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God Is Not The BAD GUY
2 ай бұрын
How Much Does Historicity Matter?
@TheMusicscotty 28 минут бұрын
Yes. Tired of playing defense. Jesus said he came not to bring peace but a sword. You don't have to be a pushover. Stand up for your faith, y'all!!
@connorbrown1603 51 минут бұрын
“Whoever drinks the water that I shall give, will never thirst again” He is the living water. I’ve come to see the sacrament as the bread of life and living water as much as His body and blood. Either way, I’m partaking of Him.
@tarabates7088 Сағат бұрын
I've been researching the issue of abortion. I hadn't heard that Trump was in favor of a 12-week-and after ban. If anyone can confirm with a source, could you let me know? In the Republican party platform documents, the 2016 document supported an after-20-week ban plus a goal that taxpayer money should not be used to pay for abortions, the 2020 document had no updates, and the 2024 document simply has a statement supporting a ban on "late-term" abortions. If anyone can locate a source that clarifies what the Republican party means by "late-term abortions" there (a weeks of gestation guideline) could you reply here? I have also read in news media (but not in party documents) that the most recent Republican position is a state-by-state policy. Given this information about the Republican Party's policy, I'm curious to know if Jacob is in line with the Republican party policy (a federal "late term" ban and state by state allowance to have more restrictive laws), or if there's a different policy he would advocate for. Based on what I am reading, I have the impression that Republican Party policy proposals on this issue are not as different from Democratic Party as people think. In other words, that the Republican party has never intended to be as restrictive on abortion as Latter Day Saints have the impression that they are. That said, I'm not sure that that's correct and I'm trying to confirm. I'm not trying to start an argument here, and will not reply to people who become argumentative... but am interested in making sure I have the correct information about official statements and policies.
@ThoseOneGuysInc Сағат бұрын
I think it’s important to remember this life’s purpose and the limitations placed on us to fulfill that purpose. This life is like tryouts. God wants as many of his children as possible to one day have all the power and authority he has, but He has to make sure we are capable of being like him because he can’t give that type of power to someone who won’t obey all his guidance or be responsible with it. In a sense this life is also a way of proving to each of us more than Himself if we are capable of it. I imagine a lot of people before this life insisted that they were capable and ready and only by stripping them of their knowledge and memories for a time will they realize who they truly are at their core and if they are really up to it. So to a certain extent, I think this life is far more about accumulating wisdom than knowledge. You do need some knowledge to develop wisdom, but not knowledge for knowledge’s sake. If it was all about knowledge then taking away our memories makes no sense. God is far more interested in if we can put our full trust in him and follow everything he says even when we don’t understand why. It is noble to accumulate knowledge, but it’s not the most important thing and if your need to know exactly what’s true is keeping you from trusting God and trusting that he called the current authorities because he wants you to follow them then you have to exercise some wisdom there and just move forward with Faith knowing God will explain in the end.
@TheMightyJor 2 сағат бұрын
1:28:32 Jacob 2 doesn't say that.
@sshale85 3 сағат бұрын
WTH is Civility Politics? This country wasn’t founded on “civility”. And, this guy has spent his career getting paid by taxpayers, just like most educators that can’t make it in the Private Sector. Trump is going to CUT a huge amount of Federal Funding and the Department of Education, and these dolts know their Gravy Train paychecks are going away. Why do all these people want communism? Our voting system has worked for over 200 years, until these self righteous idiots try to change it. Guarantee this guy squats to pee and is vaxxed and boosted.
@terrywolsey8741 4 сағат бұрын
Think celestial? Or some think terrestrial and some telestial and a few think outer darkness Government needs to maintain those levels for society or the individual
@SirBonovox 5 сағат бұрын
Unfortunately Jim Bennett is correct. The church has recently changed it's teachings on some gospel principles and doctrines, unfortunately.
@jettmoore6549 13 сағат бұрын
With regard to the emperor Marcus I think that it also helpful to point out that, even though he was a smart guy, this man persecuted Christians as an emperor of Rome, and killed hundreds if not thousands of Christians. And he also made fun of Christians on his book meditations btw. So Yes i do believe Marcus received justice after he passed
@WookyWarrior 15 сағат бұрын
Hey Jacob, when speaking about the eternal nature of God, research some into how eternity has been used as a standard of time. Maybe eternal and eternity means something different to God than it does us.
@bemorebetter5343 16 сағат бұрын
Watched 2 hours. Understood 2 minutes.
@kimberlytousley3450 19 сағат бұрын
@kimberlytousley3450 19 сағат бұрын
@jody4522 19 сағат бұрын
This guys claims this is about abuse in general, but his questions are all about sexual abuse only.
@Estimator00 20 сағат бұрын
The church is harmful.
@jody4522 23 сағат бұрын
Jacob, I commend you for being the better person in this debate. I can hardly get through this debate. I have never seen a more condescending behavior in my life. It practically drips off of her.
@bradleygillies Күн бұрын
Why does everyone make something that is so obvious sound so confusing?
@jody4522 Күн бұрын
How can a person who claims to care so much behave so absolutely condescending. She is unbelievably unbearable.
@jody4522 Күн бұрын
She pretends to listen with the constant head nodding and her constant mmhmms. She is not at all considering what he is saying. She is too busy forming her argument rather than listening and considering his reasoning. She is extremely condescending in her behaviors of communicating.
@jody4522 Күн бұрын
It’s a messy world because of people with her mindset.
@jody4522 Күн бұрын
“Mmmhhm,hmm,mhm,” trans people are harming many people. Pay attention to the news. This woman says she is not trying to erase lines when that is ALL she is doing. So what I gather her argument goes very well with her mind set. She likes to argue to erase all lines but then CLAIMS that she is not trying to erase lines and boundaries. Like many of her mind set, logic is replaced with feelings. Feelings, feelings, feelings. They want to claim and identify while having not claim to it by behavior or reality.
@mandylarsen4982 Күн бұрын
There will be law. The law of consecration. Only those that are willing to live by that highest holy law will be allowed to stay. Once that law starts to be questioned… satan is loosed and the another battle begins which means lesser laws will creep back in because of our refusal to live the higher law. The temple prepares us to live the higher law through covenants with our king.
@I_Sell_Utah Күн бұрын
Amen brother
@Dunning-Kruger-effect Күн бұрын
Durbin’s guiding light John Calvin said deaf people will all go to hell because they can not hear the Gospel. His opinion on justification is flawed from its roots.
@jacobi2393 Күн бұрын
alongside the considerations around historical prophetic authority and the spirit, I think its important to note 2 things: 1. I don't think its a "problem" per se if individuals rely on the spirit to override what a prophet says IF the context is not engaging with the institutional church. So, for example, if "the spirit" tells you you don't have to pay tithing, you can not also expect your Bishop to accept that explanation when it comes time to renew a temple recommend. But if you're relying on personal revelation to navigate truly personal elements of your life, then sure, whatever 2. more fundamentally though, I am of the opinion that if one is going to receive personal revelation to override principles we've received from anointed revelation-givers, than the strength of our personal revelations ought to exceed the strength of the revelation-giving-apparatus. In other words, if the scriptural canon has an established, long-standing position on a practice, that continues to be affirmed by prophets generation after generation, you'd better be having heavens-opening level revelations to go against that; a simple "warm feeling" doesn't cut it in my opinion, certainly not if you want to be persuasive to anyone else
@gerritvandewal6113 Күн бұрын
Some questions or answers do not need to be answered or understood in this life, especially if it is not necessary for our salvation ❤
@gerritvandewal6113 Күн бұрын
I believe the biggest questions you have should/ need to be taken to the Lord, and let the Holy Ghost reveal the Truth to you, only then will you be truly converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ ❤
@michaelwhipple347 Күн бұрын
If you leave any question unfinished, we WILL make sure you get good answers in the comments!!
@botofogo2212 Күн бұрын
There are 3 kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and then statistics. ---Benjamin. Disreali
@urigellarfella3680 Күн бұрын
@awfulwaffle1341 Күн бұрын
This conversation might be a little too egg-headed for me.
@adamb7230 Күн бұрын
We had a good conversation about this in elders quorum on Sunday. After much debate about what would be considered ‘Christlike’ we just read the articles of faith and the spirit testified of the good truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It doesn’t need defending. It needs to be preached with confidence. That will offend the wicked. The key is to not backpedal to make society feel better. This gospel is incredible. We don’t need to waste our precious time entertaining the arguments of fools.
@adamb7230 Күн бұрын
We had a good conversation about this in elders quorum on Sunday. After much debate about what would be considered ‘Christlike’ we just read the articles of faith and the spirit testifies of the good truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It doesn’t need defending. It needs to be preached with confidence. That will offend the wicked. The key is to not backpedaling when it does to make society feel better. This gospel is incredible. We don’t need to waste our precious time entertaining the arguments of fools.
@richardallen383 Күн бұрын
This discussion is a little bit tedious due to its lack of practicality. I think most people want a more practical presentation. Practically speaking, most knowledge we gain comes from the five senses. The other methods are too nuanced for most people to put in the effort needed to understand them. For example, due to experience with the five senses, I know I’m alive, I know my family exists, I know a wide world full of people exist. I know 2+2=4, I know I=V/R (Ohm’s Law), I know 1+ √5/2 = the Golden Ratio. With respect to this knowledge, 99.9% of all people wouldn’t take exception to my claiming I know this stuff is true. I can add thousands of other pieces of knowledge I possess that would fall into this category where virtually everyone agrees with me. Now, if I add “I know the Church is true”, there are by far millions of more people who would take exception to that statement than there would be who agreed with me. So how do you as the individual making the claim “you know the Church is true” maintain your self integrity when there are many others making claims opposite to yours. That’s the question most people need help with. How do you rectify the doubt brought on by others who don’t agree with you. The way one knows the Church is true, or Jesus is the Christ, or that Joseph Smith is a prophet, is through knowledge you obtain from the Holy Ghost. Now I believe the Holy Ghost can give knowledge with different levels of surety or intensity or purity. That is because I have felt the Holy Ghost at different levels of intensity at different times in my own life. Early on I felt manifestations of the Holy Ghost that were at the time unbeknownst to me, at lower levels of intensity, were of sufficient strength for me to claim I know the Church is true. Then later when a manifestation occurred at a higher level of intensity, I realized the lower level manifestations may not have been of sufficient strength to maintain my avowal of truth under some of the more difficult life trials. Knowledge from the Holy Ghost is infused knowledge that sometimes may bypass the five senses or, may in more intense cases be accompanied by what people describe as feelings of warmth or burnings emanating from deep inside one’s physical body and even light being sensed in the brain. There is no way one person can adequately explain to another a manifestation of the Holy Ghost. It can only be experienced and understood between individuals who have experienced it similarly. Knowledge infused through the Holy Ghost has in my experience been knowledge that will never be widely disseminated the way we know of our personal existence or even a law of physics. Such knowledge comes from God and thus one is only accountable to God as to what they do with that knowledge.
@botofogo2212 Күн бұрын
The Mormon church doe's not have 10s of millions of active members. Probably around 2 million in the United States.
@chadpearson1572 Күн бұрын
This quest I predict will become a regular, he just fits on so nicely and naturally.
@TroyLeavitt Күн бұрын
The Collective Witness Model is a Wood Tool. If you want to pursue truth honestly, you need Steel Tools.
@6Cougarfans Күн бұрын
It’s simple. Until you have experienced the hand of God in your own life, you are on the outside looking in, not believing anyone has more experience than you do. It’s pretty naive actually. Not not a lot of love, or gratitude for all they are benefiting from today. They are blind to the world they’ve been given. “Those that have eyes to see, let them see.” Hate is blinding. And sadly they may never have a personal experience with the other side that may give them eyes to see…
@kraniodesign4555 Күн бұрын
with regard to science, I have a couple of question for you both: what claim has science made that has been debunked and replaced by your prophets? Likewise can you think of claim that your prophets have made that science has debunked?
@daleclark7127 18 сағат бұрын
Spiritual truths are discerned by prophets and it’s not in the realm of a prophet to facilitate more or less than just that. The question you are posing is meant to be a gotcha in some sense if the understanding of what a prophet actually does is misconstrued. The real question is what spiritual truth has science debunked?
@kraniodesign4555 17 сағат бұрын
@daleclark7127 I'd be happy to have your question answered as well. Of course, we would need to establish what exactly spiritual truth is and how to verify that said "truth" is, in fact, true. For example, Jacob claims that being a child of god is a spiritual truth. How can one verify that this statement is true? Also, what makes this statement a "spiritual" truth and not just a regular truth? Care to take a stab at it?
@hardwork8395 6 сағат бұрын
⁠​⁠​⁠@@daleclark7127his question is a well-formed and meaningful one. If Mormon prophets are contradicting scientific findings, I’d wonder why they are speaking out of their lane. That seems like something they shouldn’t be doing, if they are confined to talking about spiritual truths, as you say. You then pose a different question: “what spiritual truth has science debunked?” I think that’s a malformed question: how could science possibly debunk a truth, whether it be spiritual or non-spiritual? Are you trying to ask “what spiritual claim has science debunked?”, as that doesn’t presuppose, as you did in your question, that the spiritual thing in question was already true. Then you’d need to define your terms so the other person knows how to answer.
@daleclark7127 4 сағат бұрын
@@kraniodesign4555 if you aren’t a child of a Creator then what are you?
@kraniodesign4555 3 сағат бұрын
@daleclark7127 Frankly, I have no idea. So, I'll ask again: How can you demonstrate that I'm a child of God and what makes this a spiritual truth and how is that different from any other truth?
@kraniodesign4555 Күн бұрын
It seems to me that the only 'truths' Jacob can point to that are consistent over time are unfalsifiable. How convenient...
@Orangestardust Күн бұрын
What about the Egyptian hieroglyphics that Joseph Smith lie about?
@harmonillustration Күн бұрын
I'm just so tired of this "realm of apologetics". It's too much. It too often just feels like shouting into the void or yelling at rocks. I think I've been living on the internet too long. I need to go touch grass. 😂
@frankallen3634 Күн бұрын
Because the bible is old and unchanging so the answers wouldn't change. I get it you are a Jesus freak following a backward belief system that wasn't worth a damn a thousand years ago. You just don't like people who think and realize religion is a joke
@tomloveland6056 Күн бұрын
"Doubt is an uncomfortable condition, but certainty is a ridiculous one.” -Voltaire ... I guess it all comes down to who defines what "the moral good" is? You are so certain you know! The longer I live, the more I'm wary of people who claim with absolute certainty that they know the mind and will of God and impose that "truth" on others. There are numerous VERY RECENT cases of LDS therapists doing extreme harm thinking they know "the moral truth". Your thoughts as explained in this video seem so reasonable on the surface, but are actually extremely reductionist. Not every topic is simple. Your line of thinking needs so much more nuance than your youtube short has time to give.
@contraheresy Күн бұрын
I am sure Christian apologists are shaking in their boots watching these two dorks
@tdijon7 Күн бұрын
This took me right back to conversations I had on my mission.
@Rocketermusic Күн бұрын
Hi all brothers and sisters, I'm not confused at all, are we not in the last days?, the doctrine of Christ in the Church of Jesus Christ of Lattef Day Saints is as clear as daylight to me, on the other hand the insights, opinions, comments and talks from some members of the Church, even leadership are their own thoughts which I respect but I don't agree, I follow Christ, noone else, I'm a native American and the time has come for the other tribes of Israel to come out and help Efraim on this last stage of the journey, ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free, stick to the truth, it's unprecedented what we face in this generation but hey it was prophesized, don't be afraid, The Lord will act on His own due time
@explorerofmind Күн бұрын
Even the act of having Faith in Christ requires God’s Grace. That’s why after all we did it’s only Grace that saved us. But grace is free and anyone can have enough grace to begin believing. Then what that belief leads to can only be blamed on grace.
@sordidknifeparty Күн бұрын
Skepticism doesn't say we can't know anything, it'l says we can't know anything for absolutely sure. For example I know that 2 + 2 is 4. Logically it is consistent, it matches up with every observation I have made of the real world. However it is possible that my senses or my mind have been deceived somehow and 2 + 2 is not in fact 4. Skepticism only asks that we leave open the possibility that we have been mistaken. But, if we start with some axioms that we simply declare to be true, with the caveat that we might be mistaken, we tan from that point use logic to know all sorts of things to the maximum extent anyone is capable of knowing anything
@trobo670 2 күн бұрын
This type of content is truly a breath of fresh air in contrast to much of the anti-mormon rhetoric being pushed for the sole purpose of tearing down rather than an honest, open-minded conversation. Awesome stuff!