Who you are in fighting games is who you are in real life!

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18 күн бұрын

The FGC is a place that has no room for weak minded players. If you are a quitter and an emotionally immature person in real life, it translates to the way you are in fighting games.
#fgc #streetfighter #proplayer

Пікірлер: 159
@MistaMasta-i1z 16 күн бұрын
"You are not the dumbest person in the world, but you are also probably not the smartest person in the world either" This is such a powerful statement that only a complete idiot would take as an insult. This video is golden bro.
@xmordecaix2553 16 күн бұрын
I remember a fiend who is a very dedicated online player telling me that he never hires people for his business if he finds out they are the type fo ragequit at video games of any kind. People like to prerent that being sleasy in fighting games is just something for fun, but it does show their true colors.
@thepunisherxxx6804 15 күн бұрын
That's so dumb. I agree with the premise of the video, but work and play are two entirely different things, and your mentality to be professional and keep your income in most cases keeps people in line. If someone is qualified and you pass them up for a dumb reason like this he's a fool. Video games are entertainment at the end of the day, you can't extrapolate real world values and behavior solely from it.
@Ninja07Keaton 15 күн бұрын
@@thepunisherxxx6804 It does show a person's true nature, a part of it. It clearly shows that the person doesn't value honor or integrity. Does that sound like someone worth welcoming, let alone keeping them in employment long term? A fighting game is a sport like any other. It's a recreational activity when all is said and done, but it's still important to a great many people. Competition of any kind isn't just about conquering your opponent, it's about learning about your adversary, thus learning about yourself.
@thepunisherxxx6804 15 күн бұрын
@@Ninja07Keaton "Honor and integrity" don't apply to entertainment, you are doing exactly what I said, you are exalting fighting games like they are some honorable, manly, thing you can respect people for. The farthest you can go is say the behavior is bad, and shows they are petty and a bad sport. That's it. People like you have nothing real in your lives, and try to grasp at meaning and honor through something as insignificant as video games, something you do for entertainment to pass the time. Its infantile. Not every life lesson needs to relate to your autistic obsession with your hobby of choice. Its a HOBBY.
@sleepyherbs6303 15 күн бұрын
@@thepunisherxxx6804I dunno there’s people who ruined their lives over silly entertainment every day that’s y it matters to actually have a moral backbone all throughout life and all its avenues freaking out over entertainment can indicate not being able to actually handle stressful real world situations For example would u ever hire low tear god for any position even a minimum wage one? He’d call the customer ROG,s when he messes up and has a meltdown lol
@sleepyherbs6303 15 күн бұрын
@@Ninja07Keatonin short would we all collectively agree to hire dale the LTG for any of our business yes or no bois?
@FMD-FullMetalDragon 15 күн бұрын
League of Legends is another video game that will test your emotional state beyond fighting games. In fighting games it's just you and your opponent. In League it's you, your 4 teammates, and 5 opponents and you have to deal with 9 other personalities and their fragility.
@Fighter101network 15 күн бұрын
Oh yeah, it is so much easier to blame others in that type of game.
@colinswinbourn117 15 күн бұрын
I’m a scout leader, I’ve told parents with kids who have short fuses to play fighters. Because you can get the heated quickly and then you can make them calm themselves down. As we know the more you work to keep yourself calm the harder it is to get heated or you can bring yourself back into check
@sagehoge 14 күн бұрын
fighting games can be emotionally and mentally draining because you can imagine the best line and do the wrong thing, the frustration of putting yourself into something and come up short and having to admit "They were better than me." and looking at what is wrong with what you're doing. Sometimes you got to have fun blocking, have fun getting knocked down and guessing, have fun getting rushed down, tick thrown, losing because if you keep getting better the number of people that will free you up will decrease and getting better and doing sicker and sicker shit is really really fun.
@Fighter101network 14 күн бұрын
Yes, my biggest struggle was with finally allowing myself to have the mindset of "they were better than me" once you overcome that ego-driven hurdle, you start becoming a better player almost instantly.
@Aquariun9iteMMare 16 күн бұрын
I couldn't agree more.
@orlanzo2621 16 күн бұрын
Just happened to run across this video randomly, man this was good. Definitely had to subscribe.
@Fighter101network 16 күн бұрын
Welcome and thanks!
@Lonewolf8611 15 күн бұрын
My experience with fighting games back in the late 90s and early 2000s was primarily with my close friends from high school. They all had noticably different styles in terms of how they approached fighting games, including my own which was distinct and unique from theirs. My cousin played horribly and usually just shrugged off his losses. He was the youngest in our group and took the losses as if he expected them. My friend Chris tried a little harder than my cousin, but typically lost to the rest of us and treated the fights in a joking manner, expecting he was going to lose against us. My friend Sahil was a one and done kind of guy and prefered to spectate instead of compete. My friend Alex I had the most fun competing with, because he would laugh jovially after every loss, but occasionally would beat me too and we both would laugh it off and generally just have a good time with the games. My friend Derek took every game VERY seriously and would pop off into a fit of rage every time he lost and did anything he could to win against me, even if it meant using cheap tactics. As for myself, I just adapted to my friends' play styles. Would go easy on my cousin and Chris, played at my best with my friend Alex and had fun with it, and took the fights equally serious when fighting against my friend Derek. Later, when online fighting became a thing, I began to realize how much more skilled people are out there in the world, it frustrated me at first, but then I started putting in the effort to learn new tactics and get better. Playing online over the years humbled me and made me realize I'm not the greatest at fighting games, but can still put up a decent fight. Now, I mostly play offline against the CPU at a medium difficulty. I've accepted that I can no longer measure up to most players online, especially now being 37 years old and having a full time job and having to provide for my wife and daughter. I can't put in the same amount of effort and time I used to put into these games as I used to, so I've hung my hat on playing competitively completely. I just play these games for nostalgia sake and just for fun nowadays against normal difficulty CPUs, at my own pace. What does that say about my emotional intelligence/maturity? I'm not sure, but that's my own personal story and experience with these games.
@sonicallstarify 15 күн бұрын
Thank you for posting, we need more stories like this. It's ok to not be the best in fighting games, it's about priorities and I'd say you got yours str8
@ricardoa.ramirez2922 14 күн бұрын
i remember this guy on fightcade flaming me midmatch cuz he was beating me so bad and then i finally got a win and he changed characters to his main and railed me once again. after he was done he quit and later on i noticed him praising me for not engaging in a fight with him even tho he was insulting me n shit. I remember that with joy now i hope hes doing great, that test of character was very important to me. props to you if youre reading this and also your akuma is nasty dawg 20+ years playing 3rd strike they show, keep it up.
@edhorseman2237 15 күн бұрын
This is just true, Play/Game Therapy is very accurate in discerning a person's character....
@asafoetidajones8181 15 күн бұрын
I mean I feel like persistence and dedication isn't an exact analogue for emotional intelligence; but I agree that being especially dedicated to something that's complex and difficult displays good qualities that probably translate roughly into other areas of life.
@concertpromo9968 16 күн бұрын
Killer video dude and the footage of your Boxer is always a treat to watch! I do feel that the way people act in games pretty much mirrors their real life behavior.
@Demondzeta 10 күн бұрын
I saw this concept first in animes and later in martial arts, once you fight with someone you are able to talk to that person's heart the way a person fights you says a lot of how a person really is. And I've found that those who complain and make excuses are precisely the ones that never improve even in life
@000Hedgar000 16 күн бұрын
Este es una de las reflexiones más hermosas que he visto con respecto al mundo de la competitividad en los videojuegos y en la vida real. Tienes toda la razón y muchas gracias por compartirlo! Siempre he pensado que puedes conocer mucho de la persona si te fijas como se comporta al momento de jugar videojuegos.
@Fighter101network 16 күн бұрын
Muchas gracias por el comentario Hedgar. Se agradece que las personas se tomen el tiempo de escuchar y comentar.
@jmarx3943 15 күн бұрын
This is the first time I've seen one of your videos. Well done man. Great points. I know for a fact what you're saying is true because that used to be me. It took a long time for me to get hold of myself and control my emotions. I didn't really start grasping it until i hit my early 30s (40 now). I had to step back and be honest with myself, looking at how i acted in defeat (getting pissed, and the occasional rage quit. Not often, but once is too much), and realize i was just embarrassing myself. Thanks for the words of wisdom. You've earned a sub, sir.
@Fighter101network 15 күн бұрын
Thanks for your time and input on this and yes, you eventually realize you are just embarrasing yourself that way. It was a hard process of looking in the mirror for me and realizing how much I lacked self-accountability.
@UsingGorillaLogic 15 күн бұрын
One thing that's been enlightening to me is I started playing fighting games because I spent most of my childhood playing Smash Bros and later Rivals of Aether and so I wanted to be "more cultured" you know? What I found out about myself from this is my fatal flaw is fighting laziness, if a game tells me I have to learn a specific flowchart I get bored and it causes me problems. Lately I reasoned with myself to fix this by just telling myself when I'm watching like cartoons or something I might as well also lab then and that stopped me from being too lazy to learn bread n butters.
@Ishmaster2020 14 күн бұрын
A fight is about who is left standing, nothing else
@borraichio7216 16 күн бұрын
I have always enjoyed your videos F101 but this one is downright genious. You have created a video that is so carefully worded that only negatively triggers the rage quitters, the smurfs, the script users and all the vermin that pretend that doing those things in games does not reflect in who they are in real life. I tip my hat to you sir!
@Fighter101network 16 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching!
@fightingretrogamer3905 16 күн бұрын
@thepunisherxxx6804 15 күн бұрын
Disagree hard. While I think its petty and lame to ragequit, or to "one and done", or only "play people you know you can win", I don't think how people act in the context of ENTERTAINMENT let you judge someone else in other areas of REAL LIFE that matter. You talk like a fighting game is an actual fight, or some honorable thing. Its purely entertainment unless you're competing for money. People approach it and treat it differently. Someone "one and done" might just be tired of fighting the same character online over and over, or don't feel like playing a super defensive game again, or are hopping off to do something else or something came up. Even "playing people you know you can win" I don't care if people do that. If someone's priority is their rank and they're not quitting mid-match that's their choice if the game doesn't force best of 3's. Even rage quitting, that's bad sportsmanship but that's as far as it goes. I just report and move on. I think its incredibly short sighted to try and judge someone's REAL LIFE on a video game meant to entertain. Yeah they might have some petty bad behavior in the game, but could be great in other areas of life. I know tons of people who fit that bill. I think you're really grasping at straws to try and justify judging someone based on shallow observations about how they behave for a hobby for fun. A lot of the big examples of this like DSP or Low Tier God aren't even genuine, they are playing into a troll persona and have morons giving them money to keep it up. There are other factors influencing their behavior.
@hesaidshesaidbs3360 13 күн бұрын
It is hard to stand out in the FGC online content world, but this video is a perfect example of content that stands out big time. Keep up the amazing work F101!
@zanzanryu6752 15 күн бұрын
I love playing fighting game so much... But this video really catches me and yes this used to be who I am in real life in a fighting game, like being a scrub for an example. Being young is hard to be in control even playing games like Sports, or even FPS, also MOBA too. I used to be good in Street FIghter IV since during high school during lunch time. I was only playing just newbs and casual and I kept winning as much I tried to defend my streak but I do have my share of losses. Playing people in School no many were into Street Fighter but they took time to play with me whenever I need a grind and play. But if I were playing through Online Network is a different story. I knew that I wasn't as good I once was during school. There are many things that I need to learn and from mistakes. But I kept falling over them due to my emotions and pressure even my mind I couldn't think fast, I always say to myself that I was never smart even in Video Games. I was never a Pro or a Competitor in genres of games. But I wanted to keep playing cause I like the game. I want to do my best in matches even if it were going to be dishonorable moments. And true "there are no rules!" Learn that lesson! "Anything goes!" I'll try to keep watching this video whenever possible. There are flaws within my waste of talent and skills. I hope to keep going and grind but it won't last forever cause of other personal things and life... Thank you this video! I hope to play with you guys in Fightcade!
@gamestuhthereturnoftoxicity 15 күн бұрын
I think the problem is most people not leaving they comfort zone. As much as i enjoyed fighting games i got tired of people not trying other games. Another thing people it's ok to lose it doesn't mean you are trash. I've tried to get so many people who play other fighters to try new ones and since they lose more on the other goes right back to the one they win the most. It personally made me not care for the genre anymore
@clarencegutsy7309 15 күн бұрын
The FGC has become a place for weak minded players.
@rezthemediaruler3768 13 күн бұрын
(Not seen the Video yet) So, according to the Thumbnail I am: -A Ninja Master with a Metal Helmet that hates Turtles and Rats -A Martial Artist roaming the World, trying to find out who I really am -A Mafiaboss who only uses his left Hand and keeps the right in his Pockets, because of how destructive it is -A Super Hero, that is able to slow down and speed up time, as well as centering the Camera on me so everyone can see my Moves and Poses -A Succubus with Green Hair -A Divine Wolf, using divine Weapons and a Brush -A Guy in a Bed, that is now only a Bed -A big Dragon/Turtle who tries to make a Princess his Bride -A Pro-Wrestler with a Jaguar Mask with a Scar -A trolling, murderous and violent Ghost, who is literally a God of Destruction -A little Catlike Caricature of another Person, causing Chaos and taking nothing seriously I will stop here. Have fun finding out which Characters I meant. I’m gonna watch the Video now.✌🏻
@Vectorman2X 16 күн бұрын
Another great video
@greensun1334 14 күн бұрын
Now that's an interesting topic, indeed! Every day you learn something new about yourself 😅 - I play almost exclusively fighting games, and yes, what you said makes sense, at least in the majority of aspects. But I can't agree in every point, and "emotional INTELLIGENCE" may be the wrong term. Whatever, playing FTGs (mainly competetive) is somehow comparable to real sports events, the level of stress and frustration can be the same, and you have to learn to deal with the feelings of winning and loosing, so it's a valuable lession for your real life. I'm 41 now and compared to let's say ~20-25 years ago, my behavour has changed to the positive (of course) and I'm not a rage quitter anymore. I think continuing playing these games helped me a lot with it. Playing FTGs can be very useful as some sort of therapy to manage your anger and feelings, and they're much better suited for this than any other genre of video games imo. Please excuse my bad English, it's not my language, have a nice day 😉
@Fighter101network 14 күн бұрын
Thanks for your input on the subject.
@japangamejunk 16 күн бұрын
I always pick the most attractive female character despite my skill with her so yes, it does say a lot about me 😂
@a_shrxydud 15 күн бұрын
Usually I can control myself and my actions whilst losing constantly in a game, but sonetimes I get in the mindset of "this should be working, why isnt it?" which causes immense tilt and I forget all about how to stay calm. Accepting the loss, or accepting that what I did wasnt correct, goes a long way.
@justanannepfp9814 15 күн бұрын
Unlike me, a intelectual, i purposefully play low tiers so i get my ass whopped and say "it is what it is" #buffLars
@butchersknight1 15 күн бұрын
Great advice not only in fighting games but in life, hopefully we can play 30th again your the only boxer I have trouble with.
@Fighter101network 15 күн бұрын
Hey Butcher, thanks for watching!
@woozy1885 15 күн бұрын
thank you
@Radical_racist 13 күн бұрын
Online my control is perfect but offline i lose my shit
@HeavyGee84 14 күн бұрын
Thank you for this
@Fighter101network 14 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching!
@rezthemediaruler3768 13 күн бұрын
(Now I have seen it) I Love playing Games and Fighting Games are no exception. But I have never (as I recall it) won a Single Battle in any of them online. That’s how bad I am. But I keep playing regardless, because it’s fun. I enjoy the thing more than the outcome. Also, I can‘t keep playing the same Game for too long, because I want to try other Games, complete them or go back to some of them. One day it might happen, that I’m gonna win a Match. And on this day, a little Child will rage. My Age is 37. Nice Video. Have a good day everyone.👊🏻
@Fighter101network 13 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching and commenting.
@namenlosNamenlos 12 күн бұрын
Much needed video for fighting game players within FGC-community.
@COFFEEVIGOROUS 15 күн бұрын
Good video man, touching subject.
@DiscoMouse 14 күн бұрын
I’ve never quit in a fighting game, but I have shouted when dealing with a lagged online. That’s not something I ever do in real life though.
@jedisquidward 13 күн бұрын
Just a few weeks ago I played against a streamer who went on to rage any time he was beaten by someone in the lobby and was unironically arguing that if he won, it was because he was good, but if he lost, it was the fault of the game or the other character being overpowered. He continued to argue this with the chat for over 45 minutes. It takes a special kind of person to be that delusional, self-centered, and unable to accept any kind of personal responsibility for their flaws.
@Omegaredish Күн бұрын
Well said!
@57Folhinha 15 күн бұрын
what fighting games is showing me is that i'm too broke to afford the game, the characters and pay for a yearly subscription to play online
@Fighter101network 15 күн бұрын
Hey, at least they are showing you that you need to find a way to start making some money!
@YellowPlagueProductions 16 күн бұрын
I thought you meant the character you play as is who you are from the title. Hehe...I used to compete in karate, kickboxing, and jiu-jitsu in real life and was a counterstriker. But when I play SF, I play as an ultra aggressive Balrog. Even when I drive, I'm a defensive driver, but in GTA, I drive like a maniac and ram into everyone.😆
@Fighter101network 16 күн бұрын
yeah, that was not the topic, but I get how the title made you think that. Thanks for your input anyways!
@laluzdelsenor7800 16 күн бұрын
If this video makes you mad, guess what....LOL.
@vidyastuff 15 күн бұрын
they always say shit like it's just a game but if you're like this in a game, imagine in real life in the workplace or home competitive games are a emotional test
@wbbooth 15 күн бұрын
Paging DSP... Paging LTG...
@Fighter101network 15 күн бұрын
Nah, while those guys could potentially have started doing that from a genuine emotional response, now they do it as a profession, so that does not count.
@henrymapleton 15 күн бұрын
Wingnut from TMNT, and Rufus from Street Fighter. I'm also constantly doing dive kicks IRL too.
@mastahmaxtah9339 15 күн бұрын
I feel like in my case, rather than getting upset over the opponent, I just get upset over myself. I just self-deprecate when I take a reasonable loss, something that I notice in real life as well. So, I feel playing fighting games can be another way to recognize practicing kindness to myself. I'm not gonna block every mixup, but that doesn't mean I'm worthless. Getting into fighting games s already daunting to most folks, so I have to be proud I gave it a shot to begin with.
@Fighter101network 15 күн бұрын
Well, that is self-accountability and it is a great thing to have just as long as you don't beat yourself up instead of being constructive about it!
@mastahmaxtah9339 15 күн бұрын
​@@Fighter101network Yeah, I gotta just recognize my shortcomings without having to put my opponent through a pity party lol
@venominonbg1740 12 күн бұрын
My issue has never been losing, I couldn't care less, espeacially against a good player. Where I find myself losing my cool is against players with "ignorant" playstyles. Fighting games are a conversation and when I feel like my opponent doesn't listen to what I am saying I get so unbelievably bitter and the game just stops being fun.
@thepunisherxxx6804 15 күн бұрын
Disagree hard. While I think its petty and lame to ragequit, or to "one and done", or only "play people you know you can win", I don't think how people act in the context of ENTERTAINMENT let you judge someone else in other areas of REAL LIFE that matter. You talk like a fighting game is an actual fight, or some honorable thing. Its purely entertainment unless you're competing for money. People approach it and treat it differently. Someone "one and done" might just be tired of fighting the same character online over and over, or don't feel like playing a super defensive game again, or are hopping off to do something else or something came up. Even "playing people you know you can win" I don't care if people do that. If someone's priority is their rank and they're not quitting mid-match that's their choice if the game doesn't force best of 3's. Even rage quitting, that's bad sportsmanship but that's as far as it goes. I just report and move on. I think its incredibly short sighted to try and judge someone's REAL LIFE on a video game meant to entertain. Yeah they might have some petty bad behavior in the game, but could be great in other areas of life. I know tons of people who fit that bill. I think you're really grasping at straws to try and justify judging someone based on shallow observations about how they behave for a hobby for fun. A lot of the big examples of this like DSP or Low Tier God aren't even genuine, they are playing into a troll persona and have morons giving them money to keep it up. There are other factors influencing their behavior.
@Fighter101network 15 күн бұрын
See, the problem with a comment like this one is that it shows a response that is caused by feeling personally attacked. This video never attacks anyone in particular. It is more of an "if the shoe fits" situation, as I mentioned in another comment. We all know DSP and LTG do this for a living, but the persona comes from genuinely immature behavior that exists in all areas of competitive gaming.
@thepunisherxxx6804 15 күн бұрын
@@Fighter101network Its really not. I clearly state the behavior is bad, but I don't think you can judge people in real life over something they do for ENTERTAINMENT. You and many others treat fighting games like they're some honorable deep thing. They're just entertainment, that's it. All you can gleam from it is the person playing is good at it or not, and enjoys them. Its a meaningless thing to try to assess someone's character on, outside of them being a sore loser or petty. That's really as far as it goes.
@Fighter101network 15 күн бұрын
​@@thepunisherxxx6804 Your comment is kind of out of place when the video mostly goes into competitive play, not casual play. When people play fighting games for money, it's no longer just entertainment or a game. Even if it is just for fun, many people strongly disagree that behaving a certain way while having fun does not translate to how you behave in real life. We are just going to have to agree to disagree because your reply does not convince me otherwise, it is just your opinion, but I do appreciate the debate. One of my favorite things about making a youtube video is to hear what other people think and to see if they can challenge my views, so thanks for watching and commenting.
@Ledluver 15 күн бұрын
​@Fighter101network I've been thinking about this topic for a very long time. Fighting games are about expression of self, then skill comes afterwards, be it positive or negative. I've experienced this in a controlled environment, crazy to say but we have the pandemic to thank 😅 I'm competitive at heart but a big softie casual at the same time. I can play against a similar person for a whole week and not get bored, losses and BS included😂. I have an older sister who loves the idea of fighting games but kinda goes limp in an actual game after some losses, even in Mario kart😮 She's a very kind and understanding person whom I consider a best friend ❤ My brother-inlaw is a very reserved person and just loves single player games. Before he married my sis, we'd get together and play smash and Mario kart... he would lose a lot, then we'd stop playing after 2ish rounds. Then I played him in Fighterz 15 rounds straight.... he never picked up the game again or even asks me to play with him. This is just the surface level. There is certainly merrit to your thesis bro, anybody who says 'it's not that deep' is just projecting and unsatisfied with getting wake-up supered in their face 😊
@thepunisherxxx6804 15 күн бұрын
@@Fighter101network I appreciate your comment and being civil. I enjoyed your video even though I disagree. Thanks for considering my point at least, and I apologize for being a little antagonistic, I could have worded things better. Ultimately I do agree that all that behavior is bad, I guess its just the degree that behavior represents someone outside of the game that we can't square up and that's fine. All the best to you and your channel.
@todoeltiempodelmundo3546 15 күн бұрын
i need to learn how to lose properly without thinking about it the next few days
@dnn86 14 күн бұрын
Good talking point. This is one reason why I've always enjoyed watching Japanese players, they're very respectful and emotionally grounded where as many Westerners (even really good players) are often emotionally immature and I've always found it off-putting as a spectator/fan (not to mention as a player of course).
@bobhoskins-kl6ue 15 күн бұрын
Someone needs to recommend this for dsp Ree-acks
@coughe216 15 күн бұрын
Lol i def thought some zangief and e honda shade was coming
@Fighter101network 15 күн бұрын
Nah, the whole idea is to avoid doing that and working out ways to defeat those characters if those are the ones giving you issues. Easier said than done, but it is either that or play/compete in something else. A great example is the Balrog versus Gief match in this video. I used to hate gief because I felt the match was impossible to win, but there are ways, you just need to become a sniper and punish his startup frames as much as possible. Again, easier said than done, but I can now consistently win that matchup even against decent giefs. Top level giefs are still an issue, but hey, top level anyone with any character is always a threat.
@coughe216 15 күн бұрын
@@Fighter101network 💯 and fully agree that your behavior online is telling of who you are for real. And quitting whenever you lose is a surefire way yo never get better
@vodkagobalsky 15 күн бұрын
A lot of the players of these games are young men and their brains for the most part are not fully developed at that age. Your brain doesn’t really truly mature until you’re 25. That’s why you see all these lack of emotional control and immaturity coming from these young gamers. As people age and grow up, many people will start to develop these emotional skills and mature. Some do not and stay the same however. That’s why I find the retro community to have more mature and clear headed people compared to more modern games. The average age of the retro player tend to skew older hence people with more emotional maturity.
@Fighter101network 15 күн бұрын
Good input Vodka. Yeah, I was in my 30's when I started learning to handle my emotions.
@Outrageon 15 күн бұрын
Perfectly said. Subscribed @ 4.16 subscribers
@TerranceDavis-lu3yr 15 күн бұрын
When I lose in a fighting game I don't take it as an attack on my being and self-worth. I see it as data on my performance and a sign that I need to change what I'm doing in order to have a better outcome. I'm a grown man. I can't be flipping out over a video game.
@sleepyherbs6303 15 күн бұрын
I fuckin love fighting games they are so deep on so many levels aside from technicals and gameplay. the fact that someone can pseudo analyze you and be in the realm of understanding you and how you behave/react in a fight is pretty crazy and can be an eye opener to how that person behaves in other situations
@qcbelzebuth7083 13 күн бұрын
It takes lot's of time and dedication to become really good at fighting games. Study show that reaction time is better when your younger. Most pro rage at some extent and one day or another you'll become too old to compete against younger people. I don't know if your evidence is right but I agree that some people become too much disagreeable through competition. Smash melee community is a good example of why most people (even pro) rage. Perfectionism and obsession can be damaging too. Disagreeable personality type are also more competitive in general and hate to lose.
@dontdoxmebro 15 күн бұрын
Makes sense. I’m a little thicc and I play grapplers
@Fighter101network 15 күн бұрын
😂😂 Good one!
@Swiss816 15 күн бұрын
My mom corrected this when i was a child. I remember being maybe less than 10 years old and playing SF2 Super on the Super Nintendo. My mom wanted to play with me and she beat me. I couldn't take losing so i slapped her and she slapped me back and that definitely is the moment that responsible for me being chill no matter what happens in a fighting game
@Fighter101network 15 күн бұрын
Some tough love can go a long way!
@ardidsonriente2223 15 күн бұрын
I always behave quite furiously while playing fighting games. I tend to swear a lot and curse the characters unfairness, the controller or the game design. Lag makes me speacially mad. Sometimes I've even question the other players intention, although that takes a lot more to happen, and has never happen offline. However, I've never disrespected the other player or the game agreement. I do not ragequit, ever. I never one and done. I don't try to distract or make the other player uncomfortable outside the game itself. So I don't consider myself "emotionally intelligent", really, but simply "emotionally not stupid".
@kusillomaster3728 15 күн бұрын
I'm a fan of Ken, Kazuya and Kung Lao... KKK xd
@DrunkenStinkin 15 күн бұрын
Having momentum off your knockdown shouldnt even be called "unfairness", its just the reward for you playing good. And if your opponent can do it, so can you
@ShinUltima 15 күн бұрын
One thing I wanted to touch on, re: Claw/modern fighters. It's true that modern fighters are a lot more guess-heavy than their predessors. Older games were full of guessing too, but the majority of it ws quite weighted. Not all options were equally good at all times. A lot of SF6's interactions aren't 50/50s _per se_ , but more like 33/33/34 (high/low/throw) at the most basic level. It gets alot messier with DI, so a lot of interactions are 25/25/25/25. However, I will say that despite this, SF6 on the whole isn't nearly as bad as SFV. SFV is, in my experience, "Guess Fighter: The game". Nothing is weighted there. It feels like every character is like fighting Viper or Makoto, with endless equally weighted guessing options all over the place. I've been playing SF since the arcades in 1991, and while I don't like all SF games, SFV is the only SF series I ended up _hating_ . SF6, on the other hand, I think has supplanted HF as my all-time favourite SF/fighting game. Even when I lose, even when I don't react to a DI for the 997274th time because I'm closer to 50 than 40 and my reflexes, which weren't that great in the first place, are worse now (you have to either expect the DI or stick out cancelable-only normals to reaction counter), generally, which is something even old players like myself can learn), I may get angry, but ultimately calm down and realiae I just need more practice. It sucks to lose in SF6 but it feels great to win, while in SF5 it felt bad to lose _or_ win. But regarding ST Claw: Nah, that character is _bullshit_ . He's overtuned _without_ the wall dive spam, and when you drop the actual 50/50 wall dive nonsense on top of it... Yeah, no. Even as much as I hate SFV, SFV in aggregate wasn't as stupid as ST Claw. 😂
@Fighter101network 13 күн бұрын
Yes, ST claw is a beast, but I have seen great players who use characters like Ken, Boxer, chun li, blanka, who can consistently win against top level claws, so the match is possible to handle. I agree that SFV is the worst in terms of guessing. I disliked SFV more than any fighting game I have ever played.
@ShinUltima 13 күн бұрын
@@Fighter101network Claw isn't impossible to beat. I wouldn't even say he's the best character in the game. He's just the _dumbest_ character in the game, with the most lopsided effort-to-reward ratio for his main tactic (Walldive x N) than any other character (not counting Akuma of course). That wall dive nonsense is a true 50/50, which isn't _quite_ what modern fighters use even if it feels like it sometimes LOL. (Hell, 3S Makoto was a pre-cursor to a lot of modern characters too)
@han3wmanwukong125 15 күн бұрын
I'm 1700 MR in sf6. I get pissed off about the game, but for different reasons. Even then, I do not quit the game because I can't win consistently because I'm still playing and i certainly don't win consistently. I also find it interesting the number of people who refuse to lab. There are days where instead of fighting other people, I will just lab muscle memory for combos on hit confirm (using random block) so that I can make doing these things as second nature. Also, I one and done, but only when I win, mostly when a new character comes out.
@Fighter101network 15 күн бұрын
Yeah, getting mad is not an issue, is how you behave when you are mad that becomes a big factor.
@superpowerman4354 14 күн бұрын
Some good insight here. It also takes emotional intelligence to accept the fact a game’s design just isn’t for you. Choosing the right fighting game is half the battle.
@BzaafiedTheFerocious 15 күн бұрын
As much as I understand the sentiment, there's portions I disagree with. There's a lot of manipulation that goes into fighters(and other online games) to elicit this response. These games are designed to ensure that most people outside the best 1% or worst % of players win and lose just as often, putting people into a vortex where they never feel as bad as they actually are or as good as they actually are. I don't condone quitters nor partake in it but I feel like this reflects their real life maturity no more than these games reflect a proper competitive atmosphere. In real life people stick with things they have good results in and find another hobby when they are bad at it. However by design everyone feels like they're good but not great. Everyone gets hot streaks to feel good and cold streaks to feel trash. That's not reflective of true competition; that's reflective of gambling addiction.
@hamcheese512 15 күн бұрын
Does this apply to chess?
@Fighter101network 15 күн бұрын
It applies to everything that involves competition.
@The_Slowburn 15 күн бұрын
I've never understood when people rage into headsets when playing a game. You just display to your opponent and potentially the world if they are streaming that you are highly immature.
@RandomPerson28337 15 күн бұрын
@s_factor_sam 12 күн бұрын
I think this would be more true if fighting games were more tightly designed and balanced. More like Boxing. Objectively speaking, without a sufficient amount of fairness and honor being enforced by the ruleset/game design, there can be no competitive integrity. If you're right about fighting games, then that actually means its quite pointless as a conpetitive activity and ones rine is better spent in something with actual competitive integrity. Maybe that is why I've drifted away from the genre over the last 7 years in favor of things with more integrity forced by stricter regulations and less exploitable dominant tactics. And, even though I know I have a high level of emotional intelligence/maturity and patience, I've actually been happier for playing fighting games less.
@Fighter101network 12 күн бұрын
See, but that is the issue. Competitive integrity is bent and sometimes broken even in sports that are seemingly fair. Look at the UFC and boxing. In the UFC, there are fighters that get away with poking eyes and make it seem accidental. Others get away with steroid usage due to new and unregulated substances they use that go under the testing radar. Competition and lack of honor have been part of the process forever because they involve human beings and at the end of the day, the human is an animal looking out for his safety and the safety of his pack. You got Bowyer in NASCAR, the famours case of Whitey Ford in MLB, Maradona's infamours hand of god, the list goes on and on. Does blatant cheating need to be policed? of course. Will people always try to bend the rules to a breaking point to win, you bet your keister they will. It all takes us back to what I said about people hating Claw's walldive in ST for being honorless, but MAO and endless claws will use this when they can to win official tournaments and online ranked sets.
@luigyluciano1665 15 күн бұрын
@lion144judah2 12 күн бұрын
you rack discipline .
@greatestgamer00 15 күн бұрын
man thats bars AF. i be telling this to nooblets i teahc coming from other games. If its in the game Its fair game. Their is no such thing as cheap . those who dont understand this are doomed to be stuck in the lower ranks.
@meganinten0078 15 күн бұрын
After watching this video...I feel terrible 😔 I have no control of my feelings when I play or in real life. Also I have Asperger. I guess my parents were right. If games make me feel bad then stop playing.... I give up playing fighting games.
@Fighter101network 15 күн бұрын
Well, if there a condition involved, that is another thing entirely. Indeed, if you feel it makes you feel bad, just find something that doesn't.
@capemron6330 15 күн бұрын
Ragers beat themselves. You can see it in real time, you can see your opponent getting frustrated via their gameplay. If you watch the recent SF2 tournament at CEO, there's a certain guy that's known to be a rager, and if you watch him, him and him alone was the only person showing rage and emotion during the top 8. Everyone else was cool as a cucumber. That guy beat himself, and lost a matchup that is like 7-3 in his favor. This guy has been this way for years, and it's hilarious to not see this person or hear about them for so long, only to see them again and see they haven't changed or evolved as a person at all in like a decade.
@Fighter101network 15 күн бұрын
Unfortunately, a substantial number of people never evolve into better people. Even after reaching their senior years.
@OmnipotentO 15 күн бұрын
no lies detected
@GawrGurasBathTubPizza 15 күн бұрын
wouldn't the title be "who you are fighting is a real person not a machine so respect them" i.e stop spamming throws, don't be cheap, don't win at all costs, the otherside have feelings too, don't ruin someone elses day for the sake of winning
@borraichio7216 15 күн бұрын
................................HAHAHAHAAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! You win the biggest scrub, mama's boy, entitled comment of the year! Are you for real? wake up and smell the real world that will one day shatter that little entitled dreamworld you live in.
@Fighter101network 15 күн бұрын
Oh I see, so my video needs to be about what YOU want it to be? It seems to be that you only want people to win against you with your specific set of rules and expectations. Good luck ever competing in any shape or form in games or real life. You will need it!
@morpheus8624 15 күн бұрын
In a ranked or tournament environment you Play to Win, which means using whatever (legal to the rules of the game) methods are at your disposal to get the win. There is nothing wrong with winning, or being 'cheap' or 'dishonorable' in these contexts. The game does not know about 'honor' or 'cheapness', it only knows which player's HP reached 0 first for its scoring system. It's perfectly fine to play casually too, but you can't demand that other players play to your standards. If they want to play to win, do the cheap shit, spam throws/fireballs/combos/jumps/blocking (yeah, people complain about that too) or whatever else, they are free to do so. They are not obliged to adhere to your self-imposed rules of 'honor'.
@axeoseilez3207 16 күн бұрын
If it works use it. If its cheap use it. Sounds like a scrub mindset to me. I aint saying honor should be a thing. But when you play a fighting game it shouldnt be about who the best character is. Its about who you enjoy playing. Otherwise wed constantly see bison in top 8 in sf6. I think that mindset is the reason why people dont pick up fighting games. And its sad. I play to win yes im very competitive and i learn from my mistakes just like any player does. But to call people emotionally immature or have a lack of control is frankly laughable. Its called losing your temper. Anger is a normal emotion people are allowed to express it. Just because pros like daigo dont show it at tourneys doesnt mean hes a cold machine he experiences it too. I think this topic would hold more merit. If you actually encouraged others to be allowed to vent their frustrations and move on rather than calling them emotionally immature.
@Fighter101network 16 күн бұрын
I hate to burst your bubble, but a scrub is someone who thinks that using what works is cheap. You are the poster boy of what it means to be a scrub, but it's ok, you can improve. Also, no one is calling anyone in particular emotionally immature or lacking control. This video is not a personal attack on anyone. This is an "if the shoe fits" situation. If it stings, it triggers YOU, not everyone listening. As you can check in other comments, it triggers a different response in others. Also, I have a video that clearly explains that you should pick a character you love if you play at casual levels, but this is about the nature of competitive play, so your comment is completely out of place. Last but not least, I never said people can't experience anger. We all get angry, but emotionally immature people get angry and proceed to make excuses, rage quit, etc, etc. See the difference?
@laluzdelsenor7800 16 күн бұрын
@axeoseilez3207 you reek of scrub and you are also talking out of your butt when the conversation is mentioning competitive play, not casual play.
@concertpromo9968 16 күн бұрын
"If it works use it. If its cheap use it. Sounds like a scrub mindset to me" no no no, you have it all wrong. The scrub mentality is not to accept that those things are part of the competitive environment.
@Ryuma103desires 16 күн бұрын
​@@concertpromo9968right that first sentence didn't make any sense 😂
@orochimochi-9833 15 күн бұрын
To an extent, I understand what you mean; that the competitive scene may look repetitive or dull from the outside looking in at times due to extremely effective tactics being used at high level play: (high tier characters, strong game mechanics, etc), and so in a casual perspective, this takes away the uniqueness everyone has when they use the character they enjoy the most. There are modes though in modern fighting games such as World Tour, Casual Match, and Battle Hub in SF6 to appeal to casual players, and then there are tournaments in the Battle Hub, Practice mode, as well as Ranked Match to appeal to competitive players. In ranked matches, I'd expect to come across twenty Bisons because that is a mode designed to be competitive, so I can't really complain about what I participate in. For example, for every Bison, or JP, or even Akuma main I faced, if I lost to them and called the opponent cheap or claimed they were reliant on strong characters to win, or even if I rage quit, this proves my inability to understand and/or compete in a competitive environment, because in a Ranked Match, anything goes if you get what I'm saying. If you enjoy certain merits that don't exist in the competitive mode, go to the casual content like Battle Hub since you CAN fight a greater variety of characters, fight players at different levels, and do avatar battles. Sorry for the long message, but what my whole speal is about is that; yes, the competitive scene can be frustrating, repetitive, and tedious, but game is game and the competitive scene is not the only reason new players buy a fighting game. If you can't handle the heat, then you got to stay out the kitchen.
@BlueMageWithSoulEdge 15 күн бұрын
I was with you until you said that "no honor" mess. There is honor. That is why we have rules and precisely why no one likes cheaters. Just because a glitch (or oversight) is in the game doesn't excuse the use or reliance of it. If so, then Guile's no touch toss would be the top of every SF meta, or just slap your opponent in the face before the round starts. I think what you mean [hopefully] is application and skill. There is no honor in application of skill, nor is there in skill of application, but there is honor on how the game is played and viewed. In short, what you finish with doesn't support your idea. The "no honor" spew is what an emotionally weak person would say to justify cheating.
@Fighter101network 15 күн бұрын
Let me try to explain so that you can see my point. The competitive world is a very volatile place. There is even a large old school group that is called the "no honor crew" and it is basically about understanding that there is no such thing as cheap and you can't expect your own code of conduct to apply to competitive gaming. You saying that there is honor in how the game is played and viewed is simply how you wish it was, but not how it is. You also say that a glitch being in the game does not excuse reliance or use of it, but the O.Ryu unblockable tatsu in ST is a perfect example of this. The community allows it, but you could say it is "frowned upon" still, it is allowed and people use it to win. A game is no longer a game when money is on the line. The topic revolves around competitive gaming and perhaps many of us see that world without rose colored glasses of any kind. Look at the UFC, the fighters used to jack up with steroids even when it was seen a completely dishonorable strategy, but it was still not regulated, now that it is regulated, they still get caught using them, while others use very specific steroids that are not properly classified as such and get away with it. The world of competitive sports, games, and jobs is an ugly place, and seeing it for what it is can help you tremendously in life.
@BlueMageWithSoulEdge 15 күн бұрын
@@Fighter101network I am going to throw you a bone here and repeat, what you mean is "Application of Skill" and "Skill of Application"-- that is different from Honor. Honor is the agreed acceptance on regulations by opponents and societal norms. There is no shared agreement on how you should learn, nor is there one on how you should use said learning. Honor on the other hand, makes sure we don't cheat each other. The "No Honor" crew most likely aren't "old school" because back in the day (from a person that was there), if you cheated someone (as in glitches), they would most likely saw you in the parking lot or mall lobby. You may not know but only two people went to the arcade: kids that have allowance and people that just got off work. Two people with finite money and two people that will act a fool, if they feel cheated. You are right. When money is on the line a game isn't a game; it's THE GAME. No one, especially those directly benefit from it, likes to be cheated. When money is on the table, consequences is usually right behind it. Your last paragraph is erroneous. That is WHY they are being fined, suspended, or fired. Because the use of dishonorable actions (in this case steroids) is seen as cheating. The Ryu argument isn't the example for you [that is if my bone isn't your point]. Old SF had a myriad of special things about each fighter to lord over each other [ex: Zangief's SPD range, Ken super safe DP, Guile's combo skim, Sagat stun application, etc.]. SF didn't become uniform until arguably SF3:2nd impact. Chances are it isn't a glitch, but something built into the character. He didn't lose that until Turbo, but in its place, he gained a few more tricks like the overhead. You still have to work and plan to get the reverse kick of the 'tasu for Ryu. Work that can be impeded or stopped. That is why it is allowed. Not because it is "cheap", but it is a staple of the game. Everyone else has something similar. That is the application of skill. That is a better argument to describe it for your idea, and not what you have now. It sounds like what you are asking for now, is the acceptance of cheating. Which is the opposite of the idea you presented.
@Fighter101network 15 күн бұрын
​@@BlueMageWithSoulEdge Competitive play is all about bending the rules, not breaking them. People will increase their chances as much as they can. I used to be the first one to call people honorless and even cowards for using tactics I considered cheap, so this is as much as reflection on my evolution as a person as it is for anyone else who takes it personally. Also, you assuming that the No Honor Crew can't possibly really be Old School is derived from your mistake of thinking I am saying cheating is ok. If a glitch is allowed by a community, it will be used even if frowned upon. You can't go to the parking lot and challenge the person to a real life fight for that. If anything, if you did that back in the day, the whole community would call you on it. All that said, I appreciate your time and the debate for sure!
@BlueMageWithSoulEdge 15 күн бұрын
@@Fighter101network You are not saying what you want. Your words are advocating (rather you mean it or not) for cheating. That is why we have rules, because if some honor [fair play] isn't established then it will quickly slide into blatant cheating. You have to change your argument to fit what you want. I know what you are saying and learning to play the game isn't "bending the rules" and neither is being aware to correctly use what you learn. If my opponent doesn't know about Ryu reverse 'tasu, that's not my problem-- that's his problem. If my opponent doesn't know about Zangief's SPD can grab hit boxes, that's not my problem-- that's his problem. I am not "bending the rules" if I know about the game, nor am I "bending the rules" if I know how to use characters' advantages. Glitches and oversights [things that make the game flat-out unfair] are usually banned or taken out in updates. Your closing is stupid. The "Community" isn't going to do anything, unless your "Community" is made up of close friends, but if you mean in a broad sense (as in people that play the same game) then no-- that is discord NPC tourist corporate noobie bullshit. In discord land that would happen, but in the arcades [back in the day] you would get stomped. I have been there; I have seen and been in fights around the arcade about cheating (glitches). The quickest way to see people act up is to cheat them out of money. The guy that just got off of work at 9pm, and his 5$ is his whole entertainment budget for the week, is not the person you want to infinite in MVC2. You want a delusional world. What you want can not come from what you excuse. What you want can only come from discipline. I don't know who you heard this hypocritical double speak from, but "Fair play" is a real concept. It changes from game to game, but once it is violated the principals of competition is dead.
@Fighter101network 15 күн бұрын
@@BlueMageWithSoulEdge The biggest problem is that you think you are right. I am giving my opinion and just because you think it is not correct, it doesn't mean you are changing my mind about it. I could very well say your reply is "stupid" but that kind of talk is the response of someone who feels their argument is too weak to hold up on its own. We just have to agree to disagree. In my opinion, it is you who lives in a delusional world where your ethical rules are the ones everyone should follow. Also, when did I say discipline was not needed? Competitive players use cheap stuff, but they also commit to their games with hardcore discipline. "That is why we have rules, because if some honor [fair play] isn't established then it will quickly slide into blatant cheating." This is the problem, if the game allows something, that is the fair play and that is it. You adapt to what is allowed and that is all there is to it, or you don't compete and complain all you want. You mention guile's "no touch toss" and that has been officially banned, but many other "cheap" glitches are allowed and you have to either learn to deal with them or stay out of competitive gaming in that particular title. Fair play will always be established and in competitive enviroments, people will always bend those estabished rules to the brink of breaking them. That will always be the case even if an army of bluemageswithsouledges cries to the heavens that it should be otherwise. Don't get cheating confused with using everything that is allowed and at you disposal regarless of how your opponent feels about it.
@sorubro2193 14 күн бұрын
Ive literally lost friendships because I'm a calm person that calls out emotionally unintelligent losers lmao
@Fighter101network 13 күн бұрын
They say the dumber you are, the more friends you have.
@ryu855 16 күн бұрын
I disagree wholeheartedly The reason why I disagree It's because it's a video game Made for many different reasons It has nothing to do with necessarily control Not really The video game you want to win And there's a lot of people that don't mind losing But they get mad because of How they lost Not that they lost When it comes to a real Life job You get angry You can be fired You get Angry in video game The only thing that happens is you Lose points or get Suspended Temporarily That's It There's a big difference And getting mad over video game And getting mad in real life
@dp4win-cv7zt 16 күн бұрын
if you disagree with this, you are obviously the type of person the video talks about. A rage quitter most likely. A gamepad breaking kid. Not just that, you are in serious need of some punctuation lessons.
@axeoseilez3207 16 күн бұрын
Ah another keyboard warrior quick to look at the other person's grammar. Rather than look at their argument. I do agree to an extent with his point. There is a gulf between gaming and real life. Just because a person experiences anger in a video game. It means they have a competitive personality. It's what they do afterwards with that. That's what matters. So to say this video is for you and shame him for having an opinion. I think it's hilarious. And I'm going to blatantly use bad punctuation and grammar. Just to prove my point. And walk away with a smile since I won't be responding.
@hesaidshesaidbs3360 16 күн бұрын
@@axeoseilez3207 Sorry there bud, but your logic is flawed. If you act like a little punk in video games, you are certainly not a strong minded person in real life. You can consider that a fact. Maybe that is not your case, but I have never seen a person be a brat in games and be a controlled and mature person irl.
@nellen55 15 күн бұрын
Lol this video is so bad
@Fighter101network 15 күн бұрын
You have the right to your opinion. Perhaps you want to enlighten us and say what makes it bad. Is it that it makes you feel vulnerable? Would you like someone to give you a hug?
@kentang1528 15 күн бұрын
You dislike fighting games for the wrong reasons
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