@burakyahsi 4 сағат бұрын
Many Turks who want to have an easy residence permit in Europe claim political lies. What a shame.
@burakyahsi 4 сағат бұрын
She is certainly not exiled. She is living out of Turkey as a choice. Using this incorrectly is like a con artist.
@cletusMcFart 13 сағат бұрын
Great insight by Dr. Hickel. My version of his optimal societal system also has a core economy that has to be controlled democratically due to their fundamental importance to the overall well-being of the society it serves. In that core I've included Education, Healthcare, Justice, Information and Finance as the key pillars that have to be decoupled from any kind of private influence that can create an asymmetrical bias, but the rest of the economy is "as is", i.e., pretty much supply & demand as we have today, with some public regulation as needed. He includes Housing into the core and moves Finance to a new layer all together. Interesting. It's definitely a twist to consider.
@davidshaw577 18 сағат бұрын
Would be amazing to have these conversations broadcast on mainstream media to enlighten the more traditional audiences OR do we need to wait for legacy media to dissolve with time ?
@pttpforever 19 сағат бұрын
What a wonderful exchange between two brilliant individuals! Such a plethora of ideas and concepts, even wisdom. IMO, the most profound is 'We are one.' Humanity is one. All Life is One. We only have this ONLY planet. The rampant, unfettered greed that is capitalism is torturing and killing the air, the water, the soil. To my mind, the only humans that survive will be those who know how to live in small communities that are totally self-sufficient, or almost so. As we come closer and closer to the destruction and chaos that has already begun, it's more important to cultivate and maintain a deep spirituality. Honor our Divine connection to living beings, honor our Earth. The goal now is not to win, but do to our best to be good to ourselves, to those who WILL come after us, to others, to the great All.
@Jean-Luc-sh2pg 19 сағат бұрын
I love it when a guy with round glasses tells me how great the world could be if it would conform to his wishes, if he had control of productivity capacity and capital. This illiberalism will never be tolerated and must be rejected without equivocation.
@nightoftheworld 20 сағат бұрын
1:02:04 *cynical leaders?* “There’s an awareness among some of these individuals that cutting access to collective goods is necessary to maintain the kind of inducements to labor and competitive productivity that capitalism requires for expansion. [Captain Cook vs. Aboriginals] But I do think the majority of people who are functionaries of this economy are not so enlightened as to their true objectives.” Some have committed brutal violence, inflicted terrible deprivation. Still it seems Yanis is cautioning us against the immediate desire to fetishize _a purely malevolent ideology which pulls all of the strings._ Certain individuals are consciously depriving access to the commons in order to “induce/manipulate production”-but like Nick Land they are religiously entangled as functionaries serving a belief in the good of a larger acephalous _force._ Someone’s drive to grow like crazy (be fruitful and multiply) may not really be as sinister as Coca-Cola or Big Pharma killers but actually hooked on the simple hegemonic prosperity gospel of growth and self-interest in a “free market”, effectively foreclosing the vision of the mega damage being done on a deeper systemic level (displacing the costs, etc.) warping the violence of the “enclosure of the commons” into a positive narrative of “creative destruction for expansion/acceleration of prosperity (growth).” Feels like Yanis believes that some perpetrators could even be redeemed from the headlessness of the capitalist process which captured their spirit. Much love to Zizek for evangelizing that *the truth* is not something internal, not a golden kernel inside of us-but rather as the X-files put, “the truth is out there.” Out there in the world and in my acts, not in the bullshit story I prefer to tell myself about myself.
@sylviashriner44 Күн бұрын
Love the conversation, but how do we have a revolution when the oligarchs keep all of us so divided against each other. A good portion of the people don't think global warming is real much less believe that socialism is what we need. Where do we go from here?
@everymoment1007 Күн бұрын
Thank you all for your intelligent and inclusive understanding of what we are seeing and experiencing across the world. This kind of thinking and constructive researched ideas gives me hope all is not lost.
@robertbollen Күн бұрын
Thank you to all 3 for a fascinating conversation.
@milantomich6568 Күн бұрын
It can be overcome, but it will never be because we aren't making any decisions. We are just pones in game.
@davewray9909 2 күн бұрын
The terms 'left' and 'right' are harmfully simplistic and divisive and ultimately stagnate meaningful, progressive discourse.
@johnlancaster2165 2 күн бұрын
This whole series of discussions is incredible. Thank you.
@nbyrne1 2 күн бұрын
Great conversation and a lot of interesting ideas however im interested to know what role the State plays in this transition and its role after the transition if any. Hickel seems to allude to some anarchist model of organisation but it isnt clear.
2 күн бұрын
His eye is only very left dominated. He repeats sllways the same. He forgets or he is ignoring Russian and Chinese IMPERIALISM. YANIS IGNORES TOTALY the role of IRAN in the brutal war between Israel and Gaza. We need wide sights than this left wing side. It will not bring us to good solutions for several problems. From Wars to climatechange. From OIL and GAS CRISIS and poverty.. he also is ignoring the big depandance from chinese products......
@isabellacolloredo6168 2 күн бұрын
wonderful conversation, thank you Gabor and Yanis
@thabsmthethwa 2 күн бұрын
Wow I’m blown away by this. It seems like we are in sleep mode on what’s happening around us. You just made sense to my mind on what is happening in South Africa now. I just learnt so much.
@d33gr4y 2 күн бұрын
Absolutely brilliant conversation. And so necessary. Thank you.
@rosaliacarbajal7075 3 күн бұрын
Thanks a lot!!!
@mercyshaver5264 3 күн бұрын
Beautiful communication 👏 ❤
@Kazbah-xq4qp 3 күн бұрын
What if an idea is a life form
@Kazbah-xq4qp 3 күн бұрын
What is the purpose of civilization, capitalism is a tool humans invented or imagined into existence - just as civilization is a tool in the form of an idea, a pattern of concepts we invented for a reason. These ideas are older than anyone alive, we have no collective memory of how we did that " we are told the story but we don't truly remember. Now we need to imagine a new way, new idea patterns, new idea tools.
@fabiodeoliveiraribeiro1602 3 күн бұрын
Dilma Rousseff, the Brazilian who heads the BRICS Bank, met with Putin one day and the next publicly said that the dollar must stop having the importance it has in international trade relations. This will infuriate American rulers, because US power and wealth depend to a large extent on the hegemony of the dollar. But European governments are likely to be divided. Some of them will be tempted to stick their daggers in Uncle Sam's back. And there's nothing the White House can really do. If it try to hold back the dollar with universal sanctions, the result will only be the acceleration of the end of the international dominance of that currency and the immediate collapse of the financial system in the US. There is no scenario in which Americans can forcefully preserve the hegemony of the White Ass Apes Empire. In short, the proverbial Brazilian mantra "Perdeu, vagabundo!" (You lost, vagabond!) applies here.
@Navenanthen 3 күн бұрын
Thank you for this podcast - an oasis in the desert! ... Each and every one of us has to realize what our common ideals mean to us personally. Only then can we live up to those ideals collectively.
@azsunburns 3 күн бұрын
We could replace the word capitalism with govt, socialism, marxism, communism, democracies, monarchies ,casual sex culture, war, pedophilia, domestic violence, medical malpractice, or simply ..a serious problem with ethics in humans and it would remain the same.
@tjarnie 3 күн бұрын
Thank you Dr. Gabor for mentioning African genocides “sanitized” from history.
@mariettestabel275 3 күн бұрын
I know that i know that all those Wars must STOP. 💫
@llamamama75 3 күн бұрын
This is a fascinating subject, but unfortunately audio levels for Jason Hickel were so poorly adjusted that it was very hard to understand him when he spoke.
@cbearsk8s508 4 күн бұрын
Awesome talk guys. Exactly the issues that need talking about. Been preaching it myself for years, we need a fair energy exchange system...
@fotografbillylindberg 4 күн бұрын
As I see it, as long as money is higher valued than labor, the current system will rule. At the end all prosperity origins from labor, ie farming, building houses, planting cotton for clothing etc... The white collar workers actually don´t produce anything. We just manage the blue collar workers because we´re taught that they need to be managed...
@fotografbillylindberg 4 күн бұрын
How would it be possible to involve all people in deciding what to produce and how to distribute the outcome?
@fotografbillylindberg 4 күн бұрын
Will decarbonization in the global north compensate for the increesing emissions in the global South?
@nawafdreams 4 күн бұрын
🎯 Key points for quick navigation: 00:01 *🎙️ Capitalism and the ecological crisis: Democracy as the solution* - The system is inherently anti-democratic and totalitarian, as the 1% control production and resources for profit accumulation. - We are effectively prevented from addressing the ecological crisis due to the prioritization of profit over ecological needs. - This system also perpetuates social crises, like inadequate healthcare and housing, as resources are not directed towards fulfilling basic human needs. 06:05 *🎭 Hypocrisy of the Green parties: Actions speak louder than words* - Green parties in power, like the German Greens, fail to live up to their environmental claims. - Their policies often contradict their rhetoric, perpetuating environmental damage and supporting war. - They are unwilling to address the root cause of the problems due to a fear of the implications for their existing economic system. 09:10 *📈 Growth imperative of capitalism: Incompatible with ecological goals* - Continuous growth is fundamentally at odds with achieving Paris Agreement climate goals and reducing material consumption. - While some decoupling of GDP from CO2 emissions has occurred, it is not happening at a rate fast enough to prevent catastrophic climate change. - The need for perpetual growth to stabilize accumulation and prevent economic instability makes it impossible for capitalism to prioritize ecological wellbeing. 16:33 *🤖 Automation, growth and the creation of artificial needs* - Automation and artificial intelligence create a situation where jobs are lost, but instead of reducing working hours, new needs are created to absorb the displaced labor. - These new needs are often artificial and result in increased production and resource depletion. - This leads to a society that is constantly working but achieving less, creating a perverse cycle of inefficient growth. 21:23 *🧰 The need for centralized planning and resource mobilization* - During wartime, efficient resource allocation is achieved through centralized planning rather than market forces. - This demonstrates that a shift away from the profit motive is necessary to effectively tackle ecological and social crises. - We need to mobilize our resources for a different goal, as the profit motive has consistently failed to address the challenges we face. 22:49 *📊 Debunking green growth: Decoupling limitations* - Even in the most optimistic scenarios, decoupling economic growth (measured in dollars) from ecological decline takes centuries, time we don't have. - It is unlikely that we can decouple the creation of value from resource depletion due to the inherent nature of growth and economic expansion. - The flawed logic of green growth relies on the assumption that we can indefinitely extract resources without significant negative consequences on the planet. 24:36 *📊 GDP is a flawed measure of progress* - GDP is bad because it gives no consideration to the impact of production on societal well-being, - Countries with high GDP can still have low levels of well-being, particularly in areas such as healthcare, education, and housing affordability. 28:18 *🗳️ Democratic control over production is essential* - Citizens' Assemblies in Europe show that people can agree on prioritizing production for social and environmental well-being over profit-driven production, - This process may require scaling down destructive sectors like SUVs, private jets, and industrial beef. 30:31 *🌎 The case for degrowth* - The Aboriginal people of Australia provide a stark example of how economic growth can be destructive to well-being and that GDP is not a good metric for human prosperity, - Degrowth is not a return to a pre-capitalist mode of production but a necessity in a system that relies on capital accumulation and growth to maintain itself. 40:11 *💸 Democratizing finance* - If corporations were democratized and a digital wallet provided by the central bank to every resident, the financial sector would effectively be dismantled, - This would eliminate the private sector's control over money creation and distribution, enabling more equitable and sustainable investment decisions. 42:46 *💣 Degrowth and the geopolitical arms race* - Capitalism is the major driver of conflict and war, particularly in the Global South, - A transition to a post-capitalist, post-growth economy would significantly reduce the need for conflict and imperialism, - A degrowth treaty would help facilitate a cooperative global transition. 48:28 *⚙️ Capital's shift from concessions to exploitation* - Capitalism's resistance to concessions for labor, - The shift towards exploitation of peripheral economies, - Concession of consumption goods as a compromise. 49:53 *🤺 The need for renewed class conflict* - The necessity of re-establishing class conflict, - The importance of democratic socialist movements, - The inevitable struggle over resource allocation 50:33 *🥑 Climate change and resource disparity* - The example of Spain's olive oil crisis as a microcosm of resource unevenness, - The importance of movements for fair resource allocation in the face of climate change, - The need for a global perspective on worker exploitation 51:29 *🇺🇸 The US working class and its struggles* - The working class in the US faces significant hardship, - The exploitation and deprivation experienced by the working class, - The need to understand the global context of this exploitation 53:02 *🗺️ The global effects of imperialism* - The transportation of poverty from the global South to the core economies, - The uneven distribution of wealth and resources, - The manifestation of these issues worldwide. 53:42 *🇬🇧 The dystopia of the UK* - The stark contrast of wealth and poverty in the UK, - The depravity of the British ruling class, - The consequences of centuries of colonial plunder. 55:01 *🎥 The profit motive in desperation* - The systemic exploitation of desperation, - The intentional creation of poverty for profit, - The lack of awareness and guilt among the ruling class. 57:04 *💰 The cynicism of the wealthy* - The strategies used to keep people desperate for centuries, - The hypocrisy of wealthy individuals demanding higher taxes on themselves, - The system's ability to disincentivize genuine change. 57:58 *🏠 The Enclosure movement and its motives* - The historic context of the enclosure movement, - The motivations behind the enclosure movement, - The absence of awareness of the consequences of enclosure. 59:36 *👷 The false narrative of capitalist benefits* - The belief among capitalist functionaries that they are doing good, - The intent to abolish the commons, - The deliberate deprivation of resources to force people into wage labor. Made with HARPA AI>
@totonow6955 4 күн бұрын
Remember to factor in the human need for excess through transgression ( via Lacan). Capitalism provides this but I am sure there are ways we can have this in Another Now.
@shamirkeren3954 4 күн бұрын
thank you
@TennesseeJed 4 күн бұрын
So glad y'all are sharing these interviews!!
@PrancyBiscuit 4 күн бұрын
58:05 😂😂
@criskalogiros8181 4 күн бұрын
Seen Prof. Varoufakis with Prof. Hickel together, feels like two giants unite, forming a new bigger and better "Transformers" robot, fighting for Decolonization-Equality-Justice. So glad see you two "together"!
@3rdFloor 4 күн бұрын
Probably the only 2 guys I want to hear speak about the economy
@bonniepeperkamp-moy7526 4 күн бұрын
Naomi please watch maximuspeperkamp-hw8sw
@ahagamama 4 күн бұрын
laborers are not listening (for the most part) because they are either working or recovering from work.
@scotonomics1 5 күн бұрын
Fantastic insights from both Jason and Yanis.
@simransondhi8080 5 күн бұрын
Fantastic discussion. I learnt a lot
@PoliticalEconomy101 5 күн бұрын
@MahendraSingh-op1bu 5 күн бұрын
Yanis - what about using tax payer money to fund/almost actually pay for business; particularly in the medical industry. Insincere; at least. Criminal.
@MahendraSingh-op1bu 5 күн бұрын
Yanis; bullshit argument. Yes it is unjust; though.
@MahendraSingh-op1bu 5 күн бұрын
Yanis Varoufakis; that 50% reduction is becoming/is the accepted norm; at least in Australia.
@cliffordbegley1139 5 күн бұрын
My understanding of Marx was abolition of commodity production was the goal along with the wage labour - capital relationship, not Partial de- commodification. Will " post capitalism" have wage labour etc?
@celt456 5 күн бұрын
Thanks for such a rivetting and thought-provoking conversation on a topic that has been very much at the fore of my thinking over the last few years.
@user-lf5uw9nx7h 5 күн бұрын
Universal basic income would help people to work fewer jobs, encourage a start up locally providing jobs. Fewer journeys, less stress. Trial of this shows encouraging growth in the local economy. Imho. Thank you