Why I Don’t “Move On” From HBomberguy

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Jordan Owen

Jordan Owen

11 күн бұрын

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@michaelbuehler3897 20 сағат бұрын
I agree, these people telling you to "move on" should take their own advice.
@thetickedoffpianoplayer4193 8 күн бұрын
Speaking as a person who has really bad tics, I can't think of a word bad enough to describe people making fun of someone for their tics.
@TorridPrime217 8 күн бұрын
Will you be touching on the 'In Praise of Shadows VS Wendigoon' controversy, and how IPOS clearly tried to ape Harrison's video in order to try and James Sommerton Wendigoon?
@jordanowen42 8 күн бұрын
I don’t know
@traviscondren834 8 күн бұрын
God that's such a shitshow. That literally couldn't have went down worse. There were no stakes, nobody was calling the dude out. Yet, he still showed up late to the fight loaded with all blanks and somehow missed every shot he took. Literally just sat there and made shit up because dude's upset that some people didn't agree with him on like a year old video. I understand trolling and to an extent even the sort of ownage type videos to an extent, but that dude perplexes me.
@redandblue323 20 сағат бұрын
everything good? been a while since you dropped a video. hope to hear from you soon
@jordanowen42 18 сағат бұрын
I’m ok. Been doing other things.
@robokill387 8 күн бұрын
That weird blind spot the left seems to have with creepy behaviour from adults if they're LGBT is something I've come across myself. There's an artist in my country who has had their funding pulled for lying to the arts funding board about how sexually explicit their work was. They described one of their previous works on their website as "party on stage, guided by some twenty somethings, a group of teenagers and a child explore sexuality, relationships and what it means to have a good time. Live performance with Stevie Nicks music, and sex toys". which involved the young teenage participants taking objects out of audience members' bags, and making them into sex toys. Some guy on the left acted like *I* was the creepy one for finding this premise creepy and pedophilic - like, not even polite disagreement or trying to convince me it was't creepy, just outright verbal abuse and shaming tactics, like calling me a "pathetic little worm" and "a creep", assuming I was a conservative, and going through my comment history to try to find something to shame me for. The thing he picked out was that I once commented on a thread about autism and sexuality, relevant to me because I have autism, which he then called "creepy fetish content" (it wasn't, it was normal discussion about our sex lives, he only saw it as perverted because it involved autism and he is clearly ableist) and that therefore I had my own creepy fetish shit I was involved in and was therefore projecting. When I owned that comment, debunked his claim that discussing autistic sexuality is "fetish shit" and that I wasn't at all ashamed of my sexuality and am sex positive and open minded about people's sexuality, and that I just took exception to involving children and young children in a sexualised performance piece, he reverted to more verbal abuse and ad hominem and I had to block him, first person I've blocked actually, because he just wouldn't shut up about it. All that for the crime of reading that description that artist wrote and saying "Am I the only one that thinks that art piece sounds a bit 'off'?"
@lovelifeanarchy 8 күн бұрын
We got him in the end, watch Europa.
@paklaselt2198 8 күн бұрын
What is that...
@bud1239 8 күн бұрын
When HBomberguy says that he is critical of Sarkeesian but that he had gone after you because of "wild eccentric reactions" that is pretty much a masked off moment. So when someone tells you who they are (probably a sadist) then believe them the first time. The way you asked questions to HBomberguy is useful to reveal his intentions. I don't think you can win against him in a debate and especially not reacting to him as he is looking to make fun of your reactions, not refute your ideas with logic. Thus in a way, you can't win against him but you can refute his ideas in his video which you are doing and have done a great job with! Keep it up man!
@LordShadrach 8 күн бұрын
I stand with you, Jordan. From one Christian to Another, know that Harry will feel the wrath of God one day. As for the lap dance you got, HBGs fans are just jealous you got one and they didn't.
@androidoficeandfire9667 8 күн бұрын
The first time I saw a Hbomberguy video was about Ghostbusters From what I remember he basically said while someone said a dumb thing we shouldn’t criticise them for it (kinda a misnomer when you make KZfaq criticism videos) From then on he always had this heir of smarmy untouchability he would still be super popular despite his videos being garbage I now think his videos are artificially boosted surely a 5 hour video on random KZfaqrs plagiarising people can’t be that interesting for over 10 million to click and watch for long enough to count
@traviscondren834 8 күн бұрын
He's popular because he does drama and people like drama imho. I actually enjoy some of his work, I just don't like him. His video on vaccines was enjoyable for me. But make no mistake, he's a muckraker. He takes pleasure in digging through the dirty laundry of others and airing it.
@memelordmarcus 4 күн бұрын
As someone who regularly watched 5 hour videos; yes, it's interesting to me. Ik some people don't understand
@451ianDragonist 8 күн бұрын
Why do they keep bringing up the stripper? Because they know they can get this sort of reaction from you. Simple as that. That's how bullies are: they probe for a weak point and then mercilessly jab at it. Unfortunately you have made it easy for them. Sorry but that's the truth. If you had said in a more devil-may-care tone, "Yeah, I got a lap dance, so what? Sue me, I'm a normal guy," then it would have been brought up once or twice more and then forgotten. And while I can't reasonably tell you not to have weak points, I do think it's reasonable in a setting like KZfaq, where communication isn't instantaneous and you have time to consider before uploading a video, to not show these weak points.
@jordanowen42 8 күн бұрын
But why did Harris bring it up in the first place?
@451ianDragonist 7 күн бұрын
@@jordanowen42 Because he, with his bully's intuition, thought it might irk you, and he was correct.
@androidoficeandfire9667 8 күн бұрын
As a Brit I can tell you most of his takes on politics are piss I have no idea why he’s still respected Oh you pointed out a guy plagiarised in a video after he deleted the video and made good with the owner of the copyright and owned up to his mistake, oh but he joked about SJWs in 2016 so we must now bring up every mistake he’s long made up for now By the way the charity he raised money for was shut down for pedo links
@davevision4928 7 күн бұрын
Now I understand besides privacy why you use nicknames when talking about people from your past. Also sorry for bringing up Chris Chan but I was wondering if you had any thoughts on someone finding out where he was staying at then chris not intentionally doxxing himself but pretty much responded in a way that it's highly likely that's where he's staying?
@jordanowen42 7 күн бұрын
I’m trying to stay out of the minutiae of Chris Chan right now. I’ll get back into it when, inevitably, he royally fucks up again (my bet would be on something involving “Flutter”) but until then I’m putting him on the back burner.
@davevision4928 7 күн бұрын
@@jordanowen42 fair enough also one last thing about Chris, apparently the gamer from Mars is doing another documentary on him any thoughts on that and I wouldn't be surprised if in the middle of editing the video another Big incident happens with him.
@pferreira1983 8 күн бұрын
I'm glad you talked about this. Hbomberguy is both a troll and a bully, the court jester of YT. What he did to you was horrible. Hbomberguy fans are...something else...is the nicest way of putting it. 😆 By the way with The Sarkeesian Effect I said at the time it was ahead of its time, it just needed trimming. As predicted it's more relevant now than it ever was so not quite the failure today you make it out to be.
@redandblue323 8 күн бұрын
"just move on", they say, as they continue to pelt you with insulting crap from 10+ years ago
@Marshdweller 8 күн бұрын
The people that say you need to move on haven't moved on. Oh the hypocrisy.
@AyeTonal 8 күн бұрын
Ya, I still see them making references about these hbomberguy videos about you on Twitter whenever I look at that side of Twitter. Harry has conditioned his audience to believe that it's okay to bully people but only if they have the wrong political opinions. But if you have the right political opinions then he will cosign your plagiarism content.
@himethisisme 8 күн бұрын
Has he actually cosigned someone's plagiarism? I'm out of the loop on this stuff for the most part.
@AyeTonal 8 күн бұрын
@@himethisisme in his video he did a whole bit about how people who twitch stream other people's videos and don't give commentary. Shortly after the video released he went on Hassan's channel after he was streaming the video and in multiple parts he wasn't even at the computer, he came on to say hi to his good friend. When XQC does it bad. When Hassan does it, what's up homie?
@pferreira1983 8 күн бұрын
@@AyeTonal The guy is a total hypocrite. He went after Tommy Tallarico because he's right wing but used that as an excuse to complain about Tallarico taking supposed credit for other people's work meanwhile Hbomberguy never credits his sources in his video description. 😆
@himethisisme 21 сағат бұрын
@AyeTonal Like Hbomb went to Hasans stream and didn't say anything when Hasan got up from his chair and left for 10 minutes or whatever? Not crediting sources in a video may amount to fair use but certainly streaming to an audience without commentary wouldn't fall under that.
@pferreira1983 19 сағат бұрын
@@himethisisme I think for someone for who did numerous 2-3 hour videos about it you'd think he would not be so lax about crediting people in his video descriptions.
@CrackanutBar 8 күн бұрын
Jordan the reason they tell you to move on is they understand how bad this looks for Hbomb when they laugh at you for the it’s been 10 years there’s a tinge of fear in it realizing that the average person knew you were getting harassed by these people for over a decade they would side with you, Hbomb targeted you cuz you were autistic and that’s it he admitted it himself his patron non apology makes him look guilty and anyone who’s not a die hard fan would see that
@timothymcgoldrick57 7 күн бұрын
See I think you're really half way to the core of the issue, unless I lost something in your explanation and this is something you already mentioned. In my experience, there are three separate and distinct categories of people out there, those who empathise freely (regardless of any difficulties they have wkrh empathy) those who do not empathise, and then there's people like Hbomberguy. People who are either capable of being selective with who gets theor empathy or simply don't care enpugh to notice the way they make others feel. It really is a school yard bully mindset. The mannerisms, the mean spirited jokes, the fact that he always seems to target (and forgive me for this observation of you) vulnerable people. You will never see him punch as high as his own weight class, he'll always target someone he feels superior too. As a kid my father told me if someone tries to stand over me and make me feel frightened of them, I was to try diplomacy, and when that failed I was to find every opportunity to sneak up behind them with something hard and heavy until they got the lesson that trying to intimidate me was more than they could handle. Every time I did this as a kid, I cried. Because I didn't want to be hurting people but I couldn't find a way out of being bullied that didn't involve inflicting some pretty serious harm on others. It must have been a surreal sight, to have one kid bleeding on the ground and the other inconsolably crying. To this day I wake up in cold sweats after having some nightmare about "What if that time I hit Ben with a brick his skull gave way?" "What if Kyle's stutter isn't just something he always had, and I gave him some kind of brain damage when we were kids?" "What if I wasn't actually being bullied and I just overreacted and hurt the other kids for no reason?" Regret is on hell of a drug. Today, these experiences inform everything I do. I can't tolerate violence, even in sport. Fictional violence is okay, but I have a really low threshold for how long I'm willing to tolerate it. The violence I inflicted on others in my childhood is the biggest regret of my life. When I look at Harry, all I have to ask is, how does he not feel enough regret to change his behaviours? 10 years and he's doing the same horrendous tactics. Public shaming, school yard bully tactics, merciless mockery, targeting vulnerable people, twisting the words of others to suit his mean spirited interpretation of their character. Yet at the same time, he wants to protect LGBT people's. He's anti racism. Anti sexism. These are good positions to have, but the fact that he does this through bully tactics and refuses to adress a target who is willing to bite back as hard as he does, just fucking picking on people, it proves that his empathy is selective. I am left with no possible charitable interpretation of his character, the mere fact that he is willing to use bully tactics but hide behind a shield of "But I donated to the trans kids." It makes me think his love for his fellow human being is conditional on them not being an acceptable target. Let's not forget how he acted before his success. Revenge porn and racial slurs. But the moment his image becomes important, "but I only use those tactics on people I can convince my audience that it's okay." And I'll admit, that revenge porn point is based on Habermann saying it was "a friend in England" who spread said revenge porn, but I ask, who was the other prominent Metokur member in England? There wasn't one. He really is just a gross, slimy little guy. The kind of guy you walk out of the building when you know someone let him in the building. I really want to believe tigers can change their stripes, but Harry has had two decades to change these behaviours. In two decades he dropped revenge porn and racial slurs and decided to just pick on socially maladjusted political enemis instead of just anyone weaker than him. He's made no progress. He's still a disgusting little sociopath.
@traviscondren834 8 күн бұрын
Is that a Virtual Boy I spy in the background?
@jordanowen42 8 күн бұрын
Yep. Watching and waiting for its chance to pounce.
@traviscondren834 8 күн бұрын
​@@jordanowen42 That's badass. It was a bit before my time, so I've never had one, but I've been fascinated by them. Really cool you have one, it's a nice bit of history. Can't believe I never noticed it before, but I usually just listen to your videos while I'm at work. I hope to get my hands on one someday, even if just to relive memories of watching AVGN
@mrjamesinblogington 9 күн бұрын
6:10 I don’t know if it’s deep-seated imposter syndrome on your part or not, but your first documentary is nowhere near as bad as you think it is, especially for a first effort.
@jordanowen42 8 күн бұрын
I’m very embarrassed about it and that whole time in my life.
@pferreira1983 8 күн бұрын
I said at the time it was ahead of its time, it just needed trimming. As predicted it's very relevant now.
@mikeylitchfield4651 3 күн бұрын
HBomberguy is actually a fairly ok content creator in some respects. If he stuck to game and movie reviews I would have no issue with him. His very mainline and safe political views just get on my nerves though. There's nothing more boring to me than someone who holds zero controversial views on anything talking about politics. Also I'll just be honest. I don't really have a problem with Trolls in of themselves. I can appreciate a Troll who is actually subversive like Andrew Anglin. My issue with Homberguy is he is the hall monitor of the Troll community. His job is to cyberbully people who are saying politically incorrect things. He's just a f*cking mall cop basically. I think you should move on though because by talking about him you're basically giving him what he wants. You moving on with your own projects and growing your channel is the real way to defeat people like that.
@francescov.3610 7 күн бұрын
I still find it really weird that his fanbase is still harping on this whole lap dance thing, like its this damning evidence that you're some kind of right-wing misogynist Andrew Tate type (despite the DELUGE of videos you've made denouncing misogyny and alpha male culture) Then again, this probably goes back to Gamergate and the retroactive rewriting of history. Any breadtuber would probably say the same thing about that whole mess, that the entirety of the movement was nothing more than douchebag dudebros and actual literal neo-nazis harassing women into shutting up about video games, which don't get me wrong, there were a fuckton of bad actors during that time period and what they did do was inexcusable. In reality, GG as a whole was the first big backlash against what we now call cancel culture. People saw the articles declaring gamers dead, saying that if you were a gamer, you were by default some kind of -ist or -phobe, and people said, "That's bullshit. I'm a gamer and I'm none of those things."
@jordanowen42 6 күн бұрын
I think re: the lapdance part of it is that even though they think it’s cool and progressive to be “sex positive” they’re actually really uncomfortable and childish around matters of sexuality.
@CrackanutBar Күн бұрын
They want to paint you as some gross sexist pervert and that’s why you don’t like Anita being a gender grifter who does poor criticism. I think most of them admit now the fact they still talk about you at all after Anita, Zoe, and Wu have pretty much disappeared do to controversy’s unrelated To GG just shows how they are vindictive bully’s
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