Eye Of The Storm Podcast Trailer
@criselvox1 3 сағат бұрын
@science212 3 сағат бұрын
@ianbannister1997 9 сағат бұрын
Listening initially to Jeremy and Yanis I’m disappointed that neither one of them mentioned the Minsk agreements. No western politicians or the msm ever mention this rather they demonise Russia. I’m pro-peace not war. Surely honouring the Minsk agreements which Putin has persistently requested and ceasing NATO expansion to the Russian borders ends the Ukrainian conflict. It is true American hegemony is under serious threat hence aggressive foreign policy by the U.S., but who rids the State Department of neocons who are hellbent on WW3?
@Tushar13121972 16 сағат бұрын
Yanis is stuck with his u founded convictions.! Please get a fact check.... Especially talking about India and PM Modi.
@abheyksharma 16 сағат бұрын
Jeremy Corbyn is a legend.
@nawafdreams 19 сағат бұрын
🎯 Key points for quick navigation: 00:01 *🤖 Introduction to the current global crisis* - The introduction provides an overview of the deepening crisis of civilization, with conflicts and wars escalating around the world. - There is a lack of discussion about peace, and the focus is solely on the intensity of conflicts. - Military spending is increasing while social services are being cut, highlighting the need for a serious debate on peace and its alternatives. 00:45 *🌍 The worsening global situation* - The transcript discusses the situation on the international stage, with ongoing conflicts in Gaza, Ukraine, and the potential for a conflict with Iran. - The death toll in these conflicts is appalling, and the public is becoming desensitized to the violence. - There is a concern that the interlocking security pacts and the buildup of military power could lead to a pre-World War situation. 03:28 *💰 The influence of the arms industry* - The transcript examines the power and influence of the global arms trade, which is seen as a driving force behind the ongoing conflicts. - The enormous influence of the arms and aircraft industry on the world, providing ever more lethal forms of weaponry, is highlighted. - The discussion of the Peace and Justice project's upcoming book on the power of the global arms trade is mentioned. 05:31 *🕊️ The need for a peace-focused approach* - Yanis Varoufakis discusses the decision of the DiEM25 and MeRA25 political movement to run in the European Parliament elections under the banner of "Peace, Dignity, and Freedom." - He analyzes the different motivations behind the war in Ukraine and the new Cold War against China, which are converging to create a global dynamic that feeds the warmongering. - Varoufakis proposes a peace process under the United Nations as the best-case scenario for the people of Ukraine, rather than the ongoing Mega Death being functional to the interests of maintaining American hegemony. 15:42 *💼 The breakdown of the international order and the rise of unaccountable corporations* - The discussion explores the breakdown of the international order established after World War II, including the UN and the Bretton Woods system. - The political structures have not kept up with the changes in the global economy, with the shift away from manufacturing and the rise of unaccountable multinational corporations. - The lobbying power and financial power of these huge corporations, which are more powerful and unaccountable than nation-states, is seen as a major challenge to achieving a more peaceful and democratic world. 26:10 *🤖 AI-powered Autonomous Weapons and their Dangers* - AI is becoming central to weapons and warfare, as seen in the Ukraine conflict. - Autonomous systems like swarms of drones can make decisions on their own to target and kill people. - The combination of cloud capital, fossil fuel industry, and powerful AI poses a grave danger to humanity. 27:05 *🧠 AI Designers' Concerns about their Own Creation* - AI designers and companies are warning governments about the potential dangers of the AI they are creating. - The fear is not about AI becoming self-aware and wiping out humanity, but the current capabilities of autonomous systems. - AI algorithms can also poison democratic discourse and decision-making processes. 29:35 *🔍 The Ownership Problem and the Need for Global Cooperation* - The problem is not just the technology itself, but who owns and controls the technologies. - Cooperatives and democratically controlled institutions using advanced technologies can create a more peaceful world. - Global cooperation and new international architecture are needed to escape the traps of arms races and tragedy of the commons. 33:13 *📱 The Power of Algorithms and Media to Shape Opinions* - The transition from skilled black cab drivers to ubiquitous ride-sharing apps like Uber illustrates the power of algorithms. - Algorithms can direct people's attention and shape their opinions, posing a significant political challenge. - The left needs to develop its own autonomous media and information channels to counter the influence of Big Tech platforms. 39:23 *🌍 The Need for a New International Architecture for Cooperation* - Ownership shifts are important, but a new international architecture is needed to facilitate cooperation at a global scale. - Conflicts over resources and the proliferation of destructive technologies like AI require active, cooperative peace structures. - Education and information access are crucial, but must be combined with political mobilization to address the challenges. 43:13 *🌍 Challenging the "Prisoner's Dilemma" Mentality of the West* - The assumption that the rest of the world is as imperialistic as the West is flawed. - The West's military-industrial complex is essential to its business model, unlike in other parts of the world. - Cooperation and non-aggression are more natural to non-Western civilizations, despite their own authoritarian tendencies. 52:29 *🌍 Capitalism's Need for Global Expansion* - Capitalism requires constant expansion to create new markets for its products, leading to imperialist exploitation of other regions. - The rise of China's economy has not relied on imperialist conquest, challenging the assumption that all powerful nations must follow the same path. - The "Washington consensus" promotes the idea that China's rise poses a threat that must be countered with military buildup, but this is a dangerous trap to fall into. 54:24 *🧭 Transcending the Washington Consensus* - The "Washington consensus" promotes the idea that China's rise poses a threat that must be countered with military buildup. - This logic is powerful and must be actively transcended, not simply denied. - The solution lies in creating a new international system designed for peace and cooperation, recognizing that in the modern era, conflict could lead to mutual annihilation. 55:45 *🕊️ The Need for Global Cooperation* - Ongoing low-level conflicts, like the war in Ukraine, are perpetuated by the arms industry and propaganda of competition with China. - However, China has no interest in waging war, as it is a trading nation focused on economic growth. - Efforts to "counter" China's rise, such as the AUKUS submarine deal, are counterproductive and harm the countries involved. 57:48 *🌉 Revitalizing the United Nations* - The United Nations can be the platform for the global cooperation needed to address pressing issues like inequality and environmental disaster. - However, the UN is currently undermined by a core of Western nations that work to prevent international cooperation. - Citizens of Western nations should revolt against their governments and take control of the UN to make it function as a truly global, cooperative institution. 01:00:42 *✨ Grassroots Movements for Peace and Justice* - Grassroots movements for peace and justice, cutting across political lines, are essential to creating the change needed. - These movements can quickly shift the political landscape, even in the face of leaders like Trump who promote destructive rhetoric. - Raising awareness of the inhumanity of ongoing conflicts, such as in Gaza, can help expand these movements and demand that governments change course. 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@lukuanvx 19 сағат бұрын
Liar Jeremy Corbyn is lying about China supplying weapons to Russia. The fact is that warmongers in Washington are supplying weapons to Israeli to conduct Genocide in Gaza. Boris Johnson interrupted the peace negotiation between Ukraine and Russia. Shame on Brittan.
@joetossoun6624 20 сағат бұрын
Thank you for the truth we need a lot more truth to come out, WAKE UP people
@edwardlewis1963 20 сағат бұрын
Peace = civilization War = uncivilized
@BeegyBopsTriceratops 21 сағат бұрын
I found myself aligned with Raoul's thinking many times in this discussion, and I found Yanis quite angry at times which was unsettling because his disagreement with Raoul seemed to be disagreement with the way I see things. I must say however, that overall there seems to be something that rings truest in what Yanis had to say and maybe his point concerning the "doctrine" and way of thinking of the west is true and that I am subject to a perspective not held by those outside of Europe. That is not to say that Raoul was wrong, I think he is brilliant. My point is more that each perspective held in this conversation is valid and has many things of significance to contribute to an all-rounded synthesis of the issues we all face. But there is something undeniably true about the things that come out of the mouth of Yanis Varoufakis, as if he is reading from an encyclopaedia of all things. Funny that of all the episodes thus far, Jeremy Crobyn was the one I was most excited about when I saw he thumbnail and it concluded with less (in quantity not quality) said from Corbyn than other guests and heated debate between Raoul and Yanis. Not complaining though, the episode was all the better and thought provoking for it. Well done to Raoul for not shying away from sharing pressing perspective with a guest (and Yanis) of such high caliber.
@sailendrayalamanchili 23 сағат бұрын
A refreshing change from the war mongering garbage put out by the main stream media of the western alliance (nato) at the behest of corporations benefitting from war, which is a testing and proving ground for their ever innovative weapons, regardless of the blood and tears of the people sucked into these conflicts imposed upon them by these corporations which percieve no wrong in profitting from blood shed.I am from India which was cruelly vivisected by Great Britain on religious lines to create a perpetual conflict between neighbouring countries to benefit her weapons trade. Please recall that she also shipped almost a million Enfield rifles to the Confederacy resulting in hundreds of thousands of casualties during the American civil war. The same business is being carried out at present to foment the civil war in Ukraine where hundreds of lives have already been lost.
@karlinR Күн бұрын
Yes a good conversation between two good men. But. They are pissing in the wind. The arms industry it vast beyond belief. Search for autonomous drones on google (for sure one of the world's richest companies; but God is it useful) and you can get a glimpse of the money that is poured into incredibly clever machines designed to kill people. And tragically it was ever the case. Corbyn? I joined labour when he was leader and unjoined when he was booted out,
@Rey.Nasido Күн бұрын
Wasn't Democracy a greek concept? Greece, it's up to you to fix it! You made the mess didn't you?
@turbomunch Күн бұрын
Corbyn went straight to a Mosque after election. Look it up. ☪ancer.
@RzA201 Күн бұрын
They are playing The Book of Revelation on us, and WW3 is inevitable...
@Soosoos2011 Күн бұрын
Yanis has clear focused understanding of what really matters
@claudiamanta1943 Күн бұрын
Aren’t both capitalism and communism social experiments? Both worked wonderfully. Congratulations. The known and the silent genocides they have caused surely must have been a childhood trauma or something.
@Warren-pe1un Күн бұрын
The UN is broken. China thinks and plan along generational lines...perhaps the early version of its replacement/s already exist......where a group of people who seem to have nothing in common can have sincere, honest and sane conversations and solve problem or 2...instead of making more of a mess.
@sonjacharles2457 Күн бұрын
Its a shame.the volume.on this is so low
@jimpaddy79 Күн бұрын
So glad it’s just not me that google keeps pushing the daily mail on. I was beginning to dough myself that if algorithm thinks I am a fascist I must be one, it was such a relief that Jerry was getting them too.
@user-mv6zi3jr3r 2 күн бұрын
Yanis is so brilliant explaining so clearly the world
@cupajoy8498 2 күн бұрын
This is the perfect message for me on the Sunday. Thank you all so much. Beautiful!
@terencefield3204 2 күн бұрын
Marxist self delusion is depressingly silly.
@danieIlondon Күн бұрын
All the best comments are the most recent ones
@yshagul1 2 күн бұрын
Thank you Yanis, need to read more about you
@yshagul1 2 күн бұрын
Love you Jeremy
@joellamkins7847 2 күн бұрын
“Don’t be surprised by evil, don’t be paralyzed by despair.”- Cornel West
@Andreaszilel 2 күн бұрын
North Korea 🚀🚀🤣🩷🇰🇵🇰🇵👄⚔️🐦👍🤣
@papi5377 3 күн бұрын
, zamykamy chlew.
@oskarostermann4734 3 күн бұрын
Good conversation
@melmorrison1400 3 күн бұрын
For heaven’s sake…. Biden has absolutely no idea about anything! Why are you making out he is making decisions and people are acting on them 🙄
@Avarta8 3 күн бұрын
Yanis is correct on the predatory martial mindset of the west to always think in term of divide and conquer, control and distrust of other races / countries / regions. I travel extensively around the world and especially in Asia, there is much more cooperation and doing ventures for mutual benefits. China has grown to be the behemoth it is now "second" largest economy of the world without colonialising other countries & taking away their resources.Wfhy should it start now? It has manage to grown to its size today by paying good money for other countries's resources and also helping those countries to build their infrastructure - railway, highway, port, hospitals, housing, schools, telecommunication etc. in return for those resources. There is such dire lack of understanding of a culture that is a few thousands year old that often talk about virtue, harmony and peaceful co-existence inn its literature. Its time to acknowledge Chinese statecraft is different from the western one.
@Kazbek-oo3yx 3 күн бұрын
@papi5377 3 күн бұрын
Przejdą przez piekło. Wynarodowienie zachodu. Amen.
@marianlenehan9618 4 күн бұрын
I love intelligent discussion. I very much appreciated how Jeremy politely handed the discussion back to Yanis in order to keep the discussion balanced. Shame that Yanis didn’t offer the same courtesy to Jeremy. Also a shame that the host did not curtail exceedingly long, albeit intelligent, responses from Yanis!
@WillTheSkyBeBlue 4 күн бұрын
Corbyn my man, congrats on assuming the MP role. I deeply hope the UK can have you as PM one day
@parsley8554 4 күн бұрын
Good video
@gdionwood 4 күн бұрын
I know Naomi is doing a world of good for humanity with her activism, writings, lectures and work at UBC, but I truly wish she would run for the Prime Minister's office. We have progressive leaders in Canada with no personality or backbone. Our children and grandchildren desperately need someone like her to guide our country away from greed and fascism.
@winstonsmith2235 4 күн бұрын
Try trauma from socialism and communism, you pinko fools.
@user-sz2ji9yh8z 4 күн бұрын
Jeremy Corbyn and Yanis Varoufakis on why Jeremy Corbyn and Yanis Varoufakis have become two irrelevant talkin heads.
@user-ty4jw5xe6d 5 күн бұрын
AMEN, thank you - great clarity and logic. Two beautiful souls.
@user-gc9ip2gf5l 5 күн бұрын
Can I add that Bio convergence has already taken place.. most of humanity has Nano Technology under the skin..we are being logged in to.. our LED LIGHTS are using optigenetics...I can hear the MAC address going in to my head..oh..has nobody been watching this technology..
@Tayyla007 5 күн бұрын
What a big hearted and Wise man❤❤ someone decent in the realm of politics❤
@louisasedinsedin1560 5 күн бұрын
I used to be a,Democrat but I will never vote for Genocide Joe US Politician's does not know what peace is .where is Humanity and mankind? Baby killers Ceasefire
@lynclarke6184 5 күн бұрын
Looking at how money goes round, is it just a form of money laundering. The west is in a horrific financial crisis and I’ve heard it said “if all else fails, they take us to war”. Doesn’t seem to matter the cost of human life.
@mrswigglebottom967 5 күн бұрын
The consumer has the new power that the unions previously had to change the economic balance. It is us who have made the likes of Amazon and Microsoft rich and look how they repay us. The globalist groups and trillionaires want the world for themselves and want the majority of humans dead now that they have AI to do everything for them. We need a consumer revolution at the least. Use cash, buy in shops and limit time on the mobiles. There are lots of possibilities for new real life businesses. The Chinese have grown because all our western industries were allowed to move there. for cheap labour. Our money system is a debt based system that feeds off ever more debt. It is lose lose for 99.9% of the population. It is truly evil that war is a business that produces the quickest amount of debt to feed the system.
@mrswigglebottom967 5 күн бұрын
It grieves me that Labour will win the election without Mr.Corbyn at the helm. Now we will end up with a self serving, ambitious, globalist lover and backstabber PM. Good luck with your new independent status Mr, Corbyn and hopefully you can start a new party.
@sulaimansyed1338 5 күн бұрын
great points made by Yanis, loved the comments on the prisoners dilemma and eurocentrism
@theclaimsguy 5 күн бұрын
@sicast916 5 күн бұрын
I feel honored to exist in this moment when humanity is arising from of such a tumultuous history and deciding to be the change! Thank you for this.
@iantroesoyer1864 5 күн бұрын
@15:15 I love this discussion about sortition, deliberative democracy, and citizens assemblies. I believe sortition is the answer to the control of wealthy corporations over our governments. Because money can buy more effective campaigns, the most common denominator among politicians is wealth or being indebted to wealth. We can get in a few good politicians every once in awhile, but even they have an underlying dependence on those campaign contributions in order to continue to maintain relevance. This dependence on money gives power to corporations, who as superhuman emergent agents, can out compete any human being. They don't age, they don't sleep, they can be in more than one place. They have many hands, eyes, and minds but a singular legal identity. I would love for @EyeofTheStorm.Podcast to host a sortition expert like Terry Bouricius.