Why Atheism Logically Leads to Woke-ism

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Thoughtful Faith

Thoughtful Faith

2 ай бұрын

Jacob explains to Greg Matsen why any sensible atheist would embrace a woke worldview.
Full Video: • Wokeness And Belief In...
#mormon #lds #Religion #apologetics #christianity #exmormon #comefollowme #Woke #Atheism

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@TroyLeavitt 2 ай бұрын
11:40 Again, Jacob's authoritarian bias causes him to misunderstand James Lindsay's point: Lindsay is an non-theistic classical liberal - like Thomas Jefferson. The whole point of a democratic republic built upon Enlightenment values and dedicated to the preservation of human rights is that it *doesn't appeal to a higher authority than to the people themselves.* It is not setting up the people to be god or saying that the people or any one person needs to fill the role of god. Classical liberalism is the exact converse of rule by divine mandate. It says, "None of us are god. None of us holds authority over anyone else. Thereby, let's set up a representative system of government by mutual agreement and try and come up with the best systems of rules and laws that recognizes this equality of rights between all persons and, hence, try to resolve the inevitable conflicts peacefully." Lindsay's point about the Woke being a religion is that it is looking to do away with this classical liberal tradition in favor of a Marxist utopian vision that would set up the State as their New God with an aim to execute on that vision, even if that means suspending some rights along the way. When he's making the distinction between those who think they are god and those who know they are not, he's including himself in the "those who know they are not" crowd. That's why non-theistic classical liberals and the god-fearing people have common ground. We agree that none of us are god.
@DavidPeel-fo9xv 2 ай бұрын
I think this is good to point out that “woke” people make the State their god, as long as the State is controlled by them. I myself sway towards libertarianism and am a Latter-day Saint. In my opinion, people need to stop focusing on groups and realize that we’re all individuals. Our political affiliations are only a part of our identities and we need to start seeing people as individuals and children of the same Heavenly Father.
@BehavingBradly Ай бұрын
I think Jacob's point is that by claiming to be the arbiter of morality the state stands in place of God, whether they explicitly claim to be doing so or not. Just like we can discover mathematics (not invent it) and we can discover laws of physics, chemistry, etc (not invent them), we can discover morality that is preexistent and just as real and impactful on our life (if not more so) than the material, physical matter in this system we live in. Attempts to create flying machines without understanding the necessary laws and processes lead to failure. Likewise, we should seek to build a society based on true universal morality, or our best understanding of it, not attempt to dictate it ourselves. That leads to North Korea.
@CwicShow Ай бұрын
Great discussion! Thanks, Jacob!
@vannersp Ай бұрын
I'm with Greg on the expressive individualism: the outrage towards the tradwife trend is proof that everyone has to conform. The tradwives aren't pushing it on anyone; they're merely demonstrating their preference, but that's not acceptable. Meanwhile, there is positive affirmation for the feminist and other anti-family ideas.
@KC-mj6eu Ай бұрын
It's interesting to read through these comments. There are so many different opinions about what was discussed. I'm glad your content is reaching a wide audience.
@baref1959 Ай бұрын
if there is no god, no ability to have choice effect the future after death, what is left? do what thou wilt, eat, drink and be merry for there is no tomorrow.
@worldkeyvideo9080 2 ай бұрын
I don't necessarily agree that wokism is the only place atheism leads. I think many incorrect philosophies such as natizism, or even denialism or just contemptism are equally likley. Wokism combines some atheistic principles with a corrupted form of a belief in natural rights. A big part of it is subjectivism and a rejection of objectivism. It is the philosphy of believing that a indivigual is entitled to be supported by others in expressing whatever they want or feel and the belief that anyone who seeks conformity or supports established values is supporting a corrupt and oppressive institution. Wokism is an opposite of Christianism. It is a wolfinger sheeps clothing. It pretends to fight oppression while causing greater harm. It somehow claims a belief that people should be free to express themselves in any way or act they want whilst simultaneously condemning any expression that goes agienst their false naritives. It is most dangerous because it appeals to a person's desire to do good whilst hiding the damage being inflicted. Those most effected are the most vulnerable of sosiety
@mkprr 2 ай бұрын
Are you going to take into account that much of Asia is atheist but definitely not woke?
@michaelhutchings6602 2 ай бұрын
Most of Asia worships the state and believe in racial supremacy to a degree that would make the Klan blush
@jackzones678 2 ай бұрын
The atheist framework as we in the West understand it is an outgrowth of Christianity. Western atheism is an explicit rejection of the God of Judeo-Christian tradition. Atheism in the context of Eastern Asian cultures is separate, mostly due to the dominant culture in that part of the world. That's the reason eastern Asian "atheists" aren't woke; they are not the same as the atheists in our culture.
@thekolobsociety 2 ай бұрын
They never said that atheism necessarily leads to wokeism. Go to the 9:00 mark. Western atheists.
@jackzones678 2 ай бұрын
​@@thekolobsocietyI agree with you! Did I say that atheism leads to wokeism? I honestly was trying to respond to the question about Asian atheism.
@dannyrocket77 2 ай бұрын
Islam is the single largest religion in Asia with about 1.3 billion adherents. Asia constitute in absolute terms the world's Muslim population. South and Southeast Asia are home of the most populous Muslim countries, with Indonesia, Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh having more than 100 million adherents. Major religions in S. Asia are Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Jainism.
@gregbriggs4540 2 ай бұрын
In other words the Woke standpoint is essentially Korihors standpoint Alma 30:17 And many more such things did he say unto them, telling them that there could be no atonement made for the sins of men, but every man fared in this life according to the management of the creature; therefore every man prospered according to his genius, and that every man conquered according to his strength; and whatsoever a man did was no crime.
@TrebizondMusic-cm6fp 2 ай бұрын
I believe that Alma's prophetic foresight anticipated what Korihor's ideology would lead to if unchecked: not merely amoral anarchy, but a totalitarian state.
@academyofchampions1 2 ай бұрын
Great point! Wow the Book of Mormon nails it!!
@donkler5476 Ай бұрын
If God is so obviously real, surely someone could present a logically valid and sound syllogism that concludes with ‘Therefore God exists’
@BettyHorn Ай бұрын
You got me thinking!
@Businedu Ай бұрын
@penguinman9837 2 ай бұрын
Dang Jacob. You look TIRED. Get some sleep my dude.
@EKowallis Ай бұрын
No he doesn't. He's just not 19 anymore. It's called reality.
@Kopaka-ep7ug Ай бұрын
Either God makes right or might makes right.
@TrebizondMusic-cm6fp 2 ай бұрын
"I heard it was you, talking about a world where all is free. It just couldn't be, and only a fool would say that." - Steely Dan
@rebeccaloveless3594 2 ай бұрын
I am genuinely asking, what are people actually afraid will happen if we allow/are ok with persons choosing to go through life presenting differently from the gender they are born with? What is the fear attached to that? By the way, I love the depth of conversation in these episodes!
@Soulerous 2 ай бұрын
Firstly, it confuses children. We are a sexually-reproducing species with two biological sexes, male and female; and embracing the masculinity or femininity that corresponds to that is one element of producing the happiest and healthiest people. And we already know through studies that gender dysphoria is a social contagion. Secondly, it's a simple matter of truth. Transgender ideology is offended speaking the truth of whether a person is male or female, so that reality must be obscured by word games. This is immoral. Logical clarity is good. Thirdly, gender dysphoria is merely one of many types of dysphorias. These are best dealt with through therapy that conditions the person. Therapy is not about affirming delusions. That's an abdication of one's duty as a therapist, but many are doing that for financial and social gain. Gender dysphoria is a serious problem with massive association with psychological distress, and this distress usually persists even after transition and social support. The solution is not make everyone else change their behaviour to accommodate the person; this is lunacy, and also doesn't solve the problem. Fourthly, female athletes have had their opportunities stolen by "trans women" who benefit from massive biological advantages. People like to dismiss this, but it is a real problem, and will only bevome more common if left unchecked. Fifthly, people pretending to be trans have gone into bathrooms they shouldn't be in and assaulted or acted creepy towards girls, or just made them uncomfortable. Actual trans people have done this too. Sixthly, numerous people have undergone "gender-affirming care" in the form of surgery or hormone therapy, only to learn that they have done very serious and permanent damage to their bodies and that their emotions were not improved. Therapists and surgeons are financially incentivized to affirm people in their trans delusions, and it's straight-up evil. I have had several friends affected by this, and I am subscribed to r/detrans on reddit. I've also listened to the video testimonies of people affected by this, as well as healthcare workers. Transhender ideology is a cancerous blight, and to deny this is folly that comes from either horrible indoctrination or extreme naivete. So thank you for asking.
@gregbriggs4540 2 ай бұрын
If you read about the cultural revolution in china that ended in ,millions of deaths you will see a type and shadow of wokeness (a form of cultural marxism). Both are centralized around identity politics and perpetual victimhood which was used to justify horrendous atrocities. Areas like Women's sports is just the snowflake on top of the mountain of falsehoods. Within 40 years all women's sports records will be held by biological men identifying as women. In the Book Of Mormon it led to to the attempted and eventual genocide of the Nephites. It is the secret combinations and dissenters with grudges who constantly whip up the laminates to anger with identity politics excuses of the Nephites having robbed them or wronged them or are the children of liars. And they swore they would destroy them and their records. Never mind the Lamanites are the aggressors every time attacking the Nephites and seeking to destroy them. There is no live and let live with that type of hate. The same thing happened with the trans /LGBTQ movement. back in 2002 I debated my classmates on this subject and I hypothesized what they would do if they legalized it. I asked them point blank would you still let me say you are wrong? They all affirmed that they would and I would have my first amendment rights etc. I said no you won't because in order to get this normalized and accepted in society you will become the oppressors and tyrants you think I am just because I say what you are doing is wrong but I am willing to still give you the choice. You won't even allow me that. You will slander, defame, use social assassination, and then legal persecution to silence and shut me up because since what you are doing is inherently immoral just as Jesus Christ told Nicodemus in John 3:19-20 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. In the Book Of Mormon it is the same. It is not enough for the nephites to just become subject to the gadianton robbers, kingmen,dissenters, and lamanites they must renounce their faith and participate in their evil deeds as is stated in 3 Nephi 3:1-7,alma Chapter 2,46 etc. This takes many forms indoctrinating kids in school behind parents backs, Gay pride flags in the shcools and culture but religion and bibles are suppressed, you will celebrate pride minth or you are a homophobe, you will bake that cake despite your own morals.whatever happened to you do you and me do me? It was never about that it was about power which they admit. As one commentor I read said we have come out of the closet and we are shoving religous people into it. This is why we must speak out against the falsehood of trans identity or LGBTQ, or any other immoral or false lie associated with it (I am speaking of the acts not the person) When you deny eternal truth such as gender identity which is not only essential for progression but is eternally part of your existence and embrace falsehood you not only allow for evil and corrupt forces to exploit it which become ever increasingly tyrannical, you yourself will find yourself attacking others who disagree and attempting to suppress others to justify your position (by the way this is exactly what happened in the pre-existence with Gods and Lucifers plans and the necessity of free choice. it was the same pattern) Now are there those who embrace god who wrongfully and overzealously persecute those who choose differently, true that is human nature and part of the imperfection on both sides but at least in principle where as Gods way states the eternal law and consequences for violating's it which are fixed not by him but by the laws of the universe he will still allow you your free choice as opposition in all things. Lies on the other head because they have no foundation must by nature suppress and destroy the truth as they are a very threat to their existence. Reminds me of the Sword of Shannara epic where the Warlock lords whole existence is based on a lie of his own creation and when stripped of it by the truth he by nature must perish. I could go on with the atheist argument against the trans and LGBT issue as well based on the evolutionary, social, economic and population crisis we are creating by embracing this as well but that's another discussion.
@quarteralien 2 ай бұрын
I think there are several questions but a big question comes down to a tipping point. If a small percentage of people are trans, that's one thing. But if the stats are correct that 25% of gen z identifies as something other than their genetic sex, then we are headed toward societal collapse. 25% of people opting out of having children means that infrastructure will break down. Everyone who retires needs a cohort of working age people doing all of their jobs to support them in their old age. If those people aren't born, what happens to everyone now living who is getting older? So, are we talking about people just cross dressing or are we talking about people permanently altering their bodies that will prevent them from reproducing? And even if they technically have the right parts, what effect does cross sex hormones have on fetuses? These are uncomfortable questions that I don't see addressed very well. I also don't see truly informed consent on the kids who are going through this. Heck, we barely have good informed consent as it is for ordinary medical care. Do they understand long term ramifications and that there is always risk involved with medications and surgeries, including regret. I was sort of a tom boy growing up. I fear that if I were a kid today, I would be pressured to transition. There are as many ways to be a woman as there are women, and I fear that the trans question hyper polarizes both sexes into characatures of themselves.
@sl8862 2 ай бұрын
It's more than trans. It's truth. If we are forced (or are willing) to accept lies (a man is a woman if he wants to be) as truth, then everything is a compound in one and nothing matters or has meaning.
@rebeccaloveless3594 2 ай бұрын
@@quarteralien Very well put. Thank you for taking the time to answer! Ultimately, it seems like it’s a fear of societal collapse due to a lack of healthy reproduction. So interesting.
@I-am-stupid-as-hell 2 ай бұрын
Why I logically don’t care😂😂😂
@AnotherViewer 2 ай бұрын
Being woke is the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them. Thus, if you saying that being 'woke' is causing injustice in American society and you feel the need to tell people that, then you too are woke.
@jacekiser5876 2 ай бұрын
No, that isn't what "woke" is. That's what a Motte-and-Bailey is
@AnotherViewer Ай бұрын
@@jacekiser5876 Cambridge Dictionary: aware, especially of social problems such as racism and inequality Merriam-Webster: aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice) Even Ron DeSantis who is against the woke movement defines it as "the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them"
@arknabul2760 Ай бұрын
"Being woke is the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them." OK. But then we need to define what is injustice. Woke will say that colorblind is racism, so a systemic injustice for people of color. A woke will agree with that but if you disagree doesn´t make you also woke. Definitions matters, and you are using the same word in different contexts and blending them as being one and the same.
@ThomasJDavis Ай бұрын
The modus operandi of wokism is victimhood culture.
@BehavingBradly Ай бұрын
Nobody who is "woke" would accept that conservatives can be woke. In current usage it's adoption of marxism and intersectionality as the solution to any perceived injustices. And with those two philosophies together, literally EVERY interaction is made up of oppressor vs oppressed, thus everything is an injustice. Hence we have real articles claiming that math is racist, etc.
@wes2176 2 ай бұрын
Don't mind Kris, all his woke friends recently rejected him.
@gustavoabalos3783 2 ай бұрын
Very good discussion!!
@academyofchampions1 2 ай бұрын
I wish Greg could’ve prepped James Lindsay for some LDS specific conversation. Greg constantly talks about post modernism and so does James. It would’ve been much more interesting to hear them speak of LDS specific topics instead of just theory
@TrebizondMusic-cm6fp 2 ай бұрын
Imagine if a scientific revolution had happened in ancient Rome, or Assyria. Also, reflect on how successful and tenacious Communism has been precisely in China as opposed to Russia.
@BehavingBradly Ай бұрын
Those are really interesting things to think about. The scientific revolution happened in the Christian west precisely because Christians believed in a God of order who created a system that could be understood and studied. When you say communism has been "successful" in China I assume your measurement of success is national economy. I would wonder if comparing individual standard of living, levels of freedom, and fear of government might rate "success" differently.
@TrebizondMusic-cm6fp Ай бұрын
@@BehavingBradly Indeed.
@brittanyherrera6231 2 ай бұрын
Question… how many sects of atheism are there? Ultimately most Christian churches go off the Bible I’m not sure if Hindu Buddhist Muslim and Jews have lots of sects but who or what principals do atheist base their beliefs by? So more well known atheist go outside our world to find some of their beliefs not social rules but more a science type of base. Do you know?
@peterblair4448 2 ай бұрын
Sooo good!!!
@braydenweese1407 2 ай бұрын
Sometimes Jacob sounds like Jordan Peterson every time he says he wants to push back. It’s funny, because I’ve adopted that as well.
@jope2123 2 ай бұрын
Your voice numbs out after a while. Constructive criticism 😅
@bartonbagnes4605 2 ай бұрын
I would NOT want to live in a world without any kind of higher power that knows everything and promises punishment for certain behaviors. Without that each person has an equal claim to decide what is good or bad. And those in charge would be the ones willing to do whatever it takes to satisfy the lusts of the flesh and the power to enforce it. Those few children who survived growing up in such a world would have no empathy and would take pleasure in hurting the weaker. God literally is love, and a world without God would be a world without love, where might equals right.
@joshua.snyder 2 ай бұрын
You'd make them all wear diapers...
@bartonbagnes4605 2 ай бұрын
@@joshua.snyder No. But I certainly wouldn't intentionally hurt those children to elderly with medical conditions that require them. Such hate crimes are violations of the Americans With Disabilities Act.
@alienwarex51i3 Ай бұрын
"Without that each person has an equal claim to decide what is good or bad" Not if each person agrees on a common moral standard, such as wellbeing, which is already the case around the world.
@bartonbagnes4605 Ай бұрын
​​@@alienwarex51i3 They only agree because there was a belief in a God that would punish them for eliminating anyone that could keep them from getting what they want. Getting a bigger brain wouldn't stop the dog eat dog law of the jungle instincts, it would only allow them to come up with new more ruthless ways to eliminate competition for what they want. Watch "Interview With An Evil Child" to see what all children would be like.
@lrsvalentine 2 ай бұрын
Funny you talk about agency but don't want to allow people to choose their sexuality. What a bunch of goons
@TheLoneWolf818 Ай бұрын
Being groomed does not equal a choice
@alienwarex51i3 Ай бұрын
You can't choose your sexuality
@lrsvalentine Ай бұрын
​@@alienwarex51i3Correct. Should say choose who they wish to marry.
@lrsvalentine Ай бұрын
​@@TheLoneWolf818That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
@tjedwards4254 2 ай бұрын
There are many paths to Satan. The way is broad, and many there be the enter into it.
@dannyrocket77 2 ай бұрын
I imagine a major city Intersate when I vision the "path of Satan". haha
@joshua.snyder 2 ай бұрын
Invoking "wokeism" boogiemen as a fear tactic is one of them.
@1zcott Ай бұрын
boring, sorry
@TheMahayanist Ай бұрын
Reading the Bible and doing what Jesus says to do leads to "wokeism"
@charlesbruneski9670 Ай бұрын
That's funny. Jesus taught people to be transformed, and to convince others to accept the personal transformation Jesus brings. He didn't tell them to scream until you force society to conform to you. But woke is about virtue signaling, seeming to be virtuous without doing anything to be so. If you scream loud enough on the street corner, you can prevent the poorest of the poor from switching from the worst fuels on the planet, coal, dung, wood, with higher co2 and pollution to cleaner natural gas. And you never have to lift a finger to reduce your standard of living. But you'll feel virtuous and be applauded by the mob. Jesus said, do not be like the Pharisees who pray aloud in the street to be seen of men. Jesus didn't tell his followers to make an uproar until the people you despise are canceled, fired, lose their livelihood. Yet, when Pilate asked what Jesus had done, the Pharisees couldn't answer with evidence, 'but they shouted all the more, crucify him!' That's woke. They're the self-righteous crowd Jesus spoke against.
@mdhhthh8593 21 күн бұрын
Agreed. This is the self righteous crowd Jesus spoke against. Those feeling virtuous, having done the least. Just looking at the culture within the US last several hundred years and that still exists in pockets throughout the nation today… there are various groups of individuals who are largely identified by characteristics which some use as justification to despise, cancel, fire, and destroy the livelihoods of those lumped into these groups. Jesus’ teachings and example provided in the Bible do seem to suggest he would support the concept of liberty, freedom, and justice being available to all; not just a privileged group.
@charlesbruneski9670 21 күн бұрын
​@mdhhthh8593 Interesting. I got a notification of your message because I replied in this thread... But when I came to read your post, mine wasn't visible. It said there was 1 reply to the original post. I came back to the video and scrolled through the measures until I found this one. Still, only your reply. I eventually got it to show up, but I'm guessing my post isn't visible to most people.
@charlesbruneski9670 21 күн бұрын
​@@mdhhthh8593 And look at that... it copied your name but it's in white rather than the blue link that shows you'll get a notification of a reply. That's been happening to me regular as well.
@skylinefever Күн бұрын
I often think of how few Christians promote Christ like behavior to money changers.
@ja-kaz 2 ай бұрын
Trump 2024
@seanwalker7101 2 ай бұрын
Really appreciate you both and your efforts to spread the gospel…but you gotta get off the clickbait woke stuff. Stick to core gospel principles and talk to all of God’s children. No matter what political background people are, our Savior loves them equally. Keep close to the Saviors teachings. He would be the first one to correct the sin, and the first to reach out to those of different cultural beliefs. Conservative LDS brother here guys…👊🏻
@arjunheart5859 2 ай бұрын
Sure. It's clickbait. But it's about societal falsehoods. Wokeism is a new god that is trying to poach from the church, as well as all other logic. It is counter-truth, and God is Truth.
@ItsSnagret 2 ай бұрын
Core Gospel principles refute woke ideology, yet lots of people don’t realize that. What Jacob and Cwic are doing is incredibly valuable and Christ centered.
@DallasCrane 2 ай бұрын
“Preach, just don’t preach against evil” like what
@seanwalker7101 2 ай бұрын
@@ItsSnagret I could be wrong but I am hearing Atheism=Woke=The Left=Evil. I don’t agree with the ideology of the Democratic platform. But without a definition of what woke is my concern is that we are dividing peaceful Americans, that are mostly in the center red or blue, with generalized logic. Politics will not survive this earth. All “woke” libs are not far left Atheists. And of course preach against evil, just keep politics out of spreading the gospel. That’s all I am saying in the spirit of good faith.
@jakeharmer1068 2 ай бұрын
Think about those you know who have abandoned their religion... Now think about what common threads they share. This is important work
@nathanbigler 2 ай бұрын
Jacob prefers Afghanistan to the United States. He wants people restrained by government and to dress the way he prefers
@scottishwarrior3547 2 ай бұрын
Way to be an idiot and not notice he is a libertarian
@nathanbigler 2 ай бұрын
@@scottishwarrior3547 why complain about atheism if you don't want theocracy? Libertarians are silly conservatives who love public services, but don't want to pay for them. That's stupid
@Mountainmanof 2 ай бұрын
@@scottishwarrior3547has to resort to personal attacks and saying someone is stupid instead of stating facts… I grade your communication skills a D+. I have no idea if you are an idiot so I will not personally attack you.
@dannyrocket77 2 ай бұрын
@@Mountainmanof It is right, however forgive his fallibilty. He meant to say "uneducated" and needs to learn to do "research" in providing real sources and facts.
@ldr540 2 ай бұрын
When you talk about the United States, you have to be specific as to which era you're referring to since the United States of today is unrecognizable from the founding, or even from 60 years ago.
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