Sean Carroll - Physics of Consciousness

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Closer To Truth

22 күн бұрын

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How to explain our inner awareness that is at once most common and most mysterious? Traditional explanations focus at the level of neuron and neuronal circuits in the brain. But little real progress has motivated some to look much deeper, into the laws of physics - information theory, quantum mechanics, even postulating new laws of physics.
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Sean Carroll is Homewood Professor of Natural Philosophy at Johns Hopkins University and fractal faculty at the Santa Fe Institute. His research focuses on fundamental physics and cosmology.
Closer To Truth, hosted by Robert Lawrence Kuhn and directed by Peter Getzels, presents the world’s greatest thinkers exploring humanity’s deepest questions. Discover fundamental issues of existence. Engage new and diverse ways of thinking. Appreciate intense debates. Share your own opinions. Seek your own answers.

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@rochford59 19 күн бұрын
Don't you enjoy listening to these guy's verbally thrash out their differences,so much passion!!
@deeplearningpartnership 19 күн бұрын
@edwardprokopchuk3264 20 күн бұрын
This was actually pretty comprehensive and one of the better and simpler conversations about consciousness.
@michael-4k4000 20 күн бұрын
Why is science ignoring Dr. Terrance Howard?
@ecyranot 19 күн бұрын
@@michael-4k4000 I imagine because he's just a guy and at least one thing he says sounds bonkers. 1 times 1 equals 2? That seems obviously wrong.
@jeffreyanderson6021 19 күн бұрын
Yes, if you buy the idea that you can make consciousness by putting cells together in a particular orientation, after presumably making them in a lab, good luck with that, it might be easier to create a time machine and hope that they got this figured out a billion years from now. But then the question arises "why is this orientation so specific and important?" And "would the created brain lose its consciousness if you interchanged the positions of two neurons? Why?" Not to mention how fraught the idea of a person losing his or her consciousness with a brain injury, as if there can be no internal experience or voice.
@edwardprokopchuk3264 19 күн бұрын
@@jeffreyanderson6021 our inability to create consciousness only points to our limitations, not necessarily our explanation of how consciousness is being produced. If there are biological factors (brain damage, anesthesia…) that impact the state of our conscious experience, to me that only reaffirms the idea that consciousness is an emergent property of brain processes.
@GeezerBoy65 12 күн бұрын
@@edwardprokopchuk3264 Seems obvious to many.
@lettersquash 11 күн бұрын
This was brilliant. I've not heard someone talk so well about a physicalist position on consciousness. It was kind of funny watching Robert Kuhn respond from an irresistible dualist position, although Carroll perhaps set him up for that by agreeing with the idea of being able to "upload yourself". His explanation of the detail refutes that, at least as it relates to how that expression is usually thought of (because it is inherently dualistic, suggesting that there's an entity, "your self", that is put somewhere else). With that bubbling around in Kuhn's unconscious, he can then start imagining that the new copy being "identical" must mean it has Carroll's unique personhood, hence he's confused because then he thinks there are two Sean Carrolls. If he just thought about disassembling an apple molecule by molecule, yet copying each into a new apple, he'd not argue that the two apples being "identical" are therefore just one apple in two places. They're necessarily made of different actual atoms; only their type and arrangement are identical. So really, you can't "upload yourself" because you have no "self", but you can copy the physical state to create a facsimile. Actually, all the neurons isn't enough, since a brain unsupported by a body will die immediately, and one without any senses won't have a similar conscious experience, so the whole body would need to be copied. And immediately, it would begin having different experiences.
@Andre-Linoge 5 күн бұрын
Nothing new! See Star Trek The Next Generation season 6 episode 24 Second Chances. I'm wondering where was so cold to be so dressed up 2 weeks ago? I'm dying of heat indoors.
@seraphiusNoctis 19 күн бұрын
I think the movie “The Prestige” gives an interesting take on this. The surviving clone always is the one who never experienced their own death. It doesn’t matter if consciousness does not “jump”, it doesn’t need to- as the survivor will have the continuous subjective experience that includes everything up to the branch.
@Ed-quadF 20 күн бұрын
Sooo much fun. Put a smile on my face, literally and figuratively.
@camdenbarkley1893 18 күн бұрын
In Robert’s neuron copy scenario: by what Robert means by “you”, the original dies. By what Sean means by “you”, it lives on in the copy. I’m a physicalist, and it’s hard even for me to not talk dualistically about “self”. Sean seems to have mastered it.
@shirk_slayer 7 күн бұрын
Without consciousness nothing exists
@thomassoliton1482 11 күн бұрын
The question as to whether if you could make an identical duplicate of a person and whether they would (a) share a single consciousness, or (2) each have their own, is easy to resolve. Consider first that we are not “conscious” 100% of the time, even when we are awake. Sometimes you have a train of thought and you follow that thought, but you are are not conscious in the usual sense, as when someone asks you a question and you have to think about it very carefully. Sometimes you are just on autopilot and then you realize you are not really aware of what you are doing. Then you are conscious. But you are the same “person” in both cases. The difference is self-reflection - using your short-term memory to remember what you were just doing. So in a sense, there are two yous, one that is “not” conscious, and one that is, but they are the same person. So if consciousness can come and go, is it something that would be transferred when you duplicate someone? No! It’s a function of the brain. When you are in deep sleep, or anesthetized, you are clearly not conscious, and furthermore can’t remember anything. When asleep you can only remember your dream because that is a different state of sleep and your short-term memory is working, which is why you can remember a dream right when you wake up. If you don’t remember it right away, it will disappear. So consciousness is not a constant state of being. It comes and goes, and is only the same in terms of the person who is conscious. We all relate to consciousness the same way, because it is the same process in all of us. It doesn’t depend on the contents of our thoughts, but rather in fact that if you reflect on what is in your mind, you realize you were thinking or feeling or sensing something different a few moments ago, yet YOU are still “here”, so that thread of brain activity seems to provide a sense of constancy, which you intrpret as your “self”. Clearly this is quite paradoxical, yet it makes sense.
@flappoid 18 күн бұрын
Kuhn made some very strong points. Sean was way more relaxed in his responses, Kuhn seemed a bit rattled and shaky with his questions and points, but still posed very cogent challenges to the "absoluteness" of Sean's position. Bottom line for me in all of the discussion of consciousness is that we'll probably not figure it out any time soon. By far the most animated CTT I've ever seen.
@cloud1stclass372 17 күн бұрын
I think that Kuhn has been sufficiently convinced by non-physicalists after all these years and, like me, can’t believe that someone as smart as Sean would be such a fundamentalist in this regard.
@amihartz 16 күн бұрын
@@cloud1stclass372 Non-physicalism is incoherent. It begins with Kant's mind-body problem and argues the "solution" is to throw out the existence of the physical "body." The direct result of this is that we would all be trapped "in our own minds," i.e. solipsism (subjective idealism). This view is incoherent because you cannot even define the concept of "I" without a reference to "Thou," in the same way darkness makes no sense without light. The word "I" would also become meaningless in a truly solipsistic framework, which then _should_ lead you to also abandon this as an _a priori_ concept, and just treat experience as not a property of "I" or "Thou" but just _reality itself,_ and then you can easily recover materialism and realism consistently. Yet, what happens in practice is that subjective idealists either spin themselves into logical pretzels trying to explain how it makes sense to argue "I" is _a priori_ but somehow "Thou" is not, or they devolve into the even worse _objective_ idealism, where they propose we are all part of an "objective mind," but this mind has precisely the same properties as Kant's own _noumenon,_ i.e. all objective idealist philosophies always reproduce the mind-body problem in its precise logical form.
@DarrellTunnell 19 күн бұрын
I think I can elaborate a bit on Sean's position. Each moment in time is another you, having a different "now" experience. All "now" moments have state (i.e the configuration of the universe in that moment) that is consistent with that moments "now" state being related to a prior moments "now" state, as described by a transformation permitted by the laws of physics. You could imagine that like a jigsaw puzzle, all these moments, like puzzle pieces, were all cut together in one stroke. Therefore one did not derive from another, they were all derived together to be consistent with the laws of physics. You are experiencing one "now" moment. The order thing called time you are experiencing is just that this is the only thing we can derive from any given now moment that we find ourselves experiencing. If the universe jumped between states of you being a baby, and then you being an adult, you would know nothing of this jump; in both instances you would be aware of being a baby with complete set of memories and state consistent with that experience; and likewise for the instant where you are an adult yod have the memories of a lifetime consistent with that experience. So what does it mean if your brain was uploaded into a computer? Your set of "now" moments where you were a human are all possible experiences. Another set of "now" moments for the conciousness happening in the computer is abother set. In fact in anything where conciousness arises - this adds to the set of "now" moments that can be experienced. This set now includes me, and you and everyone we have ever met. So why am I feeling like I am me right "now" and not "you" or my brain uploaded into the "computer"? Well.. how can we be so sure we are not also those things - we can only ever experience a "now" moment, I have no idea who I was experiencing a moment ago. According to this "now" moment I am presently writing a youtube comment. I have memories consistent with this. I feel like I have been sat here 10 minutes.. but so would you if you were experiencing this "now" moment. Who is to say you are not? Language lets me down here because terms like "you" and "I' are ambiguous. The total set of all "now" moments for concious being will be experienced, and when they are, that experience will result in something that thinks its an entity with an identity that is flowing in time.
@asyetundetermined 17 күн бұрын
Robert: “What happens to you??” Sean: “You becomes us.” Robert: 🤯
@crizish 2 күн бұрын
I don’t always agree with Sean, but he really is a great physicist and a fabulous speaker.
@marceltorretta 10 күн бұрын
1- While I agree that the hard problem of consciousness ought to be solved by purely materialistic means, I think the hard problem of consciousness is very much a thing.. and after years I still find the philosophical zombie argument very compelling.. Today we have LLMs.. If it starts talking _exactly_ like a human would, does that equate to consciousness? No! On the issuenof identity that they got tangled, I think Sean is spot on. I find it interesting that even intelligent thinkers like Kuhn cannot see identity for what it is, a higher level concept, extremely useful for humans, yes, but nowhere to be found on fundamental reality.. We have no problem thinking of a duplicated river, or cloud, also higher level constructs, but then most people can't make the leap and see that what you call "you" is not fundamental, but rather just as much as a higher level useful construct. As Sam Harris puts it, there is no thinker of thoughts, experiencer of experiences, there are just the thoughts and the experiences.
@aloneinanearthship4010 20 күн бұрын
Well that was frustrating.
@amihartz 16 күн бұрын
It's frustrating how very few people seem to ever read books on philosophy who get engaged in this discussion. Kuhn literally references Kant and his notion of the thing-in-itself in some of his discussions, and here he talks about consciousness as "a person looking at a screen," things which are multiple century old conceptions which have been heavily criticized and largely moved beyond in a lot of contemporary realist philosophy.
@GeezerBoy65 12 күн бұрын
@@amihartz Robert is a man who is wishing and hoping to find dualism true and a supernatural deity true.
@XOPOIIIO 18 күн бұрын
If you have a copy of the same program on two devices, which one is the "real one"? Consciousness is just sort of a program. If there are identical copies of the same consciousness they would be working independently from each other but in similar way until they diverge over time.
@alankoslowski9473 11 күн бұрын
Exactly. The two independent consciousnesses would only be momentarily identical. The more time passes the more they would diverge.
@marceltorretta 10 күн бұрын
Exactly. This sense of identity carried on over time is just that, a sense, and is just a useful high-level construct. But if feels so real most people can't make that leap, apparently.
@alankoslowski9473 10 күн бұрын
@@marceltorretta Well each normal individual consciousness it real to the person experiencing it. But it's objectively special or special to anyone else.
@RyanStronach 8 күн бұрын
Sean Carroll is presenting a version of reality that I feel is closest to truth because it doesn't fall victim to a subjectivity bias. Our brain is a computer that composes what we call consciousness by way of the totality of the electric impulses transmitted every moment. Thinking that consciousness is some magical property of the universe is in my opinion quite arrogant considering how complex we know the brain is. Why should we need anything else to explain experience than such an enormously vast network of interconnected neurons?
@Michael-nt1me 20 күн бұрын
Considering the Unfolding Conscious Actuality of ...Phenomenology, Metaphysics and Conscience.... coming forth and going forward.
@GeezerBoy65 4 күн бұрын
Robert seems pretty thick, slow, in his understandings here. He's still seeking a magical, dualist, description of the world and humans. Nevertheless, we owe him a great deal in making his wonderful series of interviews possible for all of us to hear. Albeit he also gives time today to theologians (sober-seeming quacks who are nothing more than fictional storytellers), but that is expected when you look into his background. What is missing from most all discussions of consciousness are two essential things. Much like free will discussions. Define your words. Such as free will means "One could have done otherwise, at that micromoment of decision, in that place and at that time." Now go on with your discussion without falling into the swamps. Do the same here: 1. Give clear definitions of what you mean by consciousness. Consciousness is X. Consciousness is not Y. List these in two columns, then begin your discussions. It is an honest necessity if one is sincere. 2. It is patent that dogs and cats and other primates are conscious, so do not ever leave this out of discussions of the subject, or you will move into dualism and other sillies or worse.
@jean-philippegrenier120 19 күн бұрын
Sean is insanely patient here. Holy crap
@haros2868 11 күн бұрын
Hearing yourself saying nonsense all the time indeed needs a lot pf patience. A zombie THINKS it is comscious....
@jean-philippegrenier120 11 күн бұрын
I think the point he's making is "what's a zombie"? If I copy paste myself atom for atom, is the second one a zombie? What's your definition of a zombie here?
@haros2868 11 күн бұрын
@@jean-philippegrenier120 no theres 2 different examples in this case, the zombie in general and the clone. Clone is impossible, and even if possible, it would be a different observer, say we dont kill the original, they both exist. They must have their own independent perspective not 1 consciousness in superposition . Secondly, what nobody truly understands is zombies. It is supposedly absolutely the same in terms of physical but it has no awerness. I don't know if such zombie is possible but , possible or not, it doesn't change the fact that Consciousnes is something truly extra over the brain. Charmlers argument is why Consciousnes really exists, why aren't we just a brain without awerness and experience. It should make sense physically. Zombies and clones are mostly irrelevant in this case
@andreimarincas2826 19 күн бұрын
Would help to agree on a definition of consciousness before going into arguments
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 19 күн бұрын
Correct the definition is survival of consciousness not soul or spirit of survival.
@munish259272 17 күн бұрын
may be there is no such definition we are not rigid metal bodies. The more evolved you are the more conscious you are. fish--> dog--> elepant--> monkey --> chimp --> humans and even among humans different people with different levels of consciousness. The world consciousness is vague and leads to lot of confusion
@amihartz 16 күн бұрын
@@munish259272 There is no such thing as "more evolved," everything is equally "evolved."
@GeezerBoy65 12 күн бұрын
@@amihartz Correct.
@brandon1357 19 күн бұрын
Doesn’t this thought experiment beg the question by presupposing some kind of dualism? If they are physically identical to humans in every way, then they will necessarily have the same physical properties such as consciousness. If you have two identical people separated by spacetime, they will necessarily have different conscious experiences. If they are not separated by spacetime, then they’re indistinguishable from a single person. What am I missing?
@degigi2003 19 күн бұрын
You are correct that the experiment begs the question. By postulating the existence of philosophical zombies, they are essentially saying "given that dualism is true, then...". But that's really the interesting question - is dualism true. Note that you can't assume functionalism either, which you did when you used the word "necessarily" 😊
@brandon1357 19 күн бұрын
⁠@@degigi2003I cannot tell if that last bit is intended to be passive aggressive or not. It could go either way with the smiley lol
@degigi2003 19 күн бұрын
​​@@brandon1357 it was an honest comment. I put the smiley because the functionalist position makes sense to me, but this doesn't make it true. We have yet to demonstrate some form of artificial consciousness and some rigorous theory behind it.
@brandon1357 19 күн бұрын
@@degigi2003 Fair. I just strongly oppose dualism and think it's an antiquated way of thinking. It may have worked when people didn't know about germs and thought epileptic seizures were demonic possessions, but to be a dualist in 2024 is a position I cannot take seriously. I could be wrong, but logically and empirically, I see no reason why we need to invoke supernatural explanations here any more than we have for other things in the past. Those kinds of explanations have historically never been a good place to hang your hat and I see no reason this should be any different, nor have I heard any good arguments beyond "But I FEEL special."
@degigi2003 19 күн бұрын
​@@brandon1357 Agreed 👍
@marcusantebi4896 18 күн бұрын
Sean is a dedicated physicalist and an accomplished physicist. I believe that the concept of 'consciousness' may not be within his area of expertise. It's similar to hearing a cardiologist discuss sports nutrition. Consciousness is a profoundly intricate phenomenon that surpasses simplistic explanations. Moreover, the central question remains: what triggers the onset of consciousness, by what mechanism? As of now, science has not provided a definitive explanation for this. Hence, this conversation delves into the realm of the unknowable.
@marcusantebi4896 18 күн бұрын
There are two separate questions about consciousness: 1. Who is the thinker, and who is the observer? The thinker is purely physical, while the observer is consciousness, a phenomenon that remains enigmatic and beyond full explanation. This enigma may stem from its inherent connection to questions about the nature of divinity. Consulting a physicist on this subject is akin to seeking insights from a plumber; while either may offer valuable perspectives, the definitive answers are elusive.
@mountainair 18 күн бұрын
​@@marcusantebi4896 I'm with you almost all the way minus the analogy to God. Consciousness is truly the only self-evident fact in the Universe. It's obvious we have some inner subjectivity. But to ask Physicist how it arises or how to distinguish a philosophical zombie from a conscious entity is about as fruitful as asking a Physicist about God. If that's what you meant I agree.
@marcusantebi4896 17 күн бұрын
@lettersquash 11 күн бұрын
But we have a lot of physical evidence of what "triggers the onset of" consciousness. We know particular bits of the brain that are required to be active. We have all manner of evidence about different states and contents of consciousness that can be elicited by physical means, from drugs to electrical and magnetic stimulation, to damage and disease. Furthermore, as a physicist, he is an expert on the fair assessment (not absolute fact) that it's unlikely there's any missing ingredient in the physical models. Even if there was something missing to explain consciousness outside of normal physics, it's well understood from philosophy that if we invoke some other mental stuff that isn't physical, we've an additional problem of how two entirely different substrates could influence each other. A simple way to understand "physicalism" is that it just describes the stuff we've evidence of. If we find "mind stuff" it's part of physics. If it's not part of physics, we haven't measured it, and hence have no evidence it exists. The thing we struggle with - in my view - is comprehending that physical things can be conscious. We have an unexamined assumption that consciousness has to be non-physical, which is called "begging the question". All the evidence (and there's a lot) is that physical things (brains, or brains-in-bodies in particular states) ARE conscious, they don't create "mind".
@priyakulkarni9583 18 күн бұрын
Here is MY Mathamatical formula for consciousness: C= A(i 5f+O5f)c2 I= inside output electrical pattern f= feeling O =outside input electrical pattern A= awareness 5= senses C2= speed of light squared Here is my take on mysterious consciousness: Physical body and Brain is like a TV 📺 and Consciousness is the electrons flowing through wires creating images and voices on TV. Without flow of electrons TV is like a dead person. With web cam it can analyze the surroundings. Consciousness is little more than electrons. Chain of mitochondria arranged in brain 🧠 nerves that have ATP and phosphorous of ATP is similar to phosphorous of TV screen. When the TV is turned on, the phosphor coating absorbs high-energy electrons that are directed at them by a device inside of the TV. Some day, Consciousness could very well be 5th dimension. Just for fun 🤩 It is too disconcerting to think deep about it and so I stopped analyzing it.
@simonhibbs887 17 күн бұрын
What are the units of all these variables, and particularly consciousness?
@thomabow8949 17 күн бұрын
@@simonhibbs887 In case you are unaware, he made this up!
@simonhibbs887 17 күн бұрын
@@thomabow8949 Sure, but then all ideas are made up.
@Jinxed007 18 күн бұрын
I think Sean made one mistake. He chose one of the copies to be "him". That implies there's something special about the him that's in his brain. If you're a pure materialist, the feeling of individuality is produced by the brain. Each copy would feel itself to be him, but it wouldn't be a shared feeling, and each copy (in a purely materialist viewpoint) would be correct. Our memories are key to who we feel we are. Any brain imbued with an exact copy (to date) of every memory we have stored in our brains would sidle those memories with the consciousness it produces, and in turn, believe themselves to be us, but that's purely an internal feeling held by every copy, as well as the original. All of them would be a separate "you".
@simonhibbs887 17 күн бұрын
One of them wouldn't be a copy, it would be the original him, though as you say they would be identical. I just watched it again, and he talks about all the same things you wrote about above. Two apples can be identical, but they are still different apples, if you cut one in half the other remains intact.
@amihartz 16 күн бұрын
A massive non-sequitur: "if you choose something as a reference point, it must have a magical property to let you choose it!" No, things are chosen as reference points purely for utility. When I measure the velocity of an object, the entire concept of velocity does not make sense without something being chosen as the reference point, and I choose me purely for convenience. I could easily speak of the velocity of an object in relation to some inanimate object, such as a rock. Choosing a reference point is not something magical. The universe is inherently context-dependent and so nothing can be spoken of coherently without specifying its context, and we choose contexts based on convenience, not because there is some magical property that lets us choose one context over another, because we could speak of the world without our presence. The very concept of "I" is a convenient abstraction.
@TheDavidBarnett 20 күн бұрын
This was one of my favorite conversations. The question I wish had been asked to Sean was : if we uploaded your consciousness, would the location of the upload house the phenomenal experience you are having in your current physical state? Or would it be another consciousness, as in the clone thought experiment? A separate "thing" experiencing its own consciousness.
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 20 күн бұрын
What you are describing is all biologicals life ability to survive historically, present and future. You cannot survive without being aware or conscious that's just a pure fact of bio logical life.
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 20 күн бұрын
No need for spirits, souls, or consciousness what you need is survival of conscious awareness.
@degigi2003 20 күн бұрын
His answer would be "yes" to your question.
@michael-4k4000 20 күн бұрын
Why is science ignoring Dr. Terrance Howard?
@sven888 19 күн бұрын
Tat Tvam Asi.
@coder-x7440 14 күн бұрын
I love Sean Carroll. He looks you in the eye and says what you refuse to believe is true. Aliens? ‘No’, Copenhagen? ‘No’, Consciousness? ‘Look at me… NO’
@benjaminwesterhold5762 12 күн бұрын
This is great--thanks for uploading
@baldeagle-cq2jl 2 күн бұрын
interesting conversation that truly exposes our limitations to knowing consciousness.
@esorse 20 күн бұрын
You could argue that without a quantitative complement * , there's no either emergent, nor not emergent, consciousness. * The complement of one in list one two is two.
@benmoorecomposer9164 19 күн бұрын
If Sean had made his point about consciousness being an emergent physical property existing only in this MOMENT OF TIME they could have avoided 10 minutes of arguing. This issue of what actually makes me ME or you You has got to be the most perplexing and fundamental in philosophy or science. I know it's been argued for thousands of years, but if someone made an atom for atom copy of me and then destroyed the original no one would notice. But I would be dead, right? Or not?
@milannesic5718 18 күн бұрын
Someone making the exact copy of you atom by atom, and YOU naturally changing moment to moment the same way, is the exact same thing. So, explain to us, how come when you naturally change, you continue to live in every instance of your body. You are different, but you still exist. While if someone make the exact copy of you artificially, then you don't exist in that body. You are dead if original is destroyed. It is the exact same thing. In natural copies, original of you gets destroyed, and the next moment new copy is made. But you are alive and exist. There is a sense of continuity, Carrol claims that artificially made copy is no longer yourself. It is contradicting because it is the exact same thing as naturally made copy
@benmoorecomposer9164 18 күн бұрын
@@milannesic5718 Good point. And yet it seems that if the original is destroyed, that individual would be dead, even though an exact copy lives on. Carroll is saying that's what happens moment by moment as we change through time. (And I believe every 5 years or so all the material in our bodies DOES get replaced). But then, as you say, he contradicts himself with the artificial copy hypothetical. I want to believe "I" would live on in the copy of myself - but what if 5 copies were made? Mind-bending.
@runningwildttv3648 18 күн бұрын
I think too many people got confused. The interviewer played the ignorant fool, and Sean tried his best to reply to sensibility. The biggest point Sean made was irregardless of the copies and the deletion of the original. There are two separate conscious's, and deleting the original does not matter to the copy after it is made. This is just a sifi movie. Sean starts with truth and works out a theory not the other way around.
@milannesic5718 18 күн бұрын
@@runningwildttv3648 No, Sean was the one avoiding the question about how matter can have inner feelings, because it is very hard to answer. Kuhn tried to rephrase the question multiple times, but Sean played confident and dodged it. And our conversation here is about how come when we you make a copy artificially there are 2 consciousness, but when it happens naturally to you moment, by moment every day, the same consciousness persist? It is exactly the same thing. It does not matter if you artificially make another me. Same thing happens every moment according to Sean, yet, it is only one consciousness that persist
@LouisHochmanTheJourno 17 күн бұрын
Sean's contention here is that the you that exists at any moment in time doesn't have any more inherent connection to the you that existed a moment ago than a copy would. Both experience a continuity and relationship to moment-ago-you by building on their memories and only being slightly different in their composition. But he doesn't buy that there's some sort of inherent continuity that the "original" maintains and that the "copy" doesn't. That thinking likely comes easily to him because he's already used to thinking of the universe splitting into many worlds ad infinitum as the wave function evolves, and a bajillion Seans across the multiverse sharing the history of a precursor Sean. The argument would be that even though we experience a persistence of identity, it's just an abstraction, not a fundamental aspect of reality. So now-me and now-copy-me both get to claim before-me as our past self with the same validity. We're both entitled to work with the same abstraction.
@henrycunha8379 20 күн бұрын
Two cloned brains' states of consciousness would not be the same a day after they were set apart. After a month, even their initially identical memories would be different.
@degigi2003 20 күн бұрын
That's true, but they would still claim to be the same person who existed before the cloning. And they would be both right 😅
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 20 күн бұрын
@0The0Web0 5 күн бұрын
Yeah, they would branch off from the moment the exact copy would be finished, and differences would grow. But both would say "it's me" and both would be, equally, right.
@priscillawrites6685 12 күн бұрын
The flaw I see in Western thinking re consciousness is locating consciousness and awareness of self in the physical brain. When someone is severely traumatized and dissociates such that they have no recall of awareness of the traumatizing event, what happens to self and consciousness? Does an end-stage Alzheimer’s patient have consciousness? How about split-brain studies?
@fotoviano 16 күн бұрын
The first one would have continuous experience, supported by the remaining set of biological neurons at a given point in time, and the replicant wouldn't. That is, the transistors that are in place in the original during transition are being updated while the ones in the replicant aren't? So memories (conscious or otherwise) wouldn't be the same and that might define identity.
@sethcable2322 18 күн бұрын
I think we've all learned from Dennett that if a person *really* wants to dig in and deny qualia, there's not really any further, uncomfortable consequence of that they have to accept. Once you've 'bitten the bullet' on denying qualia (and the possibility of 'zombies'), everything else is quite easy. Indeed, that's (in a sense) at the core of the mystery (and frustration) of the 'Hard Problem' for those of us who do accept the existence of qualia: they add absolutely nothing to a complete 3rd-person description of the world.
@kianimate7803 17 күн бұрын
It just might be because we are both the user of the computer and the computer itself, a magical sense of self is born from the duality of it.
@andruss2001 17 күн бұрын
Thanks! This hard struggling between you and your opponent about cloned person, boils down to the fact that person and his body is not the same thing. See, the tree has visible part and invisible, which holds the visible. I'm talking about the root. No one is impressed by it (no one sees it), but it is the most important part. When the tree is chopped down, everyone forgets about it, until.. grows a new body from the same spirit
@monty3854 20 күн бұрын
I love listening to Sean. I don't always agree but he seems so sure.
@Jacob-Vivimord 20 күн бұрын
That's not a positive.
@monty3854 20 күн бұрын
@@Jacob-Vivimord Poorly worded on my part. I like the way he tries to find the simplest explanation, even if it doesn't make sense to us. I like the way he speaks confidently about his views but he's far from dogmatic.
@Jacob-Vivimord 20 күн бұрын
@@monty3854 I'm not so sure about that. He equated physicists who think consciousness may be more fundamental than quantum stuff with climate change deniers.
@monty3854 20 күн бұрын
@@Jacob-Vivimord Could you point me to where he said that? I must have missed it.
@Jacob-Vivimord 20 күн бұрын
@@monty3854 2:57
@rlews1531 19 күн бұрын
I think Sean makes a strong argument that it's not somehow special to "you." But does that negate the value and remarkableness of this weird emergent property? Even if it doesn't have an impact on the wave function, it's still a crazy amazing phenomena. I, for one, would love to be able to create consciousness in a non-biological structure.
@stephenparker7478 15 күн бұрын
Why do you want to create new conscious entities?
@stoneman2023 20 күн бұрын
Consciousness: important and useful, and Not fundamental (necessarily), (perhaps) emergent
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 20 күн бұрын
No its fundamental to survival especially humans or more complete structures. A need not want or requirement for real life survival you cant survive without it or it is what it is.
@sven888 19 күн бұрын
Wow. My head is spinning. A simpler explanation please.
@iphaze 16 күн бұрын
The transporter theory; If a person is beamed down from a starship to another location, the “copy” doesn’t have the first person consciousness of the original. The original consciousness “dies” along with the person who was originally transported. The copy is unique and different from the original, but fundamentally the same.
@lettersquash 11 күн бұрын
I assume you mean the original consciousness "dies" only when that person happens to die? Or do you mean "beaming someone" kills the original?
@kainajones9393 14 күн бұрын
Difference between the experience, and a description of the experience
@Spacewinterknight 18 күн бұрын
I think one must define “world” first. What is existence and what created the first laws of motion kind of questions
@yinYangMountain 2 күн бұрын
Sean seems to understand this quite well.
@dan.timonea596 18 күн бұрын
I liked Carroll's 2016 book The Big Picture. It thourougly and clearly contrxtualizes the poetic naturalist position on metaphysics, time, space, minds, and morality. The chapters on the origins of the universe, the arrow of time, quantum mech, evolution, and consciousness gave good insight into a physicalists use of the term emergence for explaining many of our philosophical troubles. For Carroll, consciousness emerges weakly out of a phase transition that results due to increasing entropy in the universe. In other words, conscious experiences are a product of the right kind of structural organizations that arise in proportion to the increase in universal complexity. His example for entropy is that of a cup of black coffee with cream. At t=0, the cream sits as an undisturbed layer on top of the coffee. As time passes, the cream begins to seep into the coffee, thus producing different patterns, until it seeps completely into the coffee, thus becoming one homogeneous solution. This is his analogy for entropy in the universe. How does that relate to consciousness? In the book, Carroll answers by laying the foundations of how organic molecules can be formed out of inorganic molecules. It has something to do with thermal vents producing the right kind of compartments for metabolism like reactions to take place(I can not remember the exact explanation, but go look it up in a bio textbook😅). The argument goes: As the entropy of the universe increases, the complexity increases. If the complexity reaches a certain point, then a phase transition occurs. Conclusion: As entropy increases, phase transitions occur. Next: Phase transitions give rise to different macroscopic descriptions of the same microscopic phenomena. Evolution is a series of phase transitions. Consciousness is related to the brain. Conclusion: consciousness is a phase transition, macro level description of evolved organic complexity. Please excuse my argumentation. I hope that made sense. My question to Carroll would be: Are we even talking about the same thing anymore? I understand talking about a box, or the moon, or water in terms of elementary particles or chemicals, and forces. I find that the same reasoning is difficult to apply to consciousness. To me, there is deep sense in which the materialist position just boils things down too much. Not in a reductionist way, but in a personal way. From a medical perspective, I deeply admire the transition from the biomedical model to the biopsychosocial model of medicine - or at least the attempt to transition - because it treats people like their subjective experience matters. Given this context, should we take the pragmatic memo and stop trying to ground everything in metaphysics, or should we keep trying? I have no idea. Finally, an omage -paraphrased- to Alex O'Connor in relation to truths that are very difficult to propositionalize; try to put a Dostoyevski novel into a syllogism. In my view, i just dont think it's possible.
@lettersquash 11 күн бұрын
That was useful. Carroll blew me away in this with how well he put the physicalist position (and how hard it is for someone who hasn't grokked it to make sense of it), so I'll put that book on my reading list. I think there's another simple explanation of why we keep going round in circles on consciousness, and it's just the privacy thing. We want an objective explanation (which means one we can generalize to "persons") but of something only one particular person can ever have (at least unless we invent some pretty impressive mind-melding technology and can tap into someone else's).
@WiiSpords 20 күн бұрын
I don’t think there is a threshold for consciousness, as exemplified by the current American condition.
@sven888 19 күн бұрын
Yes... we are aiming to excel.
@GeezerBoy65 12 күн бұрын
@@sven888 Making American great again! A bad joke and cannot happen. On the retrograde.
@aiya5777 15 күн бұрын
Robert firmly believes that he will always be the same unique Robert all the time meanwhile Sean, he firmly believes that his entire being at this one moment in time, is just one of many other thousand consciousness that emerged from the brain the morning he woke up and always died in the following night
@sven888 19 күн бұрын
Whoever is behind this must be very smart.
@EeekiE 18 күн бұрын
There is no single stream of unbroken universal metaphysical consciousness anyway. It gets shutdown whenever we sleep and aren’t in a REM state, or when we’re put under for an operation. If I fell asleep, and some duplication machine made a copy of me, swapped the “original” for the “copy” in bed, and then humanely destroyed the original. Then the copy would just wake up as I normally do without any knowledge of it ever happening, just as I do every day. Going on thinking of itself as “I” or “me”. For all I know it could already have happened, and “I” would feel or notice no different, and will think of myself as always being here.
@robin100012001 15 күн бұрын
But it would be a different subjective consciousness. That's Robert's point
@felicichris1369 14 күн бұрын
They actually both argued the same point from different perspectives tbh. Both seem to agree that fundamentally conscious experience is unique. Sean says it emerges Robert may be incline to argue that it has a role beyond emergence and is more vital in formulating reality.
@callmeishmael3031 13 күн бұрын
Consciousness is just what the nervous system does-all of it, including the automatic. What they’re arguing about is the self, which is an amorphous executive function created by the brain which responds to the map of the environment created by the nervous system using different languages and baggage stored in the brain. Make a copy and that copy simply has its own operating self in a separate space and time. You’ve got two boats in an ocean but twenty feet apart they are hitting different waves, etc.. They have become immediately different selves.
@impressivebat8096 19 күн бұрын
Why is it so important that consciousness is non physical? I still am conscious of pain if it (consciousness) is non physical. I guess the thought of non-physicality of consciousness is a form of magical thinking. Maybe the term informationprocessing is more accurate when talking about the brain.
@ExiledGypsy Күн бұрын
I think we need to change some of the language we use in QM that are not quite appropriate to what is going on or at least distinguish between different processes. One of those Terms is measurement. If you could make measurement without interfering with the system than that could indeed be called measurement but if the act of measurement involves purturbing the state then that is not just measurement. Then we can quantify how much puturbation a specifics state can tolerate before it is affect the state. This will involve some real quatification and then extrapolation. What happens when a wave turn Ms into a particle. Do they really exist concurrently or simultaneously, or oscilating between one and the other. The whole language needs to be reviewed. The language is not concise enough and leads to unnecessary misunderstanding. You often find philosophical inconsitancies that are risen linguistically. A lot physicists are blasai about the language they use. Natural language are notoriously fluid. Words change meanings from place to place, time to time and in translation. The people who have been most aware of that Included the German philosopher Heidigger and the French psychologist Lacan. Of course there was a time when linguistic was part of psychology. Maybe there was a reason for using Latin in science. If the exact meaning can not be translated then it shouldn't be or a whole new term needs to be used with a scientific dictionary kept rigourously Update‌. Public lectures are often Places where lazy terminology takes root and before you know it it has crept into the classrooms and the scientific papers.
@danielandrews7561 19 күн бұрын
A question I've been wrangling with: Does MYCELIA have its own consciousness??? Might it provide a sounding board for the evolution of biological life? Thank you for the inspirational education!!! ;-)
@michaelmckinney7240 17 күн бұрын
Of course it does. What it doesn't have is the capacity to experience consciousness.
@brunoklapper 19 күн бұрын
Does phisycs explain why matter believes in a purpose or questions it? That's what bloggles my mind.
@MarkPatmos 19 күн бұрын
A lot of things seem to have emerged on their own according to materialist understanding of our reality
@brunoklapper 19 күн бұрын
@@MarkPatmos indeed. Our philosophical approach of life seems so unmaterialistic, though.
@murphydupler4282 19 күн бұрын
Not sure much was discussed on emergence from this discussion. A pump emerges from a specific structure of heart cells. Does consciousness emerge from simple Darwinian sub-directives? Why exist at all unless emergence is more in control than chaos? My interest "emerges" w these discussions. Thx.
@davekochanski 20 күн бұрын
Curious, if you were to then interview the exact copy of Sean, would he remark that his POV remains intact and unbroken? In other words, would the exact copy of Sean just assume he was now sitting to the side of you, unbeknownst of the Sean sitting across from you? In this thought experiment, each Sean would then diverge as individuals but I would ask them, “which one of you is…you?”
@simonhibbs887 20 күн бұрын
They are each them.
@davekochanski 20 күн бұрын
@@simonhibbs887Gotcha! I’m probably overthinking it. Totally get they would be the same. Guess I’m wondering about the continuity of ‘self’ through the many copies of ourselves we traverse (past, present and potential future). We retain our identity somehow. So in the thought experiment, re: the POV of the copy of Sean now sitting next to the interviewer, would he remark “i remember I was sitting across from you and now I find myself sitting next to you”?
@simonhibbs887 20 күн бұрын
@@davekochanski Yep, petty much. Bear in mind we're not always conscious. It's an activity, something we sometimes do, and sometimes we don't do it. If we're moved when we fall asleep we wake up somewhere different. What links episodes of consciousness is memory.
@LouisHochmanTheJourno 20 күн бұрын
Per his way of thinking (and mine) both Seans would have equal claim to being Sean. His position is that Sean at 1:00 p.m. and Sean at 1:01 p.m. aren't really exactly the same individual in any absolute sense. Over that minute, lots of cells and neurons and whatnot have been shed or moved around or are in different configurations or have died off. And even the constituent parts of those cells and neurons may have changed some, with atoms and molecules being traded around. 1:00 Sean and 1:01 Sean are very similar, and 1:01 Sean has memories built upon those of 1:00 Sean. It's a useful abstraction to think of them as one identity with a continuity, with a persistence through time. But if you compare them carefully, you find they aren't exactly the same thing. If you create a perfect duplicate of Sean at 1:02, for a very brief moment, they're identical to either other. But neither of them are identical to Sean from 1:00 or 1:01. They both have the same right to consider themselves as continuity of Sean 1:00/1:01's identity -- the same right to employ that abstraction. It's no more or less true for one or the other. It's as useful for each to think of themselves as continuations of the OG Sean. Similarly (and he mentions this briefly), Sean believes in a many-worlds interpretation of quantum physics, which has reality branching off to all sorts of variations in every moment. and all the variations being equally true but cut off from one another (well, in a sense, that's an abstraction, too, but a very useful way to think about it). And in all those realities, there are Seans who share a common history from before any given branching, who all justifiably think of themselves as Sean --- and who all are, but none of whom are identical to the Seans that existed in any moment of their past.
@davekochanski 19 күн бұрын
@@LouisHochmanTheJourno A very thoughtful reply and I agree - I think at the moment mentioned in the interview, 't-zero', the copies would be identical but would immediately begin to diverge as separate individuals. As you stated, his position was that our bodies are essentially completely different moment-to-moment anyway...the hiccup with this thought experiment is that Sean in this case isn't replaced (or continues onward in a forked parallel universe) but continues to exist in the same universe in the seat across from himself. Each copy, I assume, would then see each other as a separate individual? Eventually, I'd imagine that'd be the case, but during the 1st minute I wonder if it'd be like experiencing a 3D sentient reflection of yourself...recognizing your 'you' identity as you would when looking into mirror, but seeing yourself stare back at you from behind someone else's eyes. Mind bending!
@skandagopal2287 19 күн бұрын
The fallacy of studying consciousness via the modalities of reductionist scientism was made immediately apparent to me when, post-LSD trip, I was asked by a reputable psychedelic scientist, "On a scale of 1-10, how ephemeral was your experience?". At that point, I realised it was pure folly to keep probing consciousness through the narrow lens of modern materialist dogmatism.
@camdenbarkley1893 18 күн бұрын
Kirk: “Beam me up Scotty!” [molecular copy, delete, Kirk dies, molecular paste on the Enterprise] Scotty: “Did it work?” Kirk: “Yep!”
@kristijanujevic8459 17 күн бұрын
I still don't know which camp I belong to, although I'm slightly leaning to metaphysical. That said, I think you missed an opportunity to argument Sean when he was talking about the "redness of red", it's not about the color as a physical interpretation in our brain, it's the fact that I and anyone else can like or dislike the color red. If i had to draw the line I'd say that that's where consciousness starts.
@rod6189 16 күн бұрын
Sean's mission in this world is to advance nihilism to the max. Just like Marx successfully did.
@Jay-kk3dv 10 күн бұрын
Believing in solipsism is one thing but believing you yourself don’t exist is something else entirely. Are you not experiencing yourself right now? Sean is saying you don’t, it’s just an illusion. But you would need an observer in the first place for the illusion to take place, it’s complete nonsense! It seems like psychopathy to me, the unwillingness to believe conscious being exist, it is not science , maybe he had a bad shrom trip lol
@ghaderpashayee8334 19 күн бұрын
Amazing argument! I would ask Sean "where is the mind located?" And then push this question so hard!
@degigi2003 19 күн бұрын
Look at your phone. Where is the software that runs on it located? Let's be even more specific - where is the KZfaq app you are using right now located?
@ghaderpashayee8334 19 күн бұрын
@@degigi2003 the software along with the memory of my phone is made of ones and zeros, all which attached to, and work by physical stuff. Similar to the conscious mind. but where is the unconscious mind and the human memory stored?! where does all that unconscious mental processing occur?
@degigi2003 19 күн бұрын
​@@ghaderpashayee8334I answered your original question. What are you trying to get at with this question?
@MarkPatmos 19 күн бұрын
@@degigi2003A phone is designed. Are you arguing human mind is designed?
@ghaderpashayee8334 19 күн бұрын
@@MarkPatmos at the bottom line, I think the whole space-time is an illusion-like world made by the mind, and everything material is a manifestation of the mind, and the mind is something beyond space and time.
@sven888 19 күн бұрын
Ekam Sat. ❣
@mattsigl1426 2 күн бұрын
The LONG digression into the persistence of personal identity in Parfit-like “upload” cases was tedious and really kind of a diversion from the central topic.
@felipek.165 20 күн бұрын
One of the epistemological limits of many physicists is the incommensurability of first-person experience, that is, of consciousness. However, an absolute description of reality needs to be able to account for first-person experience because, in fact, it exists, that is, it occupies a "space" within reality. What many physicists find difficult to accept, however, is that such "space" is not, in itself, physical. Maybe Kabbalah could help.
@deanodebo 20 күн бұрын
Ironically, these guys actually assume the physical, whatever that is
@degigi2003 20 күн бұрын
Of course consciousness is not physical. It's a coarse grained description of an emerging phenomenon, like a storm, or a stock market, or money. For example money is not physical, yet it is not something supernatural.
@deanodebo 20 күн бұрын
@@degigi2003 emergence is an arbitrary value judgment. It’s not reality.
@degigi2003 20 күн бұрын
​@@deanodebowhat do you mean that emergence is not reality, and what follows from that?
@deanodebo 19 күн бұрын
@@degigi2003 it’s a concept loaded with assumptions in order to avoid admitting that a phenomenon is beyond the scope of science Usually there’s some ambiguous idea of “complexity” So at some undefined threshold is surpassed, oh well now this magic thing happens and this phenomenon emerges from that complexity That sort of thing.
@woofie8647 20 күн бұрын
Carroll is great at explaining everything with pure materialism without actually explaining how it works. (He does the same in cosmology in pushing multiple universes, a theory that most physicists believe is non-provable.) No one has a clue how the color red is experienced, yet here he basically says it's "materialism" as he sails right by it. He takes the easy way out so does not have to do the hard work to prove his beliefs.
@eximusic 20 күн бұрын
Limitations of language that don't allow us to describe experiences from other senses accurately or without metaphor doesn't mean we don't know the experience of seeing red. Our optic nerve is a pathway to information being communicated just as language is (for humans). And we use them both, not independently (if we are normal sighted and non-mute people). The philosophical (not scientific) example of the experience of seeing red not being communicable says something about limitations of language and nothing else.
@woofie8647 20 күн бұрын
​@@eximusic What we want to do is explain how we experience the color red, but what we are lacking is not the language to do this but the actual concept of how this process works. Without the concept, language, which is only descriptive, cannot help. The fact remains that the "actual experience of redness" is currently beyond our ability to conceptualize. The word "Redness" is no more than vibrations in the air or, in this case, strange squiggles on a computer monitor that we call "letters". The actual experience of redness is beyond all words and language. Without a conceptual framework language is useless.
@joedoe3688 20 күн бұрын
just because you don't know, doesn't make it "magical", there is no God of the gaps.
@simesaid 20 күн бұрын
Carroll does this with his belief that he has free will, too. He believes in the laws of physics, he believes in special relativity, he believes in determinism, and he believes that his conscious experience of the world is generated purely by his brain, and yet he also clearly believes that his thoughts are in some magical way not subject to these things. Carroll believes in the laws of physics, he just doesn't believe that they apply to _him._
@woofie8647 20 күн бұрын
@@joedoe3688 We’re not talking “God” or “Magic”. There are many things about the world we do not understand. I have always loved the quote “The world is not only stranger than we imagine, it’s stranger than we CAN imagine”. It allows for the fact that we are perhaps not as intelligent as we believe, and that there is much more to learn than we think.
@amihartz 16 күн бұрын
If the consciousness of a person is "a person looking at a screen," then what is the consciousness of the person looking at the screen? You could say their consciousness is "a person looking at a screen," but then what is that person's consciousness? It is an infinite regress.
@francesco5581 20 күн бұрын
that was good 20 years ago at the apex of new materialism ... Now is an obsolete conversation.
@paulrussell1207 20 күн бұрын
Oh the hard problem of consciousness was solved, I missed that!
@francesco5581 20 күн бұрын
@@paulrussell1207 exactly, pretending to explain consciousness as "neurons firing" today is, at least, pretentious. 20 years ago was mainstream.
@rckflmg94 20 күн бұрын
@@francesco5581 It still holds true. Only the details have not been worked out.
@francesco5581 20 күн бұрын
@@rckflmg94 no, there is not ONE model about the production of consciousness from neurons. We dont even know where to start.
@rckflmg94 20 күн бұрын
@@francesco5581 who is "we"? Neuroscientists all over the world are researching it as we type.
@mikibellomillo 20 күн бұрын
my favorite analogy for consciousness is when the fishes know they're swimming in the water, so a question like, "How's the water?" won't be answered, "What are you talking about? What a weird question!" but will simply lead to a discussion about the water they lived in.. recently, i keep feeling amazed with ancient scripture and every writer of any bible in any religion.. in their era, math wasn't as advanced as math now, the structural thinking is far from complicated equation, but they already had an idea that everything is connected .. as we already know about the conception of the Alpha n Omega; or all in one, one in all.. i also get so fascinated to know that the bible can be so rich in perspective and there's so many perspectives to read it.. for example, an understanding about sins and angelic things. in this modern world rational thinking is like "God" for thinking field; as genius is usually connected to logical ability to build constructive thinking from experiments or being an atheis is so common.. but there's a moment when rational thinking will reach a point of limit; when we meet a point where we need to admit that there's so many unexplainable mystery or too many unwanted situations that hard to accept rationally, as the Lucifer was beaten by the lower rank angel and fell to hell, our logical thinking might fall into desperation if we keep being greedy n arrogant of beating "God".. that's why humble ourselves down and accept the greatness of the Creator might be so useful for our own psychological need, so then we can easily accept the reality of our limit.. i find it so interesting and so cool! 😂
@perrymorrison8734 13 күн бұрын
I love watching materialists explain consciousness. I wonder what molecule of water is experiencing its wetness on my tongue the most and which electron in which atom of 1 nanomole of serotonin in one of my synapses is laughing loudest?
@ashmeadali 13 күн бұрын
Experiment to safely easily explore personal consciousness: Sing *HU* daily. Search how to sing *HU*, as a personal frequency tuning fork? "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."- Nikola Tesla. Have your own experiences and go beyond intellectual speculation. Keep It Simple Soul.
@agecoochek-bo2qr 13 күн бұрын
What about the third person consciousness that witnesses it. I have a broom I replace the handle but someone gets it out the bin. Then I replace the head and someone puts it on the handle. He has my broom what do I have. This is the same as multiplication.
@mikewiest5135 20 күн бұрын
He’s reasonable regarding the philosophical identical copy questions. But the eliminativism regarding consciousness is incoherent.
@obiwanduglobi6359 19 күн бұрын
Why should it be incoherent? What's your argument?
@mikewiest5135 19 күн бұрын
@@obiwanduglobi6359 It’s denying the problem as the way to pretend to solve it. Saying the earth is flat is silly-this is like saying the earth doesn’t have a shape at all. It’s denying our very existence, which is nonsensical. IMO!
@adamsawyer1763 19 күн бұрын
Because if consciousness is weakly emergent then it has no causal power independent of the laws of physics as we currently understand them (deterministic and probabilistic). I.e. no free-will. This would mean that we're not actually rational beings able to construct logical arguments and create mental models then go out and freely choose experiments to test them. That means we have no reason to trust any of the scientific models we've created/discovered, because we didn't create/discover them: they're just the direct result of unthinking, unconscious, irrational deterministic/probabilistic fundamental forces. They might be right, they might be wrong but we have no way to test them to decide because "we" are not free to intervene in the universe to do so. But, if that's the case, then we just lost any reason to question the "reality" of conscious free will. We're back to square one and can build up our knowledge again, until we end up back where we are in Sean's metaphysics as described above. I.e. Sean's metaphysics creates a paradox. The paradox means his metaphysics is wrong. Its akin to the maths of GR blowing up into infinities indicating that something is wrong with the model. If Sean were better at philosophy (or, more likely if he were honest about his real opinions) he would admit that his metaphysics must be incorrect. But Sean can't do that. Sean has research programs to bid for funding for and books to sell and the intellectual structure behind both endeavours requires this metaphysics to remain internally consistent and convincing enough to persuade customers. It's a sad thing to watch very intelligent and capable people (much more so than I) waste their gifts on nonsense like this because they can't admit that they just can't imagine any satisfying alternatives. It's even sadder to see such intellectuals cynically try to persuade colleagues and the public of such ideas simply to keep their careers and social status intact. But unfortunately that's the world we live in. Perverse incentives drive perverse activities. What goes around comes around.
@radscorpion8 17 күн бұрын
@@mikewiest5135 There is no "eliminativism" Carol is simply pointing out that consciousness comes from matter, that its more than the sum of the parts of neurons in the brain. How that eliminates consciousness I have no clue. No one is arguing that
@mikewiest5135 17 күн бұрын
@@radscorpion8 Hm. That's how it seemed to me...maybe I'll rewatch...
@davemenuey3800 20 күн бұрын
2:12 Show me one single example of a conscious experience you can map out in a very direct way in physical terms. Hard to take the conversation seriously after this point.
@simonhibbs887 20 күн бұрын
That's just an argument from complexity. It's too complex to figure out therefore magic. No, it's just complex, sophisticated and currently beyond our ability to physically model. The brain is still a physical system though.
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 20 күн бұрын
@@simonhibbs887 You have to understand what the brains primary function is and extrapolate from this premise. Which is a structure or evolution of structure or brain material exhibiting an ability to survive in environment by being in time or aware or conscious. All extensions, structures or physical phenomena is connected to survival of material structure within any given composition or structure. What consciousness defines is 'Behaviour' of that structure not in spirit or souls but as a conscious aware agent whose structure is built entirely for survival of self. Any later acquisition, attribute manifesting from bio life is survival in nature, character, or disposition from hearts, lungs, eyes, teeth brains, or human hair which are constituted of smaller bits or pieces which form or create larger copies of self over time. Conscious awareness of environment is no different except that it expresses survival from within the structure to couple it with environment. You need environment, behaviour and survival or without being conscious or aware you will not survive or exist or be able to function or participate in the survival process. This is why conscious awareness is millions of years old and was around before humans existed even before dinosouls roamed the earth which were also conscious along with other water creatures that existed before man existed. This is why heaven existed before man, or the after life because it is eternal so that means the dinosouls and biosouls will be waiting for you in heaven based obviously on the 'Behaviour' of these entities. They were good souls.
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 20 күн бұрын
@@simonhibbs887 Its actually very easy to extrapolate what consciousness is because you cannot survive without it. Think of souls, spirits and asteroids and dinosouls or eternal heaven before man existed.
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 20 күн бұрын
The process of survival or survival of structure. If you are not conscious you wont survive.
@degigi2003 20 күн бұрын
If I activate just the right neurons in your brain, you will experience redness.
@mattkeyes8385 19 күн бұрын
I think a good opportunity was missed here to discuss "the observer". Consciousness is just a physical process until you factor in awareness. Worrying about copying a consciousness process onto a hard drive or the like is a bit arbitrary
@Khashayarissi-ob4yj 9 күн бұрын
With luck and more power to you.
@DeusExAstra 20 күн бұрын
I've never seen someone's brain melt in real time as they learn about the concept of making a copy of a thing. Hilarious.
@milannesic5718 19 күн бұрын
It is a physical copy. What about qualia? He says that would be completely different person, and avoids talking about what gives him his own qualia. If it is a purely physical thing, then exact copy should reproduce his own consciousness, no? That should also be him, but he denies it. You can't compare making a copy of a cup. This is your own consciousness we are talking about here
@edwardprokopchuk3264 19 күн бұрын
@@milannesic5718 the difference between a cup and consciousness is that a cup is in a fixed state while consciousness is ever changing. The copy would be different in the same way as your own consciousness is different today than it was yesterday (or even a moment ago). That is why a copy will not remain the same as the original.
@milannesic5718 19 күн бұрын
@@edwardprokopchuk3264 There is a big difference there. I can still feel and experience. I am still alive, even if I am completely different person. While if you copy me, I would not be alive in that other body. That will be someone else. This time for real someone else. Now you can remove original ME, and I don't exist anymore. It is contradicting
@abhishekshah11 19 күн бұрын
​@@milannesic5718 physical copies are impossible due to the no cloning theorem. Qualia cannot be perfectly cloned thus
@edwardprokopchuk3264 19 күн бұрын
@@milannesic5718 I believe that was the point that was made. The copy (that was YOU) will go on becoming someone else by gaining different experiences than “you”. But you will also be becoming someone else than you are now. “You” tomorrow will be a different “you” from today, therefore it is not really “you” (from today) anymore in the same way as the copy that really was you at the moment, but is not you anymore. Whatever it was that was you at that particular moment would be another you at that moment and experience the exact you (however you define yourself).
@kevincfoss 19 күн бұрын
I stopped watching these videos because the host doesn’t seem to make any progress, he just likes talking about the few big questions that he likes the best (which isn’t to say he doesn’t have some good points, it’s just repetitive). Big fan of Dr Carroll. Today our host seems hung up on the definitional claim that in so far as you can define two things as separate, they are not the same thing.
@woofie8647 19 күн бұрын
I agree to an extent. My issue is that a number of the interviewees are not good at explaining their thoughts on the subject at hand, or talk around it without enlightening us in any way.
@sven888 19 күн бұрын
He is just trying to make money of his videos like everybody else on youpupe
@sven888 19 күн бұрын
@@woofie8647 Maybe on purpose. They could simple say these three words. God. One. Love.
@Magic32- 19 күн бұрын
@@woofie8647 Or that they are just wrong.
@scottscottlewis11 15 күн бұрын
I felt Sean was definitely on the edge here with his patience 😅
@aiya5777 15 күн бұрын
both are on edge, one wants consciousness to be fundamental, the other wants consciousness to be just an emergent property
@Jay-kk3dv 10 күн бұрын
@@aiya5777fluid dynamics and evolution is emergent property. Consciousness is totally different than complex system emergent property, thus it can not just be dismissed as “emergent property” as Robert was trying to explain. Example, the mechanisms behind evolution are known because they are physical and come from understanding of physics, chemistry, biology, and logic math (biology is emergent itself from combination of physics and chemistry) you could say chemistry is also emergent from quantum physics, this is not the case for consciousness, we have no idea where it originates from. The phenomenon of consciousness is unlike any other emergent phenomenon, whose mechanisms of action and how they arise can be deduced, consciousness can not be
@aiya5777 10 күн бұрын
@@Jay-kk3dv conciousness is "mysterious," therefore fundamental sounds legit
@jonstewart464 20 күн бұрын
It infuriates me when Sean says "the zombie *thinks* it's conscious".
@otakurocklee 20 күн бұрын
He doesn't understand the hard problem. The point is that under the view that 3rd person physics controls everything, we should all be zombies. Zombies are perfectly conceivable. It's the non-zombies that are the mystery.
@degigi2003 20 күн бұрын
His point is that zombies are just as convinced that they are not zombies, as the non-zombies. So what's the difference?
@socraplatotleus 20 күн бұрын
@@degigi2003the difference is that you damn well know you are not a zombie.
@degigi2003 20 күн бұрын
​@@socraplatotleusSo does the zombie.
@Jacob-Vivimord 20 күн бұрын
@@degigi2003 The zombie is not convinced of anything, because for the zombie, there is nothing that it is like TO BE convinced. That's what makes it a zombie!
@attilaszekeres7435 19 күн бұрын
I am not going to accuse Carroll of incoherence for equating the continuity of consciousness over time with the continuity of identity between spatially separated clones because I think he was pressured into this position without fully thinking it through. He was pushing back against Kuhn's framework and ended up saying things he didn't entirely mean. He could have done better, given enough time. Instead, I accuse him of being intellectually dishonest, by pretending the intuition that consciousness has a certain irreducibility to every other known thing, process, or property is not the natural default position. He framed it as Kuhn's metaphysically magical view, when in fact, it IS the default view of basically all humans (including Carroll himself when not philosophizing), and the only people who claim otherwise are a few radical, out of touch physicalists who earn respect by having the audacity to claim the most ridiculous things.
@degigi2003 19 күн бұрын
Dishonesty is perhaps too strong of an accusation. At most you can accuse him of laziness. Instead of hand waving the default position as magic, he could have brought more evidence for his own position, e.g. from neuroscience, split brain research, or computer science.
@adamsawyer1763 19 күн бұрын
I'll accuse Sean of dishonesty. I think it's a deliberate schtick and he doesn't believe a word of it. That or he's a philosophical zombie 😂
@Misitheus 18 күн бұрын
It just hit me....close your eyes....he sounds like Hawkeye from MASH...but sober....Peace!
@antbrown9066 3 күн бұрын
Upload. Does that include memory?
@tudorpodea5027 9 күн бұрын
Almost got lost before the end there, but it makes sense if there is no you.
@SandipChitale 20 күн бұрын
The derogatory use of the word radical in front of physicalist shows Robert's prejudice. I am very happy to see Sean own it. Let us hear Robert use the word radical in front of pan-psychist or theologian.
@S3RAVA3LM 20 күн бұрын
Good day. Robert is trying to make the show more fun I think, bringing a little bit of contention between the differing parties, as he himself is more of a materialist. Calling out the religious side as radical might not be taken so easily by those believers.
@SandipChitale 20 күн бұрын
@S3RAVA3LM Exactly. Why are the feelings of believers more important than truth seeking. Especially by definitions believers believe because of faith which by definition means without evidence. And this is on a channel named CTT. In any case, Sean held up well, and as such it is not a worry for science as by definition it will revise its theories if sound counter arguments or data are presented so I guess bring it on.
@HiroProtago 20 күн бұрын
Agreed! Thought that was weird. So by ‘Radical Physicalist’, you mean physicalist.
@stellarwind1946 19 күн бұрын
I don’t think he was using the word radical in a derogatory manner.
@SandipChitale 19 күн бұрын
@stellarwind1946 It is possible, but why did the other poster reply saying the believers will not like it. He took it the same way. In any case, let us see Robert use radical for a theologian next time. It is just a benign word, right? And they call Richard Dawkins, a mild-mannered scientist, a shrill. Some will take my comment as lacking sense of humor and drama, and this is a free world as Sean quipped in one of the videos, but we shall see the sense of humor of believers, when their believers are simply questioned. I made the above comment because Robert has used similar aggressive language in another CTT clip, like calling Sean''s comment glib, when Sean was simply stating his position. In almost all videos Sean says one way or the other that as a scientists he is never sure of any theory 100% - that is humility of science and many scientists. The confidence of scientists in their language (which is well justified IMO because technology - which is applied science - runs our modern societies) is taken as arrogance by the opponents. Science as a good track record.
@jamescivet9767 16 күн бұрын
This actually made me laugh. He really didn’t like Sean Carroll’s answer on consciousness, but apparently in the physics world it’s not acceptable to say “yo momma” in response.
@ismann9148 19 күн бұрын
Sean saying a separate consciousness by copying his neurons is just like the branching of a wavefunction was completely wrong. I'm surprised he said that because he knows the many-worlds theory is not actually physical at all.
@devonbridges2522 18 күн бұрын
Think of it like a save point in a game.
@snappycattimesten 20 күн бұрын
Robert fired up. Sean expressed a view and articulated. Not sure why Robert was so personally (ha) invested in the challenge.
@milannesic5718 18 күн бұрын
Because all views should be hard challenged. It is all speculation. You can't just agree. You need to shake everything
@saeiddavatolhagh9627 20 күн бұрын
The question of two identical beings or persons may well be similar to two identical particles such as two electrons. Although the two particles are identical for all practical purposes but they do not necessarily have the same experience because their environments are not quite the same. The same is probably true for two identical persons. If they are not exactly in the same environment then they cannot possibly have the same conscious experiences.
@simonhibbs887 20 күн бұрын
Yes, i think that's right. As Sean said in he interview, they could each go on their own separate ways.
@degigi2003 20 күн бұрын
Yes, except at the moment they split. At that moment, both (copy and original) feel exactly the same. They won't even know which one is the original and which one is the copy.
@alexandreleblanc9582 19 күн бұрын
​@@degigi2003 That has to be false, all particles that compose me are fermions and by definition no other identical set of particles can be in the same state, we would never truly be the same. I don't understand why that one moment, where at some higher level we are the same, is of any importance...
@degigi2003 19 күн бұрын
​@@alexandreleblanc9582 I did not say they are the same, I said they would feel exactly the same. I don't know if this is important or not, I think it makes the experiment more interesting.
@alexandreleblanc9582 18 күн бұрын
@@degigi2003 right, im just not quite sure I understand why feeling is important.
@colt5189 20 күн бұрын
Technically, we're all clones. They say every 7 years, you get an entirely new body. So, a simple way to look at it, is you're a clone from the you of 7 years ago. That you of 7 years ago is dead, and a clone is their place with the same memories and genetic code, but a different you. It's no different than if you're dying, and your brain is "uploaded" into a cloned brain in a jar. Well you die, but you'll still think you're alive as a brain in a jar. As if you fell asleep and woke up as a brain in a jar. You're slowly being cloned, and so every 7 years, you've died while a new clone has materialized. Though maybe someone can tell me, does your brain neurons also get replaced over time, or do they remain unchanged? As I know there are some cells in your body that I believe never get replaced. Like I believe you hair cells in your inner ear never get replaced, which is why when they die, they never come back.
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 20 күн бұрын
I tend to agree with this.
@stephenm9999 19 күн бұрын
Sean is a multiverse guy!! This is how he sees the world. Very logical from that perspective. The surprised host does not understand this concept.
@ekkemoo 18 күн бұрын
Imagine you work at a cafeteria and every casual chat between your customers is like this one. Please, AI cafeteria atmosphere around them!
@jamesruscheinski8602 20 күн бұрын
same human consciousness having different experiences indicates a flexible yet still persistent consciousness?
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 20 күн бұрын
Correct it is not one conscious but life's ability to survive which produces it. Actual all extensions of BioLife past, present and future are representations of survival in changed formation or structure. The confusion is definition of what you describe or its main goal or objective. You as an individual cannot survive without being conscious or aware.
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 20 күн бұрын
Different behaviour based on the ability to make choices or decisions in regard to survival historically, present and future. Humans look at it from an ignorant time scale or are self absorbed in regard to the age of consciousness its function wat it is used for and for what reason which is what counts. The rest is mere definition or description of something which survival itself can not be broken into pieces or bits. Dinosouls.
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 20 күн бұрын
Survival has no other purpose or it has no other need or want. When you speak of consciousness it will always refer to the ability to stay alive in environment it doesn't correlate with anything else or it can not be defined in another way. Most actual language is survival based language because its through consciousness which language operates or is used, it represents itself intuitively.
@nowhereman8374 14 күн бұрын
Interesting discussion. Lawrence might want to follow up with a discussion with Antonio Damasio. Perhaps we have put to much emphasis on higher order brain functions which can lead to grandiose delusions. Maybe consciousness is just an evolutionary strategy to survive, and perhaps it evolved much earlier than what most people think. Damasio believes that the most rudimentary form of consciousness occurs in very old brain structures (in and around the brain stem) which implies many creatures have sense of self being different others. I am I, and you are you.
@ivanbeshkov1718 18 күн бұрын
Each of us could have had an identical twin born instead of us. In that case, none of us would have existed, even if eight billion people had looked and acted exactly as we did. So, why did we have to be the existing twin, endowed with consciousness.
@joba1560 15 күн бұрын
Hey Sean, wouldn’t it be cool to have many clones of you like this? Your dream of talking to people on the street about the latest physics breakthrough would come true! Well, until you notice they believe in pilot waves 🤔😬🤪
@user-pz7pv7xv1n 20 күн бұрын
i LOVE this channel, i LOVE Dr Khun, i LOVE Carrol, but i don't understand how and why a(n awesome) physics scientist should know about consciousness.....I'm agnostic like Khun, I'm simply saying that only brain scientists should talk about consciousness and brain scientists should not speak about cosmos
@mikel4879 20 күн бұрын
userp1n • You don't need a diploma to talk and express opinions about anything you desire.
@user-pz7pv7xv1n 20 күн бұрын
@@mikel4879 honest, i agree
@sherrybreslau1497 19 күн бұрын
Hmmm, as a psychologist, and as a conscious being, I think the idea of an internal consistent sense of oneself is completely compatible with saying that you are not the same you tomorrow morning as you are today. I'm glad Robert kept pushing him into that corner. This guy's sense of "I" or "you" is neither psychologically satisfying nor logical.
@rckflmg94 19 күн бұрын
"not the same person" is a ridiculous stretch. Our personalities and proclivities are fairly stable over the decades.
@sherrybreslau1497 19 күн бұрын
@@rckflmg94 right
@MarkPatmos 20 күн бұрын
Probably need to define what a zombie is, if you are going to use it as an analogy
@mohamedelnachef2873 18 күн бұрын
I have a problem with equating the brain cells with the person’s consciousness. My analogy is the whole library of the congress (representing consciousness) and the 26 letters alphabet (representing the brain cells) Saying that the whole library of the is nothing but 26 letters repeated a lot of times is unacceptable. The same applies to saying that 200 billion brain cells represent the consciousness. I am just a medical doctor with no background of physics
@simonhibbs887 17 күн бұрын
In this view consciousness isn't just the brain cells, it's what the brain cells are doing. It's not the substance, it's an activity of the substance.
@mikewilliams7766 20 күн бұрын
I disagree with Sean's take on the uploaded copy of his neurons. If you think of the neurons as the data on a computer, and you copy that to something else, all you would have is a record of your experiences, but there's something missing. It's missing the production of thoughts, feelings, hopes and forward thinking. Those things may be what gives you consciousness and a soul.
@degigi2003 20 күн бұрын
Obviously, once you "upload" the neurons to a computer, you will also have to give them input (sight, touch, smell, etc) and some output (a body to control), and let them do their thing by running the simulation.
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 20 күн бұрын
No soul or spirit chief that's survival only and my territory. The disposition is survival of self or structure and is automatically attached to life and probable other entities smaller objects. Otherwise your going to have tom postulate souls or spirits to all complex biological life historically, present and future including first consciousness creatures and make room for them in the after life based on behaviour. It is not man oriented but all biolife which must be considered. This means that because the after life is eternal and humans are later editions to evolution we would also be later editions to the after life but you would still need to rely on old lingo of souls and spirits which Im afraid Ive already owned.
@MasterofOne-zl6ur 20 күн бұрын
Survival is missing from consciousness that's why you go missing once you don't have it.
@jmanj3917 18 күн бұрын
0:12 Alright!! My Second and Third favorite JHU 😎
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