Why I Don't Play Guild Wars 2.

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nerdSlayer Studios

nerdSlayer Studios

6 жыл бұрын

angry nerd compares GW2 to GW1 and triggers fanboys.
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@lemoncobra2563 6 жыл бұрын
Guild Wars 2 is a good game but a bad sequel
@nerdSlayerstudioss 6 жыл бұрын
Great point.
@Paulderak 6 жыл бұрын
No, it's not. It's neither a good game nor is it a good sequel and if it weren't for the fame of guild wars 1 it was riding on, it would have faded into obscurity right after its release.
@DieKao 6 жыл бұрын
This is so correct it hurts. If GW2 had the same or improved systems that GW1 had (class system, GvG, Hall of Heroes) I would have never played anything else. Instead we got an unfinished PvE and story focused MMO, where the personal story bugged out if you where unlucky and the endboss was a joke. Same for the loot. When my story bugged out I stopped caring about the story, the PvE had shit loot and shit bosses, so no reason to care about that. Not even gonna get into the early banwaves and all that shit. The writing was on the wall. I even gave the game another chance later on. Did a couple fractals and then realized how bad that systems was as well. Unless you just want to run around an expansive world and "do stuff" like in FarCry games, without anything to hold your attention long term, GW2 isn't worth even trying out.
@a656582540 6 жыл бұрын
i played guild wars 2 a lot, but i wish i played gw1 instead. Since i'm a heavily PVP player and gw2 just didn't offer that good risk vs reward pvp gameplay.
@StarkeRealm 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah, Azure's right. My biggest gripe about the transition from Warcraft 3 to WoW was that we've never gotten another RTS in the setting, and it seems pretty unlikely we ever will.
@bailey2652 5 жыл бұрын
Guild Wars 2 has the highest appeal to the casual PvE player who doesn't have enough time or interest to dedicate long hours to various aspects of gameplay. It is without a doubt the most convenient and least demanding MMO out there, and it's why it's the only one I can play anymore as I get older and have less and less time to spend on MMOs. I also hate PvP with a passion, that might be a small part of it. Can't even consider playing games like LoL, or anything resembling battle Royale.
@milenmilen3201 5 жыл бұрын
I can complete all the achievements in wow only if I'm the most dedicated and unemployed player in the world :D
@placeholdername3818 5 жыл бұрын
@NihilisticEntropy $15 a month isn't worth it if you can't invest a certain amount of time.
@gfreely 5 жыл бұрын
Exactly. Well put. Same.
@SAGERUNE 5 жыл бұрын
@Blue Rose yeah im often disgusted with the content in other mmo's. None of them have any sort of responsibility or ethics to not waste your fucking time. I think most mmo's boil down to padding out their pve to be a long pointless, storyless grind to endgame, and endgame a long frustrating sparse with lore story or context grind to gear and currency to buy more gear. At least in gw2 the gear gap isn't drastic and the grind is not only optional, but its clever and entertaining the entire time. The make or break for other mmo's is social interaction, which is why they have no choice but to double down on pvp and endgame dungeons and raids, because the base game is garbage and unrewarding. they are learning, but i dont see much improvement in the modern mmo scene. even ESO with its rpg first world design and voice acting is full of really garbage quests and uninspired level design. i say that as a TES fan.
@noobkaka567 5 жыл бұрын
"I also hate PvP with a passion, that might be a small part of it. Can't even consider playing games like LoL, or anything resembling battle Royale." Weak.
@dommyshan 5 жыл бұрын
Playing as an interrupt ranger was truly unique in GW1. I love that I could stop some boss's big powerful spell/ability with just 1 shot of my bow, while everyone else on the team was doing dps/healing. I stopped playing GW2 when I just don't feel powerful when fighting enemies in PVE. During world bosses, my dps seems meaningless and I contribute more by resurrecting dead players during the entire fight. Eventually I log in less and less, sometimes just to farm nodes for materials, and then not even that.
@steveaguilar9833 6 жыл бұрын
TL;DR version for folks out here. nerdSlayer likes PvP GW2's PvP isn't up to par for nerdSlayer to enjoy. The end.
@liquidrider 5 жыл бұрын
He is far from alone. GW2 PVP is absolute garbage. And your TL:DR is incorrect . @14:09
@steveaguilar9833 5 жыл бұрын
Liquidrider I could add more, but than it wouldn't be a TL;DR.
@dreamforger7166 5 жыл бұрын
TL;DW ;)
@Gaarikx 5 жыл бұрын
@@steveaguilar9833 maybe he is just bad at it =p
@theroyalcam 5 жыл бұрын
@@liquidrider came here to also say, GW2 pvp is absolute trash ass garbage, worst pvp gameplay ive ever played EVER
@pflotschn 2 жыл бұрын
God I miss Guild Wars 1 so much, the PvP was so much fun and even the farming builds in PvE were so much fun and amazing to enjoy with friends. Or maybe I was just younger
@baddragonite Жыл бұрын
People still play it
@ROCKNROLL947 Жыл бұрын
Looser, Gw2 is way better in every sense.
@YouTubeChillZone Жыл бұрын
@@baddragonite bots do yes
@DamTaco 6 жыл бұрын
My heart hurts when i think of GW 1. i miss it so much :'(
@stylesubstance 6 жыл бұрын
GW1 was the pinnacle of group-based PvP in a MMORPG - no game has come close to doing it as well, or making it as fun, let alone as balanced.
@fatori584 6 жыл бұрын
hope CU will be the next
@Ziegfried82 5 жыл бұрын
GW1 was the best of the best. Started in the closed beta and I could tell even then...it was awesome. And when it actually launched it did not disappoint. Well, unless of course you rolled with the premade "SpellSlasher" LOL!! Remember that terribad build?
@christose9247 5 жыл бұрын
TERA, silkroad online
@juggmkj 5 жыл бұрын
@@christose9247 you said TERA as a joke right? Because it was so awful that mentioning it wkth GW1 is the joke, rjght?
@christose9247 5 жыл бұрын
no @@juggmkj it is the best pvp of any multiplayer videogame fact: classic TERA is the highest form of esport
@ber-ruang7616 5 жыл бұрын
come on guys, he said "why i dont play guild wars 2". Not "why guild wars 2 is a bad game". so he did state his reason. PVP imbalance, and ARnet not really focus on PVP. so thats it. TBH i like how gw2 right now. i can go pvp, pve, or even exploring like a single player game while doing same fantasy role-playing like all the time if i want. Its overall good game.
@planescaped 5 жыл бұрын
All of the "Why I don't play" videos have tremendous dislike ratios. It's really kind of pathetic actually how personally offended some people on the internet get when someone doesn't like something they like. Especially since he didn't say the game was 'bad' like many other youtubers do. _cough nostalgia critic cough_
@chukyuniqul 4 жыл бұрын
Cows go moo, ducks go quack, mmo players go "the pvp is unbalanced ". Seriously though, unless you overcentralize (and not even then, both lol and csgo still have useless or op champions/gear) a game on pvp it can NOT be balanced. Especially not for everyone. Some strats are broken when the enemies don't know how to counter them (i.e. low elo) while others are broken when those doing them know their shit (i.e. high elo). It's blatantly impossible to make pvp balanced, best you can do is make it as fun as possible.
@sgtjohnson49 4 жыл бұрын
@@chukyuniqul yea the problem with PvP in this type of game is it's meant to be rewarding to play an agregious amount, and as a result the most hardcore players not only know the strategies better and have more experience but also have better gear because they've been rewarded (justifiably so I would argue) for their time commitment. So even in an arena where it's all hardcore players, the ones who have invested the most time have an advantage, and it's therefore unbalanced. This is also true with survival games with consistent servers like ark, rust and Conan. If you don't have the time and manpower/hours as your opponent, you're often going to lose, regardless of strategy, meta, preparation etc. Even in the most popular mmo WoW the PvP has been and continues to be unbalanced simply because it's a well known fact that the Horde has more hardcore PvP players and better PvP results, so PvP on alliance is either made up of martyrs of the hardcore community or casuals like myself who just want a break from the grind, which leads to constant defeat and a feeling of unbalance. I played WoW since vanilla and remember the same sentiment and understanding in the community then.
@paulgotik 3 жыл бұрын
@@sgtjohnson49 have you played gw2? There's no difference in gear, you can create a new account and defeat pro level players if you have good enough skill in pvp. It's completly different from wow.
@sgtjohnson49 3 жыл бұрын
@@paulgotik yes I've played GW2, everything I said about time commitment is still valid. You can make a new character, join PvP and be max lvl, and have no idea how to use any of those abilities, or even what they do, let alone how to use them effectively.
@bobothegoat 5 жыл бұрын
Over 6000 hours of GW1 and over 10 million total balthazar faction. You pretty much nailed my feelings for GW2. I probably wouldn't hate GW2 as much as I do if it wasn't the sequel to a game I loved, and if its existence didn't represent the death of something I love and the reality that I might never see something like it again. I'll never get a Guild Wars 2 for me. I only hope someone makes a spiritual successor some day.
@chowder5901 6 жыл бұрын
I like gw2 because I feel like I can do what I want when I want. Almost all of the progression is optional, so I am always grinding for something that I truly want.
@Hawkhunter07 2 жыл бұрын
because you're a casual gamer, gw2 is garbage compared to gw1
@Hawkhunter07 2 жыл бұрын
@VoxPixels because it fucks the identity of the game up, the game becomes more casual and loses its essence and what made it great in the first place. It's like Diablo 3, it's a shitty diablo game and a far cry from what diablo 2 was.....but the casuals dont know any better
@BladexEyes 2 жыл бұрын
@@Hawkhunter07 Guild wars 2 has its own identity that is different from other MMOs and from guild wars 1. I'm sorry that you don't like Guild Wars 2 because it's not Guild Wars 1, but seriously grow the fuck up. There is nothing wrong with being casual as games are meant to have fun. For most if not all MMOs "hardcore players" simply means teenagers with infinite amount of time to waste, doesn't even require any skills, just time to waste grinding x item.
@leonidasspartan9842 6 жыл бұрын
GW2 is great but you're right about the guilds. Guilds in this game are little more than chat rooms.
@MiguelFelipeCalo 6 жыл бұрын
Extra storage Quick LFG tab Future plans: - guild and alliance driven WvWvW (will no longer be server based)
@oxnerd 5 жыл бұрын
ranked spvp is just another way for me to gear up for pve. I really hope to see 10 v 10 some day. Nerdslayer makes a great point too, there's no reason why gw2 shouldn't have, i dunno, GUILD wars? its in the name
@haydouken8857 5 жыл бұрын
@@oxnerd Devs pretty much brushed that off as reference to the Guild Wars of Lore. Disappointing, really.
@captaincanti 5 жыл бұрын
Not really. Guilds can serve a lot of purpose, especially since you can be in multiple guilds, they just don't serve a GvG purpose. For world bosses and events that require cooperation and organization between players, there are guilds dedicated to teaching and organizing people to beat that event. There are raid and fractal guilds, WvW and PvP guilds, and everything in between. Guilds are a big part of the community.
@stickyoxtail 4 жыл бұрын
@@MiguelFelipeCalo posted 1 year ago. No alliance to be found. If / when it comes out, it will be too little, too late.
@goldendragoon25 6 жыл бұрын
I would love to sit here and say you're wrong but you are hitting a point. GW2 is a PvE game. With some elements of PvP (in the form of the WvW modes). You do have some times where you can challenge in one vs one spats. But as you have said being a hardcore PvPer I can see why you would be turned away from GW2. But as a guy who loves PvE, loves lore, and loves exploring I just have fallen in love with this game. I play other MMOs but this game is a sure bet on getting me playing for a long time. If I play in PvP I want to know why. Why am I fighting this person? If there is no story for me to understand then I might as well play CSGO. Thank you for your video. Very intuitive on some very good reasons why some may not get into GW2.
@noodleknight7924 5 жыл бұрын
GW2 isn't a great PvE game either tho, especially when compared to GW1. GW2 for the most part is braindead easy and simplistic, and has a very weightless progression. Also, while the game has amazing production values, the world design itself feels cluttered and overly busy, like they tried to crowd it with attractions. It's a personal thing but I also preferred GW1's mostly linear but impactful story telling. Now that I think of it, FFXIV is a better GW1 successor than GW2 is.
@noodleknight7924 5 жыл бұрын
​@Xavier Dias You claim that FFXIV world's is linear, but that's exactly what GW1 was like. GW1 was all about going through a well crafted main story just in an online cooperative fashion, and XIV is exactly about that, that's why I said it's a better successor to GW1 than GW2's design, which is indeed much closer to WoW's game design. GW2 having a big open world with good visuals is a nice thing, but there is no game design to compliment it. Exploration (and progression) doesn't feel all that rewarding when there is nothing filling this world except for braindead easy enemies and world events, and there is no competitive endgame to look forward to (like in wow), or a really compelling story that keeps you motivated to progress through the game's content (like in FFXIV).
@pl0tka123 5 жыл бұрын
GW1 lore (like gods scheming, Mist and pocket realms etc.. while humanity struggles to survive after its fallen from its grace) > GW2 dragon lore
@juggmkj 5 жыл бұрын
@Xavier Dias GW2 is a WoW clone in a sea of WoW clones, but it does it worse and is optimized horribly. They should have stuck with what made them successful instead of just following the leader.
@alileevil 5 жыл бұрын
Gw2 is a good pve game? Umm ill agree with that only up to level 80 though. There is no end game in Gw2. There is no point in raiding, no point in upgrading your gear and frankly the loot in Gw2 is boring. The gear comes very easy and frankly after you hit level 80, the content after is meaningless. New areas do not require upgrading loot and you come to the realization that Gw2 isn't a MMORPG but rather a single player game with updates every few months.
@Trancecend 5 жыл бұрын
Soloing for Ectos in Underworld with my Ritualist is dearly missed.
@REALdavidmiscarriage 4 жыл бұрын
dude you can still do that just logg back on to gw1 there are still a bunch of people online. and even if you dont find any people, like you said you can still solo uw
@pixieskitty 6 жыл бұрын
I love GW2 with a passion, and your points are very valid; sometimes talking about why you don't like some stuff is hard to explain and is hard to be 100% rational, why don't you like mint? Sometimes you don't like stuff. Great video, I liked it a lot
@natecw4164 6 жыл бұрын
You're really good man! I'm not a pvper and I do enjoy GW2, yet I can listen to your points without objection because you're so focused on making a solid point. Always love your vids!
@Bramfams 3 жыл бұрын
Weirdly enough, I had several best time of my life in Guildwars 2. Those adventurous mazes, zerg busting, commanding zergs, real life friendships that I acquired, 300 sparta moments defending a damn choke, massive amazing memories. I would go back a thousand times. 👍
@Bagginsess 6 жыл бұрын
i would also like to mention that gw1 has a very unique feature: mercenary heroes, which allows you to play with 7 other characters on your account. you can control all of their skills through simple little windows and use party commands making the game feel like rts or old school CRPG there's also cool economic roles due to instance running and pre searing
@Bagginsess 2 жыл бұрын
@Cheesequake that wasn't my point, my point was that it creates a game with in a game that's fun. GW2 is a joke for many reasons but of course it wouldn't have a need for heros or even henchmen because you can solo most of the content. Again though the point is that it is fun to control all 8 characters which are characters you've leveled up on separate play throughs, it's fun to play with people but like I said it's a game with in a game and a different way to play a game you might have played a million times.
@WalcomS7 6 жыл бұрын
Longshot, but have you (or anyone for that matter) checked out Albion Online? I can't find anyone really talking about it, which is a shame because it's the first MMO in years that gripped me so hard.
@WilliamStoneContentZone 6 жыл бұрын
Walcom S7 I've played it
@boglin 6 жыл бұрын
yessss, all the coverage ive seen of the game was shitting on it for various reasons, but after playing for a few months its by far the most fun ive ever had in an MMO. Love to see a life of a game on this.
@robertthompson5701 6 жыл бұрын
I've played it, I felt it was nothing but a grind there's really nothing to work for.
@WalcomS7 6 жыл бұрын
There's literally everything to work for. That's the best part of the game, you decide what you want to do. I wanted to be the best dagger crafter there is, so I've been working hard on smithing daggers.
@gioelecarratelli4593 6 жыл бұрын
That sounds interesting, would love to know more about this!
@NecroticRampage 6 жыл бұрын
I can appreciate this series. A natural question that arises from your other content which frequently features failed MMOs is what MMOs do you actually like/play? You kept the style of this video similar enough to your normal content to meet expectations, and you based your opinions in enough of the game's objective history and gameplay for it to be valuable. Good job.
@baska- 5 жыл бұрын
NS, what do you play/recommend?
@H5SS 3 жыл бұрын
I think a lot of us OG GW1 players would have accepted it if it just wasn't named Guild Wars, it's a completely different game.
@futonrevolution7671 6 жыл бұрын
In 2011, Secret World was "a little bit clunky"? You don't say. I kind of miss how opaque and charmingly weird the gameplay was. Now, it's just opaque.
@StopBabbling 6 жыл бұрын
Miss Guild Wars 1 PVP Kurzicks vs Luxons (I think I spelled it correct?) Miss the freedom of trying random builds like a ranger with nothing but trap skills. Being able to cripple a whole mob.
@oxnerd 5 жыл бұрын
ah, but how bout those ranger toucher builds. Getting random people in fortaspenwood to go toucher build with you to queue with and just chasing down players. those were the days
@user-qn2lx8tg6z 5 жыл бұрын
I miss the old Ranger thumper builds and using the last Kurz wall in fort aspen wood to safe spot heal the Juggernaut, so many epic moments being the only one to stabilize after my team gets wiped bya big Lux push...
@scottxz 5 жыл бұрын
it was spelled kurdicks and suxons, but yes i do miss good o' FA, JA, and most of all AB. miss the days where we go in with 4 monks and roj beam all the camps and just heal for days.
@patrickpol6156 4 жыл бұрын
i try'd to play gw1 but it did'nt run to well on my potato computer back then so i was happy that gw2 did work and it was everything i wanted from a game after quiting wow but now it just starts to feel a bit stale but that's because ive been playing it since day 1 and the whole gaming/movement and combat mechanics are starting to feel datet to me so im currently still playing gw2 but im in the market for something better/more modern
@thechadcruzaider7864 4 жыл бұрын
@@patrickpol6156 Though this is 6 months later, found something? If not I suggest Elder Scrolls Online, should look it up and do a bit of research to see if it peaks your interest
@leifleifnephew5154 5 жыл бұрын
GW2 isn't a bad game, it's just that it's completely different from GW1, and if you loved GW1 then you probably wont like GW2.
@TheCUTTERbyPHOENIX 4 жыл бұрын
oddly enough, the community of GW2 is almost half made out of GW1 players.
@Lancor84 4 жыл бұрын
@@TheCUTTERbyPHOENIX Many people just enjoy the lore, fantasy and themes that are similiar between the games.
@BlaneNostalgia 4 жыл бұрын
Thats exactly how I felt about it GW2 since its release. In general terms, GW2 is considered 1 of the most critically acclaimed and best MMO's of all time and GW1 isnt... GW1 was great but completely different gameplay
@Ceimash 4 жыл бұрын
I played GW1 and I am one of those who likes GW2 for what it is. But I can definitely say that if GW2 had GW1's features (especially PvP), they'd be making a lot more money than they are or ever did. Why? Because from the beginning, the GW1 players had been driving the hype for GW2, if Arenanet fulfilled all their dreams and THEN some, GW2 would have taken home all the money metaphors you could possibly think of because the GW1 players would have spread that hype like crazy. And probably even rivaled WoW in popularity if they did that. People were expecting Henchmen or Heroes in their personal story, people were expecting GvG and some sort of competition (which they promised) and some were looking forward to a skill progression system that dealt with capturing skills from hard-to-get monsters but none of that came to fruition. What we got was a GOOD game but not the GREAT game it could have been.
@jantube358 4 жыл бұрын
True. I loved it! There was just no end game so we all stopped.
@galloviking4766 4 жыл бұрын
Is called Guild Wars 2. Doesn't have guild wars.
@viaxon6 4 жыл бұрын
Because title never refered to the in-game mechanics, but to the event in the world...
@Zekent 4 жыл бұрын
That's cause it is guilds vs dragons rn, lmao
@galloviking4766 4 жыл бұрын
@@Zekent The first game said guild wars in the form of some pretty good PvP... This is what I mean here. That form of PvP is gone in the sequel.
@andrewwarner4434 4 жыл бұрын
GalloViking “The Guild Wars” was an event in history.
@jantube358 4 жыл бұрын
I didn't even find a guild
@guillermopena8412 6 жыл бұрын
I love gw2 and still actively play it. Being that said, I have to agree with your arguments, those are points that the gw2 community generally agrees on and most of us arent afraid of expresing. PvP got some love with tournaments and ranked leagues, but even then its not really at the level general pvp lover would like them, and WvW had a period of time in which people claimed it was a dead gamemode. Recently they have announced some major changes that in developments though, particularly in WvW your world wont be tied to you server but rather to different parameters of your account such as your WvW level and playtime and your designated WvW Guild and that Guild´s allience with other guilds. There is no ETA for this system but many are excited as it has the potencial to to give Guilds an impact and basically turn WvW into a massive Guild vs Guild gamemode. However, the gameplay seems to be remaining the same. I still love the game since I am a PvE player which is the main focus of the game, but I can also see and respect the opinion of those PvP players that wanted something more from Gw2. For what is worth, the community has been trying to push more PvP events including streamed tournaments hosted by popular youtubers and twich streamers in the community, but not quite to the extend of an actual E-Sport league or anything.
@Acesahn 5 жыл бұрын
Weird thing... I dont even like PvP games in general... but I LOVED Guild Wars 1
@phoenixpills 4 жыл бұрын
The thing is that Guild Wars 1 still had all the PvE, the systems designed in the game allowed for engaging PvE, and engaging PvP options. Both communities were supported in some way.
@Ale12256 6 жыл бұрын
What do you think about Blade and soul pvp wise?
@Kryonyde 5 жыл бұрын
When a game titled "guild wars" drops the feature of guilds going to war with one another.
@ChunkSchuldinga 4 жыл бұрын
That’s even stupider than the time World of “War”craft tried to achieve a sense of inner peace and half-assed enlightenment with a bullshit “neutral” dollar store kung-fu panda race that regurgitated pseudo-philosophy. At worst, that was just a bad expansion. GW2 was castrated at birth.
@hanspeter-fs4in 4 жыл бұрын
@@ChunkSchuldinga But well we can talk about blizzard ruining all their popular game titles in the last 3-4 years and you will see that this publisher is a shadow of itself. It was not just one bad expansion they released. They do it over and over again, because they dont listen to the community anymore and sit on a throne beeing like "we know what you small folk want to play". But they dont. They fuck everything up. BfA worst expansion ever in wow. Diablo 3 complete bullshit cos they wanted to make a casual game in a hardcore genre. They had success with d2 (it was a hardcore game). What on earth made them think "hey lets transform diablo into a casual game none enjoys more then 90hrs". Funniest part is that d3 first got halfway playable with the expansion which costed you another 50 euros (Blizzard copys the EA style). Hearthstone a card game which gets ruined by rng since the last 3 years. People literally told them like 2 full years rng makes the game unfun: Blizzard continues that road. And guess what the same unrewarding rng bullshit is a part of wow now. They currently loose player counts higher then the mount everest. For wow this means pple switching primarly to ff14 and some to eso or gw2. Hell even a community manager called their playerbase "dickbags". Blizzard is just a joke right now and not a company worth mentioning anymore. They completely shifted away from their policy they had in the past. In the past it was: we only do what players will enjoy. Now it is: we know what players will enjoy based on numbers we tracked on statistics. Like fricking robots totally disconnected from the player base. Other companies took well advantage of that. Square Enix works hard and gets all the wow refugees. Riot Games contests them at card games (legends of runeterra), at multiplayer shooters (valorant). Grinding Gear Games took almost the whole hack´n slay playerbase over to poe. Blizzard showed us the perfect way of how to ruin your top position as game publisher. Follow the steps of blizzard and you can ruin yourself, honestly the should make a guide on how to do it. Arenanet on the other site is now listening and talking to their community. They already mentioned so much things that will be released this year its amazing. Best part is that these things actually target the issues people have with the game. Since half of their employements got fired they now shifted their focus primarly on gw2. I personally really like that and it is a milestone achievement if you compare it to blizzard. We know only have to wait for the stuff they mentioned to be implemented.
@Guppy2410 3 жыл бұрын
The Guild War title has to do with the lore and history of the game, not the mechanics
@SL2797 3 жыл бұрын
Well... there's World vs World
@DeanyKong 3 жыл бұрын
"tHe gUiLd WaRs wErE a LoRe EvEnT!11!!" - /r/guildwars2 for the past 8 years
@Dazen101 6 жыл бұрын
Goddamn. GW1 was great. Touch Rangers, 55hp monks, The Necro army. Boy, oh boy.
@KapitanPonton 6 жыл бұрын
Sean Thompson it's still up and right now getting some extra love from few devs
@wahlex841 6 жыл бұрын
Perma Shadow Form. Running people for Voltaic. Damn those were the days.
@taylormarzano3677 6 жыл бұрын
Edge bombing AB for the lulz
@backgroundcharacter4099 6 жыл бұрын
I want my RoJ Monk back....
@nxtmaster 6 жыл бұрын
In GW1 I loved having an identity associated with the class I was playing. As an elementalist I would run people through imperial sanctum mission for money, farm feathers for consets, and be a nuker/terra tank in DoA/Underworld. PvP was sweet too - I loved playing grenth's balance assassin in RA, among other janky builds. GW2 combat just feels so mindless and unengaging to me... Honestly the thing I enjoyed the most about GW2 was the jumping puzzles :P
@ar3klis 6 жыл бұрын
Now I want to dabble in GW/GW2 after wtching this video. Any chance you'll be talking about champions online either in this series or in the death of a game?
@Svf84 5 жыл бұрын
god, I miss GW1 pvp. Random arena was fantastic! I also miss tab targeting...
@Zuranthium 4 жыл бұрын
Can still play GW1!
@jorgealonso9792 3 жыл бұрын
RA is the greatest pvp in a online rpg of all time I still remember the first time I went 30-0 with randoms from RA to TA
@jaredjensen1418 3 жыл бұрын
"I play GW2, I want to see what this guy has to say!" > "So I generally like PvP in games" "Oh noooooo" Yeah. I'm a huge lore nerd for GW and I like the very open style of movement and combat. But even when I went back and tried GW1, it was clearly in a league of its own and I'm disappointed I wasn't there for its golden age. Can't blame you for not being into GW2. Solid video and I really can't find anything to argue against.
@goodboisam7912 6 жыл бұрын
You literally uploaded this the day I started playing GW2 again. Great video as always :D
@CJ-sh6gj 3 жыл бұрын
Huge reason I quit GW2 was the difference in PvP from the first Guild Wars I fell in love with. As you said, 1500 skills to choose from, as well as, the ability to dive into PvP upon download.
@PinkPiratePickle 5 жыл бұрын
whats the song name in 16:19 ?
@LM43243 6 жыл бұрын
With over 1k hours in gw2 im still having a lot of fun :)
@mateuspereira1843 5 жыл бұрын
Garden warfare 2? Plants vs Zombies!
@mrspacex_ 5 жыл бұрын
I'm almost on 1k hours, I'm with you. It's my favorite mmo probably
@crackavellysemptyfridge7435 5 жыл бұрын
Good for you. On a side note, fuck PvZ Gw2 to hell and back.
@marlonvonansale6457 5 жыл бұрын
still 100 hr and having hard time on POF realy good story for me.
@kemaso_ 5 жыл бұрын
I never thought I would hear the phrase "Meaningless Fun" before. Fun always has meaning m8.
@vascocruz7987 4 жыл бұрын
is that GW1 music in the background? (in the beggining) can anyone tell me the name? it brings me back to a simplier time in my life
@Avatar93700 5 жыл бұрын
Did you get the intro music from L.A. Noire ? 😁
@raszXavos 6 жыл бұрын
I understand what you do not like in the game because a lot of my real life friends whos mainly interested in pvp also doesnt like the feel of gw2 pvp, especially when they love the combos of dragonest. i personally love gw2, because i have a lot of things to do, after one thing i have another goal that i can set my eye on, and mainly i just give some time a bit of effort, and all can be achievable, even if i mainly play casual. it doesnt punish me by not being an elitist, im not a bad player nor an elite player, im more of a mediocre that understands the mechanics of the game. Thanks for your insights, which i do believe are all valid.
@nerdSlayerstudioss 6 жыл бұрын
Bonus video for you guys. Double upload hype :). GW2 is a hard game to criticize, but I thought I made a good case for myself here. If you would like to see more videos like this let me know in the comments :)
@lilyounggamer 6 жыл бұрын
nerdSlayer what are your pc specs?
@sneakillysneak2388 6 жыл бұрын
Eve next?
@ShibaInuDogTricks 6 жыл бұрын
didn't know you were semi-pro at GW2. Must of meant a lot to make this video :P
@user-bf7sl3uo9p 6 жыл бұрын
Ok, I love gw2 but when you said arenanet and marketing on the same sentence I laughed a bit too much :3
@LoneKuroRaifu 6 жыл бұрын
Final Fantasy XIV.....lol
@LyodeValois 5 жыл бұрын
Téria como por legenda, pois o meu inglês não é tão bom. Tentei usar o recurso de legenda automática, mas uma legenda esta dando erro e identificando como idioma coreano. E quando tento usar o recurso de traduzir fica impossivel entender. ---- It's as if by legend, because my English is not so good. I tried using the auto-caption feature, but a caption is giving error and identifying as Korean language. And when I try to use the translate feature, it's impossible to understand.
@A6by 4 жыл бұрын
In video game years, I'm a crotchety old lady. All other MMOs are entirely impossible for me to keep up with. In GW2, I can literally just log in, teleport around doing some world bosses, talk to my friends, RP as a salad, and log out - never having to take on any sort of "project" that would require me to focus on the same thing for more than a day at a time. It's an MMO that encourages you to play it almost like a roguelike, in a weird way. I love that. It's unfortunate that for people who like, well, what an MMO normally is, instead of that, they can definitely get let down.
@SC00BYSN4CKS1 6 жыл бұрын
Valid points, even as a long time casual player. Just curious, care to provide your front runner MMO at the moment and what you're playing? Keep up the vids and good content man!
@EffToyz 6 жыл бұрын
I love style! "I don't like this game and here is good points why" with respect to people who likes this game. Do not understand why people dislike that video.
@frosthammer917 5 жыл бұрын
Well probably since many GW2 critics are just people calling it crap because they personally don't like its style(PvE over PvP, no concrete guests, etc.)or act like vanilla WoW people.(aka the original was perfect and everything else is crap). So people might not even watch it and just dislike it.
@michalamras 5 жыл бұрын
What's the name of MMO from 00:27 ??
@EncryptedFlyTrap 6 жыл бұрын
@nerdslayer just to let you know there has been mutterings in the guild wars 2 forums to bring back guild vs. guilds in World vs. world. There has also been talk of a complete overhaul on world vs. world.
@freefrag1910 5 жыл бұрын
Don't forget the 55HP Monk :D
@bryantg8749 4 жыл бұрын
I remember power leveling people for money in pve with my 55hp monk. Let alone ganking one of these idiots in pvp
@kaahzvi5820 3 жыл бұрын
Protective Spirit baby!
@Konoplop32 5 жыл бұрын
As a long term player of GW2 and spending most of my time in WvWvW, at launch it was far more skill based. And it was very common for smaller havoc squads to demolish larger groups/zergs. But now, because of the powercreep, it's changed significantly, and imho for the worst. The balance has really hurt it over the last few years. While there are more long term rewards for WvWvW there still is some lack of purpose. Roaming solo/2 or 3 people was always fun early on, getting those amazingly close fights. Testing your skills with outnumbered fights and snagging a quick camp after winning those fights made you felt great. Now? It's gotten stale with no major updates to the game mode. I still play it because I love the combat, but there's certainly elements that some people might dislike. This is a solid opinion of the game, and various things I agree with. Happy gaming! Cheers~
@NikeGipple 5 жыл бұрын
I don't understand this nostalgia feeling. Seems like plague of today. ( damn wow classic :/) Now, like on vanilla, many good player do and win outnumbered skirmish in WvWvW. For a very big purpose all wait the alliance rework of this mode. All skins equips or mounts cant compete.
@littlekenny21 6 ай бұрын
​@@NikeGippleit isn't nostalgia though, the combat is fundamentally different and can no longer support what allowed zerg busting to function. Also WoW classic is a good example, I only started WoW at the end of WotLK but classic is far better than retail.
@cheezitzrcool 6 жыл бұрын
What mmo do you play now ?
@AJ-bi6ns 4 жыл бұрын
What guild did you beta test with ZoS?
@PartridgeQuill 6 жыл бұрын
Though I absolutely love GW2, I appreciated being able to hear your reasoning and perspective on things. It really helped me understand some complaints I have heard about the game that lacked your unique articulation. So, thanks!
@obliterator5664 6 жыл бұрын
basically each time you hear someone complaining about content and the end game it is because pvp and WvW barely evolved since launch and grind for skins and legendarie as for the end game does not appeal to everyone. some people want competition, special reward that helps evolving your character and his gear, hard and rewarding dungeons, rewards for winning a WvW skirmish,...
@zomfgroflmao1337 5 жыл бұрын
Just to correct some stuff you couldn't know because you probably didn't play when stuff changed. The sPvP content got changed quite a bit with the banishment of groups in ranked and the introduction of regular tournaments every view hours with points you need to qualify for a monthly tournament (similar to the style GW 1 had). Also the meta changed with the elite specs, because at that point they also introduced raid content and did away with the idea of 'no holy trinity', since than healers and tanks exists, even if they might not be what you expect. That changed the sPvP landscape to a gigantic degree to the point that the necromancer (as an example) in sPvP is played a lot, but usually with a healer attached. Also a new GvG mode is announced since a while back and is scheduled to replace the rather meaningless server vs server part (there are no real distinct servers anywhere but in wvw since they base the rest of the game completely changed to the mega server system). The critique that is absolutely true is that ArenaNet is insanely slow at fixing problems or adding new highly sought after stuff. For example the highly anticipated swiss tournament mode for spvp already took more than a year and is still not there (it can't be that hard for a studio of 300 people to create a new tournament mode). Similarly is the GvG change to wvw long overdue, changes like this should take month not years if you (as a company) want to show that you give any shits about these game modes. In general the company reacts so slow that it often gets not even recognized as movement at all. There would be a ton of small changes that would take very little effort to promote the game or some of the lesser player game modes like spvp (an easy example would be to give a spvp caster the chance to do the casting on the official GW2 twitch channel, it would basically a win win win situation, with the caster getting more audience, the game getting more viewers and interest in that game / game mode (promotion) and it would literally costs ArenaNet nothing), but the company is just not reacting to any discussion or ideas of the community. For me the game is great in parts, but badly mismanaged in a lot of other parts, while still being the best MMO that we have at the moment and thanks to no competition in the space it occupies it won't move in any desirable direction.
@Lancelot2000Lps 5 жыл бұрын
Why would you not play Everquest on the P99 or P2002 server? Make a video about it? Pleace?
@judgeomega 5 жыл бұрын
had guild wars 2 been its own thing and not associated with the original guild wars, it would have done a lot better. it took on the burden of living up to the complexity of the original, and failed miserably. But despite that supreme failure at the core of the game, everything else about the game was top notch.
@FallOfTheLiving 5 жыл бұрын
Now i'm yerning for my GW1 days back
@JD-kd2bh 6 жыл бұрын
Guild Wars 2 is a casual mmorpg mostly, we also have high lvl fractals and raids now, hence "mostly" .. You're right that PVE is the focus, even though WvW and PvP still has a passionate playerpase. It's a great game for casual play, Def my favorite mmorpg. If you love transmog, Fashion Wars 2 is the game mmo for you. You can hunt achievements and grind gold for new skins, it's never ending game in that way. I consider myself casual and yet still have over 5k hours in the game due to the cosmetic endgame.
@JD-kd2bh 6 жыл бұрын
.. And more importantly, it's the most social mmo out there, that's actually the real reason I keep coming back. I've played tons of mmo's, but Guild Wars 2 is the only place I can make friends everytime I login. The whole game is designed around beeing social. Everyone talks in say and map chat, you don't really even have to join a guild at all. Very helpful community. I see high lvl players standing in starting zone only to help newcomers very commonly, without them getting rewarded anything, they are just there to help, even giving gold away and stuff.
@YcleptCrazy 6 жыл бұрын
We must have played entirely different games. Almost nobody talks, even in big places like Lion's Arch. Every Guild I joined is essentially dead with like 3-4 active members. Anything that happens at lower levels are literally just massive zergs for meta map events or a daily event completion is in that map with people asking for events over and over. It's the most empty game I played. Literally have 50+ people in one area waiting for something to start and it's completely dead silent. Champion events all over the maps I can't complete because I have no one to help me and I'm not playing a class that can solo it. I can't even get someone to help me figure out all this Ascended Gear/Agony Resistance for fractals (which I feel the game leaves me completely clueless on btw). I actually talked to more people that have never even HAD ascended gear. A complete lack of progression this whole game just feels like a cluster fuck that arena net doesn't know how to handle anymore.
@arturbb 6 жыл бұрын
I'm playing it right now and it's pretty far from empty. I see full zones almost every time of the day and people talking and having fun at every major hub.
@sindri1447 6 жыл бұрын
If you yourself aren't the social type then it's easy to feel like the community isn't social. If you're standing still within a zerg and type stuff into /say then you'd usually get a response from someone pretty quickly. The community is usually happy to help other players. I sometimes get whispers from random players who need help figuring something out and I happily spend the next 15 minutes talking them through it.
@qerzuk 6 жыл бұрын
J D for me ff14 is the most social mmo out there. I mean i once went afk in one of the main city's and got myself surounded by a whole guild( had no guild at the time). Gues who joined them😅.
@TheAquarius87 3 жыл бұрын
As a Guild Wars 2 player, I gotta say: I miss Guild Wars 1 too... Good days. Life seemed a lot simpler back then
@shibapatrol801 6 жыл бұрын
GW2 did have a unofficial GvG scene which was not supported by the devs but was community organized. Looking back I remember feeling frustrated GvG was not officially adopted but at the same time it made it more personal for many players. We were the ones organizing fights, shaping the meta and because of it, felt very passionately about it. The devs eventually sort of acknowledged the existence of GvG by creating a arena in the obsidian sanctum. My guild was heavily involved in the GvG scene but were not very good so I eventually moved onto a better guild. Although we could never beat the strongest guild Redguard (aka schlossen time, team aggression), we held the second place very comfortably. Eventually guilds started to breakup, ppl started to lose interest in 2014, they either quit the game or focused on pve. I stepped down from the GvG scene and tried to focus on spvp but the aforementioned bunker meta killed any kind of enjoyment pvp GW2 had for me and eventually I quit GW2 for good.
@22Varg 5 жыл бұрын
Man, you brought back some awesome memories of mine from GvG, I was in an aftermath guild,which originated from one that won a major tournament( Small Gods EU), which wasn’t as good, but we cracked a few times top 100. Back then there was real build diversity as you explained it in the video. I remember still the first guild that didnt use Ritus as just supports but nukers and there were 5 or 6 ritus on the team that were nuking with the urn spells a single target. For me GW2 is disappointing(although I still log in from time to time) from the point of view that they didn’t build on what they had in GW1, but completely butchered the pvp aspect of the game. I guess this is how they decided to promote the game to a larger mmorpg base in the face of PvE and not just just a sequel of GW 1. Now many years later I wonder which game has the larger playerbase 5 years after its release and was that decision worth it.
@raiden3572 6 жыл бұрын
How do you make a game called Guild Wars and not have guild vs guild? lol
@Aragorn430 5 жыл бұрын
Read more up into the how the name guild wars come up next time. :) cus it's not named after what you can do
@sunebites 5 жыл бұрын
To add to their comments- You have WvW where guilds can incade castles and mark them as their own. We can fight other guilds while represebting ours and sometimes there are guild zergs.
@JpDxb 4 жыл бұрын
@@sunebites Guild vs Guild was a thing back when I played, it was an unofficial game mode which was 20v20 25v25 30v30 or w.e was agreed upon, but tbf it was still zerg vs zerg and had a decline when Red Guard quit, although TA did hold the light for a while it never was what it was prior.
@tims7174 4 жыл бұрын
is that intor music from bayonetta? the scene in the bar with the deamon hunter guy?
@BrantMarcksson 5 жыл бұрын
What DO you play?
@MalikFrost12 6 жыл бұрын
You hit alot of valid points. Good video! I personally like the combat but the interface for matchmaking is a nightmare for new players. Open world duels and easy accessible 3v3, 4v4 battlegrounds would win me over instantly. Zerg fights have never been my thing.
@doylanmihov3939 6 жыл бұрын
You can roam which is a beauty in the wvw which most players love and live for :D
@emissarygw2264 6 жыл бұрын
Very few players love and live for roaming, only the good ones ;)
@hmmmooops 6 жыл бұрын
I thought that I was going to listen to 20 minutes of salt, but you made it clear which points were objective criticism and which were subjective opinions and you convinced me. I still like the game, but I'll see what GW1 was all about, too.
@gioelecarratelli4593 6 жыл бұрын
I'm pretty sure you don't dabble with private servers, but, as I'm interested in sandbox/free games (such as oblivion was, or GW1 and ESO) what do yall think about the classless wow server ascension?
@georgeconnor1640 3 жыл бұрын
Nice video. I really loved guild wars 1 but 2 was good just not as much my style. What game do you recommend that is closest to GW1??
@PicchiMark 6 жыл бұрын
Important to mention that in GW1, each class had a different armor, each one been REALLY well made...In GW2 hey have separated by Heavy, Medium & Light, therefore there are time that you do not know which class the person is, unless you check his/her profession on the status...GW1 had this felling of each class been unique...and this was COMPLETELY RUINED in GW2... =´(
@faenrir11 6 жыл бұрын
I don't agree with your view of wvw, especially that I was in a high end guild a few years ago and our focus used to be 20-25 strong skirmishes and killing the whole zergs like that or challenging other guilds. It was all about competing with other guilds in the end.
@Warkind 6 жыл бұрын
Not to mention that nobody has given a shit about capping keeps since EoTM k-training.
@faenrir11 6 жыл бұрын
I don't know if anything changed after I quit (I played for two years starting at launch) but we had always left capping to the pug zergs, unless the zone commanders needed the help occasionally.
@ItsDomke 6 жыл бұрын
EoTM is barren and empty now
@luminous3558 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah and then stability got changed and the overall balance went to shit with each xpac. Id love to play basegame wvw again but the current meta just isnt for me.
@obliterator5664 6 жыл бұрын
most people juste follow mindlesly the commander. nowerdays the meta push players to play in big numbers and roaming is nearly dead. you have no specific reward when you either lose or win a skirmish. GvG is one between players, there is no structure for it. ANET did gave arena's in guild halls but they are too small and unusable for those who don't have HOT...
@samutaab7748 4 жыл бұрын
For some reason, I dont get auto generated captions
@feardrinker 6 жыл бұрын
Honest question: what MMOs do you think are better?
@nerdSlayerstudioss 6 жыл бұрын
Better than something i dislike would simply be one I like...so as for a current generation MMO. None.
@Zloupoke 6 жыл бұрын
Is this reupload from 2014?
@xvoidgamer 6 жыл бұрын
5k hours in 5 years ,4 years Guild Leader. A great game,one of the best but in the end you don't matter to the world or to anyone around.I like in my mmorpg to become the best,to step on that pedestal and everyone to look at you and say :"I want to be there.i want to be like him!" . That's something to strive for,something to fight for and after maybe months or years of skilful play to earn it.(what I mean is like being a king in Lineage 2 and similar things) but GW2 has none of that,everything is so "newb" friendly,casual friendly that you are just a number,my literal power can be achieved in weeks,months,my skill ,since is not a hard game,in weeks,months as well and amassing general knowledge doesn't take long.As a guild leader in a game that guilds are optional,or better called "glorifying friend lists" ,I had my fun,met many people but in the end is still that,a friend list.I love GW2 but I lost the interest a few months ago and if there isn't anything to fight for in Tyria(gw2 world) I will not be back.
@keepingitsimple2021 6 жыл бұрын
when it comes to glory and admiration mmo games are just a virtual placebo
@xvoidgamer 6 жыл бұрын
Lucas Schmitz "admiration",you missed the point entirely or you joined mmorpgs late.pvp and wvw is just farming in this game,the zergfest that is wvw (used to lead in wvw some years ago) it's just that,zergfest for farming and pvp it's close to it,believe it or not ,most of my matches i finish with the best dmg,most kills etc. while playing a vanilla class,not even an elite spec. As good as you are in this game,it's meaningless and has no impact of any kind.
@xvoidgamer 6 жыл бұрын
Lucas Schmitz ohh,and forgot something,you should check out how people are getting to the top of the leaderboards in pvp(trading victories etc.) ... it's as close to cheating as it can get.
@gamerkang4648 10 ай бұрын
Gw2 has been my one and only MMORPG I've ever played. I never expected I would fall in love with this genre. I must say, Gw2 tackles and succeeds in many areas that its competitors fall short. One of Gw2's special element is that it is very arcade-y. Unlike turn-based, slow-paced other MMORPG's, Gw2 is very fast-paced and reaction-based, and I think that Gw2's developers didn't take the advantage of that element into the competitive modes. If they would structure the competitive game modes to let the arcade-y element shine, Gw2 would truly have everything that would satisfy everyone.
@elitereptilian200 4 жыл бұрын
how does a game called guild wars, takes the guild wars out of the game?
@scarocci7333 4 жыл бұрын
Because the guild wars were first and foremost an historical event that happened centuries before the GW1 timeline :D
@ekimolaos 4 жыл бұрын
@@scarocci7333 but first and foremost the game Guild Wars was built towards the idea of having actual Guild Wars (GvG) as a mechanic waaaaay before any lore was written. It literally is named Guild Wars because of GvG . It doesn't matter that in the end it wasn't a pure PvP MMO, the initial idea was that it would and GvG would be the most competitive part - hence the name "Guild Wars".
@aljuboori4953 4 жыл бұрын
@Lics Norgi lol what ? Some people enjoy competitive pvp combat to see how they fair vs other players in skill.
@Strongest_under_heaven 4 жыл бұрын
@Lics Norgi what are you even on about? You call a very large group of people asshats and provide no arguments except for " gOoD pLaYeRs BeAt BaD pLaYeRs :'( " Thats what matchmaking is for you know? You come off as a giant asshole yourself
@crillianmarvin6256 4 жыл бұрын
@Lics Norgi And PVE is filled with cheater, exploiters, and people who want you to have the gear that drops there before taking you. Or to play the current meta even if you do enough damage to clear the content. It seems like people cheat, and want the easiest time/path of least resistance by nature.
@RepliesMuted 6 жыл бұрын
Reward chests that are on timers to keep you from repeating content....its like they want you to play their game as little as possible. Back in gw1 days I would do underworld repeatedly for hours with buddies and it was the most fun thing ever.
@juggmkj 5 жыл бұрын
No they want you logging in every day to get your rewards, so they can artifically increase their #s.
@lafloogle 6 жыл бұрын
I've been waiting for this episode!
@araison771 5 жыл бұрын
Did you played GvGs in WvW?
@FAPDegren 5 жыл бұрын
Out of curiosity, were you there in closed beta when they pulled all the big PVPers (around 300 people) into a voice channel and had us all discuss what we wanted from WvW and sPvP? They did it three times, basically the first two were discussing their plans, the third was kind of getting crowd opinions on the state of the game and good changes. Basically everyone was on board with the top five suggestions and the devs in the chat were super on board as well. Then the two lead devs went on vacation, scrapped the ideas, and never held another chat, and sPvP became increasingly about esports without a real plan on how to make it happen? It was years ago, I wish I could remember what the suggestions were, I just remember the bitter pill we all swallowed when none of them were implemented and pvp hit a steady downward spiral. Sucks, cause elementalist was stupidly fun.
@Itachi21x 5 жыл бұрын
Great video! Small correction: In your video you called "Heroes Ascent" "Hall of Heroes". The Hall of Heroes was the final map of HA :) I miss GW1 and it's PvP + Skill system. I expected GW2 to be like GW1 but with improved everything. I was severely disappointed when there was not only a downgrade in PvP (no GvG and not even my favourite HA) but also a downgrade in the Skill System. In GW1 you had interesting builds that heavely depended on the Team, like Spikes (Ranger, Rit, Icy,...), Condition, Hex over, Balanced, Iway, etc. As a former Monk player, I miss that competing factor especially. But what do you have in GW2? Don't get me wrong, GW2 is a good and fun game, but it shouldn't be named Guild Wars 2.
@hather3 5 жыл бұрын
there is no comment on this video that is more true than yours! Its a decent game but terrible sequel to GW1. Even the PvE is less entertaining. there was nothing more fun that going into UW, an instance meant for 8 people, and soloing it with only 55hp! or clearing vaettir's on a slow moving, earth encrusted, armored to the teeth ele all alone! Or using a dervish to transport low level survivors thru the perils of the icy mountains! The only thing that carried over from GW1 to GW2 is the names of the classes.
@emanon888 6 жыл бұрын
I agree with the pvp part since i am a gw1 veteran but i still enjoy gw2 but mostly for pve
@makaiokalahama 6 жыл бұрын
this is a great explanation, good vid! What MMORPG would you recommend? I'm curious.
@nerdSlayerstudioss 6 жыл бұрын
It's tough at this time since most MMOs are a reskin of the same game. So lore based it makes the most sense to just choose the more interesting universe. Though GW2 might have more open content, ESO has more instanced story, or FFXIV is more raid base etc. I personally don't like any of the current MMOs enough to play regularly.
@makaiokalahama 6 жыл бұрын
I see. I've done WoW years ago, just can't get back into it. Then did ESO, but it grew stale, with new maps but no changes to the class abilities (mashing the same buttons for 4yrs straight gets old!) or game play really. Then switched to GW2 a few weeks ago. Enjoying it simply because it is different. But there's still the void that isn't being filled, as you alluded to.
@MoreImbaThanYou 5 жыл бұрын
15:50 Not to forget how you could play healer with so many classes: Elementalists, Dervish, Necro, Ritualist and Monk. Even Paragon could provide some solid healing and support. Good times.
@electricshock4806 5 жыл бұрын
i clicked half expecting to be annoyed by pettiness but i totally understand what you mean tbh :/
@sadd3ath738 6 жыл бұрын
well GW2 isn't a pvp based game,idk if they promised it would be pvp based or not but GW2 feels like the best f2p MMORPG, as arena net said it themselves "GW2 is like a hobby while WoW is a job",the game isn't meant to be played 24/7 for months and months. GW2 is an online RPG style game,a game where you go through your story and in between you group with people to kill world bosses just to feel less lonely. Alot of people have already said the same point you did in your video,an even more valid point would be how hard it is to make interesting content for the game since it's all exploring or questing or doing the same fractals or world bosses or crafting all the time and no 2 class feel that different and diversity of builds is kinda out of the window. TL;DR : GW2 is a solo player based while featuring some huge group based content and it's main focus is story/lore/exploring/questing/crafting and pve.
@mikkachu 5 жыл бұрын
I love this comment. It especially hit me in the feels when you mentioned hobby vs job. Sorry, I'm just really sour toward WoW after dropping 75 bucks for pretty much pretty backgrounds albeit fun quests and the way they advertised unlocking allied races as if all it took was to pre buy BfA...oh and they took away flying and threw it into I think Its a 2 part questline... Oh God...I honestly don't feel like going on because I get sad about my wasted money... Short version- Great comment, I am happy that I can still feel like I progressed even if I spent 2-3 hours. Plus I honestly adore running around and hunting world bosses... Seems there's a new mount for me to collect too
@rickeyryan303 5 жыл бұрын
Allied race from the start where only attainable through achievements .. Not just buying the game no one but you thought that..
@mikkachu 5 жыл бұрын
@@rickeyryan303 right and that's why Activision advertised to prepurchse and it would unlock the races. Sorry I came back because I didn't think they would screw their customers this much. Basically you need to be not working to progress in this game now. How do they figure I afford to play? A money tree in my backyard? Lol Anyway, I am not the only one who felt duped one way or another. You're funny for trying to single me out like a bad lass or something. Good luck to you and your wasted time and money.
@rickeyryan303 5 жыл бұрын
Everyone knew it would be though achievements, too know one uses real money in WoW any more.. You can use in game gold to buy everything. Even the game it self..
@mikkachu 5 жыл бұрын
@@rickeyryan303 true that you don't have to use real money but that only validates the fact that you have to play the game like your life depends on it. No one except people who live online can achieve such a feat because it takes a stupid amount of time - wasted time btw - to acquire pixel bragging rights? Lol nevermind. We are on different wavelengths but I'm quite positive that new players and old coming back felt like they would be able to choose and keep playing new races. You may or may not know but since Burning Crusade Blizz always gave us something interesting and fun. Examples, Blood Elves and Gnomes in BC, Worgen and Goblins in Cata, Pandas in MoP with a new twist to choose a side. And yes a new class like Death Knights in Wrath to which you had to have one maxed character which was fine because everyone had one at that point but never had they truly locked them away. To grind hours upon hours of OLD content rep was not only tedious and repetitive but you were also slowed by the fact of having to open your flight with some other bullshit questslines...and for what? Lazy re-skins. Nothing new. Re-skins. Yeaaaaaah that should've been free with purchase. Lol
@jamesancliffe 5 жыл бұрын
i totally miss guild wars one.. would love to play it on my Mac computer now. but they never done a client for it did they? anyone any idea?
@Madpain10 4 жыл бұрын
as someone who loves GW2 and a PVE player i do believe that the PvP wasnt their strong suit.
@runthemeows1197 4 жыл бұрын
Honestly, I find PvP to have a really big potential in GW2. Its very active, and could've been very good. If Anet wouldve actually given it any support through the years.
@tims7174 4 жыл бұрын
i sincereley hoep there will be once again such an intriguing game as gw 1 was to me. there would have been needed nothing to it, than a new world and some new mechanics and an again overflowing player base. So much love for the game
@b1ackwa1tz2 6 жыл бұрын
Guild wars 2 is a good game.. The problem is that it isn't guild wars. I was a huge fan of guild wars. When I heard there was a sequel coming I, almost literally, lost my shit. I was excited to start going through the new/updated skills, hunting them, collecting them, testing them. I was known for my builds. I often "broke the game" and caused nerfs, etc. This was fun to me. A necromancer that would die, kill everything around it, and resurrect repeatedly.. A dervish that couldn't be killed even if it were facing 8 other people.. The skills and diversity in pvp/gvg made guild wars. A Meta that could change daily because someone found a kit that interacted in such a way that it could, almost, literally singe your eyebrows in real life. Guild Wars 2 did none of that. It is a basic MMO with nothing that truly stands out. The skills and builds, in fact, feel like they are intentionally weak. Designed to prevent exploration in unique builds whilst offering weak "synergies" that you almost never want to use because it's not effective or interesting enough to do. Want to use signets? Okay, well, in order for you to use them effectively you need THESE passive skills.. and even then, it's not good enough to focus on them because these one or two actives are just not good enough to use. I enjoy gw2.. but it isn't gw2. I boomerang every now and then to catch new content for a few weeks, then I move onto something else again.. I played gw1 from release until gw2 and my disappointment, basically, made me stop playing guild wars altogether. I mean.. races with race skills with absolutely no point? Why give them skills at all? Why have races at all? It's too bad there's nothing out there that's really like old gw1.. I'd play it till I dropped.. gw1 is out there, sure.. but.. I just can't bring myself to play it because I know development and new content will never be a thing..
@emissarygw2264 6 жыл бұрын
Interesting perspective. It sounds to me like you enjoy hunting for the perfect exploitive OP unbalanced build. We have some of those in GW2 but the devs by and large have put a lot of effort into nerfing things that are stupidly OP, or just generally not-fun to play against. From my perspective, I miss running around as perma stealth thief and 1v6'ing people, but I also generally appreciate that the various classes are reasonably balanced so that you can actually run something other than the one exploitive build.
@b1ackwa1tz2 6 жыл бұрын
EmissaryGW2 I don't need it to be exploitive or op. I did like hunting those builds, but yeah, they got nerfed and became something reasonable afterwards. Like I said, in the case of gw2, they Nerf before its even toxic. Everything feels weak. In general, I enjoyed the hunt. In this, it's all grind.
@emissarygw2264 6 жыл бұрын
I haven't played gw1 so I don't really have a comparison. Do you play GW2 a lot? Plenty of builds feel 'strong' to me (sustain/mobility combined with big damage), but I suppose that's all relative.
@b1ackwa1tz2 6 жыл бұрын
EmissaryGW2 I have, I believe, around 3 or 400 hours in gw2. There are too many inhibiting factors to builds in gw2. In gw1 you have a thousand+ skills and a kit which draws 8 skills out of that pool based on a combination of your primary and secondary class. A mesmer/ele that uses powerful aoe spells on fast cast (not as strong as an ele primary, but worth the combo) Necromancer/spiritualist that uses a full army.. a true minion master. Etc.. they don't limit your imagination.. in gw2, there's always a set Meta and it only changes if new subclasses are added or they Nerf something. Gw1 got a full make over recently, if you never played, I recommend trying it. It still has a devout following.
@emissarygw2264 6 жыл бұрын
I do find a lot of build variation, but at the core there's only a certain set of skills that a given class has access to. But within that, a class can fulfill several different potential roles and playstyles based on weapon, stat and trait choice. I personally am usually able to find something that feels fresh and new to play after I've been doing the same thing for a while - but I can understand that there are fewer combinations and crazy interactions between stuff that you can try. For me I get most of my fun out of just the combat mechanics, twitch reflexes and out playing opponents.
@johnmckelly6263 6 жыл бұрын
I loved the PvP in Aion (around 2.0) as well as some of the earlier raids.
@mastermaind1000 5 жыл бұрын
You should make a podcast tal King about this topics. I would love to hear you while traveling
@serpent_zen5832 2 жыл бұрын
GW2 is confusing if anything (talking PVE as I don't Pvp). Seems skills/gear doesn't matter but Boons do.. edit: just tested that, nope they don't either. I'm max level Mesmer/Necro/Ele with all exotic and some ascended and I can still get eaten alive by trash if they group up and delete me....even when trying literally every "meta" build I found on YT, snowcrows etc. Some mini boss mobs I can 1v1 but it will be a fight and no way I can solo a dungeon even "low level" ones. The mount system to get anything that flies is horrific and requires you to no life it. Just looking at the process in a wiki was enough to turn me off. The quest and event mini games are fun if you can stay alive or be carried. I've done some fractals but they devolved into jumping puzzles which I hate as much as dying which I was already doing constantly. Other than that, it's a log in, claim free stuff, logout game It may be a preference of mine but I like games where if I get trashed I can level up, experiment with builds and earn better gear or mod it to gain more power, then go back and revenge stomp the boss/mob that got me. You know, a sense of power. Doesn't seem possible here. This game reminds me of Destiny 2, same deal...none of your of progression matters in a fight. Other games like Warframe, ESO, Wow, Division 2, Genshin etc all have their bad points but progression/gear/build...power actually matters.
@MrYodi2007 Жыл бұрын
I wished I had not spent money on the expansions after being away for about 7 years! The game is horrible and hate that you have to grind events just to get masteries you need to progress the story! Anet is just lazy! Even FFXIV 1.0 is better than what they are puitting out now as well as how bad Blizz is doing with wow, its still better than GW2 system!
@Kapnkibbles 6 жыл бұрын
Great video! I’m still playing Guild Wars 1 over here :p
@wishiwashi7 6 жыл бұрын
How?? Isnt the player base literally dead over there? I tried it again like 2 years ago and there was like no one playing. Which sucked cause that was actually fun!
@ImproperNoun 6 жыл бұрын
A lot of people still play. Servers are still up and you can find people in guilds.
@Kapnkibbles 6 жыл бұрын
I've found most players are in some of the larger hubs in Nightfall. Also the playerbase rose a bit in the last few months as a graphical update came out which added anisotropic filtering and a larger view distance as well as every Guild Wars 1 expansion going on sale on steam for the first time ever, during the Steam Summer sale (picked up Trilogy and Eye of the North for $25)
@tphlhaksful 6 жыл бұрын
Wait... GW1 is still on ??
@ImproperNoun 6 жыл бұрын
Yup, theres even been graphical updates. They said the game doesn't even take 1% of what it takes to run GW2, so they're not planning on shutting it down any time soon. It's just not going to get any new content it seems.
@Dvinven 5 жыл бұрын
I still load this game now and then just for some PvP matches.
@Brutetank 5 жыл бұрын
Ooo ooo!! Do black desert next!!
@MarvRoberts 5 жыл бұрын
I was perma-banned from GW2 for role-playing as a Sylvari agent for Scarlet Briar. I would show up to world events and shout some pro-Scarlet dialogue in map chat. I never cursed nor called out any specific players. I took my role-play very seriously. Then, one day, I tried to log on and was informed that I had been permanently banned from the game for "griefing".
@PressA2Die 5 жыл бұрын
haha, that's awesome
@GameFuMaster 4 жыл бұрын
imagine role playing in an MMO"RPG". You're obviously in the wrong game. Well deserved.
@jeaneljaylamputi2215 4 жыл бұрын
That's a bummer. Ain't rpg stands for roleplaying game?
@saranyamalem4426 3 жыл бұрын
@@GameFuMaster RPG means Role Playing Game and he was role playing so he IS in the correct game
@MMOit 6 жыл бұрын
Great video! Now we need a Death of a Game video for Guild Wars 1 :D
@plinious3392 6 жыл бұрын
Yes please
@mralumina3566 6 жыл бұрын
its not dead yet. Anet still giving GW updates and pepople still playing it.
@bangalgar 6 жыл бұрын
Gw1 is far from dead
@MMOit 6 жыл бұрын
C'mon man, I'm playing it right now. I love the game but let's be honest... Surely it's not filled with players
@Hannah92xxxx 6 жыл бұрын
MMO.it It never really died, people just moved away after GW2 released. GW1 was put into maintenance mode and that's it
@bannwell4038 5 жыл бұрын
As an old GW1 player that sill plays GW2 every now and then you made me remember how fun the PvP of GW1 was... Oh gosh I miss AvA and GvG so much
@binarysurfer5066 5 жыл бұрын
Any chance of a vid on Camelot Unchained and Crowfall? Pros and cons and your thoughts. We think alike broadly so interesting to see what your views are.
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