Was the Tyrant as Bad as History Says?

  Рет қаралды 139,679

Cody Bonds

Cody Bonds

5 жыл бұрын

Dong Zhuo is one of the most reviled warlords in history. Usurping power for himself, and hastening the collapse of the Han Dynasty. But is he the victim of a bad PR campaign? Let's look at Total War: Three Kingdom's latest warlord - and try and give him a shot at redemption.

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@codybonds 5 жыл бұрын
Thanos is a well recognized pop culture character and his meme provides an easy starting point for a conversation. The video does not promote genocide, and nor do I. It was designed to open up a dialogue about historical portrayals, and ask you to consider an alternative perspective.
@JonMow 5 жыл бұрын
chinese Trump 189 - 22 May 192
@boygonewhoopdataZZ 5 жыл бұрын
"The world is black and white sooooo.... IN MY EYES THANOS AND DONG ZHUO are the bad guys since the good guys said so!"
@ducpika6369 5 жыл бұрын
i'm glad that you make this video Cody. I have kept telling people that this tyrant might not be as terrible and bad as the surviving historical sources suggest. I'm also not defending his war crimes but I'm telling people that Dong Zhuo operated on a different philosophy compare to the court of the Han dynasty at the time. There is a Chinese comic "The Ravage of Time", which share the same view points as this video of yours, asking if the most vile and cruel people depicted in the historical fiction "The Romance of Three Kingdoms ROTK" were actually vile and cruel as they are depicted. In the Ravage of time, the reason of Dong Zhuo's war crimes were well-defended, similarly to Thanos' goal. Dong Zhuo as depicted in this comic feels incredibly real. He behave like a real tyrant, a real war commander, a real leader who won the respect of hundreds of thousands soldiers, more so than the person who is depicted in the novel ROTK. But the greatness of this "The Ravage of Time"comic is that it keeps repeating the same moral story like a mantra. It keeps telling its readers to "View history at a broader angle with an unbiased POV", something I have never seen any comic, game and even movie inspired by historical events tried to do. P.s: Please do another video on LU BU challenging people if they think that LU BU despite being one of the biggest warlords during the era of the Three Kingdoms was actually incredibly stupid but simply too strong like the Romance of Three Kingdom has depicted him.
@vincelycaner4259 5 жыл бұрын
Actually the downfall of HAN is cause by long time struggle between imperial family (When The Emperor died young & her son is infant without any knowledge to run a empire , Empress can only rely upon her relatives. ) & the court eunuchs (when the emperor is grown up & try take back power from the Empress 's relatives , him can depend on the eunuchs ) An unending loop in last hundred years in Eastern Han dynasty And Dong is try to break the loop & fix situation with him brutal straight forward method which seize all power for himself. Finally about the royal tombs robbing part . If Dong didnt do it , Cao Cao (do it openly )& other warlords ( do it secretly) will.
@vincelycaner4259 5 жыл бұрын
@@ducpika6369 In the real record of the three kingdom, Lu Bu escaping at midnight naked with him concubine through a hole in him backyard when one of his general rebel.
@Seraphil1 5 жыл бұрын
"Dong Zhuo was brutal and killed a lot of people!" [Cao Cao eyes Xu Province] "Xun Yu, hold my wine..."
@AntiCommunistMarine 5 жыл бұрын
Seraphil1 “Dong Zhou killed millions and disrespected the Emperor!” Cao Cao: *sieges Xiapi* “Liu Bei! If you don’t surrender I’ll kill everyone inside.” (Tho he didn’t he did plan it) Liu Bei beats A court official out of disrespect, almost to death(in real history) Liu Guangzhou: “it was Zhang Fei who beat him for disrespect his brother.” Cao Cao marches into Xu You, Xu Chu executes him. Cao Cao: bro what the fuck
@arima272 5 жыл бұрын
@@AntiCommunistMarine Xu Zhu killed Xu You is literally a fucked up incident, imagine if Xu You worked for Cao Cao. Xu You is literally no less than Guo Jia
@davietran3607 4 жыл бұрын
@@AntiCommunistMarine Cao Cao had intended to kill Xu You before , but he was afraid that killing Xu You by himselft would cause the world turn their back on him , that's why he had indirectly let Xu Chu kill him instead , Cao Cao pretended to scold Xu Chu for killing his former colleuge and best friend , but in his heart, he was very happy because Xu You had rudely mocked Cao Cao after defeating Yuan Shao.
@thecandlemaker1329 4 жыл бұрын
Extremely disproportionate retribution for harming one's father was nothing unusual for the Han era. Confucianism is serious business.
@AntiCommunistMarine 4 жыл бұрын
I love these replies to me, some taught me and some told me what I already knew, yes I agree with all of you, yet my comment was purely comedic, as a huge lover of the Chinese Han dynasty(both romance and historical) I thank you all.
@SCCipher 5 жыл бұрын
Liu Bei in romance said something along the lines of "coalition was only formed because they were jealous of what Dong had, and not that they wanted to save the Han".
@barbiquearea 5 жыл бұрын
I remember that in that 2010 Three Kingdoms series. It was a good show.
@yourboiglitchy151 5 жыл бұрын
That is what created the Three Kingdom's Scenario in the first place, to rule.
@sambone2809 5 жыл бұрын
@@barbiquearea I started watching this yesterday!
@vincelycaner4259 5 жыл бұрын
"In no way are they saving the realm. Rather,they are taking the opportunity to contend for the realm and divvy it up among themselves"
@Arrakhis 5 жыл бұрын
Thats cao cao said after yuan shao refuse to help him when he pursue dong after dong burn luo yang
@TheMoosenugget 4 жыл бұрын
he was the strongest Dong he was the Biggest Dong and in Total War: Three Kingdoms with his shield breaker ability he was the hardest Dong
@richardbishop8666 4 жыл бұрын
@LOLMAN9538 Жыл бұрын
That was a good joke
@ruturajshiralkar5566 5 ай бұрын
Ding Dong
@athomicritics 5 жыл бұрын
all he wanted was to end the warlord era and unify the empire and of course the warlords went : REEEEEEE
@Slixer 5 жыл бұрын
don't forget eat people, horde tax money, women etc. totally miss understood.
@feelsgoodman9751 5 жыл бұрын
Well that was what Cao Cao wanted aswell or any other warlord of that era with ambitions
@jasonyang6875 5 жыл бұрын
LOL He singlehandedly started the warlord era.
@DarkTug 5 жыл бұрын
Eh, no. Ten eunuchs started warlord era. The era was well underway by the time he came around.
@jasonyang6875 5 жыл бұрын
@@DarkTug Wrong. In 185 when the Yellow Turbans were generally crushed, the emperor withdrew the military command from numerous leaders with ease, so there is no warlord. In 188 AD one year before Emperor Ling's death the central government was rearranging the provincial leadership and military position with very little resistance from below, so still no warlords. In 189AD we finally have a person whom might be considered "warlord" and that is Dong Zhuo. He refused to relinquish his command and go to Bingzhou as ordered. Then we have Dong's coup in Luoyang, which destroyed any kind of authority the imperial government had during this point, most regional governors and military leaders refused to obey order from Luoyang and formed the coalition, and from this moment onward the warlord era began.
@vincelycaner4259 5 жыл бұрын
Dong : Me and my stepson relationship 100% strong . Diaochan : Oh really ?
@gorgefood9867 5 жыл бұрын
He died because he broke the bro code.
@nigoki0291 7 күн бұрын
Also Dong:*throw Ji at Lu Bu everytime he have temper tantrum*
@ShadowWolfRising 5 жыл бұрын
We need a Alternate History Hub video on 'What if Dong Zhuo won.'. Someone send this to Cody.
@lyhthegreat 5 жыл бұрын
or what if lu bu didn't killed dong zhou.
@codybonds 5 жыл бұрын
I've always been skeptical of alternate histories. The one I heard often growing up was "What if the South won the Civil War?" While they can make for interesting discussions, many times the events are part of an inevitable tide of history. Technically Dong Zhuo did win. The coalition against him fell apart. It was only as Dong Zhuo's power eroded the other warlords gobbled up his land. It's the classic Great Man vs People's History theory argument.
@Burni86 5 жыл бұрын
We'd be terraforming Mars right now.
@DarkArtistKaiser 4 жыл бұрын
@@codybonds Understandable, at the end of the day we have to accept that most "What if" history is based in pure fantasy and factors that go against what actually happened(Hence why the term "Alien space bats" or whatever is a thing). In such cases, I say "If your going to do it, run with it and own it and don't act like its more than what it is."
@codybonds 4 жыл бұрын
@@DarkArtistKaiser that's a really fun way of looking at it. And an idea I can get behind.
@finn4012 2 жыл бұрын
I think when talking about the Three Kingdoms period you can’t really say “He’s not as bad as everyone thinks” or “that guy was a good guy” because let’s be honest, none of the Warlords were good people. They fought for themselves and their greed
@SpiderkillersInc 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like nobody pays attention to his second-in-command Li Ru. He’s the one who suggested the plan to move the capital and razing the old one. Dong Zhou may have been a horrible tyrant, but Li Ru was basically his Beria, actively enabling a lot of what he did.
@Bobby__B 2 жыл бұрын
There are no good guys, but it's up to you to decide which of their ideals you can sympathize with most.
@mattsterh7740 8 ай бұрын
Thats the world
@frostyguy1989 5 жыл бұрын
Dong Zhuo reminds me of the Roman Emperor Caligula and how he's remembered as a raving madman. But one of our main sources for Caligula's reign was Suetonius, who was a notorious court gossip and wrote from the perspective of the wealthy and powerful Senators, people who hated Caligula. But by all accounts, the common Plebians loved Caligula because he tended to side with them. In history you always need to be mindful of where you are getting your primary sources from, because focusing on just one perspective distorts the truth.
@ce8354 3 жыл бұрын
the horse senator story is the best example. he didnt necessarely put the horse there because he wasmad, but as an insult to the senate saying "see, a horse can do your job as well"
@Atemourisan 3 жыл бұрын
Well yeah.And if you think about it,Caligula was mentally a nut job
@tropikalmamut4448 3 жыл бұрын
@@Atemourisan he probably wasnt
@Atemourisan 3 жыл бұрын
@@tropikalmamut4448 yeah and yet there's a chance he was and a chance he wasn't
@tropikalmamut4448 3 жыл бұрын
@@Atemourisan yep and thats the one thing that makes me mad while researching about history lack of different types of resources. We have the same issue about iconoclasm too sadly
@Gigas0101 5 жыл бұрын
Dong's more a case of Machiavellian politics could go poorly if applied incorrectly. He's shown as overstepping his bounds in a very strict, tradition-driven court and strong-arming his way into power through aggression and exerting control over a younger, more easily manipulated child emperor. Some translations of Three Kingdoms that I've read had him contemplating seizing hegemony and making himself Emperor too. He had no allies within the court save for essentially the hostage emperor, and his personal coterie of generals and advisers were people he had previously known and elevated to high honours and positions. He made himself feared and hated while seizing power in precarious ways, he promoted people he could trust but not people who could expedite his own rise to power, and he left powerful enemies alive, hoping his shocking acts of cruelty would keep them in line. Sacking Luoyang and moving to Changan makes sense from a military standpoint, but the comparison to Liu Bei's rout lacks a certain context. Dong Zhuo's sack of Luoyang was generally portrayed as something akin to a violent pillaging, with numerous burial tombs of greatly revered emperors of the past looted, people forced out of their homes, and untold property destroyed by his soldiers with anyone who resisted killed on the spot. Liu Bei's situation is portrayed as more a case of the populace of his city packing what they can and fleeing with him of their own free will, with Liu Bei working to protect his people despite how it put his own forces in dire straits as they were hunted and harried by Cao Cao's larger yet more dangerous army. Granted, this is just how the two events are compared in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms book, a "mostly historical fiction" with a somewhat biased author. I feel it's right that he's vilified, his reign greatly eroding the already failing strength of the Han and expediting the rise of the Three Kingdoms, but he's someone we can learn from.
@LOLMAN9538 Жыл бұрын
And as we all know, moving the capitol from Luoyang to Chang'an would prove to be a fatal mistake.
@wenxiaomei 5 жыл бұрын
in China Dong Zhuo was refereed as 梟雄 which means "ambitious and ruthless character , a formidable person" so he was still somewhat respected in a sense. In china only the best of men can bear the title of 雄
@pignokor5536 5 жыл бұрын
just some records from book of Han.. Dongzhuo grew up in west border of Han empire, through his youth he gained a good reputation among chiefs of various nomad tribes who serves Han. He was also a hero in the region, has great horse archery skills(can shoot arrow on both sides of horse back).
@breezywarhead8489 Жыл бұрын
I wish he stay that healthy body instead of fat body which is the downfall kill by lu bu
@joshunger6607 Ай бұрын
Reads like a college football scouting report
@andrewlakhach4806 5 жыл бұрын
During 1812 Napolenic wars in Russia our military commander Kutuzov burned down Moscow - and now he considered as one of the greatest military minds of Russia.
@quantumtree9276 5 жыл бұрын
He was kinda mediocre in his day
@eventerminator1382 5 жыл бұрын
Opposite things happen in Russia
@AeneasGemini 5 жыл бұрын
@@quantumtree9276 mediocre? He gave Napoleon a fairly good fight, in any other period he would have been considered exceptional, even in the age of Napoleon he was fairly good. Not an upper tier general to be sure, but he was certainly better than mediocre
@quantumtree9276 5 жыл бұрын
@@AeneasGemini If I remember correctly he let the Austrians get trashed at Ulm and then retreated. He never did anything exceptional. He was mediocre. Wasn't garbage or something but he did not stand out. He was not innovative or imaginative, he was just good at retreating. Which is someone but that is all he had. He was always one step behind Napoleon and there were other generals who did much better at combating Napoleon.
@KMessi6 5 жыл бұрын
@Provocateur ?
@jasonyang6875 5 жыл бұрын
A list of incorrect facts this video used to construct the alternative narrative about Dong Zhuo: 1) (00:50)Dong was ordered to end the strife caused by eunuchs, and that's exactly what he did. Wrong. The first half of this is a gross simplification: In AD189 Dong (as well as 2 other border troop commanders) was order by Grand General (chief-in-command of imperial armed forces, also acting regent at the time) He Jin to move his troop to the vicinity of Luoyang(capital), to mount pressure on He Jin's sister Empress Dowager He to force her to relinquish her protection to the eunuchs. That is what Dong was assigned to do, now lets observe what Dong did. It is implied that "Dong ended the strife caused by eunuchs" in the video, and it's wrong. In the palace coup of August 189, the eunuchs assassinated He Jin, then it was the imperial guards led by the Yuans(namely Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu) whom stormed the palace and slaughtered the entire eunuchs faction, during which Dong and his troops were 15 km from Luoyang therefore couldnt participate. When Dong finally caught the wind of radical changes happening in Luoyang, he ordered a forced march and intercepted the child emperor being escorted back to capital by the victorious bureaucrats. That is the role Dong played in "ending the strife caused by eunuchs". After it is after the death of eunuchs when Dong suddenly burst into action, accepting pledge of loyalty from some former troops of He Jin, killing Ding Yuan (thru betrayal of Lu Bu) and taking command of his army, becoming commander of the strongest army in Luoyang, and therefore able to launch his de facto coup, aka the dethroning of current emperor. 2) (1:21) The emperor is not the person originally nominated to the throne, so Yuan Shao put a pretender on it, and Dong Zhuo was righting the wrong when deposing him. The first half is a hotly contested topic. We know the political tradition of Han dynasty favored the eldest child Liu Bian(the child emperor Dong deposed), while late Emperor Ling personally favored younger Liu Xie (the child emperor Dong enthroned). There is no concrete evidence of Emperor Ling ever made a decision on succession before death in the records. The latter half is completely wrong, as Liu Bian was put on the throne by his uncle Grand General He Jin and his mother Empress Dowager He, not Yuan Shao. I also would argue that the Hes' decision was a poplular one, seldomly viewed as usurpation (which is suggested by the video), because it‘s in conformity with Han succession tradition, while Liu Xie was an unorthodoxy candidate favored by the almost universally despised Emperor Ling and his eunuchs. 3) (2:20) Dong Zhuo was an effective suppressor of rebellions. Huge exaggeration. Dong Zhuo failed horribly against the Yellow Turbans in 184, to the extent he was relieved of duty and imprisoned in Luoyang. Then he took part in the campaign against rebellion of Liangzhou, which the imperial forces failed to suppress until the fall of Han. In that unsuccessful campaign, Dong Zhuo was the only commender whom kept his forces intact and achieved some limited victories, so he did deserve some recognition on his military skills, but not overexaggeration. It would be such irony to call him an effective suppressor of rebellions, especially when we consider his action led to the largest rebellion in Han history, a rebellion he clearly could not suppress. If we correct all the incorrect "facts" in the video, it's easy to see the arguement to justify Dong's actions, that he is trying to make things better in his way, is baseless. If we put the fact not touched by this video into the narrative the image become even clearer. It should be noticed that Dong Zhuo was one of the closest army to Luoyang in 189 because he was purposefully delaying the previous imperial order to relinquish his command and go to Bingzhou, camping his army close to Chang'an looking for political opportunity in Luoyang, which already spells insubordination and disloyalty. He played no part in eliminating the eunuchs - that should be contributed to the Yuans - but only when the coup against eunuchs was settled, Dong found out that he was now leading the strongest military forces in the imperial capital, so he launched a second coup, a ruthless power grab serving only the interest of himself. I think the traditional narrative on Dong Zhuo is therefore, quite accurate.
@codybonds 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for including sources in your rebuttal! I'm upvoting this as it's a great counter-argument.
@Jazmillenium 5 жыл бұрын
@@codybonds It's always nice to see people embrace the topic with an open mind and willingness to discussion
@codybonds 5 жыл бұрын
They succinctly pointed out the flaws in the argument. And frankly I suspect Don't Zhuo was as bad as they say. But someone has to play devil's advocate to start up the conversation. How else can we look deeper?
@fawwazn.1244 5 жыл бұрын
@@codybonds Maybe Its the "Cao-Cao's Advocate"?? Ehhhh?
@TheSquidPro 5 жыл бұрын
Magnificent counter arguments. The sad thing in the telling of history is often the introduction of personal bias or the telling on the basis of obscured or missing facts. (like the forum post) I think many hope there always comes a point when all agree "It's settled then" as it provides closure on the universal truth of existence. But in truth as all information is second hand, we can only trust that one telling may be the truth as it is, though we must never forget; it may not be so and some cases are never closed.
@TheSamuraijim87 5 жыл бұрын
Dong Zhuo was scarcely any different from Cao Cao, the villainous hero of Wei. They both kept a stranglehold on the Imperial Court (which was something repeated countless times before and after), manipulated child emperors, comitted grievous massacres and employed terror tactics. Admittedly, Cao Cao had the reputation of being far more deferential toward Imperial authority than Dong Zhuo, but that in of itself may be embellishment on the side of both men. Cao Cao, however, ended as the winner. He controlled Han, reunified the North, which was the heart of China, and built the foundations of Wei. Whereas Dong Zhuo died having been murdered by his foremost subordinate. Anyone who wins is always remembered in better light. Jenghiz Khan is possibly the only historical winner who did not control the narrative (Mongols, they're the exception - thanks John Green).
@nobblkpraetorian5623 5 жыл бұрын
Well, the Records of the Three Kingdoms was written by a Shu sympathizer, so Cao Cao didn't actually win the historical narrative. It's only in the 20th century when Cao Cao was revised and made respectable by the Chinese Communist Party since a lot of people compared Mao to Cao Cao
@martytu20 5 жыл бұрын
Cao Cao was a far more competent administrator than Dong Zhuo. His strategies involved resettling refugees into empty farmlands, starting irrigation projects and getting his soldiers to assist in farming. Education was up, people were working and getting fed.
@TheSamuraijim87 5 жыл бұрын
@@martytu20 i never said he wasn't a great administrator. I know he was. He simply committed most of the same atrocities. That's undeniable. His talent as an administrator has no bearing on whether he did or did not sit as the tyrant of the Imperial Court.
@TheSamuraijim87 5 жыл бұрын
@@nobblkpraetorian5623 he won insomuch as he controlled the court of Han, and he ruled the core of China, and he ensured that China would reunify.
@nobblkpraetorian5623 5 жыл бұрын
@@TheSamuraijim87 I meant that Cao Cao was portrayed as a villain for a thousand years until the 20th century, so in a sense he's like Genghis Khan in which the "losers" wrote his history.
@Binary84 5 жыл бұрын
If Dong Zhou had won the war, yea...he would be on the right side.
@argonunya882 5 жыл бұрын
victors/winners writes history.
@SkullKnighht 5 жыл бұрын
@@argonunya882 not always.
@ryanxwonbin7984 5 жыл бұрын
Dumb statement. No he wouldn't. Just because he won the war doesn't mean we would be looking at him today as some righteous hero. History would still dictate him as a tyrant who abused his powers and killed many people just like the numerous amount of Chinese warlords/emperors that "won" and are seen as tyrants.
@SkullKnighht 5 жыл бұрын
@@ryanxwonbin7984 lenin is not seen as tyrant by probably half the population despite being one.
@ryanxwonbin7984 5 жыл бұрын
@@SkullKnighht What in the world are you smoking? Lenin is a CONTROVERSIAL subject in history and has been deeply criticized for what he did. He is often cited as an example of why communism is bad and the violence that ensues. The only people that defend him are communists in the deep end.
@quattroUnodos 5 жыл бұрын
It’s a classic example of fat shaming.
@partialbullet2215 3 жыл бұрын
Still has the coolest sword in DW. Well, used to have a sword
@Atemourisan 3 жыл бұрын
Oof lol
@ahmadfrhan5265 5 жыл бұрын
i can hear people laughing in the background
@kasinokaiser1319 5 жыл бұрын
*the dong is never wrong*
@LordBilliam 5 жыл бұрын
The Kong is Rong, though
@hemanofgreyskul5219 4 жыл бұрын
Liu bei was okay
@Atemourisan 2 жыл бұрын
@@hemanofgreyskul5219 I wouldn't say so considering that Liu Bei committed cannibalism, kicked Liu Shan like a football, and was a manipulator and started a fight with his in laws Sun Wu all because of personal reasons in regards of Zhang Fei's and Guan Yu's deaths.
@Paranoid_Found 5 жыл бұрын
An important fact worthy to be noticed: “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms” is a not a history book but a historical fiction novel. The writer depicts historical characters with his own favors and bias. “Records of the Three Kingdoms” is the reliable source.
@Vince-tt1uj 5 жыл бұрын
I watched the trailer and I'm glad that you can play him. It's always interesting to play as a villain. Only one thing that bothers me during that trailer. Dong Zhuo face that looked out of place. Everything was pretty realistic and his face reminded me of some Mario characters, a bit too cartoonish.
@PedroGomes-cx7ku 5 жыл бұрын
That face did give us some good memes, though.
@codybonds 5 жыл бұрын
The Dong and Chill one absolutely slayed me.
@winjiro106 5 жыл бұрын
That smugness smile
@JioPilgrim 5 жыл бұрын
"That smile, that damned smile"- cit. Yo m8 if u re looking for historical strategy games to play as villan i suggest to play heart of iron IV for the second world war.
@codybonds 5 жыл бұрын
No thanks. This was video was a tad tongue in cheek. I had a problem even playing as the Germans in Axis and Allies. But I've heard Hearts of Iron is quite good.
@talos1279 5 жыл бұрын
The thing that made Dong Zhou failed was that he was pretty much a savage who only knew about war. His early young life with the nomad tribes had led him believing in the power of might where the strong have the right to take everything. This is true in some sense but in this era, people were not fools and the political work behind everything was very complex. Not concerning this political network behind everything was the main cause for Dong's failure. The result is the backstab from Lu Bu. The most important thing for a tyrant to get a grip of his power is drawing a clear line that he himself absolutely does not cross. Dong Zhou pretty much overstepped every possible lines, which made pretty much all of the officials working for the palace at that time and the other warlord outside to cook up the scheme to eliminate him.
@fern1009 5 жыл бұрын
In retrospect, at least for my own prior comments, Dong Zhou's actions aren't abnormal for the times. Abhorrent sure, but this was an age when people occasionally made *soups* out of their enemies. Dong Zhou's decision to sack Luoyang and move the people is a militarily sound decision. Using torture as a means to demoralize the enemy, as opposed to trying to get information from a prisoner, is also a workable form of psychological warfare. Wiping out the entire family of an enemy commander also seems sadly common for the age whenever an opposing leader got the chance. The massacres and kidnappings his regime engaged in (once killing all the of age men in a city) were also not unique then or later. So I guess his ham-handed attempts to control the Han Emperor and then take ultimate power himself (there is plenty of evidence he wanted to be Emperor) shouldn't come off as some great evil when most other Warlords would have tried the exact same thing given a chance.
@HolyknightVader999 5 жыл бұрын
Cao Cao did the same thing Dong Zhuo did to the Emperor, except he was a wee bit smarter about it, and he lured his enemies into traps that destroyed them.
@louiswu6300 5 жыл бұрын
@@HolyknightVader999 yep. History is written by winners. Dongzhuo is just a warlord, of cause burns down luoyang city means he is a crucial one. But better then weak one. And he just do not wanna leave a big city to animies.
@666Kaca 5 жыл бұрын
@CK Lim I smell a liu bei fanboy. Cao cao treated the families of his enemies well. He massacred xu province because they killed his father, after that he had a rule which said "if you dont surrender when given the chance under siege, the entire city will be exterminated". This was done to reduce the number of cities willing to fight him and not because he wanted to kill people.
@kuronoch.1441 5 жыл бұрын
@CK Lim Well Liu Bei's only victim was possibly Zhang Yu, but even then Zhang Yu was a dick like Mi Heng to Cao Cao. Only at that instance was Cao Cao morally better than Liu Bei.
@seraphx26 3 жыл бұрын
Dong Zhuo did one thing right without question, he rid the imperial court of the eunuch menace, but as Cao Cao remarked, it's like bringing a tiger to kill a wolf, the wolf is bad but the tiger will be worse when the wolf is slain. In any event it is a mistake to project modern standards of morality onto people who lived in ancient feudal times, there are certain things that must be in place before a society can be civilized as we think of the term today, when you can grant the majority of your populace a high standard of living for example, and they aren't worried about starving or local bandits coming to kill and rape their families then you can have the scholarly society. But man is only ever a hairs breadth from becoming bestial, if that living standard wanes too much or law and order can no longer be enforced by a strong state, you will see how quickly even modern people devolve into vile acts of barbarism.
@Pironious 5 жыл бұрын
Super interesting take. It's interesting how may of history's great tyrants simply had their biographies written by their enemies, there's definitely more than a few famous tyrants of the ancient world who are beginning to be looked at in a more questioning light.
@vader1361 5 жыл бұрын
@kuyangtimon2386 5 жыл бұрын
The dong faction
@myrnacaraig2681 5 жыл бұрын
They demonized him because he kept expanding DONG
@Atemourisan 3 жыл бұрын
Lol that made my day
@hisnotsolonely2961 2 жыл бұрын
You can't be wrong with the Dong
@ryanxwonbin7984 5 жыл бұрын
*"Simply did what he wanted to do and made no excuses."* Yeah, like torture and beat any official he wanted to, and let his own soldiers rape and pillage the common people daily. Deposed the emperor, poisoned the Dowager, brought up his own child puppet so he could do whatever the fuck he wanted to do forgoing all Chinese etiquette and propriety at the time. *"He corrected the wrong done by the eunuchs."* No he didn't. He did the same thing they did; abuse the people and amass power for himself. It was the Yuans who killed the eunchs and tried to restore order; Dong Zhuo came in after and took control. *"He needed to use every item in his disposal to reassert the power of the Han empire."* Are you purposefully spinning this? Dong Zhuo never wanted to restore the Han empire. The reason why so many other warlords were rebellious to him was because he seized power and created a puppet emperor to do his bidding. This is like saying I punch someone in the face, and when that person comes to strike me back I shoot him in the head and his entire family to defend myself and am justified in doing so. *"Would you kill one, to save one hundred. Would you torture one to prevent a war."* You can't be serious with this statement. This saying does not reasonably personify what he was doing. Do you also excuse Stalin and give him the same defense? *"Liu Bei also marched a city full of people in Changban."* They followed him willingly. This isn't even the romanticized version; what historical information we have states Liu Bei was popular and the people respected him. When advised to abandon the civilians, Liu Bei refused. You cannot compare this to Dong Zhuo force marching Luoyang's populace and having many of them die from starvation and exhaustion on the mountainous roads to Changan. *"Extreme situations require extreme actions... Abraham Lincoln allowed William T. Sherman to burn..."* Again, such a bad comparison and such a bad way to represent Dong Zhuo. Dong Zhuo wasn't a desperate man trying to keep peace and order through harsh means. He was greedy despot who did what he did because he couldn't give two shits about the common peasant and was raping and pillaging long before the coalition came. Lincoln was someone desperate to end a civil war that was costing many lives and at the very least tried to recompensate people who lost their land. The motivations and situations are entirely different. *"Next time you think of Dong Zhuo, think of Thanos."* Just... No. Stop. Their motivations do not remotely come close. I know you want views and a video to keep up your hobby/job, but please do one where you don't have to spin things around and give the ABSOLUTE BIGGEST charitable position to someone that doesn't deserve it. Dong Zhuo deserves every bit of his tyrant and despotic outlook. The only thing you got right was that he wasn't some fat buffoon some people make him out to be; he was a talented general.
@albertchen2020 5 жыл бұрын
Well, I think it's still a well-made video because I enjoy a difficult reverse argument that put a lot of thought and effort into it. In other words, the point isn't trying to "prove" that he is a good guy, but rather "persuade" the audience the most infamous tyrant is not that bad, and to be honest, this takes a lot of skill. Hell, I would be impressed if anyone takes a degenerated scumbag and trying to challenge me otherwise. PS: I still don't think Dong Zhuo is a good guy.
@Fankas2000 5 жыл бұрын
"let his own soldiers rape and pillage the common people daily" Dude that was like the main reason why young men joined the army back then.
@adrianmagana6958 5 жыл бұрын
Great video, for some reason this is the video that triggered an excitement to look up and learn more about the three kingdoms period! You got yourself a new sub
@onelividguardsman5681 5 жыл бұрын
I can't wait to expand Dong
@GigglesClown 5 жыл бұрын
you really need to do this more man, these are great.
@dingusrevolver 5 жыл бұрын
0:00 when your history teacher tries to connect with his students
@codybonds 5 жыл бұрын
Film teacher actually.
@huma474 5 жыл бұрын
It must also be remembered that the information we have about Dong Zhuo are all from successors after him which may have wanted to paint him as badly as possible. Stories like his torture feast are most likely falsities to help make him look as bad as possible.
@KhaledAdwani 5 жыл бұрын
in the historical novel one of the Han civil officials Cai Yong was crying after they killed Dong Zhuo probably he was good to him after that Wang Yun killed him for that, Dong Zhuo maybe a tyrant also Cao Cao and many others, so I'm just neutral about him
@Slixer 5 жыл бұрын
Cao Cao didn't eat people or horde the tax moneys and food y'know...
@haze5420 5 жыл бұрын
Slixer I’m pretty sure he wasn’t a cannibal. Nor can I find anything that verifies that claim.
@haze5420 5 жыл бұрын
Khaled al-Adwani while many other Warlords wanted nothing but power. Dong Zhou seemed to be exceptionally cruel and sadistic.
@puppetactor2515 5 жыл бұрын
@@haze5420 one of Cao Cao's strategist 程昱 mixed human fresh in the food for soldiers to solve a huger crisis (at least from what I heard)
@codybonds 5 жыл бұрын
The accusations of mass cannibalism in Chinese history are interesting. They seem to crop up as an accusation against most of the major hated leaders.
@Blackwolfninja89 3 жыл бұрын
Supposedly he also had the ministers drink the blood of his enemies mixed with wine. At least from what I saw in both Three Kingdoms shows
@robevans8629 5 жыл бұрын
First campaign, using Ma Teng and stayed true to Dong Zhou for 150 turns
@Burgerzaza 5 жыл бұрын
Well.. 10-12 turns
@dawgpad 2 жыл бұрын
Ok, so the big thing about Chang Ban is the people left their homes out of fear of Cao Cao. Up to this point Cao Cao went on his infamous killing spree of Xu Province and burned down several villages. They weren't forced out of their homes and left their things behind like Dong Zhuo did. They were scared for their safety because Cao Cao was arguably more destructive than Dong Zhuo was. Dong Zhuo burned down one city out of tactical necessity. Cao Cao on the other hand went on a mass killing spree of Xu Province over the death of his father and burned down a few villages.
@Rukdug 4 жыл бұрын
Another example of the Yuans messing things up for everyone. When a man who has spent five years fighting a rebellion of Qiang tribesmen and defecting Han officers is ordered to come to the capital with his troops by the Grand Commandant (He Jin) and arrives to find that his superior officer has been assassinated by the Eunuchs and the capital is on the verge of chaos, he acts quickly, decisively, and with the goal of keeping any would be trouble makers from escalating the situation. If anything, the Coalition and the resulting Three Kingdoms period could very well have been avoided if Yuan Shao had followed He Jin’s plan instead of modifying it after He Jin was assassinated. The Yuan half-brothers (or cousins if you want to put more emphasis on the adoption of Yuan Shao by their uncle, which Yuan Shu definitely did) were nearly as bad as the eunuchs in hindsight.
@rexx23ify79 5 жыл бұрын
The comment section is: 90% spelling his name as Dong Zhou 10% spelling his name right (Dong Zhuo)
@StupidBadyXD 5 жыл бұрын
it wouldn't had matter because is a direct translation to the pronunciation. Though "Dong Zhuo" is Chinese "pinyin", but is doesn't have to same pronunciation as it would in other language, making spelling his "name" as "Dong Zhou" or "Dong Zhuo" meaningless. The only right way to write his name is 董卓. As for spelling, it doesn't really matter as long as it deliver the pronunciation as close to Chinese as possible, but either way, no one pronounce it correctly.
@jamesludlow2080 5 жыл бұрын
@@StupidBadyXD The Chinese are almost certainly sounding it incorrectly too, as the language back then was very different and we have an incomplete understanding on what it would have sounded like. Scolars are still working hard on trying to piece together the sounds of Eastern Han Chinese, partially looking at literature at the time and partially looking at where various stems from Middle Chinese came from (of which we have a much greater understanding).
@GoodMorningHikers 4 жыл бұрын
Long Dong Silver
@dagothhyde7297 2 жыл бұрын
Tired of people saying thanos was right. Buddy had magic powers and could do anything and killed half the universe instead of just making it so everyone had food and shit
@harrysu4467 5 жыл бұрын
ive heard some historical extracts on Dong Zhou that wasnt like the romance of the three kingdoms describing him as a tough as nails warrior. What people often forget is how did he get so powerful. He commanded the Xiliang army which was sorta like Mongolians. They were known across China as the finest and most powerful cavalry in the world. For Dong to command an army like that he had to be well respected and strong. History paints him as the bad guy due to extracts at the time favouring the Han. Similarly Cao Cao also gets flak for being too tyranical and ruthless, and what people dont realise is Cao Cao was one of the most intelligent man of the time, even on par with Zhugeliang because he managed to make his territory the strongest out of the three kingdoms.
@colodius 4 жыл бұрын
He is a a general/governor for a reason. No dumb dumb can earn that much influence based on merits. However, saying he's not bad is about the same as saying Hitler was an ok guy. He chopped people' heads in the King palace and forced the loyalist officers to drink the blood with wine for god sake. At one point Dong Zhuo and Cao Cao was the same: using the Emperor to influence the court, but the warlords only formed a coalition to get Zhuo, which meant there was truth to the rumors about him. Liu Bei as Shu king could only claim that Cao Cao held the Emperor hostage, since allegations similar to Dong Zhuo's would be wrong on Cao.
@Adabeauvoir111 4 жыл бұрын
He tortured people during banquets for entertainment and threw a axe at his adopted son Lu Bu ffs...
@shadowblitzo123 5 жыл бұрын
thank you for this video. so many people are ignorant of the people in the three kingdoms era, and don't truly know their backstory and motives for doing so.
@abram3283 4 жыл бұрын
Dong Zhuo was actually a lot like Caesar and Napoleon, if you think about it. Just another example of how historians seem to have a double standard. Throughout most of history, Caesar and Napoleon are unambiguously hailed as heroes by many people(well, Napoleon had a more shady reputation. But his image has largely been positive throughout the world). But a man like Dong Zhuo is a bad guy somehow even though all three men had done essentially the same thing to their respective government. To be fair though, AFAIK Dong Zhuo was never an excellent propagandist the way Napoleon and Caesar were. So maybe that explains something.
@kekero540 5 жыл бұрын
We need a HBO series based in the three kingdoms period.
@lonestargazer9255 5 жыл бұрын
Kekero the 2010 Chinese tv version is awesome and here on KZfaq
@cassiusemmanualtheyoutubep3171 5 жыл бұрын
What is the Chinese TV version called?
@lonestargazer9255 5 жыл бұрын
Cassius Emmanual KZfaq Player, three kingdoms 2010
@algallontheobserver3780 5 жыл бұрын
@@lonestargazer9255 That show is amazing, the actor playing CaoCao is a true genius!
@crazyhorse2575 5 жыл бұрын
Oh yes I thought the same when informing about this period. It is so amazing and completely unknown in europe.
@CountSpartula 4 жыл бұрын
Thanos had no point, it was an illusion made from good acting.
@hamzaferoz6162 3 жыл бұрын
I mean boiling prisoners alive and cannibalism is pretty frowned upon though
@flazzorb 5 жыл бұрын
The fact that he was up-front makes him a better person than his rivals in my eyes, granted, better than war-mongers and ravagers isn't much.
@totalmadnesman 5 жыл бұрын
Superb video!
@alexandrub8786 5 жыл бұрын
Fun fact Vlad the Impaler invited a group of boyars(nobility) to a fest in good fate that he forgive them that they killed his father and biger brother, but of cours he impale them. He also did something similar with peasants.Whana know more?
@dewittbourchier7169 4 жыл бұрын
Dong Zhuo even says in Romance that he put the other Liu boy on the throne because he was brighter and more assertive than his brother. In other words, at least when he first replaced the Emperor, Dong Zhuo was hoping the Emperor would grow up to be a strong, assertive Emperor with convictions and not a malleable one.
@danielhamzah5738 5 жыл бұрын
you guys need to read "The Ravage Of Time"
@titanjde 5 жыл бұрын
Very insightful. I've been reading and studying that period since the first RTK game I purchased in the 90s. There is a whole lot of ambiguity between reality and fiction in Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Interesting watch, thanks!
@butternuts3656 5 жыл бұрын
Are so many inaccuracies really insightful though? Sounds kinda like “spin” to me.
@emptank 3 жыл бұрын
The quality of his character is irrelevant. He could neither bring the Yuan or Sun families to heel, nor stop Cao Cao from calling for the coalition. The Han were doomed as was what little power he held through it. What ever his intentions, Dong Zhou set the precedent for holding the Emperor through military force and dethroning an Emperor likewise thereby invalidating the authority of the emperor and further justifying rebellion. If Hei Ji had lived, if the Yuan had been free to pick up the pieces after the Eunuchs died then the central state might've held long enough for the emperor to grow up and restore some of the office's prestige and perhaps limped on for a while. Dong Zhou made it clear that the court was powerless and an empire was up for grabs if you had the will to take it.
@juyver11 Жыл бұрын
How does this video have like no comments? Mr. Cody Bonds I am a huge huge fan of your channel and absolutely love your work. And honestly, this video did much Justice to Dong Zhou. In my personal opinion the real villain or “Tyrant” of the whole romance I gotta say goes to Cao Cao. I mean he kinda did betray everyone in the end and really it’s like you said, Dong Zhou did bring stability and asserted authority for a time and although it was brutal and even cruel at times it was still very effective. And an interesting point on how would people look at him if he had won. Well honestly it’s the age old phrase “it is the victors the write history.” Which unfortunately he was not the victor, and was left to be a victim to historical crucifixion like many other historical figures in human history. He may have been “wrong” in the eyes of the tamed nobles and warlords of China at the time but in the end just like in the natural world it is might that makes right. At least in an environment of pure chaos which is exactly what the three kingdoms era was. He wasn’t the ruler that china wanted but the ruler it needed.
@DmoneyS44 5 жыл бұрын
Imo the premise defending both Thanos and Dong is wrong. Killing or torturing 1 does not necessarily save the hundred, but does guarentee an evil act within itself
@user-pv7yt3hr3s 5 жыл бұрын
Extreme time might need extreme measures, but I think for most Chinese scholars, that hardly justify unnecessary cruelty he committed. After Han, The government embrace Confucianism as the dominant philosophy for the empire. One of the key aspect of Confucianism philosophy is 仁 (benevolence, humaneness) Yet, many of Dong Zhuo's doing is comparable to the infamous Tyrant Zhou of Shang. Not to mention in Confucianism scholar's eyes, the government should take care of its people or it would lose the mandate of heaven. "民之所欲,天必從之-《尚書 - 泰誓上》"(What the people want, the heaven will permit it - Tài shì, Book of Documents. ) Seeing what we know about Dong Zhuo, it's as clear as day that he doesn't care about people, only power (as the trailer accurately narrated ). That certainly wouldn't earn him any favor in any Chinese historian's eyes.
@t3hsourcey 5 жыл бұрын
Once you fall into the pit of disgust, there is no order of yours that can work anymore.
@shianeruu4359 5 жыл бұрын
I agree. However, a game trailer is a bad source as most historical games and literature are never totally accurate
@joshunger6607 Ай бұрын
All the warlords wanted the same thing and we're willing to sacrifice others for it
@zal7782 5 жыл бұрын
Dong Zhou was not an evil or good man, he was a ruler
@421less1 3 жыл бұрын
I think he distinguished himself historically for killing the younger child emperor. Im not a squeemish fan of history. But that was a pretty big disticntion between him and some of the others. Child murders are pretty good ammo for historians. Not that the other warlords didn't or wouldn't have killes a kid, but he killed the emperor in a real obvious way
@professoroak1920 5 жыл бұрын
man, I really want to see that giant meatball he made
@ultima209 2 жыл бұрын
Those eunuchs deserved it. People also forget that, with the exception of Lu Bu, Dong Zhuo had a lot of talented and loyal men serving him.
@erwingobig1954 5 жыл бұрын
History is more complicated than we thought.
@spurdo5240 5 жыл бұрын
Hey so I found your channel through KZfaq suggestions and was disappointed that there weren't more videos like this, videos explaining the other side of the story for video game villains would be great in my opinion, maybe you should consider making this into a series or something.
@codybonds 5 жыл бұрын
Any particular one you'd like to see next?
@iw2205 5 жыл бұрын
the thing is when dong zhuo take emperor hostage every warlord knew that han is dead. only yuan shu that is honest or too honest about claiming the han is dead and establish a new kingdom.
@nobblkpraetorian5623 5 жыл бұрын
He did it too soon though, his army is too small and he had few supporters. None of these problems were faced by Cao Pi and Sima Yan when they became emperor.
@Bendelsohn 5 жыл бұрын
From what I've gathered here, it seems that there is absolutely no denying that Dong Zhuo was a tyrannical maniac. I don't care what you call "necessary," boiling people alive and rolling them into meatballs at a feast is an act of cruelty so legendary that it pretty much erases any other good deeds he might have done. However, what he really was as opposed to a single mad villain of China was one of many cruel and wanton people, and he was simply the most memorable among them. No doubt his contemporaries committed any number of atrocities, some perhaps equal to his own. He is certainly not misunderstood, but he is not unique either.
@EtheEvil 5 жыл бұрын
Im a Chinese who had to study ancient history. Your points are valid. I further push that Cao Cao is a virtue of paragon (check hair cutting incident) and Liu Bei is a opportunistic backstabber (broken numerous promises and did horrible things too)
@marcinzysko1653 4 жыл бұрын
What I learned from history is that Chineese people in particular are bound to seperate themselves to fight one another Unless they are ruled by a tyrant man or goverment that keeps them all together but then again, maybe someone would say that there is no china to begin with - only a huge conglomerate of smaller nations
@simpleviewer1334 Жыл бұрын
While Dong Zhuo was an okay person overall, he definitely wasn't respectful to the emperor and the basic laws of being respectful such as: wearing shoes in the palace (no person should wear shoes in a royal house at the time) sleeping in Emperor's bed keeping his weapon out while with the emperor walking in the presence of the emperor (you are supposed to trot)
@americana_incarnate1717 3 жыл бұрын
Dong Zhou was to the Chinese Imperial court that an Australian Prime Minister of the British empire would be in the 1800's.
@ronan9948 5 жыл бұрын
i thought i was going crazy because of the background laughter
@codybonds 5 жыл бұрын
Nope. Just high schoolers.
@TheAussieBlue 3 жыл бұрын
I'm getting the sense that the Dong had a sane view of the problem, and a really insane view of the solution.
@ZetsubouGintama 5 жыл бұрын
Dong Zhou in Koihime Musou is the cute humble noble lady, though.
@FallicIdol 2 жыл бұрын
My question is "where the Yellow Turban rebels really the bad guys?" The people were starving and impoverished from a poorly run nation, plagued with droughts and floods.
@MCorpReview 5 жыл бұрын
Cody, u r the best presenter on the net, but it largely sounds like rationalizing: 1) Lincoln & Henry 8 were legit rulers. Dong Zhuo was an hillbilly usurper hardly even a cultured man by Chinese standards. 2) the lothbroks were foreign invaders not a local. Conquerors are held to different standards of cruelty with other nations. 3) the whole digging up the grave sounds really bad in ancient China. Feng shui beliefs link that to ruining their descendants and it didn’t take long to prove them rt in this instance. The Han collapsed.
@codybonds 5 жыл бұрын
This is totally rationalizing. I believe he was likely a Turd of epic proportions. But I wanted to at least consider an alternative, as it's a good thought experiment.
@Diresilence Жыл бұрын
History is written by the victors, and thus the Dong was written as a horrible tyrant who satisfied all his carnal needs and had no virtues. This translates into the games, where they show the yellow turban rebellion, and then gloss over his tenure and any rights. Meanwhile the Eunochs, who yeah, effectively started the whole civil war, are just kind of forgotten because they didn't serve much of an active role after Dong Zhuo bitch slapped them out. Also, Thanos is a good example in modern media. Namely that he saw a problem, found a solution, and enacted it. The problem was, randomly snapping out half of all life means that the problem isn't solved. You've still effectively kept the same food problems in check (they did confirm that half of all animals and plants were snapped out as well), while adding a screwed up infrastructure, instability, and very likely civil war as leadership and positions of power were just suddenly vacated without explanation.
@jonathanmora8208 5 жыл бұрын
Dong Zhuo makes Vlad Teppes look like Ghandi
@habibainunsyifaf6463 5 жыл бұрын
bruh... don't read the romance for historical data but your video is sound and presents the idea nicely.
@Bidmartinlo 4 жыл бұрын
The best way to break someone's morale in a civil war is to the war without any violence, even before the war actually begins. The way you do that is through legal action, planning and compromise in a way they won't be able to comprehend. So although I understand the actions of average warlord and general _(of all of history),_ I can only view their actions as primitive and crude. So I can only assume that glorying torture and execution of one's enemies today is a sign of further devolution of our specie. Oh well... nothing new there.
@NodDisciple1 4 жыл бұрын
Is there any way we could get a pic of Dong Zhuo w/ the Infinity Gauntlet without the lettering on top?
@kokodoko8036 5 жыл бұрын
It was He Jin, not Yuan Shao who out another heir on the throne, though
@madisontb529 2 жыл бұрын
>Much like Thanos he may have had a point Nah. If there's a better alternative to your plan, of which there were many, then your plan is flawed and you need to rethink it. Thanos could have made all resources infinite or made it so supply lines couldn't be interrupted. Dong Zhuo, similarly, could have just adapted to court life and not made a human meat ball out of a bunch of Chinese farmers.
@hidefreek6905 5 жыл бұрын
Old record had been long lost. New Dynasty want their people stay obedient so They need Tyrant [Dong Zhuo], The Usurper [Cao Clan and Sima Clan] and Thier Loyal retainer [Liu and the gang]. Dong Zhuo didn't evil but he must purge all corruption in Han count [Han was about to ceased] and All warlords want seized power for themselves.
@quicochines7492 Жыл бұрын
If Gongsun Zan had taken the emperor instead of Dong Zhuo, history would have been far worse..... 1 - Gongsun Zan was also a general from the frontier and didn't have political skills to lead a country (much like Dong). 2 - He was also skilled in cavalry warfare (also like Dong) 3 - He was unable to proper use his best general, he "allowed" Zhao Yun to leave his service when he was already short of capable leaders. (Dong Zhuo beats him in that point, even through he was notorius for Being brutal with his enemies, he was generous with his own troops and with the exception of those involved in his d&ath, almost all "Liang faction" were 100% loyal to him) 4 - Unlike Dong Zhuo who once in power tried to appease the "scholar faction" within the court (by appointing some of them to rule over some places ) I highly doubt that Gongsun Zan would have done the same, since he was notorious for being hostile to scholars in general. Result? More chaos and instability. 5 - Gongsun Zan kill&d Liu Yu (a close relative to the emperor and a very respected man in the north) and more important, a man who outranked him, would he have been capable of killing the emperor himself if needed? That is something to think. 6 - His battle tactics s#cks! His defeat in Yuan Shao's hands was pathetic, he decided to "be absent" so his men would "fight more" for him? Really???? If you think burning Luo Yang was bad, I believe with this man in power, things could have been even worse ( if that is even possible). If I forgot something, feel free to comment. Sorry the long post
@3ChZer0 3 жыл бұрын
At the end he had the last laugh.
@2138Dude 5 жыл бұрын
The Dong can't be wrong!
@headylicious 5 жыл бұрын
Whats the name of the instrumental in the beginning?
@roryschussler 5 жыл бұрын
It seems like a lot of this boils down to saying "what he did was OK because he was trying to keep the empire from collapsing." Which sounds good, but it kind of ignores that he FAILED. And that many of the things he did made it easier for people to rally against him. He was probably less bad than he was portrayed, and none of the other warlords alive at the time were actually, truly good and noble. But still, he helped along the collapse of the Han.
@thecandlemaker1329 4 жыл бұрын
To answer your question, Cao Cao did win the war, but he became the most unfairly maligned character of the era regardless of that. While Liu Bei lost, and he became the protagonist of the war in the eyes of the people. Popular perception works in mysterious ways.
@hessanscounty3592 5 жыл бұрын
You make a point with this interpretation of Dong Zhou. I always saw the conflict between him and the other members of the court as a cultural clash as you mention. I don't think he was ignorant of the workings of the Han court, but he did not see it as important as the other courtiers considering the stakes at hand. I wonder how well things would have gone for him with some better intercultural communication skills.
@talos1279 5 жыл бұрын
Dong Zhou was quite pretty much a charismatic man before he came to the palace. That's why he managed to get so many support from his men and had one of the strongest armies at that time. However, it was his demise when he started indulging in the harem and luxurious lifestyle after taking the capital. It was at this point that Dong had changed a lot and no longer capable as he were before.
@Blackwolfninja89 4 жыл бұрын
All Dong Zhuo did was acted first in taking control of the government. Sure he was a tyrant but he did awaken the ambitions of all the other Warlords in a sense.
@thomasdaywalt7735 3 жыл бұрын
if china had a henry the 8 its a dong zhou
@JohnDoe-gw7pu 5 жыл бұрын
What’s right for him doesn’t mean it’s right for the realm. You just can’t justify desecrating imperial mausoleums and scattering all the skeletons on the ground or opening people alive when it’s objectively wrong.
@alexhess1163 5 жыл бұрын
The war had few good guys. Even Liu Bei achieved his kingdom by backstabbing his host and patron - seizing Yi for himself. And he's supposed to be the righteous one, at least in the Romance.
@codybonds 5 жыл бұрын
I have a big problem with the supposedly virtuous Liu Bei. But it's a cultural thing that's the difference in perception.
@chryasor9254 5 жыл бұрын
Dong Zhou was good at ending the rebellion, but he was no ruler. A general who could use terror, but not a good ruler, he would have needed someone else rule and make bog decisions for him
@RYHo-ni4my 5 жыл бұрын
I would say during that period everything was fucked up. We got lots of people like Dong in history, China always had a lot of careerists during Chaos period
@chickknightgreenleaf820 5 жыл бұрын
I never thought I'll live to a day that I'll saw somebody defend Dong Zhuo. but you kind of have a point
@codybonds 5 жыл бұрын
Next week, Genghis Khan! Monster or Cuddle Monster?
@KamiRecca 5 жыл бұрын
The Thanos thing. No Thanos did not have a point. Or rather IF he had a point, then his so-called "solution" would make no difference and in no way change anything. It was a plan built on the logic of a 5 year old child.
@nandoman4769 5 жыл бұрын
KamiRecca finally found a comment mentioning this. In 2017 the population of earth is 7.53 billion people. If half disappeared that would still leave over 3.76 billion people. The population would just return in a few decades.
@KamiRecca 5 жыл бұрын
@@nandoman4769 yea, also half of every cow and other creature, half the worlds bee cultures, and so on. So nature would take a hell of a hit. Now what he should have done is to grant every technological civilization a space elevator. With a space elevator in place, a civilization gets access to the resources of their solar system. With the resources of the solar system, the lack or resources is but a bad memory. He could have been extra nice and given each civ a fusion generator as well, and then the energy problem is solved. Because the problem is not a lack of resources, Its a lack of Available resources and energy. I roll my eyes every time someone shouts "Thanos is the good guy" and so on.
@bankcolgate2155 5 жыл бұрын
Hnnnng my historian brain hurts. Obviously you were right about his methods being far too crude, but I’ll be damned if the rest your other points didn’t make a bit of sense too. It’s easy to just think of Dongy boi and his lot as nothing but tyrants, so it’s good to re-examine such things. Especially when considering a person’s legacy. Great vid, keep it up!
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