伊斯兰党可怕吗?马来选民在想什么?突破同温层的一场对谈!ft 袁怀绍

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0:00 前情提要
0:46 突破同温层?
1:23 国盟想过自己会赢吗?
2:06 马来选民为何投国盟?
3:27 国盟未来的方向是啥?
4:33 喜来登如何发生的?
6:57 政治中的理性和非理性
8:05 如何看待PH 和BN 的合作?
10:02 反对反跳槽法令?
11:12 next sheraton?
12:40 和DAP 合作?
13:02 马来人眼中的 DAP
14:12 政客不需要纠正选民的不理智情绪吗?
14:58 华人对PAS有误解?
17:42 伊斯兰会同化别人的文化?
18:52 非穆斯林啥都不能说吗?
20:00 正常交流也会觉得冒犯吗?
21:05 介绍回教党?
21:30 聂阿兹的PAS
23:13 會覺得PAS 扯後腿嗎?
25:06 如何贏取華人選票呢?
26:08 誰做反對黨領袖呢?
26:42 影子內閣?
28:20 工商時間
29:51 大馬教育不行嗎?
32:04 拯救教育的出路
33:02 廢除多源流學校?
34:46 結語
我们的脸书: / bombomnewsmy
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@BBKNetwork Жыл бұрын
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@leemerce330 Жыл бұрын
@sebastianl6809 Жыл бұрын
Why give this idiot fellow into the interview? He was the same just having 2 faces talking and changing stands differently
@leemerce330 Жыл бұрын
@marvinwong1207 Жыл бұрын
I voted for PH is not because it represents Chinese, it represents my voice of Malaysian towards policies reforms, economic reforms and effective governance. I don't vote for people who don't have any stand on economy and policy issues, and the people who keeps mentioning to strengthen religion values on every issues. When we come discuss policies, we must keep away from religious narratives and using statistics, finance knowledge, economic philosophy to debate. I want the leaders to have specific academic qualifications especially on science and economy to lead our country, not religious certificate (Dont forget, this professional qualification requirements mentioned by Gerakan members before on previous BBK episodes, this is what I want.) Secondly, I voted for people who represented my voice. If you keeps talking abt haram judi, haram alkohol, tutup aurat, RUU 355, haram konsert, haram ini, haram itu, blablabla, that is not my voice. I want an open-minded, progressive and capable leader to govern our country. We should deserve an open, free and progressive environment to attract foreigners and investors. I believe we must embrace diversity as well and religion should be personal affairs, not to be nation affairs. We have many important things to resolve instead of religious stuff. Sometimes, ya some people may be racist regardless of their races (Melayu, Cina and India, etc, I think all people in this globe are the same, still got some people are racist). For this case, we can condemn or ignore them. But sometimes, we want to defend some issues regarding non-Muslim rights but we scared it will be offended some conservative Muslims. They will labelled us as "kafir", or straightly tagged PDRM to catch us or call us don't interrupt their religion. It is not just purely we don't want interact with Malays or other races or don't want make friends with them. If we debate due to different opinions, surely we will bergaduh lah. We vote for the people who are capable. It is not just putting all eggs in same basket. If we follow this statement, those previously voted for UMNO or PAS also have put all eggs in same basket. I will apologize that I cannot accept some of your points.
@phamcy Жыл бұрын
Well said👍
@_marcus_ Жыл бұрын
literally well said. dear my muslim friend pls see this
@muff5568 Жыл бұрын
Brilliant job !
@taisharon694 Жыл бұрын
i totally agreed that,i am voting for a better malaysia,because we need more policy changes!not because of race
@mnrafeah7641 Жыл бұрын
but in PN we also have chinese @ Gerakan, but in PH have DAP which is their leader is not good
@axplade2899 Жыл бұрын
This didn't convince me on PN's motive. First of all, on PAS, your "acceptance" towards other races/religion, end of the day sounds dominating. For example, not having movie theatres, not allowing BlackPink to come, however there are many others who are not against their own religious law to watch BlackPink or watching movie. It is already like that in Kelantan, what if PAS becomes the government? What if they integrate this method of ruling across the whole country? When they mean by protecting muslim's welfare, isn't banning all these things affecting non-muslim's welfare? It is our rights to be able to legally gamble, eat pork, and having public places to drink beer. If all of these are banned, how do you expect investments from other countries, who are already used to Malaysia being open to different cultures? Secondly, as you said Anwar is focusing too much on gaining Malay's trust and not focusing on bread and butter issues. To me PN doesn't even give a fuck on bread and butter issue. Even as opposition, more than half of the time people under PN are talking about race and religious issues, what to ban and what not to ban, and also most of the time attacking the government with no constructive solution. So what's PN take on solving bread and butter issue? I have never heard PN having any solution on that, other than keep giving out funds, however that is not even sustainable to our economy. What we want is development and improve of quality of life.
@Kaiyan0420 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. Blah blah blah as long as it’s not oppose to their religious?? It’s Malaysia, we share the space, LoL
@Ginomendes Жыл бұрын
well said. i hope he can see this
@xeniahiu6832 Жыл бұрын
PN just talking 🐂💩... one very good example is situation in Kelantan... PN become gov I’m sure our country will runtuh... PN restricted every kind of freedom such as speak, consuming media and full of ridiculous rules... They will brainwash people and hold their extreme power as long as they can... They will use religion to make rakyat conflicts and at the same time also we can’t do anything to them...This will cause internal conflicts which may causing internal war people running out to other countries, and more This kind of things will effect the economy and how country will survive?
@kenny5804 Жыл бұрын
@@Kaiyan0420 it is more like we use their space and they are already generous enough to let us live on their TANAH. 😂😂
@jayden1745 Жыл бұрын
@@kenny5804 Tracing back thousands of years ago, everyone was an "outsider", and the real "indigenous" in Malaysia is the "ORANG DAYAK" of East Malaysia
@zhaojiating6432 Жыл бұрын
我其实不认为PAS做政府会像这位YB讲的那么好。就拿一个小例子,去年sabri做政府时,环境部长是一个宗教司(本人在国外修读环境专业,在读博士生,对这一块很关注)。结果,这么环境部长遇到什么问题,都是说交给allah去处理,然后没有任何to the ground的想法和做法,跟前面YB Yeoh差天差地(人家好歹是化工毕业,背景很接近)。这样的宗教司你让他来当部长? 我只能说,Bersatu我不敢肯定,但是PAS里面都是以这些宗教司为主,没有任何专业背景,你敢让他们来当官?真的是笑话
@hangietan8452 Жыл бұрын
內憂專業背景 外患笨蛋言錄 真的是辛苦PAS了😂
@zhonglihu8760 Жыл бұрын
@johnpanjy4640 Жыл бұрын
可怕的是 人家有73个席位 我们又可以做什么? 乡村人都被他们深深洗脑了 他们根本不会想到这些事情 什么经济观 什么国际观 完全不理
@hangietan8452 Жыл бұрын
@@johnpanjy4640 簡單且簡短地來說 的確是這樣。所以現任政府才會選擇以更多方式/更多元的「公民教育」來拉近城市與鄉村的距離,並且努力打破死循環要求改變憲法(所以2/3的席位才那麼重要)實現選區重新劃分才會有真正的「選舉」。現在十年內的鄉村/較偏遠的地區是如此、不代表下一個十年也是如此、人民也會進步呀。教育不求一朝一夕, 但求前人種樹後人乘涼。(個人意見請笑納)
@jackyoong1649 Жыл бұрын
@leeweilun3047 Жыл бұрын
For me, whether the "malay's parti" or the "Islam parti" they both against my benefits. So the only reason that I will vote for them is the issues like education, economic, and other future planning of our country . So it's not like I vote Harapan because I'm Chinese, I mean I'm more willing to call myself as Malaysian instead of Chinese. I hope that one day we Malaysian can more like to call ourselves as Malaysian instead of "malay" or "Chinese " or "indian" And these are what PH want to do, at least they said that. For me this is how malaysia should work for , this is how we become more harmony between all the races. Not like using a particular race or religion as the represents of parti. If we keep using this way as how we do in the politics, there will surely happen irrational by using the issue of races and religion.
@lowjiazhao7130 Жыл бұрын
Yes agree
@WilliamSam07 Жыл бұрын
@sss_btc Жыл бұрын
Totally agree!!
@Knightofdota Жыл бұрын
Malaysia have 2 type of people Muslim and none Muslim, muslim try to make all none Muslim become Muslim.
@ongjiayen1857 Жыл бұрын
Im now at ipta, I rly feel that i love malaysia,but Malaysia doesn't love me🥹
@bengkyangng2508 Жыл бұрын
Satu masalah besar untuk PN memahami kaum Cina ialah PAS "memaksa" non-Muslim untuk menerima nilai-nilai atau pandangan Islam yang PAS anggap baik untuk semua, walaupun tidak semestinya baik di depan mata non-Muslim. Non-Muslim tidak mau mengubah cara hidup harian yang tak ada masalah selama ini dan tidak suka "dipaksa" untuk menghormati tetapi tidak dihormati sebaliknya.
@akiravader7888 Жыл бұрын
Bukan semua non Muslim di malaysia seperti non Muslim di kelantan yang suka hidup relax dan slow life.
@lee60yin6 Жыл бұрын
Siapa akan suka dipaksa ! Tapi PAS thought they have the right to force others to change their Life styles accordingly! Think PAS only want to satisfy their own ego!
@ys723 Жыл бұрын
袁怀绍(本名 Wan Ahmad Fayhsal)是第七位的友族嘉宾,同时是第二位国盟兼土团党嘉宾,同时也是前部长,这也是大选后第一位登场的BBK Network 的反对党议员。袁怀绍在这次大马球赛和周杰伦演唱会纠纷的炒作高手,同时也发布了不少得罪多元社会的言论,不要以为换了中文名就可以在华人社会中多了亲近感,一个人的作风才能证明是否要亲近一个对象。很明显的,国盟这次的选战方法似乎是不在乎多元社会的,我们也没有必要去选择一个煽动民族情绪并灌输极端思想的政治联盟。
@lilikoko0229 Жыл бұрын
@mrfunnystudio3859 Жыл бұрын
@yokelengleng Жыл бұрын
@@mrfunnystudio3859 多元,多了几元钱,没错啊🤣🤣🤣
@khaikeong Жыл бұрын
@alfredkhew1634 Жыл бұрын
国盟的做法间接反映华人票不重要了。5年后,我相信绿潮能席卷全马。 PAS一路来的目标是建立回教国,所以几年前阿富汗塔利班政权刚成立,那时大马抢着要承认它。后来改变说法是随时援助它,证明认可和支持其行事作风。 自己不赌博不心邪,闭关面壁勤念经呗,为何要关博彩业和kacau 空姐?
@GraceOh Жыл бұрын
*cracks knuckles* First of all I commend BBK for inviting someone other than their perceived political leanings, but I somehow feel like there's no need to platform PN, but that's just me, whether this is a Chinese platform or not. Overall I felt like this whole video has been saying a lot of words but none of them really meant or amounted to much. IMO, this is the strongest contention: When the hosts inquired the guest about what Malay voters and parties cared about, none of them sounded like they truly cared about anything other themselves/minorities. You said that the ideology of BERSATU is to protect the Malay rights, and that PAS acts to protect Muslim/Islamic rights and work with Islam to serve all people. This sounds pretty empty to me. I know the guest implied that the PAS side is benevolent and would not alienate non-Muslims, but that's not the hard part (really, on paper, it isn't). It just doesn't sound like these parties cared about minorities at all. Perhaps you think, that PAS encompassing other races/identities are reassuring to us, yet on the flip side you blatantly renounce LGBTQ, and of course atheism is just sacrilegious, and stepping on your toes because we mind our business (watching a damn movie or a concert)? Shouldn't your religion and how you practice it be your own issue? (like Lucas poor command of Malay is his own problem (Lucas sorry 不要生氣啊)) Hey if that's the kind of topic we need to talk to a scholar about, then perhaps you have failed at communicating how benevolent you are. Call me an extremist or however you like (I am not). But overall, this does not sound very inclusive to me or anyone who doesn't fall under your majority umbrella (Malay-Muslim). It doesn't speak to me as a voter. Now wait a second, you might start to think but these voters feel safer with Malay and Muslim leaders and government because they understand what their needs are. And I have no problem with that at all! It is completely valid! There are still a lot of MPs that will and are supporting that. But guess what, a person's identity are not in the way of making just laws. Religion is. It inherently already alienate and marginalise a lot of minorities. Government has a need to remain secular, not just in name only. To make sure ALL people regarding their identity can live in a safe and prosperous country. You don't get to judge who gets to or not. Isn't that the whole point of your teaching? There's a lot more in this video that have been discussed but I don't have much to add in that I haven't already seen other people brought up. What I do like is that the guest have maintained that their coalition want to function as an effective opposition, and that's pretty important for a strong parliament. That, I'm totally onboard with. In this day and age... I personally have mentioned many times, online or offline, I will not back a party like MCA or MIC or UMNO whose whole ideology is race-based politics, which obviously includes those under the PN coalition. It's downright embarrassing. Even their names has the races in it. And your video today has barely scrapped the surface of smashing that ideology. You actually did the opposite and enforced BERSATU is a Malay-prime party. That is nauseating to me. We are born in Malaysia, we breathe Malaysian air, eat Malaysian food, we love Malaysia, but we have a bunch of cronies at the top being so fragile that they think they will topple because they think their race is inferior (why else would you protect try so hard to protect it). Or worse, politicians politicking to divide the poor/average citizen while they sit at the top, benefitting from the ignorance (which is what I think is really happening). BOTTOM LINE: Non-secular and Race-based politics -- That is the time of the past. If PN remains that you are to maintain Malay and Muslim majority rights as the priority, you will never get my vote. Convince me you care about bread and butter issue. Convince me that you don't need to kowtow to race-baiting. Then perhaps I'll start looking your way. Like fair la, BERSATU can be said to be center-right, but PAS is just PURELY right. That doesn't sit well with me. Lastly, I am thankful I am able to express my opinion blatantly (even I have revised and self-censored so many things....). And guess what, that's the silver lining, that wouldn't have happened during BN's rule so there's that.....
@alantanmiaothong635 Жыл бұрын
Oh this needs an upvote, stat.
@johnwong4424 Жыл бұрын
Well said. Unfortunately in democracy, majority wins. And who are the majority in Malaysia? So unless there is a split in the majority parties, Chinese votes will not matter.
@imjustanonymous3713 Жыл бұрын
Agreed, PAS is just purely Right to ban this ban that, totally tin kosong when it comes to economic policy discussion, look at the Kedah MP, even a fresh graduate can do better than him **being sarcastic**
@GraceOh Жыл бұрын
@@johnwong4424 Chinese votes matter -- but what matters most is not just racial divides, and I'm pretty sure there's non-Chinese voters who agrees with me. There are common problems the Malaysian people care about -- economy, brain drain, education, finance and industrial fields, healthcare, development and housing etc... The problem lies on the weight of an individual vote. Someone's vote in Perlis or Perak will weigh more than someone in Selangor.
@soonyeo4830 Жыл бұрын
Well said
@reka.01 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the sharing from the guest. There’s a few points I would like to share about why I as a Chinese voter is reluctant to support PAS or PN. I’m not sure about others but to me, I still can’t really accept PAS is because PAS is a religion-based political party. The thing is I think it’s better for Malaysia to be a secular state, instead of a far right Islamic country. Malaysia is not entirely secular (because our policies are still quite influenced by Islamic teachings), but I wouldn’t want Malaysia to be handled by an Islam-based party and lead it to move towards far right. That’s it. You can see, there are many controversies raised when they are in the Cabinet during MCO period. They are sensitive to many things, even the Timah’s brand name is an issue to them that worth discussing about. It will cause more tensions between different races. And I don’t agree that Islam is for all, or any religion is for all. I mean, even the religion teachings encourage peace and unity, us as humans tend to make things complicated. So that’s why many strongly contest against a government led by a religion based party. Cuz If the leader of a religion-based political party is an extremist, then I can’t imagine what will happen to Malaysia. So to me, party like UMNO is still acceptable, they are considered as centre right to me, but PAS is just FAR RIGHT :D
@Y3llow_Submarin3 Жыл бұрын
Also PAS is just incompetent.
@khorguetkee4254 Жыл бұрын
Yes PAS become very racist and extreme make non Muslims feel very uncomfortable not because of Islam all religion teaching is good but up to the peoples how-to inteprete the teaching
@user-wd5cm4hp2y Жыл бұрын
With all due respect, I personally opined that En. Sanusim's action in Kedah state is only for the sake of Muslim but not for everyone. PAS have ignore non-Muslim's wills and voices because we are minority. I do not want our country to become like Iran in near future!
@wongmotion5467 Жыл бұрын
@@mcmltr they can continue to dream, even throw in the egg talk, lmao
@justicetey4398 Жыл бұрын
His boss muhyddin said malay first then malaysian , now he ask non malay to accept them. What he did and what he talk is totally different thing. Lol
@kimleanlai4194 Жыл бұрын
@user-um4kn2jd8e Жыл бұрын
@alantanmiaothong635 Жыл бұрын
With all due respect, I think MB Wan Fayhsal may not have noticed the root cause of our ailing education system. The fact of the matter is that there is not even a good percentage of personnel that is actually qualified. B.Ed undergraduates take over one year to obtain the posting, and then they are passed over for non-B.Ed undergrads in the process to save costs. Even then, they have to listen to the will of the government to be sent willy-nilly across the government. There's a high cost to pay, and there needs to be equal remuneration to assist and make their service for the government an amiable, if not comfortable one. Also, there needs to be subsidies for teachers to bring in additional teaching material - especially printed materials. A colleague in education spends his entire salary - read, ENTIRE. SALARY. - on subsidiary material to boost student learning. We need teachers to have better resources that are more accessible and affordable to in turn provide to students and be as recognized as a noble profession on par, yes on par, with the health profession. While the healthcare workers deal with the lives and death of our citizens, education is responsible for the future they can take. While Wan Fayhsal did show a good number of inconsistencies towards politics, one thing he did right was reveal the key dissociation between DAP and the indigenous and Muslim-based parties, as well as the point on having good MPs to mark the government and improve debate quality in Parliament. Aside from that, his arguments on equality as well as the comfort of the Malay-Muslim society towards certain banned issues is pretty weak. LGBT is acceptable as it's not allowed in Islam and as a Christian I'm cool with that, but concerts being banned because Muslims are uncomfortable is the same reasoning that LGBT use to crucify the right wing that are not pro- or willing to compromise with them. Hopefully, there will be more dialogues that can help to bridge the perception gaps and create a much healthier political arena in Malaysia rather than play the "perception game". Hope to see Tuan Ibrahim on the channel next!
@lohisnormalguy9355 Жыл бұрын
I believe that certain Malay Muslim have always regarded pop song concert or related entertainment events as worldly hedonism that potentially divert their attention from traditionalist value.
@wilsonjt5677 Жыл бұрын
I'm agree with the point which he is not understand about the education system when he said "content wise is ok", I could not agree the material is okay while as a degree holder and most of the degree holder, could not even relate what they've learned in school to actual working place. there is a lot of good knowledge to be applied in work, but we all do not know how to apply it but just learn them to score A or complete the school. With that, I think the problem is far more than just "people who deliver" that... I don't see a point answering the 36 moral values can lead me to a well behaved person. That's not the way you teach a kid to be kind hearted.
@dotaloner5362 Жыл бұрын
During bukit jalil incident, he replied every chinese comment with "cina x minat support harimau malaysia ke?" Trying the hardest to racialize the whole thing , sorry, i will remember that for my whole life and i won't listen a word from him ever again. You can't trust a guy won't didnt bother to hide his racism and trust him because of him acting infront of the screen
@LLYYTT Жыл бұрын
The enemies of PN is coming from PN members. Wait and see in next few years. 💰
@lee60yin6 Жыл бұрын
@Alan Tan, well said. Thank you for sharing with such deep professional expression for the improvement for the education system ! They really take things too easy for any transformation on any upgrade of system!
@Oligadai88 Жыл бұрын
Actually, in Sabah, I can freely discuss with my Muslim colleagues about why no pork or why this and that. Seriously, west Malaysia has bigger problem to solve. Maybe I am ignorant but that’s what I observed in this video that non Muslim can’t discuss with Muslim about the religion.
@marvinwong1207 Жыл бұрын
True. Some conservatives even labelled us as "kafir" and call us do not interrupt their religion. We just try to find a balance but those guys push away us. Don't say that we do not interact with Malay-Muslims. It is because we cannot have a clear discussion with them.
@cyq127212 Жыл бұрын
Strongly recommend Sabah and Sarawak restore and regain the rights as independent state status which is comparable to the Malaya 11states
@jly5828 Жыл бұрын
Is the same here in Sarawak, i even discussed it openly with my Sabahan classmates in my class openly when the teacher in not here yet, my Muslim friends also tell me go to pray for Taoism when he knows that I didn't not go to pray for a long time after sawing my old amulet
@XmZH123 Жыл бұрын
I'm from Semenanjung but I really love Sabahans and Sarawakians ways of living, and you guys truly live the name of Malaysian. Religion and racial issue are being too politicalised in Semenanjung which divides people. I'm not optimistic enough to think that the religion and racial conflicts will ever be resolved during my time, however, I do wish this day will come and the Semenanjung people will live like you guys in Borneo.
@STx95 Жыл бұрын
Yes you are right.. not ignorant.. this is the truth
@leterl8leterl829 Жыл бұрын
突破同溫層是好,但依舊沒有get到我們反對的重點。 我們反對的,是--宗教政治。 宗教治國的悲劇,現實已經有很多例子了。我們不需要再多一個。 有個網友說得好:“【袁懷昭】之心,路人皆知也”
@yauloongliew4421 Жыл бұрын
虽然回教党口口声声说一些政策不对非回教徒有影响。但事实上一些政策却有带来一些微小或微妙的影响。例如:为何关掉电影院呢?非回教徒也要看电影和享受娱乐的。 难道真是要让人民跨州去看电影和享受娱乐。所以这次执政的政府是走多元化路丝是比较正确。 团结政府加油⛽。
@hwasengyeap363 Жыл бұрын
@hwhy1957 Жыл бұрын
@ngmr.4452 Жыл бұрын
@babychloe9670 Жыл бұрын
@shiuayanntan1208 Жыл бұрын
@@ngmr.4452 回教党和国政相比之下,回教党确实比较好。可是自从Nik Aziz 这位精神领袖去世后,他们的党员变得事无忌惮。如今的他们和国政没差;不,他们比国政更糟糕,他们用阿拉来恐吓回教徒。以信仰来道德绑架马来族群。以信仰来剥削非穆斯林的权益。如果回教党还是以前那个回教党,Nik Aziz的大儿子就不会加入Harapan了。曾经的PAS是令人尊重,如今的PAS不敢恭维,即使他们当中还是拥有一些人才,可惜他们都是在同一个大染缸。 身为吉兰丹人的我不会否定PAS以前为华人和人民作出的努力。他们以前是一片赤子之心,现在是狼子野心(不是全部,但是在同一条船上,也没办法好到哪里去)。PAS在吉兰丹比较客气,在丁加奴比较恐怖(那里非穆斯林人数极少);如今他们很客气,因为还没有在这个国家执政,倘若他们真的执政了,我们的国家不会变成Dubai or Turkey, 反而成为Iran and Afghanistan (因为里面大多数是宗教师)。真希望Harapan 在这里有真正为人民做事的人,赢下吉兰丹州不是天方夜谈。
@pupu0327pupu Жыл бұрын
@Rex5984 Жыл бұрын
是的 虽然我不太喜欢这位嘉宾与PN 可是这些交流是非常必要的 而且他有些point其实也有道理
@predictor2045 Жыл бұрын
第一次看到能把喜来登政变说成冠冕堂皇的,希望两位能在发问前把所有政客能诡辩的可能都准备好,不要让BBK成为他们的宣传工具。 Pertama kali nampak orang politik memberi penghuraian tentang tindakan Sheraton secara tindakan yang 'nilai murni' dan betul. Saya berharap kedua2 tuan rumah boleh sedia seluruh alasan yang mungkin dilawan balik oleh orang politik dengan sempurna, jangan memberi peluang kepada mereka untuk propaganda Parti atau memanfaatkan faedah sendiri.
@ranceng6560 Жыл бұрын
然后华人应该困在自己的框框, 不要接受其他人的资讯, 只听行动党的就好。
@predictor2045 Жыл бұрын
@@ranceng6560 看句子看完整,不要只看你想看到的。喜来登推翻民选政府,错就是错,理由再好听还是错。如果在这种态度上都能左右摇摆,何谈改革。什么行动党,你也是挺好笑的,看问题可以自己学会思考再回答。
@ranceng6560 Жыл бұрын
@@predictor2045 我蛮佩服BBK可以邀请到不同政党的嘉宾,可以看看不同角度的资讯, 如果你真的只想要看到你认为对的资讯, 建议你真的看行动党专栏好了, 不然每次邀请你不喜欢的政党你都觉得帮他们洗白不累吗?
@vyx2618 Жыл бұрын
嘉雯针对来访者提出质疑时, 例:大家应该做到执政和反对党的互相制衡、政治家应该引导人们理性问政而不是被情绪牵引等时,来访者的反应绝对是全片一大看点(面部表情好好看) LGBT 的转移话题之快,也是令人啧啧称奇
@yanliangtan7151 Жыл бұрын
很高興BBK邀請了國盟的土青團團長進行交流。我不愛閱讀報章新聞,喜歡透影片方式認識時事和政策。尤其是BBK製作的影片不會太嚴肅沉悶,讓我可以了解我們國家的政策。 特別是這一次你們邀請了友族政黨,讓我有機會認識和了解友族的觀點。馬來西亞是多元國家,彼此需要多認識彼此和多交流才能慢慢打破隔閡和避免被有心人操弄種族情緒! BBK加油!期待你們邀請更多的友族政黨和辯論!
@ChongChenTong Жыл бұрын
嘉雯,你的發問越來越貼切。沒有對政治認真思考的人是不會發出這種問題的。 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Lucas 也如一往一樣非常好的發問和講笑。💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
@yokeps9852 Жыл бұрын
听听听~ “ 国盟” 两字并不可怕,问题是“ 执政者” 的政策发展方向心态,一个走单元种族路线和一方用保守宗教理念去治理国家!🙊 See.... 两个加起来等于。。。。。🙈 马来西亚需要是开明的政策,互相理解包容多元文化和种族的国家! 身为~中学生的我啊也知道我国应该走哪一条路线!XD OK...说完了!是~ 酱啦!bye....
@MrArthur898 Жыл бұрын
@joies3417 Жыл бұрын
很好! 请坚持信念,不要放弃马来西亚!国家迫切需要你们!💪🏻💪🏻
@yokeps9852 Жыл бұрын
@@MrArthur898 嗯嗯嗯~🙃 好的,由我们新一代带领国家只需要一个理念 ~~👇 不管你是那个种族只要生于在马来西亚就是马来西亚人,没有一方族群被边缘化,这样人民越来越开明和进步,国家也会越来越更美好!XD
@yokeps9852 Жыл бұрын
@@joies3417 嗯嗯嗯~ 🙃 之前对政治一无所知的我,除了冷漠还有听到就会~🥱🥱🥱 ( 不好意思啊!😌) 自从~在 BBK 视频里才逐渐对政治上有些认知和了解到开明的政策对一个国家发展的重要性!XD..... 我,不会放弃马来西亚 , 请放心啦!👌 因为,这里是~我生于斯~长于斯的地方!selamat malam ... 😴😪
@ily88981 Жыл бұрын
@ikmalfikri666 Жыл бұрын
Looking the comment section, I understand a lot of people has their reservation towards PN especially PAS. It's good to have doubt towards any party as we need to question their direction to what they want to achieve for Malaysia. Overall, this session is good and we need more session like this not just from PN but from ALL PARTY especially the one we feared the most. Next, invite DAP spokesperson, answer what the malays fears the most. This way we can get better clarity and allows us to move beyond our comfort zone to better understand the party that we fear the most and assures the on the fence voter. We could even get QnA session from the public like: - What is PAS trying to achieve?Will PAS ban everything and control the entertainment industry creating an IRON GRIP in our lives? - Why PN did not accept the proposal to work together with PH to create the UNITY government and topple BN entirely? - Will DAP consider working again with PAS and Bersatu in the future? - IS PH considering long term cooperation with BN or only for this term and only at national level but still considers BN as opponent for the state election? Something like this.
@gonecrazy2100 Жыл бұрын
Totally agree!
@ver._.lynn0487 Жыл бұрын
@dotaloner5362 Жыл бұрын
During bukit jalil incident, he replied every chinese comment with "cina x minat support harimau malaysia ke?" Trying the hardest to racialize the whole thing , sorry, i will remember that for my whole life and i won't listen a word from him ever again.
@willieccw79 Жыл бұрын
the MP asked us to vote irrationally, i m not taking his comments out of context, he even goes on to ask voters to vote based on the sentiments they set using tiktok clips. Seriously, you still think there is possible any Bersatu or PAS leaders who wanted to develop this country? Ask the most simple and direct question, how PAS/Bersatu as government plan to move malaysia towards developed nation?
@joies3417 Жыл бұрын
Look, Bersatu, PAS and the gang SEIZED power from an elected government. SEIZED. KHIANAT. TUMBUK ATAP. Totally shameless. That's not about 'reservations', they've made a fool out of the rakyat in the first place. The greed infested, power crazy bunch. So whatever so-called visions or plans they have are absolutely irrelevant. Now that the country is in better hands, I hope the rakyat will wise up and not dupe by the scheming politicians again. Ever.
@bananaoatmealkid541 Жыл бұрын
We need more conversations like this. Even US is still struggling with race issue after Rosa Parks bus boycott incident in the 1950s. Kudos to BBK Network for bringing content that I dont even dare to talk to with my bumi good friends. Bravo 👏🏼
@jly5828 Жыл бұрын
I believe i am the only Chinese-Dayak Sarawakian who is commenting on this video, i can confirmed 100% in any election at most PN will get one seat each from Sarawak Region and Sabah Region, the question PN will ask is why? then i tell you that the answer is because you PN are only talking and care about Malay and Muslim, PN is strongly focusing on a single race and a single religion when Malaysia people are at least 5 race and 5 religion, even the ruler of Malaysia well know that PN is getting power through insulting Christians and Non Malay which is against the culture of both borneo region and good government, this is why 99% of Borneo Malaysian will not support PN at all even we die. As for the Malaya region, due to development inequality and British divide and rule racial policy, the urban area and non Muslim has support the diverse Malaya ideology and the rural area has support the Malay-Islam Malaya ideology, it is your Malaya people own choice so nothing right or wrong, but i can confirmed that both borneo region will not support PN except PN ideology is the same as PH and PN is better then PH in managing Malaysia, that is for all from me, good luck in getting half of Dewan Rakyat seats in next Malaysia election, comment from me as well i believe 99% of Borneo Malaysian will agree with me. Thank you for reading.
@tzewin Жыл бұрын
@user-zy5vl7go3m Жыл бұрын
@LouisandraGan Жыл бұрын
@xiao_xiao_wong Жыл бұрын
@chaichris5849 Жыл бұрын
@hwasengyeap363 Жыл бұрын
上个星期,伊斯兰党在槟城提出酒不能展示销售论,之后是吉打的全面禁彩票论,后是啤酒和禁赌论。 我本身是不喝酒也不吸烟也不赌博的,不是我自身有多么好,只是因为我穷,但是以一个傻逼都知道的事实来看,博彩业和啤酒提供的收入占据是20%GDP这还不包括连带经济。那么其中产生的税务是多少,一个三岁小孩都知道吧?那么问题来了,禁赌酒和博彩之后,那么大的税务窟窿,由什么去填补?到最后还不是普通人来承受它们无知带来的后果吗?这还不算外国对大马的刻板印象改观的影响。
@zhonglihu8760 Жыл бұрын
@shutupandeaturgrass8872 Жыл бұрын
Here's a summary conclusion of Fayhsal entire 30 mins speech: Entitlement, Self centered, dictate In one sentence: You can eat, I allow you to, as long you comply to my diet preference and menu, but no other way round, it's ME-centric It's entirely "The one religion and one race prioritize and override the other". And yet he being manipulative to wrap it up as "inclusivity of diversity, equality" when all his words are anti-equality, anti-inclusivity, anti-diversity and conservation of privileges. There's totally absence of element of fairness, just, equal, and self awareness in his talk. He has the mentality of an abusive, gaslighting bully yet he demand for acceptance and chance ?
@chintecklee4719 Жыл бұрын
如果回教如果做政府: - 可能会关Casino,关了后几多人会失业。 - 可能会关Bar不给Clubbing,关了后也是很多人失业。 - 可能会禁酒 等等问题都会出来。 总之如果你要做政府,就要为每个人民想,而不是你的宗教。
@johnpanjy4640 Жыл бұрын
不是可能 是100%一定做给你看😂😂ban完全部entertainment, ban到你们全部搬家去Holland
@mhlow374 Жыл бұрын
然后每天只有祈祷做 活动😅😅😅
@ccwhyao Жыл бұрын
super important to let different races discuss about what they can or can't do ~~ so that Malaysian can understand Malaysian moreeeeee ❤
@yokelengleng Жыл бұрын
@user-tf8ib2hb7i Жыл бұрын
Pushing the responsibility to mufti or cleric, yet most of the time, among scholars they have disagreement... anyway, malaysia who really have last say in hal ehwal islam, is Sultan Sultan from each states, the one who give fatwa, is sultan of selangor, a position above jakim. Even PAS has to obey to whatever sultan order, and no way their scholar can disagree at all.
@user-tf8ib2hb7i Жыл бұрын
@@ampangnetizen388 如果不是fatwa, 仅仅是旨意不碍事,但是颁布fatwa就不一样了。
@user-tf8ib2hb7i Жыл бұрын
@@ampangnetizen388 要问什么,要看什么?
@joies3417 Жыл бұрын
对的西西歪, the more we understand, the more we hate those pengkhianat that betrayed we rakyat... it's not about races, it's about greed and betrayal.
@gk9643 Жыл бұрын
觉得他们很矛盾 ,一直强调自己不反感其他宗教又一直强调别人的文化对自己宗教很敏感,自己也没办法自圆其说还想要说服别人自己的决策没问题,就扯🙄
@xiao_xiao_wong Жыл бұрын
@user-ts5ks7nv3n Жыл бұрын
@MrArthur898 Жыл бұрын
@user-bt9gi9zw4g Жыл бұрын
@jasonkee4849 Жыл бұрын
@loozhixuen5898 Жыл бұрын
其实,我对这期的访问有点失望。我比较想听到的是国盟政治人物们对民生,经济,教育的政策,就像跟希盟政治人物们的访问一样,我们学到了他们对教育,科学,城市规划等等的政策。袁怀绍之前当过青体部副部长,团结部副部长,我想知道他在这些课题的政策,然后在一样的课题上跟希盟政治人物们的回答做比较。 我觉得访问有点本末倒置,因为解决民生,经济,教育的政策才是最重要的,其次才是政治理念跟种族课题。 Actually, I was a little disappointed with this interview. What I want to hear more is the policies from Perikatan Nasional politicians on people's livelihood, economy, and education. Just like the interview with the politicians of the Pakatan Harapan, we learned about their policies on education, science, urban planning, etc. MB Wan Fayhsal was the former Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports and the Deputy Minister of Unity. I wish to know his policies on these issues, and then compare the responses given by the politicians of the Pakatan Harapan on the same issues. I think the interview puts the cart before the horse, because policies that address people's livelihood, economy, and education are the most important, followed by political ideas and racial issues.
@wilsonjt5677 Жыл бұрын
我是认为bbk这期主要是想了解国盟怎么看待希盟和行动党吧。而且这个人物说自己可以shadow很多部门,主持人反问之前不是青体部吗。他的答案就是在告诉我,他很不专业。再加上对教育的评论,我觉得他根本就是吹水。。现任青体部长 的观点相对好得多。
@kelvinng998 Жыл бұрын
@@wilsonjt5677 👍
@stchong9948 Жыл бұрын
别‘为难‘Bersatu 和 PAS的人, 他们对于这些课题根本没有能力规划和想法😅
@ngmr.4452 Жыл бұрын
@cowa2395 Жыл бұрын
@malaysiaboleh224 Жыл бұрын
像每个typical 来自单一马来政党会说出来bullshit的政客罢了
@chaichris5849 Жыл бұрын
@lilikoko0229 Жыл бұрын
@jjg2753 Жыл бұрын
@scchua1720 Жыл бұрын
我非常支持采访PN的来宾。但是他的说法超超超矛盾的。很多情况他都用马来人会有不满的情绪来解释。但有时候马来人的不满根本跟PH没有关系。而且为什么PH做什么都会trigger 马来人不满?可以當作这是PN的语景嗎?因为 马来社会 会不满的主因是PH和BN,所以合理化为什么要投他们,那么PAS的发言挑起种族冲突,也可以投PN吗??还有为什么教育社会民主理性化是学校的责任?70%的国人早就离开学校了啊,应该是学校,政府,社会,和媒体共同责任吧。对于教育部的改革虽然没什么亮点,但起码PN也站对了起跑点。这是我对于这位YB肤浅的看法。但是可以看出他对非Muslim 是非常友善的。Looking forward for the up coming constructive debate on policy and proof your ability to the Malaysian, that's the part that matter the most for Malaysian. We need more construtive debate in the Parliament not shouting like monkey. 😅
@hangietan8452 Жыл бұрын
而且一直抨擊對非巫裔的政策 又說不要用宗教 根本搞笑 安華在海外的影響 有目共睹 希望他可以看看YT做功課了再來挑戰這個concept (戴songkok 穿傳統服裝)
@johnpanjy4640 Жыл бұрын
诶朋友 他对非muslim友不友善你还是要看回本月发生的体育馆事件 还有很多很多他之前大选做的那些东西 不要靠这个video就改观啊 要多多了解 每个人都可以是见人说人话 见鬼说鬼话的 吹水吹到天上 做的事情却完全不一样 看看他们执政的州就好了😂
@catlover641 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this dialogue. Now we can understand YB and his thoughts a little better. We should have more dialogues like this otherwise we will believe what the news report spins which may be twisting YB’s true intentions.
@2fyh898 Жыл бұрын
@-rcrc-r7624 Жыл бұрын
@photomypets5807 Жыл бұрын
一个只想其他人体谅他们的宗教,却一直忽略其他宗教的尊重,只一味强调 要他人尊重,避免他人的思想毒害他们的思想, 真的可怕的 一个政党。 感谢大马人的理智选择了安华。
@kaine5083 11 ай бұрын
@MajesticStream Жыл бұрын
@frozenqqq Жыл бұрын
@felixjustsharing Жыл бұрын
Thanks to BBK's effort. Its great to see different sides of the story. This channel is doing a great job, and kept improving! Looking forward to see more insightful interviews. Education is really important and in this digitalisation era, we get resources so easily! I hope all viewers really benefited from it and able to pass it down (knowledge) to the future generations, most importantly output them in a constructive way!
@MrLittlecat123 Жыл бұрын
@bic5548 Жыл бұрын
Blackpink can open concert in saudi arabia. Can open cinema, celebrate halloween, christmas in the public... yet east coast here not allow... haha
@hgalactic5185 Жыл бұрын
He said they will respect and accept non- malay cultures, however all the examples given doesn't sound that they are accepting other cultures
@jingan97 Жыл бұрын
Yea i notice that too haha spinspinspin accept non malay culture then eh.... Introduce more malay culture so that we can understand each other. Im like huh?
@toujingyi9156 Жыл бұрын
@@jingan97 introduce Malay culture more so we non-Malay can understand Malays better, but there will never be initiatives from the other end, because we are not important
@toujingyi9156 Жыл бұрын
I only heard they wishes that non-Malay learnt to accept and respect Malay cultures and sensitivities, I did not hear any other statement that implies otherwise
@user-lh8gi1wn4q Жыл бұрын
@xiaohuilee7707 Жыл бұрын
了解各方的文化 互相分享 是个不错健康的交流 。开明思想 和 知识 很重要 希望每个政策们 专注于马来西亚未来的发展前进 多一点“为大马未来的发展”的建议性课题 让每一位马来西亚人民的生活安康 国家越来越美好 ❤
@user-uu3ws7tt6o Жыл бұрын
這傢伙很厲害,他如果是華人的競爭者的話你們很難贏喔。 他願意接受你們的訪問,而且始終保持謙遜與平和,不論他是否真的預測到會大獲全勝。
@laujun2239 Жыл бұрын
我觉得马来人已经陷入逻辑死循环了~ 嘉雯问起 “为什么不选择平等讨论伊斯兰课题?” 嘉宾的回答却是:”你要去问学者,我不是学者。“潜台词就是,学者对伊斯兰的诠释是绝对正确的。死胡同~ 不能在讨论下去了
@user-tf8ib2hb7i Жыл бұрын
学者立场五花八门。马来西亚真正话事宗教事务的是各州苏丹。雪州苏丹,是掌管马来西亚fatwa的,权利直接跳过jakim, jakim只能听苏丹讲。所以不管宗教学者讲什么,fatwa一出,大家都不能多有意见,否则就是叛教
@marvinwong1207 Жыл бұрын
对呀,很奇怪呀。有些答案可以自己领悟寻找,而不是一直通过老师,学者。 还有siti kasim说我们马来西亚的一些回教宗教师,学者都很保守,甚至极端,就如之前来自印度的zakir naik,偏激进的华人印度宗教师,一些州mufti等。我没有种族歧视,我只是不认同他们所传授的。 比起土耳其的回教学者,或西方学者,他们比大马宗教师开明许多。他们甚至反驳马来西亚宗教师为什么禁止这个那个。。。
@Oligadai88 Жыл бұрын
@laujun2239 Жыл бұрын
@@user-tf8ib2hb7i 本来sultan就是负责islam事务的最高代表。随着jakim的出现,就削弱sultan的角色。(这还是要“归功”于 马哈迪所赐)。你说的这个 只存在于一些比较强势的州sultan 例如selangor 霹雳 Johor。有些州sultan的立场也是比较挺jakim的。
@laujun2239 Жыл бұрын
@@Oligadai88 刀尔登 说过这样的话“辨别真相是一个很累人的事情,最容易的办法 就是告诉我 谁是坏人,我负责把他吃掉。” 今天马来人把自己要去思考 认识的过程 都以“不负责任”的心态丢给宗教师来解决。
@kerksengchuon3645 Жыл бұрын
我说呀,观看这部视频真的“挑战我的三观”,搞到我不用吃摇头丸都可以一直摇头!我只想问对这位领袖说:你的好朋友伊党,以宗教包装,以“为你好,为民族国家好”为名,却严重干涉你我日常为实的行为,我实在是不敢苟同。还是那句话,只要伊党不严厉干涉非穆斯林的日常(禁酒,禁赌,衣服怎么穿,当政府连管控猪肉价都要招来非议),不要利用宗教课题来“神化自己的联盟”和“妖魔化其他的政党”,更不要死命炒作宗教课题来“掩盖自己的行政过失”,关注如何招商引资、如何提供净水、如何消灭贫穷,童婚,滥用哥冬叶等社会问题。那么我们才不会那么的抗拒你们。不要忘记,我们是多元族群的民主世俗社会(Masyarkat Majmuk),不是单一族群的社会,这里不是阿拉伯,这里是大马!
@erictan6104 Жыл бұрын
@misakamisaka5475 Жыл бұрын
@kerksengchuon3645 Жыл бұрын
@@erictan6104 :总之,那些炒作宗教课题来“掩盖自己的行政过失”的政党都是废党!绝对地废!
@kerksengchuon3645 Жыл бұрын
@@misakamisaka5475 : 尊重种族敏感和伊党以宗教包装,以“为你好,为民族国家好”为名,却严重干涉你我日常为实的行为,是两回事。我是绝对不会说某某宗教的不是,我只会针对那些以“宗教”为名,强加自身价值观在我们非穆斯林的生活上的“政客”!现阶段,至少诚信党比伊党更能了解多元社会的回异,更加肯开放自己思维接受新事物,更不会对他人的道德指手画脚。 还有,你有提到华人宗教又没说没有“赌酒猪肉”会死,我在想,这又和伊党政客有什么关系叻?!我可以对你说,这个论述绝对不可以被成为伊党来“严重干涉非穆斯林生活“和强加自身价值观的借口!
@whitecross660 Жыл бұрын
@@kerksengchuon3645 说的没错,宗教本来就不应该拿来施政,这才是非穆斯林对伊党反感的最根本原因,只要一天他们还以宗教名义来治理的话就别想得到非穆斯林的选票。归根究底宗教只是个人的信仰,我并不反对和排斥任何宗教,你个人信奉一个宗教那就是你自己的事了,但你想要跨过这底线去侵犯他人的基本权利就是完全的不对了
@GLoop無縫循環歌曲 Жыл бұрын
Thanks YB for sharing bringing us to a more rational understanding
@JeremyChan Жыл бұрын
Open conversation and dialogues are always a good start for reconciliation
@ccc210ccc6 Жыл бұрын
@malaysiaboleh224 Жыл бұрын
要我投国盟是OK的,条件就是…… 你们执政的吉兰丹 和 登嘉楼 经济发展方面at least 不要垫底😂😂 然后贫困率at least 先不要全国最高好吧?😂😂 经济基础都不会
@xiao_xiao_wong Жыл бұрын
@mikan9705 Жыл бұрын
@malaysiaboleh224 Жыл бұрын
@@xiao_xiao_wong 枪手的厉害就是……以前可以把najib 捧上天,现在换阵营了,脑袋也换了,180度变又突然可以把回教党,大红花捧上天。厉害了我的民政党 👍🏼
@malaysiaboleh224 Жыл бұрын
@@mikan9705 一部分原因吧,重点是此州的政府都没有要工业化的意思,或者拉外资,农也发展更是没有,然后搞到一大堆年轻的吉兰丹人全部跑来penang KL 发展
@mikan9705 Жыл бұрын
@@malaysiaboleh224 主要是工业和农业在连年水灾的情况下很难发展起来吧?投资商可不希望他们的货物/田地被水泡。
@Long5199 Жыл бұрын
@pakheng96 Жыл бұрын
Actually for those things that you feel is haram for muslims, you can just ask muslims not to do so instead of banning the entire Malaysians because we have multiple races and religions. You can stop muslims from going those concerts or watching those movies that you feel that it is inappropriate for muslims. As a non-muslim, i will respect the decision that muslims decide not to involve in any haram activities. If PN is able to do that, I think more non-muslims will accept PN with open heart. The reason non-muslims are afraid of PN is we do not want to comply with those laws that we do not have the obligations to follow. This is what we call respect right? I can respect your decision, and you can respect my decision.
@sengfong1206 Жыл бұрын
Exactly, a devout muslim should control themselves not to touch on haram things like what this video said, if LGBT is haram, then muslims himself or herself should not watch this kind of movies. This YB said is our freedom to watch privately. Then how about muslims, if they are not devout enough, they themselves will still watch this kind of things in private right? (Just an example) I don't think banning is solving the problem.
@doneystar3481 Жыл бұрын
其实我最想知道的是国盟如何看待民政党一直0席 取得不了非巫裔的票
@chinaproislam Жыл бұрын
丁丁有把国席让给民政党吗?只是叫民政党攻州席。 国盟之心,华印皆知。 目地就是要泄弱华印的声音。
@k.j.estoniatan Жыл бұрын
民政黨跟希盟在雙溪大年差距只有1000多票都算好運了......誰叫國盟坑隊友都派他們上陣送死區的 (例如蕉賴,甲洞,白沙羅,華都亞也,馬六甲市區,伊斯干達公主城等等的)
@nicholaschanhungkit Жыл бұрын
@@k.j.estoniatan 这些区是不可能给国盟的
@ryanchaw1256 Жыл бұрын
I think this interview is a good start to know more the difference side. No matter what they stand for, we will have clearer pic to each other. Besides, may think to have Malay subtitle, you can pinjang from namewee, his translator is good. Adding last, host should let guest to share more, some of the point guest want to share more, but host interrupted.. Anyway good job BBk
@kkchong5011 Жыл бұрын
@zijiang1239 Жыл бұрын
black pink 也打包🤣🤣🤣
@yixuan5171 Жыл бұрын
I think YB should check out the latest text books contents in Chinese school as what you worried don't exist there because all the contents inside is about multiracial community cultures and celebration. I don't see the argument as valid. This shows that srjk cina pays more attention to understanding and educating our young ones. Instead about sekolah agama? Did they have the same coverage as us?
@dotaloner5362 Жыл бұрын
During bukit jalil incident, he replied every chinese comment with "cina x minat support harimau malaysia ke?" Trying the hardest to racialize the whole thing , sorry, i will remember that for my whole life and i won't listen a word from him ever again.
@ninjatuna87 Жыл бұрын
这个访谈精不精彩就要看两位主持人是否有问到一些比较敏感的话题,例如伊斯兰化,禁赌禁酒的话题。或者有没有push嘉宾到极限。 如果没有的话,这个访谈也是一场秀而已🤣
@leeweilun3047 Жыл бұрын
@chengsimchuah8891 Жыл бұрын
Thank you BBK for the episode. Keep it up by bringing different political background guest to the channel.
@ongcheeweng318 Жыл бұрын
Actually, I agree with what the YB said-that we shouldn't put all the eggs in the same basket. But what I want to emphasise is that the majority of Chinese voters support PH over PN not only because of race, religion, or culture, but also because of the minister's performance during their tenure. Because, as a Malaysian, I see no positive changes in my country's economy, education, or other areas under the PN government. Thus, I am really glad that DSAI has a chance to be the PM and see whether it can perform better than the previous government. I really hope that, as YB stated, the current opposition party, the PN, can do their job in parliament well, which is to supervise the cabinet, rather than making another sheraton move that would cause political instability and have a lot of indirect effects that would worsen our lives. I am really happy to hear the thoughts from other parties as well, and I hope one day BBK will have a guest from PAS to share their thoughts with us as well. We need to get to know each other better in order to break down our prejudices against one another. I believe that people from different parties, whether ruling or opposition, can work together to move our country forward. #saynotoextremepolitics
@sean_tw Жыл бұрын
希盟這次贏得很艱難,而且湊來湊去才組政府,就表示大馬這個國家是空前的分裂,我覺得多聽聽別的意見是很重要的,我們要知道,巫華如果完全對立,華裔在政治上是沒有勝算的,畢竟人數擺在那裡,你可以不認同,但不必要詆毀,bbk也要加油,不要怕那些批評。 而且我覺得他在分析局勢上蠻專業的,理念上因為立場不同沒辦法
@QinWang-eo2jh Жыл бұрын
@chaosang9143 Жыл бұрын
@TerryKeoh Жыл бұрын
One thing I noticed about politician in Malaysia. Everyone can have a perfect plan but when comes to execution, the progress is always slow or should I rather say no progress?
@ND-il4zy Жыл бұрын
原本只想打开视频放一边听着,没想到越听越觉得有趣。 很喜欢里面说到的一句话,“我们不讨论这种事情时,就会引起误会”
@gackhuk2031 Жыл бұрын
@user-wg5un7hu8q Жыл бұрын
@jacobrichard369 Жыл бұрын
@chaichris5849 Жыл бұрын
so much bullshits from this guy in such a short time.
@yewyinghao7417 Жыл бұрын
@user-rh6tp4fi4h Жыл бұрын
我超喜欢访问政治人物的系列,可以知道他们对改善国家有什么样的想法,期待 Hadi Awang 来这档节目 哈哈哈 About the content, I believe those eligible to be ministers know the ideas on how Malaysia can be a better country. Just different parties have different ways of achieving this. One fact that Wan Fayhsal said I think it's right is most Malaysian people, especially from rural areas are not ready for this yet. it can be due to they are not educated like how people from the urban areas, and many other factors. PH "reformasi" targetting mostly people from the urban area where people can speak in English, emphasizes improving the quality of living, moving toward liberalism, etc. However, people from the rural feel that it's a threat to them, as it differs from what they believe. People from rural areas need more attention. This is a challenge for whichever party becomes the government of Malaysia.
@Mangoseen Жыл бұрын
@khaikeong Жыл бұрын
he can't even speak in english
@alanhooiyl Жыл бұрын
I'm sure he don't even able to speak about big direction on how to make Malaysia great again. Only knows everyday talk rubbish & empty speech (no substance) + paling pandai put blames on DAP DAP DAP ... 🤪
@willieccw79 Жыл бұрын
@xiaoming4569 Жыл бұрын
@tengallan5197 Жыл бұрын
@seetoh911 Жыл бұрын
I prefer him to say to let Malaysians from different background understand each other more, rather than saying Chinese and Indian to understand Malays more... 2023 now do we still need to segregate each other by race
@sollertia_ Жыл бұрын
Spouting harmonious tolerance only to have his phrasing betray his true thoughts lol
@junyiyap8727 Жыл бұрын
@sucd218 Жыл бұрын
wonderful and fruitful sessions.
@StevenTanWilddiscus Жыл бұрын
里外不同的一群,小心吧!how PAS act everyone see with their own eye, so PAS can say whatever you want, but this will not change what you act.
@raymondtan4198 Жыл бұрын
I prefer a political party that is not RACE or RELIGION based, a good party for the country is supposed to be a party focused in progressing the country, rather than mixing race or religion topics in its agenda.
@kata8na Жыл бұрын
On one hand: we need to maintain a malay/islam based country & policy. On the other hand: see Anwar wore songkok, baju melayu, etc because he needs to get majority's support. He should focus on the country first. Sorry am I the biased one for thinking that he is contradicting himself? How can a race based and religious based/focuses party will be able to give just and fair attention to everyone, when the main tenet of the party is to focus on single party? I'm glad that you guys invited him though, anf am glad for the subtitle. Thank you.
@darrenfoo8269 Жыл бұрын
Given that abolishing vernacular schools isn't a viable option for the foreseeable feature, I like how YB mentioned that having more exposure to Malay culture in vernacular schools could be a stop-gap solution. I'd say why not it goes both ways? Get the national school kids to learn more about other races as well, everyone take a step forward and get to know our peers better.
@kohleiming Жыл бұрын
@raywonchino Жыл бұрын
If the Malay communities still think to protect their interest rather than to improve the status of the country such as economic and prosperity, then as a Sabahan i prefer Sabah should rule ourselves in our own way.
@raywonchino Жыл бұрын
@@xenon2264 its sabahan land, if u are not sabahan, move ur butt out of here.
@raywonchino Жыл бұрын
@@xenon2264 its 21st century and please go looks for a doctor and check your brain.
@UndeadHikari Жыл бұрын
The way PAS managing their states are the uncertain of urban city's Chinese voting PN. I don't see any assurance on concerts, cinemas, lottery, schools, etc. Buddha teaches on tolerate, forgiveness, but doesn't mean giving up everything. If DAP's ideology is frightening PAS, then PAS's way of managing is also causing phobia
@Oligadai88 Жыл бұрын
Totally have no idea how a state with flood yearly and still the state gov has no blame on and continue to harness lots of votes. Flood management is not an issue of nasib or what. It’s a real issue and hit the bread and butter YB! Did you solve it?
@ccc210ccc6 Жыл бұрын
我感觉他一上车过后就会投诉然后讲:cibai la 2cina ni,tanya i macam2 soalan tidak sedia🤣
@tiaryiliew8273 Жыл бұрын
Quality video. I love to hear more from PAS and Bersatu.
@user-bq2lf8hf1v Жыл бұрын
The main reason of pas can't get Chinese voters is sometimes they bring out the concept that like last time Shah alam got flooded and they said the reason is because Shah alam have too much alcoholic factory and stuff make us more uncomfortable with them
@kimleanlai4194 Жыл бұрын
Pls don't trust this guy.
@carsonl3607 Жыл бұрын
15:30 嘉雯这句话太帅了!是真的啊 我们投票给你们 可是我们大部分人就不能去电影院了啊!他也没得针对这个点来回应呢😏人民的诉求很简单 最基本的生活要求不能被剥夺 他就被一句”不能去电影院“按着地上回答不出解决方案了啊~~~
@gn02751627 Жыл бұрын
Respect, for coming on to social media and disucss on sensative topic like this. Me myself as a chinese made mistake too for not being sensertive enough on religious topic. Learn along the way and now i am so happy working with my malay friend & being "bros" with them. I think country need to have more initiatives to bring all racial/culture together, instead of deviding us.
@sphinxtan9158 Жыл бұрын
He tried to reason and defend their Malay + Muslim ideology. And I think I understand what he was talking about. But every words he said, just make me feel more certain that I don't want PN to be the government. But I can also see that nowadays Chinese Malaysian are very prompted to Chinese Nationalism. If somehow the Chinese wins over the political power in Malaysia, that may not be good. Although I still trust the DAP today which is not so radical(yet?).
@jeffng4302 Жыл бұрын
現實中某黨一直干擾非回教徒人民的自由權力..... 最近的演唱會事情這位竟然要求部長使用權力中止演唱會, 說到好像不用負責和賠錢哪樣的, 所以我對這個盟很無言
@koayyungphin5954 Жыл бұрын
In order for us to vote for conservative but slowly progressing political party, why not we just vote for progressive political party? PAS is not suitable to govern the country, an extremist mindset cannot be changed Please don't say we are influenced by DAP, we read news and have our own independent judgement, what PAS did in Terenganu, Kelantan & Kedah is completely ridiculous to us and no construction opinion at all other than racial & religion issues Therefore, I will remain with my statement, say NO to PAS/PN
@jota2028 Жыл бұрын
The balance of power in the parliament is important and the separation power of legislative, judiciary and executive of cabinet need implement well to prevent abusive of power as people representative.
@limeelin6189 Жыл бұрын
As you said “ as long as not contradicting your moral , your religion , your bla bla bla …” so keep it to your self , don’t try to miss use your power to interfere other races rights .
@XmZH123 Жыл бұрын
I voted PH not because of DAP not because of Chinese (in fact I thought some of the issues like UEC are really unnecessarily too), but I voted for individuals who would take their job seriously,work hard and able to produce positive results. I am a logical person and I vote with logic, in fact when the speaker said politics are illogical, that's when I understand why our country is in such a mess. Don't put all eggs in the same basket, how am I suppose to split my eggs into another basket when we obviously know the other basket (Mxx) has broken for the past 60 years? Sorry, that's not logical for me. I could not accept PAS not because of the Islamic teachings (as I am also embracing Abrahamic religion, I actually accept Muslims way of life better than Chinese majority's Buddhism and Taoism). Islamic teachings are good teachings and I have a Muslim BFF, however I cannot accept PAS forcefully want to change the life of non-Muslims by banning this banning that. If they don't like cinema and movies, ban Muslims from going to cinema, not closing the cinema down. If they don't like alcohol and gambling, teach the Muslims to follow Islamic teachings and stay away from these bad habits, not banning alcohol business and closing down licensed gambling centre (unlicensed one must be closed down however). I love Malaysia as a multicultural country and I always associate myself as a Malaysian first before Malaysian Chinese. The beauty of our country is the integration of different cultures but also able to identify and maintain our roots at the same time. A FAR RIGHT PAS? No thanks.
@user-tm6df5cx9w Жыл бұрын
伊黨的核心理念就是與我嚮往的自由有衝突,不太接受禁電影院與演唱會這類活動的解釋,我覺得亞洲中部與非洲北部的部分國家禁止這些娛樂項目沒問題是因爲他們的社會結構本來就是穆斯林組成的,而我們有多元種族,他們不從細微的控制下手而選擇直接砍掉他們無法接受的東西,不談經濟效益,大範圍砍除這個舉動本身就已經傷害非穆斯林族群的選擇權也不尊重非穆斯林,至少我是這麽覺得。 我們在家裏能自由的進行任何與伊黨核心理念有衝突的娛樂項目,但不是所有人都有錢在自己的家庭設立私人電影院,很多影視作品在電影院内觀看所帶來的震撼與感受也遠比我們使用平板、電腦和手機等設備在自家進行觀看還要來得强大。 爲什麽我們使用合理的價格去使用電影院帶來的高級設備的視聽體驗與享受的選擇權,要因爲不符合穆斯林的理念而被剝奪,選擇沒有電影院而不是選擇沒有穆斯林的電影院,我所瞭解的互相尊重不是這樣運作欸,但也許是我確實不瞭解穆斯林與伊斯蘭教。 最後他在談論投票數據的時候上來就直接貼標簽有點莫名,我的種族是華人,我投給希盟是因爲我不想要我的權益和選擇權受損,用鷄蛋放同個籃子這個概念有邏輯,但是這個概念太過廣闊與模糊,不適合這麽簡單的用來概括數據爲什麽會這樣呈現,不排除時間上的考量而不多加描述這個因素。 當然,多聼其他聲音非常重要,民衆與政治互動的方式目前也確實不健康,在此我只是發表我的想法,并不是反對這類影片,希望BBK繼續爲我們帶來有品質的訪談節目,讓我們多多瞭解不熟悉的環境。 以上是我的個人想法,我不瞭解政治,但政治會干涉到我的權益,我只能在我有限的知識内表達我對無法理解的行爲的想法。
@mrnotfound1333 Жыл бұрын
Good discussion.
@chomy51 Жыл бұрын
This is an excellent breakthrough of racial and cultural understanding. 👍
@raypassivewinner Жыл бұрын
I'm impressed by his fluency in English conversation, he delivered very good perspective in term of political view. Anyway, I don't have much impression on his achievement during his term as Deputy YBS minister. Like what the host said, looking forward for your constructive debate in parliament. As for the Malaysian chinese, we can live well with all races, respect each others and build the nation together. BUT, the baseline is not to mix religion into daily lives forcefully. We respect non Malay that admire Islamic teaching and become a Muslim which must come from their very own will.
@garyyeo1968 Жыл бұрын
A lot of promising visions or missions coming from the Bersatu chief himself, but for now as a non-Malay Malaysian, we trust only the Pakatan Harapan administration and the Unity government to mend damaged reputations of Malaysia and improve the economies. PN was once a "backdoor government" after Langkah Sheraton, and we not only non-Malay voters, but also urban voters in general have lost trust in Bersatu, much less in PAS. We want progressivism to save the country, not conservatism.
@user-tf8ib2hb7i Жыл бұрын
One of their selling point pre election was anwar is inexperienced, abah was PM before... maybe this tactic no longer usable 5 years later haha, bcoz abah will be is least experienced one.
@garyyeo1968 Жыл бұрын
They obviously didn’t mention under Anwar as MOF, the country only had RM98 billion in debt. Under Muhyiddin, it was RM1.4 trillion in debt and inflation rising.
@user-tf8ib2hb7i Жыл бұрын
@garyyeo1968 people who do not know economy, will see debt figure as a justification of ability... debt, have to view in term of GDP. Also, majority of malaysia debt denominated in ringgit. If the 98 B debt back then in USD term, then it will be much worse than 1.4 trillion ringgit debt we have now... understand the logic?
@yokelengleng Жыл бұрын
Pakistan Harapan?
@dotaloner5362 Жыл бұрын
During bukit jalil incident, he replied every chinese comment with "cina x minat support harimau malaysia ke?" Trying the hardest to racialize the whole thing , sorry, i will remember that for my whole life and i won't listen a word from him ever again.
@sam-dp3td Жыл бұрын
@Hao57460 Жыл бұрын
国盟的招式是利用选民的不理智,希盟的招式是和选民谈政策,国阵的招式是我们是中庸,不会偏坦其中一方 这届的答案是利用选民的不理智的PN和谈政策PH比较多人支持 根据这几个月的行情,感觉下屆选民应该还是会很不理智被忽悠😂
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