Why aren't you using Fastify? Or Koa? Or NestJS?

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Maximilian Schwarzmüller

Maximilian Schwarzmüller

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Express.js dominates the Node.js framework landscape. It seems as if almost every Node.js developer is using it.
But why is that the case?
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@Viviko Ай бұрын
I am using NestJS. Express is simple. But, you have to build an architecture around it when building more sophisticated applications. Whereas NestJS just takes care of everything out of the box.
@RobertFuszenecker Ай бұрын
NestJS is fantastic!
@divydedakiya0007 Ай бұрын
Yes, Nest Js follow SOLID principle.
@aminnairidev Ай бұрын
Long time React&Express user, Nest made me forget about express in minutes literally. I even got the occasion to use Angular after all the negative content I heard about but man Angular and Nest is a match made in heaven, so productive to work with those two. If you read this and you want to build enterprise grade apps, learn Next you won't go back to express.
@thesunabsolute Ай бұрын
I like Nest a lot. Its very similar to Spring Boot (Java), so if you have experience using that, its a no brainer.
@user-gu5ts5nx8r Ай бұрын
same thought here. well said.
@joaobibiano Ай бұрын
I’m sad that Adonis didn’t quite take off yet. It is a great framework
@codingbitsnbytes Ай бұрын
It's just because most teacher teaches using express js. And this is all students who downloaded it. If the student switch they choose different path and hence other framework has less download
@MrXperx Ай бұрын
We use NestJS at work. Having a framework that supports DI was important to us for testing and switching dependencies based on certain requirements. NestJS uses Express underneath the hood (with an option to plugin Fastify as well). What people don't realise is that it is really hard to build a large backend with express because of it's un opiniated nature. We also use Quarkus for certain projects that use Kafka very heavily.
@abeinevincent5585 Ай бұрын
But I use express.js for both small, mid-sized and large backends and never face issues that most people describe. I actually use rabbitmq often and kafka less aften. I never face issues most people who don't use it for large scale back-ends describe.
@nou4605 Ай бұрын
@@abeinevincent5585 Suuure you don't. Have your code reviewed by someone more experienced.
@abeinevincent5585 Ай бұрын
@@nou4605 I actually do use it on a daily. I think the difference comes on experience, just like any other technology, after using it over and over, you get a way of handling everything and including its drawbacks thats why I never have an issue anymore, I use it with typescript often for both small, midsized and large backends,
@MrXperx Ай бұрын
@@abeinevincent5585 Good engineers can build using pretty much any tool.
@programmerjowo Ай бұрын
@@abeinevincent5585 do you have some public repo for large project using expressjs? Thanks
@VictorMongi Ай бұрын
Im using ElysiaJS and im in love with it.
@PhilipAlexanderHassialis Ай бұрын
The same reason that in enterprise projects people use Spring Boot and not e.g. Micronaut / Helidon etc. It's the most developed one, the most battle tested one, has the most documentation etc. As for the reason this dev doesn't use express (or any Node backend for that matter), lies in the previous personal experience and the state of current workplace, a mostly Java oriented shop where backend is concerned, therefore a Spring Boot place (couldn't even persuade higher ups for the value of Quarkus, an arguably far better and streamlined experience, or even standardized JEE - Jakarta).
@ademineshat Ай бұрын
This video was about Nodejs frameworks and not Java 😊
@thecoolnewsguy Ай бұрын
​​@@ademineshatdid you even understand what he's saying?
@maccalsa1 Ай бұрын
​@ademineshat wow... completely missed the point there, didn't ya?
@potatopower2144 Ай бұрын
Spring Boot is also my backend solution of choice
@VerganteHeHe Ай бұрын
What's the value of Quarkus compared to Spring Boot? On an unrelated note, I was considering giving Micronaut a try to compare memory usage, most Java microservices seem to be using a lot more than they should for basic REST APIs
@marvinotieno2194 Ай бұрын
Express actually doesn't qualify to be called a framework, a framework is more of a Laravel or a ruby on rails. Express is just a library essentially, a routing library😅
@IvanKleshnin Ай бұрын
Please stop spreading this misinformation. Express has a middleware / plugin system so its technically a framework. There used to be a separate routing library used by Express, it was called Connect (now it is fully integrated, the same package). Bloated ROR-like frameworks are one extreme case, featureless Express-like frameworks are the other.
@QueeeeenZ Ай бұрын
same reason people use React even if it's not the best framework technically
@programmerjowo Ай бұрын
It was but now its mess thanks to hooks and vercel 😂
@octane-nn1rk Ай бұрын
Which is the best then?
@damilolaolowookere7658 Ай бұрын
@@octane-nn1rk Fiddle with the top 5 most downloaded in that category and pick the one that resonates best with your style. That's the best way I think one can get "the best"
@albertoarmando6711 Ай бұрын
@@programmerjowo agreed, vercel ruined react.
@deshi-sukuna Ай бұрын
@@octane-nn1rk theres nothing called best, if you're a hobbyist you'd like solid or svelte but if you're looking for a job you're better off with react. And in terms of development/coding, svelte feels faster but svelte lacks a huge ecosystem like react, a good ecosystem means a lot of tools already available and doesn't need you to code it manually. I chose react as a beginner because I wanted to launch an app and a dev mate suggested me react because he knew i was a total beginner and that react has the most tutorials, articles, packages, you name it... available on the internet that I could learn from as i build. So as a starting point, pure react with vite (not nextjs) would be the best starting point because of a lot of tuts, tooling, jobs, etc. After that svelte and other frameworks will almost always feel the same. I learnt svelte in 1 month, vue in 1 and half a month, just by reading a couple of documentation. Also, nextjs is just a combination of react and express, and you basically know half of nextjs if you know react and other half of nextjs if you know express.
@TheAliAhad Ай бұрын
Thanks! Using Django for decade and incredibly happy with it.
@punkweb Ай бұрын
Here here
@brainites Ай бұрын
Developers using Ruby on Rails, Django and Laravel use them and live happily ever after.
@b_mathemagical Ай бұрын
Really not a troll comment, but I had the opposite experience. Everything in Django felt antiquated or poorly thought out. We constantly had migration conflicts, even on a small team. I couldn’t believe the framework was unable to handle that. Maybe this was user error? Moreover, the DRF wasn’t fun either. Too much magic. Set a serializer class and then add a serializer with specific methods? Gross. Python is a nice language though.
@irlshrek Ай бұрын
im glad that you made this video because if i had to make a nodejs server supre quickly i probably would use one of the other options like koa or fastify. I hadent heard of adonis but ill check that out. The reason I dont use any of these at the moment is because im using Axum with Rust and it's a phenomenal experience. Edit: Adonisjs looks great!
@bwsstha8864 Ай бұрын
Hono JS is also another NodeJS framework that I see has potentials. I did not find you mentioned it. What is your take on hono.js and May be a course on it. Just may be...😊
@marvinkr Ай бұрын
Glad to see a comment on it haha.
@drisscode Ай бұрын
NestJS is actually my favorite.. I come from Symfony in PHP.. so I like to use OOP design patterns and have things like events, dependency injection, a typed orm.. it's just perfect for people who wanna make realy big complex apps
@GGGGGGGGGG96 Ай бұрын
The same for me. Symfony is for me the most professional framework for php and i really wonder, why Laravel is so hyped.
@programmerjowo Ай бұрын
@@GGGGGGGGGG96 they just too.lazy to learn symfony and just follow the trend, just like in Js world.
@MrLOPIU22 Ай бұрын
with js* not perfect for really big complex apps between all mainstream languages out there
@parihar-shashwat Ай бұрын
​@@programmerjowo Laravel has been maintained with far better docs than any other php frameworks including Symphony. I have been using Laravel since 4.2 and all I can say that it's super stable and far easy to upgrade 5-6 year old apps on the framework. Although Laravel is based on top of it, it's also greatly benefited from the popularity of Laravel in the community.
@drisscode Ай бұрын
not perfect but it's doable, as long as you know how to manage the hosting/deployment part, manage memory leaks and have a solid monitoring/logging strategy I don't see why js is bad for big projects. The reason I prefer js/ts over PHP is because nowdays, frontends are based on js.. so it's much more efficient to have everything in js.. you don't redo things like data validation etc... yes you can still use things like graphql but in our particular case (small team) having a full js ecosystem makes more sens.
@alinawaz4034 Ай бұрын
I totally agree with you on why express js is popular. And the reason I will use it is consist of many things, including it is popular it has great ecosystem, and it is simple (Mean I can have my own directory structure and have my own philosophy on how every thing should be organized) This make me feel that I know everything about my project. Unlike NestJs where I will always feel I don't know about the full capabilities of the framework (because I am new to it).
@JsDevUA 28 күн бұрын
Probably 8 years ago I first took youre course about Angular, because I wanted to start my career as a Web UI developer. Now I am full-stack developer (NodeJs + Angular) with 6 years experience. Thank you for your job! I use NestJs as Node framework, because if you work with Angular you already now the concept. Besides this NestJs provides an architecture layer (Layered Architecture) that makes development easy and provides maintainability. Further more you are allowed to use features of Express or Fastify, the framework itself exposes its API that is pretty cool. So, for me to use NestJs + Angular is preaty cool!
@danijelfilipovic838 Ай бұрын
I absolutely love Nest. I think that comparing it to Angular kind of shines a bad light on it, so I don't really like to make comparisons, even though I am a fan of Angular. In my opinion, a backend should have a well-defined architecture and strong type safety, all of which Nest offers out of the box, among many other things. I spent years making backends in Express, but I could never go back to it. Well, Nest does use Express under the hood so I guess I'm still using it, but it just feels much more solid this way.
@kianooshkheirani5295 9 күн бұрын
do you think i should use nest js in order to become team lead in future?
@pepkin88 Ай бұрын
I use Koa and I love its simplicity and minimalism. Also its cascading middleware system is an obvious win over Express.
@eldadyamin 6 күн бұрын
NestJS is an amazing framework. We use it on our production for years now, it’s a fully mature framework that simply works.
@kianooshkheirani5295 9 күн бұрын
what is your suggestion ? i use express but i have decided to go to the nest js. is it right a decision to make in order to become fullstack team lead in future ?
@jamshediqbal7936 Ай бұрын
I may like Fastify if I used it because I saw its tutorials looking awesome. But my project was using Express, so I had to stick with Express, which is simple and good.
@joshbleijenberg4000 Ай бұрын
What backend and database should you use for a tinder like mobile application with react native?
@forinda Ай бұрын
Express was built with a lot of flexibility in mind and that's why even other high-end frameworks only add opinion on top of it. It's middleware architecture makes it easy to build plugins and extend it's capabilities. You can still have DI without nestjs if you properly use available libraries like inversify. I can summarise it that it's quite easy to pick up and build complexities along the way. That way the learning curve is not steep for Junior devs and also it's stability now plays a key role
@programmerjowo Ай бұрын
I will just use spring boot if I need di or enterprise framework 😂
@forinda Ай бұрын
@@programmerjowo A framework does not justify whether you write quality code or not. It's all on the developer because we can achieve all this with whichever language you wish
@user-ii1qx8xx3y Ай бұрын
I use Nest because it resembles Java Spring to some extent
@JackDD Ай бұрын
I use Express with React SSR for my personal blog. It's a bit of a weird setup. It probably has room for improvement. But it's serving me well for now. I use Node.js because I have many years of experience working with the JavaScript ecosystem, and it's where I'm most comfortable. PHP would probably make more sense for my specific use case (rendering Markdown files from the server's file system, in a traditional LAMP stack hosting environment), but I wanted to get something put together quickly, so I went with what I know. I use Express because when I learned Node.js back in 2015, Express was the "in" framework at the time. Better frameworks exist, but for this, Express is fine. I use React because I have a lot of experience with it, and because it's pretty good for building UI components. I use SSR because I want my site to work without JavaScript on the client. Call me old fashioned, but it's a very simple website, and I think it should be usable without JavaScript.
@mariajegan2409 Ай бұрын
OMG this is my comment
@pyakz2906 Ай бұрын
for me at this point of my early career, ive been using nest for work, and planning to use elysia and adonisjs for side projects
@JoseHenrique-xg1lp Ай бұрын
adonis is basically one guy taking care of everything. He discontinued v4 before 5 was available and no LTS was warranted. I would avoid it like the plague.
@MilMike Ай бұрын
Some of the frameworks are using express under the hood (eg NestJS). So this is adding up I guess. Personally I don't use any frameworks (I am PHP dev) but if I could, I would probably try NestJS as it seems to have good microservice solution, which is what I am currently working on.
@detaaditya6237 Ай бұрын
The simplicity of express allows me to easily separate business logic from the framework. While battery-included frameworks are convenient, they sometimes force the logic to "marry" them, which I'm personally not a fan of. But still, it depends on what kind of project we're building
@canardeur8390 19 күн бұрын
I am using what my customer asks me to use, and it is mostly Express: most of them are comfortable with it and don't want to go out of that comfort zone. When I have carte blanche on the tech-stack, I go for Fastify for precisely the reason you mentioned: Express not being maintained for ages and twice faster. Now, I am starting a new project for a new customer and I have to go the Nest/Express way. Once I master Nest, on the next project on which I have carte blanche, I will probably go for Nest/Fastify.
@anuragprakash7256 Ай бұрын
When can we all expect a nest.js course ?
@hanes2 Ай бұрын
I've bought several of your courses in the past. Didn't knre u had a youtube channel. cool.
@madeOfClay99 Ай бұрын
Max, when is the NestJs course coming out?
@zlackbiro Ай бұрын
Fastify all day long... You can do amazing things and its fast as hell. Express is also good, more like tradition. In my company, we have the entire OS built on top of express and GraphQL that serves IIoT in Mercedes, BMW, Porche, Audi, etc. We have more than 50 microservices. There is no need for Nest and stupid abstractions if you know what are you doing. We did it very simple and its organized on another level that you cant even imagine. No fucking single bug and problem.
@andriitokar6600 Ай бұрын
I have used nestjs a lot, after started to angular on frontend opposite to react. It has a good architecture and scalability
@shadev23 Ай бұрын
Nestjs use express under the hood, you can also switch to fastify later if you want. Nestjs is very good when you need order, and it's customizable when you know how to use it properly.
@Patrk38 Ай бұрын
Nestjs is anything but order. Anything written with it is a complete mess.
@lukas.santiago Ай бұрын
​@@Patrk38 Why you say that?
@Patrk38 Ай бұрын
@@lukas.santiago because that’s the truth.
@petleveler8366 4 күн бұрын
@@Patrk38 lmao ok
@MadarDoraeMon Ай бұрын
Hey Maximilian , you said you delete ngRx old videos and update it to latest one i means is it required , can did you deleted already or will delete if you are going to delete old videos , so do after a month Please, Or if you done already then i want to know is it completly changed or little bit
@abu2musa Ай бұрын
express was the first nodejs i learned while learning nodejs, also it gets the job done hence didn't bother learning other libraries as it becomes overwelming. Also given that express seems to be the standard with nextjs as well.
@Jim49267 13 күн бұрын
Max what do you think of hono and bon for the backend?
@orcagaming2143 Ай бұрын
What do you think about nestjs ?
@leojohn6702 Ай бұрын
Do you have a php course and one of laravel?
@razak-attar Ай бұрын
Hey I know reactjs, I haven't worked on nextjs. Can you please tell me for backend what will be used in nextjs? Is it nodejs, expressjs or anything else?
@oktayaltunkaya9019 Ай бұрын
I'm looking for the answer to this too, did you find an answer?
@umitcelik5508 Ай бұрын
I'am using NestJS, too. But actually nestjs is still express.js, and if you wan to use express still functions, middlewares you can. I think NestJS is Express + Typescript with some stable and good features. Lastly, I dont know Angular, i am activelly using react with typescript. And i am big fan of nestjs.
@ph4n70m055 Ай бұрын
Adonis is a great framework, really. There is no any good framework that could be better than any frameworks like from Java or PHP. It seems like backend NodeJS development still doenst reach the needs of good DB REST app
@user-hs6tg6zy4e 24 күн бұрын
I discovered NestJS a year after learning and using Node.js with Express. Over time, I started to dislike how unopinionated Express was, especially when it comes to project folder structure . NestJS helped me with this, offering a more structured approach and has excellent documentation.
@ferylj3694 Ай бұрын
Nest is the best thing that can happen for node , with di and everything, it is the best choice for building big server side applications.
@taylorlindoresreeves Ай бұрын
Somewhat disagree in terms of maintainability. What are the pros of using NestJS over ExpressJS?
@dreamsachiever212 Ай бұрын
Do you actually know that nestjs uses express under the hood? It's just more structured​@@taylorlindoresreeves
@AngularUniversity Ай бұрын
I used Nest.js for one of my backend APIs, and I wish I could go back and have the time to refactor everything into plain Express. For me Nest.js is just a thing objected oriented wrapper around Express that makes your backend look a lot like an Angular service layer. Which of course is what attracted me to it initially. 😊 But after running it for a while, the cost / benefit for me is not really there, there is really no tangible benefit to it other than it's a different programming model. So I just can't recommend it compared to plain Express. 👍
@programmerjowo Ай бұрын
You are right, why we add layer to express Js if we want to use simple framework. If we need enterprise framework just use spring boot
@AbdulrahimKlisI Ай бұрын
I like NestJS as it's straight-forward and if you have a team you have rules that you must follow. We did some projects on ExpressJS but depends on project, experience and size of team.
@anothermouth7077 Ай бұрын
NestJS is we are using at work. Fastify Express being un opinionated are fine to being with for some short project but for decent enterprise level requirements where multiple people are working having a framework really required.
@Ashish_singh_dev Ай бұрын
Adonisjs looks awesome 😍, thanks for the mentioning it
@TheUnknownFactor Ай бұрын
Because usually when I need a webserver, Im actually building something else and I want something that I already know will do the job. Which sucks because Express isn't amazing in many ways. Just at that point in time I dont want to be blocked from progressing on the main thing Im working on to learn a new thing
@davebudah Ай бұрын
I love NestJS I have used it for just 2 projects but I love it.
@sagarprasad2134 Ай бұрын
I doubt many people who use express or download it are mostly after following some tutorial because it is widely included in all node js courses and is easy to demonstrate a trivial CRUD api or a simple json server that's it, People who actually want to build something substantial are very much aware of the nuances that comes with using express and they are definitely using it's alternatives like nest js,fastify etc.
@mohammadz5474 Ай бұрын
Hello Max , i want to suggest that you read comments section for your Node/Express course on Udemy , there are people complaining and saying that the course is really old and needs to be updated , i wonder why you don’t update it as you usually do for react course for example or release another new course with your new amazing learning skills Thank you Max ❤
@amancca Ай бұрын
This video encourage me to explore alternatives
@udaynarayanmukherjee5208 Ай бұрын
The one problem is finding devs to keep maintaining the code base. Like if I leave the company, somebody else with actual professional experience with express can just take it up.
@semi_98 20 күн бұрын
I look forward to the day you open the NestJS course in Udemy. I still haven't found a great instructor like you❤
@cdinglevel8626 Ай бұрын
React Native ? Flutter which one to go for Mobile Developer
@syedanasahmed9110 Ай бұрын
React Native
@AbuBakr1 Ай бұрын
Flutter is a bit faster but got confusing code nesting, Go with React Native with Expo
@programmerjowo Ай бұрын
Flutter is hard to read
@AbuBakr1 Ай бұрын
@@programmerjowo yep
@Wentris71 Ай бұрын
If your background was related anyhow to React - then def RN. But if they both are new to u, do Flutter then. Flutter is younger but with huge potential, easier to bake first app, more strict. Where React and RN - more liberal, you can have more tools
@MadarDoraeMon Ай бұрын
0:14 i will use , Spring Boot Or ExpressJs
@MarceloSantosDev Ай бұрын
Express is used as the router inside NestJs, so, even though ExpressJs has many downloads, NestJs contributes to that number
@hichembouallegue Ай бұрын
usually, I use Express Js js but prefer NestJS for large projects 🙂.
@eitherplace9844 Ай бұрын
I am wondering why you did not mention NextJS as it is also a framework with fullstack capabilities and thus it can also be used for backend development.
@bradleyandrewercole6349 Ай бұрын
Yes indeed nextjs can be both but mostly it used for FE development, also as far as i know there are disadvantage when we are using next js for BE
@Kats0unam1 Ай бұрын
Im using Go.
@scribbleui Ай бұрын
Why? Because of your course and made me a fan of express
@hymzr Ай бұрын
im a beginner backend. should i start with express or nest ?
@efunkunleolalekan8304 Ай бұрын
Express. You will learn a lot.
@kianooshkheirani5295 9 күн бұрын
@RandonSites 3 күн бұрын
@Gaijin101 Ай бұрын
Nitro unjs is my go to. for many years
@Alcaatraz01 27 күн бұрын
Definitely using nitro for current work projects. Its deployment build targets is too easy with how it integrates with serverless environments.
@bvedantcodes Ай бұрын
Please make a fastify course, max!
@RaniLink Ай бұрын
The company I work for uses Koa, the error handling is great, much more convenient than express
@bartekdurczak4085 Ай бұрын
I use Nestjs i like the organization and out-of-box mentality
@bobDotJS Ай бұрын
I prefer to build my own meta-framework on top of express with some very clean patterns and middleware that any developer can jump into and understand.
@muhammadufo6023 Ай бұрын
I love Nestjs becuse it's great for big and complex projects .
@akashelhance167 Ай бұрын
I m using loopback 4 in my company’s project
@akashpatil-vo5rr Ай бұрын
I don't like Nest.js, probably cause of it's decorators or dependency injections ( love angular though ). I like fastify with typescript, also hono. I use express cause my senior make that decision for me
@mazwrld Ай бұрын
hono 🤝🏽 bun
@darkbluewalther 17 күн бұрын
Still stunned there is no Django/Rails/Laravel equivalent in the JS world (and no, nest.js is not one of them).
@nilsandresen97 Ай бұрын
I like hono because it runs basically everywhere
@AfolabiJude Ай бұрын
There are plenty people who like Angular but they are not just as loud as React people on the internet 🤣🤣🤣
@InarusLynx Ай бұрын
I've been using nestjs for a couple of months. I dunno why though. It's just me. All the time I'm trying to figure how to do x thing in nestjs when I know in express it be simple. And for what? At the end of the day I just need it to send a json to my front end. I dunno why I beat a square peg through a round hole. Some things are awesome in nestjs though. I love how easy guards are. Once I learn something in nestjs, I'm usually good, but it's still very complex.
@rstark Ай бұрын
Maxim please add fastify to your node course.
@bsaravanaprakash Ай бұрын
if it works in production, dont touch it. havent seen an ask or requirement that wont wrk with express, so why not, just keep running engine until it crashes
@mixxxer 20 күн бұрын
Seriously I am stumped how Adonis is not on top of everyone’s lists. Crazy.
@lotwar Ай бұрын
Stale version is not necessary a bad thing. I don't think "it's not that many commits so old problems, are still there" is a good argument, if it was major problems I think people would go elsewhere rather quickly.
@mnchabel8402 Ай бұрын
Started using hono-js over express-js late last year and I have no plans to go back to using express-js. I don't see any benefit of even using express-js.
@besrabasant Ай бұрын
Most of the download no of express js is from tutorials or who are learning backend development in node js
@fottymutunda6320 Ай бұрын
Express is easy to get started with. Nestjs is just way too confusing. But I use neither, I use loopback 💀
@MrXperx Ай бұрын
It takes not more than week to be relatively proficient with Nestjs. And once you learn it there is almost no going back. Anyone coming from Java would love it.
@MadarDoraeMon Ай бұрын
i will prefer angular over react , , i like framework structured way , yes i tried building spa app using js html only !! during my initial days of IT !! and it gives me many ideas etc.
@kasvith Ай бұрын
Cant we use Express with NestJS?
@rhymerubayet5758 Ай бұрын
Nestjs is already using express under the hood
@kasvith Ай бұрын
​@@rhymerubayet5758 thats what i said :D
@ivan.jeremic Ай бұрын
I like to use something like Nitro or Hono.
@netssrmrz Ай бұрын
Fun topic. Don't really agree on express being dominant because it was early to market or has loads of docs or modules or is popular. Otherwise we'd still be using Netscape, Flash, etc. It's dominant because, despite its flaws, it satisfies 99% of people's needs. If the need shifts and Express doesn't it will also end up on the scrap heap. Personally, I've got better things to do than spend more dev time on Express alternatives. If I run into one of its flaws and switching becomes the only option, only then will I consider it. The same reason why, for personal work, I moved off React.
@emerson-sheaapril8555 10 күн бұрын
So... basically you use it because it was first and still gets the job done? So...yes, you use it because it was early to market.
@user-go9kj3nx4e Ай бұрын
The download number is so high because of legacy/old systems. Also because e.g. nestjs has express as its dependency. Migrating to something more convenient like nestjs is sometimes not a choice a company can make because it s expensive and does not bring any value (in the eyes of the prodduct owner) Express is dead. Every new project I see is build on top of nest.
@mdomerarafat4611 Ай бұрын
Yeap, Am an angular lover and nestjs is awsm!
@UwU-dx5hu Ай бұрын
@anfytrion Ай бұрын
I would prefer Fastify or Hono as an alternative for simple frameworks...
@mohammedzeglam6811 Ай бұрын
express routing library change my mind
@allan_archie Ай бұрын
People are sleeping on Nitro and unjs... Used to build Analog and Nuxt.
@dawitz362 Ай бұрын
It is easy to set up and it's flexibility.
@christophersuarez1356 Ай бұрын
Similar thing with React. Why are people still using React when there are a lot better alternatives like Svelte? BTW, I'm sad that Max abandoned his Svelte course.
@andrepadez Ай бұрын
I inherited a NestJS project, it took 5 seconds to restart, which is completely impossible to work with. Hono is the GOAT
@patrickjreid Ай бұрын
Yeah, I have been playing with hono. I think I like it.
@marvinkr Ай бұрын
@andrepadez Ай бұрын
i’m pretty sure he must have been payed by fastify to make this video. there is no other explanation
@anasouardini 15 күн бұрын
You forgot Adonis in the title.
@bahadirfurkanakgul Ай бұрын
Check out my NestJS tutorial video in my channel-perfect for anyone just starting with backend development!
@hamburger--fries Ай бұрын
Laravel no question. I love NextJS with Laravel. Reason why is I get to use all the incredible tools in the ecosystem. If there is a huge budget then NextJs stack like T3. But for ultrafast prototyping Laravel plus NextJS.
@razak-attar Ай бұрын
Hey I know reactjs, I haven't worked on nextjs. Can you please tell me for backend what will be used in nextjs? Is it nodejs, expressjs or anything else?
@oktayaltunkaya9019 Ай бұрын
@@razak-attar yeah im wondering too...
@efunkunleolalekan8304 Ай бұрын
Sad for Adonis. It’s really fantastic
@mohammadrezabehzadfar8122 Ай бұрын
not agree with you max right now you must move from express and use framework like nestjs because it help so much to developed clean projects also if you see benchmarks express is one of the slowest frameworks out there nestjs use express behind but at least you have much more cleaner project and you also can change it to fastify
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