What Happens To Zelda After Tears of the Kingdom?

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Can't we do both?

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@someoneelse878 Жыл бұрын
Ratatoskr's romance arc with the TotK trailer music is hilarious every time. And he's right!
@Alex_Dul Жыл бұрын
Yoshiaki Koizumi is more of a producer now. That is why he's in so many random things. But I'd say his involment in Bowser's fury and Mario Odyssey must've been great because those 2 changed Mario games forever. LoZ is already innovating, that's why I don't think they fell like he's needed there. Hopefully an ACTUAL Remake/Remaster of OoT or MM involves him.
@highdefinition450 Жыл бұрын
How did they change the Mario games forever if there haven't been new ones since then. We can't know their impact yet
@thanevakarian9762 Жыл бұрын
OOT remake is coming next after ToTK.
@firionkaiser8291 Жыл бұрын
Bruh we need something other than yet another remaster/remake of OoT and MM. Zelda doesn't just revolve around those two entries alone. If we're getting full blown remakes I'd rather it be Zelda II AoL, Minish Cap, or the OoX entries. Those haven't gotten remade at all. Other than that I'd rather we have a new story. Whether it's a game that covers previous events we've never seen or a new game entirely.
@hindsightdocumentary8351 Жыл бұрын
I literally got chills when you started playing the music and I cannot tell you how many hours I've spent watching that trailer. I am beyond ready for this game
@LinkRammer Жыл бұрын
@georgebernard2002 Жыл бұрын
It reminds me so much of the music from Nier Automata
@deltapi6880 Жыл бұрын
Just preordered the game and I'm so excited, avoiding leaks is so hard
@morrashow5733 Жыл бұрын
I feel you my fellow Hyrule hero.
@sethfeldpausch4337 Жыл бұрын
I gave in and watched the intro, all I'll say is: this game is gonna go HARD! It easily has the coolest opening of ANY Zelda game EVER! If the opening is that good, I can only imagine how good the rest will be! Needless to say: my hype is THROUGH THE ROOF!
@Deimos0VI Жыл бұрын
It's not really that hard to avoid it because Nintendo is currently sending assassins to anyone who posts spoilers 💀
@ziyadomar5891 Жыл бұрын
Ive seen some stuff, and all ill say is we are in for a MASSIVE treat
@GriffinTwo Жыл бұрын
@@Deimos0VI sending death threats and life in prison ☠️💀
@hmnc444 Жыл бұрын
I get the new dungeon style aims to break the linearity of previous games but i do miss the thrill of getting the map, compas, boss key and looking for heart pieces 😢
@HylianTom Жыл бұрын
Okay.. the break in the middle of this video to just let us listen to The Song again? Brilliant. And now I have to explain to my coworkers why I have this goofy, distant smile on my face..
@torugolago Жыл бұрын
About a second and third team for Zelda, Nintendo has kind of already ansewered that. Last year they bought a huge piece of land that neighbored their's, they publicly announced that it was to build a bigger development quarters, in fact it will have double and little more of the size of what they have now. This building was gonna take 7 years to make, one already past, so the big changes are coming not for the Switch 2 but the generation after that. In the meantime, i think Grezzo would be the perfect team to try to make their own 3d classic Zelda after so many remakes of classic one's.
@hododod246 Жыл бұрын
Please no. I really don't want any other Animal Crossing looking Zelda game from Grezzo. Don't like Link's awakening art style.
@firionkaiser8291 Жыл бұрын
​​@@hododod246 You're only assuming this because they stayed true to the style of the original Link's Awakening with its chibi toy style which actually fit the dream land style and stayed true the original but in 3D. Even though these are the same people who made Final Fantasy XI, OoT3D and MM3D which look nothing like the remake of Link's Awakening.
@GriffinFire101 Жыл бұрын
​​​@@firionkaiser8291 "stayed true" We are talking about a sprite based game on the gameboy with anime concept art. I don't think the original devs wanted to use sprite art at the time but rather had to. If the gameboy could display more it would have looked more like the box art/concept art.
@firionkaiser8291 Жыл бұрын
@@GriffinFire101 Very doubtful considering not even ALttP fit the anime concept art that it received and that was on SNES. SNES was the only other option without downgrading to NES for whatever reason or god forbid wait two years to develop it for the Virtual Boy. Furthermore every Zelda game received some form an anime art style for its concept art. Point it is, they did stay true to the art style of the game they made. Regardless of how you see the concept art, that's just how it is. Hell even in DX where the game not only had the art style of the opening and ending of the original, it had live taken photographs that even prove that in the world of Koholint, Link and mostly everyone else appears in a chibi like style. If they really wanted to, they could've had photographs appear closer to art style of the opening and ending. Its not like the game hasn't done that already. After all we saw a picture with Princess Peach in full detail. Plus its a dream world, the toy like aesthetic makes a lot of sense. Its not like we were supposed to received a full 3D remake where the art style being close to the concept art would make more sense.
@asimplecadence Жыл бұрын
The song is numinous. It captures the archetypal feeling of an epic adventure. The struggle, the determination, the resilience, the uncertainty. Excellent execution of representing that.
@matthewshimoda833 Жыл бұрын
I hope they try something at least slightly different from botw (ie. new location, new villian, new mechanics), but the Zelda team have invested so much into the physics and chemistry systems, I don't think they can/should abandon them at this point. These systems reach their potential in an open world game, so I don't think they can stray from this style of game. What they can do is introduce new restrictions so that the player doesn't have 99% freedom like in botw. People are asking what the point of botw will be after totk. I think totk will make botw redundant in many ways, but I also think botw will probably remain the zelda game with the most freedom. I think new Zelda games can experiment by introducing new restrictions which lead to interesting gameplay, but leave Link's mobility and environmental interactions mostly unbound.
@nickyeah9050 Жыл бұрын
I think the main reasons to go back to botw would be for nostalgia and for the vibes. I think Totk will have a whole different vibe with the music and overworld compared to botw.
@jigglymaggot69 Жыл бұрын
some things I would love them to do for a new fresher feeling storyline is first the reestablishment of the story of the zelda worlds creation and the characters having concrete knowledge of the story and existence of the three golden goddesses din, nayru, and farore like back in other zelda games where it was just common knowledge cause so far its sort of implied that they have brief knowledge of some things but others not so much like the characters just aren't that knowledgeable about it. I'd also like them to delve back into demise not ganon (cause I feel like some of the best zelda games were when the main baddy wasn't ganon but some other dark being from god knows where presumably as old as demise and with what we see them do just as powerful if not more so) and where he came from and if there are other beings like him that came from the same place and are as powerful as him that they could use as the main bad guy because multiple zelda games have shown there are other dark otherworldly beings aside from demise and the reincarnation of his hatred being ganon that are more than capable of being a serious concrete threat to the world just as much as demise was and ganon is. And then I feel like the triforce needs to be reintroduced it doesn't have to be the sort of fuel for the antagonist and bad shit going down in hyrule like it has been in most zelda games and it doesn't have to be made as significant in the story as it has been most of the time. And one more thing that is a sort of plot hole not many people have noticed over the years is that in some zelda games when they're done telling the story about how the three golden goddesses created the world they'll mention that at some later point the "gods" created the triforce and sent it down to the mortal world but the way it's always said sort of heavily implies and eludes to the fact that aside from the three golden goddesses there are other gods as old and as powerful as them and I mean there's already proof of that with the existence of hylia and i get that in most games they say the goddesses create the triforce and then just fuck of but not all of them and I feel like it has been implied enough and dangled in our faces with the existence of hylia to the point that I feel like its time to address it and make it a thing but compared to the three goddesses I feel like hylia was very weak as a god in comparison and I feel like it would be really cool to introduce the concept of uber powerful yet distant gods that exist in the zelda universe and actually introduce them into the story as a main plot point and get rid of that whole distant feeling sort of like with hylia a goddess being heavily involved and having a direct hand in hyrules history unlike the three goddesses which is one of the reasons I feel they made hylia as this obscure reoccurring character as limited as she was compared to some of the shit that legend of zelda as a game series has told us the three goddesses can do aside from creating the fucking world like windwaker is a prime example of how broken they are and skyward sword is a good example of how limited hylia seems in comparison despite them all being divine beings.
@VBrinkV Жыл бұрын
To be fair, Koizumi is doing an amazing job with Mario. I'd hate to see him leave that series.
@D3stinySm4sher Жыл бұрын
Absolutely, I don't think his talents are being wasted at all. And we definitely need the Mario franchise to evolve some more, for sure.
@callistomoon461 Жыл бұрын
If only they would bring out a new Mario game… well, maybe in 100 years.
@ashton7308 Жыл бұрын
​@Callisto Moon I'm assuming they're saving it for nintendos new console, since we already have tears of the kingdom at the end of the switch's life cycle they're probably saving mario as a launch title
@hododod246 Жыл бұрын
Exactly Mario is killing it.
@raskolnikov6443 Жыл бұрын
@@callistomoon461 new console will get a big mairo game
@joshualawrence4301 Жыл бұрын
The way you shoehorn the trailer song into videos is the greatest. Fills me with weird emotions too
@LuluME1 Жыл бұрын
I'm familiar with your content since the Monster Hunter Rise days. I appreciate what you make, thank you.
@rDuskHuntress Жыл бұрын
Same, in some way I like how he makes content about the game I'm currently fixated at the moment lol
@leonidasvonsparta Жыл бұрын
Me too
@matheusgenaro Жыл бұрын
When BotW launched, I absolutely loved the game. It became my favorite Zelda by far. After I played the game, my wish was that Nintendo would take this formula and expand it even further, so TotK looks perfect. For what is next, I don't know what I want yet. I think I prefer to be surprised. Bear in mind that, although I adore other Zelda games, I don't have an emotional attachment to the "3D formula", basically because I didn't play Ocarina of Time as a kid (although I grew up with a N64). My first 3D Zelda was Wind Waker (probably my favorite of this genre). I have tried a few times to play Twilight Princess, but it never clicked to me; Skyward Sword, on the other hand, I like it a lot even though I find it to be annoying sometimes. That said, between 2D and 3D games, I think I prefer the 2D ones. A link to the past, Link's Awakening and A Link between worlds are so good, I can't even think about something I don't like about them. I'm not really worried about them stoping making 2D Zelda games, because I think it is sufficiently different from the BotW approach that they would still experiment with. I wonder if a mix between 2D and 3D would work, such as a game with top down dungeons and 3D exploration of the world
@Falcon-um7vo Жыл бұрын
As one who grew up in real time with the Zelda series since 1987, I'm also not concerned about the lack of new 2D Zelda titles or "the old formula" 3D ones. But as much as I love the 2D ones (my favorite being LttP), if I were forced to choose, I'd go with the BOTW style. I am a big fan of huge, immersive 3D open worlds.
@DafyddBrooks Жыл бұрын
Good point. Though I feel if BOTW was a 3d open world version of the first game, TOTK seems like its going to be what of Skyward sword should have been. Then in that case I wonder if the next game will what The wind waker should have been and be a huuuge version of that some how ??!! thats what i want any way, but suprise me nintendo :)
@BodieB Жыл бұрын
I respect people who think BotW is the best Zelda game... but by far? No way...a world barren of rewards that are worth it...terrible durability mechanic...no dungeons...limited types of enemies(major types)...lack of a story in comparison Mind you, I love the game but they're are far too many negative aspects to treat it as one of the best games ever "by far" Now if they take that game and add to it and fix the issues I can definitely see this game become the greatest ever because BotW's skeleton is incredible...all it needs is dungeons...a more expansive story...a fix to how fast the durability is lost...unique bosses instead of Ganon Blights... and more enemies and content overall... the trailers make me believe that they've addressed all if that minus the durability (don't know how much it's changed) If this game lives up to the hype it may make BotW such a downgrade that is almost unplayable... which is a strange thing for a Zelda game to be...in fact the only reason to go back would be for the abilities... as that'll probably be the only thing that is truly unique
@BetterNicholas Жыл бұрын
@@BodieBpersonally I think you could fix the durability by just letting people know how much durability a weapon has and besides that leaving it alone, Opinions?
@artax33 Жыл бұрын
A thought that came to my head is a game called Darksiders. It came out during the 360/PS3 time and it has the Zelda like dungeons. Its kinda God of War and Zelda. Its story is loosely based on the Christian end times(I do mean loosely, most movies keep to the book far better then Darksider did with Bible) It was not as good as Zelda games but it wasn't bad. We need others to come into the space and try their hand at Classic 3D Zelda with their own spin. No one seems to be doing this. Blossom Tales did this for 2D and it was ok. We don't need Nintendo to be the only ones to make games like these. If anyone knows of other games that feel very Zelda like let me know.
@Fluxquark Жыл бұрын
Tunic and Death's Door have slight Zelda vibes.
@jeremymullens7167 Жыл бұрын
Demon souls did it. It combined monster hunter with level design. Lots of people saw it as an iteration of “The Legend of Zelda”. It went with a more combat focus of the original two games. The Zelda we got after went back to basics and designed it from the ground up. Eldin Ring ties the formula to an open world. Tears of the Kingdom did not have enough distance from Elden ring for it to be impacted by it. The “A link to the past” formula is still used in games. It just doesn’t look to different from a Metroidvania with a good story.
@brokenzealot7261 Жыл бұрын
Ocarina will still be your favorite regardless if totk is good just a feeling i have
@sethfeldpausch4337 Жыл бұрын
Nostalgia is a hell of a thing to overcome 😂
@brokenzealot7261 Жыл бұрын
@@sethfeldpausch4337 sure is
@user-rk2xi7iw9k Жыл бұрын
@@sethfeldpausch4337 I mean I have heavy nostalgia towards OOT but not the point that it makes me hate the rest of the games in the series like it does with some people.
@cdgood9375 Жыл бұрын
One thing I hate about most game trailers is they have the best music I've ever heard from a series and they never use it in the game so I really hope that song is there
@fernandofaria2872 5 ай бұрын
oooops :'(
@Derpdeder_ Жыл бұрын
Ratatoskr is a big fat liar, he says that he is not funny, and then has the balls to end the video like that. that ending was perfect.
@TheSdrakas Жыл бұрын
You are my favourite KZfaqr keep up the great work!
@Zerolink30 Жыл бұрын
At this moment in time Nintendo, specifically the Zelda Team, has 2 amazing foundations. One that they built for almost 20yrs from ALttP/OoT to SS/LBW and their evolution of the original concept off Zelda 1 into BotW and soon TotK. Now it comes to them on how they blend this 2 ideologies together to create the next Zelda games for the foreseeable future. Will have to see how much they got right with TotK, considering they know all the criticisms everyone had for BotW.
@Saintbalor Жыл бұрын
I was doubtful of what you were saying and then you played the song again and I'm convinced now, thanks!
@mpnuorva Жыл бұрын
1:40 and 2:40 I think this is the crux of the issue: In OoT and onwards the identity of the series was increasingy linear and dungeon-delvy. It's like they defined the series in all the ways in which OoT differed from aLttP, and each subsequent game took the series further from that. In tWW every dungeon was the Shadow Temple. In TP that was still the case, but camouflaged better. In SS even the overworld just became a series of obstacles, dungeons before the actual dungeons. This was nominally in service of the story, but the only time the story actually supported the increasingly linear game structure was in the first half of SS. Yes, I'm one of those people who consider OoT to be the best game of the series after all these years. Sue me. I consider it the best, because it managed a pretty good balance of freedom and structure in its dungeons, explorable overworld and plot in a way no other game has really done since. Usually because when those other games tell you to collect n plot coupons, it has to be done in an arbitrary order, and the dungeon itself is very linear. BotW did make necessary changes, but it also threw the baby out with the bathwater. I think a more open, freely traversible Overworld is exactly what the conventional story that sends you all across the world twice needs. After that it's simply a matter of making a choice of either giving the player n plot coupons to chase, or giving plot points in order and let the player figure out how to reach every new one.
@firenze6478 Жыл бұрын
I feel the same. Though I did feel that skyward sword had some of the best dungeons in the series
@mpnuorva Жыл бұрын
@@firenze6478 yes, OoT has been out done by one game or another in almost every respect. It remains holistically the best game because it isn't desinged around railroading and gimmicks the way later games are.
@firenze6478 Жыл бұрын
@@mpnuorva oot was my first and was my favorite until I finally played majoras mask which just barely beat it for me.
@mpnuorva Жыл бұрын
@@firenze6478 Mine was OoS. I got OoT on a bonus disk of tWW, and found myself naturally gravitating towards the former rather than later.
@firenze6478 Жыл бұрын
@@mpnuorva I adore the oracle games
@Miku-yu5iu Жыл бұрын
i cant believe you played the trailer a third time in a video lmao , what a joy , true peak
@kcpeoples6130 Жыл бұрын
Your ending was superb!
@BiblicFurby Жыл бұрын
That soprano Sax goes so f***ing hard and makes my serotonin just flood
@Foogi9000 Жыл бұрын
A combination on traditional and new would be amazing. Imagine large Dungeons that are basically a mini open worlds with unique puzzles.
@soresoarer981 Жыл бұрын
Amazing song choice when you were talking about after tears of the kingdom.
@julianadelicato7715 Жыл бұрын
Same feeling towards the song and I was so happy to hear it again 😂♥️ you were totally right, it's been too long
@HANIMEME Жыл бұрын
Wow this is one of your best edited videos yet
@Maroxad Жыл бұрын
If Nintendo wont do it. Indie devs will. People who grew up on classic Zelda are now old enough to make their own games.
@nimbusws2566 Жыл бұрын
thank you for the refresher of the trailer song, perfect after a long day
@myfly4711 Жыл бұрын
3:35 I was running late on my daily dose of the trailer music, so thank you for that!
@jwalker2480 Жыл бұрын
Ocarina was also my first game. It holds a very special place in my heart. Im playing it through right now. Just beat the forest temple. ❤
@sarboza7871 Жыл бұрын
That sax part is god like. I just got chills listening and two nights ago I listened as I was falling asleep.
@tombcruisin Жыл бұрын
There were so many influences in various older nintendo games that only happened bc senior devs/producers talked amongst each other. People like Koizumi, Iwata, Itoi, Sakurai, even Sega's Toshihiro Nagoshi. We always hear about advice from Miyamoto, but I'm sure there were so many conversations we will never know about too. It cannot be overstated how important that kind of influence is, and it seems like a dying art with the ever increasing rigidity and scale of game production.
@altaiir541 Жыл бұрын
When that song plays my hair stand on end, I love it!
@lachlanmiller8886 Жыл бұрын
I’m “forgetting what it sounds like”? Joke’s on you, I can very nearly play the entire trailer’s audio file in my head at this point.
@SteveMumford Жыл бұрын
That song gives me chills every time I hear it.
@Fatlumpthe1st Жыл бұрын
Thanks for reminding me about that trailer song now it'll be in my head all day again you bastard
@azerik92 Жыл бұрын
I think the best possible outcome for both 2D Zelda and 3D classic Zelda, is having Koizumi work with Grezzo. They've done fantastic work with both the Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask remakes on 3DS, as well as the Link's Awakening Switch remake, and it's clear they have the passion for the classic formulas that Nintendo's primary Zelda team lacks. I feel like if we gave Grezzo the freedom to make a new game with Koizumi as a director we would get some really amazing games out of the old formulas.
@SuicideMclovin Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much! I needed that reminder @ 3:40 of the absolute transcendent soundtrack for ToTK
"its been a while since you heard the trailer song" that is actually my favorite part of the song and I listen to it every day
@Snorehog Жыл бұрын
Imagine a Link between worlds but with Fuse or something like that! Would be so cool if they got inspired by Totk to make a new great 2D Zelda! They seem to be somewhat open to it since they allowed roguelike elements like interaction between stuff in Cadence of Huryle, but I can start to imagine an even richer design with a bit more focus on puzzles than fighting e.g.
@mmazurr Жыл бұрын
I'd been thinking it would be neat to have another Capcom produced Zelda game, this time they could do a 3D game.
@-siranzalot- Жыл бұрын
Inspite of OoT being my first big video game love, I don't have any reservations about the direction in which BotW and TotK took the series. I'm hoping that TotK manages to unify the zelda fandom again on a meaningful scale, though I imagine a big chunk of people who are not too happy with the current development of the franchise might remain, sadly. I think your Idea of Nintendo establishing another team for a more traditional Zelda approach might be a valid option. Capcom has had seperate teams for MH and portable MH for what feels like ages and that has paid out, why not Nintendo (in a sense) as well?
@nepdar8091 Жыл бұрын
I hope that the presence of this game can unite old fans and new fans, because it seems that almost all the elements in the traditional zelda game and in the new style zelda game are combined in the game totk. We hope
@xSilentZeroXx Жыл бұрын
I've come from the future to say they're not. TOTK doubles down on BOTW to a frankly absurd degree.
@GustavoMartinez-qh7ew Жыл бұрын
You gave me a hearty KEK at the end
@leopolon Жыл бұрын
Amazing pulp fiction meme template lol. Loved the script of the video!
@adamkahmann2937 Жыл бұрын
My thoughts pretty much match yours exactly this time. Just need to wait a bit longer!
@ashton7308 Жыл бұрын
Probably the best ending to any video you've made
@aloox1 Жыл бұрын
amazing video man
@mon0tony Жыл бұрын
I'm trying to finish watching the video but I keep rewinding the music 🤣
@TRUESEPH Жыл бұрын
I was asking myself this this morning. Where do you go from here?
@joshuacunningham2144 Жыл бұрын
The song is immaculate
@lavaeater5 Жыл бұрын
I was worried for a bit there that he wouldn't make us hear the trailer music again
@pupcornnerd Жыл бұрын
I hope one day to see a Zelda using the Octopath HD2D visuals. Dear Din I would be in pure bliss.
@DearSandman Жыл бұрын
3:35 No Ratatoskr - I wake up and fall asleep to that music every day since it came out
@danwentz3283 Жыл бұрын
Yes! You’ve put my opinion to words perfectly! OOT is also one of my fav games of all time! I loved BOTW but was disappointed by its shortcomings. If TOTK fix this then it will be the best Zelda of all time!
@Fluxquark Жыл бұрын
BotW did not have any shortcomings though
@k_u_e_r_i_s_u_e Жыл бұрын
​@@Fluxquark it had. Bad dungeons, open world is not good for narrative storyline, item breaking, battery sword
@bruce1947 Жыл бұрын
I do still hope they go back to classic zelda eventually, even if just for something smaller scale like between worlds
@chikeonyiahchinonsoemmanue67 Жыл бұрын
i love this videos man
@LayeredGamer 8 ай бұрын
Koizumi is high up enough in Nintendo that he decides what he works on, it’s not like Nintendo is forcing him to work on stretchers lol. Also, he’s more focused on hardware than software.
@shadowfoxeight_five_three8891 Жыл бұрын
Seriously. Nintendo just needs to up the release date so we can judge for ourselves. Feels like torture waiting and having to dodge spoilers left and right.
@nerdycurls6253 Жыл бұрын
You think I wasnt listening to the music nonstop before I clicked this video???😂 Its my ringtone and workout music now.
@bouncybubble Жыл бұрын
I know we don’t know the story for totk (apart from leaks which I haven’t looked at) but I have an idea. What about a sort of Botw 3? Hear me out, imagine this: what about if the Hylians meet the worst and most destructive event in hyrule yet and need to move to uncharted territory outside of hyrule and link has to explore the new land completing dungeons, finding things meeting the locals in kind of the style of the original Zelda game however some story plot unfolds and because the hylians are cursed by demises hate a new iteration of demise shows up and kind of smacks link around which makes link and Zelda realise that they shouldn’t bring the curse to the new land so they return to hyrule with the hylians and everyone joins together to finally break the curse. I really like botw so a Botw trilogy would be awesome.
@bouncybubble Жыл бұрын
This took a long time to write
@AweF1st Жыл бұрын
I hope you understand how much I love that you remind me of how good *that* song is. Thank you.
@metumortis6323 Жыл бұрын
I thought you were taking a break from content creation, hmm? Always look forward to your next video
@FlanzoFarrence Жыл бұрын
I love the way you just throw down that trailer music.
@TheObiareus Жыл бұрын
Koizumi will probably never work on a Zelda game again, at least not in any major capacity. He is essentially the equivalent of Aonuma for the Mario series now, and has produced every new 3D Mario game (a bigger series than 3D Zelda in terms of sales, and Nintendo’s flagship series) since Galaxy 2. The reason he was only staff for Bowser’s Fury is likely because he is currently busy with producing whatever the next 3D Mario is, which based on the fact that it’s been nearly 6 years since Odyssey will probably be revealed soon.
@LinkRammer Жыл бұрын
At first I didn't understand how you preferred the older zelda games, but after watching a few more videos, I finally understand your view.
@pingunooty Жыл бұрын
The full ost better have TONS of saxophone
@MathOwz Жыл бұрын
The song gives me goosebumps on my todger
@Lady_de_Lis Жыл бұрын
Maybe what they really need is a really good hook, a really good idea before they bust out the big guns like Koizumi. Maybe what they really need is an idea guy to come up with a really interesting premise for a traditional formula Zelda game
@highdefinition450 Жыл бұрын
Yea people keep saying the Zelda formula had become stale but they only feel that way because a lot of the ideas fuckin blow lmao. The formula is fine, other Zelda-likes follow it and the experience still feels fresh
@makerviewr1cn356 Жыл бұрын
Here's what I am thinking what will happen to Zelda in the future. A new 2D game is in the works; I think the game is most likely developed by Grezzo to see how the studio handles an original game. The next 3D game will follow the Tears/Breath style of gameplay; minor elements like artstyle or time period is unknown.
@firenze6478 Жыл бұрын
I hope the oracle hames are remade more like octopath and the dragon quest 3 remake style. Pixels really are supreme
@a-abelase9887 Жыл бұрын
What if the new 2D Zelda games are more akin to Metroidvania rather than their old formula?
@BetterNicholas Жыл бұрын
@@a-abelase9887 As A huge fan of both Metroid and Zelda I say this as respectfully as possible you Idea is one of the worst ones I have ever heard
@a-abelase9887 Жыл бұрын
@@BetterNicholas AHAHHAAH fakr enough, I too don't particularly wish for it
@alexbee184 Жыл бұрын
I bet they’d go for a combination of dungeons and open world set before skyward sword, or at least very early on in the time period. Alternatively; a game with a time split like ocarina would sort out the fallen timeline without having to say “uhh yeah link died in this one game” hahaha
@Temlorddadragunkilla Жыл бұрын
3:43 While hearing the song i cant think of something but this amazing meme with the sentence "our last line of defence will be link / link ? "
@jacobkirk1846 Жыл бұрын
An interesting question is do you think moving forward that all future Zelda games will be part of a linear continuity? Because since Hidemaro Fujibayashi has been in charge of Zelda they’ve all essentially been part of one linear continuity. Skyward Sword is the beginning of it all, then BotW which disregards the different timelines, and then Tears of the Kingdom which is a direct sequel. It’s almost a trilogy. So moving forward will they keep the series as a linear timeline with the next game after TotK taking place after, even if it’s still not a direct sequel to TotK.
@highdefinition450 Жыл бұрын
No, Tears of the Kingdom pretty explicitly retcons some things. I think BotW was a complete reboot, there are some elements from previous games as easter eggs but they shouldn't be taken seriously. The other games are considered legends and are essentially non-canon.
@jacobkirk1846 Жыл бұрын
@@highdefinition450 yeah I know. I meant moving forward. BOTW onwards, plus maybe Skyward Sword considering it’s the origin of all of Zelda.
@WaruiDeshou Жыл бұрын
It just occurred to me that Fromsoft simply bypassed a lot of this particular kind of backlash by putting Legacy Dungeons in their BOTW.
@ratatoskr6324 Жыл бұрын
@COHOFSohamSengupta Жыл бұрын
& there are dungeons in TOTK, 6 to be exact. There are also 6 legacy dungeons in Elden ring, TOTK has underground world & so does Elden ring, TOTK has sky islands & Elden ring has Sky dungeon. Hmmmmmmm
@omensoffate Жыл бұрын
@@COHOFSohamSengupta the dungeons aren’t really dungeons though
@COHOFSohamSengupta Жыл бұрын
@@omensoffate they have unique architecture/theme/bosses What makes you say that?
@omensoffate Жыл бұрын
@@COHOFSohamSengupta I’ve seen the map layouts. I’ll give you that they actually made some unique bosses instead of copy paste blights. But they still aren’t traditional Zelda dungeons most wanted
@mr.dr.frankenkeys Жыл бұрын
Couldn't agree more about having a second team working on another zelda game on the side. Growing up, that was one of my favorite things about the series. If I got tired of playing a "mainline" game, I could bust out my Gameboy and play a 2D game. Also, Four Swords Adventures was super underrated imo. Not enough people talk about that one. In fact, I've never ever got to play it multiplayer, and every time I think about playing it again, that thought makes me sad. It needs a switch port with multiplayer function.
@stonaraptor8196 Жыл бұрын
yo that theme is a banger already
@caladhunt4860 Жыл бұрын
You know what. It had been too long since I heard the song from the trailer. Thanks for the reminder Ratatoskr!
@micahcooley710 Жыл бұрын
Ratotaskr, you’ve done it again.
@whiteside6928 Жыл бұрын
Way to throw in the music track halfway in That earned a sub, you were right, i was forgetting what it sounded like
@codexonscout Жыл бұрын
Rewatched the talk Nintendo designers did at GDC 2017. In the art part you see some concepts that are now in TOTK. Maybe you find some hints on future games too.
@uzumakiigor Жыл бұрын
I Love how this video is just a pretext to listen to the trailer music once again ❤
@SogonD.Zunatsu Жыл бұрын
Playing the game right now, got the first tear. I'm at around 30 hours and I'm sad to say that the 70$ DLC talk will come back when the game releases because the overall structure is just like BotW without the wonder of discovering Hyrule for the first time. I'm enjoying the game just fine but I hope I'll get surprised.
@COHOFSohamSengupta Жыл бұрын
Yeah no, you have the whole chasm, its not DLC lol
@SogonD.Zunatsu Жыл бұрын
@SpiderJesus26 Жыл бұрын
You're right Ratatoskr, it has been too long since I heard the trailer's music. 8 hours was too long and I won't make that mistake again.
@williamwolfe962 Жыл бұрын
Whaaaaaaa, the goosebumps from the song! I can't wait to hear some new music in this game
@dannyd6042 Жыл бұрын
after having seen the first hour of the game through the leak, and im not going to spoil anything here, you can tell this is much more story focused, a return to form while staying true to what botw set up.
@reachthroughreality Жыл бұрын
I'm not forgetting what that song sounds like, I've listened to it at least once a day since it dropped. But yes, it has been too long.
@daveriley8307 Жыл бұрын
the amber relics in skyward sword look like the tears
@synergy96 Жыл бұрын
My man said “I’m gonna take a break from content creation until tears of the kingdom comes out” then posts 3 videos in 5 days 😂
@frickinfrick8488 Жыл бұрын
I’m glad Zelda is open to radically changing its formula. I would hate for it to go down the Pokémon route where every game is basically the last with a new map and story and minor adjustments.
@Torianflanagan731 Жыл бұрын
That thumbnail is 🔥.
@swifty3642 Жыл бұрын
I wouldn’t mind a linear game . Especially if it was a ocarina of time remastered
@SN0WS Жыл бұрын
Me who has listened to the trailer soundtrack like a hundred times already Ratatoskr: You need to hear it again Me: Yes 🗿
@corey_clip Жыл бұрын
It will always be too long since I've heard that trailer music
@CloudFiraga Жыл бұрын
Love the final thoughts
@triforceofcountdowns Жыл бұрын
Totally agree about Koizumi!
@Moranen420 Жыл бұрын
Damn you are so right about the song lmao.
@skm83m34 10 ай бұрын
Nothings getting better then majoras mask for me
@ZeroCiero Жыл бұрын
“They call him Ratatoskr sir” Miyamoto looked down his spectacles at the KZfaq channel as a thin smile curled his lips. “Bring him to me alive”
@skycreeper0173 Жыл бұрын
Super awesome video.