Wesley Wyndam-Pryce | Demons

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10 жыл бұрын

Yaay happy birthday Ashley!!! Your 2nd prezzie (okay I'm sick and on medication right now and I legit can't think/spell so pls bear with me lol) is a video about our Wesley!! Because AtS is our thing, we met because of That 70's Show but if I remember correctly, it was AtS that really solidified our bond and made us start up with the long-ass messages lol. We share all the same opinions on this show and after all these years you are still my fave person to discuss this show with! Especially [W]esley-related things, he is so underrated in the fandom so I love that there is someone who loves him and can go on about him like I do! And this is another song idea you suggested so I hope you like it...though I'm mad cuz there are some weird glitches in here that WOULD NOT GO AWAY but hopefully it's still okay lol
Anyway, I hope you had a good day!! Your the Chloe to my Lois and now also apparently the Darla to my Angel (YOU DAMNED ME). I'm so lucky to have had you in my life for like the past 6 years!! I love you more than a Tollie threeway tbh.

Пікірлер: 38
@dreadcthulhu5 7 жыл бұрын
Just a poll for my own general curiosity here. If you think Alexis is a beautiful man give a thumbs up.
@brassholio 7 жыл бұрын
Wesley is 100% one of the best characters on television. Ever. What a journey, and what a performance. Alexis was wonderful.
@XxGeekBitchxXX 7 жыл бұрын
One of most underrated characters on buffyverse! He deserved way better ;'( and this is soooo good
@AnaGraves00 10 жыл бұрын
That was pure perfection. I so so so freaking love this man and this song really fits him well! His life was so tragic... ;(( I'll definitely always have him in my heart. Now I'm going to cry some more tears...
@jackjackson2917 9 жыл бұрын
Wesley was definitely my favorite Angel/Buffy character. From start to finish, he was a damn good character.
@Pri27890 10 жыл бұрын
It makes me so happy to be the first comment here since Wesley is my favorite character of all time. Thinking about him always makes me sad :(
@Aysha3338 5 жыл бұрын
An under appreciated character
@chriscano4162 9 жыл бұрын
I always loved Wesley the most. I could relate to him so much, especially with recent stuff in my life.
@sargielmelek4403 4 жыл бұрын
This is the best Wesley tribute video I’ve seen so far - thanks for putting it out there.
@TheSerialLove 10 жыл бұрын
OMG! I love this! Wesley is so complex character and you managed to capture it perfectly! I admire you so much!
@JeanMarcos26 Жыл бұрын
Eu adoro o jeito do Wesley ! Ele é um cara muito humilde, engraçado e inteligente !
@honeyham6788 4 жыл бұрын
Honestly, this was amazingly edited and made me actually love this song all of a sudden. I previously thought it was a rather mediocre song but matching it with wesley was perfect
@daciaQAF90 9 жыл бұрын
This is the best Wes tribute I've found.
@Jesterladyscorn 8 жыл бұрын
Oh my poor Wesley. This was so good!
@allisonhardin1159 8 жыл бұрын
That was so perfect. Thank you. Wesley is my favorite Angel character. 💘💘
@hahs4 10 жыл бұрын
omg i neve thought about how this song fits wesley so perfectly so angsty amazing amazing job
@Xehanort10 7 жыл бұрын
The saddest Wesley moment for me is when he has to watch Fred die and Illyria possesses her body.
@DeanCainLover 10 жыл бұрын
Nicely done. I love the character of Wesley.
@1SnoWhiteQueen1 10 жыл бұрын
ParadiseVids Oh no, I made this way before I got sick, I just got sick on the day I uploaded it lol! But yes, I'm better now and I'm glad you liked the vid!! ^^
@ParadiseVids 10 жыл бұрын
WHO doesn't love Wesley? He is SO beautiful and complex a character and this is a perfect song to vid him to! I LOVE this, sweetheart. ❤❤❤ Ash, GREAT birthday gifts, darling! (Julie, are you okay? Meds? Ah! *hugs tight*) And THIS is what you create when you're sick, omg, you're so freaking talented it's ridiculous. I remember being so upset over what they did to Lilah, like freakishly disturbed over how they ended her and as USUAL you fixed it in my brain (DAMN Joss, wtf) which I so appreciate. I swear we keep each other sane and happy. I love you and this is incredible. Feel better!
@lightsallfading 10 жыл бұрын
Beautiful! I miss Wes :(
@aileenbermingham1891 7 жыл бұрын
Beautiful video for a very underrated character, love Wes
@Bellatrux13 7 жыл бұрын
Good God, this video is SO SO SO SO SOOOOO FUCKING BEAUTIFUL. Thank you so much for it!
@FairyKingdom86 10 жыл бұрын
Loved this! Amazing job! Excellent song choice for Wes.
@cemeterythings 8 жыл бұрын
This is a great video! You matched everything so well to the song. I love it
@CallidusAnguis 6 жыл бұрын
This is very well done.
@jordanmayes94 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you this was great
@hydesbride 10 жыл бұрын
OMG OMG OMG!!!! Apparently I have to start every comment with three "OMG"s lol I think I have said "OMG" more in the last few days than ever before! Why? *BECAUSE MY FRIENDS ARE THE MOST AMAZING PEOPLE EVER*!! I was totally hoping the second prezzie was Wesley related so I was *BEYOND THRILLED* to see this in my sub box!!! And yet again *YOU READ MY MIND*!! So many of these lyric matches were ones that I had pictured for him!!! *YOU NAILED IT*!! I'm not shocked at all, because you are just *THAT* good!!! This was so perfect!!! I love it so much!!! Our beloved Wesley!!! *HE IS ONE OF THE GREATEST CHARACTERS EVER WRITTEN. IF YOU DISAGREE YOU ARE WRONG. PLAIN AND SIMPLE.* lol I will always be passionate about this subject!! Gah this song is so fitting for him!!! Starting it off with that heartbreaking scene of him sitting there all sad in Billy!! *OUCH*!!! "the saints we see are all made of gold" *PERFECT USE OF THE WATCHERS COUNCIL*!!! Wes learned from his experience in Consequences that the watchers council were a bunch of assholes, so that when it came down to it again, he knew not to trust them. Instead he supported Angel, whom he'd gotten to know and trust. It was a hard lesson to learn, as they were *ALL HE HAD KNOWN IN HIS LIFE* Even Giles ended up *POISONING* Buffy, nearly getting her *KILLED* before he realized how completely *WRONG* the watchers were! I'm being very emphatic here because *IT IS AN IMPORTANT ISSUE TO ME GOD DAMN IT*!! lol xD "the ones we hail are the worst of all" aaaww the broken look on Wesley's face as the prophecy starts coming true! He's so scared for Connor and worried about Angel, his best friend! Ugh the feels!!! Aaaww "I want to hide the truth. I want to shelter you" aaaaaww Wesley wanted to protect Angel from himself!!! *EVERY SINGLE INTENTION HE HAD WAS BORN OF LOVE AND GENUINE DESIRE TO PROTECT THE PEOPLE HE LOVED*!!! My heart hurts!!!! *YOU ARE KILLING ME AS USUAL*!!! lol "but with the beast inside there's nowhere we can hide" Eek this was one of the parts that I had also completely pictured exactly the way you did it!!! The use of Fred in Billy was *FLAWLESS*!! Absolutely brilliant matching there!!! OMG I *LOVE* the way you interpreted the "no matter what we breed, we still are made of greed line." No matter how beautiful the friendship he had built with Gunn was, they let their conflict over Fred break it apart!! *UGH I'M NOT OKAY*!! Nope nope nope. Not a shot of him with Angel and Cordy then a shot of him alone. *NOPE*!!! lol I *LOVE* the scene with Justine and Holtz. What Wes says there "Angel (see Angel is separate because he is number one in Wesley's eyes) and the people I work with are my family, and when I say I don't want to see anyone to get hurt..." /grabs the bitch/ "I mostly mean them" It *DEFINES* him in my eyes. He is the one who is willing to do *ANYTHING* to keep his family safe. If he has to lie, cheat, steal, or kill it would be worth it *IF HE PROTECTS THEM* from enemies, the world, or *THEMSELVES*. He is the guy who makes all the hard decisions, even if he's gotta make them *ALONE*!! FML look what you have done to me! You've got me ranting. This is never (always? lol) good! :D I loved all the scenes with Faith in this video!!! The way he punches her after she hurts Cordy!!! Again he will unleash these demons to protect his family!!! Fuck this. I'm going to go cry in a corner! lol eep the scene with the demon child was perfect for the "where my demons hide" the way all of Wesley's feelings of inadequacy came out in that episode! *WELL WHAT DO YOU EXPECT? HIS FATHER HAS ABUSED HIM HIS ENTIRE LIFE, MAKING HIM FEEL LIKE A WORTHLESS, NO GOOD PIECE OF SHIT!! OF COURSE HE HAS NO SELF ESTEEM!!!* Eeek the "don't get to close, it's dark inside" yet another example of you vidding it *EXACTLY* the way I saw it in my head!!! *LOVE IT*!!! OMG OMG OMG and my favorite occasion where you matched the lyrics as I saw them is the stuff from WITW for "curtains call, it's the last of all, when the lights fade out all the sinners crawl" *I TOTALLY PICTURED WES SEEING THE GUNN/FRED KISS AND FALLING ON HIS KNEES!!! IT LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE I SAW IT OVER AND OVER IN MY HEAD!!! HOW ARE YOU READING MY MIND!! I AM GOING TO START SHOUTING "GET OUT OF MY BRAIN!!!" LIKE ANDREW*!!! lol seriously though, perfect lyric matches!!! Gah. "so they dug your grave" "the mess you made" *THIS SEQUENCE IS FLAWLESS AND AGAIN THE WAY I HOPED IT WOULD BE*!! Dude This whole comment is all caps and bolds lol I'm clearly very excited by this masterpiece of a video!! Poor lonely baby!!! He messed up trying to do the right thing. I just can't ignore that. road to hell may littered with good intentions, but damn it all, *INTENTIONS MATTER* /weeps/ speaking of hell, yet another lyric match we shared! I totally thought of the Dante's Inferno, "the worst spot in hell is reserved for those who betray" thing for that part!!! *I CAN'T WITH YOU AND YOUR GENIUS FUCKING VIDEO THAT IS BREAKING MY HEART BUT MAKING ME FEEL GOOD AT THE SAME TIME BECAUSE I AM A SICK BITCH*!!! lol Oh fuck...you didn't show the scene of Wes building up Angel's confidence, telling him that it's *HIS* mission that animates him and then follow it up with Angel trying to smother him. *PLEASE TELL ME I SAW THIS WRONG*?!?! lol *IT HURTS*!!! In a way combining these scenes shows why Wes was suicidal (he was drinking himself to death okay) in late s3. It was *ANGEL* that animated him, that gave him a reason to fight, a reason to live. Without him, Wes had nothing, no reason to exist!!! *NOPE I'M GONE NOW. I AM DYING MORE TIMES THAN TESS AND CHLOE COMBINED BECAUSE OF YOUR VIDEOS*!! lol Fred you can shut your fucking mouth. Wes just saved Angel's life. He was again *TRYING TO PROTECT CONNOR*, that's why he didn't tell you guys what Connor did. *OBVIOUSLY HE CARES*!! lol I'm okay. Wesley just *REALLY* brings out my fire!! I think because *SO MANY* people just don't fully *get* him, you know? Because he is a stoic man, and most of his actions aren't spelled out in words. But people, *ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS* a simple "I'm sorry" wouldn't cut it. Saving Angel's life, protecting Connor when he was gone, and sharing his blood with him, that was how he *SHOWED* his penance. Aaaww the death of Lilah. His projection of Lilah in his mind (OMG this is very Sherlock of him. Squee) Eek I loved the scene with Gunn for "don't get too close" I got my throat cut and all my friends abandoned me" *ONE OF MY FAVE QUOTES EVER*!! You tell him, Wes!!! Sorry I'm not all sunny after all that. I'm weird like that. lol eek "it's dark inside" that scene with Faith is perfect!! The way he is showing her his dark side to get her to realize she can't just pretend like hers doesn't exist!! That's a huge thing to realize in redemption. It doesn't mean that the bad parts of you are *GONE*. That stuff will always be a part of you, and sometimes you actually *NEED* it! He was being a great watcher in that moment IMO as weird and angsty as it seems! :D "where my demons hide" the killing of his "father" *OH THOSE GLORIOUSLY TERRIBLY DADDY ISSUES THAT I ALWAYS EAT UP* lol "they say it's what you make, i say it's up to fate" Aaaaawww!!!! "there's hope that you'll find something worthy, that your life will lead you to some joy, that after everything...you can still be surprised" I love that scene with Illyria!! The question of "is that enough?" is such a huge one we all ask ourselves! We can't control what happens! I think Wes has learned that! /cries everywhere/ Aaaww the scenes of him feeling unworthy again!!! And Angel building him up in both those moments!!! Gah. Aaaaaaaww "your eyes the shine so bright, i want to save that light" the dollar bill and the contract burning!!! he loves her!!! The way he tries to set her free and how much it meant to her! She never would have believed that anyone could care for *HER* in that way!! /sobs/ "I can't escape this now unless you show me how" I love the way you matched the beat perfectly there!! *AND I LOVE THAT WES BROKE THAT THING. HE HAD EVERY RIGHT TO THOSE MEMORIES. OF COURSE IT JUST ENDS UP HURTING HIM MORE THAN ANYONE.* /curls up in fetal position/ Aaaww the "look into my eyes" scene with Illyria is *SO* beautiful. I love their relationship and the broken look on her face hurts my soul!!! :'( "it's where my demons hide" it breaks my heart that he stabbed Gunn (especially over ahem...yeah..lol) but is it wrong that I enjoy Wes' "demons" coming out? s5 avoided so much of that outside of Lineage, that it felt like a different man sometimes. *OH RIGHT STUPID MEMORY WIPE STORYLINE*. lol Aaaaaahhhh this video was so marvelous!!! It's taking me a long ass time to formulate this comment and I'm pretty sure a lot of it is a jumbled ramble of a mess that you will just be thinking "okay Ash, time to *shut up*. I've heard this all before." lol but what can I say? *IT'S WESLEY*!!! Our beautiful baby!!! I *HAD* to rant! lol Anywho, *THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS WONDERFULLY FLAWLESS GEM OF A VIDEO*!!! I love that Ats is *OUR* show!!! You were the best mentor I could have asked for, and I *NEVER* get tired of discussing it with you, even though we tend to just repeat ourselves, only louder and *WITH CAPS*!! lol you are just such a beautiful person and a tremendous friend!!! I hope you know how grateful I am that you are my cousin/wife! hehe *I LOVE YOU SO FRAKKING MUCH*!!! Thank you for *EVERYTHING*!!! :D
@hydesbride 10 жыл бұрын
Okay I'm gonna edit this because I realize I wrote "Jasmine" instead of "Justine" lol /facepalm/
@1SnoWhiteQueen1 10 жыл бұрын
Yaaaas I'm so happy you loved this so much!! lol I loved reading your novel, erm, COMMENT!! lol xD But I love everything you wrote about Wesley and of course I agree. He really is one of the best characters, not just from Angel, but EVER. He doesn't quite get enough credit for his amazingess! lol and I loved that I read your mind with the lyric matches, there were actually a couple parts where I wasn't sure what to put in and I was MAD that I couldn't ask your advice lol xD But I guess I channeled into your mind or something! YAAAY
@Angrybogan 3 жыл бұрын
Definition of badass: Sleeping with your enemy while havingJustine locked up in your closet
@JhadeSagrav Жыл бұрын
Welp I'm going down the rabbit hole of all your BTVS videos and here's yet another banger, so I'm leaving a comment a decade late. Incredibly done.
@fairydust1997 10 жыл бұрын
I love this! oh, wes
@deathwish1772 6 жыл бұрын
but also great video thanks for making it
@deathwish1772 6 жыл бұрын
i like his character so much, probably because it too was a stuffy bitch but then got tougher and also how his love life never turned out good (same brother) lol and also spike in those regards too
@SCL111 7 жыл бұрын
I ship Wesley with Lilah. Unlike Fred, Lilah care and understand Wes, his good and bad.
@Bellatrux13 7 жыл бұрын
we all do, darling, at least the sane among us!
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