Warframe - The Helminth Issue

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New Video, Link: • Warframe - The Forgott...

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@mcjagergaming 4 ай бұрын
New Video, Link: kzfaq.info/get/bejne/icl5iqipsdibj58.htmlsi=_nLhludQ3y3ogm3v
@darkwolf9637 4 ай бұрын
Warframe has a lot of bandaid solutions, its what 90% of augments are and why so many frames have mandatory augments.
@mcjagergaming 4 ай бұрын
I completely agree, a Augment should be there to enhance the ability, and not just make it viable. For example Frost's 4th is really good as is, but his Augment is the Cherry on top. But thats a rare exception.
@windowofpane 4 ай бұрын
The real issue is steel path and steel path scaling, not the frames, trinity and rhino for example, abating link is necessary for steel path Trinity and rhino charge and iron shrapnel are also necessary for rhino along with parasitic armor and at least 1 umbral forma for him to be somewhat comfortable in steel path. It’s annoying and expensive on resources but necessary. Also Garuda needs gloom, limbo needs pillage, mag needs resonator, wisp needs pillage, volt needs terrify + augment for armor strip etc etc. the real issue is steel path. Not the frames. Steel path points out weak points on frames you would never notice in regular star chart. So if you are in base star chart and not planning on going end game anytime soon, I wouldn’t even worry about the helminth. It’s not necessary, the strongest enemies you will encounter, don’t even matter when compared to steel path.
@mcjagergaming 4 ай бұрын
@@windowofpane The problem with that statement is that steel path is the end goal for everyone.
@windowofpane 4 ай бұрын
@@mcjagergaming which is the issue, because steel path scaling and old frames both need to meet in the middle with a 2 prong rework, but that most likely won’t happen.
@ababil2408 4 ай бұрын
Rhino in sp you just need to press 2 and bathe in enemy bullet for a bit to get like 100k iron skin
@nullpoint3346 4 ай бұрын
TLDW version: I like that it exists, I don't like why it exists. Watch the video in full for detailed reasoning as to why.
@mcjagergaming 4 ай бұрын
Lol thank you
@windowofpane 4 ай бұрын
Helminth is a symptom of a larger problem which is frames being too weak to survive steel path without it. The problem is ultimately steel path and the scaling of it, not the frames or the helminth system itself. In base star chart nobody would waste resources making their overpowered thing, more overpowered, but steel path changes all the maths. If you weren’t planning on doing steel path I would skip the helminth altogether. Just my opinion.
@voicetest6019 4 ай бұрын
Steel Path was always just a fun thing to do once you're endgame. Rebecca stated when they launched steel path that it was never going to be the basis for balance, and was just a challenge mode and way for the level cap crowd to hit level cap faster. With shield gating and the pets changes in the last quarter, *every* frame can do steel path now.
@James-kv3ll 4 ай бұрын
Warframe has so many systems at this point I lost track. Helminth itself has like 3 in 1
@ControversyCupcake 3 ай бұрын
Your microphone made your laugh funnier when you said domestic guard lol
@shwapi8606 4 ай бұрын
Keep in mind the game is 10 years old and there are 55 frames and more coming always (4/year on average). I doubt they have the resources to go back on that many frames and make every weak ability shine. Especially when the game is ever evolving and an ability they reworked today may need to be reworked again in 3 years anyways. They also can only do so many types of abilities too. Do they have to give every frame a unique flavor of armor strip/energy regen/health regen/crowd control/damage buff/status cleanse.. etc. Or just make one of each a helminth and let player decide which type works best on the frame they wanna improve. I like this compromise we have with the helminth. The devs can make actual new content and I don't have to wait years for a frame I like to get chosen for a rework.
@mcjagergaming 4 ай бұрын
The game as a whole has shifted. So when you look at Loki, he was the goat back in the day. And now he go inViSiBlE.
@xiverebirth7467 4 ай бұрын
​ @mcjagergaming yea thing wf players dont understand is not every warframe is suppose to nuke steel path, there are different warframes who excel at different mission types for example, Spy.
@Quantumest 4 ай бұрын
Its not an Helminth issue if you ask me but more of less good option in general. Example Nourish gives Viral/Energy and before that exist, the only way to get tons of energy with low efficiency build is Arcane Energize,Zenurik or Trinity (Or warframes im too lazy to list) I could pick Breach Surge for more damage or Banshee silent for CC to eximus in exchange i have to get Energize in the build. But do i have the time/patience to grind Eidolon to maximize or tons of plats to buy energize cause drop rate is low as hell. (Yes, Cavia exist to transmute for others arcane but that doesn't excuse how rare that thing is to open one still) And Corrosive weapon build + Viral nourish is just too good of a damage combo and personally more fun than wait Viral + Slash tick if you ask me I can see that they rectifying that problem like newer players have new aura mod to combat energy problem without making them OP at the start and we have archon shard giving as equilibrium. Corrosive + Radiation + Cold is another new way method of dealing damage because of new Cold Proc giving little crit damage and a standalone radiation mod which reduce the slot and capacity So my take for this is that they fix it. Slowly. But i rather take slow and some new stuff than nothing to be addressed with realistic resource they have in hand.
@KainAintSleepy 24 күн бұрын
"I love you guys 😁.... kind of 😅"
@sourgrapes1317 4 ай бұрын
i use ice wave with archon flow for kullervo. i can freeze my enemies with it and go for the kill for collective curse/wrathful advance. if one of those enemies drop an energy orb archon flow's property will proc.
@ahuruduncan6561 4 ай бұрын
I feel like most people forget most of the frames are from pre sp. Most have good kits for that and specialize for something. Helminth helps frames to give them diffirent building styles and most actually make them good in comparison to others. Like garuda example, shes definetly not ment to health tank and is ment for melee, yet with helminth you can make her do other content which she wouldnt normaly be able to do which is amazing. Helminth really isnt the issue here tbh. Seems most people are only interested in Meta and dont like to play other frames cos of x. Now if helminth were to get removed, most would just play couple frames cos no point in playing others. Also so many frames would need to get reworked and then they all would be pretty much the same. So in short, the issue is sp more than helminth, Old frames dont scale with their kits that arent ment to go that far. You enjoy playing x frame but you are missing armor strip? no worries, you can helminth it in instead of having to play frame you dislike/dont have. Tbh, id rather see unique builds instead of same Meta loadouts. Ps. Also the problem seems to be building a kit and understanding abilitys itself too it seems. Calling garudas 4th, passive and melee the only good thing on her kit is dump imo. Her 1st is amazing survivability and nuke, 2nd can heal in survival/defence quite nicely, its not ment to be used in exterminate and can be switched to more agressive playstyle with helminth etc, 3rd gives you pretty much unlimited energy, and 4th is good for nuking and scales nicely with helminth.
@jacobelsea3595 4 ай бұрын
"I want to undo this" *doesn't undo it* Coward
@mcjagergaming 4 ай бұрын
I have since undid it lmao
@aurafox9926 4 ай бұрын
dispensary on icewave is bad since nourish exists, another thing is that icewave is far better than freeze on frost so just subsume his 1st ability for nourish rather than 2 since both of those abilities have the same functionality just one is better since its AoE instead of Single Target with a much smaller AoE Nekros Soul Punch is just kicking a dead horse cause of how old Nekros' kit actually is Dread Mirror's Execute Threshold shouldn't be removed since if you're just relying on seeking talons you're already using her ineffectively and saying that Blood Altar is worth subsuming off for something else would just be like purposely stubbing your toe and wondering why it hurts Containment wall is actually a good grouping ability with the upside of giving damage vulnerability and Disometric Guard is more or less the same thing as Baruuk's Desolate Hands just on a different frame that can actually be sustained without having to be recast aswell is more an upside than a downside
@mcjagergaming 4 ай бұрын
So yes nourish would be better but Frost 1 and 2 are functionally different his 1 has more use than 2. His 2 can't freeze. Meaning his 200% cc % cd augment would be useless. And yes it does get used in higher lvls. Garuda 4, passive, and Claws are the best parts of her kit. And the 40 threshold is dumb when you either 1 shot or do so much damge that you can't even land it. You purposely have limit her dps to get it to work. You can't tell me or anyone that containment wall is better than other grouping abilities. Because it's not. By most standards it bad. And that was my overall point. It would be good if Helminth didn't exist, but it does sooo.
@GigaflareInNeutral 4 ай бұрын
I think containment wall is pretty good since it gives max rad procs, which directly scales his dmg per rad proc, (tldr a faster nuke then letting his 1 nuke) also if you helmith off qorvex's 1 you don't need duration anymore. which drastically makes building different, also the dmg vulnerability is quite nice considering if you nuke using the 2+4 combo.
@mcjagergaming 4 ай бұрын
@@GigaflareInNeutral interesting, see Helminth is good lmao
@craigshelhammer5683 4 ай бұрын
I use quorvexs radiation pillar over frosts 1,rad,cold procs from 4(plus augment for overshields) and heat +viral or corrosive on weapons..works pretty well in sp
@StartouchArts 4 ай бұрын
Containment Wall does definitely need some buffs though. In a game that encourages players to act like cracked-up fleas, Containment Wall really should have more vertical reach. Disometric Guard is an easy subsume. Sure it gives status immunity, but does NOTHING else of import. Breach Surge or Tharros Strike have much better utility than just "I'm immune to status now!"
@Foodyquest 4 ай бұрын
Qorvex had Oberon at home energy
@smough_mccheese7661 4 ай бұрын
@danielnyhart9853 4 ай бұрын
frost can get energy back with archon flow btw
@mcjagergaming 4 ай бұрын
True, but it's not great.
@markchongjass 4 ай бұрын
warframe god tier
@undockingsalad6377 4 ай бұрын
I know this is irrelevant to the video but, I really want to know what is the frame they are using at the start of the video
@mcjagergaming 4 ай бұрын
Harrow Prime
@undockingsalad6377 4 ай бұрын
@@mcjagergaming Ty!
@KobeBang357 4 ай бұрын
Also it helps you hit harder than the enemy if you mod right. Same as any other build concept game
@JayDee-vq5rf 4 ай бұрын
You started off strong and then lost the plot. These work arounds that build a road around the car accident, are least found in the helmith system. This would have been a great point when talking about mods. Surefooted type mods probably shouldn't even exist but nether should enemy loss of player control abilities. Stupid endgame players said the ai was too dumb and easy so the game is filled with cancer that removes your ability to play or do things. So they put this mod in for the new players and then all the end game players used the mod of their own free will and said the same thing as before. Same for rolling guard same for adaptation, same for every mod that is used really. You can make the game challenging by playing with no mods or no weapons, or no operator, or no necromec, and so on. Getting the parts for basic Grendel is basically the endgame. The helmith system is a great idea it's just being used wrong. All you meta slaves are just putting on nourish or gloom or roar or dispensary on everyone. You all just sit in your echo chambers telling each other the same thing. Just about every ability is useful. Your warframes have loadout slots, you can make different loadouts. I have like 4 loadouts for every frame average. Each 1 has a different ability different augment and different playstyle with a different helmith on it. None of them are unfun or unused. I have an icewave frost and you know what its fun as fuck to zoom through with vial rush and slow everything with icewave augment. Slows works on overshields and cold has 2 amazing arcanes for weapons and naturally gives a crit bonus. That build can go to level cap no problem, just don't expect the ability to 1 shot stuff above lvl 100. Your expectation is your mistake. Yea you picked the very worst of something and used it as a strawman like you could with any game ever made, but it's still useable on frost. If you had picked subsumed banish. It has a use, on saryn make your decoy and banish it now it taunts and never dies at lvl cap. Your welcome. All the armor strip abilities have a different best use and are totally viable. Guess what you lose value when in a party with more then 1 player using nourish, because its a party buff. If you use nourish for energy and so dose your partied vauban friend, he would be better off subsuming lycanth's hunt so he could generate the orbs for your noursh and still get your viral, because bastille locks everything in place for guaranteed headshots, and he can collapse it and melee them all for health orbs if that is needed. My garuda tanks on 1hp completely unkillable, uses blood alter just for energy, this build and playstyle cannot be done with any other ability or arcane in the game. Dread ward blocks damage the direction you are facing not "the front" in my case it's literally everything because I'm looking down and everything is down except the blood alter target I suspend next to me. Gloom in the air doesn't hit the things on the floor. Blood alter is not just amazing on garuda if you know how to play her, it's amazing on inaros or nydus too. It's the strongest heal in the game due to it's power strength scaling % heal. I know you think gloom is always better but when your up against 20x lvl cap nullifiers your dealing no damage and stealing no hp. I know you think air burst is the obvious choice for grouping but your wrong, gyres ability is better in 99.9% of cases because of the archon streach. Nydus's ability is also decent with the augment if your character has trouble with corpus, add the lightning arcane to any melee weapon are poison is now 1 of the elements you spread to the entire map. You would never get rid of diosymetric guard because it's not rolling guard it's also primed surefooted, and makes u immune stagger also (infested), it's worth using for the magnetic immunity alone (duvri circuit) or the toxic immunity alone (infested) but right there it just saved you 4 mod slots. Use the correct weapon on qorvex and containment wall is his best grouping tool. Literally read his passives and tooltip, k thx. If a frame had an ability that just said gives you 4 mod slots with no capacity cost it would instantly be the best ability in the game. Helmith is the best thing to every happen to warframe. I would have quit this game a long time ago if it didn't have options for variety and builds.
@mcjagergaming 4 ай бұрын
I appreciate your imput. And I'm aware there are better interactions for certain characters. But DE responds to popularity, and not what works which is a big part of the meta slave issue. So yes I agree with alot of the things you said. But whether or not the majority agrees with you is it different story.
@andrewgrasman8951 4 ай бұрын
They can create new viable builds which makes the game more interesting so it both provides benefits and acts as a bandaid
@maxvieira2595 4 ай бұрын
Same thing for warframes abusing mechanics that were not part of their kit originally, like shield gating, shield based frames were known for having no survivability, now everyone can use pillage and people talk about how shield gating ruins the game by ignoring mechanics (armor / health) that used to be better than shields. Helminth is fun for builds (except when every build you see uses nourish), but I hate how they use it as a excuse for not buffing lesser performing warframes. In the past they were just reworking everyone into having 90% dmg reduction or an iron skin esc ability which is also a lazy way of doing it. Personally, I think the helminth system takes the individuality of warframes away.
@mcjagergaming 4 ай бұрын
100% agree
@aras5334 4 ай бұрын
Yeah but I'm having a blast thanks to helminth, so who cares 😂
@maxvieira2595 4 ай бұрын
@@aras5334 a lot of people.
@aras5334 4 ай бұрын
@maxvieira2595 yeah I really don't see the issue, if it's not this it's something else, it give space for some incredible combinations, and it's a pve game SO I REALLLLLY don't care just sounds like a big nothing burger 🤷
@maxvieira2595 4 ай бұрын
@@aras5334 I got it the first time, you have a "It doesn't affect me, so it must not be a problem", mentality. Helminth isn't a problem in a limbo but the way DE goes about it is utterly garbage. Much like what they were doing with eclipse, that it was supposed to only nerf the helminth version, but they butchered mirage too, but by your logic I guess it doesn't matter because most people don't play her, right? The sun doesn't orbit around you.
@jacobheller3146 4 ай бұрын
@KobeBang357 4 ай бұрын
Helminth is use to make the characters a bit better for enemies in STEEL PATH 120+ enemies
@ZachTheInsaneOne 4 ай бұрын
Issues with the Helminth aside, you're using Garuda extremely wrong. Yes her Talons are great, but you're meant to use all four of her abilities together. You use Dread Mirror to stop damage from the front, Blood Altar to regen your health, Bloodletting to turn your Health into energy, and Seeking Talons for your damage. This way you never have your back to the enemy, Slash destroys them, and you have essentially infinite energy as long as Blood Altar is active while Dread Mirror tanks all the damage for you. At least, this is the way she was designed. If you want to play her a different way, then claim she's not good at the way you're trying to use her because some of her abilities don't work the way you want them to work, that's not an issue with her that's an issue with you. Could she be made more versatile? Absolutely. But she was designed a certain way and sadly her Talons were clearly an afterthought as they don't count as melee weapons for missions that require you to have a melee weapon equipped and there's no way to switch to them if you have another melee weapon equipped. Could she be reworked? Of course. In fact I would love to see a rework for her. But to say her abilities are just bad because you're trying to play her differently than intended is just ignorant. I've done level cap with her, no problems. She's amazing just the way she is. All that being said, here's another Helminth issue with her: it's great to put Thermal Sunder on instead of either her 1 or 4 because you get infinite energy from her 2 and 3, to nuke stuff. Which is often what I prefer to do if it's something like Defense or Mobile Defense, because Thermal Sunder can hit behind me and cover a larger area. So even on this frame with an amazing kit that you really shouldn't replace, you still can and it'll work better in some instances. Which is sad. The only time you should replace her 2 or her 3 are for a movement ability like Reave if you're in Exterminate or something, to get through the mission faster, but that's not what she's designed for.
@mcjagergaming 4 ай бұрын
It's weird that you say I'm playing her wrong considering you player in one of two ways. Melee or Gunruda either or doesn't change the fact that blood alter is objectively an inferior ability to gloom. Also Dread Mirror is pretty bad aswell, you essentially get a 90 degree angle of dmg negotiation. Which would be fine if all you did was have you back to walls, and sit in hallways. But that's not how the game works. So Dread Mirror compared to somthing like Iron Skin, Messmer Skin, Warding Halo, or even Elude, is a pretty bad ability. Not to mention she was released with Fortuna, you know the open world with no cover, and enemies spawn/teleport, right behind you. I'm not saying she's bad I miss spoke in the video where I corrected myself. But her short comings are where you have to overcome a skill issue, and stay very attentive. She doesn't get 95% dr nor does she have a CC ability. So your have to swear your ass off with her steel path when you have other characters who can just walk around like nothing happening. Unless you play Gloomruda like I was. Making the point of in the video, instead of buffing the characters ability to stay up to date. Especially when the character predates Steel Path.
@ZachTheInsaneOne 4 ай бұрын
@@mcjagergaming alright, we've got misunderstandings on both sides it seems. You're right, those Helminth abilities can do a better job at what her normal abilities do, but I was trying to make a case for her entire kit. I don't use her as a melee frame or a gun frame, I use her as a caster frame. Keep her 1 and 2 up at all times, always look at your enemy, spam your 3 and 4. I don't even use my guns unless absolutely necessary such as against Demolysts or Acolytes, or occasionally Thrax. I don't remain completely stationary with her either, I position the Blood Altar in a way where I can move around pieces of cover so I always have all sides covered by either an object or the dread mirror. But yes, a lot of her stuff could be replaced with other abilities, which was the entire point of your video and I do understand that. I just didn't like one of my favorite frames getting trashed like that 😅 my bad.
@mcjagergaming 4 ай бұрын
@@ZachTheInsaneOne Still don't see how you can play her as a caster since her only dmg ability is her 4. But if it works for you I guess.
@ZachTheInsaneOne 4 ай бұрын
@@mcjagergaming that's the point though. You put Blood Altar near a box or something, rotate around it spamming her 4 and her 3 while guarding yourself with 1. If a beefier target shows up, you can hold your 1 and launch it at them to nuke them instantly, and that scales as the level goes higher because it's absorbing more damage. I've hit integer cap with her 1, and her 4 nukes everything too because of armor bypass from slash, so the higher the level goes the more I rely on using all of her abilities at all times. Then again, I typically do things like defending a conduit or defense objective with her, so I don't know how good she is in survival or other things but she's perfect for defending an area. Build for 280% range and you can move around just fine.
@mcjagergaming 4 ай бұрын
@@ZachTheInsaneOne in my experience she can't do anything in survival because shes getting shot from all sides, and enemies like to spawn right behind you.
@jordangriffin4517 4 ай бұрын
Every frame should have an ability that either negates damage/damage suppression or an ability that heals
@GhostOfBuscemi 4 ай бұрын
Trash idea that would lead to less unique kits. We already have too many similar abilities. You have massive survivability options all the way into super late game content.
@FrancisYorkMorganFBI 4 ай бұрын
god no. that would make all kits the same
@gigatears2574 4 ай бұрын
I like that idea. honestly speaking it only makes sense, because if you don’t have that capability on your frame you’re going to put it on it anyway.
@wolfofwarframe3807 4 ай бұрын
Thats exactly what Helminth is there for. If a frame doesnt have one, but you need it, you can add it to the frame.
@xiverebirth7467 4 ай бұрын
if they did this their would be no point in picking up tanky warframes or any war frame that cant nuke when u can just go 90% DR saryn which would tank the already under usage rate of other warframes even more.
@HaPKoMaTo3 4 ай бұрын
Most of the mechanics we are using today were considered bugs. Most of the good stuff is completely unintentional by DE. Most of the fixes are bandaids and don't solve half of the problem. Even the language is broken... Create a Kuva leech and get the weapon on Ru language client. And then change it back to English, the name will be broken. And it won't show you *drum roll* the part that was in English on Ru client... Like there are at least 2 different English languages in the game.
@Inaire_Falen 4 ай бұрын
your lip smacking distracts me i couldnt pay attention much. i do agree that tgere are issues but it is what it is
@tonysmith9905 4 ай бұрын
This is a really bad, very shallow take. It's like you only took the system at surface level and went no further. You only talk about two meta helminth abilities and nothing else at all. You don't mention that helminth can be used to create entirely new play styles for frames. For instance with Garuda she has a breach surge build that is absolutely insane. Hildryn has a helminth build that makes her and her party invincible. And there's loads of other things helminth can be used to do that are unique or game changing. And I wanna touch on the bad "abilities" in a base kit. It's actually a GREAT thing that you used Qorvex since his example is easily rebutted. Not every warframe needs to have an ability that "mechanically" functions optimally. It's actually good that abilities are designed from a flavor standpoint first and foremost, then mechanics second. His wall ability is a wonderful example of this. Yes, he could have some ability that just zoops enemies up into a ball like Nidus, but the way the ability works now is evocative of the fantasy they want to shoot for. They knew he needed a grouping ability to make his 4 easier to land and the one they went with looks really awesome as far as playing into the idea they wanted to create with him. Is it the best grouping ability in the game? No, not at all. Is it unusable? Again, not at all. It works on it's own, just not as well as perhaps you'd like. You could certainly keep it in the kit and helminth some thing else. As far as the older bad abilities on the warframes of yore, well, there's just not much to say. They were created in another era, the devs not understanding what their game would turn into. Back in the day Frost was considered the best frame in the game because he allowed people to protect defense objectives near infinitely. Nowadays the game has evolved into some thing completely different and Frost is utterly irrelevant to the game at all. So, with the way the game is played changing, certain frames and their abilities just don't work within the current game play loop. Of course we also have abilities that even back then people were just like why? Valkyr's 1 is obviously one that you'd point out here. These are abilities that are so bad that there's nothing to save them. Yeah, we don't know what they were smoking when they put them on a frame, but at the very least we can say there's not that many of them in the game and they're mostly relegated to the old frames. If you're only using helminth as a band-aid and not as a way to open up your gameplay ever further then that's a you problem, most likely because you've become a meta slave. I don't know you at all, first video I've seen from you, but if the only thing you can talk about is how people only use nourish and gloom then you're delusional. I haven't even seen gloom in a pub in months. Maybe once or twice.
@jfern0927 4 ай бұрын
Well fucking put!
@mcjagergaming 3 ай бұрын
Im sure there are plenty of interesting thing that can be done with Helminth, but the point I was trying to make was instead of buffing/reworking bad, or useless ability your expected to just get rid of them. Maybe my points weren't made all to clear with my rambling. But I don't care the one ability is inferior to another. I care that you can just get rid of it for the better alternative. I don't use Helminth all that much personally. I messed around with some of the goofy builds with it, and those are fine. But they don't dictate the meta, it's the nourish users that do lmao.
@tonysmith9905 3 ай бұрын
@@mcjagergaming Meta doesn't usually mean some thing has a problem. Helminth wasn't designed to fix the old abilities of Warframes. It was designed to give you further build diversity. It has accomplished that. DE is slowly reworking the older frames. We're getting about 2/3 reworks a year now, some times even more if you consider just a touch up on one or two abilities a rework such as their starter frame glow up that was recent. Hard to ask for more than that when other games are even slower to rework characters. And no, you made your points pretty clear. Helminth is bad cuz you only want to use nourish and gloom.
@Aleadis 4 ай бұрын
Pretty much all of this video is just the take of someone who seems misinformed or doesn't understand the interactions of various abilities. Try expanding your knowledge base by watching other popular warframe creators theorycrafting builds and testing them out, there are several people who do it and make ridiculously good builds with the most obscure frame/weapon/helminth/companion combinations. A lot of your statements about how some abilities are just garbage and nobody uses them are just so off base it's more annoying than funny. For example, Nekros soul punch is the only way you can control the shadows you create and in doing so you can actually create a functional army of shadows as opposed to an army of 6 frost eximus that block all of your guns from shooting... his 4 is arguably more useless and even problematic in long-form group content because shadows distract and spread out enemies making them harder to kill. Garuda's blood altar has neat interactions with other frames and abilities that can allow you to chain nuke entire rooms of enemies with on-death explosions of %health damage. You have spent so much time talking about abilities that you seem to have looked at for 5 minutes and think you know everything about them.
@mcjagergaming 4 ай бұрын
Because I've played them. And many people will agree with opinions because they already do. I'm Echoing a sentiment that has been felt in the community for years now. Also btw defending Soul Punch... brother, stop it get some help.
@Aleadis 4 ай бұрын
@mcjagergaming 👏 👏 👏 you keep doing you boo. Good effort, A+. Persistence is key!
@mcjagergaming 4 ай бұрын
@@Aleadis well thank you
@jamestaylor4434 4 ай бұрын
Bro wow.. Get some help?.lol Those builds need some help along with interations across your builds... Have you tried playing in the testing area to see the diff interactions and ways to use the ability correctly? it helps.
@mcjagergaming 4 ай бұрын
​@@jamestaylor4434 Would you like to show me where I even showed off a build in this video? Oh wait I didn't. I spend plenty of time messing around with builds, and ability trying to find, and make good uses for them. But doesn't matter how many aguments, or Strength, Duration, and Range you put on a trash ability. It's still going to be bad with minor improvements. There's a reason why Nourish, and Roar are the most subsume abilities
@bigleeneth 4 ай бұрын
This is DE in a nutshell. They want to do as little work as possible on absolutely everything. If you need proof. Ask yourself this. What is unique about The plains, orb vallis, and Deimos, besides the aesthetic. Nothing. There is nothing unique about any of them except pointless things like the k board, which is dead content. It's the same gameplay in all of them. And then ask yourself this. Why is the foundry basically the main system keeping your progressing, but everything is such a fucking grind and they put those fish parts or ones into as much as possible because its literally just a time sink to pad out the game. Heres the problem they really eant to change without doing work. You can get to "endgame" in 20 hours of playing. I did it. I have an account with 86 hours and im done every quest and I'm on steel path. I have all of the galvanized mods before i have some basic mods like continuity. But DE is lazy and incompetent. So instead of making good and unique content, they look for the copy and paste button as much as they can.
@mcjagergaming 4 ай бұрын
As the saying goes, if it ain't broke don't fix it.
@bigleeneth 4 ай бұрын
​​@@mcjagergamingthe funny thing is. People don't understand that quote, idk if you do and said it on purpose but in the actual meaning, DE fits perfectly. If it ain't broke, don't fix it Leave something alone; avoid attempting to correct, fix, or improve what is already sufficient (often with an implication that the attempted improvement is risky and might backfire). That quote actually intends to mock people who want to hold up the status quo. Like "jack of all trades" has a second part which is "master of none". So it doesn't mean you're good at all trades. It means you can do a little bit of everything at an average level.
@metaloverlord7465 4 ай бұрын
Yikes, someone's bitter about hitting burnout. I suppose people like me who ENJOY the grind don't exist to you? If DE was truly incompetent Warframe wouldn't have as many players as it does. You have a few valid complaints but you strike me as a classic case of the 'I personally don't like it therefore it's objectively bad.' mindset.
@metaloverlord7465 4 ай бұрын
You see a lot of half empty glasses don't you?​@@bigleeneth
@bigleeneth 4 ай бұрын
@@metaloverlord7465 Tell me, which open world am I describing? You do fishing, mining, bounties and there is one big bad boss type enemy to fight. 🙂 Which one am I talking about? Pretty big and obvious flaw built right into the structure of the game. But yeah. That's just me. 🙄
@shabby4035 4 ай бұрын
@cianoconnor2933 4 ай бұрын
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