The return of wars, explained | Yuval Noah Harari

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Yuval Noah Harari

Yuval Noah Harari

7 ай бұрын

The list of current conflicts and wars is long - and it’s growing. "The global liberal order has been attacked and destroyed“, says historian and author Yuval Noah Harari.
In ZEIT Online's geopolitics explainer, producer Sven Wolters explains, why conflicts worldwide are escalating.
"We are sliding back to the jungle“, summarizes Harari the current situation and warns that we must not forget our secret to success: cooperation.
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@exco_preacher 6 ай бұрын
it is unfortunate that we're forgetting what could happen if we lose this fragile order that our grandfathers built after experiencing the horrors of 2 world wars. the comfort in the west is making people forget what humans are capable of
@Arcticdawn1093 6 ай бұрын
Make UN stronger and US and India stronger so that world liberal order and democracy can be protected. Otherwise be ready to be replaced by either Chinese Communism or islamic Sharia or in worst case scenario dissolution of nation states and rise of MNCs aka Corporation rule.
@isihakamahawi7793 6 ай бұрын
was there really peace or subjugation of other people for other peoples gains. Neocolonialism in Africa by European countries , US and other backed asian countries like UAE and Saudi Arabia? The order wasnt fragile just stupid to begin with it was based on lies and hypocrisy, people saying we are equal while subjugating other people , the gap between rich and poor going high as ever, systems that benefit the few will always break. Its fucked up, dangerous yes, but inevitable that we are in this situation.
@TheRealSlobo 6 ай бұрын
IN usa youth is thought to hate those people..THE WOKE is eroding us from within.
@callandavey3539 6 ай бұрын
Thats cool and all but the wars that have been starting haven't been caused by the west.
@natantitelbaum6061 6 ай бұрын
Human corruption is the scource of all our problems
@OzdenKrilen 7 ай бұрын
Hello from Türkiye to the good people with universal values and kind heart. It is a shame that we are all oppressed.
@roenin 6 ай бұрын
Universal values, where? There never have been such values. Only good marketing, a soft power industry like Hollywood and hard power to back it up if you don't buy into it. It always has been everybody to himself in reality. Atatürk would've been ashamed to see so many of his so called "followers" be that irrational when it comes to national interests such as with this one. The west still supports the PKK/YPG in Syria, that are coordinating attacks on Turkish people on Turkish soil. They celebrate them as freedom fighters and even make movies about these "heroes" whilst they continue with their ongoing armament and training of these anti-Turkish groups. And at the same time, they condemn another group as t*****s for doing the same. For principled people, they both would be condemned and listed as such. But here we are, seeing that they still treat the world as the "enlightened" vs "the savages" (Netanyahu lit. "People of Light" vs "People of Darkness"). And everybody that believes this narration of Harari should read up on all the coups and wars instigated by the US govt directly or via CIA during the Cold War. The order didn't lose all credibility after Iraq and Afg. It only became more public, also thanks to declassified documents in the latest years, also thanks to guys like Assange and Snowden, who are still persecuted.
@laurel009 6 ай бұрын
Una pena que debemos revertir conectando corazon y mente no podemos ir por el mundo pensando que nacimos victimas de nuestra realidad sino demostrando que somos divinas conciencias en ACCION PACIFICA INTELIGENCIA INTUITIVA
@OzdenKrilen 6 ай бұрын
@@laurel009 we never give up, that's for sure, we have no other option anyway.
@OzdenKrilen 6 ай бұрын
@@roenin you are right, west has blood on its hands, as we all do at some point. But as a freeminded woman trying to survive in Türkiye I am nothing like my government, I hate their politics and I know there are millons like me in the west, in the east everywhere. But even we are saperated by populist politics. If we want the politics change we need to change and do something.
@roenin 6 ай бұрын
​@@OzdenKrilenI think you don't understand anything about politics if you think the problem is "populism". Today, even the German chancellor is a populist for carrying out anti-migrant policies (something unthinkable just a year ago by social democracy standards) to keep the AfD from increasing their voter base. Therefore, populism isn't the problem. It's just the symptom. The cause for this is the shift of the global unipolar order towards a multipolar order. And the west provoked the Russians with Ukraine and now the Chinese with Taiwan. All of which happens on a daily basis without our media reporting on these incidents. The west had declared an halt to NATO expansion, they broke that promise. The west speaks of Chinese expansionism whilst Canadian, US and European military helicopters are flying in the South China Sea and building military bases all around. Do you know how far these nations are from the South China Sea? If that isn't expansionism, I don't know what is. You're just another liberal growing up thinking today's CHP is Atatürk's CHP. Atatürk was a smart and pragmatic leader. He wasn't into liberal ideals. He wanted to modernize the Turkish nation to once reach a civilizatory status above (!) those that ruled the world like Britain and France to be able to compete with them. Not to be part of their racist euro-centric world order that never saw a Turk as their equal at any point in history. It doesn't matter who rules Turkey, as long as he/she cares about the safety of the country, he/she will have to be able to put up a good fight against those that want this beautiful nation to be erased as they tried 1800-1922.
@PashaSchneiderman 6 ай бұрын
The voice of one crying in the wilderness. What a shame all intellectuals could do is observe the catastrophe unwinding. Thanks Yuval for your humanity and ability to put things into perspective.
@LambScream 6 ай бұрын
Yuval isn't human. Human don't shove things up their ass
@Juljularchaeo 6 ай бұрын
Read guns germs and steel by Jared Diamond… his teacher.
@theghosthero6173 6 ай бұрын
​@@Juljularchaeoawful awful book, no actual historian, sociologist or any people in the field take it seriously.
@BulentBasaran 6 ай бұрын
​@@theghosthero6173Awful? In what way? I read it all and learned a lot of what happened in the last 13 thousand years. And then read Sapiens. You may want to do it in the reverse order. Sapiens gives an overview of the last 50k years. Be still a bit. Peace.
@lordmike9384 6 ай бұрын
Because intellectuals are lazy cowards in modern times
@Emoricful 5 ай бұрын
There are few unique people that are able to talk so profoundly. Anything I watch with you or read your books, it is humble, honest. hopefull and pure. Thank you for this. I wish, more people with your character and wisdom would make the big decisions.
@tammymonette8371 5 ай бұрын
Hes a mad man
@user-wk3iz3uk1u 4 ай бұрын
Лоботомист и демогог, гебельс. Красиво говорить и размахивать лозунгами с броневика не уголëк гнать на гора. Ни одого еврея в забое и на конвеере не встречал. К топкам товарищи к топкам.
@andacomfeeuvou 6 ай бұрын
The position of left-wing Jews in the face of the wars in the Middle East is uncomfortable because they see themselves attacked by both sides: extreme right and anti-Semites. And there's not much you can do because both sides aren't usually intelligent and educated people. I have great admiration for Harari, I have read all his books and I agree with his opinions with the exception that he always expressed in his books an optimism about humanity that never seemed very real to me. I have never had any illusions about the ability of the human species to live together peacefully. Today, more than ever in our history, the future is very worrying. We have accumulated many problems in recent centuries and the general scenario is much more indicative of worsening problems than of solutions. In this video, Harari gets straight to the point: no cooperation, no civilization.
@francisdebriey3609 6 ай бұрын
Please read "The Human Resource" from Samuel Pisar, young jew who escaped from Auschwitz. His words : when humanity is at the edge of "death", it has the instinct of survival. I believe this is the destiny of humanity : move towards madness until you realize that the final fatal step is in front of you. Then, by instinct of survival, you "wake up", you change your behavior. Because you know you have no choice left. This is my hope for all of us.
@azoor5881 6 ай бұрын
The first problem is that they’re living in the Middle East. That place has never seen peace. And the most intractable problem is the radical religious ideas there. I’d just live in a civilized part of the world. the sentimental value of the land is overrated.
@CTNMusique 4 ай бұрын
most great intellectuals were antisemites... I mean just read their talmud and you'll see why these guys are nuts, paranoid and megalmaniac
@theresnothingness 3 ай бұрын
"And there's not much you can do because both sides aren't usually intelligent and educated people." Oh, the irony.
@mikicerise6250 26 күн бұрын
It's not that they see themselves as attacked by both sides, they are. Let's be realistic though, most people aren't intelligent or educated anywhere, and that is the major problem with this species. Any order anywhere is mob management.
@lampandandi4087 6 ай бұрын
A very good overview. He didn't suggest a clear path to a possible solution with the existing global players, but the general idea to a brighter future is clear.
@jayctriarii496 5 ай бұрын
Read the Great Reset..their plans are very clear.... .
@sgs261 6 ай бұрын
Very clear eyed perspectives, and bringing concepts like polarity to amateurs such as myself. Thank you.
@carlosacta8726 5 ай бұрын
You're probably no amateur. The wisest minds in history have always been mindful of how much they don't know!
@Bisquick 4 ай бұрын
This is the opposite of "clear eyed", this is historical revisionism, plain and simple. The dead giveaway is that this doesn't explain anything, instead symptoms (e.g. "populism") are identified and without explanation then assumed as causal. None of this is new, the thin blood-soaked curtain of western imperialism/neocolonialism is simply being lifted. Here's a more explanatory version of events that doesn't conveniently skip over the entire "cold" war: The US has positioned itself as the "consumer of last resort" at the end of the global supply chain to absorb inevitable overproduction of capitalism through cheap consumption or of course through our favorite activity of war/arms sales (military Keynesianism, the only button we can push at this point clearly), launching itself to hegemony post-WWII via imposing the Bretton-Woods international financial system with the US dollar as the "global reserve currency" using the leverage of being the only industrialized nation-state _not_ bombed to shit and taking the imperial baton from the British and their pound sterling, creating the World Bank and IMF which trap nation-states into dependency relationships to perpetually extract rent and maintain "full spectrum domination" over the global working class for the benefit of transnational corporate/finance capital (maintained by regional oligarchies in subordinated nation-states). As Nixon's treasury secretary John Connally succinctly put it, _"The dollar is our currency, but _*_your_*_ problem."_ See: "washington consensus" and its "structural adjustment" policies (hence the emergence of BRICS broadly aligned _against_ this global financial coercion and all that it entails). NATO is an arms distribution network for the military industrial complex and essentially the public face of a European sphere of US domination, covertly enforced by a "strategy of tension" of violent social control mediated by corporate-controlled technology (check out Chomsky/Herman's Manufacturing Consent or Inventing Reality by Michael Parenti for historical evolution of advertising/propaganda models developed with psychos like Ed Bernays, and the foundational corporate media filters that entrench themselves over time) seen in things like Operation Gladio in Italy (see: "years of lead", Aldo Moro assassination, Bologna bombings, etc.) with parallel operations in _every_ NATO country (and even non-NATO countries like Finland and Sweden, their recent officialization of this being more or less perfunctory) where the CIA directed explicitly fascist paramilitary insurgencies ("stay-behind" armies, justified under a familiar appeal to a nonexistent manichean threat) to stoke public fear toward particular goals favorable to US corporate/finance capital and continued US hegemony. Its internally recognized geopolitical functionality or raison d'être as succinctly put by its first sec.gen Lord Ismay was to, _"keep the Americans in, the Germans down, and the Russians out"_ and hey, what a "coincidence", it appears to continue to enforce this state of affairs, especially obvious when noting the industrial sabotage of Nord Stream II clearly perpetrated by the US against Germany (a callback to interwar Germany and its imposed separation by Western powers to prevent a socialist-aligned industrial base which the Bolsheviks were _explicitly_ counting on for the USSR project to have any chance at success). As it pertains to Ukraine, this intersects for example with the supposed "gaffe" of hosting a ceremony celebrating a _literal_ nazi in the Canadian parliament a few months back - Canadian finance minister Chrystia Freeland, who along with natsec psychos in the US like Victoria Nuland and NGO organs like the NED supported/directed a coup of Yanukovych in '14 in Maidan via directing ultranationalist (re: nazi) factions to be the violent tip of the spear towards this ends, piggybacking off of organic corruption protests which get conflated by corporate media to obfuscate US involvement and legitimize such "regime change" operations at a distance. Luckily albeit sadly for those affected, there are plenty of examples/precedent to clarify such covert action/ulterior motives within the larger historical continuity of US empire - and in this case, a ton of direct evidence of such complicity. In an infamous leaked phone call of Victoria Nuland (youtu [dot] be/WV9J6sxCs5k) she tells the ambassador "fuck the EU" (the only thing the corporate media focused on of course, obscuring more revealing details/consideration) and "magically" picks the next Ukrainian government. She says, _“I don’t think Klitsch_ [Vitaly Klitschko] _should go into government… I think Yats_ [Arseniy Yatseniuk] _is the guy…“_ The immediate issue was whether to accept a loan from the IMF which was going to require a 40% increase in natural gas bills or to accept a loan from Russia with the inclusion of cheap oil and gas. The opposition wanted the Yanukovych government to take the EU/IMF loan. The opposition was comprised of different factions, undeniably including the neo-Nazi Svoboda Party and Right Sector (the side the US armed and coordinated). And there is where it all connects to financial empire of the US, the IMF/World Bank are essentially the financial tentacles of US empire. _"We'll know our disinformation is complete when everything the American public believes is false"_ - William Casey, -demonic arcon- CIA director under Reagan To list just a few more "regime change" reference points for the expansion of US empire: Iran in '53 overthrowing democratically elected Mossadegh to prevent nationalization of oil and installing the Shah, Guatemala in '54 to prevent democratically elected Arbenz from mild land redistribution, Sukarno in Indonesia putting in Suharto who would invade East Timor backed by the US, Lumumba in the Congo, the _first_ 9/11 in '73 overthrowing democratically elected Allende to put in Pinochet's military dictatorship, Operation Cyclone funding/training the mujahideen in Afghanistan to provoke the USSR into invasion in the 80s (almost a 1:1 of Ukraine), to "give the USSR its own Vietnam" as psycho natsec cold-warrior advisor to Carter & Reagan Zbigniew Brzezinski put it - the mujahideen infamously fracturing into the Taliban and Al Qaeda, "oops" - my god this is merely the _tip_ of the imperialist iceberg - and this is of course _besides_ the overt depravity of Korea (killing ~20% of its population - gee, almost like that's why they set out to acquire nukes, Gaddafi serving as example of what happens when nukes are voluntarily given up ie NATO bombing in 2011...), Vietnam (including Cambodia, Laos and with the intention of "containing China" as revealed by Pentagon Papers), etc. etc... Israel is a settler-colonial bulwark to protect oil and the trade routes for oil, e.g. Suez Canal by tempering Egyptian opposition, originally established by the British empire and post-WWII for example pushed back against Nasser for nationalizing the Suez Canal, post-'67 being subsumed firmly into the imperial patron of the emerging US hegemony. So long as its existence is predicated on this settler-colonial conquest and subsequent apartheid, "peace" is utilized merely as a mirage to gain further concessions of land/control, hence "iron-clad" US complicity in arming and covering for their ongoing genocide. Nuclear apocalypse is the ultimate destination of endless escalation which thanks to the material interests staked in entrenching global bourgeoisie dictatorship over the global working class achieved under the pretext of the "cold" war (not very "cold" when, say, engulfed in napalm...) happens to be the raison d'être of the US natsec state since its inception; the divine right of "the market", the management of savagery, a means to no ends - where all possibility is strictly bound to profitability and everything and everyone, including the very planet itself, is for sale for the privatized profits of insatiable individual psychopaths who despite having everything only ever want more... To echo Rosa Luxemburg from interwar Germany, before of course being executed by the freikorps paramilitary (later becoming the SS, shocker) at the behest of Ebert's ostensibly _social democratic_ SPD party, almost immediately resonating the truth of such a succinct political dichotomy to this day: *_Socialism or_* [continued] *_barbarism._*
@sgs261 4 ай бұрын
​@@Bisquicki think you are missing the core focus of the video from Harari, which is what I was focussing on, which is around 'poles' providing some sort of stable worldwide order (good or otherwise).
@maltelangheim5182 6 ай бұрын
I always love your insights and have been a fan of your work for many years, but It is a bit frustrating how this is leaving out what impact ruthless exploitation and capital interests have had on the lack of stability around the world and how it influenced many bad political decisions, which then in turn diminished the credibility of countries like the USA, promising a safer world. I honestly believe greed frequently overwrote sensible decisions to create stability long term. It seems to me that while some people want to collaborate for peace and to tackle larger issues there is always someone waiting to exploit the situation for their personal gain, thus threatening stability. I guess it's a taboo for "Die Zeit" to questions what role the west has been playing in its own decline over the years.
@jennifermaria7989 6 ай бұрын
I am from Germany and so disappointed of our government, our people in power right now have blood on their hands. And I am sitting here and paying taxes for their interests. That makes me sick
@IchLiegFlach 6 ай бұрын
I totally agree 💯 rising inequality is dangerous
@marvinmaali4019 6 ай бұрын
Step 1 - Make bitcoin the global reserve currency. What's the point? Polarity : Unipolar, Bipolar and Multipolar all fail because you have the petrodollar. With a petrobitcoin, the last option is suddenly turned into - Mutual-polar. Many different power = bad idea. Many different powers that compete honestly and cooperate based on a monetray protocol that anybody on earth can help have responsibility for by running a node = beginnings of hope. Populism: Why did it happen? Again, inflationism and the decadence of individualized social responsibility for individualism hero-complex. Because money markets are not fair, military might is not fair nor a defense shield anymore against war outbreak. Again, fix the money, fix the nature of political power, and you'll start to fix the world. * * * How about climate change?? We should start by ditching all the world's TVs and replace them with nodes. We also don't need so much waste. The marketing process is highly inefficient because fiat. Again, fix the money, fix the world. #Bitcoin. Feel free to query me on some of my ideas Prof. Harari. I really enjoyed your book Sapiens. I think there is still hope in creating a miracle fiction story for us all to intersubjectively enjoy.
@brianbutton6346 6 ай бұрын
You just wanted a different video. Go make it.
@MrAlen6e 6 ай бұрын
Oh absolutely this is a major factor that ironically came to bite developing nations. They undermine and utilized their own interests to promote, traditionalist conservative leaders in the global south since they were view as " free trade" friendly and would lessen and repressed progressive/ labour movements in those regions. Now thus same tactics are coming back to bite home hence the rise in nationalism.
@johnhookway6468 6 ай бұрын
The problem is that humans are not inert pieces on a chess board and can't be moved like pawns. Sentiment and TRUST need to re-established. "There can be no friendship without confidence, there is no confidence without intrrgrey".
@HeinRichKocHPretoria 6 ай бұрын
@jellyrcw12 6 ай бұрын
You are one of the most grounding voices out there right now. Thank you!
@popinfresh3088 6 ай бұрын
He is a madman
@jacobjorgenson9285 6 ай бұрын
He is a Zionist
@OmarEfren 6 ай бұрын
@kenwoodburn7438 6 ай бұрын
He's a psychopath. Didn't covid wake you up?
@kenwoodburn7438 6 ай бұрын
​@@popinfresh3088 How do we wake these people up? The globalists want to genocide humanity and their fans are cheering them on.
@Brian-os9qj 6 ай бұрын
The rapid move to reach globalization, with it’s ‘rising of all boats’, quickly made entities powerful that really don’t want fair distribution, of all things peaceful, until they gets their’s first. Also, the pernicious religious zealotry factors partner in. Learning to tone that aspect of human nature is our civilization’s next hurdle. World health/wealth has risen, but death cult power rose as well.
@agustinbadariotto 6 ай бұрын
Not only do you write great books, you also produce incredible documentaries. Thanks for everything Harari!
@simonaliu5950 6 ай бұрын
The producer is Sven wolters from Zeit Online I think he also deserves some praise for such a good video
@TheCompleteGuitarist 6 ай бұрын
Good books he doesn't write, good propaganda he does. Why is it only wheat that has domesticated humans when we've done the same with chickens cows and pigs as we've done with wheat. It's just a cute but flawed idea. The only point of interest that he does raise is the abstract nature of money and how humans have adapted to it. But I suspect like most ideas, it was not really his first.
@dieglhix 6 ай бұрын
Money is abstract but it developed in different cultures without knowing each other, just like the crossbows.@@TheCompleteGuitarist
@TheCompleteGuitarist 6 ай бұрын
@@dieglhix maybe but how did humans suddenly all start agriculture? Likely it started in one place a spread quickly.
@dieglhix 6 ай бұрын
@@TheCompleteGuitarist Yeah probably humans sapiens the brain achieved that maturity back then at similar times, even in different geographies (ethnic groups) that's what I understand sl far. But it all commenced quickly since 15kY ago.
@josenajas 6 ай бұрын
You are one of the smartest, most influential and clear people in the planet in the last 50 years, Yuval. Thanks.
@jacobjorgenson9285 6 ай бұрын
Also an apartheid Zionist
@dawnkilby4854 6 ай бұрын
Question his intelligence. He's either the false prophet or antichrist!❤
@proAlbertEinsteins 6 ай бұрын
@@jacobjorgenson9285 come on man, get over your jealousy.
@gtesremos 6 ай бұрын
People revere intellectualism but not revere men or heart and care. This Horari Zionist, is a WEF advisor and degenerate. He is backed and a bestseller because it’s orchestrated like that. Think Carl Marx and communism. This man is a communist, depopulation promoting despot, and Klaus Schwab is his best friend lol. Look up the Georgia guide stones. Everything Yuval speaks about is linked to the disgusting pledge written on them (now conveniently destroyed since the public openly spoke about them during lockdowns)
@gtesremos 6 ай бұрын
*men of Heart or care..Like someone like hmm, I don’t know.. Jesus or a krishna or Buddha or Gandhi or Rosicrucians or The Knights Templar for example. Intellectualism is a cold, superiority contest when what makes real change is hearts of men. Look what intellectualism has done to our planet already lol, ridiculous
@udoffritzen4872 6 ай бұрын
Humanity has way bigger chances of survival due to your input, which you constantly serve. Ty Mr Harari, I always recommend your books, message and spirit. ( - :
@1969cmp 4 ай бұрын
...he can not undo what is coming...
@TheLooking4sunset 6 ай бұрын
Greetings from the Dutch-Polish excellent summary of the current trends, thank you for creating that video. I hope Mr Harari can influence the world leaders
@alexandersantana24 6 ай бұрын
he's a J.-3,W LMAO shame on you
@MrReubenTishkoff 4 ай бұрын
He is Klaus Schwab's right hand man.
@UkeCan1 6 ай бұрын
I just recently read Sapiens, and was struck by what you said there about the then current level of peace in the world. I was clear you might have written something very different if you'd written it today, and have been very curious to hear what you'd have to say about the current situation. Thank you for this sobering update.
@szintezismuhely 6 ай бұрын
Not only that, he outright declared that humanity had overcome two specific things: wars and pandemics. I liked the book too, but I find it a bit puzzling how there is zero accountability for intellectuals after getting things this catastrophically wrong. I've read the book pre-covid, but I still remember being very skeptical of these fantastical claims, and having a strong feeling that they would probably not age well. I'd argue Harari is a great example of what is wrong with our elites, experts, and intellectuals today. As long as they sound convincing and smart, they can make whatever claims they want and there will be absolutely zero consequences if they are proven utterly and obviously wrong. In a blink of an eye, they will give speeches and sell books about the polar opposite of what they used to say, and we are supposed to assign just as much credibility to their new wisdom as we did before.
@TheR6R6R 6 ай бұрын
@@szintezismuhely What do you specifically mean/expect by consequences in this situation? I thought that the best way to move forward for 'writing that didn't age well' would simply be to identify it, disprove it, and consider it history. If Harari's mistake is as clear as you say (I haven't read Sapiens), then I'm sure anyone who has read the book could figure that out as well. The discrediting of that piece of his writing should be consequence enough. Perhaps I'm dense, but I'm just trying to understand your problem here.
@C0Y0TE5 6 ай бұрын
That was an excellent example of the Liberal thinkers going too far left into koolaid land. What is happening in Gaza, with celebrations of barbarism across our liberal universities, is proof that liberals have moved too far left. -- For example they actually crowed that *an End to History was achieved!* -- The UN has become a far left rat's nest instead of a Liberal organization seeking to end War. -- Russian Iranian Chinese Saudi and Turkish propagandists/influencers have succeeded in convincing liberals that postmodernist Marxist critical theory (grievance politics of personal emotions) is the real path of liberalism. -- Intellectuals have been fooled, are fools, and speak foolishness, and some like Harari, have awoken to a new understanding of reality and fate.
@domthiers6598 6 ай бұрын
@@TheR6R6R 0 consequences because he stills earns money and reputation and so on for being wrong and will still be seen as an "intellectual" that's the problem here. It happens very often, for many subjects, on many sectors, from many individuals in that ''circle".
@jasonhudson8336 4 ай бұрын
This man is a fear peddler and hates you and humanity itself
@spacemonk4874 6 ай бұрын
I am afraid the people who need to see this, won't see this.
@jamshedfbc 7 ай бұрын
Amazing analysis with superb animations.
@jamshedfbc 7 ай бұрын
@@zeitonline Thank you. I respect your hard work
@blacklight4720 6 ай бұрын
He gets some things right and some not so much. What is worse is that the channel edits bits and parts that serve the channel(Z) agenda. So we as viewers get a very skewed overall message. The part that got me slightly annoyed is the part with "Europe met refugees with nationalism", seriously? If anything Europe met refugees in the first place which is not something to be taken for granted. Europe met refugees largely with a liberal approach. It was the Muslim refugees who did not want to assimilate and demanded things that kick-started nationalism. Ukrainian refugees don't cause the same problems as refugees from muslim countries, because the culture is different.
@thebloodyblackman 5 ай бұрын
Nice talk man , we need people like you
@user-hh9lf8rw3l 6 ай бұрын
i feel, problems of climate change and of conflicts come from our lack in love for children. If we have strong strong eagerness to protect children, to leave best condition of this world to them, (which is natural eagerness of parents),we will get the best wisdom for both the climate and the conflicts. Wisdom comes from kindness especially to children. i imagine women from different nations come to one place and hold counsel about how to protect all nations’ children, because they know about children . The fathers may listen to the conference. Children are always key for peace, the future carriers of goodness on the surface of this planet. “ He who is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, who will recompense him for his deeds.” “ the poor” is children. “ recompense “ is the best wisdom for peace to us. Much obliged to you, Mr. Harari.
@seadragonadventures 6 ай бұрын
Beautiful insights. Thank you. Agree 100.00%. And it is probably why wars are only started by men. - AB @ Sea Dragon Adventures
@michaell3105 6 ай бұрын
Funny cus Ive always associated having children with a shift toward republicanism. Once you have kids your world becomes laser focused and you still wanting to be taxed for public programs because they "just don't work".
@MrAlen6e 6 ай бұрын
You are perhaps right, in the current demographic trends the global north will see a decline in births and population. This is due t9 a variety of factors but the most striking part of this are that only few governments have done anything to address this, in the matter of childcare, parental leave, etc.
@user-hh9lf8rw3l 6 ай бұрын
@@MrAlen6e Thank you. We should change this world (better) from within. For example children’s education. Every phenomenon in human societies comes from one point: the content of our brains. When i talked with my younger sister, she said i will sacrifice my life for my son. That’s our natural instinct of the parents. Our world, in distress, needs inspiration (ideas) from females too. G-d bless you, your precious family and your community. May everyone over the world would pray for each other’s happiness, with all the heart, and become happy themselves. Life is the chances to do good. Brain is the chances to think good.
@iunnox666 6 ай бұрын
It comes from naivety, lack of awareness, and poor priorities. Most people have no idea what's good for themselves or their children. Many times they're just too afraid to look at or accept the truth.
@mdharmaraj1631 6 ай бұрын
@Azuria969 6 ай бұрын
no history will be repeated regardless you know about it or not
@alessandrasmith339 6 ай бұрын
I needed this. I’ve become very jaded and felt myself sink into a populist mindset. The thought that I could become complicit with that is shuddering. This was a good wake up call. And I’m Gen Z, so no age group is immune to this.
@sofianikiforova7790 6 ай бұрын
The propaganda is working on you
@alessandrasmith339 6 ай бұрын
@@sofianikiforova7790 absolutely. I'm not special.
@alessandrasmith339 6 ай бұрын
@@The_left_hand_pillar I actually really appreciated your perspective on this one. For some reason I did not consider populism's counterpart. Although, given your observation, the counterpart is only in theory. Thus our dilemma!
@jasonbrownjourno 6 ай бұрын
You needed this, we all needed this - but we also need the humility - also moral and ethical courage - of people like yourself from all ages to admit the same. As a journalist, I'm a little more attuned to unipolar influences such as corruption and even technology. But even with that, at times, same.
@deeznoots6241 6 ай бұрын
People got too comfortable with all the peace and forgot the horrors of war
@Georgi1804 6 ай бұрын
The weird thing is that the message of this video should be something most people would agree on. But when it comes to change our habits, we fail.
@Xan-zh5ni 5 ай бұрын
Never agree on being controlled my friend, get a fucking back bone
@Mindsi 4 ай бұрын
You must factor in the ‘ hidden hands’ who are the ‘ hidden hands’???
@PaperboySilver 5 ай бұрын
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 00:00 🌍 *Global Peace and Its Decline* - Discussion on the decline of global peace, which was previously prevalent due to the global liberal order. - Rise in worldwide conflicts, changing perspectives on war. - The end of a peaceful era, marked by increasing war casualties. 02:09 ⚖️ *Failure of Global Liberal Order* - The breakdown of the global liberal order and its implications. - Theories of populism and polarity as reasons for the decline. - Historical context of wars and the impact of a multi-polar world system. 03:39 🔥 *Rise of Populism and its Consequences* - The role of populism in disrupting the global order. - Nationalism, economic inequality, and internal divisions as factors. - The impact of populist leaders on global cooperation and stability. 05:30 🌐 *Shift to a Multi-polar World* - The transition from a unipolar to a multi-polar world. - The influence of emerging powers like the EU, China, and India. - Challenges and opportunities in the new global power dynamics. 06:55 📉 *Disintegration of Global Cooperation* - The decline of the US's role in global affairs and the rise of regional conflicts. - The failure of international institutions and agreements. - The need for global cooperation in facing modern challenges. Made with HARPA AI
@Amy-lg4uv 6 ай бұрын
A clear insight into the current world crisis. Thanks. According to the I Ching (Book of Changes), when something reaches the top line of a hexagram, its decline is inevitable, and this also applys to the library order, how can it survive the decline and rise up again in a new chotic era/hexagram ?
@peteraron9071 4 ай бұрын
It's interesting that populism is appearing in the very places where countries with liberal democracies have taken advantage of certain nation states. As Harrari admitted in the video, there have been many failures in global cooperation. In addition, liberal democracy itself is conditional on a unipolar world order, which entails trying to prevent and suppress its competitors. Hungary is a good example of this: when we joined global cooperation as a free country, we gave up a lot of things in order to do so, but when our own problems arose, we received lectures and not proactive help. These countries started to take the lead. THIS is what happens when a great power looks down on its allies, refuses to take their point of view into account. This is what caused the horrors of the Second World War, when Europe was also divided up unfairly on the basis of unilateral great power politics, creating instability. The response was just as radical: World War 2. Nor should we ever forget Talleyrand's dwarfism of legitimacy as a world autocrat, because the pendulum swings back the other way with equal force.
@m.a.b.4104 6 ай бұрын
Thank you Yuval for the work that you do, now more than ever.
@razum1448 6 ай бұрын
Makes sense. Neil Postman said about 1995: "If the great myth dies, we go back to tribalistic societies" (The Technopoly) Man he was right.
@AKATONA1953 5 ай бұрын
I am so happy to watch the most credible thinker's videos on the global issues of today world. He is my favorite after having read his books on human history. Thanks for the chanel, too.
@cfyves 6 ай бұрын
I'm grateful for your voice.
@ReflectionOcean 5 ай бұрын
- The impact of escalating global conflicts (0:00) - The premise of the global liberal order (0:20) - Analysis of system polarity (2:40) - The rise of populism and its effects (4:00) - The shift from unipolar to multipolar world dynamics (5:45) - The necessity of global cooperation for future challenges (8:52)
@govinddwivedi582 6 ай бұрын
How simply and insightfully explained! Thanks, sir!
@pahdiyadichahyadi9632 6 ай бұрын
I like people who make videos like this short and clear, better than any government that makes tacky looking propaganda videos
@perfectlycontent64 6 ай бұрын
Well said, though I may be less fatalistic in my assessment. The risks are very high right now for all the reasons you gave (AI, nuclear war, global warming), but a regression is normal and should be expected. The revolutions of 1848 didnt give rise to democracies immediately but now most of Europe has a healthy democratic tradition compared to the early 19th century. It is far too early to count the liberal order out or even down. There are no credible candidate ideologies to replace it (none that will out compete it economically in the long run). Some may hold up China as a counter example but autocracies are fundamentally unstable and inefficient when it comes to innovation. If they give freedom to the economic system it will innovate but then they get a rival power base (e.g. Jack Ma), which they cant allow, so they crack down and it stifles innovation (falling foriegn investment etc.). There may be short periods of apparent innovation, but in the long run I'm very skeptical that an isolated autocratic China would keep up with the west.
@HeinRichKocHPretoria 6 ай бұрын
Re: skeptical that an isolated autocratic China would keep up with the west. Same for Russia.
@onyx9954 6 ай бұрын
The issue is just that, no viable system to replace liberalism. We don’t need to replace liberalism. The free market as it exists in its neo-liberal form demands devouring growth, especially now and in the future with shortages in resources, conflicts are so much more prone to happen to sustain a system that just blows through all available resources. The innovation argument is a flawed talking point too that has been pushed for decades. Every now and then a new innovation era is declared, like the start-up era we are in right now. If you actually strip down these phenomena, you’ll find that 99% of e.g. start-ups are not innovative at all. They even hamper innovation for the sake of profit, like deliberately reducing life-cycles instead of creating sustainable high-tech everlasting products The vast majority of innovations in the past 100 years were born out of governmental/agency research, from the internet to nuclear energy to like literally almost whatever. Start-ups usually then just piggyback or even buy up this tech. In summary: liberalism is too resource-consuming & war is too profitable to continue the system as it is, and the arguments to stick to liberalism are in most cases their own form of propaganda. Individual freedoms must be granted, corporate freedoms however must be held in check to be able to ride through these next crisis
@fungunsun1 5 ай бұрын
I would also argue that liberal order in itself is great but we have not exactly had true liberal order for a while. If it came back the stability would follow. Simple example is freedom of speach and economic equality, those things have been on the downhill for a while, negatively impacting liberal order too.
@fungunsun1 5 ай бұрын
I 100% agree with Onyx. Capitalism is a new tyranny. Hence the only liberalism of rights can be granted when those tyrannical technocrats are kept in check.
@erkanogum 6 ай бұрын
It leaves me speechless to encounter discussions about wars and global turmoil that lack a consideration of perspectives related to class struggle, capitalism, wealth distribution, colonialism, imperialism, and the like..
@flatman3134 6 ай бұрын
Can't name the elephant in the room if the elephant has the mic
@georgepanicker61916 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, Harari was always a hack, and his idea that "liberal order" 's failures is what is dissolving the planet is ridiculously funny
@mikesrandomchannel 6 ай бұрын
Or indeed the sale and/or transfer of weapons. Kinda difficult to prosecute large-scale wars without the international arms trade.
@jasonbrownjourno 6 ай бұрын
Leaves me speechless how people can list off all sorts of symptoms, but not the disease. Corruption - a love of money - is the root evil behind nearly ism we can name, including jism.
@fungunsun1 5 ай бұрын
This is a very good point, it’s certainly one of the roots of the issue.
@AL_THOMAS_777 6 ай бұрын
. . . someone recently said "neoliberalism is finished!" . . . I think he is right . . .
@miserablepile 6 ай бұрын
I like the slightly bilingual english and german presentation style, very interesting!
@andyhandyman2118 6 ай бұрын
I hope you and Swaab will become a real human with feelings and kindness!!!
@carmencastaneda9881 6 ай бұрын
@jlvandat69 6 ай бұрын
The warning from Professor Harari should be understood by everyone. It was cooperation that enabled the longest period of peace and economic growth in history post-WW2. The USA is responsible for promoting a divisive, nationalistic movement by electing DJT in 2016, but the majority have realized the mistake. My concern is that I am not seeing a viable "reunification catalyst" to shift the divisive momentum that started in 2016. Where can that come from? I pray we don't require a major global conflict similar to WW2 to inspire much-needed unity.
@Silverorient 6 ай бұрын
Reunification catalyst you mention can be what is happening now if we apply what Yuval is saying, we have to respond to current events with strength and gentleness that holds the opportunity of future peace and stability. It starts with our own willingness to orientate our perceptions and hence our responses.
@BigDome1 6 ай бұрын
It wasn't Donald Trump that financed and encouraged the war in Ukraine, was it?
@jacobjorgenson9285 6 ай бұрын
The us staged a coup in Kiev in 2014. They are arming people in Myanmar to annoy China They are arming Taiwan to annoy China They permit Israel to run a apartheid system and PAY FOR IT!
@huizhechen3779 6 ай бұрын
There is no credible possible reunification catalyst. The more fragmented we become, the more conflict will be generated bc the more nation states will vie for hegemony within what they perceive as their regions of interest & influence. Ergo, the greater number of wars there will be, just like in the bad old days.
@debbyrabold6069 6 ай бұрын
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is needed in the Oval Office. He understands history, international relationships, and the need for honesty, openness, & cooperation between countries. There are many international leaders who are at odds with their citizenry. We need international leaders who have compassion for their citizenry, and a willingness to work cooperatively with other nations.
@Sanoi737 6 ай бұрын
The further we move from the collective trauma of the world wars, humans become more keen to fight each other again.
@fungunsun1 5 ай бұрын
History moves in cycles, what else is new. However each cycle is still fundamentally different. Thats why current wars are much smaller in scale, even if more numerous.
@loddiecamomileparrot 4 ай бұрын
@@fungunsun1for now … there’s still climate change
@andyzhang7890 6 ай бұрын
Wondering what the next couple decades will bring...
@jairooviedo7492 6 ай бұрын
Looking the surface of the lake and not diving even a foot inside creates this kind of lectures of the world. The appearance of knowledge is as dangerous as lies.
@Raulikien 6 ай бұрын
Until everyone has memorized the Pale Blue Dot speech by Carl Sagan war will sadly not stop
@eg4933 5 ай бұрын
Yuval Noah Harari deserves a prize.
@scottgilbert3765 4 ай бұрын
While he is intelligent and has a great knowledge of history, make no mistake he surly has a hidden agenda.
@arielsagee7359 6 ай бұрын
Very interesting. And one additional element should be mentioned. The impact of social media, of short rhetoric messages and symbols, especially in TikTok, and the potential for fake news spread, these all make life much easier for populist leaders.
@joblakelisbon 6 ай бұрын
They also make it easier for naïve liberals to think they have all of the answers.
@user-np8sp7ei8u 5 ай бұрын
Populist is becoming the new negative buzz word. I would like to clarify populists and populism are not necessarily a bad thing. If you think about it ALL politicians should be Populists to some degree as they are employees of the people who are payed to deliver the will of the people in such a way that is balanced and fair. For clarity here is the definition of a populist: • A person, especially a politician, who strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups. (I am apolitical btw, I just don't like how the meaning of words is being changed and twisted and used to label people as pariahs.)
@pjanowitzer 6 ай бұрын
You are the biggest thinker of our time. I wish your voice can be heard widely and that we humans learn to compromise otherwise our future will be even darker...
@captainpoontah4888 6 ай бұрын
I agree with this conclusion
@krzeszewski 6 ай бұрын
more people like yuval please
@user-oz6ei7ph8p 4 ай бұрын
People underestimate the great times of peace we experienced for 80 years. Surely, the ones to blame are parents that didn't taught their kids properly...
@adambanks856 6 ай бұрын
Fairly surprised there was no mention of the war in Ethiopia in 2020 / 2022 which took arguably the most lives of any conflict of the 21st century taking into account famine.
@AdamSumner-tb9uu 6 ай бұрын
No one cares about Africa!
@Kaiserboo1871 Ай бұрын
Actually the deadliest 21st Century conflict was the Second Congo War (1998 - 2003). But it didn’t start in the 21st century.
@mlrk3y858 7 ай бұрын
Great analysis and presentation but what could make this significatly better would be if you stuck to one common language for the infographics (english). thanks!
@karenvknight6516 6 ай бұрын
Love listening to this thoughtful man. I am not hopeful that we can cooperate and survive the challenges. The age of man is coming to a horrific close, but luckily the world will go on.
@diligenceeke3023 6 ай бұрын
Man will live forever! Jesus is the way of salvation.
@C-Farsene_5 6 ай бұрын
it has always been the age of man since the day we formed civilizations and replaced the status quo of most locations in the world
@karenvknight6516 6 ай бұрын
The Age of the World= 4.54 BILLION years ago; Age of Man= 6 MILLION years ago - a drop in the bucket. Humans are so ego-centric - the world has and will continue to live long beyond the human experiment.
@silas6173 6 ай бұрын
@@diligenceeke3023 This is very naive. The idea that God made the whole universe for us humans is a show of our ignorance and extreme hubris as a species. It is time for us to realize that we are sharing this planet with millions of other species and without them, we wouldn't be here. Our continuous and worsening exploitation of these species is leading to our demise, but world leaders are either too stupid or too evil to care. Modern religion and other ideologies that put humans at the center of everything only further limit our ability to improve this dire situation
@MagicMike_101 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for share such a good reflection.
@ProNice 6 ай бұрын
that was quite informative. thank you
@NirBenita 6 ай бұрын
Insightful as always.
@jc9060 6 ай бұрын
Harari's analysis for me is one of the problems that is turning us toward more conflict. His is the liberal position which, even though he is an historian, has no real historical perspective. In Sapiens, he starts from the position that we have never had it so good, that the global liberal order is the highest form of society yet achieved, or possible, and then lays out a history of humanity which supports that position. He argues that money is what has enabled co-operation on a bigger scale than ever before, brushing past the inherently divisive and destructive implications of a value system which survives by the logics of total competition, and infinite growth. The global liberal order - and by that he must mean capitalism, since these two are inextricable, is the, or at least the biggest, threat to humanity and planet. I think he comes at this with good intentions but his conclusions are mad, but also entirely non threatening to those who benefit from, e.g. war.
@communication-bar 6 ай бұрын
I find aspects of Harari's lecture manipulative and troubling, as it seems to be filled with arrogance and deceptive teachings. Be wary of people like him.
@EnigmaEuslam 6 ай бұрын
@@communication-barHis hubris is on full display.
@pslanez 6 ай бұрын
I think you are right. The cause of rising conflicts is an unwillingness to let go of something that worked well in the past but is now the cause of more and more suffering. Conflicts are arising to break free from it. By ignoring those groups and demonising them, and saying this way is the only way that works and people who suffer from it are just gonna have to suck it up or everyone will die is completely and utterly counter productive. The global culture will amplify the voice of whoever will defend and excuse itself of changing. The globalist ideology will have to change to incorporate and accept these separate nations and groups of people or it will die, taking with it most of the human race. The funny thing is if these countries and groups are accepted, they themselves will rapidly change and integrate with globalism. It is like mixing blue (populism, environmentalism, nationalism, etc) and yellow (globalism) to make green (a new form of global unity but with autonomy and freedom). At the moment yellow just threatens every other colour to turn yellow as well.
@jc9060 6 ай бұрын
I agree - can you say a bit more about where you see deception in his lecture? @@communication-bar
@communication-bar 6 ай бұрын
He advocated many times in his lectures for the end of wars in humanity, and also emphasized that humanity's main strive is to become cyborgs. He is an atheist and has nothing to do with faith.
@HappyGuy456 4 ай бұрын
There are few unique people that are able to talk so profoundly
@jefferymuter4659 6 ай бұрын
When war seems impossible, it becomes unavoidable.
@BladeDoomer86 6 ай бұрын
Very good reflection on our global issues... It's hard to get a good perspective on our whole species, and it takes time to reflect and analyze what is going wrong... We must work harder to avoid repeating past mistakes.. WW3 is on the horizon, more than ever.
@sergeant64 4 ай бұрын
In the European Union Commission, which serves as the EU's government, leaders are not elected but are appointed by the World Economic Forum. It would be beneficial for them to derive their power and authority from the popular vote. We would need a system similar to USA.
@Lottiya 6 ай бұрын
His perspective is values all over the world by leaders and normal people so I hope it can create change and make people look at the whole problem - not individual conflicts. I appreciate this video so much and I’m glad he chose to speak out on that topic. I would love longer materials with his perspective as well.
@TheGringuish12 4 ай бұрын
update, two months after this video: its actually draggin more countries into the war vortex, this may get real bad before improving
@KRYPTOS_K5 6 ай бұрын
Note. From Brasil. It is important to note that we -- as living beings, as humans, we indeed cooperate much more than viruses or chimpanzees but also much less than bees and ants or corals. However this honest complete comparison wasn't mastered by Yuval here, in this video. We are capable to cooperate more than chimpanzees because we are more social than chimpanzees but we are capable to survive where there is no bee because we are more individualistic than bees. Certainly there is something like fate in our genetics -- like an special ghost in the machine -- this ghost however is different than that which was described by Arthur Koestler: it is just only our instinct. Some geopolitical universes are too collectivist to ourselves and others are too individualistic to all of us. The key point here is the fact that we are incapable to change our instinct. Curiously this overt incapacity is exactly the opposite message from the Yuvals book Sapiens (and homo deus). Sorry to say, Yuval misted his analysis -- because despite all the modernity of his famous book, Yuval is, indeed, a typical Victorian. But I love his gently mistakes. Brasil (sorry for my impromptu English). PS. Ok I must say that by certain non explicit means (say, non Victorian reasons d'etre) globalism and peace are not lost forever.
@MiMi-ft7ne 6 ай бұрын
I think what Yuval means about Homo Sapiens' superiority in cooperation capability is that, our communication ability can bring our cooperation to another level with much more complexity and abstraction than those you mentioned (bees, ants, corals) can. The concepts such as human rights, nationalism, or capitalism, for examples, enable large-scale complex cooperation among humans, which can be unperceivable for other species (who do not have an ability to believe in the same stories/fictions).
@KRYPTOS_K5 6 ай бұрын
FROM BRASIL ABOUT YUVALS BOOK I see your comment... You read Yuvals erroneous gently good book (yes, an erroneous book can be good). I read it too in both idioms. Maybe I would write an article to demolish his basic utopian assumptions someday. But at this moment, may I analyze your interpretation about some fundamentals of Yuvals Sapiens? You are compelled to accept the possibility that our human language is something really special in nature or something totally new among species. You use terms like complexity and abstraction as the pluses which only human language could encompass as its main characteristics -- but it is a very difficult defense which needs to be properly defined. For instance, bees can produce a codebased language which is much more complex than the gestures and vocalizations of chimpanzees despite the fact that chimpanzees are much closer to us than the bees in terms of brain and neural systems evolution. And chimpanzees, virus etc, remember it, they were argued by Yuval here as valid comparisons to the debate -- the biology wasn't introduced here by myself. As you could see, he is wrong about the social and adaptive *outcomes* of special types of language -- like the human type of language -- the bees are better succeeded in the biosphere than chimpanzees and all the apes. Of course, you could still remain on Yuvals feet and insist in your/his terms which put men and beasts apart -- like old Victorians would do. But think it better. The human language and its neural capacities in favour of good will are the same in favour of greed. More important. The cognitive capacities of the language during the past centuries (Napoleon, AH, Atila, Cesar, etc) are the same linguistic capacities for complexity and abstraction that we, all humans and leaderships, do have today. Take granted that the human language is kinda extraordinary capacity but it is not character. Character and the degree of sociability or fighting desire for hierarchy are species specific traits. Well. I believe we will survive this century -- not because we might be that Yuvals self proclaimed goodly creatures who are here like a beauteous mankind in this brave new world that has such people in't... But because we will stay in need for relatively free trade among us due to the terrible consequences of nature disruption we will live in. However regional wars shall be guarantee and tactic nuclear exchange between second-tyer nations and secondary powers shoud be considered highly possible. Nevertheless... the main enemy against civilization as we know the concept might be the new regional alliances and other anthropogenic generated (directly and indirectly) human factors I wouldn't proclaim here. Thank you. Brasil
@flaviodillan6744 6 ай бұрын
From Brasil: I think that you´re totally right. I never expected that from Yuval, their books used to be my favorite books. Unfortunately now, I don´t admirate him no more so much as his books.
@TheTruthhasbeenspoken 6 ай бұрын
Yuvals book is an interesting read and fascinating to the average pseudo-intellectual mind. But a childrens book to the gifted.
@jesusgarro4236 6 ай бұрын
Had there been integrity, respect, love and compassion from the leading superpower instead of corruption, arrogance, greed and anger the Unipolar world would have worked. But there was so much greed and disrespect towards other countries, people and ideas, that the balance broke and now we have a multipolar world, and WWIII is inevitable. May the winner this time be more just and sophisticated than the US was, and may this WWIII not exterminate the entire human race 😞
@poparasan 7 ай бұрын
But it seems that everybody, from nations to leaders and populii, all of a sudden around 2010 started "looking inside". Big experiments have failed and now are are in frenetic search for new ideas, about how to lead our lives and find meaning in being part of the cog. Humans in masses that are networked don't know how to forget conflicts, nor how to resolve global needs that cause instability.
@techsearching5862 5 ай бұрын
Leaders choosing the side of the people is not the problem. Good leaders need to defend the interests of the people and be in touch with the issues on people's minds and hearts. This only becomes a problem when they do so without keeping a bigger picture of harmony/peace etc. in mind. For sure a United world is the best for humanity to survive and to thrive. Unfortunately world order and thus peace is at the moment associated with a handful of people at the top taking away the power and rights of the people. As well the people as world leaders, are afraid of losing their power. So this type of world order will not work. The only world order I envision will be able to thrive and stand the test of time will need totally different structures on all levels that benefit all the people. Moreover people as well as leaders need to come to those insights themselves (with the help of someone who can explain why those changes need to happen in a way that all opposing parties can see another and better way towards the future).
@laurinschmid7913 6 ай бұрын
So cooperation is key. But cooperation cannot be forced. How can we cooperate with uncooperative partners?
@cleansingyourbodysoul3383 6 ай бұрын
Coming from a third world country and now living in America. I prefer the USA stays out of geopolitical & global wars. All they end up doing is changing the course of the countries vitality & path. I think countries can thrive from within with a strong leader. I am from El Salvador. We finally have that leader with President Bukele and of course the current Biden Administration hates him.
@fungunsun1 5 ай бұрын
Try having external invader that is much bigger and stronger than you, or has nukes, youd beg for USA help.
@Danny_6Handford 6 ай бұрын
In addition to being one of the smartest and intelligent people on the planet, Yuval Noah Harari is also honest, ethical and moral. There are lots of smart and intelligent people but, unfortunately, they are not all honest, moral and ethical and easily become corrupted by their greed and selfishness. Smart and intelligent people still use aggression, threats and violence to try and gain popularity from supports. Smart and intelligent people also do not trust each other and still lie, cheat, steal and commit crimes and spy on each other to try and maintain their popularity and support. And it is usually smart and intelligent people that convince the ones that may not be as smart and intelligent to go fight wars for them and still like competing for wealth, status and power in primitive and barbaric ways. There are never any guarantees but, I always try to remain optimistic and hopeful that there is a majority of smart and intelligent people that can teach and educate humans how to live in sustainable and fair ways and can understand that the wellbeing and happiness of others benefits everyone and is the basis for morality.
@janeck.8695 5 ай бұрын
Outstanding video; thank you for posting.
@--novus-ordo-secrolum-un--8820 6 ай бұрын
We NEED to in the Next 50 years unite under 1 flag we must set apart our differences and see how we are all so similar to each other no more nations no more borders no more division, otherwise we will surely perish!
@7hilladelphia 6 ай бұрын
You rightly juxapose our fragility & strengths with reality in such a brief presentation. 🎉
@albert07071 6 ай бұрын
we need more man like you. Thanks Noah
@Hammerheadcruiser 6 ай бұрын
I am getting a 'weak men create hard times' vibe from the last decade or so
@langhorneleghorn7002 6 ай бұрын
Thank you Yuval.
@user-hi5ph8pb1x 6 ай бұрын
Ask the Vietnamese and the Koreans about the global peace and order after the WWII.
@bigdoor64 6 ай бұрын
A large component of the peace of the remaining global order is the once ignored, now noisy states. Is it really peaceful times if you're ignoring exploitation? People talk about a global order from the 1950's onward, yet that overlaps with the end of colonialism. More than ever, we're seeing the fruits of legacy problems of countries (from before colonialism) now mixed with inherited post colonial instability...and now those people have guns.
@bahaaezz1407 6 ай бұрын
There is an idea that I think it has some validating roots without being necessarily generalized in that the general development of purposeful intelligent dynamic (from evolution to human civilization) does go in cycles that repeat each other at a larger scale in a spiral sense. The spiral sense in this regard reflects building the "accumulation" and "diversification" .. If this theory is deemed a basis to cast a view on a more prosperous international order that has less then it should promote an approach of "subscribing to economic liberal order" that act as a catalyst of "subscribing" and "benefiting" exactly as human do in a society that is regulated by laws. In fact, placing US at the heart of the international liberal order has a main advantage of eliminating the complex discussion across different ideologies and economies on "what the international liberal order should look like". By extension, US says "I am the most powerful country in a realistic sense, I promote an international order that can make sense for everyone to subscribe to and by extension not following that will necessitate being dealt with in the sense of how power imposes their will regardless of any intellectual discussion in details" ... That style by itself is quite culturally American that you can find it in how American businessmen manage their interests and business. However, the US is a democracy that serves the center of its voter's interests as this video mentioned on the raise of populists who get back from international collaboration into local metrics ..The answer for that situation that can address different scenarios for the international liberal order is (A) US create "An explicit international economic liberal order that is isolated from narrowed localize profile of US and by extension to protect the global order from any populists getting in power in US (B) fit that economic order as a strategic US interest that does not make sense for any local politician except to subscribe to. In addition to the announcement of being so, the practical translation of such a proposal can be in international programs like (a) economic exchange based on committing to set of liberal humanitarian values (b) defense subscription in contrast to the weapon production that allows different countries to buy US defense contracts that be translated in national security needs without heavily investing in the arm which allow for US to advance the quality than the quality of its capabilities and allowing lower-income countries to focus on economic development. (c) Advancing international justice and making it more effective, which can be similar US defense subscription (d) international taxation that is link opportunity to contribute in comparable ways to how local society operates. There are many aspects of what I described do exist in the reality by comparable implied measures .. however, they are still linked to the US as a country not as a backbone of the international order .. Why this matter? because a signficant part of what trigger conflict is "lacking the trust of compromising the national security" .. in a world order in which many events shows that catarophies could emerge merely by not being following precautionary measuers, then the national securities of countries become a necessity that then translated into devastating conflict .. That was clear even in the last Russian invasion of Ukraine where the Russian echoed national security concerns on the expansion of the NATO on their borders. In the analytical sense, no sane person neither in Ukraine nor in Russia would assess that the result of war that is estimated by trillion(s) of dollars and massive destruction and killed by tens of thousands would make any sense to eitehr of those countries that the war ended them in lower objective measrues on all scale than what they were before it even politically with respect to the politicians .. So it is valid to say that what triggered the Russian-Ukrainian war is a "lack of trust in the global order" and reducing the uncertainty of the global order and national security by "gambling conflicts". Thus a part of increasing the trust in the global order is increasing the trust of the international bodies and creating an economic liberal international system that link the economic interests directly to measures on "subscribing to liberal humanitarian values" that promote global peace and reducing the likelihood of conflict would make much sense if it takes place by US as it makes strategic US and international interests.
@publicspace234 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for the English Dub
@arturasstatkus8613 7 ай бұрын
Education, science, only easily accessible education will stop wars.
@avivolah9401 6 ай бұрын
No. Lets say i give you easily accessible top education, but not food, healthcare shelter.. as long as there is trade based economies, doesnt matter if its capitalism communism or any other, there will be wars and unnecessary suffering! Only a change to the socio-economic system to be resource based economy (RBE) like, will save us from what he mentioned and more!
@VitaSineLibertatenih 6 ай бұрын
Freedom will. You have a lot of examples of wars between Free countries and unfree, even more between 2 unfree countries, but almost never between 2 Free countries. The reason is simple : it's one thing to trashtalk eachother, completely another to actually fight. Majority of people are sane enough to understand in every country.
@searchforserenity8058 6 ай бұрын
Interesting analysis. Surviving at the expense of another. Something we humans do on a regular basis and keep lying to ourselves is OK (moral) when it is clearly not. A major driver of not just individuals, but entire countries. Not likely to get past this repeating cycle until we evolve enough to realize we are stuck using a survival strategy that has serious limitations and ditch the illusion this is our only choice. Because we can do better than aggressive domination as a survival strategy. We can live in a world of limited resources and use our wonderful prefrontal cortex to create options that ensure life not just survives, but thrives. All lives.
@katrinkrumbholz2080 4 ай бұрын
This is wonderful, thank you so much!
@denuncimesmo2568 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for the excellent video,
@Pekulte 6 ай бұрын
It's really about Globalism vs Localism. And if Europe consisted of independent nation states, then there is not even a theoretical need for the EU. Localists oppose the global world order, where all power is concentrated in transnational organizations such as the EU, UN, WHO and NATO. The concentration of all power in one hand, it used to be called fascism.
@thegarfield2414 5 ай бұрын
If Europe was divided in so called independent states, it will be much easier for countries like Russia or China to influence and control us. So good try Ivan. Keep pushing for an increase in nationalism in Europe and it will be Russia who will pay the price, just like last time.
@fungunsun1 5 ай бұрын
But localism leads to war. So we need to balance somewhere in the middle.
@richardkroon7648 6 ай бұрын
Excellent summary Yuval👍👏
@user-kg2rt8wh2t 6 ай бұрын
מרתק. תודה., 👏👏❤️
@johannaschmidt3860 5 ай бұрын
Super well explained Thank you so much 👍
@hectorrodelo930 6 ай бұрын
That's a lie. There was never peace. The US wars in the Middle East, the wars in Sudan, Congo, Siria, The Balcan wars, The Russian Wars (Chechnya, Dagestan, Georgia), wars in Sri Lanka, Kargil wars, wars in the ex-soviet republics. Wars in Africa. Israel military operations. And so many more. Maybe that idea that all those wars didn't matter is what allowed this escalation.
@MasterGhostf 6 ай бұрын
Its possible that because there was so much peace, certain actors were worried that their interests would be forgotten; and so they forced conflict.
@marusdod3685 6 ай бұрын
yeah a lot of countries felt like they got "shorted" under this forced peace. war is like a self-balancing mechanism
@fungunsun1 5 ай бұрын
Some of those countries just never achieved anything ever in history without warfare, so its hard for them to adapt to a new system.
@RababaInc 6 ай бұрын
it's terrifying that i might realistically will be drafted into a world war in the next few years as someone who was born right after the berlin wall fell
@davidbolha 6 ай бұрын
You can always play the insanity card & avoid the draft. And if you do get drafted, simply don't comply.
@rizeasilvia9138 6 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@timothyperez2724 7 ай бұрын
*My greatest concern is how to recover from all these economic and global troubles and stay afloat especially with the political power tussle going on in US. The government has really called things more difficult for its citizens, and we can't sit back and bear all the consequences of the bad governance. We need to take our financial life serious….. I recommend stock market investment and digital currencies*
@Susancov 7 ай бұрын
So much pains in my heart due to so many debts. How can I go about it ! I would really appreciate if you show me how to go about it. Please what crypto should I buy, how can I do it ?
@leonardsanchez8998 7 ай бұрын
As a newbie you’ll need to invest in a company that is working towards sustainability, like that of expert Eleanor Nelson, and her abilities in handling investments are top notch
@craigroberto7901 7 ай бұрын
So much about her❤️ I was watching her interview on FOX when she said ‘’Crypto investment is profitable with a good professional broker’’ I quickly contacted her, I started with 3k now I have almost 175k in my coin base
@bzwosky4348 7 ай бұрын
it's all intentional and is part of the World Economic Forum's Great Reset. They're the people that set fire to the back of your house then come running around to the front door, tell you it's on fire then offer to put it out for a fee. That fee is your total compliance with their Great Reset and the U.N's Agenda 2030. The W.E.F. did all of us a favor when they posted their 8 Predictions By 2030 video. #1 is you will own nothing and be happy (not sure if they care about the last part).
@miragilbert5624 7 ай бұрын
Honestly, I’m surprised that this mrs eleanor nelson ,is mentioned here, came across a testimony about her from one of the beneficiaries on the CNBC news, she seems to be doing extremely well….
@abc0to1 6 ай бұрын
Rather than populists dividing society, isn't social division leading to the rise of populists? Could economic disparities and the large influx of immigrants caused by globalism be the cause of social division?
@DileepNow 6 ай бұрын
That's how I felt. No matter how much of an intellectual this writer is, there is no way he understands the nuances of politics and ground realities from all over the world. Trust your own judgment.
@fungunsun1 5 ай бұрын
You are right, populists are just a reactionary chain to unhappy populace. So then maybe address cause of their unhappiness instead of just going “populism bad”.
@truvakaplan2376 6 ай бұрын
Notice that every one of these "new wars" is in the Eastern Hemisphere. Not a single conflict left in the Americas.
@veronikasmith4927 4 ай бұрын
An excellent explanation of current trends but also terrifying
@mahahachem1854 6 ай бұрын
Yuval - A great historian, a man of high values and humanity. Thank you for what you do , and the posture you keep in these bipolar times.
@LR-px9ms 6 ай бұрын
The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is fundamentally different in its nature and origins from the activities of Hamas. Nagorno-Karabakh as an integral part of Azerbaijan’s territory and international community recognizes that. This recognition played a significant role in the dynamics of the conflict and the response (or lack thereof) from the international community. Hamas is a terrorist organization. Period. Equating the two conflicts is wrong and irresponsible.
@sg5163 6 ай бұрын
Exactly! You can’t put these two words in the same sentence. It misleads people and creates bias.
@fungunsun1 5 ай бұрын
No one is equating anything. Both conflicts are also pretty old spanning 30+ years. But its no coincidence escalation happened now, no matter who or why is at fault, thats the point he is making. Justice is irrelevant here.
@julianmalinowski1187 6 ай бұрын
This video does not address the 'returns' of war in a way that would satisfy me. It is rather a theoretical construct applied to the media-feed. Has there really been no conflicts in the world before 2 years ago? What is 'returning'? - it has always been there. We have just got out of the post-WW2 Euro-centric bubble. Populism is a return of the affective contents in the discourse of power because this seems to be addressing current lost citizens, and their fears, phobias, prejudicies, anger and frustrations. Btw, I love how the 1990s war in Yugoslavia is a non-existent yet again; are those armchairs philosophers 2.0 immune to it??
@usegall 6 ай бұрын
Well said!!!
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