Where Did Noah Get Drinking Water for All the Animals on the Ark?

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Ark Encounter

Ark Encounter

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Where did Noah get drinking water on the ark? How did they manage the waste of all the animals? And how did they light up the interior? In this episode of The Genesis Account of Noah’s Ark, Calvin Smith answers all these questions and more.
This is the eighth episode of a series titled The Genesis Account of Noah’s Ark. You can watch the other episodes here: www.Answers.tv/the-genesis-ac...
Taken from Noah's Ark Pocket Guide: AnswersinGenesis.org/store/pr...

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@gregwilkin6565 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing. :)
@134rwa 5 ай бұрын
Not a waste at all, good Crappie, and that action slo-mo with that Bass was great. Looks like the fish were ready to get back to it after the rain also.
@j.k1032 6 ай бұрын
So, of just the species we know of, Noah would have had to collect 150 thousand mating pairs of species. That's just the ones we know of. That doesn't include the one million types of bugs and spiders. Just that amount of cargo would have required a ballpark figure of 150 super tankers of today. That does not include the millions of tons of food that would have been needed to feed them the 150 days until the waters receded. As far as water goes, it had just rained for 40 days and 40 nights. Did god continue the rains so Noahs creatures could drink? The waters needed to recede. But even if the rains continued, imagaine amount of water needed. A few barrels of rain water would not do the job. And just consider that the longest wood boat constructed using 1900s know how, was 350 feet long. When it went over the waves, it bent and leaked because the trough of the waves between peaks stressed the center section. There's just too many absurd claims in the bible to believe that the story of the flood and the ark is meant to be historical and not anacedotal. One other important note to consider, plant species had to be aboard. also and bacteria or fungus that couldn't survive the deluge. None of this is mentioned in the bible. And since we don't believe in spontaneous evolution, where the heck did all the present day bacteria, fungi and plants come from? Religious scholars argue that we take the bible literally. But how do we reconcile these glaring facts?
@inquisitive_stranger 6 ай бұрын
He didn't take species, he took "kinds"... So a breeding pair of lions was taken on the Ark, breed and 4000 years later we have tigers, lynx, bobcats, the common house cats.... Totally believable
@davidgardner863 5 ай бұрын
So one pair of felines from the ark produced 38 species of cats not to mention the dozens of extinct ones, and they didn’t have 4000 years because many of those were known in ancient times as they are now? And from the creation to the flood, about 1,700 years, what did those “kinds” do, just reproduce more of the same kinds then suddenly explode with a super hyper evolution when they stepped off the boat? Did that feline “kind” have a litter of lions, then a litter of bobcats, then a litter of cheetahs, then a litter of sabertooths, then a litter of house cats? Starting to see how comically absurd your comment is?
@battalion151R 4 ай бұрын
If God created the Cosmos, do you think He could not provide food and water for those on the Ark? He provided for the Children of Israel in the desert. He even became angry at the complaining throng and sent them meat. More meat than they could choke down. I imagine that they SHOULD have learned a lesson, but human nature always screws us over. With no refrigeration tons upon tons of rotting quail would have been...breathtaking. To say the least.
@willleonhardt3827 3 ай бұрын
All things are possible with God by his word he made ever
@inquisitive_stranger 3 ай бұрын
@@willleonhardt3827 you mean all things are believable if you make them up.....
@hornplayer1228 7 ай бұрын
Lots of could, might, and maybes in all that conjecture. Still cannot fathom how Noah managed to get so far south to New Zealand to pick up Kiwis and Moas and then on to Antarctica for a pair of Emperor Penguins. and then back to Arabian Peninsular via Australia for Kangaroos and Dingoes in time to catch the flood. Maybe Noah just loaded up his own farm animals in order to start all over again once he hit dry land again.
@jkoonce4244 7 ай бұрын
Well, all the land was connected, and they came to him for the most part
@benjaminavick6455 6 ай бұрын
MAYBE,COULD HAVE HAD a cargo plane
@ThyBountyHunter 6 ай бұрын
@@jkoonce4244 The closest the land of North America is to Europe is 3,047 km, according to Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis (the one who owns the Ark Encounter) argues the flood happened 4,359 years ago. That means that in that time the land had to move 0.70 km per year (thereabouts). or that equals to about 1.9 meters per day. If that was the case we would be experiencing at minimum a magnitude 8+ earthquake everyday. As it is the land is only moving at a rate of 0.08 meters per year. which means in that time since the flood the distance between North America and Europe would be 349 meters. Pangaea does not work when you take into account all this information.
@c.a.t.732 6 ай бұрын
@@jkoonce4244 What did all the animals with specialized diets (like pandas and bamboo, and koalas and eucalyptus) eat on their journey?
@johnsimpson9530 6 ай бұрын
This sounds like a more believable story than the one put forth in the Jewish " book of fables" known as the word of God. I have great difficulty believing anything in the bible that promotes these "fairy tales" as being true/real. All the twisting of words does not make it any more believable.
@philiprobinson2011 5 ай бұрын
Storing water in overhead cisterns may sound a workable solution, but in reality it would have been disastrous. Storing significant volumes of water high up in any vessel raises the centre of gravity and leads to instability. The Ark would likely have simply rolled over and sunk. Also using bamboo as a drainage system would not have been possible as it does not grow in the middle east.
@FoodNerds 4 ай бұрын
Yeah just 1 foot of water on a modern flat roof and it will break at its weakest point. With rebar 3 feet of water and the ceiling will crack and begin to break in. Water unless it’s ice isn’t a solid and it will run in and 90-100% of all the water will fall into the spaces. The most this group tries to prove the their point the less they are able too. Why because the flood is a morality story not history! Where there local flood on the Tigris and or Euphrates rivers? Absolutely! Was there a world wide flood at one time? Geology 🪨 does not support this! Could it happen? Given certain circumstances possibly. Did it happen in antiquity? No. Why? Because there is zero evidence to support that claim! If you really want to change intelligent well educated people’s minds then you need to stop with the premise that the Bible is ALL 100% fact, true, history. Are there historical cities or places that are mentioned in the Bible that have been found through the science of archaeology? Yes, but the fallacy is that this means that ALL of the Bible is true- meaning factual, is true and can be relied on as such. No, it’s a religious opus that contains some places that existed as verified by archaeologists. Notice it takes outside science to verify this, not the Bible which is self referential and therefore is not scientific. Additionally creationism is not a science it’s a fallacy that has a religious bias at its core and therefore is not a science at all! Just because you put - ism at the end of creation doesn’t make it a science! 🧪
@amelialalllalala3914 3 ай бұрын
Pandas brought bamboo with them when they walked to the middle east obvs
@diamondlife-gi7hg 3 ай бұрын
they could've been sitting on fresh water the whole-time waters can layer even rivers can go out into oceans 100 miles before becoming brackish.they could've had water kept right next to animal pens. I mean there's things you're not considering your leaving God out of the equation here. the water for animals during a global flood would have come from existing natural sources, rainfall, and expanded water bodies. The impact on animals would vary, with both benefits and challenges arising from flooding events. Also salinity levels may been lower if the ground waters came from underground.
@philiprobinson2011 3 ай бұрын
A very simple test anyone can do to assess the viability of the Ark story, is to try and imagine how we would cope today if another flood was imminent. We would have no problem constructing the Ark itself with modern materials, although it would take considerable resources and manpower and time to complete. The problems are numerous and would include, finding suitable examples of every kind of creature, even deciding what is meant by kind would pose a major problem. Then we would have to locate and transport them from all over the world to where the Ark was located. All the food necessary for each animal kind would have to be collected in sufficient quantities to feed the animals for the duration of the flood and for a considerable time afterwards, whilst the animals natural food sources were re-established. Similarly huge quantities of fresh water would have to be stored on board. Then there would be the not inconsiderable problem of returning all the animals to their natural environments after the flood, presumably many years later when the natural vegetation had had time to re-establish itself. For the carnivorous animals alone this would require the addition of a large number of additional prey animals to provide an on going food source that might in itself have to last for years. All this, with the exception of the construction of the Ark itself, would we are told, be undertaken by only eight people. When you consider the enormity of the problems that would have to be faced including in addition issues of illness and disease and breeding whilst in captivity, I think any sensible person would have to conclude that it would be an impossible task for the advanced technology we have today never mind for a stone age era family.@@diamondlife-gi7hg
@philiprobinson2011 3 ай бұрын
Very clever and resourceful animals the Panda. Unlike many others who would just arrive empty handed and expect Noah and his family to provide everything they needed and be waited on hand and foot. Perhaps they thought it was a P&O Cruise ship called the ARK? @@amelialalllalala3914
@haggismcbaggis9485 7 күн бұрын
I also like to make up stories about Noah's ark. It was also covered in gold and was capable of launching into low earth orbit. It would have been difficult to build, but completely doable.
@standinthegsp6858 11 ай бұрын
As for the animals on the ark... I think it was Chuck Missler who suggested that God could have put the animals into hibernation. Another person--I forget who suggested that the animals, especially the larger ones, could have been young instead of fully grown.
@ricklamb772 9 ай бұрын
I'll give you another answer.The animals were all new borns,very young,feed most of them goats milk.chicken eggs,rabbits that over breed.Butvlittle baby animals would take up 1/10 of the space,and eat very little.
@richardgregory3684 6 ай бұрын
@@ricklamb772 New borns take MUCH more care than adult animals. A newborn kitten for example: they cannot regulate their own body heat and they require an absolut eminimum of feeds every two hours, day and night, without fail. Oh, and if you feed baby mammals goats milk they will die. Each mammal species produces milk exactly tailired to the specialised needs of their young. That's why there are special kitten and puppy formulas for orphaned animals, and even then, the mortality rate is substantially higher
@ricklamb772 6 ай бұрын
@@richardgregory3684 I agree,completely.But I'm not sure what your point is,I f animals were weaned from their parents.And the water question,it still rained after the flood,as it does now.God taught Noah exactly how to build the ark.And that means water containers.
@richardgregory3684 6 ай бұрын
@@ricklamb772 If the animals are weaned then they're no longe rbabies drinking goats milk. WHich the OP introduced to try to solve the problems of the ark lol _God taught Noah exactly how to build the ark_ Where in the bible does it say that? All god does is give the overall dimensions and to use gopher wood and pitch. Now if it mentions those things, it would surely say god guided Noah's hand. But it does not. Adding to the bible, including by presumption, is a sin. How much water do you think thousands of animals require every single day? A adult male elephant can drink over two hundred liters - forty gallons - every single day. So how much rain would you need to collect enough for just two elephants? Remember the early explorers in sailign ships: if rain worked, they'd have done that. They didn't.
@inquisitive_stranger 6 ай бұрын
I read that he shrank them all down to the size of pebbles so that it would be easier to take care of.....
@cakeandicecream1582 11 ай бұрын
If you guys could actually build one that worked it would be a million times more convincing. With peace and love I promise you that this doesnt convince anybody who doesn’t already believe it.
@LightentheEarthMinistry 10 ай бұрын
No amount of evidence would be enough to convince those who don't wish to believe. Peace and love to you as well.
@cakeandicecream1582 10 ай бұрын
@@LightentheEarthMinistry I can agree that if they actually built the mechanism it wouldn’t immediately convince everyone who doesn’t believe. What I am saying is that this is really not very persuasive because nothing like this has ever been built before. *talking specifically about the mechanism. If this video isn’t about trying to convince people or give creationists arguments they can use to convince people, then what is the point?
@LightentheEarthMinistry 10 ай бұрын
@@cakeandicecream1582 This is just basic mechanisms that would obviously work and not be too complicated - some pipes, etc.
@cakeandicecream1582 10 ай бұрын
@@LightentheEarthMinistry then why has it never been done before?
@melissabellemare7416 10 ай бұрын
​@@LightentheEarthMinistryif the ark encounter was built according to the measurements and materials available in that time period? Yes! With actual evidence to prove it would be logistically possible to gather the animals and their specific dietary needs from different continents? Yes! With proof that so few people could feed and clean up after that many animals adequately for an extended period of time? Yes. If we weren't made to do mental gymnastics to make any of this plausible? Absolutely!
@WeCube1898 6 ай бұрын
Noah most likely have been blessed and equipped with great understanding of the "Technologies" that would address the challenges of the Flood. Noah could have possesed Amazing Knowldege and Understanding in the ff. Disciplines: - Engineering / Architecture (Maritime and Civil) - Agriculture - Genetics - Chemistry - Economics and Accounting - Energy Consumption Among others 😊😊😊
@inquisitive_stranger 6 ай бұрын
There's no evidence of any of what you said is true...... Most likely is not evidence....
@davidgardner863 5 ай бұрын
Too bad all that technology was lost so quickly. We could have had colonies on Mars by now. Did God make him burn the blueprints?
@jamesmelcher7241 Жыл бұрын
Ahhhh..... it was raining most of the time.....
@nancydixon4843 11 ай бұрын
At least for 40 days
@jasonaltig985 11 ай бұрын
Ahhhh….. the ark had one small window.
@jamesmelcher7241 11 ай бұрын
@@jasonaltig985 sorry i must have forgotten to inspect the blueprints as you clearly have.
@jasonaltig985 11 ай бұрын
@@jamesmelcher7241 the blueprints? It’s right there in Genesis lol.
@jamesmelcher7241 11 ай бұрын
@@jasonaltig985 so because genesis says there is a window in the ark you presume to know its size and function and that it was the only opening and also dictates whether or not it could be used for water collection? You sure you dont have the blue prints because you seem to know so much.
@SaintFluffySnow 11 ай бұрын
groundwater acquifers and rivers have existed in pre-flood world high forested hills can always tap moist air condensate to form freshwater rivers on such elevated lands without being super tall mountains
@themessenger33 10 ай бұрын
ship length 6 km width 2 km rivet-like nail 15 tons
@davidgardner863 5 ай бұрын
So why isn’t it happening now?
@oddlycreatetiff8920 11 ай бұрын
These videos are so fascinating. I always pray that unbelievers will somehow stumble onto this channel.
@sjl197 11 ай бұрын
Hi. Atheist here, thanks for your thoughts and prayers. 😂
@oddlycreatetiff8920 11 ай бұрын
@@sjl197 you are very welcome ❤️
@Jewonastick 11 ай бұрын
​@@oddlycreatetiff8920Some of us find this channel.... And then laugh at the idea that some people actually believe in this absolutely ridiculous nonsense
@oddlycreatetiff8920 11 ай бұрын
@estok918 I know. You are specifically mentioned in Scripture.
@sjl197 11 ай бұрын
@@oddlycreatetiff8920 here’s my view to clarify that your replies seem open and lovely positive intent, which is a wonderful attitude. Please, I just ask you then to imagine from the viewpoint of us heathens that offering prayers is akin to offering rainbows and unicorns. The kind and even beautiful intent can often be clear, but the pragmatism is not. If you (oddlycreattiff) have faith or trust in the Ark narrative, please now try to imagine how something else that is very far fetched and amazingly incredulous sounds to you, as that’s how all about the Ark seems to me and perhaps the other person who commented above. I personally can see how it can be viewed as a fascinating story about how a man putting all his faith into an epic task set to him by God then earns salvation and for his kin who do likewise, etc, but I find it beyond logic to say it’s anything more than just an allegory or moral guidance. At best, perhaps merged with some half forgotten folk tale about some actual devastating local flood. Yet here in the video, the channel hosts take a few lines of old ambiguous text, and try to spin some money generating views by throwing around baseless speculation about entirely imaginative things like practical systems for the generation of freshwater over a year for a few supposed founders of earth’s extraordinarily massive and complex biodiversity. Can you see how this again to me very much like rainbows and unicorns, but this time also plus pixies and fairy dust .
@dannywindham3295 3 ай бұрын
This is beyond insane
@c.a.t.732 6 ай бұрын
It would be fun to do another series explaining all the details of the Jack and the Beanstalk fairy tale!
@billybob-ro6qf 5 ай бұрын
The Ark is NO fairytale. JESUS HIMSELF spoke about Noah & the ark during His earthly ministry!
@c.a.t.732 5 ай бұрын
@@billybob-ro6qf The Noah/Ark/Flood story is utterly preposterous and scientifically impossible on numerous levels and never happened.
@billybob-ro6qf 5 ай бұрын
@@c.a.t.732 what's "impossible for science" or man IS POSSIBLE WITH GOD!
@Zripas 5 ай бұрын
@@billybob-ro6qf Magic!!!!!!!!!! My wizard can do anything!!!
@c.a.t.732 5 ай бұрын
@@billybob-ro6qf God would have had to suspend the laws of nature and biology for the story to be true. And of course there is NO EVIDENCE for a world-wide flood a few thousand years ago (or ever)!
@keahi7646 Жыл бұрын
You weren't there, I wasn't either. But since we believe the whole ark story, be have to believe in God---right? And God knew for a long time that He was going to do the flood; it took Noah and family many years to build the ship. Who designed the ship? We know it wasn't Noah, so it was God. Is God brilliant or not? What is so hard to believe that Noah built God's plans. What is so hard to believe that all that rain was put to use by incorporating gutters/scuppers through out the whole ship. Scuppers directed the collected rain waters into the cells, into a drinking trough then overflowed to wash out the animal cells/cages, and overboard without the crew having to manage that part. And people always assumed each animal that came into the ark were adults---I don't think so. Even 6-month-old baby animals are considered animals. They don't eat the same amount as adults. And finally, God does the miracles He wants to do. If he wanted Little Caeser's to deliver every day, it would have been so. Throughout this ordeal at sea for longer than the rain fall of eighty days, the baby animals needed less calories, and less food, and may have in fact been hibernating for 2-3 months. When in the future, God causes the lamb and the lion to lay down together, God will still control that. So too, was what the animal as ate in the ark. God made them all eat the same grain, no special steak for Noah or the meat eaters either. Simple solutions.
@davidgardner863 Жыл бұрын
All that interior construction would have taken longer to build than the hull. Many young animals need one or both parents until nearly full grown and many are fully mature in a year or less. Your one size fits all approach just doesn’t work.
@effdonahue6595 Жыл бұрын
Don’t forget there was a Starbucks on the Ark, but they called it StArkbucks 🤓
@davidgardner863 11 ай бұрын
@@effdonahue6595And runned by trained chimps.
@sjl197 11 ай бұрын
@keahi7646 Ah yes, such simple solutions by an apparently all-knowing and all-powerful God, who according to your view got a single man to spend an age building an elaborate water management system on a giant boat made of wood before making select animals walk to there then changed their properties and habits which he made so they’d coexist peacefully for a year while he wiped out the rest of his own creation, then once done release them all together on one mountain in the Middle East. Is any of that really the simple and elegant solution for amazing God who created all matter and life? Why not just instantly zap the chose few to another plain of existence or some chosen protected place, then after back again to select chosen places around the globe after, or any other such far more efficient ways to save the. restore life how decided best. Even the basic idea of getting a man (or men) to hand build a boat out of wood is a terribly basic and archaic way to do that for an alleged all-powerful God, why not themselves place a self created spaceship made out of amazing new materials or some other such solution which is actually wondrous to us mere humans. Else I really don’t still get why an all-knowing (omniscient) God would decide to create any of those living creates that they already knew would need (nearly) wiping out later, then it seems doing an incomplete job by not actually wiping any of them out as ‘a few babies that had their properties specially changed to coexist for a year were put on a magical wooden boat for a year, which had been hand built by one man”.
@arkencounter 11 ай бұрын
@benjaminavick6455 Ай бұрын
He went by Home Depot and bought a large storage tank.Then went to tractor supply and got some feed.
@deandennis2838 11 ай бұрын
Ahh.. This takes me back to the 4 times I’ve visited the Ark Encounter. I’m always a skeptic and have yet to find anything that comes from AiG to be non biblical. They are presenting options that could easily have been aboard the Ark during this time. Honestly, this occurred only 1,000 years after Adam’s sin. The gene pool was still in good shape. I’m feel certain that they were much ‘smarter’ / common sense than modern society.
@jasonaltig985 11 ай бұрын
You believe in the flood myth yet you claim to be a skeptic? 😂
@theo9952 10 ай бұрын
@jasonaltig985 And in "Adam's sin" too😂😂😂
@theo9952 9 ай бұрын
@@stactionsmedia3318 It is all, way beyond ridiculous but the ancient Hebrew mythology believers will not be deterred from believing it, even though logic and common sense - let alone science - have no place in their religious convictions. For them, it all has to be true 'cause the bible tells them so. Primitive minds.
@ourfamilylucu 7 ай бұрын
​@@theo9952 Because believing that everything came from nothing is so much more logical? Where does logic come from in a worldview based on random chaos? You worldview is a complete contradiction. You can't claim both logic and random, chaotic, meaningless processes.
@ourfamilylucu 7 ай бұрын
​@@stactionsmedia3318But evolution is? Contrary to the evolutionary view, humans were far larger, stronger, and smarter at the time of the flood than they are today. Modern humans only use about 10% of the brain, they were still using much more of their brain back then. The air was more oxygen rich; their food and water was healthier, etc. God was the one causing it to happen, so it wss possible, unlike Evolution, which supposedly spawned the universe into existence without meaning, purpose, or order. Your entire worldview is an unproveable contradiction.
@fs3579 2 ай бұрын
what did the carvivores eat when they landed?
@ZumbaMamiKS 7 ай бұрын
Part 8
@diamondlife-gi7hg 3 ай бұрын
the water for animals during a global flood would have come from existing natural sources, rainfall, and expanded water bodies. The impact on animals would vary, with both benefits and challenges arising from flooding events.
@Zripas 3 ай бұрын
There are no natural sources to cover entire earth with water. And most animals would have died, including fresh water animals and some one salt water side.
@markdoherty9205 10 ай бұрын
Desalination plant. Bigger question how did Everest form in just a few thousand years, given the earth was covered.
@jessicadjonne2687 10 ай бұрын
Plates shifting … it’s what causes mountains naturally … imagine how they’d move after such an event as the flood! The earth was broken open!
@markdoherty9205 10 ай бұрын
@jessicadjonne2687 where did the water come from, because Everest is roughly 8,900m high and growing 4mm due to plate tectonics as you say. So, to be covered in water, and water generally finding it's own level, across the planet, that is a lot of water!
@markdoherty9205 10 ай бұрын
....or, it took over 2M years to create Everest. The Bible (Roman version of the Tanakh). Is a good source for creating society, and in its day helped people to manage the questions created by a growing awareness of consciousness. But time moves on, knowledge grows. God gave us this ability, shouldn't we use it?
@Zripas 9 ай бұрын
@@jessicadjonne2687 That's not how reality works...
@jessicadjonne2687 9 ай бұрын
@@markdoherty9205 Everest wasn’t as high as it is now; like you said, it’s growing. The Scriptures tell us that the world was broken open. I think that could cause some shifting. Remember that the subduction zones are always recycling , unless they shift like off Cali.
@johndelong5574 9 ай бұрын
The ark journey was the original "rite of passage" as practiced by cultures worldwide.. Eveyone onboard was hibernating. The crew were fasting the enire year, and noah killed and incierated a large number of clean beasts, which were consumed in the first barbecue. The image of the "grim reaper" is based on noah since he was a farmer and used a pruning hook (or scythe) to dispatch the beasts before broiling them.
@Zripas 9 ай бұрын
I honestly have no idea if this was a joke or you being serious. Wild times we live in.
@johndelong5574 9 ай бұрын
@@Zripas As it was in the days of noah, so shall it be when the son of man returns.
@Zripas 9 ай бұрын
@@johndelong5574 Exactly that, bunch of words without any actual real meaning... But now i'm guessing that you are actually serious here.
@johndelong5574 9 ай бұрын
@@Zripas I was quoting JESUS
@Zripas 9 ай бұрын
@@johndelong5574 Nah, you were quoting some old book where some none eye withness wrote something and claimed that some dude god guy said something...
@antoniobrown8726 4 ай бұрын
You forgot it was raining the whole time.
@Zripas 3 ай бұрын
It was only raining for the first 40 days, after that, no rain, so no source of freshwater for remaining year.
@davidgardner863 Жыл бұрын
“Could have, might have”. Yeah, that answers every question.
@Theodor857 11 ай бұрын
It shows that there were numerous options, it doesn't mean that any of these were used but it shows that there are pretty easy solutions and that it was possible.
@davidgardner863 11 ай бұрын
@@Theodor857 , I have never seen anything that was possible when they say “could have, would have”. It’s just a way of getting around an unanswerable question.
@Theodor857 11 ай бұрын
@@davidgardner863 if he said that is definitely how they did I would scroll to the next video knowing that he isn't being honest about it. To be honest I don't think the way it is said in the video is how it was in most part. I wasn't there when it happened so who knows?
@davidgardner863 11 ай бұрын
@@Theodor857 , Nobody was there because it never happened.
@Theodor857 11 ай бұрын
@davidgardner863 respectfully, that's your opinion, I believe that it is true, that the flood happened. I believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I believe in Jesus. I believe that I am excepted into God's kingdom because Jesus made it possible by taking my place and taking my sins on him, died for me and every single person, defeated death and rose again. So that all can take part in His eternal glory. I didn’t deserve it, does anyone deserve it? Yet God made a way for us to be freed. Bless you
@jonathanmcintyrephotography 5 ай бұрын
I really appreciate all the information, but you go way too fast and doing this I'd like to spend much more time and looking at the actual proposed solutions as they seem really exciting.
@jimmytiler5522 7 ай бұрын
instead of ballast rocks water was used lots of it.
@Zripas 7 ай бұрын
Or this ship never existed.
@jimmytiler5522 7 ай бұрын
@@Zripas Ah to you not to me I walk by faith if I didnt I would still be stumbling as you are. I hope you find Jesus soon.
@Zripas 7 ай бұрын
@@jimmytiler5522 Reality is objective... Just because Muslims believe that humaed flew on winged horse and split moon in half, doesn't make it true... Does it?
@Headwind-1 7 ай бұрын
wasn't it pissing with rain . .. . .
@kishla2827 5 ай бұрын
Food for all of the people and animals
@billybob-ro6qf 5 ай бұрын
GOD FEED Moses & all Israel in the desert for 40 YEARS with Mana, bread from Heaven. So He could & did take care of 8 people & the animals for one year upon the Ark. With GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! And again, Jesus fed a MUTLITUDE over 500 men besides women & children with 2 fish & 5 loaves of bread.
@Zripas 5 ай бұрын
@@billybob-ro6qf So basically: Its true because magic!!!
@diamondlife-gi7hg 3 ай бұрын
you cant prove life came from nothing or the universe created itself from nothing soooo BIG MAGIC FROM NOTHING AT ALL LOL@@Zripas SO BUIG MAGIC FROM NOTHING AT ALL CREATED A SUN THAT SUPPORTS ALL LIFE ON THIS PLANET NOW THATS MAGIC AND ITS A MIRACLE THAT WE EXIST AT ALL. Even you as an atheist have to admit its a miracle.
@Zripas 3 ай бұрын
@@diamondlife-gi7hg Do you imagine that writing in caps makes you correct by default or something? Who said that life came from nothing? Which strawman fallacy you tried to make here? Who said that universe created itself from nothing? Which strawman fallacy you tried to make here? And isint your god who made everything from nothing?
@maylingng4107 2 ай бұрын
How did all the fish survive the Flood? Rain is fresh water --- all the salt water fish would die. Oceans are salt water -- all the fresh water fish would die. A mixed (brackish) water would kill both salt and fresh water fish.
@alopez15658al Ай бұрын
RAIN !! daa...
@russellbarton7565 11 ай бұрын
Didn’t it rain for 40 days and 40 nights
@billybob-ro6qf 5 ай бұрын
Yes it did rain 40 days, but then the rain stopped & the flood remained on the earth for an entire year before the ark rested on mount Arat.
@haggismcbaggis9485 7 күн бұрын
​@@billybob-ro6qfSo, how did they refill they water supply during the rest of the year aboard?
@billybob-ro6qf 7 күн бұрын
@@haggismcbaggis9485 after 40 days of continual rain I'm sure they had more than enough water for the entire year. We aren't told ever detail in the bible obviously. Just know GOD was with them & GOD is their & our provider. GOD is our everything. With Him we lack NOTHING.
@haggismcbaggis9485 7 күн бұрын
@@billybob-ro6qf Why not just start out with the water then? Or would they have been short by a month?
@billybob-ro6qf 7 күн бұрын
@@haggismcbaggis9485 Again I don't have the answers because we simply are not told all the details. We are told the most important things. That men's hearts were evil continually & that's why God destroyed the earth. That Noah alone was considered a righteous man by God, for God sees the hearts of everyone. That the last days shall be like the days of Noah. I can clearly see many people's hearts very evil today. Many calling what is evil good & calling what is good evil.
@Truth_Matt3rs 8 ай бұрын
The water wasn't so salty 4400 years ago. Plenty of fresh drinking water.
@davidgardner863 8 ай бұрын
Lake Michigan isn’t salty. Would you take a drink out of it?
@Zripas 7 ай бұрын
@Truth_Matt3rs Slightly less salty will not make it drinkable...
@billybob-ro6qf 5 ай бұрын
@@davidgardner863 far less polluted years ago also!
@davidgardner863 5 ай бұрын
@@billybob-ro6qf , The flood would have left the ocean horribly polluted; dead carcasses and rotting vegetating everywhere.
@billybob-ro6qf 5 ай бұрын
@@davidgardner863 With only 8 people & the few animals on the ark it would have taken several years to populate the earth again. God could have simply placed all that pollution away from those who were alive. We simply don't have all the details, but common sense & knowing with God all things are possible we can have intelligent opinions on how things may have happened.
@wesleyschneider926 5 ай бұрын
@Zripas 5 ай бұрын
It supposedly only rained for first 40 days, remaining year was without rain, so no.
@wesleyschneider926 5 ай бұрын
@@Zripas not only two , the waters came from our the earth....its scientific confirmed
@Zripas 5 ай бұрын
@@wesleyschneider926 There is zero scientific support for this magical event happening, ZERO. I dare you to find any scientific citation supporting biblical flood... And I have no idea what you tried to say here with that "waters came from our the earth" when topic was about fresh water supply on that ship... Water coming from earth will not make it fresh, as it will flow into oceans, not even to mention billions of dead animals rotting in that water... So its definitely not drinkable, so ONLY source of water would have been rain, which stopped after first 40 days. So, again, NO, its not a rain, because this event never happen.
@brucenassar9077 9 ай бұрын
duh from the facet
@loscfoarmy Ай бұрын
​@@stactionsmedia3318 how you're able to write 2 paragraphs in response to a JOKE is beyond me
@blackholeentry3489 Ай бұрын
Noah's Ark makes a good story, but when disected and properly analyzed, it quickly morphes the Bedtime Fairy Tale it really is.
@LindeeLove 11 ай бұрын
Why didn't you people build an actual working/functioning ark rather than this building with an ark facade on the front? You could have implemented your theories on how it would have worked.
@jasonaltig985 11 ай бұрын
They know it wouldn’t work and would discredit their lies.
@ninhil2 10 ай бұрын
and I wanna see it built by one old man
@jasonaltig985 10 ай бұрын
@@ninhil2 well his centuries old sons helped him so that makes it totally plausible.
@R4Clover7 10 ай бұрын
@@ninhil2 He had help from his 8 sons, and don't forget Adam was 15 feet tall, we know the people at the time were far different from us. So we have no idea how tall or strong Noah was.
@R4Clover7 9 ай бұрын
@stactionsmedia3318 Not species, *kinds. He wouldn't need polar bears, nor grizzly bears, or black bears. All he would need is the original bear kind that adapted into other species. Noah had roughly 55-75 years as to build the flood, and he had 3 sons along with their 3 wives and his wife. These people were essentially superhuman, too. And we also don't know whether the animals were babies or not.
@marveloussoftware1417 6 күн бұрын
There was not enough room on the ark for all the "kinds" let alone water and food. There's many "kinds" that eat a very limited if not single food source. Also everything would've died since the flood killed everything so there would be nothing to eat. No plants for the herbivores and the gestation petiod is too long to feed the carnivores. Elephants alone need tons of food. Anyone who believes in the ark myth simply did not do any math.
@Pay-It_Forward 9 күн бұрын
*You are going to open the roof with 5 miles of water is falling as rain? Going to use up the oxygen with candles & lamps with 7K plus animals on board??*
@tyshedleski1425 5 ай бұрын
Also, raw food is mostly water. If everything on board was eating raw food, they would have gotten most of their water consumption through that.
@Zripas 5 ай бұрын
From whose magical pocket they got raw food?...
@haggismcbaggis9485 7 күн бұрын
​@@ZripasCalvin did not have time to explain the raw food harvesting/processing unit they built.
@lynnasche5147 10 ай бұрын
All these large animals blasting out methane would’ve killed everyone in no time……all these things required, literally impossible in so called Noah’s time . Hope those snakes weren’t poisonous……there is no end to the explanations that are beyond absurd ! This is emblematic of extreme gullibility ! Lots of ants for the anteaters, lol !
@throckmortensnivel2850 Ай бұрын
I'll just point out that all of these "explanations" are speculation based on nothing. In fact the bible says there was only one window, 20 inches square, and all of the inside and outside of the ark was coated in pitch. There is nothing in the bible about any aspect of the ark other than it's outer dimensions, coating of pitch inside and out, and one tiny window. In fact, it is a story that is exactly what you'd expect from a people who had no idea of what was actually required for such a vessel on such a voyage.
@kevintackett7564 7 ай бұрын
When it comes to water supply one has to realize that man suffered from that before the flood. The megalithic stone structures that were built before the flood clearly show man's ability to harvest what the Earth provided. The megalithic construction of man is what gave rise to the term "Stone Age", Noah built out of wood and was scoffed at those around him accused of being a fool for 70 years.
@trackinggod8087 10 ай бұрын
Highly intelligent people that lived nearly 1000 years must have been at least as technologically advanced as we are. Most likely a trivial problem for Noah.
@Zripas 9 ай бұрын
But they lived to 30 years in average and they were not technologically advanced.
@trackinggod8087 9 ай бұрын
@@Zripas Not according to the Bible. If we are discussing Noah's ark, we must be discussing things in that context.
@Zripas 9 ай бұрын
@@trackinggod8087 So if we would read Harry Potter books then we should assume that there is actual secret wizardly world?... We are talking about actual reality here and not what some book says. People lived short lives back then and had primitive technology, this is based on objective evidence and not some old book "say so"
@trackinggod8087 9 ай бұрын
@@Zripas LOL. You didn't object to the idea of an ark in your original comment.
@Zripas 9 ай бұрын
@@trackinggod8087 Ark is secondary fictional thing, so wasn't a priority to mention... But ok, wooden ships in size like that can't survive open seas. Wooden ships would have started seriously rot at the bottom if it took 100'ish years for Noah to built it. Noah and his family would have never managed to build ship in size like that. Share amount of wood you would need is enough to realize that its just not doable by a single family without some funding on the side and bunch of slaves/workers helping out. Not even talking about general challenges in building wooden ships without any metal reinforcements... Was this enough objection or do you want more? What is more interesting that you didn't object to what I said here, you just objected that I did not objected to some other fictional part from that story... Even if this magical boat was 100x smaller, even if it wasn't about housing thousands of animals for entire year, that global flood is still just a fiction.
@josephyeo6966 6 ай бұрын
No need for water or a big boat if you are just storing DNA. Besides that, why store anything at all - just make them as you need them. He can make anything.
@ThyBountyHunter 6 ай бұрын
YA but they weren't.
@josephyeo6966 6 ай бұрын
@@ThyBountyHunter You and I will never ever know for sure. It all depends on the books you read and what beliefs you subscribe to. The biggest evil is enforced subscription as practiced by some religions.
@ThyBountyHunter 6 ай бұрын
@@josephyeo6966 I don't subscribe to that I will never know, I don't embrace a defeatist attitude. Given that AIG follows Christ and gods Bible, we can certainly know because we can dissect things and garner if they can have happened as stated. The Bible says you cannot add to the Bible nor can you know gods mind so what is there is exactly how it was. So if we can show the holes in the story....there is no way to fix it. All religions are like that so we can know. What is also known is science is pretty precise and clear on its points so when science and religion clash, science will win. Because all Christians can say is "god did it...." and offer nothing else.
@josephyeo6966 6 ай бұрын
@@ThyBountyHunter Thanks for reading my book. I wrote the bible years ago. Happy to send you a signed autographed version of my latest. Enjoy.
@ThyBountyHunter 6 ай бұрын
@@josephyeo6966 Somewhere a padded room is missing your presence.
@bluemarble2458 3 ай бұрын
God designed the ship, and Noah built it. So I expect it had some impressive technical ingenuity on the life support system.
@Zripas 3 ай бұрын
Aka: its true because book said so. There was no technology Noah could have built to help out with life support system even if god was real and he told him how to make one... Stop making excuses for most obvious fictional story from entire book.
@JamesRichardWiley 4 ай бұрын
God shrunk the animals and put them to sleep which solved the problem of food, water and waste management. Besides, god can make new animals any time he feels like it, cuz god can do anything. Ain't that right?
@ThyBountyHunter 3 ай бұрын
Yes but god said in the Bible you cannot know his mind so you can't say what you just did or else it is a sin.
@dodo1opps 10 ай бұрын
@ricklamb772 10 ай бұрын
He collected water every time God made it rain after the flood,not very complicated
@Zripas 9 ай бұрын
Except that it was raining for the first 40 days, after that, no rain for remaining year... So like... Where did this water came from? And you do understand that you would need daily rain to sustain all those thousands of animals?... Flood would have never ended at that rate....
@ricklamb772 9 ай бұрын
@@Zripas did you write your own version of the bible? It truthfully does not mention if it rained every day after the flood for all we no.Since we are looking at the fact that this took place and that since then it has continued to rain now and forever,it's no stretch that he collected rain water in hollowed logs or collection containers.Since God skilled him in the making of the ark,God knew he would need water.And the fact that the story of the flood has reached us today is its own proof of the fact,if not there would have been no survivers,because they would have died in a few weeks tops without water.
@billybob-ro6qf 5 ай бұрын
@@Zripas Yes the rain stopped after 40 days, but the earth was covered in all that water for about an entire YEAR. I'm sure much of it was still FRESH water. I've heard that even today where fresh water rivers pour into oceans that the water stays fresh for many miles out in the ocean.
@billybob-ro6qf 5 ай бұрын
@@stactionsmedia3318 JESUS HIMSELF spoke of Noah & the flood. With man alone this would be impossible, but WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! Noah didn't have to be anything other than a man of God, God took care of the rest. It's not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit saith the Lord God.
@Zripas 5 ай бұрын
@@billybob-ro6qf That's not how reality works... You even debunked your own comment here by stating that fresh water remains for many miles, cool, many miles isn't the same as ENTIRE earth being covered with it for entire year... How many miles is that? Water animals/fish in majority of cases have specific requirement of waters saltines, aka how much salt there is in water to survive. Fresh water animals will not survive in ocean water and ocean animals will not survive in fresh water, by covering entire earth with extra fresh water on top of entire oceans you will have wild mix which is not suitable for both groups of animals which would result in mass extinction. This is not even debatable, ask any biologist and every single one will explain to you why global flood doesn't work to keep anyone alive.
@theproduct456 Ай бұрын
I think the sea was not salty yet so they can drink the water
@Zripas 7 күн бұрын
You think, that's cool, but in reality it would have still been salty with bunch of dead bodies floating around. It would have been poisonous to any animal
@marceldagenais2061 7 ай бұрын
too easy as how he could have got the water for the animals. 8 will let the lazy brains to seek and search.
@mikehorton3664 11 ай бұрын
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Genesis 1:1-2 how long a span between verse 1:1-2 and verses following? no one on earth knows.???????????God bless,Matt.6:33,Prov.3:5
@TickedOffPriest Ай бұрын
Storing water is quite easy.
@Zripas 7 күн бұрын
Not for entire year and for thousands upon thousands (it would have been millions, but let's go with Noah fictional story) animals...
@TickedOffPriest 7 күн бұрын
@@Zripas If I answered every one of your objections, would you come to Christ or look for more objections?
@Zripas 7 күн бұрын
@@TickedOffPriest Providing answer isn't actually proving it to be true. I can give answer to ANY question you can come up, will not really indicate that what I'm saying is actually a representation of reality. But let's try it. What is your explanation in how Noah managed to store, safely, enough water for thousands of animals for entire year? Like for example, single elephant needs up to 100L of water per day, so you have 2 of those for more than 365 days. So lets say its 80L per elephant, so 2*80*365 = 55200 liters of water for 2 elephants. By the way, while you provide answer for that, can you explain where exactly did fresh water animals lived? Like crocodiles, beevers, hippos and so on.
@TickedOffPriest 7 күн бұрын
@@Zripas You are assuming adult elephants. Even if the water did go bad, there is a lot water outside that can be boiled inside.
@Zripas 7 күн бұрын
@@TickedOffPriest Boiled inside? When you only have single window, you would create a fire inside wooden ship?... Can you even comprehend how much water you would need to boil for all those animals daily?... And quite few animals grow up and reaches adulthood in less than a year. So do you have a valid answer?
@charlo90952 10 ай бұрын
Fantasy. It's all nonsensical.
@guillermogodoy 24 күн бұрын
They collected water from the outside, the water by then was not salty
@Zripas 7 күн бұрын
Not salty? Why not? And if its no longer salty then every single fish in oceans died, so you would have had one big soup of rotten bodies in the thing you are picking water from... Not a good thing I might say...
@juicedgoose 10 ай бұрын
Stop being silly. You know this is all nonsense. Faith and reason are not incompatible
@billybob-ro6qf 5 ай бұрын
@@stactionsmedia3318 its SAD that atheist try to ignore or reject the word of God. But God's word is eternal & all who die lost in sin & unbelief will be cast into the lake of fire forever! Best to REPENT of all sin & GET SAVED!
@HannahsCats-zp6rb 11 ай бұрын
God used the Ark in the process of killing everything and everybody, including babies and children. I think it's a sad story :(
@noob8033_2 11 ай бұрын
Biblically the flood wasn't global but regional around the black sea and persian gulf, the places destroyed must have been so evil that parents with babies and good people would leave the corrupt cities and would survive noahs flood.
@jasonaltig985 11 ай бұрын
But their god is so loving. Not a murderous, genocidal petty tyrant at all.
@noob8033_2 11 ай бұрын
@@jasonaltig985 Being all loving doesn't mean never taking a form of justice.
@jasonaltig985 10 ай бұрын
@@noob8033_2 and you feel the Justice of slaughtering children is a good justice? A god who will eternally torture, or annihilate (depending on your belief) his “children” simply for not believing in him despite not providing evidence of “his” existence is a good and just god?
@noob8033_2 10 ай бұрын
@@jasonaltig985 No he won't torture forever, I am Catholic but study the Bible a lot meaning that I have a different view on the Bible. I am going to answer two of your questions below this: 1: The chances of children dying under the flood are very very low since parents who would have not have been corrupt and evil would take their children away a move far away. (Note the flood was biblically regional) If children stayed in the horrible places they would be so traumatized that they would probably kill themselves anyway and since they were still young, it to a small purgatory for them. 2: After we die our soul isn't conscious. The soul is quantum information that only stays conscious when connected to the brain. Information cannot be destroyed and so after we die we aren't conscious. This is called in the Hebrew Bible "Sheol" and is mentioned 66 times. We know that the books of daniel and revelation are biblical but they accuracy is questionable. Daniel is just a copy of Isaiah and revelation talks about that particular time it was written. This is why we need to look at the other books like Psalms and even what Jesus said. Jesus and many early jews did belive in a sheol but also an afterlife. When the time is right, christ will come and create a new heaven here. The good and bad will rise from Sheol where they have been sleeping. After judgment the evil will go back to sheol (no afterlife) the middle will either feel all the pain they have done or just have to accept god quickly and will be purified. The good will stay on earth in new heaven where the Supreme being will modify physics and our body. Note: it's kinda like "belive and be immortal or just have no afterlife 👍"
@nicofbotha6153 Ай бұрын
The God Culture videos prove The Ark of Noah landed at Himalayah mountains. Animals migrated to all parts of hinginentsefore in days of Peleg Genesis 10, the Uk was cut off from Eu, Australia from Indo etc. The length of pre flood human brings were 12ft. Thus the dimensions of the Ark were much larger, using your forearm ( el) as measure stick. Hibernation was a fact. No dinosaurs. All drowned. Most awesome event took place 4500 years ago!
@billybob-ro6qf 5 ай бұрын
Where did they get drinking water from LOL. that's the dumbest question I have ever heard. It rained 40 days STRAIGHT! I'm sure they collected water somewhere upon the ark & with all that fresh water pouring down I'm sure it stayed fresh around the ark for a long time afterward. And on top of everything else GOD WAS WITH THEM & GOD IS OUR PROVIDER OF EVERYTHING WE HAVE NEED OF!
@Zripas 5 ай бұрын
Do you even grasp basic reality in how much water you would need for entire year for this magical boat filled to the brim with animals?... Hint: It's more than 2 buckets.
@diamondlife-gi7hg 3 ай бұрын
the waters they were on couldve been fresh theres a river in south america that runs into the ocean for 100 miles before it mixes the oceans we have now have more salinity they have more added every year theres answers to all your questions.@@Zripas
@Zripas 3 ай бұрын
@@diamondlife-gi7hg Will not even fact check about that 100 miles claim here, why you ask? Because its not even relevant. You had entire earth covered with water, so fresh and salt water had plenty of room to mix, on top of this, all this magical flood took entire year, so clearly it would have mixed in that time. Next point. By killing every animal on entire planet you would have had bunch of floating dead corpses in the water, rotting away... How fresh would that have been?... Some salt and fresh water animals are extremely picky with water salinity, aka, change it by a bit and they are dead. having entire earth covered by extra fresh water on top of salt water you would atleast kill all fresh water animals and quite few from salt side, but with all dead copses more or less all would have died anyways. Stop making excuses for most obvious fictional story from entire book, it did not happen... Not only that it could not have happen, but because we have actual evidence that it did not happen... Share fact that China civilization existed at that time and "surprisingly" it went through this all kill event without ever noticing it... Why? Did they forgot to read memo that they needed to die on thursday or something? At best you could claim that this magical flood was local and its entire meaning was completely different from what it was said in bible, but biblical global flood never happen, deal with that.
@andrewfreshwater2948 5 ай бұрын
is this a comedy series?
@howdydoodey3872 4 ай бұрын
Ha ha ha. How much dumber can this story get. The Ark would have been floating in a sea of fresh-water miles deep. This story is so full of holes that nothing floats. 99% of the crammed in animals would be dead in a week.
@aaronmorgan2476 3 ай бұрын
Just fanciful stories.. nothing more
@philanna38 29 күн бұрын
Noah Ark is actually laughable.
@buckaroundandfindout 7 ай бұрын
Um the rain?
@diamondlife-gi7hg 3 ай бұрын
underground waters "the fountains of the deep burst forth"
@theo9952 8 ай бұрын
I don't know if there is a "GOD". But if there is one, he would laugh with the naivety and pseudoscientific explanations of the Bible (ancient Hebrew mythology) believers, if he bothered at all to check on this little speck of dust in the universe which we live upon and we call Earth.
@randallacton2506 10 ай бұрын
Noah feed the animals milk from the other animals
@Zripas 9 ай бұрын
Did milk just magically appeared in those animals?... Your comment is more than weird... 87 percent of milk is water... So where this water came from?
@davidgardner863 9 ай бұрын
Ever try to milk an alligator?
@billybob-ro6qf 5 ай бұрын
@@davidgardner863 like they say in Meet The Fockers. If it has nipples you can MILK ANYTHING! Gators are reptiles sadly nipple free 😥
@davidgardner863 5 ай бұрын
I thought creationists said they only took young animals.
@haggismcbaggis9485 7 күн бұрын
Mrs. Noah could make the most milk. That is how Noah fell in love at first sight.
@recoswell 10 ай бұрын
he didn't because it never happened and only simpletons think it did
@R4Clover7 10 ай бұрын
@Zripas 9 ай бұрын
@@R4Clover7 Yes.
@billybob-ro6qf 5 ай бұрын
only FOOLS don't believe God & His word.
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