What's it like to live with

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4 жыл бұрын

What's it like to live with #schizophrenia? How well do existing medications work?
Schizophrenia affects more than 21 million people worldwide, according to the World Health Organisation. Sufferers commonly experience delusions, hallucinations, cognitive issues leading to problems in decision-making in daily life, loss of self-esteem and withdrawal from society.
Current treatment focuses on #antipsychotic drugs, with additional #psychosocialtherapy in some cases. The drugs used to treat schizophrenia have changed little in the last 50 years.
Autifony Therapeutics, which specialises in developing new drugs to treat serious disorders of the central nervous system, is developing a promising new drug, which could treat #schizophrenia with fewer side effects.
Autifony’s drug AUT00206 targets neurons in the brain that are important for cognitive function. Studies have shown that the ability of these neurons to regulate brain activity is degraded in people with schizophrenia.
Read their most recent outcomes from clinical trials autifony.com/autifony-and-col...
Chief Executive Dr Charles Large says: “If our drug does prove effective it could be revolutionary. It would enable patients to get back to a level of functioning potentially compatible with holding down a job and living independently. From what we have seen already, we anticipate that this would be with relatively low side-effects.”
Here, ‘Rich’ talks about what it’s like to live with Schizophrenia and his experiences of existing medications.

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@aaronbarnes2620 2 жыл бұрын
This hits hard when you have it. I can't describe to you how real the hallucinations become. It becomes so vivid that there's no way in hell anyone can convince you that what you're seeing and experiencing isn't real. It's something that changes you.
@lazarmitrovic180 2 жыл бұрын
Only people that have it can understand you bro :) Mine are so real that i lose touch with this world compleately. Ive create so many character during my psychosis that i dont even know who i am anymore. I dont even wanna talk about complete loss of intelectual side of brain, its like going from smartest fucking kid i know to complete idiot. So meny mixed sentences in my brain, not being able to focus, memoari loss. Its fuckd up, really hard, still we all go thru day somhow. Wish you all the best bro
@chelseachin7574 2 жыл бұрын
@@lazarmitrovic180 I wish you all the best dude
@lazarmitrovic180 2 жыл бұрын
@@chelseachin7574 thank you :)
@yourstrulyann5599 2 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry but can i ask something.. is it true that people who suffer schizophrenia can't fall in love? @@lazarmitrovic180
@lazarmitrovic180 2 жыл бұрын
@@yourstrulyann5599 hm, when i was normal i was in love with girlfriend. I think i can feel love but its not as intense as it was. Its like feeling it thru fog. Problem is that you go thru so much shit thru day that you are all the time feeling numb, al most like dead, plus medication. Antipsychotics kill everything thats masculine, everything that defines you as a man. Everything is mixed up. I cant really tell you cuz i am mostly in my house all day or around house doing some house work, so am am not around girls that much. I love my dog, i would kill for him if that is love, but i think you are talking aboul love between man and woman.
@mrcntn5805 2 жыл бұрын
so, what happened next? the video ends just before the important part. my best friend stopped the treatment and after 3 months he committed suicide. Everybody is different and what works for someone may not work for someone else.
@boinkadoinkk 2 жыл бұрын
A lot of people learn to manage the illness without meds. Some people stop taking their meds impulsively and without the proper support, and that tends to be where things go really wrong. As long as you still are being monitored by a care team (it's also important for your family/friends to be involved in your treatment), and are being honest and forthcoming with your support system about how you're doing - someone will be there to step in when things start slipping. Even if you aren't necessarily communicating well the signs can be picked up on if the people close to you are made aware about these warning signs in advance. You need the support, but it can definitely be done. Not only with schizophrenia, but with bipolar too. It just has to be done under the right circumstances and with a lot of caution.
@markwilson5330 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah someone I know has it and without the meds he can't even function properly at all. He would start accusing then start seeing things, then it would get worse where he would talk to it. It just effects people differently.
@KarlSnarks 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah it probably depends per person, and how their symptoms manifest themselves. I know one story about a guy that became psychotic in his twenties, and after his psychosis ended he kept symptoms of schizophrenia (mostly voices). First it bothered him a lot but he learned to live with the voices and regard them for what they are, and now he is a scientist at an important institute in the state of NY. Sometimes his voices even aid him in the creative process coming up with new ideas for research. Now I'm not advocating at all for quitting medicine, people should be really careful about it. However if done with care, maybe it might in some cases turn out better than with medication.
@AmduraYarin 2 жыл бұрын
@raydgreenwald7788 2 жыл бұрын
I like to imagine that since he made this video, he found what works best for him and is living his best life.
@dannysmith8278 3 жыл бұрын
My heart goes out to all who are suffering with mental illness ❤️
@roddangerson2046 2 жыл бұрын
God bless you most people find ways to take advantage of these people
@PoloBoyMal 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, means alot.
@krissyp6918 2 жыл бұрын
@beebrowne4112 2 жыл бұрын
Thank You! ❤️😇
@vanillapudding9471 2 жыл бұрын
@tinycrimester 2 жыл бұрын
A condition like this never goes away, that's why diagnosis and support are so, so important. People can cope when they know what they're dealing with, and they have someone who cares.
@anishinaabae 2 жыл бұрын
there are actually a small percentage of people who recover, but they're individuals who have good support systems and a treatment plan.
@sigmacall4148 2 жыл бұрын
@ari638 2 жыл бұрын
@@anishinaabae my sister was schizophrenic for a couple years, when she was at her most depressed. We caught it early and I helped her every step, and she was so brave and made a full recovery. The potential for schizophrenia is still in her, when she's having a bad week she might hear whispers or see things out of the corner of her eye but nothing she can't manage and stay afloat on, and if she slips again I'll be right there to help her
@---ro1fc 2 жыл бұрын
@@sigmacall4148 ?
@thetwiceapostle6175 2 жыл бұрын
@@anishinaabae which just goes to show that it is not untreatable and that there are certain factors that come into play. We as a society need to move towards a more understanding, supporting one which sees deinstitutionalisation of mental health disorder treatment and promotes a society that is accepting to people that are stuggling with these sorts of problems.
@theonecroissantmoon 2 жыл бұрын
The sad thing is that this usually happens around late teenage years, probably a lot of it is caused by stress
@agentv.4793 2 жыл бұрын
The cause is mostly unknown but it can be inherited from a family member, but I also get why it could be from the stress
@Sevren_ 2 жыл бұрын
@Aditya Choudhury figure it out for yourself
@KD-ou2np 2 жыл бұрын
Scizophrenia is something that lives in your genes dormant and it will come out at some point. But yeah often it gets triggered in peoples early adulthood or teenage years.
@survivinggamer2598 2 жыл бұрын
@Aditya Choudhury You should definitely seek help for that, try seeking a professional. Not all countries have great access, but try searching for a place that offers therapy.
@thebagelboyjr9351 2 жыл бұрын
@@survivinggamer2598 I’m not the original poster, but I’d also like to note that I’ve been on a waiting list for a CBT therapist for 3 months. It seems that in these times, many more individuals are struggling with mental health issues.
@PoloBoyMal 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who is diagnosed with Schizophrenia I have to say that hallucinations are the most agonizing thing I have ever had to deal with. They're Hell come true
@frostmint3584 2 жыл бұрын
I never experienced actual hallucinations or lets just say, the ones that look so real you find it hard to believe the room isn't flooded ya know? (example) But I do have alot of problems with sounds, or subtle shadow-disortions I think. It's unsettling, trying to sleep is a nightmare cause as soon as I close my eyes, even when tired as hell, I hear sounds or breathing and I keep yanking my eyes open exspecting someone right next to me because it sounds like theres mice all over the place and each of them plays a different sound? (sorry for explanation) I am scared, school is starting in 2 days and I gotta get ready to get a decent grade on my tests or else my self-esteem (and future) goes down the drain. My parents, they've never been much of a supportive type, hell, they probably do more harm than good (accidental) because I just can't communicate with them, so much to say but yet, I keep forgetting everythig when I actually have their attention, even if they don't really trust or believe me. Sorry, I get lost in the stream, stay safe friend.
@sirreginaldfishingtonxvii6149 2 жыл бұрын
​@@frostmint3584 I'm no expert. Not in the slightest. But if you can, call some kind of hotline or something. Anything. At least in my country there are places where kids-young adults can get help for free, at least to some extent. There is help to get, even if it's not from your parents. Best of luck my dude
@jonathalon6022 2 жыл бұрын
I am living in your walls.
@user-yc4rd7zm2j 2 жыл бұрын
@@jonathalon6022 wow so fucking funny and original bro 😐
@capragor1439 2 жыл бұрын
Have you ever been depressed? I have a schizoaffective disorder. I can cope with hallucinations but depression ruins your entire life. You just keep thinking about suicide every single second and nothing brings you a joy.
@ohhadivist 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve been on and off medications since I was 11 years old, and it took me until just last year to find a combination that both helps with my symptoms and lets me be myself. I’m 23 now. It’s always best to keep trying if your mental illness is putting you in a bad state.
@danielgomes1524 2 жыл бұрын
What is that combination, if you don't mind me asking ?
@ohhadivist 2 жыл бұрын
@@danielgomes1524 yeah it's no problem! I take 30mg of escitalopram nightly, 0.5mg of clonazopam once a day as needed, and leading up to this I took 10mg as often as needed daily though looking back I would've taken that less. This is for generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder
@maschaorsomething 2 жыл бұрын
Ohh, I take escitalopram as well! =) Never seen anyone else do that.
@madmonty4761 2 жыл бұрын
Look i see videos of people tossing out there meds and dont do that it can cause more problems
@YoungJay5597 2 жыл бұрын
yes, this! i'm 24 too and working very closely with my psych to start meds again. i told him the most important thing to me is to continue feeling like myself, so instead of numbing me up with one pill, we're using a couple different ones at lower doses to get the results i want. still plenty of legroom to work through, but we're off to a great start!
@donlloreda Жыл бұрын
This is so accurate.... Mine began by age 22-23, same thing. I began getting very, very stressed out at university, fearing people, getting paranoid about classmates, professors, tutors and small things happening during commuting. Then the need to keep doors closed, or keep everything well-lit began, a feeling of someone or something standing in dark corners or behind doors was just subconscious, I needed to close the doors or have the light on because of some primal fear, but I did not rationalize what I was afraid of. Then, I began to find myself trying to slap flies or mosquitoes out of thin air, gradually stopped going out with friends or to public spaces, and swatting even more imaginary insects off... Family noticed it, but let's say I've always been a weird kid/guy/dude/adult so they might have passed it out as a stupid quirk. I snapped out one day, 2014 IIRC, but I smashed every TV on our house. I knew, just knew as illogical as it was for the rational me, that they were spying devices. It does not help that to this day, I live nearby an antinarcotics police base, which does like 80 fligh operations per day, and their helicopters pass overhead that many times a day. So TV's and helicopters, and paranoia. After that, I just isolated myself, I was studying architecture at the time, and same... receeded to my creative world, guided by this new superpower, and also I began to take ridiculous doses of dissociatives.... I went on and off meds and self-medication, including LSD, mushrooms and cannabis. I think I had a year or so of a purely manic episode, and was the most productive, creative and brilliant I've ever been (so I thought). And then it all slowly went downhill. I lost interest in almost everything I used to love, hobbies alike. I felt everyday just a mess, a shivering mess, paranoid and waiting for IDK.... And well, since then I got diagnosed, gone off-on meds, but controlling it. It helped me a lot to read a lot about my illness, and to keep educating me in whatever topic interests me. I try and avoid giving the voices any attention, but if I get an interesting comment, Ill exploit it and try to use their insight for my benefit. I found happiness again, a couple years ago. I got in a long term relatonship with an amazing woman, and to this day, she's not only been my sole source of happiness and motivation, but she's helped me find satisfaction from designing again and doing some of those things I thought were lost.
@desanihill8180 Жыл бұрын
Thanks amazing bro
@donmcvilla Жыл бұрын
this was amazing to read. thank you
@micky390 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing and happy to hear about your relationship
@_Poe007 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for telling your story, Hope your days continue to get better !
@melistarproductionsdebany969 11 ай бұрын
My boyfriend is schizophrenic and I'm trying to learn everything I can so that I can meet him on his level I don't want to scare him or paranoid in weird him out or make him think that I have ulterior motives I'm just trying to see if I can get some advice on the best way to make sure that he knows that I want to walk life with him. Is he in that kind of state of mind always where he don't know if his thoughts are his own? Or does that come and go? What should I be aware of.
@themourning1783 2 жыл бұрын
WOW "My reaction to finding out I had schizophrenia was half and half" Truer words have never been spoken.
@michaelpond813 2 жыл бұрын
Take two 100 mg balanced. B complex a day with food. Mornin and night. Also Neuro. Mag three times a day. God bless.
@myk9arrr821 2 жыл бұрын
As a person with schizophrenia, who has many friends with schizophrenia as well, I just have to say that choosing to not be medicated is a very risky choice and you should always try to find a blend of medications that work for you. Good meds are available, it just may take some time to find the right combination. Don't give up, a stable life is possible.
@Vvs607 7 ай бұрын
I devolped it after addiction, wernt that hard and I didn’t tell no one, so the burdern to succeed in beating my addiction and the disorder was heavy, but I did it.
@underated17 6 ай бұрын
@@Vvs607 Would you say an inability to accept reality around you is a symptom of negative schizophrenia? Also what about numbness/apathy which I have cptsd from some trauma.
@joee95 3 жыл бұрын
I always interpret things wrong . I am convinced that what I’m thinking is correct , I fixate and obsessed over detail . Therefore I think good people think I’m fragile and they have to be cautious what they say to me in case I go off. And horrible people just subtly take the p out of me
@FartsCutely007 3 жыл бұрын
Yes! Thank you!! I feel like they lie to me in order to get power over me, or the genuinely care about me, but are afraid to scare me with their truth
@quian6968 2 жыл бұрын
i also feel this in a way but i just cry when they prove im wrong im not sure if its like this for you.
@kkrypt0nite 2 жыл бұрын
this is kinda like me i didnt know it meant anything i just thought i was dumb or stupid or unaccepting of being wrong but i get overly fixated on my own opinions and concepts and i cant really control it
@ups.e1313 Жыл бұрын
@the bronze james sounds more like schizotypal
@KnaughtyKnancy Жыл бұрын
@the bronze james Can be schizophrenic, could be anxiety, could be borderline personality disorder, could be a lot of things. A lot of mental disorders have similar symptoms, so it's always best to talk to a doctor.
@recycledfelines 3 жыл бұрын
I suffer and also finally went with out medication , it just made me feel too disconnected. It helps so many , but not all , peace on your journey
@krissyp6918 2 жыл бұрын
I hope your doing better today and you have support from love ones
@recycledfelines 2 жыл бұрын
@Courtney Yo mami went to therapy and they saw the signs , got into counseling with professionals, that was my biggest breakthrough as well, and is still my treatment plan
@rodolfo9876a 2 жыл бұрын
It's going to pass, keep fighting and don't give up!
@li4592 2 жыл бұрын
:( i hope you’re doing okay 💕
@RoninYeti 2 жыл бұрын
Pills are just fucking bandaids; they only help the overlying symptoms, and does nothing to cure the cause.
@theequalizer8055 Жыл бұрын
Oh Lord of the Heavens and the Earth, help all my brothers and sisters around the world suffering from mental illness. I beg you to cure them. (Ya Allah Aameen) 🤲
@amazingfacts9354 23 күн бұрын
@sammysimpleton 2 жыл бұрын
feel it's kinda dangerous to end on that note. of course everyone is gonna find their own problems with meds, some can be disastrous or even life threatening, and this man clearly had a bad experience. but they can be so incredibly helpful and even life saving. sometimes it takes a number tries to find the one, or ones, that work for you.
@Dice-Z 2 жыл бұрын
I agree, that being said, keep in mind that not every antidepressant and antipsychotic are the same. Some are more likely to have side effects than others. One who has had a positive experience, might not have been prescribed the same molecule as someone else who's had a bad one.
@marwan.ux1 Жыл бұрын
I agree 100% I don't like this ending at all.
@CedenoJose 4 ай бұрын
I remember several years ago I suffered from severe depression and mental disorder. I was addicted to illicit pills, alcohol, and smoking until I was recommended for psilocybin mushroom treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly I'm 8 years clean now. It's quite fascinating how effective they are against anxiety and depression.
@kumarshaikh3410 4 ай бұрын
To be honest, mushrooms are one of the most amazing things on the planet and it is natural, they serve in many ways not only for mental related issues.
@AdelaidaMarques 4 ай бұрын
Can you help me with a reliable source I would really appreciate it. Many people talk about mushrooms and psychedelics but nobody talks about where to get them. It is very hard to get a reliable source here in New Zealand. Really need!
@JohannaKoch-dh7vt 4 ай бұрын
Yes, Sporeville. I had the same experience with anxiety, depression, PTSD, and addiction... Mushrooms definitely made a huge difference to why I'm clean today.
@MariaFallu 4 ай бұрын
I wish they were readily available in my place. Microdosing was my next plan of care for my husband. He's 59 & has many mental health issues plus probably CTE & a TBI that left him in a coma 8 days. It's too late now I had to get a TPO as he's 6'6 300+ pound homicidal maniac. He's constantly talking about killing someone. He's violent. Anyone reading this Familiar w/ BPD knows if it is common for an obsession with violence.
@AdelaidaMarques 4 ай бұрын
Is he on Instagram?
@louiswendlander9083 2 жыл бұрын
I just want to say I really appreciate all the experiences people have shared in the comment section as well as this video as it's given me a deeper understanding of Schizophrenia I did not have. Thank you, all of you. I learned a lot!
@BrownGeorge-pw2xo 2 ай бұрын
I could remember several years ago after divorce with my wife which brought me into my disastrous journey on Alcohol and cigarettes. I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Got diagnosed with cptsd. Not until a friend recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 6 years totally clean. Much respect to mother nature the great magic shrooms.
@RaymondEMartinez 2 ай бұрын
Congrats on your recovery. Most persons never realizes psilocybin can be used as a miracle medication to save lives. Years back i wrote an entire essay about psychedelics. they saved you from death bud, lets be honest here.
@JanetRichardson-mq5es 2 ай бұрын
Can you help me with the reliable source 🙏. I'm 56 and have suffered for years with addiction, anxiety and severe ptsd, I got my panic attacks under control myself years ago and they have come back with a vengeance, I'm constantly trying to take full breaths but can't get the full satisfying breath out, it's absolutely crippling me, i live in Australia. I don't know much about these mushrooms. Really need a reliable source!! Can't wait to get them.
@SusanaGomez-mp8sk 2 ай бұрын
YES very sure of Dr.benfungi. I have the same experience with anxiety, depression, PTSD and addiction and Mushrooms definitely made a huge huge difference to why am clean today.
@Edennnn926 2 ай бұрын
I always admire those who beat their addiction. Knowing it's possible to fix your life knowing there's people out there that have done what I thought was impossible gives me hope I will make it through as well. Those who share their experiences don't know how much it helps when you're about to give up, it gives you the strength knowing somone who actully know what it's like to go through this tell you it's possible, it's not the same somone telling you you can do it when they have no idea what it's like, but hearing somone who knows what it's like that helps a lot since you understand it firsthand and made it out gives so much hope. so thanks for sharing.
@gefferystones2814 2 ай бұрын
How do I reach out to him? Is he on insta
@Ladybuggames 2 жыл бұрын
This is so sad, I hope one day, scientists can look into Schizophrenia more, and hopefully find a cure for it.
@thesaddestdude3575 2 жыл бұрын
Actually we do have some understanding, such as dopamine and other neurotarmsitters being out of balance, thats why antideperssants work on a wide variety of mental illness becaus its alot of the same ystems that are out of control.
@Nancy-ow9wy 2 жыл бұрын
@theonlineanimal6009 Жыл бұрын
Cure. No. It's apart of us
@jesusisthetruth8297 Жыл бұрын
Jesus loves you🌟
@KnaughtyKnancy Жыл бұрын
@@thesaddestdude3575 Update on this: Recent research suggests that "imbalance" of neurotransmitters or "chemical imbalances" appears to be a fabricated result from a 2006 study. Not to say it's 100% wrong, but the results were exaggerated. Only about 13% of people have a chemical imbalance where these forms of medication can help. When it comes to schizophrenia, there is no known cause. They believe dopamine plays a role for some people but schizophrenic-like symptoms can come out of too little or too much dopamine, so that's not likely the candidate. Most recent research suggests a possible "schizophrenic gene", ACT1 to be exact (I believe). This gene is hereditary and can be activated from environmental factors like stress, drugs, etc.. But, again, all just theories so far. There are a lot of conflicting or just correlational research that hasn't shown a cause yet.
@wishfuldeity 2 жыл бұрын
This sounds absolutely terrifying. I hope anyone that is dealing with anything even remotely similar is doing well
@BM-ir1dr 2 жыл бұрын
Please report the gaslighting commenters who think it's funny to play with people's mental health. Mark it as harassment/bullying. They could hurt somebody. I hope KZfaq bans their accounts.
@scoopitywoop5665 2 жыл бұрын
Gaslighting commenters? Take a chill pill dude, that sounds pretty crazy. Are you sure you interpreted those comments correctly? Because right now it just sounds like you're projecting.
@xx_applebeesfan07_xx16 2 жыл бұрын
Mald bro? Cope seethe huff that copium. Mald bro
@Gta5weedfortnite 2 жыл бұрын
@carolinebell4603 2 жыл бұрын
This video reminds me these are real people behind these illnesses. I used to kind of see just the mental illness and a disability as the person, but no matter how severe it is, there is always another human behind it with emotions and a life just like me. I find it hard to imagine what it must be like as a person with this or any other mental illness, but somehow they manage to keep going which must be so hard. Anyone who has schizophrenia is so strong
@user-in7bu8jk8v 11 ай бұрын
no shit ?
@tkr6089 4 ай бұрын
Everyday I look at the people around me those who have no mental illness and I'm like "what would happen if I wasn't sick, would I be someone better?"
@Geekchicrina Ай бұрын
Rlly rlly strong 💪🏿
@insanlutfi 3 жыл бұрын
My heart actually got partly glad because you can see moving ground, fish, insect, etc; not a black phantom moving and speaking in front of you. Sometimes it gets dangerous and I need to duck myself for 15-20 minutes. I hope you'll get better. I hope we'll get better.
@krissyp6918 2 жыл бұрын
I hope you get better too-
@syedanoorulhudarizvi6387 2 жыл бұрын
In Sha Allah hope you feel better as well Ameen
@lubb213 2 жыл бұрын
if you havent already, please seek medical help to ease your suffering. I've had psychosis before and know how scary it is, I cant imagine having that on a regular basis. There are a lot of different meds to try, and perhaps one of them, will work for you without it erasing your personality. Best of luck
@insanlutfi 2 жыл бұрын
@@lubb213 It's been years finding for the right meds for me. I have several contradictory issues that limit me to use many meds. I have finally found the right one last month. I'm getting better now. Thank you for everyone 😊
@lubb213 2 жыл бұрын
@@insanlutfi Great to hear!
@thebacteriawasbeatentodeath 2 жыл бұрын
I'm glad that content like this exists because schizophrenia is so misunderstood and is not usually portrayed correctly. As someone who has never experienced the mental illness, I never knew most of the symptoms that came with schizophrenia until I did research - it was a wake-up call to me that I knew even less than I thought. Hopefully other people will educate themselves with mental illnesses instead of just making assumptions based on how the mental illnesses are portrayed in the media
@andrewprahst2529 Жыл бұрын
Cute pfp btw
@thebacteriawasbeatentodeath Жыл бұрын
@@andrewprahst2529 thanks
@melissalurhes6901 Жыл бұрын
When people don’t understand schizophrenia, it hurts more than anything. Being tormented by hallucinations and people don’t want to help, they just see you break down and accept that you are crazy without wanting or trying to help. It feels almost like you aren’t human anymore and I can’t do anything to help it and life becomes so awful.
@GlitchedEspeon 2 жыл бұрын
i was forced to take meds since i was in the custody of my parents when i was diagnosed. i have taken several different medications and they don’t seem to work :-( but his experience with bugs crawling in and on the skin is extremely relatable to me
@thesaddestdude3575 2 жыл бұрын
That sounds scary, don't worry it might be bad now but as you grow older the symtoms usually wither down a bit. Its usually its worst in early adulthood after that it simmers down a bit.
@milenartmeire2588 2 жыл бұрын
I recommend you to constantly exercise, running is great, its not certain, since everyone is different, but it really helped my mom deal with her condition
@GlitchedEspeon 2 жыл бұрын
@@thesaddestdude3575 thank you. as of right now i am taking a new medication and it seems to be working better. although its side effects are kicking my ass lmfao
@martamoure7372 Жыл бұрын
is not a sensation I have a parasitic infection and is real is bartonella no mor el ies
@GlitchedEspeon Жыл бұрын
@@martamoure7372 um, ok
@drottle 2 жыл бұрын
Lost my job last October, moved back in with my parents, It's been tough; now I'm working full time again and my boss is totally understanding about my last freak out. Those of you that just start the process of diagnosis remember to take your meds, trust your family and medical team. They're here to help you even when your brain says they're not.
@GreasyBaconMan 2 жыл бұрын
I truly hope things continue to be on the bright side for you.
@drottle 2 жыл бұрын
@@GreasyBaconMan Thanks man, just got accepted into collage for civil engineering 😃 and they’re willing to give me private testing rooms and other assistance
@GreasyBaconMan 2 жыл бұрын
@@drottle That is great to hear! Wishing you blessings on your continued journey to success.
@message2612 Жыл бұрын
The best of luck ❤️
@KnaughtyKnancy Жыл бұрын
@@drottle That's amazing! It's been almost a year; how are things for you now? How has college been? Would love an update!
@kevenquinlan 2 жыл бұрын
Awww, that was great. I develpoed schizophrenia about 7 years ago. I don't take med's either, they make ya feel 'wooden'. I feel like it's lessened over time or my ability to deal w/ it has gotten better, I can't tell. I don't get the grandiose swings I used to but I go down deep spirals sometimes and become just- unhinged- and I feel like I'm besieged on all sides- at the same time. Drinking has been a real benefit. It like 're-sets' me and I can start the process all over- and it tamps down the fear pretty well. It's best never to tell anyone because it will never lead to a sympathetic reaction but a judgemental one, I used to be more honest about it in the beginning- I never tell anyone now. And I don't really talk to people, I talk to myself, I guess I've kind of crafted this imaginary world, that's a safe place for me to drift through- but it doesn't entail engagin people or as little as possible. Frankly, I don't miss them. I like it here now, just being inside myself. Anyways, thanks for the video- I always like to hear the experiences of others that have what I have.
@artificialintelligence5087 2 жыл бұрын
It's probably half and half when it comes to people sympathizing. At least 25% of people would care. Try to take care of yourself, don't become an alcoholic!
@BB-yw1ez 2 жыл бұрын
You can also take psychotherapy with a specialized counselor. Exercise instead of drinking alcohol; alcohol will make depressed. Love yourself more; please. You can do it.
@mikem4314 2 жыл бұрын
Drinking is not the long-term solution, my friend. Take care of yourself and ask for help. Do not isolate yourself ❤️
@kay8698 2 жыл бұрын
its electronic harassment ,,I know people who have that v2k, its nasty shit, ,makes their lives hell with the voices, ,they went on disability because of it, and the doctor tells them they are schizophrenic ,when actually its electronic harassment, ,and the docs know this but wont tell the patient the truth
@calimorales9880 2 жыл бұрын
...well none of this sounds healthy
@Rainjojo 2 жыл бұрын
For as long as I can remember I’ve been outcasted for being “weird” and was even called crazy when I had outburst from strong emotions like anger, fear or sadness. I was also labeled as such for talking to myself (which I still do) I learned to keep it to myself after a while but I can still hear the voices in my head telling me to do something. I look normal for the most part now but I’ve been through so much as a kid that it pretty much screwed and warped my perception of things including my own reflection, I’d think someone else is there other than me or that they’re mischievously grinning at me as a reminder how I’m a failure. I never had many friends and was pretty much alone growing up so learned too only trust the voices in my head and myself mostly. I still remember being put in the dark as punishment and would believe monsters were right beside me or were in the dark somewhere to get me. I’d scream for them to go away and my family would all just think that I was crazy. I think the most important thing I learned was that this illness wasn’t the problem but the people who’ve hurt me were, And I was never crazy… just misunderstood
@bibliosmiia 2 жыл бұрын
I am so sorry.
@lucarehm3513 Жыл бұрын
Big hug for you
@gerlygorgonio408 4 ай бұрын
you are not alone...I was being bullied by my classmates and that times made me think I'm different ..I felt depressed for a very long time and after 2 months of Depression I was diagnosed with Early onsit Schizoprenia .It's very hard to accept this kind of Mental illness ,hoping oneday I'll Accept it
@user-qn2ey6gk4m 2 жыл бұрын
Watched this video to educate myself but then I open the comments to a bunch of children saying "I live in your walls" ... hm...I don't really care much but someone with schizophrenia could read that and feel like their illness in being taken lightly. So let's be a little mature here, I know you kids lack brain cells and have underdeveloped frontal lobes but try to be understanding.
@theviewer6889 2 жыл бұрын
It can also trigger an episode. That is what is known as an unreality trigger, it's when someone is saying stuff that isn't real, like 'I live in your walls' or 'wake up, you are in a coma', or other things of that nature. This can actually be extremely harmful for someone with psychosis, schizophrenia, delusions, or other mental illnesses that alter perception to come across.
@milkusimu4775 2 жыл бұрын
@@theviewer6889 Big agree. I have severe anxiety & depression with psychotic tendencies - I have this thing every so often where I become convinced that I am living the same day over and over again and all my past memories are fake and "implanted", and reading some of these shithead comments like "wake up, this is a dream" made my stomach feel like it was gonna fall out my ass because I got so scared that my fear was true ! People can be really indifferent to the damage they can do to others huh
@CrabmanReturns 2 жыл бұрын
@@milkusimu4775 interesting, unfortunately there are people outside trying to get in
@scoopitywoop5665 2 жыл бұрын
woaaaah dude you're like so intelligent and mature I'm so sorry I can't be as perfect and considerate as you woaaaaah
@user-qn2ey6gk4m 2 жыл бұрын
@@scoopitywoop5665 Thanks for the compliments and it's alright, you can learn to grow as a person.
@alanosmarceballosfranco7205 2 жыл бұрын
I have been dealing with hallucinations since i was 10 or something, i told my parents and they dismissed me, i told my friends and they stopped talking to me, i told my little sister and she believed me but i could see the stress i was putting into her so i told her it was a joke and she chose to believe that. The hallucinations are the slightest of my problems dealing with this. Please take in consideration this aspect if you have a loved one struggling with mental illness, sometimes being there for them is better than any medicine or doctor. Just be there, dont say anything or try to give advice
@aaronsarchive82 2 жыл бұрын
I hope you eventually got the medication you needed.
@ana_yuna_8431 2 жыл бұрын
@Nancy-ow9wy 2 жыл бұрын
@thatsprettygood9435 2 жыл бұрын
Changing his dosage and medication might've helped the way he was feeling, remember if medication isn't working for you, there is always the ability to change the dosage or change to another medication. I know with some people with schizophrenia, it took them a while to find the right dosage and medication. So give it some time, don't just stop without trying all the options, because you may find something that really works for you.
@ac33m20 2 жыл бұрын
Im sending peace and love to those struggling. We never know when this will be us so be grateful and enjoy life and all it has to offer.
@mikeylarsen5627 2 жыл бұрын
This is just like dreams ive had, looking in a mirror at yourself is kinda terrifying, no gore, just undescribable horror
@appalachianwarcriminal 2 жыл бұрын
@thesaddestdude3575 2 жыл бұрын
@@appalachianwarcriminal Im sending you to the gulag for that
@supahcomix 2 жыл бұрын
@@appalachianwarcriminal haha schizoposting teeheheehee hahaha funne hahaha esoteric haahaha
@appalachianwarcriminal 2 жыл бұрын
@@supahcomix Evilmaxxing rn
@avocadeous 2 жыл бұрын
@@appalachianwarcriminal well I live in ur mom heeheehahoohahehehrhehdheudhejhfjfhfjdnghrjfndhdbbfhdjd
@richarddutton1981 Жыл бұрын
" i would rather struggle and be me than be dosed up on medication and be unrecognizable" ...damn bro. that got to me
@jazleney574 3 жыл бұрын
I was diagnosed with gad (generalized anxiety disorder) I experience almost all of the emotional issues they speak of in the video, except for the hallucinations
@Anon-zb5op 3 жыл бұрын
Same. I have psychotic illness in the family. I guess I just got lucky that I didn't get the accompanying hallucinations and delusions.
@HuntressWizard 2 жыл бұрын
I was i think sort of diagnosed with anxiety/depression (dont ask) and I'm realizing now it might be a psychotic disorder
@jazleney574 2 жыл бұрын
Correction, I’ve been realizing what I have been experiencing is considered hallucinations too
@jmfeathersword 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, similar to OCD also
@ariescandon504 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve also been diagnosed with anxiety but also schizophrenia and I’ve been on anxiety meds that were okay but did it work too well, no on my schizophrenia meds my anxiety is much better, maybe see a specialist if you can
@astidjewelball6885 2 жыл бұрын
A few months ago, i was told i had schizophrenia. Not in the same level as this guy. But i would see my bullies as shadows when i went into public. When covid happened and everyone had to wear masks, it got worse, cause of the eyes. I have talked with a doctor for nearly 3 years, and i have been on meds for almost a year i think. Did it help? yes, but it also makes me feel sad. I haven't been able to finish my education. I dropped out and now i'm at home, doing nothing. Kinda helps to vent to people who don't know me, thank you kind stranger. May your day be well.
@Setsubous 2 жыл бұрын
Having a creative output helped me tremendously going through my periods of psychosis. He explain it so perfectly that these unreal subjects and objects becomes so vivid and intertwine with you to create this false-reality of your own self. Like I am terrible at drawing but just being able to put the things you see or the things you hear on paper sorta helps me come to terms with it.
@themadhatter4206 2 жыл бұрын
I live with schizoaffective bipolar disorder and this video spoke to the half of me that recalls what it was like before all the medication. Life is like walking through mud in your head with meds, but they smooth things out for me. It’s a tough decision and a tough disease. This video just made me feel less alone I guess is what I’m trying to say, and I hope there’s others out there that recognize their not the only ones who struggle with mental illness. Much appreciation
@lovemuskful 2 жыл бұрын
About a year ago using LSD I had a schizophrenic trip. I heard the male's dominant voice telling me to do things in my head, and watched my other self in the mirror with an evil look. During the trip I decided to fight and confront my reflection to block the darkness I was perceiving inside of me. Although I've always been a little bit paranoid and had subtle delusions, the effects I experienced never returned but that event changed my life. I was so afraid of that glimpse of the dark parts of my mind I was able to see, that I decided to find peace and cut conducts that would lead me to that place. I wish the best for everyone who's experiencing severe synthopms
@y0llek 2 жыл бұрын
I still remember when an old friend asked me if I was schizophrenic and that kinda destroyed my world and broke my reality a bit, I am bipolar and my behavior is a little weird but I didn’t think it was anything like this
@judithkostromitin8011 Жыл бұрын
I'm schizotypal, which is a milder form of this disorder, and while I don't experience (abundant) hallucinations, I relate with the rest of what's described in the video. It is also notable that Richard is a creative person, a trait commonly coming in conjunction with the schiz-spectrum. Sometimes I wonder if we are called ill people just because society doesn't care to meet our special needs, despite the obvious unique benefits many of us could provide.
@hanaisdelusional 4 ай бұрын
can you please explain a bit more to the disorder and about your experiences?
@juststatic7994 3 жыл бұрын
I am suffering so much from symptoms 😭 My own biological father who used to be with my mother had schizophrenia. My family isn't even helping me because they are denying my pain. It hurts me so bad to realize that my own loved ones are so selfish that I have been suffering in my own mind, and I don't know what to do. 😭
@muaatho2012 3 жыл бұрын
Hey, just know that there are a lot of people out there just like you, a lot, i used to feel like you and people wouldn’t understand me, but once you (try) and convince yourself that you’re OK, it doesn’t really matter what people think or how they acknowledge that you are suffering as long as you acknowledge it and try to avoid thoughts like these. I hope you feel better ❤️
@juststatic7994 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much ☺
@Claudia-vf8vl 3 жыл бұрын
Same here. Ignore thèm.
@user-gw7im9qu4h 3 жыл бұрын
i think u an i are same
@htmoh8115 3 жыл бұрын
I recommend this. Medications does not work always rather can have an opposite effect. A great book on amazon which will help you, has methods non medication. Try for 5 weeks to as long as you want. www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08MDK65QG
@victoriapulcifer6218 2 жыл бұрын
This man is an adult and can make his own decisions, but *please* don't ever feel like any and all medications will make you "stop being yourself". For many people, it's the opposite, where their sense of self is gone until they take medications and can access their full potential. At least try the medications first if you have a diagnosis, and then when you've cycled through every recommended alternative (many medications can perform similar functions but be more effective for you personally), decide if medications are worth the side effects you've been feeling. Seriously, it could save your life.
@Blahalel 2 жыл бұрын
Yep, for example, a common disorder; ADHD! When you take medication, you don’t really change. In fact, you don’t really even notice! Except, it can make a big difference!
@benjimite2809 2 жыл бұрын
@@Blahalel this, I hate seeing big creators ( like dream) influencing younger people who have ADH or ADD, not to take their pills, it’s disgusting
@scoopitywoop5665 2 жыл бұрын
nice try Big Pharma but I'm not taking my meds. I've got 1 fully stocked bunker, 40 crates of ammo, 13 unregistered firearms, and roomba with c4 taped to the tarp and I'm not afraid to use them. You can tell the Antichrist he can come and get me.
@Carl-ld5jy 2 жыл бұрын
To be fair, most medications will fuck you up badly, but it comes down to whatever you value more.
@nel7441 2 жыл бұрын
I agree, for me medications did make me lose myself, but that felt like a fresh start to me. Sure it was depressing and i felt like my past didnt even belong to me but once you get back on track youll realize it was for the best. Or I mean in ny experience
@soggysocks1238 3 жыл бұрын
I've really recently been showing small symptoms, example, I see the same gray silhouette of a tall man and I feel like I'm always being watched. And the voices? I've heard them on occasion my entire life. I remember sitting and hearing a man's voice clear as day.
@havanax8096 3 жыл бұрын
You should have an appointment I think
@melteddarkchocolate000 2 жыл бұрын
bruh what
@paolafriedrick 2 жыл бұрын
People don't know a lot of this has spiritual connotation and demons oppressing people. Jesus Christ has authority and power above all things, invite Him into your heart, worship Him and read the Bible.
@soggysocks1238 2 жыл бұрын
Hey update, I don't know what it is but when I learn about a new condition (mostly mental) my brain will force an imitation of the condition.
@melteddarkchocolate000 2 жыл бұрын
@@soggysocks1238 👀 have you seek a doctor?
@jesselenix Жыл бұрын
I have a friend who’s brother recently got diagnosed with schizophrenia and I wanted to look at some videos to see how it works. I’m truly sorry for any and all that have this illness, my heart goes out to you.
@JamesGalaxy41 2 жыл бұрын
God i wish the best for people who have this, like ive had anxiety,phonophobia,and depression but having this would probably be 100x worse
@katecole9641 2 жыл бұрын
So do i.. Its ruining my life
@thesaddestdude3575 2 жыл бұрын
@@katecole9641 Things are gonna be okay, it gets better just hang in there you will get through it.
@Victim2Autopsy 2 жыл бұрын
i hope your seeing someone or getting help. stay strong
@lynniieeheart 2 жыл бұрын
My uncle had this. He was on all types of medications and he was also in so much pain. I'm really glad that the world is changing and is talking about this more. He would be so happy to hear how far we have come. ☺
@ellalouisecase9708 3 жыл бұрын
I have schizophrenia it is important to learn about this it is very misunderstood
@pawpainter8176 2 жыл бұрын
...I just got diagnosed with Schizoaffective disorder, and honestly I went through a lot of this. I honestly thought it was normal...I still question it because it's my normal and everyday. Thank you for sharing this.
@boinkadoinkk 2 жыл бұрын
you should look up the KZfaq channel called 'living well with schizophrenia' - the person who hosts it has schizoaffective disorder and her videos are amazing.
@The_Actually_Real_Elon_Musk 2 жыл бұрын
@pawpainter8176 2 жыл бұрын
@@boinkadoinkk I love that channel. I was iffy at first when yt recommended it, but it was surprisingly helpful.
@Kipp274 2 жыл бұрын
0:20 That plagues me too sometimes. I don't suffer from schizophrenia (thank god), but from depression. When I'm feeling really, really down, I can't share it because I don't want to be a burden to others or I feel ashamed. Sometimes I hide it for weeks on end and I can't stand antidepressants too. They change you. I finally made the step seeking out for help. As usual, the waiting time is killing me slowly haha but I will endure it, as always.... But this time I will refuse medication and try to deal with it myself, no "easy routes" through funny pills. Just keep it up you beautiful people out there, no matter what you are suffering from. I wish that whoever reads this will eventually go on their path to a better mind
@capragor1439 2 жыл бұрын
Keep trying different meds. Eventually you will find the right one for you. And stop taking them if you have some negative side effects. They may go away with time.
@butterspice2103 2 жыл бұрын
Jesus the ending was like a punch to the gut. I've been on antipsychotics and I know exactly what he's talking about at the end where he says that they don't make him feel like himself. Antipsychotics fuck you up. I remember being on them and always sleeping, just becoming a zombie, withdrawing from society and just spending my days laying down. I've never heard anyone describe what I felt so spot on, it felt like he just read my mind on how it felt. Unfortunately there's not much you can do if you need them, and unfortunately they can make your condition/mental state worse, like mine did. I really feel for this guy. Knowing you have to choose between living with a condition that makes it impossible to tell what's real or not, or living while being so doped up on meds you can't think straight is fucking terrible. I wouldn't wish that upon my worst enemy.
@capragor1439 2 жыл бұрын
It's just matter of finding the right medication. I tried several antipsychotics and nothing helped my symptoms and they all had severe side effects. Finally I tried minimal dosage of Serdolect and it helped me without having any side effects except stuffy nose. After years of suffering from a schizoaffective disorder, now I can finally work and live a normal life.
@Englishsea24 Жыл бұрын
I'm diagnosed as schizoid, not schizophrenia itself but said to be on the schizophrenic spectrum. I was also given antipsychotics and since I was already lethargic and apathetic, these awful medications did not help me at all. In fact made me much worse as you'd expect. I could barely leave my bed to go and sit on the couch, let alone get ready and go out. Sometime later, another doctor decided to put me on stimulants (vyvanse) for my low energy, and these help greatly. So yeah the right medication does the trick, though I cannot imagine what amphetamines would do for a schizophrenic, probably not good. What do you reckon?
@0trudi1L 3 ай бұрын
I don’t have schizophrenia, but I do hear and feel a cold hand touching me, but when I turn to look, no one is in sight
@nadelittfair4485 3 жыл бұрын
I suffer it hurts I can't get grounded
@willowruhe7312 3 жыл бұрын
How can I help you??
@nadelittfair4485 3 жыл бұрын
@@willowruhe7312 trying to find the best way to get grounded without biting x
@sairsvibe2475 3 жыл бұрын
you got this i promise bro
@docwillis1443 3 жыл бұрын
Same here
@ReCoIL171 3 жыл бұрын
I have ptsd. Cold showers have helped.
@NoodlyPanda 3 жыл бұрын
I can't say I blame this guy, I wouldn't want to be doped up either. Too many medications zombify me and I really cannot handle that. Can't handle the mental fog, the inability to even so much as think, to write, to draw, to do anything. The lack of energy and the whole thing with the medications whole shotgun approach to "fixing" the problem was like trying to fish in a 50 gallon barrel full of fish and wanting to make sure the barrel is safe from fishing, so you use a stick of dynamite instead of a fishing rod.
@chriscarpenter6889 2 жыл бұрын
a lot of medications are filled with metals and horrible body-damaging properties anyway - a couple of my family members struggle with schizophrenia, and not a single one benefited from medication. Pharma's root word means poison for a reason.
@NoodlyPanda 2 жыл бұрын
@@chriscarpenter6889 None of that surprises me.
@POOPGOD999 2 жыл бұрын
Well what helps?
@NoodlyPanda 2 жыл бұрын
@@POOPGOD999 Generally just allowing me to have a space where I know I can be completely alone helps the best.
@squashedshibber2684 2 жыл бұрын
Pushing a narrative that medication "zombifies" you is pushing an anti psychiatry agenda. You're suppose to find a dosage and medication that works for you and that can take years sometimes but eventually works out. If medication is making you sick, IT'S THE WRONG DOSAGE EINSTEIN.
@ImusakHctividar 2 жыл бұрын
That last bit really hit me. I felt the same way when I was on antipsychotics. It just didn't feel worth it after I got so tired and foggy. Decided to ditch the meds and find other ways to cope. For those who also experience voices, try and remember that no one can "visit" your brain or manifest in it. All those voices are just... You. You may not be able to shut them up, but understanding that they come from you makes it easier to understand them.
@scoopitywoop5665 2 жыл бұрын
34 13 55 82 53 40 39 51 42 N 104 40 23
@zirysse 2 жыл бұрын
I used to hear voices sometimes 5 years ago but now I don't think it happens anymore, I relate to most of what you said in the video except maybe the hallucination, I was diagnosted with depression and anxiety but I realise I've never talked about the voices I used to hear in my voices and feeling watched all the time, thank you for this video, you made me realise some stuffs
@JoshuaCohen-dd4ou Жыл бұрын
Such a brave young man. Peace be with you and anyone who navigates through this on a day-to-day. I promise brothers and sisters, it does get better so please do not let anything/anyone stop your positivity. One day at a time friends. One foot in front of the other. Keep Going and striving for that life you know can happen! Love to my fellow warriors! x
@chen6766 2 жыл бұрын
I am only a 13 year old girl going on 14. Just recently I was sent to the emergency room by my school and parents. There, I was sent to therapy and I still continue to go to therapy but I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I already know I have many things wrong with me that comes from trauma or just how my brain deals with certain things but this one hit the most. Not because I was ashamed of having it or I thought I was a monster but rather because I finally realized what I had coming for me. When I found this out I actually smiled. Since I've never taken medicine for this, it's untreated and if effects my life a lot. It's hard to tell others how I feel and I hate it when others look at me weirdly if my mood changes and I've noticed how blunt this can be to others. One thing that isn't as blunt is my hallucinations that come along with bipolar. Since no one else sees them, no one else knows they're there but they're real to me and I genuinely enjoy having them around unless I'm under a lot of stress or I'm just in a shitty mood overall. I've told all the doctors I've seen many times that I don't want them to go away. Of course they bring up the fact that if I hurt myself or others they might have to try to help me in some way so that made me even more stressed out. Anyways I'm rambling but the point I want to make is you can live a normal life with or without different mental illnesses. You can live the life you want to live and others need to realize that but you still have to see us as who we are. If you don't see our mental illnesses with us, then you don't know us. Personality I don't want to be known from my mental illnesses but if someone disregards it completely, it sucks, mostly because in my mind, they're disregarding my friends that only I can see as well.
@ether794 2 жыл бұрын
You are more mature at 13 years than most people at 18 and write better
@rainy5517 2 жыл бұрын
I don't have bipolar disorder or been diagnosed with anything, but I relate with the friends part. To me they're almost real, like I can talk to them, feel them. There here for me when I need them. Every night we talk to each other. I think about them constantly. This might be just imaginary friends that I've created in my head. I write down my thoughts that don't make any sense and I get paranoid. Seeing things, hearing things most of the time. Even feeling someone breathing behind me, when I take a shower or something. It's scary. I haven't been sleeping at all, I don't know why and I'm always down. I truly wish all the best of luck to you and I hope you feel alright.
@alisinamobaraki8790 2 жыл бұрын
I mean i am schizophrenic. The thing is i both hate and love it , sometimes i feel like i'm outcasted by anyone around me because i see things and feel or hear things which they don't, but this is also a part of who i am. Medications just kill me, it is so hard to take them because my body just keeps rejecting them. I also was first diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
@paulagribgulet 2 жыл бұрын
im not yet diagnosed however i show very, very strong symptoms of borderline and we are going to get it checked out next month as it adds psychotic symptoms in panic attacks as well. hope ur doing okay ❤️
@chen6766 2 жыл бұрын
@@paulagribgulet Thank you and I'm doing alright at the moment. It can be hard but I really do love enjoying life and it's fun to be around too. I hope you're alright too and I hope you find something that works best for you when it comes to your mental health but of course, don't push yourself to do things that others try to force you to do such as medications. That's just my view point of it but do what helps you (:
@electricmagnetic 2 жыл бұрын
My biggest fear ever since I was 12 was developing schizophrenia or later in life dementia. I've been struggling with anxiety since then but was only diagnosed in my mid 30's. The damage those 20+ years of unchecked mental illness was immense and landed me in a psych ward, which was the best thing that happened. I wouldn't be here if it didn't . Any mental disorder is so vicious but schizophrenia and dementia take the cake. So awful.
@pjgfountaine7690 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you to all who have shared what it is like to live with this disease, schizophrenia. Some of the people i knew growing up had being diagnosed with it, and i always was afraid it would come get me, too. You never know until it is too late, and the struggles other people have that are unseen, below the surface (inside their own minds) can be hard to empathize with, for lack of understanding what it is really like to be a prisoner within your own soul
@kingzen407 5 ай бұрын
This hits to hard to home I have schizophrenia and this is really difficult to live with it took so long for me to get help but I finally got it and they treated it on time my heart goes out to those who have it like me I hope you find the help you need and I hope if you did your doing fine there’s light at the end of the tunnel keep pushing 🖤
@PanicaUnknownLikesBoob 2 жыл бұрын
My uncle was that way he was taking a bunch of different meds until he found his perfect meds and doses and people helped him kinda come out and talk and socialize more. I never knew him. I always thought he was a zombie or something because he was always out of it and never talked and many other things. He was just there... It was only in the more recent years I ACTUALLY got to meet my uncle for the first time and it honestly made me cry with joy that he was himself. He still has problems here and there but its so nice having him actually be him. Its so cool that he went from grey to colored after all these years. I feel bad because he lives in a trailer park all by himself and doesn’t really get out much and whenever we visited him he look so very glad to see us and he almost looked like he was gonna cry when we left. My mum talked about visiting him more often which i really look forward to :)
@somegalthing8399 2 жыл бұрын
My schizophrenia has gotten a lot better recently and I haven't had too many visual hallucinations recently it's been more auditory and I'm happy
@supercool1312 2 жыл бұрын
im living in your walls
@somegalthing8399 2 жыл бұрын
@@supercool1312 🗿
@supercool1312 2 жыл бұрын
@@somegalthing8399 they are watching you they can hear you there are cameras in all rooms of your house
@crim5447 2 жыл бұрын
@@supercool1312 your trying so hard to be edgy its funny
@milenartmeire2588 2 жыл бұрын
@@crim5447 its not funny, since they could literally trigger someone, report them
@reginvillagracia9504 Жыл бұрын
Since I was 15 years old, I have experienced schizophrenia. It like a demon attempting to use your thoughts to take control of your life. Only medication can stop hallucinations from happening. Being occasionally deluded and perceiving unreal things. I acted like a robot after my dose and didn't really feel anything. Because it's a lifetime of misery, I've made countless attempts at suicide. It hurts when society judges and disparages us.
@Ydce1891 22 күн бұрын
I appreciate his vulnerability of sharing his story. It must be so challenging to have schizophrenia or any mental illness that society has labeled as bad when we’re just different. I do suffer from 3 mental illnesses but they are manageable with medication. Another issue for people suffering is that there isn’t enough progress on proper medication that doesn’t take so much from you. If you’re struggling and getting help feel proud of yourself. People can suck, you don’t have to share your story with everyone but it’s important to build a support group of medical professionals, loved ones and true friends who empathize even if they can’t understand and are here to support you. Those who refuse to understand or make you feel bad don’t deserve to be in your life. You are suffering from schizophrenia and like any physical illness you deserve to be treated with compassion, dignity and kindness
@TheErren 2 жыл бұрын
I see thing when i become stressed. Black figures or blobs. That makes me more stressed and it gets worse. It truly is amazing what humans can deal with and go through. Anyone with schizophrenia, I can’t say I understand because what I deal with is probably not even on par but you are an mvp. Life is hard, and having extra medical problems is no joke.
@Cuavaw 3 жыл бұрын
So thats what I have been experiencing things that are weird, like sometimes I hear someone calling my name. And I hallucinate, and my self-esteem and confidence is always down. Or when I dream about things then I feel like I’ve done that. I wonder what it feels to be normal and stop having thoughts of me hurting myself.
@negin1746 3 жыл бұрын
Hey. I juat realized that we are experiencing the same thing. I hear people calling me in my mind. Mostly its my family's voice. My confidence has ups and downs. Sometimes im too confident and sometimes i feel worthless and small. I dream too much that i cant tell the difference between dream and reality. I forget the time and i dont remember stuff. Its like im lost. I keep talking to myself everytime i get alone. I sometimes like to burn stuff or myself. Sometimes im so happy and good and later im depressed and hurt. My body itches sometimes i feel like spiders walking on me. I see things aroud me moving or some kind of melting. Whenever i get angry or sad my heart hurts bad that i can't move. I have lots of mental breakdowns. I would be so happy if you tell me more details of yours so i can judge mine with it.
@negin1746 3 жыл бұрын
@Odium 2k honestly same!! Wow didn't see that coming its good to here that im not the only one. Well its not really a good situation but feeling of loneliness was killing me. I also write down everything that goes across my mind. All my fears and stuff. And im into philosophy and psychology either and I've been reading about it for like 6 years now. I feel like im so old mentally and i cant talk with people around my age (im 18). I dont think im belong to anywhere. I feel like im floating in the air and watching people's life behind the glass. I feel empty.
@tannersteele7898 3 жыл бұрын
I think I have schizophrenia as well,I also here people saying my name,and lately I have been hearing noises that no one else seems to here.Much like you I also have things were I have very boosted up energy,and then the next day it’s like I have severe depression.I am also extremely pariniod,I constantly feel like someone is following me and that someone is staring at me from behind.I constantly feel like everyone is judging me and thinks that I am a try hard.Some days I am extremely disappointed with my looks,the next day I act like the most energetic person you could meet.The paranoia is constant,if I don’t check behind the toilet,I think that the pipes will turn into snakes.I do lots of other weird things as well.Most worryingly of all,I feel like killing myself,and others.For some reason I love it when in a video game or movie a knife is dogged into someone’s chest,I wish it would happen in real life and that I would get to do it to someone.I get annoyed very easily and when I do I think of beating Them up with a baseball but as their skull cracks.Please help me,I don’t want to live like this anymore.I feel like a monster.
@Cheese_Doggy12 3 жыл бұрын
@Odium 2k Do I have hallucinations? Sometimes I hear sounds that there aren't so maybe it's just my imagination. Sometimes I see something but none ao my imagination again.
@necronyx7176 3 жыл бұрын
I hope all of you have spoken with a doctor and are seeking a mental health professsional. This is a condition where it is important to reach out to medical professionals as soon as possible, even if you believe that things are manageable right now.
@tolees1757 7 ай бұрын
I searched for a video for this condition to see how people that have it feel and act, thanks for sharing , i wish you peace and happiness.
@esfsefefsfes 7 ай бұрын
I need to tell someone somewhere what happened to me as a schizophrenic. At one stage of my psychosis I was hearing people talking about how they would kill kids and babies. (It wasn’t actually what they where saying) and I thought it was true. I believed that my family, where apart of some government agency that slaughtered children.. I then thought maybe I was next. I tried to commit suicide, woke up in the hospital with the sounds of the patient next to my bed being stabbed and murdered. I was in a daze, I just went numb. I didn’t try to escape or anything I just went dead inside and decided it was fate that I was next. This, everyone. Is only one aspect of my personal psychosis. Please be kind to us suffering with it. I also heard kids screams when I was alone in a park one night. I thought they where being sacrificed.. there was nothing I could do…
@user-fn3py8hv9p 2 жыл бұрын
People tends to think that schizophrenia is just nothing and wouldn’t affect them if they have one, but the problem with it is, is that the hallucinations are too convincing and you have no other choice but to believe it…
@sirreginaldfishingtonxvii6149 2 жыл бұрын
It's easy to think you'd have no issue with it, since you can logically convince yourself that they're not real. Issue is, you're fighting your own mind _with_ your own mind. Of course it's hard. Not impossible, and there is help to get, but fighting a tank with that same tank, while also trying to get that tank out of there relatively unsafe? Shit's difficult.
@Noelciaaa 2 жыл бұрын
@@sirreginaldfishingtonxvii6149 is it hard because a mental state in which you hallucinate is coupled with an anxiety attack? i don't know much about hallucinations but i know well from experience how borderline impossible it is to use any sort of logic during a panic attack.
@TheKhfan001 2 жыл бұрын
I felt the same way about my ADHD medication. It would just make me tired and like I wasn't me, and that scared the crap out of me. I opted out of taking my medicine. I still have trouble focusing, which annoys the people around me to no end. I like me the way I am, though. I know this probably isn't comparable to schizophrenia, but it still struck a chord with me. So, yeah...
@mikebasil4832 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for opening our minds and hearts to all those who struggle with one of the worst things that could happen to a human being. As A Beautiful Mind has taught us, how we view and help the mentally ill is one of our most globally important issues.
@JesruNichol127 Жыл бұрын
I have experience someone talking to me, but he was so nice he lifts me up during my darkest moments. I miss that voice in my head.
@Bia_OkamotoS2 2 жыл бұрын
Hey, dear strangers How are you feeling today? I know.. what you're going through is really hard.. I can't tell you that I understand what you're going through because I don't suffer from schizophrenia..but I know that's really hard and painful for you... I want to tell you that you're not alone..I wish you all the love and support that you deserve...you deserve everything good in this world...you deserve to be and feel loved, to be taken care of..to get the help you need, I know it doesn't disappear like that, but I know with the right help you can feel better...so please, don't hesitate in asking for help, you don't have to go trough this alone, we're all here for you... I might not know you but I love you and care about you...and you deserve to be happy ❤️ Don't give up... I know it hurts a lot...but despite all that struggle and pain there are amazing things worth fighting and living for in this world, like the people who love you, the sunlight..the flowers... Your friends, music, home, everything..so please, don't give up, I'm rooting for you dear humans... you're not alone and you can get better, remember that ❤️
@schrodingersbraincell5861 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve gone through a lot of the internet, and I am also a weirdo.that fact is indisputable. Sometimes I hear something about a mental illness, and I’ll think part of it applies. But I know, deep down, that I don’t understand what these people are really going through. Good luck to everyone with schizophrenia, i wish you well
@Sanjay-ub7eq 2 жыл бұрын
Man i feel like crying , my father had this disease, and when i found out before, i thought he wasn't a good father like other dads i used to see in my childhood. They explained them everything but my dad never told me anything i had to ask my friends and i blamed my dad until i saw his medical bills and googled it😭😭
@pyrofootball 2 жыл бұрын
keep your head up high richard you are doing well its very nice to see you found ways to cope with it
@Heady_Hinamaku 15 күн бұрын
My mom is schizophrenic. She sees "people" staring at her, touching her, some of 'em even naked, and not just people but also heads. She doesn't want to take a bath because she sees them staring at her. She screams, yells, and throw things at them. It's so hard for her to sleep without her meds. She is also delusional, she believes people that's not her family are demons. Sometimes when we go out she runs to stangers and says that they are our family, although they're not. She's been like this for almost my entire life, i don't even remember when was the last time she was "normal"
@gracet6533 2 жыл бұрын
I do hope he can find the right combination of medication. I know it doesn’t work for everyone, but sometimes it takes years to find the right combination.
@garypoleman2673 2 жыл бұрын
My brother was diagnosed 6 years ago and it’s been really hard on the family and him especially, been having a hard time with my mental health and it’s kind of terrifying thinking that something like that could happen to me too
@hilol6969sus Жыл бұрын
I have Depression, ADHD and schizophrenia, never reached out for help because of that exact reason at the end. Be grateful you have a life
@oak_corvum 2 жыл бұрын
I have many things wrong with me, and what he said at the end made me feel so much better about coping with it. I don't like to take medicine to stop my behaviour, I just wanna act it out and learn to dile it down. Making my intense feelings go away just doesn't seem right to me. I get sad whenever thinking that this might all be gone one day cause this has been with me forever and it feels like you took away a part of me
@tfkshadow3435 2 жыл бұрын
This is absolut heartmelting, amazing and im proud that he can speak about this❤
@obamagaming9456 2 жыл бұрын
The first subtle symptoms mentioned really resonated with me. When I was unmedicated I would occasionally have similar things. I'm not entirely sure why, but I only had paranoia at night. I say had since I haven't experienced paranoia since last year, and the year before that I had 0 (episodes? Experiences?) I would also notice really weird amalgamations and oddities in my peripheral vision, but never when I was directly looking at it so I don't think that counts but I figured it's worth a mention. I did have one hallucination when I was about 5. There were these ghostly... fish? Kind of? They were kinda like hybrids between fish and crustaceans. Pretty hard to remember cause of how long ago it was, but they were floating around I could actually look at them directly they kind of floated around almost moved with my eyes, but not quite. It's hard to explain, but essentially I would move my eyes and some of them would half follow and then stop before I stopped moving my eyes and they only followed sometimes. They moved so strangely, it was truly surreal. I had an auditory hallucination on my second time ever staying up till 4am when I was about 15 or 16. I was at a theater camp and me and one of my friends were talking about spiritual stuff and after an absolutely wild night of us talking and going through (what we believe to be) a demon attack, I was about to go to sleep when I started hearing people and animals and the absolute strangest, most unreal noises coming from "the basement". The building we were staying in has one floor with no basement of any kind. I heard some beastly roar and I texted my friend that I was hearing weird noises and he told me I was probably hallucinating and to just go to bed and just like that I stopped hearing anything. I also used to experience brief sensations of bugs crawling across my skin every now and then along with itches that just will not go away and don't feel like normal itches. Closer to a burning sensation, but I have no other word for it. Oh and I just remembered another classic. When I was 4 I woke up in the middle of the night and heard two people in the living room having a completely nonsensical conversation. They were two burglars, but thinking back on what they were saying, they just weren't making coherent sense. The most frequently recurring symptom I had/still have, tho only with withdrawal from medications, is a spiraling delusion starting with "I'm not real, my life is manufactured". This usually ends up at reality not being real and suicide seeming to be an option to escape into the "real" world. For whatever reason I've always been aware that it's going on so I would just shut my brain off and distract myself for a while. Nowadays I have a grounding technique that shuts it down pretty fast but I haven't had to use it in a minute thankfully. Also I'm quite aware I don't have schizophrenia, my psychologist said it was likely most or all of that stuff comes from my autism considering how intermittent and mild it is.
@moirapledger9153 2 жыл бұрын
I'm 25, I've lived with schizophrenia for as long as I can remember. It hit hard when he talked about escaping into his own world, as that was me and my sketchbook too.
@ardrethe Жыл бұрын
Mine started at 16 too. Now it's much worse. I see them everywhere. They're watching me , grinning wide. They're on my tv, in my phone, in my paintings, behind my windows. They talk to me in my family's voice. I don't want the medications, i don't want to stay asleep. I'd rather be dead. i keep being told that's it's my fault and I'm making a big deal out of it. I hope no one ever suffers this terrible fate.
@jona1119 Жыл бұрын
Hey my sister has it and i dont know what to do when she sees things and hears voices. So i wanted to ask you, how do you want your family to treat you or do for you when you see things and hear voices like what do you wish they were like.
@ardrethe Жыл бұрын
@@jona1119 hello, I'm so sorry for you and your sister. I know it's hard on the family too. please know that when we see things, it usually makes us believe that everyone is out to get us, including family. So whatever you do, don't do anything to make her believe those delusions, like making fun of her or joking about it. For me i prefer it when they ask me what they can do, or offer to sleep in my room and stay with me until I'm not scared anymore. we also tend to feel very lonely because of the delusion that we have no one, so when someone offers to stay with us, it helps fight those ideas. Listening to us when we grumble about how much we are suffering also helps, you can also tell her that she's stronger than other people because she handles so much more than them in life. So in short, actively show interest in her well being , it does wonders. I hope this helps. 💕 Also gently advice her not to quit meds , i wrote the first comment off my meds and it shows. we can't help trying to quit them every now and then.
@michael5089 Жыл бұрын
@@ardrethe so glad you wrote this new message. I was concerned about you . Sending you prayers and love my friend 🙏🙏🙏🙏💙💙💙💙💙👊👊👊👊👊👊
@ardrethe Жыл бұрын
@@michael5089 that's very kind of you, I'm doing great now. thank you sooo much my friend! *sending virtual hugs* 💕
@michael5089 Жыл бұрын
@@ardrethe 💙🤗🤗We should keep in touch! So pleased your doing better.
@andreadeans2520 2 жыл бұрын
This is debilitating, I feel sad for these people and hope they get help
@mondayjulymonday 2 жыл бұрын
This is so brave. Thank you.
@joot9184 2 жыл бұрын
I wish everyone going through this the absolute best, I can't even imagine..
@sheogorath9396 2 жыл бұрын
You are really strong, i dont have that condition but i did something that i regret, i dont want to be myself, it's like i did something wrong and i keep doing things in the wrong way, if i could restart and take another decision, dont be what i am now, i would choose this without hesitation, you are strong you choosed to be yourself, this is something that at least for now i cant wish (sorry for my bad english)
@theoofbirb2168 2 жыл бұрын
There is like a voice in my head telling me to do something, it’s the smallest things that doesn’t make a difference, it’s like it doesn’t shut up until I do it. What is this?
@sirreginaldfishingtonxvii6149 2 жыл бұрын
I am truly grateful that I do not suffer from Schizophrenia. My best wishes to the ones who do.
@bryancook1342 2 ай бұрын
I was diagnosed when I was around 21. Your hallucinations was fish in the car when you were with your gf. I remember having hallucinations of spiders all throughout my car. I was by myself and I pulled over at a gas station. The spiders were speaking saying they’d get out if I kept my car door open. I did and probably looked crazy to anyone that saw me. I can relate to feeling bugs beneath your skin. I remember having the feeling of spiders and snakes were in my stomach. I tried to rationalize but I’m on an injection now. I wish I wasn’t like you. I like being myself too. Stay strong though. You’re not alone.
@ammaokami4479 2 жыл бұрын
It's tragic the medication couldn't help in a better way. I've had to explain to my parents that I'm more myself when I'm on my medication than when I am off of it (ADHD/anxiety/depression). I think I'm one of the lucky ones. Because the noise of my own thoughts was the main problem, I am able to function much better and even gain confidence in myself. If at all possible and if willing, trying different medication may help to ease your symptoms without giving you such severe side effects. Either way, living the life the way you chose is truly inspirational!
@_Chessa_ 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve had anxiety attacks that would devour everything up. Everything looked freaky and soo dark and I would be in so much pain from it that I thought this is it. I’m dying. I was 9 at the time it was happening. My parents accidentally gave me adderal prescribed by a dr to help with my ADHD and concentration. Unfortunately my anxiety passed me out many times and made me scream to the point of causing my own parents to hate me for it. They shamed me when I got my period at 9 and I was so scared of it. Anytime I got my period it was pain and anxiety attacks and fainting from it.. and then depression and suicidal thoughts just took off after all of that happening. I constantly heard and still do some days hear a voice telling me to just do it. That I’m stupid and that no one actually loves me. My trust because of my parents really hit low and still can when I have an episode. My father still yells constantly about very small things. He treated me like an adult when I was a child and it taught me to cry and shut completely down when I get yelled at as an adult. Which I still very much do. I’ve hit myself many times over anger and fear. Just my head. And the constant suicidal thoughts and voices are always there taunting me to do it like even now while writing this. It’s like I have another person saying no one is gonna care and to just do it and that I’m stupid for even telling others about it. But it’s like a therapy writing it out and watching these videos helps a lot. I don’t have schizophrenia. I have severe depression and anxiety. I also have mild autistic tendencies, adhd and break downs. Someone said it’s not ptsd to me but honestly it feels like it when I get yelled at and I break down and can’t stop crying like a toddler so I don’t know. This really opens up my head to just other peoples lives and allows me to focus on what’s wrong with me. I’m opening up online because it feels good to finally share these things. I don’t want attention but then again maybe I do just to be heard about the mental illnesses i have and how it affects me daily. I can’t get a job right now.. and it hurts.. I keep thinking of suicide and it hurts. I can financially help myself at the moment to get therapy or medications and it hurts.. I laugh about dying one day because then it would free my head of all the insecurities and of all the stupid thoughts. But it’s expensive and I don’t want my parents to pay for my death so what the heck do I do... honestly I’d be glad to just not work or have to worry about life. I’m glad and thankful I do have youtube.. it’s become somewhat of my own therapy to distract me from the constant suicidal thoughts and constant pessimistic feelings and stresses of life. So I shouldn’t complain that much about it. And I’m sorry to whomever reads this pile of shit I’ve spewed. It’s awful I know. I need help and I need it faster than ever. -,-
@normanjeans2798 2 жыл бұрын
you belittle yourself a lot in this comment and i think you should be more gentle with yourself. its not crying like a toddler, its crying like someone who has been through more than a lot and shedding tears is how your body releases tension. none of what youve gone through is your fault, and your expression of anguish in your youth did not make your parents "hate you." they (very unfairly) express their anguish through yelling and verbal abuse. it most likely has very little to do with your behavior at all. no one else can tell you the severity of what youre going through, only you know what it feels like. even though you cant afford professional help right now, i think it would be a great start to practice kindness to yourself. you may find it helpful to treat yourself how you wish someone would have treated you as a child, with patience and understanding and allowing yourself to feel this whirlwind of emotions. i know the turbulence can be overwhelming, but all you have to do in the midst of it is breathe through it. i promise you, as you should promise yourself, an end to this suffering will come where you will have access to the resources you need and be able to live a life that you want to live. it may feel like theres no one on your side fighting for you, and in such cases you need to become that person for yourself, past present and future you. i wish you the best in coming through this turmoil, you are not alone and recovery is always possible.
@BM-ir1dr 2 жыл бұрын
My son and I both have ADHD and autism traits. He has been very anxious and sad but I give him as much love and care as I can and it helps. It sounds like your parents weren't equipped to do this and that's hard when you already have ADHD affecting your sense of self worth. If you have to continue to rely on your parents please do your best to block out any negative or unsupportive comments or actions. I wish you and all those in similar circumstances well. I hope you find a space where you can be understood.
@deebesh6704 2 жыл бұрын
June 26 2021 diagnosed schezofrenia. Will keep updated. 🙏❤️😐
@leaf111 2 жыл бұрын
i don't have schizophrenia but i was put on antipsychotics (abilify) about a year and a half ago and the way he explains it is exactly how i felt. i only took them for a few months, once i was out of that place i quit cold turkey cause i was in a constantly dazed state. i felt like a really watered down version of myself. always tired, trouble with short term memory and just thinking in general like a constant brain fog. they put me on it to control my intense emotions and mood swings (and also cause they suspected i did have some form of psychosis though i'm pretty sure i didn't) and in that sense it did work i rarely had any strong emotions i was just so numb most of the time. it also made me gain like 7kg even though i usually only ate one small meal a day there. i can't imagine having to take a really high dosage of that every day for your entire life
@krissyp6918 2 жыл бұрын
I'm glad I'm reading this information and experiences everyone with this mental illness is going through It makes me have way more understanding on what my son is going through he was diagnosed at 19 he's now 22 and he's not a lot better but he is going to be on his 3 rd medication this month- I pray to god that this medicine will help him- I feel sick and helpless that I can't take this away from him I'm sorry for everyone that is experiencing schizophrenia
@janeliu5237 2 жыл бұрын
My nephew is 19 and taking paliperidon and Trintellix. That combo seems working on him although he’s still tired and sleepy all the time. Has your son tried antidepressant on top of antipsychotics?
@krissyp6918 2 жыл бұрын
@@janeliu5237 HI THERE i'm glad your nephew medicine is working- even if the side effect for him is making him sleepy- and yes my son is now taking a different medicine- that so far it seems to be working- it' s called clorazpam I believe - the thing that also helps my son is having a routine- it's really important for someone with or even without a mental illness to stay having a routine- for example in the morning after getting his self showered etc he will make his bed up and clean up his room etc- I make sure he keeps up with that because besides taking medicine that really helps as well- i hope you and your nephew are doing well bless you both
@janeliu5237 2 жыл бұрын
@@krissyp6918 thanks for sharing about keeping up a routine! He had a routine at home. He’s at school now, so he’s schedule is messed up and he called his mom that he’s so tired and can’t focus on study. I think it was because he attended too many activities ... I wonder how does your son handle the distractions at school
@krissyp6918 2 жыл бұрын
@@janeliu5237 hi there- so as far as my son- he doesn't have school- he lives at home with me full- time- I get so worried for him to even do other activities such as school or anything else- since he has been diagnosed - i was supposed to sign him up for SSI- because he's not able to work- and I haven't even done that only because I feel like I don't want anyone viewing him like he's "crazy" so I support my son- he does go and play basketball- but not on a team- only for his leisure time-
@krissyp6918 2 жыл бұрын
@@janeliu5237 I'm so glad to have met you! someone who can understand what i go through with my son- oh also he goes everyweek on Friday to see a therapist! does your nephew go to therapy- it is really great and also helps him a lot-! does your nephew go to therapy? side note: so the other day- I went out with my friend and mind you I never go out anywhere for anytype of leisure time for my self because I'm soo afraid to leave my son at home! well wen i went out i got a text from my daughter and she told me that my son had been experiencing paranoia ! Does your nephew even get paranoid that you know of? I believe that by me going out- might have triggered it- but than again he's only been on this medicine for almost two months! and How is your sister holding up with this ? is your nephew your sister's son? or is he your brothers son?
@Srindal4657 4 ай бұрын
I think schizophrenia is an ambiguous term for severe dissociation. Just because its severe doesnt mean you're schizophrenic. The term should be thrown out the door and replaced.
@lisahull6059 2 жыл бұрын
This brought back so many memories. My mother , brother and sister all suffered from this horrible disease. My heart goes out to you!
@jonigamble1481 2 жыл бұрын
So this disease missed you
@ASMinor Жыл бұрын
I am an avid #MentalHealthAwareness advocate and spoken word performer, and I love this so much. I travel the country trying to bring that awareness on stages, in classrooms, hospitals, and on my KZfaq channel, so I get excited when I see other advocates. 💙❤
@MaRia-kf5sn 2 жыл бұрын
I believe is extremely difficult to suffer from schizophrenia and any kind of psychosis. However, I’d like to highlight how difficult and challenging is for the family as well. Having a young sister who still hasn’t diagnosed if it is schizophrenia or another psychosis, I feel totally devastated and the pain I have when I think of her is and will forever be incurable…
@honesty2476 5 ай бұрын
I guess I’m just ignorant when it comes to the disease because I have a niece who is highly manipulative. and I know a huge part is the illness however I also believe a lot of it is not! I believe her mother spoiled her rotten as a child giving her zero responsibility and today at 40 she acts like a 16 year old when she doesn’t get her way. when she’s given what she wants she’s 💯 different like night & day! I guess I’m just so angry because my sister is 70 and she’s still treating her like a child rather than involving her into community activities. She’s 40 years old and she acts like she’s married to my elderly sister! I suggested she get her into daily programs and she instantly uses the excuse she’s pregnant. but she’s never in her life been pregnant, But if we ask her if she’d like to go shopping she’s ready in five minutes! So to me, this is manipulation and I do believe she’s on a high spectrum but in other ways she’s just a rotten 40 year old who thinks she’s married to her 70 year old mother. My sister is elderly with health problems and that daughter uses her horribly, I honestly think if she was in a group home she would have responsibilities. I worked in a group home with 6 skizophrenics and they all had daily chores, daily programs & activities, sorry but my niece is a 40 year old brat with no responsibility and she’s slowly killing my sister
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