Why Helldivers 2 feels horrible after new update

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4 ай бұрын

Why Helldivers 2 feels horrible after new update
Helldivers 2 made changes in the new patch that drastically alter the experience of the game
Creator Code: ohdough
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@mrazbyte3150 4 ай бұрын
I have to disagree with 1 point slightly. The elite spawn rate NEEDS to be toned down, because right now there's 20 rocket devestators and at least 10 hulks on top of 6 tanks, you can't spawn in without dying instantly, the same goes for charger spam but that's more managable.
@scottroxford5715 4 ай бұрын
Yeah rocket devastators need to be toned down a bit, they need their "stalker hive" equivalent.
@25xxfrostxx 4 ай бұрын
I agree. The list of things in this game that can kill you instantly with little counterplay is very, very long and the only way to handle the waves is to stay on top of things and kill fast enough to keep the numbers manageable. When you have 12 things around you that all demand focused fire it's just a constant losing battle. Plus they have a mechanic where when you hit 15 minutes in, the spawns double. Most 7+ games now are just a sprint to the objective and sprint to the evac. No points of interest. No samples.
@luchowolf2428 4 ай бұрын
Rocket devastators are not considered elite enemies, and the devs said that they'd reduce elite enemy spawns and replace them with more non-elite enemies. This means that they might actually end up increasing rocket devastator spawns... It's a horrifying thought
@kazorikumo9765 4 ай бұрын
Yeah, the Rocket Devastators are bad, but I like the heavy devastators at least as little. Unless you have the perfect cover for both there is no fun counter play. And the shields of the heavies can shrug off rockets but get's staggered with the auto cannon.
@rawrxdtonepforme9360 4 ай бұрын
Honestly I've been having way more problems with heavy Devastors than rocket Devastors. The fact that their shields are now impervious to damage combined with the lack of breaks in their fire makes them virtually impossible to engage if they are targeting you. At least when a group of rocket Devastors are shooting at you, you can kill one before the next Salvo is fired. As they tend to fire in unison. With heavies your cross hair is immediately jostling around and you are stun locked while trying to shoot their tiny head.
@billping6712 4 ай бұрын
Deep Rock Galactic handles modifiers well, not only do negative modifiers increase rewards upon completion; there are also positive modifiers that provide a buff of some kind.
@artur1075 4 ай бұрын
Rock and Stone, Brother.
@SunnyJCR 4 ай бұрын
And, with the exception of low oxygen, every mutator either makes you stronger or tweaks the enemy pool/environment. None of them remove power from the player. Even low oxygen leaves you with the entirety of your mobility and fire power. Rock & Stone! Edit: Forgot about shield disruption but at least it doesn't cost you destructive efficacy like the modifiers in helldivers 2.
@Boamere 4 ай бұрын
Sometimes even the negatives can be used to your advantage, like low gravity or exploding bugs
@NonnoNao 4 ай бұрын
Rock and stone to the bone brothers
@squidwardtentacle5 4 ай бұрын
That's it lads, rock and stone!
@Astronomica2531 4 ай бұрын
Honestly everytime I play now I almost instsntly rage quit, it's like no matter what I use nothing can actually do a good job, and I get ganged up on by everything with almost no way to defend myself. It's like I'm trying to cut a rock with a plastic fork, it just sucks.
@OhDough 4 ай бұрын
it's more fair playing vs automatons if you have the shield back pack
@Kr4v3rd 3 ай бұрын
Stay with the team.
@xendakakorva3267 3 ай бұрын
@@Kr4v3rd And what if your going solo? I know this video was 2 weeks ago but I find it way better to fight the Automatons SOLO instead of the Terminids SOLO... cause the bugs effectively are forcing you to use weapons you probably don't want to use in the first place, your meant to be able to use WHATEVER YOU WANT against the enemy, not just only 3 faking things, for the bugs E-AT, Recoilless and Spear are MANDDATORY even while in a team, hell even the orbital railcannon can't 1 shot a damn BILE and the hunters in my opinion have been utter AIDs to fight again due to them being able to lock you down with their venom when they HIT YOU.
@stevebui1375 3 ай бұрын
@@xendakakorva3267I’m pretty sure that helldivers 2 is meant to be a team game, not a 1 man army
@xendakakorva3267 3 ай бұрын
@@stevebui1375 going solo can be done, it's just a slight pain in the butt against the bots and a MAJOR PAIN against the damn BUGS
@munchkingod6 4 ай бұрын
1000% agree on all counts. I’m level 35. I have every Strategem unlocked. I have more than half of the ship upgrades, but I am hard locked out of further upgrades by the need for tier 3 samples. And like…. Being real playing at a difficulty 7+ is not fun for me. It’s stressful, I spend the whole game running, and the constant deaths usually feel unfair. Getting 12 hunters spawned on top of me isn’t a skill issue, it’s just bullshit. I don’t give a fuck if they want to nerf or balance or whatever. But the game was ABSOLUTELY more fun before the patch and I really wish I could play that version of the game again.
@ittybits 3 ай бұрын
Wow it's almost like it's a 40 dollar game that plays like a f2p game. Who could've seen this coming?!
@sonqnt 3 ай бұрын
​@@ittybitsdamn dude its good game whats with the stick up your ass
@WhatMinimap 4 ай бұрын
Charger tanking an entire orbital laser is crazy
@Thesavagesouls 4 ай бұрын
True man, it takes the full duration to kill it. Then there's another one that spawn behind and all your strats are on cooldown...
@tea.5376 4 ай бұрын
BRO I shot like 2 grenade mags into the ass of it and shot like 5 breaker mags and it didn’t die
@delsinhays6421 4 ай бұрын
@strauss_ 4 ай бұрын
Except it’s not crazy lol, orbital railgun oneshots charger every single time, orbital laser is for clearing large groups of smaller enemies 😂
@snavsmatiq 4 ай бұрын
@@strauss_ I hope youre joking, if I see someone use an orbital laser on fodder they're inept and getting booted. Laser is for shtf moments with piles of elite enemies. Cluster strikes or gas for smaller troops
@hebrewhammer26721 4 ай бұрын
The real crappie part about the modifiers is that it doesn't even give you anything extra for clearing it.
@thoughtgaming492 4 ай бұрын
Yeah they really should give modifier reward bonuses similar to the difficulty reward bonus.
@Tetragramix 4 ай бұрын
You get the difficulty bonus.
@SkellyHertz 4 ай бұрын
@Tetragramix a separate modifier reward on top of the difficulty reward
@MiorAkif 4 ай бұрын
​@@thoughtgaming492 DRG does that, hell even Darktide does it. Why are devs so hesitant to look at and learn from peers?
@thoughtgaming492 4 ай бұрын
@@MiorAkif yeah with how similar the games are, they really should have done a case study on DRG. Why don’t I have a button to yell about democracy?!
@curiousconsultant7922 4 ай бұрын
I definitely agree that the cool factor of Helldivers 2 is the ability to tear the map to shreds with artillery support via stratagems. So us getting swarmed should not be a problem if we have what it takes to still come out on top. But adding enemies, making enemies stronger, and reducing our firepower takes the game off of the sweet spot that it landed on by sheer luck.
@generalseal6948 4 ай бұрын
the fact chargers and tanks can now bounce orbital railcannons is insanity
@Notllamalord 4 ай бұрын
The biggest problem is the Patrol AI. they have this hyperborean third sense for where you are once they see any sign of your existence. Leave a minefield at an old objective? patrol will find it, instantly know where you are, and call a breach. Stray bullet lands on the opposite side of the objective? patrol will see that and start running towards your location. It happened before but with the new aggressiveness changes a normal fight will be pulling patrols from all over the map, leading to a breach loop and your inevitable death. That's why it always feels like patrols are pathing towards your location constantly. The patrols need to be toned down, they should enter a "searching" state when they find evidence of your existence where they split up and try to find you instead of instantly getting your location
@TheHuffur 4 ай бұрын
I have also been seeing a lot of Automatons standing like 500m away, stray remains of a earlier fight/patrol. Nothing happening near them, they are not moving or shooting just casually idling there... *FLARE OF RAGE!!!!!!!!!* And there comes some dropships to your general area because ofc they know where you are... and yes, that mofo will stand there and fire flares all day.
@Tetragramix 4 ай бұрын
The game spawns patrols that follow you using the same method that stalkers do. It is part of the design to prevent camping and stealth. I hate it.
@TheSharkkyy 4 ай бұрын
@@Tetragramix you can easily out stealth them if you're wearing scout armor and prone/motionless. If they walk over you, yeah you're screwed. You learn to see sort of where they are patrolling though
@McJizzleBerries 4 ай бұрын
Anyone had a patrol literally spawn right on top of you yet? Seen it happen to friends and personally happened twice now…absolutely terrifying
@GoodBoyGoneDad 4 ай бұрын
​@@McJizzleBerries yes! It's happened a lot since the patch. I'm just trying to avoid a group of enemies on my way to a poi and suddenly a dozen enemies spawn right on top of me and immediately call in reenforcements. It's absolutely bullshit.
@Arunnn241 4 ай бұрын
The AI change is probably the most annoying one. Before, I used to be able to attack (from long range) a patrol or bug hive hole with my autocannon and the mobs wouldn't realize where they were getting shot from. The autocannon is supposed to only attract mobs to the destination the shell hits, not from where the shell was shot (it's stated in a Training Tip and it also used to work before the patch). Now, as soon as anything happens: if you call down an airstrike, shoot in the air, have your stratagem ball direct impact a bug, or anything, then the mobs instantly know where you are and start b-lining it towards you. It completely ruins the immersion of someone like me, who likes to play a lone ranger type of role, sniping things and being a little more strategic and sneaky in how I approach objectives. Also, before the patch, I never noticed enemies spawning or despawning. Now, I'll be sneakily doing an objective -- doing 180's to check my surroundings and checking my map to see any distant red dots -- and all of a sudden, an entire patrol will just appear out of thin air in a spot that I just checked and confirmed to be clear. I know why its happening too. The game notices I'm being sneaky and spawns a patrol to check out my location to force me to engage and exit stealth. It feels way too targeted and not at all genuine. And you lose any ability to prepare and any feeling of accomplishment after sneaking past one patrol, just to find another spawned right next to you since the last patrol failed.
@Repli2346 4 ай бұрын
They only know where it was comming from. try it. toss an air strike and move. all the bugs run to the throwing position but not you. still strange i agree as tossing is silent.
@liamburke4406 4 ай бұрын
I had a patrol spawn literally in my face several times already. Never happened before the pach, but I also bumped up my usual difficulty so I'm not 100% sure it's the patch
@catmaster42 4 ай бұрын
I literally had a bile titen, spawn on top of me, for absolutely no reason, so yeah. things are broken. lol
@I.AM.ON.MY.WAY. 4 ай бұрын
@@liamburke4406can confirm, was playing yesterday and a patrol spawned out of thin air in front of me
@Arunnn241 4 ай бұрын
@@liamburke4406 I can confirm; it's the patch. I exclusively play at 6/8/9 difficulties. 6 if I don't care about super rare samples, 8 if I do, and 9 if I really do.
@Blacksmith__ 4 ай бұрын
It's crazy to me that someone has to give up a backpack slot to get the autocannon to work but it deflects off charger armor. Bro what is the point of armor penetrating weapons that can't penetrate armor??
@ThatGuy-hu9mt 4 ай бұрын
Autocannon was never made for heavy armor, it even says so in the description that it’s meant for light armor, you should try out the actual anti-armor weapons like recoiless, EAT, and spear
@Harvest133 4 ай бұрын
@@ThatGuy-hu9mt Carl Gustav is too inconsistent and slow. The Carl Gustav under ideal circumstances, MAY kill a charger in one hit. In less than ideal circumstances, you might blow all your ammo to kill a charger. EAT is too inconsistent, same problem as Carl Gustav. Spear is the most inconsistent of all because of the targetting system being complete ass. These weapons are so bad at their jobs that I'm convinced that the workers in the factories are enemy sympathizers and purposely producing sabotaged and trash weapons.
@RonrisHogson 3 ай бұрын
@@Harvest133 are you joking? they lowered the chargers head health so the weapons you listed as "inconsistent" WILL one shot head shot them. I don't understand how they could make it easier without making it trivializing it further
@Lunageldia 3 ай бұрын
​@@RonrisHogson I'm right here with you tbh. Chargers are annoying now for the 5 seconds it takes my EAT pod to land and me to grab one, then they're dead because their weak point is functionally center mass and they only ever charge straight at you. One of my friends was complaining to me the other day that he had to shoot a charger with the recoilless rifle more than four times to kill it and I was trying not to be mean about it but genuinely the only thing I could say to him was "just shoot them in the head bro, it's right there and not that hard." He then started ranting about how I was basically telling him to "just parry it" like in dark souls. If you bring EAT, chargers just aren't an issue anymore unless you get multiple of them at once, and at that point just get them to slam into each other. I don't want to sound like a jackass but the head health nerf + rocket AP buff really took chargers down from a major obstacle to a normal specialty target.
@logandarnell8946 3 ай бұрын
@@Lunageldiayou sound like a d*ckhead. just always bring this one loadout he says, I see no problem with my logic, its totally fine to only be able to play the game the one way. and god forbid anyone be worse than me at something.
@ogFaTaL 4 ай бұрын
I wanna see a stream where the devs play in helldive and see how they think there game is balanced
@OhDough 4 ай бұрын
I'd love that.
@vikingd33 3 ай бұрын
@@OhDoughThey need help to unlock it first.
@gatorboi9392 3 ай бұрын
There is one the fuckers failed a lvl 6 homie
@iPunchMAGAterrorists 3 ай бұрын
Most game Devs think their game is great, until they play it.😂
@SessyBaka 3 ай бұрын
Bruh tell me you don’t know the devs and the game without telling me you don’t know the devs and the game. The devs literally came out and said that they wanted to lower the completion rates of hell dive even further and it’s meant to be unfair and hard because you are going into a meat grinder, you are diving into hell behind enemy lines. You’re not a hero, just a casualty number on a list. Before criticizing the devs decision please do yourself a favor and research what the game is and the meaning of the game.
@N00BSYBORG 4 ай бұрын
"We made primaries weak on purpose so you'd have to rely on stratagems." >gives most stratagems long cooldowns >hits you with multiple modifiers that make your stratagems unreliable and increases their cooldown >most stratagems are honestly bad or low impact for how long the cooldowns are >swarms you with high aggro, tanky enemy that can one or two shot you It's like they're expecting you to do a high-end raid in an MMO but with mid-tier gear. I'm ok with the game being hard but you don't even have the resources to reasonably deal with enemies on the highest difficulties. Like, what's the counterplay to the 8 bile titans and 5 chargers running at you while your stratagem (which will likely only kill one of them at best) is on a 7 minute cooldown? We often end up b-lining to the objectives, suiciding at them until we complete them, then running circles around the extraction because you have no choice but to run from combat. I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't play shooters to not shoot things.
@TheHuffur 4 ай бұрын
The diff 8-9 evac run of shame is definitely a thing that I could do without.
@Chippaization 4 ай бұрын
Then people will tell you it's a stealth game and always has been
@lolimadethisvid 4 ай бұрын
Glad to know it's not just me who cant even stop to shoot something during extract on 8 or 9 without being turned into a pile of flesh&bile. How do you even toss a stratagem with hunters leaping at you relentlessly stunning&slowing you, nevermind the damage.
@LordLux 4 ай бұрын
@@TheHuffur why? usually i hold G and speedrun the next mission for LE WAR EFFORT
@Whit3Tig3r010 4 ай бұрын
>scales game for 4 players >expects players to play with others >they dont then complain they dont have enough resources to beat the 4 man encounter solo >???
@Florkl 4 ай бұрын
Arrowhead’s big problem, and I noticed this before the update just from the way the difficulty works, is the inability to understand how problems compound exponentially. If you increase difficulty in several ways while cutting back options to deal with difficulty you’re going to get massive difficulty spikes.
@s2wuolf508 4 ай бұрын
When Patrick mentioned that the liberator had a better extraction rate than the breaker it occurred to me he didn’t realise it’s because the missions where liberator was used over breaker were being played by newer players who haven’t unlocked the breaker and the higher difficulties. Kinda concerning tbh
@LowkeyHundo 4 ай бұрын
You must not have realized they buffed like all the non-meta weapons. Get good, adapt to the changes. It’s called helldivers for a reason.
@jooot_6850 4 ай бұрын
@@s2wuolf508They’re basing their weapon balance off of _those_ kinds of statistics? Oh dearie me. That’s bad. Reminds me of Gaijin Entertainment doing vehicle balanced based on win percentage, which would end up either shafting some vehicles or making others ridiculously lower battle rating than they should be (because win percentage comes down to a LOT more than just “My tank beats your tank”)
@CallMeKevan 4 ай бұрын
@@LowkeyHundo They buffed like 4 weapons and 2 of them were shotguns.
@rileysanford3674 4 ай бұрын
Not only that, but he was talking about how it isn't actually the best because of, and I'm pretty sure this is the exact amount, 46 other stats that aren't shown, so we shouldn't trust the 4 stats the game gives us. Okay, I can get that, but that also brings up one question; *what the hell are the values of the other stats?* How am I supposed to determine which weapon is better if the only stats they give me look basically the exact same? For example, I was checking one of the new warbonds and one weapon looks like a direct upgrade, exact same stats but 5 more ammo per clip. The game doesn't tell me if it has more inertia, less reloads, or less ammo restored per pickup, but it expects me to already know and I find that dumb.
@AwesomeSaxGuy 4 ай бұрын
Yeah I immediately noticed a change in the amount of fun I was having post patch
@John-X 4 ай бұрын
i just got the game ppl kept saying it was rly good. but, the graphics are bad on PS5, poorly optimized, & performance mode looks like PS3 graphics. & the gameplay? i mean it's just a bunch of ppl farming supercredits. disappointed af rn just glad i didnt get the supercitizen edition. very disappointed with the graphics, should be way better. next gen btw.
@benjaminwatson7868 4 ай бұрын
@@John-Xya it’s a bloody shame what the whiny sweaty tryhards have done, not fun for them unless they have everything and win every attempt
@logandarnell8946 3 ай бұрын
@@benjaminwatson7868huh? what are you talking about man?
@SessyBaka 3 ай бұрын
@@benjaminwatson7868exactly this. All the comments on this video where the host likes are all the whiners bitching about not being able to complete all hell dive attempts without dying. 😂
@technology2598 4 ай бұрын
People who tell you that all “this” is a skill issue haven’t played beyond easy or haven’t played the game themselves. People played the game because it was fun, now people won’t play it because it’s not fun.
@skynet91290 4 ай бұрын
Or people who are used to play at lvl9 and enjoy the difficilty...
@lukeludwig1055 2 ай бұрын
Or the ones being carried
@trazyntheinfinite9895 4 ай бұрын
Modifiers that only dish out disadvantages are garbage
@ConflictZv 4 ай бұрын
Some games can do negative modifiers in a good way, either giving you extra rewards to incentivize taking on the extra challenge, having good modifiers also to balance out the bad ones, or making them interesting enough so that you have to think more and change up your playstyle to succeed. In this game they are very lazily done, just an extra avenue to artificially inflate difficulty that isn't fun or engaging to the player at all.
@MiorAkif 4 ай бұрын
Fr, with modifiers I expected things like maybe "Low-gravity" or "Laser weapons overheat faster but do more damage" or "Enemies have less hp but move faster". Instead we get: longer strategem cooldown, longer strategem deployment time, you can only use 3 strategems... How unique.
@happyjohn354 4 ай бұрын
@@MiorAkif There was one that increased fire rate but also increased overheat.
@Tamachii12 4 ай бұрын
@@MiorAkifRely on your stratagems ! that's what they said.
@absoluteandrew398 4 ай бұрын
I love when I dodge a charger and it immediately converts into an olympic ice skating champion The close range crushing attack they do is an insta kill as well, even with a fat man suit on so they’ll rag doll you into a rock or something and then crush you before you can stand
@mojojojo560 4 ай бұрын
😂 I call them ice skaters too. They just glide diagonally right into me whenever I dive, like wtf?
@absoluteandrew398 4 ай бұрын
@@mojojojo560 Was funny the first several times, or when we’re just goofing off. But if we are *locked in* and trying to actually make a difference in the war effort, it gets old fast.
@sxna4420 4 ай бұрын
I mean I can understand the stomp attack just one shotting since it’s like 500 pounds just smashing down on you, but they got some of the strangest sliding or turning.
@user-fz2vq9rp2t 4 ай бұрын
from my experience, if you dont DIVE to the side of a charger, it will turn on a dime in its best attempt to keep charging into you
@TheGrouch91 4 ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure they buffed that too. Before the patch you could very easily just sidestep them. Not even dive. Now if you do that they magically do a 120 turn and sometimes still knock you over. Plus I'll never understand why they seemingly activate rocket boosters when you stagger them. What's the point of staggering an enemy if not to CC them. They instead charge at you even quicker.
@drakebane9527 4 ай бұрын
Modifiers can be fun and good as an OPTION for people that want to make it a bit tougher for maybe extra rewards. But to make them mandatory while playing is beyond me.
@DakkaSap 4 ай бұрын
and they appear to be able to happen randomly when you're already in a game, such poor form
@benjaminwatson7868 4 ай бұрын
This sounds a lot like you should be playing easier difficulties
@drakebane9527 4 ай бұрын
@@benjaminwatson7868 this is the most nonsensical reply I could've thought of and here you are, unironically saying it? Did you consider before writing how stupid this would sound or did you actually not realize? Do you even know how the system works? Lol
@JayCalamity07 3 ай бұрын
​@benjaminwatson7868 ur moms easy difficulty, u don't know what ur talking about troll dout u even played the game😂
@benjaminwatson7868 3 ай бұрын
@@drakebane9527 it’s nonsensical me saying you suck, while you provide evidence of it I guess I don’t see it
@billy508 4 ай бұрын
The people defending the update are the funniest part about all of this. The devs already stated they are going to tweak the amount of armored enemies that spawn, basically admitting that its overtuned. And these people will just say "Get good, the game is called Helldivers for a reason". Okay bud, I'm sure that's why they are backpedalling on certain changes.
@OhDough 4 ай бұрын
players are dumb and the devs are encouraging them. it's scuffed
@seripah8852 4 ай бұрын
And yet people feel the need to continue whining and crying about it the thing the devs stated they were going to tweak instead of waiting patiently for an update? And yeah, it's dumb to say "git gud" in such a situation as well, but those people are probably, actually clearing the content despite it being overtuned.. sooooo.
@billy508 4 ай бұрын
@@seripah8852 eh, the update is already out and the game is actually fun again, so this is all moot to me now.
@brodiscool2752 4 ай бұрын
A bootlicker drone community at its finest!
@notknownlogic4161 4 ай бұрын
@@seripah8852 7 doesnt feel that hard at all. personally my wishlist is difficulty levels above helldive. My issue with people attacking OR defending the update is: its just a game. grow. up. no normal person actually cares.
@RustedBuddy5192 4 ай бұрын
I just think Hunters shouldnt have acid in their melee. It pisses me off, especially when the Arc thrower doesn't wanna cooperate, at least in my limited experience in close range, so I have to switch to another weapon. Or at least have armor resistant to the speed debuff. But yeah. Armor feels unimportant when they can land head shots as easily as getting killed by mortars. Edit: Just want to add. I'm rank 28 right now. I'm fine with everything else in the game. The weapon changes are fine. The difficulty is fine. Stalkers are fine. Head shots can use tinkering or just simply be removed for now. My real only gripe is that Hunters annoy the f$ck out of me. That's all. It would be nice if either they didn't lick acid on me or if there was armor that resisted the slow down where I dont have to resort to using the personal shield, thats it. The slow down *from Hunters specifically* piss me off. Also, I lied, there's another gripe, though far less occurring, but still enough to be made annoying. F#ck those Automatons, I forget their name, that jet pack up to you and die and ragdoll towards you consistently and explode. It's BS. If I shotgun it, it should be sending it back or clotheslining it, not being Amazon primed directly to my feet. That should be two separate enemies. A suicide bot and a jet pack bot. At least Hunters have the decency to not explode.
@zenks5883 4 ай бұрын
i mean, its way easier to kill litlle bugs with primary or even secondary, leave your big gun for big boys 😈
@user-qj9mu9gx2f 4 ай бұрын
they just need to remove the tracking in the hunters' jumping attack and we should be good.
@ohsuhtinah 4 ай бұрын
@@zenks5883 exactly, people want 1 gun to be the best at everything.
@jonathanoriley8260 4 ай бұрын
​​@@zenks5883 Yeah, it is easy to kill them, but the problem is when there are literally over 100 of them and they swarm you, and you can't even make distance to use strategems because the Hunters are faster due to their jump and their attacks (which always hit because it locks on to you even if you dive) slow you down with acid. I much prefer dealing with multiple chargers at the same time armed with a flame thrower than I do dealing with an endless swarm of Hunters. At least I have fun spitting fire and bullfighting with the chargers.
@wehafse 4 ай бұрын
yeah, most my death are cause by a group of hunter patrols that spawned behind me and start 2 hit combo stun locking me
@CtrlAltElite_JG 4 ай бұрын
What's the point of grinding samples to upgrade our ships only to be knee capped by modifiers?
@nathanielrasey 4 ай бұрын
Ship upgrade: reduce cooldown by 10% Planet mod: Increase cooldown by 50% Cool..........glad I worked to earn that.
@user-sr4nj1em5p 4 ай бұрын
That's so freaking true 😂
@DaaClaptain 4 ай бұрын
The game is trying its hardest to turn itself into a minimum wage job minus the paycheck. They really just knee capping us to increase their play time hours.
@tommorgan1052 4 ай бұрын
Games tough, get better
@svatoplukbenesch2805 4 ай бұрын
@@tommorgan1052 i hope you get swarmed by 10 hunters and have no reinforcements left when playing solo
@travis8106 3 ай бұрын
They need to chill the hunters the fuck out. Big damage, big numbers, and they can teleport on you so you can't run away. Pick fucking two.
@PeterMasalski93 4 ай бұрын
Yesterday, I fell from 1m with a mech and instantly exploded. On lv 7-8 automaton missions I often spawn and get 1 shotted by a rocket or laser from nowhere. Because of the fog, i often don't even know where it comes from. Heavy armor is utterly useless. I tested it and enemies do "critical damage". So if you get hit 4 times, you are sure to get hit with critical which will regardless of armor kill you in 3-4 hits.
@levelupcastgaming 4 ай бұрын
After patch, I notice that sometimes patrols just spawn mid air in front of me. lol
@drjamaymay405 4 ай бұрын
that's not new, sometimes you get unlucky with spawns.
@gibster9624 4 ай бұрын
That ain't new. I can tell you cou less times I am approaching an objective and they spawn an entire patrol on top of me or I'm trying to knock out a single bug hole and a Bile Titan just appears for no reason and my stratagem bounces off of it.
@devinochs7685 4 ай бұрын
It is for sure worse now. We had a patrol spawn in the middle of us three times in one extract.
@Pikmin012 4 ай бұрын
Feels like every difficulty has way more enemies since the exo-suit update. Had a level 4 mission immediately begin with 3 chargers at once.
@destruin782 4 ай бұрын
I was helping a friend yesterday on a 4, automatons. 7 Hulks in one encounter, not in the entire mission, 7 hulks in one encounter and 4 of them were alive simultaneously.
@Renorick1 4 ай бұрын
Level 3 bot mission. (I wanted to relax. Shoot me.) Two cannon turrets, two tanks. I legitimately checked to see if I'd mistakenly dropped into a lvl 5 or something! Also at least one instance of a patrol instant transmitting right in front of me. Not a dozen meters away. Stuff needs fixing.
@judicator625 4 ай бұрын
I stopped doing level 8-9 missions as the extraction with randoms is almost impossible. Level 7 is fine.
@NumberOneChina 4 ай бұрын
That’s every possible spawn on suicide or higher. It’s so broken
@domidoo1753 4 ай бұрын
From what I can tell, the whole "mission gets harder as time goes on" either got reworked or broke, The only thing that increases as time goes on are patrols and small enemies spawned, there seems to be the same amount of chargers and bile titans from the moment you drop in to about 5 minutes before you gotta leave, in the last 5 minutes everything seems to triple, Ive seen 5 bile titans and 5 chargers on the extract at once before and 4 people with a fair few sentries, exo suits and every fire support under the sun couldnt hold them off, but an extract with 8-10 minutes remaining is easy enough for one person to camp near the shuttle with a pistol and a couple grenades while the rest of the team runs around the map completing a few more side objectives for an extra 5 minutes
@OscarGreenworth 4 ай бұрын
We need to be able to take out the swarm calling bug before it call in a bug breach. Same for flares of automatons. I feel like no matter how fast you kill them more will spawn regardless. Also heavy devastators are way more annoying than the rocket devastators. The basically have a bottomless clip laser sniper auto cannon on their arm and focus you down. Unless you’re behind cover or close enough to lob a grenade at them, they are impossible to approach in open combat. Also it feels like the amount of bug spawns has tripled. I am running out of ammo so fast now. 500kg bomb needs a buff too. Just a bigger radius is all it needs. We should also be allowed to upgrade and customize weapons like bigger mags, better grips, etc.
@vigilance4749 4 ай бұрын
I agree bro. They call a breach or flare in a half a second flat!
@notknownlogic4161 4 ай бұрын
@@vigilance4749 helldivers 1 had the ability to upgrade weapons so its probably going to happen eventually.
@RowdyRafe 4 ай бұрын
nerfing all the fun is a bold strategy cotton, lets see how it plays out #Diablo4
@raptoid2863 4 ай бұрын
The worst part is the "off-screen" random spawns. I had a charger spawn in front of my face on screen without the orange smoke breakout. Wish I remembered to shadowplay it.
@vigilance4749 4 ай бұрын
Yup. This is a huge problem. Especially with Automatons too. You turn your back for 5 seconds. Look again. an entire ARMY is behind you.
@user-pb2nb5nk6s 4 ай бұрын
I've had this same issue its apparently a glitch due to a rendering issue I've had a patrol of 3 peons turn into 60 that started calling in drop ship after drop ship I've realized when it's happening because my game with freeze for a second I survived most of these encounters the worst I've survived was an annihilator tank 4 hulks and an entire army before I even reached the first part of the objective its getting ridiculous
@leepicbaconman1553 4 ай бұрын
My friend literally had multiple patrols of chargers and hunters spawn right on him (no bug breach, literally just appeared right on him, in fact he was in the chargers leg before it moved) during the termicide missions. He showed me the footage and it’s batshit crazy they’re doing that shit to us.
@notsobaka6594 4 ай бұрын
I have two clips within 5 minutes of each other where entire patrols were spawning directly on me without the breach during the pesticide mission. Post update it happens to me almost once every 2-3 games at least.
@notsobaka6594 4 ай бұрын
@WindingDreams 4 ай бұрын
I wish the modifiers were like 'this mission has 100 titans' or 'this mission has 1000 small ads' so you actually could counter it. Now I usually run the same loadout all the time cause you gotta be ready to do it all.
@IIMiikexDII 4 ай бұрын
That'd be cool, kind of like how Path of Exile does it. I think that game does modifiers the best and helldivers should take notes.
@norabseven 4 ай бұрын
If each mission had an expected enemy presence that would be even better.. like some ratio of enemy types 10% titans, 20% chargers, 50% grunts.. etc.. and it can change depending on planet and mission type, so you can prep a load out.. But like others have said, you NEED to take a "Does everything" load out because you could come up against everything.
@calamityhex3729 4 ай бұрын
My thing is while modifiers can be cool. They kinda lose their value if they're always on all the time. And I also think mods that restrict you're tool belt is always a bad idea. I once played a game thinking " boy this would be way more fun if I had less options to handle a situation.
@shura4136 4 ай бұрын
Id think of it as on top of the base enemy's ​@norabseven
@christopherjones5700 4 ай бұрын
I'm not sure it'd be fair for the players to get *that* much intel on the expected enemy presence, but thats just my opinion
@poisonspectre9912 4 ай бұрын
Devs say "skill issue" but probably play on diff 5 at most
@adrianl415 4 ай бұрын
I legit stop playing because I have capped money and samples the reason I was keeping playing was fun but now they legit removed the fun out of it.
@iPunchMAGAterrorists 3 ай бұрын
Sony sucks the fun out of alot of things. Sorry
@yamchayaku 4 ай бұрын
What I hate most, and I think has been consistent from the very start is rocket devastators one shotting you from out of the blue. They'll be completely out of your sight, and somehow they'll see you and take you out.
@mesaplayer9636 4 ай бұрын
I have been 1 shot through the shield at full health by them so many times.
@sidpomy 4 ай бұрын
At the very least, their accuracy at medium-long range needs to be toned down. Also there really shouldn't be 3-4 in a patrol, which I HAVE seen, repeatedly.
@chaseerickson3088 4 ай бұрын
It’s kinda cool though like their we trained and programmed it adds a fear factor to know your enemy can see you but you can’t see them.
@yamchayaku 4 ай бұрын
@@sidpomy Yeah this is pretty a troublesome combo, considering the fact that you need to empty a clip several times to take just one of them down. The devs say use strategems, but those run on timers and on higher difficulties, you get multiple pats on top of each other.
@tom-nn2fr 4 ай бұрын
Oh no, a rocket one-shots you? Why not nerf it so you can just keep standing around stupidly in the neighborhood?
@rannithewitch9967 4 ай бұрын
one thing that INFURIETED me was that the pods wont allow us to go to high ground anymore, they go away on their on, its SO annoying
@MrRhoidRage 4 ай бұрын
Yea i agree with this. They give us the upgrade for more pod control but we cant control it over any missions and we get pushed off high ground. Arbitrary difficulty BS
@ConflictZv 4 ай бұрын
Is it high ground that's doing that? Sometimes I just can't input controls at all when dropping in and it sends me in a random direction. It caused me to drop outside of the extraction zone once and I didn't have time to make it back in before the ship left, extremely frustrating. Hopefully that gets fixed at some point.
@maiy8786 4 ай бұрын
@@ConflictZv Yea they made it so you can't steer for shit when near any objective or point of interest. Extract counts as that.
@notknownlogic4161 4 ай бұрын
@@ConflictZv there is a bug when you msnage to have 2 reinforce callins at the same exact time
@thottyscotty9099 4 ай бұрын
This mf is mad because he can’t solo on level 9 ….its a game made for Co Op 😐 the crying here has been nothing short of sensational *slow clap 👏🏾 P.s. if you really pay attention you can here how this all about the railgun nerf 😭
@Aldritch9183 4 ай бұрын
So difficult is it for developers to understand that we just want the spawns to be as they were before? NO mass spawning of heavies, NO modifying any ratio involving enemies, and NO substituting those enemies with others, JUST LIKE BEFORE THE PATCH, is it so difficult?
@solgonzalez1919 4 ай бұрын
I didn’t realize they changed the headshot values I thought it had to do with armor changes but youre right. Hunters used to be 3-4 hits to kill you and now theyre constantly landing those crits killing me in 2 hits consistently. The enemy AI is very different post patch and it’s noticeably less fun
@jordanhenderson6344 4 ай бұрын
My wife and I hopped on to do a bug elimination mission. Dude.. We were absolutely SWARMED before a single strategem could hit the ground. Couldn't grab a shield or secondary weapon or anything. It was incredibly frustrating.
@martinhansen6802 4 ай бұрын
Completely agree. The deploy time of stratagems is crazy high now. You cannot consistently target enemy mobs or larger enemies anymore.
@vigilance4749 4 ай бұрын
Idk man. I feel you on a lot of stuff. But I think the spawn rates right now are a huge problem. Especially elite spawn rates. I was playing difficulty 5 against bugs. We had 14 min left and trying to do the last side obj before going for the extraction. We were getting absolutely swarmed! I called down my mech suit. Killed 3 chargers and mowed down bugs. I felt so badass. I killed so much bugs I ran out of ammo. I got one last view of the situation before hopping out of my depleted mech, and behold, Still swarms of bugs, 3 brood mothers, and another charger! At that point I yelled to my squad to just run to evac because there was no way we were going to finish that obj. We ended up completely squad wiping and not evacing. I was shocked at how hopeless the situation was, and this was on difficulty 5! We used everything we had, and still swarms of bugs.
@CorwinTheOneAndOnly 4 ай бұрын
The main issue is the patrol system. It's not fun to deal with a patrol only for another patrol to spawn 20m away from you immediately after, every 10 seconds, forever, for the entirety of the game. And patrol spawns are based on how many primary objectives you've completed which makes no sense and often contributes to this "off" feeling where the mission is getting harder and harder out of thin air for no reason, not because you're not dealing with bug breaches, not because you're not doing proper recon or scouting, but because the AI of the game decided that since you've completed enough objectives, you now deserve to have enemies spawn within visible range of you out of thin air all the time. They need to make patrols something we can actually play around instead of awful feeling forced combat that stacks on top of itself every 10 seconds. I actually like the AI improvements, hunters being smart is actually really fun and engaging and trying to hit them before they get close and out-wit them when they do get close is fun and engaging. What is not fun and engaging is when the game drops hunter squads on you every 10 seconds out of thin air from any angle even while you're busy with combat that otherwise would have been fun. And yeah obviously the trash headshot mechanics *need* to go, there is no excuse to have that in the game if you want people to use heavy armor. Imo the current acid effect should be split into two things. Acid and Ensnarement. Ensnarement can be like webbing or something. Acid comes form the bile enemies and all it does is DoT, no slowing. Ensnarement can come from like hunters and stalkers or whatever, since as infuriating as it is, those enemies having some way to ensnare you makes sense since that's their whole job is to rush you down and snag you for the rest of the swarm.
@TheHuffur 4 ай бұрын
Last night I had a situation with the patrols, we were near the edge of the map doing a Artillery side objective, dealt with the expected patrol/s that always magically spawn when you touch the terminal. Then we dealt with the Breach those guys managed to call in but there just kept coming groups of Bile Spewers, Chargers and Hunters I was convinced we were stuck in a Breach loop but no, there was no breach. There was a small clustering of "tower rocks" maybe 40-50m away and by the time the first group of bugs(Biles and Charger + adds) was just about dealt with ANOTHER group would just casually walk out from behind the rocks and come running our way.. and another, and another, and another and another and another. We literally had to just start running because the game made it clear that it would just keep spawning them endlessly. This being a random lobby meant it was only myself and another guy that actually ran after I typed in chat. The 2 who stayed behind were lower level and probably didnt see how futile it was or have the time to check chat so they got called down as reinforcements a little later. And just to really stress how absurd this spawn rate really was, we were 2 using the Flamer, killing the Charger in the group took like 3 seconds but the next group would replace it maybe 10-15 seconds later. This was a difficulty 5 mission.
@KingHero136 4 ай бұрын
I feel like almost every enemy needs a slight overhaul some mechanics just feel cheap. Like every enemy has Atleast one bad mechanic that just annoys me like commando bugs calling a breach without head or titans missing the breath to slow you anyways
@CorwinTheOneAndOnly 4 ай бұрын
@@TheHuffur yuppp, patrols are nonsense right now
@fenixaster8356 4 ай бұрын
the fact that you cant clear out the objective area is really unfair... specially if youre playing solo... literally had to run around in circles on the last objective for 15 minutes lol and they kept coming and coming... thats just mad... used up all my respawns and then had none left yet they keep on coming... thats not fun at all... not only that they always camp the objectives... wtf is up with that?
@colinkwasnik 4 ай бұрын
Factual, I cant even tell you how many patrols have spawned literally on top of me while im kiting away another two or three
@ValkisCalmor 4 ай бұрын
"The automatons are somehow more balanced." Easy. They have meaningful weak points. Devastators and Hulks can be handled by basically any support weapon and even primaries if you just hit them in the face, and even the heaviest (Hulks, tanks, and turrets) have unarmored vents in the back that allow any weapon to destroy them quickly. You can bring anti-tank weapons and make quick and easy work of them if you want to, but other weapons can handle them with skilled play. On the other hand, chargers are completely immune to small arms from the front and their rear "weak point" still takes drastically reduced damage from most. Bile Titans straight-up can't be killed by most weapons as there is a limited amount of damage you can deal to the sacs. Both of these enemies REQUIRE specific weapons to be dealt with in a reasonable amount of time, while the automatons are all designed in such a way that bringing the "right" weapons just makes them easier to deal with. I've already noticed the Arc Thrower sliding in as the new meta, because it's now the only weapon that ignores Charger armor while still being useful against hordes and not requiring a backpack. Throw in the PS5 bug and it can also shred Titans. Nerfing the railgun without addressing the underlying issues didn't fix anything. Edit: Yes the Flamethrower also works and is usually even better against chargers, but it's less of an all-purpose weapon because of its limited range.
@OhDough 4 ай бұрын
@aizakle 4 ай бұрын
IMO the main reason why bots are more balanced are because of the fodders. All the raiders stand up straight, and their cue for a bot drop is extremely easy to notice visually because of the glowing flare gun They fall over when they die, so it's harder to miss one. Even if a bot drop does get called in, you have plenty of time to shoot the dropships. For bugs, the scavengers are all tiny, their cue for a bug breach is significantly harder to notice, and once that bug breach gets called in, there is significantly less that you can do to mitigate it. Bugs are also mostly melee rushdown enemies and are harder to outrun than the berserkers of the bots.
@guardiantko3220 4 ай бұрын
not to mention, "these devs are SO transparent and great with their community!" mean while, they stealth buff EVERY ENEMY, massively buff patrol spawn rate, enemy count per patrol, and they will go out of their path to go TOWARDS you even if they "haven't detected you". they linger in the area until you mess up stealth. its shit, and stupid how fast they call in for reinforcements, you pop the bug or bot that's calling it the second they started? oh sorry, INSTANTLY another one is doing it, oh you caught THAT one too? SORRY. another one (behind cover this time) is doing it. FORCED. reinforcement loop. every. time. engagement. happens.
@notknownlogic4161 4 ай бұрын
its called line of sight goes to around 100 meters if youre standing, not having agro does not mean they havent seen you.. a lack of fundamental understanding on how the game works causes the issues youre talking about. if you hit an enemy they agro. bug breach/bot drop: disengage, run away, take your time(depends on mission but most people cant slow down to save their life.) getting out of line of sight just makes them do a search around the area you were last seen for a while. for bugs i recommend running to a dead hive area to use the tall walls, for bot i suggest a smoke screen followed by a change of direction. if you cant learn about these things then go complain it helps no one.
@Christian0639 4 ай бұрын
You could replace every single enemy with bile titans and hulks and the elitists would still say “it’s a skill issue”. I hate it because they are literally just justifying bad balance and game design. Weapons differentiate WAY too much in their power rn.
@Jason354 4 ай бұрын
Two things that are extremely obvious is the knockdown get back up to then go prone in one animation then inputs not being accepted after the animation
@s2wuolf508 4 ай бұрын
Don’t forget no option to turn off auto-climb when sprinting
@edgarc7613 4 ай бұрын
Spam dive to get back up. Sprint I'd disabled when slowed so hitting sprint to get back up doesn't work The dive button gets you back up
@thecornfieldiii2069 4 ай бұрын
Drives me insane, spamming V the whole time with my character doing nothing
@ConflictZv 4 ай бұрын
@@s2wuolf508 The amount of times my character randomly mantles seemingly nothing to then get immediately sniped by a rocket is infuriating.
@MrPlagueOnline 4 ай бұрын
When the new patch game out before ExoSuits I thought I was going crazy because of how intense the bugs started to feel. Out of nowhere I was getting killed by them left and right and just always felt like I couldnt get away. Hidden patches makes sense.
@tbaudio3310 4 ай бұрын
Glad I'm not the only one who's been feeling that. I've just been playing level 3 missions to farm medals and I'm getting destroyed now. It's very odd how they decided the change certain things without telling anyone.
@Brownkid422 4 ай бұрын
@@tbaudio3310 once you hit difficulty 7 and higher i think for medals it's more efficient to farm those. I'd be glad to be proven wrong, that's just how it feels to me.
@tbaudio3310 4 ай бұрын
@@Brownkid422 Yeah, I'm sure there are better ways than what I was doing, but level 3 is leisurely and I can hit up all the POIs without getting too overrun when playing solo. But lately, the bugs and bots have been insane. Like the video says, a Hunter can basically two shot you, which is nuts. And the size of the swarms/patrols on level 3 are way bigger than they were when the game launched. Devs still have some balancing to do, but yeah, overall, everything felt better pre-patch, to me.
@jagerbager2212 4 ай бұрын
@@tbaudio3310i was playing solo on lvl 4 or 5 can’t remember but was doing a seaf artillery and It took me 10 minutes to complete jt bc after i killed a patrol another one was right behind it i went through at least 7 patrols it was insane
@tbaudio3310 4 ай бұрын
@@jagerbager2212 I had that happen with me and a buddy the other day. It's moments like that where the frustration outweighs the fun. And the game is kind of designed around the fact that sometimes you have to just drop the objective and not complete it if you're being overwhelmed for too long.
@DustySticks 4 ай бұрын
I think that the increased spawns, increased aggressiveness, and the issue of enemies pin pointing your location off any action has broken a lot of what made the game fun. The automatons are super unfun to play IMO with the missile guys mapping you even with no visibility. The charger changes today seem good, but IMO the enemy spawn rates for automatons is insane and super laborious.
@EDL_433 4 ай бұрын
I’m having so much less fun now, especially on automatons. Before the update it was tough but fair, and even on helldivers you could still have fun and laugh. But now it’s just straight up frustrating how you’ll spawn and instantly be killed by rocket devastators from 100+ meters away or have 3-4 bike titans chasing you
@shubabers 4 ай бұрын
arrowhead at least needs to rework how the patrols and spawns work, the game constantly likes to send more and more bug patrols to your exact location, comprised entirely of units who can call in a bug breach in half a second unless you have godlike reaction time, you get absurdly little downtime between patrols and almost inevitably breaches and that just makes the combat feel cheap, you're constantly trying to deal with the infinite enemies instead of actually having fun. me and my friend skyrocketed from being able to deal with difficulty 1 all the way to difficulty 6 in our first few days playing, but now, there's just such a constant onslaught of enemies that we can barely extract on difficulty 5, as every 3 minutes we have another defence section to slog through, only to make slight progress towards the objective, then sit there defending against another set of patrols that spawned in from thin air
@Arunnn241 4 ай бұрын
I agree 100%. At this point, the best action 99% of the time in this game *about shooting bugs* is to run away instead of engaging them. It turns this game into running simulator 2024 instead of bug exterminator 2024.
@dietercallens9471 4 ай бұрын
To behonest you need to work your way up don't start with level 5 if you are a low rank I think if you reach level 20 it's better for higher difficultys but you need also good squad
@zuverslayer1326 4 ай бұрын
Patrol spawns are probably the only big issue with the game currently, because it only compounds all other issues. Half the time I don't even engage enemies, I just run away because its a waste of time, which made the game very repetitive. I haven't played half as much in the last week as I did during the first few days after getting it because each mission is just trying to dodge endless patrols (which spawn literally on top of you, I had bots drop unto me from trees)
@wehafse 4 ай бұрын
i feel like they made the patrol always know where you are, cause i swear that when we spot one afar and run the other direction, they sometimes slowly turn and walk towards you, pretending they're still patrolling randomly
@Jenkkimie 4 ай бұрын
The best part is when the game literally materializes enemies next to you out from nowhere. I've seen them spawn right before my eyes and if that isn't a symptom of cheapness then I have no clue what is.
@yakdeculture9761 4 ай бұрын
Difficulty 7 feels a lot like old Difficulty 9 now too. One extract spawned three bile titans, one after another, two seconds apart, from just ONE bug hole breach
@olixx1213 4 ай бұрын
Yep The difference between 5 and 6 difficulty became insane Difficulty 5 ? Chargers fairly frequently but usually staying at nests , bile titan are almost never spawning Difficulty 6 ? Charger in patrols is very frequent, bug breach can easely spawn 1-2 bile titans
@pancakeanati2590 4 ай бұрын
One time i had what looked like 1 bile titan in a nest and then it split into 4 bile titans. Difficulty 7 btw.
@Tenchua917 4 ай бұрын
1 time we got 4 bile titans in 1 screen for once, with other types of bugs in the mix, shits crazy
@quentinmay1915 4 ай бұрын
@@olixx1213 pff so much bullshit, i jut do a 5 as two player and it was like a free run, and a 7 at 3, and it was hard but not impossible, 8 and 9 are still difficulte but totally doable, play with a team, play in vocal or just tune down the difficulty, if the game is too hard you can just don't launch in 8/9 cuz if you want to shine here, you have to get better, better comp, better map awarness, better movement, and tactical gameplay, when i read comment i cant really think that every one here are speaking about the game like its unplayable, Head shot are dangerous ? so stop give you'r head to hunter give them you'r back, you want to kill them ? jump down kill them and go back to run, charger are tought ? just walk or run on side its litterally the easiest mob to dodge, and apply the same to bile sprawler. So many complain for just being not that good at a game that have 9 difficulty that you can play. if you can't hndle it just quit it better the game feel really good for the one that try to understand how to manage with it and understand the mechanics behind, if you want fun stay in 5 it enought for it don't complain cuz you can't handle the hardest difficulty its ridiculous.
@thatguy-dh1qh 4 ай бұрын
I had a difficulty 7 spawn like 8 bile titans. We managed to kill 2 of them pretty easily. I guess the game didn't like that and kept spawning one after another. That mission was rough. The mission following that was a cakewalk by comparison.
@joycourier 4 ай бұрын
i'm hoping they one day add a grace period between bug reinforcements, or make it much easier to prevent, it just feels so frustrating and hopeless when you're fighting a pack of 10 small bugs and it turns into 100 hunters, 3 chargers and a titan because one of the little shits was hiding behind a rock or something
@Nick-fc4wu 3 ай бұрын
I don't think anyone asked for an increase in mobs. They changed all the wrong stuff.
@videowatcher551 4 ай бұрын
I would like to add to the fire here. Did you know that the AI can sometimes shoot THROUGH the ground, because I sure as hell didn't until I saw an energy shot from a Hulk shoot through the hill I was using as cover and kill me. (Literally the shot came out of the ground.)
@BackwardsPancake 4 ай бұрын
Oh yeah, the terrain hitboxes are all kinds of messed up. In addition to the kinds of events you describe, there are also some vehicle wrecks that spawn on the map which have oversized hitboxes, which will block bullets out of thin air. Very "fun" if you try to hide behind one and peek out to fire an explosive launcher, for instance. There is also the different-but-similar bug where, sometimes, shots which were absorbed by cover and which dealt no damage to you will still flinch you, knock you down, and/or wound you. This can cause really weird health states where you have no wound icon, but your health bar is red, you're "bleeding out", and can't regenerate stamina. But since you did not actually get hit and aren't bleeding either, you can't stim to get rid of it. So you're stuck at 0 stam until you go and intentionally get damaged for real so you can stim. It really gives you a good chance to wonder what the wound mechanics even add to the game. They're sort of atmospheric the first few times, but just an article of pointless complexity after that, since any damage severe enough to cause a wound would be something you'd want to stim ASAP anyway, given the amount of near one-shots you can encounter out there.
@plamf1278 4 ай бұрын
we have had the big bots with the flame throwers hit us through rocks multiple times
@scottroxford5715 4 ай бұрын
I've been using the auto cannon a lot since the rail gun nerf and I can't say it's good for damage, it boggles my mind that an explosive projectile being shot out of a cannon at high velocity somehow bounces off organic armor, that just doesn't sit well with me. It comes off as "powerfully weak".
@marcusmayfield4973 4 ай бұрын
Could not agree more. I understand it's a game and balance has to be taken into effect, that I get. But auto cannons are SPECIFICALLY designed to damage armor and cause significant damage to everything within a few meters (real life). I want to like the autocannon, I really do, bit I just cant.
@warridoscampertroll9125 4 ай бұрын
the funny thing is the manual autocannon have this problem BUT the turret autocannon melts everything in seconds even bile titans (1 turret can kill 4 chargers and 2 titans easy if dont waste anmo on small bugs,but dat is RNG) they need to see a way to command the turret manualy on big targets
@Wortnik 4 ай бұрын
IRL insect armour armour is insane. There's a species of beetle in Mexico that will happily be stepped on and walk it off. Scale that up and it totally makes sense!
@phantomzxro1 4 ай бұрын
I don't know, I feel the autocannon is alot more useful in most cases and have great crowd contorl. I don't think it's has a problem with damage but armor pen. It should be able to break armor. That's where it really is set back along with the backpack holder.
@scottroxford5715 4 ай бұрын
@@phantomzxro1 Like it doesn't even need to break armor perse but explode on impact REGARDLESS of what you're shooting at, in terms of utility and stratagem economy I think it's really good but it's that visual feedback that makes me dislike it because again it comes off week.
@user-pb2nb5nk6s 4 ай бұрын
Another thing is they need to change it so you can select your respawn in solo runs the auto selectnis absolutely infuriating to respawn and sent straight into a robot base without the chance to chang your path enough to get put into a massive fight without any extra gear only to get surrounded by the fight you just died to just killing you again
@Ruab 3 ай бұрын
I really haven't been playing since the patch dropped. Helldive was enjoyable, now helldive is like...a total waste of time. The game literally feels bad now in an unfair way.
@SoFCeO 4 ай бұрын
I will actually try to solo stealth missions. Patrols will literally path to you. I sat still in a bush and time after time they just pathed into my exact location.
@shoulderpyro 4 ай бұрын
Pathed into you as in, they just stumbled upon you wanking in a bush or they actively ran towards you guns blazing while they were still 100M+ away from you? (or screaming in bug in the case of the Nids) If its the former, you are complaining about patrols doing their goddamn job. If its the latter, it is indeed a problem but somehow I feel it isnt this.
@JoviaI1 4 ай бұрын
Yeah, not a good look for the health of the game with the way the AI is coded with regards to aggro, spawning, and pathing. Makes me worry about the future because the devs purposefully coded AI to do that sort of thing.
@AngryBaldyGaming 3 ай бұрын
dude even the weather modifiers path to you. Just sit and watch the fire tornados. they aggro to you almost every time
@Mando2121 4 ай бұрын
Anyone else notice that you get less than 5 stars now for missions that would’ve other wise should have been 5 star?
@rz3264 4 ай бұрын
Yup, got 3 optional objective, clear 2 small outpost, full extract only got 2 star lol
@user-hq8pg1ne7n 4 ай бұрын
I had a similar one, all side objective, all extraction, 3 star LMAO.
@TheTaktical911 4 ай бұрын
It depends on the difficulty now. Diff 7-9 still gives 5 stars.
@coomtheslayer 4 ай бұрын
I despise the new ranking system, bring me my flat five stars and "glorious victory" "outstanding patriotism" is ridiculous
@WastePlace 4 ай бұрын
I was soloing the hard mode and noticed the most stars I’d get would be 2. I almost always got 1 and if I did everything on the map I’d get a 2. Not sure why the grading system is dragging the score so low, maybe if you use all the time up it docks you for that?
@Alex-gq6xp 2 ай бұрын
I also hate the artificial priority list expecially for Crushers. No matter how many players around, no matter if they shoot or not, if there is a turret somewhere around no matter wether it only started to deploy or shoots oposite side Crusher immediately runs to it. Realism it is when you see and understand the logic of enemies, not the logic of developers.
@alexhale6582 4 ай бұрын
I think they must have been testing with the Mech and Railgun together and probably saw it as way too potent. I think nerfing the railgun was too hard, it needed a 10-20% dialback AND the other heavy weapons needed a 10-20% dial up in armour pen. The stupidest part was telling people just to use Strats when they have been nerfed as hard as anything else on harder difficulties.
@tonyrunner3 4 ай бұрын
Yeah not gonna lie I don’t get a lot of time to play the game. But when the game came out, it was intense and fun, now it feels more frustrating than anything
@hampdog5716 4 ай бұрын
I was wondering if it was just us as gamers playing a specific game too long? Maybe not
@chandlermccoy1813 4 ай бұрын
Honestly I just brought it down one difficulty and it was just as fun as before. Don't really lose that much from doing it tbh. I'm sure a lot of this will get patched and balanced some more, then I'll move back up. Either that, or how broken certain things are just end up making me better and the game and I move up anyways
@Reziichu 4 ай бұрын
and this is why they're creating the Sample Fuse system. for players who don't want to go into the higher difficulties to collect Super Samples. keep playing 1-5 collect the commons and just fuse them . Its a system that's being discussed and hope is implemented
@xanderlaskey2753 4 ай бұрын
@@hampdog5716No if it was that everyone would be complaining that it got easier not harder
@thoughtgaming492 4 ай бұрын
"Use stratagems!" Uh... I was. I was using the railgun stratagem and the shield generator stratagem. Then you updated the game with a big "F you" explicitly telling me to NOT use those stratagems because you arbitrarily don't like them. You replaces one meta with another one and reduced the fun in the process.
@Otis-Spunks 4 ай бұрын
Was overwhelmingly fun prior to patch. Post patch, my group has completely abandoned bugs and we have pretty much stopped playing Difficulty 9 and 8. The overall vibe is not doing well and the consensus is that if something isn't fixed soon we will migrate to another game and put helldivers on ice. Not a great place for a brand new game.
@jooot_6850 4 ай бұрын
Agreed. Bugs are now the real threat. Which is weird - pre change, the bots felt way harsher than the bugs, but now the bots are still hard and the bugs are even worse
@The_Judge300 4 ай бұрын
@@jooot_6850 The bugs are NOT fun anymore. Far from it.
@The_Judge300 4 ай бұрын
I am out as well and so are the ones I have played with. The fun is totally out of this game. Arrowhead totally failed with whit what they have done lately. I am so tired of the insane spawn rates, never ending reinforcement loops, worthless armor, instant spawns of bugs up in your face when you just had cleared the area 1 minute ago and so much more.
@theInsaneCashew 4 ай бұрын
@TheBalloonBob 4 ай бұрын
Hey could someone explain how it was before? I only started after the patch. I thought that chargers were too frequent
@arthurcallahan4735 4 ай бұрын
they should allow helldivers to get rid of modifiers in the mission. Like longer cooldowns because of bad plotting? Secondary objective that puts a satellite tower that makes it recharge 25% faster once you fix it up in a match.
@SleepyMatt-zzz 3 ай бұрын
They still haven't fixed the Spear either. I can't even lock onto anything with it most of the time. Very frustrating. Also weird that a gun that does explosive damage, like the auto cannon, just straight up bounces off armored enemies. I get it, autocannon would be pretty op if it did do armor damage, but couldn't the devs have figured out how to balance around that?
@jorgepinilla544 4 ай бұрын
after the patch i´m more afraid of a 8 hunters patrol than 4 chargers and 2 bile titans at the same time
@Leep_Actual 4 ай бұрын
Its crazy that the CEO says they want us to rely on our stratagems more and our guns less, then proceed to add modifiers that hurt our stratagem capabilities. Now my gun sucks, and I have to lead a charger 5 miles with a orbital because it takes 8 seconds to call in. Cool.
@MixedRealitySimRacing 4 ай бұрын
yeah the delay modifiers are annoying, I then try to user more the rail cannon strike and laser because they don't have problems with the delay. Generally I like how this does mix up the game and that you need to rethink and engage differently so not every round is the same.
@fullmetalarshole 4 ай бұрын
Like I understand stratagems are valuable but for fuck sales why even give us a gun if the point isn't to use them. I want my support weapon to be a part of my tool kit, not the only tool in my kit while my big fucking shotgun is basically my pistol.
@failedwhisper9673 4 ай бұрын
Ever since the new update my PC can't handle the game on the same exact settings I was using, it's even lagging with lower settings, has anyone else experianced something similar?
@centurion-gaming9334 4 ай бұрын
My main problem with chargers is just how much it take to take them down in comparison to a tank which is supposed to be on the same tier as a bile titan.
@gustavobarbosa9799 4 ай бұрын
In the meanwhile, after all those patches, we still can't accept friends requests.
@notknownlogic4161 4 ай бұрын
this ^
@unrelentingduress 4 ай бұрын
Most likely has nothing to do with any AI changes. It has everything to do with the fact that enemies do not respect line of sight anymore since the patch. They will not go to where they last saw you and patrol around and look for you again. Rather they will make a beeline towards you regardless of what is in between you and them.
@ten-xlegacy4033 4 ай бұрын
Yeah, that's a change to their AI..
@Jenkkimie 4 ай бұрын
Yep. It's ridiculous how you can sneak into a base just fine but the moment you throw in a orbital stratagem into their base, they immediately know exactly where you are even if you ran away and the stratagem keeps firing 15 seconds later. How the heck are you supposed to stealth in that situation? Oh and enemies that can shoot trough rocks is always good fun.
@rainbowhippos9035 4 ай бұрын
@@Jenkkimie Devs confirmed that using offensive strategems, ie orbital, eagles, alerts enemies to your position. Stealth isn't hard in the game, it just makes more sense than something like Skyrim where NPCs think everything must have been the wind.
@cavemanbonk8320 4 ай бұрын
​@@rainbowhippos9035they should be alerted, but not to your *exact* position despite not seeing you, or continue to track you without ever seeing you
@musicarain4702 4 ай бұрын
@@cavemanbonk8320pretty easy to tell where the giant beacon was thrown from most of the time tho..
@DamianHowardTV 4 ай бұрын
Hopefully, Arrowhead Studios realizes what they’ve done and somewhat reverts back, in the coming patches/updates. Otherwise they’re gonna lose their huge player-base pretty quickly.
@notknownlogic4161 4 ай бұрын
pretty full of yourself lol
@user-pb2nb5nk6s 4 ай бұрын
​@notknownlogic4161 well.hes right the game feels horrible right now the difficulty of having to deal with entire armies spawning directly onto of you with zero warning that can all call in drop ships and breaches is a horrible feeling the lengths that it can happen is insane I check all my blind spots watch the map constantly make sure its all fine then suddenly out of thin air an annihilator tank spawns 3 feet behind me thats not fun that's not fair that's just aggravating that the strongest unit the bots have can just spawn our fo thin air spawning inside mortar range or jammer range every single time I spawn isn't fun that's annoying and tedious
@jwilliams703 3 ай бұрын
dont put that evil on me ricky bobbie!
@geminiproject704 4 ай бұрын
The way I see it. This is a great learning experience if they respond accordingly. That is, listening to the community. What baffles me, is not reporting changes to the players. Leaving us to speculate why things feel more difficult now. How are we supposed to provide input if we don’t know what’s going on?
@scottymccubboardpippen214 4 ай бұрын
they adjusted chargers and bile titans just now
@dominicviner6619 4 ай бұрын
You guys need to get good I honestly don’t have an issue with anything
@burna2650 4 ай бұрын
I'd prefer they don't listen to the "community", that's the problem right now.
@edie9158 4 ай бұрын
They do report changes to the players. While it may not be the best way you can find all dev changelogs in their discord. They're very active in the community.
@DartCZ 4 ай бұрын
And they don't. they did not liked we do not use strategems on the heavy type. But they see we have it to much of them to be effective. They reduce heavy counts. They really hate that we are focusing on the legs and do not use the AT weapons they prepared for us, then they are changing HP of head for charges. They will not change anything that community wants. They just doing the thing they wanted. They did not want to have us land on the rock, just blocked the steering of the pod to the rocks and so on. They deffinitely doing their job their ways.@@burna2650
@thoughtgaming492 4 ай бұрын
Difficulty and Fun and NOT mutually exclusive. You CAN attain them both. We had it, and now we dont.
@OhDough 4 ай бұрын
exactly, people are so set on arbitrary benchmarks of difficulty like "it should be impossible to solo helldive" WHY? How does that make any sense? then they say stuff like "it's a co-op game". w t f does that have to do with anything? that just means you can play with other people L M A O.
@MixMeister5000 4 ай бұрын
First time on this channel, not gonna lie I've never seen people whine so much. Difficulty 7,8,9 were WAY too easy. I shouldn't be coasting along on helldive Difficulty, I should be sweating. If you can't handle it , you can play impossible or suicide and still get similar rewards. I don't understand the sense of entitlement people have nowadays. I'm putting in the work to clear Helldive, you should too.
@wildwyatxbox 4 ай бұрын
@@MixMeister5000 oh boy and another get gud goober
@thoughtgaming492 4 ай бұрын
@@MixMeister5000 For your clarification since you're clearly a "Skill issue" idiot who doesn't understand the nuance of the conversation at hand, I can and do complete my missions on helldive difficulty with the exact same reliability as I did pre patch. I just have less fun doing it. The issue is not about difficulty, its about fun. Hence my post saying that they are not mutually exclusive. I don't expect you to understand given your affinity towards disregarding sound arguments with "get gud" but I gave it my best shot.
@NeothaAndMiano 4 ай бұрын
@@MixMeister5000 When patrols spawn literally on top of me, is that broken game design or just a matter of me not being gud enough?
@ThatDjinn 4 ай бұрын
I played on Suicide Mission difficulty pre and post patch. Post patch unless team rushes objectives we drown in infinite reinforcements with no means to kill 1 spawn before more show up. Efficient stratagem cds are too long and normal weapons are useless against the difficult enemies who spawn at rates of 6+ per dropship/hole. I successively been playing less and less and I don't feel like coming back at all anymore. Waiting for devs to come to their senses.
@gravity579 4 ай бұрын
Exactly. I’ve played thousands of hours on many games and I knew as soon as I saw what they changed that it would be bad because they were caving to the loud few and ignoring the fact that they were at vertical success. You don’t change a good thing just for the sake of change. I had 8 titans and 12 chargers with a hundred buddies on my team in Helldive last night…they literally don’t give you the tools to deal with that. They definitely need to consider reverting a lot of the changes. The game will die FAST if they keep making changes like these.
@joshbrown7465 4 ай бұрын
You’re not wrong. This update just hits different, and not in a good way. Not as fun. I wish they’d add different color reticles for us color blind people who can’t see reds though 😭
@dronnoh 4 ай бұрын
there are green and yellow reticle colours in the options. It's in the HUD or Accessibility tab, can't remember exactly where.
@s_t_r_a_y_e_d 4 ай бұрын
...you know theres a setting for that right... mine's just plain white
@joshbrown7465 4 ай бұрын
I already have that on yellow. It only changes my hip fire reticle color, which makes a difference. It doesn’t change the first person scope reticle color though
@TacynMegan 4 ай бұрын
There are color retricles? Mine just default white
@highrider9168 4 ай бұрын
We need weapon scope mods that we can choose.
@Rhoderluxel 4 ай бұрын
It is really unfortunate that the devs like the idea of hiding this info on a patch. That means that every time any sort of patch comes out, you have to look at EVERYTHING because they can put their little fingers in anything for whatever reason they wish.
@LomaGnome 4 ай бұрын
2:14 Now say "Cool hwhip"
@spencerb2k 4 ай бұрын
Ngl so glad you broke down the hunter changes they were destroying my squad last night and we were legit thinking we were tripping
@plebtile3347 4 ай бұрын
The devs saying get good and just use stratagems feels weird when if you run a support weapon and a backpack you then only have two slots to use for stratagems.
@colsen2498 4 ай бұрын
Yeah that’s totally fair, I feel like there could be a different solution where you have an upgrade that gives two backpack shields per stratagem to open up more slots
@WelcomeBub 4 ай бұрын
you could share those or find support weapons on the ground, makes me sad seeing a lobby full of the same weapons and packs
@millywapzOG 4 ай бұрын
They basically said F you to everyone let’s not gloss it up ….
@runitbackmatt8032 4 ай бұрын
so get better lol
@thegrunch6448 4 ай бұрын
​@@runitbackmatt8032 Yeah just unlock the 5th stratagem slot honestly
@ExitusPax 4 ай бұрын
Arrowhead devs need to understand that they can make the game more challenging and still keep it fun by giving players more things to contend with, and that they reduce fun if they arbitrarily increase the difficulty by taking away the tools players have fun using.
@Kaliahn 4 ай бұрын
I for one agree that many weapons and stratagem can be underwhelming. However, I don't want to sound like a super a_hole with this question so bear with me please. If the game becomes too difficult, why not lower the difficulty setting a bit? There's no shame in that. The game is not meant to be played on Helldive by default anyway. I mean, we have options to tailor the game to our expectations.
@Ok-pt9oc 4 ай бұрын
​@@Kaliahnalright I understand that but there's casual players too like you need to no life helldiver's to be able to have a resemblance of fun I play on helldive but yikes is it taxing I rage 85% of the game 😂 so do every team mate I've had and you can only get the super resource on the higher tiers so it kinda forces you to play harder tiers anyway helldive gets you 6 suicide gets you 3 I'm not sure what impossible gives you but it's probably 3
@jacobross735 4 ай бұрын
My biggest complaint about the game is the lack of enemy variety. I got bored of shooting the same bugs over and over a few hours in. Hopefully they add a lot more
@Surveyed 4 ай бұрын
@@Kaliahn, anything below lvl 7 suicide just becomes boring once you learn the game. Besides at least in my opinion you’re suppose to go up in difficulty in this game that’s how you unlock the different types of bugs and bots new mission types etc. I cycle from suicide lvl to helldive. But it’s almost unmanageable now on helldive if im playing with randoms. Stratagems are lacking and the few usable ones have horrendous cooldowns. Idc about primary too much cause I just use mine for the fodder. But I’m still running into large hordes of chargers and titans and now that the AI has been buffed it’s a damn nightmare trying to get objectives done. It’s one thing to be a challenge but still be rewarding it’s another to feel like some missions on higher difficulty are rigged against you and nearly impossible if not down right impossible. Like those evac missions were on launch.
@dr3amless345 3 ай бұрын
What the fuck are you yapping about, the railgun was only fun because it allowed for easy kills, well guess what, new patch, I play exclusively on helldive and no one in my team uses the railgun now and have actual diverse builds. FURTHERMORE we actually complete the full missions with every objective and samples with all of us using unique builds that bring something to the team other than point and click, stop whining and use your brain for once. (The aforementioned team was and mostly will be all randoms)
@Kylen1929 4 ай бұрын
I agree they only keep trying to stop the literal 0.1% of players from farming the top diff, the vast majority of the player base arent doing hell diver diff. Stop trying to make the game harder for those 0.1% to piss off everyone
@xVertigo101 3 ай бұрын
Does anyone else get the bug where if you exit the game, kick you back to the boot camp?
@gothiclb 4 ай бұрын
My biggest gripe with the bugs are hunters and stalkers. You can't outrun their jump attacks, and they'll headshot you for half your health, slow you with every hit, and sometimes stun lock and insta kill you. It just feels unfair and poorly balanced to me.
@Kratos176 4 ай бұрын
Agreed a lazy way to create a false sense of difficulty when in reality it’s just cheap as fuck
@SirStoneyOfBow 4 ай бұрын
100% facts. I’m finding myself getting hit and before I can fight back or even heal they are on you to finish you off. Basically a stun lock. They need to nerf Stalkers and they need to lower the spawning frequency of Hunters.
@jh7589 4 ай бұрын
​@@SirStoneyOfBowperhaps keep an eye on your surroundings. A bit of damage on anstalker makes it retreat. Use a shotgun or slugger. Op. Tactical.gstling mows them the second they become visible. Destroy nest
@starwarsguy185 4 ай бұрын
yup. hunters suck so much
@MrMuddy7 4 ай бұрын
Lack of counter play that is the issue. I play a lot of Darktide got around 1.5k hours and i spend my time on the Auric maelstorm missions which are the hardest. I can clear them easily but if i slip up i lose the mission. I am used to enemies so i know what to do when a certain enemy or scenario happens. After the update its just noting we can do but run away or get one shot from across the map. Your death doesnt teach you anything in this game. The reason why people like darksouls or other harder games its because when you die its your fault you learn from your mistakes improve and take the challange on. At the moment you just "Die" for no reason. And your death doesnt teach you anything.
@maxeibl2375 4 ай бұрын
Fully agree, DTs enemy spawner AI can throw some absolute bs your way, but even then, good ability use and teamwork can bail you out. Cooldowns exist in darktide as well, but they arent an end all be all like the stratagems, you can subsist without them. I thought at first that Id kiss dt goodbye when playing Helldivers for the first few times, but now? Until there is something done, Im going back to the heretics, I just hope arrowhead doesnt shoot their golden goose here and that they will do SOMETHING to fix the actual issues istg
@facehurt7606 4 ай бұрын
yes in darktide you have all the tools to win in every encounter with all the hardest modifers no matter what - but its balanced because the game will punish you for a mistake
@facehurt7606 4 ай бұрын
@Sheeeshman69darktide doesnt have infinite lives every time you go down u have punished before you DIE and you can only revive at certain places during the mission
@maxeibl2375 4 ай бұрын
@@facehurt7606 fully agree
@dentron9885 4 ай бұрын
Funnily enough me and all my friends moved to DT a few days ago while they sort this BS out since it was on sale. Pretty fun so far
@punklingyt 4 ай бұрын
Okay, so I'm not crazy! I remember comfortably soloing 4's and 2 manning 5-6's with a friend who wasn't too experienced, me myself only being sub-20 at the time. Now, 3-4 of the guys are fighting for our life in 5's when we see the 5th Hulk pop up after the 3rd tank...before getting blasted into Oblivion by one of 12 Rocket Devastators hiding in the fog.
@yankedhonor4281 4 ай бұрын
Shouldn't they implement a system where every time we seal a hatch or enamy spawner less enamies spawn around?
@Naturalhigh8 4 ай бұрын
The issue is they made these changes to make the game more challenging and deadly/less forgiving. But they also took away the answers to the already existing end game content. Thus, it was a double whammy. And double whammies are never good for any game because the second set of adjustments has a compounding effect on the first. They need to deepdive balance the primary weapons because shotguns are ruling the world and are better at long distance and damage than rifles etc. Because, whether they like it or not, we are pulling the trigger 300-500 times a game and is the primary source of my kills by far! Then follow up with a deepdive into making stratagems worth a dam because right now, there's like 6-8 you choose from in high difficulty.
@Chippaization 4 ай бұрын
seems like they should have added like a few more difficulty levels like the 9 we have now should be 12 instead.
@hecc7906 4 ай бұрын
My favourite thing about the autocannon is the community acting like its the peak of balance
@ayanithtalreign 4 ай бұрын
Autocannon can't beat chargers or titans, but it can work against nearly all bots. AC is one of the best weapons you can take if you have good aim.
@vincentcoates2442 4 ай бұрын
It can and does beat chargers, you can just strafe the charge and then shoot them in the ass, repeat like 3-4 times and the charger is dead. Works with the laser cannon as well. It probably also works on titans but i've not tried headshotting them with it yet, it can pop the sacks on the underside though and stop it from spraying which will cause the titan to bleed to death over a (far too long) period of time. @@ayanithtalreign
@RahkiantheMighty 4 ай бұрын
@@vincentcoates2442 Right, but this is being a bit too charitable. Yes it can technically kill the chargers if you put all that work in, but realistically if you have 3-4 chargers in a fight with the usual horde of other bugs then it's not really a sensible way to fight them given that the longer you drag the fight out on higher difficulties the more quickly it spirals out of control. It *can* work. But it doesn't *really* work.
@dragonstrike406 4 ай бұрын
Takes a lot of still to use it, and I'd like to say I am close to mastering it. Against Automatons it's a god-send. Against the bugs... Not so much. Chargers are hard to deal with. I can handle 3 to 4 chargers at once if there are no other bugs around me but that's never the case. Against a bile titan, I learned to shoot it's femurs to actually damage it. It takes like 10-20 shots depending on your aim, but it is possible to do. That said, I always play with nearly full squads and stick to my allies like glue.
@cabe115 4 ай бұрын
@@RahkiantheMighty yes, autocannon works wonders on chargers, if you can aim with it. Hitting the rear portion of the leg 2-3 times will instantly kill a charger. If you learn to strafe and dodge well, you can consistently take out chargers after dodging them one time. It’s not as braindead as the railgun, nor is it as easy to use. But, when used near its peak efficiency, the autocannon performs better than the railgun at every target in the game (except for bile titans, those bois need some changes).
@fredyfredburger 3 ай бұрын
Couldn't agree more. The recent patches have made the game borderline unplayable. My options are basically put it on stupid low difficulty and it's a cake walk, or go higher and get absolutely rolled by everything.
@Velacroix Ай бұрын
I only started playing after the patch, and on Impossible it's literally impossible to survive the swarms solo no matter how I evade or what turrets I use. I just burn through all my LMG and primary ammo before the resupply cooldown and I'm forced to run light armor and stamina booster to preserve my deployment counter, nevermind doing the objective. My main gripe is that the swarms just arbitrarily spawn non-stop. It feels very bad to not even be able to predict where they come from, they just appear because of some invisible timer.
@thoughtgaming492 4 ай бұрын
Headshots completely invalidate heavy armor. It will never be good as long as headshots remain unchanged.
@nathanielrasey 4 ай бұрын
And all bugs can out run you even in light armor so for me it feels like you lose either way.
@thoughtgaming492 4 ай бұрын
@@nathanielrasey afaik only stalkers hunters and chargers are faster than a sprinting player.
@plankbro 4 ай бұрын
@@thoughtgaming492 Yeah, but the thing is chargers force you to run sideways, which lets the other bugs catch up, and hunters can slow you as well, so you NEED to deal with them, which results in other bugs catching up.
@beginabuyen1734 4 ай бұрын
In my experience with why AI is doing more headshots, I mod armor value in an old game mechcommander. I maxed out the head armor of the mechs in my squad, deployed on hard mode, and then I noticed my squad was dying left and right. Looking at the armor picture, I see all deaths were cockpit shots. My assumption is that since the mechs were all god armor, the only armor can not be adjusted is cockpit, and the AI will do more cockpit shots. Back to Helldivers, the AI notice your armor is high it will adjust to aim more often where you are weak...the head. If at lower difficulty they don't do much head shots, they need to take that "headshot" coding value at the lowest level and apply it across the board and prevent AI to adapt where player have high armor value.
@thoughtgaming492 4 ай бұрын
@@beginabuyen1734 the enemies in hd2 don’t aim. You get more headshots in higher difficulties because the bugs are physically larger and their canned attack patterns are naturally closer to your head because of that. Pouncers>hunters is a good example. Head shots simply shouldn’t ignore armor. Your head should have the same armor your body does.
@liquidfrost100 4 ай бұрын
I had fun pre patch, now every engagement feels like such a slog
@Nitecookie 4 ай бұрын
yeah, before the patch i thought that stealth was only practical on difficulty 8+ (because of the diff jump from 7 to 8), but now i literally can't solo a level 4 mission without stealthing. If i don't perfectly cycle between staggering every enemy, then they WILL call in a bug breach, which post-patch is just a complete death sentence.
@newmethados5817 4 ай бұрын
I find the Automatons are very bad now too. Having 2 or 3 Rocket Devesators in every single patrol is insane. Also, the mechs are absolutely useless against them because if you enter a mech you become targeted by literally every enemy on the map, no matter how far away they are. I would enter one and then see lasers and missiles comimg at from from the opposite side of the map, with pin point accuracy
@costwalt 3 ай бұрын
No I do agree, when you increase the accuracy of the enemy, where they headshot you more, and headshots completely ignore armor, yet the helmet for heavy sets does not have extra armor? I understand the dilemma there because somebody could use a heavy armor helmet with light armor and kind of manipulate the mechanics. But they could also make it to where you have a buff for a certain armor set like the only way to get the armor bonus on your headgear is to where heavy armor body armor too and then your helmet has extra armor as long as it's a heavy armor helmet. But if you wear a heavy armor helmet with light gear you don't get the bonus it's just a regular helmet.
@danielvonankh 4 ай бұрын
The "get gud" argument has probably destroyed so many useful conversations
@gibster9624 4 ай бұрын
I've had similar conversations with regards to Destiny's difficulty. Way too many D2 content creators want the game to be crazy difficult and when I asked for examples they named World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy XIV. I had to laugh because their only examples were a game with hard defined roles meant for a massive amount of people to work together and another game where you basically have to be a masochist to enjoy it's toughest challenges. There is a reason D2 has lasted for so long and it's because it offers a different experience compared to other MMOs. Helldivers2 is supposed to be hard, yes. But it's also a video game that is also supposed to be fun. Let the challenging stuff be added in content like boss fights and other activities not be near rage inducing hard for the core gameplay.
@coquifrog 4 ай бұрын
Yes it has.
@facehurt7606 4 ай бұрын
its so funny because most ppl saying get gud are probably dunning kruger who are most are on lvl 6 meanwhile divers who still complete lvl 9 can admit and see how the BS ai changes are
@Whit3Tig3r010 4 ай бұрын
nah lvl 9 feels perfect~ solo helldiving in that difficulty while watching shows to pass the time has been great@@facehurt7606
@NatCr3w 4 ай бұрын
This so much. The Dark Souls mindset is killing the gaming community as a whole. People aren't trying to actually have a conversation or constructive discussion. The second someone says get gud or skill issue. I immediately know I'm dealing with someone who is mentally 14 and has nothing useful to contribute. I just tell them I'll pay attention to them when they want to act like an adult.
@LTcreed 4 ай бұрын
"Primaries are just things you spawn with." -Devs "Just Rely on your strats."- Also Devs....... Effects: 100% Call in Time, 50% Cooldown time, Ion Storms, Strat Jammers, time limit that removes strats. Edit: also the AA one that just...takes a Strat spot away entirely for the entire mission and doesn't let you get it back even if you destroy the AA.
@FPSRayn 4 ай бұрын
I feel like FUN difficulty means having more things to micro manage but being able to take care of them if you're good at the game. You should be able to play any loadout and win the same, without being unable to kill enemies and having to wait 3 minutes for a stratagem since the one you called in missed due to a random mission modifier.
@charmboy5241 4 ай бұрын
“If your nothing without the railgun then you don’t deserve it” - Iron deficiency man
@enem1 4 ай бұрын
Have you seen the new Localization Confusion Booster for the upcoming warbond? It’s supposed to reduce enemy encounter frequency, which to me, feels like the solution to the problem from this new update. They’re literally going to sell us the solution to the problem they created. I know it’s a cynical way to look at it, especially since currency can be farmed to some extent, but it’s still the same thing other big games do when they want more cash from players. I hope this isn’t the case.
@OhDough 4 ай бұрын
If that's there idea for boosters I'm asleep.
@DakkaSap 4 ай бұрын
oooh thats scummy if this is true i'm quitting
@BackwardsPancake 4 ай бұрын
I really hope this is not the case, but sadly, there is precedent. For example, have you tried the "Servo-Assisted" armor perk? It's sort of insane how much more intuitive and useful it makes the stratagem and grenade throws, and I have no idea why it couldn't have been base kit. The same applies to why the personal shield backpack is so popular. A lot of encounters become exponentially less frustrating when you have its resistance to stagger and status effects. It just opens up so many more interesting ways to play and risks to take. And, to top it off, pretty much every booster in the game is actually there just to mitigate some arbitrary annoyance. Like, why do you need to spawn with missing ammunition in the first place? Are you supposed to have enough stamina to outrun enemies consistently (as you do with the stam booster), or not? If the game is balanced around you having these effects, why bother even having the choices? Wouldn't it have made more sense to have all the boost effects by default and balance around that, and then you could remove them for an extra challenge, like the Halo firefight skulls system? Assuming they even did any balancing to start with, of course...