What Made The Popular Kid Became Unpopular ?

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What Made The Popular Kid Became Unpopular ?
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Пікірлер: 339
@JackieOwl94 Жыл бұрын
A popular girl started threatening a girl with cancer because she was “ugly” due to her hair falling out. She didn’t believe that she had cancer and pulled off her wig and pulled her purse, spilling out the girl’s chemo medications…She recovered from her leukemia. That was the major one, and she bullied other clubs, mainly the fencing team. You NEVER bothered the fencing team at my school. You’d get hurt real bad if you did. They were the peacekeepers of the school.
@twentyonetortas5921 Жыл бұрын
What happened to her after each incident?
@airam1721 Жыл бұрын
What if some troublemakers fought against the fencing team? This would totally happen in my school because they were putting unecessary pressure on them
@metarcee2483 Жыл бұрын
Why would you harass people with swords? Bunt ones, but still.
@MissCaraMint Жыл бұрын
Why does this sound like the pilot of an anime episode?
@annpagan8245 Жыл бұрын
@hanikazuha Жыл бұрын
Second story, God I freaking hate it. My friend came out to me as a bi. Personally I'm okay with it, but he uses his sexuality as a reason to cheat on his gf. I called him out on this, he got mad and said he can date men and women because he's bi. I was so mad at him I almost punch him square on his nose. Look, idgaf about your sexual/gender preferences, but that's not your vip ticket to cheat. You're an asshole if you do that
@sammyofficial1 Жыл бұрын
This is why I hate lgbtq and all of these dumb sexual/gender preferences. Like sure i don't mind if you like your own gender but using that to cheat is crazy.
@Dreamheart101 Жыл бұрын
Demiromantic Bi here - Any sex with someone other than your partner without your partner's consent is cheating. Doesn't matter if your bi, pan, poly, aro, or any other number of things - entering a relationship and then banging on someone else without your partner's consent is cheating. It's all about consent.
@rioluwu5921 Жыл бұрын
Mhm, especially for poly people. Let your partner(s) know if you want them involved in a relationship, and discuss then whether it’s a good idea or not
@hanikazuha Жыл бұрын
@@Dreamheart101 yes, thanks for saying this. Transparency and consent in a relationship is important, especially for people who attracted to multiple genders/sexuality
@kevanphobic Жыл бұрын
grayaro homosexual here, i hate it when people say “omg so you dont feel romantic attraction?” so i feel you so hard
@BeardedBeerMan Жыл бұрын
Always hated the popular guys at school. Most of the outcasts turned out to be really good people, so I hung out with them. 5 years later and most of the popular guys are complete losers. Its satisfying to know I made something of myself and they didn't.
@Some_Guy6 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. I prefer fun and friends over popular.
@dustorm5012 Жыл бұрын
@@Some_Guy6 same
@stakezen7825 Жыл бұрын
Why do popular kids keep being assholes. Istg at my school the popular kids are really nice (raised money for charity, helped others etc etc,) its just that the outcasts are legit neonazis who keep saying racial slurs
@TheBTGguy Жыл бұрын
A guy wanted to get with this girl but she didn’t want him so he kept trying to date her and it got so bad that her mom tried to get him out of the school. The school expelled him for a while but came back and NOBODY liked him
@Notasimp-if3gs Жыл бұрын
Can you pls tell me what he did for it to became so bad
@noyes7392 Жыл бұрын
the rest of the story was on reddit they said he wrote love letters and sent them to her house and even went up in the auditorium during a school announcement and stole the microphone to tell everyone that he's the one for her
@twentyonetortas5921 Жыл бұрын
Came back? Why tf would they welcome him back?!?
@Notasimp-if3gs Жыл бұрын
@@noyes7392 thanks
@Colewantstotroll_Deluxe Жыл бұрын
Bro is down atrocious
@VanNessy97 Жыл бұрын
As a bisexual woman myself, I believe the concept of respecting boundaries and only getting that intimate under explicit consent is basically ingrained in the queer agenda. If you can't respect boundaries or you try to push yourself on someone without their consent as a queer person, you're no better than the straight people who say they can "fix" you.
@theflaminglitten-fo6jd Жыл бұрын
it's extra important to be that way since the world already sees us as predatory and bad so those kinds of queer people are proving those people right and making life worse for everyone! it's those bad queers that people will point to as examples of why we can't have rights like they do
@-kxtvxbez- Жыл бұрын
@@theflaminglitten-fo6jd EXACTLY!!
@-kxtvxbez- Жыл бұрын
And yeah! I’m bisexual too, and respecting boundaries from either side is necessary and anyone who DOESN’T respect said boundaries or consent in the queer agenda gotta go.
@gamerweebgal Жыл бұрын
Fellow bi woman here, and I completely agree, it's never okay to push yourself onto someone without their consent. Harassment is harassment, regardless of sexuality and gender.
@-kxtvxbez- Жыл бұрын
@@gamerweebgal yep!
@mho2912 Жыл бұрын
There was a kid in 6th grade. Let's call him Zach. Zach was always the popular kid, but he wasn't so smart with his decisions. To get attention, he would bring a bottle of vitamin b supplements to school and sell them. Everyone thought he was cool and we were 6th graders, so info spread like a wildfire. He ended up getting suspended for 1 week and he came back, as if nothing had changed. He was the same for a few weeks, with "minor" incidents. It's not like he lit up a toilet in the bathroom with a lighter and told everybody right? 2 months later... I was in english class, and I heard a scream, so I peeked outside when my teacher wasn't looking (big classroom) and I saw Zach and a teacher outside surrounded by a group of kids. Later, I asked what happened, and apparently, he skipped class, went under a 22 year old teacher's desk and tried to do the deed with her. A 12 year old wanting to do it with a 22 year old teacher. Wow.
@dustorm5012 Жыл бұрын
@hanikazuha Жыл бұрын
Geez, did he get expelled?
@ShantanuSharma04 Жыл бұрын
What the f@#*?!😐
@gardenshed6043 Жыл бұрын
When I was 14 someone in my school killed herself. It then seemed to come out mostly in rumours of some of her supposed friends bullying her. Often the stuff that many would brush off as light banter. But it was enough for these girls to be hated. Whilst nothing could be proved many blamed them for the girls suicide. They all left the school by the end of the year.
@Valast 4 ай бұрын
Once had a suicide in my school aswell. I am happy that the same guys who bullied me in elementary are now in juvie and will stay there until they can be trialed as an adult
@madalheidis Жыл бұрын
I was the popular kid. Or popular toy, really. I spent elementary as the complete nobody, and suddenly, I hit HS and everyone from the next two years above me wanted something to do with me, and it spread to my year as well. I stopped really being popular because the groups that liked to fixate on me simply left, and I was finally happy to get more-or-less peace and quiet, although I will say, after the 6 years of being the outcast, I was still a bit attached to the 4 years of fame.
@DiscoTimelordASD Жыл бұрын
When a 14 year old girl got knocked up by her twin brother. The teachers said we couldn't talk about it "because of their race". She apparently had the baby just fine, but never came back to school. This was 20 years ago.
@jamesbraun9842 Жыл бұрын
Sweet home Alabama
@DiscoTimelordASD Жыл бұрын
@@jamesbraun9842 Nope, Australia.
@dustorm5012 Жыл бұрын
>"because of their race" That's utter bullshit
@jamesbraun9842 Жыл бұрын
@@DiscoTimelordASD Sweet Home Australia
@DiscoTimelordASD Жыл бұрын
@@dustorm5012 100% agreed. Stereotyping and racism against our Indigenous Australian population is still strong in society, but people are more covert with it (except on Australia Day when they can't buy $2 junk with the flag on it that they'll never use again).
@bravewater5737 Жыл бұрын
4:42 Never pick fights with people! At one point, you're going to meet someone who will BEAT THE BREAKS off of you.
@DanandDonna1 Жыл бұрын
High school is not the only place everyone gets bullied.. I work at a grocery store. Do you think there is a "regular" human working there? Nah. Working inside the store is exactly like high school! Cliques, bullies etc. I doesn't change when you hit the work force. The babies (associates), will ALWAYS go crying to mama, (managers). One employee even went inside to complain that I left the broom in the doorway so that she could trip on it. Well, I didn't leave it there and NO ONE believed her when she went in to complain. Such childish behavior. I run a gas station and been there for over a decade. Doesn't matter your age either. I am 70 and still come upon such behavior. Rediculous.
@DraGonXabLe1 Жыл бұрын
And that leads one of my observations that life outside of school is... just a bigger school with things going by a different name! Think about how many things from school are alike to things from outside of school, y'know?
@connorquig8607 Жыл бұрын
A boy who would talk a big game, and was popular because idk why. He was annoying to some people and would tick them off. One time when it was recess (this is middle school) he thought he would try to pick on me, and as everyone was playing gaga ball tried to throw the ball at me, and I luckily dodged it, challenge me to a fight. He was smaller than me, and people already cleared out to make the gaga ball pit a fighting arena. I accepted and started to beat the heck out of him, and put him on the ground then jumped on him (not to hard because I didn’t wanna seriously injure him). The next day he wanted a rematch, and wore cleats to try to kick me with them. I accepted again, and when he tried to kick I just caught the foot, and made him go up against the wall. Then just head locked him, and spun him to the ground. Somehow no one got in trouble because teachers didn’t care, and next year he went online.
@Notasimp-if3gs Жыл бұрын
Lol he deserves it
@rbexcess Жыл бұрын
Bro managed to combine thathappened and iamverybadass at the same time wtf
@Champion_of_Vlaakith Жыл бұрын
@@rbexcess true Chad energy
@rbexcess Жыл бұрын
Forgot to mention IHadAStroke
@LocalBroYT Жыл бұрын
TL,DR: Kid uses cool points to his advantage, gets beaten up two times in a row by a gigachad.
@coloradolove7957 Жыл бұрын
The first story went completely over my head
@turtleburger200 Жыл бұрын
@thechaoticvideogamer Жыл бұрын
All I could understand was Student Union embezzling money and was essentially persona non grata in the eyes of the university. The rest of it is complete word salad.
@ntfoperative9432 Жыл бұрын
He basically started a whole political system, corruption and all
@shady1137 Жыл бұрын
I had transferred to a small school in third grade on the second half of the year. Everyone wanted to be friends with me, but only 1 person caught my eye. I got so insanely bored hanging out with kids my age because im deeply philosophical and have an abstract way of thinking. Only 1 super wierd kid with aspergers could hold a conversation with me about the things I was interested in, but everyone bullied her for being wierd. Once I started really talking to her though we vibed really well and hung out every moment we could get. Because of this everyone stopped talking to me and associated me with her and treating me like garbage. Totally worth it, she is now one of my 2 best friends and also my oldest friend. Absolutely no regrets, couldnt care less about fame anyway.
@cambelmilton2724 Жыл бұрын
As a person on the Spectrum, I can totally relate with your abstract thinking. What I don't get is why bully the person who thinks differently? Is it because they're not "normal". Well, I'll tell them this. Normal is a setting on a washing machine. Everyone's got their schtick, Autistic or not.
@shady1137 Жыл бұрын
@@cambelmilton2724 a lot of people fear what they dont understand, which turns to hate. Thats my theory anyway
@LitFuse230 Жыл бұрын
@@shady1137 Fellow person with autism here. Pardon me for interjecting, but that does seem plausible, as it seems like being scared of the unknown is in our nature, seeing as we don’t know what’s going to happen or how to handle it.
@mikekazz5353 Жыл бұрын
What the hell fighting a special needs kid, what was he planning to achieve no matter if you win or lose the fight you lose either way. If you win congratulations you beat up Billy and now everyone wants to beat you down, if you're losing then you better pray he doesn't have Lenny's strength from of mice and men.
@tanandalynch9441 Жыл бұрын
I'm autistic and was in an IEP program. This was a known fact at my school amongst my peers and I wasn't embarrassed by it. She pushed me down the stairs in front of everyone. She only got suspended for a week but in that week her friends all cut ties for assaulting a special needs kid.
@cjgroves4429 Жыл бұрын
Lucky you, being the only autistic at my school back then, most of the others actively enjoyed targeting me. Learned to fight in high school, and things got better from there.
@erenyeager1660 Жыл бұрын
I have one about myself. I used to be the popular kid. Until people realized the things I did back that. Not too proud of almost all of them. Yet they still mock me for it. It can be depressing when you're trying to change but no one lets you.
@emopolpol5244 Жыл бұрын
there was a guy i use to be friends of who was relatively popular around our school, does football and was a bit of a class clown. Although there wasnt much story as to what happened to his popularity but he was unnecessarily rude, homophobic (despite me and a couple of his friends who were out of the closet by then) and a narcissist. So much so that his reputation of being kind of a jerk finally catched up to him and he started picking and pointing at special needs kids, (who he also had friends who were special needs) and now most of the kids, or if you want to be specific the girls in our grade hated him. It was funny every time he would try to get a girlfriend and if he would get rejected , he would deny any statements suggesting he wanted one. An example being, "she didnt fit in my schedule"
@squirrelmeat7603 Жыл бұрын
Man, he's pathetic. THAT'S WHY HE AIN'T GOT NO MAIDENS
@duck4738 Жыл бұрын
Let me guess, when he was rejected he said "Whatever your ugly anyway"
@dustorm5012 Жыл бұрын
Did he wear a Fedora?
@yuningsun6914 Жыл бұрын
The first story I am very familiar with. The Ram Garesh Scandal. Many of their associates are still members of the students union, and are still doing stuff mentioned in the story.
@eeveechan5537 Жыл бұрын
I was the popular kid(kindergarten-4/5th grade) most people dropped me cause I wanted to hang out with one of the new students since I was much more outgoing back then and talking to people wasn't hard. She is my best friend and has been for 7 years and I would genuinely trust her with my life
@shady1137 Жыл бұрын
Similar story here. I had transferred to a small school in third grade on the second half of the year. Everyone wanted to be friends with me, but only 1 person caught my eye. I got so insanely bored hanging out with kids my age because im deeply philosophical and have an abstract way of thinking. Only 1 super wierd kid with aspergers could hold a conversation with me about the things I was interested in, but everyone bullied her for being wierd. Once I started really talking to her though we vibed really well and hung out every moment we could get. Because of this everyone stopped talking to me and associated me with her and treating me like garbage. Totally worth it, she is now one of my 2 best friends and also my oldest friend.
@eeveechan5537 Жыл бұрын
Philosophy is a interesting thing. Props to you for keeping the friend
@ethankillion786 Жыл бұрын
An evergreen Zombie Joke 2 people are running away from a Zombie when they back themselves into a corner. The Zombie approaches, wanting to eat their brains. 1 of them suddenly has an idea. "Wait, don't eat us! We're \[insert unpopular group members, for example, a political affiliation you hate\]!" The Zombie nods and leaves them alone, as they obviously have no brains.
@rioluwu5921 Жыл бұрын
lmao, me leaving when people want a reaction out of me for something like that ig
@Ibert0318 Жыл бұрын
Oversimplifed: Kid was getting bullied. Told my parent and teacher. Didn't believe. Saw the kid with a bruised arm. Screamed swear words at the teacher because she wouldn't listen to me. She FINALLY watches the CCTV footage of some kids, popular kid was one of them and now he's the well-known bully even though he changed and became my best friend and said sorry to the kid who is also my other friend. Might be asking, where the hell is the person looking at the CCTV footage? Well- they got fired, took about a month to get someone to do the damn thing.
@ianjackson4721 Жыл бұрын
Something about me and some other special needs kids is when someone picks on one of us, the rest of us go and attack that person.
@minimoose3359 Жыл бұрын
I was lucky enough to have the popular kids in my HS years be really genuinely wonderful people. There we're a select couple (1 or 2 at most) that were bad apples.
@oliviahunter2821 Жыл бұрын
Same. I wasn’t a part of their inner circle or anything but I got invited to a couple of those kids’ graduation parties because I knew them from class. They were pretty nice people and we got on fine.
@poppyfairy9559 Жыл бұрын
One chic in my school wasn’t exactly popular, but, because of learning disabilities everyone was friends with her. (She was actually one of my first friends there). She started to date around. Three dudes in this one group. That wasn’t even the reason she became unpopular. She started to get annoying and lied about practically everything. She would keep coming up with these completely fake stories. Like it was so obvious. So me and my friends got rid of her like three times. THREE. Wasn’t even the last. She would just keep guilting us to invite her back in. Eventually she left the group because she was dating the third guy in the friend group I mentioned earlier. She still acted like we were friends. However her lies started to go to far. She said that a really cool guy in the group was trying to as**ult her. Her boyfriend then broke up with her because everyone except her mum knew she was lying. They tried to expel the kid. Lucky all the teachers believed the group of like 12 kids. That made everyone hate her. But for our friend group who she thought were her friends this sadly wasn’t the end of it. Forgot to mention but me and another in our friend group were teacher kids so we had to be careful as to not get in trouble because our parents worked at the school. So she stuck with us and started to pretend like she had a boyfriend who didn’t even exist. But, seeing through her lies whenever she would say anything not even having to do about the boyfriend I would question her. And of course she would always contradicted herself or just say things that were illegal like her boyfriend would drive alone at the age of 16 without an adult. Which was illegal no matter if he was on his L’s or not because on your L’s you need a opens driver with you. So we go rid of her again for the 4th time. Still. Not. The. Last... It wasn’t the last because a week later I got a phone call from her. I picked up annoyed thinking it was her. However it was her mum. She started to blackmail me into getting my friend group and me into being friends with her again. Wonderful. Scared of course being in like seventh grade I complied. We eventually got rid of her for the last time with one more attempt from her to try to get back in which failed. Everyone blocked her.
@dashie-nyan Жыл бұрын
Normally, people have a 3 strikes rule. But this girl, forgive my bad language... . . . . She could be standing on the side of the street naked like a w***e and nobody would want to bring her around or even giving her a piece of rag
@sonerec725 Жыл бұрын
I went to a christian private school my first 2 years of highschool. Me and my friend quickly became the targets of bullying by the star athlete of the football team that was also the coaches son. Dude was a built, blonde hair blue eyed good looking guy who drew in all the girls of the school and acted like a total douche, but not enough that his actions couldn't be hand waved by the principal and teachers. One year during a game he tore his ACL and couldnt play for like a year and went around school in crutches. During this time he couldnt play his friends abandoned him and he actually mellowed out alot and we sorta became friends. Seemed like he was a nice dude and even apologized a bit for some of the stuff he did. Really thought he turned around but when he healed and could play again he went right back to the douchbag bully he was. . . That hurt . . .
@jacalynnepuder1172 Жыл бұрын
Well, at least that last story had a good character development moment in there, hopefully the ex bully found better people to hang with
@verosikamayday6284 Жыл бұрын
One kid in my middle school was pretty popular, not because he was of one of the sports teams, but because he went to incredibly desperate to get attention. For example, one day were doing slide presentations on celebrities that we look up to, it happened that he looked up to Lawrence Russell Brewer (white supremacist and murderer). He was asked to go to the principals office but faced no punishment. In history when we were watching a Holocaust documentary, he stood up in the middle of the movie and said "bullshit, it didn't happen!" This time he did get a punishment in the form of in school suspension. At 8th grade graduation that took place at a small stadium where my local minor league baseball team played, when his name was called he ran up to the microphone and said stuff like "The holocaust never happened, Bush planned 9/11" etc. Needless to say the entire stadium was shocked. His punishment? He was forced to hand back his diploma and therefore didn't graduate and had to repeat 8th grade. Needless to say not even the teachers called on him to answer a question even if he knew it. He has since cleaned up and now works as a merch salesman at an arena that I saw Iron Maiden at.
@Morgan-Bunny Жыл бұрын
This one is a better one than the others, popularity at all my schools was based on me being bullied, whoever bullied me was cool, I don’t know why it was specifically targeting me maybe it was me being an easy target with me, having a bad home life as well as health issues there was this one girl who was really nice. She never personally did anything to me, but she would help get the bullies out of trouble he eventually realized, as we got older how bad they really were and how bad what they were doing to me was so she immediately dropped all of them. We recently reconnected, and we are friends. She almost broke down, crying and apologizing to me, and wishing she could’ve done more to protect me and stop them as she slowly realized how badly everything they were doing was affecting me I told her it wasn’t her fault, and I never hated her or blamed her for what happened as she was always there when I needed her even if she had to hide that from her friends
@Rylosalex Жыл бұрын
I half expected "The popular kid not only lost all of his influence, he also lost most of his teeth."
@crystalmorgan8039 Жыл бұрын
I don't know, it hits different when you hear a story about a teenage girl getting pregnant and everyone turns against the guy. You hear so many stories of everyone turning against the girl and the guy gets to slip away little to no consequences
@targaryenxmandi Жыл бұрын
I know I was once friends with a popular girl from 1999-2004. She was a cheerleader type and also changed completely when she came her freshman year while I was a sophomore. She's a year younger than me and I know that's when she became distant from me and given I have a learning disability, she didn't want to be seen near me. Fast forward to 2008, me and her went out for lunch as friends but after she let me use her cellphone, she took it and rubbed the screen part on her pants hoping I didn't see it. I saw it. I remember she once bragged she would get pregnant before I did and she's expecting kid #3 but there's no father figure. I broke ties with her as I couldn't deal with her behavior anymore and she treated me differently because I was special needs. But the folks I known since I first moved to the state I'm in now see me as a regular person. There's things this person did that can be forgiven, but I won't forget how she acted when she hung out with me.
@YesTodaySatan69 Жыл бұрын
It was me back in elementary school. Lol. It’s stupid looking back now. I was super outgoing as a young child, before I developed social anxiety, and I spoke to literally everyone. At some point, a popular clic started to form and they wanted me in it. I was like “cool” because I was already friends with everyone, but when I wanted my childhood best friend to join the group too, they said she couldn’t because of some dumb reason or another. I remember shrugging, going “okay”, then running off to play with my best friend. That group hated me after that, even until I moved away at 15, bullying me pretty bad at times. They were straight up angry at me for literally picking my best friend over people I wasn’t as close with for years. Bizarre looking back on it.
@pedrotbird5426 Жыл бұрын
I was never popular at school. Watching this is pretty cathartic.
@dustorm5012 Жыл бұрын
That last one was pretty wholesome.
@blackhoodie1132 Жыл бұрын
That last one was kinda sweet. He listened to his gf and they were both happy!
@DeRez19 Жыл бұрын
When I was 13 or 14, I decided to take fencing lessons. After my first week, some popular yet nutty kid got a gang and they started bullying me. I remember getting mad at them for hitting me so I hit them back (not as hard but as a warning). Of course THAT'S when the instructor turns around and then I get punished. A few days later, the lead bully started picking on me again, so I challenged him to a fencing match. Absolutely destroyed him 5-1. Get this, I was still the new kid and he's been there for almost a year. It was so embarrassing that he and his whole gang didn't show up to classes anymore. Got a LOT of respect after that. Nobody messed with me and I got friends :)
@danielboudreau8404 Жыл бұрын
"I don't much care for violence..." (shoots zombies)
@Spoonful_of_ink Жыл бұрын
Ooooo I actually have a story. So I’m in high school. Im relatively popular because I get along with everyone and I’m respectful of them. I feel like it’s pretty much the bare minimum in human interaction. Anyway, Sophomore year, my best friend was super popular because she was really nice and ridiculously smart. Unfortunately, her mental health (and physical health because of it) was in a horrible spot. I suggested she break up with her toxic boyfriend and stop getting drunk all the time. Apparently, she took that as some sort of personal offense that I’d even consider worrying abt her health when “mine was so much worse than her’s was” and I had “no right to tell her that what she was doing with her life was wrong”. Anyway, she decided to try to completely ruin my life by spreading completely false rumors about me saying I was a pr*stitute, got with some girl’s boyfriend bc I didn’t like her, and was an all around bully. I mentioned to my close knit group of friends what she was doing and, being in a small school, it spread like wildfire. She then tried to talk shit about me to my own boyfriend AND my mother, and told my boyfriend that she was going to tell the principal that I was “s*cking off guys in the bathroom” which wasn’t at all true. I told the principal what she had planned. She wasn’t expelled OR suspended for it, but no one talked to her for the rest of the year. She didn’t even last a week into getting at it with me before it all came crashing down. (For the record, since someone’s gonna ask, I didn’t say a single untrue or bad thing about her to anyone there so I wasn’t seen on the same level as her.) At some point, she came up to me and said she didn’t want to have conflict anymore, and insulted me for “making her do this”. She thought she was hot shit and had major main-character syndrome and it was absolutely pathetic and hilarious. She ended up getting expelled right before exams for mouthing off to the principal and spreading rumors that the school was 6mil in debt. Sweet karmic justice.
@avery_is_here9054 Жыл бұрын
Popular kid (sorta, everyone knew him but not everyone liked him. Although a lot did) Stole my phone, bullied me, bullied a lot of female students and teachers, tried hitting on me when the science teacher tried to put us together (refused and sat at a table by myself, I was happy) and he only stopped after he found out my mother was the one to call the police on him for theft and that we would do it again if we had to. His mother was also a psycho. Never met her but he talked about how he got detention (haha, oopies?) and his mother yelled and threatened the principal. You don't do that. Our principal is cold. Not to kids but if he has to be, you won't see tomorrow.
@jeffreysandau2084 Жыл бұрын
Pan and proud! I've always hated when people use their sexuality as an excuse for gross behavior. I know my comment is almost word for word as the narrator but he put that so well imo
@weirdredpanda Жыл бұрын
Not pan, but agree about the rest. I took great offense to when Kevin Spacey came out after it was revealed about what he did to a minor. His excuse was he's gay, which implied that all gays do it. No sir, they do not; you are a pedophile.
@justajevil Жыл бұрын
i love how every new video is just releasing new info about the mainly facts guy, like i never couldve guessed he was pan and it makes him feel more human
@dashie-nyan Жыл бұрын
The Drill Sargent video is how I found them . . . . I still love how they told their story about IC2 Titze and Seaman Swallow XD
@paulineconroy9589 Жыл бұрын
This is My "Fall From Grace" story. I wasn't "The" "popular kid" In primary school, but, I was friends with alot of people and A couple of Months ago one of The kids from My primary school said to Me and I quote "You used to be cool back In primary school" so I guess I was A popular kid. Then High school (we call it secondary school In Ireland) came. I developed cynical Attitude, was sexist and sucked up To Right wing Internet Figures and called Myself names like "Alt Right", "Far Right", "Neo Nazi" And "Right wing", even though I didn't even knew what they meant, would go home, watch commentary channels (AugieRFC, Bowblax, keemstar, LeafyIsHere, NicholasDeorio etc) and/or play Minecraft. I eventually stopped being sexist because not only did I not even believe what I was saying, but, what I was saying was just fucked up. Back In primary school we would talk about sex and one of My Friends back then says "You need to be as funny as possible" and I thought "hey, why not just say A Bunch of Gay shit". Then I "came out" As Gay and everyone clapped. Back To secondary school, I began having this false Belief that I was Gay. The More and more time I had off school (Holidays) was when I began to feel that I should associate with My piers more. At The End of 1st Year I felt really Guilty because I could've had good relations with My piers. That's what started My Depression. I'm not even going to talk about 2nd Year (as I'm writing this it's The 7th of May 2023 so I'm at The End) but, what I will say is that it is The Most Depressing Experience of My Life.
@kdvideoproductions2904 Жыл бұрын
in eighth grade i was bullied near the start of the school year. I ran down the back hallway and got tripped by a couple of bullies and they laughed. I was pissed off and beat them both up. Broke my wrist in the process. For the rest of the year i was popular among everyone in the school for the rest of the year. When i went to High School i lost the popularity, but was never picked on again. So popular for awhile? Yes. Got revenge on the bullies? yes.
@jeanettemorgan0913 Жыл бұрын
When my son was in high school the popular kid at his school one day broke through the window on the roof to P.E. with a gun (he didn't tell me what gun) and started throwing a rave threated to shoot the teacher if they tried to stop him he ended up shooting a teacher because he said they were ugly.He was never heard of again, that teacher he shot died and was known for throwing parties for kids who behaved and did good things of course after the news was told to everyone people hated him a ton.
@carman4096 Жыл бұрын
i dont think i can stop paying attention to the l4d2 gameplay
@frenchempire9471 Жыл бұрын
Same here
@thefastcommenter7774 Жыл бұрын
it’s a Roblox game, right?
@thepeskyone Жыл бұрын
@@thefastcommenter7774 yes
@professionalthegamer7672 Жыл бұрын
@@thefastcommenter7774 duh
@thefastcommenter7774 Жыл бұрын
@@professionalthegamer7672 Alright jeez
@GiordanDiodato Жыл бұрын
Judge: Life in pri- Kid: *has a lot of money* Judge: Oh sorry, I mean 3 months probation. seriously our justice department has no justice. just money
@tylerhouston31 Жыл бұрын
Ok, that one story is exactly what I said on the things guys fear video. We will be blamed for something based only on the fact we are guys.
@luffydpirate9518 Жыл бұрын
Story 7 6:22
@soaringsquid0.129 Жыл бұрын
Guys are stereotyped as being aggressive sex crazed bastards
@kristinkernsnider1479 Жыл бұрын
If I was at the guys school in story 15 I would do this I would wait for the teacher to leave, stand up, and give a full blown speech about how we will deal with the school’s punishment for the kid who beat up the other kid which was no punishment because he was rich I hope that that rich kid got life figured out
@mrroboshadow Жыл бұрын
I had a best friend like that, they didn't claim i injured them or anything (school had cameras so they couldn't anyways) but i did find out they spread nasty rumors about me We weren't even popular, we were nerds But i guess they didn't like i was nerdier than them and they wanted to be top nerd Sometimes your "best friend" is just someone who is jealous enough to do anything to replace you
@mogusisfunny 6 ай бұрын
We're lucky to have such a nice popular kid.
@smokernoker Жыл бұрын
A guy from the popular kids group in another class back in highschool sold drugs, got caught and asked basically everyone that was friends with him for bail money. They called him and idiot for still playing the game and never came in contact with him ever again, to this day I've never heard anyone mention his name
@titan133760 Жыл бұрын
I did not expect the first story to go on like that
@violacadbury8343 4 ай бұрын
Story 6 is one of the few scenarios where zero-tolerance actually came through.
@hedgehogpower194 Жыл бұрын
I honestly can't believe the story 7 is real If his friend was really trying to make everyone believe that he make her lose movility, there wasn't supossed to be a trial? A sue? Her parents trying to ruin this guy's life for ruin her daughter's one? What the hell
@puppyhowler Жыл бұрын
not exactly the "popular" kid but she was the new kid in elementary school, in my school we were pretty welcoming towards new kids so you may as well call them popular, at least for a short while. kids were getting to know miss new kid but quickly started to dislike her. She was the kind of kid who would throw a fit over not getting her way. she would throw a fit over getting questions wrong, getting out in games, or being it in games, if it was something she didn't want, she'd cry over it. and that annoyed everyone. i was the only kid willing to hang out with her. then comes middle school. people still didn't like her because she started using people to get free ice cream sandwiches during lunch period (if memory serves she would always use being poor as an excuse) as well as the reasons mentioned earlier. again, I was the only kid willing to hang out with her until she made the mistake of body shaming my best friend during gym. I screamed at her and refused to speak to her after that. She lost her only friend all because she wanted to be petty. took a long time for her to actually change her attitude and actually start making friends.
@simsgirlgem Жыл бұрын
Of course anime fans will believe you we’ve watched enough anime to know betrayal
@mariosin3256 Жыл бұрын
I like how we ended with a wholesome story
@josefineandersen2165 Жыл бұрын
I was a popular kid, not a bully just popular on a private school. then I moved to a community school, and I instantly was unpopular, I got bullied a lot, please note non of it was anything I did, they just decide they didn't like me from the start.
@toddphillips7113 Жыл бұрын
in the 1990's from 1996 to 2002 from when i 6 to when i was 13,i was all that popular and then in 2003 when i was 13 and year after that 2004 when i was 14 thats when i got popular all because i swapped schools,everybody loved me.
I'm one of the popular kids in my school but I'm getting unpopular slowly because I lack social skills and don't play sports 😶 .
@katiekottman95 Жыл бұрын
I went to a small school so I didnt have to deal with any of this in both grade school or high school. Im not kidding by saying it was small, my class size senior year was 38 kids. Makes me appreciate how lucky I was to go to the school I did.
@heta_luna5887 2 ай бұрын
Popular girl (16) thought she had enough of a cult following amongst the other girls (13-14) that she could stand in front of me (14) in the girls locker rooms at PE and tell ME that I was weird and didnt fit and how I pssibly couldnt see that. To explain the age gap, she had to repeat that grade twice, yet has the nerve to tell me I didnt fit? After that, many girls came to me, telling me how strong I was for keeping my mouth shut through it all. I was bullied before so I was used to it and knew how to handle myself.
@queenrhubarb1676 Жыл бұрын
There wasn’t really anyone that was popular in my high school years the guys who thought they were popular would always have the stupid fashion trend of having their pants so low that it reached their knees and you could see their boxers. No one except them thought it was cool.
@d_man7x380 Жыл бұрын
There an extreme different between Popularity and Power. Throw out the 4 years of highschool there was a herpes outbreak and most of the popular kid had it. Beginning of Jr year the popular kids with herpes got this other very popular jr guy kicked out for fight pertaining that he was responsible for the herpes outbreak when this same kids was passing herpes around to the other kids We would literally catch them in the act kissing, smoking, sharing flowed and even having sex. Even the teachers would catch them. Middle of Jr year everyone medical history was compromised from if you went to hospital the other day to your medication to if you was circumcised, roe v. wade step aside we even knew who had an abortion. If you was popular and/or not well loved your medicine history would have been plastered and some of them had worster thing then herpes. Not only school knew but the hole county knew and if they didn't switch counties, just didn't go, or they got kicked out for meticulous reasons there names was slandered. The school was never sued and they never know who did leck the medical records and no suicides but there was threats. The very popular guy came back and took the gradation test stayed senior year with close eyes on him and graduated. He still having sex but he was always well liked, way before the herpes sandal of 2011-13. Ps. There is a stigma for a fucking reason don't fall for it. It's not like they wanted herpes in the first place.
@connorwebb9763 Жыл бұрын
I died when the dude read out “he started fighting the emts when they avirved
@andrewlanglois6362 Жыл бұрын
11:04 I'm subscribed to Midwest Accountability and his other, Callahan's Crossroads Saloon, Regan Benson, Denver Metro Audits, and Accountability for All. Leroy Truth Investigations is helping him out right now, and what you just said, I agree would make me tired as well.
@joseangames7154 Жыл бұрын
I Love Your Videos
@JP-jd8wr Жыл бұрын
Lmaooooo at story #5
@siderods Жыл бұрын
Shoutouts to nick, rochelle, and especially boog.
@johnnymcneal5914 Жыл бұрын
I had a similar situation happened to me to not exactly like the one you had but I was accused of trashing the breakroom at work try to make Miss I'm supposedly made told her that's a pretty great trick since I've been in the hospital for the last six or seven days
@petertran9416 9 күн бұрын
SpongeBob is an example, because in modern days it’s becoming a husk of its former self.
@guardianboreal1432 Жыл бұрын
Ok that story was cute, kupo.
@dizzyjoemamalol Жыл бұрын
Kid I was actually friends with at one point was caught smoking weed! Got sent to an alternate school and we haven't seem him since. I still talk to him and he is doing good
@juiciestlemonadeofyoutube 4 ай бұрын
popular kids when they realize being able to throw a ball far doesn’t get them an education:
@lilithhecataniangoddessesm187 Жыл бұрын
Actually she was known before I even went to the same University, cause she’s always been the University’s model, so I’d see her on their University commercial posters a lot and their website, I’ve also seen her in makeup and skin care commercials. The time I came in, she’s no longer around, I assumed she either graduated or transferred somewhere else, not until it was rumored that she committed suicide after she loss most of her friends, they also mentioned that before her last days, she’s seen alone a lot getting left out and whispered by everywhere she went, when someone else messed up with her reputation where everyone believed in the lies told about her, the only time the liar admitted that she lied all along was after the model committed suicide, they even got in trouble for spreading about her suicidal for the reason the parents din’t wanted it broadcasted all over social media, they wanted things peaceful for their daughter’s soul, so to keep her privacy steel, I’ll never tell or reveal her name, I’m sorry, I respect her even as a stranger. The one who admitted about her lies was later arrested for causing her victim suicide.
@billyjoe9714 Жыл бұрын
@Rapscallion2009 Жыл бұрын
14:20 he hasn't seen Carrie.....
@Chibi_Mercury Жыл бұрын
people be having high school parties. oklahoma SUCKS. never had a house party even mentioned. never had the experience of one
@semi-san1736 Жыл бұрын
Damn the rich fricks getting away with it. It's NOT okay in politics, it's NOT okay in business, it's NOT okay in school or anywhere!
@kerrbear1980 Жыл бұрын
1st one was Ryerson U in Toronto. Didnt know the specifics tho
@chloethemetalartist4 Жыл бұрын
5:14 I'm autistic an it's pretty hilarious when a special needs person proves that they are smarter or even stronger then nerotypcal people
@Galvatronus2023 Жыл бұрын
14:54 80% of the population has Quirks while the other 20% is Quirkless
@seancullin9440 Жыл бұрын
As the popular kid of the school I go to, I approve of this.
@ghostbirdlary Жыл бұрын
rich parents dont always get time taken off for people who do crimes. living in california means commiting crimes gives you the minimum sentence and a pat on the back and a good job
@animetalk8132 Жыл бұрын
S6 or S7 one of those moral of the story was anime club got ppl back
@manicflying1289 Жыл бұрын
first thing I noticed was boog's avatar
@JensMorrison Жыл бұрын
"Don't mock those who are different, just because you don't understand them." You don't understand the rich kid. lol
@gamershadow8 Жыл бұрын
story 15 REALLY pissed me off. op of that story didn't deserve any of that.
@sergeantwasp6018 Жыл бұрын
12:32 Roses are red Cacti are prickly Holy crap that escalated quickly
@Creampuffization Жыл бұрын
There is a very fine line between you have money and your parents have money. My parents have money. I, myself, am broke as a joke and twice as funny.
@Twist-The-Friendly-Hunter Жыл бұрын
"As a pan" Do you prefer stick or non stick?
@colestock9980 10 ай бұрын
Just because i’m gay does not mean i’ll get cuddly with every guy i meet 🤣 we still have our preferences and (dare i say) standards. The excuse of “oh i’m [insert sexuality] does not give one the excuse to get all touchy-feely with people who dont know/dont like and dont consent to
@antithoughtpolice7497 Жыл бұрын
He might of mentioned she's Asian, adding to uncle's scams, parents blaming the scam on her whole race, as some dumbasses do.
@rodrigocoockiemonster4460 Жыл бұрын
There was this girl, she was pretty and popular, your average "grouo lider" until the day she said she was in love with the English teacher and that she had wrote poetry for him. He was 46 while she was 16. Messed up shit
@itjustslowsyouraimabit3874 Жыл бұрын
Bro this sounds like my school
@playernotfound9489 Жыл бұрын
9:22 if they made fun of him , Why are people mad at kid assaulters when they're not good.
@uncle-bin1750 Жыл бұрын
#19 sure has a bright future if lives in the usa and attaches the "R" to his name.
@byrontheusurper6505 Жыл бұрын
I was never too popular but I got fucked over pretty hard by what I thought was a friend pretty hard all throughout the later like 6 years of school because she'd tell ppl shit I said and did as a stupid kid with no Filter to anyone who'd listen. Detered a ton of people from becoming friends with me, as told by someone who would later become my friends. I thought she stopped but then my best friend who I only know from the last 3 years statted bringing up that shit and I blew up, although I had to retract it. Worst thing: I now have a thing for female bullies... fuck...
@theoriginalbeanboy Жыл бұрын
So i checked, vehicular homicide wile intoxicated is 10 years to life, 10k fine, license suspension upon release then add on the assault making it another 5 or 10 years... so he should have had anywhere from 15 to life, and he got 2 years. being rich means no consequence.
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