. It was short story, fight, go somewhere, fight more and then some and then another peace of story. And yeah, the ending felt unfinished.
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