Why Seraphim are the SCARIEST Jump Infantry in 40k! | 40k Datasheet-Deep Dive

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TacticalTortoise 40k

TacticalTortoise 40k

7 күн бұрын

#Warhammer40k #adeptasororitas
had to rerecord so much cuz of the dataslate 😭
More TacticalTortoise: linktr.ee/tacticaltortoise
00:47 Intro
06:47 Attachment Synergies
12:13 Detachment Synergies
18:47 Surviving Seraphim
21:03 Outro

Пікірлер: 58
@ThatXLazerXGuy 5 күн бұрын
I played my first game of 10.5 last night and can confirm. This unit is terrifying. They put 10mw on my Angron. Very scary deep strike bomb.
@danielhughes3758 5 күн бұрын
That's a bit of a lucky high roll, but not too crazy lucky. Expected hits for 9d6 + 9 flamers is 40.5 and therefore expected dev wounds is one sixth of that so 6.75. So 3.25 above expected, but not crazy lucky considering it's still a lot of dice
@Cheese1master 5 күн бұрын
Nice video, thanks. What I find scary is the cost per point--woof.
@trentathawat6714 5 күн бұрын
I found a good counter to these ladies for my Ultramarines: it turns out Devastating Wounds are now Mortal Wounds and if you have Chief Librarian Tigurius leading a unit he gives them a save vs. Mortal Wounds! Check out his dataslate entry to learn this one neat trick! ;)
@fateweaver9844 5 күн бұрын
@@trentathawat6714 Knowing that I'll just target a unit NOT lead by Tigerius. 😉
@bloodfest8510 5 күн бұрын
Contorted epitome for slaanesh get FNP 4+ on those now too
@bloodfest8510 5 күн бұрын
​@@fateweaver9844proceeds to body block with tigarius and shoot down the unit
@fateweaver9844 4 күн бұрын
@@bloodfest8510 lol. How you plan to body block a 21" flying unit?
@fateweaver9844 4 күн бұрын
@@bloodfest8510 lol. I don't know any Daemon player taking the Epitome 🤣🤣🤣
@DPSCRIVO 5 күн бұрын
Lemartes and his Death Company boys would like to disagree
@Sanctjud 5 күн бұрын
They do pay through the nose for their lethality and better durability compared to the Sephs.
@fateweaver9844 5 күн бұрын
400 pts for that combo vs 265 for 10 Seraphim with JP Cannoness. JP Cannoness can take an enhancement that gives her the ability to gain up to 3A and +3S in melee so either 8A at 8, 2, 2 or 6A at 9, 2, 2, Sustained Hits. The squad loses D6 + 9 flamer hits but the Cannoness hits harder than Lemartes in melee 😅😅. Or she can keep the flamer and powersword and have 7A at 7, 2, 2 and still be hitting harder than Lemartes
@danielhughes3758 5 күн бұрын
Correction: you cannot use light of the emperor to ignore AP reduction. Note that the wording has changed from the index version of light of the emperor. It now lets you ignore profile characteristics, BS/WS for the weapons and any tests/rolls made for it (excluding saving throws). This means that you can ignore -1 to hit, OC reduction from battleshock and more, but you can't ignore weapon profile modifiers, only for the unit itself. No more countering AoC with this strat unfortunately
@lionusoctavus6444 5 күн бұрын
You say in your first line that it lets you ignore profile characteristic modifiers, then in your second line that you can't ignore weapon profile modifiers. Which is it? AoC modifies your weapon ap so it should work
@danielhughes3758 5 күн бұрын
@@lionusoctavus6444 The exact text reads "profile characteristics of its models" and then later specifies "Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill characteristics of weapons equipped by its models". The models themselves don't have any weapon characteristics and the only weapon characteristics you can ignore are BS/WS. I very much wish it worked vs AoC, but I think they did it this way since we now have many new ways of adding AP that we didn't have in the index"
@johnj.spurgin7037 5 күн бұрын
Honestly my only problem is that the dev wounds strat is 1 cp vs 2 for SM.
@tajj7 5 күн бұрын
Death Company in Firestorm could basically do this and every member of the of the unit can get hand flamers but you rarely saw it. Yeh you need 2cp, but death company move 12", re-roll charges, hit way harder in melee and are 2ws with a 6+ FNP. I mean generally the answer to 'scariest jump infantry in the game' is always death company, any other answer is wrong. 10 inferno pistols, re-rolling hits, 12" move, -1 damage with Lemartes, re-roll hits, S10 pfs they just smash. Also all the mortal wound protections will dent these pretty hard, like watchers in the dark for example will basically halve the DV output, so will the Custodes strat. , as will any good overwatch, a redeemer on overwatch is going to destroy them, so is a Baal predator. That is 3D6+6 shots, all of which will wound on 3s, and they will save on either 4s or 5s, with each fail killing a sister.
@fateweaver9844 5 күн бұрын
And at only twice the points cost 😅😅😅
@tajj7 5 күн бұрын
@@fateweaver9844 Seraphim are 17ppm, DC are 28ppm, so no not twice the cost. They are also T4, not T3, 2Ws, not 1W, all have PFs and Inferno pistols or flamers, not half the squad, have built in re-roll hits and re-roll charges, plus a 6+ FNP. They are more than twice the power and are not twice the cost, they are just way better.
@fateweaver9844 5 күн бұрын
@@tajj7 So DC need to go up in cost is what you are saying? I don't see the issue. 🤣🤣🤣
@tajj7 5 күн бұрын
@@fateweaver9844 No they are glass cannons, I am just saying they are imo a more scary jump unit than these ceraphin and this seems a bit of an over estimation of them and the new sisters codex. People seem to be revelling about the firestorm detachment for sisters, but it is basically marines firestorm and that was never scary despite all the the units marines have for it and even before all the nerfs to aggressors, inceptors, redeemers etc. that nerfed firestorm even more.
@fateweaver9844 5 күн бұрын
@@tajj7 Space Marines have underperformed for the past 6 months at least. Sisters have over performed since the first dataslate of this edition. Now they are even better. Even with the points hikes. Your mistake, and very bad opinion, is underestimating Sisters now. They have been between top of A and bottom of S more or less the entirety of 10th edition with an index. They have only gone up in power while most other armies (Ad Mech the exception) have stayed the same or gotten worse. It's a good thing for Sisters that Seraphim aren't the only unit in the codex that's extremely powerful 😉
@danielpaoli1093 2 күн бұрын
What army has the best Flamers in the game, and why isn't it the Rubric Marines? Thousand Sons Rubrics with 9 Warpflamers (D6, S4, AP-1, Damage 1) & 1 Warpflamer Pistol (D6, S3, AP-1, Damage 1). With the Icon of Flame on critical wounds you gain an additional +1 to AP. While Ahriman is leading the unit those Atks are also gaining +1 to wound. With built in Re-rolls of 1 to wound for ranges Atks or all wound if the opponent is on the objective. If it wasn't for the change to Twist of Fate I would say they are easily #1, but gaining +2 to AP (Twist of Fate) is putting them to base AP-3 / AP-4 on 6s to wound. CSM Renegade Raiders with Allied Rubrics Marines, they are going to gain all of the above (except Twist of Fate) and in addition to they are going to get Assault & access to +2 AP. One from the Detachment rule (whenever the opponent is within range of an objective) and the other from Death Hex from the Terminator Sorcerer. Putting they Rubrics Marines Warpflamer to a very impressive AP-4 when they score a critical wound.
@jiankundong7318 5 күн бұрын
Can you shoot Celestine's flamer and the hand flamer at the same time? Thought those are pistols
@thetabletop21 5 күн бұрын
the "pistol or else" goes per model, not unit so they can shoot the pistols while Celestine shoots her flamer
@jiankundong7318 4 күн бұрын
@@thetabletop21 oh nice, thanks for clearing that up for me!
@Kintizen 4 күн бұрын
Just played them with my Kroot. Alpha Strike them so hard with 100 hits (translated to 30 wounds) . Glad I did 😂 😂 😂 Kroot 10in scout and 10in move can be devastating .
@thetimebinder 4 күн бұрын
Good luck alpha striking them when they come out of deep strike
@tusertv 5 күн бұрын
The Firestorm (Salamanders) detachment had this exact combo, with full wound rerrolls already built into the unit, and it was something repeatable (you could duplicate the combo with just an agressor squad and a captain), and it's been something that hasn't really taken off anywhere. Salamanders haven't exactly been taking tournaments by storm. Why would it be any different in this case? In your maths, you take for granted a lot of buffs and fragile conditions, and even then the average MW output is just OK for such a cumbersome combo, and the variance of it is very high, it's not consistent at all.
@greguk2 5 күн бұрын
its the speed and the cost of the unit, way cheaper, way faster...simple as that really
@arn1345 5 күн бұрын
They're exceptionally fast and can be held in a safe position until the right moment. Mobility is important for any high value combo piece. Firestorm marines will probably get punched in the face before you can get that combo off. Transports help but you're adding more cost and more bulk to shoot at.
@fateweaver9844 5 күн бұрын
Seraphim have 1 thing Salamanders lack: the rest of the army. 😅😅😅 Firestorm Marines are nowhere near the power of Sisters CURRENTLY and that probably won't change for a while. Salamanders lack the combos that Sisters possess
@tusertv 5 күн бұрын
@@fateweaver9844 It's true that sisters got a really good glowup rules-wise in their codex, but they also just got a HUGE points increase, that's what makes me skeptical about their supposed greatness atm.
@fateweaver9844 5 күн бұрын
@@tusertv They are still going to be S tier. According to AoW they predict Sisters will be the top Army for the near future. Granted they can't predict the future accurately or I'm sure they would be buying lotto tickets but I don't see why they won't be. Without the points increases, ie index points, Sisters were busted AF. Some units are sadly unplayable but the overall power and internal balance of the army makes it the strongest codex in the game.
@mikkelkirketerp4884 5 күн бұрын
You used the wrong datasheet for saint celestine
@johangrenier6016 5 күн бұрын
just played vs them yesterday with my salamanders army and i should say they were TERRIFYING. They simply landed turn 2 and blasted my redemptor dreadnought with a total of 10MW + too many gunshots that finally destroyed my beloved coffin. They are also hard to catch and since they have so many flamers the overwatch threat is significant if you don't get something solid to assault them.
@netherby4335 5 күн бұрын
Only scary thing about this unit is how over costed they are right now. This combo is cute, but the points investment for the highly variable output is horrible. They are costed like space marines but worse in all ways. Space marines have very similar combos that are much more points efficient but don't see any play. Death Company is only exception. I strongly doubt we will see any real competitive lists running anything other than 5 model units for scoring.
@thetimebinder 4 күн бұрын
Because the SM one costs 2 CP and the Sisters one costs 0 CP
@OniGanon 5 күн бұрын
While an amusing combo, I suspect Seraphim will mostly be taken Leaderless in a unit of 5, doing what they've always done, while the Jump Canoness goes with Zephyrim.
@fateweaver9844 5 күн бұрын
In BoF detachment you WILL see at least 1 10 girl squad with a jump Cannoness. You probably won't see more than 1 but you will for sure see AT LEAST 1.
@Damnedlegion40k 5 күн бұрын
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@Tehstampede 5 күн бұрын
In a game system with reductive AP values, I'm having a hard time believing something with S3 T3 is a serious threat lol Interesting video!
@michaelmaddox2536 5 күн бұрын
Utility and threat range.
@mitch5387 5 күн бұрын
It is VICIOUS against me bugs. But yeah, its a giga glass cannon. Celestines 2+ armor save is actually pretty annoying haha
@devotedtodestruction 5 күн бұрын
I have a RTT this weekend. Hoping I get paired against some sisters. I want to see what the fuss is all about
@andrewcarter9649 5 күн бұрын
By this silly reasoning the Eldar factions can't be a threat either.
@captaincorundum9788 5 күн бұрын
Did... did we watch the same video?
@0MaxK0 5 күн бұрын
Terrible unit, hard countered by Tigurius xD
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