Willem Drees - The Mystery of Existence

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Closer To Truth

Closer To Truth

Ай бұрын

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If all that exists-everything imaginable, physical and nonphysical-is ‘something’. Why is there ‘something’ rather than ‘nothing’? Wouldn’t ‘nothing’ be simpler than any sort of ‘something’? It’s a haunting wonderment. It’s the biggest possible question. Why is there anything at all? There must be an answer. But who can know it?
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Willem Bernard Drees is professor of philosophy of the humanities at Tilburg University in the Netherlands. He was the editor-in-chief of Zygon Journal of Religion & Science, and professor of philosophy of religion at Leiden University, the Netherlands.
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Closer To Truth, hosted by Robert Lawrence Kuhn and directed by Peter Getzels, presents the world’s greatest thinkers exploring humanity’s deepest questions. Discover fundamental issues of existence. Engage new and diverse ways of thinking. Appreciate intense debates. Share your own opinions. Seek your own answers.

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@Jerbrown Ай бұрын
I really enjoy these short, focused discussions that don't belabour the point and leave us with lots of fodder to think and discuss amongst ourselves. Thank you.
@deanchadwick7443 Ай бұрын
Something rather than nothing is so philosophical, but why and from where does quantum fluctuations come from? Consciousness that gives us the ability to experience the something is amazing
@maxhagenauer24 Ай бұрын
Right you ask why and where does quantum fluctuations come from so the question "why is there something rather than nothing" still is a very genuine question with such meaning.
@konstantinos777 Ай бұрын
There is no such thing as consciousness, it's just a made-up term and a very manipulative one.
@JFarazf Ай бұрын
Quantum theory uncertainty principle assumes existence of space time as well as vacuum energy to “create particles”, I believe. Therefore it doesn’t create particles from nothing. Also it begs the question of how quantum laws came to be?
@jjharvathh Ай бұрын
We think in terms of time, and in terms of cause and effect. We can not even conceive of what is outside time, and not dependent on cause and effect. Is there such? Undoubtably there is, since time and cause and effect to do not allow us to explain the universe, yet it is here.
@bretnetherton9273 Ай бұрын
Awareness is known by awareness alone.
@haiderkhagga Ай бұрын
Hmm 🤔
@michaelmckinney7240 Ай бұрын
As consciousness sees and fully agrees,
@kevinmusinga8428 Ай бұрын
That's powerful evidence.
@peterkunley Ай бұрын
4:57 I love your channel and your audience, I'm gonna comment on ALL your videos for years until I reach your level of subscribers.
@RhymesofUnison Ай бұрын
If the science doesn't begin from the fact that I exist, it is wrong headed
@piehound Ай бұрын
Or headed wrong. Either way is ok.
@andrewmasterman2034 Ай бұрын
When you exist within a wider structure, that contains a wealth of complexity and shaped the very parameters that caused your biological existence. And sits clearly within a much grander cosmic context of which it's potential is undeniably unknown to us. Surely asking how the environment came to exist comes first because it gave rise to the creatures that developed the consciousness.
@luridlogic Ай бұрын
@@andrewmasterman2034 Prove that you exist within a wider structure. If you are conscious, you know absolutely THAT you exist. But do you know absolutely that there is an external reality? Maybe you are in a Matrix or having a life-long lucid dream. Where is the boundary between "the thing that thinks it is you" and what you believe is the physical matter of reality. Is it in your brain somewhere? How can you be sure you actually have a physical brain? @RhymesofUnison is correct. The only absolute truth is "I exist", everything else is built on assumptions.
@aiya5777 Ай бұрын
and you don't exist tho, nobody does
@LuuLuong-bn8iy Ай бұрын
Science is ending.. 😂😂
@mikel4879 Ай бұрын
When sincerity is better than the ( illusory ) precision...
@jjharvathh Ай бұрын
Does the work created by the workman understand the workman? Whatever is made, can it understand its maker? If humans came out of the universe, were made by the universe, then is it realistic or silly to expect humans can understand the universe?
@luridlogic Ай бұрын
Thats a great point made by Willem, that a large part of the difficulty of our assault on this question is in the limitations of our language and our vocabulary.
@lukewalker1051 Ай бұрын
Not really. Words are adequate metaphors for reality and the possibility of nothingness.
@James-ll3jb Ай бұрын
@James-ll3jb Ай бұрын
​@lukewalker1051 😅 words are hardly adequate
@arthurwieczorek4894 Ай бұрын
Are these absolute limitations or are they customary limitations? I believe the study of General Semantics can help with the latter.
@luridlogic Ай бұрын
@@arthurwieczorek4894 In our reasoning on this question we must take care to not lean on conceptualizations that are themselves artefacts of any possible reality. Examples of such might be time, space, matter, energy, physics, mind, God, perhaps even mathematics itself extending to concepts like sequence, state, logic and the truth values of True and False. Time for example is implicit in so much of our language in the form of tense or state. Is it possible to think in terms of reality-agnostic abstractions? Is there any practical meaning outside of what Willem posits as a “narrative” or “framework” of ideas from which possibilities can “bubble” out of? To even contemplate the idea of “Nothing” in its most absolute and complete extreme, is perhaps to immediately invalidate all reasoning on the very concept itself. Even the question "Why is there something rather than nothing?" may be invalid in the sense that it implies a logical disjunction of states. Could reality be such that there is a superposition of nothing and something? In a certain sense, even "Nothing" is something. It is a lack of “Something”. We can really get ourselves down a semantics rabbit hole on this question and the real problem is ... what definitions we agree to impose on our words, what are the agreed limits we impose on what is implicit and explicit in their meanings.
@videosbymathew Ай бұрын
Of course there is an answer, we just may not have access to it. If something is happening and you ask "why" or "how", it's a perfectly valid question because the thing is happening in front of you and there's some reason for that... saying "no, there is no answer to how that works" is a logical inconsistency.
@michaelboguski4743 Ай бұрын
The miniscularity of our position within the infinitesimal vastness tells us all we need to know.... That beauty is truth and truth is beauty, That is all ye need to know.
@DennisNelson-ee2il Ай бұрын
The idea of nothing is just inconceivable,ok no objects one can envisage,but how one even begin to comprehend no space,is there even such a thing.
@JagadguruSvamiVegananda Ай бұрын
In your own words, define “THING”. ☝️🤔☝️
@neilcreamer8207 Ай бұрын
I think the pre-Socratics addressed this. To paraphrase Parmenides, nothing doesn't exist. The fact that it is also inconceivable might hint at the nature of reality.
@0-by-1_Publishing_LLC Ай бұрын
@@JagadguruSvamiVegananda *"In your own words, define “THING”* ... I'll chime in on this one. A "THING" is any propositional form of existence that abides by logical conceivability, and which manages to rise above the lowly status of nonexistent. *Example:* the number 1 rises above the state of total nonexistence and is logically conceivable. Therefore, it qualifies as "something" (some "thing"). DennisNelson is correct!
@0-by-1_Publishing_LLC Ай бұрын
@@neilcreamer8207 *"To paraphrase Parmenides, nothing doesn't exist. The fact that it is also inconceivable might hint at the nature of reality."* ... I agree. And I am amazed at how many people will argue, "Nonexistence can exist!" with a straight face. It's like claiming total emptiness is "full of nothing."
@neilcreamer8207 Ай бұрын
@@0-by-1_Publishing_LLC It raises some tricky questions in physics too. How can anything come out of nothing?
@ivtch51 Ай бұрын
Excellent video. Synchs with my understanding that there is a mystery at the heart of reality and existence of unknowingness and uncertainty but I think Willem squibs his answer at the end. He suggests the mystery of existence (God) is unknowable & then says we can apprehend it in a number of ways.
@arthurwieczorek4894 Ай бұрын
Existence exists. Ayn Rand Existence exists and the universe is its character, its nature. The main thing about the universe, that is frequently overlooked, is that The universe is not just another thing in the universe. Which means you cannot meaningfully ask the same questions about the universe that you can about things in the universe. To do so is to implicitly assume The universe, its just another thing in the universe.
@edwardlawrence5666 Ай бұрын
Great! “Universe” is a word in human language, therefore it exists in the Universe. Depends on how you look at it. But I agree with you, existence is what exists. It is there, here, yonder. It endures.
@jamesruscheinski8602 Ай бұрын
going backward from something is causation? how go backward from causation?
@chriscrumly Ай бұрын
IF 'nothing' is the theroretical minimum which always will exist to generate the expanse of the 'something' that always will exist?
@rolssky1 Ай бұрын
Your topic is existence, I will post again my view about it so that this concept will carry on. Regarding the origin of things, in quantum physics it could be said that energy exists forever since the law of conservation of energy states that " energy could neither be created nor destroyed it only transforms from one to another" in which sense it means energy is there forever thus infinitely there is something instead of nothing. Where we always use the basic equation energy entering in the system = energy going out. Even if there was still only stellar space and there no matter but in reality in the quantum realm it was just plasma or space of energy field. As per quantum physics, at quantum state particles are in constant vibration, and in the long process like billions of years elements are created, and due to heat which produces nuclear fission and fusion processes and magnetic field, the elements would produce isotopes, and the process repeats and then the big bang expansion occurs. Second thing is that consciousness is inherent in nature. How is that? Spinoza presents the basic elements of his picture of God. God is the infinite, necessarily existing (that is, self-caused), unique substance of the universe. There is only one substance in the universe; it is God; and everything else that is, is in God. But be aware that this is different concept than the God being described in the Bible which instructs human beings morality, who created heaven and hell, since this God is an individual invisible being who lives in the heavens as claimed by believers. As we can observe everything, bacteria, viruses, insects, and when we look at them and analyse intricately, we will be amazed with much astonishment as to their peculiarity and amazing ability. It is so obvious that a certain force of entity should have caused them. That might be the one which was pointed Spinoza, he called a God, a self caused, one substance in the universe. This substance must be conscious to have come up how to design everything like how many kinds of fishes look like, insects, birds with their amazing capabilities. Since, according to him everything is in God, thus everything is conscious. To support that claim many experiments show that water in glasses reacts to words. Another thing is that traditional farmers doing a winnowing of rice paddies make sound with their voice and whistle when they want more air and air seems to respond to blow more. Now how life emerged? Look at public water. It has been treated with chlorine and undergone some purification processes but when you store it in the white plastic storage tank where sunlight could pass through algae will gradually be produced, then bacteria would also exist. What is water composed of? It is hydrogen and oxygen, and also air contaminates it which is composed of nitrogen and oxygen. Then we ask what is there in the hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and other elements which might be present in the water and how it reacts with words? While we know that they just contain molecules and molecules contain electrons, neutrons and protons. Then how species evolve with amazing design? This is my view, we could combine these theories. We go back to the quantum realm of what the experiment has shown in the double slit board where it seems that particles have consciousness in my view. Others insist that there was no consciousness involved there but for me there is. Why? When someone is observing the particles in the double slit experiment, they would surely go as expected since the energy radiating from the observer is stronger than the energy of the particles that it would act like it was being controlled. When no one is observing or when no outside force is acting on it, it would go as it wants to go like a bacteria deciding to go where it wants. That’s why in my view in the quantum realm there is consciousness or in totality the universe is conscious. What about the question of the language in the DNA of living cells? This would be the theory. When various conscious particles as derived as per the anomaly in the quantum experiment, cling into the DNA, then having form combined consciousness, and now created species would manage by itself to create language or code in the DNA. According to a neuroscientist the human body needs 90 minerals for it to have the best health condition. Now imagine such various kinds elements we do not know yet which specific element has the conscious properties, but we can only assume that which such complex combination, advance functions could be performed as we are, the human consciousness, comparing that of a computer functions excellently with just two options of gate the zero and one. As observed in the simple experiment with water reacts with words, we can infer that anything which has water has consciousness like algae, bacteria, virus, plants, insects upto the human being. Think about the cells of human being, they, convert nutrients into energy, cure inflammation, fight enemy, signal you to eat, poop, sleep and many more. Now it becomes clear The theory of multiverse also would be in conjunction with this view, where it relates that at any space multiverse exists. Considering it collectively, energy and consciousness are inherent in nature. With these energy and consciousness it could originate species and also made the galaxies to arrange by themselves. Being conscious they could evolve by themselves, right? A computer could do a tremendous job with just a binary combination of gate zero and one. Compared to conscious particles, consciousness surely would be much more advanced, complex and amazing which is the primality of genes and DNA, where particles like different sorts of electrons, protons, gamma, theta or what not (refer to the water in the tank above) clinging to it forming different kinds of species. This process underwent a billion years in the past. With science as our tool in scrutinising subjects, and referring to the data which have been gathered for the past centuries, the data does not point to any supernatural being with which anomaly that it has created things, but rather, it would aligns with the postulate of Spinoza regarding the universe. There are levels of consciousness; consciousness of algae, bacteria, plants, cells of living things, and those which have brain like insects, animals then human beings. To show that water is conscious watch the video in the link below; kzfaq.info/get/bejne/iJ-ZZ694x9nQaYU.htmlsi=NWCFOY1bQ-jbEcTt
@poulha Ай бұрын
Prime mover is a necessity in any explanation. Whether you embrace it is another question. You might live comfortably without it.
@Paine137 Ай бұрын
And where did that prime mover come from. If it doesn’t need a creator, save a step and recognize that Nature can do it itself. No need to invent imaginary characters.
@sujok-acupuncture9246 Ай бұрын
Willem Drees is comfortable without having an answer. That's the best understanding. He has found the nature of existence and found that there cannot be an answer. Atleast science cannot find the answer.
@JagadguruSvamiVegananda Ай бұрын
Sings: “It ain’t necessarily so...” 🎤
@S3RAVA3LM Ай бұрын
​@@JagadguruSvamiVeganandahey, it's you. The clown who is jealous of theoria apophasis and pretends to be an enlighted holy man.
@sujok-acupuncture9246 Ай бұрын
​@@JagadguruSvamiVegananda one leg on land and one leg in boat makes nothing better
@sujok-acupuncture9246 Ай бұрын
​@@S3RAVA3LM Many others have gone to the West: most of them are just hocus-pocus; they have gone to the West just to earn money. Now all over the West there are Indian monks, Japanese monks, Tibetan monks, but these are not authentic people. Their only desire is to exploit the gullibility of Western humanity. Because the West has developed its mind to such an extent, you cannot defeat it intellectually. You cannot defeat it in wars, but it has forgotten its inner world completely, so completely that any idiot can exploit it, saying they will show the way. The West has become lopsided. The intellect has gone very far and the heart has remained very small, untrained, uneducated. So when somebody comes and brings a message about the heart, the West has no way to understand whether the man is phony or authentic. Osho , from the book, 'Sat Chit Anand'
@JagadguruSvamiVegananda Ай бұрын
@@S3RAVA3LM, kindly repeat that in ENGLISH, Miss.☝️ Incidentally, Slave, are you VEGAN? 🌱
@Beerbatter1962 Ай бұрын
To me, the answer as to why there is anything at all is simple - because there has always been something. If there was nothing at all, then there would be no possible way for something to become. The fact that something exists means that by default, there has always been something. And the fact that there is something, means than nothing has never been a possible state. I'm not sure where the problem is.
@shrikargudsoorkar3514 25 күн бұрын
Well that's okay but the question is whatever it is ,which is there without BEGINING or end... Why it is like that ? Why the existence which is Beginingles even exist
@Beerbatter1962 25 күн бұрын
@@shrikargudsoorkar3514 Our current theories say that our Universe had a beginning, and maybe will have an end of some sort. But the Universe that we live in says nothing about how long something else could have existed. It is entirely possible that our Universe is just one of many. The fact that our particular Universe came into existence at some point implies that there was something else already existing that permitted our Universe to be born. I don't believe our Universe was born out of pure nothingness. There had to be something for it to be born from or within.
@shrikargudsoorkar3514 25 күн бұрын
@@Beerbatter1962 well it is not confined yet but many scientists believe that the big bang incident is just series of endless series of universe like big bang and big crunch
@Beerbatter1962 24 күн бұрын
@shrikargudsoorkar3514 Thanks for the reply. I am very familiar with the Cyclical Big Bang theory. But that doesn't answer the question. The question is, how did it all come to be in the first place. Hence Robert's Big question and ultimate mystery "Why is there anything at all?"
@shrikargudsoorkar3514 24 күн бұрын
@@Beerbatter1962 well as you said ,we have to believe that there was always something which is beginingless ....but yes this question will haunt me forever...I just think everyday whatever it is which was always there...should not be there...and feel so unique and special about me that I am one of those rare people who seriously think about existence with this ultimate question...
@catherinemoore9534 Ай бұрын
What if mystery was a necessity woven into reality? The 'negative' charge of the universe to a 'positive' charge of consciousness in order to create an event we call 'reality'?
@GxAxW Ай бұрын
"The only thing that makes life possible is permanent, intolerable uncertainty"
@KingJorman Ай бұрын
“Quantum bubbling” says it all.
@kevincoffey631 Ай бұрын
No it doesn't. How does quantum bubbling exist?
@KingJorman Ай бұрын
@@kevincoffey631 👍 yes. that was my point ☺️
@kevincoffey631 Ай бұрын
Ah, apologies!
@XOPOIIIO Ай бұрын
Nothing can't generate something, but only if there already is the law of cause and effect, which is not nothing.
@brad1368 Ай бұрын
If you truly have "nothing"...then all of our logic and philosophy can't apply. You can simply not make statements about such a condition...or non-condition. Well, you can, but I don't see how it would apply.
@oliviamaynard9372 Ай бұрын
Nothing doesn't exist and never did
@andrewmasterman2034 Ай бұрын
Is nothing a state that would have to exist within infinity, or more likely that truly nothing is the one thing that cannot exist in an infinite universe.
@LuuLuong-bn8iy Ай бұрын
Nothing or nothink.. 😂😂😂
@gordonf.woodbine7588 Ай бұрын
The law of cause and effect - teleology only applies within the context of a given something eg the universe.
@Jinxed007 Ай бұрын
"Nothing" must be void of description. If you can describe it, define it, assign a number to it, or compare it to something else, it's not "Nothing". Therfore, nothingness is an impossibility.
@shelwincornelia2498 Ай бұрын
There must be an answer behind the question concerning the mystery of existence, its just that science nor religion is aware of it, at least not yet. We can not assume any answer just to please our yarning for an answer, but if each one of us can make an effort to understand the mystery behind our own existence, the true mystery behind existence would eventually be known to us all.
@henrycunha8379 Ай бұрын
It requires a human to ask that question. No human no question.
@notmyname4261 Ай бұрын
We humans have a such massive egos we assume everything is about us, when in fact we're related to every other creature on earth in evolutionary terms. We've learned how to dominate and destroy other species, but there's nothing special about us really. We're just aggresive hairless apes.
@firstnamesurname6550 Ай бұрын
If there is not reincarnation, the answer is Death... If there is reincarnation, the answer is given in between the incarnation phases ... but you must absolutely renounce the answer to incarnate again.... If you hold the answer, you don't have to born ... eternal oblivion of the answer is That that contingently had/is/will be existed/exist an become manifested in Time
@charliemiller3884 Ай бұрын
Our universe exists so existence has a non zero probability. Any event with a non zero probability of occurrence will occur an infinite number of times over an infinite amount of time.
@OutHereOnTheFlats Ай бұрын
would it exist without an observer? thats the question
@digitalfootballer9032 Ай бұрын
​@@OutHereOnTheFlatsDoes the observer have to be intelligent? If so, is it all just something within our minds? Would a non intelligent living thing be able to observe the universe, such as a plant?
@Sam-we7zj Ай бұрын
@@OutHereOnTheFlatsthat’s breaking my brain
@saammahakala Ай бұрын
3:30 The moment "you" say "we" are "humans," is the moment "you" demonstrate "your" lack of experience in existing! Therefore, "you" are no scientist, especially when compared to the character that lived the life labeled as Socrates! Also, Socrates was/is more of a scientist than Aristotle, for "his" awareness has a more broader reach in understanding the inner workings behind these cyclical realities. That's why so many of that character's lifetimes involved being either converted into religious figures or died at the hands of those "humans" who were incapable of knowing "their own" *'s from a hole in a ground!
@lukew7343 Ай бұрын
@gireeshneroth7127 Ай бұрын
The mystery is the mind. Mystifies itself from itself. And here it is worldbeing itself. Existence is a mental construct. Mind to itself is the whole. You cannot be not mind and be existing in any form.
@VolodymyrPankov Ай бұрын
Mind isn't a mystery.
@frontsidegrinder6858 Ай бұрын
Ever considered inviting Chris Langan?
@user-gr3oo5ux9x Ай бұрын
The epiphany here is that nothing exist.came from within
@tedgrant2 Ай бұрын
How can we explain the existence of the god ?
@chrisgascoigne6199 Ай бұрын
The concept that consciousness is fundamental is bolstered by the similarities of human descriptions of being conscious over the eons; each description is indistinguishable regardless of who, where, when and it is also unrelated to intelligence levels. This is such an unlikely phenomenon that it suggests individual brains tune into consciousness, as it were, rather than generate it - in the same way that any radio tuned to the same station would play the same songs. A corollary of this would have to be panpsychism as, with everything being made of atoms, we cannot expect certain structures to be imbibed with consciousness and others not; because at some stage this would require a ’switch’ or a special particle or ingredient. A plate of food in front of you cannot be dead and unconscious before you eat it then alive and conscious once inside you merely because its atoms have been rearranged.
@simonhibbs887 Ай бұрын
We’ve only had written records for a few thousands of years, that’s an eye blink in evolutionary terms so those people were basically genetically indistinguishable from us. It’s hardly surprising if their brain activity and baseline conscious experience was essentially the same as well. As for tuning into consciousness, I don’t see how that’s consistent with the way brain damage and psychoactive drugs affect the felt experience. They would have to reach back up the broadcast somehow to influence the original source of consciousness. That implies a physical dependency for consciousness that’s not consistent with the broadcast model. As for why some matter can be conscious when similar matter isn’t, some silicon is rocks and other silicon is microchips. One can compute Fourier transforms and play chess, while the other can’t. That makes sense if consciousness is an activity, not a substance or property for example as proposed by dualists.
@MasoudJohnAzizi 25 күн бұрын
It is closer to truth to admit that all that we know is that we know nothing...
@kalamataguy Ай бұрын
Existence is the default state. Gotta say the easiest and most logical state is non-existence. But obviously I am wrong about this. By the way where is existence/universe located?
@h.m.7218 20 күн бұрын
Does "nothing", meaning "strictly nothing", exist somewhere in our universe ? As far as we know, it's impossible since there is something even in the so called "void" : quantum fluctuations. My belief is since there's something, it means there could not be nothing. Nothing was, is and will be an impossible.
@situational.analysis 25 күн бұрын
It's all been a dream. When you die, you'll awaken.
@djtomoy Ай бұрын
It would be nice if there was more nothing, there is so much stuff it’s hard to move: Envelopes Dishwashers Cardboard Boxes Plastic boxes Wooden boxes Computers Super computers Apple computers Rugs Boats Fish Dogs Beer cans Chocolate bars Breakfast cereal Coke cans Freeze dried medicine Diet Coke cans Carpet Shampoo Fire Religion Liberals WD-40 … To name but a few
@profskmehta Ай бұрын
Quantum Mechanical vacuum is not “ Nothing”. The concept of QM is Something. Who thought about it and implemented? That Entity is also Something. Besides it also assumes space-time.
@syedaleemuddin6804 4 күн бұрын
What he means by mystery of God is that you cannot imagine or think or understand the structure of God. Because as he said we are very small people. His views are or do match the explanation by islam or Islamic scholars.
@michaelmckinney7240 Ай бұрын
This question is as old as human imagination and is still as inscrutable as it's ever been, or at least almost. It's inscrutable because we simply don't have the evolutionary depth, A.K.A. brain power to fully apprehend any answer commensurate with the utter totality of the question. I'll use this analogy again. If we quizzed our ancestors two million years ago about Einstein's theory of relativity or quantum mechanics they'd be as nonplussed as we are today in attempting to explain ultimate reality. However we have a much firmer grasp of how our universe works and its history. One could take the purely intellectual position that the human mind is incapable of fathoming ultimate mystery and that's all there is to it, but there's another aspect to this question that's worth considering, and it's essentially and inescapably theological. If I subscribe to a theistic interpretation of how the universe came into existence, and that must mean a transcendent agent, my question then becomes what is my relation to this transcendent power. If I further grant that the process by which our cosmos came into existence seems formulaic, intentional, and designed, as modern cosmology describes then it seems this transcendent agent is a knowing, self lucid force that expresses itself in and through the evolved emergent complexity we see throughout the universe, and we are exhibit A in this process. You may ask what does this have to do with the title page question of Mr Kuhn's CTT episode. Here's my answer though yours may be different. Take the question of what constitutes ultimate reality and pose it inwardly to who you think you are or who I think I am. You'll find it's just as difficult to offer any definitive answer. Here's my attempt to answer this profound question. If you ask me who I am, my answer would likely be my name and history, occupation and so forth, but these are only outward states and conditions that this thing I call "me" is presently experiencing, and yet even when I do experience anything from a poetic thought to a toothache I still have the real psychological sense of being "removed and separate" from these things and this carries over into every experience I've ever had or ever will. Have you ever heard a survivor speak about going through an horrific and extended period of pain or privation? They nearly always talk as though they were an observer to their suffering. This begs the question; what and who exactly is doing the observing? At the center of our being is a space where one thing is permitted to reside, and until that one thing does reside there, no other force or power can claim that space. This doesn't mean we can't be distracted by small things but these annoyances are peripheral and have no life beyond the confusion that spawns them. Something quiet, reassuring and reflective is at the heart of who we are. This immutable essence is in type and kind the same immutable essence that expresses itself throughout the universe through it's most intelligible form consciousness. There is no other way to describe this truth but spiritual. To ask what constitutes ultimate reality is really to ask who we are.
@mickeybrumfield764 Ай бұрын
It is simply the nature of reality that there is something. With that, there is no getting around it from a human perspective. We exist in a very strange reality where there is no beginning and no end and it is infinite in every way. I agree with the guest that our reality proceeds God or quantum mechanics. The only answer from a finite human perspective is, that reality simply is and there is no other way for it to be. It seems good if we are uncomfortable with that as an answer. It will give us something worthwhile to do for eternity. I believe it is about the most worthwhile thing to do with life. To look for ultimate answers even if we're not capable of getting them.
@nick7977 Ай бұрын
Interesteing perspective, but how does finite humans exist eternally?
@mickeybrumfield764 Ай бұрын
@@nick7977 Sex.
@gregoryhead382 Ай бұрын
1 time after Big Bang at which nuclei of light atoms formed = (c/(149896229/90 m/s^2)) = 3 minutes, describes 1×10^-43 seconds.
@noseefood1943 Ай бұрын
Something is a default contingent state eod
@TheTroofSayer Ай бұрын
Of God vs the quantum vacuum, at 4:16 Robert says "They both seem kind of equivalent". The subsequent conclusion ("no answer" versus "unknowable answer") fails to satisfy. What exists before God? Answer: the void. The void is not empty space. It is a dynamic domain, before space is defined, where "somethingness" attempts to manifest, constrained by the laws of symmetry - the virtual particles. "Because God", as first cause, never explains anything. The void and its phenomenology precedes God, and it is in understanding the void, as a possibility space, that an answer is most likely to be forthcoming. Even God, were He to exist, would probably agree.
@Leif-yv5ql Ай бұрын
I Exist. I will never not exist.
@simonhibbs887 Ай бұрын
You will never experience not existing.
@VolodymyrPankov Ай бұрын
You will disappear
@user-gr3oo5ux9x Ай бұрын
Reality exists in the human mind and nowhere else
@user-wx6pf2bc2r 26 күн бұрын
And it's called Solipsyissm
@peweegangloku6428 Ай бұрын
The difference between "the law of quantum physics" and God is that God is the epitome of consciousness, fully knowledgeable and eternal in structural existence, whereas the so-called laws of quantum physics are fully dependent on zero probability wherein the laws themselves do not exist due to lack of enforcing element in the state of absolute zero, eternal nothingness. Also it is empirically impossible to explain the origin of the so-called laws.
@samnavona Ай бұрын
Nothing doesn’t exist, existence was always here .
@user-wx6pf2bc2r 26 күн бұрын
It may well be
@scottgreen3807 Ай бұрын
Thought test then. It nothing does not exist then, does every thing exist or is that paradoxically wrong also. You can’t prove you saw everything ever can you? So nothing never really exists and everything does not either. What does that mean? Like philosophical infinities in both directions.
@situational.analysis 25 күн бұрын
If "nothing does not exist," then by talking about it, it becomes.
@chrisgascoigne6199 Ай бұрын
Why is there an assumption that the Cosmos came from absolute nothing? And an assertion that nothing is what physics needs to understand and describe? There is something and, in all likelihood, there has always been something. If physics, cosmology or philosophy needs to understand and describe anything it is eternity.
@rishabhthakur8773 Ай бұрын
Non- existence not exist neither things (both empirical or abstract) exist. Only Existence is there without anything. All things depends on existence to exist. Like Gold only exist and all forms of gold such as Necklaces, rings, bracelet, etc depends on Gold to exist. But gold does not depend on any of that to exist.
@dennishughes721 Ай бұрын
Numerous interviews on why there is something rather than nothing and still no answer that withstands any serious examination.
@peterrauth118 Ай бұрын
Work in progress.
@alyuksel348 Ай бұрын
@@kylie_joephilosophy is a continuous journey from the known to the unknown
@ronhudson3730 Ай бұрын
“God” is as good a term as any for the state that preceded our universe. I feel that God exists and that “God” shares in my existence and I in “God’s”. I feel that “God” created the universe in whole from beginning to end and that our perception of the forward movement in time is an artifact of our inability to know the future. We can successfully intuit the likely future based on the present and the remembered past, but not know for sure. I feel that “God” created the universe to allow existence to be and us to be. So to share our experience. I feel that “God” is omnipresent in space and time. I feel the “God” must allow for natural and optional “evil” for our existence to have real meaning. Just because we can’t know the future with certainty because of our perceptual limitations, doesn’t really matter in our lives experience. We feel like we have agency, even if we don’t.
@Traderhood Ай бұрын
Feel? Intuit? I feel like I need to poo.
@ansleyrubarb8672 Ай бұрын
...Gentlemen, think back to your births, schooling, the great accumulation of knowledge & understanding. You are both so very special, down to your fingerprints. Wow. Your gifts & talents. I believe it is written in Job. Man's knowledge will advance only so far, & no more. Why Something, it is fair to say, because GOD, respectfully, Chuck...captivus brevis...you tube...Blessings...both of you are so very different & special...
@PURE.EVIL. Ай бұрын
Και στο Αφγανιστάν θα πήγαινα αρκεί να ξεφύγω από τη Θεσσαλονίκη
@peteroleary9447 Ай бұрын
And not Berea?
@janchmiel7302 Ай бұрын
God is the name we give to the mystery... seems like a good start to me.
@stephenzhao5809 Ай бұрын
3:23 ... do you see then God is sort of a name put on a mystery? WD: Yes I we are humans who are fairly small beings in this universe and we are trying form the inside we can't look at it from outside try to reconstruct where we are and what our surrounding is and we have well invented at least in the western language ... 4:00 ... to one approximation if you take the two extreme explanations if there is an explanation one is the laws of quantum physics that bubble up these universes out of nothing and the other is God who creates it out of nothing they both seem kind of equivalent in terms I mean they're radically different in character but equivalent in style because they both are sort of there in a self-existing sense and the claim is that they that's what you start with and so you can have a God do it or you have quantum bubbling do it in one sense if you stand back from it that doesn't seem very much different. WD: I think we must live with uncertainty and a kind of unfinal uh never finished understanding and I'm not too much troubled by that uh htere is a difference I think in if it's kind of scientific story then say like those quantum bubbles well there may be some more specific nature to it you might do something calculations 5:02
@gregbrown5020 12 күн бұрын
Existence can't be explained.
@michelangelope830 Ай бұрын
Are you a truth seeker? If you want to know the truth what I write is for you. I want to know if the Quran was memorized or not. I don't want to believe, i want to know. What it would mean for the future of Islam if it is proven the Quran was never memorized? The Quran was never memorized because the task is beyond human capabilities and the question you have to ask yourself is "is it a big or a little lie?". Why muslims lied about such issue?. There is no need to lie about the memorization of the Quran, so why did they lie?. Reality is for everyone the same, whoever discovers the true God wins. At the end of the day the only that matters is to discover the true God because any life is infinitely shorter than eternity. Muslims say "research and read the Quran", as if the reading of the Quran would make you any wiser. Would you read Spinoza? If you read Spinoza is not going to kill you. To not waste this loving poem I say atheism is a logical fallacy that assumes God is the religious idea of the creator of the creation to conclude wrongly no creator exists because a particular idea of God doesn’t exist. The true God is Spinoza's God. To end Islam and the war you have to ask for proof that the Quran was memorized. Trust me. Emergency. Thank you.
@joserigobertogonzalez1991 Ай бұрын
A possible answer: The anthropic principle
@bernardrooney105 Ай бұрын
Nothing doesn’t exist. There are uncountable things. We can’t assume there has been a time - or will be a time when there are less, or more things. It’s not a question of something or nothing.
@tarekabdelrahman2194 Ай бұрын
The fact is that science not only cannot explain existence but does prove that it is impossible to explain existence. And that is a paradox since we already exist. Therefore, to follow what science can lead, we have resolve the paradoxical situation using logic. Godel incompleteness theorem states that an explanation exists beyond our science. A superior power necessarily exists.
@simonhibbs887 Ай бұрын
You were doing so well up until the last sentence. An explanation is inaccessible to observation and reason, therefore god did it. Oh well. When the light of observation and reason has illuminated everything that can be revealed to them, you'll still have the god of the final gap.
@tarekabdelrahman2194 Ай бұрын
@@simonhibbs887Thanks for sharing your thoughts. In fact, there is no need to fill any gap. If you agreed that there is a paradox knowing we already exist, we simply have to rely on how our science guides us to resolve it. Here comes the solid second Godel Incompleteness theorem. No matter what system we are talking about, even whole universe, it is impossible to prove completely its consistency. An external (out of system) axiom / element has to be used to prove its consistency. Hence, we have by science to realise existence of an out of our universe factor that can render all theories consistent.
@simonhibbs887 Ай бұрын
@@tarekabdelrahman2194 Gödel's theorems just means a system can't be internally proven consistent, even if it is. Yes an external framework such as a meta-theory needs to be invoked to prove consistency (in that meta-framework, which itself has the same problem), but no such external framework is required for the original system to actually be consistent. So we cannot infer the necessary existence of such an external framework from Gödel. Also since our meta-framework has the same problem as the original system, of being unable to prove it's consistency, if we require such a proof we end up with an infinite regression of required meta-frameworks. That's why the god proposition doesn't resolve the question, we then just ask why god? I think neither science nor logic can help us here. Science requires observations, and logic requires proofs. I don't think either are accessible to us on this question.
@tarekabdelrahman2194 Ай бұрын
@@simonhibbs887I am not sure what is the logic for limiting Godel incompleteness theorem. It is universal and its applicability is proved. On the other hand, a meta theorem like you said is by own definition beyond our science which means not necessarily bound with the same laws of science we have. Hence, the straightforward deduction is that we do not get into an infinite regression. The “meta theorem “ will be : - Can explain our universe laws consistently - Beyond our science so not bound necessarily itself with the same theorem - Explains the creation of our universe How can we interpret this power ?
@anteodedi8937 Ай бұрын
Wow! Godel's incompleteness theorems are about formal provability (always relative to some formal system). Let me repeat that, FORMAL PROVABILITY. First theorem: Any consistent formal system F within which a certain amount of elementary arithmetic can be carried out is incomplete; there are statements of language in F which can neither be proved nor disproved in F. The second theorem: For any consistent system F within which a certain amount of arithmetic can be carried out the consistency of F cannot be proved in F itself. A common misunderstanding is to interpret theorems as showing that there are truths that cannot be proven. And that's incorrect, for the theorems do not deal with unprovability in any absolute sense but only unprovability in some particular axiomatic system. And that's it. My question is: How do you draw your bizarre conclusions from Godel's theorems, and how do you apply them outside mathematics? Godel's theorems don't say anything about what explains what in concrete reality or what exists or what can and cannot be explained. At best, they have some epistemological implications, but not any groundbreaking discovery. Stuffs that ancient philosophers already knew and considered.​@@tarekabdelrahman2194
@5barkerstreet Ай бұрын
god is in my heart therefore he or she is real
@jamesruscheinski8602 Ай бұрын
how can the future pre-exist before causation?
@edimbukvarevic90 Ай бұрын
"In the beginning, there was nothing. And God said, “Let there be light.” And there was light. There was still nothing, but you could see it a lot better."
@edimbukvarevic90 Ай бұрын
@@Francis0206 god is nothing (no thing). God said, "let there be flashlight".
@edimbukvarevic90 Ай бұрын
@@Francis0206 Well, it all checks out, and both theists and atheists get to be right, god is absolutely nothing, and all-powerful, all-knowing, all-present... :)
@peteroleary9447 Ай бұрын
Moses heard: "I am"
@situational.analysis 25 күн бұрын
You heard that he heard.
@TheCosmicRealm3 Ай бұрын
There is only a mystery in existence if you want it to be a mystery. This is all a simulation which was created by the powerful ones and we were cast into this place for many different reasons.
@JagadguruSvamiVegananda Ай бұрын
@0-by-1_Publishing_LLC Ай бұрын
*"This is all a simulation which was created by the powerful ones and we were cast into this place for many different reasons."* ... Couldn't your "powerful ones" who made our simulation also be in a simulation and not know it? And couldn't the "more powerful ones" who made the simulation for the "powerful ones" who made the simulation for us also be in a simulation and not know it? (infinite regression goes here).
@edwardtutman196 Ай бұрын
According to neuroscience, AWE is the most profound state influencing brain plasticity. Mystery or uncertainty empowers the state of awe, so it lends itself to a highly valuable brain adaptation. But if one likes the comfort of certainty through deterministic explanations, then by all means.
@Traderhood Ай бұрын
It is hilarious in how many ways one can say nothing.
@Traderhood Ай бұрын
It is hilarious in how many ways one can say nothing.
@Gjerrild2 Ай бұрын
A quantum fluction requires that there is at least time and perhaps also space. Nothing, means that, no matter, no space-time no laws of physics, no structure, nothing "Ex nihilo nihil fit"
@simonhibbs887 Ай бұрын
Not necessarily. The Hartle-Hawking no boundary proposal is a framework that can be used to describe the formation of spacetime domains that is compliant with the principles of quantum mechanics. Hawing and Turok showed how this could generate infinitely extending spacetimes. Even so, supposing we explain the initial generation of the Big Bang according to known verifiable physics, we can still ask why these principles of physics apply.
@Gjerrild2 Ай бұрын
The maths is just that, maths. Reality is not always the same. What experiment can be done to confirm what you suggest? If there is no experiment or test, then it's meaningless, it's not true physics or science, if anything it's metaphysics if even that
@simonhibbs887 Ай бұрын
@@Gjerrild2 I agree the chances of any theories at this extreme edge of what we can know are highly hypothetical. Nevertheless some of this stuff is on the edge of having verifiable observational predictions. For example we can probably never observe anything that would confirm the multiverse predictions of inflation theory, but some of its predictions about the homogeneity and anisotropic of the CMB have been bang on the money. Similarly the Hawking-Turok model of universe formation predicts the creation of singularities in the early universe which in principle could be verified against the incidence of primordial black holes. Nobody really knows exactly what the limits of observable verifiability actually are.
@LuuLuong-bn8iy Ай бұрын
Rob.. Q&A 😂😂😂😂
@LuuLuong-bn8iy Ай бұрын
GoD is the name of mysterious! Rob..? 😂😂😂
@MrSanford65 Ай бұрын
We see nothing all the time. It’s called empty space. So if nothing didn’t exist, we would see everything and then we see would see nothing again because everything and nothing are the same thing. It is because we see nothing that we can at least see something.
@dwilson540 Ай бұрын
But space itself is something. We’re talking “nothing”.
@MrSanford65 Ай бұрын
@@dwilson540 I think by nothing we mean something we can’t experience, and cannot produce or build -and we cant experience space. Now erroneously believing in the Big Bang that something came from nothing -then nothingness should’ve came along with everything else and that nothing would be the empty space in between everything that exists . But in the end, you’re right space is just transparent matter , and time is just the contrast between transparent matter and observable matter
@tonyatkinson2210 Ай бұрын
Empty space is filled with stuff .
@MrSanford65 Ай бұрын
@@tonyatkinson2210 true . But I think people would define nothing as that without you can experience. Thoughts are abstractions which then could qualify as nothing since they are not material. But to your point that every empty space is filled is true, but it also means that motion can’t be real either because there are no empty spaces to traverse. Perhaps change is simply some kind of contestant metamorphosis. But once again in every day parlance people call nothing that which is without something directly observable
@chrisgriffiths2533 25 күн бұрын
It Seems Obvious for Me to come up with Two Examples of the Human Conclusion for a God, by Our Ancestors. (There are Other Possibilities, Another Good One is Lightning) One is the MOON. Another is FAMILY DEATH. Humans would have Encountered these Two Phenomenons from Our Start, Long Ago. Hence One of Our Ancestors, Maybe a Group of Ancestors, had the Chance to Wonder about the MOON :- Easily Observable in the Sky. The Picture of the Moon in the Sky Changes Shape Regularly. The Picture of the Moon in the Sky Changes Location Regularly. The Picture of the Moon in the Sky Changes Colour Regularly. The Moon is Harmless. In the Case of DEATH. Death More than Likely Triggered Emotion First, but then Wonder as to How that Occurred and Why Death. Early Humans Liked Each Other More than Disliked Each Other, this is Why We Exist Now. Then as with Jesus, Our Ancestors Would have Experienced Recovery from what Seemed Like Death, Unconscious to Conscious. Now the Key Point here is Our Ancestors WONDER, they are Conscious More than Any other Life. I Say Wondering Ends Up Splitting into Two Cultures :- What We Call Science Now. What We Call Religion Now. The Other Critical Component in Both these Wonder Cases, Moon, Death, is Human Communication. At the Point of the God Conclusion Our Ancestors Must have been able to TALK. The God Conclusion is Carried Forward by the Human ability to TALK. Hence it is Real Examples of Wonder, Emotion and Talk which causes One of Our Ancestors to become one of the First Geniuses if Not the First Genius. A GOD Created the Moon and causes the Picture of the Moon to Change. GOD Created Death. GOD Gave Us the Ability to TALK. Our Ancestors Concluding a GOD is a Huge Moment of HUMAN IQ. Possible the Defining Moment of Human IQ. We Use Our Wondering to Conclude Something much more Powerful than Us Must have Created the Moon. GOD!. Ancient Science of course Moves Forward Very Slowly. Science Eventually Offers Evolution, The Big Bang as Reasons for the MOON and Humans Ability to TALK. Science Methods, Scientists Seem to Know it has a Problem with Consciousness and Struggles to Explain Why Humans Would Wonder and Conclude, Long Ago. Human Consciousness Creates a Full Circle Moment :- The Ability to Wonder causes the God Conclusion. The God Conclusion Explains Our Ability to be Conscious and WONDER. Something Far More Poweful than Us gave Us the Ability to be Conscious, Including the Tools of Human Consciousness, Brain, Ears, Eyes, Nose, Pain, Voice, Emotion. So Why do Humans, the Moon and the Universe Exist ?. God Knows Why, offers the Something Much Bigger Answer. Science is Constrained by Science and Unfortunately Offers No Sound Science Answer.
@themeggy Ай бұрын
I really hate the "beyond our understanding" religious take on things - just a kind of defeatist giving up it seems to me.
@konstantinos777 Ай бұрын
@kentheengineer592 Ай бұрын
The Question Your Asking Is Wrong What You Should Be Asking Is Why Do I Believe Anything Exist Rather Than The Alternative & Then Study How That Works & You'll Have The Answer To Your Question, The Answer Is Nothingness Is Just That Nothing Therefore Anything Else Is Wrong, We Never Were Real Because There is No Inherent Nature Therefore If You Are Boundless That Presumes Power But Power is a Describing & Asribing Meaning That Is Illusory, The Good News Thou Is That Whatever Is Happening Illusory Or Otherwise Is What Is Intriguing Better Question Should Be Why Is Existence Noumenon Self Contained & How Would That Work Now You Can Understand God At a Basic Level Your Welcome
@jamesruscheinski8602 Ай бұрын
causation moves forward into the past, and backward into future?
@user-gr3oo5ux9x Ай бұрын
Conviction here is that there is no physical universe out there.
@piehound Ай бұрын
Or . . . the Existence of Mystery. Either way is ok.
@gregbrown5020 12 күн бұрын
The mystery is WHO is in existence.
@a.nunnikrishnan5492 Ай бұрын
O, neither God nor the Absolute Reality is different from yourself. Positive and negative don't arise from zero but, from Neutral which is your Real State and It is the source of the universe. Universe exists because you exist. To understand more refer the book: SPACETIME AND THAT BEYOND By A.N.Unnikrishnan.
@BilimFelsefeDin7ve19 Ай бұрын
Believing in God; It does not mean accepting its existence (!) It means accepting that what God says is true. If so; First of all, it is necessary to be sure that the Quran is not a human word. This is possible by measuring the similarity of the Quran with the human word. Afterwards, it is necessary to read and understand the Quran. You can learn the method of measuring the similarity of the Quran to the human word from my studies.
@situational.analysis 25 күн бұрын
Grow up.
@ForNika 28 күн бұрын
B.S philisophy in church
@konstantinos777 Ай бұрын
If you're gonna talk about sci-fi, namely gods and deities, you might as well include the contemporaries, like the Avengers, X-Men, Superman and the few more thousands of modern gods. But, closer to truth, you may not get.
@browngreen933 Ай бұрын
Existence: "I just am, always was, and always will be. Just accept it." 😂
@jimhamlin6551 Ай бұрын
Multiple answers ..Multiple Universes...one God ,..one answer...no God ... no answers..just more questions ..you believe what you believe and be happy ...that will be your answer
@user-gr3oo5ux9x Ай бұрын
Nobody knows how
@davidcasagrande267 Ай бұрын
There is NO such thing as a place called NOTHING . There is either existence or non existence . The light bulb is either on or off , there is NO other state !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@deecee10000 Ай бұрын
Thinking of God as being the All That Exists makes more sense.
@tonyatkinson2210 Ай бұрын
Nah . The god hypothesis for most people is much more than that .
@DouglasVoigt-tu3xb Ай бұрын
Interesting. But no closer to truth.
@LuuLuong-bn8iy Ай бұрын
Existence => E=Mc3 -> EARth 🌎 😂😂
@yokali1481 Ай бұрын
🙏🏾yada yada yada 😂
@hakiza-technologyltd.8198 Ай бұрын
@James-ll3jb Ай бұрын
The sheer superficiality of Kuhn is stupefying.
@juanferbriceno4411 Ай бұрын
I am fed up with this guy trying to rationalize existence
@situational.analysis 25 күн бұрын
Heh, it pays the bills.
@watgaz518 Ай бұрын
Human intelligence caters for human observation and its understanding of everything around it. Divine and enigmatic intelligence is far beyond the comprehension of the human brain.
@TheDaylll Ай бұрын
Our best minds are perplexed -- don't buy the BS.
@James-ll3jb Ай бұрын
If God made all this the question then is "why"? Has anyone bothered asking Him?😊
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