USWNT Olympic Roster Reaction with André Carlisle

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Hoffman Women’s Sports

Hoffman Women’s Sports

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Join Craig and André live to discuss Emma Hayes's first ever major tournament roster. Alex Morgan is out, while Korbin Albert is amongst the controversial choices to land on the team.
Plus, Spirit stars Casey Krueger and Trinity Rodman are in, while Croix Bethune and Hal Hershfelt are alternates. We break down all the decisions live!
#uswnt #ussf #soccer #football #olympics #emmahayes #alexmorgan

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@Pumpkin-vg1ur Ай бұрын
Thanks for your coverage of the KA issue x Very sane comments.
@russhammond8781 Ай бұрын
Per Hayes press conference Yohannes did not want to commit at this point
@HoffmanWSports Ай бұрын
Yep! Hadn’t seen that at the time we went live, but good addition here in the comments 👍
@PandaPanda-cn7yn Ай бұрын
When it comes to Korbin's performance it's a huge question mark, because Emma said it herself that with all this going on, Korbin's performance did decline. So she finds hard to perform with all this pressure. Well, Korbin made it public that she believes that huge part of USWNT's fan base should be in conversion camps, so it's hard to expect from them to cheer for her.
@raewallace8711 Ай бұрын
Albert is a versatile player,also plays club in paris(tournament is in paris) you need versatile players in a small roster
@HoffmanWSports 27 күн бұрын
Hershfelt is easily more versatile. I’d literally trust Hal at any field position and I think if you gave her gloves she’d figure it out in goal 😂
@raewallace8711 27 күн бұрын
@@HoffmanWSports I think Hayes values players playing in Europe in this current generation and going forward
@scott4482 Ай бұрын
People criticizing Dunn listed as a forward are saying she's a defender, completely forgetting that she spent most of last season for the Thorns as an outside midfielder.
@coletonhuggins1129 Ай бұрын
As a gay man…. The continued hate on Korbin Albert is disgusting as well. Albert is 20 years old. We all have made some shitty and immature decisions at 20. She made a shitty decision and in response to it she publicly apologized. Now whether or not you believe it is on absolutely nobody but you. Our society wants acceptance for each and every person. I’m not saying we should accept what she did but why can’t we all accept that she made a terrible choice and that she’s learned from it. You all want to see what the USWNT is doing about it but in all seriousness… that’s none of your business. They don’t owe each of us an explanation on their choices in repercussions. Korbin Albert has had to of lost current and future brand deals/sponsors on top of continuous hate from people in the stadiums shouting at her and publicly/online. She’s received nothing but repercussions from everyone. Let her learn from it and move on. Continuing to crucify her only makes you look bad. Let her learn from her mistake and quit the bullshit. Also, as a society…. When did we become such snowflakes? We don’t know Korbin Albert personally nor does her 20 year old personal opinions or beliefs affect our daily lives so why allow it to bother you? Why be offended or “hurt” by someone who has no direct relation to your life? That’s snowflake shit. The only directed person that should’ve been offended was the one called out. Rapinoe. Which if you remember correctly Rapinoe made a really shitty mistake not that long ago when she decided to not participate in the national anthem or saluting our country…. THE VERY COUNTRY SHE WAS ACTIVLY PLAYING TO REPRESENT. She completely disrespected any and every American that has fought in the war for this very country or died trying to. She was doing that at 35. Are we still crucifying her for it? Therefore….Albert is entitled to have what ever belief she has. Regardless of what they are. However, as a USWNT player she needs to be respectful to her teammates in person and on social media. Keep social media professional and respectful. Aside from that… her beliefs are none of anybody’s business. You wouldn’t appreciate someone trying to force you to believe in something you don’t or that you can’t believe in something you do. All that being said… everyone needs to grow tf up. Accept that she made a mistake and it was unfortunate that it was in the public eye. Understand that she has received enough hate/repercussions and move on. Continuing it at this point would just make everyone a bully which would be equally as shitty as entertaining homophobic content on social media.
@PandaPanda-cn7yn Ай бұрын
I wouldn't label this whole Korbin situation as a mistake. That's just who she is and what she believes right now. Look where she's from, her family. Clearly, she's anti-LGBT, liking posts about pro-conversion camps, and etc. Just because she's receiving some backlash I don't believe that's gonna change. When it comes to Rapinoe, I think she made the USWNT about politics, not about soccer. It was really hard to enjoy the team with all the turmoil going on that had nothing to do with soccer. I think when she put on that USA uniform, she made a lot of things about herself, not the team. I would have respected her more if she expressed herself outside of the USWNT. However, comparing Korbin and Rapinoe's situations is diabolical. Korbin is rejecting a group of people, which includes some of her teammates and USWNT fans. Rapinoe kneeled during the national anthem to make a stance against racism. Korbin believes in and supports harmful ideologies that actively seek to marginalize and oppress people based on their identity. This isn't just about expressing a controversial opinion; it's about supporting actions and beliefs that have real, detrimental impacts on people's lives. Furthermore, while Rapinoe's actions were aimed at promoting equality and justice, Korbin's likes and support for anti-LGBT. content are inherently exclusionary and discriminatory. This fundamental difference in their actions and beliefs cannot be overlooked.
@coletonhuggins1129 Ай бұрын
@@PandaPanda-cn7yn engaging with homophobic content on the internet was a really shitty mistake she made. She probably didn’t think people would see she liked it. Her only other mistake was disrespecting the team. However, like I said before… her having her personal beliefs is her right. She has the RIGHT to believe anything and everything she wants to. There’s no mistake there. We might not all agree or appreciate what she believes in…. But that doesn’t make her and less of a human than all the rest of us are. None of us have the right to say she can’t have certain beliefs. That’s reversing the roll back onto her. That’s absolutely no worse than being homophobic. Homophobia is having a prejudice against the LGBT+ community. The only difference between having a prejudice for homophobia and having a prejudice against her/her beliefs is the name for each one. As a gay man I respect that she has her own beliefs and since her actions and words don’t affect me… it doesn’t offend me… My comparison between Rapinoe and Albert’s predicament isn’t diabolical. Albert engaged with homophobic content posted online by homophobic pages which set people off because it’s “disrespecting the lgbt+”. Rapinoe decided to take a knee and completely disrespect every single person that has sacrificed their lives to protect this country and their families. Those are the very people that made it possible for us to maintain the freedoms we have and that itself is what gave her the ability to even play soccer. So while you might disagree with my comparison it’s completely valid. One made a shitty decision to engage with social media posts due to her beliefs and disrespected a large portion of our society…. While the other decided to make a shitty decision and take a knee and completely disrespect our country as well as every person that’s sacrificed their life for our freedoms. The people that made it possible for us to even have the slightest freedoms to love whoever we want. Both of their actions were based off what each of them believe in. Both of them disrespected the USWNT and our country. But please go ahead and decide that the hurtful actions of an almost 40 year old woman and the actions of a 20 year old young woman aren’t comparable. I’ll agree that Megan is way older and should be way more mature and have a better understanding of whet her actions disrespected.
@TheNotoriousNemo 29 күн бұрын
Well said. We live in a feelings society now, so it doesn't matter if korbin publicly gave a speech saying she is sorry, the cancel culture of today will run you over no matter what. I would challenge any of these uswnt "fans" to an actual soccer debate on who the roster should be, I bet they still think morgan got snubbed. The part u said about 1/2 the country tuning out because of rapinoe is legit, I say uswnt to my friends and they hate her for all the diva stuff she advocated.
@HoffmanWSports 28 күн бұрын
If you hate the USWNT because Megan Rapinoe advocated for *checks notes* equal pay and equal rights for all people, then you’re by definition a bigot. You’re discriminating against minority groups. Like what are we even talking about? This isn’t hard. Don’t make it hard.
@coletonhuggins1129 28 күн бұрын
@@HoffmanWSports Sir, you unfortunately missed the entire point of every single thing that was said and you need to look up the definition of bigotry and self evaluate. Not a single one of us said we hate the USWNT nor did we say anything negative about the team as a whole in general. The comparison was between two people who made less than desirable decisions in the way that they express their beliefs. You can be fighting the good fight for what’s right… however, if you do it in a way that is disrespectful to your country and others you are in fact no better than the opposition. The way Rapinoe went about it by taking a knee and completely avoiding all recognition of the very country she was GIVEN the opportunity to play for…. Completely disrespectful. There were tons of players on that team who were all standing for the same thing that had true ethics. They participated in the national anthem and gave the country recognition all while fighting for equal pay and equality for all. The way Rapinoe went about it completely disrespected millions of lives. Every person that’s fought for this country and their families. Those were the people that made the sacrifices for this country. Those sacrifices are the very reason we all are given the free opportunities we have in our lives. Without those sacrifices we wouldn’t even be having this conversation. The possibility of equality would never be something of fruition…. And if you can’t recognize that then you are in fact the bigot here. If Rapinoe wanted to make a statement in a mature and respectful way she could have refused to play for the USWNT. That would be her taking her stance while being respectful. When employees of a company decide to protest (take a stand for something) they might do it while they’re supposed to be at work… but they don’t do it while on the clock. She could have gone about it in ways that didn’t include completely disrespecting all those people WHILE reaping the benefits. Nobody can say that reaping the benefits of getting to play and making money doing it all while disrespecting the very flag she’s wearing on her jersey/ the people who fought for this country is anything less than uncivilized. You can’t take a stand for something while requesting demands in a way that’s disrespectful. Equality and entitlement are not the same thing. We all want there to be equal rights, equal pay and for there to be no such thing as a minority group in the first place. Not a single one of us was discriminating against a single person, group or minority. Your argument there was stale and subpar. The whole point of all of these comments above is… if you’re going to continue to force hate or continue to critique an individual for their actions made awhile ago, you’re NO better than they are. You are NO better than a homophobic individual if you are forcing hate upon them as well. All that does is stir the pot and make you look equally as bad. She made her public apology and the USWNT took care of it the way they saw fit. If you didn’t believe her apology then that’s on you. You have the right to believe what you want to right? So does Korbin Albert. This world is full of entitlement. It’s disgusting. NOBODY is entitled to someone else’s opinions. NOT A SINGLE PERSON has the right to request that everyone else agrees to their opinions. Korbin Albert is on the USWNT not because of what her personal beliefs and opinions are but for her soccer skills and experiences. If people don’t like that then they should have put in the work their entire life to be in her place instead. If you think everyone that is on the USWNT Should have the same beliefs and opinions than YOU ARE A BIGOT. I’m a gay man. A man that wants nothing but equality for everyone…. But I’m a man that RESPECTS the fact that EVERYONE is entitled to believe whatever they want to. They have every right to whatever belief they have. People are allowed to have their religious freedom. Albert’s is an individual that put the work in to be a member of the USWNT. Her opportunity to play on the team was built off of hard work. She wasn’t selected for any other reason than her talents on the field. You can be a fan of the USWNT as a whole all while not following or believing the same things as one individual on the team. UNFOLLOW THE PLAYER AND MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIFE. Don’t be the person that is prejudiced or antagonistic towards the player based on their beliefs and roll on the USWNT….. THATS BIGOTRY. While I’m not a bigot like you prematurely and thoughtlessly labeled me… you seem to be one yourself. You seem to have the unreasonable belief that everyone has to have the same belief system. That’s literally what a bigot is. I’m a gay man that knows how to respect everyone. Even when they don’t believe that being gay is okay. EVERYONE in the LGBT+ community or their ally’s that think it’s unacceptable for people to have opposing opinions or beliefs are BIGOTS….
@flangeslammer Ай бұрын
Cat Macario hasn't been an effective no. 10 since her ACL & is a net negative defensive presence. i think she's a forward rotation player until she shows she's back in fitness and form after the pretty clear step she lost post-injury. good discussion love the coverage.
@westhoff- Ай бұрын
No mention of this for some reason?
@abhisheksourabh9633 Ай бұрын
Best per 90 assist in wsl this season and she is not fully fit yet.Watch some games lol
@flangeslammer Ай бұрын
@@abhisheksourabh9633 playing as a false 9 or whilst taking corners has what to do with being able to defend in a major tournament as a no. 10? exactly. keep reading your spreadsheet.
@csteverice Ай бұрын
@@flangeslammer no one in the midfield can defend. been an issue last two years.
@user-sm6cm6uy2d Ай бұрын
Thank you for your thorough review, insights, and criticism of Albert's on field performance and most importantly off-field actions. It is so validating and healing to hear well informed sports commentators unapologitically address this deeply personal and hurtful string of events. Albert's apology was far from sufficient and to make matters worse, US Soccer has evaded their responsibility of maintaining the standard of equality they claim to push forward. It is disappointing to see the LGBTQIA+ community (which is a foundational pillar of the WOSO world) be disregarded and dismissed in such a way. I am all for second chances, but trust isn't baseless which is exactly what the apology we received was. Processing, healing and growth can only be built upon ownership, genuine remorse, and a transparent proactive path to (un)learning.
@justafan323 Ай бұрын
In no universe would Morgan have gone as an alternate
@PaulKRedd Ай бұрын
Alex Morgan should have retired from the USWNT 2 yrs ago. She kills attacks with offsides CONSTATNTLY because she is now so slow and can't outrun any defender.. She hasn't been scoring or assisting for a long time.
@roydio Ай бұрын
Correct, she is just too old, too slow and not focused, has not scored in the last number of games. I've played center forward for years in the 60's and 70's, leading alltime scorer in Oregon Soccer League as well as College All Stars 1970-72, not to brag, I have lived and breathed soccer all my life. I grew up playing soccer in Jakarta, Indonesia, when it was a Dutch colony, then lived in the Netherlands for 4 years, USA at the age of 13, played voetbal although it was NOT popular then. We need a younger lineup, if you look at all the European teams, i.e. Spain, Sweden and so on, they are much faster and play well together. Emma Hayes can make this the #1 team in the world again!!!
@HoffmanWSports Ай бұрын
You don’t retire from the USWNT. You get retired. They tell you. That happened. Maybe should have two years ago, but they had bigger problems than Alex the last few years.
@TheNotoriousNemo 29 күн бұрын
Damn bro u and me are on the same page. I've been saying this for years. My hot take is she's too old and not focused on the sport. Her game today vs Chicago, she looked like trash, skied a penalty. She needs to retire yesterday.
@HoffmanWSports 28 күн бұрын
She’s still a very good player. Who are you to say she should retire? Either her team will not renew her contract and no one else will sign her or she’ll retire on her own volition. It’s frankly rude to tell an athlete to retire because she’s not as good as she used to be when she’s still better than most of her competitors. It’s also weird lol
@PaulKRedd 28 күн бұрын
@@HoffmanWSports Maybe you are new to international soccer? Aging players retire from their National Teams and stay with club ball only all the time. That's what I said..
@TheRumblewagon Ай бұрын
Do you want Korbin flogged and paraded through the streets? So let's say for argument's sake that info is provided on how she is "unlearning" those hateful perspectives, or what steps she is taking to better educate herself. You know darn well critics will come out of the woodwork proclaiming that it's not enough and more needs to be done, and so on and so forth. All that opens is more floodgates of criticism. Ultimately, her job is to play soccer and if her skills have proven to warrant a spot on the team, then so be it. Obviously if she continues with the homophobic/hateful comments, then she should be removed.
@HoffmanWSports Ай бұрын
We both said pretty specifically what we’d like to see happen so I really don’t understand this comment
@Pumpkin-vg1ur Ай бұрын
What do Emma, Lindsay and Korbin have in common other than heterosexual blondness? Korbin is rated for her European experience by both Lindsay and Emma. All three can't possibly fully understand the damage. And now we have players like Trinity Rodman supporting Korbin who also don't properly understand. In the last game, Lindsay was very open in her warmth towards Korbin which could be viewed as being fair, inclusive, protective but in the context of the public not knowing what is happening behind the scenes and only seeing Korbin embraced looked bad...especially when you add pride colours and the mystery behind the jersey number change. I think those in support of Korbin should be outraged that someone anti Queer community was forced to wear the rainbow colours. Let's be brave and Rapinoe like and bring it all out on the table. Is Korbin dumb or is she homophobic? Both? This isn't going away and had they left her off the roster, it may have helped her in the long run. Yes....I agree...Christen Press in the team would have been a great advocate regarding this mess.
@PaulKRedd Ай бұрын
Were you equally upset when Rapinoe turned off half the fan base? You are way overdoing this. Handling it in the locker room is the right way. Let's focus on football, not politics.
@Pumpkin-vg1ur Ай бұрын
Korbin expressed hatred, Rapinoe always stood in defence of herself and the marginalised. Her haters were more about her audacity and extroversion. You have one straight white girl shooting bullets and one gay white woman standing up for the rights of people. How are they equal?
@kenm6065 Ай бұрын
False comparison.
@HoffmanWSports Ай бұрын
Extremely false comparison. If one person says the sky is blue and one says the sky is green, we don’t go “wow two people with opinions on the sky.”
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