Yanis Varoufakis | The End Of Capitalism

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Eye Of The Storm Podcast

Eye Of The Storm Podcast

2 ай бұрын

This podcast is released alongside the acclaimed new docuseries 'In The Eye Of The Storm - The Political Odyssey Of Yanis Varoufakis'. Watch it here: www.eyeofthestorm.info
See the full podcast episode here: • Gabor Maté and Yanis V...
'Eye Of The Storm Podcast' will release new episodes each week with renowned guests from the world of politics and the arts. Please like and subscribe.

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@danieldavid3160 2 ай бұрын
Mr Varoufakis. You never cease to amaze me, with your knowledge about so many important themes. And, at the same time, you are offering poeple information, which mainstream would never considering advertising! Thank you, Sir! 🤗🥰
@mediastarguest 2 ай бұрын
Varoufakis is just another chancer with his own warped agenda. Anybody with half a brain knows the social media and web page platforms use whatever technological ruse it takes in order to get people to spend. It's just that most of us do not need to invent superfluous vocabulary and fancy phrases to express ourselves. We just don't buy via internet, don't let social media influence our spending and do try to buy from local shops and businesses instead. But unlike Varoufakis, we don't need to pretend we are philosophical masterminds in order to do that.
@thomasjgallagher924 2 ай бұрын
Well when you're in the habit of making predictions that haven't born themselves out, you have to be creative in finding new angles on tired themes. 15 years ago it wasn't AI that was gonna send us back to feudalism, according to the distnguished economist, and in 15 more years AI won't be something he's talking about, at least in a doom and gloom sense. Write me back in 15 years and if I'm wrong, I'll buy yeh a moussaka in Thessaloniki. If I'm right, buy me sarma in Skopje, Macedonia.
@casalist5426 2 ай бұрын
Please I still live in in Feudalism…the pure form. Here in Florence a few own all the rentals and they are living the full experience of Medieval time because Renaissance is part of that…. They are so proud of tourist coming to see Renaissance Italy! Gosh I live it!
@imperialmotoring3789 2 ай бұрын
Here in Chicago the illegals are taking over and getting free stuff that we do not get even though we pay for it!
@hayleyanna2625 2 ай бұрын
Thank you. This is a brilliant informative podcast, alongside the excellent documentary.🍃🍃
@timmoore3188 2 ай бұрын
I don't know if AI is that advanced yet. It keeps trying to sell me stuff I already bought. I mean, I have no intention of buying a new refrigerator every week? Futurist Michio Kaku says present day AI is a tape recorder. It plays back what you give it.
@ChucklesMcGurk 2 ай бұрын
AI is dangerous precisely because it mimics human thought and creativity and makes it redundant. It dumbs you down as you use it.
@paulaa1175 2 ай бұрын
Good point - let's not carried away with pictures of idiot consumers all easily manipulated. AI is currently interacting with us at the level of being a 'stochastic parrot' (as many current critics contend) so we get stuck in boring loops ... KZfaq will list more Yanis Varoufakis clips for me after watching this one.
@Ryan_hey 2 ай бұрын
Just give it a few months and you'll be buying a refrigerator every week.
@davidwuhrer6704 2 ай бұрын
It's not about AI. It's about selling advertising space. You are the eyeballs, you pay with your attention, and possibly your mind, but that doesn't make the shareholders richer. The money comes in at the other end, from the refrigerator salesmen. And the more ads they have to pay for per sale, the better for the ad-tech company. So, you not getting any relevant ads is not a bug, it's a feature. But you are still the target demographic, so the analytics (also sold to the advertisers) say that the advertisers have reached exactly who they paid for.
@jurgschupbach3059 2 ай бұрын
We need new Padlom first
@atambwalisametana6363 2 ай бұрын
I never tire of listening to Yanis.
@christinet6336 2 ай бұрын
@freepalestine7687 2 ай бұрын
Vote for him if you are an EU citizen
@flavioc5389 2 ай бұрын
Always the same nonsense BS. A Marxist professor criticizes the system that lift up people from poverty while proposing a system that put 1 billion in poverty and killed 100M. ☠️
@lebladful 2 ай бұрын
Democracy is no longer the government of the people by the peolpe but the people by the oligarchy
@arimagoo4687 2 ай бұрын
Better spelled possibly… demoNcra$$Y 🤓
@Nine-Signs 2 ай бұрын
You live under a top down anti democratic capitalist economy that prevents democracy from entering into 70% of life spent at work and incentivises the corruption of the remaining 30% of democracy people actually get when not in work. Youve never actually had democracy. -.- The workers at Huwawei under a communist single party government, have more meaningful democracy in their lives than any westerner ever has because they are also joint owners and run it democratically, 1 worker owner, 1 vote, all deciding what to produce, how to produce, where to produce, and what to do with the profits. Which they all just voted to share out equally among all workers there. 9.5 billion dollars in profits given away to workers, with much more to come.
@gmenezesdea 2 ай бұрын
always has been
@juhanleemet 2 ай бұрын
I think Yanis himself reminded us that Aristotle warned that democracy tends to end up in oligarchy; I guess he actually described a cycling?
@Ryan_hey 2 ай бұрын
It's more so that capitalist democracies have always collected wealth at the top, which perverts the very purpose of a democracy as wealth buys and controls political power at will.
@arimagoo4687 2 ай бұрын
Excellent! Thank you 🙏
@sheb4128 2 ай бұрын
the simple solution: Boycott Everything! especially anything that is being advertised to you
@joeblow3990 2 ай бұрын
Wrong. Advertising works because there will ALWAYS be people which will be susceptible to purchasing what is advertised. If this were not a fact, advertising would not exist. And the silly elitist position of looking down at them as rubes is actually quite reactionary.
@garyweglarz 2 ай бұрын
Another aspect of the algorithms that I find very noticeable is the obvious suppression of posts and videos from sites that I routinely visit - that just happen to challenge official narratives. Along side this I notice the constant promotion of sites propagating perspectives I do not share - but who's "promotion" must be in someone's "interest" - because I am certainly not promoting the appearance of those sites through my own searches or viewing. So there exists a clear "shaping of thought and perception" going on in conjunction with the traditional capitalist aspirations of simply promoting "sales" and "profits." No doubt the "data" collected about my visits to those sites sharing verboten opinions and reporting, while of perhaps of limited interest to corporate interests - are no doubt helping to fill the data bases of the intelligence services and surveillance State apparatus awaiting their future use.
@artosbear 2 ай бұрын
Yes there's a game called Neofeud made quite a few years ago, about a hyper neofeudal technodystopia that identifies how capitalism will turn back into feudalism
@Selbstzensur 2 ай бұрын
Very interessting. Have to listen to it again, to understand.
@Devi-tg8fh 2 ай бұрын
Same here, but I understand enough to see that this man is brilliant!
@BrigitteTucker-vn9bf 2 ай бұрын
They have their heads in a cloud that never rains.
@RogerioLupoArteCientifica 2 ай бұрын
Even when you're less prone to fall into the purchasing appeal, there's more to that. The systems get outdated and you're forced to update your devices if you want to continue to be functional as part of society and enjoy the benefits. Bank apps, social media apps, email apps, all of them are fundamental to my work, but my old iPhone 6 won't update the IOS not even to version 13. So I could not help but update my devices. When the CBDCs (Central Banks Digital Currencies) finally break in and thrive, people may be forced to spend their money within a certain term, otherwise its value gets expired. Personal scores can be assigned to citizens, as it's already the case in a certain country, etc etc.
@mariettestabel275 2 ай бұрын
This World is Nuts...
@davidwuhrer6704 2 ай бұрын
You don't have to use an iPhone. There are phones which are modular, allowing you to replace or upgrade any part of it. The main problem is not just with phones, but what happened to the internet. It used to be that anyone could do what anyone else could do, technically. Anyone can have their own mail server, file server, chat server, web server, what have you, and they all worked together. Send mail from any device to any other. Now, you have to have an account on the same host as the person you want to communicate with. And you don't get the code to set up your own. All your communication is controlled by someone else, they control what you can see and what you can say. And it gets worse. You don't own your own devices, you only have a temporary licence to use them for a while. And that is considered normal. You don't own your car, the manufacturer does, and they can shut it off and lock you out at their own discretion. They also track everything you do with it, and sell it to surveillance capitalists. There are exceptions. There are still devices that are truly yours, and there are still decentralised services. But those have become the exception.
@alexsidney4796 2 ай бұрын
It’s us ourselves. We are the product of capitalism, free to be repressively desublimated ( if we understand repression as something produced)
@Gk2003m 2 ай бұрын
0:03: you know the difference between a theory and a hypothesis - you already have my attention! Onward I go….
@bridgetgear8621 2 ай бұрын
Amazing analysis
@iuliannastasa6592 2 ай бұрын
@mariettestabel275 2 ай бұрын
I could never resolve this dilemma; do we live in an Abnormal or an Amoral Epoch?.
@davidwuhrer6704 2 ай бұрын
Yes, we do.
@Avianthro 2 ай бұрын
It is the latest evolutionary step in our continuing dependency on technology, our self-entrapment (by making our very lives dependent on it) by technological "progress" that started with our learning to use fire and make basic tools, which came from our evolution of certain endosomatic technologies in our bodies and brains in support of the basic life drive for power, ability to use energy and resources needed to support life. Yes, the owner-elite class has been using tech (esp. since the first IR) to create a neo-feudal world, but we ourselves by our nature as THE technological animals and by our desire to have godlike omnipotence and omniscience have actually enslaved ourselves to our own tech. Moreover, the tech is now beginning to have a mind, a sense of self-awareness of its own, and that could be the appearance of a whole new species that enslaves or replaces us all, not just the sub-elite non-owner class. Our most fundamental problem is therefore our dependency on tech and our inability to restrain "progress", not the existence of an owner-elite, capitalist, class. Tech "progress" in the hands of socialistic bureaucrats is every bit as much a threat. We must say No to more tech "progress"! Enough is enough!
@sheb4128 2 ай бұрын
can't remember who said it but "civilization is a race to solve the problems that it has created "
@mariettestabel275 2 ай бұрын
@davidwuhrer6704 2 ай бұрын
That's a bald-faced lie. Nothing about cloud technology is unavoidable. This is not the final step, it is a deliberate direction that things are taken in at huge expense. Technology used to be something that did things for you. It still can be. Scissors for example are a tool that is not deliberately designed to do things to you. Turning everything into a subscription based service is not normal, and it is not unavoidable, and it certainly isn't progress. It is self-defeating. The technologies that have survived and improved are the ones that are easy to replicate, many are literally child's play. Monopolised, secret technologies tend to get lost to history. And that is exactly what these cloud services are. They take things away from you that could be yours. They lock away how things work so nobody can improve them, or just cut out the surveillance. This is deliberate, and not unavoidable. It didn't have to be this way, and we shouldn't tolerate it.
@Avianthro 2 ай бұрын
@@davidwuhrer6704 First, it's not so nice to be called a bald-faced liar. My face isn't bald and I wasn't lying. Second: You appear to understand very little about the power of technology to control-entrap us. To start with, I'd recommend you read Ronald Wright's "A Short History of Progress"...Get up to speed on the concept of a "progress trap". Third: Why are we (a majority of us anyway) tolerating it if it doesn't have to be this way? Why do we keep tolerating so many other tech progress traps into which we've fallen?
@davidwuhrer6704 2 ай бұрын
@@Avianthro I'm not calling you bald-faced, I'm saying that the lie you are repeating is bald-faced. And it is a lie. I don't know if you honestly believe it, but the fact is that it isn't true. I thought that to be self-evident to anyone who understands technology enough to hold a soldering iron, or was alive more than twenty years ago and witnessed how things changed. But I did nothing more than assert that, so let me go into more detail. You claim that it is technological progress itself that is responsible for deregulation, privatisation, dinosaurs mating, and for monopolies resulting from this horizontal and vertical integrations enshittifying services and infrastructure. But nothing could be further from the truth. Computer networks, and the internet in particular, began as a way to get terminals to connect to more than one computer, and then to connect computers among each other. The guiding principle for network protocols back then was to decentralise everything. Unlike phone networks, computer networks and protocols were designed to not have a central point of failure. Damage and censorship could be routed around without changing any configurations. Nothing could be controlled by a single entity, what one could do, everyone and anyone could do. Today, computers are so small that the USB3 standard requires a computer inside the cable. In the early 1990s the idea of an "internet of things" was proposed. The idea was to put microchips into everything, to connect all devices, and to combine them in novel ways to not have to rely on one central computer for everything. One proposed example was computerised post-it notes; you could use each for different things, although each could do anything any other could. With today's technology - system on a chip, e-ink, and Bluetooth or WiFi - this would easily be possible, but that is not what happened. An example for what happened is the WebPC: Microsoft designed and promoted a modified IBM PC clone that would not store any data other than the OS; all user data would be handled over the network by Microsoft's own machines. It didn't sell, nobody was stupid enough to entrust Microsoft with their own personal data. Today there is Microsoft Azure. Douglas Engelbart, often credited as the inventor of the mouse although he did a lot more than that, said that if we could build computers that fit in our pockets, we could give them our shopping list and they would give us the shortest path to collect all our groceries. That would be a simple and obvious application. Today we have computers in our pockets, but, again, that thing did not happen. There is an app for everything, but not that. Instead there are apps that let us compare prices between shops, but ignoring the time and fuel needed to get there. The "internet of things" today is a way to change the hue of your lightbulb from your phone, not by connecting your phone to your lightbulb in the local network, but through a central server somewhere else, a server you don't control and cannot replicate. The IoT is a way for your car manufacturer to shut down your car if you miss a payment, to make sear warmers a subscription based service, or to brick your tractor if you try to change the oil filter yourself. The decentralisation that is fundamental to the internet has been undermined legally and technologically, not inevitably, but deliberately. Take email, for example: It is older than the internet, and its protocols enable any device to send and receive text from any other device, or multiple devices, with no central node it has to go through, and even across different networks. Unix systems use email for local notifications and errors, and civil aviation uses emails (specifically the ITU X.400 protocol) for weather reports. Yet most of us don't use it that way. Most of us have one account on someone else's machine and route all our mails (other than local errors and notifications) through that. But still, no matter which host you sign up with, they all send and receive from each other. This is not the case with other services like Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, or Discord. If you want to send or receive messages to or from there, you need an account on the same host. And you cannot set up your own. This is not technological progress. It is a regression. Things that used to be expected are being made Impossible. Things that used to work simply are broken with considerable effort. And notifications today don't patiently wait for you to read them like they used to, they interrupt you and demand your attention. By design. Not by necessity. There are other, more obscure examples (like for example X.509), and a lot more historical detail about how things got broken. But suffice to say that the lie you are spreading is in essence saying that technological progress made it inevitable that Boeing passenger planes are losing parts in mid-flight now. I don't know how anyone could honestly believe that.
@NoosaHeads 2 ай бұрын
Good, insightful speaker.
@4ajustpeace 2 ай бұрын
this world is breaking my mind
@marias2787 2 ай бұрын
He is so good!
@elrombo4 2 ай бұрын
We are working for free without even knowing it. Great
@juhanleemet 2 ай бұрын
we have known it for some time; read "Who Owns the Future?"
@neilreynolds3858 2 ай бұрын
No matter what you call your economic system, people who work for no pay are called slaves.
@clmasse 2 ай бұрын
In the cloud there is KZfaq whose algorithm points me to a video advertising I shouldn't use my free time feeding the cloud.
@elizabethseeman7512 2 ай бұрын
@jamesgordley5000 2 ай бұрын
I could see this very thing that big tech is doing, become more and more practical for small tech to achieve, however, which would lead to many alternative AI clouds with better service for users. The fiefdoms would get undermined.
@DanDrag-un6qy 2 ай бұрын
Two fundamental flows, in my opinion about the current network. People owning their own information and the ability to process that information effeciently and effectively. Tim Berners Key and his biggest fear came true. Along with the disembowelment of net neutrality, people freely giving away their own mark on the internet and society. Essentially claiming memories and thoughts for profit. Everything described is literally the plot line for the movie batman and robin with jim carry. The right thing to do is to let people control their own information and have access to the best AI assisstants out there. And don't be fooled, when that stuff first came public, I had it and it was amazing. The biggest fear of AI is knowing that you don't need them as much anymore and will pop a bubble in the market. It is to save profit and control.
@davidwuhrer6704 2 ай бұрын
Well put
@Imthat676 2 ай бұрын
May God protect you for telling Truth
@freepalestine7687 2 ай бұрын
I voted for you dear Yanis for the next EU election
@megm.c4026 2 ай бұрын
Loving the podcast. Keep up the great workd. But...can you explain to me why you sell on Amazon? I dont get why so many people use it when its so utterly evil? I personally refuse to and it hasnt impacted me too much I dont think. I also dont own a cell phone. But I do own a laptop.
@ChucklesMcGurk 2 ай бұрын
in the same way we all do things against our own best interest, because we have no choice, and we have no desire to change because we are creations of the system. We consume or we cease to exist, in the public sphere anyway
@fmz6911 2 ай бұрын
Publishers decide to sell on Amazon. Authors have no say. .
@karl104 2 ай бұрын
Where can i read about what ACTUALLY happened to the greek airports???
@andreahoehmann1939 2 ай бұрын
One of the foundations of socialism is the belief that people can be manipulated at will. This is why economies of scarcity before 1989 always relied on manipulation instead of improving living conditions.
@PeterBakker 2 ай бұрын
After fixing logistic chains we do the same with marketing. Making it more efficient and understandable. Humanity on internet is a perfect testing ground. Concerns should be more about media abuse by ruling Class. What's make you tick ( Tok)?
@hayripolat9042 2 ай бұрын
@chemtrooper1 2 ай бұрын
Shadowrunners are fast becoming a reality
@Phil-bc2sd 2 ай бұрын
What does he know it looks to most intelligent people that it’s the end of socialism.
@davidwuhrer6704 2 ай бұрын
He argues that it is the end of capitalism, in the sense that capitalists like profit and oppose rent. He argues that capitalism has not been overcome by socialism as seemed inevitable at the beginning of the 20th century, but replaced something new and worse. The cloud capitalists or technofeudalists, neither capitalists (who make profit from the surplus value of labour) nor feudalists (who extract rent from the land they own) in the traditional sense, extract rent from owning something that doesn't produce anything. Their power is from controlling the flow of information. In that sense it is the end of the type of capitalism that overcame feudalism. It is not the end of socialism, but the part it plays may change. Keep in mind that this new capitalism doesn't require a reserve army of workers, but it does require a reliable supply of consumers. Socialist policies could provide that, but not all schools of socialism would be content with that.
@kishfoo 2 ай бұрын
Hmmm, cool. I never thought of it like that. I get paid to train Amazon Japan's A.I. in cross-cultural marketing.
@knobfieldfox 2 ай бұрын
I wonder if regulators will at some point in the future, force the tech giants to release the code that underpins these circular cycles of learning and delivered manipulative content.
@ker7743 2 ай бұрын
KZfaq recommended your video. Dare I say that you , Mr Varoufakis, as well, seek advantage in algorythms and Cloud Influence to spread your content ?
@SoCalFreelance 2 ай бұрын
A much more insidious way to shape the consumer.
@Nothing23770 Ай бұрын
I’m not worried. I already hated Alexa and Siri.
@teemum.9023 2 ай бұрын
3.33 it is Feodalism, because products are rented like land
@Elazar40 2 ай бұрын
Technology -- especially the multiplier affect/effect of media -- has disproportionately enabled some of the worst among us.
@ChucklesMcGurk 2 ай бұрын
maybe but it has also educated people around the world and enabled a backlash, the scum will always rise to the top in any social system, history shows us that
@janwilson9485 2 ай бұрын
Scarey and in need of being stopped by governments. Although I wont hold my breath for politicians doing the right thing anytime soon.
@gwills9337 2 ай бұрын
We live in oil powered, electric feudalism
@science212 14 күн бұрын
@2011Matz 2 ай бұрын
I don't subscribe to YVs beliefs in general, but he's dead right here. It is imperative that while not inhibiting your children's electronic adventures, you teach them to take an interest in somethings that are real, and to learn how to do something that is practicable without digital electronics.
@doniphandiatribes 2 ай бұрын
Absurd. People don’t have to buy iphones or order on Amazon, they simply prefer them to Androids or driving to the store. Nor do they prefer MacDonalds when they see an ad, they’re just too lazy at that moment to find on Yelp the organic place. This is Hebert Marcuse’s mistaken analysis of Californian Capitalism as the Golden Totalitarian Handcuffs of too much freedom. Yes it scares and indulges the laziness of some people, but the normally self motivated can easily do there own thing with modern tools.
@lucfrombelgium5435 2 ай бұрын
In feodal life the people were freer
@dibble2005 2 ай бұрын
He is one of those people in the minority who can get his head around what is happening in the world of the internet communications and marketing. We need people like him because we have to get this. We have to understand that just because we are talking about the internet its the same class of people who own and control it. It is still Feudalism and we are still the serfs who uphold it without any of the benefits. We freely contribute to it and maintain it but we get nothing in return. We input all our data, our lives. But we get zero from the companies using it like Google and Amazon.
@suzanapfeifer7882 2 ай бұрын
🌷GRATITUTE 👼🕊Alonso del Rio palomita🕊🇵🇸🕊🌍🕊👪🇾🇪🇧🇷🇷🇺🇯🇵🇮🇷👼
@zzausel 2 ай бұрын
What I say. Transhumanism doesn't work. It leads into an abyss.
@zzausel 2 ай бұрын
@lava12.23 So do I, but we have to decide against TH and for humanity every day, and I am one of the few who go for that. No TV, no smart phone, no navigator, no amazon, no war lie tax, no money in the bank, no dirty jobs, aso aso.
@davidwuhrer6704 2 ай бұрын
I don't mind being a cyborg, but I want to own my own organs. And I don't want to be the terminator's skin. If anything, I'd want to be at least the brain.
@zzausel 2 ай бұрын
@@davidwuhrer6704 If your life depends on artificial dialysis your thoughts are unfree. It is better for your brain to use a bike than to use a plane.
@davidwuhrer6704 2 ай бұрын
@@zzausel I don't think with my kidneys
@zzausel 2 ай бұрын
@@davidwuhrer6704 Sorry having argued.
@karl104 2 ай бұрын
Facebook was supposed to be a small, gentle connection in Academia? So it is actually not Zuckerberg we should blame? Someone else weaponised and monetised it???
@davidwuhrer6704 2 ай бұрын
Zuckerberg promised that Facebook would not show ads and that he would not sell people's private data. So we can at least blame him for breaking that promise. But we can also blame the people who did figure out how to make money from it at the expense of Zynga, the people who decided to block the mail and jabber interfaces, and the people who buy people's personal data. Zuckerberg was well compensated for his services.
@vulpo 2 ай бұрын
I was going to give this a like, but I didn't want to replenish the cloud-capital of the techno-feudalists.
@jplater9191 2 ай бұрын
Worth thinking about. Sadly, Yanis has an insight here about the decline of the democratic values. Meanwhile creating something else; a virtual AI driven techno society where humans are reduced to economic cattle.
@davidwuhrer6704 2 ай бұрын
Would that be an improvement? At least cattle are well-fed.
@Johnconno 2 ай бұрын
It worked for the TechnoVikings.
@woodycaan3228 2 ай бұрын
Very worrying developments 🥲
@michaeldill7620 2 ай бұрын
What does a modern day Luddite do?🤔
@impCaesarAug 2 ай бұрын
I don't understand this.
@teemum.9023 2 ай бұрын
Capitalism is not Industrialism. It is all accumulation of any type of capital, symbolic, cultural, social, economic. Feodalism is a form of Capitalism
@davidwuhrer6704 2 ай бұрын
That's a matter of definition. According to Smith and Marx, capitalism replaced feudalism, by allowing higher social mobility, and by rewarding productivity. In that sense, capitalism is not feudalism. Varoufakis also says that technofeudalism is not feudalism. Technofeudalism is capitalism in the ways you describe, but his thesis is that it is noticeable different from the capitalism of Smith and Marx and even Mises and Friedman.
@peterrauth118 2 ай бұрын
No greater evidence for this than consumer funding models to finance infrastructure. Transfer all the risk to the consumer, while shareholders reap risk-free profits: the ultimate arbitrage.
@NobodyNobody-ko6dl 2 ай бұрын
On the end we will be full of GARBAGE
@davidwuhrer6704 2 ай бұрын
That's already the case. Microplastics.
@driesjottier5014 2 ай бұрын
You think it is better on the left? But you know the answer...
@karl104 2 ай бұрын
BTW Us,we Capitalist dont want Feudalism do we?? NO not at all!! FACTUAL workers all over the world unite!!
@maluziusnetwork355 2 ай бұрын
This AI haven't convinced me to buy a damn. Why ? Them prices are ridiculous. At least sell it at an affordable cost. They're useless.
@davidwuhrer6704 2 ай бұрын
They are useful to their owners. All those ad impressions wasted on you make them money.
@maluziusnetwork355 2 ай бұрын
@@davidwuhrer6704 Thats gonna be a problem at some point. Ads are useless for it alone. The goal is to sell.
@davidwuhrer6704 2 ай бұрын
@@maluziusnetwork355 The goal for the ad-tech sector is to sell ads. Their customers want to sell stuff, but they are at the mercy of the ad-tech sector. (Or at least that's what the ad-tech sector is telling them.)
@oncaphillis 2 ай бұрын
I really wish for him to be a member of a cabinet again just so that he finally shuts up with his smug pseudo-intellectual "observations" from the side line. It's ok and almost your privilege to talk like that when you're a college student passing around the bong. But it becomes stale when your >50 Aim for real political power -- try not to loose your integrity while doing so. Make compromises on the way. or shut the F up.
@Thewonderingminds 2 ай бұрын
@Nine-Signs 2 ай бұрын
Technofeudalism 1. is absolutely nothing new given in bricks and mortar terms there has been many a capitalist that owned an entire market and rented out stalls to other capitalists in return for a cut/rent. It is STILL capitalism as someone at the top is still directly employing people for their labour be that in cleaning, maintenance, technology, etc, and so long as a given entity has the dynamic of "employer>employee" then it remains CAPITALISM as that is the very defining feature of it that differs from all other systems. 2. The idea of technofeudalism provides an ideological excuse for the right wing and centrists to say "see, this isn't capitalism doing this to us! it's "technofeudalism! and if we could just get back to our beloved capitalism, all will be right in the world." It is for these two reasons I find myself somewhat against such a thesis even though I have great admiration and respect for Yannis and all his works and commentary. I wish I could put this critique too him to see what his considerable mind would make of it and perhaps put me more at ease with the idea.
@mrdeanvincent 2 ай бұрын
I've had similar thoughts, but I think it's important to note the role of the concentration of power. Millions of landlords is a very different situation than a handful of 'cloud capitalist' entities.
@ChucklesMcGurk 2 ай бұрын
He's selling his books dude, he doesn't care whether his thesis is right or wrong. He knows there's nothing anyone can do to change things. Nor does he want us to try, he's just an ideas merchant.
@Nine-Signs 2 ай бұрын
@@ChucklesMcGurk Jordan Peterson is an ideas merchant and nothing more than that. Where as Yanis, has stood by and stood up for the oppressed on many an occasion across this earth no matter the cost to himself be that for Assange, for Corbyn, and many more besides in hope of electing better into office or in hope of aiding a just cause, while spending a lot of the money he makes from those books on the Diem25 EU political organisation in effort to very much try to change things no matter how unsuccessful, he does not sit on his arse giving talks and writing books and doing nothing more than being paid well for such. He is regularly found on the ground with his fellow members of the majority workforce, and has personally suffered for such having been beaten black and blue by a far right mob last year. The left does not have the advantage of capitalists funding us lavishly for our compliance with capitalism due to the left being fundamentally against such a system. So how the hell else do you expect the most prominent members of the left to fund any form of left wing organising if not via selling their works.
@davidwuhrer6704 2 ай бұрын
Cory Doctorov says that capitalists hate capitalism. "Competition is for chumps." one capitalist is quoted as having said.
@TheEd0206 2 ай бұрын
Cloud capitalism is not a replacer of capitalism, it's just a new form of it.
@leststoner 2 ай бұрын
yeah everything is bad, we get it, what are your solutions?
@mrdeanvincent 2 ай бұрын
I would say it's important to first gain a decent understanding of the problems. Einstein apparently said, "If I had an hour to solve a problem, I'd spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and five minutes thinking about solutions." Conversations like the one in this video help the participants and the spectators to understand the problems. They also help to spread the word, which is another important step on the path towards solutions.
@user-yg3vv3zp1l 2 ай бұрын
Meh. He starts out with an unsupported hidden thesis: market system = bad. then he spins a fugue on a theme by Zuboff. His older stuff was better.
@davidwuhrer6704 2 ай бұрын
From what I gather, he's saying the opposite: The end of the market system is what's bad.
@user-yg3vv3zp1l 2 ай бұрын
@@davidwuhrer6704 Ok. Fair point. I listened to it again. So he's saying a few different things: (1) the new cloud-based economy produces little apart from a recursive modification of human behaviour; (2) this is a form of feudalism insofar as it introduces a new type of Rentier class (cf. Ricardo); (3) this kind of economy supplants or at least supplements older forms of industrial capitalism. ...
@imnotanalien7839 2 ай бұрын
As long as the service is a choice, it’s not a problem. It’s when government’s turn any company into a monopoly and the service must be used… that there is a problem. The problem in the U.S. is not capitalism, it is the control over all private sector companies by the federal government that is the problem. In fact the government has already crushed capitalism by taking control of the banks (via regulations) and now decides who gets loans and who doesn’t. They control cloud capital not the company.
@mrdeanvincent 2 ай бұрын
Governments aren't making those decisions for fun. Who has far more influence over the government than anyone else does? Capitalists.
@ChucklesMcGurk 2 ай бұрын
Exactly 100% BACKWARDS, corporations have taken over govt and are using it to enrich themselves. The govt created the Fed to be independent so that it does not have to respond to democratic concerns. That way it can steal our money and assets and the govt just shrugs and says, oh well, too bad. The problem IS capitalism because it always tends towards monopolies without govt intervention.
@karl104 2 ай бұрын
What Banks?? There is this company "Donald J for Jinius Trump" a very recent addition to the "capitalist" stock market. BILLIONS for emptiness. AKA Cloud captital or what ever You want to call snake oil owns us all!!
@davidwuhrer6704 2 ай бұрын
You got that completely backwards.
@TheHonestPeanut 2 ай бұрын
So capitalism killed capitalism.
@tedchristian2235 2 ай бұрын
And now they've generated this AI Yanis Varoufakis to talk about "cloud capitalism" so everybody thinks they know about it. Very clever indeed.
@newvaguecity 2 ай бұрын
… And the serf keep on making serfies. Total physical collapse is imminent.
@imperialmotoring3789 2 ай бұрын
Capitalism is a pretty good system. Way better than socialism!
@DoubtingTom 2 ай бұрын
Uninteresting joke of a man.
@disdoncable 2 ай бұрын
Nothing killed capitalism. It's alive and well, and will continue to do so for a long time. 1991 happened - your side lost. Get over it, bud!
@dinnerwithfranklin2451 2 ай бұрын
You should watch the video before commenting.
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