Van Halen Stories #9 Steven Rosen

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Final Resonance TV

Final Resonance TV

2 жыл бұрын

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Steve Rosen spent over 20 years interviewing Edward Van Halen. His 1978 interview that featured Edward playing is legendary! His new Book draws from many unpublished interviews! Amazing look into the world of one of the worlds greatest musicians.

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@richcharvel7162 10 ай бұрын
Just finished reading "Tonechaser". Hands down, this was one of the best VH related books I've ever read. Mr. Rosen's "fly on the wall" stories made me feel like I was right there with him. The last few chapters were a bit heartbreaking to read, but still kept me reeled in. A definite "must read" (and own) book.
@FinalResonanceTV 10 ай бұрын
Totally agree!
@Eddielo22 Жыл бұрын
Yes we wanted him safe. his smile would draw you in…That joy he displayed while playing you could feel it in your soul. That warmth he exuded like a best friend forever through music. . I’m so fortunate so honored to have seen him in concert numerous times. Such a special person. 😢 Excellent work Jeff. Thank you.
@lucabiolzi1767 2 жыл бұрын
Jeff you're just... making me buy ALL these books! 😅🔝😉👍🏻 Awesome interview, once again! Keep it going, keep Ed's legend alive!! 🤟🏻❤️
@AppleOno 2 жыл бұрын
Great interview! At some point you ought to interview NJ luthier Paul Unkert, who worked with Ed on the early Floyd Rose guitars at Kramer.
@Jedizen07 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this interview. Looking forward to Steven's book! As far as one opinion on what happened to Edward concerning his " social " involvements ( discussed around the 57:00 area ), I truly feel the 1991 Musician Magazine interview with Ed, Steve Morse and Albert Lee ( by Matt Resnicoff ) made Edward become more distrusting of musician oriented journalists as well as the hardcore fans as well. Edward simply wanted to play music. But, by the early 1990s, more fans/critics were becoming more demanding with gear info/autograph wishes as well as wanting more " access " to musicians ( it's pretty clear to see how more music oriented magazine writers were trying to get more advanced musicians to admit their days were " over " during the " grunge " period in the mid nineties ). Sometimes, most fans and journalists forget that musicians are ( still ) human beings. It feels great that Steven Rosen ( as well as Brad Tolinski and Chris Gill ) are writing books that enhances as well as protects Edward's humanistic aspects while praising him for being a simple person just wanting to play music. Edward NEVER sold his " soul " for profit ( like Valerie, Dave and Sam did with their autobiographies ). What I ADORE about Edward was he knew what he brought to others and yet, didn't let his hunger ( for either piece of mind or better music ) subside. His music was that " inner peace " that so many don't have access to. It feels great to see others who knew Ed help capture that simple humanistic aspect through their writings.
@fab.silva1119 2 жыл бұрын
Well said and your last sentiment I wholeheartedly appreciate. Lost A LOT of respect for Valerie since Ed’s death.
@Jedizen07 2 жыл бұрын
@@fab.silva1119 AND, in his last wishes, just yesterday. . .it was revealed that Edward contributed a 7 figure sum to the Mr. Holland's Opus organization, in order for kids to have access to musical instruments. Damn, good ole Edward showed yet again that " music overpowers bullshit. "
@MrUltraworld Жыл бұрын
Matt Resnicoff really pissed off Ed, he mentioned him by name in another interview about how much Matt pissed him off.
@Jedizen07 Жыл бұрын
@@MrUltraworld Agreed. The good news was, after that 1991 interview happened, Resnicoff interviewed Frank Zappa where Frank ( pretty much ) put Matt in his place, in terms of the nasty effect of music " journalists " have toward innovative musicians. I found out later ( back in 1993 ) after THAT interview, Resnicoff resigned from writing and became a full time musician.
@MrUltraworld Жыл бұрын
@@Jedizen07 I miss Frank so much.
@hollylewis5302 2 жыл бұрын
A lovely interview with Mr. Steve! Great job Jeff. I cannot WAIT for his book to come out! Well done! Long Live King Edward!
@ccerwin Жыл бұрын
Rest In Peace ✌🏽 Tone Chaser
@bobc.5698 Жыл бұрын
I read an interview with Edward where the writer got in Ed's truck to go to a photo shoot and mentioned that Ed put his guitars in the bed like "So Many Two By Fours".
@atomicpete 2 жыл бұрын
That was a great interview. Excited for the book. I totally would have taken a pick off the floor.
@victorrardin7504 Жыл бұрын
Super interview but I'm just another VH freak! Like most of us I grew up with VH. Keep up your work, Ed and the band deserve it! I so miss that time with excitement for the new album about to come out! Van Halen was our band. Keep it up!!!
@walterevans2118 2 жыл бұрын
Ed always gave Dave credit but in Steven's 1980 interview with DAVE dave was giving Ed credit too.....He was talking about how Ed was changing the instrument in surprising ways & how things you thought were guitar were keyboard (Cradle will Rock) & how things you thought were piano, prop planes, & Back organ were guitars. (Tora Tora, Eruption etc).
@JohnnyBeane 2 жыл бұрын
Can't wait for this book!!! Steve is the man!!!
@VODECI 2 жыл бұрын
@Piratesteve81 Жыл бұрын
This is so funny. I recently came up with the exact name for him before hearing about your book. It was actually because I heard about the story how VH and Fred Durst came together for a possible collaboration with Limp Bizkit and how it ended. My first thought was "Don't mess with Eddie's rig. This is serious. He was a tonechaser." Think I had a bright moment there. 😆
@walterevans2118 2 жыл бұрын
In one of his interviews ED described DON as one of his 'DEEP HUMANS' ....He said - Don and I ,,,we are BOTH 5150s (meaning creatively inventive to the point of sounding 'nuts' to other more conventional people) Ed once said -'Don doesn't put limits on what I can do...Don facilitates , gives me all the latitude I need...There are no rules'...They even miked up the exhaust pipe & trunk of Eds lamborghini on Panama...& funniest of all, there maybe exist a Don Landee/ Ed recording where they did a sound experiment of putting a switched on VACCUUM CLEANER into a SEPTIC TANK...🤣...But Ed & Don never used it on a record...Mind you, they used STRUNG OUT with Ed taking apart Marvin Hamlisch's PIANO from the different engineer may have put it on the Balance album but it was DON who originally recorded it back in 1984.
Ed was a very naughty human b4 he was killed &cloned. He was removing thdemons Satan gave 2all us idiots. Ed was my best friend back in LA he gave me thtruth. *Why Ed copied my FrankenFlo* There is not gonna be a revolution honestly sell yr guitars u will go broke keeping (damned) thingz. Satans kids control all manufacturing they a damned race. Put 2 & 2 2gether they arent guitars they a goose chase moneygrab &yes Satans kids DO need money they demons in flesh bodies like 2live high life. (They dont know they demons.) Fret wear: Not my take it's reality. Guitars meticulously exhaustively engineered 2sap yr spirit be hard2play wear out, harvest money = GOOSE CHASE. Eds guitar was dffrnt but HE HAD 2MAKE IT HIMSELF. I also taught Graem Osbree how 2break wrld hour record. Satan wouldnt build rhbikes. Graeme made thbike, every1 copied it. 30 guyz began destroying hour record. Yahweh showed us Reptilian angels control all manufacturing& showed us Mike Pence raping babies drinking their adrenachrome 300 *&%$ing babies a year. U dont have presidents they devils these creatures not u friend. I built a guitar ground up just now. ONLY (durable) guitar is ridiculously easy play best guitar in thworld by far = thnew epicentre it vastly exceed my expect. Did u notice thCrickets? Not 1 thumbs up. I told u Satans computer wont let this info get out. We lost in heavens court 2Satan bcuz u guyz 5stared his You Tube creators &subbed his pandemics &phony war& vaccines. Yah calls vaccines PURE POISON. Ed made super NARROW necks later on that ET couldnt play stating easier 2play? Huh? That was thcloned Ed saying that. Satan killed the original. Satan stopped using Ed when i sold my guitar 1988. Ed was a human. Satan used him2 try hide me. Satan hates humans, cuz they breathe life in2 yr soul. His Plasticines DRAIN yr chakras. In Noahs day only 8 SOULS remained human. He HATED having 2use Ed. He was forced 2do it cuz i was playing@ thtime. I am his replacement in function. He scared of (me.) Few of u have ever met a human. 95% earth = TARE RACE. Demons hive mind computer controlled by Satan ALL demons digital. Satan has memory eraser downloader. Thats why u all have a boss. Boss = your steering wheel. Lol u dont get 2touch it. Have fun with that. Satan always takes more then he gives. He has 2keep all of his kids chipped they have no free will (steering wheel). Why us older crowd had bloody noses in the 70's. Satans grey aliens putting chips in our nose. Satan is using COVID 19 nose swabs now cuz we killed all thgreys. COV = Covertly ID = IDENTIFIED (I.D.) 19 = 1st, 9th letter alphabet. "A" & "I" code 4Artificial Intelligence. Lol pandemic fake there is black goo/diseases in thvaccines turning u in2 satanic robots (DNA modeling) (pure evil computer chips Satan got in thdark universe) If u buy guitar YOU BOUGHT THEIR PRODUCT. Satans BEAST computer is advanced he can hack reality = thmatrix we live in. If u buy a guitar be like Ed or ME. Be like NEO. A movie Satan made about me. I built a 3.5 ton quartz crystal orgone generator with NEO dynium magnets. (In heaven everything run with crystals magnets.) My orgone (generates Yahwehs life force) generator is the white horse rider of revelation = fire burning Satans dimension. (Computer program) My Frank MUCH superiour to Eds. How so? Example. Your low e string Satan made ultra fat. MY low e is same size as smaller string beside it. (.032) isnt muddy in thmix much easier crisp 2play &hear& tap action set MUCH lower. My high e? Same saize string next 2 IT. (.011) (Makes it sound much louder bcuz Satan gives u teeny string so u cant hear it properly, taps2 quiet etc. Breathe wrong it breaks u will spend 15 -20k strings a lifetime. Satan uses massive bass increase guitar/neck tension2insane levels vs my tremelo much easier bend. Action super easy low. Satan standard tune raises my heart rate. LITERALLY i use EB tune. These factors put MUCH less strain guitar/trem/hardware. Resonates with reality. (Earth vibration 432kz.) It matters unless u read satans bllsht google. Human voice resonates with eb flat. Ask any singer. They tell u. You press MUCH LESS on fret. Your guitars a nightmare. If u play HALF A DAY u FRETS HAVE LONG VERTICAL LINES &shiny flat spots unwound stringz. I use softer string alloys. Van halen copied my guitar in only 2, 3 repects. My new Frank I changed dozens of thingz. Primarily his original FIRST Frank neck was wider thenANY neck made 2day. His radius was around 17 or 20. (Frets were very FLAT.) Made it easier play. Stainless frets last 4ever? U funny guy. So was Ed. Lol Satans boys gave Ed stainless alloy spiced on 95% brass. These factories are serpents. Literally Reptilan Angels run. U will spend 15 - 30k on stringz in 50 years. 50 years is not that long. Lol i designed floyd rose so u couldloosen reclamp stringz. Lol Floyd duznt even know that neither did Ed. Ed nowhere near on my level. Lol stringz dont oxidize or wear out whatsoever. Sound a tad dffrnt new, so what? Not better. Just dffrnt. I have had enuff i will see if i sell even 1 guitar ebay &I am getting rid of all this stuff i had enuff. No humans or common sense left. I hereby signing out. 98% you tube not humans. The demons in human bodies Yahweh calls Plasticines. We were sent 2make a dffrnce. Sadly u all chose Satans "creators" He named them that 2mock u cuz u sit at their poison feet like they gods. I have a Van Halen stainless fret stage guitar lol thfrets with huge dents& i dont even play very much 5 years. Honestly its a goose chase wallet drain frets can easily last 2lifetimes. 1 last thing. I am worlds best guitarist. I quit playing 25 years ago. Then i played only 3 years 8 hour days. We dont have that kind of time. Time is money u have 2have millions2 afford 2not work but ONLY PLAY 5 years minimum 2get good. My 5 amps &speakers BROKE IN 5 YEARS. MY Wolfgang shot 2 hell. The electronics shot. Bucketheads guitars also, his electrinics go out regularly he has been selling his guitars. I lived near Buck &Ed 35 years they wr friends both avatars Satan used 2whitewash me. Living on 3k a year my only hope is pull out selling it. Manufactures wont dare ask see prototype. They corrupt. I give blueprints free any1 every1 whoever ask... Lol not even 1person will. Well other then Edward &Floyd did. This was written ealier I am still cmpleteing thguitar thousands of guitarists &corrupt companies have already read this. I will be doing a cmplete in depth follow up in a few days. Ed had a rambo these are my marbles not your side 2him. I call it deer antler syndrome. The old matrix is over guyz. Satan is gone. Yahweh is now ruling midst of his enemies je has had enuff he flipping thtables &turning thchairs over. There is no money or pattents or fences or copyrights in heaven I'll go out of business in a heartbeat 2see that my neighbor gets an optimum product.
@walterevans2118 Жыл бұрын
@walterevans2118 Жыл бұрын
@markgrant1302 Жыл бұрын
As far as Kramer goes, i think he liked things about them and he didn't have time to stop what he was doing and do it himself... the first kramer appearance was in 1983, in 1982, van Halen finished a tour, recorded pretty woman so that people new ( in Eddie's words that they were still alive)..were off for a couple of weeks then recorded Diver Down in essentially two weeks and were back on was also at this time that he tried retiring his frankenstrat, and used various guitars that he shelved once the tour was done... does the Kramer deal and has the 5150 guitar and a couple of back ups, now he doesn't have to worry about that...
@dannyb6618 2 жыл бұрын
Steve and I share the same capability of remembering things. I totally understand it, just like him I forget the details of the concerts I’ve been to. Good to hear I’m not the only one. 😁🤟 Nice interview by the way man!
@bradhardisty1652 2 жыл бұрын
Day on the Green makes sense. That was a huge feather to play there and another if you created a big buzz. There was always press and photographers there from huge regional press and national press. It was always a goal to get over there from Fresno when I was growing up but I never did.
@richb6291 2 жыл бұрын
This is just superb - love the Lamborghini story - be nice to hear more about your encounters with EVH at the NAMM shows too ?. Have you read the Inside magazine ? There's a brilliant article in one edition about Steve going to NAMM in New Orleans with Ed. Love your channel.
@walterevans2118 2 жыл бұрын
Mike was clearly cruelly abused by Dave at one point in the 1980s...Rock can be a very macho environment & creative sensitive souls can get CRUSHED....I know because on social media it can be horrible. I can understand Steven's astonishment on Ed going out with DLR on the 2007 tour but that was for Wolf I think...The Grover Jackson thing might have been around a guitar equipment deal where Ed thought he might have been exploited somehow, but I don't know the details or the truth of it. Something may have got lost & distorted in the translation. Ed sounds that he was insular with people. Perhaps he had difficulty trusting people......I'm like that too if Im honest so I can totally sympathize with him. He felt an outsider because he was bullied when he was a child because as an immigrant he & Alex didn't speak any English. So music was a place away from that ugliness to be creative....I was like that too. I was bullied because as a kid I used to suffer from epilepsy so I was this freak outsider who wasn't allowed to swim, climb trees like other kids etc. Endorsements with Kramer was not the same as designing his own stuff in the 1990s like Music Man/Ernie Ball & Peavey & Fender. I know I would have wanted to thank Ed TOO ....You were a GREAT friend to him Steven ....Thank YOU TOO .
@miked9112 7 ай бұрын
Who was abused? Sauce Sobeleski?
@walterevans2118 7 ай бұрын
@@miked9112 There was a story in Noel Monk’s book ‘Running with the Devil’ where as VH’s manager on the road he witnessed DLR being cruel to Mike….Noel Monk claimed that the band were sitting down having a meal and somebody said something about Mike and Roth just got up, walked around the table giving Mike an aggressive look ,,,stood over him at the table and then deliberately dropped his plate which he was holding crashing onto Mike’s plate and unfinished meal. There was a hell of a crash…..Noel Monk claimed that Mike just stood up,,,looked Roth in the eye but silently walked away out of the room. He didn’t rise to it to his credit. But Mike possibly might have felt intimidated by DLR because he had studied martial art…What Mikey should have done was learned Bruce Lee’s martial art of JKD (jeet Kune do) …Totally economic, no wasting time , distance or energy, longest weapon, nearest decisive target.,,Cut right thru Roth’s uneconomic baton twirling display martial art…A good guy like Mike if he’d learned JKD would have taught bullies like Roth a lesson …..Groin kick decisive strike . Kick Roth’s CROTACKES into THE STRATOSPHERE….DLR would be singing the VH songs in Sammy’s vocal range then….Poor ED took a lot of sh*t from Roth too…and right now in these recent song lyrics he’s released the bully is at it again…By setting someone up calling them ugly things which they aren’t.
@97warlock 8 ай бұрын
I do wish Eddie had gotten a little more into exotic shaped guitars. there was the chopped Explorer & a whole lotta strats. Like ......theres so many beautiful high quality guitars out there even then. Im just surprised he didnt ,size he was so very good
@BOOMER-DAD Жыл бұрын
I just ordered it, Barnes & noble no one has it but ETSY does $49. I just ordered it YEA
@bradhardisty1652 2 жыл бұрын
Landee has a new interview with Sunset Sound. He discusses mic placement. I used to go to the original Guitar Center on Sunset which was farther west on the other side of the street till the new store with the Rock Walk. It was like the old stores before design. Industrial lighting, concrete floors, just a bunch of gear just lined rows by brand. The used amp was right on the left of a hall way as you walked in the door. Piles of Fenders, Marshalls etc. A Park 50 wattvintage head was the coolest amp I heard in there. A German Bakery was like 3 doors down, so, when I went be there, I'd pick up an incredible Apple Strudel to bring back to share with my roommates.
@hlyangel1 Жыл бұрын
Ed, quite possibly positioned Steve’s guitar on some solid wood like the arm of the couch or the table to tap the buildings acoustics. He mentions doing this regularly as a kid
@hlyangel1 Жыл бұрын
Also Eds fretting techniques were heavy handed. His fingertips can be heard thumping the fretboard in Spanish Fly and Take Your Whiskey Home amongst others
@jimmyjames7946 Жыл бұрын
Your a guitar player dude. You would know if you plug into an Amp or not he wasn't. LOL. I have heard those interviews of him playing totally unplugged.. he was an extremely amazingly talented freak of nature
@buzzedalldrink9131 3 ай бұрын
Kramer guitars had an exclusive on the Floyd Rose tremolo . If Eddie wanted a guitar build with one, Kramer was the only game in town at that time.
@ramelite17 7 ай бұрын
Not necessarily an interview, but when evh had the Frankenstrat replica built, it was in 06, I believe. Edward referred to himself as tonechaser.
@heyjarrod 2 жыл бұрын
So cool, I’m riveted to the interview. On my way back from this Bruce Dickinson spoken word show. Anyway, that story about trying to get into the Lambo, that was awesome. Man, just hearing him talk about turning left on Coldwater, then making a left on Ventura. Sounds like they went right over to the Sherman Oaks guitar Center. I did that the other day when I drove by 5150. That’s a great smaller Guitar Center there. 🤘🏻🎸
@friguy4444 Жыл бұрын
1:03:29 Please remember that after 2003 he would have had his son growing up and that may have changed his thoughts about his legacy. Seeing that Steve didn't really see Ed much at all after 2003.
@97warlock 8 ай бұрын
Cheap Trick were recording a Live album in 77 ....... at the Whisky?? Then they come out with.........Live at Budoken ............ hmmm🤔
@NKellyMullen 10 ай бұрын
Wow, great interview..uhhhh I don't remember. 😂
@NKellyMullen 10 ай бұрын
20:00 ...I cant take no more.
@andrewbroughton65 Жыл бұрын
This was cool but I nearly turned it off when He said that He cant remember when He 1st saw Van Halen ?..I mean..really ? It just doesn't seem possible to Me.How could You not remember such a life changing event ?Very very very strange.Then He said He never got AC/DC ..also very very strange..oh well..Do You Guys know anything about Terry Kilgore's story concerning the day He showed Eddie how to tap ? I saw Him tell it on a Doco called Blood, Frets & Tears..seemed legit.
@walterevans2118 2 жыл бұрын
On the 'tapping' stuff & when Ed integrated it into his playing....The reason there may have been a reason why you couldn't hear him do it around early 1977...You see Alex MIGHT have told Ed not to do it so other players could copy it until they got would also say to Ed -'Turn your back to the audience when you do it....These buggers are going to rip you off blind' course different players could stumble onto the same idea independently of each other without one person copying the other. .....The difference with Ed & many other players was that they only used 2 hands on a fretboard as an occasional gimmicky 'trick' whereas with Ed it was a natural seamless part of his playing & sonic vocabulary as natural & unconscious as breathing.....The key thing with Ed was that he was a rule breaker when playing the instrument . So called 'tapping' was only one generalized tool by which he was doing that to change the instrument. The reason in the tape interviews that it sounds electrified when its unamplified is because the feel & sound of Eds playing came from his HANDS .....Articulating on the strings. The dynamics were ACOUSTICALLY ZAPPING even WITHOUT any amplification...Ed therefore could pick up ANY guitar (whether Stevens Fender Strat or one of his own inventions) & make it sound like HIM...First Ed's hands had brilliant sustain on the strings which he would shape by channeling his EMOTIONS through it . What do you think Steven ? I think the Interviewer is bang on target. Ed's Amp had less pre-amp distortion sustain than other players. His articulate strong hands were doing the heavy lifting for the sustain.....It may even had been affected by his childhood piano studies.....This would also explain why according to Alex , when Ed first picked up a guitar at 12 he could already play better than older guys who had already been playing for years. What do you chaps think ?
@FinalResonanceTV 2 жыл бұрын
I agree his hands were amazing
@charlestheos8954 2 жыл бұрын
Spot on
@michaelsharpe4415 Жыл бұрын
I only made it through the first 20 minutes of this interview. Rosen must have said “I can’t remember” 20 times, so once/minute. I gave up when he couldn’t recall why Eddie turned his back to the audience while soloing in 77, and how/when/why he incorporated tapping into his style. It’s almost as if he has no sense about guitar, guitar players and their technical abilities. And he wrote for Guitar Player Magazine?? “I don’t know. I can’t remember.”
@Cabojonny5150 2 жыл бұрын
Hey Steve…any updates on the release date for the book? Really looking forward to getting my copy! Sent you a msg thru your IG…😎👍🏻 Thanks!!
@steveinmidtown 2 жыл бұрын
in fairness to Ed & his memory, he did do a lot of drugs. quick question, I've searched for this video & can't find it...any chance you have a link to it? 23:35
@artybulos2 2 жыл бұрын
Was that Eddie playing guitar at the start of the podcast?. what concert is it from?
@FinalResonanceTV 2 жыл бұрын
Yes! I found it a sliver of it in The Pasadena Civic Show. I think Oct 77
@bobravenscraft5376 Жыл бұрын
The interview on phone. Want to hear guitarists sound best. Sitting in a chair fking around. The guitar on that interview was RAZOR SHARP
@knaggs71 2 жыл бұрын
5150 iii stealth amp video he says he’s a tone chaser….
@FinalResonanceTV 2 жыл бұрын
Yes he does! Thanks for watching!
@friguy4444 Жыл бұрын
A comment on why he would have done endorsement deals. I remember in the early to mid 80's to 90's when every company out there put out a crappy floating or Floyd Rose rip off guitar and they were EVERYWHERE! SO I think the thought tha Edward might have had that "if I don't they will sell all these crap rip off guitars anyway". Might have been a possible driving force behind some of it.
@willieethrasher943 Жыл бұрын
Just ask his brother about those questions about what he did when he was a child. It's not lost forever
@willieethrasher943 Жыл бұрын
Eddie started smoking at 12 years old. You're writing a book on Eddie and don't know this stuff?
@willieethrasher943 Жыл бұрын
I appreciate this video though and I know you don't know everything about Eddie like I like to think that I do.
@bobravenscraft5376 Жыл бұрын
Once said he doesn't have fingers pistons
@willieethrasher943 Жыл бұрын
They're talking like Eddie isn't smart enough to know what people were thinking,lol.
@Gorilla.Guitar Жыл бұрын
watching this now & thought i'd interject an opinion on something. you guys are puzzled about his insulating himself from public stuffs in the years before the smithsonian thing which was awesome by the way. anyway, theres an elephant in the room & the two of you arent seeing it.. you talk the smithsonian & the reasoning behind his decision to do it then but had disdain for all of it in the years prior but not all the way back to '78.. think about the timeline. now compare that to his sobrieties... ppl that use typically seal themselves off. if you guys havent considered the influece sobriety or lack there of had over his social skills, you probably should.
@FinalResonanceTV Жыл бұрын
There was a lot of complexity there for sure. It was extremely rare for him to do organized events. I think your correct, he had horrible public appearances experiences and they were so often not sober. So you might could draw the conclusion that he disliked that organized attention so much, that his solution was not being sober. To the contrary, you hear his one on one interactions to be perceived as mostly positive and mostly sober. So there was definitely a level of high anxiety associated with the extreme attention of being “Eddie Van Halen” that I think he tried to curb by drinking. He said early on his father gave him his first drink to calm him. This was the theme for booze his entire life imo. He was using it to relax, but then as so often happens it got messy. Once sober and in the right situation “The Smithsonian” he was able to embrace his fans and fame. It’s hard to explain, but he was as at ease as I ever saw him with fans at that event. The love and respect we were able to finally express, I think he took to heart.
@bobravenscraft5376 Жыл бұрын
Gene Simmons. With Ed driving. Gonna slow down? Ed Why?
@erichhitchcock3368 Жыл бұрын
For a while there, I'm thinking, "Wait a minute, this guy wrote a book about Ed, but does'nt remember anything?" Ya knowYa know Ya know...Ya know. I ended up shutting this off.
@vanessapierce231 Жыл бұрын
I read your comments about Eddie van Halen today. I understand that you were to write a book about his life but he cut you out of his life. You still said pleasant things about him. He had drug issues that alter moods. Who knows why people act the way they do. Sounded like he wanted space y ultimately got plenty of it. I don't know your personality y maybe it larger than life y Eddie a different type of person. Don't please everyone. Still write if you so desire with family approval. Perhaps his health was bearing down on him. Did you confront him Steve Rosen.
@gtrrobster 6 ай бұрын
@bobravenscraft5376 Жыл бұрын
About not remembering similar to short term. Probably wasn't important anyway Ed focused on Music ambience The Show !!!!! That separates Ed from others. Watched Metallica documentary after the show. ON FILM how much they made$$$. Proofs in the pudding. Who cares about money here
@walterevans2118 2 жыл бұрын
Steven was to Eddie what Taky Kimura was to Bruce Lee,,,& what Howard Cosell was to Muhammad Ali.😄😊👍
@bobravenscraft5376 Жыл бұрын
Hey Geniuses play the lines of Spanish fly it won't sound like Ed. I've always called his style SPITFIRE. Why we love him
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Final Resonance TV
Рет қаралды 24 М.
Eddie Van Halen: The Complete 1980 Interview - Tape 2 (HD Audio)
Talking Guitar: Jas Obrecht's Music Magazine
Рет қаралды 24 М.
Van Halen Stories # 2 "Birmingham Invasion" Damon Johnson
Final Resonance TV
Рет қаралды 8 М.
John 5 | #019 The Kenny Aronoff Sessions
Kenny Aronoff
Рет қаралды 142 М.
Van Halen Stories #39 David Perry "Arcadia Meets Pasadena"
Final Resonance TV
Рет қаралды 2,6 М.
Say Mo - LIL BIT & 1 shot 2 (Waysberg Music Remix)
Waysberg Music🇰🇿
Рет қаралды 622 М.
Serik Ibragimov - Сен келдің (mood video) 2024
Serik Ibragimov
Рет қаралды 1,8 МЛН
Alisher Konysbaev - Suie ala ma? | Official Music Video
Alisher Konysbaev
Рет қаралды 491 М.
Jakone, Kiliana - Асфальт (Mood Video)
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Zattybek & ESKARA ЖАҢА ХИТ 2024
Ескара Бейбітов
Рет қаралды 352 М.