We Just Witnessed The Titan BETRAYAL On Azeroth

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Bellular Warcraft

Bellular Warcraft

8 ай бұрын

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@BellularGaming 8 ай бұрын
Play War Thunder now for free with my link, and get a massive bonus pack including vehicles, boosters and more: playwt.link/bellularwarcraft Sponsored by War Thunder.
@jefferykelsey 8 ай бұрын
Aman'Thul, the Highfather of the Pantheon himself is the biggest traitor? And the both the Void Lords and the Old Gods knew about it and not the other Titans, not even Sargeras himself knew about Aman'Thul's betrayal. Even Tyr himself is unaware of Amen'Thul's treachery.
@pandamaster1138 8 ай бұрын
Remember kids, War thunder can NOT use whatever classified data that you leak into the forums! You can do it for the lols tho
@austinparker9238 8 ай бұрын
Bellular dude I just had an epiphany! The old saying goes “…the rumor of a Titan having fallen echoes across the ages.” (Warcraft: RPG) I think the “Echoes across the ages” is actually referring to Aman’Thul not Sargeras we made an assumption for years but what if Aman’Thul is the fallen jealous Titan who seeks to dominate and usurp.
@austinparker9238 8 ай бұрын
“echoes across the ages.” Refers to Aman’Thul’s time aspect and his actions are indicative of old god paranoia “your friend’s will all abandon you” - C’thun If Aman’Thul believes that the other titans are fallible and only he is capable then it might credit the idea that he is not harmonious with order.
@bonefetcherbrimley7740 8 ай бұрын
0:30 That's not what Murozond said. He said. "You know not what you have done. Aman'thul...What I have seen." He's referring to the players I think.
@i.j.dragonfly3123 8 ай бұрын
I don't mind the Titans having a darker, less benevolent side. We've known since Wrath that they are willing to destroy all life on Azeroth if their plans failed. I just don't trust Blizzard to write that plotline with any level of nuance or consistency.
@OrchinX 8 ай бұрын
This. Previously the Titans were a bit hostile to mortal life because they were "too pure" or "too ordered" to suffer the chaos of the fleshy races. We proved ourselves capable of overcoming the old gods' corruption, and they spared us. Now they're like... doing fake news and covering up the other half of the planet...? Even in their own records...? Is it really in the nature of the hyper-ordered Titans to treat this problem in this way...? Yeah Blizz, I get it, Vladimir Putin owns the Russian press or whatever. North Korean schools teach that Americans are so poor they have to eat crows. Can we keep that out of Warcraft please? I want the Titans to act like the Titans. If they want to tell a story that differs from that, make new characters that these actions make sense for.
@burnttoast26 8 ай бұрын
This. How they're writing things now is not consistent with past lore, and just reeks of retcons and lazy writing
@erikaw7767 8 ай бұрын
then stop watching and playing. they let you down so much there is no need to care.
@Javier-il1xi 8 ай бұрын
More like Steve Danuser and his team tbh. He's the guy that has to go if WoW is to have better narrative
@omarcomming722 8 ай бұрын
Titans are too patriarchal for modern day California Blizzard not to make them into villains
@chefRyan38 8 ай бұрын
I believe "what have you done?" was directed at the players, he starts to talk about "what I... have... seen" to AmanThul. He does not ask AmanThul "what have you done".
@ajm1964 8 ай бұрын
Agreed. Seemed pretty obvious to me that he was speaking to the players and simply invoking Aman’Thuls name when talking about what he saw in the end time.
@hypnopump 8 ай бұрын
yeah that was obvious, how did anyone mess that up??
@ClosedProductions 8 ай бұрын
It might be obvious to us that it was written that way in at the time. But knowing blizzard and the narrative team? C'mon ya'll. They could come out tomorrow with something like "Dwarves are actually the cut off toes from old gods and it's in the next xpac!" and they'd make it make sense somehow. They recon shit all the time.
@JulianaBlewett 8 ай бұрын
Absolutely. He says, "You know not what you've done. Aman'thul ... what I have seen ...."
@Stu98765 8 ай бұрын
Yeah. Way to tank your video in five seconds.
@casko9626 8 ай бұрын
Sargeras is gonna be added as a Garrison follower in hte next patch
@TaitaDragonfire 8 ай бұрын
i hope fcking not :D
@JadedTaste 8 ай бұрын
You cant just go around spoiling things you madlad!
@Ebonheart2319 8 ай бұрын
Ironically denying players that fight was one of the smartest choices modern Blizzard has ever made. "Loose assortment of bedbugs unmake literal planet sized multiversal deity." Then they had us fight the jailer, undoing any credit.
@lordjaraxxus5418 8 ай бұрын
@@Ebonheart2319 They instead had us fight two other multiversal deities instead in that expansion (literally the last two bosses of that raid were titans and one of their deaths broke death itself).
@LowestForm0fwit 8 ай бұрын
I've watched you since your early start. Never really commented, but I do want to say I appreciate that you keep the "smash-editing" to a minimum when talking or reading. I think we're very desensitized to it now, but it's jarring when you pay attention to most content creators and they speak one sentence and it's broken up by five edits. Shout out to you and your editing team for making speech sound natural.
@UltimateGamerCC 8 ай бұрын
i'm really hoping that when the Titans are revealed to not be the allies/saviors we thought them to be, that Tyr stands with us, showing that he really cares about the Aspects that he was taking care of,
@twitchascension 7 ай бұрын
Right, I got the impression doing the Tyr quests that maybe he wasn't as "good" as everyone believed him to be...
@UltimateGamerCC 7 ай бұрын
i'm hoping that you're wrong, it would explain the name "The Last Titan" if he's on our side and Iridikron deletes the rest of them.@@twitchascension
@darthvader1166 7 ай бұрын
@@UltimateGamerCC Except Tyr is not a titan, so he couldn't be the "Last Titan". The Last Titan most certainly refers to Azeroth.
@looneymar9153 4 ай бұрын
@@darthvader1166 nah it's sargeras redemption arc in preps
@geminiblade 8 ай бұрын
Side note but when you said tyr had compassion for mortals I realized what they did in Diablo that “Tyr”ael was the deciding vote on whether mortals were eradicated or not
@catom960 8 ай бұрын
This is the most big brained comment here.
@popfloydplays788 8 ай бұрын
Huge misinterpretation at the start regarding Murozond and Aman'thul. When Murozond says "You know not what you have done", he's referring to the PLAYERS and Nozdormu when they kill him(he believed his death would lead to something worse than the End Time). THEN with his dying breath he calls out to Aman'thul.
@hypnopump 8 ай бұрын
yeah bel wooshed that so hard, its soooooo obvious
@omarcomming722 8 ай бұрын
They don't give a shit just twisting it to strengthen the narrative
@OrchinX 8 ай бұрын
I don't have a problem with the titans being somewhat hostile to mortal life, they always were. It's the nature of their actions here. Why are the hyperordered titans doing fake news, falsifying their own records to cover up the other side of the planet? Self deception is against the nature of the over-orderly titans, especially since they seem so concerned with the safety of Azeroth as a world. It's a sort of rug pull "acktually" thing, like at the end of GOT where a certain character heel-turns and becomes a fascist dictator instantly.
@andrewg9433 8 ай бұрын
Being "orderly" doesn't always mean being truthful. It means working toward a singular vision and attempting to only allow that specific vision. Fascist dictators do this all the time because propaganda and false history are very good ways to control people and maintain order, as long as the veil is never pierced.
@ThatGuyBill1985 8 ай бұрын
Ill never get tired of the animation you guys made of an angry Odin rocketing into the sky.
@OverworkedITGuy 8 ай бұрын
The thing about Chromie. She wants to prevent Nozdormu from flipping yes. But that's not what happened in the Dawn of the Infinite. She originally goes in to stop Iridikron. But we discover choosing to fight Iridikron and leaving the proto-Aspects to fight the Infinites results in the Infinites apparently killing the Aspects before Tyr empowers them, and Tyr joining them. The 2nd half of the dungeon is her trying to go back and prevent the true timeline from being destroyed by the Infinites, not her actively trying to disrupt it to save Nozdormu.
@user-fv7jd4xj5n 8 ай бұрын
and even if she wanted to save nozdormu there, that doesn't mean the timeline would be fucked. If destiny really is for nozdormu to become murozond, saving would just delay the inevitable.
@PatrickHodge86 8 ай бұрын
In regards to 16:15 : "Alexstraza The Life Binder" but maybe she breaks her oath and no longer wants to bind life, to control it. Remember in the Silver Scale quest line where we see a vision of Alexstraza fighting against Tyr? It might not a just be a vision to torment Tyr but also a sorry of prophecy in which all of the Dragon Aspects view the Titans as tyrants and not actual saviors. And you can see it in the latest cutscenes when Alexstraza talks to Vyranoth and how she now views the ordering of the eggs.
@lindadelorme5117 8 ай бұрын
You read that wrong...he said "You know not what you have done. Aman'thul...What I...have...seen" NOT "Aman'thul...what have you done..."
@BNW117 8 ай бұрын
Maybe I have missed something but the concept ”Pantheon of *Cosmic Force*” does not seem well thought through in regards to the previous lore about the Titans. If the Titans are supposed to be the Pantheon of Order, why is Eonar/Khaz’Goroth involved? The big picture lore seemed more logical in previous iterations when it was the Titans are one united ’faction’, the Void Lords are one united ’faction’ etc.
@goldenyak629 8 ай бұрын
Possibly the Titans with agency over other 'cosmic elements' are present as a kind of counter to the influence of those forces. When the Titans come to bring Order to a world, if the influence of Life was too overwhelming Eonar may have been the Titan who reigned it in (hence 'Life-Binder).
@LDaemontus 5 ай бұрын
The best description I can give to explain it is that its like nations. Everyone lives within one and everyone has an ethnicity connected to it. On a broader scale, entire demographics can be categorised in this way and on paper, be assumed to be "united" as a faction (eg. Ireland = Irish, Australia = Australians). However, anyone with a day to day understanding of the actual people might realize that, well, the population isn't "pure" with one ethnicity but rather a mixed bag of different people within. That's what the Titans are. On the surface, they're meant to represent Order but when studied close up, they aren't as united as they seem and, well, just like real life, they can have civil wars. Likewise, the Old Gods and any other representative can have civil wars. Hence why the Elementals had to be thrown into their own realms by the Titans because they couldn't stop fighting one another or, better example, Odyn & Tyr clearly disagree on moral matters regarding the handling the mortals. Likewise, just like real life governments need representives to delegate different tasks and oversee certain sectors (finances, transport, environment, foreign affairs), so, too, do cosmic forces. Again, Eonar was meant to be the one delegated to ordering life, that's why she belongs on the Pantheon. She's the Life-Binder. Its in the name.
@SaltyBites 8 ай бұрын
I just pray for any group the writers decide to focus on now.
@kohl1999 8 ай бұрын
Current Blizzard is to WoW lore what Kathleen Kennedy is to Star Wars.
@jeremygibson4870 8 ай бұрын
What if Elune Is actually one of the old gods that stood against her kin in the void
@JDStevens92 8 ай бұрын
Chromie defeating Iridikron isn't the true timeline. We know this because when we return to the future the infinites have taken over and we have to fight Infinite Tyr. The true timeline is the one where we stop Moruzond from happening (presumably he transforms into Moruzond in a different way on the true timeline) and Iridikron gloats as he escapes that we're stuck on the true timeline and he knows he succeeds on it.
@shilohlee4332 8 ай бұрын
Could Ulduroth instead be the timeline Elun'ahir *wasn't* removed? Where Order and Life together won against Void and all other threats, but Life was too deeply entrenched to be Ordered itself, and won an Attritional/Evolutionary war against Order?
@timar6868 8 ай бұрын
dosn't seem like all titans are aligned with order
@bamsbeyrek9728 8 ай бұрын
0:13 immediately gave me a future expansion name "Clash of the Titans" then I remembered there's an actual movie with that title.
@benjaminkuriga6065 8 ай бұрын
Something else to consider. Draenor and the Evergrowth. The Titans empowered the elementals and the gron? I can't remember the name of them, but helped them defeat the Sporemound, which in a way, you could argue is life unbound. Love to hear what you think about such a connection.
@TheUrobolos 7 ай бұрын
The Draenor's titanic activity was entirely a personal side project of Agrammar that met the planet during his cosmic wandering to fight demons. He saw the forces of life took over and broke the balance, triggering his Order autism. Hence he decided to fight them by making a race of stone giants, from which eventually the Gronns, Ogres and Orcs evolved
@user-fv7jd4xj5n 8 ай бұрын
Isnt G'hanir an area of that emerald nightmare dungeon in legion? Im pretty sure one area of that dungeon is called g'hanir.
@206Zelda 8 ай бұрын
I've been backstabbed by Blizzard for years. THEY have betrayed what all things on Azeroth once were, and by that I mean Metzen's original design.
@omarcomming722 8 ай бұрын
Damn, an old bearded guy wants to control the universe and the only female titan in the group is gentle andgood and is being brought to tears by the big menie Amanthul?
@ChinnuWoW 8 ай бұрын
She’s got some thick sexy muscles tho
@Inkwaber 7 ай бұрын
I like the idea of order vs freedom because the way it's presented through the lore is like an ancient myth. However, I also felt like it stinks of anti-patriarchy propoganda.
@reeven1721 8 ай бұрын
Bel, what transpires in Dawn of the Infinite is not the True Timeline. It can't be, because it births Murozond 150,000 years early and retcons the entire history of Azeroth from before the proto-dragon Aspects even get empowered by Titans. What Chrono-Lord Deios tries to achieve in the dungeon is to hack the timeline and birth Murozond early, and we thwart his plan, reverting Azeroth to the correct timeline, much like Back to the Future 2's scenario. But the real, natural event that would turn Nozdormu to Murozond in the future has yet to transpire...
@hypnopump 8 ай бұрын
yeah dude is kinda dumb for someone so enveloped in the lore
@mercaius 8 ай бұрын
That's what everyone wants to believe, but I haven't seen any explicit text saying that, and all the dialog between Nozdormu and Chromie makes it sound like she stopped his "dark fate." If you can find some, I'd be delighted to be wrong, but for now I'm thinking this is just another terrible retcon by the writing team.
@operationmisanthropia5831 8 ай бұрын
One singular main timeline doesnt really exist. Because we got Draenor, we got all the other alternate timelines in the time rifts which directly prove that there is no one true timeline but many. And that no change in the past affects the present, proven by Draenors existence. So.. Yeah. Blizz made the Bronze Dragonflight with certain principles in mind. Return to the future-style. And yet they directly prove the multiple worlds-theory right which, in consequence, invalidates that "one true timeline".
@TaliesinMyrddin 8 ай бұрын
It is *technically* possible that that was the birth of Murozond, in the sense that a timeline existed, however briefly, where Murozond was born, and it's entirely possible said Murozond escaped into the timeways before that timeline was undone and thus became the alternate Murozond that founded the Infinites.
@derrickhead 8 ай бұрын
and the dragon been breaking their oath all over the place like a dirty cop lmao
@drakecamorra1202 8 ай бұрын
I heard someone say that Avaloren is supposed to be a massive continent as well. Supposedly at least kalimdor and EK together... Now why Do I get the feeling we will get about six, maybe seven zones tops and Blizz will just leave it at that.... If the aformentioned rumors are true. I expect a continent with at least 10+ zones
@erikho6936 7 ай бұрын
We cant shove that into the main map, so its probably on the opposite side of the world
@neonpinklove 8 ай бұрын
Ib4 Chromie becomes the New Yellow aspect. Calling it
@poslednisoud 8 ай бұрын
I'd say all Blizzard can come up is turning previously solely benevolent powers morally grey to get new bosses but they can also turn previously solely evil powers morally grey to get new settings.
@geoffok 8 ай бұрын
Leaving "the one true timeline" is just Blizzard trying to get rid of Murozond because they never had a plan for him
@syergo 8 ай бұрын
My honest opinion, I don't know what players want but I personally want is it less min/max more enjoyable quest/quests soloable main expansion. Raiders/mithic plusers,etc can hate me all they want. I don't care!! They are a small percentage of the player base.😊
@betelgeux6010 8 ай бұрын
man, i loved the titan lore in wotlk. made the fantasy world so much deeper today stormwind feels like a renaissance faire for MODERN AUDIENCE tm
@OrchinX 8 ай бұрын
Welcome champion to the Kingdom of very Reasonable and Enlightened Individuals of many races and genders. We have just made peace with our ancestral enemies: the League of Patient and Understanding folks of all kinds. The only threat to the realm that remains is the thinly veiled allegory for a frat guy that body shamed one of the writers in college.
@luke4260 8 ай бұрын
​@@OrchinXWorld of Wokecraft
@jamesfoster7854 8 ай бұрын
@@OrchinX I lold
@boballab 8 ай бұрын
When it comes to Tyr and what he knows, just remember the Silver Scale quest line and those orbs that left messages from Tyr. If you compare then to how Tyr speaks when you play the flashback instance it is very plain to see that someone severely edited what Tyr originally recorded, especially the one dealing with the dragons.
@borisfrlic 8 ай бұрын
Retail is so cooked.
@nakenmil 8 ай бұрын
Something funny that it seems like NO ONE has addressed is WHY the night elves and everyone need a new world tree. why. WHY. It really just seems like someone sat down and said "well, the players are upset that Teldrassil burnt down, so let's make a plotline about a new one being made" and that's it. What does this new tree achieve? Why do the Night Elves need it? Just a reminder here: Teldrassil was a giant fuck-up by Fandral Staghelm. He panicked because the Night Elves lost their immortality after WC3, and tried to artifically create a new tree that would bring them back their immortality. It didn't work, and it was also corrupted from the get-go. It was a mistake. And it only lasted like TEN YEARS. It's not some ancient backbone of Azeroth that needed reviving.
@skyhdlyra 8 ай бұрын
This yeah.
@StrobeFireStudios 8 ай бұрын
0:52 - anyone else notice his horns just float next to his head? Lol
@shield0fjustice778 8 ай бұрын
Part of me wonders if Phil Spencer, knowing he would soon have the Warcraft IP under him, called up Chris Metzen and offered him a sweet deal to come back, and lead the narrative and story again. 🤔
@brelshar4968 8 ай бұрын
@operationmisanthropia5831 8 ай бұрын
@chefRyan38 8 ай бұрын
AmanThul to Eonar "yo baby I hate to see you go but I love to watch you l leave ;)"
@edgarferreira8597 8 ай бұрын
"Five torches to light our path".
@lazlonazario2499 8 ай бұрын
Amanthul really likes tearing things off
@Shiirow 8 ай бұрын
this whole "there are no heroes, just assholes and bigger assholes" paradigm is getting rather tiring. can we just get back to heroes and villains with the occasional anti-hero instead of this poorly executed subverting expectations from terrible writers.
@Subject_Keter 15 күн бұрын
I like the "everyone wants Azeroth to be THEIR helper" beat where everyone is just fighting to claim her. I grew up watching spawn so I like more "things are screwed by nature but CAN you fix it?" Instead of like slop. I like slop but it like you are going to like a thing or not, i rather have their story be strong and they not care what we think over slyv "feel sorry for mmmmeeee despite literally being the same as Arthas" 9.1 or 9.2 crap.
@Aeros589 8 ай бұрын
Aman'Thul sounds like a Control freak.
@Queldonus 8 ай бұрын
The so-called one true timeline is almost certainly a lie. More importantly, we have broken it long time ago. We fought the infinite dragonflight, attempting to alter the timeline starting all the way back in the burning crusade. There have been time travel shenanigans in every expansion since then, except for Shadowlands. I would suggest that what Nozsormu was given the ability to see, is the Titan approved timeline. That would explain his inability to see everything that’s coming, And why he is now no longer worried about preserving the timeline exactly. He’s realized he was deceived. But instead of being consumed by fear and anger to become Murazond, Chromie and some of the infinites are showing him that the future is ours to shape. The dragon flights are all moving away from following the Titans, because they have realized the Titans never really had Azeroth best interests in mind. And I look forward to murderingodyn and showing the Titans that Azeroth is our world, not theirs over the next few expansions.
@bastalam 8 ай бұрын
Yea cause having a void filled world is so much better than what we have now. You seems to never played bfa. I don't blame you, it wasn't a good expac but I've seem glimpses of the black empire and I'll take titan led world over that crap every time. Also, you made me chuckle when you said noz "knew", that asshat never even helped us nor predicted or said anything. If he was deceived and realized it now, based on your claim the "true" timeline was brojen long ago, don't you think he would do or say something long ago? This whole timeline stuff just needs to stop cause there are extremely few ppl who can write a coherent story about time. Blizz has proven that they just cant.
@TheLun4tic 8 ай бұрын
I hope they clear up the whole story around Elune, Elunaria, Eonar, the Dream and the Two Moons of Azeroth.
@jonathanhughes8679 8 ай бұрын
As really should have a massive game coming . I see a good reason to really unite no. I really hope that se more classes That void based or void power and like a void Knight, Necromancer,tinker for the alliance. Love to see more support specs. For our current classes.
@coconutcore 6 ай бұрын
12:28 Well, I mean…I’m pretty sure “speaking to old gods and attempting to bring about the apocalypse” was strike one, but I suppose that was a while ago and that aspect’s dead, so he’ll forgive us, right?
@TaitaDragonfire 8 ай бұрын
Only few day left to learn Much MUCH and MUCH MORE!!! i hope they tell us many things about past... and no cliff hanger except some major spoiler to future.
@JonRusso_783 8 ай бұрын
Know who’s coming with the titans when they finally come back? Sargeras. Know what he left the last time he was here? His gigantic sword. Mark my words. One of two things is going to happen…. Sargeras is going to kill the titans or the void lords
@OLESILA 8 ай бұрын
Sargeras is going to marry Azeroth. lmao
@XanKreigor 8 ай бұрын
Its cute that you think Sargeras can kill the Void Lords.
@anitabonghit266 8 ай бұрын
The more I see, the more I think all the titans did was put a vale over things that they couldn’t order
@hypnopump 8 ай бұрын
BRO! Embrace a short haircut. You will thank me later and you are welcome.
@Aurvos 8 ай бұрын
Unless this was Aman'thuls plan all along. Show us Murozond in Cataclysm so that we let oridikron succeed in Dragonflight According to his plan.
@thomasblake8504 8 ай бұрын
So they basically keep going with their trend of we can't top what of predecessors established so we made ourself a duty to tarnish it by shitting on it and equalizing it down to our crap writting.
@lostheboss7938 8 ай бұрын
The new WoW xpac is about to so underwhelming
@Shiirow 8 ай бұрын
dont worry, it will be 0.5% more whelming than shadowlands, so everyone will claim its the best expansion ever.
@iancraig9803 8 ай бұрын
If we’re essentially in a new timeline, does that even make the Titans the Titans that originally ordered Azeroth from our original timeline?
@UnitedFang 8 ай бұрын
Nothing like starting a lore speculation video by totally misquoting a boss back in Cata, and showing a screen shot of what the boss actually said no less.
@user-fv7jd4xj5n 8 ай бұрын
The tree could also be in ungoro crater. I mean, a lot of titan stuff there and during the emeral nightmare dungeon, Il`gynoth is a tree in there.
@ChinnuWoW 8 ай бұрын
No? He was in Val’sharah. Very far from Un’goro.
@zelimpdna 8 ай бұрын
The portals you take to the bosses in the Emerald Nightmare raid take you to different places in "Nightmare" Azeroth - Ursoc in Grizzly Hills, Renferal in Mulgore, Il'gynoth in Un'goro Crater, Dragons of Nightmare in the Emerald Dreamway, and Cenarius in Moonglade. @@ChinnuWoW
@TheQunDa 8 ай бұрын
wait- the Muirzod was a proto drake version of Noz thouhg cant be then true timeline because Iridicrone when back in time to get the hunger from Galicron.
@Endtimescoming 5 ай бұрын
A question: Have we ever actually figured out what exactly Elune is, apparently sister to the Winter Queen in the Shadowlands but what does that mean? She isn't a Titan but shes apparently Eonar's bosom body, what and who is Elune?
@jdperry1917 8 ай бұрын
After seeming a bit convoluted and all over the place the dragonflight story is starting to come together really well.
@florianfrueh3282 8 ай бұрын
my money is on "the titans have always been "evil" and sargeras tried to stop them by creating the burning legion"
@karelhastik8077 8 ай бұрын
Plot twist: we will have to free sargeras to beat the titans.... yes i know it sounds silly, but hey.... we would get illidan back
@paweklejna5812 8 ай бұрын
New expansion: World of Warcraft: Clash of Titans
@Shiirow 8 ай бұрын
sounds like the title of a mobile game.
@alphtheor.879 8 ай бұрын
thats it? thats all the true timeline is?
@hypnopump 8 ай бұрын
no this dude is way off base
@exxor9108 8 ай бұрын
Interesting... maybe the next expansion will feature the titans as the biggest threat. Then I wonder what Aman'thul's loot table is gonna look like? lol
@SpaceElvisInc 8 ай бұрын
the final raid boss will be batting back Aman'thul's finger as he tries to crush you
@metallixro 8 ай бұрын
WoW: Raid boss driven lore! Titans next ? sure why not makes sense.
@insanecrazyman7637 7 ай бұрын
I don't think we'll be going to the otherside of Azeroth until possibly Midnight or The Last Titan, its also possible that the tree is not on the otherside BUT under the ground instead.
@PicchiaVT 7 ай бұрын
Kinda a mix of Greek and Norse mythology from an outside observer. The gods/Titans aren't necessarily evil, perhaps just misguided view of how the universe should be run. And Odin being in the game lends to this theory, the god who knows everything should and would most likely want to fetter this unpredictable concept of "life"
@MXFoX408 8 ай бұрын
These things should remain as the dragonflight expansion
@ItsFactor 8 ай бұрын
nzoth gang rise up
@The86Ripper 8 ай бұрын
What would you have us do father? 🪼🦑🪼
@ziggs123 8 ай бұрын
We yield and serve the master!
@RotokEralil 8 ай бұрын
After the Warrior Orderhall Quests, the zone quests and the dungeon and raid with him in them, I am all for taking out Odin. Helya is angry at Odin for a reason.
@cjmahar7595 8 ай бұрын
If you want to know where the future of WoW lies I noticed that Shadowlands Mirrored the Infinity Saga and now I've noticed that Dragonflight is mirroring the Loki and Kang timey whimey hyjinx. Wow always mirrors pop culture so at the least the next expac will deal with time in some way.
@terratron2259 8 ай бұрын
I'm going to call it here. Azeroth is a captured and converted void lord, another experiment performed by the Titans.
@publicguy1664 8 ай бұрын
Odin, father of Thor God of Lightning... Storms block access to the west, what if Odin put up those storms?
@Dan55888 8 ай бұрын
Sargaras has always meant there has been Titan Council Drama
@LagoonKnight 7 ай бұрын
When Illdan returns he wont be the dude we seen leaving!
@TheFlyWahine 8 ай бұрын
A game like elder scrolls but in the Warcraft universe with survival buiilt in. Whould be really cool.
@Ironbreeze53 8 ай бұрын
For a sec I thought he was gonna say G’Hanir was what amonthul pulled from Azeroth & not an old god
@hassamlatif1169 8 ай бұрын
I wonder how illidan poops at the seat of the pantheon. Does someone conjure a public restroom for him or does he just shit all over the floor? Maybe he flings it at sargeras as well?
@MatadorMedia 8 ай бұрын
The dungeon RP very clearly says Murozond is not the true timeline.
@harleymoore7736 7 ай бұрын
So the big lore takeaway here is, if I'mcorrect... Elune and Eonar cannonically probably smashed
@Xirokox 8 ай бұрын
All this titan stuff should have remained a mystery.
@g_satyros 8 ай бұрын
Damn man, it all just sounds so hollow nowadays.. Yeah, yeah, titans, void, nipples, 50D chess.. Right..
@MechShark 8 ай бұрын
"ThEy'Re AcHShuAlLy BaD GuYs" - Modern writer subverting us again ayy lmao
@shanesongco9588 7 ай бұрын
problem with WoW lore is that all this could be retcon and or forgotten by the dev team by tomorrow
@tsukuyomisama001 7 ай бұрын
The game developers are the Titans themselves, always thinking they are the righteous one, and players are the one to blame. They never admitted their mistakes, wrong thinking and blamed us for not understanding and tolerant enough.
@TechnoSpice 8 ай бұрын
The only way to save WoW at this point is to kill off the entire infinite dragonflight and make time travel impossible. Time Travel is a nonsense mechanic that ruins canon and consequence.
@operationmisanthropia5831 8 ай бұрын
Only if you got people who are incompetent in writing such stories. The issue is not time travel in stories. The issue is that most people touching this topic are morons and cant handle it. Sadly Blizz belongs among the 99% who are morons.
@Frostydog85 8 ай бұрын
I think this Lore could be very good going forward or very bad lol
@RankOneCasual 8 ай бұрын
We are the bad guys, technically pawns, and Iridikron is the good guy - the master planner. He's going to let our wrath bring out the Titans once we piss them off enough and he's going to either destroy them or corrupt them into Old God's, and we'll send them back in time to destroy them with our classic versions. That's what I'm pinching on, and I am sticking to it. I've always had this vibe that the Titans are actually Old Gods either in disguise or will eventually become them.
@MrJeremydb91 8 ай бұрын
Some good ole titan on titan action lol
@TheLun4tic 8 ай бұрын
Aman'Thul basically sided with the light to have the one true Timeline come to fruition. We left the timeline and aman'thul will be pissed OR he will see reason at the end of next expansion and fight the light fanatics with us.
@michaelmccr3294 7 ай бұрын
Something else that idrikon said that does make sense it that when titan come to claim their prize..... The titans can't control our world as there is one old god left and that is the void god and she is a human form not creature like the others. Think about that that's prob why loads of titans hate humans and this old god left is extremely clever, smarter and more tactical then her brothers. She knows that if the titans walk into her world they will win and also she is the only one that hasn't forced us against our will to serve her. Maybe the titans are evil like sargasis said and he sought the break out world from their bonds not to blow it up. We all know on wow there are multiple titans creations showing up on azeroth atm and that means one and only thing...... Conquest and war jsut like nzroth or whatever is name is the old god of madness said conquest and war is coming so he means the titans are preparing for war.
@No-ob6ql 8 ай бұрын
Bel are we ignoring the way the the keepers emulate their titan counterparts? That means Odin is sargarous and Tyr is amunthal
@motyfokol5392 8 ай бұрын
love the video but the audio is way too low. i had to increase everything which lead to very LOUD and startling ads.....
@Mathilde_Moksha_333 8 ай бұрын
I'm picturing Azeroth'a core as a messed up cake but instead of flour, eggs, sugar, chocolate and whatever it's old god bodies/flesh, world tree roots, stone water and stuff... unless thosr are elemental creatures in a way 🤣
@laertesindeed 8 ай бұрын
0:30 No, No, No, No, No...... Bellular, you fool. You're totally mistaking the grammar of that sentence. Murozond in that dungeon was talking to the people that defeated him .... i.e. the player. Us. Me. When he says "You know not what you have done" he is talking to me the player about me not knowing what I just did by defeating him. The Aman'thul part is totally separate and comes after that.....where often a dying person will pretend to talk to their mother or their best teacher etc. The second part of his death speech is him figuratively pointing his voice at the sky and saying to Aman'thul his best teacher that he has seen things not predicted in his empowerment by Aman'thul.
@GenjiShimada. 8 ай бұрын
Story Binge! Let's Gooo!
@RotalHenricsson 8 ай бұрын
My main problem with the whole "Titans bad"-retcon is that it makes very little sense when looking at the actual Titans. Last and only time we saw them they helped us against Sargeras and at no point did they bother to get pissed at us. Fuck, they probably think we're really useful little animals. Besides, aren't they super busy keeping Sargeras imprisoned for the next few eternities? Who'd even come back?
@Freakomamatic 8 ай бұрын
Its not a retcon. Titans have been “bad” since WotLK. Just look at what Algalon was created for. The titans are only concerned about the world soul.
@MastaGambit 8 ай бұрын
Oh, fuck off with the "retcon" whinging already. You guys always do this every time a major plot twist occurs. Just admit that you're averse to change already. So sick of these players calling plot twists "retcons".
@EugenTemba 5 ай бұрын
They need to add more classes.
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