10 Worst Doctor Who Episodes According To YOU

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We’ve covered your Doctor Who favourites. Now it’s time to look at your not-so favourites…
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@user-vg5cp2ru1f Ай бұрын
The only surprise. Arachnids in the U.K. didn't make the list.
@dhelor Ай бұрын
That one still makes me angry...
@godmatt-ic3ze Ай бұрын
​@dhelor that one creeped me out not exactly a fan of spiders I got arachnophobia and the spiders were too realistic 2:44
@user-vg5cp2ru1f Ай бұрын
@@godmatt-ic3ze Proof that Chis Chibnall needed at least 1 experiecned Who writer for Jodie's first season.
@mr.vanillamilkshake3 Ай бұрын
Chris Chibnall: The Terry Nation of the Revival Era. Read: he's a hack writer who likes scenery changes and moving parts (eg. "The Chase", "The Daleks' Master Plan", "The Keys of Marinus" and "Planet of the Daleks"), but doesn't realise that that kind of style doesn't really mesh well with a single-episode runtime so all his non-serialised stories* end up half-baked despite (some) good ideas. *Even then, Flux still has problems because Chibnall crams in too many stuff, and he isn't Brandon Sanderson so none of his plot threads end up in nice positions in the ensuing avalanche. Also: does anyone else think that Brandon Sanderson writing Doctor Who would be awesome?
@elphive42 Ай бұрын
Terry Nation made up for it with some legitimately great scripts during his tenure, though - the show wouldn’t be where it is today without the Daleks, and Genesis of the Daleks is one of the Fourth Doctor’s most iconic episodes. In comparison, I can’t name one episode by Chibnall I’ve actively liked, even before he became showrunner. Dinosaurs on a Spaceship and that one episode with the cubes were downright dreadful, and I think his only episode during the Davies era was about a spaceship locked by pub trivia.
@SunniestAutumn Ай бұрын
I'd argue that there are a few killer lines in the Long Game. Maybe it's just the delivery, but I love Simon Pegg getting philosophical and asking: "Is a slave a slave if he doesn't know he's being enslaved?" and the Doctor, without half a second's pause, immediately goes: "Yes."
@arch1017 Ай бұрын
I'd choose to watch The Long Game over the WW3 two-parter or The End of the World from S1. I don't even mind the Adam subplot - mainly because it was good to see a potential companion fail to make the cut, and how that juxtaposes with Jack later on.
@judithstrachan9399 Ай бұрын
And, of course, I immediately thought, “Is a stripper being exploited if she doesn’t know she’s being exploited?”
@SunniestAutumn Ай бұрын
@@arch1017 Oh, such a good point! They are mirror opposites, the way Adam starts out as a decent guy and immediately gets opportunistic and selfish, whereas Jack starts out as a selfish and exploitative guy, but then makes a change for the better. Both of them even have a thing for Rose. I feel dumb not getting that before. Series 1 really is a gift that keeps on giving.
@aianmacpherson6190 28 күн бұрын
The forest of the night is not strong but I enjoyed it. Hell bent on the other hand left me incensed, and does so more with every rewatch.
@Jackgames-vg7cw 16 күн бұрын
is that all im gonna get from yes dr responds yes
@iamthedogtor Ай бұрын
Petition to bring Kel the council worker back
@Gigachad_cat Ай бұрын
You're stealin' from a council van, diggin' up a council road with a council pickaxe, I'M REPORTIN' YOU TO THE COUNCIL
@grace-the-poet Ай бұрын
What an icon! 😂 Love him!💗
@godmatt-ic3ze Ай бұрын
Season 2 finale could as there is a company called SLIP from a filming image which has bins and its on a council estate looking place so maybe Kel will return
@lilystagner1234 Ай бұрын
I mean, keep an eye on the DW Audiobook spaces, maybe? The unnamed and uncredited milkman who appears in one scene with zero lines in Stolen Earth came back as a major side character in The Star Beast Novelization (It's free with Spotify Premium, along with lots of other DW episode novelizations and audiobooks. Fyi).
@shazampool529 Ай бұрын
We need him back he is the goat
@BrandonMoore-a1b2c3 Ай бұрын
“…before taking an important message and delivering it in the most patronizing way possible … “. This applies to the majority of Chibnall era episodes.
@phoebejean82 Ай бұрын
Yes! I don't like MOST of his episodes
@rafiq8293 Сағат бұрын
He is so consistantly mediocre
@activatehalo7763 Ай бұрын
Legend of the Sea Devils is so bad everyone has forgotten it exists apparently.
@WhoCulture Ай бұрын
Never heard of it.
@solvseus Ай бұрын
I thought it was fine... because I missed it and heard it was terrible, so by the time I DVR'ed and watched it, I was expecting it to be as bad as Orphan 55 or Love & Mon... Benni! Where is my Benni?
@mcsnaga Ай бұрын
Without Covid restrictions .. and thus a bigger cast, Legend of the Sea Devils could have been a much better story.
@benjaminhager6285 Ай бұрын
@@WhoCulturethe biggest insult on how forgettable something is is when the channel entirely focused on the show forgot an episode even existed
@kyllerbuzcut Ай бұрын
Nothing wrong with Nightmare in Silver. It's supposed to be the far far future, with the Cybermen at their most advanced they ever get. Matt Smith's worst episode is Power of 3, by a long, long way! Tennant's worst I would actually say was Idiot's Lantern, THEN Fear Her coming up behind that. Most of the other choices, I can definitely see how the are chosen
@Enigmanaut Ай бұрын
Orphan 55 is like a slam poem where someone gets on stage, says random things, then finishes by saying "Climate Change" before dropping the mic and walking off the stage. It's bizzarely bad.
@jawstrock2215 11 күн бұрын
It's also very badly edited, with jump in the story that made no sense.
@Millionsofpeas 6 күн бұрын
But the pacing so bizarrely breakneck that at least it doesn't feel boring. The tooth man season finale was so much worse because its' pacing was slow.
@JackArcherX Ай бұрын
Part of the reason Love & Monsters has had a rennaissance is that, if they hadn't shown the Abzorbaloff and kept it as just the characters disappearing one by one, the episode's concept would've been brilliant and chilling. Between that and the BJ joke, it's what killed it.
@johnnotrealname8168 Ай бұрын
Yeah as much as I like 10, the innuendo was really disturbing and felt inappropriate knowing I watched all this as a child as well.
@JohnFromAccounting 21 күн бұрын
Love and Monsters is a good episode.
@anneclough7064 11 күн бұрын
Yes, Love and Monsters is brilliant until the Abzorbaloff is shown. They could have ended the episode without showing the faces of his victims having been absorbed and when his cane is destroyed have Ursula appear out of it as she did not get completely taken by him. Then she and Elton could live "happily ever after" without that sick joke.
@PetersonZF 9 күн бұрын
It's brilliant until about 10-15 minutes from the end, then it hits rock bottom at breakneck pace.
@Millionsofpeas 6 күн бұрын
The blowjob joke is one of the funniest lines ever aired on television.
@jd_music23 Ай бұрын
I feel Aliens of London/world war 3 is so underrated! I get why people dislike it but like the video says it has a lot going for it. I honestly think if you took out the fart jokes (which yes, there are a lot of!) And gave the slitheen a better look everything else would be perfect! The development of Rose, her family and the Doctor's relationship is just a brilliant story especially with the through line of the Doctor keeping Rose safe. This alongside the political elements (how they're incorporated more than what they are) and the intro of Harriet Jones as well as understated re-introduction of UNIT. Also the slitheen's plan is really well thought out and (farts aside) the genuine menace and presence they have in the story is really well excecuted. Also, the pacing overall alongside the genuinely scary moments, build of the mystery and twists alongside the exploration of what an alien invasion would actually look like in modern britian; every element just comes together and they all build on eachother to tell a great story! I think it's honestly one of the best stories in RTD's era and is really the episode that brought doctor who into the modern day. You just have to get past the cringe! 😬 same as love and monsters I think (for getting past the cringe I mean - which has much more painful cringe admitedly)
@marionbaggins Ай бұрын
RTD Cringe IMO is hard to watch. I don't feel great watching it. And that is most of his Time.
@jd_music23 Ай бұрын
@@marionbaggins i agree. I think his cringe is the most painful out of all the DW showrunner cringe. But I just find what he does well (which personally I find a lot) is really good and engaging so I can forgive it.
@3mpt7 16 күн бұрын
Politicians: fat, incompetent, ignorant, hostile to their own country, probably alien, and blowing a whole load of hot air. Also, horribly vicious and lethal predators behind closed doors, and gaslighting everyone on TV. The fart jokes had their place--and if I remember correctly, were completely absent in Boom Town.
@jd_music23 11 күн бұрын
@@3mpt7 I don't disagree and understood that as the reason too so it is good satire in some ways. I just think more that the fart jokes didn't seem to go down well with a lot of the audience and was maybe too early to bring in such humour when trying to make the show reputable again as many fans wanted it to take itself seriously from what I understand. (But anyway I spoke too soon as we got Space Babies with it's many bodily fluid jokes 🤣) But I mean regardless it's not something I mind too much. It wasn't a deal breaker and I agree re why the jokes are in there too! I still personally found it a bit cringe 😅 which is fine. All allowed our personal tastes.
@3mpt7 10 күн бұрын
@jd_music23 Thought it was the best two parter of the series, myself, but had a friend who was horrified. If you fit a big thing inside a little thing, it's going to make some strange noises, regardless of satire, getting in and out. Another weird and disgusting. scene was when they shot the squealing modified pig that had no weapons, and the Doctor was upset over it, and the showrunners never repeated it, unfortunately. The first series was dirty, grimy, among council flats, and people were often eating, kissing, farting, suffering from rope burns, making use of the rubbish bins, going to the ladies' room, getting dirty, tortured, flirting, and introducing Captain Jack Harkness. Strange that full nudity and graphic murders and alien sex on TV is acceptable, but normal gas exchange has viewers turn the TV off. The Curse of the Fatal Death is similar.
@stifynbaker2914 Ай бұрын
It's not 'rumoured' that Nightmare in Silver was rewritten by Moffat - it's been DIRECTLY STATED, by Gaiman himself, when explaining why he won't write for the series again.
@EterPuralis 12 күн бұрын
Where? All I've seen him mention is directing/producing which may as well just be referring to visuals and pacing
@EskoBomb 23 күн бұрын
I like how they said this is going to be the 10 worst episodes of Doctor who and then proceed to make it too bad episodes from each doctor's generation when in reality like it was literally probably 80% chipnal episodes on that list
@CraftingMenace 12 күн бұрын
Honestly could have just had 2 lists, one with Chibnall era and one with everything else.
@PetersonZF 8 күн бұрын
Well, they did that with best episodes when they just deliberately left Blink and Heaven Sent out because they'd 'obviously win'.
@malloryjones5393 Ай бұрын
The Widow episode is actually one of my favorites…Madge’s grief over her husband’s loss always chokes me up.
@anneclough7064 11 күн бұрын
Yes there are so many Smith episodes I hate and yet they pick one of my favourites to be on this list! I would have chosen, The Time of the Doctor, The Curse of the Black Spot, Dinosaurs on a SpaceShip, The Dalek Asylum, A Town Called Pity or Journey to the Centre of the Tardis.
@-NiamhWitch- 8 күн бұрын
Same here! That scene always gets me a bit teary. I love that episode.
@DoctorPretorious616 Ай бұрын
No "Love and Monsters" or "The Timeless Children"? I demand a recount!
@toxicinferno Ай бұрын
Love and Monsters might be a bad episode overall, but at its core, it has some pretty interesting ideas. Focusing on a group who are trying to track down the Doctor is a clever perspective, and the Abzorbaloff, despite being poorly executed, is one of Doctor Who's more frightening concepts for a villain. The episode is not good overall, but it has a few redeeming features. Arguably, the Tennant episodes included in this list have fewer redeeming qualities overall.
@solvseus Ай бұрын
@@toxicinferno "We even have a bit of a lovelife..." 🤨
@MarcelNL Ай бұрын
Agreed, I don't understand the hate. Yeah the monster looks really dumb, but all in all I did enjoy the episode. @@toxicinferno
@kanton4108 Ай бұрын
@@toxicinferno I agree. It had some fun characters that I enjoyed seeing. The whole group was doomed though, something we could see from the start. But I still enjoyed seeing what the characters would do. I don't remember what happens after Rose yells at Elton for upsetting her mum.
@toxicinferno Ай бұрын
@@solvseus And that would be one of the terrible moments!
@phlippy Ай бұрын
I'm honestly shocked about the long game. Like I know it wasn't everyone's favorite episode or anything, but honestly the mystery of what's going on and Adam's ultimate downfall are really fun and keep me going back to the episode. Maybe that's just my bad taste idk
@phillazenby5351 16 күн бұрын
I agree
@itsallrigged7295 Ай бұрын
Let’s be honest if you hadn’t restricted it to 2 stories per doctor this list would be quite different lol
@Millionsofpeas 6 күн бұрын
Yeah then every single episode moffat wrote as showrunner would be in there
@apoloartemis9038 23 сағат бұрын
@@Millionsofpeas Chibnall with Orphan 69, legend of sea devils and arachnids in the uk
@hammerman199374 Ай бұрын
Three disagreements: 1) So, yes, the Slitheen episodes are bad, but they're watchable bad. Love and Monsters is just plain unwatchable. 2) Granted: The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe is probably the weakest of all the Christmas episodes, but it's still enjoyable to watch. If that's really the worst that Moffat and Smith could do, than that's something worth celebrating. 3) Sure, In the Forest of the Night was not a great concept, but I thought it was actually executed rather well despite that. What was really terrible was the stupid sand monsters in Sleep No More. That one just made no sense.
@arthurmartin4616 Ай бұрын
Can agree with the forest of the night episode. If they dropped the part about not taking mental health meds, it would be better though.
@ospero7681 Ай бұрын
Giving each Doctor the same amount of episodes on the list is being unfair on Eccleston. If it were stuck in any other Doctor's run, Aliens of London wouldn't be anywhere near the bottom (hah!) of the list.
@whoviandax8053 Ай бұрын
Sleep No More is the worst!
@idle_speculation Ай бұрын
Love And Monsters is fine until the Abzorbaloff is revealed
@KarenS19 Ай бұрын
Agreed. I couldn't believe sleep no more wasn't on here.
@RaggedyDoctor11 Ай бұрын
10. Orphan 55 9. Orphan 55 8. Orphan 55 7. Your mum 6. Orphan 55 5. Orphan 55 4. Orphan 55 3. Orphan 55 2. Orphan 55 1. BENNIIII
@solvseus Ай бұрын
Benni!?! Where is my Benni?
@kanton4108 Ай бұрын
@@solvseus I hope he's burning in Hell! lol
@kuggacouragegx6093 Ай бұрын
@douglaswolfen7820 Ай бұрын
This feels more like a list of "least liked" episodes than a list of "most hated" ie it seems to prioritise the dull and forgettable episodes, rather than the despicable and hateable ones
@SunniestAutumn Ай бұрын
I'd argue those are the worst ones. At least the "most hated" episodes tend to split opinions and are somewhat fun to talk about or roast, but when was the last time you talked about Ranskoor Av Kolos? I mean, I sometimes reference "What are the mysterious Ux" to my friends at times, but we're autistic.
@douglaswolfen7820 Ай бұрын
@@SunniestAutumn I guess you're right actually
@douglaswolfen7820 Ай бұрын
Especially about Ranskoor Av Kolos. There was so little to that episode that I actually went back a few days later to watch the ending. I was convinced that I must have stopped watching part way through, because I couldn't remember any kind of impactful ending. By the time I got to the end, I realised I had watched it all the first time. It just made _that little_ of an impact that I assumed I must have missed something
@scottgodfrey7118 Ай бұрын
@@SunniestAutumn You have a good point. Doctor Who works best when it either sucks or is brilliant. Terrible episodes are part of the trade off so forgettable episodes are worse than bad ones.
@ninjakiwi0 27 күн бұрын
i mean tbf, if it was episodes most hated, it would just be jodie whitaker episodes 💀💀
@mrwittyone Ай бұрын
The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos ? I have absolutely no memory of that episode whatsoever. Did I even see it?
@Myne1001 Ай бұрын
Not long ago Chibnall confirmed that he literally wrote it one night because of time limits. I seriously want someone to do a deep dive into the behind the scenes of the Chibnall era, because there was something more than just bad writing going on.
@DrGamingPlays Ай бұрын
I had completely forgotten about Orphan 55 until you brought it up again. I think I need to go hide behind the sofa now...
@homersimpson118 Ай бұрын
I think Aliens of London is very serious and realistic. Politicians - a bunch of monsters disguised in skin suits giggling and farting. You can see that every day on BBC Parliament.
@johnnotrealname8168 Ай бұрын
The fart jokes are odd but it and the sequel to it were good in my view.
@AllThePiecesMatter_ Ай бұрын
For me, even 9's weaker stories were lifted by Eccleston and Piper's performances and the fact that his one series had some absolute bangers! 10 had some weak stories like New Earth, Idiot's Lantern, Fear Her, Lazarus Experiment, Doctor's Daughter but again, amongst this were some terrific episodes. I'll be honest, I haven't rewatched 11, 12 or 13 as often but for me they all had just as many weak stories and far fewer highlights.
@marionbaggins Ай бұрын
10 had a lot in his first 2 seasons and some of his specials. And I found them hard to watch.
@calumbishop7082 Ай бұрын
The Moffat era's (11 and 12) quality arguably goes in a U shape. Series 5 and 10 are near perfect, Series 6 and 9 are mostly good, with bad final episodes. Series 7 and 8 have big problems, although they still have episodes that are good. With the exception of a few individual episodes here and there Chibnall era/13th Doctor era just isn't good. Series 11 is especially bad, Series 13 have some decent episodes (I like the Sonataran one). Series 12 is mostly ok, but with the exception of 'Haunting of Villa Diodati' nothing really becomes great.
@dogswifty7800 Ай бұрын
The Lazarus Experiment is only good when the Doctor and Lazarus come to blows about their conflicting ideals
@FinallyImIn1 8 күн бұрын
@@dogswifty7800 Yes, they were like moral tennis matches between them. I think a lot of the hate towards this episode is the dated CGI monster.
@whom382 8 күн бұрын
God New Earth is so terrible. Watching it once was one too many.
@rof2877 Ай бұрын
I am shocked that The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe is considered the worst 11 episode as if the Power of Three doesn't exist
@novawolf_gaming Ай бұрын
Power of Three is a great story until the end
@Myne1001 Ай бұрын
I think most people on re-watch just watch the scenes of 11 being bored in Amy & Rory's house then switch it off before it nose dives
@PetersonZF 9 күн бұрын
And Closing Time!
@DasGreenCow 8 күн бұрын
Daleks take Manhattan / The Angels take Manhattan are both worse in my mind
@LenHazell Ай бұрын
If you had simply done ten worst new Who episodes over all, I personally think the whole Chibnall era would have blown everyone else out of the water.
@badfairy9554 Ай бұрын
I only liked Jo Martin has The Doctor, under chibnat.
Ай бұрын
I came here to write a similar comment, well said...
Ай бұрын
​@@badfairy9554not necessarily an "episode", yet I agree. Jo Martin's doctor was one of the handful of things which were decent about chibbs' era. Too bad even the character itself was later (well, not much later, just at the end of the same season) linked to the worst possible idea that was devised in the entire new series.
@badfairy9554 Ай бұрын
@ Jo was cool with a Powerful stance. Awesome hair. She had a plan.
@tracyroweauthor Ай бұрын
totally agree.
@Calvero52 Ай бұрын
I remember not liking In The Forrest of the Night because I thought it soooo unrealistic to have it take place in London, city of millions of people, and so few of them out on the street. If it had been a small village, yeah, that's more believable... But LONDON? Pfftt. And then Covid happened....
@paultapner2769 Ай бұрын
Problem I have with that episode is that the things were supposed to protect Earth from extinction level events. But they clearly did absolutely nothing when that exploding freighter hit 65 million years ago. Maybe they just didn't like Adric...
@jamesweatherley7764 Ай бұрын
@@paultapner2769 The trees were wise indeed!
@EterPuralis 12 күн бұрын
​​@@paultapner2769oooor that's the event that made them decide they needed the protection plan?
@jameskeeling5278 Ай бұрын
How about doing a "Top 10 OK episodes" list next? I think that would be fun
@PetersonZF 8 күн бұрын
And a "Top 10 Meh Episodes".
@fkez0510 10 күн бұрын
I really like Nightmare in Silver simply because of Matt Smith's performance. He is just incredible 😂
@clarinetguyuk Ай бұрын
The twist in Orphan 55 was the real crowner for that episode. Not only was it so obviously telegraphed, but it's not even the first time that exact same twist has been pulled in Doctor Who (the other being a middling-to-poor Colin Baker story).
@metalcollection1 Ай бұрын
Ok, I don't understand "fans". Nightmare in Silver? Seriously? There are like 10 worse episodes in the last 3 seasons alone. Kill the Moon and In The Forest Of The Night were just boring, but not that bad. The Long Game was ok. I can agree with the rest of the list to some extent. I'm surprised Sleep No More is not here.
@johnnotrealname8168 Ай бұрын
Kill the Moon was pretty fun if accidentally a pro-life episode.
@seasnek7024 7 күн бұрын
Timeless Child too
@Maeve_Rose Ай бұрын
Capaldi talking to the kids in The Forest of the Night was the best fucking part of that episode. just "oh my god, Meadb is gone!" :O "Meadb is gonna die!" "AAAH!"
@badfairy9554 Ай бұрын
that's Pepper Pig.🌳🐷🌳🌳🌳🐺🐯
@AnotherStatsGuy Ай бұрын
You could write an entire comedy special out of interactions like these.
@RedactedYoutubeBrowser Ай бұрын
The best part is that you dont usually realise how bad these episodes are until someone else points it out... "HEY THATS A COUNCIL ROAD!"
@conwarlock3537 Ай бұрын
The weakest Moffat story being the forest Christmas special says a lot about Moffat, it was still pretty alright.
@arch1017 Ай бұрын
Aye. And yet people still reckon he has lower lows than the other showrunners.
@thetimeshadow6769 Ай бұрын
@@arch1017 That's bc he does.
@ftumschk Ай бұрын
@@arch1017 Blimey, they must be blinkered! I'll take Moffat's lows before the lows of Chibnall, JNT, Graham Williams or even the sainted RTD.
@thetimeshadow6769 Ай бұрын
That Christmas Special doesnt deserve to be known as his worst episode. That episode was good but he has written some unforgiveable disasters.
@phoenyx.21 Ай бұрын
​@@thetimeshadow6769 if you dare say Hell Bent...
@AnotherStatsGuy Ай бұрын
For Forest, the Doctor is actually criticizing not listening to children. It’s just he’s terrible at saying it. I’m actually surprised Forest rated so low. The Doctor with the school children has always been entertaining.
@JohnFromAccounting 21 күн бұрын
Because there wasn't a problem and nobody needed to do anything. The forest protected the Earth from a solar flare. That's it.
@MichaelJohnson-kq7qg 15 күн бұрын
​@@JohnFromAccountingwhich isn't actually a bad thing.
@StephenLeGresley Ай бұрын
How the hell is "The Timeless Children" not in the top 2?
@Graxer Ай бұрын
I'm amazed Love and Monsters wasn't worse rated than Fear Her. I found Fear Her a bit silly, but quite fun and have watched it a few times. I was so disappointed by Love and Monsters that I have never watched it again, always skipping it on season rewatches. The only other episode that I have done that for is Gridlock which I am also amazed wasn't included (I didn't do rewatches of doctors after Ten in the same way).
@larryspoon Ай бұрын
Petition to bring back Bannakaffalatta 🔻
@TA-zq3ez Ай бұрын
He ded
@larryspoon Ай бұрын
@@TA-zq3ez Knowing Doctor Who, theyll proably find a way to bring him back
@CodenameJD 8 күн бұрын
So like... this isn't actually a list of the ten worst episodes though. It's a list of each Doctor's two worst. If this were actually a list of the ten worst episodes, 9 wouldn't even appear on this list; his worst don't even come close to the other entries here. Aliens in London was the first episode I watched. Yes, okay, the fat jokes are inappropriate and the fart jokes were juvenile. The actual story is awesome, though. All of the other episodes you mentioned in passing as bad episodes for other Doctors are FAR worse.
@TheSamLowry Ай бұрын
The most embarrassing thing about "Nightmare in Silver" is no one had the nards to tell Gaiman he'd unintentionally re-created the Borg. Didn't George Harrison have to buy the rights to "He's So Fine" to deal with a similar oopsie?
@mrwittyone Ай бұрын
Sleazeball ex-Beatles manager Allen Klein did, through his record company ABKCO, and then sold it to Harrison, originally for $1.6 million. But the court ruled that thanks to Klein's duplicity in the case, George would only have to pay $587,000 - the same amount that Klein himself had bought the song for (working against the ex-Beatles' interests). Also, despite the ruling, I don't think the two songs sound that similiar. Both were derived from the hymn "Oh Happy Day," but because George had 'heard' the Chiffons song (really, who hasn't?? How could you avoid hearing it if you were alive during the early sixties?), he was found libel.
@rustybrooks8916 Ай бұрын
Eh, I think it's fair. The Borg are basically a rip off of the Cybermen, so I don't see a problem with them borrowing from each other at this point.
@karlmilne6446 Ай бұрын
@@rustybrooks8916yeah that was I what I was thinking as well. I am not sure a lot of newer viewers of Doctor Who realize how much the borg were similar to the cybermen of the original run of Doctor Who.
@supremeoverlorde2109 Ай бұрын
My personal least favorites for each Modern Doctor: Ninth Doctor: The Long Game - The only 9 story I genuinely don't like. The villains and side characters are uninteresting, and there's not even much good Doctor and Rose stuff to counteract it. Tenth Doctor: The Idiot's Lantern - So many annoying characters in this one. The Wire also has to be one of the most irritating and badly executed DW villains ever. Eleventh Doctor: The Wedding of River Song - I'm sorry, but I found this to be such a disappointing ending for River's story arc. Convoluted and largely uninteresting to me. Twelfth Doctor: The Caretaker - While this story isn't THAT terrible by itself, it's hard for me to get over how the Doctor treats Danny. I usually love Twelve, but I could not stand his behavior here and it dragged down the whole experience. Thirteenth Doctor: The Timeless Children - Honestly, I'm not even that big a hater of the Timeless Child as a concept. I don't LOVE it, but I think what really killed it for me was the execution. There was so much exposition dumping in this story, it's ridiculous.
@novawolf_gaming Ай бұрын
Interesting... Some very meh stories here for sure, for me it's 9: The Long Game - I honestly agree with everything you said 10: Fear Her - Honestly the same reasons as The Long Game, very boring, concept was... ok but meh... the execution sucked 11: Let's Kill Hitler - I mean its bad just cuz of association but I also think the whole "River was born to kill The Doctor" was completely pointless since we know he doesn't die then, so the whole plot was pointless 12: Kill the Moon - Ultimately, this is a horrendous story where the only good bit is the end, characters are boring, I hated Courtney and found her unbearable 13: Orphan 55 - Preachy, boring, bland characters, bland villains (Can they be called a Villain?) And just the worst written script ever
@paulbeardsley4095 13 күн бұрын
"There was so much exposition dumping in this story" What do you mean, too much exposition? That wasn't a problem at all! Oh, except for the part when the Master tied up the Doctor and talked at her nonstop! ;)
@kathleendavidson3316 Ай бұрын
I am absolutely floored that the episode with the Doctor fan club which slowly got absorbed by a monster and culminated with the main character's girlfriend turned into a paving stone didn't make the list along with the one where everyone was being chased by a monster made out of sleep dust. The song Mr Sandman deserved so much better.
@Cyberzombie23 Ай бұрын
Definitely the eye boogey episode should be on the list at #1. Absolute garbage.
@shawnrobinson981 Ай бұрын
I would probably put the entire 13th Doctor series on this list .... especially the timeless children
@badfairy9554 Ай бұрын
@idle_speculation Ай бұрын
It had its moments. You can’t seriously tell me you think Village of the Angels is on the same level as Fear Her
@badfairy9554 Ай бұрын
@@idle_speculation 🤔
@R.senals_Arsenal Ай бұрын
I see how you distributed amongst Doctors so no One would get over-represented in awfulness. I see what you did there. Seriously for Chibs entire run I count 9 episodes worth a rewatch. Just 9. (277, 279, 282, 284, 287, 290, 293, 297a, 298) All the rest I kinda wish were rewritten or scrapped. I feel bad for JW ☹
@mr.vanillamilkshake3 Ай бұрын
I recommend "The Good Doctor" by Juno Dawson, "Combat Magicks" by Steve Cole, "At Childhood's End" by Sophie Aldred, and that version of "The Wizard of Oz" featuring Missy as the Wicked Witch of the West. Also, Doctor Who Magazine.
@R.senals_Arsenal Ай бұрын
@@mr.vanillamilkshake3 I actually own some of those books but I've only read At Childhood's End, which just made me more upset at Power of the Doctor as Chibs wrote it for Sophie as if her book was just fanfic. The only one I don't have is the Missy thing, I'll look for that. I read the Missy Chronicles and enjoyed it.
@novawolf_gaming Ай бұрын
Hmmm Woman Who Fell to Earth, The Ghost Monument, Resolution, Haunting of Villa Diodati, War of the Sontarans, Village of the Angels, Eve of the Daleks, Power of the Doctor Can't think of a 9, although I guess Revolution of the Daleks, I personally dislike that story but alot rate it as the best of the Chibnall era
@R.senals_Arsenal Ай бұрын
@@novawolf_gaming Our lists are varied. Only Woman Who Fell to Earth and Eve of the Daleks in common.
@novawolf_gaming Ай бұрын
@@R.senals_Arsenal Damn really? I recommend rewatching the stories I listed, great stories
@tardistrailers Ай бұрын
I actually got a migraine watching "The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe" on Christmas Day back then. Where is "Sleep No More" on this list?
@Butterwinke 18 күн бұрын
Limiting this list to two per modern Doctor is just unfair when certain Doctors have just a higher proportion of completely awful episodes compaired to the others.
@danielpratt237 Ай бұрын
I have real frustrations about Tamsin Greig and Bill Bailey both making this list. I loved Black Books back before Doctor Who, and it feels so bad that they got done dirty. At least Nick Frost and Jessica Hynes got some great parts in Who, but I’ve always wondered if there’s a Who writer out there biding his time to slot in a character perfect for Dylan Moran.
@hifive789 Ай бұрын
The Long Game is criminally underrated.
@rustybrooks8916 Ай бұрын
Nightmare in Silver is one of my favorite episodes of Doctor Who. Of course, it does drastically overpower the Cybermen and I can see why they might want to forget about their whole super upgrade ability that was on display.
@spaceagepenguin Ай бұрын
I’m gonna say it, Nightmare In Silver is immensely underrated! It’s easily one of my favorites with a tense pace, and a feeling of real stakes to it, I also love the 11th’s interaction with Mr. Clever and the idea of a Cyberwar going on with the sacrifices that were made to ensure the Cybermen’s eradication
@end3rr362 Ай бұрын
Orphan 55 was pretty cringe especially at the end but it did have one of the best one liners of Jodie Whitakers. Kane : "You can't build an ionic membrane from scratch." The Doctor : "If I had crayons and half a can of Spam, I could build YOU from scratch."
@vapx0075 3 күн бұрын
That was funny. If only I could edit out the ending it would've been a'right for me. Not asking for much, mind.
@AndyTheRoo Ай бұрын
Yeah, I quit at Aliens of London/WW3 You can't have a top 10 worst episodes without Arachnids in the UK, Tsuranga Conundrum , The Vanquishers or Legend of the Sea Devils. I don't care if you've got a Doctor limit.
@andynovak8347 4 күн бұрын
Kill the Moon, the Long Game, In the Forest of the night are brilliant and apparently underappreciated in the fandom :) I will especially single out Kill the Moon because it not only has the Big philosophy of "should we prevent this life from existing? it Might be a threat to us", but Also the Small philosophy of "should He have helped?... no I mean Really... helped?...".... both of which I find to be great questions exactly fitting of the Dr. Who kind of provocative questioning! It's exactly why I love that episode where he take Missy out on a test run with Bill and nardole, specifically the line where Bill says "She's a Murderer!" and the Doctor responds with "Are you enjoying your bacon sandwich?... Because it had a mummy and a daddy!" Great point by a Great show!
@grahamcann1761 Ай бұрын
Seán thank you for helping out with the extra load while Ellie is recovering. Hope Ellie if feeling/getting better. And as always, thank you all so very much for the videos.
@Concreteowl 23 күн бұрын
Kill the Moon is is a really good episode. The main gripe seems to be the moon is an egg. This is Doctor Who. Weirder things happen. Creatures made of eye dust, creatures made of snot, space whales carrying a UK themed space colony.
@3mpt7 16 күн бұрын
I couldn't watch it. I expect the writers wanted the Earth to be the egg, but were reminded that the Racnoss called dibs. I watched a similar thing happen in Gurren Lagann. Turned out the Moon had been replaced by a giant Death Star installation, and the real Moon was hidden in a pocket dimension, and had to be towed back out again. I lost the plot with Doctor Who when it took Friendship is Magic seriously in the Martha Jones finale.
@Concreteowl 6 күн бұрын
@@3mpt7 yet you sat through the world is saved through the Olympic torch of love episode?
@3mpt7 6 күн бұрын
@Concreteowl Uh...if I remember correctly, that episode had a little girl's fears come to life, and the monster of the week was her deceased dad, held back by a little Australian song about a kookaburra, from the girl and her mother. That was okay. The Olympic torch was a symbol of hope, not of love, I remember that. The rest of it is a blank. It's entirely probable that the episode could have been rewritten to have everyone who disappeared actually die, like the 2D monsters in Capaldi's run. But I think the key difference was that it was an alien floating psychic flower that did it, in a bottle episode, not the almost human main character who relies on gadgets and is pretty stuck without a TARDIS. Basically turned timelords into psychic vampires, or leeches, that episode. Not a good thing to see in a multi part season finale.
@igorschmidlapp6987 Ай бұрын
No spoiler, but, the TARDIS made a cameo appearance on the latest episode of "Young Sheldon". It was really funny...
@PetersonZF 8 күн бұрын
Didn't have the balls to just do the ten worst overall because them mostly being Jodie Whittaker episodes would look bad for the optics. ;)
@Cyberzombie23 Ай бұрын
The Lazarus Experiment is genuinely one of the most terrible episodes ever, not just forgettable.
@julienneaves790 6 күн бұрын
Benny! Benny! Her voice still haunts me. And hard agree on Fear Her, Long Game, In the Forest of the Night, and Kill the Moon.
@25Leprechaun 15 күн бұрын
No memorable dialogue? "Is a slave a slave if they don't know their a slave?" Is something I quote and think about often
@pre-debutera6941 Ай бұрын
Yeah, The Lazarus Experiment is worse than Love and Monsters and Fear Her.
@septer3528 8 күн бұрын
"It's like counting down to a holiday and realizing it's a dentist appointment." 😂😂😂
@Goodiesfanful Ай бұрын
One definite worst is the episode where the moon turns out to be an egg.
@sambromley7616 Ай бұрын
"surprisingly successful given he's basically a plank of wood with a smug face drawn on." is absolute top-tier writing and frankly peak journalism. Bravo. 👏👏👏
@kevin10001 Ай бұрын
I think the forest of the night isn’t as bad as people make it out to be having the trees rise up to protect the earth from the massive solar flare while having the trees talking to one girl to help them explain what’s about to happen but her parents don’t understand what’s going on with her is an interesting concept it may not have been executed perfectly but the episode is still watchable
@kanton4108 Ай бұрын
What about the little girl's older sister? She only appears at the end of the episode behind a bush. I know there were some cut scenes, but I think some scenes explaining the situation better were also cut.
@johnnotrealname8168 Ай бұрын
I thought it was good.
@thelastofthetimelords9043 Ай бұрын
My issue with the Doctor the widow and the wardrobe. was a simple one. The trees were Androzani trees the forest rangers came from Androzani major. It would have just been a great way to call back to the caves of Androzani. One of Doctor Whos strongest stories.
@_Carmela_ Ай бұрын
I'm surprised that he did not mention The Timeless Children!😂 Every Doctor Who fan disliked that episode!😂
@mcsnaga Ай бұрын
I have been a DW fan since 1972 and loved The Timeless Children. I know fans complained about The Deadly Assassin ruining the Time Lords (it didn't) or that other stories negatively revealed things about the Doctor or the Time Lords (8th Doctor half-human), but TTC added more mythos and more mystery .. and did it in a fun, exciting and intriguing story .. fof me at least.
@_Carmela_ Ай бұрын
@@mcsnaga I'm pretty sure that The Doctor is still half-human!😂
@roryfairlie6784 Ай бұрын
Honestly I thought it was a pretty solid episode other than the obvious Timeless Child in the room
@kaiateya Ай бұрын
I don't mind the timeless child arc, but I thought the episode itself was kinda meh. Too much exposition. Too much tell, too little show.
@malloryjones5393 9 күн бұрын
It wasn’t a perfect episode, but I do like the idea. The Timeless Child idea basically allows for infinite regenerations, instead of locking in a specific number.
@peterdixon7734 Ай бұрын
In theory, a story (episode or collection of episodes), whether Doctor WHO, Star Trek, or anything else, should be good enough to stand on its own feet - and able to work in some other setting (if appropriately tweaked). Writers and producers often seem to forget this tenet, and the problems of quality control and time pressure have not really been totally solved in 60+ years. Some stories are "carried" by the charisma and talent of the actors. (There are, of course, stories which are Doctor WHO specific and address aspects of the Doctor WHO universe, but, even then, the story content should be substantive.) You have to ask: if this were not a Doctor WHO episode, would it hold my attention if I stumbled upon it? There also has to be a substantive "Doctor WHO element" in the story without its being shoehorned in (e.g., "Demons of the Punjab" and "Rosa"). I know that it is difficult to achieve all of this in the overall package, but that is the job spec.
@nwgverified Ай бұрын
Long game is underrated
@richardgurney1844 Ай бұрын
Has anyone actually watched that Slitheen 2-parter recently? It's seriously overhated! I get it - the farts do undermine the tone of the story and weaken the enemy design of the Slitheen. But actually, there's only 1 scene where the farts go overboard and it's only about a minute long. Every other time it's just passing by without much attention drawn to it. ...and that's it. Yes the farts are a downside to this story, but it's such a small part (like, less than 5 minutes or so out of an entire 2-parter!) that it really is a shame that people seem to ignore everything else about the episodes - because it's pretty solid for the most part! With just a little tolerance, you're in for a story featuring a genuinely fascinating mystery surrounding an alien first-contact that isn't all it seems - the introduction of fan-favorite Harriet Jones - Eccleston's great performance in mourning the death of a space pig - gripping family dynamics with the Tylers - and a thrilling tail-end where the Tardis Team need to stop the end of the world whilst trapped in a locked room There's a lot to like. Definitely rather competent
@CraftingMenace 12 күн бұрын
Honestly I agree. While it's juvenile as is, I think that if instead of the actual farts it had just been limited to bowel noises and stomach grumbles in general, it'd be much less hated. I actually enjoy the idea of a skin walker situation where the antagonist has a tell that's very obvious, but only if you know it's a tell.
@bardlover6 Ай бұрын
I have only watched Love and Monsters twice. When I got my brother into Who, I told him he was on his own with that one.
@user-gl7te5sj5f Ай бұрын
Honestly, I like In the Forest of the Night. It gives a nice change from 'everything is trying to kill me' to 'i think it's trying to kill me but it's actually not.' I could see why someone might not like it but it is a fairly good episode to just put on and ignore. Also I like the tiger.
@robo3007 Ай бұрын
These are my 10 least favourite: 10. The Husbands of River Song 9. Love and Monsters 8. The Vanquishers 7. The Lodger 6. Dinosaurs on a Spaceship 5. Let's Kill Hitler 4. Closing Time 3. Arachnids in the UK 2. Hell Bent 1. The Timeless Children
@johnnotrealname8168 Ай бұрын
I used to hate Hell Bent but I re-watched it and enjoyed it a lot.
@TA-zq3ez Ай бұрын
Why is Husbands of River Song here
@HP-ej3bo 23 күн бұрын
Fear her would instantly become one of the best stories if 10 was tackled after lighting the Olympic torch.
@jasonyoung7705 Ай бұрын
No, "kill the moon" deserves MUCH more hate.
@Cyberzombie23 Ай бұрын
It is so bad on so many levels. It is definitely not just forgettable. It deserves hatred and spite for existing.
@Kingman-13 28 күн бұрын
As a child, nightmare in silver was one of my favourites.
@nebula8851 22 күн бұрын
Love and Monsters largely gets a pass now because it was clearly written around a Blue Peter contest winner for a villain, and the actual plot of the episode itself aside from THOSE moments isn't awful. Fear Her, whilst doing a good job at dealing with a relatable issue for many people, is just spread too thin, and has the unfortunate issue of being dated. As for a few other choices brought up: Sleep No More was mid UNTIL the ending reveal. That alone basically keeps the episode out of the bottom 10 for me. Arachnids in the UK is mid. Not actually unwatchable, just mid. The horror elements are pretty neat though. Timeless Children was... okay. Though, definitely far too much exposition. Now, in terms of worst season overall? Probably season 7. 11 would be lowest, but Demons of the Punjab clears everything from season 7.
@user-xv1gj3kx5m Ай бұрын
I had completely forgotten about Orphan 55, so what does that say?
@lordofthereels6790 Ай бұрын
Elizabeth Hurley as The Rani or Missy 2? Yay or nay ? Rewatching Bedazzled really wanting another OTT villain performance from her.
@timkelley570 Ай бұрын
CApaldi's sentient eye bugger monsters was pretty bad too
@kanton4108 Ай бұрын
That could have been a good episode if its premise was revealed earlier. The episode is essentially an episode of The Ring whereby if you watch it, you're going to die. Its execution was sorely lacking though, which is where it came apart.
@Cyberzombie23 Ай бұрын
I argue in my own comment that it is the worst modern Doctor Who episode. Mark Gatiss is a great actor, but the worst Doctor Who writer, hands down.
@MichaelJohnson-kq7qg 15 күн бұрын
Sleep No More is a great episode that unfortunately overestimated the concentration of most of the audience.
@BurlyNerdGetsTheWorm 15 күн бұрын
While the plot of the Dr the widow and the wardrobe is pretty lacking, there are some absolute bangers of one-liners in there. "Because they will be sad later" gets me every time.
@jacklomas4218 Ай бұрын
The thing is, yes people have there opinions and that's fine. Despite Moffat having his flaws writing wise most definitely. So unbelieveably convoluted at times yes but the soul of the show though is still there if that makes sense. I'd rather take an army of him over chibnall any day of the week, year, decade, century etc. Each to their own though. Tbh I do wonder how Mark gattiss would have done as showrunner. In another time I suppose.
@Cyberzombie23 Ай бұрын
Terrible. The Lazarus Experiment was on the list and Sleep No More should have been on it and the number one slot. He cannot be allowed to write Doctor Who ever again.
@adrianbruce2963 Ай бұрын
Based on the absurdities and confusions of the last series of Sherlock, for which I presume we can hold both Gattiss and Moffat responsible, as well as Sleep No More, I suspect we dodged a bullet by not getting Gattiss.
@mattwho81 23 сағат бұрын
Every season has that one episode the fans don’t talk about.
@xii-nyth4101 9 күн бұрын
the nightmare in silver cybermen would be very interesting if there was like 1 left somewhere and its actually using its super speed to its full potentialand people would have to navigate through playes where it wouldnt be able to due to its clunkyness to escape it... always wanted to see them again
@felxstorm Ай бұрын
Would’ve thought the sea devils would’ve been 13th’s worst episode
@topmandog1 Ай бұрын
Ww3 and aliens of london is a great 2 parter
@1972LittleC 9 күн бұрын
That's one way to make sure not every entry is from the chitnall era, only giving them two spots.
@s.hagens5389 22 сағат бұрын
I was very sure all those 10 episodes would be from the chibnall era 🤣
@clawdia1997 Күн бұрын
so nice to see that 'Love and Monsters' didn't make the list. I'll fight anyone who says it's a bad episode. Sure the "monster of the week" is a little bit silly, but the character driven story, and exploring the relationships between everybody in LINDA is actually very sweet. And for the first doctor-lite episode of modern Doctor Who, it's not that bad (or at least it's not as bad as what everyone makes it out to be)
@binglebongled1ngledangle Күн бұрын
The ridiculousness of Aliens of London is what got me hooked on Doctor Who in the first place ☠
@triplejazzmusicisall1883 Ай бұрын
it was almost worth having those ten episodes just to watch Sean bring such wit and fun in deriding them. I really enjoyed this Whoculture post. More biting commentary from Sean please.
@robotninja530 Ай бұрын
"In the forest of the night" always made no sense to me. Trees grow all over the world (including the oceans, which would probably have flooded most of the planet already) , break multiple streets and structures, somehow disappear, and fix everything that broke. Also, where was Maebhs sister all this time? Did she turn into a bush, or is she the worlds best hide and seek player?
@conwarlock3537 Ай бұрын
To be honest though, if it had went after me, and if the 2 episodes per doctor limitation wasn't there, most if not all the worst episodes might have gone to the Chibnall era(and from watching Broadchurch I know the man can write, but on Dr Who he messed up).
@27newyorker Ай бұрын
Forest is an episode I have no issues with. How did voters pick that episode over Sleep No More?????
@spugesdu Ай бұрын
I get that it’s meant to be two episodes from each Doctor but including Aliens of London/WW3 in this list is just plain wrong, or The Long Game for that matter.
@vapx0075 3 күн бұрын
It just makes me wonder if there were any bad ones from that first season.
@biosaari 9 күн бұрын
Stand out moment from the Long Game? That final scene.
@Dynasty954 Ай бұрын
Nu-who doctors ranked from best to worst ; 1stDavid Tennant, 2ndPeter Capaldi, 3rdMatt Smith, 4thChristopher Eccleston, 5thJodie Whittaker
@Dynasty954 Ай бұрын
Someone may object to Peter Capaldi but he does have some great episodes. Heaven Sent (the greatest episode), Dark Water, Smile etc.
@Millionsofpeas 6 күн бұрын
What? Smith is last. Capaldi second last. Neither had any characterization other than Moffat special man that we've already seen in Sherlock, Dracula, and Jekyll.
@Dynasty954 6 күн бұрын
@@Millionsofpeas I think you're reading it the wrong way round. David best, Jodie worst. I made a confusing order, sorry.
@Swenglish 11 күн бұрын
Would the opposite of firing on all cylinders be firing on no cylinders or backfiring on all cylinders?
@EvonneSol 28 күн бұрын
Nightmare in Silver has problems, yes. But voting it that low doesn't seem deserved, if only because it has one of the best Doctor Who villains in recent years. I feel like Matt Smith's portrayal of Mr. Clever really helped the episode a lot, he has a gift for portraying multiple personalities simultaneously in a way I don't think we've really seen the other Doctors do, aside from Tennant. The drastic and eerie tonal shift between the two kept me invested in the episode and the concept, despite all its glaring flaws. If the episode had been written differently I could see it being one of the best from Smith's era.
@Ulyanov.11 Ай бұрын
The thing I like about doctor who is that a lot of these episodes are still really likeable despite their flaws
@crystalcove99 8 күн бұрын
Never have I been so happy to see Sleep No More NOT be on a list! It's certainly no masterpiece of an episode, but it is still easily the most under-rated / over-hated episode of the show imo. Even just in this comment section, I've seen a handful of comments mentioning that Sleep No More is terrible and should've been on this list. It's wild to me that this episode had the single lowest IMDb rating of the revived series prior to the Whittaker era. There are valid criticisms against the episode (which mostly are just opinions) such as "Sand monsters dumb" or "Mr Sandman song is annoying" but that's about it. And I can think of several more monsters just as dumb... I never see people criticising the Adipose for just being blobs of fat or Vespiforms just being giant wasps. Furthermore, I know the found footage cinematography style is controversial, but I think this episode used it in a very smart way and weaved it very well into the story... how many found footage stories can you think of where the fact it's found footage is actually forshadowing a twist? Let's not forget brilliant performances from the cast as always. At the end of the day, I just think it's a solid episode; nothing crazy but also far from some of the real low points of the show.
@veevs Ай бұрын
"Doctor/Widow/Wardrobe" I do enjoy re-watching the part when Eleven gives the family the tour of the house. It's peak Eleven.
@dw7704 Ай бұрын
Least favourite episodes for each doctor? Ecclestone- Boom Town Tennant-Fear Her Smith-Crimson Horror Capaldi-In the Story of the Night ( Mostly because the ending just happened) Whittaker- a tie between most of them? But Orphan 55, because it could have been good, but it was poorly written.
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