Warframe | Enemy Resistance & Status Rework Workshop

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#Warframe #Resistance #Status

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@decepticonsoundwave297 Ай бұрын
Im, like, pretty sure they changed resistances to fit hp, shield, and armor, and this "resistances based on planet", is actually based on the faction inhabiting that planet, not the planet affecting the resistances
@twoheadedgiantgaming7029 Ай бұрын
That's how it seemed to me, I hope that's how it is
@TyDreacon Ай бұрын
Per-faction sounds ideal and fits with the Bane mods, which I think sit on the cusp of, "fine, I'll change my loadout for this mission." Some people don't like it, but it's at least a tolerable feature. If every planet had different resistances, the sheer amount of swapping would put most everyone in the same position: throwing together a generic loadout and never thinking about it again. EDIT: Based on the following from the workshop: "Within a Faction, the Status Type Resistances and Weaknesses can vary based on Location. For example, regular Grineer may have different Resistances and Weaknesses than Kuva Grineer." It looks like it is (almost) per-planet, perhaps with the factions having a general theme. So we're back to re-modding for (almost) every planet. GG.
@lynlawson3862 Ай бұрын
This reminds me of borderlands, blue health use shock yellow health use corrosive red health use fire, I presumed this was how simple warframe would be after starting it, this is a better change than before imo
@chaosgyro Ай бұрын
They showed some UI that allowed swapping loadout or Config slots from navigation. If we don't have to run back to the arsenal every time it becomes close to tolerable.
@Ariamaki Ай бұрын
Yeah he pulled this entire planet thing out of his ass.
@Metaretru Ай бұрын
"They not gonna do something DUMB" - Uncle MC ..and then, the monkey paw curled
@Guisanmo Ай бұрын
From what I have undertood from the workshop on the forum ando what the devs have told us on the devstreams, the weakness and resistances will be per faction, not per faction and planet, but sub-factions will have diferent weakness and resistances.
@Zetheseus Ай бұрын
Also magnetic is going to affect overguard now
@scrymglin Ай бұрын
Yes, and for me I think that's the most interesting change. Is it worth adding magnetic damage somewhere in my kit to deal with eximus units, and how effective is it? That's what I want to check out.
@chinossynthesizer705 Ай бұрын
Good because my opticir vandal magnetic dmg was useless against grineer
@rivershen8954 Ай бұрын
this is going to be interesting. Cuz with kuva/tenet weapons you can get free magnetic status from progenitor, mainly for the status effect against overguard, and just build like normal (heat corrosive for example) Personally i have a cold progen tenet flux rifle right now, might switch back to magnetic. Itll also help with galvanized aptitude bonus damage
@alken207 Ай бұрын
Yeah I used to always overlook mag damage but with this change I feel like it could be worth using now…..
@SteelxWolf Ай бұрын
Doesn’t that mean rhinoskin is essentially nullified?
@maskettaman1488 Ай бұрын
Love this type of video! Also concerning "I'm not going to re-mod for the faction I'm fighting" I 100% agree but maybe that'll change with the upcoming QoL of being able to swap weapon and frame configs from the navigator. Can see having a config for each faction being reasonable
@andreasmaurstad7227 Ай бұрын
Sure, sure - modding for each and every faction is somthing one can do, but then again it won't really matter when you're shooting them with the equivalentof a semi-truck hitting a man straight in the testicles. Let's just see how this works out
@dmajorray6154 Ай бұрын
I feel like modding for different factions was always a vision tbh. They just made it extremely annoying and taxing. So much that we have metas that involve bypassing or stripping said defenses so that basically any and all damage will work. Shields? Toxin viral. Armor? Heat/corrosive viral. With these changes it makes it so that certain weapons that have certain physical damage can shine more so than they have in the past. And that they require little buildcrafting to make them borderline effective. That doesn't mean deep crafting won't be as effective as it is now. But there's far less margin for error or confusion. You could technically not even have separate mod load outs for weapons. But now have weapons that are effective for a specific faction. It'll increase the diversity of weapons at play without making them weaker. Imo these changes will be much more impactful than I think people are giving it credit for
@Zeratai. Ай бұрын
For what I remember Pablo said enemies will not have resistances, only weaknesses. In this case running corrosive against corpus will not be as bad as it is today.
@MCGamerCZ Ай бұрын
Bit of a different video today
@GibDib Ай бұрын
@martcorpuz5191 Ай бұрын
I can confirm. This is a different video.
@Ariamaki Ай бұрын
Yeah, a video made entirely of misinformation and malformed opinions IS pretty different, and hugely disappointing.
@novAviator01 Ай бұрын
But we love it nonetheless
@maskettaman1488 Ай бұрын
@@Ariamaki Care to elaborate?
@Vivincubus Ай бұрын
the best bit of the upcoming status rework is as you mentioned blast cause that's how monster hunter's blast blight works
@Linzolle Ай бұрын
I know I'm an old monster hunter fan because when they described it i went "Ah, like *slime* from monster hunter" it has not been called slime in ten years lmao
@Vivincubus Ай бұрын
@@Linzolle cause more monsters than our slimy boi got access to it since then, yea
@azure98 Ай бұрын
The way they described how some of the changes work sounds fun, like Blast being turned into a scaling explosion you can make do more damage that can also cause even adjacent enemies to potentially explode as well. Magnetic is also being made to be effective against Overguard and they mentioned something about dealing and extra burst of electricity when Shield or Overguard is fully depleted with Magnetic. Cold being able to fully freeze enemies by itself sounds like it could get pretty out of hand on some weapons or companions just having a room full of ice sculptures.
@Nightoyl Ай бұрын
Things..just..got out hand...
@Kilesfactor Ай бұрын
Honestly, it’s good that you are taking a vacation during an Warframe update, because that means you get all of the patches, you dodge all of the inflammation that will be the Warframe community. Stay safe c:
@kapa9601 Ай бұрын
Good vid man, enjoy your vacation
@cosmiclive4437 Ай бұрын
They did reveal that they are adding the ability to change between mod loadout A B and C. You don't have to run or fast travel to the arsenal anymore. It will actually be a realistic option to make different loadouts for different factions
@blifi77 Ай бұрын
Not really sure what i should think about this. I get a lot of the points they're making but in the end we just gotta wait and try it to really say if its something or not.
@dontdoitdan7965 Ай бұрын
my hot take, this is a BIG IF, if the damage vulnerability in it of it self is a seperate multiplier in damage calculation, no matter what, it would make whatever weird weakness they have worth building for on your dps weapon. And to behonest, I'd be interested in seeing them shake up the game like that.
@AnymMusic Ай бұрын
It's a tough thing honestly. On the one hand I'd LOVE to be able to use cold and puncture to amplify certain crit weapons, or fck about with magnetic and its augments, but being forced to use these types just to not have the worst of the worst isn't smth I'm a fan of. That's also a big reason I don't really use the new archon shards. They effectively lock my frame into playing a certain way without an easy way to change it
@raven_knight_076 Ай бұрын
Truth is I probably won't experiment with weapon builds outside of blast, I already have my hound spreading corrosive, puncture, cold, radiation, magnetic (on some abilities), and electricity (on some abilities), I just don't see a reason to change my weapon off of viral unless I'm struggling with resistances, which I'm usually not.
@Thaylien Ай бұрын
Looking forward to it. Would prefer to see fixes that evened out the power balance between Impact, Puncture and Slash, but that’s later ^^
@sephylon2499 Ай бұрын
Blast hikou is ready
@ninjaman0003 Ай бұрын
The way they made it sound, it sounds like the factions would have general weaknesses and planets would have some modified weaknesses. Like a grineer on earth is wearing armor so you run corrosive and it is humid so cold damage would be an extra modifier. A cold biome would have heat as the extra since they would have armor with heating, thus making the suits more vulnerable heat.
@rob679 Ай бұрын
From the recent devstream, Magnetic will also affect damage to overguard and depleting shielded enemy under magnetic proc makes electric proc explosion.
@Yewrenegade Ай бұрын
you forgot to add that magnetic kinda wants to be work against sheilds and ""overguard"", so its more of a mini bane mod but status for eximus. Its a niche but kinda nice to have
@dankolord Ай бұрын
I can't wait to take my gotva prime out for a spin with the new status changes.
@TheRealsemaJ Ай бұрын
I'm ready for corrosive /magnetic /Slash to be good against all factions.
@Mandurath Ай бұрын
Hope they work, time will tell. I rarely change my loadouts unless something really catches my attention. But if these changes are good, I might go through them and do a rework on the ones I like.
@jacksonmcload4157 Ай бұрын
Enjoy your vacation.
@yorsch9577 Ай бұрын
if i remember correct, they won't make magnatic stronger against shileds, but buff insted buff shilds while not effected by magnatic. what they chang on magnetic is that you get an increase to overguard dmg when the enemy suffer magnetic proc. but that dosn't work via versa becouse frame don't suffer from procs while they have overguard
@ExaltedZoro Ай бұрын
I think the enemy resistances will probably be fine, especially with the loadout switching in navigation that we're also getting. Going on from what you said, I think the point is to give more of an incentive to re-mod or at least switch loadouts depending on what faction you're going up against. Also, when it comes to Magnetic, it's also getting an additional bonus against Overguard the same way it does with shields (not sure if that only applies to enemies or us as well, but I'm going to assume only enemies) so it'll be another good choice for ripping through Overguard. Obviously we'll need to wait for the update but I think the changes will be perfectly fine.
@khirek5335 Ай бұрын
Really interested in playing phage in the upcoming update, innate viral+ modded corrosive + blast? And also interested in whether or not a single fire proc will make you deal double dmg against armored targets since they wanted to tweak armor scaling. That way fire magnetic might be a solid all around choice against fodder + eximus? Also interested if and how eidolon builds will change
@SaurabhKumar-xv6xf Ай бұрын
Jade Shadow Legend strikes again
@callmerenn5672 Ай бұрын
I'm not sure if it was set in stone, but they did say in a recent dev stream that magnetic will also deal increased damage to Overguard~
@fixarsfix1206 Ай бұрын
why just make blast make explosion bigger and spread any extra status + fire elemental damage like gas do?
@ananonymousnerd.2179 Ай бұрын
I'm fairly certain Player Shields and Magnetic effects won't be changed???
@Theguyoverthere603 Ай бұрын
I thought that the elemental resistances are applying per faction, no per planet. The most I’ve seen that’s similar to what you’ve said is that certain types of grineer might have small variations like the Nightwatch units in the Kuva Fortress. Where did you see this “per planet” thing??
@Thereisnogreatersword Ай бұрын
I think they should make the status effect cover for the weakness of the damage type, so to speak. Say blast is effective against grineer or corpus but shit against infested. The status effect however, has a modifier which mucks the shit out of infested. That sort of formulae would be interesting for modifiers and make any status viable on any faction for the most part.
@troll5262 Ай бұрын
Them putting 'damage resistance and weakness based on planets' is just more 'bane mod' issues to me. I don't like having to swap mods all the damn time. I tend to use weapons that are diverse enough so I have something that works in all scenarios. But bane mods are a no-go for me as it'd need me to go change loadout all the damn time. Fuck that so much. Sure they are adding the loadout swap from starmap UI but I'd still need to make 4+ loadouts *per weapon*. Ugh.
@CoronaMobius Ай бұрын
I don’t recall them saying resistance would be based on planet, just that planets would have suggested resistance shown. Has this changed?
@Endymion0021 Ай бұрын
With sub factions becoming a thing, I kinda wish for Granum Corpus with the same toxin immune shield units as the Treasurers. Granum got that stuff figured out and its a shame its not in a wider use.
@dominiccolon3465 Ай бұрын
I can’t wait for the stug to see this status buff. It’s over for earth
@theunhingedgamer3762 Ай бұрын
from what was said corrosive and viral aren't going to be touched so I see no point to the damage types being altered in functionality against enemies because out of everything it sounds more like the corpus are getting the real buff here but even still they aren't hard to go against as is put simply everything they're changing is sort of pointless given people are still gonna rip through things with ease
@corporaljigsore4473 Ай бұрын
I hope so because corrosive is my main in most cases and sometimes viral. Also with so many reworks and nerfs i am already tired changing my builds over and over, and if those changes now are going to be big... I seeing my self i am going to completely uninstall Warframe once and for all, for first time in my 8 years on game. Imo better they should spend some time to rework all those boring repeatable missions and bring us some new mission types with more complex mechanics
@JustaMuteCat Ай бұрын
I honestly thought they were going for Facntion-centered changes to defensive stats rather than planets. It does make some modicum of sense on the later if we consider that it would be logical to have a different set of outer suit/armor/gear for a different hazardous environment but still feels like too much complicated for what seemed to be their way of simplifying and centralizing changes for themselves.
@demonman905 Ай бұрын
Surprised you didn't mention the fact that Magnetic will not only do increased damage to Overguard, but also if you break a shield or overguard with Magnetic, it'll do an electric AOE that does guaranteed electric procs too
@redfiend8746 Ай бұрын
Someone call moug, we got another stahlta believer
@dragonoflegend8798 Ай бұрын
This is a good take. This is why I love you man. I watch knightmare as well, but not very often and that's because he shits on everything when he's not just making a cool build. "Damage Meta ruining warframe" was the latest video he made. Like, come on man. He also shat on jade shadows before it even came out 🤣. Then, there is you. The calm, cool, collected approach met with understanding and fun. Everything handled like an adult while showing us builds that make our inner child happy and satisfy variety You give everything a proper chance and welcome more powerful builds in the comments. This is why you're My Top FrameTuber. You, Layzar, HunkPain, Morning and Kengineer ❤
@redfiend8746 Ай бұрын
Gas is going to get a buff even though it will be unchanged. Cloned flesh and flesh have DR against it with the current system.
@redfiend8746 Ай бұрын
Cloned flesh has 50% DR and Corpus flesh has 25% DR
@mistastabs5840 Ай бұрын
Still wish they would upgrade the lag...
@italeteller5144 Ай бұрын
If you want only one build for everything then what's the point of having multiple types of damage? The whole point of having multiple elements should be to change them according to the faction you're facing
@ciaossujacker2953 Ай бұрын
I am very excited for blast. Because my kuva zarr will zarr all over the enemies even more
@kilmcm45 Ай бұрын
If the new magnetic procs can stunlock us.....that shit will need to go.....otherwise it just means most enemies will take more shots. I luv mowing down enemies so more time shooting them just sounds like more fun to me. I don't see anything other than the magnetic procs that would be potentially game breaking.. I can't wait to try a 2 aura frame!
@alexisazrael2876 Ай бұрын
If I have to make different loadouts for each planet or for different enemies of the same faction, I leave Warframe and I'm Legendary 4
@abra2133 Ай бұрын
Imo, the status changes will be amazing because the thing is: it's still the same mechanics that already are, but are more consistent through a faction, corrupted lancer are weak to radiation and heavy guns to corrosive, even though they are in the same faction wtf? The qol that lets us change loadouta and weapons in the star chart will make going for status vulnerabilities and faction mods actually not as annoying The main thing that im concerned is the ever increasing power creep. They will put armor cap, so enemies won't be as hard to kill, and these new changes make it easier to get stronger builds. They need to add something that will make the game harder, and will give us a challange, and not a damage sponge
@Sergeant_Morf Ай бұрын
Wonder how epitath would act in the new update.
@twoheadedgiantgaming7029 Ай бұрын
it forces cold procs and the radial has blast, so it'll probably be really good for crowd control with the full freeze, and since the radial doesnt do the greatest damage, the blast changes will be irrelevant
@cephalonrevan2546 Ай бұрын
Aoe spam freeze that increases crit dmg and applys blast that you can then sweep your melee on. Will probs be really good next update.
@Sergeant_Morf Ай бұрын
@@cephalonrevan2546 yeah especially using my sevagoths reap ability and reap augment, think epitath gonna be more op primer then before.
@Sergeant_Morf Ай бұрын
@@twoheadedgiantgaming7029 welp epitath gonna be even more better primer then, cool.
@ThePopeOfAwesomeness Ай бұрын
I like that they're tweaking stuff but I kinda like the corrupted being all over the place. It fits the whole point of them being mixed faction. Regardless of resistances the MIGHTY SEER one shots
@DivingHawker Ай бұрын
Hmm, I'm curious, not hyped, not afraid, just curious about what they plan to do. This could be interesting just like it could be a disaster. I'll wait and see
@raven_knight_076 Ай бұрын
Honestly i don't really see myself changing builds at all outside of screwing around with blast, my hound is already spreading corrosive, cold and magnetic, so cold and magnetic buffs don't really interest me outside of priming, and all my weapons are already doused in anthrax and hot sauce (viral and heat) and i don't really struggle with enemies outside of unnecessarily high levels.
@daiphelion7002 Ай бұрын
'I am somewhat disappointed they're not making any changes to Gas' Yeah, no, Gas is _disgustingly_ good. Grouping tools and/or Ragdolls and some sort of faction bump (or Roar) wipe rooms (though, yes, like nearly everything else, it does need defence stripping). Gas just takes some knowledge and mechanical tinkering on the part of the player.
@tanwenwalters7689 Ай бұрын
And even at lower level steel path, Gas is still incredibly good without armour strip, especially if you just, pump as much base damage into it as possible. Only time I've ever really felt the need to pull out my armour strip on my preferred gas builds is endless SP stuff.
@twoheadedgiantgaming7029 Ай бұрын
Ooh I'm extra early today! Would love to see you build aksiletto prime with 100% ammo efficiency using Zazvat-Kar and Akimbo Slipshot
@twoheadedgiantgaming7029 Ай бұрын
Also, after the blast changes, making a blast sniper will be interesting
@caseyogden7105 Ай бұрын
hehehe, hes still using stahlta >:3
@apencil5147 Ай бұрын
Tnh it’s eitjer gonna be really good or awful. Gues well see in a year. But tbh i do think the current wf team know what they are doing!
@Asfragged Ай бұрын
Nah, seems fine so far
@NiceGameInc Ай бұрын
Slash will be getting a huge nerf with the new update one way or another. When sheer damage does the job better, why wait for slash ticks to slowly chew through health? In the same way, full stripping enemies will be less useful sometimes, and if your modded elements are effective against the enemy's armor you're fighting, full stripping will even be detrimental disregarding the enemy's level. This might lead to a new meta where one tries to avoid full stripping and focuses on reducing enemy's armor with as many multiplicative debuffs as possible. They will end up having close to no dmg reduction but will take any additional damage based on their health and armor weaknesses. Furthermore, dmg meta might win against status meta where one would apply a multitude of dots with all possible buffs. With the new update, just dishing out high damage numbers will do the job until levelcap, most likely.
@lynlawson3862 Ай бұрын
I came to warframe from borderlands which was simple elemental damage, fire for red health shock for blue health and corrosive for yellow health bars, i presumed it be this straight forward and im glad it will change
@Stormfin Ай бұрын
Goodbye, last ten years of videos. Hello, Mass Effect 3.
@maskettaman1488 Ай бұрын
That's the sad part for sure. As much I think the changes are probably for the best, it just instantly invalidates a decade of videos, discussion, and knowledge
@cyanide7270 Ай бұрын
Pre rework = Viral Slash is best against Grineer because it bypasses their strength armour. Toxin is best against Corpus because it ignores their strength: Shields. Post rework = Viral Slash is still best against Grineer because it ignores their strength: Armour. Toxin is still best against Corpus because it ignores their strength: Shields. Thats the problem im having with this. Theyre compounding the different health pool types, but dont seem to be doing anything to balance it.
@DawnAfternoon Ай бұрын
Isn't that the whole point? Pablo has repeated multiple times over and over that they won't try to replace the meta, and instead enable other damage types to compete with the meta. Otherwise if you just make a new combination of damage better than Viral/Slash it solves absolutely nothing since all builds will just use that new damage type anyway. Diversify, not replace. If anything, Slash is already losing its best advantage of infinite scaling since armor stops scaling past a certain point.
@cyanide7270 Ай бұрын
@DawnAfternoon Except NY not changing these things, you also solve absolutely nothing because why bother using the other damage types if the meta is still the meta. So again, why would we want to use the new magnetic changes if ignoring it and sticking with toxin is still the nest option? Why use blast or cold if ignoring armour with viral slash is still best? That's my point. What's the point in making these damage type changes, if they're just going to be ignored?
@DawnAfternoon Ай бұрын
@@cyanide7270 Again, to bring other damage types up, not to replace. Slash already loses their best feature of infinite scaling due to armor capping. Napkin math shows about 6-10x eDPS increase for all non-slash damage without any armor strip. Possibly a lot more for Corrosive because you get an additional 6x multiplier ontop of the previous 6-10x. We also can't say much about Blast yet except that we don't know the % of the number, if it's about 50% AoE damage at max stacks its a significant status worth building.
@zodrickzheioh7318 Ай бұрын
yeah, personally, this is my least favorite Idea that they've come up with in the history of Warframe. it removes a bunch of the depth to the game, and certain enemies not being weak to your build not only made sense but added diversity to gameplay where you weren't just one shotting everything, a nox would walk into a room and you'd have to fight it differently because it's resistant to the stuff most of the other Greiner are. Honestly, there's nothing about this change that I like. the change to Armor on enemies should be ok, but I don't think it's does a ton because of the armor floor, just reducing it by 20% really won't do a ton. but its a good first step. and I like the status changes, but Honestly any changes and improvements to elements/status is completely undermined by the Skin changes.
@Umbrellie_ Ай бұрын
"Yelling at them won't do a damn thing" Bold of you to assume that the people Yelling about stuff care about whether or not they're heard. They just like being angry for the sake of being angry, I think.
@uncleluxord4363 Ай бұрын
HEAR ME OUT, Melee influence spreads status effects right??? OKAY Blast will cause AOE damage and maybe chain react similar to Qorvex 4th, MELEE INFLUENCD WITH ELECTRIC BLAST COULD POTENTIALLY BE THE BIGGEST SPECIAL FX EXPLOSION EVER
@chinossynthesizer705 Ай бұрын
Electricity can light stuff on fire why hasn't electric been used to take off armor it literally burns warmer then fire i think.
@jamesyue1348 Ай бұрын
mark my words MARK MY WORDS the new blast status will be a big disappointment
@rutimcgamer2419 Ай бұрын
Dont say that pls im farming topaz for blastgate😢😢
@aero.9638 Ай бұрын
This didn't age well
@TheSket Ай бұрын
I could see this becoming entirely more complicated and annoying to deal with than the current system. Not passing judgement yet but I’ve got concerns
@Darthmufin Ай бұрын
My guess is months or years after this change, DE will introduce "elite" units that have new health types since the unification will simplify things too much. So a new elite unit that has alloy armor lol. I don't mind the current damage system at all and armor is never an issue until steel path, and you should be learning how to play the game if you doing steel path.
@honorguard7616 Ай бұрын
Won't surprise me, going to need to make notes in the wiki enemy pages of X enemy had X health,shield and armor types prior to patch X
@Joe_mama... Ай бұрын
Rhino stomp deals blast damage... Imagine nuking with stomp in high levels
@Alpha.Phenix Ай бұрын
Just a reminder, armoured Corpus exist. Not even only a couple anymore, there is a decent number of Corpus with some amount of armour. Faction wide damage type resistances instead of unit per unit like it is now, will likely end up meaning either: armoured Corpus units get robbed of their armour, or all the Corpus get armour ... Hey, remember Deimos Infested too? Oh, and the Corrupted, obviously. Ya, I couldn't disagree with these planed changes more.
@chaosgyro Ай бұрын
Or: armored Corpus have the same weaknesses as their unarmored kin, but with the damage resistance of armor on top. Not sure why "the sky is falling" was your first reaction here.
@Alpha.Phenix Ай бұрын
@@chaosgyro Well, for example - Is Radiation damage still gonna have a dmg bonus vs alloy armour, or is becoming the next magnetic in terms of usefullness?
@chaosgyro Ай бұрын
@Alpha.Phenix Radiation is likely to be remain the direct damage of choice against the Murmur, and taken otherwise because of a moderately beneficial CC status. It may also remain the damage of choice for most bosses just like it is now.
@emanuelstornello8009 Ай бұрын
"they're not gonna be something dumb!" (Clueless)
@theicebeardk Ай бұрын
"Yelling at them won't do a damn thing," not true it will grate on devs that we appreciate and drain them of mental energy when we want them to be attentive and the best way to do that is to do as the Internet man says: Please give constructive feedback and do not SPAM it.
@caseymantle2097 Ай бұрын
Not a huge fan, overly simplifying in my opinion and sounds like itll be a bit more boring than usual to mod
@madeofnapalm Ай бұрын
Introduce the dumbed down mechanic that might or might not attract new players but will 110% piss off those already playing. DE in a nutshell 🤣🤣
@corporaljigsore4473 Ай бұрын
Warframe is getting worst and worst each time. With all those reworks and nerfs i am so tired to changing my builds over and over. DE ENOUGH The game is good as it is. You better should spend that time to rework all those boring repeatable missions that we have, and finally brings us some new mission types with more complex mechanics.
@honorguard7616 Ай бұрын
How is this a nerf?
@DawnAfternoon Ай бұрын
What nerf?
@Ariamaki Ай бұрын
You not only didn't read the workshop correctly, you didn't understand what you claimed to read properly, and your conclusion is bad on top of that. Please delist this video and actually pay attention to the words on the page before uploading a correction and apology.
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Рет қаралды 120 М.
Warframe | Cane Cannonade | Kuva Chakkhurr
Рет қаралды 20 М.
Lp. Последняя Реальность #107 РОДНОЙ ДОМ [Финал] • Майнкрафт
MrLololoshka (Роман Фильченков)
Рет қаралды 1,3 МЛН