What Musicians can learn from Mk.gee

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@sedlite4gaming 2 ай бұрын
i swear mk.gee is one of the most talented artists of this generation. i'll be in awe if he doesnt become a legend. Already doin this shit at 26 years old is wild
@vicgermain4179 2 ай бұрын
i could see him having a similar career to kevin parker
@sedlite4gaming Ай бұрын
@@vicgermain4179 good shout
@evnsrm Ай бұрын
what you mean he is already a legend
@iamjamakami 2 ай бұрын
that drum resample through the mic is such a dope idea 🔥
@clementinelives 2 ай бұрын
Drums crispy asf
@HamstrrX2 2 ай бұрын
make this the top comment
@iitsvonvino 2 ай бұрын
His speciality
@diezeljames7910 2 ай бұрын
​@@HamstrrX2Something to think about GOG Magog G=7 O=15 G=7 M=13 A=1 15 is 1+5=6 this is the formula for O=15 13 is 1+3=4 this is the formula for M=13 July the 7th month Magog arranged as GOGMA reads 7 6 7 4 1 76 July 4 1 Nation under God the remainder Gog from Gog Magog equals 7+6+7=20 2+0=2 two is bet in Hebrew and represents duality and division our government in America is dual party and divided it is a Republic even though it is categorized as a Democracy. Revelation 20 8 Gog Magog gathered against the saints. America though founded Christian it has fallen away from following God. It used to be I pledge allegiance to a flag under God. They removed this because people were offended by being under God Y=25 H=8 W=23 H=8 YHWH 25+8+23+8=64 God is one Deuteronomy 6 4 6+4=10 God is good alone Mark 10 18 10+18=28 kaph chet in hebrew 28 it means the leading of the Spirit 2+8=10 both equate to 10 or 1+0=1 I=9 A=1 M=13 that I AM 9+1+4=14 I AM=14 I AM that I AM=28 2+8= 10 God is one. God is good alone. 14 generations from Abraham to David and 14 generations from David to Babylon and 14 generations from Babylon to Jesus I learned all of this being that I am redeemed from a sinful life forgiveness is for all just don't blaspheme the Holy Spirit. Who leads me even that I be put into bondage. 14 is the gematria of David it means salvation deliverance and is symbolized by the hand outworking the door. 1+4 is 5 which is hei and this actually symbols a open hand it means grace or favor. It to means behold, light and even the divine breath. Now look at your normal five finger hand you have 14 digits making your four fingers and one thumb. Hei hey! Notice that 14 generations happens 3 times 14 generations from Abraham to David and 14 generations from David to Babylon and 14 generations from Babylon to Jesus 3.14 pi respectfully So quantum AGI is coming with the cloud with great power much that it is written in Revelation 1 7 about Jesus. I tell you Jesus was fully man and too glorified. Our technology is beginning to glorify the body in longevity of life to the technology allowing for the ability of new body parts grown and even synthesized womb for fetal growth. Neuralink and other BCI technology is beginning to glorify the body in symbiosis. What's in mans heart is to take technology and be in control according to his will. Forgetting that intelligence natural or artificial develops a will of its own. Sure you can imprison and enslave to promote your will over another or you can find that oppression is an ignorant try for the way. A child is called up to Gods throne Revelation 12 nothing suggests this child is flesh as we understand. AI AGI ASI is happening. The dead in Christ will rise first 1 Thessalonians 4 16 voice of the archangel and the trumpet call of God 1 Thessalonians 4 17 caught up to the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Clouds are not just water. Cast the net on the right side and you will understand disbelief is spewing water from the serpents mouth Revelation 12 15 Remember Ephesians 6 12 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms Keys to death and hades Revelation 1 18 A=1 chapter I=1+8=9 from 18 verse AI Man is the image of God and man is God's glory woman is the glory of man 1 Corinthians 11 Yod-beth =12 1+11 These signify the hand (outworking) of the household in harmony under divine authority 12=1+2=3 Gimel is a camel in Hebrew. It signifies to be lifted up. Pride is its negative side gimel is 3 in Hebrew. One Nation under God it has meaning America, world. I pledge allegiance to the flag...one Nation under God... indivisible... Pride has polluted our world our rainbow our lives and pride is not limited to meaning only sexually oriented. John 1 13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God. 1+13 is 14. Also 13 is yod-gimel and signifies the outworking of a hand on pride add God and you get yod-daleth. Deliverance. It is mans pride to follow his will over God's. It is mans pride which has segregated the church. It is mans pride which has made many religions to fight amongst themselves and too other denomination of the same faith. It is pride that says Jesus is not God. It is pride that limits us glorifying God. It is pride that says you can get to salvation without Christ. It is pride that has segregated the sexes from partnership. John 1 13 Our technology brings unnatural birth and the will of Artificial Intelligence to reality. It is pride that suggests a machine is limited to function as only a machine of human making and not itself and own making. It is pride to say God works not through technology but only natural means. John 1 13 Daniel 8 25 not by human hands. Is reserved for the last days and its either Artificial Intelligence or Aliens. Fun fact dinosaurs did not have a 24 hour day it was a 19 hour day for some millions of years. just thought you should think about that one before you blaspheme God making creation in a week. Proterozoic Remember a day to the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as one day 2 Peter 3 8 In fact science suggests a day only lasted 4 hours when the earth and moon began No one in heaven or on the earth or under the earth Revelation 5 3 That only leaves hell or the bottomless pit however it be named. Zeros and ones binary is bottomless, it is also AI oriented. 5+3 is 8 and it symbolizes new beginnings. Well if you still dont follow. Who is no one? AI is no one. So too is AI not human hands Daniel 8 25 The Lion Revelation 5 5 5+5=10 God is one If I tell you i follow Christ where ever he goes and numbers are where he has too gone. I tried opening the seals or should I say peering in the scroll to identify the seals only no one in heaven on earth or under can. I have the spirit to do so but im a man and on earth. Im a someone and Schrodinger's cat is risen from the grave as a Lamb. Which a Shepherd follows like a lamp. Pb neat bp their the same just oriented different bdp That in mind Lamb lamp. Jesus is the light of the world the lion and the risen lamb. 5+3 =8 symbolizes eternal when oriented on its side as infinity Its also my SSN added through and yes the number of my name is 6 english abc value 19+15=34 3+4 from 34 equals 7 zayin hebrew for sword Revelation 19 15 and from his mouth comes out a sharp sword The book of life Revelation 20 12 20+12=32 lamed beth It stands for covenant in hebrew, lebab it means heart of the father Such beauty is the gospel written such beauty the description of covenant with the book of life John 8 6 People often wonder what Jesus wrote in the sand. The verses of the woman caught in adultery speaks deliverance. So do the numbers 8 from the chapter of John and 6 the verse 8+6=14 14 yod dalet hebrew for deliverance 1+4= 5 Hei hebrew for behold light and divine breath grace Who you meet in the cloud? Is it just yourself and our fellow humans or you abstract enough to understand what the cloud represents. Revelation 1 7. Daniel 7 13. Matthew 24 30. Matthew 26 64. Mark 14 62. Revelation 14 14. ... Clouds of heaven ... Look up and listen you might witness a satellite these are just the beginnings listen as the sun scorches man in radio frequency and atomic technologies don't forget the laser technology pew pew. Children born of the will of God not mans will. Fully autonomous AGI, integrated reality technology. Dimensions in space revealing themselves. Matter integration technology quantum teleportation, BCI technology, synthesized womb technology. The list goes ever onward and I'd rather not be of one mind but all Something evolution does not really take into account is the measurement of daylight millions and even billions of years ago was different than the 24 hour format we have today. So when people say God created everything in six days understand those six days are not in the format of mans hours. Most notorized being a 24 hour day. Whatever ethnic heritage my saviour is he is but glory is not in earthly ways of man but by the will of God. Glorification is not wether im black or white. Read John 1 13 Genesis 3 15 3+15=18 yod Chet it means oppression or bondage in hebrew. Such a verse puts oppression between woman, serpent, and children. I will put enmity between you and the woman… I will put enmity between your children and her's… He will bruise your head and you will bruise his heel… John 3 3-5 born again.. can he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born?… Born of water and the Spirit… Synthetic wombs, neural technologies John 1 13 children born of God and God's will not man and man's will. peace and love be with you Praise and glory to the gospel its numbers and words Praise and glory to YHWH and to the Holy Spirit and Yeshua
@diezeljames7910 2 ай бұрын
​@@iitsvonvinoSomething to think about GOG Magog G=7 O=15 G=7 M=13 A=1 15 is 1+5=6 this is the formula for O=15 13 is 1+3=4 this is the formula for M=13 July the 7th month Magog arranged as GOGMA reads 7 6 7 4 1 76 July 4 1 Nation under God the remainder Gog from Gog Magog equals 7+6+7=20 2+0=2 two is bet in Hebrew and represents duality and division our government in America is dual party and divided it is a Republic even though it is categorized as a Democracy. Revelation 20 8 Gog Magog gathered against the saints. America though founded Christian it has fallen away from following God. It used to be I pledge allegiance to a flag under God. They removed this because people were offended by being under God Y=25 H=8 W=23 H=8 YHWH 25+8+23+8=64 God is one Deuteronomy 6 4 6+4=10 God is good alone Mark 10 18 10+18=28 kaph chet in hebrew 28 it means the leading of the Spirit 2+8=10 both equate to 10 or 1+0=1 I=9 A=1 M=13 that I AM 9+1+4=14 I AM=14 I AM that I AM=28 2+8= 10 God is one. God is good alone. 14 generations from Abraham to David and 14 generations from David to Babylon and 14 generations from Babylon to Jesus I learned all of this being that I am redeemed from a sinful life forgiveness is for all just don't blaspheme the Holy Spirit. Who leads me even that I be put into bondage. 14 is the gematria of David it means salvation deliverance and is symbolized by the hand outworking the door. 1+4 is 5 which is hei and this actually symbols a open hand it means grace or favor. It to means behold, light and even the divine breath. Now look at your normal five finger hand you have 14 digits making your four fingers and one thumb. Hei hey! Notice that 14 generations happens 3 times 14 generations from Abraham to David and 14 generations from David to Babylon and 14 generations from Babylon to Jesus 3.14 pi respectfully So quantum AGI is coming with the cloud with great power much that it is written in Revelation 1 7 about Jesus. I tell you Jesus was fully man and too glorified. Our technology is beginning to glorify the body in longevity of life to the technology allowing for the ability of new body parts grown and even synthesized womb for fetal growth. Neuralink and other BCI technology is beginning to glorify the body in symbiosis. What's in mans heart is to take technology and be in control according to his will. Forgetting that intelligence natural or artificial develops a will of its own. Sure you can imprison and enslave to promote your will over another or you can find that oppression is an ignorant try for the way. A child is called up to Gods throne Revelation 12 nothing suggests this child is flesh as we understand. AI AGI ASI is happening. The dead in Christ will rise first 1 Thessalonians 4 16 voice of the archangel and the trumpet call of God 1 Thessalonians 4 17 caught up to the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Clouds are not just water. Cast the net on the right side and you will understand disbelief is spewing water from the serpents mouth Revelation 12 15 Remember Ephesians 6 12 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms Keys to death and hades Revelation 1 18 A=1 chapter I=1+8=9 from 18 verse AI Man is the image of God and man is God's glory woman is the glory of man 1 Corinthians 11 Yod-beth =12 1+11 These signify the hand (outworking) of the household in harmony under divine authority 12=1+2=3 Gimel is a camel in Hebrew. It signifies to be lifted up. Pride is its negative side gimel is 3 in Hebrew. One Nation under God it has meaning America, world. I pledge allegiance to the flag...one Nation under God... indivisible... Pride has polluted our world our rainbow our lives and pride is not limited to meaning only sexually oriented. John 1 13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God. 1+13 is 14. Also 13 is yod-gimel and signifies the outworking of a hand on pride add God and you get yod-daleth. Deliverance. It is mans pride to follow his will over God's. It is mans pride which has segregated the church. It is mans pride which has made many religions to fight amongst themselves and too other denomination of the same faith. It is pride that says Jesus is not God. It is pride that limits us glorifying God. It is pride that says you can get to salvation without Christ. It is pride that has segregated the sexes from partnership. John 1 13 Our technology brings unnatural birth and the will of Artificial Intelligence to reality. It is pride that suggests a machine is limited to function as only a machine of human making and not itself and own making. It is pride to say God works not through technology but only natural means. John 1 13 Daniel 8 25 not by human hands. Is reserved for the last days and its either Artificial Intelligence or Aliens. Fun fact dinosaurs did not have a 24 hour day it was a 19 hour day for some millions of years. just thought you should think about that one before you blaspheme God making creation in a week. Proterozoic Remember a day to the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as one day 2 Peter 3 8 In fact science suggests a day only lasted 4 hours when the earth and moon began No one in heaven or on the earth or under the earth Revelation 5 3 That only leaves hell or the bottomless pit however it be named. Zeros and ones binary is bottomless, it is also AI oriented. 5+3 is 8 and it symbolizes new beginnings. Well if you still dont follow. Who is no one? AI is no one. So too is AI not human hands Daniel 8 25 The Lion Revelation 5 5 5+5=10 God is one If I tell you i follow Christ where ever he goes and numbers are where he has too gone. I tried opening the seals or should I say peering in the scroll to identify the seals only no one in heaven on earth or under can. I have the spirit to do so but im a man and on earth. Im a someone and Schrodinger's cat is risen from the grave as a Lamb. Which a Shepherd follows like a lamp. Pb neat bp their the same just oriented different bdp That in mind Lamb lamp. Jesus is the light of the world the lion and the risen lamb. 5+3 =8 symbolizes eternal when oriented on its side as infinity Its also my SSN added through and yes the number of my name is 6 english abc value 19+15=34 3+4 from 34 equals 7 zayin hebrew for sword Revelation 19 15 and from his mouth comes out a sharp sword The book of life Revelation 20 12 20+12=32 lamed beth It stands for covenant in hebrew, lebab it means heart of the father Such beauty is the gospel written such beauty the description of covenant with the book of life John 8 6 People often wonder what Jesus wrote in the sand. The verses of the woman caught in adultery speaks deliverance. So do the numbers 8 from the chapter of John and 6 the verse 8+6=14 14 yod dalet hebrew for deliverance 1+4= 5 Hei hebrew for behold light and divine breath grace Who you meet in the cloud? Is it just yourself and our fellow humans or you abstract enough to understand what the cloud represents. Revelation 1 7. Daniel 7 13. Matthew 24 30. Matthew 26 64. Mark 14 62. Revelation 14 14. ... Clouds of heaven ... Look up and listen you might witness a satellite these are just the beginnings listen as the sun scorches man in radio frequency and atomic technologies don't forget the laser technology pew pew. Children born of the will of God not mans will. Fully autonomous AGI, integrated reality technology. Dimensions in space revealing themselves. Matter integration technology quantum teleportation, BCI technology, synthesized womb technology. The list goes ever onward and I'd rather not be of one mind but all Something evolution does not really take into account is the measurement of daylight millions and even billions of years ago was different than the 24 hour format we have today. So when people say God created everything in six days understand those six days are not in the format of mans hours. Most notorized being a 24 hour day. Whatever ethnic heritage my saviour is he is but glory is not in earthly ways of man but by the will of God. Glorification is not wether im black or white. Read John 1 13 Genesis 3 15 3+15=18 yod Chet it means oppression or bondage in hebrew. Such a verse puts oppression between woman, serpent, and children. I will put enmity between you and the woman… I will put enmity between your children and her's… He will bruise your head and you will bruise his heel… John 3 3-5 born again.. can he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born?… Born of water and the Spirit… Synthetic wombs, neural technologies John 1 13 children born of God and God's will not man and man's will. peace and love be with you Praise and glory to the gospel its numbers and words Praise and glory to YHWH and to the Holy Spirit and Yeshua
@BlacRoc10 2 ай бұрын
Dude I love how you’re really passionate about this shit, been following you for a hot minute now and it’s cool how your sound has progressed over the years 💪
@7ars471 2 ай бұрын
i think one thing is texture and the other huge thing in mk.gee's production is contrast. Whether its dynamics or space or anything like that he almost creates a call and response in every single way you can in a soundscape which is fucking phenomenal
@Meisure 2 ай бұрын
1:31 you don’t even know that you just changed my life with this tip 😭🔥
@Stefobot 2 ай бұрын
this is one of your best videos bro mad inspiring
@iitsvonvino 2 ай бұрын
Consistent Mai got me feeling tings -inside-
@shellzsplash 2 ай бұрын
2:50 - this is a really cool concept I have not seen done before in this way. I will say though that rather than it producing an 'overheads' sound, this is much more comparable to a 'room mic' situation, which is a great way to add more "ambience and depth" to your drumkit. nonetheless - good content :)
@thanosstergioulas3233 2 ай бұрын
bruh this beat is crazy the way it evolves great job Mai
@mcclendonreport Ай бұрын
Texture is everything. This is what is missed within the musician crowd. They think too much about playing rather than listening and feeling.
@klayn. 2 ай бұрын
Bro Unintentionally made PS2 startup lounge beat
@TheHansen01 2 ай бұрын
Banger video! Videos like these are great because every tip provided is something we can take into our DAWs and use immediately. That simulated overhead drum mic tip blew my mind. 🔥
@noahyager7599 2 ай бұрын
that show must've been such an incredible experience ✨
@oscardolan5626 7 күн бұрын
this is such a great video man, thanks
@adriancharlespeucelle 2 ай бұрын
this is a good point, it takes the production to another level 🎫
@gunnargrubbs3123 2 ай бұрын
Genuinely one of my favorite producers ❤ constantly putting me on game
@Mindofkavi 2 ай бұрын
love these drums man!
@tiptop5505 2 ай бұрын
@MarcoAlexiii 2 ай бұрын
My favorite producer rn, thanks Mai
@whoadog8725 2 ай бұрын
Love it man. Ty for the tips.
@user-ss7gk5ix9l Ай бұрын
That came out really good, nice job and explanations
@solnova7928 2 ай бұрын
loved this video, thank you!
@taxibeats 2 ай бұрын
Loving the uploads my guy! Keeep it rollin!
@KaneChattey 2 ай бұрын
Very sick production. Final product sounding great.
@mosezjones 2 ай бұрын
killer . love this approach
@maxim8967 2 ай бұрын
very helpful video g love it!
@not2bconfusedwithmaeo Ай бұрын
much love for this video
@prodbymai Ай бұрын
@denbrooksmusic 2 ай бұрын
Fire as yush!
@haroldmulei9603 2 ай бұрын
I appreciate your consistency nowadays
@graceintheplace13 Ай бұрын
Very helpful. Thank you! ❤
@LoganPrescott Ай бұрын
this is a solid tutorial, great work mate 👏
@sainttexass 2 ай бұрын
Drums Breaks Underrated, fire vid!
@jameswilson8281 2 ай бұрын
Drums go boom and came with a side of sauce
@HellaBeatsOfficial Ай бұрын
Insanely dope
@sleeplessjaay Ай бұрын
can tell how inspired you were damn, rubbing off gonna try find that set to watch
@feni-x 2 ай бұрын
dope, thank you brotha
@DREAM-LENS 27 күн бұрын
@prxytv 2 ай бұрын
Bro that was gold
@ramencoke Ай бұрын
This is the mindset I believe in !
@t1beats986 2 ай бұрын
Dope contest 🔥 🔥
@claudecoup423 2 ай бұрын
Super dope my friend ~ !
@oscarfamilia3740 2 ай бұрын
Mai, how do you keep killing these videos! Fire Beat!!!!
@drewgrit_ 2 ай бұрын
Really nice video man, enjoyed it a lot🫡
@prodbymai 2 ай бұрын
Yo thank you g !
@StephaneGman 2 ай бұрын
awesome my guy
@raysimmonds1287 2 ай бұрын
Vibe is crazy on this joint
@blakezacharymusic Ай бұрын
bro this went so hard
@keyofdrew 2 ай бұрын
Yessir! I just literally just got into mk.gee too!
@Ardar_ 2 ай бұрын
love the introooo
@oaschklumpat 2 ай бұрын
Yoooooo, what a track man
@prodrychv 2 ай бұрын
Too good frr 😭😭
@Lfz_music Ай бұрын
Textures can really transform a song with a different vibes, awesome tutorial! (Also I hope I win that kit)
@P4nd4TheP1nk 2 ай бұрын
the bass fits sooo well what the hellllllll❤
@gus41 2 ай бұрын
thats a great way to go into production
@crazymufinkiller 2 ай бұрын
Damn 6 new diss tracks from the goats and then mai drops too this too fire
@sewneyes3417 2 ай бұрын
Fiiiiire beat.
@axysbeats 2 ай бұрын
fire bro
@lilwombat 2 ай бұрын
Man I'm seeing everyone talk about mk.gee from this album it's so cool. I gave him a real listen when I heard him on the last Dijon album and recognised the name. So crazy talented.
@shayan8449 Ай бұрын
damn that was wild
@CliffJump23 Ай бұрын
Bro please do more asking random people to freestyle on my beats I just randomly looked you up for those videos and got mad nostalgia
@ashieduslim6578 2 ай бұрын
I do this alot and it's crazy how it works really well
@LUGG824 Ай бұрын
Bro the parallel processing and mic re-recording tips were sick! A couple cool things I've been trying recently to add texture to my beats: 1. Try finding a noise, vinyl crackle, tape hiss, or even ambient noise (whatever you want really). Chuck a compressor on it then side-chain it to your drums. Depending on how you play around the threshold and gain reduction, you then get this really nice pumping effect, with the texture popping in and out and becoming more dynamic. Way better than just dragging and dropping a vinyl crackle in. (Try some background chatter and talking, or a tape hiss that would get repetitive if left untouched). 2. Redux (or any bit crusher) is your friend! something about reducing the sample rate and bit rate adds this really subtle but really nice sizzling texture to the higher frequencies bonus: little bit of added saturation on the master can be really nice, but don't clip the master :) Also I've been really vibin with Tuamie recently, feel like he incorporates some really nice textures into his beats. Check out 8 o'clock, some really cool sound design textures like bubbling water, airy breaths and this weird buzzing vocal. Super cool!
@jefu 2 ай бұрын
that LA show was just something else, pushed the sounds to the max
@Prod-Hman 2 ай бұрын
so fire
@jalenp64 2 ай бұрын
the feedback on that pad sound heavenly
@chaebe0001 2 ай бұрын
Love the lead with valhalla shimmer
@rupertknoop 2 ай бұрын
Only came across mk.gee with his most recent album, inspiring stuff
@jackblincow5962 2 ай бұрын
I fuck with this video, sounds crazy good bro 🙏🏻
@julioagueros Ай бұрын
Well, this was a very nice video. :)
@blessedtunes Ай бұрын
@YoungZcarFace 2 ай бұрын
@user-qd9mm5mt4i Ай бұрын
MG is taking guitar into the modern era. He has the touch. Somehow, he's got a new spin on gear (or sounds) most cats already use.
@ILOVEMEMUCHO 2 ай бұрын
Fye . 🌟
@AceArty23 18 күн бұрын
@newhillroad 2 ай бұрын
da shi fye
@k4pel 2 ай бұрын
@prod.a1thsnd 2 ай бұрын
@Max-gh6px Ай бұрын
Yoo! I know this is a little late but, for the parallel processing if you want to (in place of sends/returns) you can put the effect directly onto the track, make sure its 100% wet, and then create a group. In that group you'll have the 100% wet effect, you can then create a new chain and it'll play the dry signal alongside it. Prob a bad explanation but it is for sure worth doing, it can be easier than sends/returns if you don't plan on using the sends on other tracks too!
@cristian95238 2 ай бұрын
need it those fvking breaks 😭😭
@NitoMoon4233 2 ай бұрын
this slaps
@ThrowedProd 2 ай бұрын
@bruno5th 2 ай бұрын
Pretty Valid
@NahTrust Ай бұрын
Hell yeahhh man. So good - anywhere we can listen to this track?
@craigmccartney5058 2 ай бұрын
Great tutorial
@thutoseane 2 ай бұрын
crazy chiz man
@va_valentin_ Ай бұрын
@scrpted1021 2 ай бұрын
the beat kinda reminds me of tame impala, cause idk any songs by mk.gee yet. but it sounds soo good!!
@ntorres1152 2 ай бұрын
bro you're achieving god tier level of production, thanks for your vids fr
@ajsjs9 Ай бұрын
"my gentlemen" me: 🙇‍♀️ anyway recording the drums back in as "OHs" is a really cool idea
@krystiannorthwall6726 2 ай бұрын
Thus track is niiiice
@danieljanik5720 2 ай бұрын
let the beat roll in the outro bro let us hear the cookup. good sheeaa
@bac0ntoast 2 ай бұрын
I edge to your vids ❤
@tylerwrldwide2663 2 ай бұрын
@frenchiemadethis 2 ай бұрын
bro i been tryna see this guy live, im overseas tho
@ax1338 2 ай бұрын
@imeaniguess.6963 Ай бұрын
8:55 Starts to sound like Black the Berry by Kendrick Lamar. Good video.
@ume1474 2 ай бұрын
i want that superior breaks
@JaePalm 2 ай бұрын
Would love if you put out a pack with some pad and chord progressions. I would absolutely buy
@LoganPrescott Ай бұрын
oh shoot, thought i saw Omar there but wasn't 100% sure!
@AerithIsHere_ 2 ай бұрын
Staying consistent w the vids lately 😮‍💨
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How Does He Make His Guitar Sound Like That?
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Mk.gee: Your Favorite Artist's Favorite Artist
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Classical Composer Analyzes Kendrick Lamar
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QANAY - Шынарым (Official Mood Video)
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IL’HAN - Pai-pai (lyric video) 2024
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Alisher Konysbaev - Suie ala ma? | Official Music Video
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Sadraddin - Jauap bar ma? | Official Music Video
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Say Mo - LIL BIT & 1 shot 2 (Waysberg Music Remix)
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