What makes a game 'Pay to Win'?

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Josh Strife Hayes

Josh Strife Hayes

2 жыл бұрын

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What is 'Pay to Win'?
When does a game become pay to win?
If you can get an item in game, or buy it, is it still pay to win?
It's a complex situation, and when a game becomes 'pay to win' is really dependant on the individual player.
Thanks to the Patreon supporters and Twitch subs for keeping the channel alive.

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@HeavyMetalMouse 2 жыл бұрын
There is an interesting assumption baked into the balancing act of the Pay 2 Win calculation... that is, that the 'grind time' is not otherwise valuable *except* to acquire the desirable goal-state (item, achievement, etc). If you are in a game, and you are seriously considering whether *not needing to play the game* for some amount of time has a monetary benefit to you, that heavily implies that that time playing the game would otherwise have *no value* of its own, except for the goal-state within the game. A goal-state that, in the Cash-Shop example, you are primed to associated with a real world value, even though its value is *entirely within the virtual world, and also subjective as a result*. In my opinion, if a game has come to the point where you are considering spending money to play less of the game, then *not playing the game* has become more valuable than actually *playing the game*, the thing we ostensibly do for FUN, in and of itself. The most profitable decision, it seems at that point, is to spend no money, and not play the game at all - I can 'not play the game' for theoretically infinite time at no monetary cost, after all, making that the best money and time for value. Remember getting excited to buy an expansion pack to a game you loved, because it meant you got *more game to play*? You paid money to be able to *play more fun game*. Somehow, we've reached a place where we're being asked to pay money to *play less game*, and being convinced that we're getting a good deal in the process... but that can only be a good deal if the game we're playing less of *wasn't fun to play*. In which case... why are we playing? When a game tries to sell you 'advantages' that 'save time' for real world money, they're saying, explicitly, "We think our gameplay isn't valuable, so we're giving you the ability to pay money to skip it."
@MagicGonads 2 жыл бұрын
Salient take
@juliocezar2002 2 жыл бұрын
@byakumaruZ 2 жыл бұрын
Nice. We've gone so far into the deep end of 'pay2skip' that we rarely ever consider whether the gameplay itself has any intrinsic value anymore.
@BlazeMakesGames 2 жыл бұрын
This exactly. Even if what you're paying for is only a slight advantage or whatever, the developers are directly implying that their default game is flawed and worth fixing by paying for these advantages. If they truly wanted to offer the player the best experience, then they could just change the default way the game worked to the new paid for one that supposedly fixes it. But no, the fact that they're selling any kind of advantage for a fraction of the playerbase to use, implies that the game is purposefully designed to be subpar or worth changing in some way. You shouldn't feel good about getting to skip parts of the game, even if you're trying to skip "to the good part" of the game, because again, that means that at best, the earlier parts of the game are purposefully designed to be bad. Which shouldn't be supported by giving the devs money as a reward for doing so. That means you're explicitly paying more money for a bad game.
@MaDJaMXIII 2 жыл бұрын
When a game tries to sell you 'advantages' that 'save time' for real world money, they're saying, explicitly, "We think our gameplay isn't valuable, so we're giving you the ability to pay money to skip it." Would it be possible that the message the game's company is saying is that: "I understand that you weren't playing the game when the previous expansions / patches released. (Read: You weren't paying to maintain the game.) Rest assure that our company did all they could to maintain the quality of the game during your absence. Now, you want to play our valuable game at your own pace, which is a fast pace. To catch up with your friends I presume. We are welcoming you back and we're giving you the ability to skip the expansions you didn't buy by inviting you to pay a one-time fees to skip it. Our company thanks you for financial contribution. (Read: You want to play again, pay for previous game maintenance cost.) Have fun.! (Read: So we can still keep the game running.)
@bolo2747 2 жыл бұрын
josh should start a new series where he interviews whales of different MMOs
@humbertoquadros9384 2 жыл бұрын
What's a whale?
@gamelanwanderer7072 2 жыл бұрын
@@humbertoquadros9384 people who spend a lot of money in mmos
@Dioptase26 2 жыл бұрын
Or whales of mobile games
@marcrisa6352 2 жыл бұрын
Hell yes
@yorulaney8563 2 жыл бұрын
Or store mount andys
@bardofhighrenown 2 жыл бұрын
I have never understood wanting to pay money to play less of a game that you enjoy. If the 'grind' of playing a game isn't fun, you should not be questioning if it's pay to win, but instead questioning why you are playing a game you don't find fun.
@yuumimain2051 2 жыл бұрын
Devs usually place pay walls to incentivize paying for it so you get to the ''fun part'' of the grind/farm faster more efficient and with a better gameplay, so in a sense the p2w/p2savetime is used sometimes by devs so you working for 3 hours at any minimum wage job is more ''progress'' than 40 hours of grind, making it so you are 1-prone to swipe or 2-accept you are going to be behind those f2p walls. Its what Blizzard has done in card games/Hearthstone for years, hundreds of thousands still play/pay hundreds for cards every 3 months, you are better off cleaning dishes for 8 hours than play the game for 10 days f2p 8 hours+ a day. Let alone what mmos can do with gear/progress, ''promoting'' you to pay because they place pay walls and once you are past those walls you can make 20-30% faster grind and then they repeat that for each gear tier/so the grind becomes exponentially more incentivized to pay over playing because its just too much time efficient to do so. Thats why people often call paying what you can also earn by playing p2w, because you can design that to be p2w also/devs intentionally slow the grind down so you won't reach the latest gear before new gear/content comes out and then you're back to 0% faster grind compared to spenders skipping right to 50%+ faster, more efficient, more profitable and better looking gameplay. I learned to just choose a game that has those p2w systems where you ''can'' get everything by farming and to stop worrying about where swipers are, as long as I enjoy the game/progress at a steady rate I don't mind anymore if others are way more ahead than I am just because I prioritize content/combat/graphics over the grind, the grind is secondary if the game looks like a 90's game, feels awful in combat and has low quality content, I wouldn't have fun grinding in the first place.
@Qazqi 2 жыл бұрын
Because games have more than one thing to do in them. If someone finds activity A unfun and activity B fun, but A either helps B or is a prerequisite to B, then they might gladly pay to skip A and enjoy their time doing B. Classic example, some people don't care about the story or low-level gameplay of FF14 at all, and they have the option to pay a couple months of sub fee to skip it up until the current expansion. Far less time investment to get into the game and they can do what they find infinitely more fun. Meanwhile, lots of other people do enjoy the story and consider that one of the main draws to the game. The story of the game is certainly a long grind whether you enjoy it or not, and it unlocks almost the entire rest of the game as you go. It's not surprising to think that someone would enjoy the rest of the game, but find the story grind unfun.
@Laezar1 2 жыл бұрын
@@yuumimain2051 But then there is a trick, if an unfun part of the game is added as a way to access the fun content and you can choose to do that or to pay to have fun, then you aren't obtaining these items "in game". You're effectively playing another game that is actually work performed for the developper. That work consist of advertising the game to yourself (by grinding in game you are keeping the game fresh in your mind, keeping the brand fresh, so it's always on your mind), aswell as providing animation to the server (since dead games with no players are less attractive than games with a world that feels alive). Except you aren't paid actual money for that job you're doing, you're paid in a currency that can only be spent at your workplace. (this is actually a trick that was used in the 19th century in coal mines and has been outlawed since, except it works here cause the work is not officially work). And you're obviously being paid much less than an actual job equivalent. You're spendiing hours doing that and only getting an item that actually doesn't have the value the game attributes to it but even if it did the time you spend to get it would probably be something like the equivalent of getting paid 1$ an hour or lower. Again if this was classified as the actual work it is it would be illegal in most countries. So yeah, if you actually look deeper into it viewing that grind that people are ready to skip as actual work performed then you realize how awful those business practices are.
@dracoslayer16 2 жыл бұрын
Couldn't agree more. If an aspect of a game is not fun, then why are you doing it? So many people these days "play" games in a trance and just grind and grind without stopping to think what they are actually doing, even when it's boring. It's pretty easy to spot when people take a break from a game, look back, and decide not to go back.
@gdx1037 2 жыл бұрын
There's been plenty of moments in MMOs where they add these shitty feature creep systems that are horrible to play, yet hide a reward that's actually fun and you get to use in all the parts that are actually fun. I've bought so many Warframes that are locked behind awful parts that you have to grind for days, maybe even weeks if you're unlucky. Not to mention a lot of the early content in MMOs is just straight bad. How many times have you heard "it gets better, just wait"? MMOs tend to lock the fun, challenging, involving content at end game. For example, I didn't enjoy FFXIV until Heavensward, I would've quit if it weren't for social pressure from my friends and I imagine many players have been put in the exact same situation for different games. Only MMO I haven't had this issue with is Guild Wars 2, mainly because I played it solo... which I was then punished for by locking me out of story content, which funnily enough, I could probably juuuust be able to do if I grind out an alt... or I could just buy a boost. MMOs are literally full of these traps.
@r31n0ut 2 жыл бұрын
something I think you should mention is that when grinding for something, the devs determine how long it takes you to get it. If the devs had infinite money and were only focused on making the best game, they would set the time needed to achieve a goal at X hours, for the most fun and feeling of achievement. If they make X much smaller it will be too easy, like playing with cheats. If they make X longer, it will be a grind. The game will start to drag and it won't be fun anymore. If they then offer to sell you the item instead, or if they offer to sell you a booster to gain more xp or money while playing, they are then very strongly incentivized to increase X, so that you will be more tempted too buy the item or the booster. So even if it is not strictly 'pay to win', cash shops give the developers a really strong motivation to INTENTIONALLY MAKE THE GAME WORSE!
@creativedesignation7880 2 жыл бұрын
Josh decided this was a good occasion to casually flex with 28 mugs and I can respect that.
@9000Dogs 2 жыл бұрын
How else will you consume 28 cups worth of tea/coffee/gfuel without reusing the cup and feeling gross?🗿
@Zhortac 2 жыл бұрын
Mug to Win
@sasusuvisaari7320 2 жыл бұрын
2nd monitor content i didnt notice heh
@TheDevilsGreatestTrick 2 жыл бұрын
I'm kinda wondering if fans sent him mugs for the hell of it/to be featured at this point. ...Otherwise, this mug's givin' me Novac vibes...
@FlickTakFlakAttack 2 жыл бұрын
If the thumbnail of Josh's video is him holding a pixelated cup, I would click the video just to see what mug he's holding
@f0rth3l0v30fchr15t 2 жыл бұрын
When I was a student, I used to price things in terms of how many pints I could buy instead. There's a reason I don't have a great degree.
@shadeout395 2 жыл бұрын
Boxes of instant noodles for me
@1IGG 2 жыл бұрын
Döner Kebab Index for me.
@cobra_commander2255 2 жыл бұрын
One important thing to remember: The creators of a game do not want you to earn it for free. They want you to pay, and they control the game. The house always wins.
@navins11 2 жыл бұрын
Not completely correct. While they want you to pay, they also want you to play(earn it for free). because if there are no players, no1 wants to buy anything.
@legacymse7095 2 жыл бұрын
They control it, but they have to be moderate, otherwise the playerbase will quit because it’s not worth your time or money
@popsicleman8816 2 жыл бұрын
At the same time, they're okay with at least some percentage of players earning it for free. Not only does that help validate them, but it also keeps the playerbase more active and the community more alive. In fact, if they make it too obvious that they want you to pay instead of earning it like with star wars battlefront fiasco, it just causes players to resent and avoid the game. The house always wins either way.
@darkskysz2102 2 жыл бұрын
House always win? There is a lot of 'big games' that shut down because people left.
@DZ-X3 Жыл бұрын
@@darkskysz2102 If you walk out of the casino, you're not playing the games in which the house always wins. Which doesn't change the winner of those games.
@BlueDragonGalaxy Жыл бұрын
I have become **incredibly** suspicious of games nowadays because so many of them are just so disrespectful to its playerbase, seeing actual people as nothing more than walking wallets to socially engineer into willingly letting themselves be robbed. I remember coming across a video long ago, my memory is not that great so it may have actually been another one of your videos but while I don't remember the video itself I do remember a valuable lesson from it that I keep in mind to this day: Your time is valuable, don't waste it. Considering I'm so busy nowadays, I'm glad I learned that lesson then instead of learning it too late.
@smallbutdeadly931 2 жыл бұрын
Every time Josh drops a video like this, its about something I either don't have the patience to explain but really want to, or something I wanna explain but can't find the right words.
@tineye5100 2 жыл бұрын
@BaxiTube while I play and enjoy PoE, and have for hundreds of hours, stash tabs aren’t guiltless in the P2W argument. There’s definitely a difference in your experience If you do or do not have them. That said, PoE feels fair because I know I’ve got my moneys worth.
@zealous404 2 жыл бұрын
And I'm glad he did - Josh is a rare youtuber that actually presents and articulates his thoughts into words properly; these discussion videos are always great to listen to
@byakumaruZ 2 жыл бұрын
@@tineye5100 stash tabs are such huge QoL improvements that they affect gameplay by letting you farm currency faster and spend less time managing your stash. I feel like it does have a P2W air to it.
@thesquid8823 2 жыл бұрын
LOL So true, Legitimately typed out half a book and then just deleted it and went NOPE this is not the right words. This is the shortened version which people may or may not agree with which is fine.
@zedrico8577 2 жыл бұрын
OMG story of my life! Well put! Im glad you found the words :P
@txag98 2 жыл бұрын
JSH: What does "Pay to Win" really mean? Gamigo: Yes
@hugmonger 2 жыл бұрын
wait.... i just realized his initials still almost spell out "Josh"
@JC-zx5li 2 жыл бұрын
@@hugmonger honorary middle name josh "oracle" strife hayes?
@IamaPERSON 2 жыл бұрын
@@JC-zx5li Josh "Observant" Strife Hayes?
@bemmiebemmerich 2 жыл бұрын
There are other advantages also. A single person vs having a child. Single: Higher concentration, no distractions. Child: Eventually you can have a farmer ;)
@Piqipeg 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, but you tend to have way less time to play yourself, even before the stage when you can let your child "farm" for you...
@etinarcadiaego7424 2 жыл бұрын
Of course there are those of us who are single and have no children, with lots of time but not much money lol So imma go for grinding the item in game.... money's more precious to me than time.
@federicocappellini3241 2 жыл бұрын
Single Uncle: no distraction, high concentration and a farmer :)
@Hamburglar009 2 жыл бұрын
Pro’s and con’s to lifestyle choices
@krackawoody2556 2 жыл бұрын
That just means those two groups value their time differently.
@justjam4901 2 жыл бұрын
The mugs are always the highlight for me in these vids. love it!
@iamjvckpot 2 жыл бұрын
Poke the bear: All TCG's are heavily pay to win.
@alexreilly6121 2 жыл бұрын
@@Trastlol poke harder: who the F even plays them, even pokemon as a kid was always more worth playing as a game not cards
@Maroxad 2 жыл бұрын
Not just that but flat out gambling too. There is a reason I quit MTG so fast.
@jcon2060 2 жыл бұрын
@@alexreilly6121 I do. My day is usually very stressful with high workloads and something like LoR helps a lot.
@aickavon 2 жыл бұрын
A Virtual TCG that doesn't accept Real life currency for cards but instead makes it's fund off of sleeves, backgrounds, or even just the first buy in to the game would be the best and most friendly TCG ever. And also entirely unprofitable.
@kyuujinyetto6228 2 жыл бұрын
@@alexreilly6121 a lot of people play mtg, one of the most played games of all time
@SnowflakeVee 2 жыл бұрын
The most pay-to-win thing in this video is that patron list, ALMOST need a magnifying glass, but not quite... not yet.
@danielbrown8812 2 жыл бұрын
What is a really good laugh is his video on how everyone trying to make a living on youtube ruined the creative aspect of youtube. Then he flashes his list of paid supporters, lol.
@cadenvanvalkenburg6718 2 жыл бұрын
@@danielbrown8812 that is him trying to make a living on KZfaq. Not liking life doesn’t mean it’s not life
@White__Ink 2 жыл бұрын
@@danielbrown8812 there's a distinct difference between KZfaq cheques and Patreon supporters. One is through views and ads from KZfaq. This causes a KZfaqr to create videos in a particular way, fundamentally less creative and more streamline and catagorized. With patreon , the creators care less about views and likes, and more about user engagement, focusing on their market that enjoys the KZfaqr for the creative freedom that caters more organically and deeply to a specific group. Large sweeping market audience= ad money via clicks (clickbait thumbnails/titles) Smaller but dedicated audience = engaged with more interest, more eager to support outside of just watching KZfaq feed videos. Support with specialized perks in Patreon.
@Michael-dj6pd 2 жыл бұрын
He rarely picks up sponsors for the videos
@danielbrown8812 2 жыл бұрын
@@cadenvanvalkenburg6718 that's hilarious people like your nonsensical comment. Education systems are great. What does liking life have to do with what I said? He literally made a video saying that the change to people making videos to make money ruined youtube, exactly what he does. Sorry but that is funny. I can see common sense and still like his vids at the same time, it's called critical thinking. Maybe he should make a video explaining that.
@lukehoward5296 2 жыл бұрын
T-Rex mug is probably my favorite mug so far, keep up the good work!
@glanni 2 жыл бұрын
YES! I love that you're not giving companies an unfair pass here, like hardcore fans always do. Call me a boomer, but I don't get how this is even a discourse. Of course it's pay to win with a complex hiding technique as soon as buying something that gives you any sort of advantage is possible and remotely viable to anyone.
@vaporeonlvl1009 2 жыл бұрын
For me its Also important how much of the grind feels like.. A grind. If the time commitment is high but the activity is fun im less likely to pay
@HighLordBaron 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah. In some games you have to do the same boring, time consuming activity every day for weeks or even months to actually get the reward you want. It's not fun to grind this way, especially since these games usually have a plethora of other actually fun activities you could do instead....
@AvvilGarrant 2 жыл бұрын
I think this is an extremely important element of the equation that isn't brought up in the video. In a sense, it doesn't truly factor into the argument he's making at all, but at the end of the day, what most people are chasing isn't power -- it's fun. Even in the example where grinding never yields the best item because it's too slow and a better item will have come out, you still win as a player if the "grind" is a legitimately fun experience. That may still make the game "pay to win" but far fewer people will care because the game is delivering something valuable to them for their time.
@blackguard5883 2 жыл бұрын
@@HighLordBaron This is why I left _Warframe_ after *5 YEARS...*
@Esvald 2 жыл бұрын
@@AvvilGarrant Basically me with Korean MMOs. I see the flaws and I understand them, but damn if some of those don't have great character generators and fun combat systems which brings me great joy personally.
@flindy9848 2 жыл бұрын
Ye the guys who choose the “pay” option also pay by losing the adventure reaching your goal takes.
@KineticSymphony 2 жыл бұрын
I am an ancient Dinosaur, I expect. My ideal MMO is subscription based, $15 a month with zero MTX, not even cosmetics. 100% immersion. Everyone pays exactly the same thing as each other, and in-game, our characters are truly ours. A pure reflection of our accomplishments within the game. Beautiful. I miss those long-gone days.
@endermanowa 2 жыл бұрын
It might be a stupid question, but why do people like the subscription based payment more than a one time purchase of a game?
@PrimetimeX 2 жыл бұрын
Sandra Drzewiecka Because one-time purchase games always have a cash shop. GW2 has a cash shop that sells roughly 40% of the items in the entire game, plus allows you to buy gold directly with money. WoW didnt have to sink to this level for a decade and a half
@Chronoic 2 жыл бұрын
@@PrimetimeX WoW currently is the worst offender now, no other game has a worst monetary design than WoW. - Buy to play (check) - Pay subscription (check) - Cash shop (Check) - P2W (wow tokens -> Raid clears/Arena carries) (Check) all they need is loot boxes.
@nydra9912 2 жыл бұрын
@@Chronoic they can put discontinued mounts into loot boxes instead of black market auction and WoW will become the exodia of p2w. I play BDO and BDO is no doubt p2w, but the box price was like $10 when I bought it, they give the “p2w” stuff for free and if not you can spend $100 on the game and play forever, no sub fees or expansion prices it’s just free, no boosting services too and no buying of currency because you can’t trade currency. So even with probably one of the worst cash shops in any mmo ever, BDO is getting eclipsed by WoW because BDO gives p2w stuff for free and WoW has fucking WoW tokens.
@oliver_twistor 2 жыл бұрын
@@endermanowa The main reason is with a subscription, the game is continuosly funded, so further development can be made without selling either microtransactions or DLC's. A one time purchase makes sense for offline games, because the developers work on a game, release it and their work is done. Online games require content upgrades, server costs etc.
@gjBackBone 2 жыл бұрын
I really liked your thoughts on real life advantages or disadvantages not following you into a game world. We can all come together as equals! That's the ideal at least. Thanks for the video, Josh!
@horrifyinglyfascinating5631 2 жыл бұрын
My kid was very excited to see that you have her favourite dino mug! Awesome series Josh.
@StPauliFanNr1 2 жыл бұрын
Basically everything non cosmetic should be considered p2w. Sometimes even cosmetics are p2w, if they for example provide an advantage through camouflage.
@blackcitadel37 2 жыл бұрын
GW2 wouldn't have that problem. Most outfits are so exaggeratedly bright that you can spot the enemy player from orbit.
@AbsoluteSkycaptain 2 жыл бұрын
This. It sucks that the industry has been so successful in warping the terminology throughout the gaming community.
@lsdread534 2 жыл бұрын
Mounts should be considered p2w if they allow to bypass the gold grind needed to get them
@StPauliFanNr1 2 жыл бұрын
@@lsdread534 You are absolutely right. But I didnt really consider mounts to be skins
@NeoMaddy 2 жыл бұрын
Not a MMORPG, but World of Tanks has many types of Pay to Win, including camouflage. You can pay money to buy cosmetic "bushes" that you can place anywhere on your tank, including hiding the hitboxes for your tank's weakspots. It's so cheesy and gamey and gross.
@CarlosBunn 2 жыл бұрын
*Presents extremely controversial topic* "let me know in the comments" I respect the hustle sir.
@matthewholmquist3871 2 жыл бұрын
Great explanation. I agree with your break down and the sliding scale. It really is a personal determination of your time vs. money.
@ChipsChallenge95 2 жыл бұрын
When a game says “grind 40 hours straight to afford item X *OR* pay $9.99”, the game is pay to win. Who the hell has that kind of time…
@waffleswafflson3076 2 жыл бұрын
I consider any game that gives you ANY paid advantage no matter how minor, to be pay to win
@achuchin 2 жыл бұрын
What about (fixed) subscription games with no IAP, are those P2W? Why a free to play (no IAP) with optional subscription is F2P but a subscription based game that you cannot play for free is not? I think it's more complex than that, and the P2W aspect is based on whether you can acquire an unrestricted amount of advantage with real money. That is, the more money you spend, the larger the advantage, with no limit.
@waffleswafflson3076 2 жыл бұрын
@@achuchin Sounds like a bunch of coping to defend monetization
@achuchin 2 жыл бұрын
@@waffleswafflson3076 No I hate p2w that's why I want to properly define it. What do you suggest? No IAP subscription based games are P2W too?
@richardjones8846 2 жыл бұрын
@@waffleswafflson3076 games don't get made if they don't make money. there's a big leap from "pay to win" to "pay if you support"
@shutup1037 2 жыл бұрын
Then dont play any live service game since most of them have boost
@kylemartinelli1379 2 жыл бұрын
Love this video. I think a great example of 'pay to win' and 'pay for a neat thing' and how it can change is Star Trek Online. Once upon a time (with its original owners/creators) it was a pay-to-play game but had a cash shop, the cash shop had some neat ships, extra races to play as and cosmetics however none of these things made you super powerful you didn't WIN by buying the and regular players would be on par with you even though you couldn't get these items in the game by playing. They existed as extras to enjoy and support the game further beyond the fairly cheap monthly cost. However when the game was sold to another company, that company came in, jacked up the prices in the cash shop (by making you have to buy a different currency then convert it to STO's currency) started introducing loot boxes and then made the game free to play. The predatory practices continued as they started introducing more flat out powerful ships and items, introduced new systems to the game then introduced time saving or resources you could buy in the shop to improve these systems. I'm doing a poor job of explaining here as I'm trying to keep it short but I think this game and how its focus and monetization process/focus changed between companies is a good case study for shop done right and then shop made pay to win. Cheers
@zordanxxx 2 жыл бұрын
Let me guess, Perfect World bought it? They did the same to all the games they published.
@zordanxxx 2 жыл бұрын
Same circle isn't it? I I played them both, they are both connected. Well,,, last time I played,,, years ago.
@luketfer 2 жыл бұрын
@@zordanxxx Yup Perfect world do this to ALL their MMOs they buy out. Cryptic is odd in that the entire studio got bought out by Perfect World which meant its two MMOs, Champions Online (which is basically abandoned at this point, no new major content updates since before the game was switched over to Perfect world, the only thing they've introduced was more lootboxes) and Star Trek Online. The ONLY reason they keep Star Trek Online updated is that if they don't they will have the license stripped away from them by the owners of Star Trek otherwise it'd be in the same situation as Champions Online. They did the same thing to Blade and Soul IIRC and any other failing MMO they acquire. They cut development, massively boost up the cash shop if the game has one OR introduce one if the game doesn't, throw loot boxes in there and have it flail around in maintenance mode until it's nolonger profitable for them to keep the servers online then kill it.
@zordanxxx 2 жыл бұрын
They moved the best resources to "Magic the Gathering" so being new when I left neverwinter; it was far more profitable.
@TE5LA-GAMING 2 жыл бұрын
STO is ten times more "Pay 2 Win" than it was only several years ago. They removed things like duels with friends 1vs1 because it didn't make them money. They eliminated the players need to fly across sector space because, if you are flying through space, you probably aren't doing anything to create profit for them. They made it more difficult to upgrade items making it require 10 times the dilithium so you'd buy more dilithium. Then they made an Ultimate Upgrade to instantly reach the maximum spec, but of course, you have to buy them. They made it where any captain can fly ships of other factions because this opens up the possibility of the player purchasing more ships. They now sell the ability to level R&D to Rank 5. They sell the ability to purchase the entire special events progress which originally was based on participation. While it still remains true that you can obtain "many" things in the game without spending real money, the likelihood of this happening is astronomically low.
@andrevicente9440 2 жыл бұрын
You could say something about the British charm, or the good looks, but I keep coming back for the mugs. I love that mug!
@iamso211 2 жыл бұрын
I think an important point you missed is how having a cash shop will cause the developer to design the game differently to make the cash shop worth it. They create problems to sell you the solution. They sell say, extra inventory space, which means at one point the devs sat down, thought about what would be the optimal amount of inventory for a good play experience, and then purposly gave you less than that in order to sell you the rest. Same with things like exp boosts, they found the rate at which it is most enjoyable to progress and then made the game worse on purpose to make you want to buy the boost. Cash shops lead to devs inventing problems to sell you solutions
@Meanlucario 2 жыл бұрын
If P2W had a definitive "break" point, than companies wouldn't be using it so much.
@IamaPERSON 2 жыл бұрын
Indeed, unless you count people's addiction to said game.
@jonnysilia5740 2 жыл бұрын
from what i've seen, the breaking point will usually revolve around whatever system or event that makes players compete against each others, the haves and the have-nots. any PvP system will cause stress for F2Ps, in fact in some Gacha communities, if they find out that the devs are creating a PvP system in any shape or form, they'll protest quite loudly.
@Francorocco 2 жыл бұрын
or they will abuse that "break" point and be just slight off from it to say that the game isn't p2w to get more sales, cuz anything they sell is profit anyway, the in-game items don't have real monetary value anyway, all the values are made up by them, could sell a bilion cash for 1 cent and would still be profitable because to generate this cash in your account they didn't had to spend anything at all
@TheL0rd0fSpace 2 жыл бұрын
I'm really annoyed that people have this mentality that as long as you technically *can* earn something for free (which can also be purchased), that means that buying it isn't p2w. I deal with this a ton when interacting with HS players, when talking about how exorbitantly expensive the game is to play with reasonably powerful decks. And it's especially annoying when people act like "playing the game like it's a second job" is an adequate substitute for these obviously p2w systems. Granted, almost every f2p game will have *some* elements of p2w, especially a card game, but my point is that "pay to win" is a spectrum, and just because something isn't a flagrant ripoff doesn't make it *not* p2w.
@asmodeos666 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah some people have such a loose definition of P2W that by their definition almost no game is since except a few obvious scams no game put a giant "win" button on your screen that you can unlock only by spending some cash. They use terms like "it's pay to progress faster" or "it's pay for extra convenience" but that's just all the same IMO.
@vikeghawlimz965 2 жыл бұрын
Life is p2w tho 🤷‍♂️
@TheL0rd0fSpace 2 жыл бұрын
@@asmodeos666 The thing is, I don't think "pay to progress faster" or "pay for a wider range of options" is necessarily bad, when the game is designed so that the free way to do those things isn't far behind.
@mechanomics2649 2 жыл бұрын
@@vikeghawlimz965 This has nothing to do with anything.
@andrewmeyer3599 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheL0rd0fSpace When they implement those mechanics, they purposefully hamstring the free players so they will buy the convenience. No game has ever released with boosters that didn't stretch tasks and goals to try and convince you to buy em even once, they're there for a reason and are designed specifically to make those boosters the most appealing thing to you
@VerhoevenSimon 2 жыл бұрын
Whilst I don't fully agrre with all your points, especially on pay to progress vs win I can appreciate how clearly put and comprehensive you phrase them.
@skjaldulfr 2 жыл бұрын
The "perfect line" is no in game purchases. The game can be a one-time purchase, or subscription based, but in either case everyone pays the same amount. All in-game items are earned entirely in-game.
@varenoftatooine2393 2 жыл бұрын
If all you're buying is cosmetics, that's fine, it's like buying fancy clothes in real life and is a decision for individuals to make. If the game offers a system to make a game more convenient to play, then how fair it is depends on the price and how much extra convenience it offers.
@emilandersen8628 2 жыл бұрын
Cosmetics for real money are not okay
@ZRFehr Жыл бұрын
@@emilandersen8628 Elite: Dangerous uses money from cosmetic packs to improve the survivability of the game in the long run by guaranteeing a source of upkeep funds. There is no gameplay difference to my engine trails or weapon tracers being different colors, except maybe making it easier to track and kill me.
@tankofnova9022 2 жыл бұрын
When the ability for player to use their cash translates into the ability to dominate a given game, you're already in the deep end of P2W. When Mr. Moneybags doesn't have to learn the game and can still highly outperform Mr.shallow pockets the game is broken. The items in question don't even need stats to be unfair. Even games that do not sell things with stats at all can still be P2W if what they do sell is outfits/emotes that make you indistinguishable from your environment. Fortnite did this so much to the point that some players would only go to places that looked like their character and camp the whole game or when the storm arrived. Some outfit/emote combos were so bad with this that other players could look straight at a player in point blank range and have no idea till the unsuspecting person gets a shotgun to the face.
@Dr.Moogle 2 жыл бұрын
@smugnick5458 2 жыл бұрын
But is the game really broken? Think about the movie hunger games. Coming from a rich family those people had a tremendous advantage, trainers and equipment. Poor people had only skill, little to no training. But let's says you're naturally gifted and poor, like the main character. If she got the same advantage as the rich people she would be OP. The point is this stuff balances out a lot. Not all the time but a lot. Skill doesn't always beat resources, and resources don't always beat skill.
@DoingFavors 2 жыл бұрын
I'll never forget, when Black Desert Online released on console my wife and I decided to get in on it early so we could stay ahead of the curve without blowing thousands of dollars, we would use the systems available and keep up with the endgame so we could fight on the front lines and be competitive with anyone, even the p2w crowd. We had a conflict with another guild (full of racists) and we stood up for our guild as well as other players on the server, we stood off against them and put our strongest against their strongest to settle the score, me vs. their best player. I dominated the fight and played him inside and out, I put him in his place so hard that the entire guild erupted into a rage and flagged for PvP and fought our guild on the spot after i beat him several times in a row. What this situation spiraled into caused that same individual over a years time to take out major bank loans and throw thousands of dollars at the game to give himself an advantage over everyone else. He got so strong that in a year he could one shot anyone in the game, and I rememeber him facing off against me and winning the fight and saying "There, you finally learned your lesson." meanwhile he was thousands of dollars into debt over a single encounter that embarassed him so much he felt he had to throw money he didn't have at a video game just so he felt the illusion of power. These games a predatory as all hell and they cause people to take things so personally that they would rather throw heaps of money at success rates for power just to make up for their shortcomings. Meanwhile, I haven't played the game in over a year and the sunk cost fallacy has him locked into that game for...god who knows how long. I did it all without spending thousands of dollars, I was in a leading siege guild that could face off against anyone else in the game, I was widely recognized for my skills and strategies with a class that others strayed away from and while his reputation was "That idiot who took out loans for power" my reputation became "The only person who seems to know how to play that class properly" Power cannot buy you real respect.
@BlazeMakesGames 2 жыл бұрын
​@@smugnick5458 I think you're missing the point. Just because Resources doesn't always trump skill doesn't mean it's fair. Also did you watch that movie? She explicitly got given advantages by impressing sponsors. And things like that were meant to point out how corrupt that kind of stuff is. The point is that two people with equal skill could be matched up with each other, and instead of being evenly matched, if one was simply more willing to spend money, they would end up on top more often than not. Videogames are an artificial world without the limitations of the real world. There's no reason we *have* to have systems that allow players who pay more money inherent advantages over people that don't. That's like saying "well it's okay if that football player takes performance enhancing drugs because he can't bench as much as this other player." The point of a game, especially a multiplayer game, is to test a player's ability to play that game. Letting players bypass the skill and training required to play completely ruins the point of there being a game in the first place! Your example seemingly only assumes that everyone willing to spend money is also not skilled at the game but that simply isn't true. There's lots of 'hardcore' players that want every advantage they can get and will happily dump resources into the game *and* spend hours grinding. And they'll be given a more than unfair advantage because of it.
@Aeiwik 2 жыл бұрын
@@smugnick5458 ​ You literally acknowledged the problem without even realizing it, lol. "If she got the same advantage as the rich people she would be OP". That's the definition of pay to win. There are plenty of rich Katniss' out there.
@scoops2 2 жыл бұрын
One thing that drives me crazy is the arguments the Star Citizen community makes that the game isn't P2W: 1. The obvious, all ships are available in game 2. All ships fill a niche and none is outright better than the other for the exact same purpose (this is just false in many cases) 3. Well the expensive ships require a big crew, what really matters is people not the ship They fail to realize that an Org who comes out of the gate day 1 with a capital ship and an entire perfectly balanced fleet will stomp any org with a ragtag assembly of starter ships. The paying org can immediately set up a money making enterprise with a capital ship base, refueling ships on hand, medical ships, mining ships and refining, while the free org will be stumbling around in caves manually going back and forth to stations with a backpack of hand minables. They fail to realize the time aspect, where there will be a land rush to claim the best land for housing, and the paying players will have expensive massive base building ships day 1, while free players will pick up the scraps weeks later after they can afford it. Every time I discuss it on Reddit I feel like I' m taking crazy pills.
@mechanomics2649 2 жыл бұрын
The Star Citizen community is all kind of delusional. I'm not surprised.
@Elearen 2 жыл бұрын
So, it’s just the same as real life
@thefool8224 2 жыл бұрын
wait, star citizen exists?
@AusSP 2 жыл бұрын
Ah, yes. Buying things in a competitve MMO game is fundamentally pushing P2W buttons. Especially if there's limited resources, as opposed to being able to have infinite tenants one one land.
@scoops2 2 жыл бұрын
@@thefool8224 Ya it's around and it's actually making great progress and could be a great MMO, but the P2W thing concerns me, I have no idea how they'll handle it.
@Dislob 2 жыл бұрын
I see it simply as if a game is P2W, it has mechanics that are not fun so that you skip the "not fun" part. A game that is not P2W, is sold as an entire package and focuses on delivering the most fun experience possible.
@anarchyaelle 2 жыл бұрын
I would love to have your point of view in regards to Warframe's, F2P and shop model. They seem to be constantly re-evaluating their choices to hit that fair point
@maysen51 2 жыл бұрын
Tbh warframe is the most fair as everyone can get said items by farming which at best takes a week-month
@maysen51 2 жыл бұрын
But then again there is no best weapon in warframe as warframe themselves vary
@maysen51 2 жыл бұрын
Plus u wasting a month for a weapon won’t harm u like other mmos
@Ringmaster860 2 жыл бұрын
The fact you can get the ingame premium currency (exception being the new regal aya) by trading items with other players is a big advantage since you can always trade around the weapon parts or items you have excess of or dont need and buy cosmetics / slots / weapons with the currency and dont really waste time. Regal Aya / Aya is in a grey area since it will provide access during the current Prime event to get ahold of noggles, profile pictures etc. which you could only get from the expensive packs and during a limited time. With the free resource you can still buy the relics to farm the weapons by yourself if you dont want to spend real money on that. You are at no point in the game forced to buy anything for real money. Once you get really involved in the game exclusive Skins become more and more interesting.There are things which are exclusively bought with real money, but its only ship decoration and visual things like glyphs, profile pictures etc. Literally anything else regarding weapons, ships etc. you can farm in game for a reasonable amount of time (Founder package excluded for obvious reasons). Special accessories are exclusive to real money but you can select what package you want to buy. If you are like me and want to save on money and want to farm the frames /weapons yourself but want the cosmetics, you can buy that pack seperately. Coming from a player who spent around 4000hours in the game over the course of 8 years.
@maysen51 2 жыл бұрын
@@Ringmaster860 yea it’s just a real shame no one brings up their currency being better then a hell of a lot of mmos hell I bet Jody isn’t even gonna mention it not once which is just pure ignorance these mmo KZfaqrs should just spread the word
@darththeo 2 жыл бұрын
Part of the reason I never played Pokemon Unite is that the system came off as too "pay to win" for me, a lot of MOBA feel pay to win for me because they are balancing characters and each character can be buffed or debuff and has to be purchased. And in Unite, you have 3 equip slots where you can put items that alter how your stats are and they can level. There was a huge debate on if it was "Pay to Win" or not. To me, Unite was and still is pay to win because they can always shift to keep people from being the strongest. Nerf this character, buff this hardly used item, add a new item that is stronger, etc ... you will always benefit by paying. Yes, it is 100% possible to grind everything out, but it is way easier just to pay. But people defended it saying "There isn't a huge difference." or "there isn't a difference once you get to this level item." etc ... if I can get the best gear and character before I even play the game, to me that is pay to win.
@Gloomdrake 2 жыл бұрын
People really defend that scam?
@MaDJaMXIII 2 жыл бұрын
"if I can get the best gear and character before I even play the game, to me that is pay to win." or If I can get the best gear and character before I even play the game, to some, that is pay to skip the grind and have fun in the end-game content. Some people don't have fun grinding. In Fighting games, people don't need to grind to unlock their skills. In MMORPG games, some people don't have fun grinding to get stronger. As any game business wants to make a profit, why would they gatekeep people who want to pay to play the game? Where is the profit in that? The game companies have to make sure to satisfy their player base as a whole. At some point, the games' companies might need to "separate" people... (Read: The irony I find in separating people in MMO games is unbearable.) Pay to play gamers on "P2P" severs / P2W gamers on P2W servers Role-Playing gamers on RP servers / Mechanical gamers on Mech servers. 'IDontCareAboutThat' gamers on *IDK* servers etc... Then games companies are still making money to sustain the games and/or to make a profit.
@Gloomdrake 2 жыл бұрын
@@MaDJaMXIII it's literally only that grindy to encourage people to pay
@DannehBoi90 2 жыл бұрын
One thing I will mention for Unite, they got a lot of crap about it being pay to win with the items and setup at the start because after a certain point, you couldn't get enough Item Enhancers to get all items to rank 20, which is where 99% of the benefit comes. The max is 30, but 20-30 on 3 items comes out to about a 1-2% difference in stats even at low levels, at least from what I know. After getting enough crap regarding that, Nintendo forced their hand on making it more accessible. A couple permanent quests have been added that reward more than enough Item Enhancers and Aeos Tickets (used to buy Held Items and Item Enhancers) to be able to get every item and upgrade them to 20 while naturally playing and learning the game. They are still predatory and somewhat aggressive for their monetization, but at least the main complaint with Item Enhancers was fixed. Now if only they would stop releasing new Pokemon and having them well beyond OP for the first few weeks, while simultaneously not handing out enough coins for people to be able to afford buying every single Pokemon as it releases.
@MaDJaMXIII 2 жыл бұрын
@@Gloomdrake Is it wrong for a company to encourage gamers to pay for games? People are making a living out of creating/maintaining games. How do gamers encourage companies to create games? Is it wrong for gamers to encourage companies by paying for games?
@mikotolinyara4214 2 жыл бұрын
It'll be interesting to see if my definition matches that of the majority. Pay to win, I suppose "Pay real money to give the player an advantage over others". Be that more powerful, less grinding, more inventory, 'scrap /crafting boxes.' Regardless if poorer players could grind it or not.
@dushas9871 2 жыл бұрын
I paid my brother to finish a hard level, that my plebs class mates were struggling with, in ninja turtles on nes for me. TMNT IS PAY 2 WIN!!!11
@CreepSoldier 2 жыл бұрын
To be more exact, if you can pay for a mechanic that makes your gaming experience easier, faster or more rewarding, It is pay to win. Like a paid gun that can do more damage, skip grinding or gives extra xp/credit
@Kdenight 2 жыл бұрын
@@dushas9871 you just pay to play for another person that is it no pay 2 win you didn't win you payed your brother to play a game and he won on his skill not yours but his. bad joke son not even close to the discussion of relevance Pro players get payed to win all the time and so do youtubers they get payed to win on games all the time its not the same thing as games offering items and time to get farther/ better then others. your the problem why people get confused about p2w and your a p2w player on all the games you play i bet. you have no true ability or even able beat TMNT sad face for you.
@dushas9871 2 жыл бұрын
@@Kdenight haha, but if that's not p2w, why are you calling me a p2w player then ?:D And my analogy was in regard of WoW "p2w" model everyone were so raging about, as wow has no direct pw2, only a means to pay other players to do the content for you. And if that is their definition of p2w then even TMNT can be considered pw2.
@KattReen 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, regardless it's pretty shady to have a built in inconvenience that you can remove via paying, for example very limited inventory space. In games that are very generous with the amount of inventory space you get for free(ie FFXIV) I wouldn't necessarily call it a p2w feature. The glamour game in FFXIV can definitely be a bit "pay to win" though, and it's interesting to me that people are completely fine with companies milking us for cosmetic items "because they don't affect gameplay". In my opinion cosmetic options vastly enhances the experience, and it's a detriment to the player experience if a lot of it is behind a paywall. I think there are arguably p2w elements in most big online titles even if it might be unfair to slap the stigma that comes along with the "p2w" branding onto them, and it's hard to say where to reasonably say it's gone too far.
@heyhoojoe 2 жыл бұрын
Enough teasing, already, Josh - hit us with that LotRO review :D
@Cardamoo 2 жыл бұрын
As a fellow mug collector, I would like to see your mug collections in one of the videos :D
@SIuimerstand 2 жыл бұрын
Another factor here is that time spent towards grinding for an item you could have bought, is time not spent engaging with other content. Whether or not that grind is (somewhat) enjoyable is of course relevant when people decide how much their time is worth, but it's something I rarely see mentioned.
@gerbo8018 2 жыл бұрын
There is also the idea of paying to skip part of the game. As you don't need to do that grind anymore you basically skipped part of the game.
@dudeguybro 2 жыл бұрын
I only think that matters if said item is to give you an advantage over other players. To collect mounts, for example, is a choice and has no gameplay advantage over someone else. You could purchase that mount with real money or gil (let's say we are talking FFXIV). During a grind to get a mount, you can make quite a bit of gil that can't be bought with real money. You can buy gear and mounts with gil. Depending on how an MMO rewards you for your time investment, that's where things come into question.
@deathZor42 2 жыл бұрын
@@gerbo8018 The problem with pay to skip is that inherently it encourages the developer to make part of the experience so bad your willing to pay money not to have to do it, that generally screams bad game.
@gerbo8018 2 жыл бұрын
@@deathZor42 yes this is exactly what is happening. Look at mmorpg's with the leveling of characters ... it is fun 1-2 times but afterwards many would rather pay to skip it.
@Skyteks 2 жыл бұрын
The moment a player can obtain an advantage over other players by spending money makes it Pay2Win in my view. Neither the money cost nor a time sink to unlock it via grind changes this fact. The matter of it being fair or acceptable is a completely different question.
@erichdegurechaff9515 2 жыл бұрын
But the question is that if you can obtain this advantage for free, but it would take longer, it is pay2win?
@leahcim165 2 жыл бұрын
@@erichdegurechaff9515 yes, of course it is.
@grandempressvicky6387 2 жыл бұрын
@@erichdegurechaff9515 Yes, because you are getting an advantage faster than the non-paying playerbase. Additionally, it's like Josh said: it is likely the case that by the time they grind enough to get the item you paid for, it has already become obsolete as something better was released. It keeps people in a perpetual cycle where they can never realistically catch up without sinking some cash into it. The average person doesn't have 50-100 free hours to sink into a game for one item that will become irrelevant in 1-2 months time. The developer is praying on this factor to make money out of people and it is disgusting. The only time people should ever pay is for membership for cosmetic bonuses or cosmetic stuff in the store. I think SWTOR does this best. I never felt forced or a sense of desperation to pay for things and the base gameplay loop is enjoyable enough that I would willingly grind if I was.
@_Vengeance_ 2 жыл бұрын
Especially that last sentence is important, as ignoring that is what causes people to describe some p2w things as non-p2w. For example, online cardgames like Hearthstone. It's completely understandable money gets you all the top-tier cards much easier, the alternative would be monetizing other things which would be significantly worse (skins in a cardgame are far less lucrative than in an MMO where you are an actual character, so just cosmetics wouldn't turn a profit). So, because it's so normal and acceptable people often say it's not p2w, but it certainly still is.
@bleekcer 2 жыл бұрын
@Skyteks I absolutely agree. The obfuscation comes simply from companies for marketing purposes. Sadly magazines, users and youtubers are taking over that narrative, to change the P2W term. Everything is P2W where you can buy something that gives you an advantage in the game.
@sylfadiaskeitlyn9359 2 жыл бұрын
Great video, thank you. What was that pdf at 7:20? Can’t find it :/ And are there any similar collection of recent games?
@Chowdah101 2 жыл бұрын
I NEED that dinosaur mug..
@notaninconspicuoususername6065 2 жыл бұрын
8:34 I would love an entire video on how poorly that 2013 article on Wargaming removing P2W options has aged. Last I heard they were locking the USS Missouri (Warships) behind gambling.
@kojiro133 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly, I'd say buying the weapon period, regardless of how long it would take to grind for it is pay to win. Anytime you can buy things that directly affect gameplay, it's p2w.
@Nerobyrne 2 жыл бұрын
what if the weapon you can buy isn't really better than a weapon you can get easily in-game? At that point, I would argue it's just milking suckers. Because people who literally just play the game are better off than you. Of course, it only applies to PvE games, for the most part. In PvP games, ANY advantage no matter how small can mean victory.
@rokkraljkolesa9317 2 жыл бұрын
exactly similar to what Josh said, it's not binary pw2/not p2w it's a scale going from _can only spend money to buy the game_ to _can spend money to get gear so powerful you dominate pvp/leaderboards without even trying_
@kojiro133 2 жыл бұрын
@@Nerobyrne Easy is relative. Though nothing is more easy than instant. Even if it's just basically paying for convenience, it should still count as p2w. Paying for convenience can be just as agregious. As Josh points out, time is time.
@kojiro133 2 жыл бұрын
@@rokkraljkolesa9317 I would say the scale isn't whether it's p2w or not p2w, but simply how p2w is it. If you can pay to gain an advantage, progress, or skip/lessen a wait time, then it's p2w. Even if it's miniscule, it's still there. The question only becomes how much pay to win is acceptable to us as the player base.
@rokkraljkolesa9317 2 жыл бұрын
@@kojiro133 there's still games that have no p2w whatsoever, so those go on the _not p2w_ end
@Sassifrass 2 жыл бұрын
I love these types of videos. Good work Josh!
@PerN1660 2 жыл бұрын
I actually never thought about how often grinding for gear instead of buying it, makes it outdated once I get it. Great video
@HighLordBaron 2 жыл бұрын
There's if course also how much fun the grind is. Having to do the same activity for weeks or even months to get the item isn't much fun. Not to mention people have limited time. If you can only play an hour per day, would you rather play through a fun and entertaining story mission or do the same mindless, boring activity you did for the last few days?
@duraluminiumalloy9248 2 жыл бұрын
Well, people who have significantly limited time to play are usually the same people who have enough money to comfortably spend to avoid the said grind. That's what the devs count on at least. Usually the loudest group criticising the pay2win practices are teenagers who have a lot of time, but little money (as they are not working full-time yet, or at all). If I use myself as an example - I am working full-time, with a lot of overtime to boot too. I will never have more than a fraction of time of what high-schoolers or college students have for grinding. As a result, I am paying a subscription fee to a certain MMO tank game that I play, to speed up the grind notably. One could make a point that the devs could have made it without the grind altogether. However, the game is free2play - you don't have to pay them a penny to install it and to run it. But devs need to SOMEWHERE get money to run the servers, right? Let alone money for their salaries and the development cost of the game. If the game is intended to be accessible for free, you have to expect some microtransaction mechanism somewhere. And with MMOs you want to have a large player base, so there isn't much of an option for you as a dev other than this...
@Adesterr 2 жыл бұрын
@@duraluminiumalloy9248 These Wargaming titles are made to take advantage of the easily exploitable. I highly recommend writing down every bit you spend on that game and then evaluate if the time/fun with the game is worth that amount of money. The thing with Wargaming is that most of their playerbase is in an age where one has a good budget, but not many obligations. There are always events, that you can buy your way through and the events become shorter and more expensive. In the end, the playerbase is in a race to carry as much money as possible to wargaming. These games are highly based on random numbers. I don't play tanks, but i tried ships. The first thing i noticed is that my performance as player was highly dependend on luck. Did the shells start fires? Did they found the vulnerable parts of the target. Did my ship take much damage? I never spend money on this game, but i installed it 2 times to play with friends. I was really good both times... in the first few matches. And then not so much. This is a common strategy, like fixing a potential junky with free drugs. I wonder if the random number generator is in ones favor, if one spends money on the game. I am pretty sure that more players get played by the game than the other way around. Fear of missing out, rewards for spending money, gambling and the pressure to drag your friends into these milking machines are pretty obvious signs for me to treat such games as if they were drugs.
@raidmaster6879 2 жыл бұрын
I absolutely love how you're explaining economics in an interesting and applicable way! I'd watch an entire educational series.
@attilavaju8277 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely amazing video as always! And I think GW2 hit the perfect line between cash shop and grinding. My worst game I've ever played was BDO where even the UI was forcing you to open the shop. And I am so curious about what you think on this topic: Why it is more accepted to pay to win in eastern MMOs? What is the culture behind? Why they are succesful there? They have more time or more money? I'm genuinely curious what you think.
@waltermh111 2 жыл бұрын
I need to look into guild wars 2, but is it actually good?
@sayari4599 2 жыл бұрын
oh my god this is my favorite mug of yours
@Draconis00788 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like a lot of these discussions end up being just about how shitty and predatory microtransactions are in general. P2W, for me, is a further extension of that to where you are buying a competitive edge against other players. Nearly all games that have microtransactions are built in such a way to incentivize you to purchase them. Some do it better than others but EVERY game wants you to spend as much as possible on their microtransactions. P2W is just the natural extension of that business model. Any F2P game with a focus on PvP is almost always a hard pass for me because it's almost a guarantee that I'll be hounded and pressured to spend in order to feel competitive. I'm much more tolerant of games that give you the option to pay for convenience. The game is specifically designed to encourage the player to spend but if the gameplay is fun enough I'm willing to deal with that. Warframe is a great example of that
@oliver_twistor 2 жыл бұрын
I agree. I tend to avoid free to play games because it's so obvious that they require real money purchases. I have played some that are acceptable, but they are in the minority.
@andrewmeyer3599 2 жыл бұрын
Warframe and guild Wars 2, man. Both games put alot of effort in and they (atleast for Anet) only have the one game so it makes sense to atleast sell some really cool cosmetics and I love how Warframe will feature fans' creations, Guild Wars 1 did that kinda thing with Holiday masks where they would have a whole contest and the winner would get some money, some ingame stuff, and ultimately their mask would be the mask for that year's holiday be it Halloween, Christmas, 4th of July, etc
@thefool8224 2 жыл бұрын
@@andrewmeyer3599 .in the case of warframe, the bottleneck you will have is slots for weapons and warframes. you need serious time farming relics for prime parts if you seriously want to f2p that one. then its build times
@andrewmeyer3599 2 жыл бұрын
@@thefool8224 Oh I know, I am taking a break from Waframe till the new update when I can transfer over to PC with all my stuff
@macarrony123 2 жыл бұрын
@@thefool8224 tbh that was exactly what made me lose interest in warframe, its one of the most fun F2P games out there but that specific thing is annoying as hell, i remember being very upset that I couldnt get another weapon cause I didnt had the slot for it, the same with frames
@MKhrome 2 жыл бұрын
You forget an important argument: Selling any advantage whatsoever in the cash shop means the game will be balanced around that time and cost perspective from the developer's perspective, not the player's, since there's now a real world financial incentive to do that. This means the game loses part of the identity it would have otherwise had, since the game will not be designed for the game's own sake anymore. The game designers are forced to think in terms of 'time and money invested' rather than 'is the game fun to play'. Adding to this, consider how games could have been enriched by putting gameplay and fun above investment, like for instance Black Desert. Currently, the pet system is basically an autoloot option which can only be (realistically) enabled by spending real money. Imagine now if pets were not in the cash shop but were still doing autolooting, but were part of a gameplay loop on their own by being catchable and breedable, creating a whole new avenue to enjoy the game with. BDO is rumoured to have planned this gameplay mechanic in the early alpha stages, but it was dropped for the monetization potential. Lastly, any type of 'convenience' - inventory slots, xp boosters and the likes - basically tells the player that the game is designed to be and feel tedious unless they play, either by making inventory management tedious and boring, or progression as a whole. Again, selling these types of 'services' is a drastic interference directly in the game's core design values, where the developer is forced to account for real world time and money investment over the player's actual experience. In this way i think selling any advantage whatsoever should not only be considered pay to win, but also absolutely toxic to any game's design as a whole.
@Thanatos2k 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly. They aren't selling things that they don't want people to buy. If the game is fun without paying for boosts, NO ONE WILL PAY. Thus it will be designed to be just fun enough, but if you pay you can have MORE fun!
@byakumaruZ 2 жыл бұрын
@@Thanatos2k I fear this might be one of the caveats of many free to play games. We could be getting many more fun games, but developers actively hold themselves back lest players have all the fun they want for free and not spend a dime.
@LadyMeiun 2 жыл бұрын
You know, I would love to see an actual lawyer try to come up with a drawn-out "legal description" of what Pay-To-Win actually is and means, just as a thought experiment.
@CharlesGriswold 2 жыл бұрын
That would probably be like asking for a precise legal definition of obscenity.
@GbrBy 2 жыл бұрын
Should ask Hoeg Law for that, as that’d be right in his wheelhouse
@TheTdw2000 Жыл бұрын
Simple really, any game where one can pay to receive any advantage in terms of gameplay progression over a non-paying customer. This includes any content that can be obtained through gameplay, including cosmetics, as well as any premium-only equipment. However premium-only cosmetics are distinctly not pay to win.
@baal5242 2 жыл бұрын
Everytime Josh drops a video im most excited for what cup he uses in that video :D
@bdhdr4226 2 жыл бұрын
"By the time you get them, they are no longer relevant" as someone who's only played GW1 and 2 this is so strange to me.
@marc-antoinefrechettelapla4500 2 жыл бұрын
In Gw2 the legendaries became even more relevant as the game got older because of new build (elite spec) and the armory. Not perfect, but very fair and feels rewarding
@next_lvl_ 2 жыл бұрын
GW2 has visual "powercreep" instead. Like, how many players still pick the og white/black wings over the new, obnoxiously shiny, fiery wings.
@bdhdr4226 2 жыл бұрын
@@next_lvl_ Yeah the skins have become pretty crazy. I still prefer my Ascension over the fancy glowy rainbow gemstore stuff since I actually earned it in game. And to make it even better it's a free ascended backpack for all of my characters now with the legendary armory. :)
@zappodude7591 2 жыл бұрын
@@next_lvl_ Gaud-creep is a serious issue that effects hundreds of games. Call this hotline if you've experienced any of the following symptoms: 1. thinking that putting a flaming banana on your head is a good idea
@friendlyspacedragon7250 2 жыл бұрын
"It isn't pay to win because you can't win in this game" is a phrase I've come to loathe. Just because the game doesn't give a "you win!" screen it doesn't mean it can't be pay to win. I've most recently taken a system that If I notice wanting to buy something in the game I take a moment to consider why I feel like paying to skip playing. I play games for fun and if playing is so unfun I'd rather pay to skip it, why am I still playing the game in the first place?
@GodwynDi 2 жыл бұрын
I was thinking the same thing. Its a point he makes in his videos a lot, and I was surprised he didn't in this one. Paying to skip content/not play requires designing the game to not be the best it could be.
@Feligresa 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah this is one of those... Also people defending pay to win in PvE scenarios because "what are you winning?".
@ShikiRen 2 жыл бұрын
Very simplistic view, because things like "do you personally feel the grind is fun", "do you get other things for the grind on the way to what you want" and so on and so forth will further muddle the waters.
@Raykkie 2 жыл бұрын
"Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games Games" -Josh Strife Hayes, 0:38 (A funny joke if by design, an easy to understand insignificant mistake if by accident)
@matheusspable 2 жыл бұрын
The fact you were holding the dinosaur's paws the whole time is so much cuter than I'd like to admit....
@fuinharlz 2 жыл бұрын
The problem with pay 2 win (and no, there's no pay to get a simple advantage, as getting an advantage IS pay 2 win) is NOT that other players can have better itens, unless the game have a pvp system and those itens interfere on the pvp directly. Problem with pay 2 win is that whenever things get on a cash shop on a pay 2 win game, like, experience boost potions, gold boost potions, magic find boost potions, companies who own those kind of games tend to make the game REALLY hard on those points (like taking forever to level up without the aid of xp boost potions, or making you get almost no gold and gold sinks costing a LOT if you don't use gold booster and cash shop repair canisters) to try and force the majority of the playerbase to buy those things on the cash shop. So they just try to force you to use the cash shop by making the game almost unenjoyable if you don't use the cash shop.
@baelmon1 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for ridiculing some of the most common rationalizations of pay to win mechanics. Well deserved.
@RandomDropUp 2 жыл бұрын
I died at Vorkath watching this, lol. Great vid. Thank you, for the A+ content.
@madrain3941 2 жыл бұрын
I think GW2 monetization is damn near perfect. Make it pay to play upon release, then after the game does well, make it F2P with selling expansions, give limitations to the F2P like no trading, no map chat. Sell quality of life items in the cash shop at a relatively cheap price for first world countries median income. Also give the ability to convert in game currency to premium currency within the game at a reasonable rate in terms of time to get.
@Dianji 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah I think GW2 is also the only game for me that hits the sweet spot. I actually feel good to give that company money for a nice skin or quality of life change. I never feel forced to spend money at all.
@NikolayNikoloff 2 жыл бұрын
Neverwinter kept screwing up and alienated a lot of players, including me, by doing this long time farm for the best pieces for your class and immediately releasing new half assed expansion with just better items and mediocre content, I still got Guild Wars 2, but I don't feel like MMO's in general are worth the time anymore.
@HarmonyOfTheVoice 2 жыл бұрын
The only mmo i still enjoy from time to time is osrs or rs3 depends on my mood
@joshy541 2 жыл бұрын
I'll recommend the free trial of FFXIV. It's free, no subscription fee until you buy the game, and no grinding required(as long as you don't switch job). So functionally you just get a JRPG for free that additionally has a lot of online-compatible side-content.
@Hamburglar009 2 жыл бұрын
I’m starting to get to that point: MMO’s aren’t worth it anymore. I was really big into ESO on Xbox for a couple years. I grinded to get my characters leveled up, then I grinded good gear to do end game content and then a new patch came out and my gear wasn’t the best so I grinded new gear. And a new patch came out and I grinded new gear. Unfortunately, in that game when you are leveled and geared for even somewhat challenging content then you’re way over powered for overland questing. Anything new they add in, as far as new zones and quests is too easy, but the new dungeon may be VERY hard. It’s weird and I’m kind of over the grind and disappointment.
@callynn1 2 жыл бұрын
My OCD triggered with the unopened boxes at the GW2 sample 14:00 in.
@DJToMyHits 2 жыл бұрын
This video just saved me from a very lengthy argument about Lost Ark.
@imaajfpstnfo 2 жыл бұрын
The perfect way is to do it like Digital Extremes (warframe) where the "win" condition is just playing the game and having fun. That way it doesn't even matter whether someone buys an item for premium currency. If anything, they lose out on the time spent playing the game to farm that item. :P
@scottcrocker3265 2 жыл бұрын
Only acceptable "P2W" experience I've ever had was Path of Exile. Full campaign is completely free but it's accepted that to be functional in the end game you need a few stashtabs. At which point it feels more like you finally "purchased" path of Exile rather than temporary purchases for power. Still bad, but better
@CircumSamurai 2 жыл бұрын
Similar deal in Warframe, though a bit more egregious than PoE I think. Most people don't mind the blatant P2W because it's a co-op game & not a competitive PVP one. P2W is definitely worse in PVP games, even if it can still be annoying in non-competitive games.
@jcon2060 2 жыл бұрын
@@CircumSamurai exactly what I was thinking. Warframe checks every single box for P2W and I was scratching my head over why it didn't feel that way. Sure, the PVE aspect exists... But consider something like the primed mods. You NEED them for higher level content. I got them by selling prime frames and weapons, which is a grind once again. So all in all, I'm not sure whether it is P2W or not considering that the grind for plat was enjoyable and not as time consuming.
@rokkraljkolesa9317 2 жыл бұрын
@@jcon2060 just read another comment that made a good point: aside from buying from the market, you spend the platinum to skip the time _someone else_ spent doing something unless you're buying prime packs, someone has to open the relics to get that Valkyr Prime set, or those prime parts you're converting to ducats for that Primed Flow
@mechanomics2649 2 жыл бұрын
@@jcon2060 By the definition Josh uses in the video, yes that's pay to win. Grind is grind. Pay to win exists more on a spectrum than a binary. It doesn't have to necessarily be egregious.
@GelawByscar 2 жыл бұрын
while i agree with your comment, I'm left wondering, is it better for a game to have a "free to play with quasi--required purchase later" or buy to play. From the perspective of the players you get to play game before committing money (and even how much you want in Poe's case) , and the devs get easily new player which help community building. But it's not clearly stated as such and can get annoying if they release new utility over and over.
@AndroidA258 2 жыл бұрын
where can i find that PDF with the listing of the games?
@Cyromantik 2 жыл бұрын
CC had your name at "Josh Droif Hays" so maybe that could be your next character name! Love the mugs.
@Vitli01 2 жыл бұрын
I mostly played Guild Wars 2 and by my definition I would call it p2w since you can buy gold with real money but I don't mind it at all because the game doesn't force me to grind for hours for the best gear since endgame gear is VERY easy to get and leveling is also very quick. That's why i don't demonize the term p2w because I do think I can work even though 99% of the time especially with mobile games it just doesn't My Problem though with EVERY type of monetized games is that Games are changed around them, be it p2w, pay to progress or even pay for cosmetics. If you feel you HAVE TO grind or do something in game, that's in my opinion a very bad signal.
@stonium69 2 жыл бұрын
I agree. Any game with a cash shop is intentionally made worse so the items in the shop seem appealing.
@metagen77 2 жыл бұрын
To put the time sink into perspective : 10 000 hours of practice will take you to a level of mastery in a craft if you have any talent at all
@mechanomics2649 2 жыл бұрын
This absolutely doesn't apply to most cases, especially MMOs. No matter how much time you spend grinding, if someone has high enough stats, they're going to out perform you.
@blakeschmirler2218 2 жыл бұрын
​@@mechanomics2649 I think metagen77 is referring to real life skills. Grinding for 10,000 hours in a game COULD have been used to reach mastery in a real skill. An instrument, trade, or art form for example.
@elijahtxt2334 2 жыл бұрын
@@mechanomics2649 you completely missed his point......
@Ejmillanv 2 жыл бұрын
me in the few secs of the videos: man i do hate p2w me for the rest of the video when josh pops up with a rex mug: man i want that mug
@WrangleMcDangle 2 жыл бұрын
josh's flex's: karate hair handsome mug collection
@killersmile7180 2 жыл бұрын
No mention of the WoW token? It's one thing when you trade your money for your own time and progress faster, but when you gain something in the shop that other players will gladly trade their in-game efforts for it's a much deeper issue. Either way the play as the developer is to make the in-game progression a slog, because if it was fun to not skip to "endgame" why pay at all? Even if you don't actively try to design your game as such, once the players in-game efforts can be sold indirectly it's no longer a themepark ride, it's punching the time clock. Trying to curb the whole problematic with timegating and daily quest rewards just makes it worse, it's trying to cure the symptom of a poison you happly administer yourself with every patch. I hope this gets discussed on this channel sooner or later, even tho he'd prefer to avoid talking about blizzard. I know it's very complicated (by design ofc), but if anyone can make sense of why it's such a bad idea to double dip in a subscription themepark mmo it's Josh.
@darththeo 2 жыл бұрын
The WoW token can be redeemed for game time or cash for the shop ... it doesn't really give you a benefit in game. The boost is pay to win though.
@Skiballer 2 жыл бұрын
@@darththeo What do you mean? You can sell the WoW Token for in game currency, Which can be used to buy legendary bases, or Best in slot Bind on Equip items.
@jtowensbyiii6018 2 жыл бұрын
@@darththeo wtf is wrong with you? It's literally paying money for in game currency that buys ANYTHING
@Stunex 2 жыл бұрын
For me there are two things that are mostly relevant. How much time does it save and how much does this advantage impede others. For example, even if I can "just" buy boosters that allow me to grind faster (more xp, more gold, ...) this doesn't sound that bad at a first glance. However, if your game allows for basically an increasing growth rate it leans towards p2w. Because then faster leveling equates to arriving at higher-level drop zones earlier than others, which equates to more money and better gear earlier, which just spirals out of control and those who reached the endgame first (and played the most) are now the "winners". And now the second point comes into play. If nobody is really affected by you being far ahead, it doesn't really matter to me as there is no "winning" then. My prime example for this would be AFK Arena (ye I know I know, a mobile game..). It is p2w as shit, you can literally buy everything ever by just throwing immense amounts of money at the devs (and it is REALLY expensive). BUT.. unless you are trying to join the top 1% in the leaderboards, nobody gives a fuck. I am not losing anything due to those whales, quite the opposite actually, in coop-events it can even be helpful. Another game that, for me, falls into this category is GW2. If you just look at the cash shop people would probably think it is pay2win af. You can buy pretty much everything that's "pay4convenvience" in other games like all sorts of boosters, inventory slot expansions, bank expansions, etc. However, with the way GW2 was designed this is really not an issue. Not only can you convert ingame gold to cash shop currency and buy literally everything via ingame means, (and now comes the important part) it also doesn't give you any real advantages over others. Personal advantages yes, but they don't interfere with the fun of others. And I think that's a crucial thing the vast majority of games don't accomplish.
@michaelconvery2924 2 жыл бұрын
This vid felt like jsh was explaining Schroedingers monetisation strategy
@VERGILDEVILL 2 жыл бұрын
Neverwinter is one game where it’s free to play but u have to pay to get to end game faster to stay in line with other people coz people won’t invite u to party when u are under required level so this game forces u to buy in-house real money to get gear and other equipment
@yordiscool2 2 жыл бұрын
I know this is an MMO channel but some FPS games have this blurry pay to win line where you can buy character skins that give better camouflage. It doesnt inherently make the user stronger, but it does give an advantage.
@TheAzureGhost 2 жыл бұрын
As long as it's just camo and not different Models with smaller hitboxes xD (mostly know that from modding, back in LAN days I remember some player making a custom snoopy skin which was so small it was pretty much invisible behind knee high walls while allowing the player to shoot over the walls as the "ego" model stayed the same size....)
@khatdubell 2 жыл бұрын
I fall into the category that if you can buy it in a shop, its pay to win. Doesn't matter if you can obtain it in game with any amount of effort. You're paying, and you're getting an in game advantage. Its that simple.
@tacticalchunder1207 2 жыл бұрын
Cosmetics are the only difference here.
@popsicleman8816 2 жыл бұрын
I mean, wouldn't most mmorpgs be p2w then? More inventory space - less time juggling inventory, more time farming/grinding/leveling Level boost to x level or xp boost - even in games where it's trivial to hit level cap, it's still less time spent leveling, more time grinding Mounts - even if you could buy mounts with in game currency, the time/gold spent on that could be used for grinding. And there is time lost from not having mounted speed. Hell, even some cosmetics may be p2w - some cosmetics make things harder for enemies in pvp games. Harder to target, harder to differentiate, or harder to dodge the cosmetic players attacks. (depends on how exactly the game works, but it's an issue if your game system uses manual aiming of any kind) I feel like absolutist definitions can seem nice and neat, but they must consider edge cases. Then again, maybe you're saying that all these are p2w, but there is a delineation between acceptable p2w and unacceptable p2w. But then we're back where we started with the whole sliding scale of p2w again.
@popsicleman8816 2 жыл бұрын
@@tacticalchunder1207 Is it really though? If the specific game uses manual aiming and allows for pvp, even cosmetics can be pvp. If you use a cosmetic only item that makes you blend into the surroundings well, don't you have an advantage in ambushing a non paying player? Or what about cases where the cosmetic effects make it harder to differentiate between certain attacks, making it harder to respond to? One could argue that these advantages are so ridiculously minor that they aren't p2w, but that's the definition set by the commenter.
@khatdubell 2 жыл бұрын
@@popsicleman8816 There was a time when that wasn't all mmorpgs. Yes, those count as pay to win. If you can pay to increase your inventory space, the game is pay to win.
@Evoxx_x 2 жыл бұрын
Gw2 for me is the line where I say "That's p2w" since everything endgame is a gold grind and you can buy gold
@bradley8329 2 жыл бұрын
I really like your channel. Thank you for the content.
@jjay2771 2 жыл бұрын
You do such a good job explaining the relative grind time for some p2w. Neverwinter became such a disappointment to me because of exactly that. Even if you grind and spend some money the pace of acquiring new stuff without paying more is way longer then the campaigns. I don't think anything kills my love of a game more then grinding for stuff then having it replaced in just a few months.
@BlazeMakesGames 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah I can't agree with all the people defending P2W with things like "You're only buying a slight advantage" or "you're only skipping a grind" and such. The thing you have to realize is that this is a created universe. Every aspect of it is completely arbitrary and decided upon by the developers. There's no inherent reason why it *has* to take 100 hours to get that great sword. There's no inherent reason why it has to cost 50 dollars if you want to buy that sword instead. Those are just numbers they decided upon because they felt that it would optimize the amount of people that would pay for more things. They're selling you a solution to an arbitrary problem that they themselves created. It's like if someone stole your hard drive data and said you could decrypt it if you either wait 1 year or gave them 10,000 dollars. Your response shouldn't be to start considering which option is more valuable to you, your response should be to call the police and get this undone. Here's my overall view on this kind of stuff. If you're playing a single player game, then it doesn't matter how you play it. You're free to modify things however you want and have your own fun. Sure maybe running through a game like Devil May Cry with tons of cheat codes might ruin the intended experience, but if you're having fun with it, it ultimately doesn't matter as long as you know what you're getting into. But if you're playing a multiplayer game, the point of a multiplayer game, whether it's co-op or competitive or whatever, is that you're in an environment where you're comparing the skill of different players at the game. If you would look down on a player for using cheat codes in an attempt to perform better than they would have otherwise. Why should we in any situation excuse a player for paying money to do the same thing? Plus why should we be okay with people paying money to skip grinds and unlocks and such? Isn't the point of a game to, I don't know, *play* the game? This monetization strategy literally amounts to paying real money so that you can play the game *less* than you would need to otherwise. They're just tricking people with not as much time on their hands into paying more money to play less of the game. Letting players pay money for anything from skipping a grind to getting equipment directly to indirectly boosting their abilities to make the grind easier or whatever, is essentially letting players pay to turn on cheat codes that they won't get banned for. I mean think about it like cheat codes for a second. If you were playing an MMO, and you figured out a way to hack the game so that you could get XP faster than everyone else, or so that you could deal more damage or travel across the world faster or whatever. You would be banned from that MMO as soon as the devs found out you were doing that. And other players would complain about it constantly for being unfair. Even if the cheats were only for slight advantages that were barely detectable, I'm still willing to bet it'd warrant at least a temporary ban and you'd be reported by any players that found out you were doing it. Yet it's somehow suddenly okay when it's officially sanctioned by the game because you paid real money for it. There's no reason why another player should be okay with this. It's no different from them paying for a cheat engine or something. And they're getting an explicit advantage. And of course the only reason the Devs are okay with it is because it's making them money. All that has happened is that instead of people paying for cheat codes by going to shady people on weird websites on the net, they're paying for cheat codes made by shady people on the dev team itself.
@spiritfire6842 2 жыл бұрын
I have to say that this is an perspective that I never considered. And I agree that these two things are very close together.
@coreyg3658 2 жыл бұрын
I'm buying a run through timewalking Black Temple in WoW for the warglaive transmog at the end. It's only available a few times a year and I only play on weekends and don't have the time to find a group myself. Would that be considered pay to win? I'm paying with in game gold but you can buy gold with money
@uzmari 2 жыл бұрын
can't wait for the next new world video! forums are spicy!
@Mornings 2 жыл бұрын
It also depends on what someone sees as "winning". Having the "coolest" looking character could be seen as winning thus making skins pay to win. The only way to not be pay to win at all is to sell nothing besides the game itself. In fact DLC could be pay to win too if they are not free. lol
@shutup1037 2 жыл бұрын
People saying any bit of advantage as p2w but their subscribtion have booster yet they cope with it lol
@Dumbass717 2 жыл бұрын
How many patrons is that now? Like, damn. Wow
@blackcitadel37 2 жыл бұрын
Dude could open his own church at this point.
@cobaltdeleon 2 жыл бұрын
@@blackcitadel37 the Church of Josh Strife Prays
@coreykowalchuk3512 2 жыл бұрын
This video he has made sounds like a meeting they would have before releasing a game with P2W. Good job on video. Always enjoy your content.
@Gelondil 2 жыл бұрын
The term I prefer for the "middle-ground" stuff that doesn't give you a numerical advatage but a time advantage is PTWF - "Pay to Win Faster".
@DKannji 2 жыл бұрын
I'm semi-tolerant of the pay to skip model of Warframe, as it is a PvE game. But I detest any and all non-cosmetic micro/macro-transactions as they are All P2W(including Warframe).
@byakumaruZ 2 жыл бұрын
I totally agree with your stance on warframe being p2w. I played for 5000 hours, mastered everything, made 30000 platinum from selling arcanes during the golden days of eidolon farming (before scarlet spear and orphix). Never bought a single platinum, though I do buy prime accessories. Despite that, i can't shake off the memories from my beginner days of this game, which is a hopeless vicious cycle made of progression barriers between limited warframe slots and rare materials/credits. Formaing anything feels like a punishment, potatoes cost a fortune, operator shenanigans are impossible to get into. When you bring up this P2W discussion in the reddit or discord, you get a ton of flak from players saying "no" without a second thought, and shutting you down before you could explain it further. It annoys the hell out of me. P. S regarding warframe being PvE, it also has conclave. JK conclave is a myth.
@user-op6ke1kc9t 2 жыл бұрын
Not to be the salty one here but even though what you stated is true. "warframe" is thousand times better when compared to games like destiny or anyother games when it comes to p2w games as it seems "p2w" has become a genre on its own it seems.i bought the starter pack fr the game but i dint feel like i ws more at an advantage to any of the newer player out there at the game.Bought the accesories for gara prime and mind you that too after grinding/farming both gara and gara prime (apparently i liked the frame a lot more then other frames out there).i dont even use astilla prime(which i paid for) and by the time i bought the prime pack i had 3 more powerful lich weapons which i literary farmed for without paying any money. i dont have many prime frames but i dont feel inferior to any mr15 to 20. i dont even want to farm many of the frames simply because of the fact that i dont like that frame for this or that reasons and if i like a frame and even if its off meta i will buy its accesories,prime pack or wtever yu call it i use the frames i like more even if its not that viable compared to other frames that i have on my arsenal and my gameplay is not that hindered at all tbh.
@byakumaruZ 2 жыл бұрын
@@user-op6ke1kc9t Definitely. Between Warframe and Destiny, I'd say Warframe is the better game right now. Destiny has gotten a bunch of heat for selling expansions and updates despite being a live service with eververse and such. I've even heard that they've been deleting older expansions from the game, despite the fact that some people paid for those things at some point.
@user-op6ke1kc9t 2 жыл бұрын
@@byakumaruZ Bungie's taking things too far man i feel bad for the destiny players out there especially the loyal and hardcore ones.
@divagaciones1628 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a simple man. I like to pay for my game and just play it without having to worry about convoluted monetization and microtransactions. If the game has those things, I'll be very quick to quit. Pay to win is just radically opposite to the concept of a fun game in my opinion.
@eneco3965 2 жыл бұрын
Same. Except for the paying for my game part.
@eriol_shivas 2 жыл бұрын
Watching your videos gives a great depth on topics that I previously put off as very simple (For example, pay 2 win = cash shops, ingame weapon etc.) Yet you found a way to explain the personal breaking point where people in discussions (think of Reddit lol) would either argue that a game is P2W or not P2W (Reason is everybody's own stance on the relation between MoneySpent and TimeSpent to get a P2W ingame item 6:50) props man, the more you know ;)
@chadlarson4149 2 жыл бұрын
I've played games like Crossout, where its Pay to Compete. If you want to go above noob brackets, which you are forced to do after lvl 30. You either spend outrageous money, which alot of people do, or you get your ass handed to you in a high hat. Forever.
@josecampos7157 2 жыл бұрын
Even RS bonds and WoW tokens can be seen as pay to win, even though they're meant to undercut gold sellers. Many disagree simply because it allows them to play the subscription game for free.
@jeroenstolp9889 2 жыл бұрын
I don't disagree that it's pay-to-win, I will however say that it is a pay-to-win mechanic that benefits both paying players and free players, thereby largely negating what normally would be the biggest downside of pay-to-win mechanics. As far as pay-to-win goes, this feels to me like a good way to implement it. You're right though, still pay-to-win.
@belicto7743 2 жыл бұрын
You've said it before and I think it summarizes it well, when the most efficient way to progress doesn't even involve playing the game. I think it's entirely possible to have a functional "P2W" game as long as it's done in a smart way. Warframe sells you currency with which you can buy power, but you can only get that power from trading for exclusively F2P efforts (such as prime parts from opening relics) meaning the premium currency is simply a token to skip doing content that *someone* had to do If no one is doing content because the game is being predatory, the platinum prices rise due to lack ot supply so doing the content and trading the loot for platinum starts looking more appealing, it's self balancing.
@Oskanwhitchfather 2 жыл бұрын
Neverwinter Online did this as well with the Zen Market. However, Neverwinter fucked themselves with it, and there is Zen still for sale on the exchange (you can sell Zen to other players for Astral Diamonds which you get from doing dungeons and quests and stuff), but they made generating Astral Diamonds waayyy too easy to grind. You need 150K AD for (item)? Well, you have 2 end game characters? Cool. 3 hours total, run all the dungeons (and PVP if you can get it to connect) and you're done. A guild I ran with a couple years ago had it down to a science. They each had 5-6 characters (different classes, too, so all roles would be filled, and no one would get bored easily), and they'd spend the mornings on their off days, or playing at their office jobs, or maybe they're single and grind after work, either way, they spend the few hours to get 60-100K Astral Diamonds *_per character_* then lump them all into one toon/tune. After getting my second character to end game, and running with them, I had enough Astral Diamonds after 3 days that I was one of the end game players that would find a newbie, huck 300K diamonds at them, answer a few questions, and then go about my day. I didn't need the 300K cause 1) I had millions, and 2) if I needed the diamonds, I could always ask my guild, or spend 2-3 hours today making it back.
@davidxu5466 2 жыл бұрын
Any game that allows you to trade subscription tokens for in-game currency is in the same situation, an example is EVE Online, this is why I disliked that video josh did on why P2W ruins MMO's as the "most efficient way" stops being that if every player does it.
@neiloch 2 жыл бұрын
The fact someone some where has to still farm it doesn't wipe away the P2W. Its the experience playing out down to a single person that matters, not the overall net result. If I can spend cash and get one of the best items in the game its P2W. Doesn't matter if its from the MTX directly or if I had to execute a series of trades to do it. If a unique influx of cash (things outside of paid DLC, game purchase, subscriptions) to acquire the power or speed its P2W. Its the same reason people don't find comfort in devs saying a 30% drop rate is being properly reflective across the population. This is little comfort to someone who is effectively closer to a 5% rate and someone else is riding a 55% rate. No one is saying "well at least someone, some where is having a satisfying experience even if its not me so I guess its fine" unless its dripping with sarcasm.
@Oskanwhitchfather 2 жыл бұрын
@@neiloch I... What? Your drop rate analogy makes no sense. If it's a flat 30% to drop (thing), that's fair. If you've had bad RNG, that's not a fault of anyone or anything but your own shitty luck. Now, this example isn't an MMO, but it's still RNG. Do you know how many 30% shots I've made in XCOM? Do you know how many 98% shots I've fucking missed? RNG is just that. *_Random._* Or, as close to random as a binary system can make it, computer RNG isn't actually random... There's many videos on it here in KZfaq. Spending real world money on a game item that nets you no benefit on its own: No faster XP gain No faster Gold gain No drop increases Nothing It's just a material that is useless but can be traded for another thing that has a use, is not P2W. Now, if you could buy crafting materials outright, or a buff that increases the drop rate for them, *_that_* is P2W. Warframe's system isn't. At least, not strictly. As Josh said, it's a sliding scale, and Warframe is on the low, low end of offensive P2W bullshit.
@hampustornros 2 жыл бұрын
I think Lost Ark does it in the least offensive way. You can "P2W", but you're not actually winning anything. The actual winning is done in content where that ilvl holds no meaning. It let's people with money and little time progress through new raids faster, but for the mode with standardized gear that competitive players actually care about it doesn't help them at all.
@WilliamLucian 2 жыл бұрын
This is his best mug yet.
@borisgrozni386 2 жыл бұрын
I remember in RIFT there was a Tier 3 raid gear , in the shop they were selling T2 for 400$ . Make new toon reach max lvl and buy that set aaaand you just jumped over 1 year of grinding
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