When did your "WE NEED TO GET OUT!" feeling save you?

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We work extremely hard to serve you guys the highest quality story reading content. Each video takes a lot of effort when it comes to thinking of topics, ideation, editing, voice-acting, recording, etc. All the content in these videos are owned by us!
Our Work Process:
1. Come up with questions, research, script, come up with opinions/commentary, polish until ready for recording.
2. Record voice acting the stories/questions, sharing thoughts and opinions and performing it in a creative and transformative fashion for viewers to enjoy.
3. Record gameplay until there is enough interesting footage to use for the background
4. Throw the gameplay in the editing software and then begin typing up the captions, cutting/trimming the voice acting, adding SFX, color correction, removing/adding clips, etc.
5. Final review of the video, if video is not up to the quality desired for this channel. Either go back into the editing software, re-record some lines, change opinions/commentaries.

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@lazywargaming6752 Ай бұрын
Fun fact: if the woods ever go quiet, get a gun or yourself out. Birds and other animals know humans aren't usually a threat so make noise around us. Only time its quiet for no reason is if there's a predator in the area. Im a ranch manager and the first time this happened, a mountain lion attacked a horse. Another time was a junky who was wondering the woods and screamed like a banshee when he noticed me from the other side of a lake. Pretty sure the mountain lion didn't go near as i was using a lawn mower most of the day and the junky didnt pull anything because i just shouted that i had a rifle on me.
@Allantitan Ай бұрын
Pretty sure the reason why the forest going quiet gets a reaction out of us is cause some old instinct knows that sh@@s about to go down and is screaming at us
@FairyLadyQuelaag Ай бұрын
I listen to a lot of horror stories, but aint nothing scared me as much as this has. Fuck, I'm gonna need therapy.
@lazywargaming6752 Ай бұрын
@@FairyLadyQuelaag the mountain story is a bit of a trip. Actually posted it on my channel because it includes a little cover up. As for the junky, they're just weird like that. I've seen one of those fuckers full on sprint on all 4s before
@EdenBeckman Ай бұрын
True, usually because birds who usually call out and fill the silence go quiet so they don’t get eaten. This happens in my area, and most likely in other areas as it’s a survival instinct. Don’t eat me alive if I’m wrong. 😅
@SeraidenAF Ай бұрын
Yeah I can tell when the falcons're out and about even in my part of a big city because the pigeons and other birds in the tree behind our place will be oppressively silent.
@tyriaxepheles7996 Ай бұрын
The one where they were taken by 3 large men into some sketchy basement had me wonder why they didn't already run when they were led into an alley. Like this is so obvious that something nefarious is going to happen, why go inside, down the stairs and THEN decide to run. The men clearly were walking in that order to stop you from escaping. That's terrifying
@tylerwells841 Ай бұрын
What sister hotel would be in the basement as well
@RiesenWuschel 29 күн бұрын
I assume you never had your intuition tell you that someone is bad news before. Knowing you feel bad and actually risking to insult or confront the situation are two different things. And if you're shy, intimidated or socially awkward it is even worse. I really wish you never get into that situation, because if you lack that empathy, there is a chance you will lack that intuition.
@anobody4606 26 күн бұрын
​@@RiesenWuschel In a situation where a bad gut feeling is saying you're in danger, not getting out ASAP could be just as deadly as being quiet and hoping things don't escalate. The passive-aggressiveness in your comment is WILDLY misplaced...
@RiesenWuschel 25 күн бұрын
@@anobody4606 I consider blaming people for not being used to confronting dangerous situations or people is damaging. I'm in the police and it took me years until I could confidently argue my position and act immediately and still I get stunted by new situations at times. But a bunch of teenagers are stupid for wanting to believe that another person is decent after growing up in safety and security?
@bdawg1118 22 күн бұрын
Exactly what I was thinking. They have the survival instincts of a deer
@StormTheSquid Ай бұрын
45:26 wtf kind of mother leaves their kid to take a *BUS, ALONE, ON PAINKILLERS, AFTER SURGERY WITH ANESTHESIA?!?!?!* I swear sometimes these stories make me question how we survived as a species with people like that as parents...
@catherinep2034 Ай бұрын
& the mother wasn't even concerned that her daughter was nearly mugged & assaulted! 😳
@littleblackcar Ай бұрын
The mother was mad the police called her! What the F, Mom!
@KMF3 Ай бұрын
Yikes. 😱🥺
@FairyLadyQuelaag Ай бұрын
Shit mothers. When I came out of anesthesia I was very alert, I was also still being worked on lol so while I don't know what it's like to suffer from the aftermath, I'd NEVER leave anyone alone, to get home on their own after surgery. It's normal for people to come out foggy, confused, sometimes even unable to walk.
@The-gender-goblin Ай бұрын
We survived because the kids are at least smart enough to run or fight back, luckily. Parents can be stupid, that’s why you make sure to only rely on them sometimes once you get stronger
@junecleaver4099 Ай бұрын
"....one of the many, many reasons i dont exercise" 😂
@monke3216 Ай бұрын
Yeah right 😂
@blender4464 Ай бұрын
​@@monke3216it wasnt before but now it is
@emma8nk690 Ай бұрын
I had to pause the video at that point that's such a wild sentence to end the story off on. Like I understand but brooo lol
@dafuq27783 Ай бұрын
That would be my reason now.
@totallytessaaudio Ай бұрын
I read this comment the second that he read out that line. What are the chances lol
@gamerraider889 Ай бұрын
People really misunderstand the meaning of "a grain of salt." When kids tell you they saw a van with a man hanging out looking around, don't assume their mind is playing tricks on them. Yes, maybe they're wrong. You should take it in stride if so, because of course, MAYBE they're wrong. But if not, you end up with stories like story 21. If you feel suspicious of something, especially so if a kid is suspicious of something so dangerous as abduction, treat it seriously until there's plentiful evidence to prove otherwise. Proper caution is cheaper than a lost child.
@herstoryanimated Ай бұрын
That was nuts the mum not believing them! I can't imagine not taking someone seriously over something that important!
@Violet-Storm 19 күн бұрын
Seriously! That poor little neighbor girl……
@MorganMakesThings 13 күн бұрын
I was at an event once and there were these two guys there and we were party-hopping. I knew a lot of the organizers, so I was chatting everyone up. We hung out a bit and swapped numbers, but one of the guys was watching me just a little too closely, and it irked me. I ultimately dipped out, as I was actually there hoping to see someone I was into. The next day, a friend called me to tell me that a mutual acquaintance of ours had been drugged, SA'd and robbed, and described him to me, figuring that I might have seen him since I had been making the rounds to all the parties. It was the creepy guy out of the two who I had been hanging out with. Near as I can figure in hindsight, he was watching to see if I'd put my drink down or take my hand off it. I passed his real name and details on so the cops could find him and she could press charges. I don't know what happened after that.
@jacklansdale77 Ай бұрын
When you're in the woods, the silence usually means everything is hiding from... Something.
@carriageofnoreturn.1881 20 күн бұрын
That’s why we find birdsong so soothing - it means that everything is probably safe.
@thewhitewolf58 Ай бұрын
The human race has only survived for so long because it is good at sensing danger. Most important skill you need is to be able to act on your sense of danger and leave the group even if it seems like it would give you negative status with them.
@lovelysakurapetalsyt Ай бұрын
Absolutely. That feeling saved me multiple times, once when I was small, I had a feeling I needed to look everywhere when walking to my school bus stop. A kid in my trailer park went missing that day, a kidnapping. My instincts were on point
@luketimewalker Ай бұрын
@@lovelysakurapetalsyt wow
@NOHTenma 21 күн бұрын
I have good timing, not good instinct. I'm paranoid so I'm usually the first to notice something wrong when I'm with a group. There was a couple of times but one that stuck out to me was having a panic attack in the middle of Orlando when my bf at the time took his brothers and cousin on to rip ride rocket. I had sworn off roller coasters the previous year (opening day of Wizarding World) so I just agreed to babysit all the bags. Suddenly I get dizzy, run to the restroom to maybe be sick. I stop in front of the doors like I just got scared. A security guard asks me what's wrong. I tell her I don't know but I don't feel good but I don't feel sick anymore. She gives me a bottle of water and says I might be having heat exhaustion (the waiting area for the coaster doesn't have shade) and leads me to a bench where I'm crying and hyperventilating. She asks if I need medical, I told her no, just a panic attack but I really feel like something is wrong. But hey, panic attack, I'll be okay. She nods and tells me she'd return to her post but if I need her, just raise my hand with a thumbs down. Bf and fam come off the coaster laughing and joking so I'm thinking, yep just random panic attack, when this butthead goes "Yeah, I almost fell out of the roller coaster!" Apparently due to his size at the time his harness never fully clicked shut but the operator didn't have time to secure it a third time before the coaster took off. That mans was holding his body in the ride with the sheer strength of his effing legs the whole time😬
@luketimewalker 21 күн бұрын
@@NOHTenma omg. Same I don't trust the human factor anymore in those rides. Last time friends mocked me, a month later someone died a horrible death out of one of those...
@drewskiwest5284 Ай бұрын
hitting a concrete wall going 80 is pretty much a death sentence
@JamesDavy2009 Ай бұрын
Only in one territory of my country is 80 mph acceptable.
@Kat-ge2jf Ай бұрын
Hitting a MOOSE going 80 is pretty much a death sentence. Guys are like brick walls. FR
@JasonAizatoZemeckis 27 күн бұрын
​@@Kat-ge2jf workout goals right there
@indrickboreale5463 24 күн бұрын
The use of "was" tells me he didnt make it
@fastwolf1565 Ай бұрын
A small story of mine was when I was in a mental health institution for let's just say, not being nice to myself. A girl twice my size and I didn't get along too well. I am very non confrontational, and you won't see me in a physical fight unless I absolutely need to defend myself. We were both in the rec room and I was playing some just dance. She was mad because her time ended and it was my turn to have a go at it. The staff left the room for a few minutes for some dumb reason and I kept feeling her eyes boring into me. Half way through the song I had the feeling that I needed to get to the ground fast. No sooner did my chest hit the floor, a chair hit the TV I was dancing infront of. If I didn't drop to the floor, the chair would have hit me instead. She got a day in the quiet room for that.
@KitKat10281 Ай бұрын
Wow, a whole day?! Gee, how safe for you! /s it sounds like she needed more than that for your safety alone!
@fastwolf1565 Ай бұрын
@KitKat10281 it wasn't just my safety. She had similar outbursts with other patients. I'm assuming she went to a different facility that was better equipped to deal with more aggressive people. She just disappeared one day. She was pulled out of the group, and I never saw her again.
@KitKat10281 Ай бұрын
@@fastwolf1565 I'm glad, for everyone's safety, and I hope she got the help she so desperately needed
@haneenahh 9 күн бұрын
i didn’t even know gut feelings could tell you to dodge something, that was some real spidey sense right there
@izzyfrancis9739 Ай бұрын
I used to take the bus all the time. One night I got some weird vibes from a guy sitting a couple rows down from me, he kept looking at me and I noticed he specifically payed attention when someone called for a stop and every time the bus stopped. A few stops before mine I pretended to get ready to go, put my phone in my purse, sat up straight, I pulled the stop chord and made myself look like I was getting off. When the bus stopped I watched him get off, and as the bus drove off he stared at me through the window. I shiver to think what he would've done if I had gotten off with him.
@AnthonyTrejo-lo3cz Ай бұрын
That's scary as fuck, glad you're okay.
@masonlowman3528 Ай бұрын
​@@AnthonyTrejo-lo3cz same here
@MoodyBluesRequiem80 19 күн бұрын
Smart as fuck! Good for you! 🖤
@noahmorgan13 Ай бұрын
I was (attempting) to learn how to drive. I took a turn going too fast into the oncoming lane. No one was on the road but I had this intense feeling of "get off the road now!", so instead of trying to correct myself I drove into a ditch. This giant truck appeared out of no where and before my back wheel was even off the road he blew straight past us. If I'd tried to correct myself we would've gotten T-boned and myself and my friends would've died. Dude was going like 80 in a residential and was not slowing down.
@angelpandadaylane4924 Ай бұрын
@aidenxiong2945 17 күн бұрын
Final Destination
@kurotsuki7427 Ай бұрын
Man the guy in the truck helping with the coyote was a twist. Glad they are ok
@dectectivegoose Ай бұрын
17:25 that guy had a full Final Destination premonition
@sonymicronin Ай бұрын
That’s what I thought of as well, also dying by fence posts in your trunk going through your car cause you get rear ended is such a Final Destination way to die lol
@justisolated5621 28 күн бұрын
28:53 was more Final Destination like
@MorganMakesThings 13 күн бұрын
Glad I'm not the only one who thought that. Let me tell you, FD2 was probably one of the most effective horror movies of all time. It was fun at the time, but to this day I am scared of logging trucks and free-rolling water bottles. Just hell no.
@sharonrinkiewicz3940 Ай бұрын
Back in late 80s, I was scheduled to open at McDonald's. I was supposed to be in at 5 AM. As I was reaching for my car door, something told me "Don't go to work yet." I went back inside and sat on the couch for 10 minutes. At the same time, my co worker Liz was on her way to work and realized she forgot her hat, so she turned around and went home. Liz and I arrived at the same time, albeit late. Just as we pulled in, another car was pealing out. We got to the door, and the opening manager was sitting there in tears. She opened the door and literally collapsed in my arms, sobbing uncontrollably. Another girl was sitting there, white as a sheet. It turns out that when the manager and other girl arrived, three guys jumped out from behind the bushes and put a gun to their head. They forced the manager to the office to get all the money. She never had the chance to lock the door. Liz and I were due any minute. Robber told her, "if anyone else shows up, all of you are dead." Manager gave him all the money in the safe and gave it to them. Remember the car pealing out when Liz and I got there? That was them!
@astraamarante6233 Ай бұрын
So not only did your gut feeling save you, it saved your coworkers!
@niles8102 Ай бұрын
Oh wow. Where at?
@sharonrinkiewicz3940 Ай бұрын
​@@niles8102 Davie, Florida.
@smsff7 Ай бұрын
@@sharonrinkiewicz3940 I am shocked. I used to live in Davie Florida, but this was years after. I think I know the McD that you were at. The one on Davie Road, the old-style building that was by the Burger king and Wendies.
@sharonrinkiewicz3940 Ай бұрын
@@smsff7 That was our sister store. I worked at the one on 441 and Griffin. We were always getting robbed. I think our store got robbed about ten times before the owner decided to finally install an alarm system in.
@isabellesloan4004 Ай бұрын
WATERY.CHOCOLATE.MILK. I have never laughed out loud SO HARD over a KZfaq video. I personally don't like drinking yoo-hoos, but that is a beautiful way to describe them.
@ayla6854 Ай бұрын
LOL, I speak German and understood "UHU", which is the name of a glue
@Lampe2020 Ай бұрын
@@ayla6854 I'd say "Uhu" is the name of a specific kind of owl and the glue would come to my mind after that.
@ayla6854 Ай бұрын
@@Lampe2020 Funnily enough, it was the othrr way around for me😅
@Lampe2020 Ай бұрын
@@ayla6854 As immediately visible by your comment :)
@ayla6854 Ай бұрын
@@Lampe2020 True ;-)
@jonmendelson1104 Ай бұрын
I've done the opposite. I was leaving a bar with a group of friends and we were going down an escalator. We were grouped up and chatting, not walking, and not all on one side (in general you're supposed to stick to the right side if you're not walking on escalators so people who are walking can pass). A guy came up behind us and yelled at us for blocking the path and I said something along the lines of "we're like 5 seconds from the bottom, calm down." He then said he had a knife and I burst out laughing at how ridiculous of a comment that was. We got to the bottom of the escalator and he just walked away, but being drunk definitely leads to doing stupid things.
@Abutado Ай бұрын
Here's my own story I was 20 years old, working at a photo studio inside my local Walmart and dependent on the bus line. It was around the holidays so the studio was staying open later than usual, plus I had a bit of shopping to do afterwards so I had to take the bus home around 11 pm. The 15 minute bus ride home was uneventful, I pulled the bell to alert my stop and exited with my bags. Hardly anyone ever boards or exits at this stop as it's a very small town, and no one else stands to exit. When I get to the crosswalk a fair distance from the stop, I see the bus finally leaving and one of the other passengers had gotten off and is walking my direction. No big deal, there's a bar next to the crosswalk so I figure he's going there and continue across the street. I do take notice that he's average height, overweight, wearing a dark jacket and a ball cap pulled low to obscure his face. My apartment building is on this street that curves around, a sense told me to look behind me and when I did I see that the guy had crossed the street and was following behind. A little concerned I pick up my pace slightly, then peek over my shoulder, he has also picked up his pace and is slowly closing the gap. I pick up my pace again and can hear him do the same. I'm approaching the street near my complex which is pitch black as there aren't street lights for this section and I know that's where it's going to go down. I lower all my shopping bags into my hands so I can drop them and get prepared to kick off my flats so I can book it. I'm internally panicking a bit hoping I can outrun him, meanwhile still hearing his quickening pace behind me. Just as I'm approaching, I hear my name being called out from the darkness and I see my husband pushing our infant daughter in her stroller come out of the darkness and with so much relief I could choke I jogged up to them and shakily said "oh hi! I didn't expect you to meet me out here." (The walk from the bus stop is only a few blocks). I turned to check on the guy and saw him turn down a dead end street with only 3 or 4 houses on it. My husband said he just had this urge to come meet me at the stop, something he hadn't done before, something just told him to do it. As we walked (in the pitch black area of the street where the guy wouldn't have been able to see us), I turned to look again and saw him walking back toward the main road/bar/bus stop. That's when I started really hyperventilating because I knew, without a doubt that he was stalking me and had intended to attack me somehow. My awareness and my husband's instincts most likely saved me that night.
@VesnaVK Ай бұрын
I hope your husband now meets you at the bus stop!
@ConcealedCarried 21 күн бұрын
Nice! It's refreshing to hear a man have spot on intuition. Happy for your safety!
@xXIronPeachesXx Ай бұрын
For those confused about dreams. It’s actually scientifically sound that they’re prophetic to a degree. To put it simply, our subconscious is rooted in the patterns we ignore but memorize. Those patterns emerge in the wishy washy dream state our subconscious puts us through. So you can absolutely predict the near future or possible future events just by passively absorbing that inevitability about to happen
@JoshSweetvale 19 күн бұрын
It's also not filtered by self-delusion. It is however, semi-random shuffled files, so consider it abput as reliable as ChatGPT.
@MorganMakesThings 13 күн бұрын
It's more likely just confirmation bias. I have had hundreds of nightmares about bad things happening. The nightmares I remember most are the ones that real life ends up mirroring later. Such has having a nightmare that I get a car accident a day or two before I actually DO get in a car accident. As opposed to all the other nights I have nightmares about it. Likewise for other catastrophes and embarrassments large and small.
@tntaylor101 Ай бұрын
Whew! Storytime! Decades ago living in Newark, Deleware, I had two roommates. Two of us were in a band together, and two of them were best friends. We went to a party one night, ranch style house with a basement, loud music, people hanging out all over the place. The three of us had gotten separated, doing our own thing. I was in the basement, chilling and chatting, when R came down the stairs, walked straight up to me, and said, “We need to go. Now. We gotta find M and we gotta go. Now.” She was keeping her voice low and was looking me dead in the eyes. Something was serious. Ok, we go upstairs, find M, and we leave. Outside and walking our way back to our apartment, R told us “They’re having a Klan meeting downstairs.” Downstairs. Like, precisely where I had been. And I remembered a back room down there that people kept going into. Thank goodness for R (with her 6' blonde blue-eyed self) getting my Black @$$ and M (who was looking terribly chic that evening in his black eyeliner and my black skirt) TF out of there. Yeah, 1989 was wild.
@kaydenaleksander9328 Ай бұрын
This is a story my dad told me. Shortly after I was born, my parents won a vacation to the Bahamas and while they were there they went to this beach, and in swimming distance there was a little island. He said that on the beach there was this really weird, twisted and unique tree. Well, while they’re there, my dad convinces my mom to try and swim over to the island. She’s reluctant at first but agrees and they start swimming. It’s not very deep, but too deep at some parts their feet don’t reach. They are really mostly wading. About halfway there, they get to a part that is just full of thick sea grass and my mom is immediately like “hell no, I’m not going through that”. My dad tries to convince her but she absolutely won’t go and so they swim back to the beach. About a week after they get back home, they’re watching the news and there was a guy from the same city in the same state as us (he was a dr or smth) who was on vacation in the Bahamas and passed away. They show on the news a picture of the beach, and in the picture is the same weird twisted tree and the same island that my mom and dad and went to. The guy died after he DID swim through the sea grass in an attempt to get to the island and was attacked and killed by tiger sharks ! Absolutely wild
@non-binarycactuspuppy4524 Ай бұрын
My mom took me to the library to print somethings for a homework assignment. After a few rounds to the printer and back she got us out of there. She explained in the car that every time I went to the printer, an old man was following a few feet behind me. He followed us out and stared us down as we were leaving. She called the library but I don't know what happened afterwards.
@LisaVGG Ай бұрын
This new guy has grown on me, used to just watch the ones with the usual narrator but now I’m watching all of these
@availanila Ай бұрын
I've always watched him but have noticed he's become more and more sure of himself and at ease which definitely makes him good to listen to. He's way more charming and agreeable now that he's certain of his skills and confident with himself.
@TheGrimReaper19 Ай бұрын
Same, I love the comments he adds at the end. It feels like the videos are even more relatable. This is my favorite “Reddit story reading” channel
@ConcealedCarried 21 күн бұрын
Wait, new listener here. I am confused. Is there 2 different guys who narrate here, or the original guy, except he sounds much better now?
@LisaVGG 21 күн бұрын
@@ConcealedCarried There’s two narrators
@ConcealedCarried 21 күн бұрын
@@LisaVGG thank you!
@herstoryanimated Ай бұрын
Here's a nice one to help you all with the trauma: I needed to arrange a tall ship sailing trip for a program I was doing. My 3 other friends on the program picked one company and I just had an instinctual urge to go with this other boat (a lot less fancy looking tgan theirs, much less exciting trip and much cheaper/closer to home). I really couldn't explain it, but I absolutely HAD to pick that one. I usually also hated doing anything alone, but something in me made me want to do this. I had the best time, met awesome people who inspired me to be a better person (I genuinely changed myself after this trip), just honestly made such a difference in my life. My friends had an awful time, they were on horrible shifts, through the night, doing dangerous work and had sleep deprivation, food was bad, just all round absolutely miserable! Definitely glad I trusted my gut on that one!
@rhysb7228 Ай бұрын
So my medically diagnosed anxiety can save me and I won't know if it will save me or not. This fills me with even more anxiety...
@momoo220 8 күн бұрын
This is the comment I was looking for lmaoooo
@lauraandrew7440 6 күн бұрын
I comfort myself with the thought that it has probably saved me more times than I know x
@alinashirinian2485 6 күн бұрын
They call it "anxiety disorder", I call it "survival instinct on steroids" 😎
@melocoton7 Ай бұрын
I lived in a small beach community as a teenager. We used to hang out at each others houses all the time and everyone walking home at night was a normal thing to do. One night I was walking home, a street I had walked countless times but this time, as I was about 10-15 meters from a little dark patch of the road my neck hairs stood up and felt a void in my stomach. A voice in my head said "RUN!". I hadn't seen or heard anything, but I started jogging anyway. Just as I was entering the dark spot I saw movement in the corner of my eye. I start running. A man emerged out of the shadows and I booked it turbo speed. I felt his hand miss me by literally nothing while saying "I finally got you". I was an athletic teenager thankfully and I was fast AF. Ran full speed all the way home. Mom and Stepdad went out looking for the dude with a shotgun. Didn't find him but he was a known criminal in the area and if he had managed to grab me I would have been 1000% SA'd, if not worse.
@angelpandadaylane4924 Ай бұрын
Glad you sped sprinted and booked your self out of reach of that creep, good on you bud.
@nemo227 Ай бұрын
Simply surviving childhood can be a major accomplishment.
@vincentcleaver1925 Ай бұрын
80 miles an hour into brick wall?! He died
@herstoryanimated Ай бұрын
yeah, this
@JamesDavy2009 Ай бұрын
There's a reason why 80 mph is illegal in my home country outside of one territory; and we take speeding seriously.
@SpectreBGM Ай бұрын
could be 80kph since he said driving age was 18 , still pretty dead tho
@wolven777 Ай бұрын
​@@SpectreBGM80kph there is a chance he's still alive, but damaged for life
@JoshSweetvale 19 күн бұрын
​@@wolven777Depends entirely on the model car. Modern tinfoil cars are designed to total themselves and slow the driver down. Older cars get progressively tougher, and you end up getting hit by an 80kph dashboard.
@zdeity3620 Ай бұрын
Rare case here: I’m a man and got roofied or something like in the first story, but by a woman. Went barhopping in Nashville and someone brought along a friend. She was a girl I went to high school with and was always super weird (might possibly have been mildly autistic, even. But she was a furry and shit, never showered or shaved body hair, etc.). Many times she would approach me being all flirtatious even though on a couple occasions I told her outright that I just wasn’t interested. Anyway fast forward to the barhopping 7 years later and she, of course, is excited to talk to me. I’m a prime example of people being totally different after high school so I figured the same probably happened to her. Because of this I was happy to catch up, see how she’d been, etc. Ya know, give it a shot, because she was never visually unattractive, just way, way weird. Things actually seem to be going alright and, from what I can tell, she’d grown to be a fine woman (at least I’d hope so because she was 24 where I was 21). After about 30-40 minutes I started feeling kind of off. I’m the type who has to be absolutely wrecked to start slurring and stuff as I’m quite coordinated, and I had been nursing, much like a wimp, the same 12 oz glass of jack I’d bought about an hour ago. I told my brother I felt way too off and had him drive me home after some intense convincing and I immediately went to sleep. I have insomnia and I didn’t wake up for 13 hours after that night. I knew something was up immediately. I didn’t even have to investigate; I woke up to a text telling me she got arrested because she was caught spiking another guy’s drink in the same bar shortly after we left. Might wonder how I found that info out so fast. Well, as soon as I looked up the jail booking records I contacted the jail and let them know that I was at the bar with her and had some shit happen to me and immediately went in to make a statement. She ended up getting 6 years with the possibility of parole
@BlulesBlue 25 күн бұрын
the mother dreaming and feeling bad about shooting reminded me of that time me my mom and my stepfather were going to go out together, but right before leaving my mom had a really bad feeling on her stomach pushing her to lay down, she laid down and couldn't get off the couch, so my stepfather went alone and i stayed with my mom, a few minutes later my mom started to feel better and her ex, my dad, called her all desperate saying that her bf got into a car crash in front of the place he works
@creeper8647 Ай бұрын
The time a county cop stopped me for no reason on I-5 between Escondido and San Diego. He asked where I was from and where I was going. Being young and stupid I answered him. Happily, my answer was that I was on the way to say goodbye to friends and catch a flight home. He sighed and said "Well, have a safe trip," and walked back to his car to leave. I was thoroughly confused and mentioned the encounter to my friends. They frowned and said "This isn't the first time we've heard this story." I flew home and mostly forgot about it. Four years later I was watching 60 Minutes. They started a segment about a cop in SoCal who was stopping women, kidnapping and r@ping them. Then the picture came onscreen. Same guy.
@MorganMakesThings 13 күн бұрын
Having a flight to catch probably saved you. Creeps can't snatch people up when they are expected home quickly. That's how creeps get caught! Glad you got home safe.
@asherael Ай бұрын
Go HOSPITAL! If you've been drugged, go the hospital
@MorganMakesThings 13 күн бұрын
A lot of the stuff they use these days is out of your system by the time you're "with it" enough to realize what happened and think to take yourself to the hospital. That's why they use substances like that. It gives them plausible deniability and anyone you tell will just think you were being irresponsible (for drinking or smoking a bit of weed in the first place) and asking for it (either that it was your own fault it happened, or that a crime didn't happen you just regret it). The violent attacks are way less common and way more cut and dried. This is why the sociopaths that enjoy hurting people in that way use the methods they do. They get away with it more frequently and for a lot longer.
@asherael 13 күн бұрын
@@MorganMakesThings if you're requesting a thorough panel and WANT to find your positive results, a lot can be done to increase the odds of detection, and either way, if you've been poisoned, and you can still do things, point your bow to the hospital
@bodine219 Ай бұрын
When I was in college I went to a park with a couple of friends in the middle of the night (stone sober, just bored) and we were about to walk down a trail when all three of us got a weird bad feeling at the same moment. We shared a couple glances and hurried back to the car without even discussing it. If I remember right, some instinct had us watching the trail, not just turning and running. Definitely walked, but quickly. Next day, we hear there was a cougar sighted in the area, which was extremely rare. Like unheard of for our area. To this day, I have never felt the same deep dread in the pit of my stomach, hyperawareness of every hair and movement of the wind.
@nyanya2757 Ай бұрын
Maybe while you didn't really notice the silence fully, you somehow senced it was too quiet.
@bodine219 27 күн бұрын
@@nyanya2757 possibly. I have also heard that some predators produce a really low frequency that humans can sense even if we can't hear it.
@Skye-hn3rz Ай бұрын
Not me, but my aunt was on vacation 23 years ago, and the afternoon of her flight, she and her friend, who she was with, decided that they instead wanted to take a later flight for some reason. The flight she was supposed to be on was the one that crashed into the pentagon. Not exactly a “need to get out” feeling, but some sort of gut instinct that saved her and her friend’s life.
@JoshSweetvale 19 күн бұрын
Or blind luck.
@EllieZ4444 Ай бұрын
I didnt have a feeling at all, my shirt saved me. I was around 11 in this story. Me and another friend went to this martil arts school which was right up the street from a cafe. It had a uniform that had a pair of black pants and a shirt that had multiple different variants, but we were both wearing a tye-dye rainbow shirt that said “blank Kung fu school blank academy” in big letters. Shirt stood out quite a bit. Anyway, me and my friend liked going to the cafe, but not crossing the parking lot entrances since it was pretty fast moving, so we would go through the back alleyway. That day we were going through the alleyway and a guy walked up. This was a pretty big alley and very used so not at all unusual. Guy slowed down when he saw us, and started reaching behind his back. Me and my friend gave each other “FUCK” looks and got ready to bolt screaming out heads off into the school where both our parents and a horde of other adults were training. The guy saw our shirts and stoped to read it, visibly reading. He pulled his hand away from the back and started walking very fast. We ran the whole way to the cafe and never used that alley again. Freaky still, several years later.
@HopeIsADrug11037 Ай бұрын
its kinda funny that he saw kung-fu and went "oh shit" LMAO but thats really freaky, glad you two are okay
@EllieZ4444 Ай бұрын
@@HopeIsADrug11037 He might’ve had some knowledge about belt ranks since i think we were both wearing ours, i was a green belt, my friend was a blue belt. (Rank goes white gold green blue brown black)
@HopeIsADrug11037 Ай бұрын
@@EllieZ4444 oh thats interesting! i used to do karate, it went white, yellow, orange, green, blue, purple, brown, black :D
@EllieZ4444 Ай бұрын
@@HopeIsADrug11037 Yeah! Especially with karate it changes from school to school. Ours is a traditional one so i think its the same ranks for most kung fu schools but not sure. I’ve hear that and a few others
@JasonAizatoZemeckis 27 күн бұрын
I also believe it was a factor of being part of the school, not just knowing how to fight, that you wouldnt go so easily, even if there are 3 guys ganging up on an mma fighter, even though the mma fighter has close to no chance against 3 people, it's not gonna end well for the winners too
@KiraCornell-ic8bh Ай бұрын
Love the singing dude 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂
@kurotsuki7427 Ай бұрын
I walk home at night in the winter, i work night shift and dont drive. If your a night person you learn to know when your safe and when your not. You learn where the street lights are and what gas stations are open incase you need a spot to run to. You learn where the dangerous drivers tend to be and who else is usually around. It also helps that we tend to be sober when walking, i would not recommend even night people try to walk home drunk
@crow5383 Ай бұрын
This narrator is so much funnier and his deeper voice makes listening easier. 🖤
@fishbone6202 Ай бұрын
An actual person reading this stuff is so nice (The wild narrators are coming back) Nature is healing ❤❤❤
@sparklepugtea Ай бұрын
As a southerner and to answer the question of how does someone look “regularly rednecky”, half the time it’s obvious sunburns and unkempt hair, squinted eyes, if they have a beard it’s scraggled. Pretty easy to spot. There isn’t exactly a such thing as not your average one, maybe a bit better dressed I suppose
@christinesizemore3 Ай бұрын
bonus points for trucker hat, camo, a raggedy tank or tee with optional unbuttoned shirt over it...
@JoshSweetvale 19 күн бұрын
​​@@christinesizemore3Shorts, preferably in a light color. Mud-stained. Head on a swivel but pretending to vibe, _or_ relaxed and sneering. The latter is a warning sign.
@MorganMakesThings 13 күн бұрын
There's Larry the Cable Guy rednecks, and then there's the kind like my friends and I encountered in high school. They followed the three of us in their pickup truck, and after I saw them the third time I knew it wasn't a coincidence. We were in a very small town on the outskirts of our slightly-less-small town visiting my guy friend's family. These (also teen, but slightly older) guys roll up on us at the edge of this construction zone, and call my friend a fa**ot (he was wearing eyeliner and black nail polish; standard goth stuff, plus a long skirt because whatever; he would do that sometimes to get a rise out of his dad), the other two of us took defensive positions, and the ringleader goes, "We don't care about you [slur for lesbians], we just want the [f-word]." Well, to hell with that. I don't like bullies. I hate bigots. I take a step forward and say, "If you want the [f-word] you're going to have to come through me!" and my other friend agrees. We both take positions in front of him. Then I lock eyes with the leader as I bend down and pick up a cinderblock from the pile. "Come on over here and get him if you want him so bad. Come a little closer. I'll put this through your skull or your windshield. Your choice." [Note: I used some extra choice expletives]. They yelled some more slurs at us, and then left. Well, we were in town for local festivities with my friend's family, but didn't really want to be out without backup anymore, so we went and picked up our big 6' tall (also goth) friend. We told him what happened, so he put on a long skirt and his trench coat. We returned to the downtown and didn't go wandering, but there these guys were, on foot. We weren't even 100 yards away from the main festival tent area and they started at it again. They yelled something, and our friend (I'll call him B) slowly turns around. He goes, "Oh, I heard about you guys. You have a problem with men who wear skirts, right?" He gestures down at himself and says, "I'm wearing a skirt," and I kid you not, a TIRE IRON slides smoothly out from up his sleeve, "Is that a problem?" The look of horror on these guys' faces when they saw that tire iron...I will relish it until the day I take my last breath. The leader just backed up and said, "No man, no problem." We all just laughed at them. So when I think of "not your average redneck" that is what I think of. Those guys.
@KaiHenningsen Ай бұрын
Heard a truck driver describe how it feels if your semi blows a tire. I believe his words were "It feels like being hit with the fist of god". Semi tires exploding have a lot of energy to distribute in a very short time. Don't be where it happens.
@Raxhe Ай бұрын
I remember during my summer job, I was driving a white van with some older teens who were getting their first job experience. As we were driving along to our next location the car was beeping like mad, icon showing that one of the doors were open. No big deal, the side door was a slide to shut and almost always didn’t close properly unless you really used all your force. So I slowed our white van down, told the teen sitting closest to the door to give it another go, and- as they slide the side door open- there is a young child outside looking petrified. Somewhere out there I imagine he might someday tell a story like what’s in this video. Woops, sorry kid 😅
@GoldyOs Ай бұрын
2nd story: wtf were you thinking? Even getting that far.
@generalgreevus8773 Ай бұрын
I had one of these experiences a couple weeks ago. I live in tornado alley and it also takes me 40-45 minutes to get from home to work vice versa. One day I'm at work and overheard 2 employees discuss that management approved the use of liberal leave. Liberal leave allows employees to leave work due to inclement weather conditions. My gut told me that I should use liberal leave and go home early before the weather gets bad. I finish all my tasks and tell my supervisor I am using liberal leave, supervisor authorizes it and I leave work about 2 and a half hours early. Sure enough I turn on the news to see that a tornado went right through the highway I take everyday and had I left at my normal time I would've been caught by the tornado. The next day as I am driving into work, I see the path the tornado took and that it completely destroyed a grain silo and someone's house. I hope whoever lived there was okay as their house was turned into rubble.
@meowzer6 Ай бұрын
Enough about the face reveal. This channel is run by a car
@EdenBeckman Ай бұрын
@riveramnell143 Ай бұрын
Not my story, but rather, my grandma’s. She felt a horrible feeling one night while my grandpa was at the bar. She called the bar and told him to GET OUT. He did. The bar either had a natural gas explosion or bad fire, I can’t remember, but people were injured and some killed. Her called saved him. Apparently this wasn’t the first time my grandma knew when something was wrong. She had this happen several times throughout her life and she was always right. I only met her once in my life and I never got to ask her about this. Would’ve loved to know more.
@JoshSweetvale 19 күн бұрын
Did she bomb his bar to stop him becoming an alcoholic?
@riveramnell143 19 күн бұрын
@@JoshSweetvale No, although I did wonder. Asked my dad and he just said she was a bit crazy but not that kind of crazy lol.
@TheLastArbiter Ай бұрын
My mom told me this. Her and her mom both separately got a sudden feeling of danger while walking down the same path, hours apart from each other. Both of them listened to that feeling and ran home. One of them brought it up and the other revealed that they had felt it too. Not long after that, they found out on the news that a woman had been killed on that exact area of the trail, around the same time they had been there. Probably just after. They both believed maybe they were being considered as potential victims by this predator. Unknown if this guy was ever caught or any specifics of the crime.
@empressmarowynn Ай бұрын
Any time someone mentions a large white van it makes me think of the one my family owned for years. Like it was literally one of those pedo vans. During the summer my parents taught vacation bible school and my dad would take out the back seats to lay down a large mattress and then go to the different neighborhoods where kids wanted to go to VBS but their parents didn't have a way to get them there. So imagine some large dude driving up to a crowd of kids and their parents, throwing open the sliding door to a mattress on the floor, and the parents eagerly helping their kids climb inside. We all thought it was fun to ride around like that but looking back it sounds sketchy as hell, also just really dangerous to have a dozen small children just chilling like that in a moving vehicle. The 90's were a wild time.
@CarlyCorsola Ай бұрын
My mother and her friends were driving on a winding mountain road a long time ago, when she had a really bad feeling and told them all they should turn around. They didn't listen to her. The feeling got worse. She urged them to turn around. They still continued. She finally said, "Stop the car! I'm getting out!" They did. They let her out on the side of the road. Up the road, they missed a turn, flew right off the side. All three of them died. Absolutely insane to me. My mom found out later that it was the same turn her dad had died on years before.
@imanij4810 21 күн бұрын
@choulchoul9119 3 күн бұрын
Stories like these always make me wonder what their last thoughts were before dying, if they thought about that warning, how they felt. How horrible, and another reason to always trust your gut no matter what anyone else says. I'm glad your mom listened
@TheOneWhoSimps Ай бұрын
Once i was camping i got this gut wrenching feeling just before i was going to sleep. I felt that something bad was about to happen, so i put out the fire, grabbed my gun and went and hid in some bushes some 30 meters away from the tent. About 10 minutes later 3 dudes armed with knives and a shovel showed up looking for me, they searched the area but didn't find me. The adrenaline kick combined with the fear of getting ready to kill someone is beyond anything I've ever felt before or since. I felt like shit for days.
@DestinyObake Ай бұрын
I once had to stop to get gas late at night after work when I was maybe 17. There was another car parked two pumps over from me full of teenage boys and it gave me the jeebies. I quickly put the pump in and got back in my car and locked the door. A minute later one of them came over and knocked on my door so I barely cracked the window. He asked me for a light, I said I didn’t smoke, so he wondered back over to his buddies. I could hear them laughing and they still weren’t leaving despite being there before me. When my gas was done I sped through putting my cap back on before taking off.
@xXIronPeachesXx Ай бұрын
All it takes to dodge something bad is to let that tingle tell you no. Its one thing to feel nervous, or hesitant in banal circumstances, but its a very raw uncomfortable fear these feelings. Like a spike in your neck and gut. Listen to those
@AlyssaAlyrics Ай бұрын
I was 18 with a 16 year old friend smoking weed in this outdoor dumpster room. An employee came in with some trash and, being me, I offered him a hit. He said no but his smile was cynical. My friend already had a bad feeling but I always give people the benefit of the doubt. He pointed behind the dumpster saying he found something cool. I peaked my head in and realized that that was the absolute perfect place to get SA'ed. I took my friend's hand and ran.
@UniqStories-k8m 14 күн бұрын
It's shocking to see how often these gut feelings can prevent something terrible from happening. The tale of the girls in Italy almost getting kidnapped was particularly frightening. Thanks for sharing these important reminders to always trust your intuition.
@richardvoogd705 Ай бұрын
Story 4: the reference to "yoo hoo" (spelling?) made me think of a brand of glue, Uhu, also pronounced yoo hoo!
@evem6154 Ай бұрын
As a German I find the idea of anyone pronouncing it that way very funny😂
@punkahprincess Ай бұрын
​@@evem6154ehrlich hahahaha
@t.rochellestewart6346 Ай бұрын
After listening to these stories…some ppl r still confused as to why so many women chose “the bear”🤦🏽‍♀️
@astraamarante6233 Ай бұрын
Lol it's not because they're confused, it's because they're the men that make women choose the bear.
@KMF3 Ай бұрын
No I'm a woman and I'm not stupid. I'm not going to choose a bear. Are you crazy? You will NEVER win against a bear, but a male predator we do have a chance against.
@1nsurr3ction Ай бұрын
I've read some brainfart comments in my time, but yours is truly gassy. I have met some women who have been simply awful to me, to my face, me, a fellow, natural woman. Really, I hope you wise up, the worst ppl are sometimes the ones standing next to you, talking in your ear, telling you what to think, until you disagree with them, then you will meet the nasty side they've been hiding from you. Honestly, what an obnoxious comment, maybe you'll get your wish and meet a bear.. and I bet you're the type to let polar bears go extinct because to you, the colour of their fur is supremacist.
@SpectreBGM Ай бұрын
99/100 nothing will happen with a man , but with a bear you are eaten alive always , a bear doesn't bother to kill it's prey only to immobilize it then it's chow time , but you do you
@KMF3 Ай бұрын
@@SpectreBGM exactly
@tals28 Ай бұрын
I love your voice! You're hilarious!!!😂
@trashotaku Ай бұрын
45:16 I’m effing sorry, OP’s mom isn’t mad that her daughter was nearly robbed and assaulted, but that she was called by the cops to pick up her daughter!? Wow, mother of the effing year
@katherinefarnsworth2573 14 күн бұрын
these intoxication stories is the reason why I don't drink or do drugs and never will.
@XainoDragonYT 3 күн бұрын
My "WE NEED TO GET OUT" moment: (Not really a LIFE SAVING thing, just a WE NEED TO GET OUT moment.) (More like my dads, but yk.) Me and my friends are beginners in abandoned house exploring, and there was a huge mansion next to my cousins house. Had an elevator shaft, and it all just got abandoned. Birds on the floor, floors unfinished, graffiti on the walls, a fridge, and a whole boat. There had to have been 30 or 50 worth of metal rods in the garage alone. So much money wasted. Suddenly, my father yelled "WE NEED TO GET OUT, *NOW.* " I ran downstairs, out the garage door, since it was the only unlocked place. I genuinely got lost, because of how big the house was. I nearly fell down the elevator shaft. Turns out the whole place was infected with black mold.
@myself-cs5fr Ай бұрын
On a weekend away at a seaside town with my cousin, who never refuses a fight or to call out a troublemaker. After being at the nightclub drinking we were walking down the promenade on the way back to our accommodation, and stopped to watch the ocean and just chat for a while (chill vacation). There were a couple of separate groups of guys a small distance away and I got a bad feeling about them. I said to my cousin that I think trouble is brewing and he agreed we might as well head back to our accommodation. The next morning there were police cars all over the promenade. Turns out a massive brawl broke out and a guy got stabbed. Sure glad we left when we did.
@freyjathorsdottir5126 Ай бұрын
My mom had taken me, my brother and sister to a park where my sister’s swim team did their morning workouts. I was 11, my brother was 9 and we headed for the playground and started swinging.After a while three teenage boys walked up to us and started asking me questions, like did I have a boyfriend. My body had gone rogue, I looked about 15 and I got a lot of the wrong kind of attention. The 3 of them started grabbing at me and caught the chain, leaving me sitting right in front of them, unable to leave. My brother took off for the pool. The creepy teens started groping me and I was terrified. It was early and nobody else was around. Before they could drag me off somewhere my brother returned with my mom, so they ran off. So it wasn’t me knowing something was off, but my skinny little brother and his protective instinct. Thank God for him!
@nickwasinger5309 7 күн бұрын
One time I was walking around my small neighborhood with a friend and a white van drove down the road and started slowing down next to us. My friend was next to me in a way where she wasn’t really visible from the road, but when the truck started slowing down, she looked around me to see why they were stopping. When the driver, who looked to be a guy in maybe his 30s, saw my friend he sped up again and drove away. We were convinced that if he would have done something if it had been only one of us.
@TheHellhound01 Ай бұрын
some of these people have instincts that border on precognition, holy shit
@kelvunmedina90 Ай бұрын
Gotta say its a breath of fresh air when i hear an ACTUAL person reading these. Especially one as charismatic as this one. 36:50 and apparently can sing! (I know its only like 2 seconds but the way he hit that note? Come on)
@jamiewilks2421 Ай бұрын
There is also a unique sound that an 18 wheeler tire tread has when it is coming loose. I have been behind an 18 wheeler on 2 occasions and instead of the steady hum, I heard an uneven thumping sound, so I moved to another lane, and on both occasions, within a minute I saw in my rearview the tread flying off the wheel. I make it a point to avoid following 18 wheelers closely.
@mayo0293 28 күн бұрын
36:52 Lmao this is why I love this channel, love the random singing😂
@momoo220 8 күн бұрын
I’m often a true crime and missing person watcher, but this is the one video I had to pause because I was just getting so anxious about all these situations
@auroraheidialis 17 күн бұрын
My inner me has saved me, gotten me places and is always good to me.
@Cleopatrlck Ай бұрын
For a lot of “the police didnt seem to care”, they do. They dont want to tip off the potential serial killer so they have to get their ducks in a row. It just will feel like nothing is being done since nothing can be publicized yet
@jongault7527 Ай бұрын
My aunt worked at FSU with Ted Bundy (yes, the serial killer). He was helping her carry some work equipment across campus, She told me that when they walked through a semi wooded area between buildings, she got the most terrible feeling of dread in her life while in the woods. Nothing happened to her... This was shorty before he "visited" the sorority house.
@Homemaker-eg2he Ай бұрын
if your drink has been tampered with don't go home call an ambulance or go to the hospital... have your blood checked then go back to the club have them check the cameras and charge the person... don't let them get away with it
@dillongage 22 сағат бұрын
Mothers arent always on the ball. Theyre just panicky so often theyre bound to eventually get one right.
@rebecca55371 Ай бұрын
Survive the storm and hail, but proceeds to hitchhike and dies anyway….
@theconfusedvampire Ай бұрын
29:00 Everytime my mom has a dream about a tornado someone close to her dies. I have no reason to think she's lying and as far as I've seen it's either real or she's a grim reaper. So creepy....
@wanderingrebelinvestigatio2071 Ай бұрын
You should do one of these videos on survivors of CPS. I guarantee there's probably stories on Reddit about the horrors of being in CPS custody. I know there's stories out there because I personally experienced some of them
@romecottrell6444 14 күн бұрын
That's why I am cautious ⚠️ about my surroundings and I don't trust anyone who I don't know personally 🤷. I tell my friends and family members to make sure that they locked up their doors and windows when they are home 🏡 alone. Call the police 🚔 officers immediately if they have any problems. Stay safe and healthy 🙏 💓. Listen to your inner voice 🙏 if you're nervous about any situation makes you feel uncomfortable leaving that situation is the best decision in your life.
@mariyaamcrus6199 Ай бұрын
Your commentary was A1 my dude. Also your drunk girl voice was spot on!
@xxconsperus_yt4136 Ай бұрын
one time on my way home via the school bus, it started to gently rain. After we dropped one person i just sat between the next person and the door. The teacher after like 10 seconds told me to move, so I did. later during the ride, it started to rain hailstones. we got on with the ride and one of the urban routes to my place was barred off by a whole tree. we watched it fall. We turned around and followed through a different route. A tree literally fell on a car directly in front of us if I hadn't just sat between the door and that guy, we probably would have died
@JoshSweetvale 19 күн бұрын
My response to m&m-sized hailstones during late spring, I was on a bicycle: *"Hahahaha...* of course, just as we're about to- ow. Okay, ow. Ow-ow-ow...hnngh.." And then we all hightail it to the central station hall. Warm-weather hail _stings,_ even on baby mode.
@MsDesignDiva Ай бұрын
So about story 18: The Stanley Cup final one. This took place in the 2011 playoff run. A thing to know about the 2 teams competing for the Stanley Cup in the final that year, they both have their own reputations, Vancouver Canucks had a reputation of not exactly being a great team and not often making it so far into the playoffs, and Boston Bruins had a reputation of being a rough team to go against, they literally had players on their team who were basically "enforcers" aka the guys more than willing to slam the opposing team into the boards, start fights etc . . . and they would do this repeatedly. This was also a home game for the Canucks so people were super hyped for a win and a big celebration, even the city was excited for a win as the big outdoor gatherings were city sanctioned events. When the Canucks unfortunately lost, they we good sports about it on the ice and did what was required of them, but the fans outside of the building, shit went crazy. The OP of that story said "people got a little rowdy" but that's not the full truth, it was a full on riot and that is not the character of our fans typically. Rumor has it that there were people in the crowd who were never there as fans but there to riot and wreck things regardless. The city has never as far as I know thrown a hockey related street party since then. Also useful to note, The Boston Bruins have now won the Stanley Cup a grand total of 6 times (The most any team has won the cup is 24 times by the Montreal Canadians), The Vancouver Canucks have won the cup a grand total of 0 times, they get close but they've never actually won it and to me this is why things went as crazy as they did, our fans are not used to our team winning or getting quite so far into the playoffs ever (this current playoff run they got to round 2 of 4 and then were eliminated by the Edmonton Oilers) and if you were to watch that game 7, it was a tense game to say the least, I remember watching it on TV back in the day and it was tense, then watching the news coverage about the riot after the fact.
@__insertusernamehere__6425 14 күн бұрын
44:00 My family has stayed in Gainesville, Georgia the past few years for vacation and enjoyed being a drivable distance to Atlanta. Hearing this story is chilling because I loved staying there, the Botanical Garden was one of my favorite places to visit
@blaacksugar7714 21 күн бұрын
I'm just glad the he avoided the dog
@kylegivey7368 Ай бұрын
I have a good friend that has the opposite power. He has the power to always want to go somewhere right after the bad thing happens. We went to a gas station on a road trip to get gas but it was robbed 10 minutes ago and cops were everywhere. We went to a casino in Atlantic City and got there like 5 minutes after a stabbing on the boardwalk outside it. Those are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head but he has this happen more often than it should
@JamesDavy2009 Ай бұрын
What a time to take a walk on the boardwalk.
@amberjenkins3620 Ай бұрын
Love this narrators voice. Please bring him back!
@acsw Ай бұрын
About fifteen years ago, I was super into the rave scene but one time, I went to this rave & the vibes were just off. I had traveled three hours to get there & paid good money for my ticket & for my outfit & party favors but after about an hour, I convinced my friends we needed to get outta there. Shortly after we left, there was a shooting. So fucking thankful we left when we did. My friends always listened to my gut instincts after that. It saved us from another violent attack (knife) at a house party later on too.
@Toenail_VR 4 күн бұрын
The one with the cops and the people on the train is wild, talk about an abuse of power.
@kcsimon7876 Ай бұрын
It is really amazing what the body is able to do when adrenaline hits the nervous system and fight/flight mode is loaded. Just a bit of advice. If you feel you are being followed head back into the store. The more people around you the less likely the other person (s) will be to complete their nefarious plan. Also it is safer to not lead people to your vehicle. Last but not least, if you are in your vehicle and think you are being followed head to the nearest Police Station.
@canadalovesanime3137 28 күн бұрын
My father saved me as a small toddler.(1970-71) We had to take a taxi to the next town over for groceries. Usually I would be on my mum's lap in the front seat, while dad would sit in the back. One trip dad insisted that I sit on his lap in the back. As the trip continued, a very large rock fell out of the gravel truck in front of the taxi and smashed through the front window of the taxi. My mother got all bruised and cut up. If I had been in my usual spot with mum, I would have been badly hurt or worse.
@Codm22712 Ай бұрын
Always a good time when undersparked or really sparked uploads also congratulations on 100k subs your growing vary fast rightfully so cuz this is the best Reddit video I’ve seen and I almost only watch Reddit videos 90% of wich are yours 😂😂
@OrionTheHunter098 Ай бұрын
Good job on being first
@Codm22712 Ай бұрын
@@OrionTheHunter098 thanks
@rianaverified0292 17 күн бұрын
@P3rmissionD3ni3d Ай бұрын
My spider sense has saved me several times in my life. Always trust your gut !
@simoneurbanski7927 Ай бұрын
I’ve had a drink drugged and I didn’t feel normal until three days later. That shit is scary.
@Gryphon1-1 Ай бұрын
I had my internal RWR bug me about the doorman at the hotel I was staying at once, nothing I could throw a dart at but just had the strangest sensation that something was off, I got out of the hotel pool not long after, If you have that intuition, listen to it, nothing eventful happened, but I'd rather have the events be when I schedule them.
@luketimewalker Ай бұрын
Great narration!
@kunfussed213 Ай бұрын
100k!! CONGRATS!!! 👏🎇👏🎇👏
@jettalady1985 Ай бұрын
May 22, 2011 on vacation traveling from ST. Louis, Missouri to Texas. I woke up early in the morning to a voice saying " leave now!" I wake my husband up and we left the hotel driving on I44 we stopped in joplin, Missouri. The clouds were puffy and the sun was out. We left and we get to Tulsa when I heard of the tornado in Joplin. That voice (God) saved our lives.
@Stormtroopre 16 күн бұрын
23:10. I just wanna say: I hear you man, these are not for people with a faint of heart. Thank you for doing it, can't imagine how many sleepless nights this gives you.
@sharonrinkiewicz3940 Ай бұрын
My friend Dana and I went to a concert in Miami. On our way home, we got lost. This was before cell phones and GPS. Anyway, we pull into a convenience store, and I saw a guy in the parking lot. I asked for directions, and as he was giving me directions, I looked down and saw a gun tucked in his pants. I got to the car and told Dana, "Get the hell out of here, NOW. This place is about to get robbed." We sped off. When we got to the light, a cop pulled up next to us. I motioned to him to roll down the window. I told him what I saw, and he immediately turned on the sirens and cut across three lanes of traffic to turn around and go to the convenient store. When I got home later on, I turned on the news. They showed the store we were at and related how a cop walked into an armed robbery and was shot.
@GuitarFingers-md7tr Ай бұрын
Advice on drugged drinks: if you’ve only had a single drink yet your starting to feel drinker than you should be get the fuck out of there. Doesn’t matter if you’re actually right or not don’t take the god damn chance.
@TrigamDev 13 күн бұрын
Fun fact, your subconscious is able to pick up on subtle cues, details, and changes that can be signs of danger, alerting you in the form of anxiety, unease, or a feeling something bad is going to happen, despite you not consciously noticing anything
@rowangoodwin9273 Ай бұрын
Had one years ago when my family was on a roadtrip in Colorado. We were staying at a ski resort and on the second morning we got a news report that snow was coming in and my parents asked if we wanted to stay and do some snow tubing for an hour before we left. My sister and I just went “NO WE NEED TO GO NOW” and so we did. We drove straight home (with pit stops for gas and food) for 15 hours and we were ahead of a freak blizzard by a few minutes the whole time
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