【星級人物】跟印度巨星談哲學 Chip Tsao meet Aamir Khan

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Cup 媒體 Cup Media

Cup 媒體 Cup Media

6 жыл бұрын

Aamir Khan, an acclaimed actor, a national treasure of India, shared his passion and vision of the cinema with Chip Tsao. They conversed about some controversial topics raised in Khan's recent works such as Dangal and Secret Superstar. How did he transform himself from an actor into India's Conscience?
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Пікірлер: 58
@jayramdahal3799 5 жыл бұрын
i from Nepal. i really love amir khan.. he is real hero...
@elfleggolegends4799 5 жыл бұрын
The host is not even interested in Amir's answer or his perspective. Why even take an interview if he want to hear only waht he likes to listen.
@pravingholve3471 6 жыл бұрын
Watch amir khans film 'Tare jameen per'
@David-mc4sk 6 жыл бұрын
@mojibrahman8757 6 жыл бұрын
lv u aamir
@cknewdata 4 жыл бұрын
He is one great artist of human !
@arnabnath4452 6 жыл бұрын
@rememberwhoiam 5 жыл бұрын
這段影片只要剪阿米爾汗的說話就好 訪問人只要問對問題,引誘被訪人說出自己的想法就好。挑的問題非常切合,但不斷用手勢、言語干擾被訪人思維,實在不是很適當。 不要說被訪談人很尷尬,連在觀看的觀眾也一直被干擾,是一個連及格都沒有的訪談。
@shum265 6 жыл бұрын
唔少人睇完覺得陶傑show off, 而唔係訪問。睇過陶傑之前主持訪問, 佢一直都係keep 住呢個"style" 做訪問。
@SeanGeeE 6 жыл бұрын
因为佢一直都show off
@leeelle9057 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Wayne To, I don't think it's only to happening to HK people (when they think they're good in speaking English ) , I think it's about the interviewers interviews someone he/she like a lot and given respected to the interviewees , Interviewers will naturally speak a lot or trying to asks a lot of questions in interests to know more about the interviewees ( specially when interviewers were not English tongue and they can speak well English , Its not only happens to HK people , Please Don't specify HK people .
@leeelle9057 6 жыл бұрын
唔....感覺主持太show off 自己英語能力有多強, 有時Aamir Khan回答主持提問其間主持也會插嘴令到Aamir無法順暢完成他的說話, 而主持的坐姿好像是表現他是整個訪問的主角, 而 Aamir 只是配角, 其實一個訪問主持與受訪者的身份應表現出是同樣重要的, 沒有主角與配角之分.
@zhangmaverick 6 жыл бұрын
陶傑奢談哲學,明顯地,他只知卜筮星相,實際上連哲學的本義也不懂。陶傑公今天大講哲學,可是欲言又止。他希望可以引經據典,所以採用印度的電影作為引言,陶傑公公對哲學的歷史和現在,有甚麼認識呢?答案暫且存疑;但是陶傑公公的酒保調情式爛英語,就獻醜於人前。他連passion 也讀不清。公公又說,tragic side用以描述㓺中母親角式的性格。翻譯成""悲慘的一面。陶傑公公應該用tragical side, 這樣,就可以貼切地翻譯成"悲劇的一面 "。陶傑公公又把㓺情中所表達的,由於印度人由於種姓制度和男尊女卑所產生的衝突,矛盾和生活中的雞毛小事,弄成社會運動,更放大成宗教哲學的討論,也可能是剛巧上厠所,引出平行宇宙,從尿聲叮咚所產生出來。讓我們看看陶傑公公用充滿歧視女性的態度,去迎合男尊女卑。他想引經據典,採用低俗的酒保扭曲式英語" just even Jesus iChrist is a man, what do you want?"。在基督教的經義,Jesus has two natures - He is God and man.這裏的"MAN"是人類而不是單指男性。陶傑公公又賣弄地引用bean-counting females 連用Radical,根本狗屁不通,不知從何說起,簡直是不知所謂。If you call someone a bean counter, you mean that they are only interested in how much money a business makes and spends. Note: In the following expressions, `bean' means money. 在此,贈與陶傑公公一首新江城子 陶傑生死兩茫茫,不思量,大膀胱,今日寡人,無處話淒涼,縱使相逢詐不識,放屁響,心慌慌,老來多尿不還鄉,厠所窗,無天裝。大話連連,唯有瀬千行。尿得年年大便處,明月夜,爛尿缸。
@arnabnath4452 6 жыл бұрын
Please convert these languages in English.
@vnong667 5 жыл бұрын
Maverick- Zhang fuck fool!!
@angelsinsin20 6 жыл бұрын
陶傑的問題咁尖銳,嚇親Aamir, hahaha! 看陶傑應該都係佢Fans
@CL-we8db 6 жыл бұрын
主持人自己講晒預備的問題就算。冇用心去同 Aamir 溝通,冇比機會 Aamir 講,冇比機會我地聽。 0’28” It’s an overwhelming tsunami of passion …… 嗱…… Where did ……
@rishikantalamding7283 3 жыл бұрын
Host is too 👍Smart 🥰, he seems bore with Amir reply
@mazda0 6 жыл бұрын
陶師的肢體語言顯得過於aggresive, 左手時時幾乎觸及對方;而受訪者則表現有容。就這一點來說,陶師不如人。另外,如此直白地詢問對方的宗教取向(穆斯林尤甚),似乎也不太符合時宜。
@zhangmaverick 6 жыл бұрын
Maverick- Zhang 23 hours ago (edited) 陶傑奢談哲學,明顯地,他只知卜筮星相,實際上連哲學的本義也不懂。陶傑公今天大講哲學,可是欲言又止。他希望可以引經據典,所以採用印度的電影作為引言,陶傑公公對哲學的歷史和現在,有甚麼認識呢?答案暫且存疑;但是陶傑公公的酒保調情式爛英語,就獻醜於人前。他連passion 也讀不清。公公又說,tragic side用以描述㓺中母親角式的性格。翻譯成""悲慘的一面。陶傑公公應該用tragical side, 這樣,就可以貼切地翻譯成"悲劇的一面 "。陶傑公公又把㓺情中所表達的,由於印度人由於種姓制度和男尊女卑所產生的衝突,矛盾和生活中的雞毛小事,弄成社會運動,更放大成宗教哲學的討論,也可能是剛巧上厠所,引出平行宇宙,從尿聲叮咚所產生出來。讓我們看看陶傑公公用充滿歧視女性的態度,去迎合男尊女卑。他想引經據典,採用低俗的酒保扭曲式英語" just even Jesus, Christ is a man, what do you want?"。在基督教的經義,Jesus has two natures - He is God and man.這裏的"MAN"是人類而不是單指男性。陶傑公公又賣弄地引用bean-counting females 連用Radical,根本狗屁不通,不知從何說起,簡直是不知所謂。If you call someone a bean counter, you mean that they are only interested in how much money a business makes and spends. Note: In the following expressions, `bean' means money. 在此,贈與陶傑公公一首新江城子 陶傑生死兩茫茫,不思量,大膀胱,今日寡人,無處話淒涼,縱使相逢詐不識,放屁響,心慌慌,老來多尿不還鄉,厠所窗,無天裝。大話連連,唯有瀬千行。尿得年年大便處,明月夜,爛尿缸。
@prakb4u 5 жыл бұрын
Host is very rude. He doesn't got manners to talk to a guest. Amir Khan been very humble and behaved like a gentleman.
@ravicraoify 5 жыл бұрын
I really enjoyed this restless clown talking like a robot and sitting next to Aamir Khan. Most of the times he was looking elsewhere instead of his guest. Funny guy!!!
@VivekSingh-lh1cc 5 жыл бұрын
@TheTczar 5 жыл бұрын
Ask Aamir to bring cruel customs and face of Islam in front of the world, I'm sure all your respect n love will vanish for him.
@zhao62000 5 жыл бұрын
personally fell tat this host kinda rude~
@fanglansyu4469 5 жыл бұрын
@user-qn4ji8cw7j 4 жыл бұрын
@lt3641 3 жыл бұрын
This is the most horrible host I have ever seen.
@sernerscl3281 6 жыл бұрын
@kwokchunlai1738 6 жыл бұрын
Serner Scl o
@seewaito 6 жыл бұрын
No one would judge our English, Mr. TaoJie. The way you interviewed the guest was to show off the capability of your English level rather than to probe the insight the film. This is the typical HK people problem. Under British colony ruled, people of HK still think they have better English under the China's rule. Be yourself, man!
@seewaito 6 жыл бұрын
Please watch out your language. It is free to express how people feel toward the video. It is free of speech. I don't know why you get mad at me. I have no offense to you unless you have something to do with this video. In addition, I am not from China. I am sorry. Your judgment is wrong. I am be yourself always. That's why I have expressed what I feel. There is no personal emotion involved. Please be reasonable. Thanks!
@seewaito 6 жыл бұрын
I also know why you think I am from China. You have checked my youtube background. There are many people from other countries living in China. Haha! Pathe........!!!
@seewaito 6 жыл бұрын
BTW, Mr Gary Wong! If you don't retrieve your email, I will ask my attorney to deal with my conversation with you that has seriously offended my fame. I have no offense to anyone here. It is free of speech. I urge you to retrieve your previous chat. Otherwise, I will ask my attorney to deal with this matter and my attorney is in HK as well!
@seewaito 6 жыл бұрын
Mr Gary, If I don't hear anything from you shortly, I will take action to contact my attorney!
@seewaito 6 жыл бұрын
Haha...it is getting hilarious. How do you know the way I spend the money. you don't know about me at all? You can tell everything just from my writing. Are you the fortune teller or what? What I see is you keep saying dirty words. I don't think it is the cause of HK education. Most of HK ppl are very nice and decent. Unlike you, you are...well....unique HK people. Doesn't mean all HK ppl are like you. I think you were born in China. You actually curse yourself as a dog. In addition, you are ruled by Dogs China. hahaha!
@rakeshmandal948 5 жыл бұрын
Ridiculous comparison of MAHATAMA GANDHI with Aamir Khan,
@zhangmaverick 6 жыл бұрын
陶傑奢談哲學,明顯地,他只知卜筮星相,實際上連哲學的本義也不懂。陶傑公今天大講哲學,可是欲言又止。他希望可以引經據典,所以採用印度的電影作為引言,陶傑公公對哲學的歷史和現在,有甚麼認識呢?答案暫且存疑;但是陶傑公公的酒保調情式爛英語,就獻醜於人前。他連passion 也讀不清。公公又說,tragic side用以描述㓺中母親角式的性格。翻譯成""悲慘的一面。陶傑公公應該用tragical side, 這樣,就可以貼切地翻譯成"悲劇的一面 "。陶傑公公又把㓺情中所表達的,由於印度人由於種姓制度和男尊女卑所產生的衝突,矛盾和生活中的雞毛小事,弄成社會運動,更放大成宗教哲學的討論,也可能是剛巧上厠所,引出平行宇宙,從尿聲叮咚所產生出來。讓我們看看陶傑公公用充滿歧視女性的態度,去迎合男尊女卑。他想引經據典,採用低俗的酒保扭曲式英語" just even Jesus, Christ is a man, what do you want?"。在基督教的經義,Jesus has two natures - He is God and man.這裏的"MAN"是人類而不是單指男性。陶傑公公又賣弄地引用bean-counting females 連用Radical,根本狗屁不通,不知從何說起,簡直是不知所謂。If you call someone a bean counter, you mean that they are only interested in how much money a business makes and spends. Note: In the following expressions, `bean' means money. 在此,贈與陶傑公公一首新江城子 陶傑生死兩茫茫,不思量,大膀胱,今日寡人,無處話淒涼,縱使相逢詐不識,放屁響,心慌慌,老來多尿不還鄉,厠所窗,無天裝。大話連連,唯有瀬千行。尿得年年大便處,明月夜,爛尿缸。
@redbeans8985 5 жыл бұрын
整體上成日插咀show off 自己,埋尾仲衰欠缺禮貌,把口講既同身體語言上不配合,好似好q趕時間..
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